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Jonathan Swift

Jonathan Swift was born in 1667 in Dublin of English parents.

He left Ireland for England at the time of the Glorious
Revolution in 1688. He started to work for Sir William Temple, a
scholar and statesman.

Swift wrote his first satirical works encouraged by Temple. He

returned to Ireland in 1695 and became an ordained Anglican

He produced writings in opposition to the Whig

administration. He was appointed Dean of St Patrick’s
Cathedral in Dublin in April 1713. Later years were marked by
the decay of his mental faculties and in 1745, he died.

His best works were:

- A Tale of a Tub, a satire about religious parties, Catholics

and Dissenters.

- The Battle of the Books, satire about the merits of ancient

and modern literature.

- Gulliver’s Travels, a book that was an immediate success

and is still popular today.

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