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PLATE I . P r e c i p i c e of P u r b e c k i a n a n d U p p e r P o r t l a n d i a n l i m e s t o n e s , w i t h u n d e r c l i f f o f L o w e r P o r t l a n d i a n s a n d s a n d K i m e r i d g e C l a y , G a d Cliff, P u r b e c k , D o r s e t .

W. J. ARKELL, D . S c , F.R.S.





father of historical geology


founder of zonal stratigraphy
T h e comprehensive Treatise of Geology has had its day. N o m a n can
hope any longer to assimilate and summarize the whole k n o w n geological
history of t h e world. I t has become almost a whole-time occupation t o
keep track of the literature of a single geological system.
T h i s book represents the first attempt at a synthesis of one system on
the basis of marine faunas in all parts of t h e world. I t s object is twofold:
first, to present a unified description as a reference work, a n d second, to
enquire what can b e deduced as to faunal realms, climate, palaeogeography,
volcanic and plutonic activity and earth-movements, and especially t h e
distribution of these in space and time, during one reasonably circum­
scribed period of geological history. T h e prerequisite of all such investi­
gations is faunal correlation over the whole world, and n o small p a r t
of the object of this attempt has been to test t h e principles and perfor­
mance of palaeontological correlation o n t h e world scale, t o establish its
capabilities and limitations.
I n the Jurassic system ammonites are b y far the most important fossils
for correlation and consequently they are emphasized in this work, often
to the exclusion of other fossils. As originally planned, t h e book was to
have included a systematic review of Jurassic ammonite genera a n d
classification, b u t this has been detached for publication in t h e international
Treatise of Paleontology, edited b y Professor R. C. M o o r e . T h e a m m o n i t e
volume of t h e Treatise a n d t h e present book are therefore t o some extent
T h e emphasis u p o n ammonites, regarded by the author as essential,
may seem to specialists in other branches of palaeontology t o give a l o p ­
sided picture. A review of all t h e different kinds of life in the Jurassic,
from plants a n d foraminifera t o reptiles a n d mammals, m i g h t lend a
greater air of completeness a n d perhaps of balance; b u t it would greatly
increase the length and cost and would add nothing that cannot be found
in elementary text-books of geology a n d palaeontology. Instead, space
has been devoted to bringing together evidence on matters less well
known, such as faunal realms, permanence of oceans and t h e chronology
of tectonics.
I n order to keep as nearly as possible to facts and avoid repeating
dubious or erroneous concepts, few palaeogeographical maps are provided.
W h e n all the stratigraphical data are sifted it is surprising h o w often m o d e r n
information contradicts palaeogeographical m a p s that have been repeated
in book after book for decades. Originally such m a p s w e r e stimulating
and the defence often heard is that they are fertile and suggestive, b u t it
seems to m e that we have reached the stage w h e n they often act as an
opiate a n d may do m o r e h a r m t h a n good. F o r instance, I a m convinced

t h a t the palaeogeographical m a p of the region surrounding the British

Isles which I myself accepted twenty years ago (Jurassic System in Great
Britain, 1933, p p . 595, 597) and which still appears in the latest books, is
fundamentally wrong and needs to be scrapped. Deep borings in
n o r t h e r n Jutland, where land had been assumed, have proved an almost
complete suite of Jurassic rocks corresponding palaeontologically, stage
by stage, with those in England, and in particular a thick M i d d l e Jurassic
Deltaic Series like t h a t in Yorkshire a n d Scotland. T h e area m u s t have
formed p a r t of the same basin as that in which t h e Yorkshire rocks were
laid d o w n and could n o t have been cut off from it by the hypothetical
'Cimbria'. O n t h e west t h e changes required are still m o r e drastic. H e r e
evidence is less uncompromising, b u t several facts (discussed below) indicate
that in place of the hypothetical N o r t h Atlantic Continent there rolled
the N o r t h Atlantic Ocean, m u c h as at present; in fact, Wales was merely
an island.
T h i s being t h e position in respect of the area surrounding the British
Isles, I have insufficient temerity to attempt to construct maps for less
well k n o w n regions farther afield. T h e few that are here offered are for
t h e purpose of helping the reader to understand the geology and are t o b e
taken as in the highest degree approximate. Usually, instead of such
hypothetical maps, I have attempted to supply sketch-maps of the actual
Jurassic outcrops. T h e s e enable t h e text t o b e followed without any
serious departure from the aim of t h e descriptive chapters to be primarily
a factual record.
I t has b e e n m y personal experience t h a t anyone seeking t o understand
a single geological system, or even merely to determine collections of fossils
from various parts of the world, m u s t flounder in the literature for some
twenty years before h e can h o p e to discover all the essential published
works, and that w h e n h e has specialized for thirty years he will still be
surprised from time to time by finding overlooked papers containing
some vital pearl of information. Users of this book will be saved some
twenty years of work. I t is intended for two-way u s e : as a guide either
to the whole Jurassic of a particular area, or to a particular stage over
the whole world. T h u s anyone confronted with a Bajocian fauna for
determination can t u r n u p all the known outcrops of the Bajocian; or,
confronted with a collection of doubtful age, h e can find the important
references to all parts of the Jurassic published for that and neighbouring
W h i l e writing t h e book (1950-4) I have been sent for determination
collections of ammonites from England, Scotland, France, Germany,
Switzerland, Sicily, T u r k e y , Morocco, Algeria, Sinai, Kenya, Tanganyika,
Madagascar, Arabia, Persia, Baluchistan, Cutch, Tibet, Japan, Australia
and N e w Zealand. I n addition I have been loaned or given by friends
a n d correspondents types or other specimens or casts from Canada,
Peru, Argentina a n d Somaliland, and have worked through small collec­
tions in the Sedgwick M u s e u m from Bavaria (Solnhofen Slates) and

Nepal (Spiti Shales). While m y j u d g m e n t s m a y b e wrong, therefore,

at least they are largely first-hand.
Powerful stimuli t o progress a n d eventual completion were provided
by collecting-tours of the Jurassic outcrops of Central Arabia in J a n u a r y
1951 and Algeria in January 1952. F o r these unforgettable experiences
I am profoundly indebted to m y friends D r R. A. B r a m k a m p , Chief
Geologist of the Arabian-American Oil Company, a n d Professor H .
Laffitte a n d Monsieur Gabriel Lucas, of t h e Laboratoire d e Geologie
Appliquee, University of Algiers. I n September 1953 I was also privi­
leged to participate as a guest in excursions of the G e r m a n Geological
Society, u n d e r the leadership of D r H e l m u t Holder, in t h e classic regions
of the Swabian Alb. T o these and other friends and correspondents
who have kept m e supplied with reprints and with a stream of ammonites
from all over the world, this book largely owes its existence.
A few words of explanation on arrangement and lay-out are necessary.
T h e guiding principle has been a purely geographical t r e a t m e n t by conti­
nents, for ready reference. T h e only serious departure from this is t h e
splitting of E u r o p e so that N E . E u r o p e is described with n o r t h e r n Asia.
By this means all parts of t h e Boreal realm are described consecutively;
northern Asia leading on directly to Greenland and Arctic America.
If Europe were treated as an inviolate continental unit, a large part of
the Boreal realm (European Arctic a n d Russia) would have to b e sand­
wiched between parts of the T e t h y s . T h e arrangement adopted leads to
a logical sequence t h r o u g h M e d i t e r r a n e a n E u r o p e a n d from Spain across
the Straits of Gibraltar to N o r t h Africa, and unites t h e whole T e t h y s
except for a not-too-serious digression to East Africa. T h e book begins
with Britain, not from national prejudice, b u t because it is t h e type-area
for most of the stages and because it lies at t h e western edge of E u r o p e
and thus provides a logical starting-point.
T h e boundaries between some of t h e continents are not so rigidly
defined by geographers as might b e imagined, and I m a y therefore b e
excused for taking some liberties: for instance, I have described Arabia
(excepting Oman) with Africa in accordance with geological practice, a n d
b o t h slopes of the Caucasus with Asia. T h e arrangement b y chapters
and sections follows natural regions with m i n i m u m reliance on political
boundaries and names, so often liable to change. M a n y states are n o t
mentioned by name, b u t w h e n their geology is described they are indexed.
All tabulated and semi-tabulated stratigraphical m a t t e r is arranged
right-way-up, with youngest b e d s at t o p . T h e contrary practice, which
still prevails in some quarters, seems to b e designed for nothing b u t
greater confusion.
H u n d r e d s of ammonites of stratigraphical importance are q u o t e d from
published figures. M a n y of these are redetermined from t h e figures,
and in such cases t h e revised n a m e is given, followed b y t h e plate a n d
figure reference to the work in question, without further explanation.
Thicknesses are given in metres. T h e s e have been converted where

necessary on t h e basis of 30 m . to 100 ft., so that thicknesses originally

published in feet as r o u n d n u m b e r s retain their essentially approximate
character in metres. Heights of mountains, however, are given in feet,
and distances in miles, such figures only appearing as part of the English
text, n o t t h e tabulated matter, a n d therefore not being suitable for con­
cessions to international convenience.
W i t h increasing mechanical facilities for travel, it may before long
b e c o m e easier t o visit a n d study a n o u t c r o p in any p a r t of t h e world t h a n
to discover, procure, translate a n d interpret t h e local published descrip­
tion. I n that event 'literature', t h a t great bugbear, will become largely
r e d u n d a n t . Meanwhile I have to thank friends a n d librarians in t h e United
States, a n d especially Professor M a x i m K . Elias of Nebraska, for procuring
m e photostats a n d microfilms of several important Russian papers not
in this country a n d unobtainable, a n d Professor A. S. Besicovitch,
F.R.S., of T r i n i t y College, for t i m e spent in translating orally from the
Russian. O t h e r C a m b r i d g e colleagues have kindly supplied m e with
written translations from Russian, Serbo-Croat a n d Japanese.
M r A . G . Brighton, L i b r a r i a n a n d C u r a t o r of t h e Sedgwick M u s e u m ;
Miss A. Barber, Librarian of t h e Geological Society, and her staff ; M r
H . B . R o w b o t h a m , Geological Librarian of t h e British M u s e u m (Natural
H i s t o r y ) ; a n d t h e photostat service a t t h e Science Library, London,
have all shown m u c h patience a n d resourcefulness. W i t h o u t t h e m the
literature barrier could never have been broken down.
Certain chapters a n d sections have been kindly read by M r G. C.
Band, D r D . T . Donovan, M r P . Evans, D r H . Frebold, M r W . B.
Harland, M r N . F . H u g h e s , D r G . M . Lees, D r J. Marwick, Prof. T .
M a t s u m o t o , M r T . G . Miller, Prof. H . Stille, M r P . C. Sylvester-Bradley,
M r H . R. W a r m a n a n d M r C. W . W r i g h t , a n d I a m most grateful for
their criticisms a n d corrections, as also for those of Professor P. Allen,
w h o generously gave u p m u c h t i m e to reading t h e page proofs. Many
errors a n d omissions n o d o u b t remain in t h e book,, b u t they are m y
First a n d last m y gratitude is due, a n d most deeply felt, to the Master
a n d Fellows of T r i n i t y College, C a m b r i d g e , w h o b y electing m e to a
Research Fellowship enabled m e t o follow lines of thought on which m y
h e a r t was set, a n d to Professor W . B . R. King, F.R.S., through whose
hospitality I have enjoyed t h e facilities of t h e Sedgwick Museum.
W. J. A.
July 1954

PREFACE . . . . . . . . . . . . vii
L I S T OF PLATES . . . . . . . . . . xiii
L I S T OF TABLES . . . . . . . . xv




2. T H E BRITISH ISLES . . . . . . . . . 17
4. T H E JURA M O U N T A I N S . . . . . . . . 80
5. WESTERN G E R M A N Y . . . . . . . . . 105
7. T H E BALKAN PENINSULA . . . . . 179


10. N O R T H AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . 255

1 1 . T H E M I D D L E EAST . . . . . . . . . 284
1 2 . EAST AFRICA . . . . . . . . . . 303


1 3 . T H E RANGES OF S O U T H - W E S T A S I A . . . . . . 347
1 5 . T H E RANGES OF S O U T H - E A S T A S I A . . . . . . 394
1 6 . JAPAN AND KOREA . . . . . . . . . 418
1 7 . I N D O - C H I N A , H O N G K O N G A N D INDONESIA . . . . . 431




1 9 . T H E BALTIC REGION A N D P O L A N D . . . . . . 465

2 1 . NORTHERN A S I A . . . . . . . . . . 508



24. M E X I C O A N D THE G U L F R E G I O N . . . . . . . 557
25. T H E A N D E S OF S O U T H AMERICA . . . . . . . 575





I. Precipice of Purbeckian and Upper Portlandian limestones, with
undercliff of Lower Portlandian sands and Kimeridge Clay,
Gad Cliff, Purbeck, Dorset . . . . . Frontispiece
2a. Portland Stone cliffs at Portland Bill, Dorset . . . . . 20
b. Kimeridge Bay from Broad Bench . . . . . . 20

3a. Lower and Upper Portlandian and basal Purbeckian, west coast of
Portland Island . . . . . . . . . 21
b. Purbeck Beds, Stair Hole, Lulworth, Dorset . . . . . 21

4a. The Montagne de Crussol, with the ruins of the castle perched on
the Kimeridgian limestone . . . . . . .

b. The Chateau de Crussol and summit limestone, looking over the
valley to the River Rhone . . . . . . . 7o

5<2. Mont Saleve, near Geneva. Limestones ranging from Kimeridgian

to Barremian . . . . . . . . 8 4
b. Typical landscape in the Jura Mountains, near Waldenburg . . 84
6. The castle of Neu Falkenstein in the Kettenjura, perched on vertical
Upper Jurassic in a fold . . . . . .
7. The Swabian Alb from B6llat . . . . . .
8a. The Swabian Alb under snow . . . . . . .
b. Conglomerate at base of transgressive Middle Kimeridgian (Gravesia
Zones), Volksen am Deister, near Hanover . . . . 109

90. Sternberg : the limestone klippe and quarry . . . . .

b. Gorge of the Dunajec through the Pienin klippes, northern
Carpathians . . . . . . . .

10. The Rock of Gibraltar, a klippe of Liassic limestone


11. Upper Jurassic escarpment in the Ghar Rouban, Algeria . 270

12. Collecting from the condensed Bathonian bed, Deglen, Algeria . 271

13a. The Bathonian section, Khashm el Galala, Egypt 286

b. Ras el Abd on the Gulf of Suez . . . . . . 286

14. Dark Bathonian beds cropping out at foot of the Cretaceous and
Tertiary cliffs, Ras el Abd, Gulf of Suez . . . . 287
15. Two views in Upper Jurassic limestone country in the Anti-Lebanon,
Syria . . . . . . . 294

16. Middle and Upper Jurassic limestones, Couloir de Serrhaya, Anti-

Lebanon mountains, Syria .
17. Callovian limestones and Bathonian shales, Wadi Birk, Central Arabia 298


18a. Haisiya Pass through the Jebel Tuwaiq . . . . . . 299
b. Outcrop of the Toarcian Bouleiceras beds, Jafair Trail, outer Jebel
Tuwaiq, Central Arabia . . . . . . . 299
19. Zardeh Kuh, Persia . . . . . . . . . 378
20a. The Castle of Bayburt, eastern Anatolia : Upper Jurassic limestones . 406
b. Exotic blocks in the Kiogars . . . . . . . 406
21. The Upper Spiti valley ; cliffs of Kioto Limestone with Spiti Shales
at top . . . . . . . . . . 407
22a. Urawitiki Point at the entrance to Kawhia Harbour, New Zealand. 454
b. Entrance to Kawhia Harbour, looking south to the Jurassic outcrops . 454
23a. Weathered Middle Bajocian limestone with Trigonia moorei Lycett,
Moonyoonooka, near Geraldton . . . . . - 4 5 5
b. Bringo cutting, 1 9 ^ miles east of Geraldton, Western Australia . 455
24. Jurassic rocks of Neill's Cliffs, Hurry Inlet, East Greenland . . 528
25. Jurassic section, Prince Patrick Island, Canadian Arctic . . . 529
26. Giant ammonite in basal Kootenay Sandstone, east of Fernie, British
Columbia . . . . . . . . . . 540
27. Lower Jurassic and Triassic outcrop in typical landscape, Snake
Indian valley, north of Jasper, Alberta . . . . . 5 4 1
28. The Sentinel, Zion National Park, Utah, Jurassic sandstones and
shaly Trias . . . . . . . . . . 544
29. Jurassic sandstone country, Arches National Monument area, Utah . 545
30. Folded Jurassic limestones in the Peruvian Andes, near Oroya, about
80 miles east of Lima. . . . . . . . . 576


31-41. Hettangian to Portlandian of the North-west European province 760-781

42. Oxfordian and Kimeridgian of the Tethys . . . . . 782

43, 44. Tithonian of the western Tethys . . . . . 784-787

45, 46. Volgian of Russia . . . . . . . . 788-791

1. Standard Stages and Ammonite Zones of the Jurassic of North-west

Europe . . . . . . . . . .10-11
2. Upper Jurassic Ammonite Zones of the Western Tethys . . . 1 2
3. Ammonite Zones of the Volgian . . . . . . . 1 2
4. The Bajocian on the East of the Paris Basin . . . . . 64
5. Correlation of the Uppermost Jurassic and Basal Cretaceous . . 91
6. Subdivisions of the Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian in the Jura
according to Various Authorities . . . . . . 93
7. Correlation of the Bajocian and Bathonian in the Jura and Maconnais 1 0 1
8. The Lower Bajocian in the Northern Jura . . . . . 102
9. The Kimeridgian of the Swabian and Franconian Jura . . . in
10. The Oxfordian and Callovian of the Swabian and Franconian Jura . 1 1 4
11. Summary of the Callovian of the Swabian and Franconian Alb, with
Provisional Correlation now Suggested . . . . . 1 1 9
12. The Bajocian and Bathonian of the Swabian and Franconian Alb . 123
13. The late Upper Jurassic and early Lower Cretaceous . . 135
14. Correlation Table for the Alpine-Carpathian Tithonian . . . 1 6 7
15. The Jurassic of Sardinia . . . . . . . . 2 0 1
16. East Africa: Correlation Table . . . . . . 310-11

17. Correlation of the Gondwana System . . . . . . 384

18. The Jurassic of Cutch . . . . . . . . . 386
19. Suggested Correlation of the Himalayan and Tibetan Facies . 412
20. The Upper Jurassic Sequence in Pomerania . . . . . 4 7 1
21. Correlation Table for the European Arctic . . . . . 502
22. Jurassic Succession in Alaska . . . . . . . 535
23. Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous, California and Oregon . . 553
24. Correlation Table for the Tithonian of South America and Mexico . 5 8 1
25. Certain Features of the Jurassic System as developed in some of the
chief Tertiary Mountain Ranges . . . . . . 626
26. Volcanic rocks of Jurassic Age in America, and their dates . . 629
27. Tectonic Episodes in the Jurassic of America . . . . . 634
28. Dates of Named Diastrophic Episodes . . . . . . 642




As the middle system of t h e m i d d l e (Mesozoic) g r o u p of fossiliferous

rocks, the Jurassic is as good a sample as any t h a t could b e chosen to find
out what light can b e t h r o w n on geological problems b y study of a single
system all over t h e world.
I n the popular imagination t h e Jurassic is t h e period of great m a r i n e
reptiles and flying dragons. T o t h e average palaeontologist it is p e r h a p s
primarily the period of the diminutive p r o t o - m a m m a l s a n d toothed birds,
of the first known fully-elaborated freshwater molluscan faunules, a n d of a
bewildering host of ammonites. T o t h e palaeobotanist it is a period of
somewhat monotonous world-wide floras composed mainly of conifers,
ferns and cycads, b u t also of t h e first possible indications of angiosperms.
T o the palaeoclimatologist it is characterized b y uniformity of climate
and lack of evidence for glaciation. T h e igneous petrologist a n d volcano-
logist find relatively little that is not displayed m u c h better in other systems,
and to the structural geologist the Jurassic was t h e most passive of t h e
geological periods.
F o r the stratigrapher, however, t h e Jurassic is the very well a n d fountain
of his subject. I t was on t h e Jurassic rocks t h a t William Smith, F a t h e r
of Historical Geology, founded the science of stratigraphy, enunciated t h e
law of superposition, identified fossils with particular strata, a n d n a m e d
the classic formations. I t was on Jurassic rocks t h a t O p p e l founded
modern zonal stratigraphy and n a m e d the classic zones. I t was for
Jurassic rocks that d'Orbigny introduced the first scheme of stages. All
these concepts became part of t h e fabric of stratigraphical geology t h e
world over.
Although the approximately 25 million years of the Jurassic period
(from about 152 to 127 million years ago according to H o l m e s , 1947)
were on the whole tectonically quiet, they nevertheless witnessed extensive
changes. I t was a period of preparation for t h e m o u n t a i n - b u i l d i n g
revolutions t o come—for t h e most p a r t i n t h e Cretaceous or Tertiary, b u t
in N o r t h America, the Caucasus and Crimea shortly before t h e end of
the Jurassic. T h e preparations consisted of long-continued subsidence
of geosynclines and the filling of t h e m with sediments, several t h o u s a n d s
of metres thick, which implies massive denudation of u p l a n d s . T h e r e
were also more widespread, less localized, subsidences a n d upheavals, of
epeirogenic type. T h e s e were less spectacular t h a n t h e orogenic a n d
pre-orogenic movements b u t they were m o r e important for organic
evolution. By opening and closing seaways, controlling ocean currents

a n d thereby migrations, and by isolating faunas, t h e epeirogenic move­

m e n t s h a d a profound effect on evolution. I t has often been claimed
that orogenic revolutions were the p r i m e cause of evolution; but if this
were true, t h e ferment of evolutionary activity in so many forms of life
during t h e Jurassic would b e inexplicable.
However, w e m u s t n o t b e t e m p t e d at this stage t o anticipate t h e
substance of later chapters.
Before w e set off t o test t h e theories of geology along the great Jurassic
escarpments of Bavaria a n d central Arabia, t h r o u g h the sunbaked lime­
stone u p l a n d s of Andalusia and Dalmatia, the scorching coastlands of
Africa, t h e jungles of Indonesia and Burma, t h e peaks of Himalaya and
t h e American Cordilleras, a n d a m o n g the polar ice, we m u s t acquire the
discipline of a classification.


I n order to be able to begin to describe or discuss a geological system
it is necessary to have a classification. F o r all fossiliferous sedimentary
systems t h r e e separate classifications have grown u p , based on different
concepts a n d r e q u i r e m e n t s a n d b u i l t u p of different kinds of units. E a c h
has its place a n d all t h r e e are interdependent, b u t they should not be
mixed. O n t h e first system t h e rocks are divided into Formations, on the
second into Zones, o n t h e t h i r d into Stages. I t is essential to have a clear
u n d e r s t a n d i n g of the nature, advantages and limitations of each kind of
FORMATIONS. A formation is a convenient lithological rock unit in a
particular area a n d t h e basis of geological m a p p i n g . I t is essentially
defined b y lithology, b u t t h a t in t u r n m a y b e sometimes influenced by
a b u n d a n c e of certain kinds of fossils t o such an extent that the fossils
d e t e r m i n e t h e formation; for example, corals, sponges, or oysters may
build a large p a r t of t h e rock. Typical formations in the English Jurassic
are t h e Lias, Inferior Oolite, F o r e s t M a r b l e , Oxford Clay, Coral Rag,
Portland Stone, P u r b e c k B e d s ; in F r a n c e t h e Calcaire de Caen, Oolithe
Miliaire a n d C h o i n ; in G e r m a n y t h e Einbeckhauser Plattenkalk and
Serpulite. T h e size a n d scope of t h e formations are as varied as the
names. T h i s is not surprising, since most of t h e m go back to the
beginnings of geology: in E n g l a n d most of t h e m were named by William
Smith between 1799 a n d 1815. T h e y are still, however, the basis of all
classification a n d t h e ultimate c o u r t of appeal for settling problems of
zonal succession a n d correlation. A n y attempt to standardize them, or
modify t h e m in any way, would b e disastrous; a n d such attempts would
b e futile, for units of classification for m o d e r n purposes are provided by
t h e zones a n d stages.
G r o u p i n g s into units of higher rank in this same scale are equally
arbitrary, inconsistent and heterogeneous, having arisen at different times
as a convenience. T h e y too have their uses a n d historical claims t o

freedom from 'reform'. But they grade into formations and like t h e m are
strictly limited geographically. I n t h e other direction, formations can b e
subdivided to any extent required.
I n Britain and other E u r o p e a n countries the formation n a m e s in
geological literature have historical associations and antiquity a n d a conse­
quent individuality which makes t h e m useful a n d easy to r e m e m b e r .
I t is not so with m a n y formations recently i n t r o d u c e d in s o m e other p a r t s
of the world. A superabundance of formation n a m e s (which b y t h e m ­
selves convey nothing) can choke the literature a n d build a formidable
barrier between writer and reader.
ZONES. Palaeontologically the old formations are often too c o m p r e ­
hensive and also inconsistent i n content from place to place. T h e need
for time-planes i n d e p e n d e n t of lithology and geography, so t h a t rocks
may be correlated more satisfactorily, led to t h e concept of t h e Z o n e .
T h e hallmark of a zone is the assemblage of guide fossils, of which one
is selected as index species and gives its n a m e to t h e zone. T h e s e are
supposed to have lived, for practical purposes, contemporaneously,
wherever they occur.
Like so m a n y fundamental concepts, t h e zone is a subject of u n e n d i n g
controversy. T h e r e are m a n y kinds of z o n e : faunizones based o n assem­
blages of fossils, biozones based on t h e evolutionary duration of a species,
teilzones based on t h e local presence of a species, and so on. ( F o r a
full exposition see Arkell, 1933.) But over and above these considerations
there is uncertainty as t o t h e basic concept of t h e z o n e : w h e t h e r as originally
conceived by Oppel it was a s t r a t u m or bed, or a time-interval, or an
abstract combination of t h e two,—a hypothetical column of s e d i m e n t
(probably nowhere actually existing) representing t h e time of duration of
the index species on the assumption of continuous sedimentation at some
u n k n o w n average rate.
British geologists have always envisaged a zone as a bed or stratum,
a tangible object accessible to the h a m m e r , t h o u g h differing lithologically
from place to place. Consequently some have t h o u g h t it necessary to
construct a parallel terminology to express the time units to which t h e
various kinds of zones correspond. T h e need to keep time a n d rock distinct
in our thoughts is obvious, and to the extent that this elaborate terminology
has led to clarification of t h o u g h t it has served a useful p u r p o s e . B u t
beyond that it is unnecessary. N o one uses it, n o r ever will.
T h a t Oppel himself fully appreciated t h e t i m e element cannot b e
doubted (Schindewolf, 1950). T h e fact t h a t h e n o w h e r e defined a zone,
nor made it clear whether his zones were strata or t i m e intervals, m a y b e
taken to m e a n t h a t h e visualized zones from b o t h aspects at once. T h e
argument that a zone m u s t b e one or t h e other is sterile. A zone is
m u c h more than a mere bed or stratum, or a formation, because it is an
abstraction and a generalization: it is in theory any bed, stratum, or
formation deposited in any part of t h e world d u r i n g the period in which
the index fossils lived. T o m e n t i o n a concrete e x a m p l e : t h e M a r i a e Z o n e

is p a r t of t h e Oxford Clay in t h e south of England a n d part of t h e Lower

Calcareous G r i t i n t h e n o r t h of E n g l a n d a n d t h e marls of M o u n t H e r m o n
in Syria, b u t we d o n o t know w h e t h e r it exists in Japan, because n o
comparable fauna h a s b e e n found t h e r e . W h e r e v e r it is, t h e Mariae
Z o n e is a b e d o r part of a formation, b u t this does n o t express its whole
e n t i t y : it transcends all local occurrences, a n d t h e factor which enables
it t o d o this is t h e t i m e element in t h e concept. Anything deposited
during the critical period of time is p a r t of t h e zone.
I n practice zones have their limitations because for various reasons
no fossils fulfil perfectly all t h e r e q u i r e m e n t s of zonal indices, namely,
ease of identification, c o m b i n e d with short vertical a n d universally wide
horizontal range. T h e best zone fossils are often t h e most difficult t o
identify, because their short vertical range depends o n subtle characters
u n d e r g o i n g rapid evolution, a n d , owing to t h e existence of ecological
a n d palaeogeographical barriers a n d provinces, n o fossils are evenly distri­
b u t e d over t h e whole earth. I t is therefore necessary to construct a
separate zonal c o l u m n for each faunal province.
T h e degree of refinement of t h e zonal scale that may b e possible depends
on a n u m b e r of local factors, n o t t h e least of t h e m t h e lithological. Given
ideal lithology a n d a b u n d a n c e of suitable fossils, a high degree of refine­
m e n t m a y b e achieved in a restricted area, b u t t h e more t h e area is enlarged
t h e m o r e t h e refinements break down. T h i s has obvious explanations,
which have been discussed elsewhere (Arkell, 1933, p p . 30-35). F o r
correlations from o n e part of E u r o p e t o another t h e smallest units of
practical value are astonishingly near t h e first set of zones promulgated
b y O p p e l . H i s pioneer studies of western E u r o p e led h i m to a remarkably
j u s t appraisal of t h e possibilities. T h e few last attempts to apply Buck-
m a n ' s 'polyhemeraF chronology across E u r o p e {e.g. Roche, 1939) have
b e e n conspicuously unsuccessful, a n d t h e only justification p u t forward
for t h e s e a t t e m p t s is a repetition of B u c k m a n ' s claim t h a t in relation t o t h e
slow speed of evolution a n d deposition t h e time required for the universal
spread of a species is negligible—like t h e flight of an aeroplane in relation
to t h e process of bricklaying, as h e p u t it. T h e argument is fallacious,
since m a n y different lineages were evolving a n d migrating simultaneously
a n d so t h e succession is b o u n d t o vary in different places: all did n o t
wait their t u r n while each species completed its migrations (Arkell, 1933,
p . 3 3 , fig. 1 ) . *
Experience has n o w shown t h a t m i n u t e subdivisions, such as those m a d e
by B u c k m a n in t h e English Lias, are n o t recognizable even in other
E u r o p e a n countries, b u t t h a t over wide areas only t h e general faunal
succession such as is expressed b y Oppel's zones a n d a few subzones can
b e recognized. T h i s , moreover, is t r u e even for t h e Lias, which is b y
far t h e m o s t favourable p a r t of t h e Jurassic for zonal subdivision a n d
* Roche assumes that Buckman carefully chose as hemeral indices ammonite species
which were short-lived and spread rapidly. He did not. His polyhemeral tables
comprise a completely random selection of ammonites and only a very small fraction
was based on any field experience such as could enable such a choice to be made.
correlation over long distances. F o r t h e U p p e r Jurassic even O p p e l ' s
zones are often too small t o b e recognized outside E u r o p e .
S T A G E S . J u s t as it is convenient to g r o u p together formations into Series,
so it is convenient t o group like zones together a n d reduce t h e n u m b e r s
for practical purposes, a n d above all t o have a g r o u p i n g which enables
several zones t o b e correlated in a general w a y over long distances w h e n
the zones individually are t o o precise. S u c h groupings of zones a r e
Stages. T h e y transcend zones horizontally as well as vertically a n d
provide a stratigraphical unit of wider u s e , adapted t o inter-continental
comparisons a n d correlations. W h e r e a s t h e individual zone cannot b e
recognized beyond t h e area of occurrence of its index species o r typical
fauna, a stage can b e followed all over t h e world b y a series of overlapping
correlations a n d b y t h e general grade of evolution of its critical fauna.
T h e hallmarks of a stage-name are t h a t it is based o n t h e ( m o d e r n o r
ancient) name of a place o r district and has t h e termination -ian (in F r e n c h
-ien). N a m e s in this form began t o b e coined for formations i n F r a n c e
during t h e second quarter of t h e nineteenth century b y Brongniart,
Marcou a n d d'Orbigny, b u t it w a s n o t until 1850 t h a t d ' O r b i g n y i n t r o ­
duced for t h e Jurassic a n d Cretaceous h i s standard set of stages w h i c h a r e
still used to this day. T o a t t e m p t t o unravel a n d revert t o t h e ancient
t e r m s a n d meanings of before 1850 w o u l d p r o d u c e chaos, for before t h a t
date knowledge of stratigraphy w a s so primitive t h a t n o clear definition
of a stage-name was possible, n o r w a s t h e r e a n y clear conception of t h e
requirements of t h e future. ( F o r example Brongniart's Oxfordien, 1829,
also used b y M a r c o u before 1850, covered t h e whole M i d d l e Jurassic,
a n d Bathonien was first used i n 1843 as synonymous with t h e G e r m a n
D ' O r b i g n y ' s scheme of 1850 w a s based o n t h e classical areas of n o r t h ­
west and central E u r o p e , a n d w i t h a few modifications it has stood t h e test
of a century and is n o w used, with those few essential modifications, as t h e
framework for this book. I t contains a convenient n u m b e r of stages,
neither too m a n y n o r t o o few, a n d is b y far t h e best scheme y e t devised
for classification o n a world scale.


PURBECKIAN (Purbeck, Dorset, England)
PORTLANDIAN (Portland, Dorset, England)
KIMERIDGIAN (Kimeridge, Dorset, England)
OXFORDIAN (Oxford, England)

CALLOVIAN (Callovium = Kellaways, Wiltshire, England)
BATHONIAN (Bath, Somerset, England)
BAJOCIAN (Bajoce = Bayeux, Normandy, France)

TOARCIAN (Toarcium — Thouars, Deux-Sevres, France)
PLIENSBACHIAN (Pliensbach, near Boll, Wiirttemberg, Germany)
SINEMURIAN (Sinemurium = Semur, Cdte d'Or, France)
HETTANGIAN (Hettange, Lorraine, France)

F r o m t h e H e t t a n g i a n u p t o t h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian these stages can

b e recognized all over t h e world, b u t after that t h e scheme breaks down
owing t o regional differentiation of faunas. T h e t e r m s Portlandian a n d
P u r b e c k i a n are applicable only t o N W . E u r o p e , except that Purbeckian
faunas extend t o Savoy a n d P o r t l a n d i a n t o G r e e n l a n d a n d perhaps central
Russia. I n Russia a n d t h e Arctic there is otherwise a completely separate
a m m o n i t e fauna, for which t h e stage-name Volgian h a s t o b e used. Over
all t h e rest of t h e world t h e p r e s u m e d equivalents of these late Jurassic
stages have n o t h i n g in c o m m o n with either N W . E u r o p e or Russia and
are k n o w n as t h e T i t h o n i a n .
Vast n u m b e r s of other stages have been proposed b y different authors
b u t their very n u m b e r s proclaim their futility.* Some synonyms die
h a r d e r t h a n others, because locally they m a y seem more reasonable a n d
m o r e practical t h a n t h e universal t e r m s . Examples are t h e Aalenian a n d
D o m e r i a n (on which I have conducted a lengthy correspondence with
colleagues i n m y o w n a n d other countries before deciding n o t t o u s e
t h e m ) ; b u t o n a world view these are n o more necessary than t h e h u n d r e d
or m o r e other stage n a m e s available.
T h e principles, or rules, o n which t h e names n o w used have been
chosen have b e e n explained at length elsewhere (Arkell, 1946). T h e y
are a compromise between priority, suitability a n d usage. O n t h e whole
these self-imposed rules have b e e n adhered t o , b u t a few decisions then
m a d e have h a d t o b e reconsidered in t h e light of seven years' further
experience. Purbeckian has been reinstated as a separate stage instead
of m e r g i n g it in t h e Portlandian as advocated b y H a u g , a procedure likely
to cause confusion; a n d Berriasian has been adopted for t h e lowest stage
of t h e Cretaceous, in conformity with almost universal modern usage.
A l t h o u g h Oppel's T i t h o n i a n is n o t n a m e d after a place, it is too late t o
abolish it after a h u n d r e d years of c o n t i n u o u s use.
I n t h e above table t h e Lower, M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Jurassic are consti­
t u t e d as nearly as practicable i n accordance with v o n Buch's original
a r r a n g e m e n t in his classic paper (1839). V o n Buch's scheme has priority
a n d p r o d u c e s a b e t t e r balance t h a n t h e more usual F r e n c h and English
c u s t o m of regarding t h e Callovian as U p p e r Jurassic. Even this arrange­
m e n t is n o t quite t h e same as v o n Buch's, for h e included in t h e M i d d l e
Jurassic t h e condensed L o w e r Oxfordian of t h e Swabian Jura, which is
often a m e r e nodule b e d (Oppel's B i a r m a t u m Zone) at the top of the Brown
J u r a (Zeta); a n d h e was followed b y Q u e n s t e d t . However, it is undesirable
to split t h e Oxfordian stage between t h e M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Jurassic, and
since it is always regarded as U p p e r Jurassic in regions where it is more
fully developed, a small d e p a r t u r e from v o n Buch's pioneer scheme seems

* To the 120 listed by me in 1933 (p. 617) can be added : Alpinian (de Gregorio,
1885), Ardescian (Toucas, 1890), Dubisian (Gardet, 1942), Nevisian (Rozycki, 1948),
Suebian (Hennig, 1943), Wetlianian (Ilovaisky & Florensky, 1941). We have even
reached the stage of unconscious homonyms : for Dubisian Gardet, 1942, is applied
to quite a different part of the stratigraphical column from Dubisian Desor, 1859.


As units of t h e single world scale of classification Stages m u s t b e b a s e d
on zones. A s n o w used they are essentially groupings of zones, b u t they
transcend zones b o t h vertically a n d horizontally.
At t h e time d'Orbigny promulgated his scheme of stages, however,
although h e was t h e first t o u s e t h e t e r m zone, t h e zonal concept c u r r e n t
to-day h a d not been born. I t derives essentially from O p p e l (1856-63).
D ' O r b i g n y listed certain ammonites supposed to b e characteristic of each
stage, b u t a t t h a t early date t h e specific n a m e s h e u s e d (all referred t o t h e
single genus Ammonites) so often h a d quite different meanings from those
attaching to t h e m to-day, a n d so m a n y were wrongly used, o r a m b i g u o u s ,
or assigned t o t w o stages, or included as t h e result of incorrect strati­
graphical information, t h a t any a t t e m p t t o interpret t h e stages primarily
by means of these lists of ammonites leads t o chaotic results.
T h e formations, o n t h e contrary, h a d been defined all over w e s t e r n
E u r o p e a n d were especially well k n o w n i n t h e areas after w h i c h d ' O r b i g n y
named t h e stages. I t was essentially on formations that t h e stages w e r e
A process akin to translation is therefore necessary to r e n d e r t h e stages
as defined by d'Orbigny o n t h e basis of formations into t h e stages as
used in m o d e r n stratigraphy, which m u s t b e defined o n t h e basis of zones.
Fortunately d'Orbigny gave a m o r e or less clear definition of each stage
in t e r m s of formations at some t y p e locality o r t y p e area. I t is generally
a simple matter now to establish t h e zones represented in those formations
at t h e type locality, a n d t h u s to arrive at a satisfactory definition of t h e
contents of each stage.
D ' O r b i g n y ' s type localities, however, are n o t always precisely those
from which t h e stage-name w a s derived. F o r instance, h e d e n n e d t h e
Callovian a n d Oxfordian stages, n o t in accordance with successions at
Kellaways a n d Oxford, where n o comprehensive exposures existed, b u t
on t h e cliffs of the Yorkshire coast, which h a d been fully described strati-
graphically a n d palaeontologically b y Phillips. T h e t e r m s Kellaways
(or Kelloway) Rock a n d Oxford Clay have since been p r o v e d t o have b e e n
wrongly applied in Yorkshire, b u t nevertheless it is better at this late
date t o accept d ' O r b i g n y ' s definitions although based o n Phillips' errors.*
Solutions of t h e various problems t h a t arise in a t t e m p t i n g t o redefine
d'Orbigny's stages have already been proposed, a n d all this will n o t b e
repeated here. (See Arkell, 1946; 1951, p p . 16-19.)
W h e n a n e w fauna is found elsewhere, n o t present or n o t detected at
the type locality, it falls readily into place if it comes between t w o zones
already in t h e same stage, b u t if it falls at t h e b o u n d a r y between t w o
stages it has t o b e classed according t o its nearest palaeontological
affinities. I n practice, surprisingly few difficulties have arisen o n this
* One reason in this case is that owing to lack of exposures the faunal succession
in the Kellaways district is still uncertain.




PURBECKIAN [No ammonites]

Titanites giganteus
PORTLANDIAN . . j Glaucolithites gorei
Zaraiskites albani

Pavlovia pallasioides
Pavlovia rotunda
Pectinatites pectinatus
Subplanites wheatleyensis
Subplanites spp.
KlMERIDGIAN . . • Gravesia gigas
Gravesia gravesiana
Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis
Rasenia mutabilis
Rasenia cymodoce
V Pictonia baylei

Ringsteadia pseudocordata
Decipia decipiens
Perisphinctes cautisnigrae
Perisphinctes plicatilis
Cardioceras cordatum
Quenstedtoceras mariae

Quenstedtoceras lamberti
Peltoceras athleta
Erymnoceras coronatum
CALLOVIAN . . • Kosmoceras jason
Sigaloceras calloviense
Proplanulites koenigi
Macrocephalites macrocephalus

Clydoniceras discus
Oppelia aspidoides
BATHONIAN Tulites subcontractus
Gracilisphinctes progracilis
Zigzagiceras zigzag

1 Parkinsonia parkinsoni
Garantiana garantiana
Strenoceras subfurcatum
Stephanoceras humphriesianum
BAJOCIAN . Otoites sauzei
Sonninia sowerbyi
Ludwigia murchisonae
Tmetoceras scissum
Leioceras opalinum

TABLE I—continued


Lytoceras jurense
Hildoceras bifrons
Harpoceras falcifer
Dactylioceras tenuicostatum

Pleuroceras spinatum
Amaltheus margaritatus
PLIENSBACHIAN . . - Prodactylioceras davoei
Tragophylloceras ibex
Uptonia jamesoni

Echioceras raricostatum
Oxynoticeras oxynotum
Asteroceras obtusum
Euasteroceras turneri
Arnioceras semicostatum
Arietites bucklandi

Schlotheimia angulata
Psiloceras planorbis

T h e possibility of describing a n d analysing a geological system as a

whole, all over t h e world, d e p e n d s primarily o n availability of a single
universal language for u s e in classification. T h i s language t h e stages
provide. T h e i r great value for this p u r p o s e is impaired if different
countries introduce their o w n scheme of stages. T h o s e recently p r o ­
posed, for instance, for N e w Zealand, are n o t t r u e stages, since t h e y a r e
not definable in t e r m s of zones a n d are n o t applicable outside N e w Zealand.
T h e y are in reality Series, or groups of formations. A n i n d e p e n d e n t scale
of classification for t h e Jurassic rocks of N e w Zealand was a necessity a n d
these names will n o d o u b t b e invaluable as a basis for further work i n t h a t
country; b u t in this book t h e terminations -ian, - a n will b e reserved for
stages in t h e old sense, which can b e defined palaeontologically a n d used
virtually in any part of t h e world.
T h o s e geologists w h o like t o keep t i m e t e r m s separate from rock t e r m s
consider a stage a rock t e r m a n d a n age its equivalent t i m e - t e r m . T h e
t e r m age, however, has also been used (especially b y Buckman) for t h e
time of dominance of a particular a m m o n i t e genus or family. These
latter ages are smaller subdivisions t h a n stages a n d a r e in fact m o r e nearly
equivalent to zones. T h e old classical species of t h e m i d - n i n e t e e n t h
century, which were selected b y O p p e l as index fossils for his zones, have
for t h e most part n o w become genera, with t h e result t h a t t h e d o m i n a n t
species of Oppel's day is m u c h t h e same as t h e d o m i n a n t genus of to-day.
It results that B u c k m a n ' s a m m o n i t e 'ages' (tabulated in Arkell, 1933,
p. 24) are m o r e or less reflections of Oppel's zones. T h e y suffer from all
1 2

t h e limitations of zones, for they d o n o t apply universally. F o r instance,

n o o n e can recognize t h e rocks belonging t o Kosmoceratan, Quenstedto-
ceratan o r Cardioceratan 'ages' in t h e southern hemisphere, where these

UPPER TITHONIAN . | Virgatosphinctes transitorius

(Berriasella chaperi and B. delphinensis)

MIDDLE TITHONIAN . Semiformiceras semiforme

Berriasella ciliata and Anavirgatites palmatus

Subplanites vimineus
Taramelliceras lithographicum and Hybonoticeras


Hybonoticeras beckeri
Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis
Streblites tenuilobatus

Epipeltoceras bimammatum
OXFORDIAN . . j Gregoryceras transversarium
Cardioceras cordatum
Quenstedtoceras mariae

genera d o n o t exist. I t is, however, possible t o recognize t h e Callovian

a n d Oxfordian stages, because those are abstractions, n o t dependent o n
occurrence o r absence of a n y particular index species or index genera,

Riasanites rjasanensis
Craspedites nodiger
Craspedites subditus
Craspedites fulgens

Lomonossovella blakei and Epivirgatites nikitini

Virgatites virgatus
Zaraiskites scythicus
Dorsoplanites dorsoplanus

b u t recognized b y t h e general grade of evolution of t h e ammonite fauna

as a whole a n d b y a chain of overlapping correlations carried link b y link
r o u n d t h e world.


I t is a commonplace that for t h e three Mesozoic systems ammonites

provide incomparably t h e best zonal index fossils. F o r t h e four require­
m e n t s of t h e ideal index fossil—short vertical range, wide horizontal
range, i n d e p e n d e n c e of facies, a n d ease of recognition—the ammonites
score heavily over all other fossils, except perhaps for ease of recognition.
O n the first two requirements (the most i m p o r t a n t ) they have no serious
rivals. M a r i n e pelecypods have been found in recent years to have m u c h
longer ranges t h a n h a d sometimes b e e n s u p p o s e d : single species in E u r o p e
alone often range t h r o u g h four or five stages and m a n y a m m o n i t e zones.
T h i s makes t h e m of little value for correlation in spite of the great geo­
graphical extension of some of t h e m , which may exceed t h a t of m a n y
ammonites. I t is illuminating (to n a m e a n instance personally b r o u g h t
home to me) to find the limestone excarpment of Jebel T u w a i q in central
Arabia strewn with some of the same species of pelecypods as m a y b e
picked u p in t h e English Cotswolds—Pholadomya, Homomya, Mactromya,
Ceromyopsis, e t c . ; b u t whereas i n t h e Cotswolds t h e limestones enclosing
t h e m are Bajocian, in the Jebel T u w a i q they are U p p e r Bathonian and
Gastropods are sometimes useful locally, where ammonites are rare
or non-existent, b u t they too have long ranges, some species occurring
through four stages.
Brachiopods are also helpful locally, b u t over wider areas they are
disqualified because of their colonial habits, heavy dependence on facies
and frequent homoeomorphy.
O n the third requirement, independence of facies, most groups of
fossils take low marks and even ammonites are not entirely successful
here. T h e types of facies in which ammonites are seldom found are coral
reef and current-bedded rocks. T h i s is not the place to enter into the
wide fields of speculation concerning the m o d e of life of ammonites, b u t
there is m u c h to b e said for the hypothesis of T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r (1951)
that many bred in loose m u d among marine vegetation, which on decaying
could have produced the iron and sulphur that went to make t h e iron
pyrites in which large n u m b e r s of ammonites in clays and shales are so
often preserved.
T h e clay milieu which was so favourable to m a n y ammonites seems to
have been inimical to others, such as Stephanocerataceae, which are
usually linked with limestone deposits (Arkell, 1952, p p . 83-4). T h e great
variety of forms and apertural modifications among ammonites strongly
suggests that there were adaptations to almost every kind of niche,
excepting always coral reefs and t h e distributaries of deltas. I n addition
their floating shells w e r e probably carried far a n d wide after death, like
Nautilus shells at the present day, b y winds and currents. Drifted speci­
mens therefore m a y come to t h e rescue of stratigraphers in unlikely places.
As to the fourth requirement of a zonal index fossil, ease of recognition,
ammonites have lately b e e n gaining g r o u n d since t h e introduction of
statistical methods of classification in pelecypods and brachiopods.
Therefore, wherever ammonites are present they take pride of place.
Where they are absent other fossils are brought in for local correlation of
Jurassic rocks j u s t as for the Chalk; b u t at the best of times such schemes
of classification and correlation are makeshifts and liable to be overthrown
by the discovery of a single ammonite.

T h i s was already perceived b y b o t h d'Orbigny and Oppel in the middle

of the nineteenth century: d ' O r b i g n y gave lists of ammonites to help
identify each of his stages, b u t h e listed n o other fossils; and Oppel used
an a m m o n i t e species wherever h e knew of a suitable one, as index for each
of his zones.
Accordingly t h e emphasis t h r o u g h o u t this book is overwhelmingly on
ammonites. T h e zonal index species for N W . E u r o p e , t h e Tethys, Russia
and t h e Arctic (tables 1-3) will b e found illustrated on plates 31-46 at the
end of t h e book.
I t remains only to m e n t i o n t h a t for freshwater beds ostracods provide
the most promising m e a n s of subdivision and correlation. References
to the excellent research done o n this subject will b e found under
t h e Purbeckian of England, Lower Saxony and the Jura Mountains
(pp. 19, 90, 134).

C H A P T E R 2

T h e British Jurassic having been summarized already (Arkell, 1933), the
present account is reduced t o essentials for u n d e r s t a n d i n g t h e ammonite
succession as a basis for correlation elsewhere. T h e list of references
(p. 643) contains only items published since 1933 and consequently is
fuller than the lists for other regions of E u r o p e , which are selections of

FIG 1.—Jurassic outcrops of the British Isles (black) ; proved and probable
concealed and submarine continuations stippled.
the most important sources published in the last h u n d r e d years. (For
British Jurassic bibliography before 1933, see Arkell, 1933.)
T h e British Jurassic rocks comprise a highly variable series of forma­
tions laid down as shelf and trough deposits u p o n t h e U p p e r Triassic
Keuper lake beds and thin marine Rhaetic Beds. T h e y reach a m a x i m u m
thickness of about 1000 m . in the south of England a n d in Yorkshire,

seldom a little more (Portsdown boring 1294 m.). Where normally

developed, they show a marked tendency to cyclic lithology ; the tri­
partite sequence, clay, sand, limestone is repeated many times. Yorkshire
and Scotland differ by having a deltaic development of most of the Middle
Jurassic, b u t otherwise are essentially similar. T h e sand/sandstone
m e m b e r of t h e various cycles is always m o r e or less diachronic, sometimes
markedly so. T h e highest U p p e r Jurassic stages, the U p p e r Kimeridgian,
Portlandian and Purbeckian, are present only in the south of England.
T h e y are perfectly conformable with one another and the Purbeckian
passes u p imperceptibly into the Wealden. I n Lincolnshire and York­
shire marine Neocomian rests transgressively on Kimeridge Clay
(Swinnerton, 1935), and farther south, in places where the Wealden lake
beds are absent, marine Aptian or even Albian rests transgressively or (as
in Dorset) unconformably on various formations of the U p p e r Jurassic.
Volcanic rocks are absent from t h e British Jurassic. Conglomerates
are few, thin and altogether inconspicuous, except in the Lower
Kimeridgian of East Scotland, close to an Old Red Sandstone shoreline
(Bailey & Weir, 1932; Waterston, 1951). Internal unconformities are
seldom so marked that they can b e detected without mapping, but very
gentle ones do exist, especially in the Bajocian of the Cotswolds. D i s -
conformities are frequent. Besides the M i d d l e Jurassic deltaic beds in
Scotland and Yorkshire there are beds of partly 'estuarine' facies in t h e
Bathonian of the M i d l a n d s and a thin brackish or freshwater bed with
Viviparus in the Bathonian of Oxfordshire. T h e Purbeckian is largely
brackish a n d partly lacustrine. Liassic shorelines exist in South Wales
and r o u n d the M e n d i p s and neighbouring hills, which were an archipelago
in the Lower Jurassic sea.
Summaries and revisions of m a n y areas have been published since
1933. T h e principal ones are as follows:—
General lie of t h e Jurassic of E n g l a n d : Lees & Taitt, 1946; Kent,
1947, 1949; W h i t e , 1949.
D o r s e t : Kellaway & Wilson, 1941; Chatwin, 1948; Arkell, 1947,
1951a, 1951&.
Cotswolds: G a r d i n e r & others, 1934; Richardson, 1933; Cox, 1941,
1950; Kellaway & Welch, 1948; C h a n n o n , 1950.
Oxford district: Arkell, Richardson & Pringle, 1933; Richardson &
others, 1946; Arkell, 19396, 1943, 1944, 1947a.
East M i d l a n d s : Richardson, 1938-40; Hollingworth & others, 1944;
Hollingworth & Taylor, 1946, 1951; E d m u n d s & Oakley,
1947; K e n t , 1947; Wilson, 1948; Whitehead & others, 1952.
Lincolnshire: Richardson, 1938-40; K e n t , 1941; Swinnerton & Kent,
1949; Wilson, 1948a; Evans, 1952.
Yorkshire: Wilson, Hemingway & Black, 1934; Rastall &
Hemingway, 1940-49; Smithson, 1934, 1942; Wilson, 1936, 1938,
1948a; Arkell, 1945; Sylvester-Bradley, 1953.
Scotland: Macgregor, 1934; Waterston, 1951.
PURBECKIAN (Purbeck Beds, m a x . c. 120 m . ) (Plate 36)
A thin-bedded sequence of marine, brackish a n d lacustrine strata with
a varied and rich fauna. T h e commonest fossils are pelecypods {Corbula,
'Cyrena', Unto) a n d gastropods {Viviparus, Hydrobia, Valvata, Physa),
b u t there are some purely m a r i n e b a n d s w i t h Pecten, etc., a n d a n oyster
lumachelle (Cinder Bed) with Trigonia a n d Hemicidaris. Some horizons
are rich in fish, insects, isopods, or ostracods, a n d t h e r e are o n e or more
dirt beds with coniferous trees a n d cycads in position of growth. Characea
are abundant in some of t h e lacustrine beds. F o r full descriptions of t h e
Dorset type-sections, see Arkell, 1947, ch. vii, a n d Sylvester-Bradley,
1949. T h e Swindon exposures and those i n t h e Oxford district are
described b y Sylvester-Bradley, 1940; Arkell, 1947a, ch. viii, a n d Arkell,
1948. F o r studies of t h e ostracods a n d other fossils see Anderson, 1939,
1940, 1940a; Sylvester-Bradley, 1949; Arkell, 1 9 4 1 ; Harris, 1939. T h e
Dorset succession is as follows, w i t h ostracod zones according t o Sylvester-
Bradley, 1949.

UPPER (22 m. + ) —
Viviparus clays
Marble beds and ostracod shales
Unio beds . . . . Zone of Pseudocypridina setina
Broken shell limestone

MIDDLE (47 m.)—

Chief beef beds . . . . .
Corbula beds . . . . .
Upper building stones (Scallop and Intermarine
beds) . . . . . .
Cinder bed . . . . . . Zone of Cypridea granulosa
Lower building stones (Cherry and Marly Fresh
water beds) . . . . .
Mammal bed . . . . . .

LOWER (50 m.)—

Marls with gypsum and insect beds, and cockle
beds . . . . . . .
Broken beds and Cypris freestone Zone of Cypris purbeckensis
Caps and dirt beds (tufa, etc.) . . . .

PORTLANDIAN (Portland Beds, max. c. 72 m . ) (Plates 1, 2, 3)

W h e r e most fully developed, in Purbeck a n d Portland a n d n o r t h of
Weymouth, t h e Portland Beds consist of t h e Portland Stone above a n d
the highly variable Portland Sand below. T h e latter consists largely of
marls, loams, cementstones a n d stinkstones, often glauconitic, and inland
it is represented b y glauconitic sandy limestones, locally quarried for
building. T h e Portland Stone (34-35 m . in Purbeck, 27 m . in Portland)
contains giant Perisphinctids t h r o u g h o u t ; until these have b e e n m o n o ­
graphed (an arduous task owing to t h e great size a n d weight of the material
and t h e difficulty of extracting it from rock n o t quarried), it is best t o
consider t h e whole as belonging t o one zone of Titanites giganteus Sowerby
sp. (House, 1955). ( F o r statement of t h e position, see also Arkell, 1947,
pp. 90-95.) T h e r e is a rich fauna of large pelecypods, a n d at t h e t o p in

Portland t h e Roach b e d is full of t h e turreted gastropod Aptyxiella port-

landica (Sowerby). T h e succession i s : —
Z o n e of Titanites giganteus ( u p t o 35 m . ) . Portland Freestone Beds
above, Cherty Beds below. Inland t h e Freestone Beds are represented
b y rubbly creamy limestones, t h e C h e r t y Beds b y sands a n d sandstones
(Swindon Sands a n d Stone) with rubbly limestones (Cockly bed) at base,
t h e latter with a b u n d a n t Titanites a n d Kerberites.
Zone of Glaucolithites gorei (Salfeld). T h e s e evolute Pavlovia-like
ammonites occur in t h e u p p e r p a r t of t h e Portland Sand in Dorset, in
the glauconitic T i s b u r y Stone in the Vale of W a r d o u r (of which Salisbury
Cathedral is mainly built) a n d in thin glauconitic beds (1-3 m.) at Swindon
a n d near Oxford a n d Aylesbury, at all of which places there is a basal
lydite b e d ( U p p e r Lydite Bed).
Zone of Zaraiskites albani (Arkell) (1935, p . 339, pi. 26, fig. 2). So far
found only in Purbeck, in t h e lowest 11 m . of t h e Portland Sand (Emmit
Hill Marls a n d basal Massive Bed). W i t h t h e Zaraiskites are poorly-
preserved Pavloviae.

KIMERIDGIAN (Kimeridge Clay*, max. 495 m.) (Plates 1, 2)

I n Dorset t h e whole formation consists of clays a n d shales, with some
cementstone b a n d s a n d septarian nodules, b u t inland, at Swindon a n d
about Oxford a n d Aylesbury, t h e Pectinatus Zone in the U p p e r
Kimeridgian is developed as sands with sandstone doggers. T h e maximum
thickness is reached i n Purbeck, a r o u n d t h e type locality of Kimeridge.
T w e n t y miles farther west, in t h e W e y m o u t h district, t h e thickness is
nearly halved. I n l a n d it is reduced to 90 m . at Swindon and about
30-45 m . at Oxford, although Lower, M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Kimeridgian
are all represented. T h e highest Jurassic in Yorkshire probably belongs
to t h e Wheatleyensis Zone. T h e ammonite zones recognized are as


Zone of Pavlovia pallasioides (Neaverson). I n Dorset c. 21 m. of

marls a n d clays with badly-preserved crushed Pavloviae. T h e type
locality is Hartwell, near Aylesbury, where t h e Hartwell Clay yields
P. pallasioides, P. hartwellensis a n d other species (Neaverson, 1925,
pi. ii, figs. 3-5, pi. iii, figs. 5, 6) and also Dorsoplanites ultimum (Neaverson,
pi. i,fig.11).
Z o n e of Pavlovia rotunda (Sowerby). I n Dorset 80 m . of clays a n d
shales with Pavlovia spp., mostly crushed, except in a line of nodules
near t h e middle, which dips to t h e beach at Chapmans Pool and yields
perfect specimens of P. rotunda a n d Buchia s p p . Inland, phosphatized
fragments of Pavloviae from these two zones are common in lydite beds
* The neologism 'Kimmeridge', with two 'm's' has unfortunately come to be widely
adopted of late. From Domesday Book (1085) to 1892 only one'm' was generally used.
See Arkell, 1947, p. 68, footnote.
PLATE za.—Portland S t o n e cliffs a t P o r t l a n d B i l l , D o r s e t .

PLATE 2b.—Kimeridge Bay from Broad Bench. K i m e r i d g i a n shales and cementstone ledges
(Pseudomutabilis and Gravesia Zones). P o r t l a n d i a n e s c a r p m e n t b e h i n d , o n left.
Photo W.jf.A

P L A T E 30.—Lower and Upper Portlandian and basal Purbeckian, west coast of

Portland Island.

Photo Dr. O. Haas, Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist.

P L A T E 36.—Purbeck Beds, Stair Hole, Lulworth, Dorset.
at the base of the Portlandian at Swindon and about Oxford, at t h e base
of the Neocomian in Lincolnshire, and at the base of the Aptian at
Faringdon and in Cambridgeshire.
Zone of Pectinatites pectinatus (Phillips). I n Dorset 36 m . of clays and
shales down to a conspicuous white paper-shale stone b a n d (lowest of
the T h r e e W h i t e Stone Bands); inland Shotover G r i t Sands with doggers
at Swindon and about Oxford and T h a m e . A b u n d a n t large ammonites
of the genera Pectinatites, Wheatleyites (with coarse-ribbed body-chamber),
Keratinites (with rostrate aperture), Paravirgatites. ( M a n y figures in
Buckman, Type Ammonites).


Zone of Subplanites wheatleyensis (Neaverson). I n Dorset, the Dicey

Clays, 34 m., including cuboidal cementstone. Inland 3-4-5 m . of clay
with cementstone septaria containing S. wheatleyensis.
Zone of Subplanites grandis (Neaverson). I n Dorset, the Bituminous
Shales, 27 m. Various Subplanites c o m m o n in the lower part. Absent
Zone of Subplanites spp. (vimineus Schneid?). I n Dorset, the Cattle
Ledge Shales 24 m . T h e n u m e r o u s crushed Subplanites still remain to
be worked out. Absent inland?
Zone of Gravesia gigas (Zieten). Zone of Gravesia gravesiana ( d ' O r b . ) .
I n Dorset, the H e n Cliff Shales, 21 m., with crushed Lithacoceras and
Gravesia. Salfeld recognized species of the group of G. irius ( d ' O r b . )
in the u p p e r part, and of the group of G. gravesiana (d'Orb.) in the lower
part. Present in Scotland.


Zone of Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis (de Loriol). I n Dorset, the

Kimeridge Bay Shales, 70 m . + . T h e s e are the lowest beds exposed in
Purbeck, b u t a boring at Broad Bench, Kimeridge, proved a further
174 m. of Kimeridge Clay below sea-level. Species of Aulacostephanus
are common throughout the zone. A. pseudomutabilis and A. eudoxus
occur together and no subdivisions have been established. I n t h e lower
part Aspidoceras longispinum (Sow.) and Aptychus latus Parkinson abound,
and some bedding-planes are whitened with crushed Amoeboceras krausei
(Salfeld) and A. anglicum (Salfeld). At Ringstead Bay and Black H e a d
these occur perfect in a cementstone b a n d (Arkell, 1947, p i . iv). Well-
preserved Aulacostephanus spp. also occur at Speeton in Yorkshire (Pavlow
and Lamplugh, 1892, p p . 88-9, pi. iv, figs. 7, 8).
Zone of Rasenia mutabilis (Sowerby). Shales with crushed, iridescent,
fine-ribbed Raseniae of the group of R. mutabilis (Sow.) extend from
Dorset to Yorkshire and Scotland (see Arkell, 1933, pi. xxxix, 5 ; 1947,
pi. iv, 4).
Zone of Rasenia cymodoce (d'Orbigny). T h e wonderfully-preserved

ammonite fauna of M a r k e t Rasen, Lincolnshire, is characterised b y

stout-whorled Raseniae s.s. with strong, forward-swung ribs, such as
R. involuta a n d R. evoluta (Salfeld M S . ) Spath and the form usually
k n o w n as JR. uralensis (d'Orb.), together with Amoeboceras kitchini (Salfeld)
a n d A. cricki (Salfeld). T o this zone belong the Abbotsbury Iron O r e
in Dorset and beds on the east coast of Scotland (Arkell, 1947, p . 8 7 ;
Waterston, 1951).
Zone of Pictonia baylei Salfeld. At t h e base of the Kimeridge Clay
in England are a few feet of clay and m u d s t o n e nodules, yielding a well-
preserved assemblage of Pictonia spp., Triozites and Prorasenia. They
form a t h i n b u t well-characterized zone, which has produced good
material especially at Ringstead Bay, Dorset, at Wootton Bassett and
Stratton, Wiltshire, and at M a l t o n and Hildenley, Yorkshire. (Arkell,
1945. PP- 351-2; 1947, pi. iv, fig. 1).

UPPER OXFORDIAN (Corallian Beds—upper and middle part—max.

65-70 m.)
Zone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum (Quenst.). T h e ammonite horizons
or zones within the u p p e r m o s t 'Corallian Beds'—mainly clays—are still
so uncertain t h a t it is advisable to use Oppel's Bimammatum Zone for
the whole a n d to indicate t h e probable order of the local zones or s u b -
zones. Although t h e index species has never been found in Britain there
is no d o u b t that t h e rocks as a whole correspond to this zone as developed
in continental E u r o p e .
I n Dorset and Wiltshire the succession is:
Ringstead Coral Bed (0-33 m.) and W e s t b u r y Ironstone (4 m.) with
Ringsteadia pseudocordata (Blake & Hudleston), R. anglica Salfeld and
m a n y other species; also rare Pictoniael
Ringstead Waxy Clay (3-4-5 m . ) ; rare Ringsteadia.
Sandsfoot G r i t (6- 6-7- 5 m.) with Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) prionodes
Buckman and rare large smooth ammonites believed to be Ringsteadiae.
Sandsfoot Clay (4-5-12 m . ) ; no ammonites.
Trigonia clavellata Beds (6-7 m.), including massed shell beds, with
Perisphinctes cautisnigrae Arkell and n u m e r o u s other Perisphinctids; also
Decipia lintonensis Arkell, Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) glosensis (Bigot &
Brasil) a n d allied species (described a n d figured Arkell, 1935-37).
I n t h e south, therefore, three zones can be recognized, from below u p
cautisnigrae, prionodes, pseudocordata.
N o r t h and east of Wiltshire, Ringsteadiae have not been found b u t
other faunas come in. I n t h e Ampthill Clay of Cambridgeshire (max.
perhaps 30 m.) n o continuous sections exist and the succession is still
uncertain. N e a r the base in t h i n impersistent limestone bands, one of
which is t h e Boxworth Rock, Decipia decipiens occurs with D. lintonensis
and some of t h e Perisphinctids of the Cautisnigrae Zone (Hancock, 1954).
Higher u p , D. decipiens occurs with other species not found in the south,
associated with n u m e r o u s small Amoeboceras pseudocaelatum Spath ( L o n g
Stanton fauna), which also is not known in t h e south (Arkell, 1937a).
A third assemblage, not yet definitely fixed in relation to t h e others, is
characterized by Amoeboceras {Prionodoceras) prionodes Buckman, A. (P.)
serratum (Sowerby), and Perisphinctes variocostatus (Buckland); this is
especially well developed in Lincolnshire a n d t h e Fenland, whence its
ammonites have been strewn over wide areas in t h e Boulder Clay, as far
as London, Kettering, and t h e coast of Suffolk. A t U p w a r e , near C a m ­
bridge, and at Steeple Ashton, Wiltshire, coral rags occur which are
probably on t h e horizon of t h e Trigonia clavellata Beds of Dorset.
I n Yorkshire there is also coral rag probably of this age, followed b y
U p p e r Calcareous G r i t which contains Prionodoceras, Decipia a n d Peri-
sphinctids, denoting an age n o later t h a n t h e Sandsfoot Clay.
T h e probable order of succession as a whole therefore i s : —

4. Ringsteadia pseudocordata
3. Perisphinctes variocostatus and Prionodoceras serratum
2. Amoeboceras pseudocaelatum a n d Decipia decipiens
1. Perisphinctes cautisnigrae

Zone of Perisphinctes plicatilis (Sowerby). T o this zone, so called in

Britain for more than three-quarters of a century, belong t h e m a i n mass
of the coral rags and coralline oolites of England a n d some of t h e 'calcareous
grits'. I n general t h e zone correlates with t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone of
continental Europe, b u t Gregoryceras transversarium has not been found,
nor does any other species of Gregoryceras occur. T h e outstanding
feature of t h e fauna is t h e wealth of large Perisphinctids, especially P.
plicatilis (Sow.), P. pickeringius ( Y . & B.), P. cotovui Simionescu, P.
antecedens Salfeld, P. parandieri de Loriol, P. chloroolithicus (Giimbel)
and their allies, with n u m e r o u s Cardioceratidae a n d large Goliathiceras;
also Euaspidoceras perarmatum (Sowerby) and its allies, b u t n o Pelto-
ceratidae. T h e succession in t h e south of England (Arkell, 1947a, 1951)
Main Coral Rag and Wheatley Limestones
Urchin marls and Faringdon Oolite Osmington
Upper Trigonia bed . . . . Oolite Series
Upper pebble bed . . . .
Highworth Grit . . . . Bencliff Grit
Highworth Clay . . . . Nothe Clay
Pusey Flags, Highworth Limestones and
lower Coral Rag \ Trigonia hudlestoni bed
Lower pebble bed . . . . J (top of Nothe Grit)
Catena and Natica grits

T h e Arngrove Stone near Oxford belongs at or near t h e base of t h e zone.

I n Yorkshire t h e Plicatilis Zone is represented b y t h e Coral R a g Coralline

Oolite and M i d d l e Calcareous Grit, of which t h e last t w o yield a b u n d a n t

ammonites of t h e same species as are found in t h e south. I n Scotland
the zone is also represented in t h e Ardassie Limestones of Brora a n d
their equivalents in Skye a n d Eigg. ( F o r t h e ammonites, see Arkell,

1935-48; for the stratigraphy in the south, various papers by Arkell,

and for the north, various papers by Wilson.)

LOWER OXFORDIAN (Lower Corallian Beds a n d U p p e r Oxford Clay)

Zone of Cardioceras cordatum (Sowerby). T h e thickest development
of this zone is in Yorkshire, where it comprises the Ball Beds, Passage
Beds and (probably) Lower Limestone (Hambleton Oolite). I n all
other parts of England the lower part of the zone is in Oxford Clay facies,
while the u p p e r part consists of sands (often current-bedded) with bands
and doggers of calcareous sandstone—the Lower Calcareous Grit. T h r e e
ammonite subzones are recognizable: the t r u e C. cordatum occurs only
in the highest, and the three faunas are in reality j u s t as worthy of promo­
tion to t r u e zones as some of the zones of the Kimeridgian, and have
sometimes been so used (Arkell, 1941c; 1945, p . 346).
Subzone of Cardioceras cordatum (Sow.), with C. persecans (Buckman),
Euaspidoceras acuticostatum (Y. & B.), E. nikitini (Borissjak), etc. N o t h e
Grits of Dorset (9-10 m . ) ; Lower Calcareous G r i t of Wiltshire and
Berkshire (up to 20 m.), especially Seend and Calne; Lower Elsworth
Series of Cambridge (pars); H a m b l e t o n Oolite of Yorkshire?
Subzone of Cardioceras costicardia Buckman, with C. costellatum
Buckman, Peltoceratoides williamsoni (Phillips), etc. Red Nodule Beds
at top of Oxford Clay in D o r s e t a n d Wiltshire, Oxford Clay of Oxford
(pars); Lower Elsworth Series of Cambridge (pars); Passage Beds of
S u b z o n e of Cardioceras bukowskii Maire, with many other species of
Scarburgiceras, Goliathiceras anacantkum, etc. Oxford Clay (pars) of
Dorset and Wiltshire; Ball Beds of Yorkshire.
T h e r e is a considerable development of late-Lower and early-Upper
Oxfordian in Scotland, b u t the ammonites require redetermination in
the light of work done in England during the last twenty years; in
particular t h e r e is confusion due to ambiguity in the use of the n a m e
Cardioceras cordatum, by which was often meant Card. (Subvertebriceras)
densiplicatum Boden (figured Arkell, 1933, pi. xxxviii, fig. 5), characteristic
of t h e Plicatilis Zone. T h e type specimen of C. cordatum is shown on
pi. 38, fig. 1.
Zone of Quenstedtoceras mariae (d'Orb.). T h i s zone comprises t h e
whole Oxford Clay in Yorkshire, and also the Lower Calcareous G r i t ;
in Scotland it is represented by at least part of the Brora arenaceous series.
T h e Oxford Clay of this zone in the south contains a rich fauna of
pyritized ammonites of many families, best known from Woodham brick-
pit, Buckinghamshire. Commonest are Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras)
praecordatum R. Douville (upper and middle parts of zone), C. (S.)
scarburgense (Y. & B.) (middle and lower parts), Quenstedtoceras (Pavlo-
viceras) mariae ( d ' O r b . sp.), Euaspidoceras babeanum (d'Orb.), Creniceras
renggeri (Oppel), Taramelliceras (Proscaphites) richei (de Loriol), and
m a n y small Hecticoceras, Perisphinctes, etc. Between this assemblage

and that of the U p p e r Callovian there is a conspicuous change of the

ammonite fauna. I n particular, no Kosmoceras crosses the boundary.

U P P E R CALLOVIAN (Middle Oxford Clay, Hackness Rock)

Zone of Quenstedtoceras lamberti (Sowerby). W h e r e best known, at
T i d m o o r Point, Dorset, the clays contain great n u m b e r s of pyritized
ammonites of at least forty species (Arkell, 1947, p . 31). A m o n g t h e
commonest are Quenstedtoceras (Lamberticeras) lamberti (Sow.), Q. (Q.)
leachi (Sow.), Q. (Eboraciceras) ordinarium (Leckenby), Distichoceras
bicostatum (Stahl), Kosmoceras (K.) spinosum (Sow.), Hecticoceras (Puteali-
ceras) puteale (Leckenby), H. (P.) punctatum (Stahl), H. (P.) pseudo-
punctatum (Lahusen), b u t Peltoceras athleta (Phillips) also occurs, with
several other Peltoceratidae. T h e same fauna occurs in Oxford Clay
at Oxford (New Bodleian Library, Arkell, 1938), b u t at W o o d h a m
brick-pit it is condensed in a b a n d of argillaceous limestone or mudstone,
1 foot thick, packed with ammonites. O n the Yorkshire coast the fauna
occurs in the Hackness Rock, and in east Scotland some elements are
found in the Fascally Sandstone of Brora. T h e L a m b e r t i Zone could b e
classed as a subzone of t h e Athleta Zone.
Zone of Peltoceras athleta (Phillips). I n the south of England t h e
Quenstedtoceras assemblage is confined to the top of the U p p e r Callovian,
and although Peltoceras athleta a n d its allies range u p into t h e same b e d s
they are more characteristic of some 12 m . of clays below the range of
Quenstedtoceras. I n these lower beds t h e characteristic Kosmoceratids
are K. proniae Teisseyre and its allies, b u t K. spinosum occurs also, as
do some of the Hecticoceratids and other ammonites. F r o m the A t h l e t a
beds in Dorset come Pseudopeltoceras chauvinianum (d'Orb.) and Rein-
eckeia (Reineckeites) stuebeli Steinmann, R. (Kellawaysites) multicostata
Petitclerc; b u t some giant Reineckeids of the genus Collotia occur in
t h e L a m b e r t i Zone at W o o d h a m a n d also in t h e Athleta Zone of D o r s e t
and Oxford. I n Yorkshire the two zones or subzones are represented
in the condensed Hackness Rock. I n Scotland the Athleta Z o n e is
represented by the Fascally Shale.


Zone of Erymnoceras coronatum ( d ' O r b . ) . T o this zone belongs t h e

bulk of the Lower Oxford Clay, the bituminous shales used in the modern
brick-making techniques at Peterborough, Bletchley, and Stewartby,
where there are many h u g e sections. T h e shales are crowded with
crushed shells of Kosmoceras spp., chiefly K. castor and K. pollux with
(especially in the lower part) K. stutchburii a n d K. obductum. Erymnoceras
spp. are usually scarcer, b u t are sometimes preserved uncrushed in
septaria: many such have been obtained at Chickerell near W e y m o u t h .
T h e zone is present in the same facies in Yorkshire (inland, at Peckondale
Hill, not on the coast), and in Scotland, where it is worked as the Brora
brick clays and shales. Callomon (1955) recognizes an u p p e r s u b z o n e

•of K. grossouvrei Douville and a lower subzone of K. obductum

Zone of Kosmoceras jason (Reinecke). T h e lowest 2-5 m . of the Oxford
Clay shales are characterized from Dorset to Peterborough by Kosmoceras
(Gulielmites) jason and its allies (including K. conlaxatum). I n these
beds at Peterborough occur Kosmoceras gulielmi (Sow.) and Reineckeia
rehmanni (Oppel).

LOWER CALLOVIAN (Kellaways Beds, 8-20 m., and U p p e r Cornbrash,

0-7-8 m.)
Zone of Sigaloceras calloviense (Sowerby). T h e zonal index (proposed
b y O p p e l for t h e Kellaways Rock) occurs only in Wiltshire and perhaps
adjacent counties, not in Yorkshire (contrary to some published state­
ments). T h e Kellaways Rock of South Cave, Yorkshire (inland) belongs
to a higher horizon, which Callomon (1955) regards as a separate subzone
of Catasigaloceras planicerclus Buckman. I t is characterized by great
n u m b e r s of this species and its varieties or allied species, with Kosmoceras
aff. gulielmi (Sow.), Pseudocadoceras cf. grewingki (Pompeckj), Cadoceras
sublaeve (Sow.), C. durum (Buck.), C. milascheviki (Nikitin), C. tchefkini
(d'Orb.), Proplanulites spp., Chqffatia difficilis (Buckman), etc.
T h e Kellaways Rock of Wiltshire, subzone of Sigaloceras calloviense,
likewise contains m a n y Cadoceras s p p . and Proplanulites spp., together
with Kepplerites spp., especially the gowerianus group, but no Cata­
sigaloceras. T h e type-locality for Kepplerites gowerianus (Sow.) is the
Brora Roof Bed in east Scotland. T h i s fauna is well represented on t h e
Yorkshire coast in the Kellaways Rock.
T h e Kellaways Clay, u n d e r the Rock, in the south of England consists
of two parts belonging to different zones. T h e typical fauna in t h e
t y p e area, Wiltshire, belongs to t h e u p p e r part and is the same as that
found in Rock facies in Oxfordshire, Yorkshire and Kent (Callomon,
1955). Owing chiefly to t h e different preservation in Wiltshire, Buckman
(1913) introduced for this fauna a separate zone of Proplanulites
koenigi (Sow.), b u t Callomon has shown that there is no noteworthy
difference from t h e fauna of the Wiltshire Kellaways Rock and h e
considers that the Koenigi Zone is at most a subzone of the Calloviense
Zone of Macrocephalites macrocephalus (Schloth.) (=M. verus Buckman;
see pi. 37, fig. 6).
A n u p p e r subzone of Macrocephalites kamptus (Buckman) is adopted
by Callomon from Buckman for the U p p e r Cornbrash of Yorkshire,
which was already considered later t h a n the southern Cornbrash by
Lycett (1877, M o n . Brit. Foss. Trigoniae, Pal. S o c , p . 172). Its
ammonites comprise an assemblage of Macrocephalites s.s., Dolikephalites
and, above all, Kamptokephalites (herveyi-kamptus group). T h e same
forms are found in U p p e r Cornbrash at least as far south as Peterborough
and Bedford, b u t already in this area the subzone begins to be replaced

by clay, and in t h e south it is represented b y t h e lower part of t h e

Kellaways Clay only, as Buckman perceived in 1927.
T h e lower subzone of M. macrocephalus comprises t h e southern U p p e r
Cornbrash, which in addition to various Macrocephalitids yields Choffatia
spp. and, very rarely, Kepplerites cerealis (Buckman) a n d Paracadoceras
breve (Blake), which confirm its essentially Callovian age. T h e u p p e r
p a r t of t h e subzone is often characterized b y Ornithella {Microthyridina)
lagenalis and O. (M.) calloviensis, t h e lower part by Ornithella sidding-
tonensis a n d O. arenaria. Pebble beds occur locally (Douglas & Arkell,
1932. 1935)-

BATHONIAN (Great Oolite Series including Lower Cornbrash, plus

Crackment Limestone, u p to 150 m.)
T h e last stage of t h e English Jurassic to yield to ammonite 'zoning',
the Bathonian has only lately been reduced to order, chiefly b y m a p p i n g .
T h e Fuller's E a r t h Rock, which in t h e S o u t h Cotswolds underlies ' T h e
Great Oolite', has proved to pass northwards into t h e p a r t of t h e G r e a t
Oolite which at M i n c h i n h a m p t o n yields t h e same ammonite fauna as
the lower part of t h e Fuller's E a r t h Rock in Somerset. T h i s result
vindicates a correlation published b y Buckman in 1901, which seemed
impossible. (Arkell & Donovan, 1952; ammonites monographed,
Arkell, 1951- (in progress); other mollusca revised b y Cox & Arkell,
1948-50; brachiopods b y M u i r - W o o d , 1936 a n d M c K e r r o w , 1953.) T h e
Bathonian of the Cotswolds comprises four sedimentary cycles of clay,
sand or false-bedded oolite, a n d shelly compact limestone, as follows
(Arkell & Donovan, 1952, p . 251). T h e m i d d l e parts of t h e t h i r d a n d
fourth cycles together comprise t h e Forest M a r b l e of W y c h w o o d Forest
and the Oxford district.

Cycle 4—
3. Lower Cornbrash . . . . . Clydoniceras discus
2. Wychwood Beds and Hinton Sands
1. Bradford Clay . . . . . . Clydoniceras hollandi
Cycle 3—
3. Petty France White Limestone
2. Kemble Beds, Bath Stone, Lower Rags . . Oppelia aspidoides
1. Lansdown Clay (Upper F.E. Clay)
Cycle 2 —
3. Tresham Rock and White Limestone . . Bullatimorphites bullatimorphus
2. Hens' Cliff Oolite
1. Hawkesbury Clay (Middle F.E. Clay)
Cycle 1 —
3. Minchinhampton White Limestone . . Tulites subcontracts
2. Minchinhampton Weatherstones and Stones-
field Slates . . . . . . Gracilisphinctes progracilis
1. Stroud Clay (Lower F.E. Clay)
Top of Inferior Oolite : rubbly beds . . . Zigzagiceras zigzag

North-east of the Cotswolds t h e Bathonian becomes m u c h thinner, most,

of these subdivisions disappear, and ammonites become scarce. In
Yorkshire the stage is represented b y deltaic beds, t h e U p p e r E s t u a r i n e

Series (up to 60 m.), and in the Hebrides by the Great Estuarine Series
(120 m.), containing Viviparus scoticus and pelecypods.


Zone of Clydoniceras discus (Sowerby). Lower Cornbrash (up to 3 m.).

T h i s comprises a variety of rubbly and flaggy limestones and marls,
sometimes only a line of small nodules; sometimes shelly, with masses
of Trigonia angulata, Astarte hilpertonensis, Meleagrinella echinata, etc.,
sometimes almost barren. T h e brachiopods Ornithella obovata (above)
and Cererithyris intermedia (below), abound and are useful as subzonal
indices. T h e only ammonites known are Clydoniceras discus (Sow.),
C. thrapstonense (Arkell) and other spp., Delecticeras delectum Arkell and
spp., Choffatia subbakeriae (d'Orb.), C. homoeomorpha (Buckman) and spp.
Below the Cornbrash is the U p p e r Forest M a r b l e (Wychwood Beds),
a shallow-water formation (up to 42 m.) comprising oolitic flaggy and
shaly limestones, with ripple-marks and current-bedding and subordinate
clay lenticles. Locally there are sands and doggers (Hinton Sands).
T h e only ammonites ever found in these beds are two specimens of
Clydoniceras hollandi (Buckman) from the Bradford Clay, and two small
Siemiradzkia sp.
Zone of Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel). N e x t below the Bradford Clay
come the K e m b l e Beds, which are developed in Forest Marble facies in
Oxfordshire and include there t h e typical development in Wychwood
Forest, b u t southward pass laterally into the Bath Stone and Lower
Rags. N e a r Bath the Lower Rags contain a ferruginous oolite (Twinhoe
Ironshot) with Oppelia aspidoides, Wagnericeras arbustigerum (d'Orb.)
and other Procerites-like Perisphinctids. Below is U p p e r Fuller's Earth
clay, which reaches a thickness of 27 m . at Lansdown near Bath (Lansdown
Clay) b u t has not yielded ammonites and soon wedges out northwards.


Zone of Tulites subcontractus (Morris & Lycett). (Fuller's E a r t h

Rock and main Great Oolite, u p to 38 m . ) . T h e Fuller's Earth Rock of
Somerset (6-10 m.) splits north of Bath into two, divided in the South
Cotswolds by the Hawkesbury Clay (9 m . ) . Each half passes northward
into G r e a t Oolite, comprising a 'White Limestone' facies above and a
shelly, flaggy oolite facies below. T h e only ammonite known from the
u p p e r division(Tresham Rock) is Bullatimorphites bullatimorphus Buckman,
from T i l t u p s E n d , near Nailsworth. T h e lower division (Cross H a n d s
Rock and M i n c h i n h a m p t o n Beds) contains a rich ammonite fauna, both
in the Great Oolite of M i n c h i n h a m p t o n and in the lower Fuller's Earth
Rock of Somerset. T h e principal ammonites are Tulites subcontractus
( M . & L.), T. cadus (Buck.) and spp., T. (Rugiferites) rugifer (Buck.),
Morrisiceras morrisi (Oppel) and spp., Lycetticeras lycetti Arkell, Krum-
beckia reuteri Ark., Berbericeras schwandorfense Ark., B. sekikense Roman
and occasional Wagnericeras and Siemiradzkia.
O O L I T E )



FIG. 2.—Diagrammatic horizontal section of the Bathonian from Lansdown, near Bath, to near Stow-on-the-Wold, to show
the lateral passage of the Fuller's Earth facies into Great Oolite facies. From Arkell & Donovan, 1952.

T o t h e same zone belong higher rock b a n d s in t h e lower part of t h e

U p p e r Fuller's E a r t h in Dorset, the Wattonensis Beds (Kellaway &
Wilson, 1941, p . 160), chiefly characterized by brachiopods but containing
rare Morrisiceras a n d Perisphinctids.
Zone of Gracilisphinctes progracilis (Cox & Arkell). T h e ammonites
in the M i n c h i n h a m p t o n quarries are believed all to have come from beds
above the basal Weatherstones (false-bedded shelly oolites) to which they
were for long attributed. T h e Weatherstones either become sandy
northwards a n d pass into, or wedge o u t a n d are replaced from below by,
the sandy Stonesfield Slate Beds, which in t u r n pass down into the
Lower Fuller's E a r t h clay. I n Oxfordshire the Stonesfield Slate Beds
(0-2 m . ) have yielded a peculiar assemblage of fossils, including small
primitive mammals, pterosaurs, Megalosaurus, insects and plants, associated
with the c o m m o n marine mollusca and brachiopods, saurians, chelonians
a n d fish (Arkell, 1947a, 19476). T h e commonest ammonites are Gracili­
sphinctes progracilis (Cox & Arkell) and Micromphalites micromphalus
(Phil.), with which occur rarely Tulites sp. indet., Clydoniceras tegularum
Arkell, Oppelia cf. limosa (Buckman) and Oecotraustes formosus Arkell.
O n account of the Tulites and Clydoniceras, this thin formation is classed
with the M i d d l e Bathonian.


Beneath the Stonesfield Slate Beds, which locally form the base of
the Great Oolite in the N o r t h and M i d Cotswolds, is the Lower Fuller's
E a r t h clay (up to 33 m.), from which no identifiable ammonites have
been obtained except at the very base. At the top are u p to 10 m. of beds
with lumachelles of Ostrea acuminata Sowerby and some brachiopods.
I n Dorset the clay is even thicker and equally little known. I n north
Oxfordshire part of it is represented b y the Sharp's Hill Beds (up to
4-8 m.), in which locally is a 6-inch marl band containing Viviparus
langtonensis Hudleston, a gastropod presumed to have lived in fresh
water (Watson, 1950).
Zone of Zigzagiceras zigzag (d'Orbigny). T h e base of the Lower
Fuller's E a r t h has yielded Oppelia fallax (Gueranger) and O. limosa
(Buckman). U n d e r it in south Dorset is the Zigzag Bed, a 6-inch lime­
stone forming t h e top of t h e Inferior Oolite, b u t crowded with fossils of
the Lower Bathonian. T h e chief ammonites are Oppelia fallax, O.
limosa, Oecotraustes spp., Zigzagiceras spp., Procerites subprocerus and
spp., Morphoceras multiforme and spp., Parkinsonia convergens (Buck.)
and P. pachypleura Buck. I n n o r t h Dorset the Zigzag Zone is less
condensed, most of t h e same ammonites being found in 4- 5 m . of white
limestone (Crackment Limestone) which locally forms the upper part
of t h e Inferior Oolite. S o m e of t h e same ammonites occur in the topmost
Inferior Oolite around Bath and at Stroud, and in the Hook Norton
Limestone in the N o r t h Cotswolds and Oxfordshire.
BAJOCIAN (Inferior Oolite Series, less Crackment L i m e s t o n e ; u p to
240 m.)
For the most part richly-fossiliferous limestones, except in Yorkshire
where largely replaced b y deltaic sandstones and shales.

UPPER B A J O C I A N (up to c. 15 m.)

I n the south of England the U p p e r Bajocian is the most constant part

of the stage in distribution and thickness. It constitutes t h e ' T o p Beds',
which are disconformable on the M i d d l e and Lower Bajocian and Lias
in different parts of Dorset, Somerset, the Cotswolds and Oxfordshire,
and transgressive on Carboniferous Limestone in the planed Variscan
structures of t h e M e n d i p s . I t consists of varying combinations of r u b b l y
and bedded limestones, of which t h e most characteristic is the Clypeus
Grit, full of Clypeus ploti, brachiopods and myacean casts. I n the
Lincolnshire-Rutland basin of deposition it probably contains some of
the best Jurassic building-stones in Britain, the Barnack, Weldon, K e t t o n
and Clipsham stones in the U p p e r Lincolnshire Limestone. I n Yorkshire
it is probably represented by the u p p e r argillaceous part of the Scar­
borough Beds; b u t n o ammonites of definitely U p p e r Bajocian age are
known from either area. I n western Scotland a n d the I n n e r H e b r i d e s
are u p to 9 m. of shale, clay and sandstone with ammonites of t h e two
lowest zones. T h e zonal sequence is as follows :
Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni (Sow.). T o this zone belong the Clypeus
Grit and, farther south, the equivalent D o u l t i n g Stone, Anabacia L i m e ­
stones, U p p e r Coral Bed, Microzoa and Sponge Beds, a n d Truellei Bed.
T h e commonest ammonites are Parkinsonia parkinsoni (Sow.) a n d P.
dorsetensis (Wright). T h e former abounds from the Dorset coast t o t h e
Evenlode valley in Oxfordshire, b u t has not been found beyond. A
common form in the u p p e r part of t h e zone was figured b y Buckman as
P. schloenbachi and made index of a special z o n e ; b u t it was not correctly
named, and the t r u e P. parkinsoni occurs with it (see Arkell, 1951, M o n .
Engl. Bathonian Am., p . 9). At the base in south D o r s e t is often (but
not always distinguishable) a b e d 1 to 2 ft. thick, containing Strigoceras
truellei (d'Orb.), which Buckman regarded as another separate zone.
T h e ammonite is not known anywhere else in Britain and its distribution
abroad does not warrant recognition of a separate truellei zone. F o r
purely local work in Dorset, however, t h e truellei b e d is a useful d a t u m .
Various Cadomites and Oppeliidae (Oxycerites, etc.) occur.
Zone of Garantiana garantiana (d'Orb.). T h i s zone is never more
than 1 ft. thick in south Dorset, and usually a mere seam with average
thickness of 4 inches. I n n o r t h Dorset it expands into the Sherborne
building-stone and Hadspen Stone. F a r t h e r north it forms t h e D u n d r y
Freestone and U p p e r Trigonia Grit, which are conspicuously t r a n s ­
gressive b e d s i n t h e M e n d i p s a n d Cotswolds, sometimes w i t h a thin
basal conglomerate (e.g. Maes Knoll conglomerate of D u n d r y Hill).

Besides Garantiana, forms of Spiroceras are characteristic of the zone.

Various Prorsisphinctes, Bigotites, etc. also occur.
Zone of Strenoceras subfurcatum (Schlotheim). T h i s is the Niortensis
Zone of Buckman, b u t S. niortensis (d'Orb.) is a junior synonym of S.
bajocense (Defr.) a n d S. subfurcatum has many years' priority as zonal
index. T h e zone has a limited distribution in Dorset b u t has yielded
a rich fauna of Strenoceras s p p . and many other ammonites, especially
Leptosphinctes, Prorsisphinctes, Cleistosphinctes and Cadomites spp., with
Cadomoceras, Oecotraustes, Strigoceras, Sphaeroceras, etc.

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN ( u p to 24 m . in S. England, to 150 m . in Scotland)

I n Dorset and Somerset t h e M i d d l e Bajocian is highly condensed,
often only 1 m . thick, b u t contains representatives of all the zones. I n
the Cotswolds it expands into t h e Ragstones, u p to 24 m. thick, b u t t h e
highest zone of Stephanoceras humphriesianum is missing. I n t h e Lower
Lincolnshire Limestone ammonites of the lowest subzone of the Sowerbyi
Zone occur 8 ft. above t h e base ( K e n t & Baker, 1938; Kent, 1 9 4 1 ;
Swinnerton & K e n t , 1949; M u i r - W o o d , 1952). I n Yorkshire t h e
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone is developed in marine facies as the Scarborough
Beds, with a m m o n i t e s ; t h e rest of t h e substage is presumed to b e
represented b y t h e M i d d l e Estuarine Series* (30 m.) and Millepore Bed
and Whitwell Oolite (0-15 m . ) . I n t h e I n n e r Hebrides sandstones u p
to p e r h a p s 150 m . thick correspond t o t h e M i d d l e Bajocian a n d yield
large Stephanoceratidae of t h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone, closely resembling
species found in Dorset. T h e r e are also condensed beds with ammonites
of t h e Sowerbyi Zone. T h e zones a n d subzones are as follows, with
the formations as developed in t h e Cotswolds :


Stephanoceras \ Teloceras blagdeni (Sow.) \

humphriesianum (Sow.) 1 S. humphriesianum (Sow.) / Absent from Cotswolds

Otoites sauzei (d'Orb.) . i Phillipsiana Beds

Bourguetia Beds

Witchellia laeviuscula (Sow.) j Witchellia Grit

Notgrove Freestone
Sonninia sowerbyi (Sow.) - Shirbuirnia trigonalis (Buck.) Gryphite Grit

Hyperlioceras discites Buckmani Grit

(Waagen) \ Lower Trigonia Grit

* My suggestion (1933, p. 312) that the 'Estuarine Series' might appropriately be

renamed Deltaic Series seems to be finding favour (Hemingway, 1949 ; Harris, 1953)
but it involves difficulties (see Sylvester-Bradley, 1949a) and a break with the literature
of a century.
Zone of Stephanoceras humphriesianum (Sowerby). ( T h e Blagdeni Z o n e
in Buckman's and Richardson's papers and in Arkell, 1933). Character­
ized by Stephanoceras spp., Teloceras spp., Phaulostephanus, Normannites
orbignyi Buck., N. formosus (Buck.), N. densus (Buck.), N. latansatus
(Buck.), Chondroceras gervillii (Sow.) and other species figured by
Buckman, and the Sonninids Dorsetensia and Poecilomorphus spp.
Zone of Otoites sauzei (d'Orb.). Besides Otoites spp., m a n y other
Stephanoceratidae : Normannites braikenridgei (Sow.), Skirroceras macrum
(Quenst.), S. leptogyrale Buck., Emileia brocchii (Sow.), E. (Frogdenites)
profectus Buck, and spiniger Buck., Labyrinthoceras spp., Sonninia alsatica
(Haug), S. corrugata (Sow.), S. propinquans (Bayle), S. micracantha
(Buck.) and other spp., with Oppeliidae and Cadomoceras spp.
Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi (Sow.). I n this zone Sonniniidae p r e ­
dominate, with Witchellia laeviuscula (Sow.) and m a n y other spp. in t h e
u p p e r subzone especially. Also Emileia crater Buck., E. catamorpha
Buck., Docidoceras spp., Trilobiticeras spp., Otoites delicatus Buck.,
Hyperlioceras spp. and m a n y Oppeliiaceae, including Hebetoxyites spp.,
Strigoceratidae, Bradfordia and Lissoceras. T h e best source of figures
for all the M i d d l e and U p p e r Bajocian zones is Buckman's Type Ammonites.
T h e exact horizon of Sonninia sowerbyi remains to b e d e t e r m i n e d : it is
possible that it belongs to t h e Sauzei Zone, in which case t h e Sauzei
Zone must b e considered a subzone of the Sowerbyi Zone (an a r r a n g e m e n t
logical on general palaeontological grounds). T h e Discites S u b z o n e
contains Eudmetoceras, Hyperlioceras spp., and the latest Graphoceras (G.
scriptitatum Buck., etc.). Large Sonniniae abound in the Discites Subzone
and were figured in Buckman's Inferior Oolite Ammonites m o n o g r a p h (sub

L O W E R B A J O C I A N (up to 84 m.)

Like the Middle Bajocian, the Lower is condensed and ammonitiferous

in Dorset (Bomford, 1948), b u t expands in the Cotswolds (to 84 m.) and
ammonites become scarce. I n the Midlands and Lincolnshire it is
represented by the Northamptonshire Ironstone and Lower Estuarine
Series, in Yorkshire by the Dogger (up to 6 m.) with ammonites of t h e
Murchisonae Zone, resting on an eroded surface of the Toarcian (Rastall
& Hemingway, 1939, 1939a, 1940-49; Macmillan, 1932), overlain b y
the Lower Estuarine Series (up to 85 m.) with a marine horizon, t h e
Eller Beck Bed. I n Scotland it is condensed once more and rich in
ammonites (Skye is type locality of Ludwigia murchisonae).
M a n y plates of the ammonites will b e found in Buckman's Inferior
Oolite monograph, b u t the nomenclature is in great confusion. In
particular, Buckman figured as from the C o n c a v u m Zone m a n y Sonniniae
which came in fact from what h e later called t h e Discites Zone, t h e
lowest subzone of the Sowerbyi Zone.
Recent work in the northern J u r a summarized below (p. 102) has
enabled the zones and subzones of the Lower Bajocian to b e g r o u p e d

m u c h m o r e satisfactorily t h a n in t h e past, for i n t h e J u r a t h e ammonite

faunas of t h e Saxon a n d English basins meet a n d are combined in o n e
succession. A g a p i n t h e English sequence exists between t h e Scissum
a n d M u r c h i s o n a e Zones, b u t it has t u r n e d o u t to be not so great as w a s
s u p p o s e d from t h e Hanover succession, where six subzones were inter­
calated between opalinum a n d murchisonae b y Hoffmann (1913) (see below,
p . 144), a n d it is probably bridged t o some extent b y the Ancolioceras
b e d s of Buckman, which represent some of t h e lower parts of t h e
M u r c h i s o n a e Zone. T h e r e are visible signs of pre-Murchisonae Zone
erosion in Yorkshire.



Graphoceras concavum Graphoceras concavum (Sow.) -| Snowshill Clay
Harford Sands

Brasilia bradfordensis Buckman -J Upper Freestone

Oolite Marl
Ludwigia murchisonae •
Ludwigia murchisonae (Sow.) j Lower Freestone
Pea Grit
'Ancolioceras spp.' ? Lower Limestones

Tmetoceras scissum Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke) Scissum Beds

Leioceras opalinum Leioceras opalinum (Reinecke) (absent)

T h e Scissum Z o n e is u p h e l d as a separate zone because it is distinct

i n t h e J u r a (where it is found to b e contemporaneous with the G e r m a n
subzone of Costileioceras sinon Bayle sp.) a n d has been recognized i n
C a n a d a a n d Argentina. I t therefore has wide stratigraphical significance,
despite t h e isolated rare occurrence of a m i n u t e Tmetoceras in t h e con­
densed Bradfordensis a n d Concavum Bed in Dorset (Bomford, 1948).
Buckman a n d Richardson traced t h e Scissum Zone as a distinct formation
over most of t h e outcrops of southern England. I t s discrimination as a
separate zone between those of Opalinum a n d Murchisonae is d u e t o
Buckman (1898), b u t Tmetoceras scissum h a d already been proposed as
index species for a Mediterranean zone, supposed t o b e equivalent t o
these t w o northern zones, b y N e u m a y r (1871, Der Penninische Klippenzug,
p . 509).
T h e Scissum a n d O p a l i n u m Zones acquire great economic importance
i n t h e English M i d l a n d s , w h e r e they are developed as t h e Northampton
Sand, with its valuable low-grade ironstone. T h e ammonites of this
include Leioceras opalinum a n d Tmetoceras scissum, with Bredyia a n d
Lytoceratids (Hollingworth & Taylor, 1946, 1951).
TOARCIAN (Upper Lias, u p to 135 m . in Yorkshire)
T h e Toarcian in t h e definition here accepted corresponds to t h e U p p e r
Lias with t h e Cotswold a n d Bridport Sands a n d at t h e t o p t h e Cephalopod
Bed of t h e South Cotswolds. T h e U p p e r Lias clay of t h e N o r t h a n t s -
Lincoln area reaches 60 m . in thickness b u t represents only t h e lower
half of t h e stage. Sands began t o form at t h e time of t h e Bifrons Z o n e
in t h e Cotswolds, b u t not until t h e Moorei Subzone on t h e Dorset coast,
where t h e Bridport Sands, of Moorei a n d Aalensis date, with t h e Opalinum
bed, reach 42 m . * T h e limestone Junction Bed on t h e Dorset coast
(1-2 m.) at the base of t h e U p p e r Lias overlaps in date w i t h t h e Cephalopod
Bed at t h e top of t h e formation in t h e Cotswolds. T h e most complete
development at any one place is found in Yorkshire (Dean, 1954). I n
Raasay, western Scotland, t h e bulk (21 m.) of t h e U p p e r Lias, t h e D u n
Caan Shales, is U p p e r T o a r c i a n ; below is t h e Raasay I r o n s t o n e (2-4 m . )
of t h e Subcarinata Subzone.
T h e zonal sequence is as follows :—


Pleydellia aalensis
Dumortieria moorei
Dumortieria levesquei
Lytoceras jurense (Zieten) . Phlyseogrammoceras dispansum
Grammoceras struckmanni
Grammoceras striatulum
Haugia variabilis
Pbymatoceras lilli

Dactylioceras braunianum
Hildoceras bifrons (Brug.) . . -J Peronoceras fibulatum
Frechiella subcarinata

Ovaticeras pseudovatum
Harpoceras falcifer (Sow.) f . -j Harpoceras falcifer
Harpoceras exaratum

Dactylioceras tenuicostatum (Y. "1 Dactylioceras tenuicostatum

&B.) . . . ) Tiltoniceras acutum

W i t h these and t h e other zones of t h e Lias, t h e succession of a m m o n i t e

faunas is sufficiently well illustrated b y t h e list of subzones.

U P P E R PLIENSBACHIAN (Middle Lias or Domerian, u p t o 125 m . in Dorset)

I n its typical development t h e M i d d l e Lias consists of relatively t h i n
ironstone or marly limestone at t o p , corresponding t o t h e Z o n e of
• On p. 163 of my Jurassic System (1933) the thickness was misprinted, 40 ft. for
140 ft.
f Although prior as zonal index, Hildoceras (?) serpenlinum (Schloth.) is too doubtful
for it to be used : see Bull. Zool. Nomencl., 1951, vol. ii, parts 6-8, p. 192.

Pleuroceras spinatum, a n d thicker sands a n d micaceous shales below,

corresponding to t h e Zone of Amaltheus margaritatus, with some early
Hildoceratids, Paltarpites a n d Arieticeras (Buckman, T y p e Am. ii, 1913,
pi. L X X I V , iv, 1923, pis. C C C L X I I - I I I , vi, 1927, pi. D C X C V I I I ) .
M . K . H o w a r t h (1955), as t h e result of a t h o r o u g h restudy of t h e cliff-
sections in Dorset, Yorkshire a n d t h e Hebrides, has established t h e
following s u b z o n e s :


Pleuroceras spinatum (Brug.) . | Pleuroceras spinatum (and P. hawskerense)

Pleuroceras apyrenum

Amaltheus margaritatus (and A. gibbosus)

Amaltheus margaritatus Montfort . -j Amaltheus subnodosus
Amaltheus stokesi

F o r monographic t r e a t m e n t of t h e ironstones, see Whitehead & others,

1952. Some of t h e brachiopods have been revised b y Ager (1954).

LOWER PLIENSBACHIAN ( u p p e r p a r t of L o w e r Lias, or Carixian, u p t o

54 m . in Dorset)
I n Dorset this substage is represented b y t h e G r e e n Ammonite Beds
and Stonebarrow Beds or Belemnite Marls (Lang, Spath & others,
1928, 1936). S p a t h (1938) has monographed t h e Liparoceratid ammonites
a n d (1942) recognizes t h e following subzones :


Prodactylioceras davoei (Sow.) J Oistoceras figulinum

( = Capricornus Zone auct.) 1 Androgynoceras lataecosta
Androgynoceras maculatum

Tragophylloceras ibex (d'Orb.) ( Beaniceras centaurus

( = Henleyi Zone auct.) \ Acanthopleuroceras valdani

Uptonia jamesoni (with U. bronni)

Uptonia jamesoni (Sow.) . j Platypleuroceras brevispina
Phricodoceras taylori

SINEMURIAN (middle part of L o w e r Lias, 104 m . i n Yorkshire)

Almost everywhere in England t h e Sinemurian is well developed as
shales, with n u m e r o u s local ammonite horizons. I n Dorset the stage
corresponds to t h e Black V e n Marls, Shales-with-Beef and top of t h e
Blue Lias Limestones (Lang, Spath & others, 1923, 1926). I n Somerset
a n d G l a m o r g a n a littoral facies is developed a n d there is slight
unconformity with t h e Hettangian. T h e ammonites of the Blue Lias of the
Bristol area have been revised b y D o n o v a n (1952), w h o has also revised
Wright's monograph nomenclaturally (1954). I n Lincolnshire t h e
Frodingham Ironstone (10 m . ) is a notable development in t h e S e m i -
costatum and O b t u s u m Zones a n d a condensed representative of 45 m .
of limestones and clays in the south of the same county ( K e n t in Swinnerton
& Kent, 1949, p . 43). I n Scotland there are shales in t h e u p p e r part
of t h e stage and limestones in t h e lower, as elsewhere, b u t in M o r v a n a
sandy shale passing to sandstone, 0-48 m . thick, represents t h e O b t u s u m
Zone. T h e Sinemurian is t h e highest Jurassic in Ireland. T h e n u m e r o u s
local epiboles recorded b y observers in different parts of t h e country
(collected together in Arkell, 1933, p . 28) have been reduced t o t h e
following subzones b y Spath (1942). (A few nomenclatural revisions
have been introduced.)


Paltechioceras aplanatum
Leptechioceras macdonnelli
Echioceras raricostatum (Zieten) . -|
Echioceras raricostatoides
Eoderoceras bispinigerum

Oxynoticeras lymense
Oxynoticeras oxynotum (Quenst.) . | Bifericeras bifer
Oxynoticeras simpsoni

Eparietites denotatus
Asteroceras obtusum (Sow.) . . -j Asteroceras stellare
Asteroceras obtusum

Microderoceras birchi
Euasteroceras turneri (Sow.) . . -j Euasteroceras brooki
Pararnioceras alcinoe

Euagassiceras sauzeanum
Arnioceras semicostatum (Y. & B.) -j Agassiceras scipionianum
Coroniceras gmuendense

Arietites bucklandi
Arietites bucklandi (Sow.) . . -j Coroniceras rotiforme
Coroniceras conybeari

All t h e zonal indices have been or are being dealt with b y t h e I n t e r ­

national Commission o n Zoological N o m e n c l a t u r e (Bull. Zool. Norn.,
1951, vol. ii, parts 6 - 8 ; Arietites, p p . 201-2, Arnioceras, p . 217, Astero­
ceras, p p . 227, 2 3 1 , Echioceras, p p . 227, 229, 2 3 2 ; Euasteroceras, Bull.
Zool. Nom., 1954, vol. vi, p . 364, a n d Opinions, 305-8, 323-4.) N o m e n ­
clature of some of t h e subzonal indices is here corrected as in D o n o v a n ,
1952, using generic (not subgeneric) names.

HETTANGIAN (Blue Lias limestones, lower part, a n d Pre-Planorbis B e d s ;

u p to about 43 m . in Glamorgan)
T h e Hettangian, which reaches its m a x i m u m thickness in the littoral
facies of Glamorgan, consists predominantly of limestones, with s u b ­
ordinate shales. I n t h e Hebrides a n d Glamorgan some of the limestones
contain corals. T h e characteristic ammonites have been revised b y
D o n o v a n (1952). Spath (1942) recognizes four subzones:—


Schlotheimia angulata (Schlotheim) j Schlotheimia angulata

Alsatites laqueus

Psiloceras planorbis (Sow.) . . j Psiloceras johnstoni

Psiloceras planorbis

Both zonal indices have b e e n dealt with b y t h e International Commission

on Zoological N o m e n c l a t u r e (Bull. Zool. N o m . , 1951, vol. ii, parts 6-8,
p p . 204, 228-9, 233). T h e principal revisions of stratigraphy have been
in N o t t i n g h a m s h i r e ( K e n t , 1937), Lincolnshire (Dudley, 1942) a n d Skye
( T r u e m a n , 1942). Hettangian also occurs in N o r t h e r n Ireland (Antrim).
A non-sequence between Hettangian a n d Rhaetian is believed to exist
in Gloucestershire (Richardson, 1948).


T h e ammonites of t h e Rhaetian are palaeontologically Triassic (see

p . 172) a n d consequently t h e Rhaetic Beds are here regarded as belonging
to t h e Triassic System. ( F o r sections a n d faunas and floras see Donovan,
1947; Johnson, 1950; Kellaway, 1936; Kellaway and Oakley, 1 9 3 3 ;
K e n t , 1953; Kiihne, 1949.)]



T h e Jurassic rocks of F r a n c e can b e arranged and described from two

different points of v i e w : either as three basins of deposition, the Paris
Basin, the basin of Aquitaine, and the basin of the Lower R h o n e ; or as
deposits fringing three ancient Palaeozoic horsts, Armorica, the Massif
Central, and the Ardennes-Eifel massif. A compromise is here adopted.
T h e Paris Basin is a u n i t t h a t cannot b e ignored, although all t h e central
part is blanketed by Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks and only a r i m of
Jurassic crops out. O n the other hand, the southern rim of t h e basin of
Aquitaine belongs to the Pyrenees and will b e described with t h e Iberian
Peninsula, while t h e eastern r i m of t h e L o w e r R h o n e basin belongs t o
and will b e described with t h e Alps. T h i s leaves t h e outcrops fringing
t h e eastern and southern sides of the Massif Central, in t h e Maconnais,
Vivarais, Languedoc and Aveyron, to b e described after those on the n o r t h
a n d west sides of the Massif Central, which form p a r t of the Paris Basin.
T h e Jurassic rocks of the Paris Basin join u p south-westwards with
those of the basin of Aquitaine t h r o u g h t h e Poitou portal or 'Straits of
Poitiers', and south-eastwards with those of the J u r a and R h o n e basin
b y a second portal which has been called the 'Straits of Langres', between
Morvan and the Vosges.
T h e three great Palaeozoic horsts or massifs and perhaps also t h e
Vosges-Black Forest on the west (separated by the Rhine rift) were above
water throughout the Jurassic, as is proved b y the repeated overlaps a n d
oversteps of various stages around their edges (Bonte, 1941; M o u t e r d e ,
1953). T h e Vosges are a more debatable case, b u t t h e existence of
U p p e r Bajocian drifted land-plants and dinosaur bones o n their west
side, and of quartz sand which can only have come from the east, strongly
suggests that this massif formed an island in the M i d d l e as well as U p p e r
Jurassic sea (Maubeuge, 1949&). T h e mere thinning and condensation
of beds offers no proof of t h e proximity of land, as G i g n o u x (1950, p . 358)
has pointed out, for such beds are c o m m o n in the Jurassic in nearly all
parts of E u r o p e and may extend all over a wide basin of deposition.
T h e Langres portal was originally m u c h wider t h a n appears from t h e
geological m a p , for b o t h t h e Vosges a n d t h e north-eastern s p u r of t h e
Massif Central, the M o r v a n massif, were probably submerged until at
least the Bajocian (Mouterde, 1953). I n Liassic times, also, a narrow
strait extended northward t h r o u g h L u x e m b u r g to join u p with t h e
N o r t h G e r m a n sea, cutting off the Ardennes from the G e r m a n slate-
mountains (Hunsriick and T a u n u s ) .

All t h e F r e n c h Jurassic rocks here described are in essentials the same

as the English; generalities therefore need not be repeated. T h e following
account begins in t h e n o r t h a n d follows round t h e basin anti-clockwise.

F I G . 3.—The Jurassic outcrops of the Paris Basin and adjoining lands.

Based on the Atlas de France, sheet 6, 1952.

T h e small Jurassic area of t h e Bas-Boulonnais, ringed around on its
landward side b y Chalk hills, is structurally t h e south-eastern e n d of
the pericline of t h e Weald. Pliensbachian and Toarcian rocks have
been proved in borings near t h e coast between Gris-Nez and Wimereux,
the thickness of the Lias varying from 35 m . to 70 m . or m o r e (Pruvost,
1922). At outcrop, however, the earliest m a r i n e Jurassic rock is a sand
(Sables d'Hydrequent) with a pelecypod fauna similar to that of t h e
Hook N o r t o n Beds and probably therefore of Bathonian date, which is
transgressive on Palaeozoics. F r o m there u p w a r d s quarries, cuttings a n d
clear cliff-sections expose a complete succession of the Jurassic u p t o
Purbeck and Wealden (Pellat, 1878, 1879-80; Rigaux, 1865, 1892; Pringle
& Pruvost, 1924; Pruvost & Pringle, 1924).
T h e total thickness of marine Jurassic is about 400 m . Although t h e
outcrop is so small in area, it is of great importance, owing to the good
cliff exposures and abundance of ammonites at m a n y levels. The
succession in some respects amplifies the English record a n d serves as
a bridge to the more distant F r e n c h outcrops. T h e U p p e r Oxfordian
succession is of special interest; the ammonites of the Calcaire du M o n t
des Boucards represent an assemblage u n k n o w n in England and, with
those of the Calcaire de Bruquedale, help to correlate with the J u r a
province. T h e Kimeridgian-Portlandian succession is also highly
important and has received more attention, b u t would richly repay
monographic treatment of the ammonites. T h e late A. P . D u t e r t r e ,
who had intended to do this, was killed in action at D u n k i r k in 1940.
A remarkable feature is a conglomerate of purely local pebbles in t h e
U p p e r Portlandian, well shown in the cliffs at L a Rochette and Pointe
aux Oies. T h e U p p e r Kimeridgian contains three phosphatic nodule
beds indicative of condensation. Buchia (Aucella auct.) occurs at several
levels (Dutertre, 1926&).
T h e following tabulated section incorporates and interprets n u m e r o u s
observations on the ammonites b y Pruvost (1925) and D u t e r t r e (1924-28),
as well as my own examination of the sections and of t h e Oxfordian and
Callovian ammonites in the Boulogne M u s e u m and at Paris.

[WEALDEN (20-30 m.). Clay believed to b e the Weald Clay; without


P U R B E C K I A N (0-3 m.)

Concretionary limestone with Anisocardia socialis and Candona bonon-

iensis, presumed to represent the Lower Purbeck.

P O R T L A N D I A N (22 m.)

Sands and sandstones with Protocardia dissimilis and Trigonia gibbosa,

4 m.
Sands and sandstones with Ampullina ceres, Trigonia gibbosa, Titanites
giganteus (Sow.), T. bononiensis (de Lor.), 4 m .
Sands, sandstones, conglomerate and sandy clay with glauconite:
various large Perisphinctids, including Titanites s p p . (Behemoth Buckman,
and inner whorls figured, Sauvage, 1911, pi. ix, 4, 5), also Glaucolithites
gorei Salfeld sp. (type specimen, de Loriol, 1874, pi. ii, fig. 1, probably
from h e r e : Pruvost, 1925, p . 193).

N o d u l a r limestones a n d glauconitic sandy clays with Ostrea expansa,

'Perisphinctes pseudobiplex' Pruvost, etc. (Portland Sands ?).

K I M E R I D G I A N (123 m.)

T o u r Croi N o d u l e Bed, with phosphatic examples of Pavlovia rotunda

(Sow.), P. leblondi D u t e r t r e s p . (type, Sauvage, 1911, pi. ix, 3) and other
s p p . , Keratinites devillei (de Lor.), K. boidini (de Lor.), Wheatleyites
rarescens Buck., W. opulentus Buck., etc. (Dutertre, 1927).
Clay with Exogyra dubiensis, K. devillei, K. boidini, Pectinatites (see
Spath, 1936, p . 153) and Pavlovia lydianites Buck. (8 m.).
Clay w i t h phosphatic nodule b e d at t o p (2 m . ) .
L a Rochette N o d u l e Bed, with Subplanites (Virgatosphinctoides) pringlei
P r u v o s t s p . (1925, pi. ii, fig. 1, lectotype desig. Buckman, 1926, T A vi,
p . 24) and other s p p . (Pruvost, figs. 3-7).
Clays w i t h Subplanites s p p . (8 m . ) .
G r e s de la Creche, u p p e r part, with Subplanites (5 m.).
G r e s de la C r e c h e , lower part, w i t h Gravesia portlandica (de Loriol)
a n d Exogyra virgula (10 m . ) .
M a r n e s et G r e s de Chatillon, with Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis
(de Lor.), A. subeudoxus Pavlow (de Loriol, 1874, pi. v, 2, 3), Aspidoceras
longispinum, etc. (34 m . ) .
Calcaires d u M o u l i n - W i b e r t with Aspidoceras caletanum (Oppel)
(21 m . ) .
Argiles d u M o u l i n - W i b e r t with Aspidoceras orthocera (d'Orb.) (28 m . ) .
Calcaire de Brecquereque (7 m . ) .


G r e s de Questrecques with Pictonia 'cymodoce' auct., Rasenia moeschi

(Oppel), R. quehenensis (de Lor.), Ringsteadia anglica Salfeld and Decipia
achilles auct. (Dutertre, 1925a, p . 225) (0-4 m . ) .

O X F O R D I A N (116 m.)

Calcaires a Cerithium pellati, Decipia achilles auct. (3-5 m.).

Oolithe d ' H e s d i n l'Abbe, with Ringsteadia anglica Salfeld, R. frequens
Salf., R. brandesi Salf. (9-11 m . ) .
G r e s de B r u n e m b e r t with Decipia decipiens (Sow.) (2-12 m.).
Clays with a 0-6 m . lenticle of coral limestone (Calcaire de Bruquedale)
in which are recorded Amoeboceras ovale (Quenst.) and Perisphinctes
wartae Buk. (Dutertre, 1925a, p . 236), also 20 species of corals and a rich
fauna of molluscs (20-27 m . ) .
Calcaire d u M o n t des Boucards, with Orthosphinctes colubrinus
(Reinecke), Divisosphinctes aff. divisus (Quenst.), Decipia cf. tranchandi
(Bigot & Brasil), Decipia spp., nuclei (Arkell, 1937, p . 56) (13-14 m.).
Argile de Selles (25-35 0-
Calcaire d'Houllefort, with Perisphinctes antecedens Salf., P. gresslyi
de Lor., P. chloroolithicus (Gumbel), P. cotovui Sim., Cardioceras den-
siplicatum Boden, C. cf. tenuiserratum (Oppel) (Arkell, 1948, p . 389).
(>'5 4
M a r n e a Millericrinus of La Liegette railway-cutting; Cardioceras
cordatum is recorded, b u t t h e ammonites of this bed have yet to b e
reinvestigated. (5 m.).
Argile du Coquillot, u p p e r part. A b u n d a n t small pyritized ammonites
of the Mariae Zone, including Q. mariae a n d its allies, Scarburgiceras
scarburgense and Creniceras renggeri (listed Arkell, 1939, p p . 208-9).
(6-10 m.).

C A L L O V I A N (115 m.)

Argile d u Coquillot, lower part, w i t h pyritised Quenstedtoceras lamberti

(Sow.) and its allies, Distichoceras bicostatum (Stahl) and a 30 cm. b a n d of
marly limestone (2 m.).
Argile de Montaubert, worked for bricks near le Wast, with Kosmoceras
spp. recorded as K. duncani and K. jason, and Erymnoceras coronatum
(6-25 m.).
M a r n e ferrugineuse de Belle, from which Sigaloceras calloviense is
recorded (0-6 m.). At base derived Cornbrash fossils.
Calcaire des Pichottes, u p p e r p a r t : U p p e r Cornbrash with Macro-
cephalites herveyi (Sow.), M. typicus Blake, M. tumidus auct. ( D u t e r t r e ,
1926, p . 48) (1-2 m.).

B A T H O N I A N (26 m.)

Calcaire des Pichottes, lower p a r t : Lower Cornbrash with Clydoniceras

discus (Sow.), Delecticeras legayi (Rig. & Sauv.), Choffatia cf. subbakeriae
(d'Orb.) and Cererithyris intermedia (Sow.) (Dutertre, 1928, p . 59)
(0-33-2 m.).
Calcaire marneux a Rhynchonella elegantula. A large Clydoniceras cf.
discus (Sow.) recorded (Dutertre, 1926, p . 48) (3 m . ) .
Oolithe de Marquise, with Rhynchonella hopkinsi (8 m.).
Calcaire oolitique de Rinxent, with a b u n d a n t Rh. concinna and obscure
Perisphinctids compared to Siemiradzkia and Procerites (Dutertre, 1926,
p . 48) (12-13 m.).
Sables d'Hydrequent, without ammonites (1-3 m.).

below, containing solution pipes filled with

sands and clays with Rhaetic plants and shells of large Unionids
(Corsin, 1951).]


About midway between the Boulonnais and N o r m a n d y a small inlier

of Kimeridgian and Portlandian rocks is b r o u g h t to t h e surface in t h e
core of the Pays de Bray pericline. T h e lowest b e d s exposed are in t h e
Pseudomutabilis Zone, consisting of clays and lumachelles of Exogyra

virgula, with Aulacostephanus cf. eudoxus d ' O r b . sp. (more than 50 m . ) .

Above this is 4 m . of lithographic limestone with Gravesia gigas (auct.)
and Perisphinctids, b u t this is followed by further lumachelles of Exogyra
virgula a n d a succession of marls, limestones and calcareous sandstones
40-60 m . thick, which probably include parts at least of the U p p e r
Kimeridgian and Lower Portlandian. At the top are 8-10 m. of sands
with large doggers of calcareous sandstone containing ammonites recorded
as Glaucolithites gorei (Salf.) and Titanites lapideus (Buck.), associated
with a b u n d a n t Trigonia gibbosa, T. incurva, Ampullina ceres and other
typical Portlandian fossils. T h e overlying Wealden continental sands,
sandstones and clays (40-50 m.) have at their base pebbly beds attributed
to the Purbeckian (Lemoine, 1911a; Laffitte, 1939).
T h e Pays de Bray is more famous for the deep boring at Ferrieres-en-
Bray, which started at or near the top of the Portlandian and passed
from the base of the Hettangian into P e r m o - T r i a s at a depth of 1128 m .
a n d into t h e ancient basement at 1150 m . T h e outstanding result of
this boring was the proof it afforded that all the stages above the Sinemurian
are thickly developed, b u t in essentially the same shallow-water facies
here in the middle of the basin of deposition as at outcrop near the edges
(Pruvost, 1928, 1930; Bonte, 1941, p p . 243-251). Only the Hettangian
a n d Sinemurian are reduced, fragmentary, a n d in peculiar facies; t h e
Hettangian is represented by oolite, which is overlain by plant-bearing
sandstone, as at outcrop in the Ardennes, directly followed by marine
U p p e r Sinemurian.


T h e cliffs of N o r m a n d y and the Boulonnais are complementary. T h e
M i d d l e and U p p e r Kimeridgian and Portlandian so well displayed on
t h e coast of the Boulonnais are absent on the west side of the Paris Basin,
where the Lower Cretaceous rests on Lower Kimeridgian at the first
appearance of Jurassic rocks at the m o u t h of the Seine. Thence west­
ward for fifty miles t h e r e is a splendid line of Jurassic cliffs which take
t h e section, with few interruptions, down to the Bajocian (complete
profile sections in Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1864). I t begins with 11 miles
of cliffs from Villerville, past Hennequeville, Trouville, Deauville and
Villers to the m o u t h of the River Dives, providing one of the best and
most i m p o r t a n t sections of t h e Oxfordian and U p p e r Callovian in t h e
world. T h e Bathonian and Bajocian are magnificently displayed in
quarries along the valley of the River Orne and about Bayeux, type
locality of the Bajocian, and in cliffs at Lion-sur-Mer, Luc, Langrune
and Port-en-Bessin. Finally the Lias, consisting of reduced representatives
of t h e T o a r c i a n a n d Pliensbachian, oversteps against t h e Armorican massif
in quarries at M a y and other places in Calvados, Orne, and Sarthe. T h e
Sinemurian and Hettangian are often absent at outcrop, overlapped by
the later stages u p to Bajocian.
A conspectus of t h e relation of these marginal outcrops t o t h e Paris
Basin as a whole a n d its tectonic development during t h e Jurassic is given
in two brilliant essays by L e m o i n e (1930) a n d Pruvost (1930), already
discussed in m y Jurassic System in Great Britain (1933). T h e r e is a n
excellent summary of t h e geology of N o r m a n d y , with bibliographies,
by Dangeard (1951).
Owing to t h e importance a n d continuity of t h e exposures a n d t h e
wealth of ammonite faunas in t h e Bajocian to Oxfordian stages, greater
space is given to t h e detailed succession in N o r m a n d y t h a n is possible
for most other areas. M a n y ammonite determinations have been m a d e
as t h e result of m y own studies o n t h e cliffs o n several occasions d u r i n g

F I G . 4.—The principal Jurassic localities of Normandy.

the 1930's and of t h e unsurpassed collections in t h e University of Caen,

destroyed during t h e war in 1944; also of t h e collections in Paris, a n d of
the Guillaume collection.

LOWER KIMERIDGIAN (about 30 m . )

U n d e r t h e Cretaceous at t h e foot of t h e cliffs a n d o n t h e shore at C a p

de la Heve, L e Havre, are obscure sections of clays a n d limestones with
ammonites of the Mutabilis, Cymodoce a n d Baylei Zones, a n d interesting
Saurian a n d other vertebrate remains (Dollfus, 1863; Lennier, 1888-89,
and in H . Douville, 1881, p . 450). T h e highest beds are 18 m . of clay
alternating with calcareous bands full of Exogyra virgula a n d probably
belonging t o t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone. Below this are ' M a r n e s a
Pteroceres' (0-9-1-5 m . ) with Raseniae a n d Pictoniae. Some Pictoniae
in L e Havre M u s e u m are labelled as from t h e underlying 'Calcaires
coquillers', in which thin division (overlain b y clays full of Ostrea delta
as at Ringstead) t h e junction between Kimeridgian a n d Oxfordian falls
(Arkell, 1937, p . 55).

U P P E R OXFORDIAN (40-56 m.)

Z o n e of Ringsteadia anglica. F r o m the 'Calcaires coquillers' at Cap
d e la H e v e there are in L e Havre M u s e u m four species of Ringsteadia,
several in an ironshot m u d s t o n e exactly like that in which they are
commonest on the Dorset coast and at W e s t b u r y (Arkell, 1937, p . 55).
Below these beds at la H e v e are sometimes seen u p to 5 m. of clay with
Ostrea delta, devoid of recognizable a m m o n i t e s ; probably the Sandsfoot
Zone of Decipia decipiens. T h e same clay is exposed on the south side
of the Seine estuary, the Argile ( o r - M a r n e ) de Villerville (13-17 m.),
which is the highest b e d clearly seen in the long line of Jurassic cliffs
o n the south coast of t h e Baie de la Seine. Inland, near Lisieux, the
Argile d e Villerville seems t o pass laterally into t h e Sables de Glos
(35 m.), famous for their marvellously preserved gastropod and pelecypod
fauna, still retaining colour-banding (Bigot & Brasil, 1904; Bigot, 1950).
T h e only ammonites k n o w n are Prionodoceras glosensis and Decipia
tranchandi Bigot & Brasil sp. (1904, pi. iv); the former occurs in t h e
Dorset R e d Beds, the latter in the later Calcaire du M o n t des Boucards
in the Boulonnais (above, p . 42).
Zone of Perisphinctes cautisnigrae. Calcaire (or Gres) d'Hennequeville
(4-2 m . ) . Sandy limestones, partly silicified and cherty, some bands
packed with Trigonia clavellata (Sow.) and T. bronni Ag. Formerly in
Caen University M u s e u m were specimens of Perisphinctes durnovariae
Arkell, P. boweni Arkell, and P. cf. variocostatus (Buckland) from these
beds, which accordingly correlate with the Red Beds of Dorset (Arkell,
1937, p . 53). A t Trouville a thin coral rag develops on this horizon.
Probably of m u c h t h e same age is a coral-and-Diceras reef at Belleme,
O r n e (Dangeard, 1951a).
Z o n e of Perisphinctes plicatilis. Oolithe d e Trouville (beds H 17-33)
(17-25 m.). T h e u p p e r part consists of white and grey oolites and oolitic
marls resembling the Osmington Oolite; the lowest 4-8 m. is an ironshot
oolite marl like Elsworth Rock. T h e Dorset, Wiltshire and Cambridge­
shire facies of the Plicatilis Zone are here combined. T h e ammonite
fauna is almost identical with that of England, except that Cardio-
ceratidae are scarcer. T h e dominant species are large Perisphinctids such
as P. chloroolithicus, P. maximus, P. cotovui, P. plicatilis, P. antecedens,
with Euaspidoceras perarmatum, E. catena, E. crebricostis; also Cardioceras
excavatum and a solitary C. densiplicatum (Arkell, 1948, p p . 386-9).
I n l a n d t h e oolites pass laterally into coral rag with coral reefs and Diceras
reefs u p to 40 m . thick (Dangeard, 1950, p p . 143-4) inseparable from those
j u s t mentioned.


Z o n e of Cardioceras cordatum. Oolithe ferrugineuse (7-78 m.). Bands

in clay a n d ironshot marly limestone w i t h a b u n d a n t ammonites, especially
of the lowest 2-2 m . (bed H i 5 ) . I n this the dominant forms are
Cardioceratids of the Costicardia Subzone, with Goliathiceras goliathum
d ' O r b . sp. (the type), constantii d ' O r b . sp. (the type) a n d
Euaspidoceras faustum Bayle sp. (the type) (Arkell, 1944-48, figs. p p . 291,
324, 345, 387; 1939a, p . 200; for stratigraphical details, Raspail, 1901).
Zone of Quenstedtoceras mariae. M a r n e s de Villers (26-55 m.). Beds
H5-14 yield the typical fauna of this zone, including, in the lowest beds
(H5-7) Q. mariae, Scarburgiceras scarburgense, Hecticoceras bonarellii de
Lor., Taramelliceras richei (de Lor.), T. episcopate (de Lor.), etc. (Raspail,
1901; R. Douville, 1904, 1912, 1912a, 1913, 1914; Arkell, 1939a, p . 202).
Creniceras renggeri occurs near the top, in bed H i 3 (Mercier, 1936).


Zone of Quenstedtoceras lamberti. M a r n e s de Dives (c. 10 m.). Beds

H i - 4 and Bed H o contain a rich fauna of this zone (revised and listed in
Arkell, 1939a, p . 2 0 3 ; for figures see the references given u n d e r t h e
Mariae Zone, plus R. Douville, 1915). T h e highest m e t r e of b e d H 3
is a marlstone packed with ammonites, largely identical with those in
the lamberti limestone of W o o d h a m pit, Buckinghamshire, b u t in better
preservation and yielding many superlative Quenstedtoceras, Kosmoceras,
etc. with complete body-chambers. At Jauze, inland, t h e zone is
represented by sands (Dangeard, 1951, p . 136).
Zone of Peltoceras athleta. Clays said to belong to this zone were
formerly exposed at the 'Mauvais pas' at the m o u t h of t h e River Dive,
b u t the old records of ammonites are not reliable (see Douville, 1912,
p . 9 ; Arkell, 1939a, p p . 200-201). Various Peltoceras, Kosmoceras,
Pachyceras (pi. x, figs. 1, 2), Grossouvria (pi. ix, 4), Distichoceras, etc. of
this zone have been figured from limestones at Carreaux, O r n e (Bizet,


T h e Athleta Zone ends the eleven miles of cliff-sections in the Oxfordian

which stretch from Villerville to Dives. T h e M i d d l e Callovian is m u c h
less well-known, b u t in inland sections b o t h Erymnoceras coronatum a n d
Kosmoceras jason have been recorded (Bizet, 1895, p . 8 9 ; Parent, 1939c,
p . 162). Inland in the depts. of O r n e and Sarthe the M i d d l e Callovian
becomes ferruginous and yields Reineckeia anceps associated with these
ammonites (Dangeard, 1951, p . 132).


Zones of Sigaloceras calloviense and Proplanulites koenigi. Both index

fossils occur in clays in a brickyard at Argences, with Kepplerites goweri-
anum (Sow.), Cadoceras sublaeve (Sow.), Cadoceras sp., Proplanulites
teisseyrei Tornquist, and many brachiopods (R. Douville, 1910; Bigot,
1938; Cardinet, 1944).

Zone of Macrocephalites macrocephalus. At Argences are clays with

Macrocephalites herveyi. U p p e r Cornbrash with Macrocephalitidae occurs
at L i o n - s u r - M e r and Breville-Bavent with the typical brachiopods as in
Dorset (Mercier, 1927, 1928; Parent, 1939a, 1939c). At Argences the
Cornbrash brachiopods occur in clay u n d e r the herveyi clay (Dangeard,
1951, p . 131).

U P P E R BATHONIAN (up to c. 60 m.)

Zone of Clydoniceras discus. Typical Lower Cornbrash with Clydoni­

ceras discus, Chqffatia subbakeriae, Cererithyris intermedia and Ornithella
obovata also occurs at L i o n - s u r - M e r and Breville-Bavent and along t h e
O r n e valley (Mercier, 1927, 1928; Parent, 1939a, 1939^). Beneath this
come the following representatives of the English Forest Marble and
Bradford Clay (Guillaume, 1925, 1 9 2 8 ) :
Pierre Blanche de L a n g r u n e (up to 30 m.)
M a r n e a Ornithella digona (c. 1 m.)
Caillasse a Rhynchonella boueti (1-5 m.)

T h e last bed is an expansion of the condensed boueti bed of the Dorset

coast (Guillaume, 1928; Mercier, 1935, 1939).
Zone of Oppelia aspidoides. T h i s zone is comparably represented b y
the Great Oolite at and south of B a t h :
Caillasse inf. a cephalopodes de Ranville: a lenticular bed with Wagneri­
ceras wagneri (Oppel), W. arbustigerum (d'Orb.), Clydoniceras sp., Oppelia
aspidoides (Oppel) and Oecotraustes serrigerus Waagen (Guillaume, 1925,
p . 50), w i t h Dictyothyris coarctata, Eudesia cardium, Eligmus polytypus,
etc. (Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1864, p . 147)
Pierre de Taille de Ranville (10 m.)
Caillasses d e Blainville et d u Maresquet, with Oppelia aspidoides,
Oecotraustes serrigerus, Wagnericeras spp. and 'Zeilleria' circumdata (1 m . )
Pierre de Taille de Blainville and Colombelles with coral and stromato-
poroid b e d s which, despite their names, are hardly t r u e reefs (Bigot, 1934,
1949; Dangeard, 1948). (Judging by ammonites figured (Bigot, 1934,
pi. xli) at least some of these beds are U p p e r Bajocian).
Caillasse d e Fontaine-Henry, w i t h Siemiradzkia aurigera (Oppel),
Prohecticoceras retrocostatum (de Grossouvre) and large ammonites
described (Parent, 19396) as Parkinsonia wurttembergica, but which
presumably are large discoidal Gracilisphinctes (3 m.).

