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I’m going to talk about the importance of kindness

At first we need to know what is kindness? , It is the quality of being kind.

Ok, but what is being kind?
Being kind is being a respectful, affectionate, polite and affable person.
Maybe and example of being a kind person is lending your eraser if your classmate doesn't
have one

Since when do we learn kindness?

Kindness is something that is taught from when we are little, this will depend on the education
and principles that are instilled in us from a young age.

And it can be a choice because a person can choose to be or not to be kind.

True kindness is when we do something kind spontaneously and not in a planned way.
Many people believe that after being kind they will give us something in return and in a certain
way it is true

Now I’m going to talk about the benefits of being kind a scientific way

A Canadian study confirmed that helping other people lowers both body mass index and other
cardiovascular risk factors.
Why is this happening?
Being kind releases powerful chemicals like oxytocin, serotonin, and dopamine, which elevate
our mood, increase reward stimuli, and reduce stress. It also slows the heart rate and reduces
coronary distress.

Now I am going to talk about the benefits of being kind a society way

Kindness is fundamental to interact in a positive and satisfying way with others

Kindness encompasses various attitudes that help us be pleasant to other people

Kindness is reflected in our daily acts. There are basic words with which we can express our
feeling of kindness towards others, such as please, thank you, or I'm sorry or excuse me.

Being kind is important to our life as it helps us both with our health and with our environment. It
is important to me since I consider it one of my values as a Christian.

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