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Muhamad Rifki Rizqia1|Ade Ayu Pusipita Munawaroh2| AnandhiAlvina Damayanti3

Jurusan Seni Murni, Fakultas Seni Rupa dan Desain
Institut Seni Budaya Indonesia (ISBI Bandung)
Jalan Buahbatu No. 212, Bandung
E-mail: rizkirifki201@gmail.com1| 2| anandhitaalvina@gmail.com3


This study aims to develop an innovation of Gringsing weaving motifs in Tenganan

Pegringsingan Village, Bali in dealing with economic activities in the midst of the COVID-19
pandemic and to find out the various types of Gringsing weaving motifs. The location of this research
was conducted in Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, Manggis District, Karangasem Regency, Bali, on
the grounds that the Gringsing weaving motif is the result of the cultural creativity of the Tenganan
Village community traditionally based on Hindu religious beliefs, with conditions for philosophical
values and meanings, and has a unique culture with technical techniques. manufacture of single ikat
and double ikat as Indonesian cultural identity. This research is a qualitative research with the
research and development stage is carried out using research and development Research and
Development (R&D). Research and development aims to produce new products through the
development process, but does not eliminate the identity of the Gringsing motif. This research
emphasizes according to a certain sample and Saussure's semiotic theory approach.
Keywords: Gringsing Weaving Motif, Tradition, Culture

Bali is one of the religions in Indonesia, to painting, sculpture, literature, music ,and
which until now adheres to the culture and dance (Salain,2017). This wealth, the
arts in the region. The culture and arts Balinese government also uses it’s a good
continue to be inherited and created, in tourist attraction in the form of shows,
accordance with the beliefs of the people merchandise, souvenirs, and craft from
and customs. These cultures range from the Tenganan Pegringsingan Village.
tradition of praying to religious ceremonies, Tenganan Pegringsingan Village is often
called “Bali Age Village”, because people mean that the Gringsing Woven motif loses
are the original descendants of the Balinese its function which is beautiful in nature and
tribe. Gringsing weaving is one of the crafts sacred. There are several areas that are still
that has existed along with the development active in producing this simple art craft and
of the Indra sect since 11th century (Mangku creatively continue to develop without
Windia, 2005). This Gringsing Weaving having to be eroded by modernization, it
became a tradition for the people of looks still as sustainable as in the process of
Tenganan Pegringsingan Village and has making woven cloth, the shape of the motifs
traditional standards such as funcitions, and materials are still done and made in the
colors, techniques and motifs which are traditional way.
sacred. In essence, human life always wants
In the Bali community, the origin of the city something better than before. This is also
of Gringsing is obtained from the words felt by Gringsing Woven, cloth craftsman
“Gring” which means “Sick” and “Sing” who are equipped with the myths of
which means “No”, the meaning contained Gringsing Weaving, concepts, ideas, and to
in the word gringsing means “not sick or make them creative so that there is renewal
avoiding an epidemic”. This gringsing cloth in the motifs, by Hoovelt (Sojogyo,1990).
is believed to have a magical charm that can This is a sign of the craftsman’s creativity in
protect the wearer from disaster and distress. responding to the environment so that motifs
Meanwhile, weaving is a handicraft made develop. This opinion is reinforced by Piotr
with a simple principle of combining pakan Stomka (2003), who said that. ”As long as
thread and warp thread to produce a motif. the supporting community has a desire for
The process of making motifs on woven change, there must be a desire from the
fabrics is increasingly developing into Tenganan Pegringsingan Village, woven
several techniques in weaving them so as to fabric craftsman to want something better
produce interesting woven motifs. One of than before. This, the diversity of motifs
them is the motifs found on gringsing woven contained in Gringsing weaving is very
fabrics, along with the development of interesting and beautiful”.
saman, the motifs on Gringsing Woven The problem makes the authors interested
fabric have undergone many evolutions in researching and raising the Gringsing
which leads to innovation. This doesn’t motif as a reference and source of ideas for
making new innovations in the application gringsing woven motifs. It’s hoped that will
of Gringsing Weaving motifs as fashion that distribution of Gringsing Woven fabrics in
millennials might be interested in nowadays, Tenganan Pegringsingan Village to develop
both women and men. Product in the form more rapidly and become better known to
of cardigans and totebag which will be the wider community.
combined and matched with several

The product research and development emphasizes research according to a
phase is carried out using development particular population or sample,
research or often called Research and collecting data using research
Development (R&D). Research and instruments, and analyzing data that is
development aim to produce new products statistical in nature with the aim addition,
through the development process. Research the approach that the author uses in this
based product development consists of five study is descriptive and semiotic. For the
main steps, namely product development semiotic approach, the author uses the
needs analysis, product design as well theory of Ferdinand de Saussure.
testing its feasibility, product RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
implementation or product manufacturing
according to the results of the test design ,or
product evaluation and revision.
The method used is a qualitative method,
(Bogdan and Taylor,2004) in Maleong’s
book suggest that a qualitative method is a
research procedure that produces descriptive
data in the form of words or spoken words
from people and observable behavior. Figure 1. Location Desa Tenganan
In this study the authors used qualitative (Resource: Author, 2022)
methods that focused on interpretation Tenganan Pegringsingan Village is located
in Manggis District, Karangasem Regency,
through data found in the field. This Bali, which is one of the productions of
method the researchers chose because it Gringsing woven fabrics. Therefore, the
people of this village from a long time ago
were famous for their expertise in weaving The Cecempakaan motif is represents for
Gringsing cloth with various motifs, which
beauty, like the cempaka flower, while the
were produced in double or single tie. This
technique is the only one in Indonesia, so Lubeng motif, which is rectangular in shape,
that the Gringsing woven motif made by
represents the four cardinal directions.
local residents is known throughout the