M I D D L E BATHONIAN (11-20 m.)

Pierre de Taille de Creully and G r e s du Planet (3-10 m.)

Caillasses de L o n g u e s et de Marigny (Guillaume, 1927), with Tulites
subcontractus, Morrisiceras morrisi, Bullatimorphites cf. ymir, Cadomites sp.,
Siemiradzkia and other Perisphinctids, and Ebrayiceras gignouxi
(Guillaume, 1928a).
LOWER BATHONIAN (up to c. 60 m.)

As in England, the stratigraphy of all b u t the basal beds of the L o w e r

Bathonian is uncertain owing to scarcity of ammonites. Guillaume
(1927) established the following succession on and near t h e coast at
Calcaires de Maisy (8-10 m.) (perhaps M i d d l e Bathonian)
Calcaires de Cricqueville (10-15 - )
Calcaires de Vierville (4-5-12 m.) with Posidonia alpina
M a r n e s de Port-en-Bessin (c. 40 m.) with Posidonia alpina.
Inland the marls (Lower Fuller's E a r t h pro parte) are believed to pass
laterally into the Calcaire de Caen (30-55 m.), famous building-stone
of the N o r m a n s ; b u t the Calcaire de Caen m a y b e in part also equivalent
to the Calcaires de Vierville & Cricqueville (Parent, 1945), sometimes
united as the Oolithe Miliaire b u t not corresponding to that group a r o u n d
Caen, where the t r u e Oolithe Miliaire is M i d d l e and e a r l y - U p p e r
Bathonian. A m m o n i t e records are insufficient for a decisive answer
(discussed Wetzel, 1924, p p . 217-8). Eudes-Deslongchamps (1864,
p p . 121-8) recorded ammonites nearly a m e t r e in diameter which seemed
to him to be giant Am. parkinsoni; this and the vertebrates recall t h e
Hook N o r t o n Limestone and indicate the Zigzag Zone.
T h e ammonites of this zone a b o u n d in three t h i n beds of limestone,
altogether 40-50 centimetres thick, which crop out on the shore east of
Port-en-Bessin (Guillaume, 19276):
Bed C : abundant Oppelia (Oxycerites) fallax (Gueranger), O. limosa
(Buck.), O. nivernensis de Gross., with Morphoceras, Ebrayiceras, Zigzagi-
ceras, Oecotraustes, etc.
Bed B : same fauna b u t Zigzagiceras and Morphoceras m o r e a b u n d a n t ,
Oppeliids less common.
Bed A : still has O. fallax and other Oppeliids, Morphoceras and Ebrayi­
ceras, but also abundant Parkinsonia convergens (Buckman), P. pachypleura
Buck., and P. ?postera (Seebach), with large Procerites cf. schloenbachi de
Gross. (I was able to confirm and correct some of these identifications,
especially the Parkinsonidae, when the late Louis Guillaume showed m e
his collection in Paris in 1951).

U P P E R BAJOCIAN (up to 15 m.)

I n the cliffs of Bessin the Zigzag Zone rests on a thick white c o m p a c t

limestone with abundant sponge-remains ('Oolithe Blanche', b u t it is
not a true oolite), from which rare Parkinsoniae and Oppeliids have been
obtained b u t not determined. T h i s corresponds to the 'schloenbachi
beds' and sponge limestone in the same position in Dorset, at the t o p of
the Parkinsoni Zone.
U n d e r the white sponge limestone about Bayeux is the Ironshot Oolite,
famous as the source of so many perfect ammonites in t h e quarry at
Sully, about 3 miles N W . of Bayeux. I t is only u p t o 2 m . thick, b u t

in it four beds with distinct ammonite assemblages are recognized (Brasil,

1895, 18956; Bigot, 1930, p . 383); the highest three comprise the rest
of the U p p e r Bajocian. A revision of the ammonites in accordance with
m o d e r n systematics is badly needed notwithstanding an attempt by
Wetzel (1924). F r o m t h e records the following may b e deduced : —
Layer d, very thin and transitional lithologically to the overlying white
limestone: Polyplectites linguiferus (d'Orb.) dominant, with Morphoceras
defrancei (d'Orb.), M. sp., Parkinsonia parkinsoni (Sow.), Caumonti-
sphinctes caumonti (d'Orb.), Strigoceras truellei (d'Orb.), Cadomoceras
cadomense (Defr.) (v. common), Oecotraustes genicularis Waagen, Oppelia
subradiata (Sow.), etc.
Layer c, with Parkinsonia parkinsoni, P. spp., C. caumonti, and all the
other species as in layer d, b u t also a b u n d a n t Lytoceras eudesianum
(d'Orb.) and Calliphylloceras heterophylloides (Oppel) (type locality).
Layer b, with Garantiana garantiana (d'Orb.), G. spp., Strenoceras
subfurcatum (Ziet.), S. bigoti Brasil, Strigoceras truellei (d'Orb.), Oppelia
subradiata (Sow.), Oecotraustes genicularis Waag., O. skrodskyi Brasil,
Leptosphinctes davidsoni Buck., Cadomites deslongchampsi (d'Orb.), Sphaero-
ceras brongniarti (Sow.), Bigotites spp. (Nicolesco, 1917), and Spiroceras.
It is obvious that layers c and d fall in the Parkinsoni Zone, while
layer b represents a condensed mixture of the Garantiana and S u b ­
furcatum Zones. (See also de Grossouvre, 1919, p . 347, for commentary
on this sequence.)
J u d g i n g b y some small ammonites figured (Bigot, 1934, pi. xli), shelly
beds transgressive on the G r e s de M a y and described as Bathonian
('Bradfordian') are U p p e r Bajocian; b u t see also p . 76.

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN (1-3 m.)

Layer a of the Oolithe ferrugineuse is conglomeratic and contains t w o

distinct faunas. T h e contemporary ammonites are those proper to t h e
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone, namely Dorsetensia complanata Buck., D. edou-
ardiana (d'Orb.), D. regrediens H a u g , D. lennieri Brasil, Skirroceras
bayleanum (Oppel), Teloceras blagdeni (Sow.), Stemmatoceras subcoronatum
(Oppel), Chondroceras gervillei (Sow.), Poecilomorphus cycloides (d'Orb.),
Bajocia farcyi Brasil, Cadomoceras sullyense Brasil, Strigoceras bessinum
Brasil, etc.
Inside t h e blocks of t h e conglomerate (which are often large) is a
derived fauna, among which Brasil enumerates Sonninia propinquans
Bayle, S. corrugata Buck., Zurcheria zurcheri Douville, Otoites sauzei
( d ' O r b . ) , Emileia polymera (Waag.) and Bradfordia praeradiata ( D o u v . ) :
clearly a n assemblage derived from t h e Sauzei Zone. An analogue of
this layer is the 'Red Conglomerate' at Burton Bradstock, an impersistent
seam occupying pockets in t h e top of t h e R e d Bed.
T h e Sowerbyi Zone is greatly reduced and impersistent, but two levels
have b e e n recognized, an u p p e r with Witchellia laeviuscula (Sow.) and a

lower with Hyperlioceras walkeri (Buck.) (Discites S u b z o n e ) ; t h e b e d s

are thin, partly phosphatized a n d conglomeratic (Brasil, 18956, p . 2 ;
Bigot, 1930, p . 382).

LOWER BAJOCIAN (up to 6 m . )

Zone of Ludwigia murchisonae. Although thin a n d sometimes i m ­

persistent, all three subzones of murchisonae, bradfordensis a n d concavum
have long been recognized a n d assigned t o t h e Lower Bajocian ( M u n i e r -
Chalmas, 1892; Brasil, 1895, 1895a). M a n y interesting ammonites were
figured a n d assigned to their proper subzones b y Brasil (1895); among
them Planammatoceras vaceki (Brasil), P. megacanthum (Brasil), Erycites
cestiferus Brasil, Zurcheria pugnax Vacek, Z. boutillieri Brasil, a n d t h r e e
new species of Lytoceratids. I n M a y quarries t h e various subzones
overlap earlier beds a n d transgress o n t h e Palaeozoic platform (see
fig- 5)-


FIG. 5.—The plateau of May-sur-Orne; diagrammatic section, after Bigot.

Bajocian: 18, White oolite; 17, Oolithe ferrugineuse; 14, 13, Witchellia and
Sonninia beds; 10, Brasilia bradfordensis beds; 9, Ludwigia murchisonae beds;
8, Leioceras opalinum beds (Le Diguet).
Toarcian: 5, Grammoceras toarcense beds with zone of Haugia variabilis at
base; 4, Hildoceras bifrons beds; 3, Harpoceras falcifer beds (crinoidal limestone
and Leptaena bed).
Pliensbachian: 2, Amaltheus margaritatus beds (conglomerate and pockets of
gastropods); 1, Acanthopleuroceras valdani beds (Butte de Laize).

Zones of Tmetoceras scissum a n d Leioceras opalinum. A b e d containing

L. opalinum commonly occurs at L e D i g u e t quarry ( M u n i e r - C h a l m a s ,
1892, p . clxiii). T h e zone was later found at other localities, a n d studied
by Brasil (1893), w h o found close affinity between its fauna a n d that of
the Murchisonae Zone, justifying its inclusion in t h e Bajocian. H e
figured from it Ludwigia sp., Eudmetoceras actinomphalum (Brasil) a n d
E. feuguerollense (Brasil), a n d recorded Tmetoceras scissum a n d Erycites
cf. fallax. H e stated that Tmetoceras scissum also ranges u p into t h e
Murchisonae Zone. T h e base of t h e O p a l i n u m Z o n e locally contains
rolled ammonites derived from t h e U p p e r Toarcian (Brasil, 1896,
p. 150).

TOARCIAN (up to 10 m.)

I n the condensed succession of clays and shales all the main zones
a n d subzones are represented. T h e following sequence has been
recognized (Brasil, 1895a, 1896; Munier-Chalmas, 1892):
Niveau de Pleydellia aalensis
Niveau d e Dumortieria pseudoradiosa
Niveau de Grammoceras thouarsense & G. fallaciosum
Niveau de Haugia variabilis
Niveau de Hildoceras bifrons & Dact. commune
Niveau de Harpoceras falcifer & H. levisoni
A list of ammonites from each level of t h e U p p e r Toarcian is given b y
Brasil (1895a) and of the Lower Toarcian by Munier-Chalmas (1892).
At M a y the various zones a n d subzones overlap one another on to the
Palaeozoic platform and are overlapped by the Bajocian.


T h i n remnants and wisps of deposits, limestone, sand and conglomerate

with various U p p e r and Lower Pliensbachian ammonite faunas, occur
at a n u m b e r of places u p o n the Palaeozoics and sometimes contain blocks
of Ordovician G r e s de M a y (Bigot, 1930, p . 380). A remarkable ammonite,
Canavaria mazetieri ( D u b a r sp., 1927), seems to b e a link w i t h
Mediterranean faunas; it was found in situ at Tilly in the limestone b a n d
w h i c h contains Amaltheus a n d Pleuroceras a n d forms the top of the stage.
A t this locality the thickness reaches 7 m . and three horizons are separable
(Dangeard, 1951, p . 97).


R e m n a n t s of these stages also occur, b u t ammonites are rare; Psiloceras

johnstoni and Arietites bisulcatus are recorded (Bigot, 1930, p . 378).
Locally the Sinemurian reaches 30-35 m., consisting of clays and thin
argillaceous limestones with Gryphaea arcuata.



South of the Loire the Jurassic ring that encircles the Paris Basin sends
out an extension south-westward, between the crystalline rocks of
Armorica and the Plateau Central, to join u p with Jurassic outcrops that
flank t h e northern rim of the basin of Aquitaine. T h e narrows between
the two crystalline massifs are known in geological literature as t h e
Straits of Poitiers. T h e Jurassic forms a low plateau, faulted and gently
folded in T e r t i a r y times o n lines parallel to t h e Armorican structures in
the basement.
I n this south-western area t h e Lias is greatly reduced and incomplete
and, as in Normandy, the various stages overlap the crystalline rocks,
sometimes with basal conglomerates. T h e Toarcian is t h i n b u t complete.
N o t far south of the Loire is its type-locality of T h o u a r s . T h e Bajocian
and Bathonian are thicker a n d highly variable in facies. T h e Callovian
is in most places greatly reduced in thickness b u t complete and extremely
rich in ammonites. T h e Oxfordian is also fully represented. T h i s is
usually the highest stage present, b u t in t h e south-west there is some
Lower Kimeridgian left beneath the transgressive Cenomanian. Excellent
detailed general accounts are given by Welsch (1903), Couffon & Dolfuss
(1928), and Glangeaud (1895).


A broad b a n d of limestones with m a r l s a n d coral rags, u p t o 100 m .

thick, extends from the coast between L a Rochelle and M a r a n s inland
through Charente Inferieure and Charente, in which it is often difficult
to draw the line between Lower Kimeridgian and U p p e r Oxfordian.
T h e upper part, when in suitable cephalopod facies, yields Streblites
tenuilobatus (Oppel), Rasenioides thermarum (Oppel), Aspidoceras, Tara-
melliceras, Lithacoceras, etc. T o this period belong t h e fine coral reefs
exposed on the coast near L a Rochelle and figured by H a u g (1910, T r a i t e ,
pis. 107, 108). (Glangeaud, 1895, p p . 215-33).

OXFORDIAN (up to 90 m.)

Zone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum. T h e lower p a r t of the formations

j u s t described, where in suitable facies, yields the zone fossil and Ocheto-
ceras marantianum d ' O r b . sp., used as alternative index by Oppel and
others, of which the type locality is M a r a n s on this coast, together with
other Oppeliidae and Perisphinctidae (Glangeaud, 1895, p p . 2 2 2 - 3 ;
Welsch, 1903, p . 850; G e r a r d , 1937, with some new species of
Zone of Gregoryceras transversarium. T h i s zone also exhibits rapid
changes of facies, from marls and marly limestones with cephalopods
to coral rags and lithographic limestones with pelecypods. I n places
where the facies is suitable all the characteristic ammonites occur. T h e
beds have variously been called the transversarium, perarmatum, martelli
and canaliculatum zone (Glangeaud, 1895, p p . 195-213; Welsch, 1903,
p p . 847 ff.; Gerard, 1937, pis. xi-xiv, with new species).
Zone of Cardioceras cordatum. T h e ammonite fauna of this zone is
mostly pyritized (Glangeaud, 1895, p . 198). T h e small Cardioceras spp.
figured by de Grossouvre (1922, pi. xv) certainly belong to this zone
and seem to include C. costicardia Buckman (fig. 1) and other English
species. W i t h t h e m are Creniceras crenatum and a n u m b e r of Tara-
melliceras (Proscaphites), Trimarginites, Euaspidoceras, etc., including
interesting new species figured b y de Grossouvre (1922) and G e r a r d (1937).
T h e Zone of Quenstedtoceras mariae seems to be missing.

CALLOVIAN (up to 60 m.)

T h e Callovian is especially celebrated for its wealth of well-preserved

ammonites and appears to b e complete with all its zones. T h e ammonites
and their stratigraphy, especially those from the famous locality M o n t r e u i l -
Bellay (30 miles S E . of Angers) have been the subject of studies b y
H e b e r t & Deslongchamps (i860), de Grossouvre (1891), Couffon (1917-19,
1934), Petitclerc (1915, 1918, 1921, 1924) and G e r a r d & Contaut (1936).
T h e s e works provide a wealth of excellent figures. T h e stratigraphy
is also well summarized b y Glangeaud (1895), Welsch (1903) and Couffon
& Dolfuss (1928).
T h e Lower Callovian contains Bullatimorphites spp. as well as all t h e
usual genera, b u t it is doubtful w h e t h e r t h e t r u e Macrocephalus Z o n e
is represented, despite m a n y records of this species and M. herveyi ;
if the index species does occur it seems to be associated with Kepplerites,
Reineckeia, etc., of the Koenigi and later zones. T h e age of the celebrated
ironstone fauna of t h e Chalet quarry, Montreuil-Bellay, is substantially
M i d d l e Callovian, w i t h late-Lower Callovian, as can b e seen from Couffon's
splendid plates. T h e U p p e r Callovian contains a remarkable fauna of
the Athleta Zone (monographed b y G e r a r d & Contaut, 1936) and locally
admits of the separation of a distinct L a m b e r t i Zone (de Grossouvre,
1891, p . 252).

BATHONIAN (about 12 m.)

Typically, t h e Bathonian consists of 8-10 m . of poorly-fossiliferous
cherty limestones w i t h thin ammonite beds above and below. At the
top is a variable series of limestones with Oxycerites aspidoides, Bullati­
morphites bullatus, etc., assigned to the Aspidoides Zone (Welsch, 1903,
p p . 841, 974, 994). A t t h e base is a well-marked horizon ( o ^ - i ^ m.)
with a rich fauna of the Zigzag Zone, yielding all the characteristic
ammonites, such as Zigzagiceras in great variety, Morphoceras, Ebrayi-
ceras, Procerites schloenbachi and other spp., Parkinsonia spp., and
Oxycerites spp. (Welsch, 1894). At L u c o n , Vendee, are limestones
with Cadomites which de Grossouvre (1930, p . 363) regarded as M i d d l e
Bathonian. Although t h e Bathonian along the western border of t h e
Massif Central is often called brackish, t h e fauna is overwhelmingly
normal marine (Glangeaud, 1895, p . 168).

BAJOCIAN (up to 50 m.)

T h e Bajocian, t h o u g h often thin, seems to be zonally complete. All

t h e zones from O p a l i n u m t o Parkinsoni have been recognized a n d
distinguished by their a m m o n i t e faunas (Glangeaud, 1895, 1896; Welsch,
1903, p p . 828, 9 8 6 ; 1928a; Couffon & Dolfuss, 1928, p . 34). Especially
valuable for world correlation is a succession of ammonite horizons,
each with a distinctive assemblage agreeing with its Dorset counterpart,
representing t h e Discites, Trigonalis a n d Laeviuscula Subzones of t h e
Sowerbyi Zone, and overlain by the Sauzei Zone (Welsch, 1928a). T h e
collections were determined b y S. S. Buckman and are in the m u s e u m
of the Faculte des Sciences at Poitiers.

TOARCIAN (8-10 m.)

I n its type region the Toarcian consists uniformly of blue marl with
blue marly limestone bands and pyritized ammonites. Although t h e
stage is so thin, the following a m m o n i t e zones are distinguishable at
T h o u a r s (Welsch, 1903, p . 8 2 1 ; 1928; for farther east, in I n d r e , see
Mouterde, 1948). Locally the stage transgresses on to the crystalline
Zone of Pleydellia aalensis
Zone of Dumortieria radians
Zone of Hammatoceras insigne, with Polyplectus discoides
Zone of Grammoceras thouarsense, with G. striatulum
Zone of Haugia variabilis, with Pseudolioceras compactile
Zone of Hildoceras bifrons, with H. levisoni and Dactylioceras commune
Zone of Harpoceras falcifer, with Dactylioceras annulatum and Frechiella


Limestones and sandy limestones of this stage yield Pleuroceras
spinatum, Amaltheus margaritatus, Prodactylioceras davoei, Androgyno-
ceras capricornum, Protogrammoceras normannianum, etc. (Welsch, 1903,
p p . 815-21, 9 4 5 ; Couffon & Dolfuss, 1928, p . 32). Locally the stage
transgresses on to the crystallines.


W h e r e not cut out by Pliensbachian or Toarcian overlaps, there are
limestones assigned to the Lower Lias b u t containing a meagre fauna.
A n Arietites is recorded (Welsch, 1903, p p . 8 1 2 - 5 ; Glangeaud, 1895,
p p . 22 ff.).
F r o m the departments of I n d r e and Nievre in t h e south, a continuous
broad band of Jurassic,—the most extensive outcrop in E u r o p e — , encircles
t h e Chalk of the Paris Basin on t h e east as far n o r t h as t h e Ardennes.
South-eastwards it spreads over continuously b y way of the Plateau of
Langres and the department of D o u b s to join u p with the J u r a chain,
a n d it is continued eastward in south Belgium, L u x e m b u r g and Alsace.
I n this great Jurassic area are Hettange and S e m u r , t y p e localities of t h e
Hettangian and Sinemurian stages.
Against the Palaeozoic horsts of t h e Massif Central, Morvan, Vosges
a n d Ardennes, various m e m b e r s of t h e Jurassic change facies or wedge
out, overlapped by higher m e m b e r s or b y t h e Cretaceous. F o r instance,
in the Ardennes area t h e Cretaceous usually rests on t h e Oxfordian,
t h o u g h occasionally there is some Lower K i m e r i d g e left below t h e u n ­
conformity; parts of the Lower Lias are sometimes missing; and t h e

Callovian a n d Lower Oxfordian are often condensed and represented b y

thin ironstones.
F o r t h e most p a r t t h e area is one of limestone plateaux, sparsely wooded.
T h e chief plateau-building limestones are t h e Bajocian-Bathonian, t h e
U p p e r Oxfordian (coralline oolites a n d coral rag) and the Middle a n d
U p p e r Kimeridgian (Calcaire d u Barrois). T h e only extensive lowland
is t h e marshy Woevre, where t h e Callovian and Lower Oxfordian are
developed as in England a n d N o r m a n d y as 'Oxford Clay'. T h e chief
sections are along t h e valleys of t h e Rivers Loire, Yonne, Seine, M e u s e ,
Saone, a n d D o u b s , where regional monographs have long given an
excellent picture of chosen parts of t h e Jurassic (for instance Buvignier,
1852; d e Loriol & Cotteau, 1868; d e Loriol, Royer & Tombeck, 1872).
M o d e r n syntheses of remarkable breadth and detail now exist or are in
preparation for t h e n o r t h (Bonte, 1941), centre (Joly, 1908, Corroy,
1934; M a u b e u g e , 1955, in t h e press*) a n d south (Mouterde, 1953, Lias
a n d Bajocian only). Briefer syntheses of t h e whole area, or most of it,
are given b y Lemoine (1911), Corroy (1927) a n d Gignoux (1950, 4 t h ed.,
p . 351) w h o i n his great book o n stratigraphical geology takes t h e east
of t h e Paris Basin as a type series t o illustrate the Jurassic System.
Exhaustive bibliographies are given b y Bonte (1941) and Mouterde (1953).
T h e following is a n a t t e m p t t o collate t h e most important chronological
evidence, as distinct from t h e almost boundless wealth of detail in t h e
domains of facies a n d palaeontology.

PORTLANDIAN ? (0-12 m.)

T h e 'Zone a Cyrena rugosa' ( u p to 12 m . ) consists of greenish-grey

sandy limestones enclosing t h e freestone of Savonnieres (3-7 m.), from
which are recorded Trigonia gibbosa a n d 'Perisphinctes giganteus' (Lemoine,
1911, p . 124). Quantities of Corbula inflexa a n d Cyrena rugosa indicate
a shallow a n d brackish sea. (Mollusca figured b y de Loriol, Royer
& T o m b e c k , 1872.) T h e Lower Cretaceous overlaps more or less

U P P E R KIMERIDGIAN ? (100 m . )

T h e following succession of t h e u p p e r Calcaires d u Barrois has n o t y e t

been satisfactorily dated (see d e Loriol, Royer & Tombeck, 1872; Salin,
Calcaires tubuleux, 2 m . , with Serpulae
Calcaires tachetesl . T> 1
~, , . ., \c. 100 m . about Bar-le-Duc
Calcaires caries J
T o g e t h e r these beds are known as t h e Zone a Cyprina brongniarti. T h e r e
is a rich pelecypod fauna, b u t t h e only ammonites mentioned a r e
uncertain Perisphinctids (? Katroliceras suprajurense d'Orb. sp.).
* Unfortunately I have not had the advantage of this work, publication of which has;
been delayed. Dr Maubeuge, however, has sent me several hundred ammonites during
the period 1948-53 and showed me some of the sections in 1954.
M I D D L E KIMERIDGIAN (60-70 m.)

T h e lower part of the Calcaires du Barrois (Salin, 1935) consists largely

of lithographic limestone, b u t contains a marl with Hemicidaris purbeck-
ensis and at top shelly limestones. Both above and below the marl occur
rather commonly Gravesia irius (d'Orb.), G. portlandica (de Loriol) and
G. gravesiana (d'Orb.). O t h e r ammonites are Aulacostephanus autissio-
dorensis (Cotteau) and Aspidoceras catalaunicum (de Loriol). (Figures in
de Loriol & Cotteau, 1868; de Loriol, Royer & T o m b e c k , 1872.)

LOWER KIMERIDGIAN (up to c. 150 m.)

T h e Lower Kimeridgian is difficult to correlate, owing to a high

proportion of oolites and other facies unfavourable to ammonites. U n d e r
the Gigas Zone in the H a u t e M a r n e are 90-100 m . of limestones and
marls divided by de Loriol, Royer & T o m b e c k (1872) between their
zones of Aspicoderas caletanum (Oppel) above and Orthaspidoceras ortho-
cerum (d'Orb.) below. T h e u p p e r zone (45 m.) contains A. caletanum,
Aulacostephanus cf. pseudomutabilis (de Loriol), Involuticeras erinum
(d'Orb.) and Enosphinctes eumelus (d'Orb.). T h e lower zone contains
O. orthocerum (d'Orb.), Physodoceras lallierianum (d'Orb.), Rasenia
decipiens ( d ' O r b . non Sow.), Aulacostephanus quenstedti D u r a n d and
Ataxioceras lorioli D u r a n d . I t appears to have been from a conglomerate
at the base of this series that Rasenia cf. evoluta Salfeld was collected b y
Maubeuge (1953). I n that case these two Aspidoceratid zones represent
the three zones of Pseudomutabilis, Mutabilis, and Cymodoce.
Underneath come the following beds :—
Calcaire a Astartes, 25-30 m., the type formation of M a r c o u ' s Sequanien
stage; from this level 'Pictonia cymodoce' has repeatedly been recorded
(Abrard, 1929).
Oolithe de la M o t h e , 7 m .
Lithographic limestones, 30-40 m., with the Oolithe de Saucourt in
the middle ('Corallien compacte', u p p e r part).
F r o m all these beds de Loriol, Royer & T o m b e c k recorded no ammonites
except the doubtful 'Perisphinctes achilles', b u t that at least t h e Calcaire
a Astartes is Lower Kimeridgian in H a u t e - S a o n e is confirmed b y its
yielding Katroliceras aff. crussoliense (Font.) and Rasenia aff. trifurcata
(Rein.) (Petitclerc, 1916-17, pi. vii, 1, 2, pi. viii, 1-5). F o r the underlying
beds evidence is still needed. According to Corroy (1927, p . n o ) ,
Ataxioceras lothari (Oppel) is 'characteristic' of this group of beds, without
distinction of level, and if it is t r u e that they are o n the same horizon as
clays at Dompcevrin, Meuse, with A. lothari, Katroliceras crussoliense
(Font.), Progeronia ernesti (de Lor.), and P. lictor (Font.), they m u s t b e
still Kimeridgian, equivalent to the Lothari and Platynota subzones of
the Tenuilobatus Zone in S W . G e r m a n y . I n N W . E u r o p e it appears
that these Ataxioceras and Progeronia beds are missing; t h e extremely
thin Baylei Zone is no adequate equivalent.

U P P E R OXFORDIAN (up to 150 m . or m o r e )

Zone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum. T o this zone certainly belongs
t h e lower half (30-40 m.) of the 'Corallien compacte', from which de
Loriol, Royer & T o m b e c k (1872) figured E. bimammatum Quenst. sp.
(pi. v, fig. 3), Ochetoceras marantianum d ' O r b . sp. (pi. v, fig. 4), Decipia
sp. (pi. iv, fig. 3), and Ringsteadia frequens Salfeld (pi. iv, fig. 2). T h e
first two guide-fossils are found in various places on the east and south­
east of t h e Paris Basin (Lemoine, 1911, p p . 113-117). T h e basal part of
t h e zone, corresponding to the Cautisnigrae Subzone of England, is
represented in at least t h e u p p e r part of the Calcaire de Creue, M e u s e
(or in similar beds taken for it), with Perisphinctes mosensis Bayle, P. aff.
damoni Arkell, etc. (Maubeuge, 1953, p . 1909).
Zone of Gregoryceras transversarium. T h e species of Gregoryceras
have been revised and figured b y de Grossouvre (1917). T o this zone
belong the thick coral rags and coralline oolites, such as those of St
Mihiel, M e u s e (Buvignier, 1852), with wonderfully rich faunas of
pelecypods, gastropods, echinoids, etc. in which ammonites are either
very scarce or wanting. I n the chalky Calcaire de Creue ammonites are
c o m m o n e r b u t crushed; most are certainly of Transversarium Zone age
(Dechaseaux, 1931, p . 354; Bonte, 1938; Maubeuge, 1953, p . 1909).
T h e sorting-out of t h e ammonite succession in these coralline facies,
mainly from isolated marly lenticles, remains one of the major problems
in the stratigraphy of the Paris Basin. T h e most promising attempt was
m a d e by de Grossouvre (1897), who sought to establish a n u m b e r of
ammonite zones, b u t it is difficult to relate these to the stratigraphy.
His conclusions seem to indicate a more gradual passage into both
C o r d a t u m Zone faunas below and B i m a m m a t u m Zone faunas above,
t h e fauna of the Transversarium Zone being less distinctly demarcated
t h a n in N W . E u r o p e and the J u r a ranges, probably as the result of
continuity of deposition a n d environment. T h e same result emerges
from t h e researches of M a u b e u g e (19516) in the Verdun region and on
t h e Etain sheet (19520"). Here, as in the Swiss Jura, the fauna of the
Plicatilis Z o n e occurs below the coralline beds, in the 'Chailles'; and
in the Ardennes (Arkell, 1948, p . 390) and Cote d'Or (Collot, 1917)
t h e base of the zone, already with Gregoryceras transversarium or G.
toucasi near Dijon, is found in the top of the ironshot oolites which so
often underlie the coralline oolites and coral rags. M u c h time has been
wasted in sterile attempts to classify the beds into 'Oxfordian s.s.',
'Argovian', 'Rauracian', and 'Sequanian' (e.g. Reyre, 1944) without
regard to ammonites and oblivious of the fact that in the type-area of
t h e J u r a M o u n t a i n s the Rauracian and Argovian have long ago been shown
t o b e the same, and that both are equivalent to d'Orbigny's U p p e r
Oxfordian. I n the Nievre this tendency has been carried to extremes
w i t h four substages for each of these stages (Panthier, 1931-35);
b u t a useful set of ammonites has been figured, all belonging to the
U p p e r Oxfordian and typical of the Plicatilis-Transversarium Zone.
Since most are misidentified, they may be listed here with revised
names :
Cardioceras cf. excavatum (Sow.) (Panthier, pi. iv)
Ochetoceras canaliculatum var. hispidum (Oppel) and an intermediate
variety ('montapinense' Panthier) (pi. v)
Perisphinctes cuneicostatus Arkell (type, P. martelli Klebelsberg, 1912,
pi. xviii, fig. 2) (pi. vi)
P. chloroolithicus (Giimbel) (pi. vii)
P. aff. cotovui Simionescu (pi. viii)
Euaspidoceras perarmatum (Sow.) (pi. ix)
E. (Paraspidoceras) chqffati (de Loriol) (pi. x)
E. nivernum Panthier (pi. xi) (indet. from figure)
I t is to b e hoped t h a t t h e admirable remarks b y M a u b e u g e (195 ib, p . 21)
will be taken to heart by future workers.

LOWER OXFORDIAN (up to 60 m.)

Zone of Cardioceras cordatum. T h e zone is widely represented, mainly

b y two facies: T e r r a i n a Chailles, and ironshot oolite. T h e 'chailles'
are chert nodules. T h e usual thickness is about 8-15 m . Locally,
however, these facies pass laterally into normal oolites (as in t h e J u r a :
see p . 96) and t h e n there is liable to be confusion with the overlying
zone. T h e fauna of the C o r d a t u m Z o n e sensu stricto is best represented
by the Neuvizy Ironstone in the Ardennes, celebrated for its wealth of
ammonites in wonderful preservation (Arkell, 1948, p . 390). A n Aspido-
ceratid fauna mainly of this age has been figured from the ironstone of
the Cote d'Or by Collot (1917), and t h e Cardioceratidae and some
Perisphinctidae have been figured from t h e r e also (especially from T a l e n t )
in several works by Maire (1938, 1940, and see references u n d e r M a r i a e
Zone). T h e typical ammonite assemblage is also recorded from t h e
Terrain a Chailles of the T o u l district ( M a u b e u g e , 1950c, p . 82) and the
Etain district (Maubeuge, 1952^, tableau), and a n u m b e r of figures are
given by Petitclerc (1916-17).
Zone of Quenstedtoceras mariae. T h e typical facies is marls with
pyritized ammonites in great variety, dominated b y Scarburgiceras,
Pavloviceras and Proscaphites, with Creniceras renggeri, Properisphinctes,
Prososphinctes, etc., b u t the zone also occurs as ironshot oolite as at
Talent, and as 'gaize', a siliceous marly sandstone ( u p to 50 m . ) . T h e
ammonites have been well illustrated in a n u m b e r of works b y Maire
(1908, 1928, 1932, 1932a, 1938, 1938a, 19386, 1940; lists for the Dijon
district also by Poinsot, 1939, u n d e r 'Praecordatum Z o n e ' ) . The
assemblage is closely comparable with t h a t in t h e Renggeri M a r l s of the
Jura and equivalent U p p e r Oxford Clay in t h e Boulonnais and England.

CALLOVIAN (up to 170 m.)

I n the Woevre the whole Callovian is represented in clay facies which

passes u p into the Lower Oxfordian, Mariae Zone. T h e full thickness

of the Argiles de Woevre is 215 m., of which the Callovian part is at

least 165 m . thick ( M a u b e u g e , 19520", 1953a). Elsewhere condensed
ironshot oolites represent all or any of the subdivisions, while the Lower
Callovian passes into crinoidal limestone (Dalle nacree) and oolites that
were long mistaken for Bathonian.


Usually, where condensed, the Athleta and Lamberti Zones cannot

be separated, b u t they remain distinct where in clay facies and have
been recognized separately in the Dijon district (Poinsot, 1939) and about
Besancon (Bonte, 1945a) (where the L a m b e r t i Zone was mistaken for
t h e M a r i a e Zone). Extensive series of figures of Quenstedtoceras from the
L a m b e r t i Zone are given by Maire (1938) and a few also by Petitclerc
(1916-17, pi. ii, figs. 1-4). I n the Vaux boring (Woevre), the presence
of a good Athleta Zone fauna between 105 and 153 m. and of well-
preserved, unmistakable Kosmoceras arkelli Makowski at 45 m. (Arkell
in M a u b e u g e , 1953a) suggests t h a t U p p e r Callovian clays there are at
least 108 m . thick.


Zone of Reineckeia anceps. T h e stratigraphy and ammonites of t h e

M i d d l e Callovian have been monographed by Corroy (1932, as Callovian
superieur), from whose work it is apparent that Oppel's single zone of
anceps is h e r e m o r e practical, as in t h e J u r a a n d Germany, though i n
some places (e.g. Corroy, 1932, p . 57, fig. 10) a lower level with Kosmoceras
jason and a higher with R. anceps are recognized; but in others a level of
Erymnoceras coronatum is recognized below a mixed level of jason and
anceps (p. 61, fig. 11). T h e ammonite fauna is extremely rich, especially
where t h e beds are condensed into a few metres or less of ironshot oolite.
I t includes a great variety of Reineckeia, Hecticoceras, Grossouvria,
Chqffatia, etc., with subordinate Kosmoceras and Erymnoceras, t h u s
showing its southern affinities. (See also Bonte, 1945a; Joly, 1914; and
figures in Petitclerc, 1916-17.)


Besides the records listed in previous literature, there is evidence for

Koenigi and Macrocephalus Zones in the magnificent plates of Corroy's
m o n o g r a p h (1932). Unfortunately, however, misidentifications are so
general in this work t h a t it requires t o b e used with discretion. Sigalo­
ceras calloviense is recorded b u t not figured, nor are there figures of any
Sigaloceras or Catasigaloceras, so that the presence of this zone remains
doubtful. T h e Koenigi Zone is represented by splendid Proplanulites
spp. (1932, pis. xx-xxii), Gowericeras (pi. xxiv, figs. 3, 4), Cadoceras
(pi. xv, 5, 6), a n d Pleurocephalites (pi. v, 1-6). Species of Kamptokephalites,
Macrocephalites s.s., and Dolikephalites (pis. vi-xii) abound and show

that in some places at least the u p p e r part of the Macrocephalus Zone is

represented in the ironshot and condensed 'Callovian inferieur' (especially
in the Vosges department). Elsewhere, however, probably the Koenigi
Zone alone is represented in this, resting on the crinoidal Dalle nacree,
which represents the kamptus b e d s of the Macrocephalus Zone (see above,
p . 26). Finally, the lower division, or Macrocephalus Subzone s.s., is
developed, at least about Chaumont, as white oolite, previously regarded
as Bathonian, b u t yielding rarely enormous specimens of Macrocephalites
s.s. and an occasional Reineckeia (Maubeuge, 1952c). Between C h a u m o n t
and Neufchateau this basal Macrocephalus Zone rests disconformably
on the Lower Bathonian. Elsewhere other zones of the Callovian also
overlap each other and on to M i d d l e Jurassic; in the Ardennes the
Anceps Zone contains derived specimens of Proplanulites and Gowericeras,
and elsewhere the Athleta Zone overlaps the Anceps Zone (Bonte, 1939,

U P P E R BATHONIAN (up to a b o u t 50 m.)

I n the north, in the Ardennes, the U p p e r Bathonian is developed as

in the Boulonnais and in England. A t the top is Lower Cornbrash, with
subzones of Ornithella obovata and Cererithyris intermedia, underlain b y
oolitic marls and limestone with Rhynchonella elegantula like the Forest
Marble of the Boulonnais (le Wast), a n d brachiopod beds. Beneath this
again is typical White Limestone with Nerinea eudesii, overlying chalky
limestones with Rhynchonella concinna comparable to the H a m p e n M a r l y
Beds (Bonte, 1941, p p . 144-5).
Towards the south-east this well-differentiated series is replaced by
monotonous limestones, the Dalle d'Etain (20 m.), which m a y yet prove
to be (at least in part) Lower Callovian, b u t from which D r M a u b e u g e
(1950, table) has sent m e a Chqffatia belonging to an English L o w e r
Cornbrash species (unpublished) and a ? Procerites. I n central Lorraine
a more varied succession of marls, limestones, a n d oyster lumachelles
comes in again, as follows (see M a u b e u g e , 1950, for correlation; and for
details Kliipfel, 1916; Frebold & Miilleried, 1923; Gardet, 1 9 4 7 ) :
Calcaires de Rouvres, with Clydoniceras, and beds with Gresslya
peregrina and Anisocardia nitida, 15 m .
U p p e r Ostrea knorri marls, 10 m .
Marls with Rhynchonelloidea alemanica Rollier sp. (=Rh. varians auct.;
see Gardet, 1947, pi. iv, figs. 1-12) u p p e r part, = M a r n e s de Conflans,
upper part. F r o m these beds I have seen Bullatimorphites bullatus
(d'Orb.) (typical), Choffatia cf. recuperoi (Gem.) and Oxycerites sp.
indet. (see Maubeuge, 1950); 20 m.
Farther south, at least between Neufchateau a n d C h a u m o n t , t h e
U p p e r and Middle Bathonian are cut out b y overlap of t h e M a c r o ­
cephalus Zone (Oolithe de C h a u m o n t ) . Records show t h a t U p p e r
Bathonian comes in again on the south side of the Paris Basin (de
Grossouvre, 1885, p . 368).

M I D D L E BATHONIAN (up t o 25 m.)

I n the n o r t h no deposits definitely identifiable as Middle Bathonian

have b e e n described, b u t it is possible t h a t some of the lower ' G r e a t
Oolite' facies in the Ardennes (Oolithe miliaire) is of this age. I n
Lorraine, however, typical ammonites of the Subcontractus Zone occur
in the lower part of the Marls with Rh. alemanica and the upper part
of the M a r n e s du Jarnisy with Ostrea acuminata and Ostrea knorri, called
the Zone of [Procerites] quercinus by T e r q u e m & Jourdy (1869) and the
Beds with [Tulites] subcontractus b y Schlippe (1888). F r o m these beds
D r M a u b e u g e has sent m e Procerites quercinus ( T . & J.), Wagnericeras,
giant sp., Siemiradzkia pseudo-rjasanensis (Lissajous), Procerites cf.
schloenbachi de Gross., Morrisiceras sphaera Buckman, Lycetticeras
bulbosum Arkell, L. lycetti Ark., L. comma (Buck.), Tulites schlippei Arkell
and Oxycerites zoaterhousei ( M . & L.) (see Maubeuge, 1950). The
presence of the same zone at points along the south of the Paris Basin is
proved by records of several species of Tulites and Morrisiceras in t h e
departments of Nievre, Cher and Yonne, at Clamecy, Blet and Vezelay
(de Grossouvre, 1930, p . 376).

LOWER BATHONIAN (10-? 25 m.)

As in the Boulonnais, so along the outcrop flanking the Ardennes, the

Lower Bathonian is missing, or possibly represented by sands and oolite
(which are, however, probably later). I n Lorraine the characteristic
ammonite fauna of the Zigzag Zone is well represented in the Caillasses
a Anabacia (10 m.), which yield Oxycerites cf. fallax (Gueranger) and its
allies, with Procerites subprocerus (Buck.), P. schloenbachi de Gross., P.
aff. fullonicus (Buck.), P. tmetolobus Buck., Morphoceras multiforme Arkell,
Parkinsonia convergens (Buck.), P. wurttembergica (Oppel), Garantiana cf.
bathonica Liss., etc. (Maubeuge, 1950). T h e s e beds thus provide a
useful correlation between the Wiirttembergicus Beds of Germany and
the Zigzag Zone of the west, confirming the opinions of Thiery (1922,
1922a) and Wetzel (1924). As in Dorset and Normandy, Parkinsonia
convergens is commonest in the lower part of the zone (Maubeuge, 1950,
p . 12) and may be characteristic of a separate subzone. It is possible,
b u t not proved, that the overlying 15 m . of clays, with the lower Mont-
livaltia horizon at base and levels of Ostrea knorri in the lower part and
O. acuminata at top, correspond to the Lower Fuller's Earth which they
so strikingly recall (Frebold & Mulleried, 1923, p . 376).
T h e most celebrated fossiliferous Lower Bathonian, however, occurs
on t h e south of t h e Paris Basin, beyond the Morvan Massif, in t h e
department of Nievre. H e r e are St Benin d'Azy (east of Nevers) and
Vandenesse (in t h e valley of the Aron, 28 miles E S E . of Nevers), from
which m a n y ammonites have been figured by de Grossouvre (1919,
1930) and Wetzel (1924, p . 2 2 1 ; 1937). O n a n eroded surface of t h e
U p p e r Bajocian with Garantiana rests a highly fossiliferous bed of oolitic
ironstone only 25-70 cms. thick, crowded with ammonites of the Zigzag
Zone, including a great range of Parkinsonia, Procerites, Zigzagiceras,
Morphoceras, Ebrayiceras, Oxycerites, etc. (Revised list in M o u t e r d e ,
1953, p . 170.) Above this b e d follow limestones and pale marls, undated.
A n anomaly requiring investigation is t h e alleged occurrence in the
Zigzag Zone of St Benin d'Azy of the type and sole k n o w n E u r o p e a n
specimen of Micromphalites busqueti (de Grossouvre, 1919, p . 359, pi. xiv,
2), which seems identical with forms c o m m o n in Arabia in the early-
U p p e r Bathonian.
At St Gaultier, I n d r e , there occurs at the local base of t h e Bathonian
a celebrated marly bed with freshwater gastropods, Viviparus aurelianus
and Valvata benoisti (Cossmann, 1899). T h e bed is only 0-5 to 1-5 m .
thick, and is overlain by 10 m . of Bathonian limestones, with Rhynchonella
elegantula in the u p p e r part. I t is usually considered U p p e r Bathonian
('Bradfordien'), b u t since it rests directly on U p p e r Bajocian limestone
with Parkinsonia it may well b e older, more nearly the age of the similar
Viviparus and Valvata bed in Oxfordshire (p. 30).

BAJOCIAN (up to 220 m.)

T h e Bajocian has now been elucidated in great detail in many works
too numerous to quote, and its complicated variations of facies (oolites,
coral reefs, ironshot oolite, crinoidal limestone—'calcaire a e n t r o q u e s ' — ,
marls, oyster lumachelles, etc.) are now so thoroughly sorted out that
it is possible to compress the results into a single table (p. 64). T h i s
is based on works which cite adequate faunas of ammonites for each
zone—especially the detailed monographs on the n o r t h e r n area by Bonte
(1941) and M a u b e u g e (1951a), on the southern b y M o u t e r d e (1953),
for the central region papers by T h i e r y (1922, 1922a) and M a u b e u g e
(1943, 1945, 1945a, 1947, 1947a, 19486, 19496, 1951a, 19526) and for t h e
Rhine valley Guillaume (1927), Gillet (1928) and T h e o b a l d & M a u b e u g e
(1949). F o r the Lower Bajocian older works with m a n y figures of
ammonites by Benecke (1905) and Branco (1879) cannot b e dispensed
with; more modern figures are given b y Schneider (1927), G e r a r d &
Bichelonne (1934), G e r a r d (1937) and Gillet (1937).
T h e monograph by M o u t e r d e (1953) is an immense mine of information
on faunal associations and successions, to which no brief commentary
could do justice. Anyone working on Liassic and Bajocian stratigraphy
will have to study it. M o u t e r d e establishes that in t h e region west of
the massif of Morvan the ironshot oolite facies and crinoidal limestone
facies are interchangeable in all the zones of t h e Lower and M i d d l e
Bajocian, and that the ironshot oolite facies locally continues t h r o u g h
the U p p e r Bajocian, and even into the Lower Bathonian, migrating
persistently eastwards, in the direction of the ancient massif, as if following
a retreating shoreline (p. 429). I n central Lorraine it has been established
that species of Teloceras pass u p into the Subfurcatum Zone, as in the
Jura, Germany and Poland (Maubeuge, 1952c), while t h e u p p e r part
of the Parkinsoni Zone contains a stout-whorled Parkinsonia like that

Zones Ardennes Meuse Central Lorraine and

and Moselle Alsace Nievre and Cher
North Burgundy

Parkinsonia Marnes de Gravelotte Upper and Middle Hauptro- Calc. a Rh. decorata, Calc.
parkinsoni (30-40 m.) genstein (28 m.) lithographiques, and
Garantiana Oolithe de Jaumont Oolites and cherty lime­ , Marls and marly limestones
garantiana (12-20 m.) stones of Villey-St- and ironshot oolites
Lower Hauptrogenstein and Etienne, etc. (4-9 m.)
Marls with Ostrea acuminata
Strenoceras Marnes de Longwy (60 m.) Ostrea acuminata beds and
subfurcatum (10 m.) 'Balin' oolite (to 22 m.)

Stephanoceras Calcaires a polypiers Marls with some thin lime­ Oolites and coral reefs
humphriesianum (10-40 m.) stones and nodules :
Dorsetensia romani beds at
top, S. humphriesianum
Otoites sauzei and O. sauzei mixed below ?
Sonninia beds and (19 m.)
Sonninia sowerbyi conglomerate
Sandy marls with Witchellia Limestone and micaceous
laeviuscula (14 m.) marls: H. discites (5-6m.) Calcaires a entroques pass­
ing locally into coral
limestones and ironshot
Graphoceras Marly limestone full of Red sandy marl and con­
concavum Gryphaea calceola (3 m.) glomerate
Ludwigia Ironshot oolite (15 m.) pass­
murchisonae ing laterally into sandy marls
Leioceras Marls with L. opalinum Ironstone with rich Leio­
opalinum (87 m.) ceras fauna (15-25 cms.)
recognized in the same position in England as a subzonal index b y
Buckman u n d e r the wrong n a m e P. schloenbachi Schlippe ( M a u b e u g e ,
1950, p . 10). ( T h e type-specimen of P. schloenbachi, Schlippe, 1888,
pi. iv, fig. 4, designated by Rollier in 1911, came from the Zigzag Zone.)

TOARCIAN (up to c. 100 m . ; 140 m . in borings in Lorraine)

I n places the Toarcian contains phosphatic and quartz pebble b e d s
and shows other signs of incompleteness; b u t on the whole it is very
fossiliferous and admits of highly refined subzonal division, rivalling
anything known in England. T h e standard succession in Lorraine
(Corroy & Gerard, 1933) begins with blue marls of the Falcifer Zone
(3-5 m.) followed by Posidonia shales, clays with big limestone nodules,
and marls with phosphatic nodules (Bifrons Zone, 35-50 m.), and ends
with marls passing u p into the lower part of the Lorraine ironstone
(30-50 m.). I n east Lorraine a phosphatic nodule bed marks the contact
between Pliensbachian and Toarcian, b u t in L u x e m b u r g there is a
gradual passage between the two, with a relatively thick T e n u i c o s t a t u m
Zone (more than 4 m.) (Maubeuge, 1952). T h i s zone is also present in t h e
south of the Paris Basin, where there is a complete representation of t h e
Toarcian zones and subzones although the deposits are thinner ( M o u t e r d e ,
1953). T h e following is a s u m m a r y of the succession, based on t h a t
determined in the south, amplified from work in Lorraine, L u x e m b u r g ,
and Alsace (Theobald & M a u b e u g e , 1950, p . 276; Schirardin, 1914).
Zone of Lytoceras jurense
Subzone of Pleydellia aalensis
Subzone of Pleydellia mactra
I n the Lorraine ironstone beds M a u b e u g e (1947, p . 86) recognizes
a n u m b e r of minor subdivisions in these subzones.
Subzone of Dumortieria moorei } , r „ ,
, r „ . . j - t= subzone of D. Levesquei
Subzone of Dumortieria raaiosa j
Subzone of Phlyseogrammoceras dispansum: at this level is t h e
maximum development of Hammatoceras insigne, H. speciosum
Jan., H. semilunatum Jan., etc. I n Lorraine M a u b e u g e (1947)
finds levesquei in this bed, rather t h a n above.
Subzone of Grammoceras fallaciosum and other spp.
Subzone of Grammoceras thouarsense, with G. striatulum, G. doerntense
(Denck.), etc.
Subzone of Haugia variabilis
Subzone of Phymatoceras lilli. T h e fauna of this subzone seems to
be inseparable, at least in the south, from the Braunianum
Subzone of the Bifrons Zone (Mouterde, 1953, p . 417).
Zone of Hildoceras bifrons. W i t h i n this zone t h e following t h r e e
horizons are recognizable (Corroy & Gerard, 1933):—
Subzone of Catacoeloceras crassum [Braunianum Subzone]
Subzone of Peronoceras subarmatum [Fibulatum Subzone]
Subzone of Dactylioceras commune

Z o n e of Harpoceras falcifer, with a b u n d a n t Harpoceras, Dactylioceras,

etc.; according to M o u t e r d e (1953, p . 417) the typical H. falcifer,
agreeing with the holotype figured by Buckman, occurs in t h e
Bifrons Zone.
Z o n e of Dactylioceras tenuicostatum, D. semicelatum (Simpson), D.
directum (Buck.), a n d other finely-ribbed species (Maubeuge, 1952,
P- 367)-

M a n y of the ammonites from the Jurense Zone and the overlying

zones of the Lower Bajocian have been figured in the classic monographs
b y Branco (1879), Janensch (1902) a n d Benecke (1905), as also b y Schneider
(1927) and G e r a r d & Bichelonne (1940). Revisions of the plates in t h e
earlier works have been published, with m a n y new figures, by M a u b e u g e
(1946, 1947, 1949, 19506).


O n the northern border of the basin, in t h e Ardennes, nearly all t h e
English subzones are recognizable. T h e Spinatum Zone is developed
as a ferruginous a n d conglomeratic ironstone u p to 5 m. thick; it is
absent locally and marks a phase of regression. T h e rest of the Pliens­
bachian consists of about 50 m . of marls, with belemnites and Spiriferina
b e d s in the Ibex Zone. T h e s e marls continue the Upper Sinemurian
transgression a n d near H i r s o n they overstep o n to t h e Palaeozoic ( D u b a r ,
1923; Bonte, 1941, p p . 61-4). I n borings in the extreme north of Lorraine
t h e thickness varies from 30 to 195 m . and there is a widespread t h i n
limestone horizon with Prodactylioceras davoei (Guillaume, 1941). All
t h e zones of the stage have also been identified in Belgium and L u x e m b u r g ,
a n d their ammonite faunas revised and listed (Maubeuge, 1948, 1948a,
1951, 1952a). F o r M e u r t h e & Moselle the ammonites have been listed
b y G e r a r d & T e t r y (1938); for B u r g u n d y a n d the Vosges region b y
C o r r o y (1934; and see bibliography); and for the south of the basin,
where the thickness is about 60-100 m., b y M o u t e r d e (1953). South of
Langres the Davoei Bed seems to overlap the rest of the Lower Pliens­
bachian a n d rest disconformably on t h e Calcaire ocreux (Rouyer, 1947,
p . 46).


T h i s substage, which takes its name Lotharingian from Lorraine

(Lothringen), comprises the three zones of O b t u s u m , Oxynotum and
Raricostatum (with A r m a t u m ) , and is useful locally. I t begins, however,
w i t h the u p p e r m o s t Gryphaea limestones, usually grouped with t h e
S i n e m u r i a n sensu stricto, b u t which contain Promicroceras planicosta of
t h e O b t u s u m Zone. T h e bulk of the substage is made u p by marls
w i t h Promicroceras a n d Xipheroceras dudressieri (d'Orb.), usually 25-30 m .
thick. At the top is a condensed bed, the Calcaire ocreux, sometimes

known as the Raricostatum limestone, which may b e of different ages

in different places and as a whole combines the O x y n o t u m and R a r i ­
costatum Zones and their various subzones. Its u p p e r surface is eroded
and followed by a disconformity a n d pebble bed (Kliipfel, 1 9 2 1 ; F r e b o l d ,
1927; Maubeuge, 1949a). T h u s , although the poor development of
these three zones at the type-locality of S e m u r (see below) has b e e n
adduced as an argument for detaching t h e m from the Sinemurian although
d'Orbigny included t h e m in it, t h e highly condensed form of t w o - t h i r d s
of the beds is against taking Lorraine as type-area for a stage based u p o n
them. (For the development and lists of ammonites from other p a r t s
of the eastern rim of the Paris Basin, see the same references as before,
plus G e r a r d & Gardet, 1938.)

LOWER SINEMURIAN (up to 50 m.)

At the type-locality, Semur, Cote d'Or, t h e U p p e r Sinemurian is
highly condensed and fragmentary, represented b y 25 cms. only of
phosphatic nodules with ammonites of the O x y n o t u m and Raricostatum
Zones (Mouterde, 1953, p . 404). T h e Lower Sinemurian also is condensed,
but m u c h more complete. I t comprises 6 m . of grey, semi-crystalline
limestones full of Gryphaea, in undulating beds with shaly partings.
T h e succession of ammonites is somewhat different from that expected
from more northerly European and English sections (Mouterde, 1953,
p . 3 9 6 ; the standard zones are here given, and nomenclatural corrections
have been m a d e ) :
Zone of Euasteroceras turneri. Gryphaea limestone with Microderoceras
birchi, present a short distance t o the n o r t h of Semur, 1-2 m .
Zone of Arnioceras semicostatum:
Horizon of Arnioceras semicostatum (Y. & B.) and A. miserabile
Horizon of Arnioceras geometricum (Oppel) and Arietites falsani
Horizon of Euagassiceras resupinatum (Simpson) (=sauzeanum
d'Orb.) and Metarnioceras
Horizon of Agassiceras scipionianum (d'Orb.)
Horizon of Arnioceras ceratitoides (Quenst.)
Zone of Arietites bucklandi:
Horizon of Arietites bucklandi (Sow.)
Horizon of Coroniceras kridion (Ziet.) and Megarietites meridionalis
Horizon of Coroniceras rotiforme (Sow.)
Horizon of Metophioceras cordieri (Canav.)
Southward from S e m u r parts of t h e series are missing and t h e S e m i ­
costatum Zone overlaps. W e s t of the Loire the thickness increases t o
25 m. and perhaps 50 m . at first, b u t in I n d r e it thins again. N o r t h ­
eastward round the Paris Basin the facies remains constant. T h e thickness

is less t h a n 10 m . in most of Lorraine, b u t in the Thionville trough in

the extreme n o r t h borings prove it to reach 48 m . ; and the lower p a r t
passes laterally into t h e u p p e r p a r t of the Hettange Sandstone in t h e
vicinity of t h e L u x e m b u r g b o r d e r (Guillaume, 1941). I n L u x e m b u r g a n d
Belgium t h e Sinemurian passes laterally into the Virton Sandstone, 50 m .
thick, the u p p e r p a r t of which locally becomes decalcified and forms t h e
Stockem Sands (Maubeuge, 1948, 1952a, 1954a). I n the Ardennes t h e
lower part of the Bucklandi Zone is a calcareous sandstone, the u p p e r
part only consisting of Gryphaea limestones; and the Semicostatum Zone
is condensed as sandy marls and ironstone, while the T u r n e r i Zone
begins t h e overlying series of sandy marls and marly limestones which
mainly represent the O b t u s u m Zone (Bonte, 1941, Table B, p . 82; Joly,
*93 )-

HETTANGIAN (up to 70 m.)

T h e type-locality, H e t t a n g e (marked Hettingen on some maps) is a

village a few miles on t h e Lorraine side of the L u x e m b u r g border, 14 miles
s o u t h of t h e city of L u x e m b u r g . I n this district and in L u x e m b u r g
territory t h e Gryphaea arcuata limestones, with Arietites, overlie t h e
H e t t a n g e Sandstone, which corresponds to the Zones of Psiloceras
planorbis and Schlotheimia angulata. T h e area from which the Hettangian
stage takes its name, however, is unfavourable for establishing an ammonite
succession. T h e whole stage consists of sandstone, more or less calcareous,
resting on Rhaetic Beds in some places, on K e u p e r Marls in others.
T h e basal part is unfossiliferous except for occasional oysters; higher u p
are masses of Cardinia and Lima with a well-preserved and large fauna
of gastropods. T h e best works on the subject, and almost the only ones
providing adequate illustrations, are the early classics by Terquem (1855),
T e r q u e m & Piette (1865), Chapuis & Dewalque (1853), and Chapuis
(1858). I n parts of L u x e m b u r g a n d Belgium, the Hettange Sandstone
passes laterally into the Jamoigne Marl, which contains Caloceras a n d
Schlotheimia (Chapuis & Dewalque, 1853). T h e Hettangian was said
b y T e r q u e m (1855, p . 6) to be usually 25-30 m . thick, but in some places
u p to 100 m . Borings in the Thionville district proved 57-70 m. for t h e
H e t t a n g e Sandstone, b u t part of this represents the Lower Sinemurian
in sandstone facies (Guillaume, 1941). Westwards in the Ardennes
d e p a r t m e n t of France the stage thins and becomes conglomeratic, a n d
is eventually overlapped by the Sinemurian (Bonte, 1941, p . 77, table B).
F a r t h e r south, in M e u r t h e & Moselle, although thicknesses are m u c h
less, the facies is marly and calcareous a n d a m u c h richer ammonite
fauna occurs ( G e r a r d & Gardet, 1938). Against the Massif du M o r v a n
t h e Hettangian oversteps t h e Palaeozoic rocks, beginning with an oyster
lumachelle of Planorbis Zone age, and features similar to those in the
n o r t h e r n rim of the Paris Basin, near the Ardennes, are repeated (Mouterde


T h e Massif Central is b o u n d e d o n t h e east b y t h e broad alluvial valley

of t h e Rhone a n d Saone, which is a tectonic depression comparable t o
the middle Rhine. T h e faulting has carried t h e Jurassic rocks down
below the alluvium a n d Tertiaries, a n d between L y o n a n d Valence t h e

F I G . 6.—Map of the Jurassic outcrops in the south-east of France.

ancient rocks of t h e massif abut against t h e river. N o r t h a n d south,

however, a narrow a n d discontinuous fringe of Mesozoics remains west
of t h e river. T h i s fringe is important o u t of all proportion t o its small
area of outcrop. I n it the Lias and T i t h o n i a n take on their Mediterranean
facies. Just as from t h e n o r t h t h e Jurassic of t h e Paris Basin spreads
through t h e Langres portal a n d fringes t h e massif t h r o u g h t h e C o t e
d'Or and Maconnais, with an outpost in t h e M o n t d'Or, N W . of L y o n ,
so in t h e south t h e Jurassic deposits swing r o u n d t h e southern b o r d e r

of the massif. A t the south end of the Cevennes they t u r n a corner and
fill a gulf in the southern side of the massif, forming dry limestone
plateaux called the Causses (Pfrom L a t i n calx). T h e chief limestones
a n d dolomites building the Causses are Bajocian and Bathonian, b u t a
similar facies continues in places to the Tithonian. T h e special vegetation
nourishes sheep from whose milk the celebrated Roquefort cheese h a s
been m a d e since R o m a n times in u n d e r g r o u n d caverns in the limestone.
T h e Pliensbachian a n d T o a r c i a n are exceptionally well developed a s
marls with a rich and perfectly-preserved Mediterranean ammonite
fauna, and the Lower Lias forms a lower limestone plateau, the A v a n t -
T h e T i t h o n i a n outcrops begin at the spectacular rock on which t h e
Chateau de Crussol is perched, on a precipice above the Rhone opposite
Valence. T h e y continue southwards t h r o u g h Bas-Vivarais, Gard and
Languedoc, to the Mediterranean coast. I n Bas-Vivarais are the classic
localities of Privas and Berrias (after which is named the lowest stage
of t h e Cretaceous), where t h e ammonite succession is critical for world
T h e Jurassic of t h e area formed t h e subject of detailed studies b y
O p p e l (1865; 1866, posthumous). Little more than thirty years later
was published the thesis by Prof. F . R o m a n (1897) on the Bas-Languedoc,
which began a lifetime's study of the stratigraphy and palaeontology of
t h e area. F a r more on the Jurassic t h a n can be condensed here will b e
found in both his books, the 'Geologie Lyonnaise' (1926) and the post­
h u m o u s 'Bas-Vivarais' (1950). Between these three were issued a long
series of monographs on individual stages, written often in collaboration
with colleagues or pupils, and published in the Travaux du Laboratoire
de Geologie de Lyon, w h i c h h e financed out of his own resources. A m o n g
these is the standard work on the M o n t a g n e de Crussol (Riche & Roman,
1921), t h e source of t h e marvellous T i t h o n i a n a n d Kimeridgian material
a n Q l
figured in the early monographs of Fontannes (1879) Dumortier &
F o n t a n n e s (1876). Still earlier D u m o r t i e r (1864-74) published a four-
volume m o n o g r a p h on the Lias of the Rhone basin, and the Middle a n d
U p p e r Lias ammonites of Aveyron have been profusely illustrated in a
series of monographs by Monestier (1921-34). T h e Causses have been
well described stratigraphically by Agadele (1939).
T h a n k s to these a n d other workers, so m u c h is now known of this
region that a mere tabulation of the ammonite horizons present is all
t h a t need b e attempted h e r e for most of t h e stages. T h e detail can
easily b e filled in b y consulting the works of Roman, which give copious
references t o t h e other literature. T h e r e is even an account in English
(Roman, 1936) of the Lyons-Crussol area, prepared for a memorable
excursion of t h e Geologists' Association, in which I was fortunate t o
take part. T h e Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic of the northern part of t h e
area have also been ably summarized and analysed by Mouterde (1953)
in the volume so often drawn on in the previous section.
P L A T E 46.—The Chateau de Crussol and summit limestone, looking over the valley
to the River Rhone.

Zone of Berriasella boissieri (Pictet). T h e Berriasian stage (Coquand,

1875, p . 686; Toucas, 1890, p . 564) at Berrias, D e p t . of A r d e c h e , was
founded u p o n 22 m . of limestones and marls (immediately underlying
t h e Valanginian marls) which T o u c a s ascribed wholly to t h e U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n b u t which Pictet (1867) w h o first m o n o g r a p h e d t h e ammonites
a n d Coquand (1875) who introduced the stage n a m e considered wholly
Cretaceous. I t has since been determined that two faunas were mixed
b y Pictet and T o u c a s : the u p p e r is Berriasian, the lower T i t h o n i a n .
F r o m Berrias and neighbouring localities, the following succession of
faunas has been established in the Berriasian (Mazenot, 1939, p . 25) :—

U p p e r Berriasian, subzone of Kilianella aff. pexiptycha (Uhlig) and

Thurmanniceras aff. pertransiens (Sayn).
M i d d l e Berriasian, subzone of Dalmasiceras dalmasi (Pict.) and Neo-
comites occitanicus (Pict.).
L o w e r Berriasian, subzone of Berriasella paramacilenta M a z e n o t a n d
B. grandis M a z .

T h e chief distinctions from t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n are absence of Peri-

sphinctidae and presence of n u m e r o u s Spiticeras spp., Negreliceras negreli
(Math.) and Neocomites spp. (For many figures see Djanelidze, 1922,

U P P E R T I T H O N I A N (ARDESCIAN), C. 30-40 m .

T h i s is the type region of the Ardescian stage, n a m e d after the A r d e c h e

(Toucas, 1890, p p . 565-6). (—Zone of Virgatosphinctes transitorius).
T h e r e is no lithological or stratigraphical and little faunal break between
t h e Jurassic and Cretaceous. T h e two zonal indices of the U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n proposed b y Kilian (1887 and 1895) and often since used,
namely Berriasella calisto (d'Orb.) and B. privasensis (Pict.), are according
t o Mazenot (1939) commoner in the Berriasian b u t straddle t h e boundary,
a n d therefore are useless. Mazenot instead uses two other indices,
Berriasella chaperi (Pict.) above (formerly t h e Calisto Zone) and B.
delphinensis (Kilian) below (formerly the Privasensis Zone). T h e order
of superposition, however, seems to b e only inferred and to have n o
basis in direct observation. Accordingly t h e original zonal index proposed
b y N e u m a y r in 1871 is now used for the Ardescian ( U p p e r Tithonian),
namely Virgatosphinctes transitorius ( O p p e l ) ; Mazenot (1939, p . 24)
records it from the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n limestone of Berrias. T h i s limestone
is poorly fossiliferous. T h e rich fauna of the U p p e r Tithonian, with
Berriasella cf. delphinensis and many other species, also Micracanthoceras
microcanthum (Oppel), Corongoceras rhodanicum Maz., etc., comes from
5-10 m . of marls lying between t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n a n d Berriasian
limestones at localities around C h o m e r a c (Roman & Mazenot, 1937).
W h e n turned u p by the plough on the fields about 1 m . of these marls

yields a b u n d a n t small inner whorls of pyritized ammonites. T h e same

preservation, at t h e same horizon, occurs i n Tunisia, where t h e U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n fauna of Jebel N a r a contains at least 50 p e r cent, of C h o m e r a c
species of ammonites (see below, p . 272). F o r abundant figures of
T i t h o n i a n a n d Berriasian Spiticeras see Djanelidze (1922) (Fig. 7).
Southward into Languedoc t h e U p p e r Tithonian is developed in
coral-reef facies, in which ammonites are rare b u t still include Virgato-
sphinctes transitorius and Micracanthoceras microcanthum and some 20 other
forms, together w i t h a rich a n d well-preserved fauna of other molluscs
and brachiopods, especially reef-building species of Dicer as (Yin, 1931).

F I G . 7.—Section of the Tithonian, Berriasian and Valanginian 500 metres NW. of

Fontasse, near Brune, near Chomerac, Ardeche, after Roman & Mazenot, 1937.
Vertical scale exaggerated. The whole sequence is conformable.
S, Valanginian marls; 4, Berriasian limestone with marly intercalations; 3,
Upper Tithonian marls and marly limestone (22 m.) with pyritic ammonites
(5-10 m.); 2, Upper Tithonian false breccias and nodular limestones (classic horizon
of La Boissiere); 1, Tithonian limestones, grey, more or less thickly bedded.


(i m.+)

T h e lower part of t h e T i t h o n i a n is developed as limestone of various

sorts, including massive, semi-marmorized, bedded, nodular, and breccioid
varieties. Thicknesses are hard to establish owing to uncertainty of
palaeontological boundaries in described sequences and to different
groupings adopted b y successive authors. A t le Pouzin, Toucas (1890,
p . 566) described 15 m . of limestones with Subplanites contiguus, Peri­
sphinctes pseudocolubrinus and an abundance of Perisphinctids and Phyllo-
ceratids, with rare Berriasellids, Lytoceras, Haploceras elimatum, H.
caractheis, etc. Below this, however, are 50 m . of massive limestones
containing t h e fauna of t h e Lithographicum Zone, and also that of t h e
Beckeri Zone, which is p r e - T i t h o n i a n as here understood (as restricted
b y Zittel, N e u m a y r , Kilian a n d Toucas). T h e boundary between t h e m
remains t o b e determined.
A t Crussol it is possible that t h e very highest beds of the pink summit
limestone at the castle belong t o t h e Lithographicum Zone, b u t collections
m a d e there, assigned to t h e Lower T i t h o n i a n b y Roman (1950, p . 71)
still contain Hybonoticeras beckeri ( N e u m . ) a n d H. harpephorum ( N e u m . )
of the underlying Beckeri Zone (Middle Kimeridgian) (Fig. 8).
W i t h t h e possible exception of t h e very highest few metres, as j u s t
mentioned, t h e great mass of marble-like, ruiniform limestones, forming
the u p p e r part of the M o u n t a i n of Crussol, and for a considerable distance
below, belong to t h e M i d d l e a n d Lower Kimeridgian. T h e Beckeri Z o n e
forms t h e t o p part, while t h e base of t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone falls at
or near t h e t o p of t h e Carriere Mallet, source of most of F o n t a n n e s '
ammonites. T h e Carriere Mallet was worked mainly in t h e T e n u i l o b a t u s
Zone, in which among a wonderful profusion of southern Phylloceratids,
Taramelliceras, Haploceras, Streblites, Glochiceras, etc. (Fontannes, 1879,
pis. i-vii) there occurs an occasional northern element such as Amoeboceras
subtilicaelatum Font. s p . (pi. ii, 7), Rasenia trimera Oppel s p . (pi. ix, 6),
Rasenia emancipata F o n t . s p . (pi. xi, 8), R. desmonota (Oppel), Prorasenia
stephanoides (Oppel), etc. ( D u m o r t i e r & Fontannes, 1876, pi. xiv, 2, 4,
pi. xv, 2, 3). Unfortunately t h e stratigraphical relations of these t o t h e
Ataxioceratids (including Idoceras) a n d other Perisphinctids has n o t been



FIG. 8.—Scale section of the Montagne de Crussol, viewed from the Rhone valley, looking
west. Based on Gignoux, after Riche & Roman, 1921, modified.

determined and probably never will be, since t h e quarry has been o u t
of use for many years. T h e thickness in t h e quarry is about 33 m . a n d
some sub-division has been attempted (Roman, 1950, p . 64). Although
many forms of Ataxioceras occur in t h e quarry, A. lothari (Oppel) with
A. discobolus (Font.), A. polyplocus (Rein.) a n d other species are said to
occur on a lower horizon in an old quarry at t h e head of Ravin d'Enfer
(Riche & Roman, 1921, p . 63); this is t h e lower part of Oppel's T e n u i l o ­
batus Zone, characterized by A. polyplocus and Sutneria platynota in Swabia
(Polyplocus Subzone).
Crussol species from t h e Tenuilobatus Zone worth mentioning for
their correlation value, a n d because inadequately placed b y Fontannes,
are Sowerbyceras loryi M u n . s p . ( D . & F . , 1876, pi. v, 2), Streblites
tenuilobatus Oppel s p . (pi. vii, 1), Katroliceras crussoliense F o n t . s p .
(pi. xiv, 3), Subdichotomoceras lacertosum Font. s p . (pi. xv, 1), Idoceras
spp. (pis. xvi, xvii, 1), a n d Nebrodites (pi. xvii, 3).

OXFORDIAN (C. 50-70 m.)

At Crussol something less than 30 m . of limestones represent t h e
B i m a m m a t u m Zone a n d yield t h e zone-fossil (already recorded b y Oppel,
1865); below, about 50 m . of grey marls a n d marly limestones represent
the Transversarium a n d C o r d a t u m Zones. Better a n d m o r e fossiliferous
sections occur at L a Voulte, where t h e Lower Oxfordian is developed in

Oxford Clay facies with a b u n d a n t small pyritized ammonites of t h e

Mariae and C o r d a t u m Zones (Marnes de Meysset) (Sayn & Roman,
1928-30, see especially p p . 48, 214 ff.). A t the top is a small thickness
of marl characterized by Protophites christoli, which is probably on about
the horizon of the catena beds, basal Plicatilis Zone, in England. T h e r e
follows a poorly developed fauna of t h e Transversarium Zone, lacking
t h e Perisphinctids of T r e p t , Isere. T h e T r e p t fauna (p. 95) comes in
again farther south, at Naves (Roman, 1950, p . 60) and in Herault, w h e r e
it is found in abundance in a glauconitic limestone at the base of the
U p p e r Oxfordian, overlying 10 m . of black marls with pyritized ammonites
of the Mariae Zone, including Scarburgiceras praecordatum and Creniceras
renggeri (Tintant, 1942). Westward the U p p e r Oxfordian transgresses
t o w a r d s t h e old rocks of t h e Cevennes a n d finally the Oxfordian wedges
out altogether ( T i n t a n t & others, 1946, 1947).

CALLOVIAN (C. 50-90 m.)

U P P E R CALLOVIAN. A t L a Voulte the Oxford Clay facies continues
downwards to embrace the U p p e r Callovian, in which three horizons
have been recognized (Sayn & Roman, 1928, p . 45, called Oxfordian):
Marls with Quenstedtoceras lamberti, Hecticoceras rossiense (Teiss.),
Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.) (here at its maximum abundance) a n d
other Phylloceratidae.
Marls with Peltoceras athletoides (Lahusen), P. torosum (Oppel), with
m a n y Quenstedtoceras brasili Douv., Q. henrici Douv., etc. (Beds H 1 - 3
at Villers).
Marls with ferruginous limestones: Peltoceras athleta, Quenstedtoceras
praelamberti Douv., Kosmoceras [spinosum Sow.].
Both at Crussol and at Naves the U p p e r Callovian is missing; and at
P i c - S a i n t - L o u p , H e r a u l t , it is reduced to a thin b e d of glauconotic m a r l
full of ammonites (Tintant, 1942).
M I D D L E CALLOVIAN. T h e Anceps Zone is represented at Pic-Saint-
L o u p by 50 m . of dolomites with Reineckeia anceps and R. douvillei. A t
Naves marls (Oxford Clay facies) extend through the whole M i d d l e
a n d L o w e r Callovian t o a total thickness of j u s t over 50 m., and t h e line
of division has not been strictly determined. At the top is a 25 c m .
condensed bed crowded with ammonites, including Erymnoceras coronatum,
Kosmoceras sp. ('jason' is certainly a misidentification in this position;
perhaps cf. Lissajous, 1912, pi. vi, 4), Reineckeia anceps, many Hecticoceras
spp., Phylloceras spp., etc. ( R o m a n & d e Brun, 1924, p . 19, b e d 1 3 ;
referred to the Athleta Zone, b u t obviously an assemblage of the Coron­
a t u m Zone.) T h e remaining 50 m . (ibid., p p . 16-18, beds n , 12) contain
elements of b o t h M i d d l e and Lower Callovian faunas. Better results
have been obtained at L a Voulte, where the Middle Callovian is well
demarcated because condensed (Sayn & Roman, 1928-30, p . 22, beds 40*,
e, P- 39)-
LOWER CALLOVIAN. A t P i c - S a i n t - L o u p , Herault, under the 50 m .
of Middle Callovian follow 40 m . of Lower Callovian marls and dolomitic
limestones with Macrocephalites (Tintant, 1942). I n western A r d e c h e
the Macrocephalus Zone resumes the facies of Dalle nacree as in t h e
east of the Paris Basin ( T i n t a n t & others, 1946). A t L a Voulte there is
an alternation of marls and limestones w i t h two distinct ammonite faunas.
T h e u p p e r horizon, with Macrocephalites canizzaroi (non G e m m e l l a r o ?—
identified by Sayn & Roman, 1928, p . 152, with M. canizzaroi Couffon,
which is holotype of Dolikephalites gracilis Spath, 1928) and other small
Macrocephalitids, also Proplanulites teisseyri T o r n q u i s t , Phlycticeras,
Kheraiceras, Bomburites, Oecoptychius and m a n y other genera (Sayn &
Roman, 1928, p p . 36-7) correlates approximately with the Koenigi Zone.
T h e lower assemblage (ibid., p . 33) does not appear to be m u c h older
and probably is not basal Callovian. T h e t r u e Macrocephalus Z o n e is,
however, represented in the Maconnais b y U p p e r C o r n b r a s h with
numerous Macrocephalites and large Choffatia of t h e subbakeriae group
and Bullatimorphites cf. bullatus (Parent, 1942). F r o m this came t h e
type of M. (Kamptokephalites) maconnensis Spath (1928, Cutch, p . 190;
in Lissajous, 1912, pi. vi, fig. 7) and M. macrocephalus (Lissajous, 1912,
pi. vi, fig. 9).

BATHONIAN (C. 90 m.)

W i t h the Bathonian the centre of interest shifts n o r t h to the Maconnais,

the subject of one of the most important monographs on Bathonian
ammonites yet published (Lissajous, 1923, p o s t h u m o u s ) . T h e U p p e r
Cornbrash, just mentioned, is immediately underlain b y Lower Cornbrash
with Clydoniceras discus and Choffatia subbakeriae, just as in England
and northern F r a n c e (Parent, 1942). Below come about 40 m . of marly
limestones and marls with m a n y brachiopods, including Dictyothyris
coarctata, Ornithella digona, Rhynchonella boueti, Eudesia cardium, and
at the base an ammonite bed 1-5-2-5 m . thick, crowded with Prohectico-
ceras retrocostatum (de Gross.), Oecotraustes serrigerus Waag. et spp.,
Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel), Clydoniceras discus Sow. sp. (Lissajous, 1923,
pi. xxiv, 2), Delecticeras delectum Arkell (pi. xxiv, figs. 5-7), D. cf. ptycho-
phorum N e u m . sp. (pi. xxiii, 6), Polyplectites richei Liss., P. denseplicatus
Liss., Bullatimorphites suevicus (Roem.), various Pseudoperisphinctes,
Siemiradzkia, Choffatia (pi. xiii, 1), etc., and Epistrenoceras histricoides
(Rollier). This, the Retrocostatum Zone of Lissajous, is p a r t of t h e
Aspidoides Zone and its position is at or near the base of t h e U p p e r
Bathonian (cf. Caillasses de F o n t a i n e - H e n r y and Blainville in N o r m a n d y ,
p . 48). U n d e r the ammonite bed and included in t h e Retrocostatum
Zone by Lissajous is 9-10 m . of h a r d limestone called Choin, w i t h
problematic markings b u t few fossils.
T h e lower part of the Bathonian comprises 35-40 m . of limestones
a n d marls with a rich ammonite fauna of great interest. Lissajous (1923,
p . 21) considered it to embrace t h e whole Lower and M i d d l e Bathonian,
from Zigzag Zone to Subcontractum Zone inclusive, and h e called it t h e

' Z o n e of Zigzagiceras arbustigerum'. T h i s was unfortunate, because all

the 'Zigzagiceras' figured by h i m are misidentified Procerites, Wagnericeras,
etc., which can b e m u c h later, a n d n o Parkinsonia, Morphoceras, or
Ebrayiceras occurs. T h e Zigzag Zone is therefore not represented.
O n the other h a n d the Subcontractus Zone is represented by such forms
as Lycetticeras bulbosunt Arkell, 1953 (holotype Lissajous, 1923, pi. xxii, i ) ,
Sphaeroptychius buckmani Liss., Rugiferites davaiacense Liss. sp. and R.
angulicostatum Liss. sp. (pi. xxi, figs. 2-4), Tulites aff. cadus Buck. (pi. xx),
a n d probably by some of t h e curious Bullatimorphites spp. such as B.
costatus Arkell, 1952 (holotype pi. xviii, 1), B. perisphinctoides Ark., 1953
(holotype pi. xvii, 1) and among the Perisphinctids the Wagnericeras spp.
(pi. vii, 4, viii, 3, xv, 2) and some others.
T h e rest of the fauna appears to b e earlier t h a n Subcontractus Z o n e .
P a r t may be of the age of the Progracilis Zone, b u t probably the strange­
ness of so m u c h of it can b e accounted for by its having lived at t h e
time of the Lower Fuller's E a r t h of England and northern France where
ammonites were almost non-existent. T h i s applies to most of the
Procerites spp. which were mistaken by Lissajous for species of t h e
Zigzag Zone (pi. x—Gracilisphinctes spp. ?; pi. xi—not clausiprocerus
B u c k m a n ; pi. xiv) a n d to t h e remarkable forms Garantiana baihonica
Liss. and Spiroceras sp. (pi. iii, pi. iv, 1, 3). If these really came from t h e
Bathonian, as Lissajous was convinced they did, the peculiar beds i n
N o r m a n d y resting directly on the G r e s de M a y could be Bathonian
also (p. 50). H e has been confirmed by the finding of Spiroceras in t h e
U p p e r and Garantiana baihonica in the Lower Bathonian of Provence b y
Parent (see below, p . 150).
A t Crussol t h e Bathonian is greatly reduced, consisting of u p to 3-25 m .
of limestone of the Zigzag Zone, with Zigzagiceras, Morphoceras and
c m s
Ebrayiceras, also Phylloceras and Lytoceras, t h e n a 10-15 - ferruginous
b e d with Prohecticoceras retrocostatum, overlain by shales with Posidonia,
which are 20 m . thick b u t in their u p p e r part are Callovian, with large
Macrocephalites macrocephalus (Riche & Roman, 1921, pp. 47-9). T h e
thickness remains reduced t h r o u g h A r d e c h e and Gard (Roman, 1950,
p p . 45-50), and near Saint-Bres, Gard, it amounts to only 1-5 m. b u t still
contains three ammonite horizons, the lowest the Zigzag Zone as at
Crussol, the highest with a mixture of ammonites of the Bathonian and
L o w e r Callovian (de B r u n , 1929). At Privas t h e Zigzag Zone forms t h e
top of the Bajocian iron ore and contains characteristic ammonites
(Roman, 1935, p . 48, pi. v, figs. 1, 2, pi. viii, 2, 3), including Zigzagiceras
romani Arkell (p. 27, figure).
W e s t and south-west of the Cevennes the Bathonian thickens and takes
on a great limestone and dolomite development in the Causses du Larzac
and Aveyron. A m m o n i t e s are so scarce that little progress has been
m a d e i n correlation. T h e total thickness reaches about 80 m. and t h e r e
is m u c h variety of lithology: besides dolomites there are thick lithographic
limestones, oolites and marls, sometimes richly fossiliferous. T h e lower
part contains bituminous limestones with lignite, rootlet beds, and
several horizons with assemblages of small gastropods and pelecypods
referred to the freshwater and brackish genera Planorbis, Cyrena, etc.
(e.g. Glangeaud, 1895, p p . 154-72; Nickles, 1907, p . 582). These
supposedly brackish beds extend for 250 miles along the south and west
of the Plateau Central. A fauna from the Causses du Larzac recently
studied (Maubeuge, 1949 ; Cox & M a u b e u g e , 1950) is for the most part
a normal marine one and bears a striking resemblance to that of t h e
U p p e r Great Oolite (Bladon Beds) of Oxfordshire. T h e genera Viviparus
(Paludina), Ampullaria and Paludestrina previously recorded are held to
have been misidentified. T h i s does not, however, dispose of the records
of Planorbis and Chara, and of lignites with cycads, in the T o u r n e m i r e
area (south of Millau, Aveyron) published b y Nickles (1907, p . 583).
T h e s e beds form the local base of the Bathonian b u t may be U p p e r
Bathonian in date and disconformable on the Bajocian. T h i s tends to
support the conclusion of Agadele (1937) that t h e dolomites of the Causses
include the Callovian and even Oxfordian and Kimeridgian. T h e subject
calls for a research with fascinating possibilities, in view of t h e t r a n s -
gressive 'estuarine' late Bathonian beds reported from so many parts of
t h e world (e.g. Southern Tunisia, Egypt, Cutch, Burma).

U P P E R BAJOCIAN (up to 77 m.)

Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni. I n the Maconnais an ironshot oolite,
c. 6 m., contains P. parkinsoni, Cadomites deslongchampsi, Morphoceras
dimorphum, as well as Garantiana garantiana (Roche, 1939), b u t at Crussol
t h e zone seems to be missing, and it is usually recessive or absent, or
devoid of ammonites. I t may b e represented in the Privas ironstone,
which embraces from Lower Bathonian down to Toarcian (Roman, 1935,
p . 22).
Zone of Garantiana garantiana. Persistent and fossiliferous in m a n y
places. Reaches a great development in t h e M o n t d ' O r Lyonnais where
it is developed as the Ciret, 70 m . of homogeneous fine-grained limestone
with wonderfully-preserved silicified fossils (Roman & Petouraud, 1927;
Marzloff & others, 1936). T h e fauna consists predominantly of Garantiana
spp., Pseudogarantiana dichotoma Bentz (Roman & Petouraud, 1927,
pi. vi, figs. 1-6, 12-17), and Spiroceras spp., with rather n u m e r o u s
Phylloceratidae and Lytoceratidae and Vermisphinctes (ibid., 1927, pi. v,
figs. 1, 3, 4), Cleistosphinctes (pi. v, fig. 2), Lissoceras oolithicum, Oppelia
subradiata, Cadomites, etc. A small specimen figured as Parkinsonia
parkinsoni (pi. vi, fig. 22) is certainly not that species and is not evidence
of any admixture of the Parkinsoni Zone. I n the Maconnais the zone is
represented by about 12 m . of compact limestone with rare Garantiana.
Zone of Strenoceras subfurcatum. Recognized in the Maconnais (Roche,
1939, p . 114) as limestone (1-65 m.) with silicified brachiopods and a
mixture of ammonites of the Blagdeni, Subfurcatum and Garantiana
Zones, some believed to b e derived. A t M o n t d ' O r it occurs as a b e d

0-20 cms. thick, u n d e r the Ciret. As stated above, the common ammonite
in the Ciret figured by R o m a n & Petouraud, 1927, pi. vi, as Strenoceras
subfurcatum is Pseudogarantiana dichotoma Bentz of the Garantiana
Z o n e ; this throws d o u b t o n other records of Strenoceras in the area.

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN (up to 70 m.)

Zones of Stephanoceras humphriesianum and Otoites sauzei. I n the

Maconnais (Roche, 1939; M o u t e r d e , 1953, p . 304) there is at the t o p
a yellowish or whitish limestone, 0-8 m., with Teloceras blagdeni; and
derived specimens of T. banksi Sow., T. blagdeniforme Roche and Norman-
nites orbignyi Buckman occur in the Subfurcatum Zone. Beneath come
u p to 50 m . of crinoidal limestone (Calcaire a Entroques superieur)
with Stephanoceras humphriesianum and 5 . brodiaei (Sow.) in the u p p e r
p a r t a n d Otoites sauzei in the lower part. Below again are limestones
and marls (0-8 m.) with O. sauzei, Emileia polyschides (Waagen), etc.
passing u p locally into sandstones. At M o n t d'Or, the so-called blagdeni
beds are somewhat older, containing various large Stephanoceras (but n o
Cadomites), with Normannites latansatus (Buckman), Chondroceras
evolvescens (Waag.), Dorsetensia subtecta Buckman, etc. (Roche, 1943).
T h i s bed rests disconformably on the Concavum horizon of the Lower
Bajocian. A t Crussol t h e Sauzei and lower Humphriesianum horizons
are present (Roman, 1950, p . 40), b u t the Blagdeni and Subfurcatum
horizons seem to b e absent.
Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi. Limestones and marls (1-4 m.) in t h e
Maconnais have yielded large Sonninids, Euhoploceras cf. acanthodes
(Buck.), E. aff. umbilicatum (Buck.), and E. aff. marginatum (Buck.), which
Roche (1939, p . 95) assigned to the Concavum Z o n e ; but he was m i s ­
informed, for these species, although figured by Buckman as from that
zone, came from Sonninia beds which he later designated Discites
[Subzone] and p u t at the base of the Sowerbyi Zone (see p. 33). T h i s
date has been confirmed by subsequent discovery of Hyperlioceras
curvicostata Buckman (Mouterde, 1953, p . 301). T h e assemblage is the
same as that already recognized, with a m u c h richer fauna, at Tremardieres
near Poitiers and identified as of Discites date by S. S. Buckman (Welsch,
1928a) (see above, p . 54). T h e middle and u p p e r parts of the Sowerbyi
Z o n e (Trigonalis and Laeviuscula Subzones) are both missing, however.
I n the M o n t d ' O r this gap widens and the whole Sowerbyi Zone is
missing ( M o u t e r d e , 1953, p . 335). I t comes in again at Crussol a n d
Privas, with Sonninia cf. reformata Buckman (Roman, 1935, pi. iii, 6)
(Discites Subzone).

LOWER BAJOCIAN (up to c. 50 m.)

I n t h e Maconnais four successive ammonite horizons have been

recognized, corresponding to the Zones and Subzones of Concavum,
Bradfordensis, Murchisonae, and Opalinum. Graphoceras concavum
occurs rather above the middle of the Calcaire a Entroques inferieur.
T h e Opalinum Zone consists of marly limestone, sometimes ironshot,
with a rich fauna, partly contemporary, partly derived from erosion of
the Aalensis Zone (Roche, 1939; M o u t e r d e , 1953, p . 304). T h e total
thickness hardly exceeds 20 m . I n t h e M o n t d ' O r Lyonnais the corres­
ponding beds are 50 m . thick, chiefly m a d e u p by Calcaire a E n t r o q u e s .
Ammonites figured include Ludwigia, Tmetoceras, Erycites, Planammato-
ceras, etc. (Riche, 1896; Roman, 1913; de Riaz, 1907; Riche & Roman,
1921, pi. ii; Roman & Boyer, 1923). A t Crussol the beds are highly
condensed and incomplete, only a few centimetres thick, b u t rich in
Graphoceratidae. A t Privas only the Opalinum Zone is represented in
some places, while in others wisps of t h e Murchisonae and C o n c a v u m
faunas appear (Roman, 1950, p p . 36-7). I n parts of t h e Causses d u
Larzac the Murchisonae Zone is very thick and contains sandy limestones
with Cancellophycus (Nickles, 1907, p . 582). T h e Bajocian of the Causses
is still almost untouched from the point of view of ammonite stratigraphy,
and it offers the attractions of exceptional difficulty (see Boisse de Black,
1933; Agadele, 1939; M a u b e u g e , 1949, p . 210).


All stages of the Lias are present, and t h o u g h the thicknesses a n d

lithology vary as usual, the Lias obeys the rule that it is m u c h m o r e
uniform t h a n t h e rest of t h e Jurassic. T h e r e is not enough d e p a r t u r e
from ammonite sequences established on the east of the Paris Basin to
warrant devoting space to a recapitulation of the succession here. T h e
stages are followed in detail, with m i n u t e attention to palaeontology,
r o u n d the massif of M o r v a n into the Maconnais and M o n t d ' O r Lyonnais
b y M o u t e r d e (1953). T h e n c e southward all t h e outcrops t h r o u g h t h e
Bas-Vivarais are dealt with by Roman (1950) and sections in the U p p e r
Pliensbachian and Toarcian in G a r d b y Stchepinsky (1937). T h e Causses
region is especially favoured, with a thorough stratigraphical revision
and correlation-tables by Boisse de Black (1933) and the magnificently
illustrated monographs o n t h e Pliensbachian a n d T o a r c i a n b y Monestier
(1921, 1928, 1931, 1934), and good illustrations of an U p p e r Toarcian
fauna of Dumortieriae by Roquefort & D a g u i n (1929). Finally for t h e
r t n e
whole area there are the monographs by D u m o r t i e r (1864-74) f °
Rhone basin, and by Reynes (1868, 1879) for Aveyron and a m u c h wider
region. T h e m o n o g r a p h b y Reynes (1879) has b e e n revised b y D o n o v a n
(1955, M e m . Soc. geol. F r a n c e ( N S ) vol. xxxiv, n o . 74).


T h e folded ranges of the J u r a form an almost perfectly symmetrical arc

or crescent, about 245 miles long o n t h e outer side and 212 miles long o n
the inner, with a m a x i m u m width in the centre of 40 miles. T h e southern
h o r n of t h e crescent is joined to t h e outer front of the Alps near G r e n o b l e ;
t h e north-eastern h o r n narrows to a point in the Tertiary lowland as t h e
single anticline of Lagern, near Baden. F r o m t h e two extremities inwards
t h e folds multiply fanwise in text-book virgations, until in the middle
of t h e arc t h e r e are about twenty anticlines a n d as many synclines. M o s t
of the folds are formed of Jurassic rocks, b u t many long and narrow
outliers of Cretaceous and even T e r t i a r y sediments are pinched in
the synclines; for simplicity these are not shown on the sketch-map
(fig- 9)-
O n the convex rim of the arc, except on the north-west side, the outer
fold range abuts against unfolded Jurassic; this constitutes the plateau
J u r a (Jura tabulaire, Tafeljura) as opposed to the folded Jura (Kettenjura,
J u r a plisse). T h e b o u n d a r y is shown approximately by a dot-dash line
o n fig. 9. At no great depth u n d e r the plateau Jura lies crystalline
basement. I n the n o r t h the basement is an extension of the Vosges and
Black Forest massifs; in the centre is another massif which comes to t h e
surface only in a small inlier of crystallines overlain by Permo-Trias,
the L a Serre massif; in the south another small inlier of Pre-Cambrian
basement crops out at the north-west edge of the He Cremieu, which is
an isolated r e m n a n t of plateau Jura. T h i s southern outcrop of basement
rocks belongs to the Massif Central, from which it is severed by the rift
valley of the Rhone-Saone. T h e rifting occurred at the same time as
that of the Rhine valley between the Vosges and Black Forest and before
the main J u r a folding. T h e plateau J u r a bordering the Black Forest
on the south and east is riven by a system of faults parallel to the Rhine
valley rift-faults, and this system is overriden by the outer thrusts a n d
asymmetric folds of the Kettenjura.
T h e air traveller from England to Geneva who is lucky enough to pick
a day on which there is a low cloud-sea, hiding the plateau Jura and the
midland valley of Switzerland, sees t h e arcuate fold ranges of the K e t t e n ­
j u r a with their forested tops rising above the cloud like a barrier-reef
cutting t h e ocean. Beyond t h e cloud-filled midland valley stand t h e
Alps, their bare white peaks raised high in the blue sky and glittering in
t h e s u n . T h i s unforgettable sight impresses o n t h e mind a vivid picture
of the relation of J u r a to Alps. T h e J u r a folds are ruckles in front of
t h e great pile of nappes. T h e size a n d arcuate shape of the whole crescent

of ruckles was evidently determined b y t h e frame of resistant h o r s t s —

Black Forest, Vosges, Serre, Cremieu—within which t h e Mesozoic cover
was able to crease.
Attempts to draw scale-sections t h r o u g h t h e J u r a anticlines show that
such tight folding cannot b e continued at d e p t h : there is n o room for
ancient core rocks inside t h e looped Jurassic formations. T u n n e l s have

FIG. 9.—The Jura Mountains. Jurassic outcrops in black, but including numerous
narrow elongate outcrops of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments in the synclines.
The division between the folded or chain Jura and the plateau Jura is shown by a
dot-dash line (simplified).

confirmed t h i s : none has revealed any rocks older t h a n T r i a s inside t h e

anticlines. T h u s t h e Jura ranges have long been renowned as text-book
examples of disharmonic folding of cover rocks t o r n bodily from t h e i r
resistant basement above a plane of lubrication—here Triassic marls
and salt (fig. 1 0 ) .
I n essence this interpretation is unchallengeable: t h e d i s h a r m o n y
(decollement) is manifest. T h a t t h e basement is flat a n d totally unfolded,
however, b y no means follows. T h e implication that t h e t h r u s t was
transmitted horizontally t h r o u g h t h e Mesozoic cover for thirty or forty


Sudporra! 658n
des Richrsroilens
d>s Tunnels I

3698 3500 3000 1500 1000 500

ttuAMSfscnarr | EFFIHStKSCH
F I G . I O . — T w o horizontal sections through parts of the Chain Jura, after Buxtorf. Above, section along the line
of the Grenchenberg tunnel;
below, section along the line of the Weissenstein tunnel.
miles, while the cover was held d o w n b y t h e weight of t h e Molasse in
the midland valley, stretches credulity too far. As argued by Cadisch
(1934), A u b e r t (1945), a n d Lees (1952), it is m o r e probable t h a t t h e
basement u n d e r the fold J u r a was weaker t h a n in the horsts and t h a t
t h e main anticlines a n d t h r u s t faults in t h e cover reflect strike-thrusts
or thrust-anticlines in the basement. S u p p o r t for this hypothesis has
been provided b y closer study of t h e Jurassic stratigraphy. T h e m a i n
facies-changes in some of the U p p e r Jurassic stages occur along lines
roughly parallel to the chain (Aubert, 1947); the migrating coral reefs
of the U p p e r Oxfordian and Kimeridgian occur in bands parallel to t h e
present strike of the folds (Bourgeat, 1887); and according to Carozzi
(1948) and Donze (1950) the freshwater beds of t h e Purbeckian occur
in separate ellipses which to a considerable degree coincide with existing
anticlinal culminations. I t therefore appears that embryonic folding
of the basement was already taking place in t h e J u r a in U p p e r Jurassic
times, long before there was any weight over the midland valley to hold
down the cover. Moreover, there is a series of tear-faults which disjoint
the otherwise even sheaves of folds and m u s t surely be controlled b y tears
in the basement. Nevertheless these modifications do not seriously
detract from the pre-eminence of the J u r a as an illustration of disharmonic
folding of a mighty sedimentary cover (the Jurassic alone is u p to 1700 m .
thick) shortened to accommodate itself to a yielding s u b s t r a t u m within
a semicircular frame of resistant horsts. Since the Miocene molasse
and Pontian freshwater beds are intimately involved in the structures,
while the earliest Quaternary deposits (Deckenschotter) lie across their
eroded edges, the main phase of folding and t h r u s t i n g m u s t have taken
place in the late Miocene to Pliocene (Favre & Jeannet, 1934, p . 56).
N o doubt m u c h of the disharmonic detail was controlled b y t h e distribu­
tion and behaviour of Triassic salt deposits (Bonte, 1943; Lees, 1952,
p . 19).

T h e floor of the midland valley did not remain entirely free from
folds. T h e ridge of M o n t Saleve, south of Geneva, a n d some other
folds farther south, although separated b y most of the narrowing
midland valley, can only b e classed with the Jura, tectonically a n d
D u r i n g t h e Jurassic, as usual, t h e t r o u g h n o w occupied b y t h e J u r a
became progressively more differentiated. I n Liassic times it was merely
a continuation of t h e R h o n e valley and Paris Basin, with which it remained
at all times in direct communication t h r o u g h the broad Langres portal.
But in t h e M i d d l e Bajocian coral reefs began to grow, a n d during t h e
U p p e r Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian these assumed great i m p o r t ­
ance, building u p in elongated b a n d s parallel t o t h e present strike of the
folds, as remarked above, b u t also migrating south-eastwards as t i m e
progressed, as if advancing o u t from t h e L a n g r e s portal towards t h e
Alpine geosyncline. T h e latest reefs are in the T i t h o n i a n in t h e most
south-easterly outcrops, at M o n t Saleve a n d Echaillon. D a t i n g of

individual reefs has led to prolonged controversies, owing to the difficulty

of tracing t h e m laterally into bedded deposits yielding ammonites. Closer
study of the corals, however, m a y in time enable reefs to be more accurately
dated from internal evidence; for four successive coral zones have been
recognized within the U p p e r Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian of the
southern J u r a (Pelletier, 1952). T h e pelecypod Diceras is an important
constituent of some of the reefs. Farther east sponges predominated
a n d their remains are rock-builders in the lower part of the T r a n s ­
versarium Zone.
Of the extensive documentation of this classic region only the most
outstanding contributions can b e referred to here. For those not requiring
a general account on the m o n u m e n t a l scale of de Margerie's (1922-36)
t h e r e are excellent summaries b y H e i m (1919) and by Favre & Jeannet
(1934). H e i m ' s tables give thicknesses, a feature all too rare in the
literature, and some of the readings are surprising—such as 500 m . for
the Transversarium Zone. Although nothing like such great thicknesses
appear in the palaeontological monographs that have been chiefly used
for t h e present account, H e i m ' s figures are given here because they are
for the most part taken from Swiss Geological Survey memoirs, which
(with a few exceptions) are too n u m e r o u s and detailed to be referred to
A particularly beautiful coloured m a p and study of an important part
of t h e Kettenjura between Liestal and Solothurn is available (Delhaus &
G e r t h , 1912), and there are good studies, also with coloured maps, of the
plateau J u r a in the north-east (Brandlin, 1911; Braun, 1920). T h e
history of research in the northern J u r a since 1900 has been interestingly
told by Schmassmann (1950).
T h e outstanding works o n t h e stratigraphy and palaeontology of t h e
Jurassic of the J u r a are a memoir b y Moesch (1867) and the magnificent
series of monographs on U p p e r Jurassic ammonites and other mollusca
b y de Loriol (1876-1904). T h e s e set a standard for stratigraphical
palaeontology the world over.
Unfortunately t h e progress of stratigraphy in the Jura has been
particularly bedevilled by ambiguous and overlapping nomenclature.
T h e t e r m s Argovian, Rauracian, and Sequanian have been used in such
different senses by de Loriol, Rollier, and H a u g that they have ceased
to convey any meaning and are abandoned in this book. T h e most
inaccurate and regrettable usage was that of Rollier (whose baleful influence
on Swiss M i d d l e Jurassic stratigraphy also has been shown by Lieb,
1945, p p . 121-3), and it is unfortunate that Rollier's misleading scheme
of stages was adopted in H e i m ' s great work Geologie der Schweiz (1919).
I n order t h a t these t e r m s as used by the principal authors may be inter­
preted, a comparative table for the U p p e r Jurassic of the J u r a has been
d r a w n u p , using as standard scale the stages and zones now adopted
t h r o u g h o u t this book (table 6, p . 93).
Photos W.J. A.
PLATE 50.—Mont Saleve, near Geneva. Limestones ranging from Kimeridgian to Barremian.

PLATE $b.—Typical landscape in the Jura Mountains, near Waldenburg. T h e hills are folded
Jura overthrust towards the north (right).
PLATE 6 . — T h e c a s t l e o f N e u F a l k e n s t e i n i n t h e K e t t e n j u r a , p e r c h e d o n v e r t i c a l U p p e r J u r a s s i c i n a fol


T h e folds of the J u r a M o u n t a i n s take off from the front of the Alps

as a virgation in the northern subalpine ranges of the G r a n d e Chartreuse,
between Grenoble and C h a m b e r y . Near C h a m b e r y the western folds
of the virgation t u r n n o r t h w a r d to r u n into the J u r a proper, while the
eastern or Alpine structures continue north-eastwards, parallel to the
main Alpine front. I n between are minor folds of hesitant strike, with
U p p e r Jurassic cores, forming the Bauges group and the mountains b y
the Lake of Annecy. T h e last of these intermediate ranges is t h e faulted
ridge of M o n t Saleve, south of Geneva (Plate 5).
T h i s region is of special importance for its bearing on t h e stratigraphy
of the uppermost Jurassic and basal Cretaceous and for the problem of
t h e boundary between the two systems. Its mountains hold the key
t o these problems more surely than any other outcrops in E u r o p e ; for
here we are on the border between the Mediterranean province with its
marine Tithonian and Berriasian, with good ammonite faunas, and t h e
northern lagoonal or lacustrine province of the Purbeckian, prevalent
in the J u r a proper and in north-west E u r o p e . H e r e the two provinces
overlap and their characteristic deposits interfinger.
Unfortunately, owing to discontinuity of the outcrops, it is impossible
to trace the passage of Purbeck Beds laterally into their marine equivalents,
b u t they overlap in area, and the order of succession has been established.
M a r i n e T i t h o n i a n continues n o r t h to M o n t Saleve, a n d Purbeckian, w i t h
freshwater gastropods as in t h e typical Purbeckian of the J u r a proper,
occurs on M o n t Saleve and southwards into t h e G r a n d e Chartreuse
group as far as L e s Echelles and L a Buisse (Moret, 1933, p . 82). Moreover,
t h e Lower Tithonian at Saint-Concors, near C h a m b e r y , contains an
extensive ammonite fauna correlating with the N e u b u r g Beds of the
Franconian Alb (Blanchet, 1923; Donze, 1948) a n d t h u s enables t h a t
otherwise unique fauna to be placed in relation to overlying beds, whereas
in the Franconian Alb it is in t h e highest formation present and so can
b e related only to underlying beds.
Perhaps the highlight of this region, however, is the occurrence of
ammonites in the Purbeck Beds. T h e y have been recorded in two
places from measured sections a n d in close association with, b u t overlying,
beds containing freshwater gastropods such as Valvata, Viviparus, Physa,
Planorbis and Lymnaea: at Cluse de Chaille near Les Echelles (about
midway between C h a m b e r y a n d Grenoble) (Maillard, 1886, p p . 7, 9 and
pi. i, fig. 1), and at M o n t Saleve, south of Geneva (Joukowsky & Favre,
1913, p p . 313, 477). All t h e fragments have been sent m e on loan from
Geneva and Lausanne M u s e u m s a n d I a m able t o confirm t h e i n d e p e n d e n t
identifications of H . Douville and W . Kilian, w h o determined t h e m as
Perisphinctes (now Berriasella) lorioli (Zittel), of the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n of
Stramberg. Both collections, however, also contain unmistakable frag­
ments of Berriasella richteri (Oppel), another S t r a m b e r g species, which

o n account of its dense, projected secondary ribbing Uhlig included i n

his Spiti Shales genus Kossmatia. M a z e n o t (1939) now regards b o t h
lorioli a n d richteri as Berriasellae belonging t o a group lacking a ventral

F I G . 11.—Map of the southern end of the Purbeckian lake, after Moret, 1933.
The Molasse belt is horizontally ruled.

smooth b a n d . Both species are a b u n d a n t in a n d characteristic of t h e

U p p e r T i t h o n i a n (Ardescian, Transitorius Zone), b u t both have been
recorded, rarely, in t h e Berriasian. T h e r e is also a single record (Mazenot,

1939, p . 263) of B. richteri in the Lower Tithonian, b u t considering t h e

complete break in the ammonite fauna between t h e Lower a n d U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n in the south-east of France, it is probable that this record
results from some error. I n any case, there can b e n o d o u b t that b e d s
containing these two Berriasellids, and no other ammonites, are U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n in age.
T h e general limits of deposition of the J u r a Purbeckian were sketched
o n a m a p by Maillard (1883, pi. A ) , b u t his subsequent discovery at t h e
Cluse de Chaille, n o r t h of Les Echelles (1886), and others by M o r e t ,
extended the known distribution of the Purbeckian freshwater facies
considerably farther south, to the right-angle b e n d of the River Isere,
N W . of Grenoble. M o r e t ' s revised m a p of this southern extension of
t h e Purbeckian swamps or lake is reproduced here (fig. n ) . Like
Maillard, he interpreted the b o u n d a r y as t h e original limit of deposition,
south of which the Purbeckian m u s t pass laterally into the U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n (Moret, 1933, p . 81).
T h e succession of the topmost Jurassic and basal Cretaceous in this
critical region is as follows :—

I n the Bauges and Chartreuse groups the following composite section
has been inferred by piecing together a n u m b e r of separate exposures
(Donze, 1951):—
U p p e r Berriasian: marly limestones; Chara absent, and Dasycladacean
algae dying out (Clypeina jurassica Favre).
Middle Berriasian: 'Calcaire grossier', a detrital limestone largely
composed of echinoderm fragments, comminuted shells a n d p s e u d o -
ooliths, locally oolitic, always rich in Dasycladacean algae, often with
Chara; there are also some black limestone pebbles containing Chara
a n d supposed to b e derived from erosion of P u r b e c k Beds ( M o r e t &
Pachoud, 1948). F r o m a lenticular development on this horizon at
Nivolet, east of Chambery, have been obtained (Gidon, 1948) Protacan-
thodiscus euthymi (Pictet), Neocosmoceras aff. curelense (Kilian), Berriasella
boissieri (Pict.), Spiticeras sp., Neocomites occitanicus (Pict.), Lytoceras
honoratianum (d'Orb.), an assemblage of t h e m a i n or middle Berriasian
horizon (Boissieri Zone) of M a z e n o t (1939, p . 25). T h i s b e d is about
15 m . thick around C h a m b e r y b u t thins southwards to about 30 c m s .
i n t h e middle of the Chartreuse group, and is replaced locally b y marly
limestones similar to others in t h e Berriasian.
Lower Berriasian: marly limestones locally rich in foraminifera, a n d
with Dasycladacean algae.]


I n the Bauges and Chartreuse groups this consists normally of
Calpionella and cephalopod limestone, locally pseudo-oolitic a n d s o m e ­
times developing a feeble reef-facies towards t h e top (Donze, 1951).

I n t h e valley of t h e Isere N W . of Grenoble are celebrated localities—

Aizy, Noyarey, L e Chevallon (for s u m m a r y and bibliography see Mazenot,
1939, p p . 18-21), which have yielded t h e rich ammonite fauna of the
u p p e r m o s t U p p e r T i t h o n i a n , characterized b y Berriasella chaperi (Pictet),
B. aizyensis Maz., Dalmasiceras progenitor (Oppel), D. djanelidzei Maz.,
Neocomites suprajurensis Maz., etc. T h i s assemblage is believed (Mazenot,
1939) to b e higher t h a n the m a i n U p p e r Tithonian assemblage of Chomerac,
or Delphinensis Subzone, which contains Proniceras pronum (Oppel)
and (important in the present context) the Berriasellids without a ventral
groove, B. lorioli (Zittel) and B. richteri (Oppel).
T h e Cluse de Chaille section, with the Purbeck Beds, is on the n o r t h ­
west side of t h e G r a n d e Chartreuse g r o u p . T h e detailed profile described
by Maillard (1886, p p . 6-7) shows just over 10 m . of marls and thin beds
of limestone, underlying supposed 'Valanginian' [Lower Berriasian]
limestones. Less t h a n a m e t r e from the top is a 0-7 m. b a n d of
shelly limestone with Berriasella cf. lorioli (Zittel), B. richteri (Zittel)
a n d m a r i n e gastropods identified as Tylostoma and Chemnitzia. At
2-37 m . below this is a t h i n seam of greenish grey marl (0-15-0-2 m.)
enclosing fragments and nodules of limestone and filling pockets in
t h e b e d below; in this b e d occur Physa and other indeterminable
freshwater shells.
F r o m h e r e n o r t h w a r d s in t h e ranges t h a t link u p with the Jura p r o p e r
t h e P u r b e c k Beds are fully developed b u t no sections are known to show
clear relations to dateable T i t h o n i a n or Berriasian. I n the mountains
on the north-east side of Lake Bourget t h e beds have been studied by
D o n z e (1950) and confirm Carozzi's conclusion in the Jura proper (see
p . 83) that anticlines were already rising in Purbeckian times. On t h e
flanks of t h e anticlines the Purbeckian is u p to 50 m. thick, but t h e
proportion of freshwater to marine beds is low; while on top of t h e
anticlines t h e thickness is m u c h less a n d the proportion of freshwater
beds m u c h higher. T h e r e is in places on t h e anticlines a conglomerate
of pebbles derived from destruction of underlying limestones which are
u n d a t e d b u t are customarily k n o w n in the J u r a as 'Portlandian'.
Finally, on t h e ridge of M o n t Saleve is t h e series of sections described
in detail b y Joukowsky and Favre (1913, p p . 3 1 0 - 1 8 ) . H e r e the Purbeckian
is 40 m . thick and overlain b y about 100 m . of limestones and other beds
assigned to t h e Berriasian b u t without ammonites. T h e Purbeckian
consists of lithographic limestones, marly limestones and marls, with
several b a n d s of conglomerate or breccia; and Chora, ostracods and
foraminifera occur throughout. T h e fragments of Berriasella lorioli
and B. richteri were found in a marl parting in a limestone band 0-9 m .
thick, at a level 3-2 m . below the top of the section, and marine Jurassic
gastropods (Nerinea, Aphanoptyxis, Exelissa, Natica) and Corbula overlie
t h e m . Only 0-75 m . below the ammonite bed is again a pebbly marl with
freshwater shells : here Valvata helicoides a n d Planorbis loryi, with Chara
and Cypris. T h i s particular section was at Aiguebelle. At other sections

on the range Physa wealdiana, Viviparus inflatus a n d Lymnaea have b e e n

found (Joukowsky & Favre, 1913, p p . 477-9, pis. 32, 33).
T h e A b b e Donze, u n d e r whose guidance I visited t h e sections in t h e
Cluse de Chaille in 1954, allows m e to state t h a t h e has collected ostracods
bed by bed and that they indicate that t h e Purbeckian there, as described
by Maillard, is to be correlated closely with that in t h e Jura.

Below the Purbeckian at M o n t Saleve are 65 m . of thick-bedded
limestones, partly oolitic, partly massive and compact, partly in reef
facies, full of Diceras and Nerinea, known as 'Portlandian', b u t n o
ammonites have been found.
W h a t becomes of this thick formation in a southerly direction is a
problem still unsolved. I n p a r t it may have been eroded away, as suggested
by the pebble conglomerates in the Purbeck B e d s ; in p a r t at least t h e r e
may be a change of facies into ammonite-bearing limestones. A t any
rate, at Saint-Concors, n o r t h of C h a m b e r y , t h e normal [Middle]
Kimeridgian is succeeded b y t h e celebrated Lower T i t h o n i a n with t h e
swarms of Perisphinctids of t h e N e u b u r g fauna (Franconian Alb), which
can be seen to dip below t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n limestones (Mazenot,
1939, p p . 17-19). T h e Perisphinctids of this formation (Blanchet, 1923;
Donze, 1948, 1948a) are too n u m e r o u s to list, b u t include Subplanites
pseudocolubrinus (Kilian) and m a n y Sublithacoceras, Pseudovirgatites,
Anavirgatites, Virgatosphinctes, etc., and the genus Paraberriasella D o n z e ,
which seems to b e very close to Pectinatites. D o n z e counted 48 species
of ammonites, of which 17 agree with species of t h e Ciliata Z o n e a t
N e u b u r g (see p . n o ) and 5 with species of the L i t h o g r a p h i c u m Z o n e ,
and from this and the presence of Lithacoceras ulmense (Oppel) a n d L .
geron (Zittel) he concluded that Saint-Concors is slightly older t h a n
N e u b u r g . Rather, it m u s t contain older elements; apparently r e p r e ­
sentatives of the Lithographicum and U l m e n s e Zones as well as t h e
Ciliata Zone, here condensed into one t h i n lenticle.
O n palaeontological grounds M a z e n o t (1939, p . 25) postulated a gap
between the Saint-Concors Lower T i t h o n i a n and the C h o m e r a c U p p e r
Tithonian, and in it h e would expect to find a fauna with n u m e r o u s
Perisphinctids, and with Berriasellids intermediate between those of
N e u b u r g and the true Berriasella of the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n . If, as is n o w
clear, the Purbeckian is equivalent to t h e lower part of the U p p e r
Tithonian, and the N e u b u r g fauna is approximately of the date of t h e
Pectinatus Zone (see p . 111), i.e. U p p e r Kimeridgian, M a z e n o t ' s gap
may in fact cover the whole Portlandian and the u p p e r part of the U p p e r
Kimeridgian (the thick Pavlovia Zones). (See table 5, p . 91). It
coincides, moreover, with the time of uplift of the Franconian Alb above
sea-level and the close of deposition over the whole Swabian-Franconian
Jurassic trough until the U p p e r Cretaceous transgression. It also accounts
for the absence from S E . France of any M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n faunas such as.

occur in South America a n d Mexico (see table 24, p . 581); and it is

consistent with t h e widespread p r e - U p p e r T i t h o n i a n movements known
in m a n y parts of t h e world (for instance, overstep of U p p e r Tithonian
o n t o Palaeozoics in parts of Andalusia : p . 246).
S u c h a n extensive uplift accounts for t h e failure of the uppermost
Kimeridgian a n d Portlandian ammonites to penetrate into these southern
basins. Contemporary uplifts elsewhere would also explain t h e
independent a n d divergent evolution of t h e Volgian ammonites in n o r t h ­
eastern seas which m u s t have been more or less shut off from t h e
Portlandian basin of N W . E u r o p e . Later uplifts completely isolated
t h e north-western basin a n d introduced t h e freshwater regime of t h e
Purbeck a n d Wealden Beds, j u s t w h e n in t h e south uplift had given
place t o subsidence a n d initiated t h e U p p e r Tithonian-Berriasian cycle
of deposition in t h e T e t h y s . If t h e ostracods a n d freshwater mollusca
are t o b e relied u p o n as even approximate zonal guides, the hingeing
m o v e m e n t took place i n t h e Lower and M i d d l e Purbeckian; for this
facies a n d its peculiar fossil assemblage is alone common to t h e t w o
areas, a n d it ends t h e gap in t h e south a n d begins the gap in the north
(see table 5, p . 91).


U n d e r indubitable Valanginian a n d resting o n t h e Purbeckian are
15-45 - °f limestones a n d marls. T h e lower part consists of coarsely
oolitic grey marls a n d limestones, t h e u p p e r part of 'bastard marble'.
T h e s e beds are considered o n insecure evidence to represent a littoral
facies of t h e Berriasian, b u t t h e only ammonites that appear to have
been found are b o t h d o u b t f u l : o n e seems t o b e an Acanthodiscus misplaced
from t h e Hauterivian, a n d t h e other was compared to a Valanginian
ammonite (Am. hystrix Phillips) from t h e Speeton Clay (Baumberger,
1903-10, pi. xxi, fig. 1; a n d part vi, p . 39). T h e supporting fauna is
meagre a n d undiagnostic, b u t some ingredients, and also the same
'bastard marble' facies, occur in u n d o u b t e d Berriasian farther south, in
t h e subalpine ranges.]

PURBECKIAN (12-25 m . )
T h e Purbeckian is most complete and fossiliferous in t h e territory
west of Lake Neuchatel a n d t h e Lake of Bienne, to beyond t h e River
D o u b s . T h e interesting molluscan fauna has been monographed b y
de Loriol & Jaccard (1865) a n d Maillard (1884, 1886), and their strati-
graphical results have been checked a n d amplified b y Carozzi (1948),
from whose detailed m o n o g r a p h t h e following succession emerges :—•
Couches saumtaes supeneurs (brackish beds) . . Upper Purbeck
Couches lacustres (freshwater beds) with 'Intercalation
marine' in the middle . . . . . Middle Purbeck
Couches dolomitiques inferieures, in part replaced
laterally by Marnes a gypse . . . . Lower Purbeck
Ostracods collected b y Carozzi and b y H e a p are being studied b y F . W .

Stages Haute Savoie, Savoie, Isere
Formations Zones

BERRIASIAN boissieri Berriasian, with in middle B. boissieri,

? Wealden Beds Neocomites, Spiticeras, etc.

A R D E S C I A N or PURBECKIAN ? Upper Purbeck chaperi Upper Tithonian of Aizy with B. chaperi



Purbeck Beds Upper Tithonian of ChomeVac with B.

delphinensis delphinensis, B. lorioli, B. richteri; and

Gap (possibly filled at least in part at
albani Mont Saleve and in the Jura by so-called
[semiforme] Portlandien without ammonites)

pectinatus ciliata
Kimeridge Clay
(upper and middle
MIDDLE KIMERIDGIAN parts) Subplanites spp. vimineus Lower Tithonian of Saint-Concors with
the Neuburg and earlier faunas

Gravesia spp. ulmense


Anderson, who confirms Carozzi's dating. Collections from about 4 m .

above t h e base of t h e Purbeckian at localities near t h e N W . shore of
L a k e Neuchatel consisted u p t o 95 p e r cent, of Candona bononiensis
J o n e s a n d corresponded t o assemblages from t h e u p p e r p a r t of t h e
English Lower Purbeck (Anderson, 1951). M r Anderson informs m e
(in lit., 1953) that t h e 'Intercalation marine' in t h e middle freshwater
b e d s is of the date of t h e m a r i n e b e d s i n t h e Middle Purbeck, and t h a t
s o far there is n o evidence for the u p p e r part of the U p p e r Purbeck.
T h e mollusca comprise m a n y of t h e same brackish and freshwater
genera as in t h e English P u r b e c k ; i n particular there are seven a n d
p e r h a p s ten species of freshwater gastropods, including Valvata, Hydrobia,
Planorbis, Physa, Lymnaea, Viviparus and Ellobium.


I n Randen and t h e N E . Jura, Plattenkalke, 30-70 m . thick (where n o t
r e m o v e d by erosion), have long been recognized as belonging to Oppel's
Steraspis Z o n e of Bavaria, o n t h e strength of yielding Streblites (Neo-
chetoceras) steraspis (Oppel), Glochiceras thoro (Oppel), Lithacoceras
ulmense (Oppel), Aspidoceras hoplisum (Oppel) a n d A. cf. longispinum
(Sow.) (Moesch, 1867, p p . 201-6). I n t h e central and southern J u r a ,
w h e r e a succession would b e especially welcome because of the presence
of freshwater P u r b e c k Beds, there is a considerable thickening, with
passage into dolomites a n d crystalline or compact limestones difficult
t o separate from t h e Purbeckian, b u t ammonites appear only in t h e
lower p a r t of t h e series, which reaches a m a x i m u m of 150 m. T h e species
recorded are Gravesia portlandica (de Lor.), G. irius (d'Orb.) and G.
gravesiana (d'Orb.) (Salfeld, 1914, p . 227; Heim, 1919, table, p . 506),
a n d (underlying beds with the first two i n Bugey, at the south extremity
of the Jura), Neochetoceras steraspis Oppel sp. (Pelletier, 1953).

L O W E R KIMERIDGIAN (c. 25-250 m . )

Zone of Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis. Wettingen Beds, e t c . :
c o m p a c t a n d siliceous limestones, marls a n d limestones with Exogyra
virgula, passing into white chalky Z)jceras-limestones at Montbeliard
(Contejean, 1859) and into 143 m . of white coral reef limestone at M o n t
Saleve a n d possibly 40 m . of limestone with chert nodules below. T h e
celebrated coral reefs of Valfin are also i n this zone. F r o m the Wettingen
Beds are recorded Aulacostephanus eudoxus (d'Orb.), A. pseudomutabilis
(de Lor.), Glochiceras nimbatum (Oppel), Taramelliceras trachinotum
(Oppel), T. holbeini (Oppel) a n d Orthaspidoceras orthocera (d'Orb.)
(Moesch, 1867, p p . 193-201; Heim, 1919, p . 506, table).
Zone of Streblites tenuilobatus, Baden Beds, 6-150 m . Marly lime­
stones with a very rich ammonite a n d other fauna monographed b y
d e Loriol (1876-78, 1880-81) a n d Butticaz (1943). T h e s e monographs
s h o w a striking m i x t u r e of N W . E u r o p e a n a n d T e t h y a n ammonites.
N o r t h e r n elements are Amoeboceras kapfi (Oppel) and the many Raseniae
T A B L E 6 . — S U B D I V I S I O N S O P T H E O X F O R D I A N A N D L O W E R K I M E R I D G I A N I N T H E JURA

De Loriol & Heim, 1919

Stages and Zones Formations Marcou, 1848 Moesch,
Girardot, Haug, 1910 (mainly after
now adopted (Moesch, 1867, etc.) Gressly, 1867 1867, p. 207
1896-1904 Rollier)

pseudomutabilis Wettingen Beds Kimeridgien
(Wanderer, 1906 :
= 'mutabilis'
Oppel, 1863) Kimeridgien Kimeridgien Kimeridgien
Streblites tenuilobatus Baden Beds Sequanien Sequanien '—1
(Oppel, 1863) (Astartien) (Marcou, 1848)
Letzi Beds Sequanien \ >
Epipeltoceras bimammatum Wangen Beds Rauracien Corallien Rauracien

(Oppel, 1863) (Corallien) (Gressly, 1867) Rauracien Sequanien
Crenularis Beds Argovien III

S. and M.
Geissberg Beds

Gregoryceras transversarium Effingen Beds Argovien Oxfordien Argovien II
(Oppel, 1863) Birmensdorf Beds (Marcou, 1848)
Terrain a Chailles
pars Argovien I Argovien

Terrain a Chailles
Cardioceras cordatum
(d'Orbigny, 1850) Oxfordien Oxfordien Oxfordien
Pholadomya Beds
Quenstedtoceras mariae Renggeri Marls
(H. Douville, 1881)

of t h e Mutabilis and Cymodoce Zones (de Loriol, pi. xiii—this and

subsequent references are to t h e Baden monograph), including Prorasenia (Oppel), Rasenia trimera (Oppel) and its allies, Rasenioides
lepidulus and R. moeschi (Oppel), etc., as well as some of the Perisphinctids.
T h e s e are far outnumbered, however, by southern elements such as
Streblites, Glochiceras and Taramelliceras (de Loriol, pis. i-iv), Sutneria
(pi. xv, 1-5), Idoceras (pi. xv, 6-8, pi. xvi, 1) a n d a great throng of Ataxio-
ceratidae (pis. x, xi), including Progeronia spp. (pis. vii-ix, xii, 1-2;
Butticaz, 1943, pi- iii, 1, p i . v, 2, p i . v i ) ; also Katroliceras crussuliense
F o n t . sp. (de Loriol, pi. v, 7). Peculiar local forms are ? Pararasenia
schmidlini (Moesch) a n d Oxydiscites laffoni (Moesch). Aulacostephanus
phorcus (Font.) and A. cf. pseudomutabilis suggest that the Baden Beds
straddle u p w a r d s into t h e next-higher zone (de Loriol, pi. xvi, figs. 2-4).
Although the Baden Beds are only 6 m . thick at their type locality in
t h e extreme east of t h e Jura, they expand to 130 m. at Reculet, w h e r e
Butticaz (1943, p . 10) found five ammonite horizons up to 100 m. from
t h e base (the t o p 30 m . being unfossiliferous). Unfortunately the two
Perisphinctids from the lowest horizon are not figured, and as both are
misplaced generically it is impossible to j u d g e the age of this level; if
the species are rightly identified (Dichotomosphinctes fontannesi Choffat
sp. and Ringsteadia ? streichensis Oppel sp.) it is probably Upper Oxfordian.
At the southern extremity of the Jura, in Bugey and in the He Cremieu,
the Ataxioceras fauna occurs again, in the latter at least with Involuticeras
and other Rasenids, forming a link with Crussol (Roman, 1926, p . 198;
Pelletier, 1953). T h i s is the Polyplocus Subzone, which is conspicuous
also in the J u r a Vaudois (Aubert, 1943, p . 15). T o it probably belong a
n u m b e r of inadequately figured new species from Porrentruy ( T h u r m a n n
& fitallon, 1861-64; see also Salfeld, 1914, p . 2 2 9 5 m 1954 the types could
not b e found).

U P P E R OXFORDIAN (100-660 m.)

Zone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum. W a n g e n Beds with coralline facies

(Diceratien), Crenularis Beds with Hemicidaris crenularis, and Geissberg
Beds (total 60-160 m . ) . T h e ammonites of t h e Wangen and Crenularis
Beds, as listed by Moesch (1867, p p . 160, 174) deserve more attention
t h a n they have so far received. T h e y include E. bimammatum (Quenst.),
Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.), Amoeboceras alternans, various
Oppeliids a n d Perisphinctids, a n d w h a t appear to be two species of
Ringsteadia: streichensis (Oppel) and vicarius (Moesch, 1867, pi. ii), t h e
latter comparable to t h e Pomeranian Balticeras ramlowi Dohm. I n t h e
Faucille range, west of the Lake of Geneva, these beds are probably
represented in the thick marls which are there classed as U p p e r Argovian
(Lee, 1905, p . 47). At the southern extremity of the Jura, in the He
Cremieu, the zone is highly fossiliferous and well developed, with
n u m e r o u s Epipeltoceras bimammatum, Ochetoceras marantianum and
m a n y other ammonites, b u t it has been incorrectly correlated with the
Geissberg Beds (de Riaz, 1895, p . 3 7 8 ; Roman, 1926, p p . 192, 195).
T h e index fossil abounds near the t o p ; below come something like 40 m .
of clays, marls, and marly limestones with crushed or ill-preserved
ammonites, worked in extensive quarries at Optevoz (ibid., p . 191).
T h e Geissberg Beds (see table, p . 93) seldom contain ammonites,
b u t if as supposed they are equivalent to the Argovien I I I of de Loriol
and Girardot (1903) in the J u r a Ledonien, they contain 'Sutneria' ledonica
de Lor. and three inconclusive Perisphinctids, one of which could well
be of the age of the Cautisnigrae Subzone (1903, p . 84, pi. x, fig. 1).
T h e 'Rauracian' as understood by de Loriol (see table, p . 93) also yields
few ammonites except Perisphinctes chavattensis (de Loriol, 1894, 1895).
Zone of Gregoryceras transversarium. Effingen and Birmensdorf Beds
(Argovien I I and I of de Loriol) and part of the T e r r a i n a Chailles locally
(40-500 m.). T h e s e beds undergo great changes of facies, from massive
or poorly bedded coral limestones a n d oolites in t h e north-west (Rauracian
facies of some authors) to marls and marly limestones and sponge beds
in the south and east (Argovian facies). T h e most celebrated a n d most
ammonitiferous locality of all is T r e p t in the He Cremieu, in t h e extreme
south. T h e rich fauna here is dominated by Perisphinctids, m a n y identical
with N W . European and English species, with some Euaspidoceras spp.,
combined with Sowerbyceras, Lytoceras, a n d m a n y Oppeliidae of southern
affinities, especially Taramelliceras and Ochetoceras (de Riaz, 1898, revised
Arkell, 1946).
I n the centre and n o r t h of t h e J u r a the deposits are thicker and m o r e
varied and difficult to classify. Essentially they consist of the Effingen
Beds (Argovien I I ) above and Birmensdorf Beds (Argovien I) below.
M u c h of the T r e p t fauna occurs in t h e Birmensdorf Beds, which overlap
both eastwards near t h e Black Forest (Randen) and southwards (La
Faucille, He Cremieu) across the Lower Oxfordian and U p p e r Callovian
and come to rest on the M i d d l e Callovian. T h e s e 'Argovian' formations
are the 'Oxfordien superieur et moyen' of de Loriol's monographs
(1896-97, 1901, 1902-04). T h e ammonites figured include mainly forms
proper to the Transversarium Zone ( = M a r t e l l i Zone), b u t also some
from the Terrain a Chailles and Pholadomya Beds, which belong to t h e
upper part of the C o r d a t u m Zone. T h e majority come from Argovien I I ,
in which Gregoryceras transversarium occurs, with Perisphinctes martelli
Oppel sp. (de Loriol, 1903, pi. viii), P. parandieri de Loriol (pi. vii)
and most of the other forms figured in plates i-xv. G. transversarium
or closely allied forms characterize t h e Birmensdorf Beds in m a n y places
(Moesch, 1867, p . 140; Jeannet, 1951, p . 199). T h e assemblage at
Chezery and L a Faucille, figured b y L e e (1905) and Ronchadze (1917),
lacks the earlier species and is precisely equivalent to the fauna of T r e p t .
T h e small size of most of t h e specimens figured is probably due to
artificial selection, as with collections of Perisphinctids from the Elsworth
Rock. ( F o r facies-faunas in t h e north, see L e u t h a r d t , 1928.)
Some of the most striking specific correspondences with English

ammonites are shown by those from Liesberg (de Loriol, 1896; detailed
section by Koby, in de Loriol, 1898-9, p p . 205-6). F r o m 28 m. of beds
of the 'Oxfordien sup. et moy.' come Perisphinctes maximus Young &
Bird sp. (1896, pi. vi, fig. 2), P. pickeringius Y. & B. sp. (pi. vii, fig. 1),
P. kingstonensis Arkell (pi. viii, fig. 1), and probably Euaspidoceras catena
Sow. sp. (pi. ix). T h e s e are some of the essential species of the Plicatilis
Z o n e of the Oxford district, and one might suppose them to be on a
somewhat lower horizon t h a n the T r e p t and La Faucille fauna, and even
de Loriol's other Argovien I and I I faunas, b u t at Liesberg they are
within a m a x i m u m of 28 m . below the base of the 'Rauracien' (as u n d e r ­
stood by de Loriol; see table, p . 93) and Gregoryceras transversarium
occurs with them.

Zone of Cardioceras cordatum. T e r r a i n a Chailles and Pholadomya
Beds (lower part), and the thin C o r d a t u m Beds of Herznach. O n pis. i-v
of de Loriol's J u r a Ledonien monograph (1902), pis. i-vi of the J u r a
Bernois m o n o g r a p h (1896) and pis. i-iii of the supplement (1901) are
figured m a n y ammonites of the genera Taramelliceras (Proscaphites),
Popanites, Protophites, Creniceras, Cardioceras, Properisphinctes, Miro-
sphinctes, Tornquistes, etc., which can only b e assigned to the C o r d a t u m
Zone, although many of t h e m are said to be from Argovien I and t h e
Rhabdocidaris Beds, which are included by Girardot (in de Loriol,
1904, p . 295) in Argovien I I . T h e explanation presumably is that t h e
Rhabdocidaris Beds are a facies which transgresses the zonal boundaries,
a n d that where Rhabdocidaris Beds rest directly on Pholadomya Beds
and are t h u s believed to have overlapped Argovien I (Girardot, p . 296),
they are in reality earlier than in those places where they occur in
Argovien I I .
I n the extreme north-east, at Herznach, the Cordatum Zone is well
differentiated from the Birmensdorf Beds above and rich in ammonites
although condensed to a bed 1 to 2 cm. thick (Jeannet, 1951, p p . 5, 7,
bed F ) . A n iron-oolite of this age which occurs at the base of the Argovien
at Pontarlier and Crosettes contains a mixture of ammonites of t h e
C o r d a t u m and Transversarium Zones and is probably a condensed
representative of parts of both (Dreyfuss & Tintant, 1946). I n the south
(He Cremieu), the C o r d a t u m Zone has not been found and appears t o
b e overlapped (a fauna found by Blondet at T r e p t and attributed to this
zone—Roman, 1926, p . 187—manifestly belongs to the Mariae Zone).
Zone of Quenstedtoceras mariae. T o this zone belong the L o w e r
Oxfordian Marls or Renggeri Marls or clays, which form many steep
b u t landslipped slopes t h r o u g h o u t the Jura. I n some places they average
50-100 m . in thickness b u t they are in many places thinner (for instance
25 m . at Liesberg and in the J u r a Ledonien generally), and towards t h e
Black Forest they wedge out to 28 cms. at Herznach. Palaeontologically
a n d lithologically they are a continuation of those on the east of the
Paris basin. T h e ammonites have been m o n o g r a p h e d by de Loriol
(1898-99, 1900), whose plates show the usual profusion of beautiful,
small, pyritized Oppeliidae, Cardioceratidae, Aspidoceratidae and Peri-
sphinctidae. Sowerbyceras and some other Phylloceratids also occur.
T h e swarms of Scarburgiceras alphacordatum Spath (de Loriol, 1898-99,
pi. ii, 1-3), S. lahuseni Maire (fig. 9) and their allies, with Pavloviceras
mariae d ' O r b . sp. (pi. iii), Hecticoceras, Proscaphites (pis. iii, iv) a n d
Creniceras are accompanied by Poculisphinctes petitclerci de Loriol sp.
(pi. v, 16), Properisphinctes bernensis (de Loriol), Euaspidoceras babeanum
(d'Orb.) and inner whorls of various Peltoceratids difficult to place, all
just as in the same zone in England. Interesting aberrant Oppeliids are
Scaphitodites scaphitoides (Coquand), Sphaerodomites calcaratus (Coquand)
and Berniceras inconspicuum (de Loriol). A few specimens may have
come from the Cordatum Z o n e : e.g. Vertebriceras sequanicum Maire (de
Loriol, 1898-99, pi. ii, 10), which occurs in the Yorkshire Ball Beds.

