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Skill level:

Tools and materials:

Size 4.0mm (US G) hook, or size
needed for tight stitches
Worsted weight (4ply) yarn in white,
dark pink
Abbreviations Key:
Scrap black yarn and size 10 thread
ch = chain
Scrap yarn in light pink for scars (optional)
slp st = slip stitch
Stuffing and bamboo skewer
sc = single crochet
Yarn and/or tapestry needle
sc dec = single crochet decrease
Stitch marker (I use a small scrap of yarn)
hdc = half double crochet
Quilting/sewing pins (for assembly)
dc = double crochet
sts = stitches
rnd = round
BLO = back loops only
PM = place marker
FO = finish off
2x, 3x, etc = 2 times, 3 times, etc
rep *-* = repeat the instructions inside
of the asterisks the indicated number of


© 2020

With white, ch 4
1. 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, 4 sc in last ch, turning your work so you’re working
along the bottom side of the chain, sc in next ch, 2 sc in same ch as first 2 sc (10)
2. work *sc, dc, sc* all in the 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc, rep *-* in each of the next 2 sc, sc in next 3
sc, rep *-* in last sc (18)
3. sc in 1st sc, 3 sc in next dc, sc in next 5 sc, 3 sc in next dc, sc in next 2 sc, 3 sc in next dc, sc in
next 5 sc, 3 sc in next dc, sc in last sc (26) see figure 1
4. *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc* rep *-* 6x, 2 sc in next sc, sc in last sc (33)
5. sc in 1st 3 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in last 4 sc* rep *-* 6x (39)
6. sc in 1st 30 sc, 2 sc in next sc (this marks the back of the head), sc in last 8 sc (40)
7-14. sc in each sc around (40)
15. *sc dec, sc in next 4 sc* rep *-* 5x, sc dec, sc in next 3 sc, sc dec, sc in last 3 sc (33)
16. *sc dec, sc in next 3 sc* rep *-* 5x, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in last 2 sc (26)
17. *sc dec, sc in next 2 sc* rep *-* 5x, sc dec, sc in last 4 sc (20)
STUFF the head firmly
18. *sc dec, sc in next sc* rep *-* 6x, sc dec (13)
19. [sc dec] 6x, remove marker, sc dec
FO and sew up any remaining hole, weave in the end.

figure 1
With white, ch 2 or magic ring

1. 7 sc in 2nd ch from hook / magic ring (7)

2. 2 sc in each sc around (14)
3. *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next sc* rep *-* around (21)
4. *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc* rep *-* around (28)
5. *2 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 3 sc* rep *-* around (35)
6-14. sc in each sc around (35)
15. sc in 1st 20 sc, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in last 9 sc (33)
16. sc in each sc around (33)
17. sc in 1st 20 sc, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in last 7 sc (31)
18-23. sc in each sc around (31)
24. *sc dec, sc in next 3 sc* rep *-* 6x, sc in last sc (25)
STUFF the body firmly
25. *sc dec, sc in next 2 sc*, rep *-* 2x, [ch 7, slp st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next 3 ch, hdc in
next ch, dc in last ch (tail made; see figure 2 )]: rep *-* 4x, sc in last sc (19)
26. *sc dec, sc in next sc* rep *-* 6x, sc in last sc (13)
27. sc dec around
FO and sew up any remaining hole, weave in the end.

figure 2
With white, ch 8

1. 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in each of the next 5 sc, 4 sc in last ch, turning your work so
you’re working along the bottom side of the chain, sc in next 5 ch, 2 sc in same ch as first 2
sc (18)
2. 3 sc in 1st sc, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in next 3 sc, 3 sc in each of the next 2 sc, sc in next 7
sc, 3 sc in last sc (25)
3. sc in 1st sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, sc dec, sc in next 3 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 2
sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in next 9 sc, 3 sc in next sc, sc in last sc (32)
4. sc in 1st 6 sc, sc dec, sc in next 7 sc, in BLO, sc in last 17 sc (31)
5-6. in both loops, sc in each sc around (31)
7. sc in 1st 7 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 7 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc* rep *-* 2x, sc in
next 9 sc, rep *-* 1x, 2 sc in last sc (36)
8. sc in 1st 18 sc, slp st in next st, TURN
9. skip slp st, sc in next 22 sc, slp st in next st, TURN
10. skip slp st, sc in next 22 sc, work a sc dec into the side of the last few rows + into the next sc
back down on round 7 (see figure 3 ), sc in next sc
FO leaving a long tail for assembly.

figure 3

Starting with a long tail, ch 35, join with a slp st to form a ring (be careful not to twist ch)

1. sc in each ch around (34)

2. *sc dec, sc in next 3 sc* rep *-* 6x (28)
3. sc in 1st 3 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc* rep *-* 3x, sc in last 16 sc (31)
4. sc in 1st 21 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next 4 sc* rep *-* 2x, sc in last sc (33)
FO leaving a long tail for assembly.
A note on alignment: The middle increase of the 3 increases from round 3 will be facing the
back of the head. That means the 2 increases in round 4 should face the front, and when it
comes to assembling the pibble, they should roughly line up with the front legs.

Starting with a medium tail, ch 6

1. sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across, TURN (5)

2. sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec, TURN (3)
3. sc dec, sc in last sc, TURN (2)
4. sc dec
FO and weave in this end only.

