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Thato Kagelo Tsile

Mechatronics and Industrial
Code 1
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class HumanResourceDepartment { // class for human resource department


string CustomerName;
int CustomerAge;
int CustomerAccNum;

void gethumanresource() { // function to get customer details for human

resource department
cout << "Enter customer name" << endl;
cin >> CustomerName;
cout << "Enter customer age" << endl;
cin >> CustomerAge;
cout << "Enter customer account number " << endl;
cin >> CustomerAccNum;
if (CustomerAccNum < 10000000 && CustomerAccNum > 99999999) {
cout << "Please enter an 8 digit account number" << endl;
cin >> CustomerAccNum;

void showhumanresource() { // function to show customer details for customer
cout << "Customer Name : " << CustomerName << endl;
cout << "Customer Age : " << CustomerAge << endl;
cout << "Customer Account Number : " << CustomerAccNum << endl;
class FinanceDepartment { // class for finance department
public :
float CustomerSalary;
int CustomerIncomeTax;

void getfinance() { // function to get customer details for finance

cout << "Enter customer salary " << endl;
cin >> CustomerSalary;
cout << "Enter customer income tax " << endl;
cin >> CustomerIncomeTax;

if (CustomerIncomeTax < 1 && CustomerIncomeTax>100) {

cout << "Please enter a number between 1 and 100" << endl;
cin >> CustomerIncomeTax;
void showfinance() { // function to show customer details for finance
cout << "Customer Salary " << CustomerSalary << endl;
cout << "Customer Income Tax " << CustomerIncomeTax << endl;
class PayrollDepartment : public HumanResourceDepartment, public
FinanceDepartment // class for payroll department which inherits properties from
human resource department


float NetSalary ;
void findnetsalary() {// funtion to calculate net salary
NetSalary = CustomerSalary * (CustomerIncomeTax /100) ;
cout << "Customer Net Salary is : " << NetSalary << endl;

int main()
HumanResourceDepartment HR; // creating object from human resource
department class
FinanceDepartment FD ;// creating object from finance department class
PayrollDepartment PD ;// creating object from payroll department class



return 0;

Code 2
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()

map<string, int>WordFrequency; // making a map for word frequency

string MaxWord; //creating variable to store maximum number of words
int NumWords; // creating variable to store word charecters
NumWords = 0;

ifstream myfile; // function reads contents of file"notes.txt");
istream_iterator<string>()); // vector created
myfile.close();// file is closed

for (int i = 0;i < FileContents.size();i++)

if (WordFrequency[FileContents[i]] > NumWords)
NumWords = WordFrequency[FileContents[i]];
MaxWord = FileContents[i];

cout << "The word that appears most is : " << MaxWord << endl;
cout << MaxWord << " appears : " << NumWords << " times"<< endl;
cout << "Number of characters : " << MaxWord << " has " <<
MaxWord.length() << " characters" << endl;
for (int i = 0;i < MaxWord.length();i++)// converts lowwer case letters to
upper case letters
MaxWord[i] = toupper(MaxWord[i]);

cout << "Word in ALL CAPS : " << MaxWord << endl;
cout << "Total number of words in the file : " << FileContents.size() <<

return 0;

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