CALLOVIAN (0-5-82 m.)

T h e Callovian is condensed and richly fossiliferous, excepting the
Macrocephalus Zone, which is often unrepresented by fauna, either
owing to absence or owing t o development i n t h e facies of crinoidal
limestone (Dalle nacree), which in places has yielded large M a c r o -
cephalitidae. Apart from this the prevalent facies is oolitic ironstone
or ironshot marls. F o r the most part the ores belong to the M i d d l e
Callovian and the u p p e r part of the Lower (Calloviense and Koenigi Zones).
At Herznach mines, near the north extremity of t h e Jura, t h e whole
Callovian is only 3-25 m. thick and at Chanaz, near the south extremity,
even less. At both places the ironstone has yielded magnificent ammonite
faunas, monographed respectively b y Jeannet (1951) and Parona &
Bonarelli (1897). At Chanaz the U p p e r Callovian (and Lower Oxfordian)
is missing, the Transversarium Zone resting on the Anceps Zone, b u t
at Herznach, although less than half a metre thick it is separable into
Lamberti Zone above and Athleta Zone below. I n the Hauenstein area
near Olten b o t h U p p e r a n d M i d d l e Callovian are missing (Erni, 1942,
p. 162), while in the He Cremieu the M i d d l e alone is present (de Riaz,
1895, p . 368). T h e detailed ammonite succession at Herznach (Jeannet,
1951) makes it a type section; b u t the order of occurrence of some of t h e
genera and species within the M i d d l e Callovian (beds B2-7 and C i , total
1-95 m.) is probably valid only locally. F o r instance, Erymnoceras has
its maximum abundance above Reineckeia anceps (Jeannet, 1951, p . 7)
whereas at Salins in the west-central Jura, where t h e development is
similar, t h e order is reversed (Piroutet, 1919). Reversibility of t h e
anceps and coronatum epiboles was noted also on the outcrops of t h e
eastern Paris Basin (above, p . 60).
A particularly important ammonite succession has been published
for the Weissenstein area near Solothurn (Erni, 1934):
U p p e r Oxfordian, Birmensdorf Beds, above.

L o w e r Oxfordian marls, 4-6- 5 m.

U p p e r Callovian, Athleta Zone, 15-22 cms. (0-15-0-22 m . ) ; oolitic
ironstone crowded with ammonites belonging to 52 named species,
including Peltoceras athleta, all the Kosmoceras species characteristic of
the Athleta Zone at Oxford, Proscaphites spp., Hecticoceras (11 spp.),
Horioceras, Distichoceras, Phlycticeras, Paralcidia, Sowerbyceras sub-
tortisulcatum, Phylloceras sp., Lissoceras erato, Grossouvria spp. and 4 new
species: Distichoceras quenstedti, Rursiceras subfilatum, Collotia inermis,
and Proscaphites taurimontanus (all of Erni, 1934, p p . 123-4, plate).
Reineckeia anceps is also recorded, indicating that this thin bed includes
part of the underlying zone, otherwise missing.
Lower Callovian, Calloviense Zone, Spatkalkbank, 0-29-1 m. Blue-
grey, fine-grained, siliceous limestone, with the fauna of the Planicerclus
Subzone of South Cave mixed with southern elements: Catasigaloceras
planicerclus Buck., C. curvicerclus Buck., Kosmoceras gulielmi (Sow.),
common, n u m e r o u s Perisphinctids, Reineckeia douvillei Steinmann,
Hecticoceras hecticum (Rein.), H. pauper P . & B., H. pleurospanium P .
& B., Lissoceras voultense (Oppel), and various stout-whorled M a c r o -
cephalitids [presumably Pleurocephalites].
L o w e r Callovian, Macrocephalus Zone, h a r d limestones 0-6-5 - >
with Macrocephalitids; in some places absent, replaced by clays, 18-38 m.,
of uncertain date.
O t h e r important works on t h e Callovian ammonites have been published
for t h e He C r e m i e u (Roman & Blondet, 1926; Blondet, 1935a, 1935^),
t h e M o n t du Chat range near Chanaz (Lemoine, 1932), Chezery and
L a Faucille (Lee, 1905; Tsytovitch, 1911; Pfaehler-Erath, 1938), and
Baume-les-Dames, D o u b s (Petitclerc, 1906; revised and enlarged b y
Fallot, Corroy & Gardet, 1933, p . 19).
I n t h e dept. of D o u b s (and probably elsewhere) the Lamberti Z o n e
is developed as clay and tends to be inseparable lithologically from the
overlying Mariae Zone (e.g. Fallot, Corroy & Gardet, 1933, p . 22).

U P P E R AND M I D D L E BATHONIAN (up to 15 m.)

Varians Beds (1-15 m . ) : somewhat sandy limestones with a b u n d a n t

Rhynchonella alemanica {varians auct.), containing ammonites of t h e
Discus, Aspidoides and Subcontractus Zones, though it is likely that
all three zones are not everywhere present. Oppelia aspidoides is common
at most places, b u t Clydoniceras and Morrisiceras are more partial in
their occurrence and b o t h zones are probably missing where the Varians
Beds are thin. Besides U p p e r and M i d d l e Bathonian species recorded—
Clydoniceras discus (Sow.), Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel), Morrisiceras
morrisi (Oppel) (Muhlberg, 1900, p . 349; Erni, 1941, 1942)—I have seen
from Basel M u s e u m Tulites schlippei Arkell, T. (Rugiferites) sp., and
Bullatimorphites aff. suevicus (Roemer) from the Varians Beds of H a u e n -
stein T u n n e l (last two) a n d ' Argovian J u r a ' (first); also Tulites pumilus
Arkell and T. (Rugiferites) rugifer (Buck.) from Liestal (F. Lieb Coll.).

These ammonites prove that t h e lower part of the Varians Beds is of t h e

age of the Subcontractus Zone, as are t h e Varians Beds on the east of
the Paris Basin (see above, p . 61). (For a further list of Oppeliids from
Chanaz see Blondet, 1935.)
T h e riddled limestone with stylolitic partings in the southern J u r a
called Choin (Rollier, 1911, p p . 3 2 7 - 8 ; R o m a n & Blondet, 1926, p . 376)
must come in somewhere in the middle of the Varians Beds if it is truly
contemporary with its namesake in t h e Maconnais as correlated b y
Lissaj'ous (see above, p . 75 and table, p . 101). Lithologically, the Choin
has m u c h in common with D a g h a m Stone in the Cotswold Great Oolite.

LOWER BATHONIAN (up to 20 m.)

Below the Varians Beds are beds which vary greatly in facies from
place to place, from clays and marly limestones with Ostrea knorri t o
sparry limestone (Spatkalk) and coarse white oolite (Grober-Oolith)
(Schmassmann, 1945, p . 176). T h e more marly facies is called F e r -
rugineus Schichten after Parkinsoniae of the Zigzag Zone. Thicknesses
approaching 20 m. are rare; less than 5 m . is more usual, especially for
the Ferrugineus Schichten facies. At the base of t h e Spatkalk in t h e
north is 2 m. of marl with Eudesia cardium in great quantity, associated
with Parkinsonia wurttembergica Oppel sp. (Erni, 1942), so that t h e
brachiopod appears here m u c h earlier t h a n in n o r t h e r n France. I n some
places at least, in the northern J u r a near Olten (Erni, 1942, p . 161),
the Eudesia cardium marl separates the Spatkalk above from the G r o b e r -
Oolith (2-8 m.) below, and a 'Ferrugineus-Oolith' (3-8 m.) lies below that.
F r o m the contained ammonites all three divisions below t h e Spatkalk
are Lower Bathonian, and all three can pass laterally into Grober-Oolith
(Lieb, 1946, table, p . 226; Schmassmann, 1945, p . 176). W h e r e thickly
developed the Grober-Oolith forms an u p w a r d passage from the Bajocian,
having yielded ammonites of both the Parkinsoni Zone a n d t h e L o w e r
Bathonian (Miihlberg, 1900, table, p . 330; M a u b e u g e , 1950). Procerites
aff. fullonicus (Buckman), of the Zigzag Zone, has been figured from t h e
Marnes du Furcil (Clerc, 1904, pi. 1, 2-3), and Clerc's Parkinsoniae
(pi. 1) are probably of this age also.

U P P E R BAJOCIAN (up to 105 m.)

T h e U p p e r Bajocian coincides almost perfectly with the H a u p t r o -
genstein (Grande Oolithe) plus marly limestones at top with Terebratula
movelierensis (Movelier Schichten) and, at least locally, the lower part
of the Grober-Oolith, as already made clear by Miihlberg (1900, table,
p. 330). I n the plateau Jura near Basel this sequence reaches over 100 m .
in thickness (Schmassmann, 1945, p . 176). T h e lower part of t h e
Hauptrogenstein passes eastwards into lumachelles of Ostrea acuminata
(to 10 m.), which probably belong to the Subfurcatum Zone (Miihlberg,
1898, 1900). Ammonites are rare in all three beds b u t various records
indicate the presence of all the three U p p e r Bajocian zones, and it seems
to be established that Teloceras, recorded b y several authors as T.

blagdeni, occurs also. I n t h e Staffelberg area a coral reef started to grow

at t h e time of t h e Blagdeni Zone and continues upwards well into the
Lower Hauptrogenstein, showing continuity of conditions.

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN (up to 190 m.)

Zone of Stephanoceras humphriesianum. T h i s is divisible into Blagdeni

Beds above (sandy limestones and marls, 3-20 m.) and H u m p h r i e s i a n u m
Beds below (largely ironshot marls and ironshot oolites, 1-7 m.). As
remarked above, Teloceras sp. or spp. customarily identified as blagdeni
pass u p into t h e Subfurcatum Zone. T h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone yields
large Stephanoceras and Skirroceras, and also Sphaeroceras brongniarti,
Chondroceras gervillii, Poecilomorphus cycloides, Oppelia subradiata (Greppin,
1898, p p . 23-7, 34-5) and Strigoceras strigifer Buck. sp. (Maubeuge &
Lieb, 1950). Some areas have considerable coral growth in this zone.
Zone of Otoites sauzei. Marls and sandy limestones, u p to c. 30 m . ,
passing in places into crinoidal limestones and coralline limestones:
Emileia polymer a (Waag.), E. polyschides (Waag.), Otoites sauzei ( G r e p p i n ,
1898, pis. i-iii), Normannites cf. braikenridgei (Sow.), Skirroceras macrum
Quenst. sp. (Pelletier, 1950).
Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi. I n the southern Jura this zone reaches
a thickness of 130 m., consisting chiefly of marly to sparry limestones,
with some bands of chert nodules and a coral band (15 m.) in t h e
Laeviuscula Subzone (Pelletier, 1950). I n the lowest n m. Pelletier
records a large Euhoploceras and, immediately above, a bed (o-6 m.)
with Hyperlioceras, Graphoceras, Reynesella and Sonninia. I n the Basel
region the thickness of t h e zone is only 12-35 m . at a section described in
detail by Striibin (1900), which yielded Sonninia, Poecilomorphus and
Hyperlioceras. I n this region M a u b e u g e & Lieb (1950) find all t h r e e
subzones identifiable b y distinctive ammonites.
T h e details of this and other Bajocian zones in the Rhine valley near
L o r r a c h are described by W i t t m a n n (1949).

L O W E R BAJOCIAN (up to 125 m.)

T h e Lower Bajocian consists of very variable beds of limestone, marl
and ironshot oolite (2-18 m.), which pass down into the Opalinum Clays
(Miihlberg, 1900). T h e normal thickness for the Opalinum Clays is
about 50 m., b u t in a boring at Buix near Porrentruy they were 157 m .
thick and, although n o fossils were found in them, they overlay Toarcian
shales with Posidonia, u n d e r which were pyritized Pleuroceras spinatum
and Spiriferina, so that no mistake was possible (Schmidt & others, 1924).
Probably, however, the J u r e n s e Zone is represented in this great thickness,
for there is a gradual passage in some places at outcrop. Often, also,
t h e u p p e r part of the Opalinum Zone is represented in the base of the
overlying limestones and ferruginous beds.
I n the north-eastern part of the J u r a an exceptionally valuable ammonite
succession, correlating with G e r m a n y and England, has been established


Clydoniceras discus Lower Cornbrash, Brachiopod (some missing?)
UPPER . . -j marls, and basal ammonite bed
Oppelia aspidoides ('Retrocostatum Zone') 40 m. Varians Beds 1-15 m.
Tulites subcontractus ? Choin, 10 m., and marls and
MIDDLE . . j limestones:
Gracilisphinctes progracilis 'Arbustigerus Zone' Spatkalk Knorri
? 40 m. 5-20 m.
LOWER . . j g
Zigzagiceras zigzag Missing Ferrugineus Beds Grober-Oolith

Parkinsonia parkinsoni' Ironshot oolite, 6 m.

Garantiana garantiana The Ciret, 70 m. Hauptrogenstein, 100 m.

UPPER . . j
Ostrea acuminata
Strenoceras subfurcatum Brachiopod beds, 1-65 m. beds, 10 m.
Stephanoceras humphriesianum Blagdeni and Humphriesiaimm beds, 20 m.
Blagdeni bed, 8 m. and
MIDDLE . . 1 Otoites sauzei Calcaire a entroques, 50 m.
Sauzei beds, 30 m.
Sonninia sowerbyi Missing Limestones up to 130 m.

b y Lieb (1951, 1954). I n t h e following summary all t h e species are

B u c k m a n ' s except where otherwise attributed.
Z o n e of Graphoceras concavum, with G. concavum and n u m e r o u s other
Graphoceras s p p . , Brasilia, Reynesella, Eudmetoceras amplectens, E.
infernense, E. euaptetum. A distinct horizon at base of t h e zone contains
a mixture of Graphoceras, some of which occur in t h e Concavum Zone,
others in t h e Bradfordensis Subzone in England.

Zones Subzones in the Jura _^NW.

(with dates proposed) (Lieb) Germany England

Graphoceras concavum
(Buckman, 1890, Haug, Graphoceras concavum
(and 'praeconcava') concavum concavum

Brasilia bradfordensis
(Buckman, 1893) bradfordensis

Ludwigia murchisonae Staufenia staufensis

(Oppel, 1856) (Hoffmann, 1910)
staufensis murchisonae

Costil'eioceras discoideum discoideum

(Hoffmann, 1913) sehndense
Tmetoceras scissum and/or gap
(Neumayr, 1871, Tmetoceras scissum sinon
emended (with Costileioceras (Hoffmann,
Buckman, 1898) sinon) 1910) scissum

Leioceras opalinum Leioceras opalinum costosum

(Brauns, 1864) (with Costileioceras opalinum
costosum) opalinum ('opaliniforme')

Zone of Ludwigia murchisonae.

Subzone of Brasilia bradfordensis, with B. bradfordensis, B. platychora,
B. subcornuta, Ludwigia falcata, L. similis, L. wilsoni, Graphoceras im-
politum, Staufenia staufensis Oppel sp. (rare).
Subzone of Staufenia staufensis. A b o u t 4-5 m . below the foregoing
a m m o n i t e b e d at D u n t e l e n is a horizon with rather common S. staufensis
(Oppel), as in G e r m a n y .
Subzone of Costileioceras discoideum (Qu.), which combines Hoffmann's
subzones of C. discoideum, C. sehndense a n d C. tolutarium in G e r m a n y
a n d already contains Ludwigia murchisonae, as in t h e Swabian Jura (see
p . 125). Since Costileioceras tolutarium (Dumortier) occurs in England
in t h e Scissum Zone, this condensed Swiss zone apparently embraces

the lower part of the Murchisonae Zone, the 'Ancolioceras beds', and
part of the Scissum Zone of England.
Zone of Tmetoceras scissum, with T. scissum (Ben.), T. regleyi (Thiol.),
Costileioceras sinon (Bayle), Costileioceras spp., etc. T h i s assemblage
unites the faunas of the Scissum Zone in England, Canada, and Argentina,
with the Sinon Zone of Germany, which are t h u s shown to be con­
temporary (Lieb, 1950, p . 452). T h e same association also occurs in t h e
Swabian J u r a (see below, p . 125).
Zone of Leioceras opalinum, with L. opalinum and Costileioceras costosum
(Qu.). T h e s e two forms also occur together in the Swabian J u r a (p. 125),
so that costosum at most marks a subzone of the u p p e r Opalinum Zone.
At Saint-Quentin la Verpilliere, at t h e southern extremity of the J u r a ,
Leioceras opalinum, Tmetoceras scissum and Ludwigia murchisonae occur
with Pleydellia aalensis in a condensed bed 15 cms. thick, directly overlain
b y the H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Z o n e (Riaz, Riche & Roman, 1913, p . 89).

TOARCIAN (up to 20 m.)

T h r o u g h o u t most of t h e Jura the Toarcian is highly condensed, con­

sisting of a few metres of clays, marls, or shales, sometimes with t h e usual
t h i n mudstone or micaceous sandstone b a n d s , fish beds, or Posidonia
shales. T h e m a x i m u m thickness at outcrop seems to be about 20 m.,
reached in the Bernese Jura, b u t u n d e r g r o u n d near P o r r e n t r u y a boring
proved greater thickening (Schmidt, 1924). T h e most celebrated locality
for fossils is Saint-Quentin, at the southern extremity of the He C r e m i e u ,
where the Toarcian is about 3-5 m . thick and developed largely as an
oolitic iron ore, formerly worked at la Verpilliere mines (de Riaz, Riche
& Roman, 1913). F r o m these mines were obtained most of the ammonites
figured by D u m o r t i e r in his fourth volume (1874), b u t they were not
accurately localised stratigraphically. T h e y include a wealth of well-
preserved species of both Lower and U p p e r Toarcian age, indicating
t h a t nearly all t h e subzones are present, highly condensed, several often
mixed in the same thin beds. Some subzones represented in D u m o r t i e r ' s
collection (at L y o n s : see Roman, 1937) cannot n o w be located in sections
still accessible a n d are therefore assumed t o have b e e n lenticular a n d
strictly limited in area. As remarked above, a single b e d 15 cms. thick,
at the top yields Pleydellia aalensis, Leioceras opalinum, Tmetoceras
scissum and Ludwigia ?nurchisonae, and is overlain directly by t h e
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone in some places and the Garantiana Z o n e (Ciret)
in others. T h e Toarcian of the dept. of D o u b s is described b y Grosjean
(1922) and by Fallot, Corroy & G a r d e t (1933, p . 7).
Near Salins, the following ammonite succession is recorded (Piroutet,
1920), b u t no thicknesses are m e n t i o n e d : —

Subzone of Pleydellia aalensis, with Dumortieria radiosa in the lower

part and Leioceras opalinum in the u p p e r p a r t
Subzone of Dumortieria radians

Subzone of Catulloceras sp.

Subzone of Phlyseogrammoceras dispansum
Subzone of Hammatoceras insigne, Lytoceras germaini and Paroniceras
Subzone of Grammoceras fallaciosum
Subzone of Haugia variabilis and Phymatoceras erbaense
Subzone of Hildoceras levisoni and H. boreale
Subzone of Dactylioceras annulatum, D. mucronatum, and Catacoeloceras

M I D D L E AND LOWER L I A S (up to c. 50 m.)

T h e outcrops along the outer edge of the Jura south of Besancon a n d
the Langres portal are a continuation of those on the east of the Paris
Basin and of those along t h e east side of the Massif Central. T h e i r
stratigraphy and faunas have not been the subject of illustrated studies
a n d they call for no special comment. All the stages and principal zones,
from marls with Amaltheus margaritatus down to Lower Hettangian with
Psiloceras, are present ( G u e r i n , 1954), even to the southernmost extremity
of t h e He Cremieu (de Riaz, Riche & Roman, 1913, p p . 82-6). T h e
outcrops of t h e n o r t h e r n J u r a similarly are a continuation of those of
Wiirttemberg, except that thicknesses are reduced (maximum less t h a n
50 m . ) ; t h e successions have been tabulated by Heim (1919, table,
p . 486); for sections and fossil lists see Brandlin (1911). Notoriety has
been achieved b y a Liassic sequence on the inner edge of the Jura west of
Geneva, at Champfromier, n o r t h of Bellegarde, dept. of Ain, described
b y Bovier (1931). Bovier recorded here a sequence of ammonite epiboles
in the Sinemurian and Pliensbachian widely different from those
established by L a n g ' s collecting on the Dorset coast, and his results were
publicized b y Spath (1931) w h o used t h e m to discredit Buckman's 'poly-
hemeral' system of correlation. I t appears to have been only some years
after publishing this paper, however, and after it had been widely quoted,
that D r Spath examined the material, and in consequence he asserted
that, so far as t h e Liparoceratidae were concerned, 'the apparent
anomalies in the succession are easily explained by misidentification'
(Spath, 1938, 'Cat. A m m . Liassic family Liparoceratidae', Brit. M u s . ,
p . 36). Unfortunately no reference was made to the other anomalies;
b u t d o u b t is inevitably cast o n t h e m also, and is enhanced by M o u t e r d e ' s
observation that t h e order of certain beds may have been disturbed b y
slipping (1953, Bull. Serv. Carte Geol. France, no. 236, p . 407). I n t h e
light of this t h e Champfromier succession urgently needs reinvestigation.
Its importance far transcends local interest. (Roche, 1939, p p . 31-3,
in his enthusiasm for B u c k m a n ' s polyhemeral system proclaimed, some­
w h a t cryptically, that the fact that it does not work at Champfromier
confirms its value; if now the anomalies t u r n out to be illusory, p r e s u m ­
ably one should draw the opposite conclusion ?)



T h e folded Jura dies out near Baden, b u t t h e plateau J u r a continues n o r t h ­

east as a narrow band skirting the Black Forest massif t h r o u g h R a n d e n
and Klettgau, then widens into the great cuesta of the Swabian Alb in
W u r t t e m b e r g . T h e Lias and K e u p e r form the subedge plain, t h e M i d d l e
Jurassic forms a foothill step similar to t h a t of t h e M i d d l e Lias in front
of the Cotswolds, and the U p p e r Jurassic builds t h e m a i n escarpment
of white limestones. T h e scarp is about 120 miles long and reaches heights
of over 3000 ft. above sea-level. I t strikes north-east, with t h e scarp edge
facing towards the Rhine and t h e counterscarp or dip-slope r u n n i n g d o w n
to the D a n u b e . T h e two drainage systems provide a striking contrast of
scenery, comparable with the two sides of t h e S e v e r n - T h a m e s watershed
in the Cotswolds; b u t here t h e heights are multiplied b y three. T r e ­
mendous forested coombs with limestone walls approaching t h e vertical
lead down through gorges, m o r e like those of the W y e at S y m o n d s Yat,
into the Neckar and the R h i n e ; on the other side, on the high Alb surface,
a mature network of shallow valleys slopes gradually towards the relatively
high local base-levels of t h e u p p e r D a n u b e . T h e u p p e r parts of t h e s e
old valleys are dry and often end at t h e escarpment edge in w i n d - g a p s .
But although in so m a n y essentials t h e Cotswolds are reproduced on a
magnified scale, the landscape is very different. W h e n one has w o u n d
one's way u p the scarp face b y m a n y hairpin bends t h r o u g h forest, a n d
arrives suddenly on t h e top, instead of a bare plateau with stone walls
there is a well-wooded landscape with villages and orchards, a n d t h e
ubiquitous apple trees line t h e roads u p to the escarpment edge.
Dividing the Swabian from t h e Franconian Alb is t h e M i o c e n e explosion
crater of the Ries, about 13 miles in diameter. Blocks of Jurassic limestone
blown out of the vent are strewn over t h e surface for miles around. T h e
Ries stands on a transverse swell, where nearly all the Jurassic formations
become thinner and the escarpment declines: an analogue of t h e M a r k e t
Weighton axis b u t with m u c h milder effect on t h e outcrops (Dorn, 1937).
Beyond the Ries the escarpment regains rather m o r e t h a n half its stature
in the Franconian Alb, t h e n gradually declines a n d disappears in n o r t h e r n
Bavaria. T o w a r d s t h e Bohemian Forest m u c h of t h e Jurassic is c u t
out by Cretaceous overstep. T h e total length of t h e Franconian a n d
Swabian Jurassic outcrops is about 225 miles.
T h e Ries crater is not the only place where the Jurassic rocks have been
involved in volcanic activity during t h e Miocene. I n the Swabian Alb
there is a smaller crater at Steinheim, and around U r a c h a cluster of m o r e

t h a n i o o volcanic necks are filled with tuff a n d breccia. I n some of these

blocks of limestone have fallen d o w n h u n d r e d s of feet below their original
A n o t h e r a n d more characteristic feature of both the Swabian a n d
Franconian A l b is t h e prevalance of sponge-reefs through all parts of t h e
Oxfordian a n d K i m e r i d g i a n ; that is, t h r o u g h a limestone series which
reaches a total of n o t less t h a n 650 m . T h e presence of these reefs greatly
complicates t h e stratigraphy, for from place to place any part of t h e

FIG. 12.—Jurassic outcrops of the Swabian and Franconian Jura.

succession is liable to pass laterally into unfossiliferous, unbedded m u d -

stone or saccharoidal, subcrystalline limestone or dolomite, and to swell
o u t into lenticular or ramifying knoll reefs. Ammonite or other fossil
zones can seldom b e traced t h r o u g h t h e knoll reefs and t h e normal bedded
succession is completely interrupted b y them, or liable to arch over t h e m
(Fischer, 1913; D o r n , 1932; Roll, 1934; t h e sponges monographed b y
K o l b , 1910). I n some places (as near Balingen) sponge reefs begin in t h e
Transversarium Zone a n d continue in force in t h e same general area
t h r o u g h all subsequent zones. Elsewhere sponge growth came and went
m o r e fitfully, until i n t h e Pseudomutabilis a n d Beckeri Zones it spread
t h r o u g h t h e entire length and breadth of t h e A l b : possibly as t h e result
of a retreat of t h e shore-line from t h e rising Black Forest massif and t h e

general shallowing and shrinking of the U p p e r Jurassic seas in central

Europe. Some of the sponge reefs have a spectacular expression in the
landscape, standing out from the escarpment edge as white crags, too steep
to give foothold to the forest. Sometimes a castle is perched on t h e s u m m i t .
T h e Black Forest and the Rhenish slate m o u n t a i n s probably w e r e n o t
the nearest land to the Swabian t r o u g h of deposition; another shore
probably lay to t h e south-east, n o t far from t h e present line of t h e D a n u b e .
T h i s was the Vindelician landmass (so called b y Giimbel after the R o m a n
province of Vindelicium, the capital of which was at Augsburg), also
sometimes called the Alemannian landmass, which existed d u r i n g the
Lias and began to be submerged in the Toarcian a n d early L o w e r Bajocian
but persisted at least as a string of islands to the Callovian or Oxfordian,
when it broke u p and sank below t h e sea (Frank, 1937a, p . 76). I t was a
south-westerly prolongation of t h e Bohemian Forest a n d originally linked
the Bohemian and Black Forest massifs. Direct proof has been afforded by
a boring south-west of Augsburg, which showed L o w e r Bajocian O p a l i n u m
Zone clays resting on continental T r i a s (93 m.) a n d that on gneiss (Roll,
1952). T h e Bohemian and Vindelician massifs were n o d o u b t t h e chief
suppliers of at least the sandy sediment of t h e Swabian and Franconian
Middle Jurassic (Schmidtill, 1925, p . 7 9 ; Bozenhardt, 1936, p . 78), b u t it
has not been possible to establish mineralogically t h e source of t h e sand
grains (Aldinger, 1953).
T o t h e south-east, a gulf from t h e Franconian Jurassic sea extended
from Regensburg down the D a n u b e valley towards Passau (von A m m o n ,
1875; Pompeckj, 1901; W a n d e r e r , 1906). W h e n the Vindelician land broke
u p a direct connexion was established this way with the Cracow area of
Poland, by a sea skirting south of the Bohemian Forest. Close resemblance
between the Stephanoceratids of Franconia a n d t h e eastern A l p s indicates
a seaway across the Vindelician barrier hereabouts as early as the M i d d l e
Bajocian (Schmidtill & K r u m b e c k , 1938, p . 322).
Towards the north, on the contrary, and in t h e west (Black Forest)
uplift and retreat of the sea took place about t h e same time as subsidence
in the south and east. I n Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic times the Alb t r o u g h
connected through a strait between t h e Rhenish and Bohemian massifs
with the N o r t h G e r m a n sea, b u t w i t h t h e advent of t h e U p p e r Jurassic
this strait appears to have been closed by uplift of the T h u r i n g i a n Forest
(Pompeckj, 1908). T h e Black Forest also rose above sea in t h e early
U p p e r Jurassic if not in the Bajocian (see p . 39).
I n Franconia at the time of deposition of t h e celebrated lithographic
'slates' of Solnhofen and Eichstatt the sea is t h o u g h t to have contracted
to a small lagoon, surrounded by U p p e r Jurassic rocks already raised into
low-lying land (Roll in D o r n & others, 1935, p . 669). I n a n d a r o u n d t h e
shallow lagoon, in tropical heat, thrived a rich mixed land a n d sea fauna—
pterodactyls, archaeopteryx, dragon-flies, jellyfish, a n d a great variety of
other animals—miraculously preserved in t h e lithographic limestone.
(For attractive illustrated descriptions see Walther, 1904, a n d Abel, 1922).

Of almost equal renown are t h e superbly preserved and prepared reptile

skeletons of t h e U p p e r Lias at Holzmaden, at foot of t h e Swabian A l b
(Hauff, 1921, 1953). Yet a t h i r d show-piece of palaeontology, even o n a
world view, are t h e famous Goldschnecken of t h e Franconian Callovian.
Quantities of small ammonites are preserved as limonitic casts of t h e
septate inner whorls bearing only t h e pearly layer of t h e shell; t h e r e
results an iridescence like opal a n d a colour like gold, sometimes deepening
to copper.
T h e Swabian A l b is t h e type example of a simple scarp landscape.
I t is also t h e birthplace of zonal stratigraphy and of t h e scientific study
of ammonites from t h e systematic a n d stratigraphical points of view, for
it was t h e scene of t h e labours of Leopold von Buch, F . A. Quenstedt,
a n d Albert Oppel. V o n Buch in 1837 divided t h e Jurassic into L o w e r

FIG. 13.—Section through the Swabian Alb, generalized. On right, sponge rock
is shown diagrammatically (Schwammfelsen). From Dacque, after Engel.

Jurassic, Lias or Black Jura, M i d d l e or Brown Jura, and U p p e r or W h i t e

J u r a , a n d established three subdivisions of each. Quenstedt, w h o for
m o r e t h a n fifty years worked a n d taught at T u b i n g e n University, used
t h e Greek letters alpha t o zeta for six subdivisions of each of von B u c h ' s
t h r e e main divisions. B u t although these subdivisions were lithological,
Q u e n s t e d t (1845-9, 1858, 1883-8) was t h e real founder of the scientific
study of ammonites a n d a n acute observer of their distribution. I t was his
pupil O p p e l (1856-8, 1862-3), however, w h o founded t h e zonal system of
classification a n d opened t h e possibility of correlation over theoretically
unlimited distances. H e shook himself free of Quenstedt's alphas, betas
a n d gammas, b u t they have nevertheless remained in local use to this day
because of their precision a n d convenience. As a basis for local work
they are b y far superior t o t h e ill-starred stages used in t h e Franco-Swiss
J u r a (Argovian, Rauracian, Sequanian), which mean something different
with every author a n d have led to a geological babel. Oppel's zonal
system was first tried o u t b y W a a g e n i n his masterly maiden work (1864).
Besides t h e classics mentioned, important early works of a lesser order,
Photo through the kirdress of Er. H. Hclder, Tiibivgen.
PLATE 7 . — T h e S w a b i a n A l b f r o m B o l l a t . (See Fig. 13.)
Photo LandesbildsteUe Wurtiemberg

PLATE 8 a . — T h e S w a b i a n A l b u n d e r s n o w . ( S e e F i g . 13.)

Photo T>r. F. Schondorf

PLATE 8b.—Conglomerate a t b a s e of t r a n s g r e s s i v e M i d d l e K i m e r i d g i a n ( G r a v e s i a
Zones), Volksen am Deister, near Hanover.

with m a n y ammonite figures, were published b y Reinecke (1818), S t a h l

(1824) and Zieten (1830-35). General summaries of most value are those
by Waagen (1864), Giimbel (1865, 1891), von A m m o n (1891), Engel
(1896-1908), Pompeckj (1901), H e n n i g (1923), Reuter (1927) and D o r n
(1951). T h e best introduction to the Swabian Alb is Fischer's m o n o g r a p h
(1913) on the Lochen area, near Balingen. Quenstedt's immense collec­
tion remains as his p e r m a n e n t memorial in the University of T u b i n g e n .
I a m indebted to t h e present curator, D r H . Holder, for t h e loan or gift
of a n u m b e r of rare papers and for access to collections and excursions in
the Swabian Alb in 1953.
U p to the top of the Callovian (Athleta Zone) correlation with n o r t h ­
western Europe and Britain presents no special problems. Thereafter,
however, comparison of t h e a m m o n i t e successions becomes extraordinarily
difficult and full of interest. T h e topmost Callovian (Lamberti Zone) a n d
the whole Lower Oxfordian (Mariae a n d C o r d a t u m Zones) are condensed
into a thin nodule bed, sometimes accompanied b y t h i n clays; t h e top of
this bed forms the b o u n d a r y between the Dogger and M a l m . T h e T r a n s ­
versarium Zone sensu stricto is likewise condensed, most of t h e fauna
occurring in a thin and transgressive glauconitic b a n d . T h u s far t h e
Oxfordian sequence is barely a h u n d r e d t h of its thickness in t h e Jura.
F r o m this horizon upwards, however, there is e n o r m o u s thickening
(600 m. or more), with far more faunas than in N W . E u r o p e , and correla­
tions are beset with m a n y problems. Owing to t h e richness of t h e faunas,
the simplicity of structure except for the complication of sponge-reefs,
and the intensive work that has been done during m o r e t h a n a century,
this is the most important succession for t h e U p p e r Oxfordian and
Kimeridgian in t h e world, a n d a c o m m e n s u r a t e a m o u n t of space m u s t b e
devoted to it here. I t is difficult to decide h o w m a n y of t h e discrepancies
can be attributed to geographical and climatic isolation (for instance total
absence from England of Kimeridgian and Portlandian ammonites other
than Peri3phinctidae and a few Cardioceratidae), b u t it seems highly
probable that a n u m b e r of important breaks (disconformities) m u s t exist
in the English and N W . E u r o p e a n sequence, at one time t h o u g h t so
complete. T h i s is strongly suggested b y t h e thinness of certain zones i n
England which are m u c h thicker in Swabia; for instance in Swabia
Ringsteadiae range t h r o u g h some 50 m . of strata, whereas in Dorset t h e
Ringsteadia bed is 6 in. to 1 ft. thick, and its m a x i m u m is about 4 m . at
Westbury. T h e Ringsteadia zone does not appear to exist in eastern a n d
northern Britain, a n d with only a little less deposition in the south it m i g h t
not have been represented at all in the British column. T h e higher Ring­
steadia beds in G e r m a n y , a n d t h e overlying Galar a n d Platynota Zones,
scores of metres thick, are populated almost entirely b y genera t h a t do not
exist in the British region (Sutneria, Idoceras, Taramelliceras, etc.). T h e r e
follow four marker genera, Rasenia, Aulacostephanus, Gravesia and
Subplanites, which allow of correlation once m o r e ; b u t between the first
two and t h e last two t h e r e are in G e r m a n y t h r e e subzones of t h e Beckeri

Zone which are probably all missing in England, as already suggested by

Roll (1932). Finally, t h e G e r m a n succession ends with a fauna (Lower
T i t h o n i a n , N e u b u r g Beds) which has n o parallel anywhere b u t in t h e
F r e n c h Alps, except for a faint and doubtful echo in Somaliland. I n part,
at least, this fauna m a y b e of t h e age of t h e Pectinatus Zone and in t h a t case
still U p p e r Kimeridgian, b u t as a whole its ammonites are something
altogether original. T h e r e is no sign of U p p e r Tithonian (Ardescian)
or L o w e r Cretaceous (Berriasian, Valanginian); during these periods t h e
Alb probably stood at or above sea-level.


Zone of Berriasella ciliata and Anavirgatites palmatus. N e u b u r g Beds,
40 m . Present at N e u b u r g on t h e D a n u b e , in Franconia, where quarries
yield an extensive and u n i q u e fauna of Perisphinctids (Schneid, 1915).
Schneid's identifications with Uhlig's Spiti genera have not been accepted,
a n d despite m a n y difficulties in individual cases it seems best to use new
genera created for Schneid's figures b y Spath (1925). Some of the outstand­
ing species are Sublithacoceras dicratus, S. penicillatus, S. caesposus, S. callo-
discus, Subplanites schlosseri, S. echidneus, S. serpens, Anavirgatites palmatus,
A.franconicus, Pseudovirgatites silvescens, P. diffusus, Berriasella ('Parapalla-
siceras'—not accepted b y Mazenot) ciliata, Simaspidoceras rafaeli, S.
neoburgense, Simoceras schwertschlageri, Virgatosimoceras rothpletzi.
I n addition there are some forms, P. racemosus Schneid, P. serotinus
Schneid (1915, pi. ix, figs. 1, 2 ; pi. x, figs. 1, 2) which seem indistinguish­
able generically from Wheatleyites of the Pectinatus Zone (Upper K i m e r ­
idgian) in England. T h e resemblance of other forms figured by Schneid,
a n d in particular of t h e genus Pseudovirgatites Vetters, to Pectinatites
and its allies has already been pointed out (Arkell, 1946, p p . 22-3). D o n z e
(1948, p . 183) is right in assigning some of Schneid's forms to the Austrian
genus Pseudovirgatites Vetters, although all the species for which Schneid
used this n a m e are different (Anavirgatites). (Vetters' fragment 'aff.
sosia', however, is probably an Anavirgatites: cf. Schneid, pi. xi). According
to Roll (1933, p . 557; 1934^, p . 151) it is to b e inferred that the N e u b u r g
Beds are represented in the Swabian Alb b y the u p p e r part of the H a n g e n d e
Bankkalke, which are at least 150 m . thick and hardly susceptible of
subdivision, b u t according to Geyer (1953, p . 132) the N e u b u r g Beds are
restricted to the Franconian Alb.
Zone of Subplanites vimineus. Rennertshofen Beds, with Brenztal
Oolite 60 m . ; u p p e r p a r t of t h e Reisberg Beds of Schneid; passing laterally
into Diceras and coral limestones. Subplanites vimineus, S. reisi, S.
vicinus Schneid (1914). Schneid included in this zone a lower fauna with
Schlosser's species of t h e K e l h e i m Diceras Limestone, b u t according t o
Roll this belongs m u c h lower (see below), and the Rennertshofen Beds are
in reality discordant on underlying beds (Roll in D o r n & others, 1935,
p . 664). S p a t h in 1925 correlated this zone with t h e Subplanites Zone of
t h e M i d d l e Kimeridge Clay of D o r s e t ; b u t it seems doubtful whether it

Oppel's Zones Quenstedt Modem Zones Strata (Roll, etc.) Strata (Schneid) Correlation

Berriasella ciliata and Neuburger Schichten, Neuburger Schichten ?

Anavirgatites palmatus 40 m. pectinatus ?

Subplanites vimineus Schichten, 60 m. Reisberg Subplanites
and Brenztaloolith spp.
? Zementmergel, 10-80 m. ?
Oberer Ulmensis Sch. gigas
Lithacoceras ulmense and Nattheim coral
reef, 30 m.

Taramelliceras Solnhofer Plattenkalk, Solnhofer gravesiana

lithographicum and 8-60 m. Plattenkalk
H. hybonotum
Lithacoceras siliceum
Massenkalk Kelheimer Beckeri Zone
und Diceraskalk
Virgataxioceras Dolomit Frankendolomit
EPSILON Plumper Felsenkalk (? wanting)

Enosphinctes Schwammkalke

Aulacostephanus Aulacostephanus Quaderkalke Stufe des

pseudomutabilis DELTA pseudomutabilis Treuchtlinger Aul. eudoxus pseudomutabilis
('mutabilis') Marmor, etc. >200 m.

Idoceras balderum and

Streblites tenuilobatus
GAMMA mutabilis
Streblites Ataxioceras polyplocum Oberer grauer
tenuilobatus and A. lothari Bankkalke
Sutneria platynota Mergelkalk, 45 m.
BETA and S . galar ? baylei

is a distinct zone separable from the Ciliate Zone (Roll, 1933, p p . 555-6).
M o r e work is required on this problem, as Roll remarked.
Zementmergel, 10-80 m . A constant formation that can be traced
t h r o u g h o u t the Swabian and Franconian Alb except where locally cut
o u t b y t h e unconformity below the Rennertshofen Beds (Roll, 1933, 1934).
F e w ammonites k n o w n : Ochetoceras zio (Oppel) (Joos, 1945, p . 15).
Zone of Lithacoceras ulmense. U p p e r Ulmensis Beds, 30 m., and
N a t t h e i m coral reef. Lithacoceras ulmense (Oppel) (type species of t h e
genus) has been fully discussed a n d refigured by Schneid (1914, p . 159,
pi. iv, fig. 3). T h e occurrence of Gravesiae in this zone is to be inferred
from the literature (but Roll's Ulmensis-Schichten, 1932, p . 184, include
the Plattenkalk of t h e L i t h o g r a p h i c u m Zone, and his records of Gravesia
gigas in t h e H a n g e n d e Bankkalke, above the Zementmergel, appear to b e
negatived by his subsequent stratigraphical revisions in 1933, 19346, and
Z o n e of Taramelliceras lithographicum. Solnhofen Plattenkalk, 8-60 m . ;
locally t h e u p p e r p a r t shows submarine slump structures (Krumbeck,
1928). A m m o n i t e s a n d aptychi from the celebrated lithographic lime­
stone quarries of Solnhofen and Eichstatt were figured by Oppel (1863,
pis. 68-74). T h e y include T. lithographicum (Oppel), Neochetoceras
steraspis (Oppel), Haploceras elimatum (Oppel), H. staszycii (Zeusch.)
( N e u m a y r , 1870, pi. xxiii, figs. 5, 7), Enosphinctes bracheri (Berckhemer),
Hybonoticeras hybonotum ( O p p e l ; syn. autharis Oppel), Aspidoceras
hoplisum (Oppel), Physodoceras pipini (Oppel), Subplanites ruppellianus
(Quenst.) (Schneid, 1914, pi. iii, 3), Lithacoceras ulmense (Oppel) (ibid.,
pi. iv, 3), and a form that seems generically indistinguishable from t r u e
Himalayan Virgatosphinctes, V. eystettensis Schneid (pi. iii, 5). U n f o r t u ­
nately t h e records of Gravesiae do not make it absolutely certain that any
have been found in this zone (see Roll, 1932, p . 185).
Z o n e of Hybonoticeras beckeri. T h i s zonal index, proposed by N e u m a y r
in 1873, seems appropriate for t h e various limestones and dolomites,
from at least 50 to m o r e t h a n 100 m . thick, separating the Lithographicum
Z o n e from the Pseudomutabilis Zone. T h e latter was included in t h e
Beckeri Zone b y Neumayr, b u t beckeri and its associates do not occur in
t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone where that is palaeontologically recognizable.
Lithologically it is often impossible to distinguish the two zones. T h e
whole comprises a variety of facies—Massenkalk, Felsenkalk, dolomite
a n d Diceras and sponge limestones, altogether exceeding 200 m. T h e
Kelheim Diceras Limestone probably comes in the u p p e r part of t h e
Beckeri Zone, b u t its figured ammonites (Schlosser, 1882) are peculiar
a n d have not been fitted into the sequence elsewhere (see Schneid, 1914,
p . 133). T h r e e subzones are recognized, as follows (Berckhemer, 1922;
Roll, 1932, 19346):
Subzone of Lithacoceras siliceum (Quenst.), with Taramelliceras zvepferi
(Berck.), T. vermiculare (Quenst.), Ochetoceras zio (Oppel), Enosphinctes
rebholzi (Berck.) and ? Hybonoticeras beckeri (Neum.).
S W A B I A N A N D F R A N C O N I A N ALB 113

Subzone of Virgataxioceras setatum (Schneid), with V. comatum (Schn.),

Hybonoticeras beckeri (Neum.), Enosphinctes rebholzi (Berck.), Ochetoceras
spp., etc.
Subzone of Enosphinctes subeumelus (Schneid), with ? E. minutus
(Berck.), 'Oppelia' fischeri Berck., 'O.' pseudopolitula Berck., ? Aspidoceras
hermanni Berck. a n d (?) Hybonoticeras cf. verestoicum (Herbich).
Only o n e of these genera is known in t h e English Kimeridge Clay, b u t
from t h e position of t h e zone above t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone a n d below
the Gravesia Zones, it m u s t fall within t h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian, of
which it is presumably a basal part, completely missing in England, as
suggested b y Roll (1932). A stage-name, ' S u e b i u m ' , has been suggested
for it (Hennig, 1943; P . D o r n , 1951, pi. 8).

FIG. 14.—Diagrammatic sections through Swabian sponge reefs before and after
faulting and subaerial erosion. After Roll.


Zone of Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis. A s remarked above, t h e zone

is often lithologically inseparable from t h e Beckeri Zone, a n d even
palaeontologically Roll admits 15-30 m . of passage beds to t h e S u b e u m e l u s
Subzone. T h e Pseudomutabilis Zone is t h e Quaderkalk of Quenstedt.
F r o m it have been figured Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis ( d e L o r . ) ,
A. eudoxus (d'Orb.), A. phorcus (Fontannes), Orthaspidoceras orthocerum
(d'Orb.), Nebrodites risgoviensis (Schneid) (all Schneid, 1914, p i s . i, ii).
T h e commonest ammonites are various large Perisphinctids, most of
t h e m belonging t o t h e genus Progeronia (Schneid, 1914, p i . i, pi. ii, fig. 1;
Quenstedt, 1888, p i . 123); also ? Subdichotomoceras atavum (Schneid s p . ,
1914, pi. ix, 1).

Z o n e of Streblites tenuilobatus. T h i s zone, founded by Oppel (1862-3),

is t o o rooted in t h e literature to abandon, although subsequent authors
have pointed o u t that (as with so m a n y others) the index species occurs
c o m m o n l y only in a p a r t of the original zone, if it is not actually restricted
to this part. Of the subzones proposed, t h e following are retained mainly
because of priority:—
Subzone of Idoceras balderum (used b y Salfeld, 1913) with S. tenuilo­
batus in t h e lower part (Beurlen, 1926): subzone of Glochiceras dentatum

Oppel's Zones Correlation

Q Modern Zones Strata

Idoceras planula gap

Werkkalk, etc.
bimammatum a pseudocordata
Lochenschichten gap

Amoeboceras Impressa ?

alternans Mergel
transversarium < Gregoryceras Mergelkalkbanke &
transversarium Glauconit-Bank

Euaspidoceras Euaspidoceras Knollenschicht & cordatum

biarmatum biarmatum Grenztone mariae

Peltoceras athleta Athleta & Lamberti lamberti, athleta

Reineckeia Castor & Pollux coronatum

anceps N Ornatenton & jason
Calloviense & Goldschneckenton
Enodatum calloviense

Macrocephalites Macrocephalen- macrocephalus

macrocephalus Bank

of Wegele (1929) in Franconia. Rasenioides striolaris (Rein.) and other

forms, Katroliceras crussoliense (Font.), Progeronia ernesti (de Lor.), a n d
according t o Wegele (1929, p . 192) Ataxioceras lothari (Oppel) a n d A.
inconditum Font., range u p into this subzone.
Subzone of Ataxioceras polyphcum a n d A. lothari. T h i s is t h e Poly-
plocus Z o n e proper, so called b y H e b e r t (1869), Salfeld (1913) and others,
a n d t h e n a m e need n o t b e changed because t h e particular species selected
as index (because t h e earliest named) has t u r n e d out to b e rare. Wegele
uses A. suberinum (von A m m o n ) . T h i s zone yields an enormously rich
fauna of Ataxioceratidae (monographed b y Wegele, 1929, and Schneid,
1944) a n d Raseniae (monographed b y Schneid, 1939-40), also Aspidoceras
iphicerum (Oppel), Katroliceras crussoliense (Font.), with Streblites tenuilo­
batus in t h e u p p e r part (Wegele, 1929, p . 192), a n d a host of other forms.

T h e Rasenia trifurcata (Rein.) and R. trimera (Oppel) groups g r a d e

insensibly into Involuticeras Salfeld, of which Schneid (1939, pis. x-xiv)
has figured a n u m b e r u n d e r t h e w r o n g n a m e Ringsteadia; t h e r e is m i s ­
leading homoeomorphy, b u t comparison with English U p p e r Oxfordian
Ringsteadia shows that in Schneid's forms t h e ribbing is m u c h m o r e
regularly fasciculate and the inner whorls are totally different, purely
rasenoid. Similarly, most of Schneid's so-called Pictoniae (1940) are
Raseniae of t h e Cymodoce Zone.
Subzone of Sutneria platynota (synonym S. reineckiana Quenst. sp.,
proposed as zonal index b y Engel, 1883). T h e b o u n d a r y between beta
and gamma falls in the middle of this zone, and Beurlen (1926) subdivided
it; Dieterich (1940) calls the lower part (beta) the zone of Sutneria galar
with Taramelliceras falculum. T h i s zone also yields a very rich fauna of
Ataxioceras, Progeronia, Taramelliceras, etc., and from t h e prevalence of
Prorasenia stephanoides (Oppel) a n d Pachypictonia Schneid (both of which,
however, range u p into the lower part of the Polyplocum Zone) it m a y best
be correlated with the Cymodoce and Baylei Zones of N W . E u r o p e ;
those being in any case only reduced a n d incomplete representatives.
T h e Amoeboceras of this zone are A. lineatum (Quenst.), A. bauhini
(Oppel), A. kapfi (Oppel), A. kitchini (Salf.), A. fraasi (Fischer) and A.
cricki (Salf.). Several of these Amoeboceras occur in t h e C y m o ­
doce Zone of Market Rasen.


Zone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum. As with t h e Tenuilobatus Zone,

the zonal index has since b e e n found t o b e n o t good for t h e whole z o n e ;
it is in fact restricted to the lower part and to the top of what was formerly
included on lithological grounds in the underlying Alternans Zone (the
fossil-beds of Lochen cutting) (Dieterich, 1940).
Subzone of Idoceras planula. T h i s index is used for the u p p e r p a r t of
the zone, above t h e range of E. bimammatum, following Salfeld (1913),
Wegele (1929), and Dieterich (1940). At the top is a band ('zone') of
Taramelliceras wenzeli (Oppel) (refigured Dieterich, 1940). According t o
Dieterich, Ringsteadiae do not range above the middle of this subzone,
in which case there is presumably a gap above the Pseudocordata Z o n e
in England and F r a n c e ; this again points t o t h e Pseudocordata a n d Baylei
Zones being mere wisps of zones (their total thickness may be only a few
feet). 'Rasenia' dacquei and 'R.' perisphinctoides Wegele (1929, pi. x
figs. 1, 2) from this subzone, transferred to Pictonia by Schneid (1940),
are neither. T h e latter species can be matched almost exactly by what is
presumably a Ringsteadia in m y collection from t h e Pseudocordata Z o n e
of Westbury, Wiltshire. T h e former m a y be a t u m i d and coarse-ribbed
offshoot of Pseudarisphinctes, or even a side-shoot from the stock of
Ringsteadia perisphinctoides (Wegele), b u t it is not strictly congeneric
with anything else yet published. T h e r e are n u m e r o u s other interesting
Perisphinctids (figs, in Wegele, 1929), largely assignable to Decipia a n d

Pomerania. Amoeboceras bauhini (Oppel), A. lineatum (Qu.), A. subtile-

caelatum (Font.), A. schlosseri (Wegele) range from t h e Planula Subzone
into t h e Platynota subzone.
Subzone of Epipeltoceras bimammatum s.s. T h i s subzone is the principal
source of Ringsteadiae, which are commonest around the junction between
alpha a n d beta a n d in lower beta. N o n e agrees exactly with English a n d
N W . G e r m a n species, b u t forms close to R. frequens Salf., R. brandesi
Salf. a n d R. pseudo-yo Salf. occur, with R. limosa Quenstedt sp. (1888,
pi. 124, fig. 3) (P. D o r n , 1925; Dieterich, 1940, p . 35). T h i s is also t h e
h o m e of Orthosphinctes tiziani (Oppel), O. polygyratus (Rein.) a n d O .
laufenensis (Siemiradzki) (Wegele, 1929, pi. i, figs. 4 - 6 ; Dieterich, 1940,
pi. ii, fig. 8). I n t h e fossil-beds at Lochengrundle cutting (see Fischer,
1913, p p . 34-7) t h e commonest of t h e m a n y small ammonites is perhaps
Amoeboceras ovale (Quenst.), which is replaced in the lower part of beta
b y A. lorioli (Oppenheimer) and A. bauhini (Oppel). (For figures of these
a n d later Amoeboceras see Fischer, 1913a, whose determinations are
corrected b y Salfeld, 1915; a n d Wegele, 1929, pi. iv). I n presumed
equivalents of t h e Lochen Beds in Franconia Epipeltoceras berrense (Favre)
is said to attain its m a x i m u m , b u t it also occurs in the underlying
' H y p s e l u m Zone', with t h e closely allied E. circumcostatum (Dorn) a n d
E. retrocostatum (Dorn).
I t is not clear whether this Franconian zone of Euaspidoceras hypselum
(Oppel) a n d Epipeltoceras uhligi (Oppenheimer) should be regarded as a
lower part of t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone or as equivalent to the Alternans
S u b z o n e (P. D o r n , 1925, 1930). Its ammonites are, however, much m o r e
allied to those of t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone t h a n to those of the T r a n s ­
versarium Z o n e : they include Amoeboceras ovale (Quenst.), A. subcot-datum
( d ' O r b . ) , Prionodoceras sp. (Dorn, 1930, pi. xxxv, fig. 2—quite different
from fig. 1), Euaspidoceras linki (C. D o r n ) , E. costatum (C. Dorn) (1923)
and various Taramelliceras, b u t t h e r e are also still Ochetoceras canali-
culatum (von Buch) a n d Amoeboceras aff. alternans (von Buch). Peri­
sphinctes (Microbiplices) microbiplex (Quenst.), said to be common in t h e
H y p s e l u m Zone (P. D o r n , 1930, p . 161), occurs in England only in t h e
zone of Ringsteadia pseudocordata a n d is therefore an indicator of a high
Z o n e of Gregoryceras transversarium (up to c. 100 m.). Between t h e
L o c h e n Beds with E. bimammatum a n d its allies and the true T r a n s ­
versarium Beds in Swabia lie u p to 90 m . of marly beds formerly called
t h e Impressa M a r l s (or Clays), which Salfeld (1913, p . 179) called t h e
Z o n e of Amoeboceras alternans (see Salfeld, 1915, p . 163, pi. xvi). T h e
u p p e r part, exposed in L o c h e n g r u n d l e cutting, has already been transferred
to t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone. I n t h e rest ammonites are much scarcer, a n d
it is still doubtful with what these beds should be compared. If they are
to b e correlated with t h e Franconian 'Hypselum Zone' just mentioned,
t h e y should b e classed with t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone. O n the other hand,
t h e evidence for this is inadequate, a n d it m u s t be borne in m i n d that
S W A B I A N A N D F R A N C O N I A N ALB 117

Amoeboceras alternans occurs, t h o u g h rarely, in t h e typical T r a n s v e r s a r i u m

fauna of T r e p t (p. 95), which also contains rather n u m e r o u s fine-ribbed
Perisphinctids (Discophinctes spp.) of distinctly late aspect as compared
w i t h t h e Plicatilis Zone of N W . E u r o p e .
T h e Transversarium Zone sensu stricto is only about 10 m . thick in t h e
Lochen area and 2 m . around Geisingen a n d Blumberg, whence a large
collection has been sent m e by D r P . L . M a u b e u g e . T h o u g h t h e Peri­
sphinctids are nearly all fragmentary, t h e assemblage is largely identical
with that of T r e p t , and includes t h e t r u e P. wartae Bukowski; Ochetoceras
canaliculatum (especially var. hispidum) a n d Trimarginites arolicus are
abundant, and there are fragments of Euaspidoceras s p p . T h e same
assemblage is figured (P. D o r n , 1930) from t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone of
Franconia ( b u t t h e Perisphinctids require t h o r o u g h revision, very few of
D o r n ' s figures being correctly named). I n m a n y places t h e chief a m m o n i t e
b e d is glauconitic. T h i s b e d is t h e source of t h e type specimen of Peri­
sphinctes chloroolithicus (Giimbel) (refigured D o r n , 1930, pi. iv, fig. 2),
which is t h e inner part of a large variocostate. P a r t of t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m
Zone in Franconia is condensed with t h e Lower Oxfordian, to j u d g e by
ammonites recorded from t h e local B i a r m a t u m Z o n e b y D o r n (1926,
1930). Gregoryceras transversarium is always rare.

LOWER OXFORDIAN (usually 1 m . or less)

T h e Lower Oxfordian is so condensed that it has nothing of interest for

t h e general succession. I t usually consists of a few centimetres of nodules,
sometimes with u p t o 4 m . of poorly fossiliferous clays. T h e nodules
yield ammonites proper t o t h e C o r d a t u m , M a r i a e a n d L a m b e r t i Zones
a n d were described as t h e Zone of Euaspidoceras biarmatum (Zieten)
b y Oppel (1857, p . 618). As j u s t remarked, in Franconia t h e condensation
goes u p into t h e early part of Transversarium times as well. I n strata
so highly condensed it is of no significance that, for instance, Quenstedto­
ceras (Pavloviceras) cf. mariae ( K u h n , 1939, pi. vi, figs. 5, 7) is recorded
(sub Cardioceras aff. cordatum), as from t h e Castor & Pollux Zone of t h e
Callovian, or that Spath (1949) finds that at T r o c k a u Scarburgiceras
a n d Quenstedtoceras s.s. ('Vertumniceras') overlap in a t h i n b e d . ( T h e s e
anomalies resulting from extreme condensation are n o t t o b e confused
with far graver assertions, such as that t h e U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctes
falculae Ronchadze occurs in t h e Athleta Zone a n d t h e U p p e r Kimeridgian
genus Pseudovirgatites 'without d o u b t ' occurs in t h e L o w e r Callovian
( K u h n , 1939, p p . 510, 518), which m u s t result from misidentifications.)

U P P E R CALLOVIAN (up to 3-1 m.)

T h e most important section of t h e U p p e r Callovian is at T r o c k a u in

U p p e r Franconia, described b y M o d e l & M o d e l (1938). I t is t h e O r n a t u m
Zone (recte Kosmoceras spinosum Sow.) of R e u t e r (1908, 1910, 1927),
usually represented only by a layer of nodules or pebbles, a n d t h e L a m b e r t i

a n d Athleta Beds of M o d e l . Spath (1949) showed that only Model's b e d s

2-6 are U p p e r Callovian, with a total thickness of 3-1 m., and he attempted
t o distinguish Athleta and L a m b e r t i Zones on the basis of Model's collec­
tion now in the British M u s e u m . I n some places in the Swabian A l b
the L a m b e r t i Zone is represented in the nodule bed, for typical Quen­
stedtoceras cf. lamberti, in preservation too perfect to be derived, are found
in the nodules, whereas in other places similar nodules yield typical
Cardioceras of t h e C o r d a t u m Zone (Quenstedt, 1887, pi. 90, figs. 8, 10).

M I D D L E AND L O W E R CALLOVIAN (up to 45 m.)

T h e m a x i m u m thickness of 45 m . is reached in the Lochen district
(Fischer, 1913, p . 27) b u t it is usually m u c h less. I n Franconia a b o u t
10 m . of O r n a t e n t o n underlain by a thin Macrocephalenbank is n o r m a l .
F o r richness of faunas and beauty of preservation, this Middle and L o w e r
Callovian may b e unrivalled, b u t owing mainly to ambiguities of n o m e n ­
clature and poverty of clear exposures it is difficult to obtain an accurate
picture of t h e ammonite sequence. F r o m the work of Reuter (1908,
1910, 1927) t h e succession at least in Franconia seemed simple, b u t t h e
m o r e intensive work of D o r n (1916, 1922), Model (1914, 1916, 1935),
M o d e l & K u h n (1935) and K u h n (1935, 1939) revealed an unsuspected
wealth of ammonites a n d complexity of distribution, and caused M o d e l
(in M o d e l & K u h n , 1935, p . 468) to repudiate the scheme of facies-
changes worked out b y Reuter (1908).
I t is impossible here to summarize or even comment usefully on M o d e l ' s
a n d M o d e l & K u h n ' s detailed and valuable records and discussions of t h e
ammonites, even t h o u g h large n u m b e r s have since been figured by K u h n
(1939). T h e basic difficulties in using these figures are, first, that m o s t
come from the famous Goldschnecken clays, in which only septate i n n e r
whorls are preserved, and, secondly, that few are figured in ventral view
or with whorl-sections.
Detailed correlation with England bristles with difficulties. For
instance, Kosmoceras jason is recorded from as low as the Parapatoceras
b e d to as high as the obductum bed, and t h e specimen figured by K u h n
(1939, pi. i, fig. 8) is m o r e like the nucleus of a gulielmi or stutchburii.
Reineckeia anceps is recorded from immediately above the Parapatoceras
bed, associated with Macrocephalites and Sigaloceras, a position substan­
tially lower t h a n would b e expected if it is the same species as that in t h e
m a i n anceps level higher u p . T h e 'calloviensis' of the Calloviensis-
E n o d a t u m Zone is according to M o d e l & K u h n (1935, p . 476) 'coarsely
ribbed thick forms which seem to go back to Kepplerites keppleri', and
therefore can hardly belong to H y a t t ' s genus Sigaloceras, while commonest
in t h e u p p e r U t z i n g beds is Catasigaloceras Buckman, which denotes a
higher horizon (Planicerclus S u b z o n e ) ; and the two nuclei figured as
S. calloviense b y K u h n (1939, pi. i, figs. 5, 7) appear to belong to Keppler­
ites (gowerianus group). Some records of S. calloviense probably refer to
S. franconicum See (type K. cf. calloviensis Reuter, 1908, p . 99, fig.).
T h e Macrocephalitids are even more difficult, for they require still larger
material to make subgeneric (still more specific) differences discernible.
T h e 'Calloviensis' Zone is stated b y K u h n (1939, p . 480) to yield M.
(Pleurocephalites) folliformis Buck, a n d P. lophopleurus Buck., b u t o n plate
iii, fig. 4, what appears to b e a P. folliformis is figured as M. (Kamptoke-
phalites) herveyi (Sow.), which if correct would imply a lower horizon,
while a M. (P.) aff. lophopleurus Buckman is figured as Kepplerites dorni
K u h n (pi. i, fig. 12). Macrocephalites verus Buckman, t h e type of which
is in a 'limonitic stone' from 'the base of the Callovian' at E h n i n g e n seems
to agree in characters a n d horizon best w i t h K u h n ' s 'M. aff. subcompressus




(Model, 1935 ; Model & Kuhn, 1935 ; Kuhn, 1939) (ENGLAND)

UPPER Lamberti beds and nodules . lamberti

CALLOVIAN Athleta beds . . . . . up to 3 m. athleta
Castor & Pollux Zone, with obductum
layer in lower part and refractus layer coronatum
MIDDLE at base . . . . . . 2 m.
Calloviensis & Enodatum Zone, including
the Otzing Beds, with the main Gold- jason
schnecken fauna (Jason Zone and upper
part of Macrocephalus Zone of Reuter, planicerclus
1908, 1910). Parapatoceras layer at calloviense?
base, with Proplanulites spp. 4 m.
LOWER Gowerianus bed . . . . . 0 2 m. koenigi
Macrocephalus bed; sometimes an iron-
shot marl, or a band of phosphatic kamptus
nodules . . . . . . 0-3 m. macrocephalus

Waag.' (pi. iii, fig. 2), rather t h a n with t h e Calloviensis Zone specimens h e
figures as M. verus (pi. iv, figs. 3, 4, p i . ix, figs. 12, 13).
Such comments could b e continued at length; t h e specimens here
p r i n t e d merely illustrate that a thorough revision of these magnificent
Callovian faunas is sorely needed.
T h e ammonites of t h e basal Macrocephalus Bed in t h e Swabian A l b
(for instance t h e L o c h e n district, Fischer, 1913, p . 26, a n d Lautlingen,
where I was shown a good temporary exposure in 1953 b y D r Holder)
are worthy of special attention. T h e large Macrocephalites of this b e d most
resemble those in the English U p p e r C o r n b r a s h and include t h e form w h i c h
the International Commission o n Zoological N o m e n c l a t u r e has b e e n
asked t o fix as t h e t y p e of M. macrocephalus Schloth. s p . ( = M. verus
Buckman, 1922, pi. C C C X X X I V , based o n a n Oppel-Zittel specimen
from Ehningen), associated with Bullatimorphites (B. quenstedti R o e m e r
L x v a n
sp. 1911, type Quenstedt, 1849, P > 3)> association also found in
Sicily (see p . 207). T h e smaller B. weigelti K u h n sp. (1939, pi. vii, 3) is said

to occur higher, in t h e gowerianus b e d in Franconia, with the Callovian

genus Kheraiceras: K. trigeri H e b . & Desl. s p . a n d K. dorni K u h n s p .
( K u h n , 1939, pi. vii, 1, 2). I t appears (Stahlecker, 1926, p . 209) t h a t t h e
basal Macrocephalus Bed is the source of Kepplerites keppleri (Oppel),
also first described from E h n i n g e n (type figured Buckman, 1922, p i .
C C L X X X I X ) . T h i s is consistent with t h e occurrence of closely allied
Kepplerites cerealis Buckman sp. in t h e English U p p e r Cornbrash (Buck-
m a n , 1922, pi. C C L X X X V I ) .
T h e great variety of Perisphinctids described by Pietzcker (1911) a n d
figured by K u h n (1939) belong overwhelmingly to the genus Grossouvria>
with a few Poculisphinctes (pi. viii, 13), etc. T h e s e are nearly all later
Callovian forms.

BATHONIAN (up to 30 m.)

L i k e t h e L o w e r Oxfordian and Callovian, the Bathonian is highly

condensed, b u t it is extraordinarily persistent throughout the Alb, from
R a n d e n to t h e end of the outcrop in the Palatinate, where at the W e i n b e r g
n e a r Schwandorf it is directly overlain b y t h e U p p e r Cretaceous. D o r n
(1939) has m a d e a complete survey of t h e Franconian Alb, showing it i n
some 65 profiles, usually from half a m e t r e to one metre thick, and with a
m a x i m u m of 1-5 m., a n d it persists in the Regensburg gulf, with t h e
same characters of clay and limestone (Pompeckj, 1901; Wanderer, 1906)
a n d yielded m a n y fossils o n t h e R h i n e - D a n u b e railway (Schalch, 1897-9).
I n t h e Swabian A l b it expands to a m a x i m u m of 30 m. in the L o c h e n -
L a u f e n - L a u t l i n g e n area. F r o m here southwards (becoming t h i n n e r )
it consists almost entirely of clay between two similar ironshot limestone
b a n d s , t h e Macrocephalus Bed above and the Parkinsonia Bed b e l o w .
I n t h e n o r t h e r n Swabian Alb t h e clay is replaced largely or entirely b y
limestone, t h e Varians or Aspidoides Beds full of Rhynchonella alemanica
Rollier (Waagen, 1864, p p . 8 8 - 9 1 ; Fischer, 1913; Stahlecker, 1926).
Similar Varians Beds, often with n u m e r o u s Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel),
usually form t h e u p p e r p a r t of t h e stage throughout the outcrop, b u t t h e
facies in places embraces t h e whole Bathonian.

T h e identity of t h e a b u n d a n t Oppeliids with O. aspidoides (Oppel)
is uncertain (see Arkell, 1951a, p . 7), a n d in the absence of Clydoniceras
or any other definitely U p p e r Bathonian ammonites it is doubtful w h e t h e r
any U p p e r Bathonian is represented. Considering t h e extreme c o n d e n ­
sation of t h e whole stage this is not surprising.

T h a t t h e Subcontractus Zone is widely distributed is indicated b y
n u m e r o u s records of Tulites subcontractus (Morris & Lycett) from W a a g e n
(1864, p . 89) onwards, and of Morrisiceras morrisi (Oppel), which was
S W A B I A N A N D F R A N C O N I A N ALB 121
correctly figured from Swabia by Burckhardt. Occasional records of
Cadoceras in B r a u n J u r a epsilon also refer to species of Tulites: for instance,
Quenstedt's [Cadoceras] sublaeve (1887, pi. 79, fig. 2) is a Tulites cf.
calms Buckman, as I noted in 1953 in the Q u e n s t e d t collection at T u b i n g e n .
T h e s e and various forms of Bullatimorphites are c o m m o n in the R e g e n s -
b u r g gulf, where they were discussed b y Pompeckj (1901, p . 150; 191 o,
p . 73) and W a n d e r e r (1906, p . 523). T h e most richly fossiliferous deposit
of this date is at Schwandorf in t h e n o r t h e r n Palatinate, 35 k m . n o r t h of
Regensburg, where the entire Bathonian is only 24-45 cms. thick a n d con­
sists of ironshot marl a n d marlstone packed with fossils. T h e c o m m o n e s t
ammonites are Oppelia (Oxycerites) aspidoides auct. (Oppel ?), b u t in
addition the following have been identified (Arkell, 1951):—

Oecotraustes (Paroecotraustes) splendens Arkell

Oecotraustes (Paroecotraustes) formosus Arkell
Tulites cf. tula Buckman
Tulites praeclarus (Buckman)
Tulites (Rugiferites) polypleurus (Buckman)
Schwandorfia marginata Arkell
Krumbeckia reuteri Arkell
Morrisiceras morrisi (Oppel)
Morrisiceras krumbecki Arkell
Morrisiceras fornicatum (Buckman)
Berbericeras schwandorfense Arkell
Also Perisphinctids belonging to Siemiradzkia, Gracilisphinctes and

At least 9 of these species occur in t h e English Fuller's E a r t h Rock.

A similar assemblage occurs at Maxhiitte near Burglengenfeld ( K r u m -
beck, 1922; Arkell, 1951a, p . 5) and Miincheshofen (Wanderer, 1906,
p p . 521-4).


T h e Zigzag Zone is represented b y t h e ubiquitous W u r t t e m b e r g i c a

Beds, from which are sometimes locally separable 'ferrugineus b e d s ' ,
characterized b y other Parkinsoniae recorded u n d e r t h e cryptic a n d invalid
name Ammonites ferrugineus Oppel n o n Simpson. I n these b e d s occur
many Lower Bathonian ammonites figured b y Q u e n s t e d t , such as Parkin­
sonia wurttembergica Oppel sp. (based on A. parkinsoni compressus Q u e n ­
stedt, 1849, pl- > 4> another preoccupied name), P.foveatum (Quenst.)
P. dorni Arkell (1951, p . 9, based on D o r n , 1927, pi. 4, figs. 5, 6), P.
planulata Quenst. s p . ( D o r n , 1927, p i . 6, fig. 1) a n d other Parkinsoniae,
with still more characteristic forms figured b y Q u e n s t e d t (1886-7, pi- 74>
figs. 4-7), Morphoceras multiforme Arkell (ib. pi. 73, fig. 20), M. patescens
Buckman sp. (pi. 73, figs. 18, 19), M. perinflatum Wetzel (pi. 73, figs. 23,
24, 27), M. egrediens Wetzel (pi. 74, fig. 1) a n d ? Ebrayiceras sulcatum
Zieten sp. (pi. 87, fig. 23).

U P P E R BAJOCIAN ( u p to 28 m . )
W h e r e most fully developed in t h e central Swabian Alb, in t h e K i r c h -
h e i m - U r a c h district, t h e thickness is swollen m u c h above t h e normal b y
t h e incoming of 20 m . of clay in t h e Subfurcatum Zone and by 6-7 m . of
clay at t o p of t h e Parkinsoni Z o n e (the u p p e r part of this perhaps transi­
tional t o t h e Zigzag Zone) (Stahlecker, 1926, p p . 201-5). I n Franconia
the usual thickness is seldom more t h a n two or three metres. T h e
synonymy of t h e n u m e r o u s species of Parkinsonia, Garantiana a n d
Strenoceras is so involved that n o attempt to list the successive faunas
will b e m a d e . ( F o r notes o n t h e types of t h e basic species see Arkell,
1951, p . 9, notes 3-5). T h e stratigraphy is fully treated, with n u m e r o u s
figures of t h e Parkinsoniae, b y Schmidtill & Krumbeck (1931); see also
Wetzel (1924, p p . 179-201). T h e succession where most fully developed,
in the Swabian Alb, is as follows (Stahlecker, 1926, p p . 201-5).

Parkinsoni Zone
Upper parkinsoni beds, clays . . . . . . 6 7 m.
Parkinsoni Oolite . . . . . . . . 00-0 7 m.
Garantiana Zone
'Parkinsoni' nodules, with Garantiana
Subfurcatum Zone
Upper Subfurcatum beds or 'Hamitentone', clays . . 20 m.
Subfurcatenoolith, sometimes clay (with Strenoceras spp.,
Garantiana baculata, Spiroceras bifurcati, Teloceras spp.) 0-5-2 m.

I n Franconia, condensation produces a mixture of part of the Garantiana

and Parkinsoni Zones, which Schmidtill & K r u m b e c k separate as m i d d l e
parkinsoni beds. T h i s appears t o b e the main level of the true P. parkinsoni,
which m a y overlap with Garantiana s p p . , j u s t as various Garantianae
overlap with Strenoceras spp. A t G r u i b i n g e n Teloceras of several species
( b u t n o t T. blagdeni) have b e e n obtained from t h e Subfurcatum Zone
( M a u b e u g e , 1952).

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN ( u p t o c. 40 m.)
Z o n e of Stephanoceras humphriesianum. Coronaten-Schichten. T h e
subzone of Teloceras blagdeni at t o p is well differentiated (Blagdeni
Schichten). I n t h e Humphriesianum Subzone three levels are recognized
in favourable places, characterized b y different combinations of species
of Stephanoceras, Skirroceras, Stemmatoceras a n d Normannites. The
n u m e r o u s well-preserved Stephanoceratids have been revised a n d figured
b y Weisert (1932) a n d Schmidtill & K r u m b e c k (1938). Stephanoceras cf.
humphriesianum (Sow.) occurs in t h e middle level, in which Cadomites
cf. daubenyi a n d C. cf. stegeus (Buck.) are also recorded. Normannites
and its subgenera go all through, starting with N. braikenridgei (Sow.)
in t h e lower level. I n basal clays with Megateuthis giganteus various
Stephanoceratids occur with Chondroceras cf. grandiforme Buckman,
and elsewhere Dorsetensia liostraca Buck., D. regrediens H a u g (Stahlecker,
1926, p . 196, 1934, p . 9 5 ; Frank, 1942, p p . 21-29) and D. complanata
Buck. ( M a u b e u g e , 1950, p . 43). Some other mollusca are figured b y
K u h n (1938).

Quenstedt Modem Zones and Correlation

Oppel's Zones Strata
Subzones (England)

Oppelia aspidoides Tulites subcontractus Aspidoides Schichten subcontractus

Zigzagiceras zigzag Zigzagiceras zigzag Wurttembergicus Schichten
EPSILON Ferrugineus Schichten zigzag

Parkinsonia parkinsoni Ob. Parkinsonienschichten parkinsoni

Parkinsonia parkinsoni Garantiana garantiana Unt. Parkinsonienschichten garantiana

Strenoceras subfurcatum Subfurcatenschichten subfurcatum

DELTA Teloceras blagdeni Coronatenschichten and blagdeni

Stephanoceras humphriesianum Giganteustone
St. humphriesianum humphriesianum
Otoites sauzei Otoites sauzei Blaukalk sauzei
Sonninia sowerbyi Sonninia sowerbyi Wedelsandsteine u.-tone sowerbyi

Graphoceras concavum concavum

Staufenia staufcnsis

Costileioceras discoidum
Ludwigia murchisonae murchisonae
BETA Costileioceras sehndense

Costileioceras tolutarium
Costileioceras sinon
Trigonia navis and
Pachylytoceras torulosum Costileioceras costosum Wasserfallbank
ALPHA Leioceras opalinum Opalinus Ton

Z o n e of Otoites sauzei. Blaukalk: h a r d sandy limestone 3-7 m. I n t h e

u p p e r p a r t Otoites sauzei, Emileia spp. (Quenstedt, 1886, pi. 64, figs. 4-13),
etc. (Stahlecker, 1926, p . 1 9 1 ; Frank, 1942, p . 19). I t is probable that t h e
'Stephanoceras humphriesianum' sometimes recorded from this bed are
earlier forms (cf. Docidoceras perfectum Buckman?); Frank (1942, p . 19)
calls t h e m 'humphriesianus-like forms'. F r o m the same bed, however, are
also recorded Sonninia sowerbyi (Miller) and S. arenata (Quenst.) (Frank,
1942, p . 19), and t h e type specimen of S. mesacantha (Waagen sp., 1867,
pi. 28, fig. 1) comes from here.
Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi. Gingen, in the Swabian Alb, was described
by W a a g e n (1867, p . 532) as t h e most favourable locality known to h i m
for t h e fauna of this zone. His specimens came mostly from the oolitic a n d
coral-bearing Sowerbyi Bed (0-75-1 m.) at the base of the zone, above which
follow 10-20 m . or m o r e of clay with two or three levels of Wedelsandstein
with Cancellophycus, developed on different horizons in different places.
Some of t h e m a n y Sonniniae (listed by Stahlecker, 1926, p . 187, 190 a n d
Frank, 1942, Textbeilage 2) occur indifferently throughout the zone.
S. sowerbyi (Miller) a n d S. fissilobata (Waag.) occur at top and bottom, b u t
t h e richest fauna is at t h e bottom, in t h e Sowerbyi Bed. Dorsetensia
tecta Buck, is recorded from t h e top level, Hyperlioceras discites (Waag.)
from t h e bottom, with Sonninia gingensis (Waag.), S. polyacantha (Waag.),
S. jugifer (Waag.), S. furticarinata (Waag.), S. adicra (Waag.) and Emileia
(? Docidoceras) sp. (Waagen, 1867, pi. 24, fig. 3). I n Franconia as usual,
t h e zone is m u c h t h i n n e r ( D o r n , 1939), b u t it has yielded numerous well-
preserved ammonites (figured D o r n , 1935); and here again what is near
e n o u g h to t h e t r u e S. sowerbyi (Miller-Sow.) is figured from the Sowerbyi
Zone (pi. i, fig. 6). F o r the u p p e r p a r t of t h e Sowerbyi Zone in Franconia
Witchellia pinguis (Roemer) is a subzonal index (Dorn, 1935, p p . 16, 116);
this presumably corresponds to t h e Laeviuscula Subzone of H a u g (1910).
( D o r n ' s 'W. laeviuscula' from the Romani Subzone—1935, p . 106 and
figures—is nothing like Sowerby's species; pis. xiv, 2, and xv, 3, appear
to b e Dorsetensia aff. liostraca Buckman.)

L O W E R BAJOCIAN (80 m.)

B r a u n J u r a Alpha and Beta. T h i s is the sandiest subdivision in t h e
Swabian Jurassic. Beta, 52-56 m . thick, consists largely of sandstones,
sandy limestones and sandy clays (Doggersandstein); alpha, 25 m. more or
less, consists of clay grading u p into sandy loam and down into the T o a r c i a n
shales. T h e intricate lithological subdivisions and changes of facies
have been studied in S W . Swabia by Lorcher (1934), in N E . Swabia b y
Bozenhardt (1936), a n d in the central region by Stahlecker (1926, 1934).
T h e a m m o n i t e succession is best developed in the south-west; farther
north-east ammonites are scarcer and poorly preserved, and in Franconia
m o s t of t h e zones are so poorly represented that D o r n (1935) omitted
m o s t of t h e m from his m o n o g r a p h although affirming that in general the
zonal succession is t h e same. T h e Graphoceratids are of special interest
" 5
(figures in Quenstedt, 1886, and H o r n , 1908). T h e Franconian pelecypods
are monographed by Schmidtill (1925).
Zones of Graphoceras concavum and Ludwigia murchisonae. From
Klettgau to Gosheim (Lorcher, 1934, p . 130) and in other places (Frank,
1942, p . 5) the Concavum Zone is u n i t e d with t h e Sowerbyi Bed as a
single inseparable stone band (max. 3 m.), j u s t as in the Sherborne district
of Dorset, where the union of these two zones caused Buckman so m u c h
confusion (see p . 33).
I n S W . Swabia, Lorcher (1934) found an interesting subzonal succession
with several puzzling anomalies. Instead of Ludwigia murchisonae being
confined to a high horizon with Staufenia staufensis as at S e h n d e near
Hannover (see p . 143), he found that it appears m u c h lower, in t h e
Sehndense Subzone, and occurs in b o t h t h e next following subzones of
discoideum and staufensis. H e attributed this to n o r t h w a r d migration of
Ludwigia murchisonae from the T e t h y s . W h a t e v e r t h e explanation, t h e
facts are a vindication of Oppel's original concept of a M u r c h i s o n a e Zone,
embracing the other horizons as subzones. Between K i r c h h e i m and
Metzingen these horizons are all represented by nothing b u t a pebble bed.
Between Metzingen and Heckingen the gap widens downwards and
embraces everything between the C o n c a v u m Z o n e a n d t h e O p a l i n u m
Zone. T h e subzones where the sequence is fully developed are shown in
table 12 (p. 123).
Zones of Tmetoceras scissum and Leioceras opalinum. Tmetoceras
scissum occurs at Balingen with Costileioceras sinon (Bayle), t h e index
used by Hoffman in 1913 a n d identified b y Stahlecker (1926, p . 162)
and Lorcher (1934) in the Swabian Alb. Costileioceras tolutarium ( D u m o r -
tier), which indicates a subzone above sinon in t h e Swabian Alb (same
references) was figured by Buckman in 1899 fr° t h e Scissum Zone in
England. T h e Scissum Zone therefore probably covers b o t h Sinon a n d
T o l u t a r i u m Subzones.
T h e Wasserfallbank at t h e base of t h e Doggersandstein and of B r a u n
Jura beta contains b o t h Leioceras opalinum a n d Costileioceras costosum
(Lorcher, 1934, p . 126), and t h e costosum horizon is therefore a subzone of
the Opalinum Zone, as shown b y L i e b (1950, p . 452) in t h e Swiss J u r a .
T h e rest of the zone, constituting Braun J u r a alpha, comprises t h e
Opalinum clay with nodules, for which a fair average thickness is 25 m .
I n Franconia (P. D o r n , 1923, 1936a) there is a gradual passage down into
the U p p e r Toarcian clays and u p w a r d s into the Doggersandstein. C o m m o n
fossils of the Opalinum Zone are Pachylytoceras torulosum (Schloth.)
and Trigonia navis Lam., used b y Oppel as zonal indices b u t a b a n d o n e d
in favour of Leioceras opalinum, introduced as index b y Brauns in 1864.

U P P E R TOARCIAN (2-6 m.)

Zone of Lytoceras jurense: Lias Zeta. T h e J u r e n s e marls are s o m e ­
times abruptly followed disconformably b y t h e O p a l i n u m Zone, b u t
more often they pass u p lithologically b y gradations of m o r e or less sandy

marls (P. D o r n , 1923). Although t h e formation is so thin, all the subzones

except that of Phymatoceras lilli have been recognized in Franconia
t h r o u g h t h e detailed work of K r u m b e c k (1943), who separates a marly-
basin facies a n d a marginal sandy facies, the latter confined to the Regens-
b u r g gulf. K r u m b e c k ' s work makes Franconia a highly important area
for the ammonite succession of the T o a r c i a n ; accordingly the principal
results are tabulated below from his n u m e r o u s profiles, using the
zonal indices standardized b y S p a t h on grounds of priority and wider
appropriateness :—
S u b z o n e of Pleydellia aalensis, w i t h P. aalensis (Zieten), Pleurolytoceras
hircinum (Schloth.) a b u n d a n t (whence hircinum beds), Grammoceras
mactra ( D u m . ) , G. fluitans ( D u m . ) , G. costulatum (Ziet.), G. subcomptum
(Branco), G. leurum (Buck.), Hudlestonia aff. compressum (Ben.), Dumor-
tieria kochi (Ben.), D. costula (Rein.), D. munieri (Haug), D. moorei ( L y e ) ,
Pseudolioceras falcodiscus (Qu.), Phylloceras calypso (d'Orb.), P. cf. hetero-
phyllum (Sow.).
Subzone of Dumortieria moorei (radiosa beds), with D. moorei (Lycett),
D. pseudoradiosa (Branco), D. rhodanica (Haug), D. bleicheri (Ben.), D.
cf. nicklesi (Ben.), D. cf. radians (Rein.), D. aff. brancoi (Ben.),
Grammoceras cf. senescens (Buck.), Hudlestonia serrodens (Qu.), Pleydellia
aalensis (Ziet.).
Subzone of Dumortieria levesquei, with D. cf. levesquei (d'Orb.) and D.
striatulocostata (Qu.).
Subzone of Phlyseogrammoceras dispansum, with P. dispansum ( L y e ) ,
Dumortieria costula (Rein.)?, D. insigni-similis Ernst, Polyplectus discoides
(Ziet.), Pseudolioceras sp., Hammatoceras cf. insigne (Ziet.), H. cf.
semilunatum (Qu.), Lytoceras cf. jurense (Ziet.), L. cf. rugiferum Pompeckj.
Subzone of Grammoceras struckmanni (fallaciosum beds), with G.
cf. bingmanni (Denck.), G. cf. saemanni (Denck.), G. cf. mulleri (Denck.),
G. aff. doerntense (Denck.) (all in the sandy marginal facies) and G.
fallaciosum Bayle. T h i s horizon is usually missing from the basin
Subzone of Grammoceras striatulum (thouarsense beds), with G. striatidum
(Sow.) and Pseudolioceras cf. wiirttembergica (Denck.).
S u b z o n e of Haugia variabilis, with H. dumorfieri Buck., H. cf. illustris
(Denck.), H. cf. navis ( D u m . ) , Catacoeloceras cf. crassum (Y. & B.),
C. mucronatum (d'Orb.), Pseudolioceras compactile (Simp.), P. bicarinatum
(Ziet.), P. whitbiense (Buck.), Harpoceras subplanatum (Oppel), Lytoceras
spp., Phylloceras cf. heterophyllum (Sow.), Phymatoceras aff. robustum
(Denck.). T h e last ammonite suggests that the Lilli Subzone may b e
represented in this assemblage.

N e a r Boll at least the four highest subzones of the U p p e r Toarcian are

condensed into a single half-metre of limestone or 'ammonite breccia*
(Engel, 1894).
LOWER TOARCIAN (C. 4-12-5 m.)
Posidonienschiefer: Lias Epsilon. T h e world-famous Posidonia
shales of Boll and H o l z m a d e n at foot of t h e Swabian Alb have been worked
for centuries in n u m e r o u s quarries and their complete faunas have been
recorded inch by inch (Hauff, 1921; 1953). T h e marvellous vertebrate
fauna and the interest of the conditions of formation and palaeogeography
have overshadowed all else (Beurlen, 1925; P . D o r n , 1936; Brockamp &
others, 1944), and a m o d e r n analysis of t h e a m m o n i t e succession remains
to be undertaken. F r o m the careful records of Bernard Hauff senior
(1921), however, it is evident that t h e beds correspond precisely with t h e
lower Toarcian, as was realized by Quenstedt, O p p e l and W a a g e n (see
especially Waagen, 1864, p . 4 6 ; for a comparable profile for Franconia
see Reuter, 1927, p p . 55-7). A m m o n i t e s from t h e oil-shales of Boll were
figured by K n o r r (1755, vol. i) and include t h e t y p e of Lytoceras knorri-
anum (de Haan, 1825) (type K n o r r ' s pi. xxxvii, fig. 2), and four plates of
photos showing species from b o t h Falcifer and Bifrons Zones are given b y
Hauff in his excellent book (1953, pis. 73-76), augmenting Q u e n s t e d t ' s
drawings (1885, pis. 43-6).

PLIENSBACHIAN (max. 30 m . in the south, 60 m . in t h e n o r t h )

Lias G a m m a (Numismalismergel) and Delta (Amaltheenthone). T h e
type locality for this stage, founded b y O p p e l (1858, p . 815) to replace
d'Orbigny's 'Liasien', is t h e village of Pliensbach, near Boll, at foot of t h e
Swabian Alb. I t formed the subject of Oppel's first work (1853), carried
out as thesis for a prize at T u b i n g e n University, t h e subject having b e e n
set by Professor Quenstedt. T h e zones still used all over E u r o p e are those
originally proposed for this area b y O p p e l ; so excellent was his m a i d e n
study that no changes have been required, t h o u g h refinement is n o d o u b t
possible, as shown by t h e extremely detailed work of K r u m b e c k (1936)
in Franconia.
T h e U p p e r Pliensbachian ( S p i n a t u m and Margaritatus Zones) is rich
in Amaltheids b u t poor in all other kinds of ammonites, although a few
forms of Coeloceras and of Eoderoceratidae a n d Polymorphitidae occur
as rarities (Beurlen, 1924), whereas t h e L o w e r Pliensbachian has an
extremely varied and prolific ammonite fauna. Beurlen (1924) attributes
this difference to temporary near-closure of the Alb trough from southern
seas; b u t the cause appears to have been m o r e general, for t h e U p p e r
Pliensbachian is noticeably poor in ammonites other t h a n Amaltheids in
the British Isles as compared with regions such as Italy, Sicily, and
southern France. I t happens t h a t one of t h e best described exposures of
the Lower Pliensbachian is on t h e tiny outlier of Langenbriicken, o n t h e
edge of the Rhine valley south of Heidelberg, remote from t h e Alb (Futterer,
1891), and later a rich fauna was obtained there also from t h e lower p a r t
of the Margaritatus Zone by means of a special excavation (Bessler, 1935).
I n the Franconian Alb the Lower Pliensbachian is often reduced to a
single band of nodular marly limestone from 5 cm. to 1 m . thick (Schieber,

1936, p . 25), b u t in the n o r t h (Bayreuth) t h e U p p e r Pliensbachian expands

to 60 m . (Reuter, 1927, p . 51). T h e changes of facies in Franconian Lias
G a m m a have been worked out in great detail by K r u m b e c k (1936).
T h e wealth of ammonites in t h e Swabian Lower Pliensbachian is well
illustrated by Q u e n s t e d t ' s (1884-5) plates 25-39, although m a n y of his
names require revision; b y contrast, those of the U p p e r Pliensbachian
occupy only plates 40-42.
Zones of Pleuroceras spinatum and Amaltheus margaritatus. The
Amaltheids of the Amaltheenthone have been exhaustively studied b y
F r e n t z e n (1934; 1937) on the basis of 10,000 well-preserved specimens
collected b e d b y bed in special excavations at points along the entire
length of t h e Swabian o u t c r o p . H e confirmed t h a t Pleuroceras of t h e
S p i n a t u m Zone was derived b y gradual transitions from various Amaltheus
of t h e M a r g a r i t a t u s Zone, a n d h e recognized four subzones :—

Subzone of Pleuroceras spinatum (Brug.)

Subzone of Pleuroceras bechteri Frentzen
Subzone of Amaltheus margaritatus (Montf.)
Subzone of Amaltheus nodifer Buckman

Also from the Margaritatus Zone come Metacymbites centriglobus (Oppel)

(type, Oppel, 1853, p . iii, fig. 7), Crucilobiceras zitteli (Oppel), Harpoceras
kurrianum (Oppel) and Coeloceras pettos (Qu.), type species of the genus
Zone of Prodactylioceras davoei. By contrast with the Ibex and Jamesoni
Zones, this zone has relatively few ammonites, the principal being P.
davoei, Androgynoceras capricornus (Schloth.) and Lytoceras fimbriatum
(Sow.) and their allies. According to Schieber (1936, p . 26) early A m a l ­
theids occur, although this was explicitly denied by Oppel (1856, p . 127).
Zone of Tragophylloceras ibex. Characterized by a wealth of L i p a r o ­
ceratidae, Polymorphitidae, etc.; especially T. ibex (Qu.), T. wechsleri
(Oppel), Liparoceras striatum (Rein.), Beaniceras centaurus ( d ' O r b . ) ,
Acanthopleuroceras maugenesti (d'Orb.), A. binotatum (Oppel), A. arietiforme
(Oppel), A. subarietiforme (Futt.), Tropidoceras stahli (Oppel), T. futtereri
S p a t h (based on Futterer, 1891, pi. xii, fig. 1), Crucilobiceras frischmanni
(Oppel) a n d other forms w h c h range u p from the Jamesoni Zone.
Zone of Uptonia jamesoni. Some of the most characteristic ammonites
of this zone are Uptonia jamesoni (Sow.) and its allies, such as lata a n d
costata (Qu.), Polymorphites polymorphus (Qu.) and its allies, Platy-
pleuroceras brevispina (Sow.), Tropidoceras falcoides (Qu.), T. stahli (Oppel),
T. futtereri (Spath), Platynoticeras alterum (Oppel), Metoxynoticeras
oppeli (Schloen.), M. cf. buvignieri ( d ' O r b . ) , Phylloceras zetes ( d ' O r b . ) ,
Apoderoceras spoliatum (Qu.), Hyperderoceras rugum (Qu.), Crucilobiceras-
filum (Qu.), C. submuticum (Oppel), C. nodogigas (Qu.), Phricodoceras
taylori (Sow.), etc. At the base is a layer with many Eoderoceratidae,
called b y Oppel the A r m a t u m Bed, b u t later in date t h a n the true Eodero-
ceras armatum assemblage of the top of the Sinemurian, and considered
by Hoffmann a separate subzone of Crucilobiceras nodogigas (Qu.) and
Phricodoceras taylori (Sow.), which on grounds of priority should bear
P. taylori as index.

SINEMURIAN (max. 30-40 m., thinning northwards)

Lias Beta and u p p e r Lias Alpha. Although not t h e type area for t h e
Sinemurian and Hettangian stages, this is t h e type area for the zones
into which they were divided by Oppel (1856, p . 14). T h e s e zones have
proved universally appropriate and useful ever since, with only two changes
of index-species. O n e zone was given a n o n - a m m o n i t e index, Pentacrinus
tuberculatus, although O p p e l listed from it Am. birchi, bonnardi a n d
turneri, b u t Euasteroceras turneri (Sow.) was substituted by W r i g h t as
early as i860 and is now used instead. T h e next zone below this was
called by O p p e l t h e zone of Arnioceras geometricum (Oppel) non Phillips,
b u t this name is an invalid h o m o n y m and was early replaced by J u d d b y
an allied species, Arnioceras semicostatum (Y. & B.). W i t h these two
trifling improvements, Oppel's scheme remains intact as the basis of t h e
world standard.
T h e richness of the Swabian Sinemurian in well-preserved ammonites
is probably unsurpassed anywhere in t h e world, a n d certainly t h e
ammonites have never been so completely and profusely illustrated as in
the first volume of Quenstedt's great work (1884-5), which pis. 17-24
show ammonites of the U p p e r Sinemurian and pis. 5-16 those of t h e
Lower Sinemurian, chiefly from the almost fabulous Arietenkalk or
Arietitid pavement. T h e most detailed stratigraphical collecting in t h e
U p p e r Sinemurian (Lias Beta) has been done o n t h e Langenbriicken
outlier south of Heidelberg (Hoffmann, 1936-8) a n d in t h e Franconian
Jura (Krumbeck, 1932), while t h e L o w e r Sinemurian a n d its a m m o n i t e s
have been treated in great detail in all the outcrops b y Fiege (1926, 1929)
and Frank (1931). As in higher stages, in n o r t h e r n Bavaria K r u m b e c k
(1932) recognizes a basin facies of t h e U p p e r S i n e m u r i a n (0-8-15 m . )
and a sandier marginal facies, only u p to o- 8 m . thick.
Zone of Echioceras raricostatum. Between this zone and the Pliens­
bachian Hoffmann holds t h a t t h e r e is in S W . G e r m a n y a non-sequence
representing a subzone of Eoderoceras miles (Simpson) in N W . G e r m a n y
and Yorkshire. T h e highest Sinemurian in S W . G e r m a n y consists of
clays with limestone bands a n d yields Echioceras raricostatum (Zieten),
E. raricostatoides (Vadasz), Crucilobiceras densinodum (Qu.), Hemimi-
croceras subplanicosta (Oppel).
Zone of Oxynoticeras oxynotum. Clays with O. oxynotum (Qu.),
Bifericeras bifer (Qu.), Angulaticeras lacunatum (Buck.). At the base
a non-sequence representing t h e subzone of Oxynoticeras simpsoni
(Bean-Simpson) and Gagaticeras gagateum (Y. & B.) of N W . G e r m a n y
and Yorkshire, which are missing in S W . G e r m a n y according t o
Zone of Asteroceras obtusum. At the top a limestone (Betakalk) with

A. obtusum (Sow.), A. stellare (Sow.), A. betacalcis (Qu.) and Promi-

crocerasplanicosta (Sow.); below, clays w i t h A. obtusum and P.planicosta.
T h e Planicosta clays reach a thickness of 25 m. in the Swabian Alb, b u t in
the marginal facies of n o r t h e r n Bavaria the zone is missing ( K r u m b e c k ,
Z o n e of Euasteroceras turneri. Pentacrinus tuberculatus bed, 1 m .
Microderoceras birchi (Sow.), Asteroceras cf. brooki (Sow.), etc. A m m o n i t e s
of this zone are also present at the base of t h e O b t u s u m Zone clays in t h e
basin facies in n o r t h Bavaria.
Zone of Arnioceras semicostatum. T h e zone of Arnioceras geometricum
O p p e l non Phillips (see Hoffmann, 1938, pi. ii, fig. 2), with Euagassiceras
sauzeanum ( d ' O r b . ) , Agassiceras scipionianum (d'Orb.) and Paracoroni-
ceras gmundense Oppel sp. (Fiege, 1929, pi. v, figs, i r , 12). Oppel (1856,
p . 14) regarded this as a subzone of t h e Bucklandi Zone and omitted it
from the complete table at the end of his book (1858), and in places it
appears to be more or less combined with the Bucklandi Zone in t h e
Zone of Arietites bucklandi. Arietenkalk, Arietenbank, Arietenpflaster,
or Schneckenfels, a b a n d of limestone 6 in. to half a metre thick, packed
with large ammonites, overlying clays with Gryphaea arcuata; average in
t h e Swabian Alb 3 m . W h e r e the limestone is laid bare over a considerable
area, as in t h e b e d of a stream at Ofterdingen near Tubingen, it resembles
some of the wave-washed limestones of the Bucklandi Zone of L y m e
Regis. A good idea of the fauna is given b y Zieten (1830, pis. xxvi-vii),
Q u e n s t e d t (1884, pis. 5-16) a n d Fiege (1929, pis. iii-vii). A few character­
istic species are here listed from the revision by Donovan (1952) based
on the contemporary ammonites in the Bristol district: Arietites solarium
(Qu.), Vermiceras spiratissimum (Qu.), V. scylla Reynes sp. (Quenstedt,
pi. 13, fig. 6), Coroniceras deffneri Oppel sp. (Qu. pi. 6, fig. 4), Euagassiceras
striaries (Qu.), E. spinaries (Qu.). I n the Aalen area there is a conglomerate
at the base of t h e Arietenschichten, and derived specimens of Schlotheimia
from the Angulata Zone have been found over a wide area incorporated
with the large Arietitids (Schieber, 1936, p p . 8, 15-16). T h i s has given rise
to prolonged controversy about the zonal value of the ammonites (Vollrath,
1924, 1928; Pratje, 1924a). Besides these, however, t h e lower Arieten­
schichten contain some indigenous dwarf Schlotheimids (Holder, 1936).

HETTANGIAN (max. c. 25 m., usually m u c h less)

Zones of Schlotheimia angulata and Psiloceras planorbis. T h e Hettangian
of t h e entire Alb has been treated in great detail by Frank (1931) and it
is impossible to summarize in one paragraph his 242 pages and folding
diagrams. I n Swabia the Angulata Zone is developed as limestones which
form wide low plateaux rising above the T r i a s landscape. As has so often
been established in the Jurassic, t h e lithological boundaries transgress
t h e ammonite zones. A n example is the Kupferfelsbank which in central
W u r t t e m b e r g is a crystalline limestone in the basal Bucklandi Zone, b u t

farther south and east is said to yield Schlotheimia angulata as its character­
istic fossil; below is an oolite which in the central region is in t h e Angulata
Zone and towards the south a n d east includes Psiloceras (Caloceras)
johnstoni of the u p p e r Planorbis Zone (Frank, 1931, p . 7). A t t h e base is
almost everywhere the Psilonotenbank, a h a r d limestone about a foot
thick, packed with species of Psiloceras and occasionally Psilophyllites
(Kuhn, 1935a, who also figures a n u m b e r of small pelecypods).. T h e
Psiloceratidae and Schlotheimiidae figured in Q u e n s t e d t ' s first four
plates (1883) were revised by Pompeckj (1893-6); the gigantic size of some
of the Schlotheimids is noteworthy (Quenstedt, 1883, pis. 2, 4).
T h e Psilonotenbank is overlain in central W i i r t t e m b e r g b y u p to 10 m .
of clay, which wedges out b o t h south and east, so t h a t the Psilonotenbank
is in contact with the overlying Oolithenbank. O n F r a n k ' s interpretation
(1931, p . 198) this indicates a transgression of the Hettangian sea from t h e
north or north-west towards t h e south and east (the opposite was inferred
by Pratje, 1924, p . 43), the Psilonotenbank being its basal bed, laid down
everywhere on the front of t h e advance and covered u p by clays b e h i n d .
U p to a point this interpretation may b e true, b u t n o attempt has been
made to show whether the ammonite fauna of t h e Psilonotenbank is older
in the central region t h a n in the south and east. T h e next-following
'Leithorizont', the Oolithenbank, on the contrary, contains Psiloceras
johnstoni in the peripheral areas and therefore is older t h e r e t h a n in
the central region, where it belongs to the Angulata Zone. I n the two
diagrams (Frank, 1931, p p . 217, 219) showing the alleged 'wanderings'
of P. johnstoni and S. angulata it is likely that these specific names should
in reality be equated merely with the genera Psiloceras and Schlotheimia,
b u t even making allowance for that, the diagrams should be reconstructed
with the four subzonal ammonites of the Hettangian in t h e left-hand
column which is headed 'Horizons' and t h e lithological developments
placed in the other columns, according to the contained ammonites.
T h e relations of the Planorbis Zone to the underlying T r i a s are compli­
cated. I n most places a Rhaetic bone b e d and sandstones occur; in other
places these wedge out and leave the Planorbis Zone in contact w i t h t h e
Keuper Knollenmergel. (For discussion and bibliography see Roll,
1933a; Hoffmann, 1935). I n t h e Aalen area there are conglomerates
with limestone pebbles, ranging in size from a h e n ' s egg to a plate, at t h e
base of the Planorbis Zone and again at t h e base of and within and on t o p
of the Angulatum Zone (Schieber, 1936, p . 8).


As already mentioned (p. 107), during the L o w e r and M i d d l e Jurassic

a seaway connected the Alb trough n o r t h w a r d t h r o u g h t h e 'Hessian strait'
with the basin of N W . Germany, or L o w e r Saxony, b u t in t h e U p p e r
Jurassic the two troughs became severed and evolved independently.
It follows from this that the Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic deposits of L o w e r

Saxony can b e correlated zone b y zone with those of t h e Alb trough, b u t

that t h e U p p e r Jurassic succession shows marked peculiarities a n d requires
fuller analysis a n d description; t h e ammonite connexions are decidedly
with t h e north-west, with which even t h e Lias shows marked affinity
—especially with Yorkshire. T h e Lias is extremely thick in t h e interior
of t h e basin, u n d e r Friesland, where borings have proved over iooo m .

FIG. 15.—Isopachyte map of the Lias in N W . Germany. After Hoffmann, 1949.

T h e M i d d l e Jurassic of L o w e r Saxony, even a t outcrop along t h e

s o u t h e r n m a r g i n of t h e basin, is also very thick in places, and is developed
in clay facies with layers of nodules, producing an extensive succession of
a m m o n i t e faunas of first importance for t h e world standard.
Over t h e greater p a r t of t h e basin t h e Jurassic is buried beneath
Cretaceous a n d later deposits of t h e N o r t h G e r m a n plain, b u t m u c h has
b e e n revealed b y borings (fig. 15). T h e Lias is thickest u n d e r t h e m o u t h
of t h e W e s e r a n d almost as far south as Bremen and as far east as t h e River
Elbe (Hoffmann, 1949). W e s t of t h e River E m s , in t h e region of t h e
G e r m a n - D u t c h frontier, t h e Jurassic t h i n s o u t against a submerged block,
which was probably an island, a n d certain U p p e r Jurassic formations
overlap on to T r i a s (Bentz, 1926; Schott, 1 9 5 1 ; W o l b u r g , 1954). I n t r a -
Jurassic movements that preceded these overlaps also caused uplift a n d
shallowing between the Weser a n d Elbe, where t h e Lias is thick, for parts
of the U p p e r Jurassic t h e r e rest disconformably o n eroded or incomplete
Middle Jurassic (as u n d e r L i i n e b u r g H e a t h ) . East of the lower Elbe was
another non-subsiding area against which the Jurassic formations wedge
out and are overlapped by Cretaceous: this is k n o w n as Pompeckj's Swell;
it stands on the site of an inferred island of Cambrian times to which
Pompeckj first drew attention (Seitz, 1949).
T h e southern b o u n d a r y of the basin of Lower Saxony is formed b y t h e
ancient masses of the Rhenish slate mountains, which are an extension
of the Ardennes ridge, and the Harz, an extension of t h e Bohemian
massif. Along t h e n o r t h e r n m a r g i n of these masses a n d at t h e entrance t o
the intervening 'Hessian strait' the Jurassic system crops out in an inter­
r u p t e d band over 150 miles long, between t h e River E m s a n d t h e River
Aller, around Osnabriick, Hanover, and Brunswick (fig. 16). I n these
outcrops the rocks vary greatly in thickness a n d facies a n d are nearly all
in shallow-water marginal development, contrasting with t h e open
basin facies to the north.
T h i s is the classic area of t h e Saxonian folding (Stille, 1910, 1913,
1922, 1925, 1932, 1949, 1953, etc.). T h e Mesozoic rocks occupy t r o u g h s
of subsidence between resistant swells and massifs and have been com­
pressed between t h e m as within a frame, whence Stille's concept of
'frame folding'. Tectonic complication increases near t h e j u n c t i o n
between the basins and their frames. I n general t h e r e has been overriding
movement towards the south or south-west, often with overturning a n d
sometimes, as in the Osning range, low-angle overthrusting magnified in its
effects b y decollement (Stille, 1953). T h e tectonics are locally compli­
cated by, or even largely caused by, salt domes. M a x i m u m compression
in the Tertiary was preceded and often conditioned b y folding and faulting
at several periods in the Jurassic a n d Cretaceous. T h e principal phases
were (Dahlgriin, 1923):—

p r e - U p p e r Valanginian (Hils phase)

pre-Middle Purbeckian (Osterwald phase) (main phase)
p r e - M i d d l e Kimeridgian (Deister phase)

Each is marked by unconformities and conglomerates. I n addition t o

folding there was faulting during the Mesozoic. T h e Rhenish massif
extended in Jurassic times over what is now the M u n s t e r basin, and its
northern margin seems to have broken down progressively during U p p e r
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous times in a series of step faults, each step
descending farther into the t r o u g h to t h e n o r t h (Stille, 1936; W o l b u r g ,
1952). T h i s recalls the behaviour of the southern margin of the Vindelician
ridge bordering the Alpine geosyncline (see p . 155).
T h e anticlines and periclines in which the Jurassic rocks crop out

form elongated ranges of wooded hills, of which the principal are t h e

T e u t o b u r g e r W a l d (including the Osning and Eggegebirge), the W i e h e n g e -
birge and Wesergebirge (divided b y t h e gorge of the Weser at Porta
Westfalica), and near H a n o v e r t h e Siintel and Deister, the Ith, and farther
east the Salzgitter H o h e n z u g and m a n y outlying masses around B r u n s ­
wick. O n e of the most southerly outliers forms the complex Kahlberg,
near Echte, close t o t h e H a r z (J. P e r r i n Smith, 1893).
I n the n u m e r o u s small oilfields of the area, limestones in the Bathonian
('Cornbrash' facies), U p p e r Oxfordian (Coralline Oolite) and M i d d l e
Purbeckian (Serpulite) and, in the east, Lower Bajocian sandstones are
important reservoir rocks.
T h e Jurassic palaeogeography of t h e area has been studied especially
b y Hoffmann (1949), Schott (1932, 1938, 1949, 1951), Raecke (1932),
Seitz (1949) and W o l b u r g (1954). Classic comprehensive works o n t h e
stratigraphy and palaeontology are those by Roemer (1836), K o c h &
D u n k e r (1837), D u n k e r (1846), von Seebach (1864), Brauns (1865-6,
1869, 1871, 1874), S t r u c k m a n n (1878, 1880, 1882) and Salfeld (1914).
Syntheses of t h e stratigraphy of t h e L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Jurassic, of great
value and indeed indispensable, have been published by K u m m (1940,
1952). Detailed works on special areas are too numerous to m e n t i o n ,
b u t most of t h e m are referred to in the following tabulated synopsis of
t h e stratigraphy. Some of the most important areas for Jurassic s t r a t i ­
graphy are described in Survey memoirs by G r u p e & Ebert (1927), E b e r t
& G r u p e (1928), N a u m a n n (1927), N a u m a n n & Burre (1927) and o t h e r s .


Borings for oil in the northern basin facies, especially in and about t h e
valley of the E m s , have revealed a Wealden u p to 500 m. thick, developed
as almost continuous clays or shales w i t h only t h i n shell beds. S t u d y
of the ostracods has proved a succession of zones, through which t h e
forms change gradually from predominantly Jurassic to predominantly
Cretaceous types. O n t h e basis of these fossils six subdivisions have b e e n
established (Wicher, 1940; Riedel & Wicher, 1942; Wolburg, 1949, 1950).
T h e fauna of Wealden 1 is most closely allied to that of the M i d d l e
Purbeck, and Wealden 2 and 3 have an U p p e r Purbeck fauna. Between
W e a l d e n 3 and 4 is believed to be approximately the level where, in t h e
marginal facies, t h e m a i n sandstone development (Deister Sandstone)
comes i n ; this was already correlated with the Hastings Beds, or L o w e r
Wealden of England, b y Struckmann (1880, p p . 15, 2 8 : 'Deister- o d e r
Hastingssandstein'). W e a l d e n 4 contains a characteristic ostracod w h i c h
has been found near the top of t h e Weald Clay of Sussex (Wolburg,
1949a), b u t Professor P . Allen does not accept t h e implications of
this. W e a l d e n 6, which is brackish and immediately succeeded b y t h e
L o w e r Valanginian Platylenticeras beds in Germany, therefore probably
represents the marine Subcraspedites beds (Spilsby Sandstone) which are
missing otherwise in G e r m a n y , as already suggested in 1924 by Spath.
M i n u t e fragments of ammonite found in a boring at W a h n (Riedel, 1941)
were identified with t h e Spiti Shales genus Blanfor dicer as, b u t appear t o
be Garantiana of U p p e r Bajocian age. T h e y m u s t have been derived.*
O n the evidence from Switzerland and t h e F r e n c h Alps that t h e M i d d l e
and probably U p p e r Purbeckian are U p p e r T i t h o n i a n (see p p . 85-92),

Vertical lines indicate barriers to correlation still not broken down by research. Wavy
horizontal lines indicate principal Jurassic phases of earth-movements in NW.


Polyptychites Beds Speeton Clay and Hundleby Middle Valanginian

Platylenticeras (= 'Garnieria') Missing Lower Valanginian

Wealden 6 (brackish) Spilsby Sandstone,

Subcraspedites Beds Berriasian
Wealden 5 (freshwater) ( = Infra-Valanginian)
Wealden 4 (freshwater)
Hastings Sands (part)
Deister Sandstone

Wealden 3 \
Upper Purbeck Beds
Wealden 2 /
Wealden 1 \ Upper Tithonian
Siisswasserkalke of Hils V Middle Purbeck Beds
Serpulite J

/ Lower Purbeck Beds

Munder Marls Middle Tithonian
\ Portland Beds (pars)

Einbeckhausen Plattenkalk Upper Kimeridge Clay Lower Tithonian

Gigas Beds Middle Kimeridge Clay of Middle Kimeridgian


Upper \ Lower Kimeridge Clay Lower Kimeridgian

Middle [Kimeridge (Pseudomutabilis and
Lower J Mutabilis Zones)

Humeralis Beds Ringsteadia pseudocordata Upper Oxfordian


t h e division between Jurassic and Cretaceous falls at t h e top of t h e English

P u r b e c k Beds a n d therefore in t h e middle of t h e G e r m a n W e a l d e n
(between 3 a n d 4, a n d below t h e Deister Sandstone). T h i s leaves t h e
English lower Wealden a n d G e r m a n u p p e r Wealden (4-6) to represent
t h e Berriasian (Infra-Valanginian). A n attempt has been m a d e in
table 13 to show these correlations a n d at t h e same t i m e t o make clear
* At my suggestion the cores have been re-examined and Dr Wolburg and Dr Seitz
kindly inform me that no Wealden is present, the microfauna indicating Upper Valan­
ginian and Hauterivian (December 1954).

their limitations b y introducing vertical bars where palaeontological

links are still lacking.
I t is interesting t h a t t h e m o s t i m p o r t a n t of t h e three phases of Saxonian
folding, that preceding deposition of the Serpulite (pre-Middle Purbeckian),
comes o u t as contemporaneous with t h e p r e - U p p e r Tithonian movements
which caused transgressions of t h e U p p e r Tithonian in many parts of t h e
T h e Purbeckian freshwater limestones of t h e Hils basin have proved
t o contain M i d d l e Purbeckian ostracods a n d to be one of several local
facies of t h e Serpulite formation ( S c h m i d t & Wolburg, 1949). F u r t h e r ­
m o r e , the M i i n d e r Marls, previously correlated with the Lower Purbeckian
only, have yielded in t h e lower part marine Portlandian ostracods a n d
accordingly are supposed to bridge t h e U p p e r Portlandian a n d L o w e r
Purbeckian. T h e Purbeckian of N W . G e r m a n y is therefore as follows :—
Upper Purbeckian . Wealden 2 and 3 of Wolburg
t Wealden 1 of Wolburg
Middle Purbeckian . -j Siisswasserkalke of Hils basin (about 70 m.)
{ Serpulite (in many facies, with conglomerates)
Lower Purbeckian . Miinder Mergel, upper and middle parts (altogether
150 m. at Miinder, and up to 400 m. in other
places, where the marls contain salt)

T h e most remarkable formation of this series is t h e Serpulite. I t

consists in some places of a mass of Serpula coacervata, in others of a
lumachelle of oysters a n d other small pelecypods, in others of oolitic
shelly limestone passing into marls or 'plattenkalk' or even sandstone.
I n m a n y places it becomes conglomeratic, consisting of U p p e r Jurassic
limestone pebbles, t o which in places are added pebbles of K e u p e r a n d
Muschelkalk a n d even occasionally of dark Palaeozoic rocks (Raecke,
1932, p p . 621-8). T h e Serpulite is transgressive on to Kimeridgian,
Oxfordian a n d Triassic rocks. I n borings in t h e G e r m a n - D u t c h frontier
region it transgresses over t h e ' C i m b r i a n ' land a n d t h e Serpula banks
a n d other facies are aligned with t h e old coast (Schott, 1951). Figures
a n d descriptions of t h e Purbeckian fossils will b e found chiefly i n K o c h
& D u n k e r (1837), D u n k e r (1846), Struckmann (1878, 1879, 1892) a n d
K o e r t (1898); some of t h e gastropods have been revised b y Arkell (1941)
a n d t h e ostracods b y M a r t i n (1940).


As stated above, t h e M i i n d e r Marls are 150 m . thick at Miinder, near

t h e Deister, b u t elsewhere expand t o some 400 m . M o s t of this is L o w e r
Purbeckian, b u t according to t h e ostracods t h e lower part is Portlandian.
W h e r e t h e thickness is greatest, deposits of salt and gypsum occur
(reminiscent of the L o w e r P u r b e c k of Dorset). T h e lower part is locally
red in colour a n d passes down imperceptibly into Einbeckhausen Platten­
kalk ( m a x i m u m a b o u t 100 m., i n t h e Hils basin). T h i s formation consists
everywhere of dark grey, compact, ringing flagstones, interbedded with
marls a n d grey marlstones. T h e r e are also occasional beds of oolite,

conglomerate a n d dolomitic limestone o r dolomitic sandstone. O u t s i d e

the Hils basin t h e thickness is m u c h less, a n d in t h e T e u t o b u r g e r W a l d
and near t h e D u t c h frontier t h e formation is absent.
T h e fauna of t h e Einbeckhausen Plattenkalk consists of a few species
of small pelecypods a n d gastropods of n o dating value, a n d some fish
and plant remains. T h e y indicate a marine o r brackish environment,
b u t t h e freshwater Valvata helicoides is also recorded (Koert, 1898, p . 13).

FIG. 16.—Map of the principal Jurassic outcrops in Lower Saxony.

(Einbeckhausen is a small place south-west of Hanover, in t h e Deister-

Siintel area; n o t to b e confused w i t h Einbeck in t h e L e i n e valley near

M I D D L E KIMERIDGIAN ( u p to 100 m . )

Gigasschichten, or 'Portlandkalk' (average 60-80 m . in t h e Hils basin,

rising locally to 90-100 m . , b u t elsewhere m u c h thinner). A series of
limestones a n d marls, with conglomerates of rolled Jurassic limestones at
the base a n d locally at higher levels. A t Volksen o n t h e Deister it consists
of a single b e d of coarse conglomerate u p t o 3 m . thick (plate 8b), resting
disconformably on basal Kimeridgian limestone a n d o n U p p e r Oxfordian

coralline oolite (Schondorf, 1914a). T h e formation marks a n i m p o r t a n t

transgression following t h e Deister phase of movements, which produced
extensive alterations in t h e geography a n d t h e direction of transport of
material (Raecke, 1932, p . 638). I n t h e region of the D u t c h frontier t h e
formation is still m o r e strongly conglomeratic, with conglomerates at t o p
a n d b o t t o m a n d sometimes in t h e middle, and containing pebbles of
Bunter Sandstone, a n d borings have proved that it rests disconformably
o n L o w e r Callovian a n d o n various parts of t h e Lias (Schott, 1951, p p .
As t h e n a m e implies, t h e Gigas Beds yield various species of t h e t u m i d ,
involute, giant ammonites of t h e genus Gravesia. Until t h e brilliant w o r k
of Salfeld (1914) they were mistaken for Portlandian Titanites. A n u m b e r
were figured b y S t r u c k m a n n (1887), a n d t w o of Struckmann's figures
were misidentified with Valanginian Polyptychites by Pavlow * . Salfeld
(1914, p . 154) recognized two horizons, as follows :—

Above, Zone of Gravesia irius (d'Orb.), with G. gigas (Zieten), which

by priority should b e called the zone of G. gigas
Below, Zone of Gravesia gravesiana (d'Orb.)

T h e genus requires monographic revision, for Salfeld doubted most of

S t r u c k m a n n ' s identifications, a n d G. gigas (Zieten), from South G e r m a n y ,
has been considered b y several authors to b e a n Aspidoceras of the group of
A. uhlandi (Oppel). T h e only other ammonite figured from the formation,
'Perisphinctes giganteus Sow.' of Brauns (1874, p i . i, figs. 4-6), cannot b e
interpreted from t h e crude drawings; a n d Salfeld (1914, p . 157) d o u b t e d
its provenance.

LOWER KIMERIDGIAN (usually 30-80 m., locally to 250 m.)

M a r l s a n d clays with occasional h a r d b a n d s , customarily divided into
' L o w e r , M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Kimeridge'. T h e s e are highly fossiliferous
a n d have b e e n subdivided into a n u m b e r of beds distinguished b y species
of gastropods, pelecypods, brachiopods a n d echinoderms (Credner,
1863, 1864; Struckmann, 1878; Brauns, 1874; Schondorf, 1909; etc.).
Exogyra virgula is c o m m o n i n t h e u p p e r p a r t b u t also occurs in t h e m i d d l e
a n d in t h e Gigas Beds. A m m o n i t e s have been found only in t h e middle
p a r t ; they are Aspidoceras longispinum (Sow.) auct., A. iphicerum (Oppel),
A. caletanum (Oppel), A. acanthicum (Oppel), Aulacostephanusyo ( d ' O r b . ) ,
Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis (de Loriol) a n d A. cf. eudoxus (d'Orb.)
(Lowe, 1913, p . 197). Salfeld (1914, p p . 145-151) proposed for this
faunule a distinct zone of A. yo, b u t it has n o t proved to b e recognizable
elsewhere a n d t h e r e seems insufficient reason for separating it from t h e
Pseudomutabilis Zone. F o r detailed profiles in t h e Brunswick area see
Schott (1932). A greater variety of Lower Kimeridgian ammonites is
k n o w n from H o h n s t e i n near D r e s d e n (Bruder, 1885).

* 1892, Argiles de Speeton, pp. 124, 127 of reprint: lectotype of P. gravesiformis

pi. xiii, figs. 7, 8 ; lectotype of P. lamplughi, pi. xiv, fig. 1, now designated.
OXFORDIAN (25-115 m.)
T h e U p p e r Oxfordian is developed as Coralline Oolite (20-100 m . )
above, and H e e r s u m Beds (5-15 m.) below. T h e t o p p a r t of t h e Coralline
Oolite is more marly and dolomitic and a b o u n d s in ' Terebratula' humeralis,
and should b e separated. T h e Humeralis Beds have yielded Ring­
steadiae (Salfeld, 1914, p . 142), which correlates t h e m with t h e P s e u d o ­
cordata Zone. T h e u p p e r t r u e Coralline Oolite has n o t p r o d u c e d
ammonites a n d m a y b e equivalent to t h e Sandsfoot Clay. T h e m i d d l e
Coralline Oolite contains Perisphinctes cautisnigrae Arkell (1937, p . 57,
pi. xiii) a n d therefore correlates with t h e Dorset Trigonia clavellata Beds.
T h e lower Coralline Oolite a n d t h e H e e r s u m Beds contain t h e Peri-
sphinctid fauna of the Plicatilis Z o n e .
T h e H e e r s u m Beds bear a strong resemblance, lithologically a n d
palaeontologically, to t h e H i g h w o r t h Limestones of central E n g l a n d .
T h e ammonites have been revised a n d figured b y Arkell (1935-48, p p .
57-9, 390-3, etc.) a n d in an excellent m e m o i r b y Siegfried (1952). T h e
Perisphinctids of b o t h U p p e r a n d L o w e r H e e r s u m Beds are typical of t h e
Plicatilis Zone. T h e y include such c o m m o n English species as P. cotovui
Sim. and P. maximus (Y. & B.).*
I n t h e Lower H e e r s u m Beds, however, Cardioceratids are m u c h m o r e
n u m e r o u s t h a n Perisphinctids, a n d Salfeld consequently m a d e for t h e m
a separate zone of Cardioceras tenuicostatum.
F o r t h e most part t h e Cardioceratids of t h e L o w e r H e e r s u m Beds
are similar to those in t h e Arngrove Stone a n d Berkshire Oolite Series
about Oxford, namely t h e Plicatilis Zone, a n d are therefore e a r l y - U p p e r
Oxfordian. Siegfried believes that C. cordatum (Sow.) also occurs, b u t
the specimens h e figures, with their prominent, tuberculate secondary
ribbing a n d absence of any tendency to form a large, smooth, b o d y -
chamber, are in m y opinion C. (Subvertebriceras) zenaidae a n d C. (S.)
densiplicatum (Boden?) (as interpreted b y S p a t h a n d Arkell); a n d h i s
C. costellatum is at least in part the later C. costulosum (Buck.).
Nevertheless there seem t o b e a few earlier elements in this fauna
even in t h e Hildesheim-Heersum district, showing that t h e topmost
part of t h e C o r d a t u m Zone is present in condensed o r derived form.
Such elements are rare b u t seem t o b e represented b y Cardioceras roemeri
Siegfried, which appears to b e a Scarburgiceras, a n d b y two specimens of
Goliathiceras more like species of t h e C o r d a t u m Zone t h a n those of t h e
Plicatilis Zone.
I n t h e Weser-Wiehengebirge t h e r e is a m o r e definite a n d separate
representation of t h e C o r d a t u m Zone at t h e base of t h e H e e r s u m Beds.
T h e beds here contain bands of black limestone, from some of which
come perfectly-preserved c o m m o n English ammonites of t h e Plicatilis
Zone, such as Perisphinctes pickeringius (Y. & B.). N o t far away, however,
* It is inexplicable how Siegfried (p. 302) failed to separate these two quite distinct
species. Moreover, he overlooked P. kranaus and P. apolipon, both figured from the
Heersum Beds (Arkell, 1935-48, pi. xxxviii, fig. 2, pi. xxxv, figs. 4, 5) ; and his P. martelli
is nothing like either Salfeld's or Oppel's (which are two distinct species).

at Porta Westfalica, a similar black b a n d a t t h e base of t h e H e e r s u m Beds

yields species of Euaspidoceras a n d giant Peltoceratids, belonging to t h e
C o r d a t u m Z o n e of Scarborough (von See, 1910, p p . 656-60; Arkell,
1935-48, p . 201). G i a n t Peltoceratids also occur at Hohnstein near
D r e s d e n (Bruder, 1885). T h e succession may b e correlated t h u s :
Pseudocordata Zone . . Humeralis Beds
(undated) . . . Upper Korallenoolith
Cautisnigrae Zone . . Middle Korallenoolith
Plicatilis Zo e / Lower Korallenoolith
\ Heersum Beds of the Hildesheim district
Cordatum Zone (top sub- Black limestone at base of Heersum Beds,
zone) Porta Westfalica

CALLOVIAN (15-100 m . )
T h e U p p e r a n d M i d d l e Callovian are everywhere in Oxford Clay
facies: t h e O r n a t e n t o n ( u p t o 100 m . ) . F r o m it are recorded t h e usual
ammonites indicative of L a m b e r t i , Athleta, C o r o n a t u m a n d Jason Z o n e s ;
a n d Erymnoceras schloenbachi R o m a n comes from t h e area (type Schloen-
bach's 1865, pi. xxxi, fig. 1). Sequences of ammonites in these zones
are given b y L o w e (1913) a n d K u m m (1940, p p . 16, 17).
T h e Lower Callovian is m o r e varied lithologically. T h e best sequence
is at a n d near Porta Westfalica (von See, 1910). U n d e r t h e Ornatenton
is about 1 m . of ironstone, of which t h e u p p e r layer contains a b u n d a n t
Catasigaloceras planicerclus Buckman a n d therefore correlates with South
Cave, Yorkshire ( p . 26). T h e lower layer, which is an ironshot oolite,
contains n u m e r o u s Macrocephalites, Pleurocephalites, Kamptokephalites,
Kepplerites a n d Proplanulites, a n d t h u s correlates with the southern English
Kellaways Beds (lower Calloviense a n d Koenigi Zones). U n d e r n e a t h
is t h e Porta Sandstone (c. 12 m.), in which Macrocephalites a n d Choffatia
occur (Macrocephalus Zone).
F o r m a n y local particulars of t h e Callovian see K u m m (1952, p p .
467-87). A t Lechstedt, near Hildesheim, old lists of ammonites supposed
t o b e from t h e Macrocephalenschichten (e.g. Brauns, 1869, p . 72) include
some from t h e U p p e r Bathonian clays.

U P P E R BATHONIAN ( a b o u t 35-40 m.)

T h e best U p p e r Bathonian fauna in Germany, a n d perhaps in Europe,

occurs in 22 m . of clays underlying t h e Macrocephalus Zone at Lechstedt
brickyard, Hildesheim (Behrendsen, 1886; J. Roemer, 1911; K u m m ,
1952, p . 466). I t consists predominantly of Oppeliids a n d Perisphinctids.
T h e Oppeliids include Oxycerites a n d Prohecticoceras (in part revised,
and lectotypes designated, in Arkell, 1951-2, p p . 72-3), also Oecotraustes;
a n d t h e Perisphinctids belong mainly to Siemiradzkia a n d Pseudoperi-
sphinctes (lectotype of type species, Roemer's pi. viii, fig. 2), with
? Choffatia acuticosta (Roemer). I n addition there are Bullatimorphites
quenstedii (Roemer), B. suevicum (Roemer) a n d B. hannoveranus (Roemer)
(= bullatus d'Orbigny?) (see Arkell, 1954, p . 108). T h a t these beds are
U p p e r Bathonian was confirmed b y deepening of t h e p i t i n 1946-8, w h e n

Clydoniceras discus (Sow.) and Bullatimorphites bullatus (d'Orb.) were

found at the bottom ( K u m m , 1952, p . 466).
T h e so-called Cornbrash is a limestone or sandy limestone facies,
in places including oolites, and reaching over 50 m . in thickness, which can
seldom be dated accurately b u t represents the whole (or in places parts)
of the Bathonian. I n some exposures Clydoniceras discus and Oppelia
cf. aspidoides are recorded from it ( K u m m , 1952, p . 465) indicating U p p e r
Bathonian; in others Parkinsonia wiirttembergica and m a n y other fossils
of the Lower Bathonian. I t also contains the only (slender) evidence of
Middle Bathonian in N W . Germany, namely records of 'Cadoceras
sublaeve' (Schott, 1932, p . 8), which in the Bathonian in other parts of
Europe have proved to be Tulites spp.


T h e Wiirttembergicus Beds, clays and shales with nodules, u p to 30 m .

thick, are celebrated for fossils at Bielefeld clay-pits and formerly in a
railway-cutting at Eimen, near H a n o v e r ; also called Walkererde (Fuller's
Earth) and Ostrea knorri Beds (von Seebach, 1864, p . 3 9 ; Schloenbach,
1865; Steinmann, 1880; Wetzel, 1909, 1911, 1924, 1950; K u m m , 1952).
T h e principal ammonites are Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) wiirttembergica
(Oppel) (for which t h e preoccupied a n d invalid n a m e compressus Q u e n s t .
has been revived lately) and its compressed, involute allies, for which new
names have been introduced by Wetzel, 1950. O t h e r important forms are
Parkinsonia (Gonolkites) postera (Seebach), P. (G.) convergens Buckman
(Schloenbach, 1865, pi. xxviii, fig. 3), P. (G.) fretensis Wetzel, P. ( P . )
eimensis W e r m b t e r sp., 1891 (type Schloenbach, 1865, pi. xxix, fig. 1),
Procerites schloenbachi de Grossouvre (type Schloenbach, 1865, pi. xxx,
fig. 1), Morphoceras sp. (Schloenbach, pi. xxix, fig. 5), Ebrayiceras sulcatum
Zieten sp. (Schloenbach, pi. xxviii, fig. 5), Lissoceras psilodiscus (Schloen­
bach), L. inflatum Wetzel, and a n u m b e r of species of Oppelia a n d
Oxycerites (Schloenbach, 1865, pi. x x x ; Wetzel, 1950, pi. ix, with
many new names). T h e conclusion of Wetzel (1924, p p . 159, 163) t h a t
these beds represent t h e Zigzag Z o n e has b e e n confirmed b y t h e finding
of Parkinsonia wiirttembergica and its allies in the Zigzag Zone in Lorraine,
Sicily, and N o r t h Africa.

U P P E R BAJOCIAN (up to 100 m.)

I n famous exposures at Bielefeld t h e U p p e r Bajocian is entirely developed

as clays and shales with layers of nodules. O w i n g to the n u m e r o u s
ammonites and unusual thickness this is perhaps t h e most i m p o r t a n t
sequence of its age in the world (Wetzel, 1909, 1911, 1924, 1953; Althoff,
1928; Bentz, 1924, 1928; K u m m , 1952). T h e following is a s u m m a r y
of the sequence:
Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni. U p p e r Parkinsonia Bed (Wetzel,
1911, p . 144) (Middle Parkinsonia Beds of K u m m , 1952, p . 430), w i t h
P. parkinsoni Sow. sp. (syn. P. pseudoparkinsoni Wetzel), P. arietis W e t z e

P. neuffensis (Oppel), P. planulata (Quenst.), Strigoceras truellei (d'Orb.),

Oppelia subradiata (Sow.), etc.
Parkinsoni-garantiana passage beds. Lower Parkinsonia Beds =
U p p e r Garantiana Beds, with Parkinsonia rarecostata (Buckman, 1881:
syns. P. orbignyana Wetzel, P. subarietis Wetzel), P. arietis Wetzel, P.
acris Wetzel, Garantiana (Odontolkites, syn. Subgarantiana) subgaranti
Wetzel, G. (O.) depressa Wetzel, etc., etc.
Z o n e of Garantiana garantiana. Bigotites Beds, with G. garantiana
( d ' O r b . ) , G. (O.) tetragona Wetzel a n d m a n y Bigotites, Prorsisphinctes, etc.
Garantiana-subfurcatum passage beds. Pseudogarantiana Beds, with
G. garantiana ( d ' O r b . ) a n d Strenoceras subfurcatum (Schloth.), G
(Pseudogarantiana) dichotoma Bentz, Spiroceras bifurcati (Quenst.), etc.
Z o n e of Strenoceras subfurcatum. M i d d l e a n d Lower Strenoceras Beds,
with S. subfurcatum (Schloth.) and other spp., Garantiana baculata
(Quenst.), G. (Orthogarantiana) schroederi Bentz, Spiroceras bifurcati
(Quenst.), Sphaeroceras brongniarti (Sow.), Parkinsonia rota Bentz,
P. inferior Bentz, etc. A t t h e base a b e d (1-1-5 0 with small Lepto-
sphinctesl ('Praebigotites' Wetzel, 1936).
As usual in an expanded a n d exceptionally complete sequence, t h e r e
are transitions between t h e zones, with n u m e r o u s overlapping species
(cf. t h e Callovian of Cutch, p . 390). I n N W . Germany the Bielefeld
development is not found everywhere. At H a r z b u r g (Benz, 1924) most
of t h e sequence is condensed and takes on the facies of brown ironshot
oolite, of t h e usual insignificant thickness. Signs of erosion and derived,
Serpula-encrusted specimens of Teloceras in the Subfurcatum Beds
suggest that something (Ermoceras beds ?) may be missing at the base of
t h e Subfurcatum Zone even in N W . G e r m a n y .

M I D D L E BAJOCIAN (up to 70 or 80 m.)

