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16 October 2021

Habib Kadhim as Saqqaf introducing Habib Umar bin Hafidh at the Greengate Grand Mawlid

Alhamdulillah. Praise and Blessings be upon the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and his blessed companions and all of those
that followed. From his vast blessings Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has extended this great opportunity for us to sit in the blessed
presence of our Imam and Shaykh Sayyidul Habib Umar. We ask Allah ‫ﷻ‬, that through this great blessing,
that Allah continues to bestow His great spiritual gifts and blessings upon us, in the presence of the giants of
the great people of Allah. Allah ‫ ﷻ‬causes these blessed prayers to radiate over us and through these great
perpetuating blessings and these continual openings and awakenings and blessings in these gatherings to
take place, we ask Allah to continue to allow these openings to take place. We praise Allah and ask Allah ‫ﷻ‬
that he, through virtue of the blessing of this great gathering, that Allah ‫ ﷻ‬enters happiness and light into the
Noble heart of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and that which is unfolded by this, spreads over all the people who are
attending this gathering. We were informed about all the great blessings-those which are apparent and those
which were hidden, when we attending such gatherings and we talk about the blessed description of the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and when we talk about his blessed life and sacred biography, and all of the blessings that
unfold in exposing yourselves to all of these gatherings. And among the greatest of blessings that unfold to all
of those that are present in such gatherings, is that which the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, informed us of himself. When he
said that the lights of these gatherings that the angels frequent and descend upon. The tranquility, serenity and
peace that unfolds amongst the people that attend these gatherings. So consider and ponder for a moment
that were you to enter into a meeting where people have come together and it’s under the watchful gaze and
supervision of someone that has fame and notoriety in this realm. A personality that is well known within this
worldly realm. Consider this and now look at the nature of the gathering we are in-that is watched and
supervised by the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬himself and the blessed people that follow in his way. The likes of this
particular type of gathering, has a specific gaze from Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and from his Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬directly, because of
the great masters that initiated these meetings.
Just as the great inheritor to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, Imam al Haddad rahim Allah said in his Diwan (compilation of
blessed poetry) in reference to Arafat-that this is a space that is gazed upon and watched over by Allah ‫ﷻ‬
directly and similarly, these kind of gatherings are prepared, arranged, organised, watched over and
supervised by those great people and they're no doubt gazed upon by Allah ‫ﷻ‬.
The likes of us who are speaking, we don't just “be in the presence of Habib Umar” in the singular: rather
there's a multiple presence of the heart, soul, the Sirr (secret) and it's not for the likes of us to be speaking in
this gathering. However, we ask Allah ‫ﷻ‬, that He grants us, through His blessings and His Grace, that we
enter into this great ocean of Prophetic inheritance with them and by them our sins are looked over and
transgressions are wiped away.
Similarly, by speaking in their presence and seeking forgiveness, we also have a good opinion of Allah that
He ‫ ﷻ‬allows us to enter the spiritual channels, to connect our heart to them and that which unfolds and flows
over their hearts, blessed minds and souls so that we can attain something of the light, this knowledge, this
beauty that pours over them.
So the great blessing of Allah‫ﷻ‬, we should consider very well and ponder on the reality that this is an
incredibly rare and blessed opportunity because it's not every day that we have the opportunity and the
blessing and the honour of being sat in the presence of the likes of these grand human beings and should
consider that this is not something that everyone is given and it's not something that occurs and is not
accessible to every time and place. That the likes of you and me, when we sit in the presence of these great
people of Allah ‫ﷻ‬, we should ask Allah for that which pours over them flow through to us from their hearts,
their minds, their souls. This is the true benefit and this is truly being present and honouring the blessing of this
We show gratitude-what else can we do except show absolute thanks and gratitude that Allah opened up
this door of receiving through such hearts and there's no better place to place all of our woes and challenges
at the feet of these great masters, People of the soul. People whose reality is the soul, take our souls to enter
into the presence of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. We ask Allah for Tamam and Niama-a completion of this blessing that
we are able to truly benefit, truly receive, truly gain, in the presence of our dear Shaykh, Sayidul Habib Umar.