Figure 3. Wayang motif

Figure 2. Craftsman Tenun Gringsing (Resource: Author, 2022)
(Resource: Author, 2022)
According to a Gringsing weaving In addition, the Wayang motif is believed to
craftsman, Suwadnyani (2022), it is known be a sacred cloth by the people of Tenganan
that in the manufacture of Gringsing
weaving there are several kinds of motifs in Pegringsingan Village, this is because this
Gringsing weaving, such as Cemplong, motif is believed to have been handed down
Cecempakan, Lubeng, Batung Tuhung,
Sitan Pegat, Wayang, Yudha, Pitaram, and directly by God, Indra.
Batun Cagi. This woven fabric is usually used for
Gringsing double tie woven fabric with the
traditional events such as Usabakasa, which
Talidandan motif is known to have a meaning
is the Rejang Ceremony that’s held once
as a guide, this is because woven cloth with
every 1 year. The thing that stands out from
this motif is often used by children who are
the Gringsing Woven fabric is the double tie
just learning to walk.
technique. It is because, the coloring of the
cloth on Balinese thread takes 3 months.
The colors used in Gringsing Weaving
consist of 3 main colors, namely red,
yellow, and black. This color is made from
natural ingredients, like noni root which
previously used hazelnut oil. So, if it’s
Figure 3. Cecempakaan motif soaked for too long, the quality of Gringsing
(Resource: Author, 2022)
Woven Fabric will be better. Balinese
threads and semi-manufactured yarns, as accompany economic progress, the
well as thread coloring materials for making development of lifestyles as a function of
commercialized gringsing woven fabrics, social differentiation is created from a
can be purchased at markets and traders who consumption relationship. Consumption is
come to Tenganan Village. The dyeing not only related to use value in fulfilling
process is more efficient than before utilities or basic human needs, but also related
because dyes can be purchased, thus making to symbolic elements to mark class, status, or
it easier for weavers to produce Gringsing certain social symbols. Therefore, what is
Woven cloth more quickly, both for their consumed is no longer limited to objects, but
own needs, custom, and for sale to tourists. also with the social meanings hidden behind

The price of Gringsing Weaving is usually those objects.

determined by the size of the fabric and the Gringsing Woven Cloth contains many
complexity of the motifs. For now, the motif ideologies, beliefs, and culture of the people
that is quite expensive is the wayang motif of Tenganan Village. These ideologies and
due to the complexity of the motifs. The beliefs are presented in various forms of main
decline in buyers for Gringsing Woven Fabric motives and other supporting motives. The
began to be felt since the middle of the coloring process still uses the original dyes
Covid-19 pandemic took place. However, with colors dominated by three intense colors,
currently purchases of woven fabrics have like red, white or yellow, and black. This
begun to increase after Bali reopened for shows the meaning of the concept of tri datu,
tourism. Woven products that are used for which means worshiping the glory of God Tri
commercialization play a role in relations Murti (Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva). The three
between people, like relations between the colors consist of red which is a symbol of
people of Tenganan Village and tourists or fire, white or yellow which is a symbol of air,
the people of Tenganan Village and other and black is a symbol of water. The people's
communities who have links with Gringsing belief in Gringsing Weaving is to bring safety
Weaving cloth products. In addition, as and not get sick. The people of Tenganan
human relations, the woven products Pegringsingan Village believe that the use of
themselves are signs that are used as a tool in Gringsing Weaving is seen as protecting the
building existing relationships. community from all threats of disease.

In connection with the social changes that Gringsing weaving is used as a cloth that is
used for traditional clothing, certain religious The belief in the magical power of this
or customary ceremonies in Tenganan weaving is the uniqueness of Gringring
Pegringsingan Village. Weaving, which generates its own myth and

CONCLUSION makes Tenganan Pegringsingan Village a

tourist village with tourists who always
The gringsing weaving in Tenganan
arrive every day because a number of life
Pegringsingan Village has become one of
practices and various traditions are always
the traditional icons in the area. This
kept alive. Unfortunately, the production
gringsing weaving represents the
and sale of gringsing weaving have
philosophical values of life for the people of
experienced a decline due to the COVID-19
Tenganan Pegringsingan Village,
pandemic, which has had an impact on the
Karangasem Bali. Even though it is
income of craftsmen in Tenganan Village.
accompanied by increasingly rapid and
However, currently, sales of Gringsing
modern developments, the spiritual
Weaving have begun to increase after the
character depicted in the Gringsing Weaving
Tourism Village was reopened. The
style has not changed; even the process of
production of Gringsing Weaving has
making woven cloth, the shape of the
become a relationship between the
motifs, coloring, and materials are still made
Tenganan community and tourists and other
traditionally, thus the people in Tenganan
communities, and signs are used as a tool in
Village are still holding fast to maintain the
building existing relationships.
customs and culture of the original. This
makes Tenganan Village a well-known or As a result, the authors are interested

famous village for its weaving production, in researching and raising the gringsing

which has deep philosophical values. woven motif as a source of ideas for making
new innovations in the application of
Gringsing Weaving has existed since
gringsing woven motifs as fashion that
ancient times and is used as a body covering
millennials, both men and women, may be
with a function for traditional clothing or as
interested in today. This fashion is a product
an identity for the area where it is made.
in the form of cardigans and tote bags that
Even more than that, this woven cloth is also
will be combined and matched with several
used when there are traditional ceremonies
Gringsing Woven motifs. The innovation in
in Tenganan Village, such as the Ubakasa
the development of Gringsing woven motifs
Ceremony, which is held once every year.
is expected to help the sales of Gringsing
oven fabrics in Tenganan Pegringsingan
Village grow more rapidly and become
better known to the wider community.
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