T h e representatives of t h e M i d d l e Bajocian (as understood in t h i s

book) are usually grouped together as t h e Coronaten-Schichten and t h e
Sowerbyi-Schichten. T h e former are c o m m o n l y condensed and highly
fossiliferous, t h o u g h at Gerzen they expand to 60 m., mainly clays.
T h e latter consist of pyritic clays with layers of nodules, usually less t h a n
20 m . thick. As in the U p p e r Bajocian there is m u c h overlap of genera
a n d p e r h a p s species between t h e zones a n d local subzones, and until
t h e systematics a n d nomenclature of t h e n u m e r o u s Stephanoceratidae
a n d Sonniniidae have b e e n revised, t h e important succession cannot b e
fully appreciated. T h e sequence worked out chiefly by Mascke (1907),
H i l t e r m a n n (1939) and K u m m (1952) seems to range itself in the classical
zones as follows (see also W e s t e r m a n n , 1954).
Zone of Stephanoceras humphriesianum. At the top is a subzone of
Teloceras blagdeni (Sow.), with T. sparsinodum (Quenst.), T. multinodum
(Quenst.), T. banksi (Sow.), Stephanoceras cf. pyritosum (Quenst.),
Dorsetensia complanata (Buck.), D. subtecta (Buck.), D. furticarinata
( Q u e n s t . ) ; b u t from this ( K u m m , 1952, p . 388) are also recorded anomalous

names such as Strigoceras truellei (d'Orb.), Strenoceras latidorsatum

Bentz, etc.
I n t h e middle are said to b e two subzones characterized b y Stephano­
ceras humphriesianum (Sow.) (above) and S. umbilicum (Quenst.) (below).
Both contain n u m e r o u s species of Stephanoceras a n d Dorsetensia, also
Normannites and its subgenera, Chondroceras, etc., a n d t h e lower subzone
also yields Stemmatoceras and Skirroceras.
At the base is a subzone characterized by Stemmatoceras subcoronatum
(Oppel), S. 'coronatum' (Schlotheim non Brug.), b u t also with various
Normannites and its subgenera, and Sphaeroceras brongniarti, Chondro­
ceras gervillii, etc.
Zone of Otoites sauzei. T h i s is likewise divided into two subzones
( K u m m , 1952, p . 383) unlikely to have wider significance: t h e u p p e r is
characterized by O. sauzei ( d ' O r b . ) , t h e lower b y Emileia grandis (Quenst.),
b u t both contain a long list of Otoites, Stephanoceras, Stemmatoceras, etc.,
though Emileia, Frogdenites and Labyrinthoceras are confined to the lower
subzone and Chondroceras to t h e u p p e r .
Zone of Sonninia sowerbyi. T h e Sonninia fauna is extraordinarily rich
a n d has been monographed b y H i l t e r m a n n (1939). I t also yields Hyper-
lioceras discites (Waagen) a n d Fontannesia spp., b u t few other ammonites.

LOWER BAJOCIAN (up to c. 130 m.)

Clays and shales with layers of m u d s t o n e or clay-ironstone nodules

continue the sequence down to the Lias. Thicknesses vary greatly, from
c. 30 m. to c. 130 m. I n the Osning district t h e O p a l i n u m Zone is missing
or represented only in a basal conglomerate; at Bethel near Bielefeld
t h e thickness is c. 30 m. and the Sinon Subzone (basal Scissum Zone)
rests directly, with basal conglomerate, on t h e D i s p a n s u m Subzone of
the Toarcian. T o w a r d s t h e east the Scissum and Murchisonae Zones
develop sandstones containing oil.
T h e clays and nodules of Sehnde, near Hanover, contain probably
the fullest and most important sequence of Lower Bajocian Leioceras,
Ludwigia and Graphoceras faunas in the world. T h e total thickness h e r e
is about 50 m . U n d e r s t a n d i n g of t h e sequence is u n h a p p i l y bedevilled
by the state of the nomenclature of these ammonites. Hoffmann (1913)
and Althoff (1940), in their righteous reaction against the chaotic splitting
of Buckman swung too far t o t h e other extreme, a n d reverted t o a trinomial
nomenclature as backward as Quenstedt's, including everything in a single
genus Ludwigia, to which they illegally subordinated even t h e long-prior
genus Leioceras Hyatt. T h e succession established b y Hoffmann (1913),
and, for the basal beds b y Stolley (1909), seems to fall into the standard
zonal sequence as follows:—
Zone of Graphoceras concavum, with G. concavum (Sow.), G. anguliferum
(Buck.) (type from the Discites Subzone), some Sonninids a n d H a m m a -
toceratids, including Eudmetoceras cf. amplectens Buck. (Althoff, 1940,
pi. vi, fig. n ) .

Zone of Ludwigia murchisonae. L. murchisonae (Sow.) occurs only at

the t o p , in t h e Staufensis Subzone, b u t t h e succession in t h e Swiss J u r a
a n d south G e r m a n y (pp. 102, 125) shows that this is only a local Teilzone
a n d t h a t t h e following horizons distinguished by Hoffmann are s u b z o n e s :

Subzone of Staufenia staufensis (Oppel), with L. murchisonae, Brasilia

bradfordensis, etc.
Subzone of Costileioceras discoideum (Hoffmann)
S u b z o n e of Costileioceras sehndense (Hoffmann)
S u b z o n e of Costileioceras tolutarium (Dumortier)
Zone of Tmetoceras scissum. Tmetoceras does not occur, b u t comparison
w i t h t h e Swiss J u r a ( p . 102) shows that to this zone belongs Hoffmann's
subzone of Costileioceras sinon (Bayle).
A t Bielefeld, where the whole Lower Bajocian is reduced to about 30 m . ,
t h e subzones are n o t separable, owing probably t o condensation a n d some
penecontemporaneous erosion (Althoff, 1936, 1940; revised K u m m , 1952,
p p . 372-8).
Zone of Leioceras opalinum. I n t h e east this zone is more than 50 m .
thick. T h e ammonite succession has been discussed at length by Stolley
(1909), Hoffmann (1913), K u m m (1952) a n d others, b u t d o u b t about t h e
identity of L. opalinum introduces uncertainty, a n d K u m m (1952, p . 346)
uses as zonal index for t h e basal subzone a species, Leioceras lineatum
Buck., which according to Buckman comes from t h e Scissum Zone a n d
so is unsuitable as an index for t h e lower Opalinum Zone. L. comptum
(Rein.) a n d L. subcomptum (Branco) also appear t o have quite different
dates of occurrence from those attributed t o t h e m in England by Buck-
m a n , a n d L. costosum (Quenst.), index of t h e upper Opalinum Z o n e
according to Hoffmann, is a species of t h e Scissum Zone in England
according t o Buckman. T h e s e a n d other anomalies show that reliable
subdivision of t h e O p a l i n u m Zone is n o t yet possible a n d could only b e
established o n the basis of t h o r o u g h revision of the European Leioceratinae
as a whole.


As already stated, t h e Lias a n d in p a r t at least t h e M i d d l e Jurassic

sea of L o w e r Saxony was a direct continuation of that in t h e Swabian
a n d Franconian Alb, a n d although t h e deposits i n places (fig. 15) b e c o m e
very m u c h thicker, t h e succession is essentially t h e same. Considerations
of space preclude a recapitulation of the sequence by zones or even stages;
m o r e especially since u p - t o - d a t e syntheses have been published b y K u m m
(1941*) a n d Hoffmann (1948,* 1949).
F o r t h e T o a r c i a n succession t h e r e are classic works b y D e n c k m a n n
(1887), W u n s t o r f (1905), Ernst (1923-5) and Althoff (1936), with a b u n d a n t
figures of t h e ammonites. T h e D o e r n t e n a n d Bielefeld sections are
especially important for t h e U p p e r Toarcian. T h e zonal Lytoceras
* Unfortunately these do not seem to be at present available in Britain.
jurense is common and subzones have been established o n t h e basis of
numerous forms of Grammoceras, Hudlestonia, etc. T h e horizon of
Hudlestonia affinis (Seebach) is said to be at t h e extreme top, between
the Aalensis and Opalinum subzones ( D e n c k m a n n , 1897). I n places some
of the subzones are missing ( K u m m , 1940).
F o r the U p p e r Pliensbachian, K u m m (1940) has shown that t h e A m a l -
theid sequence worked out in S W . G e r m a n y can b e recognized in t h e
northern foreland of t h e H a r z ; a n d since t h e general works of Schloen­
bach (1863) and Brauns (1871) important refinements have been m a d e in
the Lower Pliensbachian by Hoffmann (1950). ( T h e s e have already
been referred to, p . 128.)
For the Sinemurian and Hettangian t h e r e is a m o r e extensive literature,
among which should be consulted especially: E m e r s o n (1870), M o n k e
(1889), Hoyer (1902), Schmidt (1914), J u n g s t (1928), Fiege (1929)
and Lange (1922, 1924, 1925, 1941, 1951).



Between T o u l o n and Cannes the coast cuts across the crystalline
horst of M a u r e s and Esterel, a protrusion of the ancient basement of
t h e Alpine foreland comparable to the Massif Central, Vosges, and Black
Forest, b u t partly mantled in Permian and Triassic sediments. O n the
n o r t h side t h e horst is b o r d e r e d b y a b a n d of Jurassic outcrops which are
also cut by t h e coast between Marseilles and T o u l o n and again between
Cannes and Nice. T h e Jurassic sequence is epicontinental, neritic, with
coralline T i t h o n i a n . T h e structure has been intensely complicated b y
folding, thrusting and decollement at a Triassic saline marl series, as in
t h e J u r a (Goguel, 1943; Bailey, 1953). N o r t h w a r d s the Jurassic passes
into deeper-water facies, b u t is soon hidden b y Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y
cover u n d e r the basin of t h e D u r a n c e . T h e deformations to which t h e
sedimentary mantle has b e e n subjected in this area have been portrayed
in a vivid and original m a n n e r by Goguel (1943).
F a r t h e r north-east along the Riviera the sea-coast intersects the outer
folds of the Alps between Nice and San R e m o . T h e y sweep inland as a
great belt of arcs and t u r b u l e n t interlacing ruckles, forming the Alpes
Maritimes, Basses Alpes, Alpes du D a u p h i n e and Chaines Subalpines.
A t their widest they reach nearly to t h e R h o n e valley opposite Crussol,
then they narrow north-eastwards near Grenoble. T h e Jurassic strati­
g r a p h y of t h e p a r t near G r e n o b l e a n d C h a m b e r y has already b e e n
described with the J u r a M o u n t a i n s , which t h e r e originate as a virgation of
t h e Subalpine ranges (Fig. p . 69).
F r o m east to west in a broad b a n d t h e Jurassic sediments are fine­
grained and free from littoral influences. I n the east at least, the Lias
is exceptionally thick, while in the west and centre the Tithonian is
poorly fossiliferous a n d comprises great thicknesses of false breccia
of obviously contemporaneous origin and containing n o extraneous
fragments. T h e s e peculiarities have usually been attributed to origin
in deep water. Paquier called this band t h e 'fosse vocontienne' (after
t h e Vocontes, an ancient tribe), a t e r m adopted by H a u g ( 1 8 9 1 ; 1910,
p p . 1086, 1089) w h o defined it as 'a deep depression w h e r e only fine­
grained sediments were deposited', and where the T i t h o n i a n is ' u n q u e s ­
tionably bathyal', as in m a n y parts of the Mediterranean region. Bathyal
is a vague term, for it is defined by t h e 'Committee on a Treatise of M a r i n e
Ecology and Paleoecology' (1951, National Research Council, Washington)
as applying to depths 'from 100-200 m. down to somewhere between
2000 and 4000 m . O u r present knowledge is inadequate to justify further
precision', a n d it is applied b y t h e C o m m i t t e e to t h e oceanic slopes.
It is difficult to be sure h o w H a u g understood the t e r m , b u t T e r m i e r &
Termier define it (1952, p . 100) as between 200 or 400 m . and 1000 m .
It is commonly used nowadays for the T i t h o n i a n and Neocomian
limestones all over the Mediterranean area, especially where they
contain the characteristic pelagic microfauna since studied—Nannoconus,
Calpionella, Protococcid algae, etc. (e.g. Colom, 1952). T h i s fauna
is said to characterize the 'bathyal', 'abyssal' or 'deep-sea zones of t h e
Mediterranean geosyncline' (Colom, 1952), b u t in m a n y places there are
a b u n d a n t signs that the sea was shallow; the sequence shows condensation,
disconformities and shallow-water ammonite faunas like those in N W .
E u r o p e (see e.g. Sicily, p . 203, and Spain, p . 244). T h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n
was, in fact, in no sense a geosyncline (see p . 625) and still less was
t h e 'fosse vocontienne', which appears t o have b e e n an ordinary t r o u g h of
deposition, not differing essentially from others in m a n y parts of E u r o p e ,
b u t marginal to t h e composite Alpine geosyncline. (See also Goguel,
1944, 1954).
T h e origin of the false breccias is problematic, b u t a likely explanation
is that they are due to shaking u p and resettling of fine-grained b o t t o m
m u d s by earthquakes. (See interesting discussion b y Fuchter, 1952,
p p . 10-12.)
T h e great thickening of the Lias (to 2000 m.?) towards the east indicates
a subsiding trough parallel to b u t outside the m a i n Alpine geosyncline:
a fore-deep of the Alpine arc in t h e early stages of its development.
T h e triangle between Grenoble, San R e m o a n d the m o u t h of the R h o n e
is an important area for the u p p e r m o s t Jurassic a n d Lower Cretaceous.
I t was the scene of Kilian's prolonged researches (Sisteron a n d t h e
Montagne de L u r e lie at the centre of the triangle) and it includes H a u g ' s
thesis area (the country between G a p a n d Digne) a n d t h e type-localities
of the Lower Cretaceous stages Apt, Barreme, a n d O r g o n (Urgonien).
T h e a m o u n t of stratigraphical information available is e n o r m o u s a n d all
that can be attempted here is a synthesis of t h e a m m o n i t e faunas present
in the area as a whole, w i t h brief remarks o n their significance. F r o m
south to n o r t h the most important regional works a r e : for Provence,
Lanquine (1929-35); Alpes Maritimes, Kilian & G u e b h a r d (1905);
Basses Alpes, H a u g (1891); Sisteron and M o n t a g n e de L u r e , Kilian
(1888-9, ^ 9 5 ) ; M o n t Ventoux, L e e n h a r d t (1883); Baronnies and Diois,
Paquier (1900-01); Gigondas group, F u c h t e r (1952); n o r t h e r n D a u p h i n e ,
Gignoux & M o r e t (1944). T h e r e is also a good s u m m a r y in Gignoux,
1950 (pp. 387-92).


I n the central region, marls, marly limestones and limestones are

rich in ammonites of t h e Boissieri Z o n e (see especially Kilian, 1910;
Mazenot, 1939). T o w a r d s the south ammonites become scarcer and it is
difficult t o separate t h e Berriasian from t h e T i t h o n i a n , b u t i n t h e Alpes

M a r i t i m e s there is typical bastard marble with Natica leviathon, as in the

n o r t h e r n D a u p h i n e and Jura.]


N e a r t h e Riviera coast (Alpes Maritimes), the bastard m a r b l e w i t h

Natica leviathon is underlain by thick Tithonian limestones, at t h e top
of w h i c h are b e d s of green a n d black m a r l and nodule beds containing
multicoloured pebbles, small gastropods, and Chara, all closely resembling
t h e Purbeckian of the J u r a (Gignoux & Moret, 1937). D o u b t has b e e n
cast on the chronological value of these beds, however (in the absence
of m o r e supporting evidence) by t h e discovery of marls with Chara and
pebbles in t h e M i d d l e Berriasian of t h e C h a m b e r y area (see p . 87).


T h e T i t h o n i a n consists of dolomites and white limestones, h u n d r e d s of

metres thick in t h e south. T h e y build the white Riviera sea-cliffs between
Nice and M e n t o n e , and inland form karstic plateaux cut with canons
as m u c h as 400 m . deep, or in the folded country rise in mural escarp­
m e n t s a n d crests almost bare of vegetation. I n this southern facies
fossils are rare and ammonites seldom obtainable. Kilian & G u e b h a r d
(1905, p . 817) give a long list of mollusca, echinoids, corals, etc., b u t only
one ammonite, 'Perisphinctes (indet.)'; b u t subsequently U p p e r T i t h o n i a n
ammonites have been recorded from t h e hinterland of Cannes and N i c e :
Berriasella lorioli '(Zit.), B. cf. calisto (d'Orb.), B. carpathica (Zit.)
(Lanquine, 1935, p p . 104-5). Unfortunately the levels of these rare finds
relative t o t h e 'Purbeck Beds' of t h e same area remain t o b e determined.
I n the central a n d n o r t h e r n areas thicknesses are much less a n d t h e
cephalopod facies comes in. T h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n with a rich a m m o n i t e
fauna as at Aizy near Grenoble is exposed at Claps de L u c in the valley
of t h e D r o m e near Die, and near Sisteron, and the list includes Berriasella
lorioli and B. richteri, the two species which led Kilian to the conviction
that this horizon 'is certainly equivalent to the Purbeckian of the J u r a '
(Kilian, 1895, p p . 676-9). Beneath comes Kilian's Lower T i t h o n i a n ,
thick false-breccias and crystalline limestones with Perisphinctids (con-
tiguus, geron, pseudocolubrinus, etc.) and Pygope janitor ('janitor'' in refer­
ence to its occurrence at t h e 'Porte de F r a n c e ' at Grenoble).


H a u g (1891, p . 103) and Kilian followed N e u m a y r and classed t h e

Beckeri Z o n e as Kimeridgian, n o t T i t h o n i a n , b u t did not distinguish
it from the Pseudomutabilis Zone. As in other regions of the M e d i ­
terranean, however, distinction in the field is difficult, owing to t h e
similar h a r d limestone facies, and L a n q u i n e (1935, p . n o ) lists Hybo­
noticeras beckeri a m o n g t h e few T i t h o n i a n ammonites, while Kilian
& G u e b h a r d (1905, p . 805) gave a mixed list from the ' U p p e r Kimeridgian
a n d base of t h e Portlandian', and included an Aulacostephanus in their

Lower Kimeridgian list. L a n q u i n e (1935, p p . 80, 86) lists and figures

a representative fauna of the Lower Kimeridgian including t h e usual
Sowerbyceras loryi, Idoceras balderum, Katroliceras crussoliense, K. acrum,
typical Ataxioceras spp. (Lanquine, pi. xix, fig. 1, pi. xvii, fig. 1), Litha­
coceras (pi. xvii, 3), n u m e r o u s Aspidoceras and Nebrodites s p p . (pi. xvii, 2 ;
and Kilian & G u e b h a r d , pi. L ) , Haploceras subelimatum Font., Glochiceras
fialar (Oppel), Streblites spp., Taramelliceras s p p .


T h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone is in similar limestone facies b u t although

already recognized by H a u g (1891, p . 102) and indubitably represented,
b y E. bimammatum, Gregoryceras cf. fouquei (Kil.) a n d other records, it
was not separated by subsequent a u t h o r s : Kilian & G u e b h a r d include it
in their Lower Kimeridgian list and L a n q u i n e in his list from the T r a n s ­
versarium Zone.
T h e T r a n v e r s a r i u m Zone of Provence a n d t h e Alpes M a r i t i m e s is
particularly rich in ammonites and from the long lists given b y Kilian &
G u e b h a r d (1905, p p . 778-80) and L a n q u i n e (1935, p p . 38-54) it evidently
reproduces the fauna of T r e p t (see p . 95). ( S o m e are figured b y
L a n q u i n e : pis. xiii-xvi; pi. xiii, 2, is nothing like P. plicatilis and m a y b e
P.falculae Ronchadze.)


H a u g (1891, p . 101) assigned to the ' Z o n e of Aspidoceras per armatum'

marls a n d limestones stated to contain little b u t Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum,
b u t occasionally also Cardioceras cordatum, Quenstedtoceras mariae,
various Peltoceratids, etc. Kilian & G u e b h a r d ' s list (1905, p . 778)
comprises a mixture of Lower Oxfordian forms with others p r o p e r to the
Transversarium Zone and the Athleta Zone (including b o t h zonal indices),
b u t from Lanquine's annotated list (1929, p . 369) it is evident t h a t t h e
Lower Oxfordian is well represented.


T h e same sources indicate a rich and apparently complete representation

of t h e Callovian, t h o u g h everything remains t o b e d o n e t o sort o u t t h e
succession, and from the inclusion of Quenstedtoceras lamberti in L a n q u i n e ' s
list for the Oxfordian it appears that, as in t h e J u r a and elsewhere, t h e r e
is a continuous passage u p from marls of t h e Athleta a n d L a m b e r t i
Zones to similar marls of the Mariae Zone.


T h e Bathonian is very fully developed, u p to 200 m . thick, and rich in

ammonites, and this may b e one of the most important areas in t h e world
for establishing the zonal succession. T o t h e extra-Alpine fauna is
added a wealth of Phylloceratids (at least 9 species). I n t h e c o u n t r y
between Gap, Digne and Castellane are u p to 150 m . of black Posidonia

shales, poor in ammonites (Haug, 1891, p . 82), resting on richly fossiliferous

marly limestones which are at latest L o w e r Bathonian in the n o r t h b u t
rise progressively southwards until they include a horizon with Wagneri-
ceras wagneri and Bullatimorphites which, if correctly identified, indicate
t h e Aspidoides Zone (early U p p e r Bathonian); in other words, t h e
Posidonia shales thicken northwards, away from the Esterel massif a n d
towards the Alpine geosyncline, a n d engulf progressively earlier zones
(Guillaume, 1938). Similar lateral changes of facies occur in the D e p t .
of Var (Parent, 1938).
A n U p p e r Bathonian fauna with Clydoniceras discus, Choffatia
subbakeriae, Siemiradzkia aurigera, Spiroceras sp., Epistrenoceras subcon-
trarium (Behr.) (see R. Douville, 1915, 'Etudes sur les Cosmoceratidae',
pi. vii, figs. 10-25) a n d some 50 species of other mollusca, brachiopods,
etc., is developed in marl layers among sands and sandy limestones in
Provence ( D e p t . of Var), w h e r e t h e Bathonian is about 150 m . thick
(Parent, 1935, 1940; see also Parent, 1933, 1940a).
T h e existence of other U p p e r and M i d d l e Bathonian faunas in Provence
is indicated b y L a n q u i n e (1929, p p . 315-22) who records Prohecticoceras
retrocostatum (de Gross.), P. haugi (Popovici), Schwandorfia lanquinei
Arkell (Lanquine, p . 316, pi. xi, fig. 5); and 'Pachyceras' sp. recorded b y
H a u g (1891, p . 80) probably refers to a Morrisiceras or Lycetticeras as in
other parts of E u r o p e .
T h e L o w e r Bathonian is strongly represented with a long list of
characteristic ammonites of t h e Zigzag Zone perhaps unequalled any­
where in t h e w o r l d ; for it combines t h e extra-Alpine fauna with masses
of Phylloceratids a n d also Lytoceras adeloides K u d . and Nannolytoceras
tripartitum (Rasp.), as in Algeria and Sicily, b u t seems to be easier for t h e
collector. Besides t h e usual Zigzagiceras, Procerites, Morphoceras,
Ebrayiceras, Parkinsonia, Oecotraustes, Oxycerites, Cadomites, etc., t h e r e
are some particularly interesting items, s u c h as a form recorded b y b o t h
H a u g (1891, p . 79) and P a r e n t (1938) as Strigoceras cf. truellei ( d ' O r b . ) ,
also Bullatimorphites (ymir Oppel ?) a genus usually not found before
t h e M i d d l e or U p p e r Bathonian, and Garantiana bathonica Lissajous.
(Haug, 1891, p . 7 9 ; L a n q u i n e , 1929, p . 3 1 5 ; Parent, 1938).


A b o u t D i g n e t h e Bajocian is at least 200 m . thick and consists mainly

of compact or marly limestones with marly or shaly partings, poor in
fossils excepting cephalopods, Posidonia, Inoceramus and Cancellophycus,
which a b o u n d at certain levels. T h e r e is an imperceptible passage u p w a r d s
into t h e Bathonian a n d d o w n w a r d s into t h e Toarcian, t h e O p a l i n u m
Zone being developed as black clays indistinguishable from the Lias.
I n t h e Alpes M a r i t i m e s t h e Bajocian is represented mainly b y dolomites,
cherty limestones and oolites, with a varied fauna of pelecypods, gastro­
pods, brachiopods, echinoids and corals, b u t no ammonites. I n Provence
t h e facies is also neritic b u t m o r e variable and the mixed fauna of

cephalopods and other organisms normal for extra-Alpine E u r o p e is

represented in strength, with m a n y ammonites.
T h e U p p e r Bajocian is u p to 40 or 50 m . thick a n d contains represen­
tatives of the Subfurcatum, Garantiana and Parkinsoni Zones, t h o u g h
these zones have not been distinguished. (See annotated lists b y H a u g ,
1891, p p . 73-7, and L a n q u i n e , 1929, p p . 304-10, t h e latter including
all M i d d l e Bajocian above the Sowerbyi Zone). T h e a b u n d a n c e of
ferruginous Strenoceras, Garantiana, Spiroceras, etc. in grey marls a n d
marlstones, often crowded with Posidonia (Haug, 1891, in t h e D i g n e
area especially), is repeated in Algeria (see p . 278). T h e r e are at
least six species of Phylloceras, also Lytoceras and Lissoceras.
T h e M i d d l e Bajocian profnises to be of special importance for future
stratigraphical analysis. H a u g unjustifiably sought to suppress O p p e l ' s
Sowerbyi and H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zones a n d while recording S. humphrie­
sianum and its allies in the Sauzei Zone, introduced a n e w zone of
Dorsetensia romani for t h e beds between t h e Sauzei a n d Subfurcatum
Zones, consisting in his area of marls with small ferruginous ammonites,
similar to the U p p e r Bajocian. H e claimed t h a t the ammonites in these
beds were c o m m o n partly to t h e Sauzei and less to t h e S u b f u r c a t u m
Zones and to a small extent peculiar. F r o m his lists (1891, p p . 70-2)
it appears that his Romani Zone is synonymous with at least t h e greater
part (possibly excluding t h e base) of Oppel's H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone.
H e stated that the u p p e r p a r t is characterized b y a special a b u n d a n c e
of Teloceras blagdeni and a Normannites identified b y h i m with braiken-
ridgei Sow. of the Sauzei Zone.
F r o m H a u g ' s lists from the Sauzei Zone (1891, p p . 67-9) it appears
that he was unable in t h e field to separate t h a t zone from t h e u p p e r
part of the Sowerbyi Zone and t h e lower p a r t of t h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m
Z o n e ; b u t careful stratigraphical collecting a n d m o d e r n critical deter­
mination of the ammonites alone can solve these p r o b l e m s .
T h e Sowerbyi Zone, not recognized b y H a u g , is particularly well
developed in Provence, in the T o u l o n area ( H . Douville, 1885; L a n q u i n e ,
1929, p p . 292-9). T h o u g h thin, t h e zone yields a long suite of Sonninia,
Witchellia, Zurcheria, Emileia, Bradfordia, etc. L a n q u i n e ' s list, however,
contains m a n y ammonites, such as Otoites sauzei, which belong to t h e
Sauzei Zone according to evidence from England, G e r m a n y , and other
parts of F r a n c e ; revision b y an a m m o n i t e specialist is needed. However,
a n u n d o u b t e d Otoites is figured (pi. ix, 6) from t h e Witchellia b e d s .
T h e Lower Bajocian is equally complete. H a u g (1891) already dis­
tinguished the Opalinum, M u r c h i s o n a e a n d C o n c a v u m Zones, a n d
Tmetoceras scissum also occurs (Lanquine, 1929, p . 194).


T h e s e stages likewise have fully representative faunas of all t h e principal
zones (Haug, 1891, p p . 33-57; L a n q u i n e , 1929, p p . 89-210). Especially
striking is the wealth of Dumortieria, Catulloceras, Grammoceras, Pleydellia

a n d Hammatoceras of t h e U p p e r Toarcian, also rich faunas of Haugia,

Phymatoceras ('Lillia'), etc. (Lanquine, 1929, pi. vi), a n d t h e U p p e r
Pliensbachian Hildoceratid fauna with m a n y Italian and Central E u r o p e a n
Arieticeras, Protogrammoceras, Fuciniceras, etc. (Lanquine, pis. iii-v),
as well as Amaltheus and Pleuroceras. Detailed stratigraphical collecting
here, such as has been carried out in Portugal (see p . 241), would probably
yield results at least as important. Lower Pliensbachian faunas are m u c h
less in evidence, b u t records indicate the probable presence of all the


T h e s e stages are together m o r e t h a n 140 m . thick in the Digne district

a n d appear to contain all the major zones (Haug, 1891, p p . 29-32; G a m i e r ,
1872, p p . 627-33). T h e y consist mainly of limestones, with false breccias
in the u p p e r part and beds with Psiloceras at the base, resting on Rhaetian.
I n Provence ammonites are scarce ; all those recorded seem to b e
S i n e m u r i a n ; below the Lias is Rhaetian with Pteria contorta.


I n t h i s section are included t h e tectonic elements known as the Helvetids
a n d Pennids, which build the main arc of the French, Italian and Swiss
Alps from t h e Riviera coast to t h e Rhine at the Rhaeticon, and also t h e
Prealps on either side of the Lake of Geneva, with the klippes near Lake
L u c e r n e . T h e mighty u n i t so defined contains the most complicated
Jurassic geology i n t h e world. A d e q u a t e t r e a t m e n t of t h e Alps w o u l d
require space at least equal to the whole of this book, and it could b e
a t t e m p t e d only b y one schooled in Alpine geology. Even a condensed
exposition of the structure according to the various (often conflicting)
theories would alone occupy a long chapter, and it has already been t h e
subject of m a n y b o o k s : t h e best are those b y H e i m (1921-2), K o b e r (1923),
Staub (1924), Collet (1927), Bailey (1935), K r a u s (1951), Cadisch (1953)
a n d G i g n o u x (1950, p p . 308-40, 387-405).
A l t h o u g h Gignoux (1950, p . 402) has stated that it is only by such a
mental process as unravelling the nappes a n d restoring t h e m to their
original positions, so that t h e various facies produce a coherent palaeo­
geographical structure, that geology qualifies to be called a science, nothing
so exhaustive can b e a t t e m p t e d here. I t has, indeed, already b e e n
attempted with considerable success by Gignoux himself and others,
a n d o n an ambitious scale b y K r a u s (1951). O u r present interest being
stratigraphy on a global scale, the normal procedure of the A l p i n e
geologists will b e reversed. F r o m the formidable complex of nappes
which they have unravelled or constructed will b e culled t h e m o r e
important stratigraphical data to give a general view of the succession of
faunas in t h e area as a whole a n d t o date t h e m o s t important intra-Jurassic
F r o m the point of view of Jurassic stratigraphy t h e western a n d central
Alps, reduced to the simplest terms, may be resolved into two parallel
b a n d s : the main geosyncline occupied b y t h e great 'comprehensive
series' of the schistes lustres, and t h e highly diversified and largely
calcareous deposits accumulated o n t h e outer or foreland edge of t h e
geosyncline. T h e line dividing these two bands is vague and often
uncertain, and it does not coincide with the trace of the P e n n i d t h r u s t
which separates the Pennids from the Helvetids on Staub's beautiful
tectonic m a p (1923). I t is only the inner (southern a n d eastern) p a r t of
the Pennids that consists of schistes lustres. T h e outer half comprises
the Brianconnais geanticline and a smaller trough outside it (zone
subbrianconnaise), in which the deposits are transitional to the Helvetids.
T h e Brianconnais geanticline was comparable with those which n o w form
the composite crystalline autochthonous massifs (Mercantour, Pelvoux,
Belle D o n n e , M t . Blanc, Aiguilles Rouges, Aar), from above and between
which t h e Helvetid Mesozoic cover has b e e n peeled a n d squeezed t o form
the High Limestone Alps. Moreover, t h e Jurassic of t h e Brianconnais
geanticline corresponds so closely w i t h t h a t of t h e Prealps (Gignoux,
1950, p p . 400-1) that there can hardly b e any d o u b t that the Prealp
nappes rooted on or b e h i n d this geanticline j u s t as those of t h e H i g h
Limestone Alps root between a n d b e h i n d the M o n t Blanc-Aiguilles-Aar
geanticlines; in other words, the Prealps did not 'leap-frog' over the
central Alpine geosyncline, b u t only from an inner zone of its outer margin.
Since the Prealps, themselves a giant klippe, are connected b y the klippes
of Lake L u c e r n e with t h e Austrid nappes beyond t h e Rhaeticon, this
stratigraphical observation affects the interpretation of t h e Eastern Alps
and is against t h e conclusions of t h e 'ultranappists'. (See p . 162.)
T h e southern side of the Alpine geosyncline in t h e west is buried below
the plain of t h e P o a n d begins t o come i n on t h e s o u t h side of t h e central
Alps. It will be considered separately (p. 173).
A n y palaeogeographical reconstructions have to allow for a narrowing
of the Alps to somewhere around a quarter or a t h i r d of t h e original
width of the ground on which they were formed; for m e a s u r e m e n t of the
convolutions of marker horizons in t h e nappes and folds in all parts of the
central Alps shows that on the whole there has been a shortening of
between 66 and 75 p e r cent. I n other words t h e w i d t h of the central
Alps, now about 150 km., was originally about 630 k m . (Cadisch, 1953,
p . 287); and, assuming this shortening in t h e centre t o b e t h e m a x i m u m ,
the shape of the original geosyncline and its marginal furrows would have
been not a strip as at present, b u t an ellipse almost as w i d e as long. U n e v e n
lateral squashing of such a depression can account for the p a t t e r n of
sweeping curves at either e n d of t h e A l p s : t h e swinging r o u n d of t h e
schistes lustres t h r o u g h the Ligurian Alps to Corsica (see p . 218) and t h e
inward virgations of the Apennines a n d Dinaric Alps.

The Central Geosynclinal Facies: the Schistes Lustre's or Biindnerschiefer

T h e monotonous 'comprehensive series' of the central geosyncline
is 2000-5000 m . thick a n d consists mainly of mica schists and black and
grey phyllites, passing w h e r e less metamorphosed into calcareous shales
a n d sandstones. G r e e n s t o n e intrusions are common and increase
s o u t h w a r d s : their age is still undetermined, but, from their association
w i t h radiolarites, they are believed t o b e late U p p e r Jurassic or early
Cretaceous (Routhier, 1944).
Despite t h e prevalent metamorphism, macro-fossils are found in
places, especially t o w a r d s t h e base. M o s t of those hitherto found have
been of Lower Liassic age—belemnites, Pentacrinus, Gryphaea, Cardinia
listeri, distorted Arietitid ammonites, and occasionally corals and logs
of silicified wood. Higher in the sequence are U p p e r Jurassic a n d
Cretaceous radiolarites; and in some places there is gradual u p w a r d
passage into Eocene flysch, with, locally, nummulites occurring in rock
indistinguishable from Schistes lustres.
T h e lower limit of t h e Schistes lustres is as inconstant stratigraphically
as t h e u p p e r . I n some places typical Schistes lustres begin with t h e
M i d d l e T r i a s ; in other places t h e lowest layers contain Sinemurian
fossils a n d rest conformably o n U p p e r Triassic quartzite; in others t h e
basal layers are believed to b e Pliensbachian. Locally there is a basal
conglomerate, a n d b a n d s of conglomerate and thick breccia may occur
higher u p in t h e series. F r o m all this it is inferred that the b o t t o m of
t h e geosyncline from as early as Triassic times was corrugated w i t h
rising geanticlinal ridges similar to those o n the foreland margin. I n
t h e later stages of t h e T e r t i a r y orogeny t h e Palaeozoic cores of these
geanticlines b u r s t t h r o u g h t h e Mesozoic sedimentary cover t o form t h e
P e n n i n e nappes.

The Foreland Margin

T h e foreland in t h e west ( D a u p h i n e a n d Provence) has already been
discussed. F o r a m o r e comprehensive and detailed structural study
reference should b e m a d e to Goguel (1944). O n the n o r t h of b o t h t h e
Swiss and Austro-Bavarian Alps t h e immediate foreland was the V i n d e ­
lician (Alemannian) landmass—either a string of islands or an elongated
projection from t h e Bohemian F o r e s t — w h i c h divided the Alpine from t h e
Swabian t r o u g h of deposition during Liassic times and probably survived
at first as islands, later as a s u b m e r g e d swell, t h r o u g h the M i d d l e and
U p p e r Jurassic. S t u d y of the southern margin of this barrier during
Liassic times (Frank, 1930; T r i i m p y , 1949, 1952) has revealed an extremely
rapid southerly thickening of t h e Lias, followed twice by gradual t h i n n i n g
a n d t h e n repeated rapid thickening. T h e s e changes are attributed to a
stepwise foundering and outward tilting of strips of the geosynclinal
margin, p e r h a p s even u n d e r tension, d u e t o profound subsidence of t h e
axial region to the south. Rapid transgression over the Vindelician
landmass took place during the Toarcian and probably reached its climax
with the basal Bajocian (Opalinum Zone) ( T r i i m p y , 1949, p . 178).
T h e prevalence of breccias in t h e Alpine Jurassic a n d t h e spectacular
transgressions, with wedging out of t h e whole Lias in short distances
in Glarus and on the Aar and Aiguilles massifs, suggest rapid m o v e m e n t s
of orogenic type. Both in t h e central and eastern Alps, however, t h e
movements are considered to have been essentially epeirogenic, progressive
and continuous, t h o u g h evidently jerky ( B r i n k m a n n & others, 1937;
Triimpy, 1952). T h e whole Lias thins out piecemeal against t h e
Vindelician foreland.
T h e most remarkable of all t h e evidences for geanticlines active d u r i n g
t h e Jurassic are contained in t h e Breccia N a p p e of t h e Prealps, w h e r e
almost the whole Jurassic consists of breccias, to a total thickness of
1600 m. A submarine fault scarp is indicated. C o n t e m p o r a n e o u s fossils
are rare and the breccias have to be dated chiefly b y reference to u n d e r ­
lying (Rhaetian) and overlying (Albian) beds. D e b r i s from t h e Prealps
nappes in the Tertiaries of the foreland proves that they had reached
approximately their present positions, as nappes, before t h e end of t h e
Oligocene; b u t where they stood before the nappes began to move, w h e n
the breccias were accumulating, it is still impossible to say. T h e breccias
are built u p of a series of superimposed submarine slides, which travelled
a m a x i m u m distance of 5 k m . and seem to have slid off the rear of
a rising geanticline in the north-west ( K u e n e n & Carozzi, 1953). The
succession in the Breccia N a p p e is so remarkable t h a t it merits separate
tabulation before considering t h e general succession in t h e Alps ( G a g n e b i n ,
1934; Schroeder, 1939).

Succession in the Breccia Nappe, Prealps

Albian shales, a few metres thick, micaceous, with glauconitic
sandstone, passing u p into red beds
U p p e r Breccia, less coarse on t h e whole t h a n t h e L o w e r Breccia ;
believed to b e U p p e r Jurassic and L o w e r Cretaceous: 200-300 m .
Slaty shales with bands of radiolarite: supposed Oxfordian
Lower Breccia, probably representing t h e L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Jurassic,
thickening to the north-west, 300-1300 m .
Lower shales, early Lower Liassic, passing u p into t h e breccia
Rhaetian Beds, in Swabian facies

Perhaps the best fauna occurs in t h e region between Interlaken and
Glarus, south of Lake Lucerne, especially between Brunig and U r i r o t -
stock, where the Cementstone beds (marls a n d marly limestones) yield
Berriasella boissieri (Pict.), B. callistoides (Behr.), B. pontica (Ret.)
Neocomites occitanicus (Ret.), Acanthodiscus euthymi (Pict.), A. curelensis
(Kil.), Spiticeras negreli (Math.), S. ducalis ( M a t h . ) , and forms such as

Phylloceras calypso ( d ' O r b . ) , P. semisulcatum (d'Orb.), Hemilytoceras

sutile (Oppel), Berriasella calisto ( d ' O r b . ) , which notoriously occur in
b o t h Berriasian and T i t h o n i a n (Gerber, 1930). Calpionella alpina is
most a b u n d a n t in the Berriasian b u t also occurs in the U p p e r Tithonian.]


I n t h e same region (Gerber, 1930) in some places Berriasian a m m o n i t e s

begin below t h e Cementstone beds, in the u p p e r m o s t layers of the u n d e r ­
lying ' T i t h o n i a n ' limestone. Immediately below, in typical nodular
limestone a n d false breccia is an U p p e r T i t h o n i a n assemblage including
Berriasella privasensis (Pict.), B. calisto (d'Orb.), B. delphinensis (Kil.),
B. chaperi (Pict.), Dalmasiceras dalmasi (Pict.), Proniceras pronutn (Oppel),
Spiticeras groteanum (Oppel) [? pseudogroteanum Djan.]. A little lower,
in lithographic limestones, is the typical S t r a m b e r g fauna, including most
of the species above—B. privasensis, B. calisto, B. delphinensis, B. chaperi,
D. dalmasi, P. pronum—plus Berriasella oppeli (Kil.), B. richteri (Oppel),
B. lorioli (Zit.), Virgatosphinctes transitorius (Zit.), and Micracanthoceras
microcanthum (Oppel). A n u m b e r of ammonites of this age are figured
from t h e Prealps of t h e F r i b o u r g area b y Favre (1880).
I n t h e Au-Canisfluh area east of t h e Rhine, south of Lake Constance
(Boden See), t h e top o-6-i m . of the T i t h o n i a n limestones is a condensed
a m m o n i t e bed crowded with b o t h U p p e r Tithonian and Berriasian
species ( H e i m & Baumberger, 1933, p . 161). T h i s occurrence is valuable
as additional proof that t h e r e is no room for a disconformity and t h e
insertion of other faunas between the central E u r o p e a n U p p e r T i t h o n i a n
a n d Berriasian. I n t h e Churfirsten-AIvier group t h e lower part of t h e
C e m e n t s t o n e beds contains a b u n d a n t Berriasella richteri (Oppel) and
B. lorioli (Zittel), and even at Canisfluh in places B. richteri and B.
carpathica (Zit.) are found w i t h B. calisto i n t h e cementstones immediately
above t h e ammonite b e d (Schaad, 1926; H e i m & Baumberger, 1933,
p . 165); t h e change from predominantly T i t h o n i a n to predominantly
Berriasian faunas therefore does not always coincide with the
lithological change from T i t h o n i a n limestones to Neocomian marls and
A Purbeckian phase with Chara has been traced in the Morcles, Aiguilles
Rouges a n d Valais regions (Murat, 1952).


F a r away to the south-west, at Col du Lauzon, between Briancon and

Chateau Queyras ( H a u t e s Alpes), another ammonite bed, 10-15 - thick,
occurs near t h e top of t h e limestones, here thick false breccias full of
Calpionella alpina a n d formerly worked u n d e r the n a m e of Guillestre
M a r b l e . T h e ammonites are extremely a b u n d a n t a n d not rolled, b u t are
all small and difficult to identify. I t is, however, a decidedly different
assemblage and shows marked affinity with the Rogoznik Beds of
t h e Carpathians (Blanchet, 1929). Besides n u m e r o u s Phylloceratids,
Lytoceratids and Haploceratids, and somewhat doubtful Perisphinctids, a
special feature is t h e presence of Simoceratids : Simoceras admirandum
Zittel, Nebrodites pulchellum (Gem.), N. aff. agrigentinum (Gem.), and t h e
peculiar Rogoznik form Simocosmoceras adversum (Oppel). Among
the Perisphinctids Blanchet records transitorius, contiguus, geron a n d
T h e Rogoznik fauna does not agree with that of t h e L o w e r T i t h o n i a n
of the F r e n c h and Swiss Alps a n d m u s t therefore fall between t h e t r u e
U p p e r and Lower Tithonian, namely into t h e gap already postulated
by Mazenot, and indicated in the correlation table on p . 9 1 .


T h e Guillestre M a r b l e contains ammonites (including Hybonoticeras

and Epipeltoceras) which indicate that it includes representatives of t h e
Tithonian, Kimeridgian and U p p e r Oxfordian, down to the B i m a m m a t u m
Zone (Blanchet, 1929, p . 50). I n t h e H i g h Limestone Alps also t h e
uppermost Oxfordian, Kimeridgian a n d L o w e r T i t h o n i a n are r e p r e ­
sented in a still thicker limestone series, t h e Quintnerkalk, 300-400 m .
thick, at t h e top of which is t h e Canisfluh a m m o n i t e b e d described above.
I n many places this thick formation is magnificently exposed, b u t fossils
are difficult to find owing to weathering and difficult to extract owing to
hardness of t h e rock. I n t h e M e c h t a l Alps (near t h e Sarner See, s o u t h of
Lucerne), however, about 90 m . from t h e top of t h e Quintnerkalk there
is another condensed ammonite bed at H o h m a t t . I t is 10-50 cm. thick
a n d ironshot, a n d contains at least 3000 a m m o n i t e s t o t h e cubic m e t r e ,
but they are all small and difficult to extract (Rod, 1937, 1946). N u m e r i ­
cally by far the most a b u n d a n t are Haploceratids (mainly H. staszycii
Zeuschn. sp.), after which come a dozen species of Phylloceratids, t h e n ,
a long way behind, Perisphinctids, with a few Oppeliids, Aspidoceratids
and Lytoceratids. As shown b y R o d (1946), most of this fauna is a con­
densed version of t h e Beckeri Zone, or Acanthicus Beds ( u p p e r part)
of the M i d d l e Kimeridgian, and he thinks it m a y even comprise r e p r e ­
sentatives of the Pseudomutabilis Zone and T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone (Streblites
tenuilobatus itself is listed). But in addition R o d believes that the Peri­
sphinctids include Sublithacoceras cf. dicratus (Schneid), S. kyphosus
(Schn.) and S. cf. callodiscus (Schn.) (cf. dicratus figured, pi. xiv, fig. 1),
all of the Ciliata Zone, N e u b u r g Beds, and h e suggests that these m a y b e
precursors of the Franconian type forms. I n any case, t h e difference in
age between Beckeri Zone and Ciliata Zone m a y not b e great, according
to Roll's findings (see p . 110). T h e H o h m a t t condensed bed is
valuable as showing close connexion between t h e N e u b u r g fauna and
Kimeridgian faunas and, in contrast, a gap of at least 100 m . (the t o p of
the Quintnerkalk is not reached) u p to the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n fauna: a
result consistent with t h e correlation shown on p . 9 1 .

A suite of typical L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Kimeridgian a m m o n i t e s was

figured from the F r e n c h and Swiss Alps b y Favre (1877).

T h e occurrence of Pygope janitor Pictet in t h e H o h m a t t ammonite

b e d (Rod, 1946, p . 189, pi. xiv) confirms observations of Favre (1877,
p . 107) in t h e Alps and F o n t a n n e s at Crussol that this striking b r a c h i o p o d
occurs in t h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian at least as early as the Beckeri Zone
a n d cannot be used as an index fossil for the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n Stramberg


As remarked above, b o t h the Quintnerkalk in the north-east a n d t h e

Guillestre M a r b l e in t h e south-west are believed to embrace at least p a r t
of t h e U p p e r Oxfordian. U n d e r t h e Quintnerkalk lies shaly L o w e r
Oxfordian ( H e i m & Baumberger, 1933, p . 160). T h e best U p p e r
Oxfordian a m m o n i t e faunas figured come from the Prealps. F r o m M o n t
des Voirons, 9 miles east of Geneva, Favre (1875) monographed an
assemblage of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone (with a n u m b e r of ammonites from
the Lower Kimeridgian also figured, distinguished in the text only). I n
t h e F r i b o u r g Prealps h e recognized t w o assemblages, one in grey nodular
limestone which seems to combine the B i m a m m a t u m and Transversarium
Zones, t h e other in r e d nodular limestones a n d cementstones underneath,
which appears to represent t h e Lower Oxfordian a n d contains Creniceras
dionysii (Mayer) (Favre, 1876). A noteworthy fossil from the u p p e r level
is a Spiroceratid, Parapatoceras ischeri (Favre), t h e only known Oxfordian
uncoiled ammonoid. T h e Bruns group, south and SE. of Fribourg, has
b e e n t h e subject of an elaborate stratigraphical revision by Horwitz (1940),
b u t t h e ammonites have not b e e n figured, a n d from t h e palaeontological notes
it is certain (as h e admits, p . 1) that t h e determinations require revision.
T h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Z o n e is represented, and possibly some early Lower
Oxfordian ( p p . 62-7). I n t h e Morcles n a p p e a n d again in t h e Jungfrau-
M o n c h - E i g e r range the C o r d a t u m Z o n e is missing, and in the latter
t h e whole L o w e r Oxfordian, a n d t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone rests on an
eroded surface and incorporates derived fragments of earlier beds (Collet,
1943, p . 19; Collet & Parejas, 1931, p . n ) . A long list of ammonites,
mainly Hecticoceras a n d other Oppeliids, a n d Phylloceratids, from clays
below t h e U p p e r Oxfordian of t h e Morcles nappe, does not distinguish
species that belong to t h e Athleta and M a r i a e Zones, which here as often
are developed as a single series of clays.


Considerable faunas of Lower, M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Callovian dates

are listed from n u m e r o u s places, b y the authors j u s t cited and others,
b u t figures are lacking. I n the Jungfrau range the Lower and M i d d l e
Callovian and Bathonian are condensed as ironshot oolite.


Scattered records of U p p e r Bathonian ammonites from various places

suggest that the Bathonian in t h e Alps m a y be more complete than
usually supposed: e.g. Oppelia aspidoides in t h e Jungfrau range (Collet &
Parejas, 1931, p . 9), Prohecticoceras retrocostatum in t h e U b a y e n a p p e
(Schneegans, 1933); b u t t h e so-called 'Bathonien superieur' assemblage
of the Prealps (Horwitz, 1940, p p . 19-24) with its t h r e e species of Parkin­
sonia appears to b e U p p e r Bajocian. L o w e r Bathonian with the fauna
of the Zigzag Zone is well developed about Engelberg (south of L a k e
Lucerne), whence have been figured n u m e r o u s Zigzagiceras, Morphoceras,
Ebrayiceras and the inflated Cadomites arbenzi ( T h a l m a n n ) : a development
of the zone similar to that at T o u l o n (p. 150), in Sicily (p. 208) and o n
both coasts of the English Channel ( T h a l m a n n , 1923, 1924, 1925, 1925a,
19256, 1925c). Zigzagiceras is also recorded from t h e Bernese O b e r l a n d
and the Prealps, where also Nannolytoceras tripartitum (Rasp.) is c o m m o n
(Horwitz, 1940, p p . 9, 20). Phylloceratids a b o u n d , mixed with t h e
extra-Alpine fauna.
I n the southern Prealps a n d t h e corresponding root zone in t h e Briancon
district to the south, the Bathonian is represented b y a peculiar pelecypod-
facies without ammonites, the M y t i l u s Beds (de Loriol & Schardt, 1883).
T h e age is problematic, b u t is probably Bathonian, p e r h a p s extending
some way u p into t h e Callovian, for U p p e r Callovian with Quenstedtoceras
lamberti is reported to overlie t h e Mytilus Beds (Heim, 1922, p . 617).
Renz (1935) argued for a Callovian-Upper Oxfordian date ; b u t D r L .
R. Cox, who kindly considered t h e problem, informs m e (in lit.,
February 1954) that h e accepts m a n y of de Loriol's determinations of
pelecypods which were given other names b y Gillieron a n d Renz, a n d in
particular points out that Eligmus polytypus argues for a Bathonian-
Callovian date, since Eligmus is not k n o w n from later b e d s . T h e M y t i l u s
Beds transgress on to Lias.


As remarked above, t h e ' U p p e r Bathonian' Parkinsonids of t h e F r i b o u r g

Prealps, if correctly determined (Horwitz, 1940, p . 21), are U p p e r Bajocian,
Parkinsoni Zone. A Parkinsonia of this age has also b e e n figured from t h e
Petersgrat (Hugi & Collet, 1951) and Parkinsoni, Garantiana a n d S u b ­
furcatum Zone faunas are all present in t h e Jungfrau range and t h e
Morcles nappe and elsewhere, t h o u g h generally t h e rocks are t h i n .
I n the Jungfrau range echinoderm limestone (8 m.) with Stephanoceras
underlies these faunas and rests directly on Rhaetian (Collet & Parejas,
1931, p . 7). At other places in t h e Bernese Oberland, however, occur
Otoites sauzei ( T h a l m a n n , 1924) and Sonninids of t h e Sowerbyi or Sauzei
Zone (Thalmann, 19236), a n d t h e Lower Bajocian becomes thickly
developed with Cancellophycus beds and irony sandstones 280-300 m .
thick, underlain by 25-30 m . of shales assigned to t h e O p a l i n u m Zone.
? Tmetoceras alpinum occurs at M i i r r e n ( T h a l m a n n , 1933a). T h e O p a l i n u m
shales transgress on to T r i a s on t h e Vindelician ridge, as was proved in a
boring S W . of Augsburg (see p . 107), and doubtless are continuous w i t h
those in the Swabian Alb and t h e J u r a .


T h e Lias is relatively rich in ammonites and has been far m o r e closely

studied t h a n t h e rest of t h e Jurassic. Because its stratigraphy is com­
paratively straightforward a n d complete, a n d for the most part the faunas
are closely comparable w i t h those of extra-Alpine E u r o p e , it is impossible
to devote space to a stage-by-stage examination. T h e Prealps have been
particularly well studied. T h e r e are exhaustive monographs for t h e
Prealps s o u t h a n d west of t h e R h o n e (Peterhans, 1926) a n d n o r t h a n d east
of t h e R h o n e ( H u g , 1898-9; Jeannet, 1912-13), and also for the klippes of
t h e Lake L u c e r n e area ( T r a u t h , 1908). T h e klippes are closely comparable
faunally w i t h t h e contemporary developments in t h e Bavarian Alps
beyond the Rhine. Jeannet (1912-13, p . 403) stressed the resemblance of
the Hettangian of the T o u r s d'Ai' to that of t h e Southern Alps of L o m b a r d y
(Lake L u g a n o ) , b u t since t h e Hettangian shows few peculiarities, this
cannot weigh against t h e remarkable coincidences between the specialised
M i d d l e Jurassic of the Prealps and that of the Briancon district in
t h e F r e n c h H a u t e s Alpes (see p . 153). T h e chief peculiarity in the
Lias of t h e Prealps is t h e occurrence of thick breccias in t h e Breccia
T h e r e is also m u c h information on the Helvetid Lias, especially in t h e
Morcles n a p p e (Collet, 1943, 1947) a n d t h e Glarus ( T r u m p y , 1949).
Along the margin of t h e Aiguilles Rouges and parts of the Aar massifs
t h e Lias is absent (Collet & Parejas, 1931, p p . 5-7), as on the Vindelician
foreland farther east.


T h e s o u t h - n o r t h valley of the u p p e r Rhine, above the entry into Lake
Constance, divides the Alps into two very different halves. F o r once t h e
geological a n d political frontiers coincide: t o t h e west are t h e Swiss a n d
F r e n c h Alps, to the east the Austrian and Bavarian Alps. Fossiliferous
Jurassic rocks east of t h e Rhine occur as discontinuous shreds and patches
scattered t h r o u g h t h e N o r t h e r n Limestone Alps and Dolomites, which
stretch for m o r e t h a n 300 miles to the gates of Vienna and are chiefly
built of thick Triassic limestones (Vetters, n.d.). Considering their great
length a n d n a r r o w average w i d t h of about 30 miles, the N o r t h e r n Limestone
Alps r u n remarkably straight, b u t this simplicity masks a great complexity
of structure. T h e apparently continuous outcrop consists, in fact, of a
mosaic of more-or-less eroded, mutually overlapping thrust-sheets, in
w h i c h t h e Jurassic rocks are developed in a great variety of facies, often
b r o u g h t together in startling contrast b y tectonic movements. T o t h e
north, the Limestone Alps are t h r u s t over a continuous belt of flysch,
a n d t h a t in t u r n is t h r u s t over t h e Molasse a n d late T e r t i a r y foreland.
Between t h e Flysch and Molasse belts is a discontinuous, narrow, thrust
strip of Helvetid Mesozoics, mainly Cretaceous. (A plan of the component
n a p p e s a n d of the three major tectonic belts referred to is given at the end
of Schaffer, 1951). I t is estimated that i n a n o r t h - s o u t h direction t h e
shortening has been to t h e present width of 43 k m . from about 158 k m . ,
or to less than one-third (Spengler, 1952).
In general, along t h e n o r t h e r n edge of t h e Eastern Alps (especially
towards t h e east) t h e Lower a n d M i d d l e Jurassic are developed i n t h e
Gresten facies. T h e Gresten Beds, which have an outcrop 125 miles
long, consist of sandstones, arkoses, clay shales, a n d dark sandy limestones
and marls. I n t h e lower part are coal seams, plant beds a n d shell b e d s .
T h e clastic materials are derived from t h e Bohemian Forest massif a n d
cannot have been formed far south of their present position, despite their
thrust margin. T h e Gresten Beds are normally Hettangian, S i n e m u r i a n

FIG. 17.—Diagrammatic sketch-map to show places mentioned in the north-eastern

Alps and north-western Carpathians.

and Pliensbachian, b u t in places they embrace everything u p to t h e t o p

of t h e Bajocian. Southwards they pass into normal dark limestones, o r
into red cephalopod limestones (Adneth Beds) or spotted marls (Flecken-
mergel), which represent different parts of t h e Sinemurian, Pliensbachian,
Toarcian a n d even Bajocian i n different places. F r o m t h e Bathonian
upwards littoral influences are m u c h less marked, a n d shelly or cephalopod
limestones alternate horizontally a n d vertically with radiolarian cherts,
Posidonia shales, aptychus beds, crinoidal limestones, Calpionella
limestones, a n d m a n y other facies familiar all over t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n -
Alpine region a n d elsewhere. T h e radiolarian cherts a n d Calpionella
limestones have often been taken for deep-water deposits, b u t this
interpretation is belied b y frequent intercalations of shallow-water b e d s
and macro-fossils; more likely they originated in troughs temporarily
cut off from supplies of sediment.

I t is evident t h a t t h e thrust-sheets t h a t build t h e N o r t h e r n Limestone

Alps have travelled n o r t h w a r d s for varying distances from m o r e central
zones of the Alps, t h o u g h t h e r e is often also a strong eastward component
in t h e thrusts (Cornelius, 1940). T h e 'ultranappist' view that they have
travelled 60 t o 100 miles, right across t h e central Alps from t h e south
side, however, has b e e n discredited b y m o r e recent work (Ampferer,
1940; Klebelsberg, 1941; Schwinner, 1940, and in Schaffer, 1951),
t h o u g h it still has supporters (e.g. Clar, 1953). T h e variability of facies
is to some extent i n d e p e n d e n t of nappes a n d reflects contemporaneous
warpings of t h e sea floor, b u t t h e sorting out of t h e various facies and
' p u t t i n g back' of t h e nappes is probably an unattainable ideal. A detailed
description of the Jurassic rocks n a p p e by nappe has been attempted by
T r a u t h (1922 a n d 1950; most will be derived from these works b y readers
w i t h a taste for prose w i t h u p t o 25 lines to t h e sentence and new formation-
n a m e s for almost every exposure).
O n approaching the D a n u b e the Alps break down and sink beneath
thick T e r t i a r y - Q u a t e r n a r y cover in the Vienna Basin and M a r c h Plain,
t o b e continued b e y o n d as the Carpathians. T h i s geographical division
does n o t correspond t o t h e geological frontier, which, as Uhlig pointed out,
is m o r e logically to b e drawn among the headwaters of the River T h e i s s ,
in the eastern Carpathians. T h e north-western and northern Carpathians
are a direct continuation of the Eastern Alps, with certain differences.
Beyond t h e D a n u b e t h e flysch zone widens a n d becomes a complex of
flat-lying thrust-sheets chiefly consisting of Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y
sandstones, the Beskid (with Magura) and Subbeskid nappes. At t h e
outer edge of b o t h t h e inner and wider Beskid zone, and the narrower
o u t e r or Subbeskid zone, is a belt of imbrications. T h e two belts together
form t h e O u t e r K l i p p e Chain. I t starts close t o t h e Danube, N W . of
Vienna, as a line of 'inselbergs', consisting of Jurassic and Cretaceous
limestone hills, partly floating on and partly piercing through the flysch.
T h e y are not klippes in quite the same sense as the Prealpine klippes of
Switzerland, b u t rather parautochthonous shavings a n d chips caught
u p in the base of t h e overriding Beskid a n d Subbeskid nappes and
carried forward from their original position on a crystalline swell
(Glaessner, 1931). T h e U p p e r Jurassic succession in the inselbergs
a n d klippes of E r n s t b r u n n , Niederfellabrunn, Czetechowitz, Stramberg,
etc. is of great interest a n d some of t h e small outcrops have become
world-famous in this connexion.
Along t h e south, or inner, b o u n d a r y of the flysch zone (Beskid or
M a g u r a zone of different authors), r u n s a narrow belt of extraordinary
complexity which gives rise t o a n I n n e r or Pienid Klippe Chain (Neumayr,
1871a; Andrusov, 1931). T h i s narrow b a n d separates t h e Beskid nappes
from t h e interior region of the Carpathians, the Tatras and their internal
flysch basins. T h e Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous I n n e r Klippe Chain
represents p a r t of the sedimentary cover of t h e T a t r a nappes, which belong
t o a n earlier (Cretaceous) period of folding. Inside t h e I n n e r Klippes
Photo from V. Vhlig
P L A T E ga.—Stramberg: the limestone klippe and quarry.

P L A T E 9 * . — G o r g e of t h e D u n a j e c t h r o u g h t h e P i e n i n k l i p p e s ,
northern Carpathians.

the main orogeny was Cretaceous; outside, in the fiysch zone, mainly
T h e Pienid or Inner Klippes of the western Carpathians n u m b e r about
5000 and range in size from small blocks, some of which have been entirely
removed by quarrying, to mountains 7 or 8 miles long. T h e y consist
mainly of Jurassic rocks, b u t L o w e r Cretaceous is also present, a n d
occasionally Trias. T w o contrasted types are represented: a Pienid facies,
in which there is a continuous suite from U p p e r T r i a s to Neocomian,
and a Subpienid, in which Bajocian rests disconformably on T r i a s or older
rocks and t h e facies is m o r e notably shallow-water, w i t h sedimentary
breaks. I n the klippes both suites are inextricably mixed, although they
must have different origins, in a trough and swell region respectively.
T h e mode of formation of the Pienid klippes is one of the unsolved
problems of geology. U h l i g (1907) considered t h e m remains of a b u r s t
anticline. Later authors have regarded t h e m as fragments of a breaking
tectonic wave at the brow of an advancing T a t r i c n a p p e . I n t h e latest
cross-sections (Ksiazkiewicz & others, 1953) they look more like the pips
and contents forced from a squeezed tomato—a geosyncline squashed b y
lateral compression.
Within the inner Carpathians Jurassic rocks also occur in two facies:
a thrust-travelled ' S u b - T a t r a Series', and a parautochthonous ' H i g h
T a t r a Series' from which the L o w e r Jurassic is sometimes missing, as in
the Subpienid klippes.
For a clear and factual account of Carpathian geology the classics b y
Uhlig (1897, 1903, 1907) are still indispensable. M o r e recent syntheses
are available by Voitesti (1929) and Stille (1953) and, for readers of
Polish, by Ksiazkiewicz & others (1953). T h e last t w o works have
extensive bibliographies.


Stramberg Limestone. Zone of Virgatosphinctes transitorius (so n a m e d

by Neumayr, 18710, p . 517). T h e m o u n t a i n at S t r a m b e r g is a triangular
mass of white limestone with sides 1-5 km. long, which rises as an exotic
block from a Cretaceous terrane in the outer klippe chain of M o r a v i a .
T h e limestone is largely of reef facies although corals are poorly preserved
and not always conspicuous, a n d the occurrence was once explained as an
isolated reef which grew u p from a buried Jurassic sea floor. I t early
became famous for its fossils t h r o u g h exploitation of the limestone as a
flux in Teschen iron-works. T h e largest q u a r r y is seen in plate ga.
Collections m a d e b y a former director, Hohenegger, w e r e studied b y
Oppel, who published a catalogue of t h e ammonites with m a n y new n a m e s
(Oppel, 1865) b u t died before finishing his projected monograph, which
was completed by Zittel (1868). T h e gastropods were also m o n o g r a p h e d
by Zittel (1873) a n d t h e pelecypods b y Boehm (1883). T h e r e was a n
early monograph on the brachiopods b y Suess, and other groups have
formed the subject of special studies since. A discussion of t h e fauna

as a whole was published b y Blaschke (1911), who stated that at that time
over 600 species of fossils were known, of which about one-third had
been found nowhere else and another third were confined to other
T i t h o n i a n occurrences in the Alpine a n d Mediterranean province.
O n account of t h e work of Oppel and Zittel the Stramberg ammonite
fauna is considered t h e type assemblage for the U p p e r Tithonian. Besides
species of Phylloceras, Calliphylloceras, Macrophylloceras,Ptychophylloceras,
Lytoceras, Pterolytoceras, Hemilytoceras, Protetragonites and Haploceras,
for t h e most part familiar in other regions and usually of little value
for precise dating, the S t r a m b e r g fauna has a n u m b e r of remarkable
forms of greater significance. I n the following list the species figured in
Zittel's m o n o g r a p h (1868) and a few others are assigned to their modern

Cyrtosiceras macrotelum (Op.) (type of H y a t t ' s genus)

Substreblites zonarius (Op.) (type of S p a t h ' s genus)
Semiformiceras fallauxi (Op.) (type of Spath's genus)
Spiticeras pseudogroteanum Djanelidze (type, Zittel's pi. xvi, figs. 3, 4)
Spiticeras zitteli (Djan.) (type Zittel's pi. xiv, fig. 2)
Proniceras pronum (Op.) (type of Burckhardt's genus)
Micracanthoceras microcanthum (Op.) (type of Spath's genus)
Micracanthoceras uhligi (Blaschke)
Himalayites kollikeri (Op.)
Himalayites symbolus (Op.)
Berriasella moravica (Op.)
Berriasella carpathica (Zit.)
Berriasella lorioli (Zit.)
Berriasella richteri (Op.)
Berriasella oppeli Kilian (type Zittel, pi. xx, figs. 1-4)
Berriasella (Pseudargentiniceras) abscissa (Op.) (type of Spath's genus)
Berriasella (Dalmasiceras) progenitor (Op.)
Virgatosphinctes transitorius (Op.)
Aulacosphinctes fraudator (Zit.)
Aulacosphinctes eudichotomus (Zit.)
Pseudovirgatites scruposus (Op.) (type of Vetters' genus)
Pseudovirgatites seorsus (Op.)
Sublithacoceras senex (Op.)
Aspidoceras rogoznikense (Zeusch.) (type of Zittel's genus)
Simoceras volanense (Op.)

Suess, Oppel, Zittel and Blaschke were all convinced that the Stramberg
quarries were worked in a single zone, b u t Mojsisovics (quoted in Zittel,
1868, p . 13) recognized three horizons, and unfortunately there is a
grave suspicion t h a t at least t h e last five items of t h e foregoing list belong
to an earlier zone and were confused with the m a i n Stramberg fauna by
Hohenegger or other early collectors on account of identity of matrix.
T h e occurrence of earlier beds in identical matrix is confirmed by

Blaschke's additions to t h e fauna: for his Simoceras remesi (Blaschke,

1911, pi. 1, fig. 9) seems to b e a M i d d l e or L o w e r Kimeridgian Aspidoceras
(Pseudowaagenia) aff. microplum Oppel sp., closely similar to a form figured
b y Herbich (1878, pi. xiv-xv, 4) from Transylvania, and as Spath (1933,
p . 849) has rightly pointed out, Blaschke's big Perisphinctids {steindach-
neri and kittli) are irreconcilable with an U p p e r T i t h o n i a n age and
undoubtedly belong to an earlier Kimeridgian zone.
Eastwards from S t r a m b e r g similar limestone occurs in t h e outer klippe
chain as far as Cracow, and some of the fauna is also recorded from t h e
inner klippes, from limestone overlying the Rogoznik Beds (see below).
W h i t e limestones with Calpionella are widespread in the Eastern Alps
( T r a u t h , 1950, p p . 175-6, etc.) and the Carpathians (Passendorfer &
Ksiazkiewicz, 1950, pi. vii), b u t the occurrences are mainly Berriasian
o r not precisely dated.


Rogoznik Beds. Zone of Semiformiceras semiforme (so n a m e d b y

Neumayr, 1871a, p . 517). T h e principal source of the ammonites figured
in Zittel's second m o n o g r a p h (1870) was a red lumachelle or crinoid
limestone in one of t h e klippes of t h e inner klippe chain at Rogoznik,
near N e u m a r k t . I n several exposures it is seen to underlie a greyish-
white limestone full of ammonites of t h e Transitorius Zone as found at
Stramberg (Neumayr, 1871a, p p . 479-80), and it overlies red nodular
limestones which yield various Kimeridgian faunas. T h e ammonites
(listed also by Neumayr, 1871a, p p . 496-8) comprise n u m e r o u s Phyllo-
ceratids, Lytoceratids and Haploceratids, largely identical with those i n
the Transitorius Zone, b u t t h e assemblage as a whole differs as follows:
(1) by the presence of a crowd of remarkable Oppeliids, largely with a
ventral groove on the body-chamber, belonging to t h e genus Semiformi­
ceras; (2) by the occurrence of several Taramelliceras; (3) b y the rarity of
Berriasella; (4) by the presence of other Perisphinctids such as Litha­
coceras geron (Zit.), Subplanites contiguus (Cat.) and the Portlandian-like
P. pseudocolubrinus Kilian (Zittel, 1870, pi. 33, fig. 6, pi. 34, figs. 4 - 6 ) ;
(5) by the presence of a curious genus Simocosmoceras (simum, adversum,
catulloi, Zittel, 1870, pi. 31); (6) by the presence of uncoiled ammonoids,
Bochianites guembeli and gracile Zittel (pi. 36, figs. 1-3). T h e s e character­
istics justify recognizing a separate zone. Lithacoceras geron was suggested
as index by Kilian in 1887, and Subplanites contiguus b y T o u c a s in 1890,
b u t there seems no reason for abandoning N e u m a y r ' s choice of Semi­
formiceras semiforme, which has priority.
T h e Semiforme Zone has been recognized to the west with certainty
only in the French Alps (see p . 156) and it seems likely that its
absence elsewhere is accounted for b y t h e gap postulated b y M a z e n o t
between the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n Berriasella fauna and the Subplanites
fauna of N e u b u r g (see p . n o ) . I t may therefore provisionally b e
regarded as M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n (seet able 14, p . 167). Zittel (1870,

p . 187, pi. 28, fig. 21) figured from Rogoznik a specimen attributed to t h e
zonal index a m m o n i t e Taramelliceras lithographicum, b u t Oppel's original
species from t h e Solnhofen Slates has a smooth, not crenulate, keel and a
lateral groove, and is a different species. T h e Perisphinctids recorded
from m a n y places in the R h o n e basin as P. contiguus, P. geron, P. pseudo-
colubrinus, etc., may range t h r o u g h Lower and M i d d l e Tithonian, b u t until
this notoriously difficult group has been monographed, misidentification
cannot b e ruled out. P. pseudocolubrinus has been recorded for nuclei
of m a n y different kinds of Perisphinctids.
Zittel (1870, p . 293) considered t h e Semiforme Zone 'not older t h a n
t h e youngest deposits of t h e Franconian and Swabian Jura'. T h e only
point which in his wisdom he left open, whether it is equivalent in age o r
younger, is t h e only point still in doubt, three-quarters of a century later.
Despite a previous tentative assumption that they were equivalent (Arkell,
1946, p . 20) I now believe Rogoznik to b e younger t h a n N e u b u r g (in other
words, that the Semiforme Zone is later t h a n the Ciliata Zone).


A further puzzle, long and inconclusively discussed, is presented b y

'inselbergs' at Niederfellabrunn, E r n s t b r u n n , Nikolsburg and Klentnitz,
w h i c h rise out of t h e M a r c h Plain n o r t h of Vienna a n d belong to the western
e n d of t h e outer klippe chain. T w o formations are recognized: white,
marble-like E r n s t b r u n n Limestone, which rests on and is in part replaced
laterally by marls and marly limestones, the Klentnitz Beds, which h a v e
yielded a sparse b u t celebrated ammonite fauna at Niederfellabrunn
(Abel, 1897; Vetters, 1905; Glaessner, 1 9 3 1 ; T r a u t h , 1950, p p . 150-2).
Only one complete, unequivocal, well-preserved ammonite is known from
t h e Klentnitz Beds of Niederfellabrunn, that on which Vetters founded
t h e genus Pseudovirgatites, a n d it is identical specifically with a fragment
from S t r a m b e r g which was type of P. scruposus Oppel (Zittel, 1868,
pi. xxiv, fig. 3). T h e rest of the Niederfellabrunn ammonites b e i n g
different from anything known from Stramberg, the inference is t h a t
Pseudovirgatites scruposus was one of the species wrongly mixed with
t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n S t r a m b e r g fauna a n d belonging in reality to a n
earlier zone. T h e accompanying Niederfellabrunn ammonites, however,
although certainly earlier t h a n b o t h the Stramberg and Rogoznik assem­
blage, are poorly preserved, incomplete a n d difficult to identify. Some of
Vetters' types are lost. T h e remainder and some others from Klentnitz
were borrowed from Vienna and revised b y Spath (1933, p p . 844-7),
w h o identified some of t h e m with Russian and English genera of the Lower
Volgian a n d U p p e r K i m e r i d g i a n - L o w e r Portlandian, such as Dorso-
planites, Zaraiskites ('Provirgatites'), Pavlovia a n d ?Pectinatites. I t appears
from his later writings, however, that Spath would now repudiate
most if not all of these generic attributions. T h o s e involving Russian
genera seem especially doubtful, as is also t h e reference of some of Vetters'
forms to t h e Himalayan-Pacific genus Aulacosphinctoides. O n the basis

of Vetters' figures nearly all t h e ammonites seem best c o m p a r e d w i t h

Franconian forms from t h e N e u b u r g Beds, figured b y Schneid. F o r
instance t h e ribbing of Vetters' pi. xxi, fig. 2, is identical with that of
Anavirgatites franconicus Schneid sp. (1915, p . xi, 3), a n d Vetters' pi. xxii,
fig. 5, could well be a worn cast of ? Wheatleyites racemosus Schneid sp.
(1915, pi. ix, fig. 1); a n d Vetters' pi. xii, fig. 7, assigned b y Spath with a
query t o Pectinatites, m i g h t belong t o t h a t genus or still m o r e t o Sublitha-
coceras cf. penicillatus or callodiscus Schneid s p p . (1915, pi. iii, fig. 3 ,


UPPER TITHONIAN Stramberg Virgatosphinctes Upper (and Middle?)

( = ARDESCIAN) Limestone transitorius Purbeckian
(Neumayr, 1871)

MIDDLE Rogoznik Semiformiceras Lower (and Middle?)

TITHONIAN Beds semiforme Purbeckian and
(Neumayr, 1871) Portlandian
as first defined Klentnitz Beds ciliata
by Oppel (1865) and vimineus
Lower Tithonian lithographicum Upper and Middle
of Saint-Concors and hybonotum Kimeridgian
& Le Pouzin

MIDDLE Hybonoticeras
KIMERIDGIAN beckeri (wanting)
(Neumayr, 1873)

Acanthicus Aulacostephanus
Beds pseudomutabilis
(Benecke, 1865) (Oppel, 1863)
KIMERIDGIAN Streblites Kimeridgian
(Oppel, 1863)

pi. iv, fig. 2). Perisphinctes reniformis Vetters (pi. xxii, fig. 6) remains
problematic b u t suggests an early Virgatosphinctes like V. eystettensis
Schneid sp. (1914, pi. iii, fig. 5) from t h e L i t h o g r a p h i c u m Zone.
T h u s t h e balance of probability (so far as present knowledge goes)
is in favour of an approximate correlation between t h e Klentnitz Beds
and t h e N e u b u r g Beds of Bavaria a n d t h e Pectinatus Zone of E n g l a n d
(see Arkell, 1946, p p . 22-3). I t remains, however, a n awkward fact t h a t
the index fossil of t h e Klentnitz Beds, Pseudovirgatites scruposus, has b e e n
found neither at N e u b u r g n o r in t h e N e u b u r g fauna at S a i n t - C o n c o r s ;
in fact, nowhere else in t h e world except S t r a m b e r g .
T h e E r n s t b r u n n Limestone, which i n general overlies t h e Klentnitz
Beds, presents yet another problem. T h e fauna has been called a m i x t u r e
of those of Stramberg and Kelheim (Abel, 1899, p . 376). T h e a m m o n i t e s
borrowed from Vienna b y Spath (1933, p p . 847-8) consist (besides a few

Phylloceras and Lytoceras) of Perisphinctids which he identified with

t h r e e peculiar forms (Subplanites}) figured b y Schlosser from the Kelheim
Diceraskalk of Bavaria. T h e s e have been found with certainty nowhere
else b u t in the Kelheim reef-limestone, which according to Roll and others
is an intercalation in and below t h e Solnhofen Beds (Lithographicum
Zone). Therefore if S p a t h ' s determinations are correct, E r n s t b r u n n
L i m e s t o n e in some exposures m u s t b e older t h a n Klentnitz Marls in other
exposures. Considering t h e observed lateral replacement of the two facies
a n d the acute tectonic disturbance, this solution is not improbable. T h a t
t h e succession in the klippes cannot be upside-down is proved by overlying
Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y beds (Abel, 1899, p . 285).


T h e fauna of the Acanthicus Beds is widespread, usually in rather thin

red or varicoloured nodular limestones as in most parts of the Alpine-
M e d i t e r r a n e a n region, b u t it is less favourably developed for collecting
t h a n in Transylvania and Italy and has t h r o w n no new light on the zonal
succession. I n some parts of the Eastern Alps a coral reef facies is
developed, and in others there is passage into Aptychus beds and radio­
larites which are said to range in age from Oxfordian to Tithonian ( T r a u t h ,
1950, p p . 176, 185, 203, 207). Alleged transgression of the Kimeridgian
o n to Lias and T r i a s , reported by early authors, probably has a tectonic
explanation. T h e red nodular facies is widely distributed in the i n n e r
klippe chain of the Carpathians (Neumayr, 1873, p . 151; Passendorfer,
1928). A n occurrence near Vienna has been lavishly illustrated ( T o u l a ,
1907, with 19 plates of ammonites, m a n y new species) but the preservation
is so poor that few of the photographs can b e interpreted.


T h e U p p e r Oxfordian is also widespread and somewhat t h i n .

A m m o n i t e s of b o t h B i m a m m a t u m and Transversarium Zones are recorded
from m a n y places. Ringsteadia is reported from both the Eastern A l p s
( T r a u t h , 1950, p . 176) and the Carpathians—R. vicaria Moesch s p .
( N e u m a y r , 1873, p . 152). I n t h e Eastern Alps radiolarites are extensively
developed; they have m a n y shallow-water intercalations and are unlikely
to have been formed at great depths ( T r a u t h , 1950, p p . 185, 190).
A n Oxfordian occurrence of outstanding interest is the limestone klippe
of Czetechowitz in the outer klippe chain of Moravia (Neumayr, 1870a;
N e u m a n n , 1907). H e r e 4 m . of nodular limestone have yielded a remark­
able fauna comprising a mixture of the a b u n d a n t Phylloceratids p r o p e r
to t h e Alpine-Mediterranean province with a host of Perisphinctids and
Cardioceratids which could occur anywhere in N W . Europe, and in
E n g l a n d in particular. T h e beds are k n o w n in the literature as Cordatus
Beds but, as N e u m a n n (1907, p . 60) rightly pointed out, the fauna com­
prises representatives of b o t h l a t e - C o r d a t u m and Transversarium Zones.
I n fact, probably all t h e Cardioceratids figured are of the English Plicatilis

Zone, as are all the Perisphinctids and part of the Aspidoceratids. Only
the Peltoceratids and Euaspidoceras ovale are of t h e C o r d a t u m Zone
judging by the m u c h thicker and m o r e complete standard succession in
England. T h e resemblance to the Plicatilis Zone fauna, especially a r o u n d
Oxford, is so extraordinary that t h e following nomenclatural revision of
N e u m a n n ' s figured ammonites is w o r t h bringing together (based on
Arkell, 1935-48, where discussions will be found, and omitting a few forms
figured from later beds):

Perisphinctes (? Perisphinctes) orbignyi de Loriol (ii, 5) (healeyi N e u m .

obj. syn.)
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) plicatilis (Sow.) (i, 3)
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) ? helenae de Riaz (i, 4)
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) uhligi N e u m . (i, 1) (pathological?)
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) fragment indet. (i, 2)
Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes) promiscuus Buk. (iii, 9, n )
Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes) trifidus (Sow.) (iv, 12)
Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes) methodii N e u m . (v, 15)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. stenocychides Siem. (iii, 10)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes}) sp. indet. (ii, 7)
Aspidoceras (Euaspidoceras) vettersianum N e u m . (vi, 19)
Aspidoceras (Euaspidoceras) ovale N e u m . (vi, 20)
Peltoceras (Peltoceratoides) interruptum N e u m . (vii, 26)
Peltoceras (Peltoceratoides) pseudoconstantii Prieser (type, viii, 27)
Peltoceras (Peltoceratoides) sp. (vii, 25)
Peltoceras (Parawedekindia) pauli Spath. (type, vii, 2 1 ; ? also 22, 23)
Cardioceras (Cardioceras}) neumanni M a i r e (type, iv, 13, pathological)
Cardioceras (Vertebriceras) & « m ' N e u m . (v, 16, 17)
Cardioceras (Vertebriceras) sp. indet. (iv, 14)
Goliathiceras capax (Young & Bird) (vi, 18, lambertoide N e u m . syn.)

T h i s list shows so m u c h closer affinity with E n g l a n d and N W . G e r m a n y

than with South G e r m a n y that a sea-connexion across or n o r t h of t h e
Bohemian massif is indicated. But the crowd of Phylloceratids brings
Czetechowitz within the Alpine-Mediterranean province.
T h e seaway postulated probably passed t h r o u g h t h e D r e s d e n outcrops
monographed by Bruder (see p . 140) and those near B r u n n (Brno), which
lie in the Carpathian foreland less t h a n 30 miles west of Czetechowitz.
F r o m both places large Oxfordian Peltoceratoides have been described.
Near B r u n n Phylloceratids still occur b u t are less a b u n d a n t . At O l o m u t -
schan is a Transversarium Zone fauna of approximately the same age as
that at Czetechowitz b u t with other elements added (Uhlig, 1881), and
at the Schwedenschanze (Oppenheimer, 1907) t h e r e is in addition an
interesting fauna of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone, with special small Peri­
sphinctids, Epipeltoceras, Taramelliceras, Amoeboceras, and what appear to
be species of Ringsteadia (Oppenheimer, pi. xx, fig. 20) and Decipia or
Pseudarisphinctes (pi. xxi, 13).

T h e Mariae Zone appears to be unrecorded from the whole area of the

Eastern Alps, Vienna Basin a n d N o r t h e r n Carpathians.


Callovian faunas are richly represented b u t inadequately figured and

scarcely enable conclusions to b e drawn. M o s t appear to be M i d d l e
Callovian. Peltoceras athleta may occur in the T a t r a according to an old
record often repeated (Passendorfer, 1928) and Uhlig (1878; 1881a) figured
a n d described some other Callovian ammonites from the inner klippe chain.
I n the Eastern Alps Callovian faunas are better preserved and m o r e
a b u n d a n t , b u t t h e Macrocephalus Zone so often quoted (e.g. T r a u t h ,
1922, p p . 184, 222) appears to be misidentified; superb specimens of
Reineckeia tyrannus, R. greppini Oppel sp. ( = oxyptycha) and Indo-
sphinctes patina figured b y N e u m a y r (1870) from near Gosau in the Salz-
k a m m e r g u t belong to late-Lower or early-Middle Callovian.
I n the eastern Carpathians, near t h e headwaters of t h e T h e i s s ,
Lissoceras voultense (Op.) and five species of Phylloceras considered to b e
Callovian have been figured as derived limestone casts from a volcanic
tuff in one of t h e klippes (Swiderski, 1938).


T h e K l a u s Beds, red or brownish a m m o n i t e limestones passing locally

into marls with or without Posidonia (Zell Beds), widely developed in the
N o r t h - E a s t e r n Alps, yield important Lower, M i d d l e and U p p e r Bathonian
faunas, b u t they have n o t b e e n differentiated (Jiissen, 1890; enlarged lists
i n T r a u t h , 1922, p p . 191-5, 220 ff.). Typical Bathonian Phylloceratids and
Lytoceratids abound, with the principal Bathonian genera of central a n d
N W . E u r o p e , including peculiar Perisphinctids, of which P. ybbsensis
Jiissen appears to b e a Choffatia and P. seminudus Jiissen probably is a
Wagnericeras or Gracilisphinctes. U p p e r Bathonian is indicated b y
Epistrenoceras contrarium ( d ' O r b . ) a n d L o w e r Bathonian b y Lissoceras
psilodiscus (Schloenb.) a n d Morphoceras multiforme. T r a u t h (1922, p .
195) considers that these b e d s extend from U p p e r Bajocian to Lower
Callovian, b u t allowing for a few obvious misidentifications in his list,
t h e r e is no evidence for anything b u t Bathonian.
I n the T a t r a M o u n t a i n s there is t h e same mixture of Phylloceratids
a n d Lytoceratids with n o r t h e r n and western genera (Uhlig, 1897, p . 6 7 1 ;
Passendorfer, 1935, 1938). T h e indications of Lower Bathonian are
Lissoceras psilodiscus, Oppelia fallax G u e r . sp. (1938, pi. xii, fig. 2),
Procerites spp., and a single fragment of Parkinsonia (1935, pi. iii, fig. 8).
A p a r t from these the assemblage is overwhelmingly M i d d l e and U p p e r
Bathonian. Passendorfer figured Cadomites rectelobatus H a u e r sp., a
small Tulites (Rugiferites) aff. angulicostatum Lissajous sp. (pi. iv, 3, 4),
Schwandorfia lucasi de Gross, sp., Sphaeroptychius buckmanni Lissajous
(or Schwandorfia s p . ?), Oecotraustes cf. nodifer Buckman, Wagnericeras
arbustigerum (d'Orb.), Choffatia aff. recuperoi (Gem.), and various

Prohecticoceras including P. retrocostatum (de Gross.), P. fuscum Q u e n s t .

sp. (1938, pi. xii, figs. 5, 6) and P. costatum R o e m e r sp. (pi. xii, 3, 4 ) .
T h e bed yielding this fauna belongs to the parautochthonous ' H i g h T a t r a
Series' (not to the thrust-travelled ' S u b - T a t r a Series'); it is only 20 c m .
thick, and is said to rest in some places on crinoidal limestones p r o b a b l y
of Bajocian age, b u t in other places, without visible unconformity, on
Triassic limestones. I t t h u s falls into line with evidences of Bathonian
transgression in many other parts of the world.


I n the Eastern Alps in some places the G r e s t e n and A d n e t h facies b o t h

embrace the whole Bajocian; the zonal indices recorded are O p a l i n u m ,
Murchisonae, Bradfordensis, H u m p h r i e s i a n u m , Blagdeni, Garantiana
and Parkinsoni ( T r a u t h , 1909; H a h n , 1910, p . 3 7 8 ; Schmidtill & K r u m -
beck, 1938, p p . 321-3). Collections from the H u m p h r i e s i a n u m and later
zones revised b y Schmidtill & K r u m b e c k include m a n y Stephanoceras,
Stemmatoceras, Teloceras, Normannites, Strenoceras and Garantiana,
chiefly from Ober St Veit and H o h e n a u e r Wiese. T h e connexions
with Franconia are so m a n y a n d so close that a direct sea-connexion m u s t
be postulated. I n other parts of the Eastern Alps t h e Fleckenmergel
facies of the Lias passes u p to include the O p a l i n u m Zone (Bose, 1894).
I n the Carpathian inner klippes Fleckenmergel with Leioceras opalinum
and shaly clay with Ludwigia murchisonae occur ( N e u m a y r , 1871a, p . 504),
and shales with Posidonia yield Sonninia spp., Witchellia spp., Stephano­
ceras, Teloceras a n d Oppelia subradiata (Horwitz, 1937). Numerous
Phylloceras and Lytoceras occur t h r o u g h o u t t h e region in the Bajocian,
mixed with the northern and western genera, j u s t as in t h e Caucasus.
(Some of the Carpathian Bajocian ammonites are figured by Passendorfer
& Ksiazkiewicz, 1951, pis. ii, iv).


I n the K a m m e r k e r group, Eastern Alps, red nodular limestones of

A d n e t h facies, u p to 10 m. thick, yield a rich and well-preserved T o a r c i a n
fauna from the Bifrons a n d higher zones, u p t o t h e highest horizons w i t h
Erycites, Hammatoceras, Dumortieria, Pleydellia, etc. ( H a h n , 1910).
Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids abound, in species and individuals, a n d
the usually-rare genera Paroniceras a n d Frechiella are well represented
(Renz, 1925). Posidonia shales occur at the base ( H a h n , 1910, p . 368).
As remarked already, in other places Gresten and Fleckenmergel facies
persist t h r o u g h t h e Toarcian. I n t h e Carpathians also t h e r e are thick
beds of Toarcian Fleckenmergel, red nodular limestones and crinoidal
limestones, with a rich ammonite fauna (Goetel, 1917, p . 17).


T h i s stage is perhaps best differentiated in the Kratzalp near Salzburg

where it consists of red cephalopod limestones (Adneth facies). T h e
base is defined by a Crucilobiceras fauna of t h e Taylori Subzone (basal

Jamesoni Zone) a n d the faunas continue u p into the Margaritatus Zone,

with rich a n d varied assemblages of Eoderoceratids, Liparoceratids,
Polymorphitids, Arieticeratids, etc., etc. (Rosenberg, 1909). M u c h t h e
same faunas are represented in other places in the true A d n e t h Limestones
a n d in Fleckenmergel (see especially Mojsisovics, 1868; Geyer, 1893;
Hauer, 1854a; H a h n , 1910, p p . 366 ff; Schroder, 1925; Vortisch, 1939).
I n the K a m m e r k e r group there is crinoidal limestone with Pleuroceras
spinatum ( H a h n , 1910, p . 369). Similar faunas, including P. spinatum,
occur in t h e inner klippe chain of t h e Carpathians (Andrusov, 1 9 3 1 ;
Horwitz, 1937).


T h e s e stages are developed in a bewildering variety of facies, of which

t h e best-known names are Gresten Beds (predominantly sandy and shaly
near-shore facies bordering the Bohemian massif, b u t with intercalations
of dark sandy limestones and marls), which embrace from Hettangian
u p to the top of the Bajocian, as already stated ( T r a u t h , 1909); Hierlatz
Limestone (type locality Hierlatz near Halstatt; also Kratzalp near
Salzburg, etc.) which is U p p e r Sinemurian, corresponding to the O b t u s u m ,
O x y n o t u m and Raricostatum Zones (Rosenberg, 1909); Adnet or A d n e t h
Limestones (from A d n e t near Hallein), red nodular cephalopod limestones,
typically Pliensbachian b u t occasionally including some of the Sinemurian;
and Fleckenmergel (predominantly spotted, multi-coloured or banded
marls, u p to 250 m . thick, sometimes with bands crowded with Posidonia
alpina) which embrace from Lower Sinemurian t o Bajocian (Rothpletz,
1886; Bose, 1894; Schroder, 1925, 1927).
T h e ammonite faunas from these beds are some of the richest in t h e
world. T h o s e of t h e Hettangian are t h e best-illustrated and most varied
of the period known, thanks to monographs by N e u m a y r (1879), Warmer
(1882-98) and L a n g e (1952). T h e Sinemurian contains giant Arietitids
in size and variety equal to those of the Swabian Alb. (For further figures
of Hettangian a n d Sinemurian faunas see also Hauer, 18546, 1856;
Geyer, 1886; and Rosenberg, 1909; a n d for stratigraphy, especially
T r a u t h , 1909; H a h n , 1910; Schroder, 1925).
Similar faunas are described from t h e Carpathians a n d include Cardinia
beds (e.g. Goetel, 1917; Andrusov, 1931, with plates; Slavin, 1950).


T h e N o r t h - E a s t e r n Alps are one of the few places in the world where

Rhaetian with ammonites is known. T h e y occur in the Kossen Beds—
limestones, marls, a n d clays—mainly in the Osterhorn group south of
St Wolfgang Lake, and in the neighbourhood of Garmisch-Partenkirchen,
b u t occasionally as far as Algaii. T h e only c o m m o n genera are
Choristoceras and Monophyllites: all the rest are rarities. T h e assemblage
is essentially Triassic a n d shows practically no affinity with the
Hettangian fauna (Pompeckj, 1895).]


T h e Jurassic outcrop on the south side of the Alps begins near Lake
Como and forms a continuous strip from there eastwards t h r o u g h
L o m b a r d y and Venetia, separating t h e p i e d m o n t plain from t h e h i g h
Alps. T h e general dip is to the south, u n d e r the plain, from which it is
separated by a narrower strip of Cretaceous, while to the n o r t h it r u n s
out over a wider strip of Triassic limestones and dolomites. I n t h e
region of Lake Garda all the Mesozoic outcrops widen and send a t o n g u e
N N E . , deep into the Alps of the T r i e n t i n a ; the reason for this is that they
are thrown down to the east along the Judicarian fault, which passes
through the Judicarian and Brenta Alps on a line about 10 miles west
of the lake. At the east end the outcrop passes t h r o u g h t h e Julian
Alps into Slovenia and curves r o u n d to the south-east into the Dinaric
Alps, which will be described with the Balkan Peninsula (p. 191).
Small outliers, mainly of Lias, occur m a n y miles n o r t h of the chief
outcrop, in the Dolomites of the T y r o l and at a n u m b e r of other places
on about the same latitude.
I n facies and faunas the post-Pliensbachian Jurassics of the S o u t h e r n
Alps conform closely to those of the Apennines and Sicily on t h e one
hand and those of the Carpathians and Vienna Basin on the other. T h e
North-Eastern Alps show the influence of proximity to t h e Bohemian
massif during the Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic (Gresten facies, see p . 172),
b u t apart from t h a t t h e N o r t h - E a s t e r n Alps also belong t o t h e same
province. T h e similarities in the U p p e r Jurassic are striking. W i t h t h e
Swiss and F r e n c h Alps and the territories beyond, including Provence
and Sardinia, there is far less agreement: in fact, contrast almost
everywhere after the Lower Pliensbachian. T h e inference is that these
regions were separated on t h e far side of the Alpine Schistes lustres
geosyncline, and t h a t t h e geosyncline, which can b e first detected in
Corsica, did not continue t h r o u g h the Eastern Alps b u t died out
not far east of the Rhine line. D o u b t s cast on the identity of t h e
Schistes lustres of the Lower Engadine and T a u e r n windows (see p . 162,
and Schwinner in Schaffer, 1951, p p . 216, 231) are t h u s supported b y
the facies and ammonite faunas on the opposite sides and east e n d of
the Eastern Alps.
T h e chief peculiarities referred to, as characteristic of t h e Italian-
Carpathian region and a wide area of t h e Mediterranean, a r e : (1) great
abundance of special Hildoceratid ammonites in t h e U p p e r Pliensbachian
(the Domerian fauna); (2) ammonitico rosso in t h e Toarcian, with a b u n d ­
ance of otherwise rare Bouleiceratid genera; (3) thin, condensed, lenticular
Bajocian, Oxfordian, and Lower Kimeridgian; (4) U p p e r Bajocian,
Bathonian and perhaps Callovian developed as Posidonia b e d s with few
or no ammonites; (5) Lower and M i d d l e Kimeridgian as red nodular
cephalopod limestones, t h e Acanthicus Beds; (6) lower p a r t of the
Tithonian in same facies as t h e Acanthicus Beds, and passing u p

imperceptibly into white U p p e r T i t h o n i a n limestone of Stramberg t y p e ;

(7) imperceptible u p w a r d passage into similar white limestones of
Berriasian age (Biancone).
T h e literature of t h e S o u t h e r n Alps contains a b u n d a n t references t o
overlaps of the Kimeridgian or T i t h o n i a n on to M i d d l e and L o w e r
Jurassic and T r i a s . T h e s e statements are still repeated by Heritsch
& K u h n (in Schaffer, 1951, p . 253). A special study of the problem in
t h e Lessini Alps, east of Lake Garda, however, led Pia (1920) to the con­
clusion that in each case an illusion of overlap is created by local passage
of underlying Jurassic beds into dolomite which was mistaken for Triassic.


Biancone. W h i t e limestone identical with the Berriasian of Berrias

a n d locally rich in Calpionella (de L a p p a r e n t , 1935), passing down into
a n d difficult t o separate from the U p p e r Tithonian.]


At t h e top, white limestones (Majolica, D i p h y a Limestone) with in t h e

u p p e r p a r t Virgatosphinctes transitorius, Micracanthoceras microcanthum,
Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum, Holcophylloceras silesiacum and o t h e r
ammonites of the S t r a m b e r g U p p e r Tithonian. T h i s correlation was
m a d e as early as 1844 b y von Buch. T h e lower part of the Diphya L i m e ­
stone becomes red a n d nodular and, as in m a n y parts of the Mediterranean
area, is extremely h a r d to separate from the Acanthicus Beds. T h e
succession seems to b e identical with that in Sicily, which has been
investigated in detail m o r e recently (see p . 204). T h e lower part of t h e
D i p h y a Limestone in m a n y parts of the Southern Alps has yielded m o s t
of t h e ammonites of t h e Rogoznik Beds (e.g. Zittel, 1870, p p . 127-36;
M u n i e r - C h a l m a s , 1891, p p . 6-7). M a n y were figured in Zittel's m o n o ­
g r a p h (1870) as Lower T i t h o n i a n , b u t t h e development of true L o w e r
T i t h o n i a n as h e r e u n d e r s t o o d (see table 14, p . 167) is doubtful. I t h a n g s
on some isolated ammonites, such as Hybonoticeras hybonotum (Oppel)
figured from near Roveredo b y Benecke (1865, pi. xi), which does not
seem identical w i t h O p p e l ' s species. M o r e detailed stratigraphical
collecting is required. L o n g lists of ammonites from the two parts of
t h e T i t h o n i a n usually recognized—the red beds below, white above—
are. given for the province of Verona b y Nicolis & Parona (1885, p p . 10,
n ) , and (more up-to-date) for the Alpi Feltrine, Venetian Alps, by D a l
Piaz (1907, p p . 150-3).


T h e Acanthicus Beds, consisting of the usual red nodular limestones

crowded with ammonites, were first named from the Alps on either side
of the Adige valley b y Benecke (1865, p . 129), who listed some of the
commonest species. M a n y subsequent lists and discussions have been
published, e.g. by Mariani (1899, with figure of Idoceras taramellii M a r i a n i
sp.), Alessandri (1903), D e l C a m p a n a (1904, w i t h figures of Idoceras s p . ,
Aspidoceras and Holcophyllocer as poly oleum Ben. sp.), and Airaghi (1928).
F r o m these beds come most of t h e ammonites figured in 7 large plates
by Del Campana (1905), b u t as they are all m u s e u m specimens without
precise stratigraphical data and t h e illustrations are for the most p a r t
inadequate, the new names (particularly of t h e Perisphinctids) are as
difficult to apply as are Toula's, mentioned above (p. 168). T h e s e t w o
works, however, at least give an idea of the wealth of Perisphinctids
present in the Alpine M i d d l e and Lower Kimeridgian a n d awaiting
monographic treatment. A n interesting species is Idoceras dedalum
(Gem.) (Del Campana, 1905, pi. i, figs. 16, 17) which belongs to a g r o u p
with Ataxioceras-like ribbing a b u n d a n t in Mexico. Some virgatotome
Perisphinctids were already figured by Catullo (1853).


As in Sicily and other parts of the Mediterranean province ( N e u m a y r ,

1871, p p . 355, 359) t h e Oxfordian appears to b e elusive: absent in some
places, present in others t h o u g h condensed. A n u m b e r of Perisphinctids
figured (under wrong names) b y D e l C a m p a n a (1905, pi. ii a n d p e r h a p s
others) are U p p e r Oxfordian and indicate the T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone, as
does Pachyceras (Tornquistes) nicolesi Parona sp. from near Verona (Nicolis
& Parona, 1885, pi. i, fig. 5—if the drawing can b e trusted). T h e Gregory­
ceras figured by Del Campana (1905, pi. vi, fig. 1), t h o u g h indeterminable
from the photo, is probably G. toucasi (Kilian) of the B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e .
T o this zone also belongs Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) veronense Parona
s p . (Nicolis & Parona, 1885, pi. ii, fig. 1). T h e occurrence of t h e t w o
northern genera Amoeboceras a n d Pachyceras near Verona is noteworthy.
Lower Oxfordian cannot definitely b e recorded b u t m a y b e represented
b y Aptychus Beds or Posidonia Beds.


N o ammonites belonging unequivocally to either stage seem to b e

authenticated. I t is possible that b o t h stages are represented in t h e
Posidonia Beds, which consist of crystalline red limestone and shale, t h e
r e d stone sometimes packed w i t h white Posidonia shells, forming l u m a -
chelles (Benecke, 1865, p p . 118-9—who already dated t h e beds to t h e
Bathonian; also Pia, 1920, p . 128; D a l Piaz, 1912—no cephalopods;
Bettoni, 1904). T h e s e beds, however, certainly are early U p p e r Bajocian
at the base (see below).


East of Lake Garda, in the Sette C o m u n i a n d at A q u e F r e d d e , the

lower part of the Posidonia Beds yields a dwarf fauna including m a n y
ammonites which are partly small species, partly nuclei a n d partly y o u n g .
T h e two principal localities, monographed b y Parona (1894, 1896), were

believed by h i m to b e on the same horizon although only Posidonia and a

few ammonites are c o m m o n to the two. T h e y w e r e interpreted by Parana
as Callovian, b u t H a u g (1910, T r a i t e , p . 1029) pointed out that they are
U p p e r Bajocian. F r o m the plates of P a r a n a ' s second monograph (1896,
pis. i, ii) it is clear that this is an important assemblage of the Subfurcatum
Zone, and the following generic redeterminations are now suggested:
Poecilomorphus (pi. i, figs. 4, 5, 6), ? Strigoceras (8), Oecotraustes (10, 11,
the latter same as 'Oppelina umbilicata' Buckman?), Cadomoceras (12, 13),
Sphaeroceras (14, 15), Oecoptychoceras (16, 17), Normannites (19), Teloceras
(20), Cadomites (21), Caumontisphinctes (22, and pi. ii, fig. 9), Strenoceras
(1, 2), Cleistosphinctes (3), Vermisphinctes (5, 6). Spiroceras annulatum
(Desh.) is recorded from A q u e F r e d d e .
T h e Posidonia Beds are said (Parana, 1894, p . 366) to rest either on t h e
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone or on a later crinoidal limestone; b u t although
this would be the natural sequence, the presence of a H u m p h r i e s i a n u m
Zone fauna in this part of the Southern Alps seems unproved, although
it is present, with a Sauzei Zone fauna also, in the Feltre region south of
t h e Dolomites (Dal Piaz, 1907); this region has an exceedingly rich fauna
of M i d d l e Bajocian ammonites. A specimen of Skirroceras cf. macrum
(Quenst.) in M i l a n M u s e u m is figured by Alessandri (1903, p . 257), a n d
Emileia polyschides is recorded with a Skirroceras near Lake Garda b y
W a a g e n (see Vacek, 1886, p . 200).
A n o t h e r focus of interest in the Bajocian of the Southern Alps is an
ammonite-limestone only 1 m . thick, which crops out at Cape St Vigilio
on the east shore of Lake Garda. I t is a condensed bed and contains, as
Buckman pointed out (1910, p . 96), representatives of all the Bajocian
zones from basal Sowerbyi (Discites Subzone) down to Opalinum, b o t h
inclusive, and also Pleydelliae of the topmost Toarcian (Aalensis Zone)
as s h o w n b y Botto-Micca (1893). T h e bed, discovered by Benecke
(1865), was m a d e famous b y Vacek's m o n o g r a p h (1886). A nomenclatural
revision is long overdue. Besides n u m e r o u s Phylloceratids and L y t o ­
ceratids, Vacek figured (among others) the following a m m o n i t e s : —
Leioceras spp. ) p l . vi, figs. 4-16; vii, n - 1 7 ; ix, 6, 7, 14 (for some
Pleydellia spp. j revisions see Botto-Micca, 1893)
Ludwigia sp., vii, 4, 8
Brasilia sp., vi, 17; vii, 1-3
Graphoceras sp., viii, 1
Hyperlioceras sp., viii, 2
Protoecotraustes sp., ix, 13
Bradfordia gracililoba (Vacek), x, 1-4
Bradfordia subplicatella (Vacek), xi, 1-5
Bradfordia blumius (de Gregorio) ix, 8-12
? Hebetoxyites subaspidoides (Vacek), x, 5-7
Eudmetoceras klimakomphalum (Vacek), viii, 16, 17
Eudmetoceras amaltheiforme (Vacek), ix, 1-4
Parammatoceras sieboldi (Oppel), xi, 6, 7

Planammatoceras tenuinsigne (Vacek), xii, 7 (? 6)

Planammatoceras planinsigne (Vacek), xiii
Hammatoceras vaceki R o m a n n o n Prinz, xiv, 5-9
Hammatoceras dolium Buckman, xiv, 1-4
Hammatoceras procerinsigne Vacek, xiv, 10-13
Erycites fallax (Benecke n o n G u e r a n g e r ) , xv, 1-9
Erycites (Abbasites) gonionotus (Ben.), xvi, 9, 10
Erycites (new gen.?) tenax (Vacek), xv, 10-14
Erycites (new gen.?) sagax (Vacek), xv, 15-18
Zurcheria pugnax (Vacek), xvi, 1-4
Zurcheria pertinax (Vacek), xvi, 5-7
Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), xvi, 15-17
Catulloceras dumortieri (Thiolliere), xvi, n - 1 4
Docidoceras longalvum (Vacek), xvii, 1, 2
Docidoceras sp., xvii, 3
Docidoceras modestum (Vacek), xvii, 4-6
Docidoceras placidum (Vacek), xvii, 7-8
? Emileia punctum (Vacek), xvii, 12, 13
Vacek based on his study of this fauna a survey of t h e Bajocian of all
Europe and drew far-reaching conclusions as to t h e classification of t h e
Jurassic, b u t his conclusions are vitiated by his failure to realize t h e
condensed nature of the bed, which he called 'the O p a l i n u m Z o n e ' . A
substantial part of the same fauna occurs farther east, in the province of
Treviso (Botto-Micca, 1893).

L I A S (up to 600 m.)

T h e Lias, especially Toarcian and Pleinsbachian, is so extremely rich

in ammonites and has produced such an e n o r m o u s literature, that a
seriatim treatment cannot here be attempted. T h e zonal succession
appears to be the same as in the Apennines a n d Sicily, b o t h of which
are treated stage by stage in this book (pp. 209, 217). As a broad
generalization, the Toarcian a n d Pliensbachian consist predominantly of
soft grey limestones and shales, the Sinemurian and Hettangian of
hard light grey or white limestones, sometimes oolitic; the Hettangian
being in places a white dolomite hardly distinguishable from t h e Rhaetian.
Special interest attaches to the U p p e r Pliensbachian. T h e substage
name Domerian is named from M o n t e D o m e r o or D o m a r o in t h e
L o m b a r d y Alps. Some of t h e monographs on t h e D o m e r i a n fauna,
however, include a n u m b e r of ammonites which according to t h e classi­
fication now used belong to t h e basal Toarcian. I n some of t h e m o s t
recent and important stratigraphical work this arrangement is still m a i n ­
tained (e.g. Venzo, 1952, p p . 112, 113). I n the U p p e r Toarcian t h e r e is a
great variety of species which are customarily assigned to a n u m b e r of
different genera set u p by Buckman b u t arbitrarily defined and better
considered synonyms: e.g. Chartronia a n d Denckmannia Buckman
4o not seem objectively separable from Phymatoceras H y a t t w h e n referred
i 8

back to the type species. T h e classification of the Hildoceratidae is also

in an unsatisfactory state.
F o r t h e T o a r c i a n a n d Pliensbachian reference should b e m a d e to
Bettoni (1900), Bonarelli (1894, 1895), Ceretta (1938), Cita (1947), Desio
& Airaghi (1934), F u c i n i (1908), Gregorio (1885), Haas (1913, 1951),
H a u e r (1861), Lepori (1942), Meneghini (1867-81), Mitzopoulos (1932),
Mitzopoulos & Renz (1929), Negri (1934-6), Parona (1892), Renz (1922,
1925, 19256, 1927), Taramelli (1880), T a u s c h (1890), T o n i (1911-12),
Vecchia (1949), Venzo (1952 and monographs in the press).
F o r t h e S i n e m u r i a n a n d H e t t a n g i a n important works are those b y
Alessandri (1903), Boehm (1884), Bonarelli (1894), Ceretta (1938), Negri
(1934-6), Parona (1896-8), Taramelli (1880), Vecchia (1945, 1948, 1949).



F r o m the headwaters of t h e River Theiss, in Bukovina, t h e Carpathian

arc turns S S E . and t h e n south, fronted b y its own flysch zones w i t h
remnants of t h e klippe chain on their inner edge. A t t h e knee-bend, w h e r e
eastern Carpathians t u r n west into Transylvanian Alps, these zones are
cut off as it were by a mighty tear system. U n d e r t h e Wallachian plain
there seems t o lie a rigid s p u r which h a s u n d e r t h r u s t W N W . a n d p r o d u c e d
the great loop of mountains in which t h e Transylvanian Alps o n t h e n o r t h
and the Balkan M o u n t a i n s on t h e south face one another across t h e lower
D a n u b e plain and join at t h e I r o n Gates. Stille (1953) calls this t h e W a l ­
lachian spur and visualizes it as t h e western tip of a sunk block underlying
the Black Sea (the Euxinic Swell of Stille, 1953, p . 156, Pontic Mass of
Wilser, 1928, p . 216).
T h e eastern Carpathians and Transylvanian Alps, and t h e associated
mountains of Banat to t h e west a n d SW., enclose t h e basin of Transylvania
(Siebenbiirgen, part of which is Szeklerland of t h e older geological
literature), and Jurassic outcrops, important out of proportion to their small
size, occur in the mountains on east, south a n d west sides of t h e basin.
T h e Jurassic is characterized by patchy Lias, largely in t h e near-shore
Gresten facies, overlain b y transgressive Lower Kimeridgian or T i t h o n i a n ;
but in places thin, condensed cephalopod beds of U p p e r Oxfordian,
Middle Callovian, or Bathonian dates begin t h e transgressive series, after
what appears to have b e e n almost complete regression in t h e Bajocian.
T h u s the area epitomizes many of t h e principal transgressions that occurred
in many parts of the world. F r o m Bathonian to Oxfordian, both inclusive,
there was non-deposition or retarded deposition a n d condensation, as in
many other parts of t h e Mediterranean region. Strong deposition began
only with t h e Tithonian (reef limestones u p to 340 m . thick). T h e
ammonite faunas are all markedly Mediterranean, with a b u n d a n c e of
Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids at all levels, b u t with a strong mixture
of north-European forms in t h e Bathonian, Callovian and Oxfordian.
T h e clastic materials in t h e Gresten facies of t h e Lias are believed
to have been derived from a Liassic landmass called by Mojsisovics t h e
Oriental Island (Pompeckj, 1897). I t covered t h e southern p a r t of T r a n s y l ­
vania and the southern part of t h e H u n g a r i a n plain (Pannonian basin)
and was continued through Serbia to include t h e south-eastern part of t h e
Balkan peninsula and t h e Aegean. I t is noticeable that t h e Wallachian-
Bulgarian gulf postulated by Pompeckj for Liassic times nearly coincides
with the rigid Wallachian spur postulated b y Stille (1953) on tectonic
grounds. T h e Liassic outcrops considered by Pompeckj, however, lie
F I G . I 8.—Jurassic outcrops of the northern and central Balkan peninsula, compiled chiefly from maps by Petkovic (1930-31)
for Yugoslavia, and Boncev (1936), with modifications from Kamenoff (1947) for Bulgaria.

within the folded and t h r u s t m o u n t a i n ranges and m u s t have been more or

less displaced during the Tertiary movements. His detailed reconstruction
of the shoreline of the Oriental Island takes no account of these m o v e ­
ments and may therefore be misleading. N o r does it follow t h a t t h e
Wallachian spur was covered b y Liassic sea, for according to Stille's
tectonic interpretation it was not moved into its present position until
U p p e r Cretaceous times; and the more easterly parts, now u n d e r t h e
Black Sea, are believed, from evidence on t h e n o r t h coast of Anatolia,
to have been above sea-level in t h e Lias. Pompeckj's m a p of t h e Oriental
Island is reproduced here (fig. 19) for historical interest a n d because in
essence the concept is probably correct; b u t its coasts have h a d to b e
redrawn to exclude outcrops since discovered in the Stranca M o u n t a i n s
and Argolis, and the easterly connexions have been modified after Wilser.


Massive white T i t h o n i a n limestones form crags and precipitous cliffs

here and there t h r o u g h o u t the klippe chain of t h e eastern and southern
Carpathians. Some of t h e most spectacular are t h e crags of t h e N a g y -
0 0
hagymas M o u n t a i n s between latitude 4 6 30' and 4 7 , studied by H e r b i c h
(1878, p . 190). T h e thickness here is u p to 340 m., b u t fossils are h a r d to
extract—chiefly corals, Diceras, and large gastropods, no ammonites.
I n the western Transylvanian Alps (Banat) red limestones with Berriasella
richteri (Op.) and other Perisphinctids are overlain b y white cherty
Berriasian limestones with B. boissieri (Pict.), a n d in another part of t h e
same area white Diphya Limestone with chert nodules is attributed to
t h e Tithonian (Tietze, 1870). N e a r t h e I r o n Gates, o n t h e D a n u b e , t h e
T i t h o n i a n rests on Bathonian (Tietze, 1872, p p . 72, 74), and in t h e
Transylvanian Alps in some places on Callovian, in others directly on
crystalline schists of t h e basement (Popovici-Hatzeg in H a u g , 1910,
T r a i t e , p . 1106).


T h i s is developed in its typical Mediterranean form of red or green and

sandy, massive or nodular, cephalopod limestones, t h e Acanthicus Beds.
N e u m a y r (1873) and Herbich (1878) m o n o g r a p h e d t h e ammonites, with a
wealth of figures. I t so results that these remote and sparsely inhabited
mountains yielded the types of genera and species q u o t e d for t h e
Kimeridgian the world over. Unfortunately H e r b i c h ' s figures are not
u p to the standard of N e u m a y r ' s , and his types will have to be refigured
before his n u m e r o u s species can be interpreted. Both authors established
t h e presence of two zones in the Acanthicus B e d s : t h e u p p e r or Beckeri
Z o n e is characterized b y a b u n d a n c e of Pygope janitor a n d by t h e ammonites
Hybonoticeras beckeri (N.), H. harpephorum (N.), H. verestoicum (H.),
Aspidoceras microplum (Op.), Glochiceras jialar (Op.), G. tenuifalcatum
(N.), Taramelliceras compsum (Op.), T. kochi (H.), T. pugilis (N.), T. mikoi
( H ) , Hemihaploceras schwageri (N.), Sowerbyceras loryi ( M u n i e r ) , etc.

T h e lower or T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone is characterized b y Holcophylloceras

polyolcum (Ben.), Phylloceras isotypum (Ben.), Taramelliceras trachynotum
(Op.), Aspidoceras uhlandi (Op.), A. zeuschneri Zit., A. deaki H., Pseudo-
simoceras herbichi (Hauer), P. teres ( N . ) , Ataxioceras fasciferum ( N . ) et
spp., Sutneria s p p .

F I G . 19.—The Oriental Island (shaded; at the time of the Lias, after Pompeckj; the eastern
bulge and the south-west coast modified to exclude outcrops since discovered in the
Stranca Mountains and Argolis. The edge of the Russian mainland is also shaded.

Unfortunately t h e horizon of some of t h e most interesting forms is

still u n k n o w n : among t h e m Hemihaploceras nobile (N.) (type of the genus),
Semiformiceras darwini (N.), Simocosmoceras nitidulum ( N . ) , Katroliceras
acer (N.), Pseudowaagenia haynaldi (H.) (type of t h e genus), and most of
t h e remarkable Perisphinctids. M a n y species, including Aspidoceras
acanthicum, Lytoceras polycyclum a n d Phylloceratids, range through both
zones. Pygope janitor is confined to t h e Beckeri Zone.
I n t h e region of t h e I r o n Gates a n d also in t h e Transylvanian Alps
t h e Acanthicus Beds are absent, overlapped b y t h e Tithonian.


A p a r t from a small collection of U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids a n d

Euaspidoceras from a locality in Banat (Neumayr, 1871, p . 356) n o

Oxfordian seems to be known in the region. However, if H e r b i c h ' s

l8 3

drawing is accurate, his P. witteanus (1878, pi. ix, fig. 2) is m o r e like a

Microbiplices t h a n a Prorasenia and suggests that the top of t h e
B i m a m m a t u m Zone may b e represented in t h e Acanthicus Beds. Some of
his Perisphinctids, to j u d g e from t h e drawings (P. siculus, P. stenonotus,
P. oxypleurus) could also b e late Oxfordian.


T h i s stage likewise is generally absent, b u t at Valea L u p u l u i , n e a r

Rucar, in t h e Transylvanian Alps, it is present in t h e form of a red crinoidal
limestone intercalated between t h e crystalline schists and transgressive
Tithonian. I t yields an ammonite fauna of t h e A n c e p s a n d Athleta
Zones (Simionescu, 1898, 1899). A m o n g the few figured species, Kosmo­
ceras mrazeci Sim., belonging to the duncani group, Peltoceras subannulare
Sim., and some Hecticoceras s p p . indicate U p p e r Callovian, whereas most
of the forms recorded b u t not figured are of the Anceps Zone.


N o representative of this stage is k n o w n in t h e n o r t h e r n areas, b u t in

t h e Transylvanian Alps and Banat a n d across the D a n u b e into t h e w e s t e r n
Balkan M o u n t a i n s it is present in a n u m b e r of places, in t h e form of a
thin, condensed, ironshot limestone, packed with well-preserved
ammonites. T h e thickness of the b e d does not exceed 1 m . a n d it occurs
only as lenticles here and there at t h e base of t h e T i t h o n i a n limestones
a n d rests on coarse sandstones attributed to t h e Lias. T h e most con­
spicuous element in the fauna is L o w e r Bathonian, b u t U p p e r Bathonian
is also present, as in Sicily (p. 208). T h e b e d was first m a d e k n o w n at
Swinitza, on the left bank of t h e D a n u b e near t h e I r o n Gates, where it is
1 ft. thick, and as all the ammonites described in t h e classic m o n o g r a p h
b y Kudernatsch (1852) have been renamed, either generically or speci­
fically or both, those figured are here listed u n d e r their revised n a m e s .
T h e n u m b e r s refer to K u d e r n a t s c h ' s plates a n d figures.

Phylloceras subobtusum ( K u d . ) , ii, 1-3

Phylloceras kudernatschi Hauer, t y p e i, 5-9
Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel), i, 1-4
Lytoceras adeloides ( K u d . ) , ii, 14-16
Lissoceras ferrifex (Zittel), t y p e ii, 4, 5
Lissoceras psilodiscus (Schloenbach), ii, 7, 8
Prohecticoceras bisculptum (Oppel), type ii, 9, 10
Prohecticoceras sp. nov., ii, 11, 12
Bullatimorphitesymir (Oppel), type iii, i, 2 (and 3, 4?)
Cadomites rectelobatus (Hauer), iii, 5, 6
Siemiradzkia aurigera (Oppel), iii, 7, 8
Siemiradzkia sp., iii, 9, 10
Wagnericeras banaticum ( K u d . ) , type iv, 1,2
Procerites sp., iv, 3, 4
i8 4

F r o m M o u n t Strunga, in the Bucegi group, Transylvanian Alps, a more

extensive fauna has been published, with many figures (Simionescu, 1905;
Popovici-Hatzeg, 1905). I t contains typical Procerites of the subprocerus
g r o u p (Simionescu, pi. ii, fig. 1, pi. iv, fig. 1) and Oxycerites fallax
G u e r a n g e r sp. (figured by b o t h authors) and many other interesting
Oppeliids, such as Prohecticoceras haugi, P. retrocostatum, Paralcidia
mariorae, Strungia redlichi, S. binodosa, various Bullatimorphites and
allied forms, and a wealth of Phylloceratids.
T h i s fauna is neither wholly Lower Bathonian as stated by T i e t z e
(1872, p . 72) nor U p p e r Bathonian as stated by H a u g (1910, T r a i t e ,
p . 1030), b u t a condensed combination of both, with Lower Bathonian
elements predominating. Popovici-Hatzeg (1905, p . 23) recorded also
two species of Macrocephalites b u t did not figure them, and in 1954
nothing belonging to this genus could b e found in his collection in Paris.
Since certainly one and probably b o t h of the 'Macrocephalites' figured
from Villany by Loczy (1915, pi. iv) are misidentified generically, t h e
M o u n t Strunga records should be taken with reserve until confirmed.


I n Banat are Posidonia shales believed to be of Lower Bajocian age

(Tietze, 1872, p p . 69-70), and at M o u n t Strunga the Lower Bathonian
a m m o n i t e b e d is underlain b y sandstones with pelecypods and brachiopods
said to belong to Bajocian species; these repose with a basal q u a r t z
conglomerate on the crystalline schists (Popovici-Hatzeg in Haug, 1910,
T r a i t e , p . 1030).


Zonal ammonites of t h e L o w e r and U p p e r Toarcian and especially

of t h e U p p e r Pliensbachian are quoted from all sides of the Transylvanian
basin b u t n o sequences of special interest are reported. (See Tietze,
1870, 1872; Herbich, 1878, p p . 120-8; Pompeckj, 1897, p p . 764, 768-9).
T h e beds are developed as sandstones, shales and micaceous sandy
limestone, in t h e G r e s t e n facies.


I n the west and S W . (Banat) and SE. (Kronstadt, = Brasov) areas the
near-shore G r e s t e n facies seems to go down to near the base of the Lias,
j u d g i n g b y Cardinia and other fossils, b u t ammonites are absent or rare.
T h e rock-types are chiefly sandstones, grading on the one hand into
shales and on the other into conglomerates, and sometimes containing
coal-seams. (References as for Pliensbachian).
I n t h e eastern Carpathians, however, in Bukovina (Uhlig, 1900) and
Transylvania, especially at Alsorakos in the Persany M o u n t a i n s on latitude
46° N . , t h e r e are small outcrops of red ammonite limestone and shale,

of Adneth facies. T h e thickness at Alsorakos is only 3 t o 6 m . a n d n o

sequence is discernible, b u t at least 73 species of ammonites have been
described by Herbich (1878) and Vadasz (1908; with revision of H e r b i c h ' s
types). Ammonites comprise 84 p e r cent, of the k n o w n fauna in n u m b e r s
of species, b u t m u c h m o r e i n n u m b e r s of individuals; a n d b y far t h e
greater part are Phylloceratids. T h i s small outcrop was t h e richest in
Phylloceratids described anywhere, b u t it is n o w k n o w n to b e at least
equalled by northern Bakony (see p . 190). F r o m Alsorakos H e r b i c h
figured t h e type species of Schistophylloceras H y a t t (pi. X X , G, fig. 2),
Geyeroceras Hyatt (pi. X X , E, fig. 2), Dasyceras H y a t t (pi. X X , G, fig. 3),
and Paradasyceras Spath (pi. X X , K, fig. 1), also forms of Juraphyllites
(pi. X X , I ) , Hantkeniceras (pi. X X , E , fig. 3), a n d t h e usually rare Ecto-
centrites (pis. X X , L , fig. 1, X X , B, fig. 3) and ? Peltolytoceras (pi. X X , C,
fig. 1). T h e r e are also Schlotheimids, Arietitids, Gagaticeras (pi. X X , E ,
fig. 1), Echioceras, etc., representing t h e whole of t h e Sinemurian a n d t h e
top of the Hettangian. T h e beds rest on, a n d may b e enclosed in, volcanic
tuffs of post-Jurassic age. Elsewhere similar tuffs enclose erratic blocks
of Triassic and T i t h o n i a n limestone, and t h e occurrence farther n o r t h of
Callovian ammonites in tuffs may b e analogous (see p . 170). T h e explana­
tion is n o t clear.
T h e red Lower Lias limestones of Valesacca in Bukovina yield an
assemblage consisting mainly of Arietitids (among t h e m four n e w species)
surprisingly different from t h e fauna of Transylvania, although having a
n u m b e r of c o m m o n species (Uhlig, 1900). T h e zones represented here
are those of O b t u s u m , O x y n o t u m a n d Raricostatum (Gugenberger, 1936,
p. 203).


T h e Transylvanian Alps a n d associated m o u n t a i n s of Banat cross t h e

D a n u b e at and upstream of t h e I r o n Gates, continue southward for a while,
then curve round to r u n west-east t h r o u g h t h e Stara Planina a n d Balkan
ranges, completing a perfect U - b e n d a r o u n d t h e plain of Wallachia o r
Lower D a n u b e basin. T h e whole range, from t h e D a n u b e t o t h e Black
Sea, is considered in this section as t h e Balkan M o u n t a i n s in t h e extended
sense of the t e r m . * T h e western a n d central parts are strongly overthrust
towards t h e Wallachian plain, b u t farther east, where t h e m o u n t a i n s
decrease in height, t h e n o r t h w a r d m o v e m e n t also dies down a n d a b r o a d ­
ening autochthonous flysch zone comes i n ; in this eastern sector t h e
cross-section is comparable with t h a t across t h e chain-Jura a n d plateau-
Jura where they approach t h e foreland of t h e Black F o r e s t — t h e foreland
here being a sunk block beneath t h e plains, which comes to t h e surface
in Dobrogea (see p . 188). Shortly before striking o u t into t h e Black
Sea, t h e remaining Balkan structures take an east-south-easterly t u r n ,
pointing towards t h e n o r t h e r n ranges of Anatolia, in which they a r e
continued (Kockel, 1927; Wilser, 1928).
* In a tectonic sense this usage would appear to be unjustified (see Boncev, 1938).

N u m e r o u s disconnected outcrops of Jurassic occur all through the

Balkan M o u n t a i n s , especially in the west, where they are scattered over
t h e whole width between the valleys of the D a n u b e and Morava Rivers
a n d nearly s u r r o u n d t h e granitic and palaeozoic core of the Stara Planina.
(See Boncev, 1936.) Kimeridgian and Tithonian outcrops also cover
extensive areas farther west in the neighbourhood of Belgrade, where they
were m a p p e d as Neocomian (Gocanin, 1938). Considerable outcrops
are n o w also k n o w n in t h e Stranca Mountains, which diverge S E .
t o w a r d s t h e Bosphorus (Cohen, 1946).


T i t h o n i a n limestones in reef and off-reef facies are thickly developed,

especially in the west. U h l i g (1884) already recognized their resemblance
to S t r a m b e r g limestone on t h e right bank of the D a n u b e at Golubac.
F r o m here southward they spread out in long north-south lines and blend
inseparably with Berriasian limestones in similar facies, the whole mass
500-700 m . thick. T h e N - S linear arrangement is thought to be in
p a r t original, t h e reefs having grown along the east shore of the Oriental
Island. T h e fauna is rich in gastropods, corals, etc., and also yields
Phylloceratids, Lytoceratids and Perisphinctids (Petkovic, 1949). A
Perisphinctid from t h e T i t h o n i a n near Petrovac, SE. of Belgrade and
about 25 miles south of the D a n u b e gorge, has been identified with a N e w
Zealand species, Aulacosphinctoides brownei Marshall sp. (Petkovic, 1938);
b u t although the specimen is poor and t h e figure not clear, so far as it
can b e seen it looks more likely to b e Berriasella lorioli (Zittel), or
Aulacosphinctes eudichotomus (Zittel), which was already recorded from
G o l u b a c by Uhlig in 1884.
F a r t h e r south-east, in t h e region S W . of Sofia, the reef facies changes
into nodular, calcareous and argillaceous sandstones with intercalations
of sandy shales, marls, sandy limestones and conglomerates. T h e thickness
of t h e T i t h o n i a n alone still exceeds 150 m . T h e marly limestones and
shales yield a rich ammonite and aptychus fauna, chiefly of t h e U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n b u t including Neochetoceras steraspis Oppel sp. (Beregov,
1933, 1935; Boncev & Beregov, 1935). (Some figures in Cohen & others,
1946, pis. vii, viii.)
I n the Belgrade district there are conglomerates and a slight uncon­
formity between L o w e r and U p p e r T i t h o n i a n , and a 'diabase-hornstone
formation' occurs in the Lower T i t h o n i a n (Gocanin, 1938).


Red or grey and red-spotted nodular marly limestones, marls, and clay
shales, sometimes with chert nodules, form typical representatives of the
Acanthicus Beds a n d have yielded a long list of the usual ammonites
(Zlatarski, 1908, p p . 221, 2 2 8 ; Beregov, 1935). T w o species of Tara­
melliceras, T. bidgaricum and T. balkanense, were named from a locality

north of Sofia (Toula, 1893, pi. ii, figs. 1, 2). A n o t h e r list typical for t h e
Acanthicus Beds comes from a locality in the Stara Planina ( K a m e n o v ,
1934). T h e thickness with the Oxfordian amounts to about 50 m .


In the central Balkans marly limestones with black cherts have yielded
Peltoceras arduennense (d'Orb.) and some Perisphinctids, and farther w e s t
shales and false-breccias have p r o d u c e d Perisphinctes tizianiformis Choffat
(Zlatarski, 1908, p . 227; Beregov, 1935).

C A L L O V I A N has not b e e n established. A m m o n i t e s from the Stara Planina

figured as from Macrocephalus beds b y Boncev & Popov (1935) look m o r e
like Bathonian Procerites (fig. 2), Choffatia (4, 5), Wagnericeras (6) a n d
Oxycerites (1).


T h e condensed Bathonian a m m o n i t e b e d of Swinitza continues on t h e

prolongation of the Banat ranges south of the D a n u b e . I t is only 10 cm.
thick and soon wedges out. It is close above crystalline basement a n d
overlain directly b y red nodular limestones ascribed t o t h e T i t h o n i a n
(Uhlig, 1884). Farther south beds with brachiopods and pelecypods
associated with the U p p e r Bajocian are probably in p a r t Bathonian.


I n various parts of the Balkan M o u n t a i n s t h e zonal index species

of the Parkinsoni, Garantiana, H u m p h r i e s i a n u m , Sauzei, M u r c h i s o n a e
and Opalinum Zones are recorded, with Oppelia subradiata, Dorsetensia
edouardiana, Normannites braikenridgei, Chondroceras gervillei and other
ammonites, Spiroceras, a n d a n extensive fauna of brachiopods a n d p e l e ­
cypods (Zlatarski, 1908, p p . 191, 226; Cohen, 1932; Beregov, 1935, p .
108; some figures in Cohen & others, 1946, pis. vi, vii, and in T z a n k o v
& Boncev, 1934). T h e records show that some zones are present i n some
parts of the range, others in other parts.


T h i s stage is likewise well represented, with Pleydellia aalensis, Dumor~

tieria levesquei and all the usual Hildoceratids and Dactylioceratids
(listed Zlatarski, 1908, p p . 179-80; Toula, 1 8 8 1 ; Cohen, 1932). T h e
facies is always clay shales or clayey sandstones.


Lower and M i d d l e Lias are widely distributed and take on a great

variety of facies—sandstones, shales, marls. A m m o n i t e s recorded, if
correctly determined, indicate t h e presence of all three stages, from
Spinatum to A n g u l a t u m Zones (Zlatarski, 1908, p p . 174-5, 7%~9> 2 2 3 - 5 ;
Toula, 1893; Tzankov & Boncev, 1932; Bakalov, 1936).

M o r e t h a n 100 miles n o r t h of the outer folds of the Balkan M o u n t a i n s ,

w h e r e they r u n out into the Black Sea, and far out in the foreland of both
Balkans and Carpathians, Mesozoic and Palaeozoic rocks rise from t h e
alluvial plains and loess in the Dobrogea. T h e isolated group of hills
so formed is enclosed in a peninsula between the sea and the right-angled
b e n d s and marshes of t h e D a n u b e , before it enters the delta. T h e chief
Jurassic inliers p r o t r u d e from loess across the neck of the peninsula
a n d some are well exposed in cliffs on the D a n u b e near Harsova, and in
large quarries worked for cement.
T h e Jurassic sequence (Simionescu, 1910) rests unconformably o n
green schists of Lower Palaeozoic age and begins with sandstone and a
ferruginous limestone, b o t h of uncertain d a t e : perhaps Lower Oxfordian
or U p p e r Callovian, j u d g i n g by some echinoids and Rhynchonella
thurntanni. Above this comes a thick series of limestones with a wonderful
U p p e r Oxfordian ammonite fauna monographed b y Simionescu (1907),
passing laterally into sponge limestones and coralline sand, followed
without distinct break b y similar Lower Kimeridgian limestones which
pass laterally and u p w a r d into coral limestones. At the top are regularly
b e d d e d limestones and dolomites without diagnostic fossils, probably
M i d d l e Kimeridgian in date, overlain by Cretaceous conglomerate.
M a n y of t h e ammonites figured in Simionescu's excellent monograph
have b e e n discussed b y m e in m y monograph on the ammonites of the
English Corallian Beds. O n e of Simionescu's species, Perisphinctes
cotovui, proved to b e the commonest and most characteristic form in the
English Plicatilis Zone and his n a m e was adopted. M a n y of the other
Perisphinctids are also of this age, t h o u g h most show subtle differences
in some character or other from their closely allied counterparts in Britain
a n d N W . E u r o p e , no d o u b t due to geographical distance. M a n y are
identical with forms in the similar thick U p p e r Oxfordian limestones of
t h e Cracow district (p. 479), others with those of T r e p t (p. 95).
Peltoceras arduennense (d'Orb.), recorded from the basal bed, above t h e
u n d a t e d ferruginous limestone, indicates that the main limestone series
begins with the Lower Oxfordian, and several other ammonites not tied
d o w n stratigraphically are also Lower Oxfordian, for instance Protophites
christoli (Baud.), Perisphinctes michalskii Buk., Peltoceras cf. constantii
( d ' O r b . ) , Euaspidoceras babeanum (d'Orb.), E. edwardsianum ( d ' O r b . ) ;
b u t there are no Cardioceratids, and very few Phylloceratids at any level.
T h e greater part of t h e fauna, however, belongs to the B i m a m m a t u m
Zone, which is represented by Epipeltoceras bimammatum (Quenst.),
E. berrense (Favre), Euaspidoceras oegir (Oppel), E. hypselum (Oppel),
Clambites clambus (Oppel) and remarkable Perisphinctids. Lower
K i m e r i d g i a n elements are certainly present also, for instance Ataxioceras
cf. inconditum (Font.), Physodoceras liparum (Oppel), Aspidoceras cf.
uhlandi (Oppel). As indicated b y these records, the Bimammatum and

Tenuilobatus Zones show a marked affinity with S W . G e r m a n y . The

highest beds, in Plattenkalk facies, assigned by Simionescu to t h e 'Port­
landian', may therefore b e approximately equivalent to t h e Franconian
Plattenkalk (Gravesia Zones).
In northern Dobrogea marine Lower, M i d d l e and U p p e r T r i a s come
in below the U p p e r Jurassic, b u t t h e u p p e r m o s t T r i a s is in sandstone
and conglomerate facies and discontinuous, indicating the onset of the
Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic regression. While t h e U p p e r Jurassic is
only gently undulated on N W . - S E . axes, the T r i a s is sharply folded,
overturned and imbricated on N E . - S W . axes, parallel to t h e strike of
the Palaeozoic. T h i s occurrence of strongly folded T r i a s below u n d i s ­
turbed U p p e r Jurassic is highly anomalous: no parallel can b e found for
it in any surrounding country in E u r o p e or west Asia. Suess inferred a
'Lower Cimmerian' (post-Trias, pre-Lias) orogeny and assumed t h a t
the Dobrogea and Crimea formed parts of a m o u n t a i n range raised at
this time, the 'Cimmerian M o u n t a i n s ' . I n fact, however, m o v e m e n t s
at this period in the Crimea are extremely doubtful (see p . 354) and in the
Dobrogea they could have taken place at any time between t h e U p p e r
Trias and the U p p e r Jurassic, t h o u g h the absence of L o w e r or M i d d l e
Jurassic sediments makes an early date most probable. Wilser (1928,
p. 180) believed that the distortion of t h e T r i a s was caused by disharmonic
folding of the less competent T r i a s beneath t h e highly competent cover
of U p p e r Jurassic limestones during t h e T e r t i a r y orogeny; b u t t h e strikes
are discrepant, and no folding of the Jurassic violent e n o u g h to make this
probable has been reported. A n o t h e r possible explanation might b e
penecontemporaneous slumping. However this m a y be, t h e D o b r o g e a
clearly is an upraised part of the foreland of t h e Balkan and Carpathian
arcs. As Wilser emphasized, its stratigraphy, b o t h Palaeozoic a n d
Mesozoic, provides no grounds for assuming continuity with t h e Crimea
and Caucasus, where the sediments appear to have accumulated on t h e
margin of the northern continent in a geosyncline which opened s o u t h -
eastwards into the T e t h y s b u t came to a blind end westwards over w h a t
is now the western Black Sea. (See also Stille, 1953, p p . 133-5.)