We should be very aware and very present-every word that comes from the blessed lips of Sayyidul Habib
Umar, every prayer which he asks Allah for-everything which he asks Allah for, is a vast blessing from Allah ‫ﷻ‬
and we need to perceive and understand and internalise the magnitude of what this great blessing we are
receiving in this very moment. Even beyond this, we should be perceptive and understand that every time we
meet, there is a brand new, renewed expression and manifestation of that gift from Allah ‫ ﷻ‬because the
people of Allah dont remain stagnant, they are constantly ascending, And we experience that which flows off
them when we sit in their company.
We ask Allah ‫ﷻ‬, that he protects us and veils us from any expressions of the Divine wrath, such that we be
veiled or barred from truly experiencing or participating and truly gaining being present in these gatherings,
that which in reality are deserved, because of our failings, shortcomings and slips.
We ask Allah ‫ ﷻ‬that through the great blessings and baraka of this gathering, that Allah rectifies our states
and blesses us and protects us to the rank of Mawla Bilal and we’ve spoken of the intention of gaining from the
precious moments from the presence of the people of this great station.

Habib Umar bin Hafidh

We praise Allah ‫ ﷻ‬for the blessing of your gathering and your listening, through which you are connected to
the very secret of your existence and your creation. And your guidance, your spiritual sustenance, now befalls
the realities of true happiness. O Allah it’s you that we praise and to you we show gratitude and we bear
witness that there is no God but You and no partner to You. We bear witness that sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬
is your prophet, your messenger and your slave. The purest of your chosen creation. The purest of hearts and
souls and we ask that You send your Peace and Salutations upon him and on his purified family and the noble,
radiant leaders amongst his sahaba and all those who were loyal to You, through him ‫ﷺ‬. And all those with
beautiful spiritual excellence, til the day we meet him ‫ﷺ‬. On his forefathers and his brothers from amongst
the Prophets (the Leaders of Leaders) and all of their families and all of those that followed him and all of
those that followed them and upon the Angels, which are brought close and all of the righteous slaves of God
and upon us, with them, in them and through them. He ‫ ﷻ‬is the Most Generous, the Most Merciful.
By the amount of everything He created and the entirety of everything in the Heavens and the Earth, the
amount of everything contained in the Book (Qu’ran) and the amounts of everything and everyone and his
Contentment and the beauty of His Throne and the Madad of his blessed words, have your hearts become
present, turning to the Lord that created every one of you. Feeling the vast and great blessing that He ‫ ﷻ‬has
bestowed upon you. For you are all now, in the presence of a gathering, which is connected to the realities of
founding the reality of Istiqama (Steadfastness). And Istiqama is the greatest of all miracles that any Human
being or Jinn could be ennobled with, on the face of this Earth. This is in reality, the realisation of true
slavehood and devotion. Its manifestation, its reality, is to adhere to that which you've been commanded
to do and to abstain from that which you've been commanded to abstain from.
Your gatherings are connected to the reality of Istiqama, because these are gatherings which are connected
to the Imam (true leader) of the realities of Istiqama, Sayyidina Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬. So anybody else who has
any reality of Istiqama, in accordance with the reality of this steadfastness, so too is their closeness to him
‫ﷺ‬. The more that one connects to the realities of one’s Iman (Faith) and one’s Himma (Resolve) and their
Yaqin (Certitude) this is the reality of the foundation of that which he came with and that which he taught us.
So us coming together and congregating upon this reality of Faith and Istiqama, this is a coming together and
an increasing of those realities.
The uniqueness of the reality of us coming together upon this, is that Allah ‫ﷻ‬, the Creator of the Heavens
and the Earth was the One that called us to do this. He is the true example, the ultimate, perfect archetype.
Not through some kind of philosophising or thinking of any intellectual on the Earth, rather by the ordaining of
the Lord of the Heavens and the Earth.
For this reason we witness no other reality except that when we see that people diverge and move away
from this great leader and they diverge towards evil, wickedness and sin; other than this is an expression of
them being severed from their following of this greatness. There will be no true solution, no true problem
solved, no tribulation lifted, except with a true and authentic movement back to Him and a return to that one
which the Creator chose. So all of you now, in your congregating and celebrating this blessed mawlid, you are
now the means to resolving all of the problems throughout the Earth. Those among you that live for many
years, will see a manifestation of all of these things being rectified throughout the Earth and the Ummah. You
will see people re-engaging with and adhering to the way of the Chosen one ‫ﷺ‬.
