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As “CONSTATINA” investment as our company slogan states our main aim, is to empower,

enrich, discover and showcase talent. As we say we enrich lives. The media industry and

creative industry in Botswana has a lot of talent that has not been noticed. These are talents as

CONSTSATINA we have noticed that this is a gap within the creative industry and we plan

on rectifying. Rectifying using our own home brewed and natured talent to showcase their

talent to the world.

There is no disputing the fact that the media and creative industry in Botswana lacks in

creating and showcasing its own content. This as a CONSTATINA we have noticed.

According to Neil parsons (2004) Botswana cinema and film studies Botswana still awaits the

making of a major feature film with a full complement of actors and film crew.

The media business as we are highly involved in and great bench markers and advocates for

it, this type of business hold immense and endless possibilities with the right funding and

investing in our ideas we plan on unearthing Botswana greatest and rare rest gemstones in

this industry. Therefore, as a collective we have noticed these hidden talents within the media

and creative industry, only hump on the road is the lack of investment for the creatives in the


We plan on as a company to invest in the creative industry to help the artist, photographer,

cinematographer, makeup artist, dancers and camera operators to showcase their work, make

a living through it but above all ENRICH THEIR LIVES. We plan on offering studios for the

artist to work on their art, equipment mostly media equipment for the cinematographers and

they can also rent this equipment.

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