T h e Bakony M o u n t a i n s r u n for about 125 miles S W . from Budapest,

north of and parallel to Lake Balaton. T h e structure is in the m a i n a
series of tilted fault blocks or plateaux, consisting principally of Triassic
dolomites. U p o n the T r i a s follows a variable thickness of Liassic lime­
stones and shales in many different facies, ranging from Hettangian to
Toarcian. T h e Lias is apparently complete, t h o u g h certain zones may b e
missing locally. I n the north-east Lower Bajocian u p to M u r c h i s o n a e
Zone follows on, developed as red limestones. T h e U p p e r Toarcian in t h e
south, Lower Bajocian in the north, are unconformably overlain by
white U p p e r T i t h o n i a n limestones with Berriasella cf. lorioli (Zit.),

Aulacosphinctes cf. eudichotomus (Zit.), Haploceras cf. staszycii Zit.,

Phylloceras serum (Op.), P. silesiacum (Op.), etc.
T h e Bakony M o u n t a i n s are one of the world's richest areas for Liassic
ammonites, especially t h e Phylloceratina; they have been monographed
b y Prinz (1904), Vadasz (1910) a n d Kovacs (1942). Kovacs (1939, 1942)
undertook a revision of the systematics of the Phylloceratina on the basis
of material from n o r t h e r n Bakony, b u t unfortunately a n u m b e r of new
genera introduced are synonyms of names already current. T h e nearest
comparisons faunally are with Transylvania a n d t h e Southern Alps.
A n o t h e r isolated inlier of Lias and Lower Bajocian occurs in t h e
Mecsec M o u n t a i n s near Pecs (Fiinfkirchen), about 50 miles SE. of Lake
Balaton. M u c h of the sequence here, especially the Lower Lias, is in
G r e s t e n facies, sandstones a n d shales w i t h coal seams (see Pompeckj,
1897, p . 765).


A b o u t 115 miles nearly s o u t h of Budapest, on t h e west bank of t h e

D a n u b e and 20 miles S E . of Pecs, limestone quarries in the Villany Hills
expose an isolated inlier of Jurassic deposits totally different from those
of Bakony a n d Pecs. Neither Lias nor T i t h o n i a n occurs at Villany,
b u t instead t h e r e is a development of some of the stages missing at t h e
unconformity between t h e m in Bakony (Fig. 18, p . 180).
I n the Villany quarries Triassic dolomite is overlain disconformably
b y 12-16 m. of grey sandstone passing laterally into conglomerate with
derived limestone blocks a n d into sandy echinoidal limestone. T h e s e
b e d s have yielded n o ammonites b u t are rich in Nautilids, and o n t h e basis
of these and a few species of brachiopods and pelecypods they have been
considered to be Bathonian.
T h e r e follows conformably, b u t with a marked lithological break,
a 3 m . a m m o n i t e b e d : a b r o w n t o red, ferruginous, glauconitic, compact
marl, crowded with ammonites, which have been sumptuously m o n o ­
graphed b y Till (191 o - n ) and Loczy (1915). T h e preponderant families
are Hecticoceratinae, Reineckeidae and Perisphinctids belonging chiefly
t o Grossouvria b u t also Subgrossouvria, Choffatia, Indosphinctes, etc.
Kosmoceras is present b u t rare, and one of t h e three species is highly
peculiar (K. globosum Till). F r o m the Reineckeids and Erymnoceras
triplicatum (Till), Phlycticeras, and many of the Perisphinctids, the age of
t h e bulk of t h e fauna can b e dated t o M i d d l e Callovian, Anceps Zone, b u t
with representatives of t h e U p p e r Callovian (Athleta Zone).
Loczy was unable to establish any succession of ammonites .within
t h e 3 m . bed, a n d accepted the whole fauna as Callovian. A m o n g his
figures, however, are a n u m b e r of ammonites which appear to b e Bathonian,
a n d these collectively create a p r e s u m p t i o n t h a t t h e b e d contains a con­
densed representative of part of the Bathonian and is in part equivalent
to t h e ammonite bed of Swinitza and M o u n t Strunga, with which it has
some 9 or 10 species in c o m m o n (not counting most of the Perisphinctids,
which are proverbially difficult to identify with certainty from figures of
incomplete material). I n the following list of predominantly or wholly
Bathonian forms the references are to Loczy's plates.

Lytoceras adeloides ( K u d . ) (p. 308)

Phylloceras kudernatschi H a u e r (i, 1-2)
Phylloceras hatzegi Loczy (i, 3)
Ptychophylloceras flabellatum ( N e u m . ) (i, 4, ii, 1)
Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zit.) (i, 2 ; ii, 3 - 5 ; iii, 1)
Prohecticoceras haugi (Pop.-Hatzeg) (v, 1-2)
Prohecticoceras subpunctatum (Schlippe) (iv, 6-7)
Prohecticoceras angulicostatum (Loczy) (v, 4 ; vi, 1)
Oecotraustes aff. nodifer Buckman (iii, 8, 9, 19, 20)
Paralcidia mariorae (Pop.-Hatzeg) (iii, 14, 15; iv, 5)
[? Clydoniceras cf. tegularum Arkell (iv, 3)]
Cadomites cf. extinctus (Quenst.) (iv, 10)
Tulites (Rugiferites) sp. indet. (iv, 9)
? Tulites (Rugiferites) sp. indet. (iv, 8)
? Wagnericeras banaticum ( K u d . ) (x, 8)
Procerites aff. subprocerus (Buck.) (p. 425)

Unique and problematic ammonites are Villania densilobata Till (mis­

interpreted as a Perisphinctes b y Loczy) a n d 'Aspidoceras' rollieri Loczy,
both of which by their sutures and m o d e of coiling appear to b e n e w
genera of Lytoceratina.
T h e ammonite b e d is disconformably overlain, w i t h a sharp b o u n d a r y ,
by thick, hard U p p e r Oxfordian limestone, which is the rock principally
worked in the quarries. Lower Oxfordian is missing, and nothing higher
than U p p e r Oxfordian is exposed or k n o w n to occur in t h e Jurassic


Like t h e Wallachian plain, t h e Adriatic depression is p i n c h e d between

folded and overthrust ranges which have driven towards it from opposite
sides: across the Adriatic Sea the Apennines, in which m o v e m e n t has
been to the N E . , face the Dinaric ranges, in which m o v e m e n t has b e e n
to the S W .
On the Dalmatian side, Istria and t h e islands and coast ranges are part
of the foreland, corrugated b y simple folds and faults. Deformation
increases in intensity inland and soon folds give place to thrusts (Bourcart,
1922, 1928). At the same time t h e Mesozoic rocks change in facies.
Triassic limestones and dolomites, followed b y Jurassic limestones which
may represent continuous sedimentation, give place i n t h e inner t h r u s t
regions to Triassic geosynclinal deposits with masses of cherts, siliceous
shales or hornstones, radiolarites, greenstone intrusives a n d extrusives
('ophiolites'), and highly incomplete Jurassic. A n u m b e r of tectonic zones
have been worked out and their connexions with t h e southern Alps and

Greece suggested (Nopcsa, 1921; Kossmat, 1924), b u t the geology is

complicated and b y n o means fully elucidated. According to the latest
interpretation (Pilger, 1941) t h e inner Dinaric ophiolite belt represents
a Triassic geosyncline where igneous activity reached its climax in the
Ladinian with t h e intrusion of serpentine batholiths, and where the
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous represented a pause before orogenic
m o v e m e n t s in t h e mid-Cretaceous (pre-Gosau movements). The
ophiolite series is overlain, with basal conglomerates, in some places by
Lias, in others b y T i t h o n i a n , and in others by the U p p e r Cretaceous.
T h u s there appears to have been a westward migration of the trough of
deposition after the end of t h e T r i a s , as on a m u c h larger scale in the
Californian coast ranges after the Nevadan orogeny (see p . 552). Every­
thing has been m u c h complicated by the Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y
T h e age of the hornstone-radiolarite-ophiolite series has been a b u r n i n g
problem. Steinmann considered it Lower Cretaceous. Kossmat (1924)
m a d e out a good case for its being Jurassic, and 'Diabase-hornstone beds'
have been shown to occur in the Lower T i t h o n i a n near Belgrade (Gocanin,
1938). Pilger (1941) and L e d e b u r (1941), however, are satisfied that in
the Dinaric ranges the main suite is Triassic and that probably the whole
T r i a s passes laterally into it, b u t that in addition there are local, relatively
insignificant, developments also in the Jurassic (Ledebur, 1941, p . 489).
T h e s e later G e r m a n papers do not seem to have been known to Bourcart
(1944), b u t they confirm his suggestion that the ophiolite series is of
different ages in different places, and they explain the conflicting records
of ophiolites above and below U p p e r T r i a s and overlain in some places
b y Lias, in others b y Tithonian, and in others by Cretaceous with basal
conglomerates containing derived greenstone pebbles. Evidently it
would be rash to assume even approximate identity of age in regions still
farther away, such as the western Alps, Spain or Anatolia, where similar
suites are developed.
T h e only Jurassic fossils known in these mountains with certainty are
L o w e r Jurassic (Lias), basal Bajocian, Kimeridgian and Tithonian, b u t
knowledge is still very incomplete (see Jovanovic, 1951, 1951a). For the
Lias, the older literature was analysed by Pompeckj (1897, p . 766). Some
Hettangian ammonites are known from red siliceous limestone in Bosnia
(Bittner, 1885). I n central Dalmatia thick limestones and dolomites with
Megalodus and the problematic Lithiotis b u t no ammonites, and Flecken­
mergel, were classed as Lias by Bittner (1907). I n Herzegovina, near
Sarajevo and in the Zlatibor M o u n t a i n s , Lias believed to be Pliensbachian
in age, with a basal conglomerate, transgresses over and fills pockets in
various parts of the Triassic dolomites and limestones down to Werfen
Beds (Pilger, 1941, p . 4 3 9 ; Ledebur, 1941, p . 489, some ammonites
described and figured, p . 490 ff). Toarcian ammonites occur at Vojnik
in M o n t e n e g r o (Besic, 1948); and at Scutari in northern Albania the
Toarcian has already taken on the facies of Ammonitico rosso which
characterizes it in Greece and the Apennines. H e r e the red marly lime­
stones also yield some U p p e r Pliensbachian and basal Bajocian ( O p a l i n u m
Zone) ammonites (Saxl, 1916; Magnani, 1942). T h e connexions w i t h
Greece were discussed by Renz (1904, 1908, 1927).
T h e next-youngest dated fossiliferous rocks are the Lemesf Beds of
Dalmatia, a thick series of flaggy to fissile, compact limestones (Platten-
kalke), overlain by thick-bedded limestones with chert lenses, t h e n 20-30 m .
of spotted limestones, and finally unfossiliferous dolomite of u n k n o w n
age (Furlani, 1910). At the base is a limestone yielding only a coral,
Cladocoropsis mirabilis (Felix), of interest because it occurs in similar
limestone in C y p r u s (p. 352). T h e overlying Plattenkalke strongly
resemble those at Solnhofen in Bavaria and contain some of the same
species of fossils, including ammonites, and are probably of about t h e
same age. Figured ammonites are Lithacoceras pseudoulmense (Furlani)
and Taramelliceras dinaricum (Furlani), b o t h new species, b u t 23 other
species are recorded, including Aspidoceras longispinum (Sow.), Neo-
chetoceras steraspis (Oppel), suggesting the L i t h o g r a p h i c u m and Beckeri
Zones. Virgatosphinctes cf. denseplicatus (Waagen) alone is a misfit in
the list and is probably misidentified.
Limestones ascribed to the T i t h o n i a n , b u t seldom on adequate palaeon-
tological evidence, have been recorded from Croatia (Vogl, 1916) t o
Albania (Bukowski, 1911; Nopcsa, 1929), sometimes transgressive on t h e
ophiolite series; b u t some of t h e occurrences accepted even b y Kossmat
(1924) are said to b e really Triassic (Ledebur, 1941, p . 4 9 5 ; Jovanovic,


T h e magic islands a n d m o u n t a i n s of Greece a n d t h e Aegean, t h e

white marble promontories set among blue gulfs, a n d the outer r a m p a r t
of Crete, were all blocked out b y faulting a n d m i n o r folding in the Pliocene
and Quaternary. T h e potency of these late movements m a y be j u d g e d
from the occurrence of Pliocene deposits at 1700 m . above sea-level in
the northern Peloponnese, while off the S W . coast the present sea b e d is at
3000 m. below the surface. T h e existing upraised blocks represent in
t u r n the ruins of a complicated chain of m i d - T e r t i a r y fold and t h r u s t
mountains which continue the Dinarides in an open curve, first southwards
then swinging r o u n d S E . a n d finally east or N E . to join the rias coast of
western Anatolia. T h e highest existing arc of these folds forms t h e
Pindus Mountains, the backbone of central G r e e c e ; the outermost forms
Crete and swings r o u n d to Rhodes.
Facies belts in t h e Mesozoic a n d Eocene rocks roughly follow t h e strike
of the mid-Tertiary folds (fig. 20). H o w far these facies belts reflect
original palaeogeography is p r o b l e m a t i c . M o s t likely t h e evidence of
Mesozoic and Eocene palaeogeography has been mutilated and falsified
beyond hope of reconstruction b y t h r u s t i n g and nappe-formation. T h e
date of the main movements is m i d - M i o c e n e . T h e y affect the latest

flysch, which in t h e Ionian region is Burdigalian (Miogypsina limestone),

b u t n o t t h e transgressive U p p e r Miocene, of which t h e earliest known
fossiliferous part is T o r t o n i a n . (Renz, 1940, p . 149; 1947.)
T h e facies belts * a n d tectonic units deciphered b y Renz are shown
in fig. 20. Pre-Carboniferous metamorphic rocks (unconformably
overlain b y U p p e r Palaeozoic a n d Lower Triassic formations) occur as
t h r e e massifs. T h e ruins of t h e central massif (1) form t h e Cyclades
Islands, Attica, a n d southern Euboea. Flanking this are two elongate
massifs forming respectively (2) central Peloponnese and northern Crete,
a n d (3) Pelagonia, probably continuous with Lydia and Caria in Anatolia.

F I G . 20.—Sketch-map of Greece, Crete and the Aegean, showing the crystalline massifs
(shaded) and the facies-belts. After Renz, 1940. (The Tripolitza belt coincides
with the massif of central Peloponnese and northern Crete.)

S u r r o u n d i n g a n d overlapping tectonically t h e edges of the Attica-Cyclades

massif are n a p p e s of Mesozoic a n d Eogene rocks which Renz (1940, p . 146)
postulates were squeezed from a n o w narrow strip pinched between t h e
Attica-Cyclades massif a n d t h e Pelagonic massif. T h e s e nappes form
most of Greece east of the P i n d u s M o u n t a i n s . I n north and central Greece
t h e y override t h e b o r d e r of t h e Olonos-Pindus series, and that series in
t u r n overrides t h e flysch b o r d e r of t h e Adriatic-Ionic series, with t h e
development of imbricate structures which indicate westward movement.
I t is t h e Adriatic-Ionic facies belt which mainly concerns us, representing
as it does a part of t h e autochthonous foreland. T h e Jurassic sequence '
in this area closely resembles that in t h e Apennines and is a direct
* Renz terms these facies and structure belts or tracts 'zones', but it seems preferable
to avoid using the word 'zone' in both vertical and horizontal senses in the same context.
continuation of that in Albania. I t is characterized b y normal 'foreland'
sedimentation, which appears t o have been continuous from M i d d l e
Trias to Aquitanian. Farther east, in t h e P i n d u s a n d eastern facies belts,
except for t h e occurrence of Toarcian Ammonitico rosso in Argolis
(Renz, 1907) t h e only horizons identified are U p p e r Jurassic (Diceras
and Acteonina limestones; Lower Kimeridgian Cladocoropsis limestone;
Tithonian limestones with Ellipsactinia a n d Sphaeractinia). T h e s e occur
in t h e Parnass-Chiona series, which is a continuation of t h e high karst
region of Montenegro a n d Croatia, a n d in it limestones, with dolomite,
reach their greatest stratigraphical span. T h i s limestone tract separates
two belts where shales a n d cherts predominate, as in t h e Viglaes Beds of
the foreland.
I n t h e East Hellenic belt t h e shales a n d cherts are associated with
ophiolitic igneous rocks, especially serpentines, which are overstepped
by U p p e r Cretaceous limestones. T h i s belt is supposed t o b e a con­
tinuation of t h e serpentine a n d ophiolite region of inner Albania (Renz,
1940, p p . 105-7). ^ Renz's dating is correct, t h e igneous phase in Greece
is U p p e r Jurassic a n d Lower Cretaceous; therefore substantially later
than farther north in the Dinaric ranges, if Pilger a n d L e d e b u r are correct
in referring the climax there t o t h e M i d d l e T r i a s . Direct palaeontological
evidence does not seem to b e recorded for Greece, b u t it appears t h a t Renz
relied mainly u p o n correlation with t h e cherty beds a n d hornstone series
in t h e more westerly facies belts, where they are definitely dated t o t h e
U p p e r Jurassic a n d Bathonian (see below). Moreover, a migration of
igneous activity into younger formations southward is confirmed b y t h e
occurrence of ophiolites in T e r t i a r y flysch, b o t h o n t h e mainland a n d in
Crete, Rhodes and Cyprus (Renz, 1940, p p . 105-6). O n t h e other hand, in
Cyprus t h e radiolarites are Triassic a n d t h e pillow-lavas are believed t o
be Cretaceous (see p . 348).
O u r knowledge of Greek geology, a n d of t h e Mesozoic rocks in
particular, is mainly d u e to t h e life's work of Carl Renz (1876-1951).
A complete list of his 126 papers o n Greece published down to 1940 is
printed in Renz, 1940, p p . 158-66, a n d a selection of the most important,
on which t h e present account is mainly based, is listed o n p . 6 9 0 .
H e began his researches in Corfu in 1903 a n d continued t h e m almost
every year thereafter, as a labour of love, bringing a wide experience of
many lands from Portugal to t h e Caucasus t o bear o n t h e p r o b l e m s .
T h e sum total of his work is an abiding m o n u m e n t to his m e m o r y . *
T h e following is a s u m m a r y of t h e stratigraphy of the Jurassic of western
Greece a n d southern Albania—the Adriatic-Ionian province o r facies
belt, within which, however, there are several m i n o r changes of facies

* Through the generosity of Frau Renz, all the papers listed on p. 690 are in my
reprint collection (making six bound volumes). It may save others fruitless search to
state that the 'Geology and Stratigraphy of Greece' mentioned in a faulty translation
in the Amer. Journ. Sci., vol. 245, 1947, p. 179, does not exist in any language. The
reference should read 'Beitrage zur Strat. u. Pal. des ostmediterranen Jungpalaeozoikum,
Teil I, I I : Geologie u. Stratigraphie, von C. Renz.'

(Renz, 1910, p . 599). T h e outcrops occur especially i n t h e Ionian Isles of

Corfu, Leucas, Cephalonia a n d Ithaca, a n d on t h e adjoining mainland
of E p i r u s a n d Acarnania (fig. 21). ( F o r comprehensive summaries see
Renz, 1909, 1910, 1 9 1 3 ; for E p i r u s 1913, 1925a, 1927; for Acarnania,
19116, 1925; for Cephalonia, 19136; for Kalamos, 1932a; for Leucas,
1905a, 1911a, 1936; for Ithaca, 1911; for Corfu, 1906, 1910, 1926.)

F I G . 21.—Sketch-map of the Ionian Isles, Hellas and Albania, showing the distri­
bution of facies-types in the Toarcian and Lower Bajocian. After Renz, 1927.


U n d e r Cretaceous Rudistid limestones, Eocene limestones and flysch,

is a thick series of flaggy limestones a n d shales with chert, t h e Viglaes
Beds, called after Viglaes M o u n t a i n on Corfu. T h e y m a y embrace most
of t h e U p p e r Jurassic a n d part of t h e Lower Cretaceous, b u t all t h e fossils
h i t h e r t o recorded a r e T i t h o n i a n a n d Kimeridgian. T h e only c o m m o n
macroscopic fossils are aptychi: A. lamellosus (Park.), A. punctatus (Voltz),
A. beyrichi Oppel, A. latus (Park.), A. laevis Meyer, A. obliquus Quenst.
Identifiable ammonites are k n o w n only from Leucas, where a nest of
casts in a greenish-grey marly limestone yielded Aspidoceras acanthicum
a n d other spp., Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum, Sowerbyceras, Haploceras,
Lytoceras, Perisphinctids, a n d a genus recorded as Peltoceras, w h i c h is
probably Tithopeltoceras, already figured from the T i t h o n i a n of Italy,
Majorca and Andalusia. W i t h t h e m occur t h e T i t h o n i a n echinid
Collyrites (Tithonia) cf. transversa ( d ' O r b . ) . (Renz, 1927, p . 4 9 3 ; 1932a,
p . 16).
As remarked above, U p p e r Jurassic cherty limestones a n d shales like
t h e Viglaes Beds are widely distributed also in central and eastern Greece,
where earlier Jurassic formations have not b e e n found. I n the eastern
facies belts there are 'spongiomorph' limestones with Cladocoropsis a n d
associated foraminifera, which mark a Kimeridgian horizon found also in
Dalmatia, Cyprus, Anatolia, and t h e L e b a n o n (where it comprises p a r t
of the Glandarienkalk). Above t h e m follow T i t h o n i a n limestones with
Ellipsactinia. (Renz, 1949.)


T h e U p p e r Jurassic Viglaes Beds pass d o w n without a break, either

palaeontological or lithological, into a series of siliceous flaggy limestones
(hornstones) with Posidonia alpina G r a s ( P . buchi Roemer, P . ornati
Quenst.) often massed on t h e b e d d i n g planes. T h i s ' P o s i d o n i e n - H o r n -
steincomplex' has not yielded ammonites b u t is p r e s u m e d to b e equivalent
to the similar b e d s of ' K l a u s facies' in S. T y r o l , Sicily a n d the A p e n n i n e s .
W i t h the Posidoniae occur sporadically small lamellose aptychi a n d
Rhynchoteuthis. (Discussion and figures of t h e Posidonia beds in Renz,
191 ib, p . 394; 1925a, p . 196, pi. iii.)


I n Corfu and on the adjoining mainland t h e siliceous Posidonia b e d s

rest on hard, compact, yellowish, splintery limestones with Stephanoceras
humphriesianum (Sow.), Stemmatoceras, Skirroceras, Chondroceras, Oppelia
cf. subradiata (Sow.) and other M i d d l e Bajocian ammonites, including
Phylloceras and Lytoceras (Renz, 1910, p . 576, pi. x x ; 1926, p . 409). Below
this follow greyer, t h i n n e r - b e d d e d to nodular limestones of t h e L o w e r
Bajocian with the Erycites, Hammatoceras, Tmetoceras, Ludwigia fauna
of t h e Opalinum, Scissum a n d M u r c h i s o n a e Zones, already so often
listed from the San Vigilio beds of the Alps, Sicily, etc. (Lists in Renz,
1910, p . 574; 1911, p . 475.) T h e r e are excellent sections in Corfu and
E p i r u s (Renz, 1910a, p p . 251-60; 1911a, p . 284; 19116, p . 393, pi. xii;
1906, p p . 752-6; 1907; 1908). I n Cephalonia and Acarnania the M i d d l e
Bajocian is absent.


T h e Toarcian occurs in two facies: the familiar M e d i t e r r a n e a n ' A m m o -

nitico rosso', consisting of red or grey or mottled nodular limestones
and nodular marls crowded with a m m o n i t e casts, a n d black Posidonia

bronni shales and yellow-weathering or siliceous shales of central E u r o p e a n

type. I n some places {e.g. Kalamos) only the first type occurs; in others
t h e r e is a transition, with Posidoniae disseminated sporadically amongst
the nodules. Linkage of t h e a b u n d a n t ammonites with the nodular
facies recalls t h e T i t h o n i a n . T h e best sequence of ammonite horizons
has been m a d e out on the coast at Alogomandra in Acarnania, where t h e
succession of species is said to be the same as in Canton Tessin and in
U m b r i a (Renz, 1925, p p . 302-3). T h e Toarcian is the most widespread
of all t h e Jurassic horizons in the Greek archipelago, having been found
also in Argolis (Renz, 1907; 1908) and on the island of Rhodes, as Posidonia
flags in a relic of a n a p p e (Renz, 1929, p . 13). Renz has studied t h e
T o a r c i a n ammonites in a long series of papers and short m o n o g r a p h s ,
too n u m e r o u s t o m e n t i o n . H e has revealed t h e existence, among t h e
swarms of cosmopolitan and c o m m o n forms, of peculiar and interesting
species of Frechiella, Paroniceras, Leukadiella, Polyplectus, etc., etc. T h e
most m o d e r n unified list of revised determinations is to be found in R e n z ,
1927, p p . 484-7. M a n y plates and figures are scattered through at least
a dozen works published in t h e course of forty years (see bibliography,
p p . 690-1). T h e most important are p e r h a p s Renz, 1910, 1911, 1911a,
191 ib, 1925a, 19256, 1932; Renz & Renz, 1947). Lower, M i d d l e a n d
U p p e r T o a r c i a n faunas are abundantly represented.


T h i s stage has been proved in Epirus and Acarnania and on the Ionian
Isles of Corfu, Leucas and Ithaca. It usually comprises the t o p m o s t
p a r t of t h e Panto Crater limestones. I n Acarnania flags and calcareous
shales underlying the Toarcian Ammonitico rosso contain crushed
Pleuroceras spinatum, and this has been found also on Corfu (Renz, 1910,
p . 564; 19116, p . 3 8 8 ; 1911c, p . 232). O n the coast of Epirus, opposite
Corfu, t h e Toarcian is underlain b y whitish-grey limestones with Ariet-
iceras algovianum (Oppel), A. juliae (Bon.), Juraphyllites lariensis
(Menegh.), etc.; this is the more usual Panto Crater limestone. Locally,
in Corfu, E p i r u s and Cephalonia, it contains brachiopod beds yielding t h e
Terebratula aspasia fauna of Sicily and Italy (Renz, 1908; 1911, p . 472).


T h e limestones a n d dolomites forming and called after the crater of

t h e extinct volcano Panto, on Corfu, are Pliensbachian at top and Triassic
at base, b u t palaeontological evidence for Lower Lias is slender, suggested
only by brachiopod lenses with pelecypods and some echinoderms found
o n Cephalonia. T h e facies is likened to t h e Dachstein of the Alps. T h e
P a n t o Crater limestones are thick a n d m o r e or less subcrystalline a n d are
a m o n g the most important mountain-forming rock groups in the Adriatic-
Ionian province. T h e y form, for instance, the greater part of the island
of Kalamos, b u t no Liassic fossils have been found in the island. (Renz,
1908; 1932a, p p . 8-9.)




Sardinia consists essentially of a Variscan crystalline and Palaeozoic

massif with elliptical Variscan granite intrusions. T h e massif is peneplaned
b u t culminates in a central ridge r u n n i n g S.-N., which is continued t h r o u g h
the central and western two-thirds of Corsica. T o g e t h e r these r e m n a n t s
represent the SE. edge of a larger horst or upstanding mass, once probably
continuous with the crystalline massifs of H y e r e s and M a u r e s in Provence,
a n d perhaps with the axial ridge of t h e eastern Pyrenees. All m a y b e
relics of an extensive island, or archipelago and shallows in the Mesozoic
sea, comparable to the Central Plateau of France and t h e Spanish Meseta.
T o the east began the Mesozoic geosyncline of the Alps, in which Schistes
lustres accumulated; a fraction of the southern e n d survives above sea-
level in the N E . corner of Corsica, where it was crushed against t h e
crystalline foreland to t h e west (p. 218).
T h e Jurassic rocks of Sardinia represent shallow, epicontinental t r a n s ­
gressions over the eastern edge of the massif. Although t h e area t r a n s ­
gressed h a d been previously peneplaned, outlying r e m n a n t s of Jurassic
a n d Lower Cretaceous sediments indicate a tendency for t h e sea to
penetrate pre-existing valleys between t h e Variscan granites (Vardabasso,
A temporary incursion of t h e Triassic sea into the massif is proved
by the presence of marine Muschelkalk, with Bunter sandstone a n d
K e u p e r marl, in the Burra peninsula at the extreme N W . of Sardinia. T h e
gypseous Keuper, however, is directly overlain by marine Bathonian. N o
Lias occurs anywhere on the island. I n these north-western outcrops t h e
Mesozoic and Tertiary rocks are let down in a rift valley (Deninger, 1905).
I n the others, in the SE. centre and on t h e east coast, t h e Jurassic rocks
are remnants of an almost horizontal layer which once m u s t have covered
most of the island and has since b e e n subjected to destructive erosion,
following minor germanotype folding and faulting (see m a n y sections in
Vardabasso, 1948, p . 62).
I n the south-central region t h e Bathonian transgression was preceded
b y deposition of Bajocian continental sandstone with at least 31 species of
plants, of which 21 are found in the Bajocian deltaic beds of Yorkshire
(Tornquist, 1905; Edwards, 1929). F a r t h e r north, on the east coast, t h e
Bathonian and Bajocian are overlapped b y U p p e r Jurassic limestones
and dolomites, which rest directly on t h e Variscan basement.

T h e supposed Bathonian, which is 250 m . thick in the N u r r a , consists

entirely of limestones a n d has yielded n o ammonites, only at certain levels
c o m m o n pelecypods and brachiopods of the M i d d l e Jurassic of N W .

FIG. 22.—Jurassic outcrops of peninsular Italy, Sicily, Sardinia and Corsica.

E u r o p e (Dainelli, 1903). O n t h e whole t h e assemblage is mainly

Bathonian, b u t a few species such as Pseudamussium pumilum in t h e
lower half, suggest t h a t Bajocian is included. Ostrea acuminata, which
comes in near t h e base, although Bathonian in England, is essentially
U p p e r Bajocian farther south, on t h e east of t h e Paris basin, and Deninger
(1905, p . 440) states t h a t in hand-specimens some of the oolites are

indistinguishable from t h e Hauptrogenstein (now k n o w n to b e U p p e r

Bajocian, n o t Bathonian).
T h e U p p e r Jurassic limestones, u p to 200 m . thick, contain some badly
preserved small ammonites, b u t n o a t t e m p t at even generic identification
has been published. T h e facies is t h a t with Nerinea beds a n d corals,
reminiscent of N a t t h e i m and m a n y other places, a n d contrasting strongly

NW. Coast South Centre East Coast

Limestones with Exogyra
couloni and Leopoldia
Limestones with Diceras, etc.

U P P E R JURASSIC (up to 200 m.)

White limestones,
Tithonian Nerineidae
Light-coloured limestones Dolomite and litho­
graphic slates
Sandy limestones Sandstone (local)
Crystalline basement

M I D D L E JURASSIC (up to 250 m.)


Grey limestones, Pholadomya murchis onae, etc.

Grey marly limestones, Pteroperna costatula, etc.
Limestones with Nerineidae and Rhynchonellids

Limestones and oolites, Pec ten

pumilus, etc.
Limestones with Pentacrinus ?
Cherty limestones, Ostrea acuminata
Sandstones with
Gypsum and marls Crystalline
Muschelkalk and dolomites
Bunter Sandstone

with t h e cephalopod-bearing U p p e r Jurassic a n d T i t h o n i a n of t h e

'Mediterranean' or 'Andalusian' facies. M o s t of t h e outcrops near t h e
east coast, marked as Cretaceous o n t h e International Geological M a p
and even in t h e most recent Italian atlas, were found b y D e n i n g e r t o
b e U p p e r Jurassic and are so shown infig.22.
T a b l e 15 summarizes t h e Sardinian Jurassic (Deninger, 1907).

Across t h e length of Sicily, parallel to t h e n o r t h coast, are dotted
n u m e r o u s small Jurassic outcrops which form part of m o r e or less isolated
mountains of Mesozoic limestones s u r r o u n d e d b y Tertiaries. T h e
Jurassic limestones are often h a r d t o separate from thick marine Triassic
and Cretaceous rocks in similar facies. T h e outcrops are most n u m e r o u s

in t h e west end of t h e island, where they extend from coast to coast

between Palermo a n d Sciacca a n d to t h e western extremity at T r a p a n i .
A t h i n n e r belt extends across t h e neck of t h e eastern peninsula from t h e
n o r t h coast to T a o r m i n a , a n d there is a small patch S W . of M o u n t E t n a .
I n t h e south of t h e island n o rocks older t h a n Cretaceous crop out b u t
Jurassic is believed to exist u n d e r g r o u n d . T h e structure here is mainly
tabular, exemplified by t h e plateau of Ragusa, which is only 90 miles from
C a p e Bon in Tunisia.
T h e N E . corner of t h e island, adjoining t h e Straits of Messina, consists
of t h e ancient crystalline basement, which is continued across t h e straits

FIG. 23.—Map of the Jurassic outcrops in Sicily.

as t h e massif of Calabria; parts of it were a horst or swell during t h e

Jurassic and probably a m e d i a n mass in t h e orogeny. T h i s region will b e
dealt with in t h e next section.
T h e m o u n t a i n s of n o r t h e r n Sicily, in which t h e Jurassic rocks crop out,
are m u c h m o r e complex t h a n t h e Tellian Atlas a n d m o r e nearly resemble
t h e A p e n n i n e s . T h e stratigraphy is therefore correspondingly difficult,
a n d t h e difficulties are aggravated b y great variability of deposit. M u c h
was d o n e b y G . G. Gemmellaro in t h e nineteenth century to work out
and figure t h e faunas, b u t m a n y p r o b l e m s of stratigraphy and structure
remained unsolved. I have therefore been fortunate for this account
of t h e Sicilian Jurassic to have been able to study several h u n d r e d s of
a m m o n i t e s collected in western Sicily by M r H . R. W a r m a n in 1952-3 for
t h e D ' A r c y Exploration C o . I am deeply indebted to h i m for criticizing
t h e first draft of t h e account and for m u c h information ( W a r m a n & Arkell,
Some recent publications portray the Mesozoic mountains of Sicily
as all exotic blocks, torn from their roots and moved an u n k n o w n distance
southward by tectonic sliding of t h e T e r t i a r y 'Argille scagliose' off rising
mountain ranges during the Alpine orogeny, as in t h e Apennines (Fabiani,
1930a; Beneo, 1951, 1951a, etc.). M r W a r m a n ' s extensive field work
has led him to conclude that the structure of n o r t h Sicily m a y agree
basically with that of the Apennines as described by Beneo and Migliorini
(see p . 214), with complex faulting and wedge-formation accompanied
b y large-scale sliding of incompetent T e r t i a r y cover rocks, b u t that
the individual m o u n t a i n masses are n o t erratic blocks. H e finds t h a t
they are all right-way-up and form an orderly facies-pattern, and n o n e
has been proved to float rootless on t h e Tertiaries as d e m a n d e d b y t h e
'erratic' hypothesis. H e regards t h e strangely isolated m o u n t a i n blocks
as protruding corners and edges of u p t h r u s t wedges, riven b y faults
and often by low-angle thrusts, b u t as a whole fundamentally autoch­
t h o n o u s ; whereas the s u r r o u n d i n g argillaceous T e r t i a r y cover has slid
off the u p t h r u s t blocks, m u c h as envisaged b y Migliorini a n d M e r l a in
the Apennines, carrying with it broken masses of t h e Mesozoic (and s o m e ­
times Palaeozoic) limestones. I n t h e eastern Jurassic belt t h e r e is
particularly severe t h r u s t i n g w i t h imbricate s t r u c t u r e near t h e b o r d e r of
the Calabrian massif.
T h e Sicilian Jurassic falls naturally into three broad divisions: t h e
Lias; the M i d d l e and early-Upper Jurassic to Oxfordian inclusive; and
the Kimeridgian-Tithonian.
T h e Lias is very different in the east a n d west. I n t h e east are grey
marly and argillaceous limestones and marls, probably about 300 m .
thick, which yield t h e celebrated D o m e r i a n fauna of T a o r m i n a . I n the
west these beds are absent or represented b y a few feet of limestones
and red marls, or in places p e r h a p s b y cherts. Instead, the western
outcrops have great thicknesses of white or black, hard, marble-like
limestones, with sparse fossils. I n places most of these limestones are
Triassic. Only at Rocca Busambra ( M o n t e Casale), province of
Palermo, has a rich fauna of Hettangian a n d Sinemurian ammonites
been obtained; b u t M r W a r m a n thinks t h a t this anomalous massif m a y
b e far-travelled.
T h e M i d d l e Jurassic and early-Upper Jurassic formations to t h e top
of t h e Oxfordian are highly condensed a n d together usually m e a s u r e
only about 3 or 4 m., rising to a m a x i m u m of 15 m . in t h e extreme west
(Monte Inici to T r a p a n i ) . W i t h i n this small g r o u p of beds is an extra­
ordinary variety of faunas. T h i n b a n d s of h a r d pink, red, yellow, grey
or black limestone come a n d go, and each in places is packed with
ammonites. So many of t h e characteristic faunas of E u r o p e a n stages
and substages have been found b y M r W a r m a n that it would b e unsafe
to assume t h a t any is a b s e n t ; t h o u g h certainly all are n o t present in any
one place. I n this group, widespread over most of t h e island, are volcanic
tuffs of Bajocian age, and these sometimes swell t h e thickness of the

M i d d l e Jurassic beyond t h e average. N e a r Giuliano in west-central

Sicily t h e volcanic b e d s are at least 60 m . thick a n d the usual tuffs are
accompanied also b y agglomerate and pillow-lava. O n the other hand,
in t h e M a d o n i e area M r W a r m a n observed u p to 120 m. of bedded chert,
jasper a n d siliceous shales, between Triassic dolomites a n d supposed
T i t h o n i a n limestone, b u t was unable to find any datable fauna. (It is
likely that most of these chert beds will t u r n out to belong to the Domerian,
b y analogy with Spain.)
T h e t h i r d Jurassic group in Sicily, t h e Kimeridgian and Tithonian, is
widely developed in t h e ' T e t h y a n facies', nodular pink, white or grey
limestones (fansse breche, Knollenkalk), often crowded with ammonites,
in which Phylloceratids predominate. Both the Kimeridgian and the
lower part of the T i t h o n i a n are developed in this facies and there is n o
break between t h e m . H i g h e r u p the T i t h o n i a n passes into compact,
fine-grained, b e d d e d white limestones with few macroscopic fossils b u t
m a n y Calpionellidae; a n d here again t h e r e is a perfect transition into t h e
Neocomian a n d it is often impossible to discern any boundary. I n places
similar limestones, which had been m a p p e d as Jurassic, are in fact U p p e r
Cretaceous a n d Eocene ( W a r m a n & Arkell, 1954).
I n the M a d o n i e M o u n t a i n s and between t h e m and Palermo t h e
T i t h o n i a n takes on a coral and algal facies, which is usually from 10 t o
75 m . thick b u t i n one place swells out (as a reef ?) t o perhaps 300 m .
T h e following s u m m a r y of t h e faunas is based on a combination of
published works and m y examination of M r W a r m a n ' s collections.

TITHONIAN (usually about 10-20 m.)

M o s t of t h e T i t h o n i a n ammonites that can b e collected come from

t h e nodular limestones a n d are of Lower T i t h o n i a n age. Some have been
figured b y G . G . Gemmellaro (1868-76) and D i Stefano (1884), and a
n u m b e r of new species were founded o n inadequate descriptions and
atrocious drawings b y M a r q u i s de Gregorio (1922). A promised revision
b y Renz (1924), based on t h e collections in Palermo m u s e u m , was never
published. T h e most valuable document is a s u m m a r y of the faunas at a
n u m b e r of localities in the provinces of Palermo and Girgenti by M .
Gemmellaro (1922).
Perhaps t h e only reliable indications of U p p e r T i t h o n i a n collected by
M r W a r m a n are from M o n t e Bonifato, where h e obtained Micracanthoceras
cf. fraudator (Zittel), Calliphylloceras kochi (Oppel) and m a n y poorly
preserved Phylloceratids a n d other ammonites. Micracanthocer as sp.
was also obtained at Palazzo Adriano (Portella di Gebbia, province of
Palermo), b u t m o s t of this fauna, already listed b y M . Gemmellaro
(1922, p p . 78-9), is L o w e r T i t h o n i a n . I t includes Virgatosphinctes geron
(Zittel), Spiticeras grotianum (Oppel), Proniceras pronum (Oppel), Hybono­
ticeras hybonotum (Oppel), H. kamicense Schopen sp. (1888) a n d m a n y
other ammonites.
Another assemblage was collected b y M r W a r m a n at Balata. T h i s
contains four links with the T i t h o n i a n of Andalusia and is worth listing:—
Holcophylloceras polyolcum (Benecke)
Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum (Quenst.)
Lytoceras polycyclum ( N e u m . )
Aspidoceras aff. hoplisum (Oppel)
Perisphinctes cf. falloti Kilian
Berriasella cf. fischeri (Kilian)
Himalayites cortazari (Kilian)
Protacanthodiscus aff. andreaei (Kilian)
It is probable that intensive stratigraphical collecting in Sicily would
establish a sequence of T i t h o n i a n and Lower Cretaceous faunas of great
value for general correlation. M r W a r m a n obtained Neocomites neo-
comiensis (d'Orb.) from one locality and an assemblage of Spiticeras of
Cretaceous age from another, b o t h in a limestone matrix indistinguishable
from the Tithonian. According to M a z e n o t (1939, p . 267), P. andreaei
(Kil.) is chiefly Berriasian in France.

K I M E R I D G I A N (up to 15 m.)

T h e Kimeridgian of Sicily corresponds to t h e Acanthicus Beds normal

for the T e t h y a n province, which have been proved to comprise the L o w e r
and early-Middle Kimeridgian u p to t h e base of t h e L i t h o g r a p h i c u m
Zone ( = approximately Gravesiana Zone). G . G . G e m m e l l a r o (1876,
p . 2 4 1 ; 1872-82, p . 173) believed t h a t t h e u p p e r part, or Beckeri Zone,
was missing in Sicily. M r W a r m a n , however, collected at Balata ( N W . of
M . Inici) from nodular limestones about 100 ammonites which include
the zonal indices of this zone in a b u n d a n c e . A m o n g t h e m are 38 specimens
of Sowerbyceras loryi (which Kilian, 1895, regarded as the zonal index)
and 8 specimens of Hybonoticeras beckeri ( N e u m a y r ) and its associate
H. harpephorum (Neumayr), as well as H. pressulum (Neumayr) and other
forms. T h e remainder of the fauna is :—•
Holcophylloceras polyolcum (Benecke)
Calliphylloceras benacense (Catullo)
Phylloceras cf. empedoclis G e m .
Haploceras cf. staszycii (Zeuschner)
Haploceras verruciferum (Meneghini)
Lytoceras polycyclum ( N e u m . )
Taramelliceras pugile ( N e u m . )
Taramelliceras compsum (Gem., ? Oppel)
Aspidoceras iphicerum (Oppel)
Aspidoceras cf. eurystomum (Benecke)
Mesosimoceras aff. cavouri ( G e m . )
Perisphinctes cf. roubyanus F o n t a n n e s
Perisphinctes cf. subdolus F o n t a n n e s

Sowerbyceras loryi, with or without Haploceras staszycii, is the d o m i n a n t

fossil in collections of somewhat banal composition from several other

localities. O n e of these, from Lucca (Villafranca), is notable for an assem­
blage of Aspidoceratids, including A. iphicerum (Oppel), A. cyclotum
(Oppel), A. haynaldi (Herbich), A. cf. subbinodiferum Canavari, A. aff.
microplum (Oppel), Physodoceras insulanum (Gem.) and Hybonoticeras
aff. africanum (Spath). I t appears that all these collections come from
t h e Beckeri Zone. At Lucca, however, were also collected Himalayites
cf. cortazari (Kilian) and Rasenia trimera (Oppel), proving that the section
spreads into Lower Kimeridgian and Lower Tithonian, all developed in
t h e same nodular facies.
T h e richness of t h e Sicilian K i m e r i d g e m a y b e gathered from t h e
fact that Gemmellaro already in 1876 listed over 40 species of ammonites,
a n d from t h e figures in pis. vi-ix a n d xv-xvii of his later work (1872-82).
T h e s e plates show a wonderful profusion of Simoceratids, Taramelliceras
s p p . a n d Phylloceratids, w h i c h have n o place in the Kimeridgian of N W .
E u r o p e . F o r correlation, however, certain other forms are significant
a n d prove the presence of Lower Kimeridgian (Rasenia Zones), notably
Rasenia pancerii (pi. xvi, 9) and Idoceras dedalum (pi. xvii, 3) (the latter
close to Mexican forms), as well as M i d d l e Kimeridgian, notably Sub­
planites adelus (viii, 7).


According to H a u g ( T r a i t e , 1910, p . 1067) the B i m a m m a t u m Zone

a n d 'Achilles Z o n e ' are missing in Sicily; b u t there can be no doubt that
t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone is strongly represented in t h e so-called 'Zone of
Peltoceras transversarium' of Gemmellaro (1872-82, pis. xiii, xiv, xx pars).
T h e commonest Peltoceratid in these beds, and also present i n M r W a r m a n ' s
collections, is P. (Gregoryceras) fouquei Kilian (Gemmellaro, 1872-82,
pi. xiii, 1, a n d pi. xx, 16) which t h e evidence from Andalusia clearly shows
to b e a species of t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone (p. 247). T h i s accounts for t h e
peculiar stamp of most of Gemmellaro's Perisphinctids from these beds,
w h i c h differ markedly from those of t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone in t h e
R h o n e valley and elsewhere; and also for the presence of a Physodoceras
(insulanum G e m . , pi. xiv, 4).
T h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone is, however, also represented in these
b e d s , as s h o w n b y Peltoceras (Gregoryceras) riazi d e Grossouvre, a R h o n e
valley ( T r e p t ) species (Gemmellaro, pi. xx, 17). A faunule of
Perisphinctids typical of this zone, together with Euaspidoceras cf. sparsi-
spinum ( D o r n non Waagen) and E. cf. paucituberculatum Arkell, has also
been found by M r W a r m a n in a thin bed of h a r d pink and red limestone
resting on the Bathonian at M o n t e Bonifato (Alcamo).


T h e presence of vestiges of the C o r d a t u m Zone was suspected from

two Peltoceratids figured b y Gemmellaro (pi. xx, 18, 19), which appear
to be Peltomorphites. M r W a r m a n collected the following typical

assemblage of the C o r d a t u m Zone in one of the thin limestones at

M o n t e Inici:—

Calliphylloceras benacense (Gem.)

Phylloceras spp. indet.
Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.)
Lytoceras sp. indet.
Lissoceras erato (d'Orb.)
Taramelliceras sp. indet.
Euaspidoceras aff. babeanum (d'Orb.)
Peltoceratoides cf. williamsoni (Phillips)
Perisphinctes cf. bernensis de Loriol
Perisphinctes cf. alligatus (Leckenby)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes, etc.) s p p . indet.


At Rocca che Parra, Calatafimi, M r W a r m a n found two separate

Callovian horizons. T h e u p p e r held Indosphinctes cf. patina ( N e u m a y r :
cf. Corroy, 1932, pi. xii, 3), Hecticoceras cf. metomphalum Bonarelli,
Ptychophylloceras cf. euphyllum (Neumayr) and Holcophylloceras sp.,
a n assemblage which m a y belong to t h e early M i d d l e Callovian, as does
perhaps a Hecticoceras figured b y Floridia (1931, pi. v, 2).
A few feet lower at the same place h e obtained the following

Phylloceras cf. kudernatschi (Hauer)

Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel)?
Ptychophylloceras euphyllum (Neumayr)
Lytoceras adeloides (Kudernatsch)
Choffatia subbakeriae (d'Orb.)
Choffatia sp. indet.
Reineckeia rehmanni (Oppel)
Reineckeia (Kellawaysites) paronai Petitclerc
Reineckeia sp. indet.
Bullatimorphites aff. bullatus (d'Orb.)
Macrocephalites aff. macrocephalus Zittel

T h i s is evidently a condensed b e d representing t h e L o w e r Callovian a n d

also a basal part of the Anceps Zone. T h e Bullatimorphites is t h e form
already figured with Macrocephalites b y Floridia (1931, pi. iv, fig. 1)
from M o n t e Inici. It is very like the typical Bathonian bullatus, b u t
similar forms range u p into t h e Callovian in F r a n c e . Several other species
of Bullatimorphites were figured from this condensed assemblage at Rocca
che Parra by Gemmellaro (1872-82, pis. i-v), as well as Macrocephalites,
Paralcidia, Choffatia spp. a n d Reineckeia segestana G e m . sp. (1868-76,
pi. viii, figs. 1-3).


According to published descriptions (Floridia, 1931) the condensed

L o w e r Callovian at M o n t e Inici rests on limestones with a b u n d a n t
Posidonia alpina a n d brachiopods, supposed to be Bathonian b u t yielding
n o diagnostic ammonites. M r W a r m a n , however, found t w o different
Bathonian a m m o n i t e faunas, b o t h new to Sicily. At M o n t e Bonifato,
from a curious pink, porcellanous limestone containing black-coated
irony nodules a n d encrusted black ammonites, he obtained Prohecticoceras
cf. retrocostatum (de Grossouvre), P. cf. subpunctatum (Schlippe), P. cf.
costatum (Roemer), Choffatia cf. ybbisensis (Jussen), Siemiradzkia ? s p .
indet. and m a n y poorly-preserved Phylloceratids. T h i s assemblage is
U p p e r Bathonian.
Of still greater interest are m a n y well-preserved ammonites which h e
obtained from a h a r d pink limestone at M o n t e Inici. I determined t h e
following, which comprise an assemblage typical of the Zigzag Zone of
N W . E u r o p e , here associated with M e d i t e r r a n e a n Phylloceratids.
Phylloceras kudernatschi (Hauer)
Phylloceras cf. kunihi N e u m a y r
Holcophylloceras mediterraneum (Neumayr)
Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel)
Ptychophylloceras euphyllum (Neumayr)
Lytoceras adeloides (Kudernatsch)
Lissoceras psilodiscus (Schloenbach)
Paralcidia aff. mariorae (Popovici)
Oppelia (Oxycerites) s p p .
Procerites subprocerus (Buckman)
Choffatia aff. uriniacensis (Lissajous)
Parkinsonia wiirttembergica (Oppel)
Morphoceras macrescens (Buckman)
Morphoceras perinflatum Wetzel
Morphoceras aff. pingue de Grossouvre
Morphoceras sp. no v.

O t h e r L o w e r Bathonian ammonites occur in other places in strata

classed with t h e Posidonia alpina beds, j u d g i n g b y some of Gemmellaro's
figures, namely Ebrayiceras problematicum (1872-82, p . xix, 1), Nanno-
lytoceras tripartitiforme (pi. xix, 9) a n d ? Zigzagiceras sp. (pi. xix, 2).


M o s t of t h e ammonites recorded from t h e Posidonia alpina beds, when

n o t equivocal like t h e Phylloceratids and Oppeliids (pi. xviii), are U p p e r
Bajocian a n d mostly of t h e Parkinsoni Zone. Gemmellaro (1872-82)
figured Cadomites daubenyi (pi. xix, 3), Leptosphinctes hoffmanni (pi. xix, 6)
and Parkinsonia ditomplocus (pi. xix, 8) (though all u n d e r other generic
names). T h i s dating is borne out by ammonites recorded from these
b e d s near T a o r m i n a , which include Parkinsonia seguenzae D i Stefano,

Morphoceras cf. dimorphum (d'Orb.), Sphaeroceras brongniarti (Sow.)

and Spiroceras spp. (Di Stefano & Cortese, 1891, p . 230).
As remarked above, subaqueous volcanic rocks of M i d d l e Jurassic
age are widespread in Sicily, from near M o n t e Inici in t h e west to M o n t e
Iudica, near M o u n t Etna. T h e y consist chiefly of tuffs, b u t in places
include agglomerates and submarine basalts. At one place only, Rocca-
palumba, near Palermo, have ammonites been found in the tuffs: a
Cadomites sp. and an Oppeliid (Fabiani, 1930; Fabiani & Ruiz, 1933,
pi. ii, 19, 20). M r W a r m a n twice searched the tuffs at this locality a n d
sent me from t h e m two good specimens of Cadomites daubenyi (Gemmellaro)
or a closely allied species, a fragment of an Oppeliid like that figured b y
Fabiani & Ruiz, and a fragment of a Perisphinctid. T h e Cadomites makes
an U p p e r Bajocian date most probable for the volcanic episode.


So many zones have proved to b e represented b y t h i n beds in such

limited areas that it would b e rash t o assume t h a t any zone is missing
altogether in Sicily. So far, however, n o trace has been found of t h e
lower zones of t h e U p p e r Bajocian, n o r of t h e u p p e r zone of t h e M i d d l e
Bajocian ( H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone), and this non-sequence in so m a n y
places may reasonably b e connected w i t h upheaval preceding t h e volcanic
Beds with M i d d l e and Lower Bajocian ammonites have b e e n found
only in the T r a p a n i district, in t h e west, where they underlie Posidonia
alpina beds without t h e intervention of any volcanics. T h e y consist of
dark grey, bedded limestones from which, at t h e outcrops on M o n t e
San Giuliano (Monte Erice), have been collected some 50 species of
ammonites and Nautilids ranging from the Opalinum Zone to the Sauzei
Zone inclusive. Phylloceratids are a b u n d a n t . Of the other ammonites
the commonest are Graphoceratids and Hammatoceratids of the
Murchisonae Zone. O t h e r important genera are Haplopleuroceras,
Zurcheria and other Sonninids, Erycites, Docidoceras longalvum (Vacek),
Otoites, the early Oppeliid Bradfordia (including Amblyoxyites and
lokastelid), Tmetoceras, Dumortieria a n d Leioceras. T h e whole agrees
closely with the San Vigilio formation on Lake G a r d a . ( G e m m e l l a r o ,
18866; de Gregorio, 1886, pis. i, ii; Renz, 1925, revision, lists, analysis
and pis. i, ii; K u h n , 1934; Nautilids figured b y Tagliarini, 1901).


I n t h e west these stages are poorly developed a n d represented b y a few

metres of limestone poor in fossils (Renz, 1924) or with brachiopods a n d
some ammonites (Gemmellaro, 1872-82, p . 53, pis. X - X I I ) . T h e centre
of interest shifts to the east, where there are u p to 300 m . of grey shaly
marls and marly limestone, extremely rich in ammonites, in t h e n e i g h b o u r ­
hood of Taormina. Following basic work b y Gemmellaro (1885, 1886a,
1886c), Seguenza (1896) and others, t h e ammonites have b e e n beautifully

figured in a long series of m o n o g r a p h s by Fucini (1919, 1920-35). Despite

this t h o r o u g h systematic work, however, m u c h remains t o b e done t o
d e t e r m i n e the stratigraphic range of the species and genera. Even the
b o u n d a r y between D o m e r i a n and Toarcian is in d o u b t ; for all the fauna
figured by Gemmellaro (1885) as of the U p p e r Lias is Domerian, while
m a n y of the Dactylioceratidae figured by Fucini (1935) as Domerian seem
to b e Toarcian. Unfortunately also, F u c i n i employed a taxonomic scale
out of h a r m o n y with that of all other palaeontologists except Buckman,
a n d a n u m b e r of his genera represent n o m o r e t h a n species; further, h e
erected m a n y new genera without diagnosis or type species, so that it is
difficult to determine which are valid nomenclaturally (see Vecchia, 1949;
H a a s , 1947; 1951). Fucini's plates suggest t h a t these Sicilian faunas
have a strong local element, b u t work by D u b a r in Morocco and by
M o u t e r d e in Portugal has t h r o w n i m p o r t a n t light o n these successions.


T h e best-known fauna of this age is from the beds with 'Terebratula'

aspasia at Rocce Rosse, near Galati, in the province of Messina. T h e
b e d s consist of compact grey limestone i n t e r b e d d e d with marls and silts.
T h e y yield m a n y Phylloceratids, especially Juraphyllitids, including t h e
type-species of Juraphyllites (Rhacophyllites diopsis G e m . ) a n d of Galati-
ceras ('Amphiceras' harpoceraides G e m . ) , with interesting Polymorphitids,
including the type species of Gemmellaroceras ('Aegoceras' aenigmaticum
G e m . ) , with Tropidoceras, Eoderoceras, Lytoceratids and other genera
(Gemmellaro, 1884). I n the province of Palermo and probably elsewhere
t h e so-called Terebratula (or Pygope) aspasia beds are later, U p p e r Pliens­
bachian, as shown b y the ammonites figured (Gemmellaro, 1872-82,
p . 53, pis. x-xii).


T h e s e stages probably exist in most parts of the island except perhaps

in t h e west, where it is difficult to separate t h e m from the Trias. I n the
e x t r e m e east a n d extreme west t h e y are represented b y semi-crystalline
limestones ranging in colour from black to white and often crowded with
a neritic fauna of gastropods, pelecypods and brachiopods. T h e y are
best dated at M o n t e Casale (Rocca Busambra), province of Palermo,
w h e n c e a wonderful fauna has been figured from a white marble-like
crystalline limestone (Gemmellaro, 1872-82, p . 233 ff., pis. xxi-xxxi;
gastropods revised b y Fucini, 1913, which see for references to works on
other groups). T h e ammonites (Gugenberger, 1936) represent the whole
of t h e Hettangian and Sinemurian, from the Planorbis Zone to the
Raricostatum Zone. Of 65 species recognized, Phylloceratids are in a
large majority, b o t h in species a n d individuals (43 per cent., 47 per cent.),
followed b y Lytoceratids (21 per cent., 20 per cent.) and Arietitids (20 per
cent., 17 p e r cent.). T h e remainder includes Schlotheimiids, Psiloceratids,
Eoderoceratids, and T e t h y a n Lytoceratina such as Ectocentrites, Pleuro-
acanthites and Fucinites. T h e assemblage requires direct sea connexion
with the Apennines, Alps and S E . E u r o p e , and contrasts with most of
the surrounding territories, especially Spain, T u n i s i a a n d Algeria.


T h e crystalline basement which comes to the surface in the N E . corner

of Sicily is continued across the Straits of Messina to form the greater
part of Calabria, the 'toe of Italy'. I t includes schists a n d phyllites in
some of which traces of Carboniferous plants have been found. T r i a s
is absent. U p o n t h e planed basement, successive stages of t h e Jurassic
transgress from all sides. At Rossano (see fig. 22) are 250-300 m . of
Lower Lias limestones locally full of gastropods a n d brachiopods as in
Sicily, with conglomerates containing granite pebbles, and at the base
10-15 m. of red polygenetic conglomerate. T h e D o m e r i a n and T o a r c i a n
comprise u p t o 300 m . of marly a n d sandy limestones a n d sandstones,
from which characteristic faunas have been obtained, and Eocene overlies
this unconformably. A t another locality small U p p e r Toarcian a n d
Lower Bajocian ammonites, including Hammatoceras, Phymatoceras,
Polyplectus, Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids, are found in beds resting
directly o n schists a n d granite. T h e succession is t h e same t o t h e N W . ,
on the 'instep'. (Greco, 1893, 1896, 1898, 1899; Renz, 1924, p . 106).
T h e palaeontological and lithological facies of t h e Lias are as in N E .
Sicily. T h e highest fauna yet recognized is the L o w e r Bajocian assem­
blage of San Vigilio and Sicily. F a r t h e r in towards t h e centre of t h e
massif, however, T i t h o n i a n deposits in t u r n rest directly o n t h e crystalline
basement; they comprise siliceous shales, cherty limestones and calcareous
sandstones, with a basal conglomerate, altogether 60-70 m . thick. T h e
only Cretaceous comes in in southern and central Calabria and consists
of transgressive Cenomanian a n d T u r o n i a n . (See also Bose & Lorenzo,
1897; Cortese, 1897, and earlier works; above all an admirable s u m m a r y
by Quitzow in Teichmuller & Quitzow, 1935).
T h u s t h e Calabrian massif was o n t h e whole a horst or swell in t h e
Mesozoic. T h e great thickness of Lias (600 m . rising to 700 m . in
the n o r t h of the 'instep'), however, shows that at times subsidence of t h e
edges was considerable. W h e t h e r the absence of stages between L o w e r
Bajocian and Tithonian was due to non-deposition or subsequent erosions
is uncertain; a n d it is possible t h a t as elsewhere t h e supposed T i t h o n i a n
includes in its lower parts representatives of Kimeridgian and even earlier
stages which have not yet b e e n (and perhaps owing to poverty of fossils
never will be) recognized.
T h e disposition of the Jurassic rocks near Rossano indicates that t h e
transgressions there came from t h e east. T h i s fact s u p p o r t s t h e close
correspondence between the facies and faunas of t h e Apennines a n d
western Greece, pointed out by Renz, i n indicating Jurassic sea over at
least the southern Adriatic.
T h e r e is a noteworthy contrast between the Jurassic transgressions in

Calabria and Sardinia, on opposite sides of the marine t r o u g h that con­

nected t h e central Apennines with Sicily. Lias is absent in Sardinia,
complete a n d very thick in Calabria. I n Calabria t h e Liassic marine
cycle ends with ammonitiferous Lower Bajocian, which is about the same
age as t h e continental sandstone that begins the sequence in Sardinia.
T h e p r e d o m i n a n t formation in Sardinia, transgressive o n t h e basement,
is the M i d d l e Bajocian-Bathonian (250 m.), which stages are absent in
Calabria. T h e only feature in c o m m o n is the transgressive U p p e r Jurassic,
in both regions only vaguely dated b u t embracing the Tithonian.


Between t h e small Jurassic outcrops of northern Calabria, on the

'instep' of the Italian 'foot', and the m a i n complex of scattered outcrops
higher u p the 'leg', in the central Apennines, there is a gap of some 200
miles. O n old m a p s , the gap is to some extent bridged by an inlier of
reef-facies limestones assigned t o t h e T i t h o n i a n (Viola & Cassetti, 1893),
in t h e core of a dome forming M o n t e Gargano (the 'spur', on the Adriatic
coast). B u t on t h e new Geological Survey maps (1928) and Dainelli's
atlas (1948) all these limestones have been transferred to the Cretaceous
on the strength of more recent palaeontological discoveries (Checchia-
Rispoli, 1925). N o ammonites occur.
I n the central and n o r t h e r n Apennines, especially in Tuscany and
U m b r i a , the Jurassic is thin b u t complete, or nearly complete, and the
Lias is well dated by beds rich in ammonites belonging to all the stages.
As pointed out b y H a u g (1910, Traite, p . 984) in passing north from
Calabria w e have crossed from a neritic zone t o a 'bathyal' zone with marls
as well as limestones, and including in the Toarcian Posidonia bronni
shales and Ammonitico rosso, extremely rich in cephalopods; they were
deposited in a Liassic t r o u g h which was certainly continuous from t h e
southern Alps of L o m b a r d y , t h r o u g h the Apennines to Sicily and (as has
since b e e n proved) Algeria a n d Morocco. As in all these places, too, the
U p p e r Bajocian and probably Bathonian are represented by shales with
limestone bands and cherts, crowded with Posidonia alpina. Above
follow shales a n d cherts with A p t y c h u s (Lamellaptychus) of uncertain
U p p e r Jurassic age, in part containing Tithonian foraminifera; and
locally typical L o w e r a n d M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n cephalopod limestone with
t h e fauna of Rogoznik.
T h i s succession, first established b y Zittel (1869), has been proved over
t h e whole b r e a d t h of t h e peninsula, from M o n t e Catria, inland from
Ancona, to the foothills b e h i n d Rome. Particularly good marker forma­
tions are t h e Toarcian Ammonitico rosso and Posidonia bronni shales like
those of central E u r o p e , and t h e U p p e r Bajocian cherty beds with Posidonia
alpina (ornati Roemer) which stretch from the L o m b a r d y Alps to Sicily
a n d G r e e c e ; also t h e T i t h o n i a n a p t y c h u s a n d foraminiferal limestones with
Cadosina a n d Stomiosphaera (Renz, 1949).
As in all such large areas there are more or less extensive variations of

facies, and some elements are locally reduced or absent; b u t on the whole
the succession is widely recognizable in t h e autochthonous or 'lime­
stone Apennines'. I n the north-west, however, intense tectonic compli­
cation occurs. T h e autochthon is itself believed b y some authorities to
be torn from its roots in the form of a vast t h r u s t sheet (the T u s c a n nappe,
or Tuscanids), and the lower parts at least are metamorphosed regionally
(especially in the A p u a n Alps—see fig. 22, where t h e celebrated Carrara
marble has been produced from Lower Lias limestone). Above all this,
however, there rests with violent structural unconformity a heterogeneous
sheet of mixed incompetent rocks, containing exotic blocks of all sizes,
known as the Ligurian ' n a p p e ' or Ligurids. T h e total thickness is u p to
1000 m . T h e principal element in this sheet is a laminated clay, t h e
'Argilli scagliosi', of Cretaceous a n d T e r t i a r y age, in which float exotic
masses of limestone, sandstone, granite and green igneous rocks, b o t h
intrusive and extrusive (the so-called 'ophiolitic series' or 'ophiolites').
T h e s e are partly in place and partly transported. At the base of the
Ligurids in the n o r t h are radiolarian cherts and limestones with Calpion­
ella alpina, which in the Mediterranean area is a reliable index fossil of
t h e Tithonian and Lower Neocomian (Steinmann, 1907, 1913). T h e s e
rocks rest on all horizons u p to Eocene. T h e Calpionella beds are
penetrated and altered b y intrusive green igneous rocks, b u t also contain
conglomerates in which have been found pebbles of apparently t h e same
igneous rock. F r o m this it has to b e concluded that violent igneous
activity in the northern Apennines occurred during t h e T i t h o n i a n or
possibly Lower Neocomian (Teichmiiller & Schneider, 1935, p . 8).
T h e Ligurian 'nappe' or 'allochton' is continuous in t h e Ligurian
Apennines of the north, b u t becomes broken u p southwards b y erosion
of domes and anticlines t h r o u g h which t h e T u s c a n i d series p r o t r u d e s as
tectonic windows (as in t h e A p u a n dome), until in U m b r i a it is reduced
to shreds and klippes. ( T i l m a n n , 1926; and a good account also in
Kober, 1928, Der Bau der Erde, p p . 195-201).
Steinmann called t h e radiolarian cherts 'abyssites' because they contain
Radiolaria and no macro-fossils, b u t more recent work in m a n y countries
has shown that such rocks are m o r e likely of shallow-water origin a n d
connected with the presence of s u b m a r i n e eruptives; moreover, they
contain algae, as Steinmann admitted.
T h e source of origin of the so-called Ligurian nappe, and the m o d e of
transportation, present capital problems. I t m a y b e m a n y years yet
before final solutions can b e found. A n y theory m u s t take into account
t h e widespread occurrence of similar p h e n o m e n a farther down the
Italian peninsula—where, however, only post-Jurassic rocks are involved,
so that we are not here concerned with t h e details—and in Sicily. ( F o r
a full discussion of the problems of dating t h e Argille scagliose see
Brueren, 1941. H e favours the view that in t h e n o r t h (Etruscan Apennines)
it is Cretaceous and perhaps in part even Jurassic, a n d equivalent to t h e
Schistes lustres.)

Staub, in a characteristic essay (1932) based on a study of the A p u a n

dome, was convinced t h a t t h e m o v e m e n t had been from east to west,
b u t nearly all authors, before and since, agree that it was from west to
east (farther north, from S W . to N E . ) . T h e source therefore has to be
postulated in t h e sunken region of t h e T y r r h e n i a n Sea. Since in
Corsica t h e m o v e m e n t is from t h e east, against the crystalline foreland in
t h e west (see p . 218), there m u s t be a parting u n d e r the sea between
Corsica a n d Elba. T h i s parting probably runs into the coast near Genoa
and t h e n u n d e r t h e P o basin (Teichmiiller & Schneider, 1935, p p . 46-7).
Originally t h e site of a sinking trough, in the early Tertiary orogeny it
was uplifted and shed part of its load of sediments as great sheets which
glided off into the fore-deeps on either side, contorting and breaking u p
as they travelled. T h e distances moved (100-200 miles) and the incom­
petence of the rocks, however, make an explanation of the Ligurian
' n a p p e ' by means of orthodox n a p p e tectonics well-nigh inconceivable.
T o meet these difficulties Italian geologists have developed the ideas
of gravitational sliding p u t forward from time to time in various parts of
t h e world and e x p o u n d e d with special force by H a a r m a n n (1930). T h e
Italian version, k n o w n as t h e 'successive landslip theory', contains special
and attractive features and merits most serious attention. (See Migliorini,
1945, 1952; Signorini, 1946; Merla, 1948, 1952; Beneo, 1950). T h e
long distances covered by the incompetent Ligurid materials are accounted
for by supposing that t h e slipped debris was passed on from time to time
as successive ranges were formed in order from west to east, new materials
being added to t h e old with each orogenic spasm. T h e earliest uplift
occurred over t h e T y r r h e n i a n Sea in t h e late Cretaceous; the latest
ended in t h e Pliocene on t h e outer margin of the arc, adjoining the Adriatic
coastal plain and t h e P o basin. T h e ridges were asymmetric in form, with
t h e longer slip-slope o n t h e outer (eastern) side. T h e y present internally
a peculiar pattern of 'composite wedges', t h e ends of which would be liable
to b e t o r n off and incorporated with t h e slipping cover material (chiefly
Argilli scagliosi), t h u s providing t h e exotic blocks. T h e slips involved
bear close comparison with those proved b y intensive drilling in the
oilfield on t h e Pacific coast of Peru and Equador, as described in 1938
b y Baldry a n d Barrington Brown. T h e remarkable structures met w i t h
in t h e A p e n n i n e ranges (e.g. B e h r m a n n , 1936, many figures) forcibly
recall H a a r m a n n ' s book.
T h e following succession near Perugia, in U m b r i a , lies near the centre
of t h e whole A p e n n i n e area and m a y b e considered typical (Principi,
h. T i t h o n i a n grey limestones passing u p gradually into Neocomian
limestones (Majolica)
g. A p t y c h u s shales
/. Posidonia alpina beds
e. Limestones, greyish-yellow, siliceous, without fossils
d. R e d limestones with Erycites fallax, 'Aalenian'
c. Red marls and limestones of t h e Toarcian
b. Limestones full of ammonites of the Pliensbachian
a. White, massive, crystalline limestones with gastropods: Lower Lias

T h e following s u m m a r y gives the principal evidence for dating, with

references. T h e T i t h o n i a n is overlain by about 300 m . of L o w e r
Cretaceous limestone.


T h e most celebrated locality for the T i t h o n i a n limestone is the M o n t e

Catria and M o n t e Nerone group, inland b e h i n d Ancona (Zittel, 1869,
a n d 1870, p . 137, with m a n y figures; revised b y Principi, 1921, and Renz,
1949, p . 551). T h e limestone, worked in quarries, is 3 to 6 m . thick a n d
contains some layers a n d nodules of greenish-grey chert. I t is rich in
perfectly preserved cephalopods. M o s t of t h e m were assigned by Zittel
without hesitation to t h e T i t h o n i a n Rogoznik b e d s (see p . 165), b u t
h e recognized also (p. 142) some of earlier U p p e r Jurassic date. S o m e
noteworthy forms are Subplanites contiguus (Cat.), Lithacoceras geron
(Zittel), Hybonoticeras hybonotum (Oppel), Aspidoceras bispinosum (Zittel),
A. rogoznicense (Zeusch.), A. cyclotum (Oppel), with Lytoceras montanunt
(Oppel) and many Phylloceratids and aptychi. O t h e r localities with
similar fauna are described b y Principi (1921, p p . 67-9).
Hybonoticeras hybonotum is also recorded in U m b r i a from t h e a p t y c h u s
shales, which generally underlie t h e T i t h o n i a n limestone (Verri, 1884).
Aptychi are also c o m m o n in t h e T i t h o n i a n limestone, in association b o t h
with the characteristic Rogoznik ammonites (Zittel, 1869) a n d w i t h
T i t h o n i a n foraminifera (Renz, 1949). F r o m t h e province of Ancona
comes a remarkable Himalayitid, Tithopeltoceras moriconii M e n e g h i n i s p .
(1885, pi. xxii, 2), allied to 'Peltoceras' edmundi Kilian of t h e L o w e r
T i t h o n i a n of Andalusia and Himalayites parakasbensis Fallot & T e r m i e r
of the Balearic Tithonian.
Berriasella aesinensis, Protacanthodiscus bonarellii and Neocosmoceras
heterocosmum, figured by Canavari (1891) as from the T i t h o n i a n of t h e
central Apennines, are Berriasian.


At M o n t e Serra, near C a m e r i n o (east of Perugia), a few t h i n b e d s of

limestone have yielded a rich fauna of ammonites of t h e L o w e r K i m e r i d g i a n
A c a n t h i c u s Beds (Canavari, 1896-1903). T h e y include Aspidoceras
acanthicum and many other Aspidoceratids, Simoceratids, Perisphinctids,
Oppeliids (Taramelliceras), Phylloceratids a n d Lytoceratids. T h e r e are
a n u m b e r of species in c o m m o n with t h e Acanthicus Beds of Sicily.
According to Canavari these b e d s rest directly on e r o d e d L o w e r Lias lime­
stone, b u t Bonarelli (1903, p . 441) states t h a t t h e i r position is b e t w e e n
t h e T i t h o n i a n limestone a n d A p t y c h u s Beds. Sicilian Simoceratids have
also b e e n figured from Ancona province (Meneghini, 1885).

T h e A p t y c h u s Beds consist of marly, greenish or yellowish limestones

alternating with b a n d s of c h e r t : the principal species recorded are Aptychus
lamellosus, profundus, laevis a n d punctatus. T h e age is u n d e t e r m i n e d ,
b u t L o w e r K i m e r i d g i a n seems the most probable. T h e y appear to b e
transgressive, resting in different places on Callovian, on Posidonia alpina
beds, on L o w e r Bajocian, a n d on Toarcian, b u t this relation m a y b e
t e c t o n i c ; M e r l a (1952) considers t h a t deposition was continuous d u r i n g
t h e Jurassic.


Evidence for t h e Oxfordian stage in t h e Apennines is meagre. I t is

generally believed, b u t on insufficient grounds, to b e represented in t h e
A p t y c h u s beds(Bonarelli, 1903, p . 437; Principi, 1921, p . 76). 'PeltocerasV
retroflexum M e n e g h i n i (1885, p i . xx, 1), from t h e Ancona district, has
n o t h i n g to do with P. transversarium b u t appears to b e a Perisphinctid
suffering from a c o m m o n pathological malformation. (Judging b y
associated Simoceratids it is probably Kimeridgian.)


A downward limit to t h e age of the A p t y c h u s beds is provided at F u r l o ,

in the P e s a r o - U r b i n o province ( N W . of Ancona), where 60 m. of the b e d s
overlie a limestone with Reineckeiae (Bonarelli, 1903, p . 441). Indo-
sphinctes patina ( N e u m . ) was recorded from the same area (Meneghini,
1885, p . 364). T h i s M i d d l e Callovian a m m o n i t e bed has not been found


Limestones, shales a n d cherts with Posidonia alpina, resembling those

in Sicily, t h e southern Alps and Greece, are widely distributed in t h e
central Apennines (Renz, 1949). Locally they are absent like the Callovian
a n d Lower Bajocian a m m o n i t e beds, leaving A p t y c h u s Beds resting directly
on Lias. Italian geologists (Bonarelli, 1903, p p . 436-7; Principi, 1909,
1921, p . 66) have usually considered t h e Posidonia alpina beds Callovian,
b u t in this is doubtless seen t h e influence of Parana's monograph on t h e
ammonites of these beds in t h e southern Alps, which h e called Callovian,
b u t which can b e seen from his plates to b e U p p e r Bajocian as in Sicily
(see p . 176). As in Sicily a n d Algeria, the Posidonia alpina beds probably
represent also the Bathonian.


A s in western Sicily, t h e Posidonia alpina beds are in many places

underlain conformably b y thin, richly fossiliferous marly limestones
containing condensed ammonite faunas of the Lower Bajocian. T h i s is
once m o r e t h e San Vigilio assemblage of Lake Garda, b u t less complete,
for it lacks properly authenticated M i d d l e Bajocian forms. (Records of
Stephanoceras in t h e literature m a y refer to Erycites or Docidoceras.)
T h e composition of the fauna is otherwise m u c h the same as in Sicily
and at Lake G a r d a and need not b e repeated. (Bonarelli, 1893, 1896;
Principi, 1921; Zuffardi, 1914; Merla, 1933, 1933-4; Renz, 1949, p p .
553-4.) Unfossiliferous limestones which follow above in some localities
(Principi, 1909) may represent the M i d d l e Bajocian. A Sphaeroceras
is recorded (Merla, 1933, p . 117).


T h e Toarcian is ubiquitous and richly fossiliferous. I t occurs in t w o

facies: (1) Ammonitico rosso, bright red marls a n d marly limestones
packed with ammonites, a n d (2) shales w i t h Posidonia bronni. T h e former
is a Mediterranean, the latter a central E u r o p e a n facies. Owing to t h e
attractive preservation of the ammonites from (1), the literature is
enormous, b u t detailed stratigraphical work still has to b e done. Lower,
Middle and U p p e r Toarcian are present, with almost all k n o w n Toarcian
genera represented, including interesting forms such as Paroniceras and
Frechiella (Parisch & Viale, 1906; Renz, 1933). ( T h e following are other
principal references: Bonarelli, 1893, 1899; Desio & Airaghi, 1934;
Lippi-Boncambi, 1947; Meli, 1917; M e n e g h i n i , 1867 (revised by Bon­
arelli, 1899), 1874, 1881; Merla, 1933, 1933-4; Principi, 1915;
Zuffardi, 1914.) Some D o m e r i a n Harpoceratids recorded b y Principi
(1915) from t h e Toarcian of U m b r i a are probably misidentified, if n o t
derived. T h e Toarcian in U m b r i a is said to be transgressive on to Lower
Lias, Trias, Palaeozoic and crystalline (Lotti, 1926, p . 26); b u t here again
t h e new tectonic interpretations d e m a n d caution.


Rich faunas of L o w e r a n d U p p e r Pliensbachian dates are widespread.

T h e commonest facies is a marly or compact whitish limestone ('corniola')
alternating with greyish-yellow cherty limestone, b u t in places there is
a more shaly development. Extensive faunas have been published,
above all from M o n t e Cetona in the province of Siena in S. T u s c a n y
(Fucini, 1901-5); also from near Spezia (Fucini, 1896) and the central
Apennines (Fucini, 1899-1900; Ramaccioni, 1936; Maxia, 1944), t h e
G r a n Sasso group (Zuffardi, 1914) and elsewhere. A t M o n t e Calvi, near
the coast opposite t h e Isle of Elba, 'Pygope' aspasia b e d s like those of
Galati in Sicily yield a remarkable fauna with t h e peculiar dwarf genera
Diaphorites and Pimelites (Fucini, 1896a; Levi, 1896). I n the Ligurian
Apennines near Spezia a n d in parts of T u s c a n y t h e L o w e r Pliensbachian
is represented by red limestones which are a bridge formation from
the U p p e r Sinemurian (Canavari, 1882, 1888; Fucini, 1897).


T h e presence of the Planorbis Zone seems to b e doubtfully attested,

b u t from the Angulatum Zone u p w a r d s there is n o reason to suspect
important gaps. Moreover, there is often a downward passage from

u n d o u b t e d Lower Lias into Megalodon limestones and dolomites which

overlie beds with Pteria contorta b u t are still Triassic (Lotti, 1926).
Inclusion of these dolomites in the Lower Lias probably accounts for
excessive thicknesses sometimes attributed to the Lias (e.g. Behrmann,
1936, p . 4). D a t i n g of particular outcrops often presents difficulty: for
instance, a fauna from white limestone in the Pisa district, recognized b y
Fucini as Liassic, was not long ago published as Triassic (Vinassa d e
Regny, 1933) b u t on revision of t h e ammonites t u r n e d out to be Hettangian
a n d Sinemurian (Arthaber, 1935). I n the A p u a n Alps difficulties are
increased b y regional m e t a m o r p h i s m . T h e white Liassic limestone has
b e e n converted to Carrara M a r b l e .
Elsewhere t h e L o w e r Lias consists typically of compact white limestone
('corniola') and subcrystalline limestone ('marmarone'). I n some places,
as in the M o n t e Catria group, the u p p e r part of the Sinemurian is r e p r e ­
sented by these facies, with ammonites, while the lower part of the Lower
Lias comprises a variety of limestones, massive, cavernous, brecciform,
semicrystalline, pisolitic a n d oolitic, with only some pelecypods and
gastropods (Principi, 1921).
I n T u s c a n y and near Spezia, o n the other hand, the U p p e r Sinemurian
(as stated above) is developed as a ' L o w e r Ammonitico rosso' or 'Calcare
rosse ad Arieti', which facies in places includes the Lower Pliensbachian.
I n N W . T u s c a n y this overlies limestones and shales with small ammonites
which have a marked local stamp (Canavari, 1882, 1888). O n e of the most
interesting faunas in t h e Apennines was described from about 30 m .
of alternating compact and subcrystalline limestones exposed not far
from Pergola, which yielded m a n y Arnioceras, with Boucalticeras a n d
remarkable Ectocentritidae, including t h e peculiar genera Peltolytoceras
a n d Lytotropites (Bonarelli, 1900). O t h e r assemblages have been p u b ­
lished from various localities (e.g. D e Stefani, 1887; Fucini, 1906, 1911,
1911a; Zuffardi, 1914; Maxia, 1944).


T h e south-western two-thirds of Corsica consist of ancient and

crystalline rocks in direct continuity with t h e central ridge of Sardinia
( p . 199). T h e north-eastern third, o n t h e contrary, consists of Schistes
lustres and other Mesozoic and T e r t i a r y strata in a state of intense
deformation o n axes r u n n i n g approximately N . - S . T h i s terrain belongs
t o t h e Ligurian Apennines and the Alps. T h e Schistes lustres have
b e e n driven westward against t h e crystalline foreland in recumbent
a n d isoclined folds, carrying wedges of the foreland with them. A
puzzling feature is t h a t in the north-west of the folded area (from
C o r t e to t h e n o r t h coast) t h e r e ride u p o n the Schistes lustres, which
h a d already been to some extent folded, nappes of u n m e t a m o r -
phosed neritic T r i a s and Lias, consisting of cavernous dolomites, Rhaetic
b e d s w i t h Pteria contorta, a n d Hettangian to Sinemurian limestones
w i t h belemnites. T h e relations of these rocks led to the inference
that the Schistes lustres h a d been driven in between the crystalline
basement a n d its sedimentary cover to a distance of 30 k m . (P. T e r m i e r
& Maury, 1928; L u t a u d , 1930). M o r e likely, however, t h e sedimentary
cover first slid eastwards in early T e r t i a r y times over folding Schistes
lustres, by preliminary disharmonic movements of Pyrenean t y p e
connected with early stages in t h e closing of t h e Alpine geosyncline t h a t
lay to the east of Corsica. T h e n , in the final stages of the main A l p i n e
orogeny, with uplift of the parting, they were forced back again b y t h e
general westerly surge of the Schistes lustres over t h e foreland (Parent,
1930). I n the final paroxysm the nappes overlying t h e Schistes l u s t r e s
were tightly folded and broken u p . I n places they stand vertical; and t h e r e
are wedges of thick Lias limestone, into which have been kneaded s h r e d s
of T r i a s limestone, pinched in a m o n g t h e schists (Parent, 1930a).
South of Corte the intensity of the distortion diminishes, and before
the outcrops reach the SE. coast of the island almost all traces of d i s t u r b ­
ance have died out. H e r e is t h o u g h t t o b e t h e southern e n d of t h e A l p i n e
geosyncline and orogen (Parent, 1930; Parejas, 1929).
Tithonian rocks of three types, belonging to t h r e e separate tectonic
entities, exist in N E . Corsica. F i r s t there are radiolarites (black jaspers)
forming part of the metamorphic series of t h e Schistes lustres a n d closely
associated with massive volcanic green rocks including pillow lavas (the
ophiolites); secondly there are radiolarites associated with ophiolites b u t
also with u n m e t a m o r p h o s e d limestones containing Calpionella, and
presumed to be lateral equivalents of the first facies; a n d thirdly t h e r e
float on the Schistes lustres klippes of u n m e t a m o r p h o s e d white limestones,
with corals, sandstones and breccia ( T e r m i e r & M a u r y , 1928). T h e last
seems to be a continuation of the T i t h o n i a n of Sardinia; t h e first two are a
continuation of the Ligurian ' n a p p e ' of t h e n o r t h e r n Apennines. Corsica
therefore amplifies the evidence of the n o r t h e r n Apennines a n d confirms,
t h e occurrence of submarine volcanic activity in t h e geosyncline at t h e
end of the Jurassic.



Between the basin of the G a r o n n e (Aquitaine) to the north and the basin
of the E b r o to the south, t h e barrier of t h e Pyrenees stretches for 280 miles
nearly east and west, from coast to coast. T h e western part has a h u m i d
Atlantic climate and the foothills are thickly forested; the eastern p a r t
partakes of t h e Mediterranean climate, in which the Jurassic limestones
are bare and parched in s u m m e r , while the marl and clay outcrops support
vineyards and citrus orchards.
I n structure and stratigraphy the Pyrenees are m u c h simpler than t h e
Alps. T h e r e has been complicated Lower Cretaceous and Tertiary
folding and overfolding on b o t h sides, with limited overthrusting, b u t
there are no nappes. N o fundamental changes of facies have been observed
in the Mesozoic rocks, either longitudinally in the direction of strike
or across t h e range from one side to t h e other. F o r most of the length
of the range t h e Mesozoic outcrops are confined to two lateral belts
completely separated b y t h e main central ridge of older rocks, which has
a width of u p to 35-40 miles. T h i s axial zone consists of pre-Permian
Palaeozoic rocks strongly deformed b y the Variscan orogeny and injected
at that time with granites. M u c h of the b o u n d a r y is faulted, b u t in m a n y
places Cenomanian sediments are seen to overstep the Jurassic and
Triassic formations and rest unconformably on t h e edges of the Palaeozoic
r i d g e ; while near the west end t h e y almost cross it. At first sight it might
b e inferred t h a t t h e ridge already existed as a land barrier in the Jurassic
sea; b u t t h e Variscan ranges were completely levelled before the Trias
( L a m a r e , 1936, p . 441), and the similarity in facies and faunas of t h e
Liassic rocks on opposite sides of t h e present range makes it more probable
t h a t the absence of Jurassic rocks over the central parts is, at least mainly,
d u e to pre-Cenomanian (and pre-Aptian ?) folding, uplift and erosion.
E v e n in t h e outer zones where p r e - C e n o m a n i a n sediments are preserved
it is extremely difficult to disentangle t h e pre-Cenomanian tectonics from
t h e Tertiary (Casteras, 1933, p . 514). Nevertheless, it is probable that
some parts of the central ridge h a d already been elevated above sea-level
before the Jurassic period and were t h e n progressively submerged (Lamare,
1936, p . 430), as were t h e strikingly similar central core of the High
Atlas a n d t h e m i n o r Palaeozoic horsts of N o r t h Africa.
T h e splendid monographs b y Jacob (1930), Dalloni (1930), Casteras
(1933) a n d L a m a r e (1936), and on t h e Lias b y D u b a r (1925, 1927),
establish beyond question t h a t t h e Pyrenees are a 'plis de fond', or u p w a r p
of the Palaeozoic platform, complementary to the downwarped basins
of t h e G a r o n n e a n d E b r o , n o t a geosynclinal chain of Alpine type, a n d
that they cannot b e a continuation of either the Alps or the Betic Cordillera
(via t h e Balearics), as has been suggested. T h e m a i n T e r t i a r y orogeny,
known as Pyrenean, took place in t h e U p p e r Eocene (Bartonian-Ludian,
Stille, 1928) or M i d d l e Eocene (Lutetian, Jacob, 1930), as compared with
Miocene in t h e Alps. I t consisted of movements of t h e central horst
and its satellite horsts, which crushed a n d deformed t h e Mesozoic cover
rocks. A t least in some regions pre-Aptian folding is said t o b e m o r e
important than Eocene (Lamare, 1944).

F I G . 24.—Jurassic outcrops in the Iberian peninsula and Balearic Islands.

T h e facies-changes in t h e Lias, such as they are, take place from east

t o west rather t h a n from n o r t h t o south. T h e Lias of t h e central a n d
eastern sectors on both sides agrees with that of Aveyron a n d Provence,
forming part of t h e deposits of a shallow sea with islands, separating t h e
waters of the Alps a n d J u r a M o u n t a i n s o n t h e one h a n d from those of t h e
Aquitaine a n d E b r o basins on t h e other. W e s t w a r d t h e Lias, while still
t h i n a n d neritic, becomes somewhat m o r e uniform a n d richer i n ammonites,
as if passing into regions where t h e water was deeper. Since all t h e
Jurassic of the Pyrenees is relatively thin a n d neritic, a n d any indications
of increasing depth of water are in a direction parallel to t h e range, there
can b e n o question of a Pyrenean geosyncline, at least in t h e Jurassic
(Dubar, 1925, p p . 209, 303).
Volcanic activity occurred in t h e Hettangian o n t h e centre of t h e n o r t h

flank (Ariege) and near the west end of the range. I n these areas there
are basalt flows a n d volcanic tuffs interbedded in poorly fossiliferous
dolomites and limestones attributed to the Lower Hettangian. T h e rocks
are without d o u b t Jurassic, for in t h e department of Ariege they overlie
Rhaetic lumachelles of Pteria contorta. ( D u b a r , 1925, p p . 215, 2 2 5 ;
1927, p . 587.)
T h e Lias is well developed and fossiliferous over the whole area, except
for the Hettangian and locally the Sinemurian, which are developed as
dolomites a n d poorly fossiliferous limestones. T h e Aalenian and Bajocian
are likewise complete, with all the N W . European faunas. T h e U p p e r
Jurassic is m o r e sporadic in occurrence. T h e highest ammonite faunas
recorded are Oxfordian, b u t in parts of t h e Pyrenees there are thick
dolomites of U p p e r Jurassic age which pass u p into Lower Cretaceous
limestones, and it is possible that the higher stages of the U p p e r Jurassic
will prove to b e represented ( D u b a r , 1925, p . 252). I n the Pyrenees of
L e r i d a there is a gap with unconformity between the Kimeridgian litho­
graphic limestones and M i d d l e Jurassic dolomites without fossils (Dalloni,
1930, p . 170).

Borings near t h e south-western edge of the Aquitaine basin have
p r o d u c e d u p p e r m o s t Jurassic a n d lowest Cretaceous micro-faunas, a n d
equivalent rocks are present also at outcrop on the north-west flank of t h e
range (Cuvillier & Debourle, 1954).


O n t h e south of the Pyrenees, near t h e east end, in the province of

L e r i d a , t h e lithographic limestones of M o n t s e c h contain a mixed land,
freshwater a n d sea fauna a n d flora, w i t h o u t m a r i n e mollusca or any other
invertebrates except insects. I n facies t h e fauna resembles those of
Solnhofen in Franconia and Cerin in the D e p t . of Ain, b u t the verte­
brates are held to indicate a somewhat lower horizon in the Kimeridgian
(Vidal, 1915; Broili, 1932). T h e thickness is estimated at 100 m. and
there is an unconformity and big gap below (Dalloni, 1930, p p . 163, 170).


I n the extreme west are u p to 50 m . of poorly-fossiliferous calcareous

sandstones or greywackes attributed to the 'Lusitanian' and probably
U p p e r Oxfordian (Lamare, 1936, p p . 56, 178). O n t h e Spanish side in
this western region Perisphinctes plicatilis (Sow.) and Ochetoceras canali-
culatum (v. Buch) have been recorded (Palacios, 1 9 1 9 ^ . 63); on the French
side in addition Euaspidoceras perarmatum (Sow.) and Taramelliceras
flexuosum Miinst. sp. ( D u b a r , 1925, p . 252).


Black a n d grey limestones, 50-100 m., are probably attributable here,

b u t no distinctive ammonites are recorded (Lamare, 1936, p p . 56, 178).

Ammonites of Lower, M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Callovian dates are recorded,

b u t their stratigraphical relations remain to b e elucidated. A t t h e west
end of the range, where they occur, t h e stage comprises 50-100 m . of
alternating fine-grained limestones and sandy marls which are altered to a
sand. A record of Quenstedtoceras lamberti (Sow.) is noteworthy (Palacios,
1919, p . 63). I n several places a good Hecticoceras fauna of t h e M i d d l e to
U p p e r Callovian is recorded, also Reineckeia anceps, Phlycticeras and several
forms of Macrocephalites, which will repay closer scrutiny ( D u b a r , 1930,
p p . 594, 606; Lamare, 1936, p p . 56, 86, 178, 183).


U p to 60 m . of limestone with t h i n marly beds a n d some brachiopods

m a y belong here (Dubar, 1930, p . 593). T h e only Bathonian ammonites
recorded are Perisphinctes procerus, P. arbustigerus, Oppelia aspidoides,
O. cf. subcostaria, Sphaeroceras sp. (Palacios, 1919, p . 6 3 ; D u b a r , 1925,
p p . 247, 251). T h e s e specific names imply t h e presence of t h e Bathonian
genera Procerites, Wagnericeras, Oxycerites, Paralcidia and Bullati­


I n the u p p e r valley of t h e Bidassoa (which r u n s into the Bay of Biscay

o n the frontier, between San Sebastian and Bayonne), D u b a r (1930)
m a d e out a clear sequence of Aalenian and Bajocian faunas, and similar
sequences have been published for other places near t h e western end of t h e
range by L a m a r e (1936, p p . 189, 191, 338). Some additional a m m o n i t e s
are recorded b y Palacios (1919) and D u b a r (1925, p . 251). T h e total
thickness is u p to 100 m . or more, mostly limestones.
U p p e r Bajocian is represented by various Garantiana, Parkinsonia,
Spiroceras, Bigotites, Lissoceras.
Middle Bajocian is represented b y various Stephanoceras, Chondroceras,
Lower Bajocian is represented b y Ludwigia, Brasilia, Graphoceras,
Tmetoceras, etc. (some figured b y D u b a r , 1930).


Limestones, marly limestones and marls of this age are widespread,

almost ubiquitous, and richly fossiliferous. I n Lerida, in t h e SE., Dalloni
(1930, p . 170) recognizes the following horizons:
2. Beds with Leioceras opalinum, Pleydellia aalensis, Dumortieria
radians and Grammoceras distans; with beds of Gryphaea sublobata at
top, containing no cephalopods.
ic. Beds with Hammatoceras insigne, Grammoceras striatulum, G.
fallaciosum, G. thouarsense, Phymatoceras erbaense, P. bayani, Haugia

ib. Beds w i t h Dactylioceras commune a n d D. subarmatum.

i a. Beds with Hildoceras bifrons, H. levisoni, Harpoceras serpentinum,
H. falcifer, H. subplanatum, Catacoeloceras crassum, Dactylioceras annul-
I n other regions farther west other genera, including Lytoceras, Paroni-
ceras a n d Polyplectus have b e e n found i n t h e u p p e r b e d s ; approximately
t h e same succession is recognized everywhere. A detailed study of t h e
passage b e d s from Pliensbachian to Toarcian in Ariege has been m a d e b y
D u b a r (1932).


N o d u l a r marly limestones a n d marls, or dark shales, marls a n d black

limestones, sometimes passing u p into h a r d sandy lighter-coloured
limestones, are ubiquitous. D u b a r (1925, p p . 117-71) was able to separate
two zones as in N W . E u r o p e : the Margaritatus Zone below, in which
Liparoceras still occurs, and the S p i n a t u m Zone above, with Pecten
aequivalvis a n d Terebratula punctata, etc. Dalloni (1930, p . 169) also
recognizes two zones in L e r i d a in t h e S E :
Beds with Pleuroceras spinatum, Tropidoceras stahli and Proto-
grammoceras celebratum.
Beds with Arieticeras algovianum, A. boscense and A. cepellinii.


A l t h o u g h this substage is usually only 2 or 3 m . thick, D u b a r (1925,

p . 117) a n d Dalloni (1930, p . 169) were b o t h able to recognize two zones,
those of Uptonia jamesoni and Prodactylioceras davoei. T h e r e are records
of various Liparoceratids, also Uptonia, Prodactylioceras, Tragophylloceras,
Acanthopleuroceras, Lytoceras cf. fimbriatum, etc. (Dubar, 1925, 1930;
Dalloni, 1930; L a m a r e , 1936, p . i n ) . According to Dalloni Proto-
grammoceras normannianum occurs in the Davoei Zone with P. davoei
a n d A. capricornus.


A l t h o u g h believed t o b e complete, t h e Sinemurian is mostly represented

b y poorly fossiliferous dolomites. Occasional finds have been recorded
of Sinemurian ammonites such as Metophioceras cf. conybeari (Sow.)
and Arietites cf. bisculatus (Brug.) (Palacios, 1919, p . 63), also Vermiceras
tardecrescens (Hauer) ( D u b a r , 1925, p . 114).


T o this stage are attributed ubiquitous and massive developments

of dolomite a n d h a r d limestone, which pass u p into and cannot b e
separated from the Sinemurian. I n t e r b e d d e d with t h e m are locally tuffs
and lavas.


F r o m the east end of the Cantabrian Mountains, south of Santander,

a widening triangle of discontinuous outcrops of Jurassic rocks extends
south-eastwards t h r o u g h Aragon to t h e Mediterranean coast between
Valencia and the m o u t h of the River E b r o . T h e n c e northwards it sends
an extension along the coast range of Catalonia t h r o u g h the province
of Tarragona towards Barcelona.
T h e main outcrops, in the central region, constitute a large part of
the Iberian Mountains, a broad b a n d of parallel folded ranges r u n n i n g
N W . to SE., between the Variscan massif of the Spanish M e s e t a and the
sunken E b r o basin, or Basin of Aragon, filled with horizontal Tertiary.
T h e Jurassic and Cretaceous systems were strongly folded and overthrust
in the post-Oligocene, pre-Miocene orogeny. T h i s and subsequent
folding brought to light two long, parallel ranges of Palaeozoic rocks,
against which and over which the Mesozoic cover is broken in complicated
secondary structures after the m a n n e r of those flanking the Pyrenees.
T h e Palaeozoic culminations end at the town of M o n t a l b a n , south of which
the Jurassic and Cretaceous cover rocks unite to form the high plateau
of Teruel.
T h e topographic nomenclature of this important tract is confusing.
Originally the north-easterly range was called t h e Chaine I b e r i q u e and the
south-westerly the M o n t s H e s p e r i q u e s ; and 'Chaine Celtiberique' was a
later synonym of Chaine Iberique (Dereims, 1898, p p . 4-5). Lately t h e
collective term Keltiberikum has been used by the G e r m a n school for the
whole system, including the plateau of Teruel, while Chaine I b e r i q u e is
used in the same sense by the F r e n c h school (cf. Richter & Teichmiiller,
1933, p . 2, and Fallot, 1934a, p . 383).
T o w a r d s the coast the Iberian folds t u r n r o u n d sharply at right-angles
into the folds and faults of the Catalonian coast range, which r u n S W . -
N E . , parallel to the shore. I n the extreme south, in the province of
Valencia, all are cut across by the later folds of the Betic front, beyond
which a major orogeny took place in the late Miocene (post-Burdigalian,
pre-Helvetian). I n a sense the whole of 'Keltiberikum' is part of the
foreland of the Betic orogeny.
As shown by R. Douville (1911) the Jurassic rocks over all this region
are essentially epicontinental and contain a succession of faunas similar
to those of the Pyrenees, France and extra-Alpine E u r o p e , t h o u g h some
zones have not yet been recognized and are probably missing. As in the
Pyrenees and Morocco, the Hettangian is without ammonites, and if it
exists it is represented by dolomites. Locally the dolomites extend u p
to the Middle Jurassic. I n most of the north-central region, which is
nearest to the ancient Meseta, the succession ends with t h e M i d d l e
Jurassic or at highest Callovian, as in m u c h of t h e Atlas of Morocco.
Southwards higher stages come in as the Mediterranean is approached.
T h e Mediterranean T e t h y s was doubtless the source of the transgressions

t h a t overspread t h e basin of A r a g o n ; b u t i n at least t h e Lower a n d Middle

Jurassic there was a continuous seaway to t h e Pyrenees a n d Asturias
a n d t h e n c e n o d o u b t t o t h e Atlantic in t h e Bay of Biscay.
T h e main source of detailed information o n t h e Jurassic stratigraphy
of t h e Iberian ranges is still t h e theses b y Larrazet (1896) a n d Dereims
(1898), which were well summarized b y R. Douville (1911); and t h e same
information a n d m u c h more is b r o u g h t together in t h e official memoir

F I G . 25.—Successive Lower Jurassic shorelines in the south of France and Iberian

peninsula according to Dubar (1927). Emergent massifs shaded.
1, Western limit of the Rhaetian transgression (Pteria contorta Beds); 2, Upper
Hettangian: regression towards the north-east; 3, Upper Sinemurian: marine
transgression; 4, Upper Toarcian: neritic facies with Gryphaea round the island of
Rouergue and Corbieres.
The dotted area in Asturias shows the Kimeridgian which has affinities with

by Mallada (1902). T h e structural geology of the region has been investi­

gated i n a series of brilliant works b y t h e pupils of Professor H . Stille
(Lotze, 1929, Brinkmann, 1931, Richter & Teichmiiller, 1933), in which
some n e w stratigraphical data are also included. B u t t h e conclusions of
these enthusiastic research students need to be read in conjunction with
the m a t u r e r j u d g m e n t s of Staub (1928) a n d Fallot (1934a).
F o r t h e northern outcrops in t h e provinces of Burgos, Palencia a n d
Santander, m u c h information has been published since Larrazet's work
by Gutierrez (1918), M e n g a u d (1920, 1932), Ciry (1933, 1940), Almela
(1944), a n d K a r r e n b e r g (1934).

Farther south, in and about the province of Valencia, besides works

mentioned above, there are contributions by Schlosser (1919), R o m a n
(1923), Royo y Gomez (1927) and Bataller (1943), and a m o n u m e n t a l
work by Darder Pericas (1945). Finally, for the coast ranges of Catalonia
there are important stratigraphical and palaeontological studies b y Bataller
(1922, 1926) and Kilian (1898), and above all the splendid m o n o g r a p h
by Fallot & Blanchet (1923) which affords most of the very few published
illustrations of Spanish Jurassic ammonites. T h e structure of t h e coast
ranges has been ably described b y Schriel (1929) a n d b y Ashauer &
Teichmiiller (1935), and the geology in general is summarized b y H a h n e


I n the central regions the Kimeridgian limestones are overlain directly

by marine Aptian or later Cretaceous. I n two separate basins, in the
north (Burgos-Santander) and in t h e south (Valencia), however, a thick
lacustrine, deltaic and 'continental' formation of at least mainly N e o ­
comian age, in typical Wealden facies, comes in between the Jurassic and
the Aptian. I n places, a similar facies extends u p to the Cenomanian,
the total thickness then being u p to 1000 m . in t h e n o r t h e r n provinces.
T h e latest marine Jurassic limestones observed beneath these W e a l d e n
Beds, and dated by ammonites, are M i d d l e Callovian (Anceps Zone)
in the north and Lower Kimeridgian (Tenuilobatus Zone) in the south.
T h e important question, whether any Portlandian or Purbeckian in
continental facies is represented in the base of the Wealden, remains open.
I n any case a major regression during the u p p e r m o s t Jurassic is indicated
over the whole peninsula.
I n the northern region (Burgos, Santander, etc.), according to t h e
excellent descriptions by M e n g a u d (1920, 1932) and Ciry (1940) and the
latter's splendid geological m a p , the sub-Aptian Wealden is Neocomian
and evidence for anything earlier is lacking. T h e beds begin with basal
polygenetic conglomerates, which pass u p into poorly-fossiliferous
current-bedded sandstones, white, red and yellow, alternating with
variegated clays and marls. I n the lower part of the series locally are beds
of lignite and thin bands of i m p u r e limestone which yield in abundance
a few species of freshwater and brackish mollusca. Some seem to b e the
same as species in the English and N o r t h G e r m a n Wealden, others are
different. Various Unios have been figured from the provinces of Soria
and Logrono by Palacios & Sanchez and a very large form from Cantabria
was identified as a variety of U. valdensis Mantell by M e n g a u d (1920, p . 8 1 ,
fig. 12). Corbula striata Sowerby is also recorded. Gastropods include
Paraglauconia strombiformis (Schloth.), which abounds on certain b e d d i n g -
planes in the Weald Shales of England, and another (figd.: M e n g a u d ,
1920, p. 85) likened to the Spanish marine Aptian Cassiope renevieri
(Coquand). A large Viviparus likened to the English V. sussexiensis
(Sowerby) ( = V. fluviorum Sow. sp. non de M o n t . ) is not this species,

j u d g i n g by the figures by M e n g a u d (1920, p . 83). T o w a r d s the west and

south the marine Aptian wedges out a n d the later beds of similar facies
continue u p to the Cenomanian a n d transgress on to L o w e r Jurassic
and T r i a s .
I n the southern basin (Valencia) the Wealden Beds rest on pale grey
or white marine limestones of Kimeridgian age, which have yielded
Physodoceras lallierianum (d'Orb.) of the Tenuilobatus Zone (Schlosser,
1919). A n u p p e r limit is firmly imposed b y succeeding m a r i n e Aptian.
T h e usual thickness is about 150 m., b u t a section of 410 m. has been
measured (Brinkmann, 1931, p p . 16-17). H e r e the age of the lowest
Wealden Beds is m o r e debatable. T h e lower part contains, near the base,
some marine bands with Trigonia gibbosa (Sow.) and numerous Isognomon
a n d other mollusca, which have b e e n taken t o indicate equivalence with
the Portland Beds (Royo y Gomez, 1927). W i t h and above these marine
beds are freshwater beds with t r u n k s and branches of trees and a rich
vertebrate fauna. T h e vertebrates (saurians, fish, etc.) give no definite
indication of age beyond ' U p p e r Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous.' While
Royo y G o m e z published only one identification of a gastropod from the
marine beds, Natica elegans, which occurs in the Portland Beds, Brink­
m a n n (1931, p . 16) identified five species of gastropods (10-38 m. above
the base), all Naticae of Lower Cretaceous species. O n the other hand, in
another section and from a higher level, h e recorded Trigonia truncata Kg.,
a species of t h e Gravesia Zones of the Boulonnais (Middle Kimeridgian).
T h i s is sufficiently like T. oviedensis Lycett to make one wonder whether
it was not in fact the Asturian species. T h e r e is also considerable resem­
blance to T. freixialensis Choffat (1885, pi. x) of the highest Jurassic of
Portugal, the Freixial Beds, which Choffat regarded as Portlandian. H i g h
u p in the same section Brinkmann found isolated Cidarids and corals.
N e a r t h e coast S W . of Barcelona dolomites of unknown date are
succeeded b y 30 m . of b i t u m i n o u s lacustrine limestone with Paludestrina,
Bythinia a n d Physa (Almera, 1896).
T h e problems of t h e Spanish Wealden clearly require m u c h further
work (see Saenz Garcia, 1952).


I n the former 'Gulf of Aragon', in the plateau of T e r u e l and in T a r r a ­

gona, on b o t h sides of the lower E b r o valley, limestones and dolomites
occur with the Lower Kimeridgian fauna typical of Crussol in the Rhone
valley ( T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone). T h i s is t h e latest Jurassic fauna so far dis­
covered, b u t similar b e d s devoid of fossils continue upwards for consider­
able thicknesses (about 35 m . in the plateau of Teruel), until overlain by
U p p e r Cretaceous or T e r t i a r y formations. I n Teruel the lowest 5 m.
of limestone yields in a b u n d a n c e the Ataxioceras and Taramelliceras
assemblage of Crussol, with A. polyplocus (Rein.), A. lictor (Font.), A.
lothari (Oppel), T. trachynotum (Oppel), while the u p p e r 15 m . yields
instead an assemblage of Aspidoceratids: A. acanthicum (Oppel), A.

tenuispinatum Font., Physodoceras cf. altenense ( d ' O r b . ) (Dereims, 1898,

p p . 147-8). I n Tarragona the same zone occurs, with still m o r e of t h e
Crussol Perisphinctids, especially Ataxioceras spp., also large Progeronia
progeron (de Lor. non von A m m o n ) and Physodoceras altenense ( d ' O r b . )
(Fallot & Blanchet, 1923, p p . 215-25; Bataller, 1926, p . 114). As Dereims
remarked, there is in these assemblages no sign of Phylloceratids or
Lytoceratids, nor of Simoceras nor Hybonoticeras. A little farther south,
however, at Chelve in t h e province of Valencia, Simoceras, Hybonoticeras
and Lytoceras occur, together with Ataxioceratids, Physodoceras circum-
spinosum (Quenst.), the n o r t h e r n Rasenid Involuticeras, a n d a n u m b e r of
Portuguese Perisphinctids (Schlosser, 1919). Prorasenia stephanoides
(Oppel) (wrongly assigned by Bataller (1926, p . 115) t o Spiticeras) would
indicate only Lower Kimeridgian; there seems n o proof of t h e presence
of any horizon above the Tenuilobatus Zone. Radioles of Balanocidaris
glandifera occur in T e r u e l .


T h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone, with Epipeltoceras bimammatum, Ochetoceras

marantianum and many Portuguese Perisphinctids, occurs in Valencia
(Schlosser, 1919), and O. marantianum also occurs in T e r u e l in 6 m .
of limestone above the Plicatilis Zone (Dereims, 1898, p p . 133, 147).
Elsewhere in Teruel are marls with small pyritized ammonites of this
zone (Dereims, p . 132-3).
T h e Transversarium Zone is more strongly developed and widespread.
I n Valencia a large part of the fauna of T r e p t in the R h o n e valley occurs.
T h e s e ammonites have been compared by Bataller (1943) with the p h o t o ­
graphs in D e Riaz's monograph. I n accordance with t h e revision of t h e
T r e p t fauna published by the present author in 1946, the list becomes as

Holcophylloceras aff. polyolcum (Benecke) (de Riaz, xvi, 9, 1 0 )

Ochetoceras aff. henrici (d'Orb.)
Euaspidoceras riazi (Collot) (de Riaz, xix, 8)
Peltoceras (Gregoryceras) sp.
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) plicatilis (Sow.) (de Riaz, pi. i)
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) cf. kreutzi Siem. (pi. vii, 4)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) wartae Buk. (pi. xi, i)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) pseudocrotalinus Kilian & G u e b h a r d
(pi. vii, 5, 6)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. antecedens Salfeld (pi. xii, 1)
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. buckmani Arkell (pi. xii, 2 ; pi.
vi", S)
Perisphinctes (Discosphinctes) cf. idelettae de Riaz (pi. x, 3)
Perisphinctes (Discosphinctes) richei de Riaz (pi. xv, 3)
Perisphinctes (? Kranaosphinctes) aff. navillei Favre (pi. xvi, 1)
In Tarragona additional species are described, including P. schilli (Oppel),

P. tarraconensis Fallot & Blanchet, etc. (Fallot & Blanchet, 1923). I n

T e r u e l D e r e i m s (1898, p . 147) records t h e same fauna in 8 m. of limestones,
with Ochetoceras canaliculatum (von Buch) and most of t h e Perisphinctids
in t h e u p p e r half, a n d P. plicatilis a n d 'Aspidoceras perarmatum' in the
lower half. D e r e i m s (1898, p . 143) also observed Peltoceras (Gregoryceras)
fouquei Kilian in a higher b e d t h a n P. plicatilis a n d P. cf. airoldii G e m .
and this agrees with its type area, Andalusia, where it is a species of t h e
B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e (Fallot, 1934).


A s in t h e R h o n e valley a n d N o r t h Africa, t h e presence of Lower

Oxfordian is n o t established with certainty. Dereims (1898, p . 131) a n d
Mallada (1902, p . 401) accepted as L o w e r Oxfordian half a metre of
oolite in T e r u e l from which Dereims recorded Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum
( d ' O r b . ) , Calliphylloceras lodaense (Waagen) (both Oxfordian), Peri­
sphinctes cf. sutneri Choffat ( U p p e r Oxfordian) and two Perisphinctids
recorded as aff. bakeriae (Sow.) and cf. subtilis N e u m . , both of which would
be Grossouvriae, possibly Lower Oxfordian species such as 'Klemato-
sphinctes' vernoni (Young & Bird). A t another locality in T e r u e l a b e d only
20 cm. thick is reported to contain ' n u m e r o u s varieties of Perisphinctes
plicatilis' as well as Prososphinctes cf. consociatus (Bukowski), P. cf.
michalskii (Bukowski), a n d P. birmensdorfensis (Moesch) (Dereims, 1898,
p . 141), three species which, if correctly identified, would indicate t h e
C o r d a t u m Zone. T h e r e seems to b e a complete absence, however, of the
typical Cardioceratidae, Oppeliidae a n d Aspidoceratidae (including
Peltoceratinae) normal to t h e Lower Oxfordian.


T h e only evidence for U p p e r Callovian in N E . Spain appears to be a

single record of Peltoceras athleta, t h e determination of which was doubted
b y Dereims (1898, p . 149).


T h e Callovian (less U p p e r Callovian) is t h e last of t h e Jurassic stages

that is distributed over t h e whole area. Nevertheless it is m u c h condensed,
consisting of limestones in places only 5 m . thick. I t is richly fossiliferous
a n d contains t h e standard N W . E u r o p e a n ammonites (except in the south:
see below). Both in Burgos in t h e n o r t h a n d in Aragon two zones have
b e e n recognized almost everywhere: a lower z o n e with Macrocephalites
macrocephalus auct. a n d various 'Sphaeroceras' auct., with Hecticoceras
hecticum, etc., a n d an u p p e r zone with Reineckeia anceps and n u m e r o u s
species of Hecticoceras a n d Grossouvria a n d also Erymnoceras (Larrazet,
1896; Dereims, 1898, tabulated in R. Douville, 1911, p . 6 0 ; Gutierrez,
1918; a n d Larrazet reproduced in full by Mallada, 1902, p p . 350-3).
I n t h e n o r t h Larrazet has been confirmed b y Ciry (1940, p p . 49-52),
t h o u g h in one locality h e thinks t h e Callovian is developed in the facies

of freestones. Eastwards the work of Dereims has been extended into

Tarragona by Bataller (1922, 1926) and by Fallot & Blanchet (1923).
Monographing of the Macrocephalitids may in future lead to refinement;
from the references to figures given b y Fallot & Blanchet (1923) and by
Ciry (1940, p . 62) it seems that t r u e Macrocephalites and Dolikephalites
of the Macrocephalus Zone are present as well as Pleurocephalites proper
to the Koenigi Zone. I t is evident also that here, as in France, various
Bullatimorphites and perhaps allied genera survive from the Bathonian
into the Lower Callovian. T h e genus Phlycticeras also occurs.
Towards the south the outcrop passes into a region of deeper or m o r e
open water, where the Betic geosyncline seems to have extended t e m p o r ­
arily farther north t h a n usual. At Sarrion, south of T e r u e l and N N W . of
Valencia, a lenticle of ironstone contains a rich M i d d l e Callovian a m m o n i t e
fauna in which Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids predominate, in m a r k e d
contrast with the other outcrops where none are recorded. T h e species
are Ptychophylloceras hommairei (d'Orb.), Holcophylloceras zignodianum
(d'Orb.), Sowerbyceras delettrei ( M u n . - C h . ) and Lytoceras adeloides ( K u d . ) .
T h e rest of the fauna, which includes Macrocephalites canizzaroi auctt.,
Reineckeia lifolensis Stein., JR. douvillei Stein., Hecticoceras metomphalum
Bonar, H. balinense Bonar., etc., notwithstanding a record of 'M. macro­
cephalus', seems to be typically of the Anceps Zone with some earlier
elements of about Koenigi Zone date.


I n the north (Burgos, etc.) the Bathonian and Callovian together

comprise 20-40 m. of fine-grained freestone, rarely oolitic, and compact
marlstone. T h e greater part is Bathonian. Ciry (1940, p p . 48-9, 60)
recognized a lower zone with (interpreting his records by the figures
referred to) Oppelia fallax (Gueranger), O. favrei (Wetzel), Parkinsonia
aff. parkinsoni (Sow.), Procerites cf. clausiprocerus (Buckman), Siemir-
adzkia aurigera (d'Orb.), Bigotites aff. pseudomartinsi (Siemir.) (a Bajocian
species); and a higher zone with Pseudoperisphinctes cf. rotundatus
(Roemer), Oecotraustes serrigerus Waagen, ? Prohecticoceras sp. cf. zieteni
Tsyt. (a Callovian species) and Posidonia alpina. Morphoceras multiforme
and Ebrayiceras pseudoanceps are also recorded, b u t mixed with Bajocian
ammonites (Ciry, 1940, p . 46). Collection failure m u s t be suspected here.
Some Lower Bathonian Procerites have also been figured (as Bajocian)
from Burgos by San Miguel de la Camara (1952). I n Teruel, Dereims
(1898, p p . 118-20, 122, etc.) recorded almost the same two assemblages;
and in addition he has Bullatimorphites ymir (Oppel), Procerites sub-
procerus (Buckman) and Cadomites cf. rectelobatus (Hauer) in the lower
bed (10 m.), and ? Bullatimorphites microstoma (d'Orb.) in the u p p e r
bed (4 m.). B. bullatus (d'Orb.) and Wagnericeras arbustigerum (d'Orb.)
are also recorded from Teruel.
I n Tarragona the Bathonian may be represented in some places b y
unfossiliferous limestones and dolomites, b u t in others it contains m a n y

brachiopods and ammonites and Cancellophycus. T h e presence of Lower

Bathonian is indicated b y Procerites a n d Morphoceras cf. multiforme,
b u t t h e strongest development is U p p e r Bathonian, with Bullatimorphites
spp., Choffatia subbakeriae (d'Orb.) and allies, Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel)
a n d Clydoniceras cf. discus (Sow.). (Bataller, 1926, p . n o ; Fallot &
Blanchet, 1923, p p . 181-3).
T h e Bathonian of the whole area, therefore, is a continuation of that of
F r a n c e and extra-Alpine E u r o p e .


T h e U p p e r Bajocian is rich in typical N W . European ammonites over

t h e whole area a n d its fauna is usually distinct from t h e earlier and later
faunas. I n the north, in the province of Alava, SE. of Santander, 10-12 m .
of limestone yields an assemblage of the Subfurcatum and Garantiana
Zones, with both the index genera, plus Strigoceras, Sphaeroceras,
Normannites, Bigotites, Lissoceras oolithicum (d'Orb.), Oppelia subradiata
(Sow.) and three species of Spiroceras (Almela & others, 1944, p . 10).
T h e underlying limestones have yielded only a single Stephanoceras.
T h e r e are similar records for Burgos, Aragon, Teruel and Catalonia,
and in most districts the Parkinsoni Zone is represented also. A n
interesting development occurs in Burgos and in Tarragona, where the
U p p e r Bajocian takes the form of marls with small pyritized ammonites
a n d a m m o n o i d s (Spiroceras a b u n d a n t ) as in the G h a r Rouban district of
Algeria; a n d in Burgos as in Algeria this facies persists u p into the L o w e r
Bathonian, for, as j u s t mentioned, pyritized Morphoceras multiforme and
Ebrayiceras pseudo-anceps were collected w i t h t h e U p p e r Bajocian forms
(Ciry, 1940, p p . 46, 58-9; Bataller, 1926, p . n o ; Fallot & Blanchet, 1923,
p p . 76, 129 ff., pis. i-iii).


All the zones are present in Burgos, Aragon and Catalonia, with all
the principal genera of a m m o n i t e s ; m a n y have been figured from the
M i d d l e Bajocian by Fallot & Blanchet (1923). Stephanoceratids are most
strongly represented, with Stephanoceras, Skirroceras, Teloceras, Chondro­
ceras, Otoites, Normannites, etc., b u t also Witchellia, Dorsetensia, Sonninia,
Strigoceras a n d Oppeliids. L o w e r Bajocian is recessive a n d seems to b e
only locally fossiliferous, b u t three zones, Opalinum, Murchisonae and
Concavum, have been recognized. M a n y details from Larrazet, Dereims
a n d others are tabulated b y R. Douville (1911, p . 61). T h e Sowerbyi,
Sauzei and H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zones are all represented by fauna b u t have
not been separated satisfactorily in t h e field. (See, however, Dereims,
1898, p . 122). I n the n o r t h the strong condensation causes Tmetoceras
scissum, Leioceras opalinum a n d Pleydellia aalensis to b e recorded from one
marl bed 2 cm. thick (Ciry, 1940, p . 44).

Typical Toarcian faunas occur over the whole area. T h e facies is

mainly marly limestones with a b u n d a n t ammonites, pelecypods a n d
brachiopods. T h e thickness varies usually between about 20 and 50 m.
Most detail is known in Burgos (Larrazet) a n d t h e Iberian Ranges w i t h
the plateau of Teruel (Dereims), a n d has been tabulated by R. Douville
(1911, p p . 56-7). I n the Sierra Palomera, Dereims (1898, p . 103) estab­
lished five zones, as follows:—

5. Zone with rare Pleydellia aalensis and Leioceras opalinum auct.

4. Zone of Grammoceras doerntense a n d G. bingmanni
3. Zone of Grammoceras fallaciosum, with G. thouarsense
2. Zone of Hildoceras bifrons and H. levisoni
1. Zone of Harpoceras falcifer a n d H. levisoni

U n d e r this come 6 m . of limestones with Spiriferina rostrata and Rhyncho­

nella tetrahedra, t h e n a b e d w i t h Pleuroceras spinatum. Larrazet found a
similar brachiopod bed in the same position, between t h e S p i n a t u m a n d
Falcifer Zones, farther north, in Burgos. I n the Iberian Ranges, however,
Dereims (1898, p p . 105-6) found Spiriferina rostrata a n d other brachiopods
to be a b u n d a n t in the base of the Toarcian limestones with Hildoceras
bifrons, H. levisoni, Dactylioceras annulatum and D. commune; it occurs
in all its varieties, as in t h e D o m e r i a n of Italy, a n d even ranges u p
into the Fallaciosum Zone with Hammatoceras insigne.
Typical Toarcian faunas are also recorded from m a n y other places by
Bataller (1922, 1926), Mallada (1902, p . 397, Polyplectus recorded, w i t h
Hammatoceras, etc.), Ciry (1940) and others.


Pliensbachian faunas are practically co-extensive with t h e Toarcian

and the same references should b e consulted. S p i n a t u m and Margaritatus
Zones are recognized a n d separable in m a n y places. Below is a more
uncertain zone from which such ammonites as 'Microceras capricornu'
and 'Deroceras armatum' are recorded, and below this in Burgos is another
band of Spiriferina. I n Aragon, D e r e i m s (1898, p . 105) records Fucini-
ceras cornacaldense (Tausch) and F. }boscense (Reynes) immediately below
the beds with Hildoceras bifrons a n d Dactylioceras commune, b u t unfortu­
nately their relationship to any earlier faunas is u n k n o w n . Uptonia
has been found in Tarragona (Fallot & Blanchet, 1923, p . 82).


I n Aragon, Burgos and probably elsewhere, these stages are at least

partly represented by 100-180 m . of dolomites a n d m o r e or less dolomitized
limestones in which fossils are mostly destroyed. T h e s e were formerly
taken for Trias, b u t occasional finds of pelecypods, especially Pecten
hehli, point to a Liassic age. I n t h e n o r t h (Burgos, etc.) t h e basal, partly
dolomitic, platy, fine-grained limestones have yielded Isocyprina germari

(Dunker), a small pelecypod of equivocal meaning, since it occurs in both

Rhaetian a n d Hettangian beds elsewhere. Above come marly limestones
and marls of typical Liassic aspect, from which t h e earliest ammonites
k n o w n are Vermiceras cf. tardecrescens (Hauer), V. solarioides (Reynes)
and Echioceras raricostatum (Ziet.), collected about 15 m . above t h e base
(Ciry, 1940, p p . 3 8 - 4 1 ; see also Gutierrez, 1919, p . 115, for other Arietitids,
etc.). T h e area was evidently continuous with t h e Pyrenees a n d there is
also a strong resemblance to t h e development in Morocco.

T h e most westerly a n d northerly Jurassic outcrops of Spain form a
group o n t h e n o r t h coast of Asturias (province of Oviedo), near the coastal
t o w n of Gijon, where they are exposed in t h e cliffs. T h i s area has such
special a n d peculiar features that it is here described separately; b u t
it is linked with b o t h t h e Pyrenees a n d t h e Iberian Ranges of Aragon
by t h e intermediate group of outcrops near t h e north coast b u t not cut
b y it, lying in t h e southern part of t h e Cantabrian Mountains south of
Santander, in t h e provinces of Santander, Burgos and Palencia.
I n the coast sections of Asturias (fig. 26), t h e Lias is essentially the same
as in t h e Pyrenees a n d all t h r o u g h t h e Iberian Ranges (Dubar, 1925,
1925a). I t begins with grey dolomites, probably Lower Sinemurian,
which at Cape Cervigon support a series of limestones a n d marls of
U p p e r Sinemurian date, with at t h e base 'Asteroceras stellare', higher
u p large Oxynoticeras s p p . , a n d finally Echioceras nodotianum (d'Orb.)
and Bifericeras. A t Rivadesella t w o higher ammonite horizons occur:
t h e first with Androgynoceras a n d Arieticeras algovianum (Oppel), t h e
second with Pleuroceras spinatum, n u m e r o u s belemnites a n d Pecten
aequwalvis (Domerian). T h e Toarcian yields t h e usual assemblage of
the lower zones: Dactylioceras, Peronoceras, Hildoceras, etc.
O n t h e Toarcian at Rivadesella follows a remarkable succession of
beds ( D u b a r , 1925, p p . 253-5):—
8. Black shaly marls with septaria ; a thick formation, apparently
7. Black marls and sandstones with Exogyra virgula.
6. Sandstones in thick beds, ripple-marked, and black marls alternat­
ing with sandstones. Aspidoceras longispinum (Sow.)
5. Dark sandstones, one of the upper beds full of Trigonia oviedensis
Lycett, T. infracostata Lycett, T. bronni Ag., and other
pelecypods . . . . . . . . 8 to 10 m. .
4. Shaly and sandy black marls with pelecypods and gastropods of
no special dating value . . . . . . . 50 m.
passing down into
3. Marly sandstones . . . . . . . . 6 m.
2. Marls and sandstones, many colours, with some beds of marly
limestone . . . . . . . . . 105 m.
1. Siliceous conglomerate of quartz pebbles, and crossbedded sand­
stones, with lignite . . . . . . . 14 m.

T h e fossils of beds 6 a n d 7 unquestionably point to a late Lower

Kimeridgian date (Pseudomutabilis Zone), which suggests that t h e black
shaly marls above may correspond to higher parts of t h e Kimeridge Clay.
Of the Trigoniae i n bed 5, T. bronni Ag. is a species of t h e U p p e r Oxfordian
in France. T h e other two species were described b y Lycett (1881) from
specimens sent h i m from Oviedo province with erroneous stratigraphical
information that they were of H e t t a n g i a n age. Bed 4 from its inconclusive
fauna appears to b e also U p p e r Jurassic. T h e underlying 120 m . of beds
of 'continental' facies are believed b y D u b a r to b e U p p e r Jurassic, a n d
this interpretation is supported b y t h e succession in Portugal. T h e r e
t h e Lower Kimeridgian is transgressive a n d begins with conglomerates
and sandstones (see p p . 237-238). K a r r e n b e r g (1934, p . 25), however,

FIG. 26.—Map of the Jurassic outcrops in Asturias, after Rui-Diaz, 1928, with
miner additions after Dubar, 1925.

mentions a Bajocian conglomerate in southern Cantabria; for which

(if he correctly dated it) one would have to seek t h e nearest analogy in
the Crimea (see p . 355).

O n t h e west side of t h e peninsula Mesozoic rocks form a coastal strip

between Oporto and Lisbon a n d continue for some distance farther south
u n d e r t h e Tertiary a n d Quaternary basin of t h e T a g u s . South of t h e
Tagus they emerge to form t h e coastal range of Arrabida, at t h e m o u t h of
the River Sado, and a group of small inliers 30 miles farther south. T h e y
are also developed in a separate coastal strip in Algarve, striking west-east
from Cape St Vincent to t h e Spanish border. T h e i r total area is one-tenth
that of Portugal. Of this area t h e greater part is occupied b y outcrops
of the Jurassic.
T h e total thickness of the Jurassic system exceeds 2000 m . T h e L o w e r
Jurassic consists mainly of dolomites a n d limestones, t h e M i d d l e of lime­
stones, t h e U p p e r largely of carbonaceous sandstones a n d shales with coal
seams, b u t locally, especially in t h e Toarcian, Callovian, Oxfordian and

L o w e r Kimeridgian, there are i m p o r t a n t developments of marls and lime­

stones with rich marine faunas. T h e development in Algarve is somewhat
different. H e r e dolomites continue u p into t h e Bajocian or Bathonian,
a n d t h e U p p e r Jurassic contains thick dolomites, also coral limestones and

FIG. 27.—The Jurassic outcrops of Portugal.

T h e Jurassic rocks of Portugal are supposed to have been deposited in
a N . - S . gulf between t h e Meseta and its western continuation, the suppo­
sititious N o r t h Atlantic continent, which m a y b e represented by t h e tiny
islands of Berlengas and Farilhoes, of ancient granite (Choffat, 1900;
da Costa, 1952) (fig. 27). It seems possible, however, that t h e granitic
islands m a y have been b r o u g h t to t h e surface by Tertiary faulting, and
D u b a r (1927, p . 586) believes that there was at least a Liassic seaway
across t h e Meseta, connecting with Cantabria.
Palaeontologically, the outstanding local feature of the Portuguese
Jurassic is a great development of t h e U p p e r Oxfordian a n d L o w e r
Kimeridgian stages, together 1500 m . thick, which Choffat in 1885 u n i t e d
as a Lusitanian stage. T h i s t e r m was adopted a n d given currency b y
H a u g (Traite, 1910, p . 1049), with consequent restriction of d ' O r b i g n y ' s
Oxfordian and Kimeridgian. I t has been the source of m u c h confusion
and is a regrettable memorial to t h e magnificent life's work of Paul Choffat,
who almost single-handed unravelled and described t h e Mesozoic strati­
graphy and palaeontology of Portugal. Choffat himself (in K o b y &
Choffat, 1904-5, p . 148) recognized t h e purely local value of his Lusitanian
stage and he did not consider it applicable even in Algarve (Choffat,
1887, p . 306).


At Cintra and in eastern Algarve marine limestones a n d marls are

developed from the Berriasian u p to the top of t h e Cretaceous, excepting
the Almargem Beds, a continental intercalation with a celebrated land flora,
probably of Aptian age. But at a distance of only 5 k m . from Cintra t h e
whole Neocomian including the Valanginian seems to pass into sandstones.
I n the south the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous are complete. F r o m
Torres-Vedras northwards the lowest stages of t h e Cretaceous are p r o ­
gressively cut out by overlap, and farther n o r t h t h e lacuna involves t h e
U p p e r Jurassic also, until from about the latitude of Coimbra M i d d l e
Cretaceous rests on M i d d l e and Lower Jurassic. T h e basement beds of
the Cretaceous contain great quantities of quartzite pebbles which, like
the clastic materials in t h e U p p e r Jurassic, diminish in size and quantity
westwards, indicating a shoreline in the east, b u t not nearer t h a n 15 miles
(Choffat, 1894, p . 249).]


Freixial Beds. T h e highest Jurassic beds cover a large area. N o r t h of

the T a g u s they consist mainly of fine micaceous sandstones with calcareous
cement; south of T o r r e s Vedras they are mainly marly limestones. T h e
fossils (e.g. Trigonia freixialensis Choffat) are of little value for correlation.
I n the Arrabida Range, besides corals, there are Nerinea beds, and in
Algarve marls and limestones passing into conglomerates with pebbles
of limestone and Palaeozoic rocks. Choffat assigned the Freixial Beds
to the Portlandian, and the conglomerates suggest t h e probability of
correlation with T i t h o n i a n rocks which elsewhere post-date a phase of
Nevadan movements.


I n various parts of Portugal the Lower Kimeridgian is transgressive

on to Callovian and earlier Jurassic rocks and on to the Palaeozoic and
crystalline basement, and the transgression coincides with the introduction
of vast quantities of coarse clastic material. I n Algarve the Kimeridgian
2 8

comprises thick dolomites with intercalations and lenses of coral limestones,

Nerinea limestones and Diceras limestones, and beds of quartzite pebbles
at two levels, the u p p e r one becoming in western Algarve a limestone
conglomerate with quartzite and lydite pebbles, resting on U p p e r
Callovian. A Lower Kimeridgian ammonite fauna with Ataxioceras
effrenatum (Fontannes), Sowerbyceras loryi (Munier-Chalmas), Simoceras
herbichi (Hauer), 5 . aff. explanatum N e u m a y r , etc., first makes its appear­
ance about 5 m. above the Callovian. T h e r e appears to be in some places
a condensed representative of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone also, for Epipeltoceras
bimammatum and Ochetoceras marantianum are recorded from the same
b e d s (Choffat, 1887, p p . 258-61).
N o r t h of t h e T a g u s the Kimeridgian is well developed in the Montejunto
Range ( T o r r e s Vedras country) between the T a g u s basin and the sea.
H e r e the succession is:
'Pterocerian'. Argillaceous sandstones a n d marls with local inter­
calations of limestone, a n d locally beds of well-preserved Trigonia
lusitanica, etc. (Choffat, 1885, pis. vii, viii). N o r t h of the Montejunto
Range m a r i n e fossils disappear and all passes into sandstones with plant
remains a n d Unios (Choffat, 1885, 1894). N o ammonites are known,
b u t there are corals, from which and t h e gastropods and pelecypods a
'Pterocerian', i.e. Lower Kimeridgian, age is inferred (Koby & Choffat,
1904-5, p . 160). U n d e r n e a t h are similarly undatable beds with Lima
pseudo-alternicosta and corals, said to form a passage down into the
Upper Lusitanian (Abadia Marls), 800 m . Mainly marls or clays, with
intercalated sandstones, conglomerates and pebble beds, the pebbles
largely derived from the p r e - C a m b r i a n : one such lenticle is 50 m. thick.
I n t h e marls are sometimes fossiliferous nodules with many pelecypods
a n d gastropods and some corals. I n the middle is an ammonite horizon
containing a rich Lower Kimeridgian assemblage (Choffat, 1893, pis.
xvii-xix), mainly Progeronia s p p . (pi. xviii), with Aspidoceras cf acanthicum,
A. cf. longispinum and others, Simoceras spp. (pi. xvii, 6-10, xix, 4),
Taramelliceras nimbatum (Oppel), T. trachynotum (Oppel), Idoceras ?
guimaraesi Choffat sp. (pi. xvii, n ) , / . planula (Hehl), Prorasenia cf.
stephanoides (Oppel), etc. T h e exact age of this fauna is difficult to
assess, b u t it is probably somewhat earlier than the Ataxioceras effrenatum
asemblage of Algarve and may belong to the lower part of the Tenuilobatus
Middle Lusitanian pro parte (Upper Montejunto Beds). T h e Montejunto
Beds, 200-350 m . thick, comprise coralline limestones with here and
t h e r e beds of different facies, in which Choffat recognized four ammonite
horizons. T h e lowest (1) is certainly U p p e r Oxfordian and the highest
(4) certainly Lower Kimeridgian, b u t the age of the two middle horizons
is debatable. T h e fauna is listed b y Choffat (1893, p . 77, beds 1-4
separated) and any specialist may form his own j u d g m e n t . Definite
L o w e r Kimeridgian ammonites in the highest horizon (4) are Enosphinctes
bukowskii (Choffat) (pi. vi, figs. 19-26; also in bed 3), Idoceras monte-
juntense D a c q u e (Choffat, pi. xi, 2), Aspidoceras aff. cyclotum (Oppel)
(xv, 5), Prorasenia aff. witteana (Oppel) and P. sp. (xv, 6, 7), Sowerbyceras
loryi (Mun.) (xvi bis, 1; also bed 3) and various Taramelliceras (xvi, 12-17)
and other Oppeliids. T h e absence of Pictonia, Rasenia, Ringsteadia and
Aulacestephanus from Portugal make close comparison with N W . E u r o p e
precarious, b u t so many species, especially t h e local Perisphinctids, are
common to beds 3 and 4 that no stage b o u n d a r y could be drawn between


Middle Lusitanian pro parte (Lower Montejunto Beds). Bed 1 of the

Montejuno Beds (10 m.), with Perisphinctes (Orthosphinctes) tiziani
(Oppel) var. occidentalis Choffat and allies (1893, pi. v, 5-10) is assignable
with confidence to the B i m a m m a t u m Zone.
Lower Lusitanian (Upper Cabaco Beds, 300 m.). Beds with n u m e r o u s
pelecypods and corals in lenticles; ammonites rare, except in a thin b e d
near the base. F r o m this Choffat obtained ammonites which he rightly
recognized as 'indubitably Oxfordian' and of the age of the T r a n s v e r ­
sarium Zone. His plates ii-iv show Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) spp.
extremely close to some of those in the Plicatilis Zone of England and N W .
Europe, also Dichotomosphinctes spp. (pi. v, 1, 2), ? Kranaosphinctes (v, 4),
Mirosphinctes (vi, 4), Cardioceras (Plasmatoceras) sp. (vi, 1, 2) of the style
of those in the Arngrove Stone, Euaspidoceras cabassoense Spath (type,
Choffat, pi. 1), which is close to E. crebricostis Arkell, and Ochetoceras
spp. According to Choffat Ochetoceras and Glochiceras (Oppelia subclausa
Oppel sp.) have long ranges, the former from the T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Z o n e
into the Kimeridgian.