As for the akhira, every single being will testify to this reality. They won't just see it but will taste the reality of
this. All of the kings, the rulers, the enslaved. Those that were rich, those that were poor, the Arabs, the
non-Arabs, men and women, eastern and western, the first of them and the last of them. Every single one of
them desperately hopes to be close to that Prophet ‫ﷺ‬.
So in your celebrating and commemorating of his mawlid ‫ ﷺ‬and seeing that which you listen to and
hearing the words of Habib Kadhim; through all of this, you are preparing yourselves for a beautiful transition
into the greatest of endings and the greatest of meetings. Alongside that which you attain in the rectification
and the healing of your souls, are solutions to all of the problems on Earth from whence the Creator of the
Earth designated and defined this:
He ‫ ﷻ‬said “Indeed, Allah will not change a people until they change that which is in their own selves” So, that
which you attain in these blessed gatherings, increasing the realities of faith, reverence and love, then what is
in the human being and their souls start to transform. You will attain an ability and strength to face these
people (who don’t follow the Prophet ‫ )ﷺ‬and to change what is in their innermost reality. So through this,
all of the circumstances and situations around you, start to transform.
The realities of truly preparing to change the reality of that which exists around you, is connecting to
and living and tasting the realities of the beauty of the Chosen one ‫ﷺ‬. Because he is the one who has
the most exquisite properties. He is the person with the most exquisite beauty in his perfection. His perfection
is beauty and his beauty is perfect. In this station there is nothing else in creation except for him ‫ﷺ‬.
Those that draw close from amongst the angelic realm and have great states with Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and have some
experience of His perfection and beauty-all of them are completely incomparable to the reality of the perfection
and beauty of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. This isn't just a question that they are lower in rank, rather, any beauty and
perfection flows from him ‫ﷺ‬, because he is the source. These are just atoms that spread forth from his
perfect essence; how amazing is his beauty?
Who are you commemorating and gathering for and following? You’re following the command of whom in this
reality? So the fruits and effects of this gathering, are in accordance with the greatness of the One ‫ ﷻ‬who
chose him ‫ﷺ‬-so make sure your hearts are present and that you expose yourself to be receptive to the
One who changes hearts and that you attain a vast portion of his Pardon and Forgiveness, from His Bounty,
His Compassion, and from His Divine Closeness and Divine Knowledge and His Love and His Contentment.
There is nothing on Earth or in the Heavens that is greater than which is being conveyed here.
Through these realities, you are able to attain Firdaus al ‘Ala, the pinnacle of Paradise. Even if you had
Firdaus al ‘Ala in your hand, you wouldn't be able to attain these realities through it. All you who are gathering
to commemorate and orientating to the ka’aba (figuratively) of Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬are circumabulating around
this reality. You will find nothing except compassion, beauty and perfection, The Lord of all Beauty, Great are
You! So the likes of him ‫ ﷺ‬in normal creation you could never find; with his high, celestial, noble reality, you
prepare yourselves to become those that carry this greatness and beauty to the Ummah.
Were it not for these blessed hearts, which gravitate towards and circle round this figurative ka’aba of the
Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in their following, their emulation- were it not for their perfected hearts following him ‫ ﷺ‬you
would not find the lifting, the gradual relenting and solutions to all of these problems found globally-some of
which are referred to as this current Epidemic called Corona. Call it what you will, but were it not for the
presence of the realities of these hearts and these souls, you would not see these things being alleviated. We
prepare to expose ourselves to these realities by means of giving charity and good deeds and so forth and that
which is connected to tangible and physical means. Those things will follow from the spiritual realities in
which they are rooted.
We spoke in a previous time, about the reality of leaving those people that don't believe in Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and the
last day. Whatever means they take on, let them go forth in that which they are doing, but we root ourselves in
that which is legislated by Allah ‫ ﷻ‬and his Prophet ‫ﷺ‬. Consider and watch carefully, because you will see
who the true result goes back to. We have witnessed and this is the factual reality on the ground, is that in
those lands in which there is a dependence on relying on the outward means, we know that the cases and
what people suffered there, was far more than the reality of what was on the ground here. What we noticed
was a gentle passing of this test and no real detrimental effect on the society. Likewise, how do you explain the
reality that took place in those lands that prevented people coming together in prayer and in congregation?