With dark pink, ch 4

1. 2 sc in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, 3 sc in last ch, turning your work so you’re working
along the bottom side of the ch, 3 dc in next ch, sc in same ch as first 2 sc

Front Legs
With white, ch 2

1. 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook to form a half-circle, TURN (4)

2. 2 sc in 1st 3 sc, 3 sc in last sc, 2 sc in underside of original 2nd ch from hook (see figure 4 ),
sc in next sp, sc into 1st sc of this row, TURN
3. sc in 1st 5 sc, TURN (5)
4. sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec, sc in same sc, work a sc into the side of the last few rows, in BLO
sc in next 9 sc (see figure 5 ), sc into the side of the last few rows, in BLO sc in next 3 sc, PM
5. in both loops sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in next sc, 2
sc in last 2 sc (14)
6. sc in 1st 3 sc, [sc dec] 2x, sc in last 7 sc (12)
7. sc in 1st 2 sc, [sc dec] 2x, sc in last 6 sc (10)
STUFF the foot firmly
8. sc in 1st 2 sc, sc dec, sc in last 6 sc (9)
9-13. sc in each sc around (9)
14. sc in 1st sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc, slp st in
next sc, TURN
15. skip slp st, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, slp st in
next st
FO leaving a long tail for assembly, STUFF the leg firmly. figure 4


14. sc in 1st 5 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc, slp st in
next sc, TURN
15. skip slp st, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 3 sc, slp st in
next st
FO leaving a long tail for assembly, STUFF the leg firmly.

figure 5
Back Legs
With white, ch 2

1. 4 sc in 2nd ch from hook to form a half-circle, TURN (4)

2. 2 sc in 1st 3 sc, 3 sc in last sc, 2 sc in underside of original 2nd ch from hook (see figure 4 ),
sc in next sp, sc into 1st sc of this row, TURN
3. sc in 1st 5 sc, TURN (5)
4. sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec, sc in same sc, work a sc into the side of the last few rows, in BLO
sc in next 9 sc (see figure 5 ), sc into the side of the last few rows, in BLO sc in next 3 sc, PM
5. in both loops sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc, sc dec, sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in next sc, 2
sc in last 2 sc (14)
6. sc in 1st 3 sc, [sc dec] 2x, sc in last 7 sc (12)
7. sc in 1st sc, [sc dec] 3x, sc in next 2 sc, 2 sc in next 2 sc, sc in last sc (11)
STUFF the foot firmly
8. sc dec, sc in next sc, sc dec, sc in last 6 sc (9)
9. sc in each sc around (9)
10. sc in 1st 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in last 2 sc (10)
11. sc in 1st sc, sc dec, sc in last 7 sc (9)
12. in FLO, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc* 2x, in both loops sc in next 2 sc, sc dec, sc in last sc (10)
13. sc in each sc around (10)
14. sc in 1st sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next sc* rep *-* 3x, sc in last 4 sc (13)
15. sc in 1st 3 sc, *2 sc in next sc, sc in next 2 sc* rep *-* 2x, sc in last 4 sc (15)
16. sc in 1st 6 sc, 2 sc in next sc, sc in next 7 sc, then:


FO, leaving last sc unworked. sc in next sc, remove marker, sc in next 6 sc
FO leaving remaining sts unworked.

Sew the nose to the front center of the muzzle. The top of the nose should overlap the
exposed front loops of the muzzle stitches that were worked in BLO.
Sew the muzzle to the front of the pitbull head
starting at round 10 of the head. Remember, the
back of the head is marked by the single increase
we worked in round 6. Before we finish attaching
the muzzle, stuff the muzzle firmly.
To accentuate these decreases after we stuffed
the muzzle, needle-shape by threading the end
through the decreases and then pushing the
needle through the stuffing of the head, pulling
snug but not tight. Weave in ends.

Pin the chain edge of

the ears to the sides of
the head. They should
be pretty far back on the
head (see photo at the
top of the next page too)
and they should attach to
about rounds 5-8 of the
head. Weave in the ends.

Pin the legs onto the body before
sewing them in place. The tail marks
the center of the body: make sure
that the legs are aligned with this
centerline. The front legs are sewn
on between about rounds 6-10 of
the body; the back legs are sewn on
between about rounds 18-25 of the

Before we finish attaching each leg,

add a little more stuffing to the top.

To help the pitbull stand, I placed small

stitches into the “armpit” of each of the
legs (the inner sides where they’re sewn to the body) and
pulled the stitches tight through the stuffing of the body until the leg pulled in straighter. Weave
in ends.

Pin the chain-edge of the neck to the head, overlapping where the bottom of the muzzle attaches.
Sew the neck in place, weave in the end.

Pin the other side of the neck to the pitbull body, making sure
it’s centered in relation to where we attached the legs. It
should go between rounds 2-12 of the body. If this
causes the pitbull to tip forward, shift it back a bit.

Sew the neck to the body. Before we finish

attaching the neck, stuff it firmly. Weave in ends.

With scrap black yarn and/or thread, embroider

the eyes to the front of the face just above
the muzzle. If desired, with scrap pink yarn,
embroider scars onto the pitbull body.

Share your Pibble!
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Twitter: @LittleRavenFibr
Pinterest: LittleRavenFbr


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