Lower Lusitanian (Lower Cabaco Beds, 200 m.). T h e minimum thickness

of beds (limestones) between the Transversarium Zone and the U p p e r
Callovian Athleta Zone is 200 m . T h e only fossils recorded are pelecypods
of a few species without dating value.


I n the Montejunto Range and in Algarve this is represented b y marly

limestones with Peltoceras athleta, P. arduennense, Grossouvria spp.,
Kosmoceras spinosum (Sow.) (d'Orbigny, pi. 1 6 1 : see Choffat, 1893, p . 80),
Paralcidia subcostaria (Oppel), Hecticoceras punctatum, Horioceras baugieri
(d'Orb.), Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.), etc. (Choffat, 1880, p .
5 1 ; 1887, p . 254; 1893, p p . 2, 80).


At Cape Mondego and other places n o r t h of t h e T a g u s Choffat (1880,

p p . 50, 69) records n u m e r o u s Lower and M i d d l e Callovian ammonites

from over 100 m. of alternating marls and limestones, and still longer
lists are published for western Algarve (Choffat, 1887, p p . 247-53). Until
t h e ammonites have been revised and figured nothing useful can be said
about the succession. T h e list from Algarve contains 9 species of
Phylloceratids. A m o n g the other genera several anomalies appear:
Am. macrocephalus and Am. anceps are said to occur together from the
b o t t o m t o t h e top at Cape M o n d e g o , a n d Am. modiolaris only at the t o p .
A macrocephalitid from the Sharpe collection has been figured as
Nothocephalites mondegoensis Spath (Cutch, p . 206, pi. xxxvi, fig. 16),
and presumably indicates about Koenigi Zone. Parapatoceras, Cadomites,
Erymnoceras, Bullatimorphites, Distichoceras and other interesting genera
are present, t o j u d g e b y Choffat's specific records, together with a large
fauna of other invertebrates. Posidonia alpina occurs throughout.


A s Choffat considered t h e Bathonian a facies of t h e Lower Callovian,

it is difficult to disentangle the two from his accounts. I n some places
n o r t h of the T a g u s h e described u p to 70 or 80 m. of white oolites with a
Bathonian fauna and no ammonites (1880, p p . 46, 71), b u t at Cape
M o n d e g o the Bathonian seems to be absent. W h i t e limestones believed
to b e Bathonian also occur in Algarve.


T h e Bajocian is fully developed in the country north of the T a g u s ,

comprising u p to 80 m . of highly ammonitiferous limestones and marls
forming steep scarps. I n the south and in Algarve is developed an Alpine
facies of homogeneous sybcrystalline limestone, in which mainly U p p e r
Bajocian fossils have been found. I n the north Choffat (1880) recognized
seven z o n e s :

7. Beds with Parkinsonia parkinsoni, Strigoceras, Garantiana, Oppelia,

Cadomites, Stephanoceras, Spiroceras, Morphoceras, etc. (list 1880, p . 43)
6. Horizon of Skirroceras bayleanum (Oppel)
5. Horizon of Teloceras blagdeni (Sow.)
4. Horizon of Acrocoelites blainvillei
3. Horizon of Otoites sauzei (d'Orb.)
2. Horizon of Sonninia sowerbyi (Sow.)
1. Beds with Ludwigia murchisonae and Leioceras opalinum

C o m p a r e d with areas in N W . Europe, the order of 5 and 6 is noteworthy;

it seems likely that Teloceras blagdeni will t u r n out to be a misidentified
Stemmatoceras. A m o n g other fossils, Cancellophycus occurs. Posidonia
alpina is confined to the southern, or Alpine, facies. N o . 1 is not
clearly differentiated from the ' L o w e r Aalenian' with Dumortieriae and
Hammatoceras (Choffat, 1908, pp. 156-9, a critical discussion of the
TOARCIAN (150-300 m.)
T h e Toarcian is best k n o w n from Choffat's detailed work at T h o m a r ,
north of the T a g u s (Choffat, 1908; brachiopods revised b y D u b a r , 1932,
p. 30). T h e succession of ammonite horizons is as follows:
T h i n bed with Pecten pumilus (o- 5 m?)
Limestone with Dumortieria aff. dumortieri ( T h . ) and n u m e r o u s
Pleydellia ('Lioceras belonging apparently to L. aalense'). (At least 10 m.)
Marly limestones and limestones with n u m e r o u s Rhynchonella cf.
cynocephala; Dumortieriae, Leioceras, Brasilia [?], Hammatoceras pro-
cerinsigne (Vacek), H. cf. subinsigne (Oppel). (10 m.)
Marly limestones with Hammatoceras insigne and Polyplectus cf.
discoides. (5-8 m.)
Limestone with a b u n d a n t H. insigne, also Grammoceras fallaciosum
(Bayle), Polyplectus discoides (Zieten), Dumortieria sp., Catacoeloceras
cf. crassum. (2 m.)
Yellow limestones with a few corals. (7- 5 m . ) .
Middle Toarcian marls, marly limestones and limestones with Hildoceras
bifrons, Dactylioceras annulatum and m a n y other fossils. (70 m . ) .
Lower Toarcian marls and limestones with Dactylioceras annulatum,
D. braunianum and other spp., Harpoceras falcifer (Sow.) a n d H. grunozvi
(Hauer). Spiriferina rostrata, Rhynchonella tetrahedra, etc. (16 m.)
T h i n bed with n u m e r o u s Spiriferina rostrata, R. tetrahedra a n d Aula-
cothyris resupinata.
At Peniche the basal beds of the Toarcian are as follows ( M o u t e r d e ,
1953); this is an extremely important sequence, as will b e seen.
Bed. 16. Marls with small brachiopods and Dactylioceras helianthoides
Yokoyama, D. attenuatum (Simpson), D. sp., Catacoeloceras s p .
Bed 15c A b u n d a n t Dactylioceras aff. crassulosum (Simpson), D. cf.
attenuatum (Simpson), D. cf. mirabile Fucini, Harpoceras sp. (coarsely
ribbed), Protogrammoceras madagascariense (Thevenin), Ovaticeras cf.
ovatum (Y. & B.) and ? Canavaria sp.
Bed 15a". N o ammonites.

T h e P. madagascariense in bed 15c is noteworthy, since this species

occurs with Bouleiceras in Madagascar and Arabia. M o r e recently
Boukiceras itself has been discovered in Portugal, 3 k m . south of Coimbra,
again associated with Protogrammoceras madagascariense a n d this t i m e at
last dated unequivocally to t h e L o w e r Toarcian, since it overlies beds with
Dactylioceras helianthoides, D. semicoelatum a n d Leptaena ( D u b a r &
Mouterde, 1953; M o u t e r d e , 1954). T h e genera Peronoceras, Paroniceras
and Frechiella also occur n o r t h of Coimbra (Renz, 1912; Meister, 1914).


T h e succession at Peniche given above is continued downwards by

more marls a n d marly limestones containing t h e Arieticeras ('Emaciati-
ceras') and Canavaria ('Tauromenia') fauna of Sicily and t h e Apennines.

I n Portugal these forms are associated with rare Pleuroceras b u t overlie

t h e main Pleuroceras beds, and t h u s enable the Italian fauna to be
accurately dated. T h e rest of the section is as follows (Mouterde, 1953):—
Bed 15c. Canavaria nerina (Fucini), C. cf. elisa ( F u c ) , C. spp. nov.,
Hildaites cf. kisslingi (Hug), H. rapisardii ( F u c ) , H. sp. nov., ? Paltarpites
aff. ballinensis (Haas), Pleuroceras aff. buckmani (Moxon).
Bed 156. N o ammonites.
Bed 15a. Arieticeras lottii (Gem.), A. spp.
Bed 14. Marly limestones with Pleuroceras cf. elaboratum (Simpson),
P. birdi (Simpson)?, P. spp.
At T h o m a r , Choffat (1908) found in 30-35 m. of beds successive zones
of Uptonia jamesoni, Androgynoceras capricornus, Protogrammoceras
normanianum and Amaltheus margaritatus. A more detailed succession
was obtained by D u b a r along the coast south of San Pedro de Muel
( M o u t e r d e , 1947, 1951):—
12. Marls and limestones with pyritic fossils: Harpoceras bonarellii
Fucini, Coeloceras aff. colubriniforme Bettoni, Spiriferina villosa (Quenst.).
11. Marls with Lytoceras sp., Arieticeras cf. domarense (Meneg.) and
allied forms.
10. Marls with some limestone bands containing Amaltheus margaritatus
Montf. and large Lytoceras fimbriatum (Sow.). Near the base Andro­
gynoceras sp., Tragophylloceras ibex (Quenst.), and higher u p T. loscombi
(Sow.), Harpoceras cf. fieldingi (Reynes), Protogrammoceras cf. normani­
anum ( d ' O r b . ) .
9. Marls (1-2 m.). Harpoceratids of the group of H. portisi Fucini
a n d antiquum G e y e r non W r i g h t ; Arieticeras aff. colloti L a n q u i n e .
8. Marls with beds of limestone (2-3 m.). Androgynoceras henleyi}
(Sow.), Oistoceras spp., Metacyntbites centriglobus (Oppel).
7. Marls with Eoderoceras impavidum (Buckman), Lytoceras fimbriatum
(Sow), Acanthopleuroceras aff. valdani (d'Orb.), Tropidoceras sp., Meta-
cymbites s p . ; a little higher, Beaniceras centaurus (d'Orb.) var. elegans
Spath, B. ? luridum (Simpson).
6. Marls with a b a n d of marly limestone: Tragophylloceras cf. pauci-
costatum (Pomp.) and a large smooth a m m o n i t e .
5. Marls with thin beds of limestone: Dayiceras polymorphoides Spath
and nov. var.
4. Jamesoni Zone. Marls and limestones (20 m.).
40". Uptonia reynardi (d'Orb.), U. angusta (Quenst.), U. dayiceroides
\c. Uptonia ignota (Simpson), Tragophylloceras paucicostatum
46. Uptonia jamesoni (Sow.), Polymorphites muellensis M o u t e r d e .
4<z. Platypleuroceras cf. bituberculatum T u t c h e r & T r u e m a n , Poly­
morphites muellensis M o u t e r d e .
M o u t e r d e assigns beds \a-d to t h e Jamesoni Zone, beds 5, 6, 7 to the
Ibex Z o n e (less t h a n 10 m . altogether), and beds 8-12 to the Domerian,
but bed 8 appears to be t h e Davoei Zone. Some D o m e r i a n ammonites
are figured by Meister (1914).


Beneath the Pliensbachian at San Pedro de M u e l are u p w a r d s of

20 m . of marls and limestones with Apoderoceras leckenbyi (Wright) and
Oxynoticeras spp. (Mouterde, 1947, p . 138; Pompeckj, 1906). I n other
places n o r t h of the T a g u s , below the Jamesoni Zone, are shales or
limestones, or both, with Echioceras raricostatum, E. nodotianum ( d ' O r b . ) ,
etc. T h e s e together form the Gryphaea obliqua beds of earlier accounts;
b u t the name was abandoned as inexact. T h e M i d d l e a n d Lower Sine­
murian, consisting of dolomites, were grouped as the Coimbra Beds
(c. 100 m.), b u t this t e r m was also later abandoned, because the dolomite
is only a facies and is largely replaced westwards b y limestone and shale
(Choffat, 1904, p p . 93-4). F r o m the coast n o r t h of San Pedro de
Muel are described a n u m b e r of large Arietitidae of the O b t u s u m Zone
(Pompeckj, 1897, pi. xxiii: types of Ptycharietites Spath and Pompeckio-
ceras Spath, 1925), belonging to the Coimbra Beds. T h e Lower Sine­
murian is represented by 50 m . of dolomites with Boehmia exilis, Cardinia,
Promathildia, etc., b u t without ammonites (Choffat, 1904).


Pereiros Beds. Dolomites (100 m.) overlying sandstones a n d clays

(30 m.), of Triassic facies b u t underlain by t r u e T r i a s (sandstones and
conglomerates u p to 350 m . thick). T h e Pereiros Beds contain a fauna
of small gastropods and pelecypods similar to those of the Hettangian in
N W . Germany, especially Isocyprina germari (Dunker) and Promathildia
turritella (Dunker) (Boehm, 1901; Choffat, 1904).


W e now complete our circuit of the Variscan massif of the Spanish

Meseta with an examination of the Tertiary ranges of the south, the
Betic Cordilleras. T h e Variscan 'grain' of the southern part of the
Meseta is N W . - S E . Against it the Betic Cordilleras are folded almost
at right-angles, in a series of ranges r u n n i n g t h r o u g h the country from
Cadiz to Alicante and continued in the Balearic Islands. F o r the greater
part of the distance, in the west and centre, the relations of the two sharply
contrasted territories are hidden beneath the Neogene basin of the G u a d a l ­
quivir. T h e northern boundary of the basin is a great fault, while to the
south the Neogene feathers out, transgressing the earlier Tertiary structures
and filling valleys and basins among t h e m .
I n the cordilleras both the facies of the Jurassic rocks and the tectonics
differ from those of all other parts of the Iberian peninsula and resemble
those of the Alps. Although now close to the Meseta, the Andalusian
Jurassic appears to have been laid down in an open ocean far from the
influence of terrigenous sediments. T h e whole Lias forms practically

one u n b r o k e n limestone a n d shale series. T h e M i d d l e Jurassic is b u t

feebly developed b u t shows a little m o r e variety, for though usually
limestone, t h e Bathonian in some places contains sandy elements. T h e
U p p e r Jurassic consists almost entirely of nodular limestones (fausses
breches, Knollenkalk), often a mere 30-50 m. thick b u t reaching a m a x i m u m
of 350 m . ; t h e T i t h o n i a n is strongly developed (up to 250 m . ) . T h e
Oxfordian a n d Kimeridgian of t h e Andalusian facies, from a few metres
to 100 m . thick, contrast spectacularly with t h e 1500 m . of the same stages
in their Lusitanian facies i n Portugal. Besides nodular structure, a
speciality is r e d colouring, which recurs at several horizons, n o t only in
t h e U p p e r Lias, which provides, as elsewhere in the Mediterranean region,

F I G . 28.—Tectonic sketch-map of the Betic Cordilleras. After Fallot, 1948.

the typical Ammonitico rosso, b u t also in t h e U p p e r Jurassic a n d locally

in t h e Lower Lias. T h e fauna consists almost exclusively of cephalopods,
a m o n g which are a high proportion of Phylloceratids a n d Lytoceratids
at nearly all levels.
T h e Andalusian (or, better, Mediterranean) facies has often been called
bathyal, b u t several facts suggest that t h e sea cannot have been deep. T h e
red colouring is derived from iron oxides intrinsic t o t h e deposits, and this
presupposes aeration of t h e b o t t o m ; t h e microscopic composition of t h e
limestones is n o t t h a t of deep-sea sediments; a n d t h e typical Tithonian,
Kimeridgian a n d U p p e r Oxfordian nodular limestones are all locally
transgressive (Fallot, 1934, p . i n ) . Nevertheless, t h e lack of terrigenous
sediments indicates deposition in a tranquil a n d open sea a considerable
distance off-shore.
T h e change of facies from t h e epicontinental or west E u r o p e a n type to
t h e Andalusian o r M e d i t e r r a n e a n t y p e takes place abruptly along an
irregular line r u n n i n g from t h e southern edge of t h e Neogene basin of
the Guadalquivir eastwards t o t h e sea at Alicante, a n d is found again
in the Balearic Islands. T h i s line is interpreted as t h e front of a complex
of nappes (the Subbetic) which has travelled about 20 miles n o r t h w a r d s ,
overriding the autochthonous b u t often acutely folded foreland (the
Prebetic). T h e Prebetic zone forms the surface in t h e east, spreading
out over the edge of the Meseta and passing n o r t h into the Iberian
Ranges, b u t towards the west it sinks gradually beneath the basin of t h e
T h e Subbetic zone of nappes has an intensely complex structure,
including klippes, one of which forms the Rock of Gibraltar (Bailey, 1953),
b u t the Mesozoic rocks of which it is composed are little altered and often
highly fossiliferous. T o the Subbetic (including a n o r t h e r n zone of
nappes formerly known as Penibetic) belong all t h e best-known fossil
localities. T h e series is complete from L o w e r Lias to Cretaceous; t h e
whole of it from Pliensbachian to Maestrichtian in M e d i t e r r a n e a n facies.
At any one locality, however, t h e sequence is often fragmentary, one or
other part cut out by tectonic m o v e m e n t s ; a n d t h e whole pile rests on
a sole plane over G e r m a n - t y p e T r i a s (plate 10 a n d figs. 29, 30).
T o the south of the Subbetic zone, in a b r o a d marginal b a n d along
the coast and including the Sierra Nevada, r u n s t h e Betic zone of far-
travelled nappes, in which t h e rocks are m o r e or less m e t a m o r p h o s e d .
T h e y consist largely of Alpine-type T r i a s and Palaeozoics. N o Jurassic
has been recognized. T h e crystalline schists of the Sierra Nevada show
through the surrounding Betic nappes as a tectonic window, eroded o n a
culmination. Similarly, west of Malaga, windows of T r i a s belonging
to one of the Betic nappes project t h r o u g h a higher Palaeozoic a n d
crystalline nappe. (Fallot, 1930, revised Fallot, 1948.)
M u c h work remains to b e done before t h e Mesozoic preliminary
disturbances of the Alpine storm can be deciphered in detail in this region,
b u t local lacunae within the M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Jurassic are suggestive,
and early Kimeridgian and T i t h o n i a n transgressions certainly occur.
Widespread Neocomian transgression in the east, claimed b y B r i n k m a n n
& Gallwitz (1933), is denied by Fallot (1934, p p . 81-6, 115), w h o states
that the supposed oversteps at t h e base of the Cretaceous are tectonic
contacts. T h e main formation of t h e Betic nappes is dated to the L o w e r
Eocene (and is therefore earlier t h a n the Pyrenean folding), b u t the highest,
or Malaga nappe, is believed to b e Oligocene, as are t h e earliest m o v e ­
ments in the Subbetic zone. Thereafter there was a widespread
Burdigalian transgression, which in some places was initiated in t h e
Aquitanian; and this was followed by a major orogeny between the
Burdigalian and Vindobonian in the Subbetic zone. T h e Vindobonian
is everywhere transgressive. Finally, the whole region was broadly
refolded in the post-Pontic Pliocene. T h e s e latest movements involved
all the Betic Cordilleras and adjacent parts of the Meseta. (Fallot, 1944.)
T h e sound foundations of our knowledge of t h e Jurassic laid b y
Bertrand & Kilian (1889) and Kilian (1889) for the west a n d centre,
and b y N i c k l e s (1896) for the east, have been built u p o n especially b y

Blumenthal and Fallot in n u m e r o u s works and most ably revised and

synthesized by Fallot (1931-4). Fallot gives such a wealth of information,
with long lists of ammonites, that it is impossible here to attempt more
t h a n a bare outline of his results, laying stress mainly on the ammonite
succession and its significance for wider correlations, and omitting any
a t t e m p t to reproduce his brilliant analysis of the distribution of faunas
a n d facies within the area, with his important tectonic arguments. N o
one wishing to follow u p those lines of enquiry can dispense with his


I n t h e west and centre there is an u n b r o k e n passage u p from T i t h ­

onian into similar Berriasian and Valanginian limestones or marls with
Neocomites, Olcostephanus, etc. (Fallot, 1934, p p . 76, 86, 105, 107). I n
the N E . , 'Wealden Beds' u p to 100 m . thick unconformably overlie
various parts of the Jurassic. T h e b o u n d a r y of these beds is shown by
B r i n k m a n n & Gallwitz (1933, p . 75, fig. 16), b u t neither their age nor
their relation to the marine Neocomian is established.]

T I T H O N I A N (up to 250 m.)

Bertrand & Kilian (1889, p . 439) recognized two subdivisions, linked

b y n u m e r o u s ammonites in common, b u t the lower division containing
some Jurassic forms and the u p p e r some Cretaceous. Fallot (1934)
defined the two more precisely and recognized also a Middle Tithonian.
Upper Tithonian. Fallot (1934, p p . 90, 9 1 , 100) gives three long lists
of forms from different localities, the following being the most important
Phylloceras serum (Oppel) Himalayites depressus (Uhlig)
Phylloceras calypso (d'Orb.) Micracanthoceras microcanthum (Oppel)
Phylloceras semisulcatum (d'Orb.) Spiticeras pseudogroteanum (Kilian)
Lytoceras cf. montanum Oppel Negreliceras negreli (Math.)
Lytoceras sutile Oppel Neocomites occitanicus (Pict.)
Lytoceras liebigi Oppel Neocomites cabrensis Kil.
Lytoceras honnoratianum (d'Orb.) Simoceras volanense (Oppel)
Haploceras elimatum (Oppel) Aspidoceras avellanum (Oppel)
Haploceras caractheis (Oppel) Aspidoceras cf. raphaeli (Oppel)
Berriasella abscissa (Oppel) Aspidoceras cf. liparum (Oppel)
Berriasella carpathica (Oppel) Aspidoceras iphicerum (Oppel)
Berriasella calisto (d'Orb.) Perisphinctes sublorioli Kilian
Berriasella privasensis^ (Pict.)
Berriasella chaperi (Pict.)
Berriasella lorioli (Oppel)
I n the Penibetic region the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n with Calpionella alpina,
developed in some places in the form of red crinoidal limestone with
Spiticeras celsum (Oppel), overlaps on to the Palaeozoic (Fallot, 1934,
p p . 78, 79).
Photo The Times
P L A T E I O . — T h e R o c k of G i b r a l t a r , a k l i p p e o f L i a s s i c l i m e s t o n e . ( S e e F i g s . 29 a n d 30.)

Middle Tithonian. Fallot (1934, p p . 89, 9 1 , 93, 105) lists the following
as Middle Tithonian, b u t this subdivision should b e understood only in
a local sense:—
Phylloceras calypso (d'Orb.) Berriasella abscissa (Oppel)
Phylloceras semisulcatum (d'Orb.) Berriasella chalmasi (Kil.)
Sowerbyceras loryi ( H e b e r t ) Perisphinctes senex (Oppel)
Lytoceras sutile (Oppel) Perisphinctes cf. geron (Oppel)
Haploceras caractheis (Oppel) Perisphinctes pouzinensis T o u c a s
Haploceras verruciferum (Oppel) Perisphinctes pseudocolubrinus Kil.
Haploceras staszicii (Zeusch.) Perisphinctes deeckei Kil.
Haploceras tithonium (Oppel) Perisphinctes cf. exornatus Zittel
Spiticeras pseudogrotianum (Kil.) Aspidoceras avellanum (Oppel)
Proniceras toucasi Ret. var. Aspidoceras zeuschneri (Oppel)
dorsosulcatum Djan. Aspidoceras cyclotum (Oppel)

Lower Tithonian. T h e palaeontological division between the

Kimeridgian and Tithonian, as in m a n y other parts of the world, is not
clear. Fallot (1934, p p . 79, 80, 89, 91) points out that Simoceras volanense
(Oppel), Sowerbyceras loryi and other forms pass u p from one into the
other. I n some places he recognizes a typical T i t h o n i a n fauna with
Lithacoceras geron, Pygope diphya and the 'banal' ammonites of t h e
Tithonian (especially the same Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids as above);
in others, as he rightly points out, his lists have ' u n cachet Kimeridgien'.
Hybonoticeras hybonotum (Oppel) occurs commonly, and if correctly
identified this indicates the Lithographicum Zone of the Lower T i t h o n i a n ;
and the presence of a possible Gravesia is interesting (Fallot, 1934, p . 93).


T h e ammonite fauna of the Acanthicus Beds is strongly represented in

Fallot's lists by A. acanthicum and allied species, Hybonoticeras spp.,
Simoceras spp., Ataxioceras lothari (Oppel), A. effrenatum (Font.),
Enosphinctes eumelus (d'Orb.), etc. (Fallot, 1934, p p . 87, 89, 9 1 , 108),
b u t it is often difficult to separate from the Tithonian. Possibly t h e
Hybonoticeras often recorded as hybonotum is really an earlier species like
H. africanum (Spath), which occurs in Kimeridgian beds of T i t h o n i a n
lithic facies in Sicily. Nebrodites torcalensis Kilian sp. (1889, pi. xxv,
fig. 6) is certainly Kimeridgian. T h e t r u e Kimeridgian is developed in
many places as 'ruiniform' limestones displaying fantastic forms of
weathering (Bertrand & Kilian, 1889, p p . 426-7).


One of the most constant marker horizons over t h e whole area is the
assemblage of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone, with Epipeltoceras bimammatum
(Oppel) and Gregoryceras fouquei Kilian (both figured by Kilian, 1889,
pi. xxvi), Taramelliceras hauffianum (Oppel) and a whole assemblage of
Perisphinctids and Aspidoceratids. T h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone is also

present, dated by t h e index fossil, with Euaspidoceras perarmatum (Sow.),

Ochetoceras canaliculatum (Buch), etc. I n t h e long lists from these t w o
zones (Fallot, 1934, p p . 101-2) there is a remarkable scarcity of Portuguese
species. Eight species of Phylloceratids a n d five of Lytoceratids are
recorded from t h e U p p e r Oxfordian, o u t of about 100 species of ammonites
from t h e region.

F I G . 29.—Geological map of the Lias klippe of Gibraltar. Based on Bailey, after

Ramsey & Geikie, 1878, modified.


Massive b e d d e d limestones a n d nodular limestones poor i n fossils are

believed t o represent t h e L o w e r Oxfordian b u t , as in many other places,
n o n e of t h e characteristic ammonites has been found.


Limestones, b o t h marly a n d nodular, u p to 15 m . thick, have yielded

Callovian ammonites in t w o places. Besides t h e ubiquitous Phylloceratids,
Macrocephalites a n d Choffatia, there are recorded Pklycticeras sp.,
Cadomites extinctum (Quenst.), Bomburites cf. bombur (Oppel) a n d three
H u n g a r i a n Perisphinctids: Choffatia villanoides (Till), Indosphinctes
drevermanni (Till) a n d Subgrossouvria coronaeformis (Loczy). (Fallot,
x 6
1933. P- 7 ° : 934> P- 9 - )

Traces of the Bathonian so far known are slight b u t definite. I n t h e

western Penibetic, compact limestones with strings of marl have yielded
Eligmus polytypus, Terebratula circumdata a n d Rhynchonella cf. varians
(Bertrand & Kilian, 1889, p . 424). I n t h e Subbetic are marly limestones
with Posidonia alpina, partly U p p e r Bajocian and partly Bathonian, since
they yield Nannolytoceras tripartitum (Raspail), Wagnericeras forticostatum




FIG. 30.- -The Arc of Gibraltar, showing the relationships of the Jurassic of
Spain, Gibraltar and the Rif of Morocco. After Bailey.

(de Grossouvre) and Bullatimorphites. B. bullatus ( d ' O r b . ) was also found

beneath t h e Callovian at o n e of t h e t w o dated Callovian o c c u r r e n c e s
(Fallot, 1933).


T h o u g h greatly reduced, t h e Bajocian may b e complete, t o j u d g e b y

records of Ludwigia murchisonae, Otoites sauzei, Stephanoceras humphriesi­
anum, Skirroceras bayleanum, Chondroceras, Normannites braikenridgei,
etc., and Posidonia alpina beds with Spiroceras, Bigotites a n d Oecotraustes
genicularis of t h e U p p e r Bajocian. A s i n Algeria a n d elsewhere, t h e
Bajocian is often represented b y limestones w i t h Cancellophycus (Fallot,

1933). F r o m the Lower Bajocian there is a remarkable n u m b e r of English

species of Haplopleuroceras, Graphoceratids and other ammonites as in
Morocco (e.g. Fallot, 1932, p . 55).


All stages of the Lias except the Hettangian have been proved by
ammonites. A vast a m o u n t of detail is known and has been ably brought
together b y Fallot (1932), b u t since the succession presents no special
novelties no attempt is m a d e to summarize the data here. Fallot believes
t h a t the original width of the Liassic sea between the Spanish Meseta
a n d t h e Sahara Platform has been nearly halved by tectonic compression.
H e points out t h a t t h e Lower Lias of the Betic Cordilleras does not differ
from t h a t of the rest of Spain and m u c h of N o r t h Africa, b u t that in the
M i d d l e Lias (Cisneros, 1923, 1927) m a n y peculiarly Italian ammonites
e n t e r e d ; and that, despite the especially Mediterranean facies (Ammonitico
rosso), the U p p e r Lias ammonites are those c o m m o n almost all over
E u r o p e . T h e presence of M i d d l e Lias cherts in Sicily, the Subbetic
Cordillera and Gibraltar is noteworthy (Plate 10).


A submarine ridge continues the line of the Betic Cordilleras into

t h e Mediterranean. U p o n it stand the delectable islands of Majorca,
Minorca, Ibiza, Formentaria and Cabrera (fig. 24). Jurassic rocks occur
o n all b u t Formentaria. By far the largest outcrops are those of Majorca,
b u t the succession is usefully supplemented by the other islands.
Structurally and stratigraphically the Balearics are a direct continuation
of the Betic Cordilleras, t h o u g h a change of strike to N . - S . in Minorca
has given rise to m u c h discussion (see Stille, 1930, 1934, 1937). T h e most
probable solution is that Ibiza and the main sierra of the north of Majorca,
in which t h e nappes are t h r u s t to t h e north, belongs to the Subbetic,
while Minorca and t h e centre and south of Majorca belong to the Betic
(Fallot, 1945). T h e apparent westerly direction of the thrusting in Minorca
could b e due to interference b y transverse undulations, the easterly dip
of the t h r u s t planes being merely off a culmination, as on the east of the
Sierra Nevada or the Malaga nappe. T h e outcropping of Palaeozoic
greywackes in Minorca and their occurrence as pebbles in a Burdigalian
conglomerate in the middle of Majorca, and the facies of the Mesozoic
rocks (which are not 'Andalusian' in Minorca and southern Majorca)
s u p p o r t this interpretation (Fallot, 1945).
I n the Majorcan Sierra the Jurassic is as complete as in the Subbetic
of Andalusia and in the same facies (Fallot, 1922, 1931-4), b u t in Ibiza
the Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic are absent and U p p e r Jurassic, beginning
with U p p e r Oxfordian, is transgressive o n to Trias (Spiker & Haanstra,
1935). I n Minorca no Jurassic ammonites have been found.
I n the Majorcan Sierra the Lias begins with dolomites and dolomitic
limestones which pass u p into massive limestones. A n Arietites has been

identified with doubt. T h e earliest authenticated fauna is U p p e r Pliens­

bachian with Arieticeras, followed by Toarcian with Hildoceras levisoni
(Simpson). Tropidoceras masseanum and Juraphyllites are recorded o n
Cabrera. T h e Bajocian of Majorca begins with a cephalopod bed con­
taining the San Vigilio fauna of t h e Alps a n d N W . E u r o p e a n genera (and
even species) of Graphoceratids and Haplopleuroceras, and some Phyllo­
ceratids and Lytoceratids. T h e facies is in part an oolitic ironstone.
Nodular limestones of U p p e r Jurassic type set in with t h e M i d d l e Bajocian,
which yields a good Stephanoceras fauna (some figured by Fallot &
Blanchet, 1923). T h e n come U p p e r Bajocian marls with Parkinsonia
and Posidonia alpina, etc. T h e Bathonian is sparsely documented, b u t
probably represented by sandy Posidonia marls with Phylloceras kuder-
natschi, Wagnericeras arbustigerum (Nolan, 1895) a n d Nannolytoceras.
Morphoceras multiforme has also been found ( D a r d e r Pericas, 1945, table
facing p . 94). T h e Lower Callovian is proved on Majorca, b u t after
this there is a gap in places until t h e Kimeridgian a n d T i t h o n i a n . T h e
Oxfordian is represented by a stray record of Epipeltoceras bimammatum
in Majorca and this a n d Gregoryceras fouquei a n d other ammonites are
present on Ibiza, in limestones overlapping on to T r i a s . T h e Kimeridgian
is as in Andalusia: Streblites tenuilobatus occurs on Ibiza, b u t in Majorca
the zone is probably represented b y unfossiliferous limestones (Nolan,
1895). T h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian with Hybonoticeras beckeri and Gravesia
irius begins the ' T i t h o n i a n ' facies. T h e t r u e T i t h o n i a n is divisible into a
lower part (with 'Perisphinctes contiguus') a n d an u p p e r (with Berriasella
privasensis and Spiticeras), and it has yielded several peculiar forms
of Himalayites, Berriasella, etc. (Fallot & T e r m i e r , 1923, pi. 1;
? Aulacosphinctes ponti, fig. 4). Calpionella limestone is well developed
in the islands (Colom, 1935, 1948).




Like the present Mediterranean Sea, the E u r o p e a n T e t h y s in the Jurassic

was b o u n d e d on t h e south b y t h e African continent. W h e r e t h e great
desert plateau now stretches from the Atlantic coast eastwards for 3500
miles across the Sahara, Libya, Egypt and Arabia to t h e I n d i a n Ocean,
there extended also in Jurassic times a vast landmass. T h e southern
boundary of the African shield in the Jurassic is u n k n o w n . Sea overspread
its eastern edge from 500 to 1000 miles farther t h a n at present, a n d t h e
T e t h y s overspread its n o r t h e r n margin in places 100-250 miles from t h e
present coast; b u t in the south and west the present ocean and the ancient
shield, or its more recent sedimentary cover, are everywhere in contact,
without the intervention of any fringe of Jurassic sediments.
T h e Jurassic fringe along t h e n o r t h coast is broken by the Gulf of
Sidra or Syrtis in Libya. East of t h e gulf in n o r t h e r n Egypt, Jurassic
rocks exist b u t are deeply buried u n d e r Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y m a r i n e
formations. T h e few occurrences known, from anticlinal folds a n d borings,
and along the side of the Gulf of Suez rift, will be described in t h e next
chapter. Westwards, from t h e Gulf of Syrtis t h r o u g h Tunisia, Algeria,
and Morocco, the Jurassic formations are b r o u g h t above sea-level and
exposed progressively b u t intermittently for 1000 miles in the Atlas ranges.
T h e folded ranges coincide with the Jurassic and lower Cretaceous
rocks, and the southern b o u n d a r y of these rocks is also t h e n o r t h e r n
boundary of the Sahara plateau. T h e projecting land occupied by t h e
Atlas ranges, known collectively as Barbary, is clearly a part of the
Mesozoic Tethys, of which m u c h has foundered beneath the present
Mediterranean, except in Sicily, southern Italy and Greece.
Both the Sahara plateau and Barbary were intensely folded in the
Variscan orogeny and planed in the P e r m o - T r i a s . Differentiation of t h e
two areas began some time in the T r i a s with t h e gentle subsidence of
Barbary and the initiation there of salt lakes elongated east and west.
T h e Sahara plateau, on t h e contrary, remained above sea-level, or con­
tinued to rise, supplying clastic sediments to the Jurassic and L o w e r
Cretaceous seas that invaded and covered u p t h e Triassic lakes of Barbary.
It was not until the early U p p e r Cretaceous (Albian-Cenomanian) t h a t
the sea spread southwards over t h e greater p a r t of t h e Sahara plateau,
probably linking u p with the waters of the S o u t h Atlantic in t h e Gulf of
Guinea. T h e resulting Cretaceous sediments remain horizontal or only

gently tilted over vast areas, proving that there has been no important
disturbance of the rigid platform since that time.
T h e earliest t e r m of the transgressive series, which rests horizontally
b u t with great disconformity on Carboniferous and earlier Palaeozoic
and Archaean rocks in t h e n o r t h e r n Sahara, is a quartzose sand and
sandstone formation, with quartz pebbles and fine quartz conglomerates
of continental type. T h e only c o m m o n fossils are silicified tree trunks
(gymnosperms) u p to 10 a n d even 20 metres long, which sometimes litter
t h e desert. Occasionally in clay bands bones of fish (Ceratodus), crocodiles
(Dyrosaurus) and saurians (Megalosaurus saharicus) are also found. T h i s
formation, which crops out r o u n d the great 'ergs' or sand seas of the
Algerian Sahara, u n d e r the n a m e of 'continental intercalaire', has
commonly been supposed to represent continental equivalents of all the
lower a n d middle Mesozoic formations, including the Jurassic. But in
t h e southern Atlas, where in passing northwards the stratigraphical hiatus
begins to b e filled, t h e continental formation extends over fossiliferous
Aptian rocks; and since it underlies the widespread marine Cenomanian
clays and limestones of the Sahara plateau, its age is Albian (Savornin,
1931, p . 222; de Lapparent, 1947; de L a p p a r e n t & Lelubre, 1948). T h e
evidence in Algeria therefore agrees with that in Egypt, where, as will be
seen in the next chapter, the equivalent and closely similar N u b i a n Sand­
stone has yielded only Cretaceous fossils and passes northward over
incoming wedges of first Bathonian, t h e n U p p e r Jurassic, and finally
Aptian rocks. T h e s e continental sandstones and grits are the first term
of t h e transgressive U p p e r Cretaceous marine series. T h e y appear to
have b e e n laid down at a time w h e n the subsiding peneplaned continent
was j u s t passing below sea-level a n d immense spaces were covered by
fluctuating sheets of shallow water, (de L a p p a r e n t & Lelubre, 1948; for
Libya see also Kilian & Lelubre, 1946; and Desio, 1951, p . 50.)
F a r t h e r south the problem of the 'continental intercalaire' begins to
show signs of resolution o n similar lines, t h o u g h the difficulties are greatly
increased b y t h e presence of Triassic (Karroo) and Tertiary and Pleisto­
cene-Recent (Kalahari) systems of rocks of similar facies. I n the central
territories of C h a d and the Cameroons, however, the N u b i a n Sandstone
with its silicified wood seems to b e identifiable with some assurance, in
t h e same facies as in t h e t y p e area of N u b i a and as in the Algerian Sahara,
a n d there is no reason to d o u b t its M i d d l e or U p p e r Cretaceous age,
although it has not yet been everywhere separated from the underlying
Palaeozoic sandstones (Nickles, 1951, p p . 135-7). Again, in Nigeria,
D a h o m e y and the Gold Coast the Mesozoic sedimentary cover begins with
clastic rocks of Cretaceous age (Dixey & Willbourn, 1951, p p . 102, 104;
A r n a u d , 1951, p . 59). T h e Lualaba Series of the Congo, of which the
u p p e r m o s t beds have sometimes been classed as Jurassic on inadequate
evidence, is n o w regarded as p a r t of the K a r r o o and Triassic (Furon,
1950, p p . 2 7 2 - 3 ; M o u t a & Cahen, 1951).
T h u s it appears t h a t virtually t h e whole African shield, inside the
northern a n d eastern ring of Jurassic marine outcrops, was above water
level throughout t h e Jurassic a n d can b e regarded as a source of supply
for clastic sediments. I n t h e n o r t h t h e Sahara plateau has been defined
as ' t h e p a r t of Africa w h e r e Jurassic sediments are absent' (Savornin,
1931; Menchikoff, 1949). T h e sole exception t o this definition is a small
area in southern Tunisia a n d northern Tripolitania.


T h e boundary between t h e Sahara plateau a n d folded Barbary r u n s

in a n almost straight line, w i t h only t w o very gentle sinuosities, from t h e
Atlantic coast of Morocco at Agadir to t h e Syrtis gulf at Gabes in Tunisia,
a distance of about 1200 miles. T h e b o u n d a r y is determined b y a m o n o -
clinal fold, which is t h e most continuous of t h e m a n y parallel anticlines

FIG. 31.—The Jurassic outcrops of Barbary (black) and their probable continuation
underground (shaded). Based on Savornin, 1031.

and periclines that constitute t h e Atlas ranges. O n t h e Sahara plateau

there is n o Jurassic; in t h e cores of all t h e anticlines Jurassic is well
developed. T h e line where t h e Jurassic wedges o u t southwards is usually
concealed b y a Cretaceous cover in Algeria; it is probably often a line of
bevel at t h e plane of Cretaceous transgression, as in E g y p t a n d southern
England (Dorset-Devon border). I n parts of eastern Morocco, however,
a Liassic shoreline is uncovered. Cliffs of Palaeozoic sandstones, slates
and more rarely Visean limestones are exposed, with a Jurassic beach at
the foot. Reef corals grew o n t h e rocks or in t h e shallows of t h e M i d d l e
Lias sea offshore. I n some places there are lenticular deposits of sandstone
and clay, representing estuaries of Jurassic wadis, forming small gulfs
or lagoons (Menchikoff, 1934, 1949; Choubert, 1952, p p . 142-3 and pi. 11).
T h e southern b o u n d a r y of Barbary is therefore at least as old as t h e
Jurassic, although t h e main period of uplift of t h e Atlas ranges, for which
the boundary became t h e southern hinge, occurred in t h e U p p e r Eocene,

a n d although m o v e m e n t s occurred along it again in post-Miocene and

even (at least locally at either end) in post-Pliocene times (Laffitte, 1939).
Owing to a regional tilt or pitch of the whole of Barbary and the adjoining
Sahara plateau towards t h e east, Jurassic outcrops are m u c h m o r e exten­
sive in Morocco a n d diminish progressively t h r o u g h Algeria, until in
T u n i s i a they consist of only scattered inliers in the crests of anticlines,
separated by broad stretches of Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks. T o some
extent this distribution is d u e to tilting during the Jurassic, for there is
reason to believe that in m u c h of Morocco, in the M i d d l e Atlas region
especially, deposition ceased with the Bathonian and no U p p e r Jurassic
ever existed.
T h e T e r t i a r y folding of Barbary took place at two main periods. T h e r e
was an extensive U p p e r Eocene-Lower Oligocene (Pyrenean) phase
which has left a predominantly S W . - N E . grain in the H i g h Atlas, Saharan
Atlas a n d M i d d l e Atlas of the south a n d west, and in the north and east
Neogene folding superimposed a predominantly W . - E . grain in the
Mediterranean or Tellian Atlas. T h e reticulate pattern resulting from
the two phases of folding, and m a n y local complications (in part due to
movements of Triassic salt), have m a d e the geological m a p of Barbary
very complex. I n general, however, the folding is simple, consisting of
narrow anticlines and periclines, sometimes accompanied by overfolding
and local thrusting, separated b y relatively broad level tracts. Between
t h e H i g h and Saharan Atlas in the south and the Tellian Atlas in the
n o r t h is a stable area occupied by the Plateau of the Shotts and high
limestone 'causses'. T h e s e areas were almost unaffected by Tertiary
folding, except along oblique S W . - N E . lines of the M i d d l e Atlas, and they
have been compared to t h e similar mesetas of Spain.
T h u s , with one exception, all the mountains of Barbary belong to the
southern autochthonous fold zone of the Alpine orogen.
T h e exception is the Rif of Morocco, an arcuate belt of major thrusts
which continues t h e Betic Cordillera of Spain in the form of a horseshoe.
A masterly m o n o g r a p h by Fallot (1937) shows the main range to consist
of autochthonous Triassic dolomites, more than 1000 m. thick and overlain
b y Lias, t h r u s t outwards (i.e. to the SW.) over Cretaceous and Eocene
flysch in a series of small nappes, and in t u r n overthrust in the same
direction b y Palaeozoics. T h i s is evidently a fragment of t h e inner or
t h r u s t zone of the orogen. O t h e r fragments may b e recognized in the
Kabylie and its continuation on t h e coast each side of Algiers. T o account
for t h e horseshoe shape of the Betic-Rif t h r u s t arc it seems necessary to
postulate a median mass foundered u n d e r the western Mediterranean.
T h e movements occurred mainly in the Neogene (Fallot, 1941).
W i t h i n the autochthonous folded zone that comprises most of Barbary
t h e Jurassic stratigraphy is b y no means simple or straightforward.
T h e r e are complex changes of facies, b o t h horizontal and vertical, great
variations of thickness, and disconformities, which indicate minor folding,
faulting and horst-formation within Jurassic t i m e s : movements that
FIG. 32.—Diagrammatic horizontal section across the region where Barbary abuts against the Saharan platform in southern
Algeria and Morocco. After Menchikoff, 1936, redrawn.
1, ancient volcanic rocks; 2, basal Palaeozoic conglomerate; 3, dolomitic limestones (Cambrian?); 4, Cambrian-Ordovician
sandstone; 5, Silurian; 6, Devonian; 7, Carboniferous; 8, green rocks; 9, red rocks at base of Mesozoic; 10, Lower
and Middle Lias; u , Upper Lias; 12, Middle Jurassic; 13, pre-Cenomanian sandstone; 14, Cenomanian gypseous
marls; 15, Cenomanian limestone; 16, post-Turonian red rocks; 17, Chebkhas conglomerate.

foreshadowed the T e r t i a r y orogeny as in other regions. A large area in

western Morocco, m u c h of it adjoining the present coast, was never
s u b m e r g e d in t h e Jurassic, and there are several similar b u t smaller areas
in central and eastern Morocco. O n e such horst (though less persistent)
in the mountains of the G h a r R o u b a n district, straddling the Moroccan-
Algerian b o r d e r SE. of Oudjda, has been elucidated in detail in a splendid
m o n o g r a p h by Lucas (1942). T h e core of the horst consists of Palaeozoic
rocks, n o w b o u n d e d by faults with throws u p to 1500 m., which bring the
Palaeozoic outcrops u p amongst high plateaux of U p p e r Jurassic limestones
(pis. 11, 12). Lucas shows, however, that the horst was already in existence
at the beginning of the Jurassic and was not entirely submerged until the
U p p e r Toarcian, while t h e Bajocian a n d Bathonian were deposited over it
only in condensed form, the Bathonian in the facies of ironshot oolite
only 3-4 m . thick. I n neighbouring areas the Bathonian is represented
b y thick grey marls and clays with Posidonia alpina and pyritized
ammonites. W i t h the Callovian such marls extended also over the horst.
D u r i n g the U p p e r Jurassic, which is thickly developed and perhaps
complete, t h o u g h without ammonites and poorly fossiliferous above the
Callovian, erosion on the Sahara plateau was intensified and successive
sheets of clastic sediments (especially sandstones) were pushed out ever
farther across t h e subsiding area of Barbary. (See fig. 35.)
Extensive volcanic activity took place in western Barbary in the P e r m o -
T r i a s a n d locally may have continued during deposition of the Lower Lias.
I n the massifs of Zekkara a n d Beni Snassen in Morocco diabase tuffs are
interstratified with supposed L o w e r Lias (Savornin, 1931, p . 256); in the
H i g h Atlas basalts are reported to b e interstratified with the base of the
Lias (Moret, 1930, p . 21); and Roch (1939, p . 171) considers the whole
thickness (200 m.) east of Marrakesh to b e of Lower Liassic age. I n the
Saida area of Algeria, however, limestones reputed to contain Cardinia,
which are i n t e r b e d d e d with basalts (Flamand, 1911), have proved to be
Triassic, t h e pelecypods being not Cardinia b u t Anoplophora (Lucas, 1952,
p . 55). I n t h e light of this, the other occurrences require re-examination.


F r o m the southern b o u n d a r y of Barbary at Agadir, where the High

Atlas breaks down near the Atlantic coast, for about 150 miles northwards
there is a series of U p p e r Jurassic outcrops entirely separated from the
rest by the Moroccan meseta. T h e Jurassic sediments represent the
remains of an independent basin or bay of the Atlantic, truncated by the
present coast. I n l a n d they change in facies and overlap successively
against t h e Palaeozoic rocks of the meseta, with the development of
sandstones, reefs and basal conglomerates. T h e meseta was never sub­
m e r g e d in t h e Jurassic; it was a rocky p r o m o n t o r y extending n o r t h from
the Saharan land (Roch, 1930).
T h e m a x i m u m thickness of Jurassic and Berriasian rocks is about

500 m . ; t h e Berriasian is n o t separable lithologically. T h e Mesozoic

sequence begins with thick Triassic marls a n d r e d sandstones, capped b y
basalt. O n this lies t h e first Jurassic formation, some 80 m . of r e d a n d
white sandstones and marls with gypsum, k n o w n as t h e Jurassic 'lagunaire'.
It has yielded only indeterminable brachiopods, pelecypods, gastropods
and a belemnite, a n d its age therefore still remains to b e established.
T h e r e follow u p to 100 m . of beds in which marine limestones p r e ­
dominate. T h e y have yielded a rich U p p e r Jurassic fauna, b u t very few
ammonites. Roch (1930, p . 205) records small Peltoceratids comparable
with French Lower Oxfordian forms. Half a Perisphinctid has been
figured (Gentil & Lemoine, 1905, pi. iv, fig. 6); it was first identified
with a Swiss U p p e r Oxfordian species of t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone, b u t
Roch thought it Callovian. I n m y opinion it is highest U p p e r Oxfordian,
B i m a m m a t u m Zone, comparable with t h e group of Perisphinctes fontannesi




F I G . 33.—Horizontal section illustrating the overlap of the Upper Jurassic against the
Palaeozoic of the High Atlas in western Morocco. After Roch, 1930 (the Jurassic
formations reclassified as in the present text).

Choffat (1893, pi. ix) and P. lusitanicus Siem. as figured b y Wegele (1929,
pi. ii, fig. 3) from t h e Planula Subzone.
Next follow 80 m . of limestones in coralline facies with Nerinea b e d s ,
which pass eastwards, towards t h e shoreline, into dolomitic limestones a n d
finally sandstones. T h e y have yielded n o cephalopods b u t are presumably
Lower Kimeridgian. Finally there is a series of 250 m . of limestones
and marls with lenticular masses of gypsum u p t o 100 m . thick. T h e
lower parts have yielded echinoids a n d lamellibranchs believed to b e
Kimeridgian, while at t h e t o p t h e r e is a rich a m m o n i t e fauna of t h e
Berriasian, in which species of Spiticeras predominate. Berriasella
boissieri (Pictet), zonal index of t h e lowest Cretaceous, occurs in this
assemblage (Roch, 1930, p . 257). T h e s e highest 250 m . of beds overlap
all t h e earlier formations and transgress far across t h e folded Palaeozoics.


T h e sediments in t h e north-eastern part of the basin j u s t described wedge

out against t h e core of the H i g h Atlas, a range of Palaeozoic sediments a n d
granites folded and solidified in t h e Variscan orogeny and refolded in t h e

Tertiary, with s u m m i t s rising above 12,000 ft. to a m a x i m u m of 13,665 ft.

A beautiful geological m a p and description by M o r e t (1930) depict a
strip across this central core, from the alluvial plains of Marrakesh east­
wards. I n t h e S W . corner the last of the U p p e r Jurassic and Berriasian
deposits described b y Roch are seen feathering out u p o n the folded
Palaeozoics and overlapped by Valanginian and successively higher
m e m b e r s of the Cretaceous.
O n t h e far side of t h e range the same succession begins again, here
underlain once m o r e b y thick T r i a s with s u m m i t basalts, which at Tizi-
m o u l t are interstratified with the supposed basal Jurassic limestones.
At first the formation is indivisible, described as a 'complexe jurassique
t r e s lagunaire', b u t it soon thickens towards t h e east and spreads out into
t h e most extensive Jurassic outcrop in N o r t h Africa, the eastern High
Atlas a n d its easterly continuation in the Saharan Atlas. U p p e r Jurassic
occurs close to the granite chain in the area of M o r e t ' s m a p , b u t in t h e
350 miles of outcrops farther east the sequence stops with the Bathonian,
and b y far t h e greater p a r t of t h e area consists of Lias. T h e same applies
to t h e almost equally large outcrop of Jurassic that forms the adjacent
M i d d l e Atlas and the 'causses' to the N W . of it.
T h e Lias, and especially the M i d d l e Lias, of this central region exhibits
interesting changes of facies. Along the south, adjoining the Liassic
shoreline of the African shield, or separated from it here and there by
strips of coastal sediments of the 'lagunaire' facies, there runs a fringe of
reef-like limestones, poorly b e d d e d and crowded with thick-shelled pelecy­
pods and giant gastropods. N o r t h of this, forming the High Atlas and
Saharan Atlas, the sediments testify to a deeper trough running parallel
to the coast. N o r t h w a r d s again, in the M i d d l e Atlas and the causses
plateaux, the facies r e t u r n s to neritic, with great thicknesses of dolomite
and limestones, sometimes recalling the ' r e e f type of the south and
evidently formed u p o n shallows covering the shelving edge of the Moroccan
meseta that lies to t h e west (Fallot & Roch, 1932; Dubar, 1932, 1934,
1943, 1948; R o m a n & Russo, 1948).
T h e immense deposits of dolomite in the M i d d l e Atlas and the causses
plateaux bear a strong resemblance to the proved U p p e r Triassic
(Rhaetian) dolomites of t h e Rif, which underlie a lumachelle of Pteria
contorta, and they have been claimed as Triassic (Loczy, 1951); b u t t h e
few fossils so far found in t h e m point rather to a Lower Lias age, although
the characteristic Megalodon and other heavy pelecypods are said to occur
in b o t h T r i a s and Lias (Termier, 1936, and discussion of Loczy, 1951,
p . 24). Dolomites, moreover, occur in Morocco and western Algeria
in formations proved to b e as late as U p p e r Pliensbachian and in the
Pre-Rif Bajocian. T h e remarkable assemblage of heavy-hinged pelecy­
pods, chiefly giant Opisoma, b u t comprising also Pachy megalodon,
Pachyrisma, Pachymytilus, Myoconcha and m a n y other interesting forms,
described by D u b a r (1948), is proved b y ammonites to be U p p e r Pliens-
bachian-Lower Toarcian.

A wealth of detail upon t h e M i d d l e Atlas a n d adjoining regions will b e

found in t h e m o n u m e n t a l treatise b y T e r m i e r (1936). F o r t h e southern
ranges, where t h e H i g h Atlas is prolonged eastward t o t h e Algerian
border and merges into t h e Saharan Atlas near Figuig, there are i m p o r t a n t
works by D u b a r (1932, 1934, 1943, 1948), Menchikoff (1936), C h o u b e r t
(1937, 1938), Roch (1939), a n d Verlet & Roch (1940). T h e following is a
summary of t h e ammonite faunas recorded. F o r details a n d u p - t o - d a t e
review of facies and faunas, t h e most important work is b y D u b a r (1943).
T o w a r d s t h e east a n d N E . , U p p e r Jurassic stages come in, b u t these will
not b e considered i n this section. I n c l u d i n g these, t h e total c o l u m n for
t h e Saharan Atlas in western Algeria is (Cornet, 1952):—
Upper Jurassic : At top 100 m. of Kimeridgian reef limestone, with corals,
echinoids and pelecypods. Below, about 600 m. of sandstone with
calcareous and dolomitic bands . . . . . . . 700 m.
Middle Jurassic: Sandy marls, sandstones and calcareous and dolomitic
bands, with in the NW. 1000-1500 m. of dolomite at the base
1700 to 2000 m.
Lower Jurassic : Marly limestones and marls . . . 1000 to 1200 m.

Maximum total . . 3900 m.


Shallow-water marine limestones, sandstones a n d green a n d b r o w n

marls overlying t h e Bajocian contain m a n y pelecypods a n d brachiopods
of N W . European Bathonian species; they are perhaps more t h a n i o o o m .
thick. I n t h e u p p e r part near El M e r s , about 60 miles S E . of F e z , have
b e e n found many bones of turtles, Teleosauridae a n d dinosaurs—a
T h e r a p o d a n d a huge Sauropod, perhaps Ceteosaurus. W i t h t h e bones
was fonud an ammonite identified as Clydoniceras discus b y F . R o m a n
( T e r m i e r & others, 1940). Similar bone-beds occur i n t h e southern
M i d d l e Atlas, with M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Bathonian brachiopods, a m o n g
which Ornithella digona w a s identified b y L . Guillaume (Bourcart &
others, 1942. F o r invertebrate fauna see T e r m i e r , 1936, vol. iii, p p .
1343-93; Gardet & Gerard, 1946, p p . 59-66; also, i n general, T e r m i e r ,
1943.) Similar beds with brachiopods are described from t h e eastern
H i g h Atlas (Choubert, 1938; Roch, 1939).


T o this substage probably belongs t h e fourth Bajocian zone of T e r m i e r

(1936, p . 894) with Phylloceras cf. kudernatschi, Polyplectites o r Cadomites
(?), and Normannites orbignyi Buckman (Gardet & G e r a r d , 1946, p . 35),
b u t no ammonites from this zone have yet been figured, except p e r h a p s
a true Cadomites indet. (pi. viii, fig. 3 ; n o t deslongchampsi). A Strigoceras
is recorded from several places in Morocco b u t associated with M i d d l e
Bajocian ammonites (Menchikoff, 1936, p . 142; Verlet & Roch, 1940,
p p . 72, 82), a n d it is therefore probably one of t h e earlier forms, n o t
S. truellei ( d ' O r b . ) ; b u t this remains t o b e investigated.
T h e most unequivocal U p p e r Bajocian fauna so far found is an
assemblage of t h e Subfurcatum Zone in t h e region of A i n Sefra. T h e

dominant ammonites of this fauna are Ermoceras deserti Douville and

E. runcinatum Arkell, here found 3300 km. west of the nearest known
occurrence, in Sinai. I n t h e same b e d s occur Cadomites aff. deslong-
champsi ( d ' O r b . ) , C. cf. daubenyi ( G e m m . ) , C. cf. septicostatus Buck.,
Stephanoceras humphriesiforme (Roche), Leptosphinctes cf. leptus Buck.,
Cleistosphinctes cleistus (Buck.) and Oppelia subradiata (Sow.). This
fauna occurs at the top of 4-5 m . of limestone which represents a condensed
Bajocian, for it is underlain by the Toarcian. Above it follow at least
1000 m . of marls and argillaceous limestones with Posidonia, all of which
m u s t belong to the U p p e r Bajocian, since it underlies the Lower Bathonian
fauna of El-Harchaia with Oraniceras, described by Flamand (see next
section). (Arkell & Lucas, 1953.)


T h e Sowerbyi, Sauzei and H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zones all seem to be

represented (the 1st, 2nd a n d 3rd Bajocian zones of Termier, 1936,
p . 894), j u d g i n g by the records and the few figures published by Gardet
& G e r a r d (1946). F r o m t h e H i g h Atlas of M i d e l t and near Figuig are
recorded n u m e r o u s Witchelliae and Sonniniae, Zurcheria, Emileia brocchi
(Sow.), Otoites sauzei (d'Orb.), Skirroceras bayleanum (Oppel), Phyllo­
ceras and Lytoceras ( D u b a r , 1934, p . 8 5 ; Verlet & Roch, 1940), and from
the M i d d l e Atlas the same plus Chondroceras, Stephanoceras, Hyperlioceras
and Dorsetensia (Termier, 1936, p p . 1343-51), and beds with Stephanoceras
humphriesianum (Sow.) and other species (Colo, 1951, p . 89). F o r m s
figured by G a r d e t & G e r a r d are Poecilomorphus cf. angulinus Buckman
(pi. iii, fig. 11), Emileia cf. brocchi (Sow.) (pi. iii, fig. 15), Stephanoceras
psilacanthus W e r m b t e r (pi. iii, fig. 24, not humphriesianum), S. cf. rhytus
(Buckman) (pi. viii, fig. 1), and Skirroceras cf. bayleanum (Oppel) (pi. viii,
fig. 2). T h e s e b e d s are transgressive, overlapping locally o n to M i d d l e
and L o w e r Lias (Termier, 1936, p . 8 8 5 ; D u b a r , 1938). I n the eastern
H i g h Atlas they pass into the Boulemane Marls (Choubert, 1938, see
below), and in the n o r t h e r n M i d d l e Atlas the H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone
overlies thick Sauzei and Sowerbyi Zones developed as marly limestones
(Colo, 1951).


T h e Opalinum, Scissum a n d M u r c h i s o n a e Zones are represented by

a n u m b e r of ammonites (Termier, 1936, p p . 1317-20; Choubert, 1937;
Verlet & Roch, 1940, p p . 78-9; Colo, 1951): Leioceras cf. opalinum,
Haplopleuroceras subspinatum Buckman, Hammatoceras spp., Ludwigia
spp., Erycites spp. (Termier, 1936, pi. xxiii, fig. 12; Gardet & Gerard,
1946, pi. iii, fig. 10) and Tmetoceras cf. hollandae Buckman (Termier,
1936, p . 1318, non G a r d e t & G e r a r d , which is not a Tmetoceras). The
whole of t h e Bajocian passes laterally into the Boulemane Marls, which
persist for h u n d r e d s of miles to the Algerian border and are said to attain
1200 m . in thickness in t h e Talsint t r o u g h in the eastern High Atlas

(Choubert, 1938). I n the n o r t h e r n M i d d l e Atlas there is the c o m m o n

difficulty of separating the Concavum and Sowerbyi Zones (Colo, 1951).
I n the H i g h Atlas of Midelt there are indications of gentle folding a n d
overlap along minor anticlines parallel to the m a i n axes of folding; t h e
first movements were p r e - L o w e r Bajocian, the second p r e - M i d d l e
Bajocian (Dubar, 1938). T h e r e is here an interesting comparison with
Buckman's early work in the Cotswolds.


A m o n g the ammonites recorded from the Aalenian are a n u m b e r that

belong to the Jurense Zone. M o r e detailed collecting is required to
establish their precise stratigraphical position in Morocco. A m o n g these
are Lytoceras ophioneum Benecke (Termier, 1936, pi. xxiii, figs. 8-11),
Dumortieria spp. and Catulloceras sp. (Gardet & Gerard, 1946, pi. iii,
figs. 2-5, not a Tmetoceras). T e r m i e r (1936, p p . 1310-15) and D u b a r
(1938) also record many other U p p e r Toarcian ammonites, including t h e
genera Paroniceras, Grammoceras, Pseudogrammoceras, Pseudolioceras, e t c . ;
also Lytoceras jurense and Polyplectus discoides (Zieten) (but the ' P .
discoides' of G a r d e t & Gerard, 1946, pi. iii, fig. 1, from the Lower Toarcian
is not a Polyplectus b u t Harpoceras cf. subplanatum Oppel sp.). U p p e r
Toarcian ammonites are also well represented near Figuig, where Cancello-
phycus beds occur in the Toarcian and Bajocian, and in t h e n o r t h e r n
Middle Atlas (Pleydellia, Dumortieria, Polyplectus, etc.; Colo, 1951).
Breccias believed to be of seismic origin overlie Toarcian coral reefs
near Ain Sefra (Cornet, Galmier & Lucas, 1953).


T e r m i e r (1936, p p . 1301-10) and D u b a r (1938) recognize a L o w e r

Toarcian with Harpoceras cf. falcifer and Hildoceras levisoni, and a M i d d l e
Toarcian with Hildoceras bifrons and m a n y other forms. I n the limestones
of this stage Cancellophycus becomes especially a b u n d a n t . Numerous
ammonites are recorded, including many species of Hildoceras, Harpoceras,
Haugia, Phymatoceras, Mercaticeras, Dactylioceras, Peronoceras, Praehap-
loceras, Paroniceras and Phylloceras heterophyllum, P. nilssoni and P .
lacostei. (See also Dubar, 1934; Verlet & Roch, 1940, p p . 70, 76.) At
the base of the Toarcian, immediately above t h e ' r e e f limestones at Bou-
Dahar, D u b a r (1948, p . 39, p i . i, fig. 3) collected Dactylioceras cf.
tenuicostatum (Y. & B.); and T e r m i e r (1936, pi. xxiii, figs. 5-7) figures
Dactylioceras athleticum (Simpson), a fossil of t h e A c u t u m Bed at t h e base
of the Toarcian in England. T h e Italian affinities of these faunas are very
striking (see especially D u b a r , 1938a).


T h e interesting changes of facies have already been mentioned. T h e

dolomite and shelly limestone facies so important topographically is

practically devoid of cephalopods, b u t it passes laterally into limestones,

marly limestones and marls, in which ammonites of the Italian Domerian
abound. Especially noteworthy are a b u n d a n t Lytoceras fimbriatum
(Sow.) and allied species (Termier, 1936, pis. xx, xxi), Phylloceratids
(Juraphyllites spp.), Amaltheus, Pleuroceras and a swarm of Hildoceratidae
which m i g h t have come straight from t h e plates of Fucini and other Italian
a u t h o r s : especially Arieticeras spp., Fuciniceras spp., Protogrammoceras
s p p . and Catacoeloceras spp. (Termier, 1936, pi. xxii; D u b a r , 1936;
Russo, 1936; Verlet & Roch, 1940, p p . 69-70, 73-6). Amaltheids have not
been found in the H i g h Atlas ( D u b a r , 1936, p . 223). T h e dolomite facies
of Morocco compares closely in lithology and fauna with the G r e y L i m e ­
stones of t h e southern Alps ( D u b a r & T e r m i e r , 1932).


T h e Ibex Zone is indicated b y Liparoceras gallicum Spath ( = bechei

d ' O r b . non Sow.) (Gardet & Gerard, 1946, pi. i, fig. 10, improperly p u t
in the Domerian), and the Jamesoni Zone by Tropidoceras masseanum
( d ' O r b . ) a n d allied s p p . and Polymorphites sp. (Termier, 1936, p . 1270;
Russo, 1936; D u b a r , 1938a). Evidence reported from the Figuig area
consists of Platypleuroceras brevispinum (Sow.) and Crucilobiceras muticum
( d ' O r b . ) and some allied species (Verlet & Roch, 1940, p p . 73-4,
misplaced in the Domerian).


Various species of Arnioceras and Oxynoticeras have been recorded

( D u b a r , 1932, 1943; T e r m i e r , 1936, p . 1269; Verlet & Roch, 1940,
p p . 69-70, 72), and two Sinemurian ammonites have been figured b y
D a g u i n (1926, pi. v) from Jebel Ayachi in the H i g h Atlas, b u t unfortu­
nately without peripheral views or whorl-sections, which renders t h e m
unidentifiable. T h e u p p e r figure appears to be correctly named as
'Asteroceras' cf. brooki (Sow.), b u t the lower figure, in the opinion of
D r D . T . D o n o v a n (in lit.), is more likely to b e an Arnioceras and no
earlier t h a n T u r n e r i Zone. Cf. turneri is recorded by D u b a r (1943).
Beneath the Sinemurian ammonite beds near Figuig are dolomitic lime­
stones u p to 200 (or 300 ?) m . thick, with brachiopods, resting on unfossili-
ferous limestones.


Pink dolomites with Cardinia ? at the base may be Hettangian, but no

H e t t a n g i a n ammonite is yet known from N o r t h Africa.


T h e Rif proper consists of the bow-shaped range already described

(p. 258), parallel to t h e coast, and m a d e u p chiefly of thrust sheets of
Triassic dolomite and Palaeozoic rocks (Fallot, 1937). T o the south a

roughly parallel belt of anticlines a n d periclines consisting of Jurassic

limestones rise t h r o u g h t h e s u r r o u n d i n g softer Cretaceous a n d T e r t i a r y
rocks to heights of 1500-6000 ft. T h e s e constitute t h e S o u t h e r n Rif,
monographed b y Lacoste (1934). Finally, rising from a broad T e r t i a r y
and alluvial lowland a few miles n o r t h of M e k n e s a n d F e z are t h e last
wrinkles of the Rif system, a group of anticlinal hills k n o w n as t h e Pre-Rif
(Daguin, 1927a, Gubler, 1938). T h e dates of t h e T e r t i a r y folding a n d
thrusting are summarized b y Fallot (1941, p . 923 a n d table).
T h e Trias of the t h r u s t range of t h e Rif proper, consisting for t h e m o s t
part of more t h a n 1000 m . of dolomites of Alpine facies, contrasts strongly



FIG. 34.—Tectonic sketch-map of the western Rif. After Fallot, 1937.

with that of t h e Southern Rif, where it is of G e r m a n type, consisting of

variegated saline marls producing salt plugs. D u r i n g t h e Jurassic a
trough of deposition existed o n t h e site of t h e S o u t h e r n Rif a n d t h e arcuate
depression to t h e n o r t h of it (the Rif t r o u g h of Lacoste, 1934, p . 90),
b u t comparison between t h e Jurassic rocks of t h e t w o areas is difficult,
because in t h e Rif proper only Lias exists, whereas t h e S o u t h e r n Rif a n d
Pre-Rif consist essentially of M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Jurassic a n d t h e Lias is
poorly exposed. T h e r e is evidence, however, t h a t t h e facies of t h e Lias
is almost as different in t h e t w o regions as that of t h e T r i a s . T h e L i a s
and Bajocian of t h e Pre-Rif show signs of approaching a southern s h o r e ­
line, which appears t o have been a p r o m o n t o r y extending towards t h e
N E . from t h e western Moroccan meseta (Gubler, 1938).

Red and white shaly marls with interbedded hard limestones have yielded
Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum and other spp., Sowerbyceras loryi M u n i e r -
Chalmas, Haploceras caractheis (Zeusch.), Berriasella callisto, Spiticeras
cf. pseudogroteanum Djanelidze, aptychi and Pygope janitor Pict.


Evidence for this stage is inconclusive. Lacoste (1934, p p . 178-80)

assigns several ammonites to the Lower Kimeridgian, of which Phylloceras
cf. canavarii M e n e g h . , Simoceras parateres Canavari, Nebrodites doublieri
( d ' O r b . ) and Taramelliceras trachynotum (Oppel) alone may be


T o this substage belong Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.) and some

Perisphinctids (Lacoste, 1934, p p . 178-80).

L O W E R O X F O R D I A N A N D C A L L O V I A N have yet to be found, b u t Lacoste

believes the succession to be continuous. T h e presence of Callovian
not m a n y miles away, in the misnamed 'Eastern R i f (Marcais, 1931),
suggests that he m a y be right.


At Jebel Arechko, in red marly limestones like the Bajocian, Lacoste

(1934, p . 176) obtained Morphoceras aff. multiforme (= polymorphum
d'Orb.), Ebrayiceras cf. pseudoanceps (Ebray) and Cadomites or Polyplectites.


At Z e r h o u n in the Pre-Rif (north of Meknes and west of Fez) and at

Mjara in the S o u t h e r n Rif, a rich Bajocian fauna has been found. At
Mjara the facies is red marls and marly limestones; at Z e r h o u n it is in t h e .
form of thick sandstones, oolites, freestones, dolomites and marls, changing
rapidly and reminiscent of the English Inferior Oolite of the Cotswolds
(Lacoste, 1934, p . 176, Gubler, 1938). T h e only U p p e r Bajocian ammonite
recorded is Strigoceras truellei (d'Orb.), b u t as this was found associated
with many M i d d l e Bajocian ammonites, it was probably one of the earlier
species of Strigoceras. T h e other ammonites are Stephanoceras humphriesi­
anum (Sow.), S. plicatissimum (Quenst.), Skirroceras freycinati (Bayle),
Normannites braikenridgei (Sow.) [? orbignyi Buckman], Otoites contractus
(Sow.), Sphaeroceras brongniarti (Sow.), Dorsetensia subtecta (Buck.),
Poecilomorphus cycloides ( d ' O r b . ) . At Mjara in the Southern Rif Holco­
phylloceras mediterraneum and its allies are common. I n addition to these,
some Sonninids of the Sowerbyi Zone are said to occur intimately mixed
in t h e fauna of the L o w e r Bajocian in the Pre-Rif (Gubler, 1938, p p .
137-8); they are Sonninia propinquans Bayle (the type species of the genus),
S. deltafalcata (Quenst.), Witchellia sayni H a u g (corrugata Douv. non
Sow.), and W. crassifalcata D o r n .

At Zerhoun well-bedded limestones with a rich silicified fauna yield

an assemblage entirely identified with English (Dorset) Inferior Oolite
species (Gubler, 1938, p . 137):—Haplopleuroceras subspinatum Buckman,
Graphoceras decorum Buck., G. (Ludwigelld) concavum (Sow.), micrum
(Buck.), arcitenans (Buck.), modicum (Buck.), fastigatum (Buck.). In
addition, from the Southern Rif Lacoste (1934, p . 172) records Graphoceras
opacum (Buck.), G. elegantulum (Buck.), Leioceras opalinum (Rein.),
Pleydellia sp. and Tmetoceras scissum (Benecke), in red marls with sand­
stone bands.


T h e Toarcian was the period of m a x i m u m submergence, w h e n littoral

influences disappeared. I t consists of grey marls, sometimes shaly,
about 25-30 m . thick in the Southern Rif; Phylloceras and Lytoceras
abound. Ammonites of t h e J u r e n s e Z o n e include Hammatoceras insigne
(Schubl.), Phymatoceras tirolense (Hauer ?), Haugia grandis Buck., Poly­
plectus discoides (Zieten), Pleydellia sp., etc. (Lacoste, 1934, p p . 168-72).
Dumortieria and Catulloceras also occur in the Rif p r o p e r (Fallot, 1937,
p p . 364-5).


I n parts of the Pre-Rif this is developed in t h e facies of 'Calcare

ammonitico rosso' as in Italy (Daguin, 1927, p . 136); it occurs also i n
Algeria (see p . 270). T h e usual assemblage of ammonites is recorded,
including Hildoceras bifrons, H. levisoni, Catacoeloceras crassum, Dactylio­
ceras commune, Phylloceras heterophyllum. T h i s fauna a n d U p p e r T o a r c i a n
forms also occur in the Rif proper (Fallot, 1937, p p . 364-5).


I n the Southern Rif this is represented by shallow-water limestones

with Amaltheus margaritatus and Lytoceras cf. fimbriatum. T h e thickness
may be 300-400 m . or more. I n t h e Rif proper, Fallot (1937, p . 363)
discovered the Italian Domerian fauna with n u m e r o u s Protogrammoceras,
Arieticeras, Partschiceras a n d Lytoceras.

LOWER PLIENSBACHIAN has not yet been discovered in the Rif.


I n the Rif proper the stage is only a few dozen metres thick b u t developed
in Alpine limestone facies, from which Fallot (1937, p p . 358-9) records a
long list of Italian species of Arnioceras, 'Deroceras', Vermiceras a n d
Asteroceras, with Italian and Alpine forms of Ectocentrites, also Phylloceras
and Lytoceras. F r o m the Southern Rif only Oxynoticeras cf. lymense
Wright is reported.


N o ammonites of this stage have been found, b u t Fallot assigns to it a

considerable p a r t of the limestones, with some dolomites, which cap the
m a i n m a s s of t h e Rhaetian t h r u s t dolomites of t h e Rif proper. T h e
supposed Hettangian is characterized by Rhynchonellina. I n the Southern
Rif, limestones with a dwarf molluscan fauna are also referred to the
Hettangian, b u t they are interstratified downwards with variegated
gypseus marls of Triassic type.


T h e thick dolomites in the Rif contain lumachelles of Pteria contorta,

also Myophoria a n d m a n y other mollusca.]


T h e Rif t r o u g h is continued eastwards t h r o u g h the N E . corner of

M o r o c c o a n d over t h e b o r d e r at Oudjda into Algeria, across which it
stretches to the east coast of Tunisia, a total distance of about 800 miles.
I n Algeria it is called the South-Kabylie trough (Glangeaud, 1932).
It lies between the fragmented Palaeozoic horsts along the present coast,
of which t h e Kabylie east of Algiers is the largest, and a second line to the
south, of which the G h a r R o u b a n and Saida mountains are the best k n o w n
in Jurassic literature. T h i s southern line is a continuation of the shallows
extending from t h e p r o m o n t o r y south of Meknes and Fez, already m e n ­
tioned (p. 267); along it t h e U p p e r Pliensbachian overlaps on to T r i a s
or Palaeozoic a n d is in places itself overlapped. D u r i n g the T r i a s and
Lower Lias the trough was subdivided longitudinally by a narrow ridge,
t h e Chelif anticline, b u t after the L o w e r Lias this disappeared and the
t r o u g h sank as a whole ( R o m a n & Russo, 1948).
T h e Jurassic sea also extended far s o u t h of t h e South-Kabylie trough,
spreading out between, a r o u n d a n d at last over, the horsts and covering
the stable shelf area now occupied b y the high plateaux of the Shotts.
Jurassic rocks in m a n y places rise t h r o u g h the Pliocene and Pleistocene
blanket that covers the plateaux, b r o u g h t u p in oblique anticlines parallel
to the M i d d l e Atlas, to join u p w i t h t h e Jurassic in the more easterly
folds of the Saharan Atlas.
T h e Lias of the S o u t h - K a b y l i e trough is identical in facies with that of
t h e Saharan Atlas, M i d d l e Atlas a n d H i g h Atlas. I n particular, the
D o m e r i a n a n d Toarcian a m m o n i t e faunas are Italian. T h e facies testifies
to accumulation in water of moderate depth, in direct continuity with
southern E u r o p e . T h e Bajocian, Bathonian and Callovian ammonites
show direct faunal continuity with central and N W . Europe. W i t h the
M i d d l e or U p p e r Callovian, uprise accelerated erosion on t h e Saharan
shield, and the t r o u g h a n d shelf seas of Barbary became choked with
clastic sediment during t h e Oxfordian and probably most of the
Kimeridgian. T h e deposits of these dates resemble the sandy Deltaic
Photo W. J. A .

PLATE I I . — U p p e r Jurassic e s c a r p m e n t in the G h a r R o u b a n , Algeria.
Photo W.J. A.

PLATE 12.—Collecting from the condensed Bathonian bed, Deglen, Algeria;

U p p e r J u r a s s i c cliff b e h i n d . ( S e e F i g s . 35 a n d 37.)
Series ('Estuarines') of Yorkshire, with only occasional a m m o n i t e beds
where the facies is locally suitable. I n t h e later Kimeridgian and T i t h o n i a n ,
denudation of t h e shield slackened once m o r e a n d clear-water limestones
became prevalent in Barbary, admitting Calpionella (Laffitte, 1937) a n d
ammonite faunas of t h e T i t h o n i a n a n d Berriasian.
I n t h e block mountains a n d karstic plateaux of t h e Tellian Atlas t h e
barren U p p e r Jurassic sandstones a n d limestones form rugged country.
T h e high summits are snow-covered in winter a n d sun-scorched in
summer. I n m o r e sheltered a n d less rocky situations a scrub of cistus,
juniper, lavender and many other bushes finds a foothold, a n d m a n y of
the slopes and valleys are covered with cork forests (plates 11, 12).

FIG. 35.—Diagrammatic representation of the successive stages of sedimentation on the

northern margin of the African shield in the Ghar Rouban area, western Algeria.
After Lucas, 1942, pi. xxvii.

East of t h e longitude of Algiers t h e general easterly pitch or regional

dip of t h e country (both of Barbary a n d of t h e adjoining plateau of t h e
Sahara) carries t h e Jurassic system for t h e most part below g r o u n d . I n
this eastern sector of Barbary t h e continuations of t h e Tellian Altas a n d
Saharan Atlas approach closer together a n d finally t e n d to merge near
the Tunisian border. M o s t of t h e country is formed of Cretaceous a n d
Tertiary rocks, b u t anticlinal cores in t h e principal m o u n t a i n masses
display t h e Jurassic. T h e outcrops still t e n d t o arrange themselves i n
two main lines. T h e northern line, near t h e coast, comprises t h e m o u n ­
tains of Djurdjura, Babor, t h e Constantine-Bone area, a n d (in T u n i s i a )
Jebel Ashkel, S W . of Bizerta and Jebel Zaghouan, south of T u n i s . T h e
southern line includes t h e ranges of Hodna, Batna, A u r e s a n d (in Tunisia)
Jebel Nara, S W . of Kairouan.
Nearly all these mountain groups and ranges have formed t h e subject

of regional monographs, b u t from the point of view of Jurassic strati­

graphy, tectonics, palaeoecology and palaeogeography b y far the most
illuminating results have been obtained in t h e rugged G h a r Rouban area
near the western b o r d e r of Algeria, t h r o u g h the brilliant researches of
G . Lucas (1942, 1952). H e has pictured the sinking of the troughs and
the successive faultings and transgressions r o u n d the Palaeozoic horsts,
a n d their eventual submergence u n d e r the U p p e r Jurassic sea. His
serial m a p s reconstruct t h e progress of these events at each stage of the


T h e ammonite fauna is best known from the classic locality of L a m o r i -

ciere, about 25 miles east of T l e m c e n , where there are poor exposures
of a t h i n b a n d of highly fossiliferous limestone in greenish and grey marls
in a small fault block (Pomel, 1889; visited by the writer u n d e r guidance
of Gabriel Lucas in J a n u a r y 1952). Lytoceras is c o m m o n here, b u t not
Phylloceras. O n the other h a n d at the Ouarsenis Phylloceras comprises
m o r e t h a n half t h e ammonites, which include also Neolissoceras grasianum
( d ' O r b . ) , Neocomites neocomiensis (d'Orb.), Killianella, Saynoceras,
Olcostephanus and Bochianites (Dalloni, 1936, p . 14). I n the H o d n a and
Batna groups, where t h e same faunas occur, the thickness of the Neocomian
averages 1500 m . a n d may exceed 2000 m . (Savornin, 1920, p . 214).]


A rich U p p e r T i t h o n i a n ammonite fauna almost identical with that of

Chomerac, A r d e c h e , has been identified at O u e d Soubella and Bou T h a l e b
in t h e Setif district of Constantine (Savornin, 1920, p . 171; Roman, 1936,
p . 37) and again at Jebel Nara, S W . of Kairouan in Tunisia (Schoeller,
1937; Breistroffer, 1937; Arnould-Saget, 1951; Castany, 1952, p p . 14-19).
I t also has n u m e r o u s links with Stramberg, Switzerland, the Crimea and
Spain. T h e assemblage comprises Haploceras elimatum (Oppel), Neo­
lissoceras grasianum ( d ' O r b . ) , Proniceras spp., Spiticeras pseudogroteanum
Djan., Virgatosphinctes cf. transitorius (Oppel), V. cf. senex (Oppel) and
n u m e r o u s Berriasellids, together with Phylloceratids, Lytoceratids,
aptychi, Pygope janitor, Calpionella, etc. T h e m i n u t e organisms Calpio­
nella, now believed to b e Infusoria, are recorded from the Tithonian
or Berriasian of m a n y places in Algeria and Tunisia (Laffitte, 1937;
D u r a n d Delga, 1950).


T h e best-known Lower T i t h o n i a n fauna is that of the Djurdjura

mountains, E S E . of Algiers, m o n o g r a p h e d by Roman (1936). I t is
found in 8-10 m . of red nodular limestone which rests unconformably
on Toarcian limestones and is in t u r n overlapped transgressively by
U p p e r Cretaceous marls. T h e whole crops out in the north side of the
range, which here consists of an isoclinal fold overturned to t h e south,

away from the metamorphic mass of the Kabylie. T h e fauna is remarkable

for a high proportion of new species and t h e strange local genus Djurjuri-
ceras, which is a specialized Viigatosphinctid w i t h peculiar ribbing
reminiscent of some English Subplanites. T h e r e are a few links
with Tunisia, Sicily and Spain. G e n e r a represented are Phylloceras,
Ptychophylloceras, Lytoceras, Kossmatia, Micracanthocer as, Corongoceras,
Simoceras, Aspidoceras, Virgatosphinctes (transitorius O p p e l a n d senex
Oppel), etc. R o m a n considered this fauna to denote the basal T i t h o n i a n ,
mainly from the absence of Berriasella, Spiticeras a n d Haploceras, b u t its
age in relation to E u r o p e a n zones is difficult to assess. I t looks like a
Farther west the facies is unfavourable for ammonites. T h e total
thickness of poorly fossiliferous limestones a n d dolomites attributed on
general grounds to the Kimeridgian and T i t h o n i a n exceeds 200 m . in
the Jebel N a d o r massif and thickens to 600 m . in the G h a r R o u b a n
area (Lucas, 1942, p p . 401, 402). Limestones with aptychi, belemnites
and Pygope occur near Jebel Chenoua, west of Algiers, and derived
Tithonian ammonites are reported in the Berriasian ammonite bed of
Lamoriciere (Roman, 1936, p p . 40, 41).
At Jebel Zaghouan in Tunisia the K i m e r i d g i a n - T i t h o n i a n is developed
in two different facies, one 50-100 m. thick, the other partly ' r e e f lime­
stone 500 m. thick (Castany, 1950).


T h e lower a n d middle parts of the 900 m . of deposits (including some

of the 300 m . of unfossiliferous 'Lusitanian' sandstones) t h a t build t h e
great cliffs and plateaux in the mountains of T l e m c e n , the G h a r R o u b a n
area (Lucas, 1942, p . 402) and elsewhere, r u n n i n g into eastern Morocco
(Mongin & Monition, 1952), are probably Kimeridgian, b u t so far n o
identifiable ammonites have been found. F a r t h e r east there are a few
finds to record: Spath (1913, p . 546) identified Aspidoceratids of t h e
Acanthicus Beds ( L o w e r - M i d d l e Kimeridgian) near Jebel Zaghouan in
Tunisia; and south of Philippeville in eastern Algeria Deleau (1938,
p p . 106-9) found Streblites tenuilobatus (Oppel), Lytoceras orsinii G e m . ,
Holcophylloceras sp. and Hybonoticeras sp., 3 m . above t h e basal conglom­
erate of the U p p e r Jurassic, which there rests on eroded Lias. ' Waagenia'
auberti Pervinquiere (1907, pi. ii, fig. 8), however, is not a Hybonoticeras
and has been made type of a new genus Aulasimoceras S p a t h (1931).
Shales with aptychi occurring in t h e Babors m a y b e Kimeridgian
(Ehrmann, 1920); such shales can be of more than one date (Glangeaud,
1932, p . 126). Balanocidaris glandifera, however, which has been found in
several places, gives a L o w e r Kimeridgian date.


T h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone, with t h e index fossil, Taramelliceras s p p .

and Perisphinctes spp., is recorded in N E . Morocco (Marcais, 1931) a n d

is thickly developed in t h e Jebel N a d o r area, j u d g i n g by records of late-

Oxfordian Perisphinctids such as P . cf. microplicatilis (Quenst.), P . cf.
divisus (Quenst.) a n d P . cf. grandiplex (Quenst.) in beds overlying the
T r a n s v e r s a r i u m fauna (Deleau, 1948, p . 39). Peltoceras bimammatum
is also recorded from the H o d n a M o u n t a i n s ( B o u - T h a l e b : Savornin,
1920, p . 158) a n d Ochetoceras marantianum from Jebel Zaghouan (Solignac,

FIG. 36.—Jurassic outcrops of north-eastern Tunisia. After Solignac (1947)

and others.

1947, facing p . 16). S p a t h ' s lists of ammonites from Jebel Zaghouan

(1913, p . 544) suggest a passage from the Transversarium Zone u p into
t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian, with the B i m a m m a t u m Zone well represented
t h o u g h not separated in the field.
T h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone is developed in ammonitico rosso facies
like t h e Toarcian (Dalloni, 1936, p . 12) and is extremely rich in ammonites.
T h e assemblage is typical of southern F r a n c e and the Jura. I n the Jebel
N a d o r area t h e same fauna occurs in black marls with bands of marly

limestone, and Deleau (1948, p . 36, pi. iii) has already remarked on the
identity with T r e p t . T h e same beds in red nodular facies crop out in a
n u m b e r of places in n o r t h e r n T u n i s i a (Solignac, 1947, facing p . 16),
among t h e m Jebel Zaghouan, whence a list has been published by S p a t h
(1913, p p . 544-6, pi. Hi), including Peltoceras (Gregoryceras) toucasianutn
(d'Orb.), aff. fouquei Kilian a n d pervinquieri Spath, a n d Perisphinctes
kobelti Neumayr, t h e type of which came from this locality. ( T h e species
of 'Grossouvria' a n d 'Ataxioceras' in S p a t h ' s list are incorrectly assigned
generically.) Several m e m b e r s of this fauna were also figured mistakenly
as from the T i t h o n i a n by Pervinquiere (1907). T h e following repre­
sentative list comprises species determined by m e in a collection kindly
given m e in 1953 by D r P . E. K e n t , w h o collected t h e m at Jebel Ben
Saidane in T u n i s i a (Pervinquiere's chief locality), a n d others seen b y m e
in Algiers University and the Sorbonne, where there are n u m e r o u s
specimens from Ain el A m r a . (BS = Ben Saidane.)
Phylloceras cf. riazi de Loriol, B S
Holcophylloceras polyolcum (Benecke), BS
Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.), B S
Lytoceras cf. polyanchomenum de Riaz (Gem.?), BS
Lissoceras erato (d'Orb.)
Ochetoceras canaliculatum (v. Buch), BS
Trimarginites arolicus (Oppel), B S
Taramelliceras sp.
Euaspidoceras aff. perarmatum (Favre et auct.), B S
Peltoceras (Gregoryceras) s p p .
Pachyceras (Tornquistes) kobyi (de Loriol), BS
Perisphinctes lucingae (Favre), B S
Perisphinctes cf. navillei (Favre), BS
Perisphinctes prelothari Lee, B S
Perisphinctes spp.
While this book was in the press I was sent for determination a good
fauna of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone, Planula Subzone, from the Ain Rich
area, Saharan Atlas (Emberger, 1954).


I t is surprising that the widespread fauna of the Mariae Zone, strongly

represented in the Rhone valley a n d the L e b a n o n , has not been found in
N o r t h Africa. T h e only record of a Cardioceratid is one of 'Cardioceras
cordatum' from the O r a n side of the Moroccan-Algerian b o r d e r (Gentil,
1908), in company with Phylloceras kudernatschi H a u e r a n d Sowerbyceras
tortisulcatum (d'Orb.). I n t h e N E . corner of Morocco, Marcais (1931)
assigns to the Oxfordian b r o w n shaly marls with Pachyceras lalandeanum
(d'Orb.) a n d h e also records a specimen of Peltoceras cf. arduennense
(d'Orb.) (not in situ). Both could b e either L o w e r Oxfordian or U p p e r
Callovian (Lamberti Zone). T h e same applies to a Distichoceras, a
Horioceras and a Trimarginites from Saida in Algiers University m u s e u m .


Reineckeia beds of t h e Anceps Zone, rich in ammonites, are widespread

a n d transgressive. T h e best development is in the Saida area, where the
transgression was already noticed b y F l a m a n d (1911), w h o figured R.
richei Flam, from here. T h e zone is said to consist of 200-250 m . of sandy
marls (Flandrin & Clair, 1949). I t marks the arrival of an immense sheet
of detrital sediment from the Sahara plateau and onset of uniform sedi­
mentation over a wide area (Lucas, 1950a). T h e beds overlap locally
on to Toarcian (Lucas, 1950). I n addition to the c o m m o n Reineckiae,
collections from Saida in Algiers University m u s e u m contain many large
Erymnoceras spp., Pachyceras, Choffatia sp., and a Hecticoceras cf.
metomphalum Bonarelli identical with a form t h a t occurs in the Reineckeia
beds of Persia (Lake U r m i a and t h e Elburz).
I n t h e G h a r R o u b a n area t h e r e is a greater variety of ammonites and
Lucas (1942, p p . 364-5) has been able by industrious collecting to draw
u p a long list of Oppeliids, Hecticoceratids, Reineckeids, Erymnoceras,
Pachyceras, Perisphinctids, Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids. T h e same
zone is also rich in ammonites in N E . Morocco (Gentil & Lemoine, 1905;
Marcais, 1931) and has been recorded in the Batna and Bougie districts
of eastern Algeria ( E h r m a n n , 1942) and at Jebel Zaghouan in Tunisia
(Spath, 1913, p p . 543, 558, pi. Iii, figs. 3, 4).


T h e L o w e r Callovian is well represented in the G h a r Rouban area,

whence Lucas (1942, p . 365) collected no less t h a n 9 species of M a c r o -
cephalitids. I n J a n u a r y 1952, at Deglen, he showed m e a thin band of
ironshot oolite cropping out below t h e marls and sandy limestones of the
Anceps Zone and a few feet above the similar ironshot Bathonian, and
from it I was able to collect Macrocephalites in situ. Another interesting
list of Macrocephalitids is recorded from Touissit (Lucas, 1952, p . 65).
L u c a s (1950) also distinguishes L o w e r Callovian beds with Macrocepha­
lites in t h e Saida area.


T h e Bathonian shows perhaps greater variations of facies than any other

stage: grey marls with Posidonia and pyritic ammonites of the Zigzag
Zone (Roman, 1933), sandstones and marly limestones (Agard & others,
1950), grey limestones with Cancellophycus and highly condensed ironshot
oolite r o u n d the G h a r R o u b a n horst (Lucas, 1942), and thick dolomites
and lithographic limestones forming 'causses' as in the Saida area (Flandrin
& Clair, 1949). Lucas (1942, 1952) has discussed in detail the changes of
facies and their significance. T h e ammonite faunas only can be con­
sidered here.
T h e L o w e r Bathonian marls with small pyritic ammonites of Jebel
Sekika near N e m o u r s (Roman, 1933) also occur near Beni Bahdel in the

T l e m c e n mountains. F r o m these two localities M . L u c a s a n d I , in J a n u a r y

1952, collected n u m e r o u s small Phylloceratids identified as P. cf. hatzegi
Loczy a n d P. cf. kunthi N e u m . ( = P. riazi Roman, 1933, non d e Loriol),
which as Roman pointed o u t represent perhaps nine-tenths of t h e total
n u m b e r s ; also Holcophylloceras zignodianum ( d ' O r b . ) , H.
( N e u m . ) , Lytoceras adeloides ( K u d . ) , Nannolytoceras pygmaeum ( d ' O r b . )
(common), Oppelia fallax (Gueranger), O. limosa (Buckman), Oecotraustes
pulcher (Buckman) (common), O. bomfordi Arkell, Ebrayiceras pseudo-
anceps (Ebray), Berbericeras sekikense Roman, Siemiradzkia s p p . indet.
and Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) hamyanense (Flamand). R o m a n also figured
a Morphoceras. T h e same fauna occurs at t h e base of t h e Bathonian
near Tourirt, 55 miles west of Oudjda, in N E . Morocco (Agard, T e r m i e r &
Termier, 1950), and t h r o u g h t h e kindness of M . G . Colo, of t h e Direction
des Mines, Rabat, I have been sent (1953) about 100 specimens of


FIG. 37.—Horizontal section through the transgressive Jurassic on the eastern part of
the Ghar Rouban horst. After Lucas, 1952.
1, Palaeozoic; 2, Pliensbachian limestone; 3-5, Toarcian limestone with iron-
shot oolite and pisolite, and breccia derived from the Palaeozoic; 6, Upper Bajocian
black limestone with ironshot oolite and pisolite, and fragments derived from the
Palaeozoic; 7, fine-grained sandy limestone with Cancellophycus.

Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) hamyanense F l a m a n d with associated L o w e r

Bathonian ammonites such as Parkinsonia cf. valida Wetzel, Morphoceras
cf. densicostatum T h a i . , Ebrayiceras vaschaldi (Collot), from a strip
of outcrops r u n n i n g for 175 k m . S W . from Oudjda. T h i s is evidently
the Zigzag Zone with its Parkinsonia (Oraniceras) fauna developed as
in Germany.
I n t h e G h a r Rouban area (Deglen, etc.), where t h e whole Bathonian is
condensed to 3 or 4 m . of ironshot oolites and marls (Lucas, 1942, p . 327),
the same forms occur, with later ammonites of certainly M i d d l e and perhaps
also U p p e r Bathonian age (Clydoniceras). M i d d l e Bathonian forms have
also been figured b y Roman (1930) from other places in t h e Oudjda district.
T h e commonest genera are Cadomites (with Polyplectites ?), Bullatimor-
phites, Prohecticoceras, Oxycerites, Siemiradzkia (plate 12).
Bathonian strata have also been recognized in t h e Batna a n d Bougie
areas of Constantine (Savornin, 1920, p p . 152, 154; E h r m a n n , 1942),
and Oraniceras is recorded ( D u r a n d Delga, 1952, p . 25).


I n t h e G h a r R o u b a n area the U p p e r Bajocian occurs as grey marls with

small pyritic ammonites, clearly distinguished lithologically and palaeonto-
logically from the underlying strata. Lucas (1942, p p . 265-82) has collected
a n d determined nearly 1000 ammonites, which enable h i m to recognize two
zones, a lower with Strenoceras b u t without Spiroceras or Strigoceras,
which h e identifies as t h e Subfurcatum Zone, and an u p p e r with Spiroceras
spinatum p r e d o m i n a n t and with Strigoceras truellei and Garantiana
garantiana, which h e identifies as t h e Garantiana Zone. T h e r e are also
n u m e r o u s Bigotites, Leptosphinctes, Cadomites, Oppelia subradiata,
Sphaeroceras brongniarti, Morphoceras dimorphum, Phylloceratids and
Lytoceratids. I n the lower zone Phylloceratids represent 62 per cent,
of t h e total n u m b e r s of individuals. I t is noteworthy that Teloceras
blagendi (Sow.) is recorded from these beds (Lucas, 1942, p . 281).
U p p e r Bajocian ammonites are also recorded from various localities
in t h e Oudjda district (Jodot, 1923; Roman, 1930, p . 9) and N E . Morocco
(Gentil, 1908) and from Saida (Lucas, 1950).


I n the G h a r R o u b a n area the M i d d l e and Lower Bajocian cannot be

separated. L u c a s (1942, p . 264) lists the following M i d d l e Bajocian
a m m o n i t e s : Emileia polyschides (Waagen), Stephanoceras brodiei (Sow.),
Dorsetensia edouardiana (d'Orb.), D. regrediens (Haug), Sonninia aff.
deltafurcata (Quenst.). Stephanoceras cf. humphriesianum (Sow.) is
recorded from Jebel N a d o r (Deleau, 1948, p . 34) and Beni Snassen in
N E . M o r o c c o (Gentil, 1908). T r u e Stephanoceras and Otoites and other
ammonites were also figured b y F l a m a n d (1911, pi. iv) from the H i g h
Plateaux near Mecheria and occur farther east (Deleau, 1938, p . 103).


I n t h e Saida area t h e r e is t h e same mixture of Lower Bajocian ammonites

with species of t h e Sowerbyi Zone already noticed in Morocco. Lucas
(1950) lists a rich a m m o n i t e fauna including Hammatoceras, Haplopleuro-
ceras, Dumortieria, Hyperlioceras, Reynesella and Graphoceras ('Depaoceras'
and 'Ludwigella'), specifically identical with English species figured by
Buckman. F r o m the G h a r R o u b a n area Lucas (1942, p . 264) has also
Leioceras, Hyperlioceras ('Toxolioceras'), Ludwigia, Tmetoceras scissum
and Phylloceras. F r o m T o u r i r t , 55 miles west of Oudjda, in N E . Morocco,
are recorded Hammatoceras spp., Erycites fallax, Bradfordia praeradiata
and Holcophylloceras ultramontanum (Agard, T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r , 1950).
F l a m a n d (1911) also found various L o w e r Bajocian ammonites which
would repay revision; and there are records from the province of C o n -
stantine (Deleau, 1938, p p . 80, 9 0 ; 1952, p . 16).


T h e most constant a n d most ubiquitous and commonest Jurassic

a m m o n i t e fauna in the Tellian Atlas is t h a t of the Toarcian. I t is recorded

in abundance from N E . M o r o c c o (Daguin, 1927; Gentil, 1908, 1908a;

Agard, T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r , 1950) t h r o u g h t h e Oudjda and G h a r R o u b a n
areas (Lucas, 1942), t h e Saida area ( D u b a r , 1932) a n d Jebel N a d o r
(Deleau, 1941, 1948), the Djurdjura (Roman & Russo, 1948, p . 14), eastern
Algeria (Savornin, 1920, p p . 140, 147; E h r m a n n , 1942; Deleau, 1938,
p p . 80, 90) and Tunisia (Solignac, 1947, facing p . 14). At least t h r e e
successive zones can be recognized, of which t h e lowest is known separately
only in the Djurdjura, where there is a level with Dactylioceras athleticum
(Simpson) as in the M i d d l e Atlas, corresponding to t h e T e n u i c o s t a t u m
By far the most a b u n d a n t and widespread fauna is t h a t of the Falcifer
a n d C o m m u n e Zones, which comprises the Italian fauna and is usually
developed in the Italian and Alpine facies of ammonitico rosso, b u t
sometimes as clays with pyritic fossils. T h e ammonites are too n u m e r o u s
to be listed and are for the most p a r t t h e same as those already e n u m e r a t e d
from the Moroccan Atlas. A n interesting addition at Jebel N a d o r is
Leukadiella ionica Renz, a species previously k n o w n only in the T o a r c i a n
of Greece (Deleau, 1948, pi. ii, fig. 30, wrongly called Bouleiceras nitescens
Thevenin). T h e U p p e r Toarcian fauna is less a b u n d a n t b u t has an
equally wide distribution from Morocco to t h e Djurdjura, and has usually
been separated by collectors. Lists are published b y t h e authors cited
above. (See especially Lucas, 1942, p p . 239-40; Agard, T e r m i e r &
T e r m i e r , 1950).


T h i s is co-extensive with the Toarcian b u t often less favourable for

collecting. T h e thickness varies from 10-70 m . on t h e belt of horsts to at
least 300 m . in the troughs of deposition, w h e r e there are thick dolomites
of Rif facies (Russo, 1935; Lucas, 1942, p . 184). T h e a m m o n i t e fauna
is essentially Italian, comprising m a n y D o m e r i a n Arieticeras, Proto­
grammoceras, Fuciniceras, etc. (Lists will be found in Lucas, 1942, a n d
other papers mentioned u n d e r t h e T o a r c i a n ; for critical revisions see
Roman & Russo, 1948, and Deleau, 1938, p p . 79-80, 90 ff.; and for figures
see Spath, 1913, pi. Iii; Deleau, 1938, pi. vi; Deleau, 1948, pi. i.) T h e
brachiopods of G u e l m a (between Bone and Constantine) have been studied
by Dareste de la Chavanne (1920).


W i t h the Toarcian and D o m e r i a n fauna of the Djurdjura were collected

some Tropidoceras, Phylloceratids, etc. ( R o m a n & Russo, 1948, p . 14).
Elsewhere strata of this age, if present, are without ammonites so far as
k n o w n ; at Tourirt, for instance, their place is occupied b y dolomites a n d
hard limestones with chert, yielding brachiopods (Agard, T e r m i e r &
Termier, 1950). At Jebel N a d o r also there are dolomites, and in eastern
Algeria compact limestones and oolites (Deleau, 1938, p . 90).


I n t h e Jebel N a d o r area and in t h e province of Constantine beds without

ammonites assigned to the Lower Lias on general grounds comprise
500-600 m . of crystalline dolomites t h o u g h t to be of reef origin, the basal
part a dolomitic breccia believed to b e the result of destruction of reefs
in situ (Deleau, 1938; 1948, p . 32), and in several places Mytilus psilonoti
Quenst. has been recorded in beds taken to be Hettangian (Savornin,
1920, p . 135). At one locality only in the G h a r Rouban area, Lucas
(1942, p . 156) recognizes regularly b e d d e d grey limestones with a b a n d of
brachiopods which h e assigns to the Lower Lias. I n the H o d n a there is a
level with Dimyopsis intusstriata (Savornin, 1920, p . 139). I n the province
of Constantine beds with Rhynchonellina occur, as in the Rif and in the
Alps a n d Sicily ( D u b a r & Delga, 1952). Records of Sinemurian ammonites
from T u n i s i a require verification (see Spath, 1913, p p . 541-2).


F r o m the u p p e r part of about 50 m . of limestones and dolomites in the

Djurjura range, previously referred to Infra-Lias, Pteria contorta has been
obtained ( L a m b e r t , 1937). Myophoria vulgaris occurs in the province of
C o n s t a n t i n e (Deleau, 1938, p . 64).]


F r o m the most southerly Jurassic outcrop of the Atlas system in Tunisia,
at Jebel Nara, S W . of Kairouan, there is n o other outcrop for about 120
miles southwards to near M e d e n i n e , SE. of Gabes. T h e n there begins
a continuous strip which r u n s south and gradually curves round SE.,
crosses t h e frontier into Tripolitania (Libya) and fades out r u n n i n g W . - E .
T h i s outcrop is about 125 miles long. I t is continued east u n d e r
Q u a t e r n a r y deposits and comes to the surface again for a short distance
S W . of Tripoli. It is a limestone escarpment facing east and N E . over
a flat Triassic d o m e a n d is ringed r o u n d by an outer escarpment of the
Cretaceous. T h e m a i n structure (which appears to be largely consumed
b y t h e Mediterranean) is fringed by smaller secondary domes or ruckles
which deform t h e outcrops slightly.
Tectonically this s t r u c t u r e belongs to the African shield, not to Barbary
(Pfalz, 1935, p . 205). T h e gentle doming occurred in the late Miocene
or early Pliocene ('post-Pontian, pre-Pliocene' teste Solignac, 1947, p . 64).
T h a n k s t o it is b r o u g h t to the surface a sample of deposits left by Triassic
and Jurassic seas that spilled southward for a h u n d r e d miles over the edge
of the Sahara platform. F a r t h e r west for h u n d r e d s of miles through Algeria,
any such deposits that may exist are h i d d e n beneath the thick Cretaceous,
T e r t i a r y and Quaternary blanket of the Great Ergs and Hamadas.
T h e Jurassic rocks of this isolated outcrop in southern Tunisia and
Tripolitania display several peculiar features. I n the first place the facies
has struck all observers as different from t h a t in Barbary: t h e rocks
consist mainly of limestones with pelecypods, gastropods, corals, etc.,

b u t without cephalopods except at one horizon—the M i d d l e Callovian

Coronatum Zone ( H . Douville, 1908; Jourdy, 1908; M a t h i e u , 1949,
p. 35). Douville compared t h e fossils and facies to those of Syria a n d
Abyssinia, though explicitly denying any implication that there was a
Jurassic sea connexion across t h e eastern Sahara a n d S u d a n . Secondly,
the truly marine series over a large area begins with small pelecypod beds
with Trigonia pullus Sow., of M i d d l e or U p p e r Bathonian date, like those
of Egypt, a n d these b e d s are transgressive, at least in t h e n o r t h between
Medenine and Toujane, on to P e r m o - T r i a s (Mathieu, 1949). T h i r d l y ,

F I G . 38.—Geological s k e t c h - m a p of t h e n o r t h e r n b o r d e r l a n d s of T u n i s i a a n d L i b y a .

the pre-Bathonian beds consist of u p to 600 m . of gypsum, in t h e higher

layers of which locally are some thin beds crowded with small indeterminate
pelecypod casts faintly resembling Astarte a n d a Gervilliid ( M a t h i e u ,
1949, pi. iii). Fourthly, t h e Triassic (? Muschelkalk, with Myophoria
goldfussi) and Lower Jurassic deposits thin out a n d either (in t h e lower
part) wedge out, or (in t h e u p p e r parts, Callovian-Kimeridgian ?) are over­
lapped by t h e Cretaceous—not towards t h e south as might be expected,
but towards the n o r t h . T h i s suggests that t h e Triassic a n d Jurassic were
deposited on the south side of folded Palaeozoic resting on t h e u p t i l t e d
northern edge of the Saharan shield recognized farther west by Laffitte
(1947). At times this edge probably formed a barrier to long-shore
migrations into Barbary; at other times, perhaps first in t h e Bajocian, it
was submerged, allowing the Ermoceras fauna of Sinai and Arabia to spread

t o western Algeria (Arkell & Lucas, 1953). After temporary emergence

in the late Bajocian to L o w e r Bathonian, the barrier disappeared finally
with t h e M i d d l e Callovian transgression which caused the widespread
'equalization' noted in Barbary b y Lucas (1942) and brought the influx
of n o r t h e r n ammonites such as Erymnoceras into Algeria and Arabia.
A n y barrier m u s t have b e e n narrow, for on t h e latitude of Gabes, close to
t h e s o u t h e r n edge of the Atlas trough, over 2000 m . of Jurassic has been
proved in borings ( D o m e r g u e & others, 1952, p . 19).
Geological dating of t h e Jurassic rocks is difficult owing to scarcity of
ammonites. T h e 600 m . of g y p s u m and anhydrite is followed by thin
limestones a n d marls in which a meagre fauna of small pelecypods and
gastropods occurs, which D u b a r (in D o m e r g u e & others, 1952, p . 15)

| i ! NNW


F I G . 39.—Horizontal s e c t i o n t h r o u g h t h e m a r g i n a l J u r a s s i c of s o u t h e r n T u n i s i a .
After M a t h i e u , 1949.

considers Toarcian or Lower Bajocian. A small Gervilliid from these

b e d s or a little below (Mathieu, 1949, pi. iii, figs. 11, 12) is totally different
from a F r e n c h Bajocian Oxytoma figured with it for comparison, and
D r L . R. Cox (in lit.) considers it probably of Lower Jurassic or even
U p p e r Triassic age.
T h e Bathonian beds, probably U p p e r or M i d d l e Bathonian as suggested
b y H . Douville (1908), consist of a semi-continental or 'estuarine' facies
with plants and vertebrates, with marine intercalations containing oyster
beds and such shells as Astarte angulata and Trigonia pullus abundantly
( D o m e r g u e & others, 1952, p p . 15-16; some figures in Mathieu, 1949, pi. iii).
As in Egypt, Himalaya, C u t c h and Burma, these beds are transgressive,
and towards the n o r t h they overstep t h e gypsum and over an area of
nearly 40 sq. k m . rest on folded Lower T r i a s . M a t h i e u (1949, p p . 31-2)
infers t h a t t h e date of folding was late Triassic or early Jurassic, and he
names t h e phase ' M a t m a t i e n ' after a local district. But from the evidence
presented t h e r e could b e m o r e t h a n one phase superimposed, and the
last folding could b e as late as L o w e r (or even Middle) Bathonian. If

such a date should eventually be confirmed here or in other parts of t h e

world, the name M a t m a t i a n m i g h t b e adopted by those w h o consider a
separate nomenclature for tectonic events necessary. I n the G h a r R o u b a n ,
movements preceded the Lower Bathonian (Lucas, 1952, p p . 72-3).
T h e U p p e r Jurassic limestones, which thicken from 80 m . to 320 m.
southwards, are monotonous a n d not susceptible of accurate dating.
H . Douville's assignment to Callovian, Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian
is probably correct. T h e presence of M i d d l e Callovian has been p r o v e d
by the finding of Erymnoceras cf. coronatum in several places. O t h e r
invertebrate fossils make the presence of U p p e r Oxfordian and L o w e r
Kimeridgian probable (Mathieu, 1949, p p . 35-7)- S o m e higher beds w i t h
pelecypods and echinoids may b e later ( D o m e r g u e & others, 1952, p . 16).
T h e alleged occurrence of Purbeckian limestone far south in the Sahara
(the M u r z u c h Limestone in Fezzan), recurrent in the literature, can b e
discounted. T h e limestone gives no palaeontological evidence of b e i n g
Jurassic and is probably Tertiary, perhaps Pliocene (Arkell, 1951; Desio,



N u b i a a n d a further vast region of the southern Libyan Desert, with the

Red Sea Hills of Egypt, t h e southern tip of Sinai, and a large part of
western Arabia in t h e Hejaz and Nejd, form part of an ancient p r e -
C a m b r i a n crystalline massif projecting from the continental shield of
Africa. A r o u n d the fringe of t h e landmass, on all sides b u t the south-west,
successive Mesozoic formations dip away radially and are arranged in
roughly concentric rings, those nearest the landmass forming a tabular
belt, those farther out a belt of simple folds, while farther still there is an
a b r u p t contact with a belt of complex folds and overthrust sheets. T h e
tabular belt occupies most of Egypt. T h e belt of simple folds coincides
with deeper parts of t h e s u r r o u n d i n g t r o u g h : starting in the Egyptian
oases and passing close to Cairo at A b u Roash, it r u n s t h r o u g h northern
Sinai, Palestine and Syria, and t h e n curves r o u n d t h r o u g h western Iraq
and the Syrian Desert, u n d e r the T i g r i s - E u p h r a t e s valley and the Persian
Gulf. South of this it is lost beneath t h e Rub-al-Khali. It is in this
zone that t h e Arabian, Persian, Iraqi, Syrian and Palestinian oilfields lie,
and it formed the fore-deep of the southward and south-westward thrusting
m o u n t a i n chains of Asia M i n o r , Persia and O m a n . I t stands in the same
relation to the t h r u s t mountains and their crystalline foreland as the I n d o -
Gangetic plain to the Himalayas and their foreland, peninsular India.
(See Picard, 1939; Lees, 1948.) (Fig. 40.)


Palaeozoic sandstones, with local fossiliferous intercalations ranging

in date from Cambrian to Carboniferous, are known in the south-western
L i b y a n Desert, W a d i Araba near the n o r t h end of the Red Sea Hills,
W e s t e r n Sinai, t h e J o r d a n valley and Central Arabia. T h e true N u b i a n
Sandstone, however, is now k n o w n to b e Cretaceous over by far the greater
area of its outcrop, and especially in u p p e r E g y p t and Nubia. I n the critical
W a d i Qena area, east of Assiut, it alternates with interbedded marine lime­
stones containing ammonites and other fossils of Albian, Cenomanian and
T u r o n i a n ages, the lowest layers, resting on p r e - C a m b r i a n granite, being
Albian or possibly Aptian ( H u m e , 1911, p p . 120-3; Attia & M u r r a y ,
O n historical grounds the t e r m N u b i a n Sandstone should be retained
as a formational name, b u t it should b e restricted to rocks of similar age

and facies to those of Nubia. T h e age, thickness, stratigraphy, petrology,

palaeobotany and possible modes of formation have been discussed by
H u m e (1911, p p . 118-23), Beadnell (1927, p p . 136-8), Sandford (1935),
Seward (1935), A n d r e w (1937 and 1948) and Shukri & Said (1944-6).

F I G . 40.—Structural s k e t c h - m a p of t h e M i d d l e E a s t , after D r L . P i c a r d . (Redrawn

from Bull. G e o l . D e p t . H e b r e w U n i v . , J e r u s a l e m , vol. ii, p . 54.)

Direct palaeontological evidence south of W a d i Qena is scanty. At

Jowikol, between Korosko and Aswan, a b a n d of oolitic ironstone yielded
four species of freshwater mussels (Unio and Mutela). F r o m t h e western
end of the Aswan D a m excavations were obtained a single marine
Inoceramus and a freshwater Unio with adherent marine worm-casts.
F r o m this a Senonian date a n d estuarine origin w e r e inferred ( N e w t o n ,
1909). At Wadi Zeraib in the Red Sea Hills, south of Qosseir, were found
dicotyledenous leaves 'of forest trees closely allied to tropical Asiatic
species' living at the present day, b u t not inconsistent with a Cretaceous
286 T H E M I D D L E EAST

date (Seward, 1935). I n m a n y places the sandstone contains a b u n d a n t

silicified wood a n d tree trunks, which may have been drifted long distances,
b u t leaves as perfect as those from t h e R e d Sea Hills figured b y Seward
can hardly have been drifted out of one climatic zone into another; and
their growth m u s t have taken place in a h u m i d tropical climate (Seward,
1935, p . 5). O n the other hand, near El Fasher, in eastern Darfur, other
plants were found which t u r n e d out to b e xerophytic, probably strand
d u n e dwellers. T h e y are of world-wide distribution and of either Lower
Cretaceous or early U p p e r Cretaceous date (Edwards, 1926).
T h e b e d d i n g is agreed by all recent observers to indicate deposition in
water, and the beds m i g h t best be described as fluvio-marine, though perhaps
in large part lacustrine in t h e south. T h e grains are usually subangular,
b u t Sandford (1935) points out that t h e shales, mudstones and clays
sometimes contain r o u n d e d a n d polished sand grains, or lenticles of white
sandstone composed of such grains, indicating wind transport and drift
sand not far away. H e also figures (1935, p p . 345-6) from S W . of Kharga
lenticles u p to 16 ft. thick of 'clayey sandstone and white and purple
sandstone' breccia, which h e interprets as 'scree from a buried rock-face',
b u t which it might be suggested could be desiccation breccias due to
temporary drying and flooding of braided distributaries on deltas or
A remarkable feature is the absence of polygenetic basal conglomerate
except in a very few places, although t h e sandstones everywhere rest on an
almost level surface of granite and other crystalline rocks (Andrew, 1937).
S h u k r i and Said have shown that the mineral composition of the sandstone
is equally u n e x p e c t e d : it consists overwhelmingly of quartz, b u t the other
minerals present are not such as could have been derived direct from the
underlying basement complex. Rather it appears that the crystalline
complex was peneplaned before deposition of the N u b i a n Sandstone,
perhaps in Palaeozoic times, and that t h e materials of the Cretaceous
sandstones were derived from t h e destruction of their Palaeozoic p r e ­
decessors. T h i s idea receives s u p p o r t from the intimate mixture of fresh
and decayed grains. Locally, however, quantities of pebbles of assorted
igneous and m e t a m o r p h i c rocks are found in isolated pebble beds (Arkell,
Shukri & Said, like H u m e , infer deposition in a shallow sea on the fringe
of a sinking peneplain. T h a t the sea at least occasionally invaded the
area is shown b y the single Inoceramus far in the interior of the massif,
at Aswan, and b y t h e ironshot oolite bands there and round W a d i Haifa.
But as Beadnell and others have pointed out, a marine origin for the whole
series is unconvincing. At the present time, as t h r o u g h all previous
geological periods down to t h e Cambrian, marine life teems in any sea in
these latitudes, however shallow, and there seems no reason why it should
not have left its remains in the N u b i a n Sandstone.
A n d r e w (1937) has rightly concluded that all N u b i a n Sandstone south
of 28° 4 0 ' N . , i.e. south of St Paul Monastery, is U p p e r (and Middle)
Photo W.J. A.
PLATE 1 3 a . — T h e B a t h o n i a n section, K h a s h m el Galala, E g y p t .

Photo W.J. A.
P L A T E 136.—Ras el A b d o n t h e G u l f of S u e z .
P L A T E 1 4 . — D a r k B a t h o n i a n b e d s c r o p p i n g o u t a t f o o t of t h e C r e t a c e o u s a n d T e r t i a r y cliffs, R a s el A b d , G u l f of S u e z .
T H E M I D D L E EAST 287

Cretaceous. A n d r e w restricted his remarks to the area east of t h e Nile,

b u t there is no reason to d o u b t that they hold also for the m u c h greater
area of Libyan Desert to t h e west a n d south.
Accordingly, over this north-east corner also of the vast African shield,
it can be concluded that either Jurassic seas never extended, or all their
sediments were d e n u d e d before t h e U p p e r Cretaceous. T h e most
probable conclusion is that t h e area was for t h e most p a r t dry land
undergoing peneplanation in the Jurassic; that t h e various Jurassic
transgressions temporarily carried shallow seas over the fringes of t h e
landmass, b u t that these thin marginal deposits were destroyed or
trimmed back by Lower Cretaceous denudation before deposition of the
Nubian Sandstone.


O n the west side of the Gulf of Suez the Eocene limestone tableland,
where it reaches its highest elevations of 1000 to 1500 metres in the N o r t h
and South Galala Plateaux, is cut t h r o u g h almost to sea-level by t h e great
erosion hollow of Wadi Araba, 50 miles long and 20 miles wide. T h e
floor of the hollow consists of Carboniferous sandstones with thin sandy
and sometimes crinoidal limestones crowded with the brachiopods
Spirifer and Dielasma. Along b o t h t h e n o r t h and south sides of t h e
wadi, unfossiliferous N u b i a n Sandstone of Cretaceous type has been
observed at a n u m b e r of places to rest directly on the Carboniferous,
with only slight unconformity (Arkell, 1951). After t h e scarp t u r n s N E . ,
along the faulted coast of the Gulf of Suez, however, a wedge of Jurassic
rocks comes in and thickens rapidly. T h e first k n o w n good exposures
are close to the coast road on the south side of Ras el A b d (29°33'3o"N.,
32°2i'3o"E.) (pi. 13). T h e rocks consist of over 100 m . of marine marls,
limestones and sandstones with Bathonian pelecypods and brachiopods
(Farag, 1948). A few kilometres farther north, at the N E . corner of t h e
N o r t h Galala Plateau, in a fault block u n d e r K h a s h m el Galala, the
Bathonian strata are about 170 m . thick (pis. 13, 14).
At the base of the section at K h a s h m el Galala are about 50 m . of
unfossiliferous sandstones of p r e s u m e d Triassic age. Resting u p o n a n
irregular surface of the sandstones are some t h i n bands of pink sandy
and shaly marls which have yielded a flora of Rhaetic-Infra Liassic age,
including Equisetites, Pklebopteris, Zamites and ? Cladophlebis, identical
with remains found in the K o h l a n Sandstones of the Yemen (Carpentier &
Farag, 1948). Immediately above the plant beds follow the m a r i n e
Bathonian beds, a long series of marls and thin limestones, sandy lime­
stones and sandstones, with at least 20 species of pelecypods, brachiopods
and (more rarely) gastropods (Sadek, 1926, p . 35). Shells such as Trigonia
cf. pullus Sowerby, Gervillia waltoni, Astarte, Nucula, etc. occur in p r o ­
fusion in certain thin ferruginous b a n d s , the tests preserved intact. O t h e r
slabby limestones are crowded with crushed Rhynchonellids and resemble

English Forest M a r b l e . Unfortunately no ammonites have been obtained,

b u t the assemblage is essentially U p p e r Bathonian. (At Ras el Abd,
Farag attributed some of the pelecypods to the Bajocian, b u t although
s o m e of t h e m m a y occur in t h e Bajocian of Gebel Maghara, they belong
to such long-ranging genera that they provide insufficient evidence for
t h e presence of Bajocian u n d e r the Galala Plateau.) Above the Bathonian,
without perceptible discordance, follow about 150 m. of Nubian Sandstone,

FIG. 41.—Jurassic o u t c r o p s , a n d s o m e localities m e n t i o n e d , i n E g y p t , Palestine,

J o r d a n , L e b a n o n a n d Syria.

on which in t u r n rest Cenomanian marls and chalky U p p e r Cretaceous

Borings for oil have shown that in the Canal Zone a n d around the head
of t h e Gulf of Suez Jurassic rocks occur, even within the rift valley, only
n o r t h of latitude 2 0 N . , and that they thicken northwards u n d e r g r o u n d
j u s t as at the surface. At Ayun M u s a , about 8 miles SE. of Suez, two wells
proved Jurassic directly underlying Miocene. At Ataqa, on t h e opposite
shore of the Gulf, S W . of Suez, Jurassic was struck at a depth of 156 m.,
below Nubian Sandstone. Borings also proved Jurassic at depth near
T H E M I D D L E EAST 289

the N W . corner of the Great Bitter Lake (Abu Sultan) a n d u n d e r t h e

Cretaceous dome of A b u Roash, on t h e west edge of the Nile valley n o r t h
of Giza pyramids (Chata, 1951, p . 91).
At A b u Roash a well drilled in 1946 (of which the log and reports have
been kindly made available to m e by the Standard Oil C o m p a n y of Egypt)
proved pink granite basement at 1898 m., overlain b y 336 m . of C a r b o n i ­
ferous, 806 m. of Jurassic, and 152 m . of N u b i a n Sandstone. T h e Jurassic
rocks consisted mainly of shales, with subordinate sandstones, a n d were
identified by lithology and micro-fauna, b u t the only macro-fossil recog­
nized was a Nuculana. T h e micro-fossils do not admit of reliable s u b ­
division. So great a thickness of Jurassic shows that stratigraphically
as well as structurally the A b u Roash dome is comparable with Gebel
Maghara in northern Sinai.
At A b u Sultan, near the N W . corner of the G r e a t Bitter Lake, u n d e r
the Tertiary (Oligocene ?) were penetrated 275 m . of beds p r e s u m e d
to be p r e - N u b i a n Sandstone and probably all Jurassic, u n b o t t o m e d
at a depth of 757 m . T h e lower part yielded species of Nucula,
Nuculana, Astarte, Gervillia, Eligmus, etc., and were compared to t h e
Bathonian; at two levels were beds crowded with Posidonia. Higher up
were pelecypods and some brachiopods t h o u g h t to b e Oxfordian to
Callovian (Report kindly m a d e available by the Anglo-Saxon Petroleum
Across the peninsula of Sinai all rocks below t h e Cretaceous N u b i a n
Sandstone crop out south of the line where t h e Jurassic thins away.
Between the Eocene and U p p e r Cretaceous limestone plateau of central
Sinai (Gebel E g m a and Gebel T i h ) and t h e p r e - C a m b r i a n crystalline
rocks of southern Sinai, the N u b i a n Sandstone outcrop r u n s in a continuous
strip from a point midway down the Gulf of Suez to the head of t h e Gulf
of Akaba. I n this outcrop n o sign of Jurassic rocks has b e e n reported,
although on the west side there is a continuation of t h e m a r i n e C a r b o n i ­
ferous of Wadi Araba (Ball, 1916). U p o n the N u b i a n Sandstone follows
marine Cenomanian.


Fifty miles east of Ismailia, which stands at about t h e centre-point of

the Suez Canal, the low-lying and largely s a n d - e n c u m b e r e d plains of
north Sinai are broken by the massif of Gebel M a g h a r a (Djebel M o g h a r a
in the F r e n c h literature). T h e group of mountains forms an ellipse about
25 miles long by 15 miles wide, the long axis r u n n i n g S W . - N E . O n t h e
average they reach 1500-2000 ft., and the highest point, S h u s h t el Maghara,
attains 2412 ft. T h e structure is a pericline, in the centre of which Jurassic
rocks occupy an ellipse measuring 23 miles b y 9 miles. N o t far away
two other small inliers of Jurassic rocks (limestone believed t o b e L o w e r
Kimeridgian or U p p e r Oxfordian in age) occur in t h e isolated d o m e of
Gebel U m Mafruth (852 ft.) and a hill called J e h a m , in t h e Risan Aneiza
group (Farag, 1947).

T h e structure of t h e main M a g h a r a inlier is in reality two parallel

anticlines separated b y a narrow, sharp syncline: t h e greater is centred
at S h u s h t el Maghara, t h e lesser, to t h e N W . , runs through Gebels
Hamaiyir a n d U m M a f r u t h ( M o o n & Sadek, 1921).
T h e total thickness of Jurassic rocks exposed amounts to about 1905 m.,
as measured b y geologists of t h e S t a n d a r d Oil C o m p a n y of E g y p t in 1942
(see Arkell, 1952, p . 307). T h e stages identified b y fossils range from
L o w e r Bajocian or earlier (252-261 m . from t h e base of t h e exposure) to
L o w e r K i m e r i d g i a n ; t h e latter is developed as dolomites which represent
t h e Glandarienkalk of Palestine a n d t h e L e b a n o n . U p o n this rests
unfossiliferous sandstone of N u b i a n facies a n d presumed Lower Cretaceous

F I G . 42.—Geological s k e t c h - m a p of G e b e l M a g h a r a . Based o n M o o n & Sadek,


age. T h e lowest Cretaceous fauna, found in marls and limestones resting

on t h e sandstone, contains Costidiscus recticostatus, index fossil of the
lowest zone of t h e Aptian. T h e Jurassic ammonites and other fossils
have been figured by H . Douville (1916) a n d Arkell (1952, pi. 30).


Dolomitic limestones with echinoids, which show that at least the

u p p e r part corresponds to t h e Glandarienkalk.


Yellow marls a n d limestones, resting on siliceous limestones. U p p e r

Oxfordian (Plicatilis Zone) ammonites figured by H . Douville are Peri­
sphinctes s.s. indet. (1916, pi. viii, fig. 1), Arisphinctes sp. indet. (pi. viii,
fig. 2). L o w e r Oxfordian is indicated by Euaspidoceras cf. babeanum
(d'Orb.) (pi. viii, fig. 6), fragments of Pachyceras sp. indet. (pi. viii,
figs. 4, 5), a n d a b u n d a n t Hibolites hastatus.

A great thickness (perhaps 500 m.) of shales, marls and limestones is

grouped together in the descriptions as Bathonian - Callovian, n o t
separated. T h e only Callovian ammonites, however, are a Reineckeia
anceps, a 'Stepheoceras' [Erymnoceras] and an impression of Quenstedtoceras
recorded by Couyat-Barthoux & H . Douville in their preliminary paper
(1913, p . 267) and repeated b y H u m e & others (1921, p . 341), b u t not
mentioned in H . Douville's m o n o g r a p h . Probably these records were
based on species of Bajocian Ermoceras and silently corrected b y Douville
in his monograph. H o p p e ' s (1922) unfigured Reineckeiae are equally
suspect, in view of the strong resemblance to Reineckeiae shown b y various
Bajocian Ermoceras since found in Arabia.


T h e bulk if not all of the 500 m . of so-called Bathonian-Callovian b e d s

are probably U p p e r and M i d d l e Bathonian. T h e y contain large n u m b e r s
of Eligmus rollandi, Gryphaea costellata and Eudesia cardium. T h e only
two ammonites figured by Douville from these beds are Bathonian,
namely Micromphalites pustuliferus (Douville, 1916, pi. vi, figs. 2, 3)
(Middle Bathonian) and Clydoniceras orientale (Douville, pi. vi, fig. 1)
( U p p e r Bathonian). T h e association of Eligmus and Eudesia is reminiscent
of the U p p e r Bathonian ('Bradfordian') of N o r m a n d y .


Underlying a 3 m . Bathonian bed with Clydoniceras a n d Oecotraustes,

the Standard Oil C o m p a n y geologists measured 275 m . of beds w i t h o u t
ammonites, and t h e n 148 m . with an U p p e r Bajocian assemblage containing
the celebrated Ermoceras and Thamboceras fauna, k n o w n nowhere else in
the world until discovered in 1948-51 in central Arabia. T h e associated
ammonites, which at M a g h a r a include Oppelia cf. subradiata (Sow.),
Lissoceras oolithicum (d'Orb.), Spiroceras bifurcati (Quenst.), and Lepto-
sphinctes cf. tenuiplicatus (Brauns) with Phylloceratids a n d Lytoceratids,
proclaim an early-Upper Bajocian date, not later t h a n Garantiana Zone.


F r o m between 95 m . and 115 m . below t h e lowest Ermoceras b e d was

collected a good specimen of Normannites cf. braikenridgei (Sow.), which
indicates the Sauzei Zone. Below this were measured n o less t h a n 558 m .
of beds (mostly sandstones) without ammonites, t h e n a 9 m . b e d from
which was obtained a crushed fragment which could belong to a flat
Sonninia of the style of S. dominans Buckman or to a Grammoceras
cf. muelleri (Denckmann) (topmost J u r e n s e Zone). A t base were
252 m . without ammonites to t h e b o t t o m of t h e section. (See Arkell,
1952, p . 307.)


T h e zone of simple autochthonous folds (Picard, 1939 map) (fig. 40)

encircling the plateau edge of the A r a b o - N u b i a n massif, of which Gebel
M a g h a r a is one of the most important anticlines, continues north-eastwards
t h r o u g h Palestine and Syria and t h e n bends r o u n d eastwards into Iraq.
T h e surface-forming rocks of Palestine are mainly Cretaceous and Eocene,
a m o n g which t h e Jurassic a n d Triassic systems are b r o u g h t u p as inliers
in the major anticlines, or where deep valleys have been eroded through
t h e Cretaceous cover to reach the depression of the Dead Sea.
T h a t t h e r e were also post-Jurassic, probably Lower Cretaceous,
movements, is proved by t h e next anticline to Gebel Maghara, the dome of
Araif-al-Naga, j u s t on the Sinai side of the Sinai-Palestine frontier,
midway between t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n and t h e head of the Gulf of Akaba.
H e r e the Jurassic system is missing entirely, cut out by Lower Cretaceous
erosion. T h e core of the dome consists of marine M i d d l e Trias, overlain
directly b y N u b i a n Sandstone. T h e T r i a s is in Muschelkalk facies with
Ceratites, Beneckeia cf. buchi (Dunker) and conodonts. T h e lowest beds
exposed are violet and white sandstones of presumed Lower Triassic
or Permian age (Awad, 1945; Eicher, 1946).
Only 18 miles to the N W . , slightly en echelon, the anticline of Wadi
R a m a n shows the T r i a s overlain by an outcrop of marine Jurassics 17 miles
long. A thickness of 458 metres is exposed. T h e succession consists largely
of sandstones, alternating with marls, and has yielded only a few pelecy­
pods, gastropods and brachiopods, including Terebratula subsella and
Somalirhynchia {Rhynchonella moravica) in a 1-3 m . limestone b a n d 33 m.
from the t o p . T h e bulk of t h e series is regarded as U p p e r Jurassic (Shaw,
1947, p . 20). A system of dykes a n d sills cuts all t h e Jurassic rocks b u t
not t h e N u b i a n Sandstone (Bentor, 1952). T h e y are probably contem­
poraneous with the K i m e r i d g i a n - T i t h o n i a n volcanic episode in the
A further 16 miles to t h e north, en echelon, begins a similar anticline at
W adi Hathira ( K u r n u b ) , in which are exposed 227 m . of Jurassics, base
n o t seen. T h e facies is different, limestones being m u c h more in evidence
and sandstones wanting. T h e fauna is m o r e n u m e r o u s b u t similar to
that in W a d i Raman, and seems to be all U p p e r Jurassic, probably
Callovian to Lower Kimeridgian. N o ammonites have been found.
Lower Cretaceous sandstones follow unconformably, with angular blocks
of Jurassic limestone in the base, and Aptian fossils higher u p (Blake,
1935, p p . 7 1 - 2 ; Shaw, 1947, p p . 18-20; Blake & Goldschmidt, 1947, p p .
T h e only other exposures of Jurassic rocks known south of the Syrian
b o r d e r are found j u s t beyond the frontier of Palestine, in (Trans)Jordan,
on t h e east side of the J o r d a n valley about 48 km. N . of the n o r t h end of
N o t e in proof. I w a s i n f o r m e d in D e c e m b e r 1954 b y M r A . P a r n e s , J e r u s a l e m ,
t h a t a Bajocian fauna w i t h Stephanoceras h a s b e e n d i s c o v e r e d in t h e W a d i R a m a n .
the Dead Sea. H e r e the N a h r es Zerka (Wadi Zerka, Jabbok, or Yabbok)
has cut t h r o u g h the n o r t h e r n edge of a dome and down to the Lower
Trias (Cox, 1932). Above the Lower T r i a s follow 540 m . of sandstones
before the Cenomanian limestone is reached. P r e s u m e d equivalents of
some part of these sandstones yielded a M i d d l e T r i a s (Muschelkalk)
fauna with Beneckeia cf. buchi (Dunker) not far away to the south, at
Wadi Hesban and W a d i A y u n M u s a . I n the Zerka area (Wadi H u n i )
there are hard grey Triassic limestones with Myophoria, followed by about
200 m. of limestones, sandstones and shales assigned to the Jurassic,
and then by another 200 m. of purple, red and white sandstones without
fossils. T h e Jurassic beds have yielded m a n y pelecypods a n d brachiopods
of Bathonian age, including Eudesia cardium (Lamarck), Eligmus rollandi
Douville and Gryphaea costellata Douville, which proclaim t h e m to b e a
continuation of the Eligmus-Eudesia beds of Gebel Maghara. Additional
Bathonian forms are Burmirhynchia tumida B u c k m a n ( = Rhynchonella
concinna Davidson non Sowerby), Avonothyris jordanensis Muir-Wood
and Heimia furcillensis (Haas). T h r e e other species of brachiopods (a
Heimia, Lobothyris and ? Cymatorhynchia) were taken b y M u i r - W o o d to
indicate the presence of Bajocian strata also, b u t subsequent collecting
has revealed these species in close association with the Bathonian forms
(Cox, 1925; M u i r - W o o d , 1925; Blake, 1935, p p . 69-71). I n default of
Bajocian ammonites these Eligmus-Eudesia beds should b e regarded as
Bathonian. T h e best correlatives are the 'Bradfordian' beds with
Eudesia cardium and Eligmus polytypus in N o r m a n d y .
T h e outcrops of t h e Eligmus-Eudesia beds occur near t h e m o u t h of
the Yabbok or Zerka valley, a n d they can b e traced for some distance
to the south, along the eastern side of the J o r d a n valley, in which direction
they are overstepped by Cenomanian limestone (Avnimelech, 1945;
Lees, 1945). T h i s provides further evidence of t h e L o w e r Cretaceous
folding and erosion already noticed above.