But more often than not, things spread far faster and were far worse In those lands which towed the line of
Divine Legislation; where people were allowed to come together in an appropriate manner and fulfill their
prayers and congregate in the Remembrance of God. How do you explain this?
So if somebody with any intelligence starts to consider this and contemplate the reason behind this, how do
you explain this? In the end these people returned to congregating- this is an end for them and a beginning for
us. It may be that we would advise particularly Europe, that the very essence of curing those problems is
congregating. We mention this in passing as a side issue, so we can go back and focus on the essence of the
issue we have been talking about. The Essence of understanding that which Allah ‫ ﷻ‬has bestowed upon you
and ennobled you with-being Muslims and having the reality of Islam. Stand up for the reality of fulfilling these
duties. Have a humble integrity and pride in the way you stand forth as a Muslim and your conduct and
behaviour among your family and all those around you. Bear in your hearts this beauty and carry it and spread
it to all those around you. Don't be saddened or hurt by any foul speech or regressive language of those
people that curse you and don’t respond to a foul interaction with foulness from you. From the Beauty that the
Creator, Allah swt revealed to the heart of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬was that He said “Do not respond to a bad deed in
a bad way, respond in that which is better and more beautiful” (Hadith)
The two realities that when you congregate around and implement in your lives, allow you to become a
source of transforming the world and everything around you, are Yaqin (Certitude) and Sabr (True Patience).
You will return true leadership on Earth, you will connect to the realities of the leadership of the Sahaba and of
the giants amongst the noble and purified family of the Prophet‫ ﷺ‬and the realities of the leadership of all the
Prophets, through the baraka of the Imam of the reality of Leadership. Your Lord ‫ ﷻ‬said in that which he
inspired to him ‫“ ﷺ‬and We made you leaders and you guide through Our Command. When you were patient
in our signs, you had absolute certainty” Two affairs, two descriptions, two foundations: Yaqin (Certitude) and
Sabr (Patience) Continue your standing up to the reality of following and be a source of benefit (to the extent
with which you are able to do so) to those that are close to you and those that are distant. Relinquish your
heart from anything other than the lights of your Lord. Increase in desperate yearning for the
companionship of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and you will see the reality-banners and flags waving throughout the
Earth. Anybody that wants to truly attain the realities of this counsel, let them hasten to practise what
they know and flee to the forgiveness of your Lord.
The paradisal abodes, the extent of which is the expansiveness of the Heavens or the Earth. Alhamdulillah
we praise Allah for the manifest benefit of these great celebrations of Al Mustafa. May Allah swt cause the
benefit to be multiplied and spread and everybody that enters into the reality of this; those people that take
care of, establish, facilitate, serve and maintain Mosques and places of knowledge. We have a particularly
unique opportunity in this time and these days, to help serve and facilitate the reparations of the resting place
of the Prophet Hud ‫عليه سلم‬. So may Allah ‫ ﷻ‬accept this for anyone that has put himself forward in serving and
participating and may Allah establish in us the reality of the station of those that fulfil their oaths with Ihsan.
Every single one of us may sacrifice everything they can in accordance with their abilities. May Allah ‫ﷻ‬
expand and open your hearts. May Allah ‫ﷻ‬, bless all of those that helped facilitate and establish this gathering
of yours. A reciprocal bounty of His Grace over Manchester, over England, over Europe and over everybody
on Earth, in the East and the West. Every single one of these lands and every place on Earth has the same
Lord that sent Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬and his goodness and beauty encompasses all of them. His Lord said “We did
not send you save as a Mercy to all the Worlds” May Allah ‫ ﷻ‬accept this from them and make it a means of
power of Divine Branches upon you and Muhammadan ‫ ;ﷺ‬connections through which we ascend and
transcend to the highest level of proximity and through this our every agenda becomes rectified and purified.
Through this, our innermost hearts and realities become purified and all our affairs, inward and outward
become rectified. Through it may any harmful matter which may befall the Ummah, be deflected and cast
aside. Through it, may the doors of hope, relief and respite be opened in this blessed month of Rabbi al awal
and be the cause for us to drink from the most felicitous and beautiful of glasses, the glass of True Love and
may we be prepared to receive the companionship of the Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬in the Barzakh and upon the Last Day.
Amin. Al Fatiha

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