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Speech Writing

“Pioneers In Spotlight”

Greetings friends. To begin with, I would like to thank you all for being here with me. Today, I am asked to speak
about challenges faced by computing pioneers. Let me make it clear who pioneers actually are: a person or group
that originates or helps open up a new line of thought, a new method, or a technical development. In other words,
the phones and iPads we all have were first thought of by someone, right? And then fully tested before they were
actually made in bulk, so the one who first thought of them was the Pioneer. Being one of the first people to try a
new item appears to be a very interesting job, right? Well, yeah, it’s not that easy.

First, let's look at some famous inventions and their creators. Electricity: Benjamin Franklin, Second Electric Bulb:
Thomas Edison, Third Automobile: Karl Benz Forth Television: John Logie Baird and others, but notice one thing:
they are all men. In the early days, "inventing" was a manly profession, and most women have been confined to
the role of homemaker. What exploration can you do if everyone that's around you sees you and wants you as a
child helper, meal preparer, meal server, or home cleaner?
Taken from an interview about inspiring women in the fields of ICT in Greek Gurl Diaries, Carie Anne shared her
observations on some of the Greek jobs she has done over the past few years and came to the realization that she
was the only woman in a team of IT system engineers, and today, she is the only female teacher in the IT
department. Why is this happening? What is the cause of this?

One of the numerous causes is the perception that computers and IT systems are all "manly" things. So, until a
male took over, a woman's influence had been diminished or ignored entirely.

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