Offset again to the north, the north-easterly anticlines with Jurassic cores
continue along most of the coastal region of Syria. Between Damascus and
Beirut lie the famous twin anticlines of t h e A n t i - L e b a n o n and L e b a n o n ,
forming parallel ranges separated by an alluvial valley. T h e southern end
of the Anti-Lebanon anticline, to the west of Damascus, forms M o u n t
Hermon, where Lower Oxfordian marls with pyritized small ammonites of
west-European type have long been known t h r o u g h t h e m o n o g r a p h of
Noetling (1887). T h e anticline of the L e b a n o n begins south of Beirut a n d
r u n s parallel to t h e coast past Tripoli, then, after t e m p o r a r y eclipse b e n e a t h
basalt, reappears with strike deflected due n o r t h as the range of Jebel
Ansariya, in which Jurassic is exposed as far as the p o r t of Ladikiya.
F r o m the western L e b a n o n came t h e material studied b y K r u m b e c k in
his monograph on the molluscs and brachiopods of t h e 'Glandarienkalk'

(1905), which h e showed to b e of Lower Kimeridgian age. T h e total

length of almost continuous Jurassic outcrops in the L e b a n o n and Jebel
Ansariya is over 130 miles.
T h e following is a s u m m a r y of the succession in the Anti-Lebanon

BJS'E. J 4|0'E A£t ]

FIG. 43.—Jurassic outcrops and important faults in Syria and the Lebanon.

according to D u b e r t r e t (1933, p . 289; 1942-5, 1949) and Vautrin (1934,

p . 1439) with t h e present author's classification (plates 15, 16).


6b. Yellow and b r o w n marly, sometimes oolitic, limestones with inter-

b e d d e d marl b a n d s , with some of t h e same fossils as the Glandarienkalk,
including Terebratula subsella Leym., Mytilus subpectinatus, etc. 40 m.
6a. H a r d compact crystalline limestone or Glandarienkalk, with
Photo C. L. Dubertret

Photo C. L. Dubertret
PLATE 1 5 . — T w o views in U p p e r Jurassic limestone c o u n t r y in t h e
A n t i - L e b a n o n , Syria.
Photo C. I.. Dubertret
PLATE 16.—Middle a n d U p p e r Jurassic limestones, Couloir de Serrhaya, A n t i - L e b a n o n m o u n t a i n s , Syria.
abundant radioles of Balanocidaris glandifera M u n s t e r ('Cidaris glandarius'
Goldfuss) and the shallow-water fauna described b y K r u m b e c k (1905).
Phylloceras salima K r u m b e c k , ? Aspidoceras sp. indet., Nautilus turcicus
K r u m b e c k . Relations of the fauna purely central European. 15 m .


56. Regularly-bedded limestones with a b u n d a n t Somalirhynchia africana

Weir ('Rhynchonella moravica'). 25 m . [ B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e ?]
5a. Marls with haematite concretions, Perisphinctes orientalis Siemir-
adzki, passing into marls with interbedded buff limestones with corals;
Perisphinctes sp., Pholadomya protei (Brongniart), etc. 30 m . [ T r a n s ­
versarium Zone.]


46. Grey marls with layers of nodules in the u p p e r p a r t : Euaspidoceras

waageni Spath, Peltoceratoides cf. indicus Spath, Collyrites bicordatus
Leske. [Cordatum Zone.] 15 m .
4a. Grey-blue marls with the a b u n d a n t fauna of small ammonites
described by Noetling (1887) and revised by Frebold (1928) a n d obviously
belonging to the Mariae Zone. Noteworthy species figured b y Noetling
are Phylloceras plicatum N e u m a y r , Calliphylloceras schems (Noetling),
Sowerbyceras helios (Noetling), n u m e r o u s Hecticoceras spp., including
the subgenera Putealiceras (schumacheri) and Brightia (socini), n u m e r o u s
Campylites (rauracum, delmontanum, etc.), Creniceras renggeri (Oppel),
Taramelliceras (Proscaphites) hermonis (Noetling), Properisphinctes lati-
linguatus (Noetling), Grossouvria spp., Mirosphinctes syriacum (Noetling)
and M. dubium (Noetling), Euaspidoceras aff. babeanum ( d ' O r b . ) (cf. loryi
Jeannet), and Hibolites hastatus (Blainv.). T h i s fauna is being re-studied,
o n the basis of thousands of new specimens, by D r O. Haas (? 1955).
[Mariae Zone.] 20 m .


3. Marly limestones and marls. Erymnoceras coronatum (Bruguiere),

Reineckeia cf. decorata Waagen, Hecticoceras rossiense Teisseyre, H.
trilineatum Waagen, Grossouvria cf. steinmanni Par. & Bon., Hibolites
hastatus, Rhynchonella moravica. 5 m . (An old record of Kosmoceras
and Cardioceratids (Quenstedtoceras ?), not confirmed b y either Noetling
(1887, p . n ) or Frebold (1928), requires investigation.)
zc. Limestones, grey-blue, fine-grained, with fragments of brachiopods
and corals: 'Rh. moravica'. 350 m.


ib. Limestones, brown, with algal nodules, and marl b a n d s containing

Eligmus polytypus Deslongchamps, E. rollandi Douville, Rhynchonella

hopkinsi M c C o y , R. obsoleta Sow., Terebratula superstes Douville,

T. quillyensis Bayle, and Myacea. 600 m .


2a. D a r k limestones, locally dolomitic, unfossiliferous. 250 m.

1. Sandstone with lignite, and limestones with small gastropods,
interpreted b y V a u t r i n (1934) as lacustrine. (Thickness u n k n o w n ;
base not exposed).
T h i s full succession (1350 metres) is developed only at the south end of
t h e A n t i - L e b a n o n . T o w a r d s the n o r t h a gap appears above b e d 2, and
continues t o enlarge, so t h a t in t u r n t h e M i d d l e - U p p e r Callovian a n d
L o w e r and U p p e r Oxfordian are cut out. Finally, at the n o r t h end of the
range t h e Glandarienkalk ( N o . 6a) rests with a basal breccia directly
on t h e ? Lower Callovian or U p p e r Bathonian (No. 2) (Vautrin, 1934).
If this is n o t d u e t o later tectonic causes as yet undetected, a n d is t h e
result of penecontemporaneous erosion as inferred by Vautrin, it indicates
probably in part a n o r t h w a r d thinning of the Callovian and Oxfordian,
and in part marginal transgression and overlap by the Lower K i m e r i d g e ;
a n overlap conspicuous in t h e Yemen a n d H a d r a m a u t in southern Arabia.
I t would seem incorrect to infer from these gaps in the U p p e r Jurassic
sequence in Syria that Callovian folding formed the Yabbok dome in
Palestine (Avnimelech, 1945, p . 83).
Special interest attaches t o possible future dating of formations 1 and 2,
in view of the necessity for supposing that the Bajocian Ermoceras fauna
of n o r t h Sinai and central Arabia communicated freely across southern
Syria and perhaps n o r t h e r n Palestine. If these stages are not represented
i n formations 1 a n d 2 it is necessary t o suppose t h a t their representatives
lie buried beneath the surface.
I n the L e b a n o n , near the coast, the Kimeridgian becomes m u c h thicker
and is represented by u p to 500 m . of limestones. T h e y are monotonous
a n d poorly fossiliferous except at t h e t o p , w h e r e t h e r e is a reef facies
with corals, stromatoporoids, Nerineidae, etc. Immediately after this
neritic phase there followed in the L e b a n o n a volcanic episode, with
emission of thin basalt flows and deposition of bedded ashes with
b i t u m i n o u s shales and lignite. T h i s episode seems to have occurred
d u r i n g the late Jurassic, for the volcanic rocks are overlain by u p to 250 m .
of limestones dated as at least in part T i t h o n i a n by the occurrence of
Berriasella richteri (Oppel) (Dubertret, 1942-5).
I n t h e gorges of t h e N a h r I b r a h i m , cut t h r o u g h t h e L e b a n o n plateau,
the whole Jurassic succession is u p to 1700 m . thick according to Renouard
(1951), w h o has recorded a n u m b e r of pelecypods, brachiopods and echin-
oids from various levels. I n t h e absence of ammonites, however, the
detailed classification attempted is unreliable. According to Renouard
the volcanic series is u p to 180 m . thick, the (Tithonian) limestones above
it are 210 m . thick, and those below 1365 m. ( m a x i m u m thicknesses).


I n eastern Syria, beyond t h e E u p h r a t e s , t h e belt of a u t o c h t h o n o u s

folds widens and merges into the great Mesozoic andCainozoic geosyncline
of Iraq and the Persian Gulf region, where t h e Jurassic rocks are b u r i e d
(as proved by oil borings on the anticlines) u n d e r immense thicknesses
of Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y sediments. F o r instance, at Kirkuk, beyond
the Tigris, in t h e foothills of Kurdistan, the T e r t i a r y rocks alone are a b o u t
2400 m. thick, and in the Persian foothills they expand to 6000 m .
Even at Kuweit, on top of t h e productive anticline they are over 800 m .
I n the Saudi Arabian oilfield near the west coast of t h e Persian Gulf,
opposite Bahrein Island, t h e Jurassic rocks are 4500 to 6000 ft. u n d e r ­
ground. H e r e the u p p e r Jurassic beds, consisting of alternating limestones
and anhydrite, form the reservoir rock. T h e y are called the A r a b Zone
and appear to be T i t h o n i a n (Barber, 1948). I n K u w e i t there is a thick
development of salt in this zone.
U n d e r the southern part of the Syrian Desert and t h e G r e a t Nefud of
northern Arabia, the Jurassic system seems to b e overlapped southwards
by the N u b i a n Sandstone, which feathers out on a 700-mile front, r u n n i n g
east-west, against the crystalline basement complex, as in central Sinai,
or against Triassic or earlier sandstones.
About 200 miles N W . of Riyadh, capital of Saudi Arabia, m a r i n e
Jurassic rocks emerge out of the sands and r u n at first S E . t h e n due south
for about 570 miles as a great limestone cuesta, the Jebel T u w a i q . T h e
strata are almost horizontal, except for minor normal faulting, b u t east­
wards dip gradually u n d e r the Cretaceous a n d T e r t i a r y formations of
the coastal plain and the R u b al Khali. Tectonically we have here moved
out of the belt of folds into t h e tabular region, where t h e epicontinental
sediments repose on the almost u n d i s t u r b e d b u t uplifted crystalline
massif. T h e limestone and shale m e m b e r s wedge out b o t h n o r t h
and south, indicating that the outcrop crosses a Jurassic bay. W e s t
of the escarpment marine M i d d l e T r i a s occurs, with some ill-preserved
First described from end to end by Philby (1922), the Jebel T u w a i q
has yielded its chief stratigraphical secrets only in the decade 1940-50 to
geologists of the Arabian-American Oil Company, and in particular M a x
Steineke and R. A. Bramkamp, successively Chief Geologist (Steineke
1947; Barber, 1948; Arkell, B r a m k a m p & Steineke, 1952) (plates 17, 18).
T h e principal escarpment-former is t h e T u w a i q M o u n t a i n Limestone,
215 m . thick, of M i d d l e Callovian date, which produces the bare limestone
plateau travelled by Philby, and in which he found t h e first ammonites
(Erymnoceras) and other fossils. Subsidiary escarpments are formed by
other limestones lower down in t h e succession of shales and sandstones.
T h e total thickness of Jurassics proved is over 1000 m . although t h e range
is only from Lower Toarcian to L o w e r Kimeridgian. Features of special

interest in t h e faunas so far discovered a r e : ( 1 ) T h e Lower Toarcian assem­

blage of Spiriferina with Bouleiceras a n d other peculiar ammonites;
(2) T h e Bajocian Ermoceras-Thambites ammonite fauna, previously
k n o w n only at Gebel M a g h a r a in Sinai; (3) T h e N W . European M i d d l e
Bathonian a m m o n i t e genera Tulites, Micromphalites a n d Clydoniceras,
associated with entirely n e w genera; (4) T h e presence of t h e U p p e r

FIG. 44.—Sketch-map t o show t h e T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough and southern Mediterranean,

a n d o c c u r r e n c e s of t h e p e c u l i a r g e n e r a Bouleiceras ( L o w e r T o a r c i a n ) a n d Ermoceras
( U p p e r Bajocian).

Bathonian Eligmus beds with Gryphaea costellata Douville, as in Sinai,

Palestine, Syria a n d Somaliland; (5) T h e presence of t h e Coronatum
Zone of t h e M i d d l e Callovian, with Erymnoceras and Pachyceras, b u t no
sign of t h e m o r e ubiquitous Lower Callovian ammonite faunas.


Riyadh G r o u p . T h e group contains thick beds of anhydrite ( H i t h

Anhydrite), t h e collapse of which has greatly disturbed t h e strata. At
Photo W.J.A.
PLATE 17.—Callovian limestones a n d Bathonian shales, W a d i Birk, Central Arabia.
P L A T E I 8 < 7 . — H a i s i y a P a s s t h r o u g h t h e J e b e l T u w a i q ( G e o l o g y as f o r P l a t e 17).

- O u t c r o p of t h e T o a i c i a n Bouleiceras b e d s , Jafair Trail, outer Jebel T u w a i q , Central Arab

outcrop no ammonites have yet been found. F o r particulars of t h e A r a b

Zone u n d e r g r o u n d in t h e oilfields near the Gulf coast see Barber, 1948.


Jubaila Limestone ( n o m.). Compact limestones, shelly limestones

and oolites with Ceromyopsis somaliensis Weir, Pholadomya protei (Brong.)
and other pelecypods. A few poorly-preserved Perisphinctids of t h e
group of Progeronia progeron (von A m m o n ) , found in the T e n u i l o b a t u s
Zone of Central E u r o p e .


Hanifa Formation (100 m.). Limestones a n d oolites with s u b o r d i n a t e

marl and shale; colonial corals c o m m o n at several levels, b u t n o reefs.
Somalirhynchia africana Weir, Gryphaea balli (Stefanini) and m a n y other
pelecypods, largely European. A single poorly-preserved Perisphinctid
is comparable to P. africanus D a c q u e , a species of the Plicatilis Z o n e of


T u w a i q M o u n t a i n Limestone (215 m . ) . Limestones, mainly h a r d ,

compact, lithographic, with a few oolitic and detrital layers; basal 35-40 m .
soft and chalky. Colonial corals c o m m o n in t h e m i d d l e a n d u p p e r parts,
b u t reefs only observed at one locality N W . of Riyadh. A b u n d a n t pelecy­
pods, mainly of c o m m o n E u r o p e a n species. Erymnoceras s p p . a n d
Pachyceras sp. in the lower chalky beds, which therefore alone are dated.


U p p e r D h r u m a Formation (86 m.). N o ammonites. T h e u p p e r 65 m .

consist mainly of shale with Gryphaea costellata (Douville), t h e lower
21 m . of limestone, which is full of G. costellata, also m a n y Eligmus rollandi
and other pelecypods, especially Pholadomya lirata (Sow.) and other


M i d d l e D h r u m a Formation (170 m . ) . Limestones with some s u b o r d i ­

nate shales, containing four successive ammonite z o n e s : —
4. Dhrumaites
3. Micromphalites spp.
2. Tulites spp.
1. Thambites s p p . and Clydoniceras sp.

Zones 2 and 3 are M i d d l e Bathonian. M a n y pelecypods occur t h r o u g h o u t ,

including Eligmus rollandi which, with Eudesia cardium, is found already
in zone 1.


Lower D h r u m a F o r m a t i o n (upper part, 60 m.). T h e Dhibi Limestone

at the top (38 m.) passes n o r t h w a r d into shales with rich fossil-bands.
I n this occurs t h e Ermoceras and Thamboceras fauna of Sinai, together
with a few poorly-preserved ammonites t h a t can only be likened to N W .
E u r o p e a n Teloceras, Stephanoceras and Normannites of late-Middle
Bajocian affinities. Also Eligmus rollandi, E. polytypus, Eudesia cardium
a n d m a n y other fossils, including echinoids a n d h o r n corals.


L o w e r D h r u m a F o r m a t i o n (lower part, 67 m.). Limestones and shales,

in t h e lower part of which are fairly a b u n d a n t Dorsetensia.


M a r r a t Formation ( i n m.). Dolomite, limestone and subordinate

sandstone. T h e lower 34 m . yields Bouleiceras spp., Protogrammo­
ceras madagascariense (Thevenin), Spiriferina spp., Pecten ambongoensis
( T h e v e n i n ) , Stomechinus sp. a n d h o r n corals, and is Lower Toarcian in
date, correlating with Madagascar, Kenya, Baluchistan and Portugal
(p. 241). T h e m i d d l e 56 m . is w i t h o u t ammonites. T h e u p p e r 21 m .
yields a probably M i d d l e T o a r c i a n assemblage comprising Nejdia bram-
kampi, N. furnishi and Hildaites sanderi Arkell.


M i n j u r Sandstone (315 m.). N o m a r i n e fossils. Some layers with

m o u l d s of fossil wood, others with a b u n d a n t quartz pebbles. Cross-
b e d d i n g frequent.


Jilh F o r m a t i o n (326 m . ) . Sandstones, limestones a n d shales. I n t h e

u p p e r part of the U p p e r Jilh (the highest 67 m.) occur occasional poor
casts of marine fossils including M i d d l e Triassic ammonites (Protrachy-
ceras), Myophoria, etc.


T o w a r d s t h e s o u t h e r n e n d of Jebel T u w a i q t h e M i d d l e Jurassic a n d
Callovian limestones wedge out. T h e escarpment proportionately
dwindles until eventually t h e cuesta disappears i n t h e low desert sands.
According to L a m a r e ' s m a p (1936, pi. ii) a tongue of the p r e - C a m b r i a n
A r a b o - N u b i a n massif r u n s S E . almost t o the coast east of Aden. Beyond
it, however, U p p e r Jurassic limestones come in again in the Yemen,
resting on u n d a t e d sandstones and overlain by N u b i a n Sandstone and
the A d e n lavas. (Fig. 45, p . 305.)

T h e succession in the Yemen plateau is as follows (Lamare, 1930,
p. 52; Basse, 1930):
Lavas, 240 m.
Nubian Sandstone, 200 m., with a thin sandy, unfossiliferous limestone
band near base; at b o t t o m is a t h i n b a n d of sandy marl.
A m r a n Series, 310 m . Limestones with subordinate marls, from the
highest 220 m . of which (from beds 6, 8, 10) M m e Basse (1930, p p . 135-45)
has described Balanocidaris glandifera, Rhynchonella moravica Uhlig,
Terebratula cf. subsella Leymerie, Arcomytilus subpectinatus (d'Orb.)
and a n u m b e r of other pelecypods and g a s t r o p o d s : an unquestionably
Lower Kimeridgian assemblage.
Kholan Series, 230 m. Sandstones and sandy shales, pebble beds,
pebbles of the basement complex in pockets a n d disseminated; found only
in northern Yemen. T h e only fossils are vegetable imprints in the u p p e r
part. Lamare (p. 52) inclined to regard the plants as M i d d l e Jurassic,
b u t the nearest comparison in the Jebel T u w a i q is with t h e M i n j u r
Sandstone, which is at latest pre-Toarcian, a n d Carpentier & F a r a g (1948),
who found identical plants in Egypt (see p . 287), consider t h e flora
Rhaetic-Infra-Liassic. Basement complex below.
T h e principal fossil locality, near A m r a n , lies about 30 miles N W .
of Sanaa, capital of the Yemen. A b o u t 130 miles east of A m r a n , at a
ridge called 'Alam Aswad, Philby collected a similar assemblage of
mollusca (including Arcomytilus subpectinatus), assigned to the Lower
Kimeridgian by Cox (1938). T h e rock is a limestone, containing n u m e r o u s
branching Hydrozoa and a few corals, and is exposed to a thickness of
about 125 m.

Aden Hinterland and Shugra

Limestone outcrops 50 miles and 100 miles n o r t h of A d e n have yielded
fragmentary Perisphinctids which were figured by N e w t o n & Crick (1908)
and T i p p e r (1910) and were correctly dated by Crick to L o w e r and M i d d l e
Kimeridgian. F r o m the the hinterland of Shugra, on the coast about
60 miles E N E . of Aden, in a brown shelly limestone, W y m a n Bury b r o u g h t
badly preserved internal whorls which E. D a c q u e identified as 'Parkinsonia
or perhaps Perisphinctes of the group of P. funatus, and shells of Posidonia
closely allied to P. alpina' and t h o u g h t were of Callovian age (in Stefanini,
1925, p . 194). Stefanini, however, pointed out that Posidonia occurred
inside a specimen of an undoubtedly Kimeridgian Perisphinctid from
near Makalla (figured by Stefanini, 1925, pi. xxvii, fig. 1); and a record of
'Parkinsonia' could be accounted for b y an Idoceras like / . farquharsoni
Spath (1935, p . 213, pi. xxiv, fig. 1), since figured from Somaliland.
Posidonia somaliensis Cox (1935, p . 166) has since been described as
abundant in the M i d d l e Kimeridgian Daghani Shales near Berbera, j u s t
across the Gulf of Aden.
3° 2

N e a r Makalla, on t h e coast about 300 miles E N E . of Aden, Little (1925)
described a n d m a p p e d about 1 5 0 m . of U p p e r Jurassic limestones and
shales, and a n oil-shale with Posidonia, Aptychus latus and other fossils,
including fragmentary Perisphinctids. Little found that these beds rest
u p o n an eroded surface of t h e crystalline basement complex and are over­
lain unconformably b y a b a n d of L o w e r Cretaceous limestone, o n which
follows u p to 500 m . of N u b i a n Sandstone. T h r e e fragments of Peri­
sphinctids from t h e oil-shale and j u s t above at Neifa, Makalla, collected
b y Little, were figured b y Stefanini (1925, pi. xxvii, figs. 1-3); one was
c o m p a r e d to a Spiti Shales species, t h e other two to Portuguese 'Lusitanian'
species. All three fragments are too small for reliable specific identification,
b u t t h e r e can b e no d o u b t of their representing a late-Lower Kimeridgian
fauna of the Pseudomutabilis Z o n e . Fig. 3 matches closely a Lithacoceras
figured by Schneid (1914, pi. i, fig. 2) from t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone of
Franconia as Perisphinctes aff. stenocyclus F o n t a n n e s ; fig. 1 seems t o b e a
Torquatisphinctes of t h e group of the East African T. beyrichi Futterer
(1894, pi. ii); fig. 2 is presumably p a r t of a Katroliceras. Fig. 1 was said
to b e crowded with small valves of Posidonia sp. (presumably P. somaliensis
Cox, 1935, p . 1 6 6 , a b u n d a n t in the Kimeridgian of Daghani. British
Dhofar, etc.
Still farther along t h e coast, near Dhofar, N u b i a n Sandstone has over­
stepped t h e Jurassics and rests directly u p o n the crystalline complex
(Lees, 1928), and the same arrangement holds in the islands of A b d el
K u r i and Socotra (Kossmat, 1907). T h e s e occurrences indicate a second
landmass or large island in t h e Jurassic, n a m e d the Arabo-Somali massif
b y Picard (1939). I t was separated from the A r a b o - N u b i a n massif by
the Jurassic tract j u s t described, which r u n s north-south from central
Arabia into Somaliland a n d Ethiopia and has been aptly named the T r a n s -
Erythraean trough b y L a m a r e (1936, p . 51). T h e trough first came into
existence with t h e Toarcian or Bathonian transgression, and on both
sides of it, in t h e Yemen a n d at Makalla, t h e r e is evidence of its being
widened by transgression in t h e Lower Kimeridgian (Arkell, 1952, p . 301).
(Fig. 44.)
T h e Arabo-Somali island was shown on a palaeogeographic m a p by
Stefanini (1928, p . 17) as extending all over eastern Arabia including Oman,
w h e r e Lees in 1928 showed thick marine Jurassic to exist, and as embracing
t h e whole Persian Gulf a n d the Fars area of Persia, which are now also
k n o w n to have been s u b m e r g e d in the Jurassic. Stefanini's n a m e of
'Farsia' therefore is too misleading to b e adopted for the Arabo-Somali
T h e Jurassic rocks of O m a n are described with those of the Persian
mountains in C h a p t e r 13.



O u r knowledge of this vast area is still patchy, b u t t h e extensive British,

Italian, G e r m a n and F r e n c h literature enables a general picture to b e
obtained and fills in the detail at a n u m b e r of scattered points. Jurassic
rocks 300-900 m. thick appear at intervals along the coastlands of t h e
southern end of the Red Sea and the Gulf of A d e n almost from Massawa
in Eritrea to Cape Guardafui. I n l a n d they extend u n d e r the lavas of t h e
high plateau of Abyssinia (Tigrai and Shoa) a n d crop out in a broad belt
stretching from north to south down the centre of t h e country, from t h e
Harrar province to the J u b a River, there to narrow and disappear j u s t
before reaching the coast. (Fig. 45.)
T h i s general north-south arrangement is original, reflecting the T r a n s -
Erythraean trough of Jurassic times. As its appropriate n a m e implies, t h e
Jurassic trough bears no directional relation to the great m i d - T e r t i a r y rift
faults of the Red Sea, the Gulf of A d e n and East Africa. T h e faults and
rift valleys cut across t h e earlier seaway as if it h a d not existed, a n d it is
they and the Tertiary or late Cretaceous lavas that determine the present
major features of the topography. As shown b y Gregory (1921), t h e fault
bounding t h e west side of t h e Red Sea branches near Massawa, t h e m a i n
fork turning south along Annesley Bay a n d b o u n d i n g the high plateau of
Abyssinia, the other, subsidiary, fork forming t h e Danakil horst a n d
continuing along the coast. Similarly the fault b o u n d i n g t h e south coast
of the Gulf of Aden r u n s obliquely inland in a W S W . direction south of
Berbera, forming the n o r t h e r n b o u n d a r y of t h e plateau of H a r r a r . A b o u t
100 miles east of Addis A b b a b a t h e two great faults approach within
40 miles of one another, t h e n t u r n off S W . to Lake Rudolf, t h e two fault
scarps standing face to face across t h e intervening rift valley. T h e funnel-
shaped lowland between the sea a n d t h e m o u t h of t h e rift valley, forming
an equilateral triangle w i t h sides a b o u t 500 miles long, is a s u n k - l a n d .
T h e western part is largely plain, the Afar of Suess. M o s t of t h e floor of
the sunk-land, like that of the rift valley, is covered by lavas, b u t t h e
underlying Mesozoic sediments are seen here and there in domes, anticlines
and subsidiary fault-blocks. I n t h e plateaux on either side they are cut
into by erosion a n d appear along t h e river valleys.
For convenience in treating the Jurassic rocks, t h e high plateau of
Abyssinia north and west of t h e rift faults (Tigrai and Shoa) will b e
described first; t h e n t h e Danakil horst in Eritrea a n d t h e m i n o r structures
in French and British Somaliland, along a course crossing the T r a n s -
Erythraean t r o u g h from N W . t o S E . parallel t o t h e p r e s e n t coast; t h e n t h e

m a i n central outcrops on the south and east of the rift faults, from the
H a r r a r plateau southwards t h r o u g h J u b a l a n d to t h e Indian Ocean.


T h e foundations of our knowledge of the geology of this region were

laid b y W . T . Blanford (1870), of t h e Geological Survey of India, who
was d e p u t e d b y the G o v e r n m e n t of India to accompany as naturalist the
British A r m y on its m a r c h from Annesley Bay in Eritrea to Magdala and
back in 1868. His clear a n d fascinating account is well worth reading
still. T h e expedition m a r c h e d due south along the western edge of the
plateau b y way of Adigrat and Antalo to Magdala.
Resting u p o n t h e m e t a m o r p h i c basement complex is u p to 300 m .
or m o r e of unfossiliferous sandstone, which Blanford named the Adigrat
Sandstone. ' I t is usually white or b r o w n in colour, the former much
predominating. Occasionally it is pale b r o w n and lilac, or, as about
T a k o n d a , brick r e d ; these colours being chiefly restricted, however, to
bands interstratified with the mass of the rock. It is usually very quartzose,
frequently felspathic, less commonly argillaceous. Shales of a blue or
lilac colour are frequently m e t with towards the base of the group, b u t
t h e principal characteristic of the great bulk of the sandstone is its massive
character and t h e absence of marked bedding, so that the high cliffs
of it which form the head of the H a d d a s and Komayli ravines, and which
s u r r o u n d the valleys south of Senafe, appear as if cut out of a huge
unstratified block'. (Blanford, 1870, p p . 170-1).
Above t h e sandstone, with a conformable junction, follows the Antalo
Limestone. ' I t is usually in thin beds of grey colour, less commonly
ochreous, and it m u c h resembles some of t h e beds of Lias limestone in the
south-west of England. T h e rock w h e n broken is compact and earthy,
or b u t slightly crystalline.' (Blanford, p . 176.) Generally the traps of the
plateau s u m m i t overspread t h e Antalo Limestone directly, b u t at intervals
a higher sandstone is intercalated, representing outliers that existed before
t h e lavas were erupted. T h i s sandstone is also unfossiliferous, b u t it
now seems likely that it is Lower Cretaceous and approximately to b e
equated with t h e N u b i a n Sandstone.
Blanford recorded a list of mollusca and two echinoids from the Antalo
Limestone, b u t unfortunately no ammonites were found. His records,
and some figures, suggest at least two horizons: Bathonian [Trigonia
pullus Sow., Modiolus imbricatus Sow.), and U p p e r Jurassic, probably
L o w e r Kimeridgian.
F u r t h e r progress has been m a d e to the south, in Shoa (Choa), north
and N W . of Addis Abbaba. H e r e tributaries r u n down to the Blue
Nile (Abai) in t r e m e n d o u s gorges, the sides of which lay bare all the strata
of t h e plateau. T h e Jurassics reach a height of 8500 ft. above sea-level.
T h e succession worked out b y A u b r y (1886), H . Douville (1886) and
F u t t e r e r (1897) is as follows (the classification in stages being as usual the

present author's). F o r general accounts see also Krenkel (1926) a n d

Stefanini (1933).
[Abyssinian lavas, forming t o p of plateau; u p to 500 m .
L O W E R C R E T A C E O U S ? 200 m.
Sandstones, conglomerates, marls, variegated clays, and gypsum,
unfossiliferous. ( = N u b i a n Sandstone ?)]

FIG. 4 5 . — S k e t c h - m a p s h o w i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of J u r a s s i c l i m e s t o n e s (black) i n N E .
Africa. I n l i e r s of t h e L u g h Series m a r k e d L S . B a s e d m a i n l y o n Stefanini, 1933.
( F o r revision of t h e n o r t h - w e s t e d g e of t h e A b y s s i n i a n lava p l a t e a u o n t h e S u d a n
b o r d e r , see A n d r e w , 1948.)


Upper Antalo or Lagagima Limestone. Limestone, marls a n d marly
limestones with molluscan fauna like that of t h e Swiss Jura. Terebratula
subsella, Acrocidaris nobilis Ag., etc.

C A L L O V I A N , 400 m.

Lower Antalo Limestone. M a r l y grey limestone, hard, compact, like

Lias, with Trigonia pullus Sow., Modiolus imbricatus Sow., Eopecten
aubryi Douville, Rhynchonella morierei Davidson, Rh. lotharingica, Rh.
edwardsi, etc. Nautilus (Paracenoceras) calloviensis (Oppel) was sent me
b y Professor E. Nilsson, collected b y h i m in 1950 in the ravine of the
R. Walaka, tributary of the Blue Nile, n o miles north of Addis Abbaba.


Abai Beds, 200 m . Crystalline yellow limestone with layers of granular

g y p s u m a n d dolomitic limestone, a n d casts of small indeterminable
lamellibranchs referred to b y H . Douville (1886, p . 239) as 'Corbules',
b y F u r o n (1950, p . 293) as 'Cyrenes'.
Adigrat Sandstone, 500 m . W h i t e and blue sandstones, often micaceous,
with layers of green and vari-coloured clay.

While the absence of Oxfordian may be due to collection-failure, it is

nevertheless remarkable that the apparent superposition of Lower Kimer­
idgian on Callovian repeats the arrangement in the northern Lebanon
range in Syria, attributed above to wedging out of the intervening forma­
tions against t h e margin of t h e t r o u g h of deposition. T h e two stages,
Bathonian and Kimeridgian, moreover, are those already noted as trans­
gressive in Egypt, Syria and southern Arabia. W h i c h extended farthest to
the west or north-west in Abyssinia remains to be determined. T h e answer
awaits discovery along t h e Blue Nile and its tributaries. T h e mapping of
these valleys a n d of t h e western edge of the volcanic plateau is still in a
r u d i m e n t a r y state. T h e latest synthesis is that of part of the country
falling within t h e S u d a n m a p compiled by A n d r e w (1948). F u t u r e
research will n o doubt prove whether the sandstone shown on this and
preceding m a p s as cropping out between the Tertiary lavas and the p r e -
C a m b r i a n is wholly a continuation of the Adigrat Sandstone as indicated
on Stefanini's splendid m a p (1933) or in part Cretaceous and the continua­
tion of the t r u e N u b i a n Sandstone. If the latter, then the Jurassics have
wedged out between the sandstones u n d e r the plateau. T h e most westerly
exposures of Antalo Limestone at present known are in the Abai valley
3 7 57' E., and a limestone (in b o t h places associated with chert) has been
0 0
found south of Suakin in K h o r L a n g e b 3 6 3 5 ' E., 17 16' N . (Andrew,
1948, p . 98.)


South of Annesley Bay, south of Massawa, the Red Sea rift valley
forks, one branch continuing to the Straits of Bab el M a n d e b and Aden,
the other following t h e foot of the Abyssinian plateau edge southwards,
to become later the G r e a t African Rift Valley. Between the two forks in
Eritrea alongside the coast lies Dancalia, or the Danakil Horst of Gregory
(Alpi Dancale of the Italians), consisting of pre-Cambrian basement
complex overlain by Adigrat Sandstone (missing in places) and Antalo
Limestone, which in t u r n are largely covered b y T e r t i a r y lavas. T h e
outcrops have been worked in considerable detail, b u t the result suffers
from scarcity of ammonites and of overall m e a s u r e m e n t s . (Vinassa d e
Regny, 1924, 1 9 3 1 ; Diaz-Romero, 1931.)
As in Shoa and at the eastern extremity of British Somaliland (see
p. 312), the lowest post-Archaean strata consist of unfossiliferous sandstone
followed by thick beds of unfossiliferous dark limestone. T h e earliest
fossiliferous limestone is again Bathonian, yielding among other fossils
Burmirhynchia and Gryphaea costellata. T h e next recognizable horizon
is one with Somalirhynchia africana, which in British Somaliland is
U p p e r and perhaps also Lower Oxfordian ( M u i r - W o o d , 1935, facing
p. 8 1 ; and see p . 309), and in Syria is high U p p e r Oxfordian (bed 56,
p. 295). T h e only identifiable ammonite recorded, from t h e t o p ­
most division of the limestone, is referred to Idoceras rufanum D a c q u e
(1914, p . 4 ; figd. 1905, p . 147, pi. xiv, fig. 15), a species from the Lower
Kimeridgian of Harro Rufa in the H a r r a r Province. A second doubtful
ammonite from the same level is compared to Anavirgatites subambiguus
Spath, which would correlate with the G a w a n Limestone of British
Somaliland (see p. 308).


T h e only Jurassic outcrop in F r e n c h Somaliland is in the centre of a

dome at Ali Sabieh, 45 miles S W . of Jibouti, where t h e u p p e r part only
of the limestones rises t h r o u g h the surrounding lavas. T h e lowest forma­
tion exposed is 15 m. of t h i n - b e d d e d limestones with crushed a m m o n i t e s ;
next come 200 m . or more of hard, compact, poorly-fossiliferous limestones;
then a varied shelly series (thickness not stated) with m a n y pelecypods
and gastropods. T h e limestones finally pass u p gradually a n d with
perfect conformity into sandstones, at least 300 m . thick a n d unfossili­
ferous. (Dreyfuss, 1931.)
Owing to poor preservation, t h e three figured fragments of Peri­
sphinctids from t h e bottom of the series are inadequate for dating, and
j u d g m e n t m u s t b e reserved. Plate xiii, figs. 1 and 2 of Dreyfuss' m e m o i r
are indeterminable and could be m a n y other forms besides those to which
he assigns them, while fig. 3 is certainly not Katroliceras pottingeri
(Sowerby), though it may be of m u c h the same date. A m o r e suitable
identification for both figs. 2 and 3 might be Aulacosphinctoides cf.
kachhensis Spath (1931, Cutch, p . 528, pi. lxxxiii, fig. 2), a species of t h e
Middle and U p p e r Katrol Beds (Middle or U p p e r Kimeridgian) of C u t c h .
T h i s would make the base of the Ali Sabieh section equivalent to some
part of the Daghani Shales of British Somaliland (see p . 308).
F r o m the gradual u p w a r d passage of t h e top of t h e limestone, t h e very
highest layers containing Exogyra bruntrutana, into sandstones, Dreyfuss
insists that at least the lower part of the sandstones m u s t b e Jurassic
(he suggests Portlandian); b u t the Jurassic Purbeck Beds pass u p b y

imperceptible gradations into the Cretaceous Wealden Beds in the English

type areas, and this does not make the Wealden Beds necessarily Jurassic.
T h e age of the sandstones is u n k n o w n and will remain so until fossils are

Jurassic outcrops in British Somaliland are restricted to small faulted

tracts separated by long distances. T h e largest is near the western
b o u n d a r y with F r e n c h Somaliland, the Meragalleh area, south of Jibouti.
H e r e there occur u p to about 800 m. of Jurassic limestones, sandwiched
between gritty and pebbly Adigrat Sandstone below and Nubian Sand­
stone above. By far the most important tract, however, is the narrow
faulted outcrop, 18 miles long, at Bihendula and Daghani, about 12 miles
south of the capital and p o r t of Berbera on the Gulf of Aden. Owing to
relatively easy access, this outcrop has been investigated by a long series
of geologists at intervals over a century. Jurassic fossils were first brought
back from here b y B u r t o n in 1855 a n d recognized as Jurassic by Carter
in 1857. J. W . Gregory first wrote on the subject in 1897, and through
his energy and enthusiasm a symposium on the Jurassic palaeontology
b y himself a n d other specialists was published in 1925 as t h e first volume
of the M o n o g r a p h s of t h e H u n t e r i a n M u s e u m of the University of Glasgow,
based on collections m a d e b y Wyllie & Smellie of the Anglo-Persian
Oil C o m p a n y . O n e of the specialists, D r J. Weir, published an important
revision in 1929 in a later volume (3) of the same series. Finally, in 1933
came a m u c h m o r e detailed examination in t h e official descriptive memoir
b y Macfadyen, followed by a second symposium by specialists on the
palaeontology (Macfadyen, Spath, Cox & others, 1935), as Part 2 of
the official memoir.
T h e Jurassic limestones of t h e Bihendula-Daghani ridge reach the great
thickness of 1006 m . a n d range from Bathonian at the base to Tithonian
at t h e t o p . H e n c e Gregory's twofold division into Bihen a n d Meragalleh
Limestones has h a d to b e abandoned in favour of a more detailed sequence
of formations proposed b y Macfadyen, who retains a restricted Bihen
L i m e s t o n e at t h e base.
T h e following s u m m a r y is based on Macfadyen (1933, p p . 27-9, 80-1)
a n d Spath (1933) and relates to t h e Daghani section. F o r complete
bibliography see Macfadyen, p p . 39-41. S o m e important fossils other
t h a n ammonites have been added from Macfadyen & others, 1935.


Nubian Sandstone, 600-1700 m . U s u a l characters, with fossil wood

and at one locality a lenticle of lignite. Passing into Cretaceous lime­
stones in the m o r e easterly outcrops (see p . 313).]


Gawan Limestone, 244 m . Fine-grained grey to b r o w n limestone, in

parts cherty, t h e highest 15 m . sandy, and locally a little conglomerate

at the top. Between 88 m. and 100 m . from b a s e : Anavirgatites aff.

ambiguus (Schneid), A. cf. subambiguus Spath, 'Pseudovirgatites' cf.
silvescens (Schneid), Sublithacoceras cf. senex (Oppel), Simoceras sp.
nov.? [Presumably from this limestone came t h e Anavirgatites sp. nov.
figured by Stefanini, 1925, pi. xxviii, fig. 2, and Pseudinvoluticeras somalicum
Spath, 1925, p . 141, pi. xv, fig. 7.]


Daghani Shales, 370 m . Olive gypseous shales with t h i n b a n d s of

b r o w n marl and limestone and bands of concretions (250 m . ) ; resting on
grey calcareous mudstones and marls (120 m. or more). At 76-96 m . down,
belemnites and aptychi; at 111-151 m . down, Streblites aff. serratus
Burckhardt, Subdichotomoceras cf. simoceroides (Pavlow), Torquatisphinctes
aff. similis Spath, Idoceras sp., Hybonoticeras s p . ; at 170 m . down, Idoceras
aff. balderum (Oppel), / . aff. laxevolutum (Fontannes) Burckhardt, Sutneria
aff. cyclodorsata (Moesch) Burckhardt, Aspidoceras (Orthaspidoceras) sp.,
Aptychus lotus (Park.); at 200 m . down, Orthaspidoceras aff. orthocera
(d'Orb.), Perisphinctids indet., Aptychus latus (Park.); at 260-310 m .
down, aptychi and belemnites. Posidonia somaliensis Cox, etc.
Wanderer Limestone, 103 m. G r e y thinly-bedded lithographic lime­
stone. T h e Lower Kimeridgian age of this formation is proved b y the
occurrence of Glochiceras nimbatum (Oppel) and Sutneria sp. T h e r e also
occur a n u m b e r of Perisphinctids which D r Spath determined before
recent nomenclatural and systematic revision of this difficult g r o u p .
F r o m his names it appears to b e an assemblage of Lower Kimeridgian
Discosphinctes, Virgataxioceras and other early Ataxioceratids, t h o u g h
some of the names (perhaps requiring revision) suggest the B i m a m m a t u m
Zone. Zeilleria latifrons (Krumbeck), a brachiopod of t h e Syrian G l a n d a ­
rienkalk (Kimeridgian) also occurs.


Gahodleh Shales, 113 m. Olive to grey gypseous shales with Belem-

nopsis tanganensis (Futterer) and B. aff. orientalis (Waagen), no ammonites.
Somalirhynchia africana Weir.


Bihen Limestone (upper part), 30 m . (or more). D a r k grey massive
coral limestone. N o cephalopods. Somalirhynchia africana Weir,
Terebratula cf. subsella Leymerie. A specimen of Pachyceras indicum
Spath, not in situ, possibly from this formation. T h e corals are all U p p e r
Jurassic kinds.


Bihen Limestone, lower part, 50 m . (or less). T h i n - b e d d e d grey and

brown rather shaly echinoid limestones, with thin b a n d s of coral limestone
composed of similar corals, down to 17 m . from t h e base. Paracenoceras



TITHONIAN AND UPPER Gawan Limestone Virgatosphinctes beds,

KIMERIDGIAN with Anavirgatites T u g Terfa

M I D D L E KIMERIDGIAN H y b o n o t i c e r a s b e d s of Subplanites and

Daghani Shales Hybonoticeras beds,

LOWER KIMERIDGIAN L o w e r Daghani Shales Aspidoceras and Idoceras beds

Wanderer Limestone Idoceras beds near

U P P E R OXFORDIAN Ringsteadia beds and

( B i m a m m a t u m Z.) Atshabo Perisphinctes
| G a h o d l e h Shales?
U P P E R OXFORDIAN Diredaua Perisphinctes D a u a valley
( T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Z.) beds Perisphinctes beds

L O W E R OXFORDIAN U p p e r Bihen Limestone Peltoceratoides a n d

p.p.? Euaspidoceras beds
D a u a valley



LOWER CALLOVIAN Macrocephalus beds

A n o l e Issa

BATHONIAN Lowest Bihen Coral limestones with E l i g m u s limestones ?

Limestone L o w e r Bihen echinids





LOWER TOARCIAN Bouleiceras b e d Bouleiceras b e d

U N D A T E D BASAL B E D S Adigrat Sandstone Adigrat Sandstone L u g h Series




... T e n d a g u r u beds Blanfordiceras beds

with Hildoglochiceras with Hildoglochiceras

Hybonoticeras beds Hybonoticeras beds

Aspidoceras and Balanocidaris Aspidoceras and Aspidoceras and

I d o c e r a s shales glandifera Pachysphinctes Pachysphinctes beds
( M a h o k o n d o septaria)

Perisphinctes beds
(Dacque's monogr.)

Tangila Perisphinctes K w a Dikwaso fauna Perisphinctes maximus Mayaitid and

and Mayaitid beds M t a r u Mayaites beds beds Perisphinctes beds

Peltoceras aff. Peltoceratoides and

arduennense and Euaspidoceras beds

Binatisphinctes Binatisphinctes beds Athleta beds with

shales and Kinkelin Quarry Putealiceras

Obtusicostites fauna Reineckeia b e d s

N c h i a R.

Macrocephalus beds ? Macrocephalus beds Macrocephalus beds

near Tanga

K a m b e coral T a n g a limestone M a t u m b i coral Eligmus and Corbula

• limestone ? limestone beds
Kambe Limestone Gracilisphinctes a n d
Phylloceras fauna Micromphalites beds

Posidonia shales
w i t h Spiroceras

Posidonia shales Sonninia and

with Dorsetensia Dorsetensia beds

P o s i d o n i a shales w i t h ? P i n d i r o Shales

Dumortieria and
Haugia beds

Bouleiceras b e d

D u r u m a Sandstone Ngerengere Sandstone Isalo S a n d s t o n e

prohexagonum Spath not in situ b u t probably from here and comparable

with a Bathonian (Stonesfield Slate) species. Eligmus rollandi Douville
and E. weiri Cox abundant, Gryphaea costellata Douville abundant,
also the brachiopod genera Burmirhynchia, Cererithyris, Charltonithyris,
etc. ( M u i r - W o o d , 1935, facing p . 79.)


Adigrat Sandstone, 152 m . at Bihendula. Yellow and grey gritty

c u r r e n t - b e d d e d sandstones. N o fossils.

T h e brachiopods of the Lower Bihen Limestone are said to be of

Callovian appearance. Unless the Eligmus rollandi-Gryphaea costellata
fauna passes u p from the U p p e r Bathonian to the Callovian southwards,
however, the age of these beds is U p p e r Bathonian by analogy with Sinai,
Palestine, Syria and Arabia. T h e evidence from Jebel T u w a i q strongly
suggests t h a t they are n o t Callovian. T h e r e is no reliable evidence for
the presence of anything earlier than U p p e r Bathonian.
It is possible that the b o u n d a r y between the Bathonian and Middle
Callovian or Oxfordian does not coincide with the line of division between
Lower and U p p e r Bihen Limestone drawn by Macfadyen, b u t falls lower
t h a n 50 m . above the base.
Correlation of t h e a m m o n i t e fauna of t h e G a w a n Limestone with the
standard Jurassic sequence still remains an open problem. T h e Anavir­
gatites and Sublithacoceras spp. identified by Spath with species of the
N e u b u r g b e d s figured b y Schneid were first referred by Spath (1925)
to t h e U p p e r Kimeridgian. Later, however, (1935, p . 208) he regarded
this fauna as post-Portlandian. T h e evidence for this is questionable,
a n d since in t h e D a g h a n i section t h e Anavirgatites and Sublithacoceras
are only 80-100 m . above the M i d d l e Kimeridgian and 144 metres below
t h e top of t h e Jurassic limestones, there is more room for Portlandian and
later faunas above t h a n below t h e m . Moreover, Sublithacoceras bears an
extremely close resemblance to Pectinatites. W e do not, however, commit
ourselves either way by classing the G a w a n Limestone as Tithonian, using
t h a t t e r m in the historically correct sense, to mean the southern European
equivalents of U p p e r Kimeridgian, Portlandian and Purbeckian, or any
additional stages there m a y be between or above those and below t h e
Cretaceous. (See Arkell, 1946, p . 21.)
Various other isolated outcrops occur farther east (Macfadyen, 1933,
p p . 30-31) b u t have not been studied in detail, though they contributed
material used in the palaeontological symposium of 1935. T h e most
easterly is at the extremity of British Somaliland, near the boundary with
Italian Somaliland, in t h e precipitous scarp of the Al Hills, south of Alayu
and B u n d a Ziada (Barrington Brown, 1931, p . 263 and pi. xxiii). Resting
on the crystalline complex at the base are 90 m. of sandstones and grits
with a shale band, followed by 180 m . of unfossiliferous limestone stringed
with quartz grains and including two thick bands of s a n d s t o n e ; these
together presumably represent the Adigrat Sandstone and Abai Beds
of Shoa (p. 306). At Haurartiro a little to the west (longitude 4 8
43' E.) geologists of the Shell C o m p a n y collected Bouleiceras arabicum
Arkell and fragments of other species from near the base of the Jurassic;
these were sent m e in 1953 t h r o u g h the kindness of D r P. E. K e n t a n d
the late M r E. J. White.
T h e base of the Bihen Limestone in the Al Hills is marked by t h e
Eligmus rollandi-Gryphaea costellata fauna, including these and m a n y
other pelecypods and brachiopods, in a 7 m . b a n d of grey limestone.
T h e total thickness of Jurassic limestones from the base of the Eligmus
bed upwards is 290 m.—not m u c h more than a quarter of the thickness at
Bihendula. At the top, with perfect conformity, follows a thin grey marl
with Barremian ammonites. T h e N u b i a n Sandstone of more westerly
outcrops has here passed into limestones, and from the basal marl b a n d
have been identified the Barremian ammonites Holcodiscus cf. gastaldianus
(d'Orb.), H. cf. caillaudianus (d'Orb.), Pseudothurmannia ? sp., Procheloni-
ceras sp. (Spath, 1935, p . 214). I n view of this some of the underlying
limestones classed as Jurassic may belong to the earlier stages of the
Farther east along the south coast of the Gulf of Aden, Stefanini's
map (1933) shows five more inliers of Jurassic limestone a n d Adigrat
Sandstone extending almost to Cape Guardafui. O n e of the last, at Ras
Hantara, shows 300 m. of Jurassic limestones, with Somalirhynchia
africana near the base, resting on sandstones and they in t u r n on granite
(Stefanini, 1932, p . 48). O n the islands of A b d el K u r i and Socotra, on
the other hand, the Cretaceous rests directly on the crystalline basement
complex (Kossmat, 1907), as at Dhofar on the opposite coast of Arabia
(Lees, 1928, pi. Ii). T h e thinning of the Jurassic from Bihendula to the
Al Hills, the overlap of the Lower Kimeridgian on to the p r e - C a m b r i a n
near Makalla, and this final overlap by the Cretaceous, indicates that we
have crossed the eastern margin of the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n t r o u g h on to a
separate massif (Arabo-Somali massif of Picard). Similar overlap of
Nubian Sandstones on to p r e - C a m b r i a n takes place southward t h r o u g h o u t
British Somaliland, where no Jurassic has been found between these forma­
tions on the southern plateau east of longitude 4 3 E. (Macfadyen, 1933,
p. 29).


About latitude 43° E., in western British Somaliland, the buried coast
of the massif t u r n s south and then SE., and a broad sheet of Jurassic
limestones spreads over the plateau south of the funnel of the Rift valley,
across central Ethiopia to the valley of the J u b a River. I n the central
region, around and south of Harrar, outcrops cover an extensive area in
the basin of the u p p e r W e b i (or Ouabi) Shebeli River, of which n u m e r o u s
tributaries have cleared away the Cretaceous rocks and the overspreading
lavas. Travellers of several nations have brought collections from different

parts of this area. I n it are the localities, become well-known to Jurassic

palaeontologists, of Harrar, Diredaua, H a r r o Rufa, Atshabo (Asciabo),
Cabenaua, A b u el-Kassim, T u g Terfa, and T u g Fidaedi or Tagfidaedi.
T h e r e is n o single measured type section comparable with Bihendula
for British Somaliland, t h o u g h from measurements by Vageler at A b u
el-Kassim, Reck & Dietrich (1923) estimated there are at least 300 m. of
U p p e r Jurassic limestones followed by Neocomian and Aptian, while a
measured section of t h e lower beds, about 150 m. thick (overlapping
considerably with t h e other section) at a locality about 20 miles E N E . of
Harrar, is figured b y L a m a r e (1930, p p . 58-9).
F o r the most part, however, the succession is known from a n u m b e r of
isolated collections from different localities. Notwithstanding this
disadvantage, the ammonite faunas are so strikingly similar to European
U p p e r Jurassic assemblages that, there is no difficulty in placing t h e m in
stratigraphical order.
As in other regions, earlier authors claimed to recognize Bajocian
a n d Liassic fossils from some of the localities, b u t these claims have
proved to be unfounded, as was pointed out by D a c q u e (in Dacque &
Krenkel, 1909, p . 160). T h e main marine transgression, as in the rest of
Ethiopia and Somaliland, was Bathonian, as recognized by Cottreau
(1924). T h e r e is also a well-developed u p p e r m o s t Oxfordian ammonite
assemblage directly comparable with that of the B i m a m m a t u m Zone of
western Europe. T h i s was clear from Perisphinctids (Perisphinctes sensu
stricto, Discosphinctes, etc.) figured from Atshabo and H a r r a r by Dacque
(1905, 1914), and was recognized b y him. M o r e recently confirmation
has come in t h e shape of Ringsteadiae from D o g o u in H a r r a r Province,
figured b y Scott (1943). Hitherto this genus was known only from
England, France and G e r m a n y ; it gives an exceptionally precise correlation
with t h e topmost zone of the Oxfordian of N W . Europe.
T h e following is a composite succession, built u p from the faunas
figured in a scattered literature. F u r t h e r U p p e r Oxfordian and
K i m e r i d g i a n ammonites, chiefly from Ogaden, have been figured b y
Valduga (1954) in a paper which reached m e too late for consideration
here. See also Venzo (1942).


L o w e r Cretaceous is present in both marine and N u b i a n facies.]


Tug Terfa: thirteen ammonites collected here (the Terfa is a tributary

of the W e b i , south of Cabanaua) b y D o n a l d s o n Smith and identified by
Crick (1897) are revised b y Spath (1925, p . 158) as six species of Virgato­
sphinctes and two species of Aulacosphinctes and compared to forms figured
b y Uhlig & Oppel from t h e Spiti Shales. Spath considered that they
constitute one fauna a n d may b e tentatively referred to the Transitorius
Z o n e ; i.e. the highest zone of the Tithonian, to which belongs the

Stramberg Limestone ( = Ardescian Stage of Toucas), b u t later (1933,

p . 818) h e seemed to suggest a n U p p e r K a t r o l ( U p p e r Kimeridgian)
date. T h e M i d d l e Spiti Shales afford the only close comparison.


Tagfidaedi: from this locality, a village on the River Dakhatto, about

112 miles S S E . of Harrar, M m e Basse (1930, p . 113, pi. iv, fig. 15) has
figured two well-preserved specimens of a Subplanites strongly reminis­
cent of some high in the M i d d l e Kimeridgian of Kimeridge. T h e larger
specimen shows a type of ribbing found, in a less exaggerated form, in
'Virgatosphinctoides' grandis and nodiferus Neaverson (1925, pi. iv) from
England, and again in P. abbachensis Schneid (1914, pi. iii, fig. 4) from t h e
Lithographica Zone near Kelheim. Hybonoticeras and Subplanites have
also been recorded from the district by Gortani (1951).


Cabenaua (south of H a r r a r ) : from here M m e Basse (1930, p p . 123-4) has

Aptychus lotus and Idoceras aff. balderum (Oppel) (Basse, pi. v, fig. 12).
Dogou and Ganame ( S S W . and S W . of H a r r a r ) : a m o n g t h e fine B a r n u m
Brown collection monographed by Scott (1943; and see Brown, 1943)
from these localities are Idoceras rufanum D a c q u e , Torquatisphinctes
beyrichi (Futterer), two species of Aspidoceras s.s. (one a C u t c h species of
the M i d d l e Katrol Beds), four species of Physodoceras, t h r e e of Simaspi-
doceras (including the peculiar Aspidoceras argobbae D a c q u e ) and two of
Glabrophysodoceras. T h e s e are stated t o b e 'closely associated' with
U p p e r Oxfordian forms, and in similar matrix, whence Scott makes the
suggestion that in this district they 'extend downward from the Kimeridgian
into t h e t o p m o s t Oxfordian.' Rather t h a n accept a hypothesis of this
kind, however, after so m a n y such have been proved wrong in the past,
pending further stratigraphical collecting it is preferable to assume the
genera t o b e coeval w i t h their E u r o p e a n relatives of the Acanthicus Beds
and Lower Kimeridgian.
Atshabo (SW. of H a r r a r ) : Aspidoceras supraspinosum Dacque^ A.
somalicum Dacque and Simaspidoceras argobbae (Dacque).
Harro Rufa (between Atshabo and H a r r a r ) : Idoceras rufanum D a c q u e .
Diredaua: Aspidoceras evolutum Scott, Glabrophysodoceras abyssinianum

UPPER OXFORDIAN ( B i m a m m a t u m Zone)

Atshabo (SW. of H a r r a r ) : from this locality D a c q u e (1905, 1914)
figured the remarkable series of Perisphinctids which in the 1905 m e m o i r
he mistook for Kimeridgian b u t in the 1914 memoir correctly recognized
as U p p e r Oxfordian, and probably B i m a m m a t u m Zone, with s t r o n g
European affinity. A m o n g t h e m may be recognized typical N W . E u r o p e a n
U p p e r Oxfordian subgenera such as Perisphinctes sensu stricto ( P . ana-
breviceps D a c q u e and P . dacquei Spath 1925 non Steiger 1914, D a c q u e ,

1914, pi. iii, fig. 3), Dichotomosphinctes (P. gallarum Dacque) and Disco­
sphinctes (P. arussiorum Dacque). Revisionary remarks on these forms will
b e found in Arkell, 1937-39, M o n o g r a p h of the Ammonites of the English
Corallian Beds, p p . xlvii, liv, lx, lxii, lxiii.
Dogou and Ganame: T h r e e Perisphinctids figured by Scott as Lithaco­
ceras are of doubtful age and generic position, t h o u g h probably U p p e r
Oxfordian, b u t his Perisphinctes vokesi and P. spathi are unquestionably
U p p e r Oxfordian, as are also Ringsteadia africana Scott and R. daua Scott.
Diredaua ( N W . of H a r r a r ) : Ringsteadia daua Scott occurs at this locality
only, also a ? Dichotomoceras and Dichotomosphinctes (Scott, 1943, p p .
68, 69).

UPPER OXFORDIAN (Transversarium Zone)

Diredaua: D a c q u e (1914, p . 12) records b u t does not figure badly-
preserved Perisphinctids which h e compares to P. rota Waagen and
P. subrota Choffat, forms suggesting that h e had t h e m from an exposure
of the Plicatilus Zone, which is developed in Kenya (with Kranao-
sphinctes). W i t h t h e m occurs Somalirhynchia.


Cottreau (1924) recognized Isastraea cf. limitata McCoy, Rhynchonella

morierei Dav., Modiolus plicatus Sow., M. cf. imbricatus Sow. and Cero-
myopsis tenera (Sow.) among fossils collected from three localities south
and S E . of Harrar, and inferred the presence of the Bathonian as in Shoa.
Since t h e n some of t h e echinoids found in the Lower Bihen Limestone
at Bihendula have been recorded from localities in the H a r r a r Province
(Currie in B a r n u m Brown, 1943).


Adigrat Sandstone with basal conglomerate rests as usual on t h e

crystalline basement. I t appears to thicken northwards and towards t h e
base passes into arkose and sandy limestones (Lamare, 1930, p p . 5, 58-9).


T h i s t e r m is used in its geographical rather than political sense for the

whole basin of the J u b a River south of about latitude 6° N . , and of its
principal western tributary, the Daua. T h e D a u a joins the J u b a at
Dolo, near the present meeting-place of the frontiers of Kenya, Ethiopia
and Italian Somaliland. I n t o and t h r o u g h this h u g e basin the Jurassic
limestones spread southward continuously from the H a r r a r region, on a
front nearlysix degrees wide (between longitude 3 9 and 4S°E.), overlapped
irregularly b o t h east and west by Cretaceous sediments and on the west
in part b y T e r t i a r y lavas. Before reaching t h e coast the Jurassic outcrop
narrows to a tongue along the J u b a River and finally disappears about
i° n o r t h of the equator and the sea, beneath Pleistocene and Holocene

deposits of the coastal plain. T h e s e deposits unfortunately deprive us

of cliff sections.
Knowledge of this region is largely due to Professor G . Stefanini,
who m a d e expeditions and collections, compiled a splendid geological
map, monographed many of the fossils himself, and organized a team of
specialists for a symposium (Stefanini, 1925, 1929, 1932, 1933, 1939).
T h e Kenya part of the region has been revised by Dixey (1948) and Ayers
(1952), and later by P . V. Caswell a n d P . Joubert, whose u n p u b l i s h e d
report has been kindly m a d e available to m e .
As in the more northerly parts of the trans-Erythraean trough, t h e Jurassic
and supposedly Jurassic deposits are divisible into a poorly fossiliferous
sandstone and shale group below, the L u g h Series, and a thick limestone
group above, the Bardera Series (including the synonymous J u b a a n d
Daua Limestones). Both localities are on the J u b a River. T h e Bardera
Limestone, where complete, exceeds 1000 m . in thickness in N E . K e n y a
and seems to represent most of the Jurassic, from Lower T o a r c i a n at
least to Kimeridgian. I n N E . Kenya it passes u p into the M a n d e r a Beds
(about 300 m. thick), which are possibly in part Lower Cretaceous a n d
in part Tithonian. I n Italian Somaliland, however, the Cretaceous
begins with marine Aptian limestones with Cheloniceras. T h e Mandera
Beds are unconformably overlain and overstepped by t h e M a r e h a n
Sandstone Series (c. 200 m.), which is presumed to b e Cretaceous.


T h e highest fossiliferous Jurassic in the region m a y b e a 1 ft. b a n d of

limestone crowded with Trigonia a n d other pelecypods, m o n o g r a p h e d
by Venzo (1949). According to unpublished work b y the Geological
Survey of Kenya this is in the U p p e r M a n d e r a Beds and so cannot b e
Bathonian as Venzo supposed.
F r o m T e d , E N E . of L u g h , and from M a n s u r , Idoceras rufanum D a c q u e
and Lithacoceras gananense Stefanini are recorded (Stefanini, 1933a,
p p . 44-5). T h e supporting faunas of Kimeridgian and Oxfordian ages
have been monographed b y Weir (1929) a n d Stefanini (1939). W e s t ­
wards the u p p e r parts of the limestone overlap the lower and in places
completely overlap the L u g h Series. Along t h e western edge of t h e
outcrop the u p p e r part of the limestone ends in an escarpment a b o u t
500 ft. high. T h e base of the limestone is in some places separated from
the basement complex b y nothing b u t a pebble bed, b u t in other places
grits, sandstones and conglomerates intervene (Dixey, 1948).


Although other mollusca, and also brachiopods, echinoids and corals,

abound in the Bardera Limestone, ammonites are scarce. F r o m K u k a t t a
on the J u b a River, Spath (1930, p . 43, fig. 1) and from T e d , E N E . of
Lugh, Stefanini (1933a, p . 40) have recorded the Plicatilis Zone form
Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes) africanus D a c q u e (see Arkell, 1939, M o n .

A m . E n g l . Corallian Beds, p p . lx, lxii). T h e presence of this zone was

confirmed by a small collection of fragmentary U p p e r Oxfordian Peri­
sphinctids from t h e ' L o w e r Shales' in the Limestone, sent m e in 1951
from the D a u a valley (Kenya), collected b y D r P . E. K e n t for t h e Anglo-
Iranian Oil Company. W i t h t h e m is a fragment of Dhosaites sp. indet.
F r o m a lower horizon at the same place were sent a fragment of Pelto-
ceratoides cf. constantii ( d ' O r b . ) and a large Euaspidoceras sp., t h e former
at least denoting the C o r d a t u m Zone. (Recorded in Ayers, 1952, p . 29.)
I n 1954 I received another collection from the 'Lower Shales' of the
R a h m u area; it consists of fragmentary b u t unmistakable Perisphinctids
and Mayaitids of the Plicatilis Zone.


Lower down the J u b a the limestones overlap south-eastward against the

granite of Matagoi. N o t far from where this happens, at Anole Issa, has
been found the only known occurrence of a Lower Callovian ammonite fauna
i n E a s t Africa a n d Arabia, between t h e equator and t h e 'fertile crescent.'
T h e assemblage comprises Kamptokephalites (close to the English herveyi)
and Indocephalites ?, Hecticoceras issa Stefanini (of the group of H. hecticum),
Sivajiceras, Choffatia, Grossouvria a n d Subgrossouvria (Stefanini, 1933a).
T h i s is the Macrocephalus Zone as developed in Cutch and Madagascar.


N e a r Bardera, on t h e Juba, the basal b e d of t h e Bardera Limestone is a

lumachelle composed of thick-shelled bivalves such as Megalodon, Isog-
nomon a n d Gervillia, with a coral, Montlivaltia. T o w a r d s the SE., near
Matagoi, this b e d overlaps t h e L u g h Series o n t o granite. A t M u d d o
E r r i are highly fossiliferous limestones with Eligmus and many other
fossils, comparable with t h e basal limestone of Bihendula in British
Somaliland (Weir, 1929, p . 14).


A n i m p o r t a n t new fossiliferous horizon was found by F . M . Ayers and

P. E. K e n t in 1951 on t h e far western escarpment of N E . Kenya, where
the Jurassic sediments feather out against the basement complex of the
African shield. T h e ammonites a n d other fossils (sent m e for determina­
tion in 1952) comprise t h e Bouleiceras assemblage of Madagascar and
central Arabia, including Bouleiceras arabicum Arkell and B. nitescens
T h e v e n i n , B. sp. nov. ?, Pecten ambongoensis Thev., Spiriferina rostrata
var. madagascariensis T h e v . , with other pelecypods, gastropods and corals.
T h e fossils were collected at D i d i m t u Hill, 5 miles south, slightly west,
from B u r M a y a a n d 80 miles north, slightly east, of Wajir. T h e bed
directly overlies the basal conglomerate, grits a n d sandstone (known as
t h e M a n s a G u d a formation), a n d t h e m e t a m o r p h i c basement complex
crops out not more than 2\ miles to the west. I t appears, therefore, that
there was a Lower Toarcian transgression over the shield, coinciding

with the advent of the first marine Jurassic fauna in Madagascar, British
Somaliland and central Arabia. T h i s horizon is included in the base
of the local Bardera ( = Daua) Limestone by the Geological Survey of
Kenya (Ayers, 1952, p . 9).


T h e L u g h Series of the type area, on the D a u a and J u b a Rivers, reaches

a thickness of about 130 m . Fossils found so far are inconclusive b u t point
to a Lower Lias or Rhaetic age (Stefanini, 1929, 1932). F r o m rather
above the middle there is a fish tooth identified as Eugnathus sp., a genus
occurring in the Lower Lias of L y m e Regis, and, from near the base,
teeth of Colobodus cf. maximus (Quenst.) and Hybodus minor Ag., which
are probably Hettangian or Rhaetic. N o t far above t h e base occurs a
small pelecypod, about 11 m m . long, comparable with Mytilus psilonoti
Quenst. of t h e Hettangian of Wvirttemberg. T h i s shell also occurs in
Algeria, where it is supposed to be Hettangian, and in the Isalo G r o u p
of Madagascar associated with Myophoria vulgaris, which indicates
U p p e r Trias.

Relation of the Jurassic Rocks to Rift Faulting

I t has sometimes been supposed t h a t in this region block-faulting
occurred between deposition of the basal L u g h Series and Bardera L i m e ­
stone, so that the Bardera Limestone was deposited in rift valleys between
upstanding sandstone blocks (Busk, 1939, 1945). I t has been confirmed,
however (Dixey, 1945, 1948), t h a t the u p s t a n d i n g blocks are outliers of
Marehan (Cretaceous) Sandstone resting on Bardera Limestone, so that
the relationships are as h a d previously been understood by Weir and
Parkinson. T h e r e is no evidence that any of the rift faulting is earlier than
in the Red Sea and Gulf of Suez, where it is clearly later t h a n the L o w e r
Eocene. (See also Pulfrey, 1947, p . 284.) T h e lavas, tuffs and ashes of
the Jubaland area are interbedded with the Tertiary sediments or overlie
them and the Jurassic limestones indiscriminately.


For about 300 miles south-westwards along the coast from the m o u t h of
the Juba River almost to M o m b a s a no Jurassic rocks are known. W i d e
low coastal plains covered with dunes and Pleistocene raised reefs lead back
indefinitely t o scrub-covered inland plains with thick quartzose superficial
covering, which feathers out u p o n the pre-Cambrian crystalline rocks of
the shield.
A b o u t fifty miles north of M o m b a s a there begins a narrow o u t c r o p of
Jurassic rocks, chiefly shales with nodules, b u t including limestones,
running parallel to the coast between a fringe of late Tertiary and Pleisto­
cene sands and reefs and a hilly hinterland of D u r u m a Sandstone. T h e
D u r u m a Sandstone contains a Permian Palaeoanodonta in t h e lower part,
Triassic Estheriae and plants (Carpolithes, Thuyites and Equisetites) in the

middle part, a n d remains of monkey-puzzle trees (Dadoxylon) of indefinite

date i n t h e u p p e r part. T h e D u r u m a Sandstone is of great b u t undeter­
m i n e d thickness. T h e Jurassic appears to rest against it with marked
unconformity, b u t t h e r e m a y b e extensive faulting at t h e junction.
(Gregory, 1921, chapter iv ; M c K i n n o n Wood, 1930, p p . 219-21.)
T h e coastal strip of Jurassic rocks, overlain b y Cretaceous farther
south, b u t interrupted at intervals b y a blanket of Tertiary and Quaternary

FIG. 46.—Geological sketch-map of the Kenya coastland. Based on sheet 4, Mombasa-

Nairobi, E.A. Survey Group, November 1942, compiled by A. Huddleston. (For
detail of the Mombasa district, see fig. 47.)

deposits, stretches southwards t h r o u g h Tanganyika almost to Portuguese

East Africa. W h e t h e r it continues beyond t h e b o r d e r u n d e r g r o u n d is not
known, b u t t h e Cretaceous coastal strip stretches for 750 miles t o
M o z a m b i q u e , where it is c u t off b y t h e south-westward t u r n of t h e coast.
Despite t h e present discontinuity of t h e outcrops there is n o d o u b t
that t h e U p p e r Jurassic deposits, from t h e Callovian upward, were
formed in direct marine communication with those of Jubaland and t h e
T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough. I n t h e neighbourhood of M o m b a s a reappears
t h e Macrocephalus Zone first m e t at Anole Issa in southern Jubaland a n d
the same strongly-developed U p p e r Oxfordian and Lower to M i d d l e

Kimeridgian already familiar in Abyssinia and Somaliland. I n addition

there are some ammonites of the Lower Oxfordian and a strong fauna of
M i d d l e - U p p e r Callovian date, b u t no Jurassic assemblage later t h a n
Middle Kimeridgian.
T h e greatest interest of the M o m b a s a Jurassics attaches, however, to
earlier Bathonian and Bajocian assemblages, here m e t with for t h e first
time in going southwards. T h e s e faunas consist largely of Phylloceratidae
and Lytoceratidae, families of the open ocean. W e have evidently here
passed out of the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough and into a broader sea which
extended to Cutch and connected r o u n d t h e east side of t h e Arabo-Somali
island with the T e t h y s of Persia and the Caucasus. T h e Bathonian
ammonites, being largely Phylloceratidae, fail to give an exact indication
of age relative to the neritic standard succession in N W . E u r o p e , b u t it is
probable that they are older t h a n the U p p e r Bathonian shallow-water
deposits of the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough, M a g h a r a and Palestine. T h e
Eligmus-Gryphaea costellata fauna of pelecypods is not found in Kenya,
b u t this could be due to facies difference. N o r can the M o m b a s a Bathonian
be compared to the ammonite-bearing Bathonian of central Arabia,
for Phylloceratidae and Lytoceratidae, so far as known, did not penetrate
into the T u w a i q bay.
F r o m the Callovian to the M i d d l e Kimeridgian, as elsewhere, t h e r e is
m u c h less local differentiation of facies, and b o t h the M o m b a s a coast
and the Trans-Erythraean trough were in free communication with b o t h
Cutch and Europe.
T h e following synopsis of the Jurassic column is based mainly on the
works of D a c q u e (1910, 1914) and Spath (1920, 1930, 1933—Cutch pt. 6).
N o w that many ammonites have been figured and their chronological
significance has been pointed out, a great deal remains to be done by zonal
collecting to establish the detailed succession and to relate the individual
assemblages more closely to the local stratigraphy. At present the records
are to some extent conflicting: for instance, although the Changamwe
Shale contains both Kimeridgian and U p p e r Oxfordian faunas, it is said
to overlie Coroa Mombasa and other limestones which in part also contain
Kimeridgian forms. T h e s e anomalies will no d o u b t be resolved b y local
workers in the future. Meanwhile the stratigraphical succession given
by M c K i n n o n W o o d (1930, p . 221), with revised stage-dating in t h e light
of Spath's 1.933 work and t h e present author's comments which follow,
is best placed here separate from the synopsis of the ammonite succession.
It is as follows:—

C h a n g a m w e Shale . . . . . Middle and Lower Kimeridgian and

U p p e r Oxfordian
Coroa M o m b a s a and other limestones and
Rabai Shale . U p p e r and L o w e r Oxfordian
M i r i t i n i Shale Callovian
Kibiongoni Beds ? Callovian
Kambe Limestone B a t h o n i a n ( a n d U p p e r Bajocian ?)
Posidonia Shale M i d d l e ( a n d U p p e r ?) Bajocian

Posidonia alpina (= ornati) occurs in some localities with Callovian

(loc. 18) and even higher ammonites (loc. 25), as well as in the M i d d l e
Large collections have been received while this book was in the press,
a n d only brief mention of some of t h e m can be inserted in proof. F o r
correlation see T a b l e 16, p p . 310-11.


F r o m t h e eastern slopes of Coroa Mombasa, Spath (1930, p . 63, 1933,
p . 818) records Phylloceras aff. saxonicum Neumayr, Taramelliceras cf.
kachhense (Waagen), Lithacoceras sp., Katroliceras sp., Subdichotomo-
ceras sp., Pachysphinctes major Spath, P. habyensis Spath, Aspidoceras
wynnei (Waagen), Hybonoticeras aff. hybonotum (Oppel) and H. sp. nov.
' T h i s is clearly a M i d d l e Kimeridgian assemblage, referable to the Beckeri
Zone', and it is the highest Jurassic assemblage yet obtained from Kenya.
T o the list should b e added Katroliceras pottingeri (Sow.), figured by
F u t t e r e r (1894, pi. i) and Spath (1931, Cutch, pi. cii, figs. 5 a-d) as identical
with the C u t c h species, and Hybonoticeras hildebrandti (Beyrich) figured
by F u t t e r e r (1894, pi. iii).


T o t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian belong many Changamwe Shale ammonites,

especially the c o m m o n Perisphinctes (Torquatisphinctes) beyrichi Futterer
(1894, pi. ii) and m a n y Aspidoceratids such as A. iphicerum (Oppel),
A. iphiceroides Waagen, A. aff. longispinum (Sow.), A. kilindianum Dacque
a n d Physodoceras liparum (Oppel), also Holcophylloceras polyolcum
(Benecke) and a b u n d a n t Belemnopsis tanganensis (Futterer). T h e D'Arcy
Exploration C o m p a n y collected most of these at M t w a p a Creek, north of
M o m b a s a , and with t h e m were Taramelliceras cf. kachhense (Waagen)
and Perisphinctes cf. mombassanum D a c q u e .


B i m a m m a t u m Zone. T o this zone probably belong most of t h e Peri­

sphinctids figured from the M o m b a s a area by D a c q u e (1910) and placed
b y h i m in t h e U p p e r Oxfordian b u t subsequently stated b y S p a t h to b e
Kimeridgian: namely, P. (Discosphinctes) fraasi D a c q u e , P . (D.) mombas­
sanum D a c q u e at least in part, P . (Dichotomosphinctes) krapfi Dacque,
and P . (D) inconstans Spath, 1925 (=- P . virguloides Dacque, 1910, pi. iii,
fig. 1, non W a a g e n ) ; also P . (Dichotomoceras) anomalum Spath (1930,
p . 45, pi. vi, fig. 1), which is close to P . (D.) dichotomoides Arkell of the
English Pseudocordata Zone and doubtless contemporary with the
Ringsteadiae figured by Scott from Abyssinia (see p . 316). T o this zone
belong several Taramelliceras recorded by Spath and a Perisphinctes
(Orthosphinctes) aff. tiziani (Oppel) collected by M r Caswell at Tangila.
T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone. A n interesting assemblage of this zone, well
preserved in clay-ironstone, has been collected by M r P . V. Caswell of
the Geological Survey of Kenya from surface outcrops of t h e Coroa
Mombasa limestone and shales at Tangila, S W . of M o m b a s a , and at the
brickyard and pier east of Port Reitz Hotel. M y determinations of some
60 specimens include

Perisphinctes (Perisphinctes) anabreviceps D a c q u e

Perisphinctes (Perisphinctes) virguloides D a c q u e 1914 non Waagen
Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) orientalis Siemiradzki (common)
Perisphinctes (Kranaosphinctes) africanus D a c q u e
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) cf. dobrogensis Simionescu
Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) spp. indet.
Prograyiceras bassei Basse & Perrodon
Prograyiceras aff. alfuricum (Boehm)
Epimayaites cf. sublemoini Spath
Epimayaites cf. axonoides Spath

It is remarkable that the Mayaitids (which are nearly as a b u n d a n t as the

Perisphinctids in individuals) resemble Madagascan, C u t c h a n d Indonesian
species but not those figured from M t a r u in Tanganyika by T o r n q u i s t
(see p . 328). Another collection sent later b y the D ' A r c y Exploration Co.
from a different part of t h e shore of Port Reitz, however, contains Mayaites
stuhlmanni (Torn.), Epimayaites cf. lemoini Spath and n u m e r o u s Dhosaites
rabai (Dacque), associated with Perisphinctes maximus (Y. & B.) and
Belemnopsis tanganensis (Futterer).


F r o m Tangila M r Caswell also sent m e fragments of a giant Euaspidoceras

cf. acuticostatum (Young & Bird), in a calcareous sandstone matrix from a
shale. T h i s suggests the C o r d a t u m Zone. Peltoceras aff. arduennense
Dacque (1910, pi. i, fig. 7) seems to be a Parawedekindia of about the same


T h e Miritini Shale of M o m b a s a has yielded several species indicative

of U p p e r Callovian: especially some of the Grossouvriae and Binati­
sphinctes recorded by Spath (1930), which compare best with forms from
the Hackness Rock of Yorkshire (condensed Athleta and L a m b e r t i
Zones). Sindeites sindensis Spath (1933, p . 816) is a C u t c h M i d d l e
Callovian species, but no Reineckeidae and n o Erymnoceras are so far
known, which suggests that the M i d d l e Callovian is missing or not yet


Macrocephalitids of the subgenera Kamptokephalites, Dolikephalites

and Pleurocephalites are recorded by Spath (1930, p . 6 5 ; 1933, p . 816)

and prove the presence of the Macrocephalus Z o n e : all three are character­
istic of t h e English U p p e r Cornbrash. W i t h t h e m are Sivajiceras of the

F I G . 47.—Geological m a p of t h e M o m b a s a district, after Caswell (simplified). Based o n

t h e M o m b a s a a n d Kilifi s h e e t s of t h e K e n y a Geological S u r v e y m a p s , 1953 a n d 1954.

L o w e r Callovian of Cutch, and various Indosphinctes and Choffatia of

b o t h I n d i a n and E u r o p e a n Lower Callovian species. Nuclei of Macro­
cephalites and Dolikephalites also occur in 'the undoubtedly Bathonian
fauna of locality 19' on the K e n y a - U g a n d a railway (Spath, 1930, p . 6 6 ;
1933, p . 815), which proves that the age of the fauna is Lower Callovian,
Macrocephalus Zone.


It is probable that the K a m b e coral limestone is Bathonian and correlates

with the coral limestones of H a r r a r and M a t u m b i , a n d with the T a n g a
Limestone, b u t palaeontological proof is still lacking.
An assemblage of small limonitic ammonite casts collected from an o u t ­
crop of presumed K a m b e Limestone by J. W . Gregory (Spath, 1920)
consists mainly of Phylloceratids, which indicates a direct T e t h y a n
connexion, not by way of the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough. T h e list (Spath,
1920 ; 1930, p . 66) i s : —

Phylloceras aff. kudernatschi (Hauer)

Phylloceras cf. kunthi N e u m a y r
Calliphylloceras cf. disputabile (Zittel)
Holcophylloceras zignodianum (d'Orb.)
Sowerbyceras aff. tortisulcatum (d'Orb.)
Nannolytoceras cf. tripartitum (Raspail)
Oppelia sp. indet.
? Oecotraustes sp. indet.
Cadomites cf. tenuicostatum (Hochstetter)

T h e age of this assemblage may b e U p p e r Bajocian (see Spath, 1933,

p . 815, footnote), b u t Bathonian is m o r e likely.


From Posidonia shales, the lowest Jurassic rocks known to be exposed

in the M o m b a s a district, Spath (1933, p . 815) identified an assemblage like
that described b y Gemmellaro from Posidonia shales in Sicily. 'The
most obvious feature of the fauna is the predominance of Phylloceras;
out of 343 specimens from three localities no fewer t h a n 240 are Phyllo­
ceratids. Lytoceras (Polystomiceras and Nannolytoceras) comes next,
with 76 specimens, and the remaining forms belong to Oppelia (7), Oeco­
traustes (2), Dorsetensia (1), Stephanoceras (15), Morphoceras} (1) a n d
Spiroceras (1)'. A fragment of a small Dorsetensia was figured (Spath,
1930, p . 32, pi. i, fig. 5). T h e Spiroceras is U p p e r Bajocian, b u t t h e
Dorsetensia is M i d d l e Bajocian in all parts of t h e world. Presumably
b o t h M i d d l e and U p p e r Bajocian are represented.


A strip of Jurassic rocks, separated from the sea by narrow b a n d s of

Cretaceous and Tertiary, runs almost t h e whole length of the Tanganyika
coast, from T a n g a in latitude 5 S. to L i n d i in latitude io° S. I t is

i n t e r r u p t e d in at least two places by faulting or overstep by the later

systems; especially in the central region where the Tertiary outcrop is
exceptionally wide and where the Ruvu and Rufiji Rivers have masked
m u c h country with alluvium. T h e Jurassic outcrops fall naturally into
t h r e e g r o u p s : ( i ) T a n g a in the n o r t h ; (2) the hinterland of Dar-es-Salaam
in the centre, k n o w n chiefly along the railway that crosses the outcrops
on its way inland to M o r o g o r o ; (3) the hinterland of Kilwa, Kiswere,
a n d Lindi in the south. T h e southern area includes the famous
locality, T e n d a g u r u , one of t h e most celebrated dinosaur sites in the
I n the n o r t h a n d central districts the Jurassic begins with undated or
poorly dated shales a n d sandstones, of which t h e oldest fossils found a t
outcrop are pelecypods and gastropods of t h e Lower Oolites; and these
rest u p o n thick continental sandstones correlated with the Karroo (Permo-
Triassic in age ?). I n part at least the latter are a continuation of the
D u r u m a Sandstone of Kenya. T h e y contain coal-seams with many kinds
of plants, a marine U p p e r Permian intercalation in the u p p e r part, and
freshwater pelecypods, reptiles and plants elsewhere. T h e fossils
suggest that the highest beds are equivalent to the Stormberg (highest)
division of the Karroo and probably Rhaetic in age; they are transgressive
over t h e earlier divisions.
I n t h e southern district t h e Jurassic rests in places directly on the
crystalline basement complex and the U p p e r Jurassic overlaps the Lower.

Tanga and the Hinterland of Dar-es-Salaam

All the Jurassic formations of this area have been grouped together
as the R u v u Beds by H e n n i g (1924, p . 114). Although the term seems
to have been adopted by the Geological Survey (Wade, 1937, p . 48) it
is r e d u n d a n t , since it includes stages of very different ages and lithologies,
from Bajocian to Oxfordian or even Kimeridgian inclusive. T h e u n d e r ­
lying 'Ngerengere Beds', in which H e n n i g implied there are representatives
of every stage of t h e E u r o p e a n Lias, are unfossiliferous and lithologically
form part of t h e K a r r o o (Wade, 1937, p . 44).
T h e following is a synopsis of t h e a m m o n i t e faunas (or, failing a m m o ­
nites, other fossils), with their dates according to the classification
here adopted, known from outcrops and borings and from sections
along t h e railway between Dar-es-Salaam a n d Morogoro ( T a b l e 16,
p p . 310-11).


T h e highest fossiliferous Jurassic rocks so far known occur near Tanga

at U s u m b a r a and the M k u l u m u s i estuary, where they have yielded
Balanocidaris glandifera and brachiopods (etc.) of the Lower Kimeridgian
a n d possibly u p p e r m o s t Oxfordian of Syria and the Lebanon (Jaekel,
1893). K o e r t (1904) confirmed that these beds overlie the Oxfordian

FIG. 48.—Geological s k e t c h - m a p of T a n g a n y i k a , b a s e d o n t h e Geological

Survey m a p .

shales with septaria. ( D a c q u e (1910, p p . 48, 49) appears to have over­

looked K o e r t ' s confirmation of Jaekel's dating, and tried to make this
fauna Callovian—an impossibility.)


T w o Oxfordian faunas have been figured from the neighbourhood

of T a n g a : a series of Mayaitids from M t a r u Hill on the right bank of t h e
Pangani River opposite Chogwe, collected from septarian nodules in a
blue-grey marl ( T o r n q u i s t , 1893); and some of the same Mayaitids with
Aspidoceratids and Perisphinctids from lithologically similar beds (pyritic
concretions in a clay-shale) near Mkusi, S W . of T a n g a (Futterer, 1894,
p. i ft).

T h e M t a r u assemblage consists of four peculiar species of Mayaites,

M. olcostephanoides, M. panganensis (a Pachyceras ?), M. stuhlmanni,
M. horologicum, all of T o r n q u i s t , and some Perisphinctids. T h e only
identifiable Perisphinctid is P. mtaruensis Tornquist, which appears to b e
a Kranaosphinctes so far as form, coiling and ribbing show, but the suture
has a m u c h smaller, simpler and less retracted suspensive lobe. T o r n q u i s t
correctly recognized the Mayaitids as Oxfordian and correlated the bed
with the Dhosa Oolite of C u t c h . Spath (1933, p . 819) accepted t h e
correlation. T h e date of the Dhosa Oolite is basal U p p e r Oxfordian
(Plicatilis Zone) a n d highest Lower Oxfordian ( C o r d a t u m Zone); b u t this
is not the same as the U p p e r Oxfordian fauna of Tangila in Kenya (see
P- 323)-
T h e M k u s i assemblage is smaller b u t gives the same date. It comprises
Mayaites aff. stuhlmanni T o r n q u i s t a n d M. olcostephanoides Tornquist,
Kranaosphinctes africanus (Dacque) (Futterer, 1894, pi. v, fig. 1), Euas­
pidoceras africanum (Futterer) and E. depressum (Futterer). T h e two
species of Euaspidoceras can be dated with confidence to the lower part of
t h e Plicatilis Zone (perarmatum and catena beds of England). The
M t a r u Mayaitids are therefore older t h a n those of Kenya.
T h e same type of Euaspidoceras occurs also in the so-called 'Oxford-
Bank' near the top of the section by k m . 119 on the Dar-es-Salaam railway
(Hennig, 1924, p . 93); a n d what appears to be another Mayaites has been
figured from behind Saadani (Futterer, 1894, p . 40, pi. vi, fig. 1).
T h e most extensive fauna of lowest U p p e r Oxfordian age so far known
was collected by M r W . G. Aitken of the Geological Survey of Tanganyika
and sent m e for study in 1951. It comes from a band of sandy limestone
possibly 2 ft. thick, in a sandstone series which forms two ridges cut
t h r o u g h b y t h e W a m i River about 3 miles from the 'Fall Line' scarp.
T h e spot from which t h e collection came is on the south bank of the
river east of Kwa Dikwaso (Bagamoyo Hinterland). A m o n g 48 specimens,
mainly fragments, are the following 16 species:

Phylloceras aff. subobtusum (Kudernatsch)

Calliphylloceras cf. disputabile (Zittel)
Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum (Quenst.) ( = subptychoicum Dacque)
Sowerbyceras sp.
Taramelliceras cf. flexuosum (Munster)
Mayaites cf. subtumidus (Waagen)
Euaspidoceras depressum (Futterer)
Euaspidoceras cf. riazi (Collot)
Euaspidoceras cf. douvillei (Collot)
Mirosphinctes aff. frickensis (Moesch)
Perisphinctes rotoides Ronchadze
Perisphinctes cf. antecedens Salfeld
Perisphinctes cf. gresslyi de Loriol
Perisphinctes cf. pickeringius (Young & Bird)
Perisphinctes africanus D a c q u e (or burui Boehm)

T h e Perisphinctids indicate lowest Plicatilis Zone ( H i g h w o r t h L i m e ­

stones), b u t there are also some elements suggestive of the highest
C o r d a t u m Zone. T h i s also must be earlier t h a n the Tangila fauna of
Kenya (p. 323).


A quarry in siliceous limestone near Pendambili station, worked d u r i n g

construction of the railway from Dar-es-Salaam to Morogoro, yielded a
splendid collection to an engineer named Kinkelin. After h i m was n a m e d
Proplanulites kinkelini D a c q u e , which later became type species of the
genus Kinkeliniceras Buckman (Fraas, 1908 ; D a c q u e , 1910 ; H e n n i g ,
1924, p . 60 ff.). T h e ammonites from here comprise Phylloceras aff.
haloricum H a u e r (Hennig, 1924, p . 76, pi. iii, fig. 12), Calliphylloceras
disputabile (Zittel), Lytoceras cf. adeloides Kudernatsch, Kinkeliniceras
kinkelini (Dacque), K. pendambilianum (Dacque), Hubertoceras cf. ompha-
lodes (Waagen), Peltoceratoides ngerengereanum (Dacque). T h i s is an
U p p e r Callovian assemblage (Athleta-Lamberti Zones). Against it
Hennig's addition (1924, p . 82) of a Cadoceras (which would indicate
Lower Callovian) cannot be trusted. Probably also U p p e r Callovian
is Euaspidoceras horridum Miiller sp. (1900, p . 528 and pis.), from
Another U p p e r Callovian fauna was collected b y D r P . E. K e n t in 1951
a quarter-mile from M k u l u m u z i Bridge, near T a n g a , in a soft buff sandy
limestone with ochreous fossils. T h e ammonites here comprise an
assemblage of Binatisphinctes spp. of the style of B. fluctuosus (Pratt)
and B. welschi and B. robauxi G e r a r d & Contaut, with Grossouvria and
Subgrossouvria. I t is comparable with the fauna of the Miritini Shale
of Mombasa (see p . 323).


Near the 5-5 k m . milestone from T a n g a on the U s a m b a r a railway a

path formerly led off N N W . , and about 2-1 k m . along it an ironshot

oolite crops out. T h e oolite contains m a n y cephalopods and brachiopods,

fewer gastropods. I t is interbedded in a n d near t h e base of a series of
shales with septarian nodules, and was proved in borings to overlie the
(Bathonian?) limestones mentioned below, t h o u g h in some borings it
was absent, which shows that it is impersistent. G. Miiller identified
the following ammonites (Koert, 1904): Holcophylloceras mediterraneum
(Neumayr), Ptychophylloceras feddeni (Waagen), Macrocephalites macro­
cephalus (Schlotheim), 'Sphaeroceras' bullatum (d'Orb.), Perisphinctes
funatus (Oppel). T h e s e have never been figured, and apparently never
seen by an ammonite specialist. P e n d i n g that, j u d g m e n t m u s t be reserved,
b u t if t h e 'Sphaeroceras bullatum' is a Kheraiceras (as it might well be),
the horizon may be the Macrocephalus Zone.


F r o m superposition proved in t h e borings, t h e limestone that forms t h e

hills at Sigi a n d M k u l u m u s i , near T a n g a , is presumably Bathonian (Koert,
1904). T h e beds are h a r d and contain poorly preserved fossils of little
value for dating. T h e facies is called pelagic and compared by Dacque
(1909, p . 162) to the Antalo Limestone of Abyssinia. Behind Saadarii
it has yielded Eopecten abjectus, Camptonectes lens, Trigonia 'costata',
Rhynchonella, etc.
O n t h e Dar-es-Salaam to Morogoro railway there is no satisfactory
evidence for dating anything below the U p p e r Callovian limestone of the
'Kinkelin quarry'. T h e profile given b y F r a a s (1908, p . 645) at Pendambili
is said by H e n n i g (1924, p . 59) to be 'strongly composite' and to some
extent m u d d l e d . H e n n i g m a d e out a detailed succession of unimportant
beds, without thicknesses, which have not been accepted by the Geological
Survey (Wade, 1937, p . 48). At the base, however, in a band called
'Reek's fossil-bed' a n d an overlying limestone, the Kidugallo Oolite,
there occurs a faunule of pelecypods and gastropods which suggest early
Bajocian: they include Eopecten abjectus a n d Variamussium pumilum.
T h e Bajocian grades d o w n into Ngerengere Sandstones along the railway,
a n d at M a t u l i i n shaly sandstone has been recorded a Leioceras sp.
(Hennig, 1924, p p . 10-12).
I n 1951, borings in search of material for cement, 5 miles north of
Kidugallo on the Central Railway (75 miles from Dar-es-Salaam), passed
t h r o u g h 90 m . of uniform carbonaceous shales with some bedding-planes
covered with small crushed Posidonia ornati Quenst. F r o m the cores
were sent m e crushed specimens of Planammatoceras sp., with ? Leioceras
and ? Ludwigia, indicative of t h e Lower Bajocian (Opalinum or M u r c h i ­
sonae Zones).


Along t h e Dar-es-Salaam railway t h e M i d d l e Jurassic marine beds

pass down into Ngerengere Sandstones, with thin bands of oolitic

limestone in the u p p e r part, b u t n o fossils. T h e y are arkosic and pass

down into arkoses, probably Triassic in age, which rest on the basement

The Kilwa-Kiswere-Lindi Hinterland

I n general the structure is similar to that of n o r t h e r n Tanganyika, except
that the Tertiary coastal belt is narrower and the Cretaceous plateau is
wider. T h e Cretaceous overlaps the Jurassic, which is gently folded along
north to south axes and crops out in a network of valleys cut into t h e
plateau. T h e capping of the plateau consists of Neocomian and Aptian
beds (variously called the M a k o n d e and L i n d i formations) and rises to
heights of about 400 to 600 m . above the sea. T h e whole country is
thickly covered with bush.
T h e fullest and most complete Jurassic outcrops occur in the hinterland
of Kiswere, along the M a n d a w a River and its tributaries. Part of the
area was described by Hennig (1937). D u r i n g 1951 M r W . G. Aitken
of the Geological Survey made a reconnaisance of m u c h of the area and
for the first time measured t h e formations, and D r P . E. K e n t for the
D'Arcy Exploration C o m p a n y also visited, with him, some of the sections
and made collections and valuable observations. T h e y proved an u n s u s -
pectedly great development of U p p e r Jurassic marine strata to a total
thickness of about 735 m., lying in a trough of deposition parallel to the
present coast and thinning rapidly inland against the crystalline shield.
It has been my privilege to study the remarkable collections of ammonites
made by the Geological Survey and D r K e n t and to have the use of their
unpublished field data and diagrams. T h e ammonites prove the presence
of marine faunas ranging from M i d d l e Callovian to Tithonian, the high­
light being a splendid assemblage of the Anceps Zone in p u r e Cutch
development, hitherto u n k n o w n in Africa.
T h e general succession is as follows (Aitken, 1954, 1955):—

T r i g o n i a smeei S a n d s t o n e s : u p t o 165 m . Tithonian and U p p e r

S e p t a r i a n M a r l s : u p t o 390 m . Kimeridgian
U n n a m e d beds (Nerinella Sandstones pro parte): Oxfordian and Callovian
u p to 180 m .
P i n d i r o B e d s ( u n k n o w n t h i c k n e s s ) a n d coral l i m e s t o n e Supposed Middle Jurassic
of M a t u m b i p l a t e a u (no ammonites)
? Basal s a n d s t o n e s (in n o r t h only) ?


T h e presence of at least a Lower T i t h o n i a n fauna comparable with

that of the Lower U m i a formation of C u t c h is attested by some ammonites
in a coarse pebbly grit. One, from a locality on t h e K i k u n d i stream, is a
large Micracanthocer as sp. T h e remainder, from farther south, are poorly-
preserved Perisphinctids so finely ribbed as to be comparable only to
Virgatosphinctes communis Spath of the Lower U m i a .


T h e u p p e r p a r t of t h e thick mass of yellowish marls with septaria yields

in a b u n d a n c e , preserved in t h e septaria, an assemblage of Pachysphinctes
and Aspidoceras monographed by Dietrich (1925) from an outcrop on the
M a h o k o n d o stream, 25 k m . N W . of Kiswere harbour. Collections of
these ammonites, in the same preservation, were sent me by M r Aitken
and b y D r K e n t from t h e vicinity of Nchia village and river (a tributary
of t h e M a n d a w a ) . Dietrich handled over 200 Perisphinctids and over
100 Aspidoceratids from M a h o k o n d o and remarked that these two genera
greatly predominate over all other forms, b u t t h a t besides some other
ammonites there were pelecypods, brachiopods, Crustacea and drift wood,
indicating a neritic environment. T h e full list of ammonites, incorporating
some nomenclatural revisions, is as follows:—
Lytoceras aff. fraasi D a c q u e
Phylloceras cf. subplicatius Burckhardt
Ptychophylloceras ptychoicum (Quenst.)
Holcophylloceras mesolcum (Dietrich)
Glochiceras aff. fialar (Oppel)
Taramelliceras cf. compsum (Oppel)
Taramelliceras cf. harpoceroides Burckhardt
Streblites futtereri (Miiller)
Streblites cf. planopicta Dietrich (non Uhlig?)
Pachysphinctes africogermanus Dietrich
Pachysphinctes mahokondobeyrichi (Dietrich)
Pachysphinctes recki Dietrich
Pachysphinctes mulleri Burckhardt ( = P. elizabethae Miiller non de
'Idoceras' mahokondobalderus Dietrich (gen. indet.)
Nebrodites aethiopicoherbichi Dietrich
Aspidoceras richthofeni Miiller ( = A. kilindinianum Dacque)
As Dietrich rightly perceived; this is a fauna of the Mutabilis a n d / o r
Pseudomutabilis Zones (Lower Kimeridgian).


F r o m the top of the underlying beds, a varied sequence of sandstones,

m a r l s a n d sandy limestones, 180 m . thick, M r Aitken has collected a large,
well-preserved Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) maximus (Young & Bird),
tending towards P. (A.) cotovui Simionescu, and Perisphinctes orientalis
Siem, P. cf. ingens (Y. & B.), P. antecedens Salf., P. wartae Buk., P. cf.
dobrogensis Sim., Euaspidoceras depressum (Fut.) and a Mayaitid; ah
assemblage which gives a firm dating to t h e Plicatilis Zone.


At various localities on the several rivers that unite to form the Mandawa
River, a n d at a lower level in the series, Aitken collected well-preserved
Middle Callovian ammonites belonging mainly to species figured from t h e
Anceps and Rehmanni Zones of Cutch. Species sent m e u p to 1954
include the following:—
Calliphylloceras disputabile (Zittel) (== demidoffi Rousseau?)
Holcophylloceras and Ptychophylloceras
Lytoceras adeloides (Kudernatsch)
Indosphinctes cf. indicus (Siemiradzki)
Indosphinctes pseudopatina (Parona & Bonarelli)
Choffatia aff. difficilis (Buckman)
Grossouvria spp.
Obtusicostites cf. ushas Spath or buckmani Spath
Kinkeliniceras discoideum Spath
Kinkeliniceras subwaageni Spath
Sivajiceras aureum Spath
Sivajiceras aff. kleidos Spath
Sivajiceras cf. fissum (Sow.)
Hubertoceras arcicosta (Waagen)
Hubertoceras dhosaense (Waagen)
Hubertoceras omphalodes (Waagen)
Sindeites sp. (fragment collected by P. E. K e n t )
Dacque (1910, p p . 53, 56) had reported U p p e r Callovian in a hard siliceous
limestone 24- 5 km. N W . of Kiswere, by the M a h o k o n d o stream, b u t if it
was this fauna that he encountered, he certainly dated it too late.

Older Jurassic rocks are exposed n o r t h of the M a r a n d u River, in t h e

M a t u m b i (Mtumbei) plateau, b u t they have so far yielded no ammonites.
I n about 120 m . of sandstones and sandy oolites ( K e n t M S . ) there is a
limestone with corals, calcareous algae and pelecypods, from which such
Bathonian forms as Trigonia pullus and Eopecten abjectus, with Rhyn­
chonella lotharingica, are recorded (Muller, 1900; D a c q u e & Krenkel,
1909, p . 163).
N o t far north of the M b e m k u r u River, at a point about equidistant
from Kilwa and Lindi, H e n n i g (1937) has described folded beds (Pindiro
Shales) which he claims are Bajocian or Bathonian and overlain u n c o n -
formably by unfolded Oxfordian and Kimeridgian. But the palaeonto-
logical evidence for t h e age of t h e Pindiro Shales is slender and t h e
tectonic interpretation requires confirmation.

Thirty-eight miles N W . of the port of L i n d i is t h e famous locality of
Tendaguru, where great quantities of dinosaur bones were excavated from
the uppermost Jurassic b y a G e r m a n expedition in 1909-12 and b y a
British M u s e u m expedition from 1925 onwards. T h e dinosaurs comprise
chiefly Sauropoda, including Brachiosaurus, or Gigantosaurus, the largest
land animal known to have lived on earth, with some Ornithopoda. (See

Janensch, 1914; Parkinson, 1930a.) Some, including Brachiosaurus,

occur also in t h e M o r r i s o n formation of Colorado, W y o m i n g and Utah.
T h e geological age of these beds has given rise to m u c h discussion and
m a n y conflicting opinions, unfortunately not u n t o u c h e d by nationalistic
feeling. I t is now, however, settled beyond reasonable d o u b t on t h e basis of
ammonites b y the work of Dietrich (1927, 1933, 1933a) and Spath (1933).
T h e chief cause of difficulty is the fact that T e n d a g u r u lies near the
Mesozoic shoreline, with the result that the 73 5 m. of marine U p p e r Jurassic
formations j u s t described (unbottomed) in t h e Kiswere hinterland have
partly thinned and partly wedged out until at T e n d a g u r u they are repre­
sented by only 120 m . of beds, resting directly on gneiss of the basement
complex. I n addition, a large part of the strata have become fluvio-marine
o r 'estuarine', with disappearance of the m a r i n e fossils.
Above the Jurassic dinosaur beds there is an inferred (but seldom
perceptible) disconformity, on which follow Lower Cretaceous Trigonia
schwarzi beds (Hauterivian-Barremian), which pass u p into Aptian
T h e Jurassic beds, to which the n a m e T e n d a g u r a Beds is best restricted,
form a mainly sandy series of alternating or cyclic coarse to pebbly sand­
stones, fine sandstones, silts, and sandy clays, often well laminated and
occasionally greyish-green or reddish in colour. T h e r e is m u c h variation
also along t h e strike. T h e bedding-planes change direction frequently,
as if material had been deposited from a slowly-moving quicksand,
and there are clay pellets of 'desiccation breccia' type. Elsewhere the
silts are well laminated, as if deposited in still water. T h e T e n d a g u r u
Beds, in fact, are products of a large river subject t o tropical floods and
desiccation. T h e sea was never far off, perhaps kept out by a lagoon b a r ;
occasionally it broke t h r o u g h and drifted in ammonites and other marine
shells, which t h u s alternate in succession with products of the river and
land, including t h e dinosaur bones (Parkinson, 1930).
T h e G e r m a n expeditions established the following detailed sequence,
which, owing to facies changes and local variations, is admittedly schematic
(Dietrich, 1933, 1933a):—
[ G a p above: then Trigonia schwartzi Sandstone]
U p p e r Saurian b e d
Smeei b e d : sandstone packed w i t h Trigonia smeei
Littoral bed with Cyrena and Mytilus
M i d d l e Saurian bed
Littoral b e d with Cyrena and Mytilus
Nerinella b e d : sandstone with Trigonia dietrichi
Lower Saurian bed
[Gneiss below]

T h e r e is no significant difference between t h e vertebrate faunas of

the three saurian b e d s : which suggests that the whole series did not take
a geologically long time to form.
Unfortunately Trigonia smeei was recorded in the earlier reports as
from both the Smeei bed and the overlying Cretaceous, and since Kitchin
(1929) believed it t o b e Cretaceous, a n d t h o u g h t some of t h e other mollusca
were of the same age, he supposed that the Jurassic ammonites in t h e
Tendagura Beds m u s t have been derived and that the whole series was
Cretaceous. It is now known that Trigonia smeei is in fact Jurassic and
does not occur in the T. schwartzi beds, and that no ammonite showing
signs of derivation has been found (Dietrich, 1933, 1933a; Spath, 1935).
N o r is there any satisfactory evidence that t h e T e n d a g u r u Nerinella
(or 'Nerinea') Bed, only a few feet thick, is on the same horizon as any
part of the 180 m. of 'Nerinella Beds' in the Kiswere hinterland, and some
confusion may have arisen t h r o u g h correlation of the two. O n t h e contrary,
neither Callovian nor Oxfordian ammonites have been found at T e n d a g u r u ,
where the few ammonites known from the Nerinella Bed are late K i m e r ­
idgian and not m u c h older than those in t h e Smeei Bed.
T h e published forms from the two beds are as follows (Zwierzycki,
1914; Dietrich, 1925, 1933; Spath, 1933 (Cutch) p . 8 2 0 ) : —

Smeei Bed
Holcophylloceras mesolcum (Dietrich)
Haploceras elimatum (Oppel)
Hildoglochiceras kobelli (Oppel)
Hildoglochiceras dieneri (Uhlig)
Hildoglochiceras spira (Zw.)
Subdichotomoceras sparsiplicatum (Waagen)
Subdichotomoceras latissimus (Zw.)
Subdichotomoceras denseplicatum Dietrich, 1933, non Waagen
'Craspedites' africanus Zw. (genus indet.)
Perisphinctid, involute, indet. (bleicheri Zw. non de Lor.)

Nerinella Bed
Haploceras priscum Zw.
? Pachysphinctes staffi (Zw.) (AulacosphinctoidesY)
Subdichotomoceras sparsiplicatum (Waagen)
Perisphinctid, giant, indet. (achilles Zw. non d'Orb.)

Dietrich (1933) and H e n n i g (1937) averred that the M i d d l e Saurian

bed passes laterally into the u p p e r part of t h e Septarian M a r l s of M a h o -
kondo, b u t palaeontological evidence for this seems t o b e lacking.
T h e list for the Smeei Bed is obviously U p p e r Kimeridgian (or Lower
Tithonian as the t e r m is understood in this b o o k ) : Subdichotomoceras
sparsiplicatum is a species of the u p p e r m o s t Katrol Beds of Cutch, and
Hildoglochiceras kobelli (Oppel) occurs on this horizon in C u t c h and
Madagascar and in the M i d d l e Spiti Shales. Spath's conclusion (1933,
Cutch, p . 820) seems unanswerable, t h a t the whole of the T e n d a g u r u
Beds (including the Nerinella Bed) are m u c h younger t h a n the Septarian
Marls of Mahokondo.


Although Cretaceous transgressions encroached on t h e east coast of

Africa in places almost as far south as the Cape, no marine Jurassic is
known on the mainland south of Tanganyika. I n the Island of Madagascar,
however, Jurassic sediments reappear in force, all stages being represented
from Lower Toarcian to Tithonian. T h e island is equal in area to France
and t h e N e t h e r l a n d s combined, and t h e Jurassic outcrop stretches for
about 900 miles, almost the whole length of the island. It is confined to
the west side (fig. 49) and consists of a simple monocline dipping gently
westward, with underlying Triassic sandstones and shales of Karroo
facies resting on the crystalline basement complex which builds the central
a n d eastern parts of the island. T h e arrangement is a mirror image of
that in K e n y a and Tanganyika and strongly suggests that the Straits of
M o z a m b i q u e were in existence in Jurassic times. T h e y are in fact
believed to have been initiated at least as a gulf in the Permian.
T h e simple disposition of the Madagascar Jurassics is broken in the
centre b y a b r o a d anticlinal uplift which reaches the sea at Cap St Andre
a n d divides the lengthy outcrop into two. T h e interruption has a width
varying from a b o u t 50 to 100 miles. T o some extent this anticline repre­
sents a projection from the east coast of the Jurassic strait, b u t it is probably
d u e more to early Cretaceous uplift, for Cretaceous rocks overstep across
it on to T r i a s a n d in one place even touch the basement complex. (Int.
Geol. M a p Africa, sheet 9, 1950; Besairie, 1946; Basse, 1949.)
I n fauna, a n d often also in facies, t h e Jurassic rocks bear a strong resem­
blance to those of India, especially Cutch. T h i s was first pointed out by
H . Douville (1904, p p . 216-7) and all subsequent researches have tended
to strengthen the comparison. T h e sequence of correspondences begins
as early as the Permo-Carboniferous, where the sedimentary record in
Madagascar opens with tillites resting u p o n t h e basement complex and
followed by continental deposits with the Glossopteris flora of the Lower
G o n d w a n a s (see p . 383). F o r the Trias comparisons are closer with the
adjoining continent of Africa, and the first marine Jurassic horizon, the
Lower Toarcian with Bouleiceras, which occurs only in the north, corres­
p o n d s with t h a t in N E . K e n y a and the T u w a i q Bay of central Arabia
(pp. 300, 318). I n the n o r t h there is also marine Bajocian, but with only
rare ammonites. T h i c k and transgressive Bathonian of coralline and
pelecypod facies ushers in the main marine sequence in all parts of the
island, and the assemblage of Corbula, Protocardia, etc., is identical with
that found at t h e base of the C u t c h sequence as well as in the Attock
district and in B u r m a ; while the occurrence of Eligmus rollandi provides
a link also with the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough, Arabia and Sinai.
F r o m the Lower Callovian upward, the ammonite sequence is almost
identical with that of Cutch, with which it also agrees in the mixture of
Phylloceratids with other ammonites. Direct connexion with the fringing
sea of Tanganyika and Kenya is also evident at several horizons, and it is
interesting to find all three areas linked by even such a negative peculiarity
as the absence of the normally almost ubiquitous ammonite fauna of the
basal Kimeridgian Tenuilobatus Zone. Particularly striking similarities
are the wealth of Lower Callovian Macrocephalitids, preserved in a
'golden oolite' as in Cutch, the abundance of ' late M a c r o c e p h a l i t i d s '
(Mayaitids) in the Oxfordian, and the abundance of Virgatosphinctes
and Hildoglochiceras kobelli in the Lower Tithonian.

Kig. 49.—Geological s k e t c h - m a p of M a d a g a s c a r .
Considering the enormous size of the outcrop, the difficulties of travel
and collecting, and the frequent occurrence of laterite or dense forest
over m u c h of the surface, the labours of F r e n c h geologists during the last
50 years have produced a marvellously detailed picture. M e a s u r e m e n t s
of thicknesses, however, are for the most part still lacking. F o r t h e
northern part of the outcrop we have splendid monographs by Besairie
(1936) a n d Barrabe (1929) as well as t h e earlier works by L e m o i n e (1906,
1 9 1 0 - n ) and T h e v e n i n (1906, 1908), while for the south the picture has
been extended by a magnificent m o n o g r a p h by M m e Basse de Menorval

(Basse, 1934) and subsequent work, especially on the Oxfordian, by

Nicolai (1950) a n d Collignon (1949). Excellent general syntheses have
been provided b y Besairie (1932, 1946) and Basse (1949).
Correlation along the whole 900 miles of outcrop has been so far
established as to enable o u r present purpose to be served by the following
single palaeontological synthesis. (See also T a b l e 16, p p . 3 1 0 - n . )


I n t h e n o r t h there is a passage from t h e T i t h o n i a n into the Cretaceous

with well-developed Berriasian and Valanginian Belemnite Marls, b u t in
t h e south the Neocomian is missing a n d Aptian with Cheloniceras and
Tropaeum rests directly on T i t h o n i a n a n d Kimeridgian (Basse, 1934).
T h e following horizons are developed in the n o r t h (Besairie, 1932, 1936):
Valanginian: Beds with n u m e r o u s Roger sites spp., also Hoplitoides,
Neocomites, Uhligites, Bochianites, Neolissoceras grasianum (d'Orb.),
Phylloceras spp. and Hemilytoceras liebigi (Oppel).
Berriasian: Beds w i t h Kilianella pexiptycha U h l i g a n d Berriasella spp.]


I n the n o r t h are chiefly clays and marls with belemnites, resembling

the Neocomian into which they pass u p without a break, b u t containing
occasional limestone b a n d s . I n t h e south, a n d locally in the north, t h e
facies is a glauconitic sandy limestone. T h e following two faunas have
been distinguished (Besairie, 1932, 1936; Basse, 1934):
Upper Tithonian: Beds from 0-5 m . to c. 12 m . thick, with numerous
Aulacosphinctes spp., including A. hollandi Uhlig and A. aff. spitiensis
Uhlig, with Blanfordiceras acuticosta Uhlig, B. hourcqi Besairie, Hima-
layites s p p . and Acanthodiscus sp. I n the south Micracanthocer as cf.
brightoni Spath (Basse, 1934, p p . 73-4)-
Lower Tithonian: Beds with n u m e r o u s Virgatosphinctes spp., for the
most part not yet worked out, b u t characterized especially by V. andrano-
samontae ( L e m o i n e ; 1911, pi. vi; Besairie, 1936, pi. x, figs. 14-17). I n
these beds occur also Uhligites sp., Holcophylloceras silesiacum (Oppel),
Haploceras elimatum (Oppel) and t h e interesting Hildoglochiceras kobelli
(Oppel) a n d its allies (Lemoine, 1910, pi. i v ; Besairie, 1930, pi. xii, fig. 2 ;
1936, pi. x, fig. 12; Barrabe, 1929, pi. vii, fig. 1), found also in Tanganyika,
C u t c h and t h e M i d d l e Spiti Shales. T h e y were recorded in Madagascar
as early as 1904 ( H . Douville, 1904, p . 213). F o r a fuller list of the
T i t h o n i a n faunas (not, however, at that date yet separated) see Spath,
1933 (Cutch), p p . 822-3. S p a t h concluded t h a t this assemblage is
intermediate in age between the ' U p p e r Katrol' fauna of Gudjinsir in
C u t c h a n d t h e U m i a A m m o n i t e Beds. I t combines some features of both.
O n t h e other hand, Micracanthocer as is already represented. A further
link with t h e Smeei b e d of T e n d a g u r u is Subdichotomoceras sparsiplicatum
(Waagen) (Lemoine, 1911, p i . viii, fig. 4), exactly as figured b y Zwierzycki
(see p . 335).
N o definitely U p p e r Kimeridgian fauna is known in Madagascar, b u t
at one locality, the rich Antsalova district, there is between t h e Virgato­
sphinctes beds above and the Hybonoticeras beds below a horizon with
Uhligites spp., Haploceras elimatum and Hildoglochiceras kobelli (Besairie,
1936, p . 65).


In the north at Antsalova and some other localities from 1 m. to 10 m.

of limestones have yielded n u m e r o u s Hybonoticeras s p p . and Aspido-
ceratids, especially Physodoceras avellanoides (Uhlig), P. cf. cyclotum
(Oppel) and Metahaploceras (Besairie, 1936, p p . 64-5, pis. ix, x). T h i s is
presumably also the level of Hemisimoceras spp. from Antsalova figured
by Spath (1925a, p p . 25-6 and plate).


Only the upper part (Pseudomutabilis Zone) seems to be represented.

I n the north there are limestones and marls with Aspidoceras of the
longispinum group a n d Pachysphinctes, typical Lithacoceras, Torquati-
sphinctes and Taramelliceras, etc., underlain by marls with Nebrodites
(Besairie, 1936, p p . 64, 130-3, pis. ix, x). I n t h e south the same zone is
widely represented b y glauconitic and often oolitic limestone, b u t the
lowest Kimeridgian (Tenuilobatus Zone) is wanting there also (Basse,
1934. P- 7 )-


Bimammatum Zone. T h e r e is as yet no evidence for the existence of

this zone in Madagascar.
Transversarium Zone (Plicatilis Zone). I n the south-west the lower part
of this zone (at least) is represented at Ankazoabo (Nicolai, 1950, p . 149;
Collignon, 1949) by various Perisphinctes (Dichotomosphinctes) including
rotiformis Spath and jacobi Collignon, with P. aff. bocconii Gemmallaro,
Mayaites maya (Sow.) ('enormous specimens'), Euaspidoceras spp.
(unfigured) and various Phylloceratids. F r o m the same beds, however,
are recorded other Euaspidoceras and Peltomorphites which indicate the
Cordatum Zone. T h e s e zones therefore seem to b e here combined
as at Kwa Dikwaso, Tanganyika (see p . 328), whether by conden­
sation or mixing remains to be investigated. A n U p p e r Oxfordian
Dichotomosphinctes is figured from the north-west by Besairie (1936, pi. viii,
fig. 15). Taramelliceras anar (Oppel) is also recorded (Basse, 1934, p . 67)
and a whole series of Mayaitids (Basse & Perrodon, 1952).


Cordatum Zone. As just mentioned, elements of this zone such as

Peltoceras eugenii (Raspail), P. cf. bidens (Waagen), Euaspidoceras babeanum
(d'Orb.), E. aff. obesum (Spath), E. cf. nikitini Borissjak, are recorded from

Ankazoabo in t h e south-west, associated with forms of t h e early Plicatilis

Zone (Collignon, 1949), as in Tanganyika.
Mariae Zone. At Kilambia in the south-west an ironshot oolite has
yielded an assemblage of E u r o p e a n Peltoceratids which might b e early
C o r d a t u m Zone b u t seem as a whole m o r e likely of about Mariae Zone
age: P. annulare (Quenst.), P.praespissum Spath, P. cf. semirugosumWaagen,
P. interscissus Uhlig, P. torosum (Oppel), P. arduennense (d'Orb.). With
these is Paryphoceras cf. rugosum Spath, a species of the Dhosa Oolite
of C u t c h . A n o t h e r C u t c h species c o m m o n to E u r o p e is found near by,
Cantpylites secula Spath (Collignon, 1949; Nicolai, 1950). I n most places
the oolite a n d its ammonites do not occur; instead large areas are covered
by sandstones with Gryphaea dilatata (Basse, 1934, p . 71).


A zone of Peltoceras athleta has been distinguished by a n u m b e r of

authors (see Besairie, 1932, p . 180) b u t it is not clear that the Peltoceratids
are athleta or even necessarily Callovian species. T h e most unequivocal
U p p e r Callovian fauna is recorded by Basse (1934, p . 69) from 8 k m .
S S E . of Ankazoabo in the south-west: she recognized Putealiceras
(3 spp.), Sublunuloceras and Distichoceras (Sindeites) associated with
Peltoceras athleta, in oolitic argillaceous sandstone overlying the yellow
Callovian oolite.


If n o t U p p e r Callovian, t h e pyritic ammonites with Hecticoceratids

found in grey marls in the Pays Sakalave belong here as believed by
Barrabe (1929, p . 119; 1928, p . 1222); also beds on the banks of the Betsi-
boka with ' n u m e r o u s Hecticoceras and Pleurocephalites and Belemnites
tanganensis F u t t e r e r ' (Besairie, 1932, p . 180). Spath (1925a, p . 25) also
saw a small assemblage with Pleurocephalites a n d Hecticoceras which he
tentatively assigned to the Anceps Zone. Reineckeia cf. anceps was recorded
by L e m o i n e (1907, p . 33 a n d 1910, pi. v, fig. 4) and also by Basse, (1934,
p . 63), associated w i t h Sublunuloceras, Choffatia a n d Holcophylloceras
mediterraneum. M i d d l e Callovian ammonites have also been obtained
east of A n d r a n o m a n t s y in t h e n o r t h (Collignon, 1953), a n d in the Mangoky
area in t h e south the earliest marine assemblage comprises Cutch forms of
Obtusicostites, Hubertoceras a n d Kinkeliniceras, with Phylloceratids, as in
t h e M a n d a w a area of Tanganyika (Hirtz, 1949, p . 6).


I n b o t h the north and t h e s o u t h t h e L o w e r Callovian is conspicuously

represented b y yellow or golden oolite with n u m e r o u s fossils (H. Douville,
1904, p . 213). I t is perfectly conformable with the Bathonian pelecypod
limestones and the passage is often gradual. Besairie (1932, p . 179)
recognizes two ammonite zones, a lower with Macrocephalites (Kampto-
kephalites) aff. dimerus Waagen, an u p p e r with M. madagascariensis
Lemoine and many other forms. T h e conspicuous Macrocephalitids
have long been known, especially t h r o u g h the photographs of L e m o i n e
(1910, pis. i-iv; since largely renamed). A list, together with identifica­
tions of the associated ammonites of the genera Ptychophylloceras, Calliphyl-
loceras, Holcophylloceras, Lytoceras, some Hecticoceratids, Hubertoceras,
Choffatia and Indosphinctes, is given by Spath (1933, p . 821). T h e large
supporting fauna includes Eligmus rollandi Douville (Barrabe, 1929,
p p . 111-19; Basse, 1934, p p . 59-67). Besairie (1936, p . 62) attempted to
separate a third zone which he correlated with the Koenigi and Calloviense
Zones, b u t the assemblages h e placed on this horizon belong in part to
the Macrocephalus Zone (the Maintirano faunule, which contains M.
aff. typicus Blake and Kheraiceras cosmopolita P . & B. sp.) and in part
seem to be the same as the Hecticoceratidae beds assigned to t h e Anceps
Zone. His plates vii and viii illustrate m o r e of the Macrocephalitids and
other fossils from the Lower Callovian, including forms of Choffatia
as well as of Macrocephalitids that could hardly b e distinguished from
those of the English U p p e r Cornbrash. (See also Besairie, 1930, pi. x.)
T h e Macrocephalitidae of S W . Madagascar have since been m o n o g r a p h e d
by Basse & Perrodon (1952), and Collignon (1953) has listed a n u m b e r of
forms from the north of the island. A good representative collection of
15 species from near Sakahara was sent me in 1954, collected b y D r P . E.


At least in some places in the north the Lower Callovian a m m o n i t e

limestones pass down by intercalation into shallow-water Bathonian
pelecypod beds with Corbula lyrata Sow., Protocardiagrandidieri (Newton),
Pseudotrapezium depressum Newton, and Astarte baroni N e w t o n and,
locally, corals and at the base reefs of Girvanella. T h e Bathonian lime­
stones are very thick and form dry karst country like the 'causses' in France.
At the base in places are marls with dinosaur bones. T h e u p p e r beds,
with Corbula, are transgressive in the south, overlapping on to T r i a s
(Barrabe, 1929, p . 107; Basse, 1934, p . 45 ff.). T h e s e U p p e r Bathonian
pelecypod beds (locally with Eligmus: see Besairie, 1930, pi. x, fig. 4)
were described and correctly dated to the Bathonian by H . Douville
(1904, p . 212); they are, however, U p p e r not M i d d l e Bathonian as Besairie
states (1936, p . 120, with good figures of the pelecypods, pi. vii). By their
fossils, facies and transgressive quality they correspond to U p p e r Bathonian
beds in southern Tunisia, Egypt, Somaliland, ? Jubaland, C u t c h ( K u a r
Bet Beds, see p . 391) and Burma. Until recently the only Bathonian
ammonite known with certainty from Madagascar was a single small
Cadomites cf. rectelobatus (Hauer), found above the coral limestones in
the north (Besairie, 1930, p . 534, pi. vii, fig. 6). If a fragmentary 'Cardio­
ceras' figured by Barrabe (1929, p . vii, fig. 30) is a Clydoniceratid as M m e
Basse (1952, p . 86) surmises, this too probably came from the Bathonian
beds. East of Andranomantsy, in the n o r t h of the island, Collignon

(1953) has found interesting Bathonian ammonites including Clydoniceras,

Microntphalites, Oppelia aspidoides, Gracilisphinctes and Epistrenoceras
histricoides (Rollier), some of which he sent me for determination.


I n the north, t h e basal p a r t of the limestones forming the 'causses'

contains a silicified fauna pronounced 'clearly Bajocian' already by H .
Douville (1904, p . 212), who recorded among the fossils a single ammonite,
Sonninia decora Buckman. Some brachiopods and echinoids have been
figured from this level b y Besairie, and also half a small ammonite which h e
assigns to t h e genus Witchellia, b u t which from its evolute coiling and
a b r u p t umbilical wall appears to b e a Dorsetensia of the edouardiana
group, close to those found in Arabia and the single fragment from Kenya
(Besairie, 1936, p . 116, pi. vi, figs. 22, 23). It is only in the north that
Bajocian appears to b e developed. I t is transgressive (Basse, 1949, p . 60).
Both t h e ammonites hitherto recorded are M i d d l e Bajocian.


N o r t h of the Betsiboka, in the province of Nosy Be, are sandstones,

black shales and black limestones with carbonaceous layers, from which
H . Douville (1904) recorded 'Harpoceras cf. serpentinum, H. cf. metallarium,
H. cf. dumortieri', with Spiriferina rostrata, Posidonia alpina and plant
remains (see Lemoine, 1907, p . 31). If the second a n d third ammonites
are really a Haugia and a Dumortieria as stated by Lemoine, this fauna is
certainly later than the Bouleiceras beds and is U p p e r Toarcian. T h e
succession in the Ampasindava district (Besairie, 1946, p . 15) i s : —

3. Beds with Dumortieria a n d Harpoceras

2. Shales with p l a n t s : Equisetum, Pecopteris
1. Limestone with Spiriferina rostrata [= the Bouleiceras beds]


T h e earliest marine Jurassic fauna in Madagascar is the celebrated

Bouleiceras assemblage. I t occurs only in the north, in the basin of the
Sitanpiky, n o r t h of Cap St A n d r e , where it rests on Triassic sandstones
and clays with Myophoria. T h e beds consist of marly limestone and marls,
crowded with fossils, as described b y T h e v e n i n (1906, 1908). T h e most
characteristic are the strange genus Bouleiceras, with ceratitic sutures,
with which are associated Protogrammoceras madagascariense (Thevenin),
Nejdia pseudo-gruneri (Thevenin), Spiriferina rostrata Schloth. var.
madagascariensis T h e v e n i n , t h e strange Pecten ambongoensis Thevenin,
and m a n y other fossils (list in Barrabe, 1929, p . 88). Thevenin considered
t h e age to b e between D o m e r i a n and Toarcian, b u t the Lower Toarcian
age inferred b y m e when considering the Arabian occurrence in 1951
has been confirmed by a new discovery in Portugal (see p. 241). South of
Cap St A n d r e the marine beds are represented by thick fluvio-marine or
deltaic sandstones and clays which persist u p to the Bajocian inclusive
and appear t o form a continuation of t h e Triassic Isalo S a n d s t o n e s
(Besairie, 1946, p . 17; Basse, 1949, p . 60).


T h e Isalo Sandstones begin with an unconformity and basal

conglomerate. T h e thickness is u p to at least 500 m . T h e lowest beds
are E o - T r i a s ; the highest probably U p p e r Trias, consisting of sandstones
and shales with Myophoria vulgaris and Mytilus psilonoti, which correlate
with the L u g h Series and Adigrat Sandstone of Abyssinia (Barrabe,
1929, p . 7 7 ; Basse, 1949, p . 58). T h e correspondence with J u b a l a n d is
unmistakable (see p . 319).]


A considerable excursion into the stratigraphy of the n o r t h e r n part of

the African shield was made in the chapter on N o r t h Africa (pp. 256, 286),
because various rocks there had been loosely referred to the Jurassic. It
was seen that all these alleged Jurassic sediments t u r n e d o u t t o b e
Cretaceous where not Triassic. T h e Jurassic appeared to b e represented
by a lacuna, from which it is to be inferred that it was a period of erosion
on the northern part of the shield. T h e same applies to the southern
part also.
I n South Africa the whole of the u p p e r m o s t (Stormberg) division of
the Karroo is customarily referred to the Trias, excepting the D r a k e n s -
berg Volcanics ( = Stormberg lavas) at t h e top, which are t h o u g h t to b e
Rhaetic-Lias ( D u Toit, 1926, p . 277). T h e s e immense lava sheets are
presumed to have resulted from fissure eruptions on a land surface. T h e
next sediments laid down in South Africa are Neocomian, and b y t h e time
they were formed t h e K a r r o o surface h a d b e e n profoundly eroded.
I n East Africa and Madagascar there is a m u c h less definite top to t h e
Karroo, and from what has been mentioned in earlier parts of this chapter
it will be apparent that in those regions the sequence of events in the
Rhaetic and Lower Lias periods is b y no means yet fully elucidated.
T h e earliest marine horizon in both Madagascar and East Africa is the
Bouleiceras zone, basal Toarcian, which represents a transgression across
Karroo-type sandstones. I t is quite possible t h a t along the eastern margin
of the continent Karroo-type sedimentation continued t h r o u g h o u t the
Lower and M i d d l e Lias, and in Tanganyika even u p to t h e base of t h e
Bajocian. ( F o r the latest information on the Karroo, see t h e symposium
o n t h e G o n d w a n a Series issued b y t h e X l X t h International Geological
Congress, Algiers, 1952, p p . 181-256.)




T h r o u g h o u t the mountainous peninsula, 900 miles long b y 400 miles

wide, that comprises Asia Minor, t h e sedimentary records of t h e Jurassic
transgression are unusually imperfect a n d scattered. So great has b e e n
the erosion that, as in t h e Highlands of Scotland, it is no longer possible
to determine whether the absence of Jurassic rocks over h u n d r e d s of square
miles is due to non-deposition or to wholesale removal b y denudation.
T h e sediments covered t h e eroded r e m n a n t s of a late-Palaeozoic orogeny
and then were caught u p in the m i d - T e r t i a r y orogeny with intense folding
and overthrusting, more than usually complicated by p o s t h u m o u s reacti­
vation of the older structures. T h e r e is evidence that at least in the S W .
of the peninsula U p p e r Jurassic and Cretaceous limestones of two different
facies, deposited a considerable distance apart, have been b r o u g h t together
by thrusting.
After Permian erosion of the late-Palaeozoic mountains, the Mesozoic
transgression began in the north-west, in some places with t h e L o w e r T r i a s
and in others with t h e M i d d l e or U p p e r Trias, while in t h e central regions
it began with the Lower Lias. I n the S E . of t h e peninsula t h e earliest
sediments seem to be Cretaceous, consisting of a featureless and poorly
fossiliferous mass of limestones. I t is likely that the main chains of the
T a u r u s , like the H i g h Atlas and Anti-Atlas, were never s u b m e r g e d during
the Jurassic. T h e Lias to the n o r t h of this barrier is typical of the T e t h y s ,
showing many palaeontological links with the M e d i t e r r a n e a n and Alpine
regions and Carpathians, b u t the Lias and Bajocian to the south, in Syria
and Arabia, belong to a different province. I n the Callovian a n d Oxfordian
t h e barrier began t o break d o w n in t h e east, letting typical E u r o p e a n
ammonite faunas spread over Arabia, Syria, Sinai a n d East Africa. T h e s e
faunas did not come direct from the Balkans b u t rather from the n o r t h ­
east, across the Caucasus and northern Persia from S o u t h Russia.
T h e survival of mountains undergoing rapid erosion in south-central
Anatolia during the Jurassic is to be inferred from the presence of Jurassic
flysch adjoining the S W . coast r o u n d the head of the Bay of Antalya
(Adalia). Both west and east of this is a great development of almost
unfossiliferous limestones, a 'comprehensive series', 2500 m . thick, in
which Toarcian ammonites are reported, b u t which ranges u p from the
Jurassic to the Eocene inclusive, without a break (Blumenthal, 1945, p . 110;
T r o m p , 1941, 1947)- Farther east, in S E . Anatolia, the H e r c y n i a n ranges
were not submerged until the U p p e r Cretaceous; the first Mesozoic
marine beds to overstep the folded Carboniferous are radiolarites of

Senonian age, t h o u g h locally the T r i a s may b e represented by dolomites

(Blumenthal, 1941, p . 324). O n the N W . coast also, south of the Sea of
Marmara, similar radiolarites are U p p e r Cretaceous (Erk, 1942), or Lower
Cretaceous (Altinli, 1943), t h o u g h i n t h e central regions, around Ankara,
there are red limestones a n d jaspers with Radiolaria interbedded in the
U p p e r Jurassic ( U p p e r Oxfordian) and also u n d e r n e a t h fossiliferous Lower
Lias, and therefore presumably Triassic (Chaput, 1936, p . 243)—but not
necessarily (Bailey & McCallien, 1953, p . 427). T h e r e are good reasons
for believing t h a t the T u r k i s h radiolarites are of shallow-water origin
and connected with the presence of basic igneous rocks ( T r o m p , 1948).
T h e same goes for supposedly Triassic radiolarites in C y p r u s (Henson &
others, 1949).

FIG. 50.—The J u r a s s i c o u t c r o p s of A n a t o l i a (Asiatic T u r k e y ) , based o n t h e

Geological S u r v e y m a p .

Sedimentation continued quietly in m a n y parts of Anatolia until after

the L o w e r Eocene, w h e n the m i d - T e r t i a r y orogeny produced reactivation
of the old structures and fresh folds and thrusts. According to Egeran
(1947, p . 55) t h e occurrence of free folding on a large enough scale and
with sufficient uniformity of strike for t h e development of nappes was
prevented by the existence of old horsts in the orogenic zone. T h e role of
these horsts was similar to that of the horsts in N o r t h Africa (pp. 260, 272)
a n d presumably they had a similar history of intermittent relative upward
m o v e m e n t during the Jurassic. T h e same has been inferred for Cyprus
(Henson & others, 1949, p . 33). According to Bailey & McCallien (1953),
however, a Palaeozoic n a p p e was t h r u s t south over Mesozoics for a distance
of 350 k m . and is left as w o r n - d o w n klippes near Ankara.
Across the planed-off structures of the m i d - T e r t i a r y orogeny and over
flysch sandstones of M i d d l e Eocene to Oligocene age the Neogene,
beginning with the Burdigalian, was laid as a continuous blanket over
most of Asia M i n o r and Cyprus. At least in Cyprus, deposition was
interrupted by thrusting at the e n d of the Miocene, followed by renewed
subsidence. Finally, in the late Pliocene there was regional d o m i n g
and extensive block-faulting, accompanied by volcanism in Anatolia,
doubtless reverberations of the major orogeny that was taking place at
that time in the Zagros ranges of Persia and of the Pliocene folding in
the Tellian Atlas.

Lias and Middle Jurassic of Anatolia

Lias occurs in the centre and east of n o r t h e r n Anatolia in three distinct
groups of small outcrops, each group separated by about 130 miles from
the other. T h e most westerly group lies to the n o r t h and west of Ankara
and includes the celebrated localities Yakacik (Jakadjik) and Kesiktash
(Kessik-tash) described by Pompeckj (1897) and Vadasz (1913). A b o u t
130 miles E N E . of this is another group north of Amasiya, in the Akdag
range (Akdag = W h i t e M o u n t a i n ) , including t h e well-known locality
Merzifun (Meister, 1913; Pia, 1913; Gugenberger, 1929). A b o u t the
same distance E S E . is the third and most easterly group, n o r t h of Erzincan,
in which are the more scattered localities of Reksene, Deredolu and
Bayburt (Otkun, 1942, Ketin, 1951, Baykal, 1951) (plate 20).
T h e survival and exposure of these small fragments of a once continuous
marine formation seem to be purely fortuitous and provide an object-
lesson in the possibilities of complete removal. T h e outcrops near
Ankara form part of a complicated mosaic of faulted ancient and Neogene
volcanic rocks, and Jurassic and Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments.
T h e outcrops in the Akdag range consist of long, narrow wedges
('Schuppen') folded in between ridges of Permo-Carboniferous Fusulina
limestone; those of the eastern group, near Erzincan, are completely
surrounded b y metamorphic rocks. T h e facies of all is similar, consisting
largely of hard or marly, reddish, compact limestones reminiscent of t h e
Adneth Limestone of the Alps, b u t generally m o r e argillaceous. Cephalo-
pods are by far the most a b u n d a n t fossils, a n d a m o n g t h e m there is a
marked preponderance of Phylloceratina and Lytoceratina. Crinoids
also abound, often attached to ammonite shells; brachiopods are c o m m o n ,
and there are bands of Gryphaea. At Merzifun sponges are frequent,
indicating an almost clear-water environment. T h e ammonites represent
a mixture of predominantly North-Alpine with Mediterranean (especially
Apennine) forms, and others that are local or eastern.
According to the analyses b y Pia and Gugenberger, however, t h e
Akdag Lias is all Pliensbachian with Domerian, mainly of t h e Jamesoni
Zone, with Margaritatus Zone also represented, b u t nothing either older
or younger. At Kesiktash, near Ankara, Sinemurian is present, for the
ammonites denote Bucklandi Zone and Margaritatus Zone. I n the eastern
group of occurrences, O t k u n (1942) is able to show t h e presence of Sine­
murian (Bucklandi, Raricostatum and ' A r m a t u m ' Zones), Pliensbachian
35° R A N G E S OF S O U T H - W E S T ASIA

(Jamesoni a n d M a r g a r i t a t u s Zones), T o a r c i a n (Bifrons a n d Jurense

Zones), a n d L o w e r Bajocian ( O p a l i n u m Zone).
T h e Jurassic succession a r o u n d Bayburt is about 2300 m. thick and is
as follows (Ketin, 1951, p p . 118-19):—

[Berriasian Metres
W h i t e l i m e s t o n e s w i t h Berriasella boisseri ( P i c t e t ) , B. pontica Ret., etc. 1600]

U p p e r Jurassic
Sandy and conglomeratic beds with Aptychi . . . . . 300
Rose-red massive limestones with Aptychi 80 to 100
White, thin-bedded fossiliferous limestone with Soitxrbyceras
tortisulcatum ( d ' O r b . ) , P e r i s p h i n c t i d s a n d b r a c h i o p o d s . . 4 to 5
M i d d l e Jurassic missing ?

Lower Jurassic
S a n d s t o n e s a n d shales w i t h i n t e r b e d d e d v o l c a n i c rocks . . . . 300 t o 350
L o w e r Bajocian-Toarcian. R e d fossiliferous l i m e s t o n e s a n d m a r l s w i t h
t h e a m m o n i t e f a u n a of t h e ' L i a s of B a y b u r t ' . . . . . t o 10
P l i e n s b a c h i a n . S h a l e s w i t h t h i n volcanics, w i t h Harpoceras a n d Amaltheus
cf. margaritatus
500 to 550
B e d d e d a n d e s i t i c lavas a n d tuffs, w i t h s a n d s t o n e s , s a n d y shales a n d m a r l s .' 300 to 3 \ °
Sinemurian. R e d fossiliferous l i m e s t o n e s a n d m a r l s w i t h Phylloceras
—- - ^.^01^11,0 a n u m i n i s w i u i rnvuoceras
frondosum R e y n e s , P. alontinum G e m . , P. bonarellii Bet., Vermiceras etc 50
R e d s a n d y l i m e s t o n e , m a r l , a n d tuff; b r a c h i o p o d s 100
L a v a s a n d tuffs
Sandstones, conglomerates, a n d sandy shales with Arietitids a n d brachiopods 250 t o 300
[ M e t a m o r p h i c Series below.]

T h e Yakacik Lias also contains interbedded polygenetic conglomerates

(Bailey & McCallien, 1953, p . 427).
Omitting t h e great n u m b e r s of Phylloceratina a n d Lytoceratina, which
are useless for accurate dating, t h e following are some notable ammonite
genera a n d species.

L o w e r Bajocian, Opalinum Zone (Bayburt, Kayabashi)

Leioceras s p .
Walkericeras sp.
Erycites s p .
Toarcian, J u r e n s e Z o n e (Bayburt)
Pleydellia aalensis (Ziet.)
Dumortieria, 6 s p p .
Phymatoceras tirolense (Hauer)
Toarcian, Bifrons Z o n e ( B a y b u r t ; ? Kesiktash)
Hildoceras s p p .
Hildaites s p .
Catacoeloceras s p p .
Pliensbachian, Margaritatus Zone (Merzifun, Kesiktash)
Coeloceras limatum Pompeckj
Coeloceras s p p .
Pliensbachian, Jamesoni Zone (Reksene, Merzifun, Deredolu)
Uptonia spp.
Phricodoceras taylori et spp.
Coeloderoceras ponticum (Pia) (Akdagh)
Sinemurian, Raricostatum and ' A r m a t u m ' Zone (Reksene, Deredolu)
Eoderoceras cf. armatum (Sow.)
Epideroceras spp.
Echioceras, 18 spp.
Microderoceras spp. [? T u r n e r i Zone]
Sinemurian, Bucklandi Zone (Kesiktash, Deredolu)
Arietites rotiformis (Sow.)
Arietites cf. latesulcatus (Quenst.)
Arietites cf. rotator (Reynes)

On the evidence of a Spiriferina moeschi Haas and Terebratula cf.

punctata Sow., Arthaber (1915, p . 198) believed that L o w e r Lias exists
at Tsherkessli, near Ismid, on the east coast of the Sea of M a r m a r a , and
Altinli (1943, p . 89) describes limestones in the coast range near Bursa
(Brusa) which he believes to be Domerian. Doubtful Bajocian also occurs
here and at Yakacik, near Ankara (Chaput, 1936, p . 243), b u t in t h e east,
at Bayburt, U p p e r Jurassic rests on U p p e r Toarcian (Ketin, 1951, p . 119).

Upper Jurassic of Anatolia

Records of post-Liassic faunas are scarce. After the basal Bajocian
(Opalinum Zone) of Bayburt and Kayabashi, mentioned above, t h e next-
youngest unequivocal fauna known is Callovian, probably M i d d l e
Callovian. T h i s occurs at Yakacik (Jakadsik) near Ankara, where Posidonia
alpina is recorded, with Phylloceras cf. kudernatschi Hauer, Reineckeia,
Perisphinctes and Oppelia, the facies recalling that of t h e Basses-Alpes
(Vadasz, 1918). T h e occurrence of Posidonia suggests connexion with the
Posidonia shales of the Crimea and the Caucasus. T o the same age is to
be dated Indosphinctes abichi ( N e u m a y r & Uhlig), another Caucasian
species, figured by G u g e n b e r g e r (1929, p . 451, pi. xii, fig. 23) from
Merzifun and incorrectly referred to the Kimeridgian. I t seems to b e
identical with / . choffati (Par. & Bon.) from t h e Callovian of H u n g a r y , as
figured by Loczy (1915, p . 412, pi. x, fig. 7, pi. xi, fig, 6).
Callovian ammonites (Kosmoceras, Hecticoceras, ? Quenstedtoceras a n d
a Perisphinctid) have also been recorded from the coast range on t h e
Sea of Marmara, in sandstones with basal conglomerates, which overstep
t h e supposed Lias and rest with strong angular unconformity on t h e
folded and eroded Palaeozoics (Altinli, 1943, p p . 91-3). Wilser (1928,
p. 216) infers an u n s u b m e r g e d 'Pontic massif u n d e r t h e Black Sea in
Liassic times.
Oxfordian ammonites are recorded 'three h o u r s ' walk S W . of Ankara',
352 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - W E S T ASIA

in a c o m p a c t grey l i m e s t o n e : namely, Ptychophylloceras tatricum (Pusch),

Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum ( d ' O r b . ) , Perisphinctes 'plicatilis' (Sow.) and
Peltoceras arduennense (d'Orb.) (d'Archiac in Tchihatcheff, 1853-69,
p p . 83-6). O t h e r records of Oxfordian fossils near t h e n o r t h coast, east
of Amasra, and elsewhere (Philippson, 1918, p p . 12-13, 61) are more
equivocal and require confirmation. Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.)
has b e e n figured from Yakacik, and a Peltoceras sp. (not athleta) and an
U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctid (not plicatilis) from Etimesgut, near
Ankara (Stchepinsky, 1946, pi. xi, figs. 5, 4, 6); also U p p e r Oxfordian
or Lower Kimeridgian Perisphinctids (pi. xi, figs. 8 - 1 1 ; also Stchepinsky,
1942) a n d T i t h o n i a n Berriasellids (pi. xii, figs. 1-3) from Gumiisane.
T h e T i t h o n i a n and perhaps also Berriasian is represented in the coast
range south of the Sea of M a r m a r a by compact, sublithographic and
locally dolomitic limestones with the Infusorian Calpionella, also Radiolaria
(Coenosphaera, a form identified in t h e Hawasina Cherts of O m a n by
Davis, 1950, p . 208), sponge spicules, Foraminifera, etc. T h e s e beds
pass down without interruption into the sandstones from which Callovian
ammonites were recorded (Altinli, 1943, p p . 93-7)- A little to the east,
between Gemlik and Bursa (Brusa), however, the Tithonian sublitho­
graphic limestones with Calpionella, Radiolaria and sponge spicules pass
laterally into pseudo-oolites and coral limestone of 'calcaire a entroques'
t y p e w h e r e they cross over a swell in t h e Palaeozoic floor near Diskaya.
T h e T i t h o n i a n limestones transgress unconformably over folded Permo-
Carboniferous shales and Permian Fusulina limestones and are in turn
overlain disconformably b y U p p e r Cretaceous limestones which contain
several layers of radiolarites (Erk, 1942).
T h e only evidence for contemporary volcanicity in the Jurassic of
western Anatolia is the presence of a b e d of red volcanic tuff in the
supposed M i d d l e Jurassic of t h e coast range south of the Sea of M a r m a r a
(Altinli, 1943, p . 92), b u t in the N E . , near Bayburt, there are andesitic
lavas and tuffs in between ammonitiferous Lower and Middle Lias, and
also in t h e Sinemurian a n d U p p e r Toarcian sediments (Ketin, 1951)
(see p . 350).


T h e island of C y p r u s preserves in its northern Kyrenia range a fragment

of the outermost arc of the T a u r u s thrusts. T h e thrusting probably
occurred at more periods t h a n one b u t culminated in the late Miocene,
w h e n narrow slices were driven o n steeply-inclined planes southward
against the foreland, represented by the central and southern parts of
the island (Henson & others, 1949). O n the foreland no Jurassic rocks
are k n o w n ; it is inferred that if any were deposited they were condensed
a n d thin, this having been a swell subject to intermittent uplift. T h e
rocks present in the Kyrenia range, on the contrary, indicate considerable
subsidence and deposition, perhaps continuous from Triassic to the end
of t h e Jurassic. T h e Jurassic is represented b y the Hilarion Limestone,
a hard, compact, partly metamorphosed limestone, varying in colour from
black to white and sometimes oolitic, which still remains to be studied
in detail. T h e thickness has been variously estimated at 1500 m . a n d
'not greater than 300 m.'. T h e only fossils so far obtained are
the hydrozoan Ellipsactinia and a coral, Cladocoropsis mirabilis Felix,
described from similar poorly-fossiliferous limestone in Dalmatia, which
there lies above the Lias and below the M i d d l e Kimeridgian L e m e s Beds
(see p . 193).

FIG. 51.—Geological s k e t c h - m a p of t h e C r i m e a .


Both structurally and stratigraphically the SE. part of the C r i m e a n

peninsula (fig. 51) represents a detached prolongation of the n o r t h e r n slope
of the Caucasus. I t is an area remarkable for great thicknesses of strata
(Oxfordian-Kimeridgian, and Tithonian, each u p to 600 m.), leading
u p to the enormous totals reached in the Caucasus, a n d for strongly-
developed intra-Jurassic folding. I t is for these foldings that t h e C r i m e a
has become famous, for they constitute t h e type for the C i m m e r i a n
movements. T h e name is taken from t h e ancient Greek settlement of
Cimmerium, at M o u n t O p u k (570 ft.) o n t h e n o r t h coast of t h e K e r t c h
peninsula, in the eastern Crimea, and from the half-mythical C i m m e r i a n
people. Suess ('Face of the E a r t h ' , vol. i, p . 474) recognized two p e r i o d s
of folding: one between T r i a s and Lias, the other between Jurassic a n d
Cretaceous. Stille (1924, 'Grundfragen', p . 132) called these t h e older

a n d younger C i m m e r i a n orogenies a n d showed that there were several

other phases, extending from pre-Rhaetian t o Valanginian. S u b s e q u e n t
work has shown that there are in fact important unconformities a n d
conglomerates in t h e Crimea at the base of the Bajocian, the Oxfordian,
the T i t h o n i a n , a n d t h e Hauterivian, b u t only very doubtfully between
t h e Rhaetian a n d Lias a n d n o t between t h e Jurassic (Tithonian) and
Cretaceous (Berriasian). T h e t e r m C i m m e r i a n is therefore not used
here. ( F o r further discussion of these movements see p . 636.)
T h e T i t h o n i a n and Lower Cretaceous beds are best seen about T h e o -
dosia, the lower stages farther S W . T h e following is a general summary,
based, w h e r e n o t stated t o t h e contrary, o n Moisseiev (1937).


Clays and marls. Ammonites monographed by Karakash (1907).

B E R R I A S I A N (100 m.)

M a r l s a n d clays w i t h t h i n breccia-like limestones rich in ammonites,

mpnographed, w i t h those of the T i t h o n i a n , b y Retowski (1893).]

T I T H O N I A N (up to 600 m.)

Marls with b a n d s of limestone, sometimes conglomeratic; Aptychus

punctatus Voltz a b u n d a n t . A m m o n i t e s monographed by Retowski
(Unconformity: Nevadan phase)

K I M E R I D G I A N (C. 200 m.)

C o m p a c t reddish limestones a n d argillaceous limestones, with gastro­

pods, Solenopora, Diceras, etc., a n d rare ammonites, including Aspidoceras
acanthicum (Oppel).

UPPER OXFORDIAN (150-400 m.)

T h e Kimeridgian passes down into thick coralline and Nerinean
limestones w i t h a rich molluscan fauna b u t without ammonites. T h e s e
b e d s closely resemble t h e Rauracian a n d Sequanian of t h e Jura. N o
L o w e r Oxfordian is known. At the base of and sometimes replacing
these limestones so as directly to pass u p into the Kimeridgian are u p to
150 m . of coarse conglomerates and sandstones, which in places rest
o n eroded L o w e r Jurassic a n d T r i a s .

(Unconformity: Agassiz ( = Yaila) phase)


A rich M i d d l e and U p p e r Callovian ammonite fauna has been described

(de Tsytovitch, 1912) from vertical b e d s of green calcareous sandstone on
t h e shore at Sudak. I t includes n u m e r o u s Hecticoceratids, also Erymno­
ceras coronatum, Kosmoceras, Peltoceras, Perisphinctids, Phylloceratids
and Lytoceratids, including most of t h e forms of the last three families
that are also recorded from the Balaclava Shales. At M o u n t P e r c h e m
conglomerates are interbedded. Macrocephalites is recorded from t h e
Balaclava Shales, the top of which is therefore Callovian.


Balaclava Shales (main part) with Posidonia buchi, exposed r o u n d

Balaclava Bay. Oxycerites 'fusca' and aspidoides are recorded (Moisseiev,
T w r t n
937> PP- 37, 53), a b u n d a n t Phylloceratidae, Lytoceratidae (especially
L. adeloides (Kud.)) and Perisphinctids (Stremoukhoff, 1894, p . 3 2 3 ;

B A J O C I A N (up to 1000 m.)

Inland, Parkinsonia parkinsoni is recorded with plant-remains (Moisseiev,

1937, p . 53) in the shale, which m u s t therefore extend from U p p e r Bajocian
to Callovian (as do similar Posidonia shales in other places, such as Algeria
and Sicily). T h e outstanding feature of t h e Bajocian in the Crimea,
however, is the Bitak series of conglomerates and sandstones, which
locally comprises conglomerates not less t h a n 1000 m . thick. T h i s series
rests unconformably on folded Lias and represents t h e principal Jurassic
orogeny of the Crimea. It was followed by eruption of lavas a n d tuffs.
Fossils are scarce b u t include Meleagrinella echinata, Posidonia buchi
a n d plants.
(Unconformity: D o n e t z phase)

LIAS (about 150 m.)

As in the Caucasus, the Lias is chiefly represented by shales and sand­
stones with plant-remains (Gresten facies), b u t locally these are followed
b y 1-3 m. of crinoidal limestone with m a n y Pliensbachian brachiopods
such as Spiriferina spp., or by limestones with Toarcian ammonites,
Lytoceras jurense, 'Coeloceras,' etc. I n some places more micaceous shales
follow above, to a thickness of a few tens of metres. T h e beds below
the limestones in places contain conglomerates of quartz and sandstone
pebbles, and they may pass down into the Rhaetian.

('hypothetical Salghir p h a s e ' ; Moisseiev, 1937, p . 13)

Submarine eruptions of andesitic lavas, agglomerates and tuffs occurred

during the Bajocian-Bathonian, and some activity continued into t h e early
Callovian (Federovitch, 1927).


T h e Caucasus ranges are one of the largest Jurassic areas, a n d perhaps

the most varied, complete and important in the world. F r o m Black Sea
to Caspian stretch 500 miles of continuous Jurassic outcrops, with an
average width of 50 miles. I n some places there was sedimentation t o
FIG. 5 2 . — J u r a s s i c o u t c r o p s of t h e C a u c a s u s a n d L i t t l e C a u c a s u s a n d s o m e n e i g h b o u r i n g a r e a s . B a s e d m a i n l y o n t h e
Russian Geological Survey m a p . ( O u t c r o p s i n t h e E l b u r z o m i t t e d : see fig. 5 3 . )
immense thicknesses, in other places emersion, isoclinal folding, subaerial
volcanism and outbreaks of lava from submarine fissures, all d u r i n g
Jurassic times. I n attempting to synthesize such a region there is a choice
between a catalogue of observations, in which t h e reader would become
lost in a mass of detail and a maze of outlandish names, and a brief s u m m a r y
of the area as a whole. T h e second choice is rendered inevitable b o t h b y
reason of space and by the fact that observations backed by m o d e r n work
o n the ammonites are still so scattered, and separated by so m a n y gaps,
t h a t nothing like completeness could yet b e achieved even were all t h e
k n o w n details presented.
I n broad outline the structure of t h e Caucasus is an anticlinorium.
I n the western half the Jurassic formations are pierced b y an elongated
central core of crystalline rocks, igneous and metamorphic, partly Palaeo­
zoic b u t mainly older, rising in t h e central Caucasus for m a n y miles above
10,000 ft. U p o n it stand t h e late-Pleistocene to Recent volcanoes of E l b u r s
(18,523 ft.) and Kazbek (16,546 ft.). I n general the Jurassic sediments
d i p off the flanks of this watershed in parallel ranges falling n o r t h w a r d s
i n the K u b a n and southwards in Georgia. T h e eastern half consists
entirely of Jurassic rocks (perhaps older in t h e centre) which in Daghestan
form a series of parallel ranges in t h e south limb of t h e main anticline, and
a great plateau, cut by gorges of north-flowing rivers, in the n o r t h l i m b .
I n general, however, the outcrops trace a series of concentric ellipses,
t h e youngest formations on t h e outside, the oldest in the centre. T h e
central M a i n Ridge of Daghestan consists of isoclinally folded m e t a ­
m o r p h i c slates, phyllites, quartzites, etc., of which t h e age is still question­
able : they may b e Lower Liassic, Triassic, or even in part Palaeozoic.
T h e unmetamorphosed sedimentary series of proved Liassic age is
immensely thick (8500 m . for the Toarcian and L o w e r Bajocian alone)
a n d in places rests directly on p r e - C a m b r i a n gneisses with a basal con­
glomerate; and even the Bajocian contains granitic debris. Right u p t o
t h e U p p e r Bajocian the rocks are coal-bearing, with in some places only
m i n o r marine intercalations. O n these grounds it has generally been
supposed that the crystalline core was an island in Jurassic times, b u t long
strips of Liassic sediments faulted into the midst of it, shown on t h e
Russian Geological Survey m a p of 1929, make this interpretation extremely
doubtful and suggest that the plant-remains are drifted. T h e elastics
appear to have been derived from the n o r t h (Mokrinskij, 1939).
A fully marine regime became established in some places in t h e Pliens­
b a c h i a n and probably everywhere during the Bajocian. T h e subsidence
was accompanied in the M i d d l e Bajocian b y volcanism, which produced
great thicknesses of tuff in the sediments of t h e southern slopes of t h e
western Caucasus and in t h e outcrops of t h e Little Caucasus, to t h e
s o u t h of the K u r a River basin. At the same time there was a massive
outflow of submarine lava. T h i s series in Georgia is 2000 or even 3000 m .
thick (Mokrinskij, 1939, p . 509). T h e scene of m a x i m u m volcanicity
appears to have been t h e north-eastern Little Caucasus. H e r e t h e

1000-3000 m . of M i d d l e Bajocian sediments and volcanics are^followed by

650 m . of quartz p o r p h y r y assigned to t h e U p p e r Bajocian, and con­
tinuance of intermittent volcanism is proved b y pyroclastics interbedded in
all p a r t s of t h e 2000 m . or so of overlying Bathonian, Callovian, Oxfordian
a n d Kimeridgian. Only the T i t h o n i a n limestone is free (Leontyev, 1950).
While these events were in progress in the west and south, uniform
sedimentation w e n t on in Daghestan, resulting in an unbroken series of
dark shales with nodules, spanning all the stages from Toarcian to M i d d l e
I n late Kimeridgian times the N e v a d a n movements convulsed the
western region, producing isoclinal folds a n d profound erosion. Across
the eroded structures so formed the T i t h o n i a n sea spread unconformably,
as in the Crimea. Unfortunately, work on the T i t h o n i a n sediments
has n o t progressed to t h e point w h e r e it is possible to date t h e transgression
precisely; b u t the light-coloured coral and shell limestones, which form
so strong a contrast with the dark shales and sandstones of most of the
earlier Jurassics, contain some of t h e fauna b o t h of t h e S t r a m b e r g
T i t h o n i a n and the L o w e r Volgian of the Moscow basin, with additional
elements of the Spiti Shales. I n any case the transgression was progressive,
for i n t h e s o u t h e r n Caucasus t h e T i t h o n i a n is completely overlapped b y
the Valanginian.
T h e marine period initiated with the T i t h o n i a n transgression lasted
until t h e end of t h e Cretaceous. T h e n began the emergence of t h e
present Caucasus, which was t h r o w n u p b y successive orogenies in t h e
early, middle and late Tertiary. T h e extent of these orogenies may b e
gauged b y the occurrence of Jurassic sediments thrust over U p p e r
Cretaceous, a n d b y t h e elevation of M i d d l e T e r t i a r y deposits to heights
of over 2000 m . above the sea; and even Pliocene deposits have been
folded a n d elevated to over 1000 m . (Stahl, 1923, p . 54).
T h e Jurassics of t h e Caucasus a n d Crimea were deposited in a marginal
t r o u g h fringing t h e southern edge of t h e Russian platform and perhaps
separated by land from Anatolia (Wilser, 1928; Egeran, 1947, pi. 2).
Deposition a n d sedimentation were extremely active in t h e Lower L i a s
p e r i o d : a point of correspondence with the Elburz and not with Anatolia.
T h e Anatolian Lias agrees rather with that of t h e Central Iranian plateau,
a n d b o t h are situated o n g r o u n d t h a t i n t h e T e r t i a r y orogeny developed
as 'median masses'. F o r elaborate palaeogeographical maps see
Mokrinskij (1939) and for a sketch of t h e tectonics, with many references,
R e n n g a r t e n (1939).


Typical light-coloured T i t h o n i a n limestones a n d dolomites are well

developed in m a n y parts of t h e Caucasus, especially in Daghestan. T h e y
have locally a basal conglomerate and in the n o r t h Caucasus overstep
unconformably on to lower stages down to the crystallines. T h e facies is
often coralline, w i t h iVmwea-limestone, especially in t h e u p p e r part.
I t is thus not surprising t h a t ammonites are scarce a n d exact dating
inconclusive. T h e facies is central E u r o p e a n and M e d i t e r r a n e a n , b u t
Russian elements are reported: e.g. Dorsoplanites in the iVmraea-limestones
in Daghestan (Oswald, 1914, p . n ) , Pavlovia in K u b a n (R. Douville,
1910) and Lomonossovella lomonossovi (Visch.) in Daghestan (Renz, 1913,
p . 663). T h e r e are connexions with S t r a m b e r g and t h e Spiti Shales,
especially in the T u a p s e region, at the extreme western tip of t h e Jurassic
outcrops, from which a n u m b e r of ammonites of Kimeridgian aspect
have been figured (Khudyaev, 1932), some u n d e r unnecessary new n a m e s .
Stratigraphical collecting in future may be expected to t h r o w i m p o r t a n t
light on the T i t h o n i a n succession; especially if the stratigraphical relation
of the Russian elements to the S t r a m b e r g a n d Spiti elements could b e
On the n o r t h slope and in Daghestan t h e T i t h o n i a n limestones pass
u p with complete conformity into similar limestones and dolomites dated
to the Valanginian, b u t on the south slope of t h e central Caucasus t h e
Valanginian rests unconformably on M i d d l e Jurassic a n d on gneiss
(Oswald, 1914, p p . 10-11).
I n the Nalchik region of the n o r t h Caucasus, compact limestones a n d
limestone breccias u p to a thickness exceeding 600 m., with pelecypods,
are attributed to the T i t h o n i a n (Pchelintzev, 1931).


Various places on the n o r t h e r n slopes have yielded samples of t h e

Lithacoceras and Ataxioceras fauna of the T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone of Crussol,
which Khudyaev (1932) identifies with a n u m b e r of species figured b y
Fontannes. T h e material is poor a n d t h e specific attributions are question­
able, b u t the dating is correct. Assemblages without ammonites, probably
Lower Kimeridgian, have been figured from t h e K u b a n b y Pchelintzev
(1931, 1933). F r o m the neighbourhood of Guli in Daghestan Renz
(1913, p p . 652-3, 692) lists n u m e r o u s species of Idoceras, Simoceras and
Nebrodites (with two Phylloceratids) which point to approximately t h e
same horizon and comprise links with the Mediterranean region, especially


T h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone appears to b e represented b y red and grey

limestones (dolomitic on the n o r t h slope of the central Caucasus) with
marls and volcanic tuffs (on the Dsirula dome), from which are recorded
Amoeboceras alternans and a varied non-cephalopod fauna (Oswald, 1914,
p . 11). Perisphinctes caucasicus K h u d y a e v (1932, pi. iii, fig. 3), from t h e
T u a p s e region and recorded as Tithonian, looks likely to belong to this
horizon or the Transversarium Zone (cf. de Riaz, 1898, pi. vii, fig. 4,
pi. ix, fig. 2).
T o the Transversarium Zone have been referred reddish limestones
with Sowerbyceras tortisulcatum (d'Orb.) in t h e central Caucasus, a n d

the K h a l t a n series of glauconitic sandstones w i t h 'Perisphinctes plicatilis'

in the SE. Caucasus (Oswald, 1914, p . n ) , a n d t h e r e are also records of
Perisphinctes marnesiae de Loriol and Aspidoceras perarmatum (Sow.)
(Khudyaev, 1932); b u t n o n e of these forms has been figured. U p p e r
Callovian Perisphinctids were figured u n d e r U p p e r Oxfordian names b y
N e u m a y r & U h l i g (1892, pi. iv, figs. 2, 3).


I n Daghestan Renz (1913, p . 691) records from near Guli various

Perisphinctids, of which the only one figured (pi. xxix, fig. 5) is a Pro-
perisphinctes aff. bernensis (de Loriol) (cf. Arkell, M o n . A m . E n g l . Corallian
Beds, pi. lxi, fig. 5), a n d h e figures from Arakani (pi. xxix, fig. 3) Cardio­
ceras (Scarburgiceras) subexcavatum M a i r e ; while Oswald (1914, p . n )
m e n t i o n s Peltoceras arduennense from t h e same region. I n the western
Caucasus Oswald ( 1 9 1 4 ^ . 12) records grey limestones with Properisphinctes
bernensis (de Loriol) a n d Prososphinctes mazuricus (Bukowski); a n d from
t h e n o r t h e r n slopes K h u d y a e v (1932) recorded Proscaphites aff. richei
(de Loriol). All these forms indicate t h e Mariae Zone.


A m m o n i t e s of the L a m b e r t i and Athleta Zones are strongly represented.

I n Daghestan (Renz, 1904, p . 85) the U p p e r Callovian consists of grey
shaly sandstones with sandy and calcareous intercalations, resting on
t h i c k - b e d d e d yellow sandstones. F r o m these beds come Peltoceras
athleta. F r o m the n o r t h Caucasus Quenstedtoceras brasili, henrici and
praelamberti have been figured, as well as n u m e r o u s Hecticoceras of
familiar west E u r o p e a n species (Chickhachev, 1933). F r o m U p p e r
Callovian or Lowest Oxfordian beds also come Hecticoceras (Putealiceras)
schumacheri (Noetling) a n d H. socini (Noetling), two species of M o u n t
H e r m o n in Syria, recorded b y Renz (1913, p . 691) from S u m b a t u l in
Daghestan, as also Hecticoceras (Brightia) daghestanicum N e u m a y r &
U h l i g sp. (1892, pi. vi, fig. 1), which appears t o b e close t o H. (B.) subno-
dosum Tsytovitch (1911, pi. vi, fig. 8). T h e U p p e r Callovian w i t h
Peltoceras athleta has b e e n separated stratigraphically from t h e M i d d l e
with Erymnoceras and Kosmoceras in t h e n o r t h Caucasus b y Nikshick
(1915) and in Daghestan by Kazansky (1909). Quenstedtoceras is also
recorded from Georgia (Djanelidze, 1932).


I n the n o r t h Caucasus the M i d d l e Callovian is strongly represented b y

rich a m m o n i t e faunas of t h e E u r o p e a n C o r o n a t u m and Jason Zones.
A m o n g species figured are Erymnoceras coronatum (Brug.) and others,
Kosmoceras jason (Rein.), K. castor (Rein.), K. aff. gulielmi (Sow.) a n d
others, a n d Hecticoceras pseudopunctatum (Lahusen), with which occur some
Phylloceras spp. (Nikshick, 1915; Chickhachev, 1933). Reineckeia anceps
(Rein.) is recorded from C h o d in t h e central Caucasus a n d from Daghestan

(Neumayr & Uhlig, 1892, p . 52). Probably from t h e same zone comes
Indosphinctes abichi ( N e u m a y r & Uhlig), a link w i t h C u t c h and Anatolia.
In Daghestan (Renz, 1904, p . 85) t h e M i d d l e Callovian represents the
highest part of a thick series of black shales with nodules, which extends
down unchanged into the Toarcian a n d is one of t h e most characteristic
features of a vast area. T h e s e b e d s are locally developed as i m p u r e
limestones which yield Erymnoceras, Kosmoceras, etc. (Kazansky, 1909).


Calloviense and Koenigi Zones. Species of Kepplerites and Propla­

nulites were already figured b y N e u m a y r & U h l i g (1892, pi. iii, fig. 4,
pi. iv, fig. 1), who also recorded Cadoceras s p p . and Chamoussetia
chamousseti (d'Orb.). I n t h e n o r t h slopes of t h e Caucasus t h e b e d s
belonging to these zones have been separated from t h e M i d d l e Callovian
(Nikshick, 1915), b u t separation from t h e Macrocephalus Zone has not
yet been attempted. Some and perhaps all the Macrocephalitids figured
from Georgia (Radcha) b y Djanelidze (1932), however, are late forms of
the Koenigi Zone. M. colchicus Djan. (pi. vi, fig. 3) is a typical Pleuro­
cephalites which might easily have come from Cocklebury Hill, C h i p p e n ­
ham, from the Kellaways Clay. T h i s and (for some of t h e beds) an even
later dating is borne out by t h e associated Cadoceras, Reineckeia and
Choffatia spp. figured (pi. iii, figs. 3-5). T h e Aspidoceras (pi. i, fig. 2),
however, m u s t be U p p e r Callovian; and it comes from a different
Macrocephalus Zone. T h e existence and strong representation of this
zone in at least the n o r t h e r n Caucasus is p u t beyond d o u b t b y two plates
of photographs published b y Ilyin (1932). T h e s e show typical Dolike-
phalites typicus Blake, var. balkarensis Ilyin, Macrocephalites sensu stricto
(pi. ii, fig. 1, 2) and Kamptokephalites (pi. ii, fig. 3), all of which m i g h t
have come from the English U p p e r C o r n b r a s h .


T h e black shales with nodules in Daghestan probably span the whole

Bathonian, b u t so far few ammonites have been collected that can definitely
be so dated, and of these n o n e has been figured. F r o m Guli, Renz (1913,
p . 690) lists Parkinsonia ferruginea (Oppel) a n d Lissoceras psilodiscus
(Schloenb.) which indicate Lower Bathonian, Perisphinctes moorei Oppel
which may be a Procerites, also Cadomites rectelobatus (Hauer), Phylloceras
kudernatschi H a u e r and Lytoceras adeloides ( K u d . ) . N e u m a y r & U h l i g
(1892, p . 88) have a similar list from G u n i b , b u t t h e Stephanoceras they
figure (pi. v, fig. 3, pi. vi, fig. 2) is not C. rectelobatus (Hauer), from which
it differs by its steadily enlarging ribs, which are still becoming b l u n t e r
and more distant on a septate w h o r l ; this is n o d o u b t a Bajocian form.
N e u m a y r & Uhlig (p. 103) admitted that their material did not w a r r a n t
any attempt to distinguish Bathonian from Bajocian.

I n t h e basin of t h e Belaia River, on t h e n o r t h slopes of the Caucasus,

clay shales of the Garantiana and Parkinsoni Zones are overlain by
Phylloceras beds of supposedly Bathonian age, and t h e n an unfossiliferous
series, u p o n w h i c h rests t h e Callovian with a basal conglomerate and signs
of discordance (Nikshick, 1915). I n the K u b a n Lissoceras psilodiscus and
Oppelia fusca are recorded above t h e Parkinsoni Zone (Zatvornitzky
I n the separate outcrop south of t h e basin of the K u r a River the
Bathonian occurs in its typical neritic facies with quantities of brachiopods
a n d pelecypods, referred t o c o m m o n E u r o p e a n species. T h e only
ammonites k n o w n are Calliphylloceras achtalense (Redlich), Lytoceras
polyhelictum Bockh, a n d a Perisphinctid (Redlich, 1894). T h e s e were
collected near t h e railway at Achtala, 53 k m . south of Tiflis. Lytoceras
polyhelictum Bockh is a species of the Klaus Beds in the Alps, b u t in
Daghestan, K u b a n a n d Georgia it has been found with ammonites of the
Parkinsoni Z o n e ( U p p e r Bajocian) (Kakhadze, 1937, p . 152). Two
Perisphinctids, P. loczyi P a p p and P. daghestanicus P a p p (1907, pi. vii),
if really Bathonian, may b e Gracilisphinctes or perhaps Pseudoperisphinctes;
b u t t h e drawings are inadequate. I n t h e north-eastern Little Caucasus
volcanic rocks and sediments assigned to the Bathonian are said to be u p
to 2500 m . thick (Leontyev, 1950).


T h e Bajocian is complete and highly fossiliferous, from Daghestan in

t h e east t o western Georgia in t h e S W . a n d t h e K u b a n in the N W . I n
t h e black shales of Daghestan ammonites are incredibly a b u n d a n t and
reproduce in species and preservation t h e facies of the Swabian Jura,
N o r m a n d y a n d Dorset. R e n z (1904, p . 84) was able to recognize the
Opalinum, Murchisonae, Sowerbyi (or Concava ?), Sauzei, H u m p h r i e s i ­
a n u m and Parkinsoni Zones. M o s t a b u n d a n t of all are Stephanoceratids,
which include Stephanoceras, Stemmatoceras, Skirroceras, Normannites,
Otoites, Emileia, Erycites, Chondroceras; there are also Sonninia, Witchellia,
Ludwigia, Leioceras, etc., and m a n y Parkinsonids and Perisphinctids.
( L o n g lists a n d some figures in Renz, 1904, 1913; N e u m a y r & Uhlig,
1892). W i t h t h e m are also great n u m b e r s of Phylloceratids and L y t o ­
ceratids; a n d although the n u m b e r s of species are not great, in n u m b e r s
of individuals these families equal all t h e other ammonites. Renz (1913,
p . 700) explains this b y supposing that they were drifted, with associated
fossil wood, from m o r e southerly seas, b u t no evidence for this having
since appeared from adjacent regions of t h e M i d d l e East, the whole
assemblage m u s t b e assumed to have lived together.
I n western Georgia there is a similar wealth of M i d d l e and U p p e r
Bajocian ammonites, w h i c h occur i n sandstones a n d shales interbedded
with tuff-breccias and porphyritic volcanic rocks (Kakhadze, 1937,
with 8 plates of ammonites). T h e Bajocian elastics are sometimes
composed of weathering-products of granite. T h e volcanic effusions are
3 3
dated to the Sauzei and H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zones. (See also Kakhadze,
O n the north slopes of the western Caucasus, in K u b a n , the Bajocian
is represented in a great series of sandy clay-shales at least 500 m . thick
and expanding westwards. At the base occur Ludwigia murchisonae
(Sow.) and many other a m m o n i t e s ; a long way higher occurs Oppelia
subradiata (Sow.) with m a n y Phylloceratids a n d Lytoceratids and Lissoceras
aff. oolithicum ( d ' O r b . ) ; t h e n come 30 m . of clayey sandstones with
Strenoceras subfurcatum; and finally clays with Parkinsoniae. I n some
places, however, the whole Lower a n d M i d d l e Bajocian, u p to t h e S u b ­
furcatum Zone, are represented by coal-bearing sandstones like those of
the Lias, and the Subfurcatum Zone m a y be as m u c h as 100 m . thick.
T h e U p p e r Bajocian hereabouts yields interesting assemblages of Streno­
ceras, Garantiana and Parkinsonia, including n e w forms (Zatvornitzki,
1914, with 2 pis. of ammonites). T h e heavily-auriculate dwarf Cleisto-
sphinctes asinus (Zat.) (pi. xvii, fig. 20) is a close relative of C. cleistus
(Buckman) (1920, T y p e Am., pi. C L X I ) from t h e Subfurcatum Z o n e of
Dorset. I n the north-eastern Little Caucasus t h e Bajocian is said to
be u p to 5000 m . thick, with i m p o r t a n t volcanic rocks t h r o u g h o u t
(Leontyev, 1950).


I n the eastern Caucasus the Toarcian a n d Lower Bajocian are developed

as immense thicknesses of shales, sandy shales a n d sandstones, altogether
8500 m . thick. T h e succession according to Golubyatnikov (1940) is as
Alternating sandstones and shales, with Ludwigia murchisonae, Grapho-
ceras concavum, Leioceras acutum, u p to 2000 m .
Alternating shales and sandstones with Leioceras opalinum, Pseudo-
lioceras beyrichi (Schloenbach), Dumortieria moorei (Lycett), D. levesquei
(d'Orb.), etc., 2400 m .
Shales with conspicuous sandstones: Grammoceras thouarsense ( d ' O r b . ) ,
G. fallaciosum Bayle, etc., 1000-1200 m .
Shales alternating with sandy shales and s a n d s t o n e s : Peronoceras sub-
armatum auct. (P. verticosum Young & Bird sp.?), 1000 m .
Shales with several patches of thick sandstones: Hildoceras cf. gyrale
Buckman, Harpoceras cf. exaratum (Young & Bird), 2100 m .
Renz (1904) also described t h e black shales of Daghestan as continuing
down through the U p p e r Lias, with Posidonia bronni and Harpoceras
serpentinum (Rein). Limestones a n d marls of Toarcian age have been
recorded from various other parts of the Caucasus.


T h e lowest Jurassic beds all over t h e Caucasus consist of dark plant-

bearing shales and sandstones with seams of coal, a facies similar to the
Gresten Beds of Austria, and attaining great thicknesses. Occasionally

there are thin marine intercalations. T h e earliest ammonite horizon

k n o w n to N e u m a y r & Uhlig (1892) yielded a b u n d a n t Amaltheus margari­
tatus and what appears to b e a Galaticeras (pi. iii, fig. 3). A lower
bed with Cardinia cf. philea d ' O r b . and other lamellibranchs was also
t h o u g h t to b e Pliensbachian or highest Sinemurian by these authors a n d
by Renz (1904, p . 84), b u t Oswald (1914, p . 13) assigned it to the
Hettangian. H e a d d e d t h a t t h e coal series lies unconformably on the
Palaeozoic schists and contains pebbles of t h e m in its basal conglomerate.
T h e same is t r u e in the Little Caucasus, where there is a massive basal
conglomerate resting o n Lower Palaeozoics (Leontyev, 1950).
I n the eastern Caucasus, according to Golubyatnikov (1940) the
enormously thick Toarcian shales rest u p o n 3000 m . of strongly meta­
m o r p h o s e d shales known as 'Slates of the M a i n Ridge', in the u p p e r part
of which occur U p p e r Pliensbachian ammonites of the A p e n n i n e s :
Arieticeras exiguum (Fucini), A. falciplicatum (Fucini), Fuciniceras bonarellii
F u c i n i . F r o m this h e infers t h a t t h e lower parts of t h e slates represent
earlier divisions of t h e Lias. Oswald (1914, p . 13) also states (following
Abich) t h a t i n D a g h e s t a n t h e lower p a r t s of t h e Lias are represented
b y unfossiliferous calc-schists, argillaceous schists and crystalline lime­
stones. I t seems m o r e probable t h a t the m e t a m o r p h i c rocks are Triassic
as suggested by Renz (1913, p . 702) and received their metamorphism
in a p r e - R h a e t i a n orogeny.


T h e m i n o r m o u n t a i n and hill ranges on t h e east side of the Caspian

Sea, on t h e peninsula of Mangyshlak a n d at T o u a r - K y r , lie in Asia and
m a y b e outer ripples of t h e great ranges of S W . Asia, b u t they are generally
considered a continuation of t h e folds of the Donetz (Arkhangelsky &
Schatsky, 1933). T h e y consist essentially of anticlines of Jurassic a n d
Triassic beds, planed before the U p p e r Cretaceous and re-elevated in the
T e r t i a r y (fig. 52).
M o s t of the Jurassic is represented. T h e series begins with quartzose
conglomerate a n d continental sandstones containing plants and coal-seams,
probably representing the Lias, as in the Elburz (see below). T h e first
marine horizon k n o w n is U p p e r Bajocian, with Parkinsonia and Ostrea
acuminata Sow. T h e Parkinsonia (Eichwald, 1871, pi. I , figs. 6, 7, and
Semenow, 1896a, p . 124) was confirmed b y Borissjak (1908, p . 90), b u t
the supposed Oppelia subradiata (Semenow, 1896a, pi. ii, fig. 1) is a
Callovian Hecticoceras (Sublunuloceras) cf. lahuseni Tsyt. (cf. Couffon,
1919, Callovien d u Chalet, pi. xiv, fig. 5). T h e Callovian is t h e best-
k n o w n stage as regards a m m o n i t e s ; from it have been figured Macro­
cephalites pila Nikitin (Semenow, 1896a, pi. ii, fig. 2), Catasigaloceras sp.
(pi. ii, fig. 6), Kepplerites sp. (pi. iii, fig. 2), Reineckeia and Proplanulites
(pi. ii, figs. 5, 7), Choffatia (pi. iii, fig. 3) a n d Pseudopeltoceras (pi. iii,
fig. 5), Kosmoceras, Quenstedtoceras, etc. T h e Lower Oxfordian is repre­
sented b y Goliathiceras andrussovi Sem. sp. (pi. ii, fig. 3). T h e r e follows
a series of limestones and marls with n u m e r o u s pelecypods a n d other
fossils which appear to carry on high into the Kimeridgian, b u t ammonites
are not yet known. (For discussion see Uhlig, 1911, p p . 379-80.) T h e
Neocomian contains a well-developed Polyptychites horizon, also of
northern affinities (Luppov, 1935).
Farther east, in Bokhara, exposures are few and far between and little
known. A facies resembling the Alpine 'Couches a M y t i l u s ' occurs
(Borrisjak, 1910), b u t the only ammonite figured is the Callovian Gross­
ouvria bucharica (Nikitin, 1889, pi. viii).
(Some references for this section are listed with those for E u r o p e a n

T h e old name Azerbaijan is the most convenient for a region of

mountains south of the Caucasus and now partly in N W . Persia, partly
in T u r k e y (Armenia) and partly in the m o d e r n A r m e n i a n and Azerbaijan
republics of the U.S.S.R., where i m p o r t a n t b u t little-known Jurassic
outcrops occur.
Julfa Gorge
W h e r e the River Aras or Araxes, draining the highlands of Armenia,
flows down between the Little Caucasus on the n o r t h and M o u n t Ararat
o n the south, it passes near Julfa on its way to the Caspian Sea b y a rocky
gorge. T h e Julfa (Djoulfa) Gorge, about 75 miles N W . of T a b r i z ,
is just on the Russian side of t h e frontier with Persia. I t exposes a
succession from Carboniferous to Oligocene (Bonnet, 1912, 1912a, 1947).
O n Lower and M i d d l e T r i a s t h e r e succeeds u p to perhaps 1000 m .
of compact black limestones and more or less cavernous black dolomite
without fossils. Owing to its likeness to t h e Alpine dolomites Bonnet
considered this series U p p e r Triassic, b u t b y comparison with Persia
and Baluchistan a partly Liassic age cannot b e excluded. I t is overlain
conformably by 100-200 m. of basalt, and that in t u r n , also conformably,
b y Middle Jurassic sediments. T h e n follow a conglomerate a n d about
700 m. more basalts and tuffs, which are interstratified with the u n c o n ­
formable Cretaceous.
T h e M i d d l e Jurassic is about 150-200 m . thick, and consists of limestones
a n d shaly marls with M i d d l e Bajocian to L o w e r Callovian ammonites.
Bonnet deciphered the following succession. I n t h e absence of illustrations
of ammonites his own nomenclature is retained, with remarks on dating
in square brackets.
6. Grey marls like N o . 2, with Phylloceras flabellatum N e u m a y r ,
Sphaeroceras bullatum (d'Orb.), Sph. microstoma ( d ' O r b . ) , Macrocephalites
and Perisphinctes orion (Bonnet, 1947, p . 87). [ U p p e r Bathonian-Lowei
3-5. Grey limestones, 30-40 m., with a rich, well-preserved fauna
T h r e e ammonite levels were recognized:—•
5. A level with a b u n d a n t Oppelia aspidoides; also Phyllocera

mediterraneum, Parkinsonia parkinsoni, Perisphinctes martinsi. [Evidence

(or nomenclature) equivocal.]
4. A level with Oppelia fusca, Oppelia aspidoides, Lissoceras psilodiscus,
Strigoceras truellei, Cadomites linguiferus, Parkinsonia parkinsoni, P.
neuffensis, Perisphinctes martinsi, Phylloceras disputabile, Lytoceras adeloides,
L. tripartitum. [Apparently spans U p p e r Bajocian (Parkinsoni Zone)
a n d L o w e r Bathonian (Zigzag Zone).]
3. A level characterized b y Oppelia subradiata (Sow.); with Strigoceras
truellei, Lissoceras cf. oolithicum, Cadomites linguiferus, Stephanoceras
humphriesianum, Parkinsonia parkinsoni, P. ferruginea, P. schloenbachi,
Perisphinctes martinsi, Morphoceras cf. dimorphum, Phylloceras viator,
P. deslongchampsi, P. mediterraneum, P. disputabile, P. velaini, Lytoceras
pygmaeum. [ U p p e r Bajocian, assuming Stephanoceras humphriesianum
to b e a misidentification.]
2. G r e y shaly marls, 40-50 m., with some well-preserved ferruginous
Phylloceras a n d other ammonites generally crushed. Phylloceras disputabile,
P. circe, P. mediterraneum, P. velaini, with Posidonia alpina G r a s var.
striatula G e m m . [Evidence insufficient for dating.]
ib. Sandy limestone, about 15 m., containing Sonninia sowerbyi,
belemnites a n d pelecypods. [Middle Bajocian, probably Sowerbyi Zone.]
la. Coarse sandstone, 2-3 m., with Pectenpumilus. [Lower Bajocian?]
T h i s rests on t h e basalt flows and incorporates fragments derived from

Lake Urmia
Fifty miles south of t h e Araxes at Julfa lies the great Lake U r m i a
( U r m i , U r u m i y a , O u r m i a h ) (for a general account a n d good topographical
m a p see G u n t h e r , 1899). T h e Sahend M o u n t a i n s east of the lake produced
Jurassic ammonites which were long ago figured by Weithofer (1890),
who interpreted t h e m as Lower Kimeridgian and Neocomian genera
(Ataxioceras a n d Olcostephanus) with some Toarcian (Harpoceras). Von
d e m Borne (1891) on the basis of m o r e material was able to confirm
the presence of Toarcian b u t showed that the remaining fauna is neither
Kimeridgian nor Neocomian b u t M i d d l e Callovian (Anceps Zone). T h i s
conclusion was reconfirmed b y R. Douville o n t h e strength of n e w
collections m a d e (all from 5 m . of shales) by M e c q u e n e m in 1905
( M e c q u e n e m & R. Douville, 1908).
T h e ammonites so far k n o w n are as follows:—


F r o m nodules e m b e d d e d in black, bituminous, micaceous or sandy
shales, also crushed in calcareous shales:—
Parapatoceras calloviense (Morris) ]
Oppelia aff. subcostaria (Oppel) ,Tdent. R. Douville
Oppelia aff. aspidoides (Oppel) J
perhaps O. tsytovitchi Petitclerc ?
Hecticoceras (Brightia) aff. metomphalum (Bonarelli) (Borne, pi. i, fig. 6)
Hecticoceras (Lunuloceras) sp. (Ludwigia lunula teste Borne)
Hecticoceras (Putealiceras) cf. punctatum (Stahl)
Hecticoceras (Putealiceras) cf. paulowi de T s y t . (Borne, pi. ii, fig. 6)
Reineckeia straussi (Weithofer)
Reineckeia weithoferi R. Douville (Weithofer, pi. ii, fig. 5)
Perisphinctes (Grossouvria) curvicosta (Oppel?) N e u m a y r
Perisphinctes (Grossouvria) tetrameres (Weithofer)
Perisphinctes (Grossouvria) cyrus Borne (pi. i, fig. 2, and pi. iv, fig. 12)
Perisphinctes (Indosphinctes) xerxes Borne
Perisphinctes (Choffatia) balinensis N e u m a y r

Von dem Borne also believed h e had recognized Perisphinctes paneaticus

Noetling (1887, pi. iv, fig. 5), an Oxfordian species from M o u n t H e r m o n ,
b u t whereas that seems to be an Alligaticeras, Borne's figure (1891, pi. ii,
fig. 8) shows a finely-ribbed Grossouvria.


V o n d e m Borne (1891, p . 10) recorded a fragment of large coarsely-

ribbed Macrocephalites and a problematic form 'Stephanoceras stenostoma'
Borne (not figured) both from a different locality from t h e rest of t h e
Callovian forms. Both might perhaps b e Erymnoceras, b u t a representative
of the Lower Callovian is possible.


Weithofer recognized and figured two fragments of Harpoceratids
which he rightly assigned to the group of Dumortieria radians (Reinecke).
Von dem Borne renamed t h e m 'Harpoceras' atropatenes Borne and mediae
Borne, refiguring the latter and adding a third species kapautense Borne.
H . Douville (1904, p . 201) did not consider atropatenes specifically distinct
from Grammoceras (Pseudogrammoceras) fallaciosum Bayle. I n any case,
they give a firm dating to the u p p e r m o s t Toarcian, which is a horizon
conspicuous in the Caucasus and the Elburz.
T h e geological relations of these fossiliferous beds are not known.


F r o m the region of Lake U r m i a t h e great arc of folded m o u n t a i n s

constituting the Elburz sweeps r o u n d the southern shore of t h e Caspian
Sea and continues eastwards in a sigmoid curve t h r o u g h n o r t h e r n
Khorassan to join u p with t h e ranges of the Persian-Afghanistan frontier
beyond Meshed. South of t h e Caspian t h e arc is convex to t h e south,
farther east it is convex to the north. Jurassic outcrops are more or less
continuous throughout the range and, except that the Lias u p to t h e
Toarcian is generally developed in a carbonaceous 'continental' facies as
in the Caucasus, the series is probably complete. T h e great thickness

of Jurassic does not favour comparison of t h e E l b u r z with the Pyrenees

as advocated b y Schroeder (1944).
T h e r e have been two major orogenies since deposition of the Jurassic
rocks. T h e first a n d greatest involved overfolding a n d northw a rd t h r u s t ­
ing in t h e late Cretaceous, or possibly post-Cretaceous, followed by erosion
a n d marine transgression by Eocene and Oligocene seas. Afterwards
t h e r e was late T e r t i a r y refolding and faulting and outbreak of giant
Q u a t e r n a r y volcanoes: a history also similar to that of t h e Caucasus.
I n general t h e E l b u r z Jurassic falls into two major lithological a n d
palaeontological divisions: (1) t h e carbonaceous facies of the Lias, u p to
1200 m . thick, p e r h a p s locally m u c h more, which may follow on marine
T r i a s or m a y overstep on to Palaeozoic and even crystalline schists as
near M e s h e d , and which may contain dense fissile limestones; (2)
m a r i n e limestones, generally poor in identifiable fos?ils, b u t mainly
U p p e r Jurassic in age b u t extending from at least as early as Bathonian
to Tithonian, with thicknesses varying from 1000 m. near T e h e r a n to
1500 m . farther east (Clapp, 1940). I n t h e east t h e lower part of t h e
limestones and also some sandstones a n d shales below are M i d d l e Jurassic
in age (Bajocian-Bathonian).
T h e m o s t detailed stratigraphical work so far has been done in t h e
region N E . of T e h e r a n . W h e r e t h e H e r a s and Alarm Rivers cut by
gorges t h r o u g h t h e mountains near t h e giant Quarternary volcano of
D e m a v e n d (18,600 ft.) there are complete sections. T h e succession in
t h e Alarm valley is as follows (Bailey & others, 1948, p. 2 9 ) : —
Cretaceous limestones above
Crumpled U p p e r Jurassic limestone . . . . . . . 400 m.
B l u e l i m e s t o n e w i t h U p p e r O x f o r d i a n P e r i s p h i n c t i d s as figured b y F i s c h e r
(1915) ( i d e n t . L . F . S p a t h ) . . . . . . . 300 m.
T h i n - b e d d e d l i m e s t o n e , in p a r t at least M i d d l e C a l l o v i a n w i t h Reineckeia
tilli F i s c h e r ( i d e n t . L . F . S p a t h ) . . . . . . 300 m.
S h a l e s a n d s a n d s t o n e s of t h e L i a s

T h e downward succession is best k n o w n in the Jaji R u d gorge, about

14 miles E N E . of T e h e r a n (Bailey & others, 1948, p p . 6, 10) (thicknesses
Oligocene green beds . . . . . . . . . 3000 m .
Eocene marine limestone . . . . . . • . 10 m .
S h a l e s a n d s a n d s t o n e s w i t h Pleydellia aff. subcompta (Branco) F i s c h e r ,
Pseudogrammoceras aff. fallaciosum (Bayle), a n d Calliphylloceras
cf. nilssoni a u c t . ( i d e n t . L . F . S p a t h ) ( J u r e n s e Z o n e , u p p e r m o s t
Toarcian) . . . . . . . . . . 150 m .
L i a s l i m e s t o n e , t h i n - b e d d e d , fine-grained argillaceous ( c e m e n t s t o n e ) ,
w i t h a b u n d a n t i r r e g u l a r c o n c r e t i o n s of p a l e c h e r t . Unidentifiable
ammonites . . . . . . . . . . 50 m.
B a s e m e n t c o n g l o m e r a t e of l i m e s t o n e , local . . . . . 20 m.
Carboniferous Limestone . . . . . . . . 100 m.
Old Red Sandstone . . . . . . . . 150 m.

T h e following treatment attempts a s u m m a r y of t h e palaeontological

succession on t h e lines of t h a t for t h e Caucasus, b u t t h e documentation
is m o r e meagre and m a n y of the ammonites recorded have been figured
3 9
inadequately or not at all. T h e only satisfactory collection of photographs
is that to be found in two plates b y Fischer (1915). F o r t h e B a t h o n i a n
and Callovian it is possible to be m u c h more precise, thanks to collections
made by M r E. J. W h i t e a n d his colleagues of the Anglo-Iranian Oil
Company which they have generously placed at m y disposal for d e t e r m i n a ­
tion for this work. (Fig. 53, p . 373).


According to S p a t h (Cutch, 1933, p . 831) there is in the E l b u r z

'abundant evidence of t h e presence of Berriasella, Substeueroceras, etc.,
and of a complete succession from t h e u p p e r m o s t Jurassic into the L o w e r
Cretaceous', b u t if so the evidence is unpublished. T h e statement is,
however, consistent with the record by Bogdanowitch (1890, p . 175,
pi. v) of ' n u m e r o u s remains' of Berriasella, and Riviere's (1932, p . 541)
record of Berriasella calisto (d'Orb.) and Clapp's (1940, p . 47) record of
Virgatosphinctes. I n the west, in Azerbaijan, there are r e d radiolarites
(Rieben, 1935, p . 25).


Taramelliceras disceptanda (Fontannes) with an evolute Perisphinctid

and a smooth Phylloceras are recorded from near S h a h r o u d b y F u r o n
(1941, p . 254). According to F o n t a n n e s this Taramelliceras at Crussol
occurs in the top beds (probably Beckeri Zone of Bavaria). K i m e r i d g i a n
is also indicated by Simoceras aff. venetianum Zittel (Fischer, 1915, p . 248,
pi. xx, fig. 9) from t h e Pelour district, a n d Virgatosimoceras elbursense
Spath (1925, p . 131, for Bogdanowitch, 1890, pi. v, fig. 5) and L o w e r
Kimeridgian Sutneria sp. (Fischer, 1915), a n d b y several Kimeridgian
Perisphinctids recorded by K r u m b e c k (1922). ( I n Clapp's paper, 1940,
p . 45, these have b e e n misplaced in a list of M i d d l e Jurassic fossils.)
A Perisphinctes 'plicatilis' figured by F u r o n (1941, p . 253, pi. iii, fig. 3)
would b e better determined as Ataxioceras (?) aff. praecox S p a t h a n d cannot
b e earlier t h a n B i m a m m a t u m Zone b u t is more likely L o w e r Kimeridgian.


Both t h e Transversarium and B i m a m m a t u m Zones seem to b e well

represented b y n u m e r o u s Perisphinctids figured b y Bogdanowitch (1890,
pi. vi), Fischer (1915), H . Douville (1904, pi. xxvi, figs. 13-15) a n d
Riviere (1934). I t would b e misleading t o list t h e names u n d e r which
these have been recorded. P . morgani Fischer a n d P . peluricus Fischer
were founded on Persian material, b u t with the possible exception of t w o
of Fischer's figures (pi. xx, figs. 5, 7) the other material is unfit for specific
determination, a n d the identifications with Indian, Portuguese and other
species are unreliable. T h e dating, however, is unquestionably correct
and is supported by a nucleus of Euaspidoceras (Fischer, pi. xx, fig. 4)
and Ochetoceras canaliculatum (von Buch) ( H . Douville, 1904, pi. xxvi,
2 A

fig. 12), as well as b y a record of Taramelliceras flexuosum (von Buch) in

Fischer. Bogdanowitch (1890, pi. iv, fig. 5) figured a Peltoceras cf. bimam­
matum, and to this zone apparently belong t h e Perisphinctids figured by


Probably of this age, if n o t U p p e r Callovian, are shaly marls with

Hibolites hastatus east of Kasvin ( F u r o n , 1941, p . 250).


As near Lake U r m i a , t h e Reineckeia beds of the Anceps Zone are well

developed. Fischer records R. anceps (Reinecke), R. nodosa Till, R.
brancoi Steinmann, R. douvillei Steinmann, R. cf. greppini (Oppel), to
which h e adds a new species, R. tilli Fischer; and Riviere (1934,
pi. v, fig. 7) gives a good figure of a Reineckeid (not, however, R.
multicostata Petitclerc). Fischer records a Kosmoceras sp. indet. and
Hecticoceras lunuloides (Kilian) and Riviere records H. lugeoni de T s y t .
Perisphinctids from these b e d s include t h e doubtful P. persicus Fischer
and P. (Subgrossouvria) stahli Fischer. I t is noteworthy that Fischer
(1915, p p . 227-9) records four species of Phylloceratids from these beds,
including two new species, IPtychophylhceras hafisi (Fischer) and Sowerby­
ceras firdusi (Fischer).
F r o m 22 m . above the base of the Jurassic limestone at Abandan, N E .
of T e h e r a n , E . J. W h i t e a n d his colleagues collected a fauna consisting
mainly of Grossouvriae which is the same assemblage as that figured by
Weithofer a n d v o n d e m Borne from near Lake U r m i a . T h e dominant
a m m o n i t e (23 specimens) is Grossouvria cyrus (von dem Borne) ( = Peri­
sphinctes lothari Weithofer, = P. poculum, v.d. Borne, = P. pseudolothari
Loczy). N e x t comes G. bucharica (Nikitin) (10 specimens, agreeing best
w i t h Siemiradzki's 1894, pi. xxxix, fig. 5) ; with G. curvicosta (Oppel),
Choffatia cf. balinensis ( N e u m a y r ) , Reineckeia straussi (Weithofer), R.
tetrameres (Weithofer non Borne), Hecticoceras metomphalum Bonarelli
(auct., exactly as in Borne, pi. i, fig. 4 ; = H. salvadori Couffon 1919 non
P a r o n a & Bonarelli), and H. paulowi de T s y t . Some of the same fauna was
also found 37-38 m . above the baseof the limestone a t A b a n d a n , Grossouvria
cyrus still p r e d o m i n a t i n g a n d Subgrossouvria cf. ornatilobata Spath added.


T h e only indication of this so far is a record of Macrocephalites cf. pila

(Nikitin) 10 miles N W . of Jukar (Clapp, 1940, p p . 46, 47). M. pila is a
Pleurocephalites of late Macrocephalus or p e r h a p s Koenigi Zone.


F r o m scree from the basal 18 m . of t h e Jurassic limestone south of

P a r d e h M a h , E. J. W h i t e collected a splendid series of ammonites which

could have come from t h e Zigzag Zone anywhere in E u r o p e . T h e list

is as follows:—-
Oppelia (Oxycerites) fallax (Gueranger)
Oppelia (Oxycerites) limosa (Buckman)
Oppelia (Oxycerites) cf. radiatiformis Wetzel
Oppelia (Oxycerites) aff. waterhousei ( M . & L.)
Oecotraustes densecostatus Lissajous
Lissoceras inflatum Wetzel
Morphoceras multiforme Arkell
Ebrayiceras pseudoanceps (Ebray)
Ebrayiceras jactatum Buckman
Cadomites deslongchampsi (d'Orb.)
Parkinsonia pachypleura Buckman
Parkinsonia aff. acris Wetzel
Parkinsonia dorni Arkell
Procerites cf. clausiprocerus Buckman
Procerites cf. funatus in Lissajous, 1923, pi. ix, fig. 2
Planisphinctes aff. planilobus Buckman
Planisphinctes cf. acurvatus (Wetzel)
Siemiradzkia berthae (Lissajous)
Siemiradzkia pseudo-rjazanensis (Lissajous)
Siemiradzkia cf. bajociformis Arkell

A few of these forms had already been recorded a n d figured from 67 miles
east of Teheran, in the valley of t h e Delitchai, b y E r n i (1931) a n d Riviere
(1932, 1934), and in addition Nannolytoceras pygmaeum ( d ' O r b . ) .


According to E r n i and Riviere t h e Bathonian ammonites at their locality

occur in a b e d 20-28 m . above the base of t h e limestones, mixed with t h e
following forms which are U p p e r Bajocian: Oppelia cf. subradiata,
Oecotraustes cf. genicularis Waagen, Morphoceras dimorphum ( d ' O r b . ) ,
and a small Normannites (Riviere, 1934, pi. vi, fig. 8). T h e b e d seems to
be equivalent to beds 3 and 4 (and 5?) in t h e Julfa gorge (p. 365). T h e r e
was one Phylloceratid.
T h e section according to E r n i is as follows:—

4 c Thick series of U p p e r Jurassic limestones with chert, well b e d d e d ,

with intercalations of marl. Perisphinctes sp. Seen to 40 m .
\d. Shaly marl, 1 m .
\c. Grey hard limestone with beds of greenish-grey m a r l ; fossils r a r e :
Perisphinctes and belemnites. c. 25 m .
46. A m m o n i t e b e d : grey, well-bedded limestone with intercalations of
marl, rich in fossils. ( F r o m this bed come the U p p e r Bajocian
and Bathonian ammonites.) c. 8 m .
\a. Grey marls with rare beds of limestone, c. 20 m .

3. Black shales with geodes, no fossils. 80-100 m .

2. Black sandstones with Trigonia cf. costata, Astarte, and plant
remains, c. 40 m .
1. Shales with geodes containing Ludwigia; 'of considerable thickness'.

I n the Delitchai section 67 miles east of Teheran, tabulated above,

Ludwigia is recorded about 150 m . below the Lower Bathonian and
U p p e r Bajocian a m m o n i t e bed. A good specimen figured b y H . Douville
(1904, p . 201, pi. xxvi, fig. 9) is close to L. murchisonae, though m u c h more
finely ribbed on the inner whorls t h a n var. obtusa Buckman, to which
Douville compared it. H e was certainly correct to date it t o t h e Lower
Bajocian (Murchisonae Zone).


Pleydellia aalensis (Zieten) was recorded by Fischer (1915, p . 223)

from Stahl's E l b u r z collections, and h e figured (1915, pi. xix, figs. 2-5)
several other species of Pleydellia a n d Leioceras which Spath (1936, p . 17)
considers to b e all of the Moorei-Aalensis Subzones of the Jurense Zone.
T o the same zone also belongs a fragment figured by H . Douville (1904,
pi. xxvi, fig. 7) as Grammoceras fallaciosum Bayle. Lower zones of t h e
Toarcian are indicated by Hildoceras and Dactylioceras, if correctly
identified (Riviere, 1934, p p . 3 1 , 112, pi. v, fig. 4). Hildoceras cf. boreale
(Simpson) also was recorded by K r u m b e c k (1922).
Several nuclei of ammonites collected in the Heras valley at a lower level
t h a n t h e b e d alleged to contain 'Grammoceras fallaciosum Bayle, Ludivigia
murchisonae Sow., and Hildoceras bifrons Brug.' were figured by H .
Douville (1904, p . 200, pi. xxvi, figs. 1-6) and identified by him as
Ammonites normannianus d'Orbigny, 'Lias moyen'. I n consequence,
D o m e r i a n or M i d d l e Lias has persistently been recorded as among the
p r o v e d stages in the E l b u r z (e.g. F u r o n , 1941, p . 252; Clapp, 1940, p . 40).
H o w inadmissably w i d e a view of A. normannianus Douville took is indi­
cated b y his placing the very different Harpoceras antiquum Wright
in synonymy. T h e nuclei figured by Douville agree m u c h better with
U p p e r T o a r c i a n forms s u c h as Grammoceras thouarsense (d'Orb.) and G.
costigerum (Buckman) (cf. e.g. Buckman, T y p e A m . vi, pis. D C C L X X I V ,
D C L X X X V I ) , of about Striatulum Subzone.


T h e carbonaceous facies of the Lias in the Elburz consists mainly of

sandstones, quartzites, a n d shales w i t h plants a n d coal in seams and
lenses. N o r t h of T e h e r a n coal occurs on 12 horizons u p to 1 m . thick
a n d t h e total thickness of the series m a y b e about 500 m . (Riviere, 1936).
I n o t h e r places t h e thickness is said to increase u p to 1200 m . (Clapp,
1940, p . 40) or even 3600 m . (E. J. W h i t e in lit.). Near M e s h e d the beds
overstep on crystalline schists. Elsewhere they often rest on marine Trias.
Professor T . Harris, who has determined material collected by E. J.
White, informs m e (in lit.) that t h e flora is probably Lower Liassic. N E .
of T e h e r a n is a basal conglomerate resting on Carboniferous Limestone,
a n d the lower 30 m . of t h e Lias above this consists of cementstones with
indeterminable ammonites (see p . 368).


FIG. 53.—Jurassic o u t c r o p s of Persia. B a s e d o n a m a p specially d r a w n b y t h e ( t h e n )

A n g l o - I r a n i a n Oil C o . , t h r o u g h t h e k i n d n e s s of t h e late D r G . M . L e e s , F.R.S.

It appears that only these plant-beds swing r o u n d with t h e strike of

t h e mountain ranges by M e s h e d and eastwards across Afghanistan. T h e
m a r i n e limestones probably continue n o r t h w a r d u n d e r the K a r a K u m
or T u r k m e n depression, to join u p with t h e U p p e r Jurassic outcrops of
T r a n s - C a s p i a on t h e one h a n d and Bokhara and t h e Pamirs on t h e other.
All this region was open, like the Caucasus, to t h e northern sea of Russia.



F r o m the s u r r o u n d i n g s of Lake U r m i a two great systems of fold-

m o u n t a i n s diverge: t h e E l b u r z r u n n i n g eastwards and showing in its
internal s t r u c t u r e signs of folding a n d t h r u s t i n g directed towards t h e
sunk foreland of t h e Caspian Sea; and the Zagros and its parallel a n d
continuing ranges r u n n i n g south-eastwards and folded and thrust towards
t h e s u n k fore-deep of M e s o p o t a m i a a n d t h e Persian Gulf.
O n the second and greater m o u n t a i n arc, which extends from near
Lake U r m i a for 1300 miles to the Arabian Sea, a flood of light has been
t h r o w n b y geologists of t h e Anglo-Persian (later Anglo-Iranian) Oil
C o m p a n y . T h e i r late Chief Geologist, D r G. M . Lees, F . R . S . , most
generously provided, especially for this book, transcripts of the Company's
u n p u b l i s h e d reports dealing with Jurassic stratigraphy, and the m a p of
Jurassic outcrops (fig. 53). W h e r e not otherwise stated, the facts s u m ­
marized below are taken from reports by J. A. Douglas, B. K . N . Wyllie
a n d P . E . K e n t , w h i c h synthesize information obtained b y Messrs G. M .
Lees, F . D . S. Richardson, B. K . N . Wyllie, J. V. Harrison, K . W . Gray,
N . L . Falcon and other geologists. T h e identifications of ammonites were
b y D r L . F . S p a t h . H e also supplied identifications for t h e Iraq Petroleum
Company, whose geologists have done considerable work in the northern
areas, especially in K u r d i s t a n .
Structurally, these mountains are divided longitudinally into two parallel
bands along a line r u n n i n g approximately N W . - S E . near the towns of
K e r m a n s h a h and Shiraz (Lees & Richardson, 1940). T h e mountain
ranges t o t h e S W . of this line, a n d t h e foothills, constitute t h e normally
folded zone. T h e y consist of large anticlines and synclines similar to those
of t h e F r e n c h J u r a b u t on a larger scale, and there are also some great
t h r u s t faults which appear t o have developed from simple folds, b u t these
are subordinate. T h e ranges to the N E . of the divide constitute the zone
of overthrusting, where the whole country is carved out of overthrust
nappes a n d t h e complicated s t r u c t u r e a n d topography contrast sharply
with those of the simple fold-mountains farther south-west. Metamorphic
rocks, largely of u n k n o w n age, comprising schists and sheared crystalline
limestones, partly Palaeozoic a n d partly Jurassic (Dehghan, 1947), occupy
m u c h of the N E . part of the zone of overthrusting, and in places are thrust
south-westwards over p a r t of the normally folded zone. T h e thrusting
occurred at t w o distinct periods, U p p e r Cretaceous (probably Senonian)
and U p p e r Tertiary.
Differences of facies and stratigraphy in the Mesozoic rocks show that
at least as early as t h e Jurassic these t w o tectonic zones were becoming
differentiated from one another, a n d from the third and m u c h wider
tabulate zone of Arabia where the sediments were laid down on the
gently-shelving margin of t h e A r a b o - N u b i a n massif or shield (see p . 284).
T h e r e is no great change in thickness of Jurassic rocks as a whole in
passing from the west to the east side of the Persian Gulf, for while
in Arabia the marine Jurassic is about iooo m . thick, the-thickness in t h e
normally folded zone is about 800-900 m . or less. But whereas t h e
earliest Jurassic marine fauna in central Arabia is Toarcian and the latest
Kimeridgian, the earliest on the Persian side (at least in the south) is
Sinemurian and t h e latest is highest T i t h o n i a n , with rich a m m o n i t e
faunas providing a passage u p into the Berriasian. T h e facies, moreover,
is very different. I n the normally folded zone t h e dominant Jurassic
rocks are marls, t h i n - b e d d e d limestones and bituminous shales. In
general shales t e n d to predominate in the n o r t h and limestones in t h e
I n the zone of overthrusting the p r e d o m i n a n t n o n - m e t a m o r p h i c facies
consists of radiolarian cherts and calcareous and siliceous shales, which
pass u p from U p p e r T r i a s to M i d d l e Cretaceous like the 'comprehensive
series' of S W . Anatolia, and they are associated with masses of basic
igneous rocks, both intrusive and extrusive, recalling t h e ophioloite zone
of the southern Alps.
As in other geosynclinal regions, at least in the Jurassic, however, over-
generalization must b e avoided. D e e p s and shallows existed side b y side.
F o r instance, in Bakhtiariland and K u h g a l u t h e chert-limestone-basic
igneous series seems to be absent and is at least locally replaced by vari­
coloured shales and sandstones, sometimes conglomeratic, and b y reef
limestones and dolomites. Some extrusive igneous rocks are interbedded
locally with the sandstones. ' T h e greatest thickness measured seems
t o be 900 m . + , b u t the total may b e four or five times as great'
(Wyllie, 1937). T h i s area with t h e reef limestones is farther north-east
t h a n any of the others and probably represents the edge of, or a
protrusion from, the 'median mass' of t h e Central Iranian Plateau
(see p . 379).
I t is a curious fact also that t h e M e k r a n hinterland, where t h e L o w e r
Lias is marine, seems to belong to the opposite (eastern) side of t h e
geosyncline, for the rest of the Jurassic is represented by varicoloured
shales with lavas and ash beds. T h i s region will therefore be described
with the Central Plateau.
T h e following ammonite faunas have been recognized in the normally
folded zone. Outcrops of Jurassic occur mainly as scattered inliers at
the heart of, or surrounding an older core of, anticlines in Cretaceous
limestones. H o w small an area they cover, relative to t h e Cretaceous,
may be seen from the coloured m a p of the M i d d l e East b y D u b e r t r e t
(1942). At the same time they are not absent altogether at t h e surface
except in one locality near K e r m a n s h a h as indicated on the coloured m a p
b y F u r o n (1941), which is so over-generalized as to b e misleading (see
Lees, 1946). Some of the inliers are tectonic windows, carved b y erosion
t h r o u g h nappes of the radiolarite facies which have been t h r u s t as m u c h as
30 miles south-westwards (Gray, 1950).


I n t h e n o r t h e r n extremity of I r a q i K u r d i s t a n several periclines expose

inliers of fossiliferous U p p e r Jurassic rocks which have been studied by
R. Wetzel of the I r a q P e t r o l e u m C o m p a n y . T h e n u m e r o u s ammonites
have been studied b y D r L . F . Spath, from whose paper (1950) is compiled
t h e following section at Jebel Gara, near Amadia (about 50 miles N N E . of
Mosul). Similar faunas w e r e collected near Zakho, about 50 miles farther

Bed Thickness Ammonoids

x 4-8 m. Berriasella calisto ( d ' O r b . ) . (Basal C r e t a c e o u s )

4-8 m. N o ammonites
t, u ?
Berriasella, Parodontoceras, Protacanthodiscus
18 m . N o ammonites
s ?
Parodontoceras and uncoiled ammonoids
k-r 43 -5 m . N o fossils
j 13'5 m- Haploceras, Substeueroceras, Grayiceras similar t o f o r m s in t h e
Spiti Shales
9 9 m- Black b i t u m i n o u s l i m e s t o n e a n d shale w i t h Oxylenticeras,
Glochiceras, Pseudolissoceras, Phanerostephanus, Nanno-
stephanus, Nothostephanus, Proniceras, Protancyloceras,
Cochlocrioceras ( d e s c r i b e d S p a t h , 1950)
d-h 39 m . N o fossils
a-c Ataxioceras inconditum, Aulacostephanus aff. phorcus ( F o n t a n n e s )

Beds a-c are Lower Kimeridgian (Pseudomutabilis Zone). I t is note­

worthy with h o w small a gap t h e T i t h o n i a n fauna follows on. According to
D r S p a t h ' s ideas on t h e correlation of the Tithonian faunas there is a
major disconformity s o m e w h e r e i n b e d s d-h.
T i t h o n i a n fossils have been collected in various other places: in central
Fars from some part of a 600 m . unit of limestone and dolomite are recorded
Berriasella sp., Steueroceras sp., Streblites auriculatus and Neolissoceras
grasianum (Douglas, 1937; Gray, 1950, p . 196); and in the Bakhtiari
country Haploceras a n d Proniceras.
I n t h e Zagros ranges proper, t h e U p p e r Jurassic consists of thick-
b e d d e d massive limestones and dolomites without ammonites and poor
in all macrofossils, passing u p without a break into similar limestones
of Neocomian age. I n t h e anticline of K u h - i - S u r w e h t h e limestones
begin with about latest Callovian and the U p p e r Jurassic portion is over
400 m . thick. U p p e r Oxfordian pelecypods and brachiopods have been
recognized ( K e n t , 1952).


Erymnoceras a n d Pachyceras, with a neritic pelecypod fauna, were

obtained from shales interbedded with limestones in the Bakhtiari country.


Macrocephalites, with Eligmus rollandi and Myacea, was obtained at


Probably present, b u t no ammonites yet found.

I n Kurdistan this is transgressive in some places on to Lias and possibly
Trias, and condensation and overlaps below this horizon are suspected
farther south, notably at K u h - i - S u r w e h . U p p e r Bajocian shales w i t h
Posidonia occur in Kurdistan. I n the K e r m a n s h a h district, Lees found t h e
Jurassic to be apparently no more t h a n 75 m . thick and probably all M i d d l e
and Lower Jurassic. Presumably the U p p e r Jurassic is locally r e m o v e d
by erosion. H e divided the sequence as follows (Douglas, 1937; Wyllie,
3. A n u p p e r group of chocolate-coloured and black bituminous shales
interbedded with thin limestones.
2. A middle group of thin-bedded, black, foetid limestones w i t h
Posidonia cf. alpina and thin black chert beds, with grey shale a n d
thin grey limestones containing Bajocian a m m o n i t e s : Parkinsonia
sp., Oppelia sp., Morphoceras sp., Sphaeroceras sp., Sonninia s p .
and Stephanoceras 'of coronatum type'.
1. A lower group of grey limestones, t h e u p p e r part with a b u n d a n t R h y n -
chonellids suggestive of a M i d d l e Lias age, small oysters and other
polecypods. A fragment of a jaw of a teleosaurian crocodile.
Sinemurian ammonites occur in t h e south, in the M e k r a n hinterland
and interior plateau (see p . 380), b u t in t h e main ranges in the centre a n d
north no Liassic a m m o n i t e s have been found. A t the base of the Jurassic
over large areas, however, is a b e d (up to 20 m . thick) of the problematic
pelecypod Lithiotis, which is so a b u n d a n t a n d widespread that it is a
useful horizon-marker. I t seems to provide a link with t h e Lias of
southern Europe. T h e brachiopods in b e d 1 of the sequence m e n t i o n e d
u n d e r Bajocian above are also believed to b e Liassic.
T h r e e representative sections in the district of Shiraz, central F a r s ,
in the neighbourhood of the tectonic window of Dalnashin, give an idea
of the stratigraphy of the inner p a r t of the normally folded zone at its
contact with the zone of nappes (Gray, 1950):—

(1) (2) (3)

Metres Metres Metres

Eocene . . . . . . . 600
T o p C r e t a c e o u s (in p a r t p e r h a p s E o c e n e ) . 5io
U p p e r Cretaceous . . . . . . 1440 \
Lower Cretaceous . . . . . . 1500
J u r a s s i c - C r e t a c e o u s t r a n s i t i o n b e d s , w i t h Berri­
asella . . . . . . . 5io 240 270
J u r a s s i c : m a s s i v e g r e y l i m e s t o n e s , etc., w i t h
Lithiotis at or n e a r base . . . . 51° c. 690 c 45°
Upper Trias . . . . . . . 570 240
378 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - W E S T ASIA

O n the other hand, in parts of t h e Bakhtiari country t h e Jurassic is m u c h

thinner. I n t h e S W . scarp of Z a r d e h K u h , shown in plate 19, the whole
Jurassic is only about 300 m . thick. T h e succession exposed in this cliff,
m e a s u r e d b y N . L . Falcon, J. V . H a r r i s o n a n d A. H . Taitt, is as follows
(thicknesses as usual converted into metres from feet in round numbers.)
Middle Cretaceous limestone (under snow) . . . . . 600 m.
L o w e r C r e t a c e o u s l i m e s t o n e s a n d shales (nearly t o base of t h e s n o w ) . 675 m.
B e d d e d l i m e s t o n e s w i t h Erymnoceras 30 m . b e l o w t o p ( m o s t l y u n d e r
snow) . . . . . . . . . 90 m.
M a s s i v e l i m e s t o n e s ( t o p of t h e s c a r p f e a t u r e ) . . . 24 m.
W e l l b e d d e d oolitic l i m e s t o n e s . 90 m.
M a s s i v e d a r k l i m e s t o n e s w i t h Lithiotis n e a r b a s e . . . 90 m.
M a s s i v e d a r k l i m e s t o n e ( b o t t o m of scarp) . . . . . 30 m.

T r i a s s i c t h i n l i m e s t o n e s a n d shales . . . . . . . 390 m.
Permo-Carboniferous limestones . . . . . . . 570 m.
C a m b r i a n shales a n d s a n d s t o n e s . . . . . . . 900 m.


T h e m o u n t a i n arc of O m a n , with heights of u p to 10,000 ft., from the

point of view of b o t h topography and geology is a foreign element intruded
u p o n t h e Arabian sub-continent. W i t h its arcuate shape, convex to the
S W . , fronting t h e flat s a n d desert of t h e E m p t y Quarter, which seems t o b e
t h e prolongation of the Persian Gulf fore-deep, the O m a n mountains
stand out of their context as an outlying loop of the Zagros ranges. W h e t h e r
this arc continues s o u t h w a r d s u n d e r t h e Arabian Sea as some have held,
or joins on to the K i r t h a r ranges of t h e I n d u s arc as the surviving t o p o ­
g r a p h y suggests, is still an open question. Certain is it only that the
O m a n ranges belong geologically to Asia, b o t h stratigraphically and
structurally, t h o u g h w i t h differences.
T h e stratigraphic column for t h e Mesozoic as determined by Lees
(1928) is as follows, omitting phyllites of u n k n o w n age which everywhere
rest o n a t h r u s t sole plane a n d probably correspond with the metamorphic
rocks of t h e zone of overthrusting in S W . Persia:—

C e n o m a n i a n to Maestrichtian limestones.
Semail Igneous Series: a mass of lavas and intrusive rocks forming a
thrust nappe.
Hawasina Series of shales, sandstones, detrital limestones and groups of
red and green chert or radiolarite, with immense sheets of lava
interbedded. T h i c k n e s s probably of the order of 1500 m.
M u s a n d a m Limestone, largely b a r r e n of fossils, c. 1500 m.
E l p h i n s t o n e Beds (Triassic), c. 150 m .
(Permian below)

Clues as to t h e ages of these rock g r o u p s are scanty, as in the zone of

overthrusts in Persia, of which the radiolarite and igneous rocks are n o
d o u b t a continuation. F r o m the m i d d l e region (his bed 7) of the
M u s a n d a m Limestone, however, Lees collected three corals which
'oto Hunting Aerosurveys, by courtesy of British Petroleum Company

PLATE 1 9 . — Z a r d e h K u h , P e r s i a . T h e w h o l e J u r a s s i c s y s t e m c r o p s o u t as a pale
b a n d i n t h e l o w e r p a r t o f t h e cliff.
OMAN 379
K u h n (1929) was able to identify as approximately U p p e r Oxfordian to
Kimeridgian in age. T h e y indicate a shallow sea of Central E u r o p e a n
type extending southward from Persia, and unconnected with that of
Cutch. F r o m marl beds in the u p p e r part h e also collected a small
assemblage of fossils (no ammonites) of Lower Cretaceous type, probably
Barremian. O n the basis chiefly of Foraminifera, the L o w e r M u s a n d a m
Limestone is regarded now as ranging from Lias to T i t h o n i a n . E x a m i n a ­
tion of the Radiolaria of t h e Hawasina Series (Davis, 1950) gives an
approximate date T i t h o n i a n - N e o c o m i a n .
M o r e detailed work on the n o r t h e r n peninsula of O m a n , t h e R u u s al
Jibal, published while this book was in proof, has p r o d u c e d m u c h new
information (Hudson, M c G u g a n & M o r t o n , 1954). A l t h o u g h t h e r e were
pre-Aptian and U p p e r Cretaceous m o v e m e n t s , t h e main t h r u s t i n g was
Neogene, and t h e structures are a continuation of t h e thrusts in the
normally folded zone of the Zagros. T h e stratigraphy is also found to
agree better with this zone t h a n had b e e n supposed, and it also shows
connexions with central Arabia, despite absence of ammonites in O m a n .


T h e series of high plateaux, separated by m i n o r m o u n t a i n ranges, which

form the inner core of Persia and Afghanistan and fall in great steps to
the Mekran coast of the Arabian Sea, have been referred to as a 'Zwischen-
Gebirge' or median mass, between the greater m o u n t a i n arcs of t h e E l b u r z -
H i n d u K u s h on the n o r t h and the Z a g r o s - K i r t h a r ranges on t h e south.
Although the surface consists mainly of desert plains in internal drainage
basins (graphically described a n d illustrated, for instance, b y Harrison,
1943), the u n d e r g r o u n d structure is complicated.
I n the Persian part, in a triangle with 500-mile sides, its corners on t h e
towns of K e r m a n and Isfahan and a point about 150 miles n o r t h of T a b a s ,
Jurassic rocks play an i m p o r t a n t part, cropping out along t h e sides of
mountains which have Triassic and Palaeozoic cores, a n d buried by super­
ficial deposits u n d e r the plains. T h e r e are also outcrops in t h e M e k r a n
hinterland and not m a n y miles from t h e coast at t h e Strait of O r m u z .
Over this large area the Jurassic rocks naturally vary a great deal, b u t
there is everywhere a marked difference from t h e s u r r o u n d i n g m o u n t a i n
chains of the Elburz and Zagros systems. I n t h e first place t h e Jurassic
as a whole is relatively thin and predominantly of continental type, with
carbonaceous shaly beds m u c h in evidence. Secondly the m a r i n e episodes
are earlier t h a n in the m o u n t a i n systems: in t h e south and centre there are
Sinemurian and Lower Bajocian marine phases instead of ? D o m e r i a n ,
Toarcian and U p p e r Bajocian-Bathonian. T h i r d l y , the whole U p p e r
Jurassic is missing over large areas and in other places represented b y a
carbonaceous series like t h e E l b u r z Lias. F o u r t h l y , in t h e s o u t h t h e r e are
massive extrusions of lava interbedded in t h e Jurassic sediments.
As in the Elburz, t h e Lias occurs in two main facies, carbonaceous
3 8o RANGES OF S O U T H - W E S T

shales or sandstones, w i t h plant-remains, and foetid black limestones


w h i c h locally m a y contain ammonites. N e a r T a b a s the lower carbonaceous

series rests unconformably on U r a l o - P e r m i a n limestones ( F u r o n , 1941,
p . 259). I n places it contains workable coal seams. Liassic plants have
b e e n obtained from t h e series between K e r m a n and Ravar (Clapp, 1940,
p . 41). I n other parts of t h e same area the series comprises u p to about
150 m . of foetid black limestones (Pilgrim, 1924, p . 57). Almost d u e east
of Isfahan, near Yezd, Jennings and G r a y collected an ammonite identified
a s Vermiceras aff. scylla (Reynes) (Douglas, 1937), which would indicate
earliest Sinemurian.
I n t h e M e k r a n hinterland 'the Jurassic is represented almost entirely
b y a great pile of lava a n d ashbeds, w i t h red, p u r p l e a n d green shales,
w h i c h continue probably to M i d d l e Cretaceous time' (Wyllie, 1937).
T h e lavas are b o t h subaerial a n d s u b m a r i n e . A t Sargaz, about n o miles
N E . of Bandar Abbas, t h e Jurassic begins with a thin quartz conglomerate
resting on mica-schists and consists of n o m o r e t h a n 45 m . of calcareous
s a n d s , pink limestone a n d marlstone, overlain b y lava flows and ashbeds.
A 6-metre limestone near t h e base yielded t h e Sinemurian ammonites
Eoderoceras a n d Oxynoticeras, together with Phylloceras, Lytoceras and
Atractites (Douglas, 1937).
I n the higher parts of t h e lower carbonaceous series, above the main
coal seams, near N e j u Oasis, about 25 miles east of the town of Yezd,
occur lenticles of red m a r i n e limestone with a brachiopod, coral and
pelecypod fauna t h o u g h t to be of about M i d d l e Lias age ( K u h n , 1938).
I n t h e hills near Ravar, 150 miles N N W . of K e r m a n , T i p p e r found a
b r o w n sandy limestone full of ammonites and broken belemnites, bed 3
i n t h e following s e q u e n c e : —
7. T u r o n i a n - S e n o n i a n H i p p u r i t e L i m e s t o n e : s t r o n g unconformity
6. R e d grits, shales and conglomerates
5. G r e e n shales, grits a n d conglomerates with plant remains
4. Violet shales with t h i n limestone b a n d s
3. Brown sandy limestones with ammonites and belemnites
2. G r e y limestones, t h i c k e r - b e d d e d t h a n b e d 1
1. Black limestones, t h i n - b e d d e d

T i p p e r saw n o lower b e d s ; the outcrop is shown in his section as concealed

b y talus. According to t h e observations of Pilgrim (1924) in the K e r m a n
area T i p p e r ' s b e d 1, t h e t h i n - b e d d e d black fetid limestone, is t h e lower
carbonaceous series, and is u p to 150 m . thick. T h e r e are, however,
anomalies in t h e stratigraphy which m a y b e d u e to tectonic causes, for the
area has b e e n subjected t o r e c u m b e n t folding (Pilgrim, p . 57, fig. 9)
a n d overthrusting which has b r o u g h t T r i a s over Jurassic ( K u h n , 1938;
see also Douglas, 1929, p . 626).
T h e a m m o n i t e s from b e d 3 of T i p p e r ' s section were taken b y him for
U p p e r Liassic, b u t they have been revised a n d figured by Spath (1936)
•who has s h o w n t h e m t o b e L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Bajocian. T h e matrix is a

compact b r o w n sandy limestone recalling that of Cape San Vigilio on L a k e

G a r d a and, like that, a condensed deposit. S p a t h ' s determinations a r e : —
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone
Stephanoceras sp. ind. ('Dactylioceras' of T i p p e r ?)
Sauzei or lower H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Z o n e
Otoites aff. contractus (Sow.)
Sowerbyi Zone
Witchellia aff. pavimentaria (Buckman)
Murchisonae Zone
Brasilia opalinoidea (Mayer) Vacek sp.
Brasilia sp. nov.?
Euaptetoceras sp. ind.
Eudmetoceras cf. eudmetum Buckman
Graphoceras aff. formosum (Buckman) ('Harpoceras' of T i p p e r )
Planammatoceras sp. nov.?
Opalinum Zone
Leioceras cf. opalinum (Reinecke) and 3 other s p p . ('Oxynoticeras'
of T i p p e r )

Nothwithstanding Spath's revision, T i p p e r ' s determinations as Oxynoti­

ceras, Dactylioceras and Harpoceras, are repeated in lists of fossils from
eastern Persia (Clapp, 1940, p . 44).
Except for T i p p e r ' s and Pilgrim's sections near Ravar and K e r m a n ,
mentioned above, hardly anything is k n o w n of post-Bajocian Jurassic
o n the Persian-Afghan plateau. Douglas (1929, p . 627) m e n t i o n s lime­
stone with clavellate Trigoniae of U p p e r Jurassic aspect from west of
N a i b a n d (SE. of Tabas), and ' M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic' are r e p o r t e d
in the vicinity of K e r m a n by Clapp (1940, p . 41). Over large areas of
Afghanistan it is likely that crystalline rocks either form t h e surface or are
directly overlain by Cretaceous and Eocene flysch, a n d b y N e o g e n e a n d
Recent continental deposits of t h e internal drainage basins.
Along the n o r t h of the plateau, from K h o r a s s a n in eastern Persia
by Meshed and Herat, eastwards across Afghanistan b y way of the tectonic
valley of the Heri R u d towards K a b u l , there r u n s a discontinuous b a n b
of outcrops marked as Jurassic on t h e m a p s . T h e s e , however, are all
continental sediments of Angara type (shale, sandstone, grit a n d con­
glomerate), a continuation of t h e plant series of Persia a n d likewise con­
taining coal seams. T h e y rest indifferently o n t h e crystalline basement,
o n Palaeozoic formations, or on m a r i n e T r i a s (Trinkler, 1928, p . 2 6 ;
F u r o n , 1941, p p . 254-5). At t h e east end, near K a b u l , t h e outcrops
b e n d N E . and follow along t h e n o r t h of t h e H i n d u K u s h . After this
region they have been called the Saighan Series. H e r e they rest on
volcanic rocks presumed to b e of Triassic age a n d pass u p into an u n ­
fossiliferous formation called t h e R e d G r i t Series, probably of Cretaceous
age, which is in t u r n overlain b y U p p e r Cretaceous limestones, usually
with marked unconformity (Hayden, 1911, p p . 30-34). (Fig. 56, p . 395).



L i k e t h e African shield a n d its extension t h e A r a b o - N u b i a n massif,
peninsular India was dry land t h r o u g h o u t the Jurassic. Its ancient
surface of p r e - C a m b r i a n and early Palaeozoic rocks had been denuded
a n d faulted in U p p e r Palaeozoic and Triassic times a n d has remained above
sea ever since. T h e Jurassic sea lay to the north-west, west and east and
there were m i n o r marginal floodings in the Lower Cretaceous along the
present east coast a n d in the U p p e r Cretaceous there and on the N W .
Finally, at the end of the Cretaceous (probably Danian) came fissure-
eruptions in the N W . , producing vast lava flows, the Deccan traps (fig. 54).
A l t h o u g h the lavas have been exposed to denudation since the beginning
of t h e Eocene, they still cover a b o u t 200,000 square miles and near Bombay
they reach a thickness of about 2 miles. T h e similarity to the Abyssinian
lavas is striking, in b o t h geological setting and age.
Nearly a t h i r d of t h e ancient surface of t h e peninsula is covered by t h e
Deccan traps, which conceal any Jurassic marginal sediments that may have
b e e n deposited there and have survived Cretaceous erosion. T o the n o r t h
a n even larger area is b u r i e d below t h e G a n g e s alluvium, which is known
to extend at least 1000 ft. below sea-level, b u t has never been bottomed.
Although Archaean rocks come to t h e surface to the n o r t h of it at many
points along t h e Himalayan chain almost continuously, they have t h e r e
been upheaved and eroded. I t is possible that Jurassic and other Mesozoic
rocks exist u n d e r t h e alluvium of the Ganges, where there has been s u b ­
sidence a n d protective deposition at least since T e r t i a r y times, b u t for
reasons m e n t i o n e d in t h e next chapter any such occurrence is unlikely.


T h e r e are preserved considerable sedimentary records of the fluviatile

erosion u n d e r g o n e b y t h e peninsula from U p p e r Palaeozoic times to t h e
o u t p o u r i n g of the Deccan traps. I n trough faults at scattered points,
mainly in t h e n o r t h b u t intermittently as far south as M a d r a s and Ceylon,
are t h o u s a n d s of feet of clastic sediments of continental facies, grouped
together as the G o n d w a n a system. T h e beds, largely sandstones, were
laid down in deltas and lake basins in areas of subsidence. T h e commonest
fossils are plants, locally aggregated into coal seams; they supply nearly
* As always in this book, established English geographical terms are used without
political implications and may often cut across national frontiers.
all the coal worked in India. At the base is t h e famous Talchir b o u l d e r
bed, interpreted as a glacial tillite, which is overlain b y a m a r i n e b e d
providing evidence of Permo-Carboniferous date. T h e n e x t m a r i n e
intercalations are of Lower Cretaceous ( U p p e r Neocomian) date. C o r r e ­
lation of the intervening continental strata from basin to basin and with
the standard geological sequence is difficult a n d uncertain, since it m u s t
rely largely on palaeobotanical evidence.
T h e G o n d w a n a system contains only two m a i n floras, the earlier
characterized b y Glossopteris, t h e later b y Ptilophyllum. O n these g r o u n d s
the Geological Survey of India (see especially Fox, 1931) has advocated
a twofold subdivision into L o w e r and U p p e r G o n d w a n a . Unfortunately,

FIG. 5 4 . — S k e t c h - m a p s h o w i n g d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e U p p e r G o n d w a n a S e r i e s (black)
a n d t h e D e c c a n T r a p s ( s h a d e d ) . B a s e d o n t h e G e o l o g i c a l S u r v e y m a p of I n d i a .

however, the change of floras takes place in t h e m i d d l e of beds (Panchet &

M a h a d e v a : see the accompanying table, p . 384) proved b y their vertebrate
fossils to b e Triassic. T h i s did not m a t t e r seriously w h e n it was possible
to imagine that the beds with t h e Ptilophyllum flora represented continuous
sedimentation from U p p e r Triassic to Cretaceous, a n d w h e n a whole
series of imaginary Jurassic stages could be written in column alongside
the Indian formations (e.g. Fox, 1931, pi. 9). T h e position has been
completely changed by D r S p a t h ' s discovery (1933, p p . 826-9) t h a t t h e
lowest Gondwanas next above t h e M a h a d e v a (Maleri) stage are n o t
Liassic as previously supposed b u t U p p e r Neocomian. Geologists have
been slow to accept t h e implications of this revolution, and t h e old
imaginary classification still appears in some of t h e latest text-books
(Krishnan, 1949, p p . 246-7, 272). But n o w that, in D r S p a t h ' s words,
'it seems probable that there is an e n o r m o u s gap between t h e L o w e r
Gondwanas and the Rajmahal plant beds . . . involving at least t h e whole

Jurassic a n d p e r h a p s n o t only t h e Rhaetic b u t also t h e lowest Cretaceous',

it is necessary to r e t u r n to t h e threefold division of the Gondwana system
as advocated by V r e d e n b u r g (1910) a n d adopted in the earlier text-book
b y W a d i a (1926). According to this classification the L o w e r Gondwanas
are U p p e r Palaeozoic, t h e M i d d l e are Triassic a n d the U p p e r are Creta­
ceous. I n T a b l e 17 an attempt is m a d e for the first time to rearrange
t h e classification in accordance w i t h palaeontological evidence. The
correlations in t h e left-hand c o l u m n are all t h a t is possible from existing



UPPER GONDWANA T r i p e t t y g r o u p , w i t h Trigonia, etc.

? APTIAN AND LATER . Jabalpur 'a r e t r o u v e r ' ; C h i k i d a a n d P a v a l u r

UPPER NEOCOMIAN Rajmahal Budavada, Ragavapuram, Sriper-

m a t u r beds, all w i t h Upper
Neocomian ammonites

JURASSIC . Major non-sequence

UPPER TRIASSIC Mahadeva Maleri Beds with Upper Triassic

LOWER TRIASSIC Panchet Triassic vertebrates

PERMIAN . Damuda Umaria marine bed with Carbo-
P e r m i a n b r a c h i o p o d s , etc., b e t w e e n
UPPER CARBONIFEROUS Talchir Talchir boulder bed and Damuda

knowledge, omitting p u r e speculation. Dating of t h e Jabalpur is based on

plant correlation (Fox, 1931, p p . 113, 235) with the U m i a plant beds of
Cutch, which according to N a t h (1932) overlie the marine Aptian (see
p . 387)-
Comparison with N E . Africa t h u s becomes m u c h closer. Once again
we have intermittent Cretaceous transgressions, fingering o u t in conti­
nental sandstones, overstepping across m u c h older continental sandstones
a n d m a r i n e b e d s of U p p e r Palaeozoic a n d Triassic age, with the Jurassic
palaeontologically unrepresented. Peninsular India repeats the history
of t h e N u b i a n Sandstone.


O n the coast between Bombay and Karachi, east of the m o u t h of the

I n d u s , lies t h e classic area of C u t c h ( K u t c h , K a c h h ) , probably t h e most
favoured locality in the world for U p p e r Jurassic ammonites, b y reason
of abundance, good preservation and ideal exposures. T h e U p p e r Jurassic
rocks form an island world rising partly direct from the shallow sea a n d
marshes (the Rann) and partly from alluvial lowlands, with a fringe of
Deccan traps and T e r t i a r y sediments along t h e south side. T h e islands
represent the remains of three E . - W . anticlines corrugated b y m i n o r
transverse folds to form irregular domes. W i t h i n the domes erosion has
exposed successively lower formations in a series of small concentric
T h e southern anticline, in which lies Bhuj, the capital of Cutch, is t h e
largest and most complete, with a length of 120 miles. Owing to a longi­
tudinal fault on the south side m u c h of it is repeated in the adjoining r i d g e

FIG. 5 5 . — M a p of t h e J u r a s s i c a n d L o w e r C r e t a c e o u s o u t c r o p s ( n o t differentiated)
in C u t c h .

of the Charwar and Katrol Hills. T h e central mass of W a g u r , lying t o

the N E . , is 50 miles long from east to west a n d is possibly continued
beneath the Rann. T h e n o r t h e r n anticline has b e e n r e d u c e d to four
separate domes more or less completely islanded in t h e R a n n , b u t still w i t h
a total length of nearly 100 miles (fig. 55).
T h e U p p e r Jurassic rocks are of neritic marine facies and contain
many formations crowded with mollusca, especially ammonites a n d
pelecypods. T h e exposed and fossiliferous part ranges from lowest
Lower Callovian (with Macrocephalites) and probably some U p p e r
Bathonian (without ammonites) at the base, u p to L o w e r T i t h o n i a n ,
and is succeeded b y a great thickness of sandstones a n d shales of conti­
nental facies, with plant beds and at least two marine horizons, o n e
2 B

(without ammonites) doubtfully Neocomian, t h e other (with ammonites)

Aptian. T h e total thickness of t h e Mesozoic series is over 1800 m., of
w h i c h t h e Jurassic p a r t measures a b o u t 1000 m . T h e junction with
earlier formations is nowhere exposed, b u t gneiss is believed to lie only a
short distance beneath (Wynne, 1872; Waagen, 1875, p . 236).
T h e m a i n subdivisions were n a m e d a n d correlated with t h e European
succession, a n d t h e principal ammonites were described a n d figured, in
t h e classic m o n o g r a p h b y W a a g e n (1873-5), which has been revised in


WAAGEN SPATH ( e m e n d e d ) *

Formations Stages Stages


(510 m . )
(455 m . )
( K u a r Bet Beds) BATHONIAN

* i.e. T h e classification u s e d in t h i s b o o k , a p p l i e d i n a c c o r d a n c e w i t h D r Spath's

d e t e r m i n a t i o n s of a m m o n i t e s .

great detail b y Spath (1927-33). I m p o r t a n t changes in the order of

succession of t h e higher beds were introduced by Raj N a t h (1932), and
were in t h e main confirmed in 1939 b y D r A. Allison, working for the
B u r m a h Oil Company, whose report has been kindly made available.
Waagen established that t h e zones succeed one another in m u c h t h e same
order as in central E u r o p e , despite abundance of Phylloceratids a n d many
Lytoceratids more characteristic of Mediterranean faunas, a n d that they
range in time from Bathonian t o Portlandian. H i s conclusions have
been modified only in details.
M u c h remains to b e done in ascertaining t h e lateral changes of t h e
various formations a n d tying down some of t h e lesser known assemblages
of ammonites t o their proper places in t h e sequence (e.g. the Hildoglochi­
ceras kobelli beds). Some notable lacunae in t h e ammonite succession,
moreover, m a y still b e d u e to collection failure. T h e most surprising of
t h e gaps in t h e sequence a r e : (1) the u p p e r m o s t U p p e r Oxfordian Peri-
sphinctid fauna of t h e B i m a m m a t u m Zone found in Abyssinia; (2) the
L o w e r Kimeridgian fauna of Ataxioceras, Streblites, Glochiceras, Aspi­
doceras, etc., found i n Arabia a n d East Africa a n d known t o be trans­
T a b l e 18, opposite, shows t h e formations a n d their correlation as
established by Waagen (1873) and as now accepted, chiefly as the result
of the revision b y Spath (here modified as to terminology). T h e column
on the left shows original and subsequent spellings. Thicknesses apply
only to the main southern outcrop, where they were measured by D r
Allison. His ammonites are n o w in t h e Sedgwick M u s e u m .

Succession in Cutch

Bhuj Series (Umia Plant Beds), yielding a Ptilophyllum flora comparable

with, and having a n u m b e r of forms identical with, t h e Jabalpur group of
the highest U p p e r G o n d w a n a s (Fox, 1931, p p . 235-8).
Ukra Beds. Calcareous shales with large Australiceras, already correctly
assigned to the Aptian by Waagen. (30 m.).]


Umia Beds (about 500 m. excluding the a m m o n i t e beds below).

Unfossiliferous shales and sandstones, 300 m . or m o r e (Nath, 1932,
P- 1
I7 )-
Trigonia Beds of Umia, composed mainly of T. crassa Kitchin, with
T. ventricosa Krauss, a form found in t h e Valanginian Uitenhage Beds
of South Africa. At least four of t h e species of Trigonia (including
T. smeei Sowerby) figured by K i t c h i n (1903) as from these beds were
misplaced owing to faulty stratigraphical information a n d have proved
to belong to beds of either highest Oxfordian or lowest K i m e r i d g i a n age
(Spath, 1935). T. smeei has t h u s t u r n e d out to be U p p e r Jurassic,
instead of Cretaceous, in both C u t c h and Tanganyika (see p . 335).
U n d e r the Trigonia Beds are u p to 90 m . of sandstones (Nath, 1932,
p. 170).]


Umia Ammonite Beds (c. 15 m . ) . T h r e e beds of green oolite, highly

fossiliferous, with a b u n d a n t ammonites, also brachiopods, etc., a n d a
coral (Stylina). T h e chief element is large Virgatosphinctes, some u p to
2 ft. in diameter, especially V. denseplicatus (Waagen) with four n a m e d
varieties, also Aulacosphinctes occultefmeatus (Waagen), Micracanthoceras
aff. microcanthum (Oppel), M. sp. aff. fraudator (Zittel), Umiaites rajnathi
Spath, U. minor Spath, Ptychophylloceras tithonicum Spath, Holcophyllo­
ceras silesiacum (Oppel), Hemilytoceras cf. montanum (Oppel), H. aff.
sutile (Oppel). ( F o r list see Spath, 1933, p . 797). W i t h these occur
Trigonia retrorsa K i t c h i n and a form hardly (if at all) separable from
T. ventricosa K r a u s s of the Valanginian.
Upper Katrol Shales with Hildoglochiceras. T h e s e shales were formerly
(Spath, 1933, p . 865) called the Zamia Shales, b u t according to Raj N a t h
(1932, p p . 167, 172) the t r u e Zamia Shales form the base of the U m i a

P l a n t Beds, his Bhuj Series, a n d are later t h a n t h e Aptian U k r a Beds.

T h e Hildoglochiceras beds of N u r r h a and Gudjinsir (Gajansar) (Spath,
1933, p p . 7 4 1 , 795) are best grouped (with N a t h ) provisionally in the top
of the K a t r o l Beds, b u t their stratigraphical relations have still to be
determined. T h e commonest a m m o n i t e is Haploceras elimatum (Oppel),
w h i c h is associated w i t h Hildoglochiceras (6 spp.), Subdichotomoceras
(2 spp.), a Streblites, Holcophylloceras mesolcum (Dietrich), Ptychophyllo-
ceras (3 spp.), and Phylloceras (2 spp.). T h i s fauna correlates with the
kobelli beds of Antsalova in Madagascar and the Trigonia smeei beds of
T e n d a g u r a (pp. 335, 338). S p a t h (1933, p p . 795-7) has discussed its age
a t length a n d concludes t h a t it is approximately Portlandian, a n d h e places
it between the k n o w n U p p e r Katrol and U m i a faunas mainly on negative
evidence—the absence of cosmopolitan earlier forms. I n Madagascar
Hildoglochiceras spp. occur b o t h in t h e Virgatosphinctes beds and below
(Besairie, 1936; see p . 339).
Upper Katrol Sandstone (270 m . ) . S o far as k n o w n this thick formation
is barren, b u t Aulacosphinctoides meridionalis Spath (1933, p . 794), believed
t o have come from an ironstone b a n d somewhere in the U p p e r Katrol,
is considered b y Spath to b e U p p e r Kimeridgian (i.e. Lower Tithonian
as u n d e r s t o o d in this book).


Middle Katrol red sandstones. T h e stratigraphy of these beds still

remains to b e elucidated. Spath recognizes two successive faunas (with
p e r h a p s a third), all M i d d l e Kimeridgian. T h e later (second Katrol
assemblage, 1933, p . 791) contains t h r e e or four times as m a n y species of
Perisphinctids as of all other forms together, a n d m a n y m o r e times in
t e r m s of individuals. Spath assigns t h e m to Torquatisphinctes (3 spp.),
Pachysphinctes (11), Subplanites (5), Metagravesia (1), Katroliceras (12,
including K. pottingeri (Sow.) which also occurs in Kenya), Subdichotomo­
ceras (2), Aulacosphinctoides (4). T h e r e are also Aspidoceras (6), Hybono­
ticeras (2), Streblites (1), Hemilytoceras rex (Waagen), a n d a couple of
Phylloceratids. T h i s assemblage may correspond approximately to the
u p p e r part of the Steraspis Zone ( = Gravesia Zones) of Europe, b u t
recent evidence from K e n y a suggests that it is earlier.
Lower Katrol Beds, mainly shales w i t h ammonites at base preserved in
dark phosphatic grit. T h i s (the 'basal K a t r o l b e d ' , Spath, 1933, p . 788)
is considered to be 'intimately allied' to the other and also M i d d l e K i m e r ­
idgian. Perisphinctids, however, are m u c h scarcer, except for Torquati­
sphinctes. I n s t e a d there is a great quantity of Oppeliids—Taramelliceras
( 1 2 spp.), Streblites (4), Glochiceras (5), Hemihaploceras (1)—and also
Aspidoceras (5 s p p . , all different from those in t h e M i d d l e Katrol) a n d
Hybonoticeras (5, including H. beckeri N e u m a y r sp.) and m a n y Phyllo­
ceratids. T h i s assemblage is approximately, at least, of the age of the
Beckeri Z o n e of S W . G e r m a n y (lower part of the Steraspis Zone), which is
a b s e n t from N W . E u r o p e , possibly represented b y a non-sequence
between the Gravesia and Aulacostephanus Zones at K i m e r i d g e . A t
the same time it contains a n u m b e r of forms which, as Spath pointed
out, are suggestive of the Pseudomutabilis and u p p e r T e n u i l o b a t u s


Belemnite Marls of Jurun (Spath, 1933, p p . 747, 787). A small, r a t h e r

colourless, assemblage from these marls, which are not yet tied in strati-
graphically, are assigned doubtfully to the L o w e r Kimeridgian. Otherwise
t h e r e is no definite Lower Kimeridgian fauna in C u t c h ; another point of
resemblance to Madagascar.


B i m a m m a t u m Zone. Kantcote Sandstone. T h i s formation yields a

rich ammonite fauna listed and assigned to t h e B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e b y
S p a t h (1933, p . 784; 1935, p . 186, footnote 3), a n d from it have b e e n
collected Trigonia smeei Sow. and t h r e e other species which were formerly
believed to have come from the U m i a Trigonia beds and to be Cretaceous.
T h e greater part of the fauna consists of n u m e r o u s Perisphinctids, t h e
most important of which are Discosphinctes and Dichotomosphinctes; the
other forms need generic and subgeneric revision in t h e light of s u b s e q u e n t
work on the U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids of N W . E u r o p e . T h e r e are
also Euaspidoceras ('Neaspidoceras') (4 species), a Taramelliceras, a
Ptychophylloceras and a long list of late Mayaitids, Epimayaites and

Transversarium Zone. Dhosa Oolite. Brown and green oolites with a n

extremely rich invertebrate fauna of the T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone ( = Plicatilis
Zone), though of the n u m e r o u s Perisphinctes, Euaspidoceras and Pelto-
ceratoides hardly one is identical with a E u r o p e a n species. T h e r e are also
m a n y of the 'late Macrocephalitids'—Mayaites, Epimayaites, Dhosaites
a n d Paryphoceras, altogether 22 species, including t h e t r u e Epimayaites
polyphemus (Waagen), after which t h e 'Polyphemus L i m e s t o n e ' of M a z a r
D r i k was unfortunately n a m e d as result of a misidentification. Oppeliids
are represented by Campylites, Proscaphites and Pseudobrightia, and t h e r e
are three Phylloceratids and a Lytoceratid. T h e U p p e r D h o s a Oolite
yields a small fauna including Perisphinctids which are said to show some
affinity with those of the Kantcote Sandstone.


Ochetoceras (Campylites), some supposed Alligaticeras, Epimayaites

subkobyi and the n u m e r o u s Peltoceratoides, suggest that a representative
of the Cordatum Zone may be condensed in the lower part of the D h o s a
Oolite, b u t there is no definite evidence and the earlier Mariae Z o n e is
represented, if at all, in the underlying fauna.

UPPER CALLOVIAN (Athleta Beds) (up to 21 m.).

T h e u p p e r part of t h e Chari group below the Dhosa Oolite or its shales
consists of gypseous shales and marls k n o w n as the Athleta Beds, with an
extremely rich a m m o n i t e fauna. S p a t h (1933, p p . 775-9), mainly on
g r o u n d s of preservation, recognizes an u p p e r and lower athleta fauna,
which he equates with the L a m b e r t i and Athleta Zones respectively.
Both contain Oppeliids, Perisphinctids, Peltoceratids, Aspidoceratids and
Phylloceratids, making lists too lengthy even to summarize. T h e lower
fauna differs from t h e u p p e r b y including several late Reineckeids (Collotia
spp.), late Proplanulitids (Obtusicostites, Kinkeliniceras, Hubertoceras),
m o r e Peltoceras s.s., and an Erymnoceras. T h e u p p e r fauna is character­
ized by several forms typical of the L a m b e r t i Zone of England, such
as Distichoceras bicostatum (Stahl), Horioceras baugieri (d'Orb.), with some
even later elements m o r e often associated with t h e Lower Oxfordian;
e.g. Euaspidoceras douvillei (Collot) and Properisphinctes bernensis (de

MIDDLE AND LOWER CALLOVIAN (Anceps, R e h m a n n i and Macrocephalus

N e x t below follow limestones and shales with two slightly different
faunas, b o t h characterized b y n u m e r o u s Reineckeia spp. and assigned to
the Anceps Zone. 'Species of Hubertoceras occur in both . . . b u t in the
lower beds they are associated with Reineckeia of the anceps group and
Kinkeliniceras angygaster a n d allies, a n d in t h e higher beds t h e first
Peltoceratids are accompanied by Reineckeites of the crispus-multicostatus
g r o u p ' (Spath, 1933, p . 769). T h e long lists again contain some familiar
E u r o p e a n forms, such as Oecoptychius refractus (Reinecke) as well as the
Phylloceratids, amidst a swarm of peculiar Indian elements. H e r e too
occurs Kinkeliniceras kinkelini (Dacque), a link w i t h Tanganyika, where,
however, its associates suggest rather an U p p e r Callovian date (p. 329).
Perisphinctids—Grossouvria, Subgrossouvria, Choffatia and Orionoides—
are a b u n d a n t . I t is one of the ironies of world correlations that the only
I n d i a n Erymnoceras known occurs in the Athleta Beds.
T h e lower p a r t of t h e Callovian is probably m o r e fully developed in
C u t c h t h a n anywhere else in the world. T h e combined Lower and M i d d l e
Callovian are estimated to be 300 m . thick. T h e junction of Lower and
M i d d l e Callovian cannot b e drawn confidently at any precise horizon,
for exact correlation of the expanded succession of largely local oriental
elements w i t h t h e usually m o r e or less condensed sequence in E u r o p e is
impossible. Spath regarded the R e h m a n n i Beds as equivalent to the
Calloviense and Koenigi Zones, b u t Callomon has shown that they are
m o r e likely of the age of the Jason Zone, therefore early M i d d l e Callovian.
I have myself found a fragment indistinguishable from R. rehmanni in
the Jason Zone at Peterborough. I n t h e R e h m a n n i Z o n e of some localities
occur b a n d s of G o l d e n Oolite, b u t these are not developed at J u m a r a .

T h e fullest succession was worked out in t h e J u m a r a d o m e by Raj N a t h

( i n Spath, 1933, p . 7 4 0 ) : —


U p p e r R e h m a n n i B e d s (yellow l i m e s t o n e ) Reineckeia tyranniformis

Sivajiceras kleidos
Idiocycloceras singulare

L o w e r R e h m a n n i B e d s (yellow l i m e s t o n e ) Reineckeia rehmanni

Kellawaysites greppini
Sivajiceras aff. fissum
Idiocycloceras singulare

U p p e r Macrocephalus Beds (limestones) . Macrocephalites spp.

Dolikephalites subcompressus
Kamptokephalites cf. magnumbilicatus

M i d d l e M a c r o c e p h a l u s B e d s (shales w i t h Dolikephalites subcompressus

ferruginous nodules) Nothocephalites semilaevis
Kamptokephalites aff. magnumbilicatus

Macrocephalites chariensis
Kamptokephalites dimerus
Indosphinctes s p p .

Macrocephalites chariensis
Paroecotraustes sp.
Parapatoceras sp.

Macrocephalites chariensis
Kamptokephalites dimerus
Pleurocephalites habyensis

L o w e r Macrocephalus Beds (white lime­ Macrocephalites triangularis

s t o n e s , w i t h shale b e t w e e n ) M. madagascariensis
Sivajiceras aff. congener

U p p e r P a t c h a m (coral l i m e s t o n e ) Macrocephalites sp.

Sivajiceras congener
Procerites hians

L o w e r P a t c h a m (shelly l i m e s t o n e ) . Macrocephalites triangularis

Macrocephalites spp.

T h e K u a r Bet Beds, near K h e r a (Cox, 1935, p . 2), are rich in pelecypods,
especially Corbula lyrata Sow. and species of Protocardia, Pseudotrapezium
a n d Eomiodon. T h e same assemblage has been found in t h e Attock district
of the northern Punjab and in Madagascar, and is n o w referred to t h e
U p p e r Bathonian. I n all these places t h e beds are transgressive. T h e only
a m m o n i t e recorded in C u t c h is an u n d e t e r m i n e d S t e p h a n o c e r a t i d . *

M u c h has been written about t h e correlation of t h e thick Macrocephalites

b e d s . T h e y are all intimately linked together by ranging species (the full
lists show this to be truer even t h a n appears from t h e foregoing synopsis),
* R e c o r d e d (as Cadomites) b y S p a t h , 1939, Journ. Roy. Soc. West. Australia, vol. x x v ,
p. 126. T h e r e is n o r e s e m b l a n c e t o t h e ' L o w e r B a t h o n i a n of Sicily'.

a n d t h e r e is n o reason t o consider any of t h e b e d s between t h e top of t h e

K u a r Bet Beds and the base of the R e h m a n n i Zone as anything b u t parts
of expanded Macrocephalus a n d Calloviense Zones. Comparison with
t h e English U p p e r Cornbrash is difficult because t h a t deposit is so t h i n
a n d the Macrocephalitidae have not yet been monographed, b u t recent
w o r k shows m o r e horizons within even the English Lower Callovian
t h a n has been supposed (p. 26).
S p a t h ' s decision to class t h e I n d i a n Macrocephalus Zone in t h e
Bathonian was unfortunate because it has caused misunderstandings a n d
has led to such absurdities as the labelling of the whole of the P a t c h a m
g r o u p , with Macrocephalites spp., as ' L o w e r Bathonian' (Spath, 1933,
p . 872) a n d t h e n c e even 'Inferior Oolite' in a n u p - t o - d a t e and excellent
text-book (Krishnan, 1949, p p . 378, 379, 381).
Geological m a p s still show an area of about 1000 square miles in t h e
n o r t h of t h e Kathiawar peninsula coloured as Jurassic, b u t t h e only
Mesozoic rocks there are continental sandstones and shales now known to
b e Cretaceous. T h e y may be as m u c h as 450 m . thick and the base is n o t
seen. T h e plant b e d s yield t h e Ptilophyllum flora and probably correlate
with the U m i a p l a n t - b e d s (Bhuj Series) a n d Jabalpur Gondwanas, and so
are Aptian or later. T h e y are overlain conformably b y marine strata
resembling t h e Bagh Beds, which are Albian or Cenomanian ( F e d d e n ,
1884, p . 78).


A b o u t 200 miles n o r t h of the C u t c h Jurassics, an equally large inlier,

a n d some smaller masses, of Mesozoic rocks p r o t r u d e t h r o u g h the vast
expanse of recent deposits in the Rajputana desert. I n the centre of t h e
area is the town of Jaisalmir. T h e following are the formational names
i n t r o d u c e d b y O l d h a m (1893, p . 226) t o which are a d d e d thicknesses
measured by A. Allison in 1939 (unpublished report to the B u r m a h Oil
C o m p a n y ) , a n d age-determinations resulting from examination by Spath
(1933, p p . 799-801) of ammonites found b y previous collectors.
( E o c e n e a b o v e , 60 m . )
Abur group, with a 1 metre ammonite b e d : abundant Lower Aptian
a m m o n i t e s , earlier t h a n t h o s e of U k r a H i l l i n C u t c h . . . 96 m .
P a r i h a r S a n d s t o n e s (unfossiliferous) . . . . . . . 690 m .
B e d e s a r g r o u p , w i t h a m m o n i t e s of t h e U m i a a m m o n i t e b e d a n d a l s o
s o m e of t h o s e f r o m t h e U p p e r K a t r o l : t h e r e f o r e T i t h o n i a n . . 300 m .
J a i s a l m i r L i m e s t o n e s , w i t h a m m o n i t e s of U p p e r O x f o r d i a n a n d U p p e r
a n d M i d d l e Callovian dates (Anceps a n d Athleta Zones) . . 30 m .
B a l m e r S a n d s t o n e s . H a r d s a n d s t o n e s w i t h s o m e p e l e c y p o d s , fossil
w o o d , a r i c h g a s t r o p o d b e d , a n d fish t e e t h (A. Allison, 1939).
Seen to . . . . . . . . . . 223 m .

Total . . . I 3 3Q m .

Interesting features of this succession are the condensation of t h e

Callovian and Oxfordian stages and t h e intercalation of 690 m . of unfossili­
ferous sandstone between t h e equivalents of the U m i a A m m o n i t e Bed
and the lowest Aptian.

Another 400 miles due n o r t h of Jaisalmir t h e Jurassic system reappears,

lifted above the alluvial plains of the I n d u s and its tributaries in t h e great
south-facing scarp of t h e Salt Range. I t is also exposed immediately
to the north in the Attack district. T h e Punjab Salt Range crosses t h e
I n d u s from the east at Kalabagh a n d thence swings west and t h e n s o u t h
in the T r a n s - I n d u s Salt Range to make a hairpin loop about 40 miles
deep. T h e scarp exposes Cambrian and representatives of all systems from
Carboniferous to Tertiary. O n the Punjab side Jurassic rocks begin t o
come in only at the west end of the range, near A m b and Sarkesar, a n d
although they thicken beyond t h e I n d u s they are never complete, owing
to an erosional unconformity and overstep by the Neocomian.
T h e Salt Range Jurassics, 'though very m u c h reduced and badly
developed' were long ago recognized to b e similar to those of Cutch,
2 0
more than 600 miles away (Waagen, 1875, P- 3 ) - I n particular, t h e
Callovian Golden Oolite, like that of K h e r a Hill in Cutch, occurs on b o t h
sides of the I n d u s (Wynne, 1880, p . 31). T h e overstepping N e o c o m i a n
comprises the Belemnite Beds, marls from which a condensed Valanginian
and Berriasian ammonite fauna has been m o n o g r a p h e d (Spath, 1939).
T h e eastward wedging out of t h e Jurassic, however, is not d u e to over­
step alone, b u t also to intra-formational thinning. N e a r the east e n d of t h e
outcrop on the Punjab Salt Range, about A m b and Sarkesar, t h e N e o ­
comian Belemnite Beds rest on an eroded surface of limestones w i t h
Nerinea and Rhynchonella assigned tentatively to the U p p e r Jurassic;
b u t the whole of the beds assigned to the Jurassic (including 20 m . of
oolitic limestone with Trigonia) are only 77 m . thick, below which are
sandstones and dolomites supposed to b e Triassic (Koken, 1903). Beyond
the Indus, however, W y n n e (1880, p . 31) recognized b a n d s of dolomite
within the Jurassic. I n the T r a n s - I n d u s range h e considered the Jurassic
(with the thin Neocomian) at least 450 m . thick. ' T h e lower p a r t is
chiefly made u p of variegated soft red and white sandstones with grey a n d
coaly shales and n u m e r o u s obscure plant remains, while t h e u p p e r part con­
sists of variegated light-coloured and generally t h i n - b e d d e d limestones full
of marine fossils, both divisions containing bands of magnesian limestone'.
Very little palaeontological classification of these rocks is yet possible,
though ammonites occur. Callovian is indicated by the G o l d e n Oolite
and by a few species of Macrocephalitids in old collections (Spath, 1933,
p . 802). T h e s e indicate C u t c h assemblages of the Macrocephalus a n d
Anceps Zones, in Cutch facies. M o s t come from near t h e Chichali
Pass. It was also found, in working the fauna of t h e condensed and
transgressive Valanginian beds, that they contain a n u m b e r of derived
U p p e r Jurassic ammonite fragments which indicate the former presence
of the middle Spiti Shales ( C h i d a m u beds) (Spath, 1939, p . 152). Old
records by Oppel of ammonites which await rediscovery suggest t h e
presence of U p p e r Oxfordian also. T h i s stage occurs in the Attack
district not far to the n o r t h (see p . 400).


According to current theory, during the middle and late Tertiary the I n d i a n
shield, carrying intact u p o n its back t h e infaulted tracts of G o n d w a n a sedi­
m e n t s and t h e carapace of Deccan traps, and along its north-eastern edge the
marginal U p p e r Jurassic marine beds of Cutch, Jaisalmir and the Salt
Range, ploughed its way n o r t h w a r d into the central Asian geosyncline.
T h e effect of this t r e m e n d o u s event was to compress the geosyncline,
stowing u p the packed a n d crushed sediments into the greatest mountain
ranges of the world and t h e highest plateau—the Himalayan ranges and
T i b e t . T h e orogeny was geologically so recent that denudation has not
yet reduced these wrinkles to the extent that it has other Tertiary ranges,
such as the A l p s ; m u c h less their Altaid predecessors. M o s t of the eleva­
tion, in fact, took place after the Miocene period. N u m m u l i t i c Eocene
is found u p t o 20,000 ft. above t h e sea.
A t the N W . a n d N E . corners of the shield, in K a s h m i r and Assam, two
rigid spurs of Archaean rocks with a thin sedimentary cover penetrated
deeply into t h e geosyncline, producing two syntaxes or 'troopings' of ranges,
one b e h i n d t h e other like frozen sea waves. T h e western syntaxis troops
together t h e Himalayas, H i n d u K u s h , K a r a k o r u m , K u e n L u n and other
ranges, and extends back to t h e Pamirs. T h e eastern syntaxis is m u c h
larger a n d produces t h e vast troop of high ranges at the angle where the
eastern Himalayas t u r n south into Burma, dividing the valleys of many of
t h e world's greatest and swiftest rivers—the Brahmaputra, Irrawaddy,
Salween, M e k o n g and u p p e r Yang-tse-Kiang. Between the two syntaxes,
in a continuous sagging curve 1 4 0 0 miles long, r u n the Himalayas, backed
b y t h e T r a n s - H i m a l a y a s and the high T i b e t a n plateau. O n either side,
east a n d west, t h e ranges of B u r m a a n d Baluchistan bulge forward in open
arcs against the shield, their strike-lines r u n n i n g in general north and
south. T h e festooned pattern, reminiscent of a drapery pinned u p at two
points, is simple in outline, b u t within the folds there is extreme complexity
a n d m u c h still remains to b e elucidated.
Internally t h e Himalayan structure resembles that of the Persian Zagros,
b u t there are i m p o r t a n t differences. Superficially the fore-deep repre­
sented by t h e Gangetic plain resembles t h e Persian Gulf and M e s o ­
potamia; b u t although the Gangetic alluvium is immensely thick (how
thick is not known) a n d doubtless conceals T e r t i a r y sediments, there is
n o reason to suspect great thicknesses of earlier formations; in fact the
position of the Aravalli Archaean inliers near Delhi make this extremely
improbable. T h e m o u n t a i n front itself, however, is divided as in the
Zagros and other fold ranges into an outer autochthonous fold belt and an
inner nappe zone in which older and largely crystalline rocks are
exposed. T h e front edge of each belt is a t h r u s t fault, t h e inner fault,
bounding the nappe zone, being b y far t h e most i m p o r t a n t . U p o n it
vast bodies of rock from within t h e m o u n t a i n s have b e e n carried
horizontally over the autochthonous folds, as in t h e Alps (Wadia, 1931,
p p . 214-15).


FIG. 5 6 . — S k e t c h - m a p of t h e J u r a s s i c o u t c r o p s i n P a k i s t a n , A f g h a n i s t a n , etc.

I n this chapter we shall enquire what peculiarities (if any) characterized

the area during the 50 million years or so of Jurassic time. Beginning
in the west, we pick u p the broken strands of the m o u n t a i n chains
on the coast of Baluchistan, severed b y the Arabian Sea from their
probable continuations in O m a n and south Persia, which we left in
Chapter 13.


By far t h e greater p a r t of Baluchistan, t h e western areas, with t h e

M e k r a n coast and its hinterland, consists of folded Tertiary beds, mainly
in the m o n o t o n o u s flysch facies of sandstones and shales. East of longitude
6 6 ° i 5 ' E . are s o u t h - n o r t h ranges of entirely different aspect, formed mainly
of Jurassic a n d Cretaceous rocks. T h e dominant feature in this tract is a
vast deposit of L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Jurassic black, dark grey or brown,
h a r d limestone, altogether at least 2000 m . thick. Folding as a highly
c o m p e t e n t formation, and opposing s t u b b o r n resistance to the forces of
denudation, its broad domes and anticlines stand u p as mountain ranges,
while t h e intervening synclines have become valleys. (Vredenburg, 1909,
with geological m a p , pi. 12). T h i s t y p e of country extends from the
coast near Karachi for at least 500 miles inland, t h r o u g h Las Bela State
a n d past Kalat a n d Q u e t t a . All of it belongs to t h e region of autoch­
t h o n o u s folds. T h e r e are thrust-faults, b u t if there is any zone of nappes
it lies b u r i e d u n d e r the flysch to the west, or in t h e u n m a p p e d regions of
Afghanistan; m o r e likely s u c h a zone is absent. F i n d s of Jurassic
ammonites give promise of a sequence of rich Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic
' T h e Lias consists of 3000-4000 ft. of black limestones, some of t h e m
oolitic, and calcareous shales, with some highly fossiliferous bands, in
which t h e principal subdivisions of t h e E u r o p e a n series have been identi­
fied. T h e y are succeeded b y a n equal thickness of massive limestones of
M i d d l e Jurassic age, which constitute the lofty peaks that surround Quetta.
T h i s massive limestone is unconformably overlaid by the Lower Cretaceous
. . .' (Vredenburg, 1907, p . 50). T h e L o w e r Cretaceous is developed as
black Belemnite Shales as in the Salt Range, b u t m u c h thicker (up to
400 m.), followed b y L o w e r Cretaceous limestones brilliantly striped
r e d a n d white, w h i c h form lesser escarpments ringing r o u n d t h e black
Jurassic domes a n d ridges.
Geologists of t h e B u r m a h Oil C o m p a n y on reconnaissance expeditions
in 1938-9 obtained m e a s u r e m e n t s w h i c h indicate t h a t t h e Jurassic lime­
stones m a y b e in places double the thickness estimated by V r e d e n b u r g
(i.e. u p to 4000 m.), b u t t h e effects of isoclinal folding and thrusting can
p r e p a r e m a n y pitfalls. I n t h i n - b e d d e d limestones at M a z a r Drik, at t h e
top of t h e massive limestones, occurs the L o w e r Callovian fauna of the
Macrocephalus Z o n e of t h e Lower Chari in C u t c h . T h e vast thicknesses
of underlying massive limestones are therefore dated t o M i d d l e Jurassic
at latest.

Sequence in Baluchistan

Belemnite Shales ( u p t o 400 m.) with Hibolites subfusiformis and H.

pistilliformis, as in the Salt Range.]

O n the W i n d a r River, Las Bela State, D r W . L . F. Nuttall in 1924

collected fragments of Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus (Waagen) a n d V.
cf. subquadratus Uhlig (now in the Sedgwick M u s e u m , N o s . F778-781
and F782-3).


Mazar Drik Limestone (Mari Hills): alternations of rather t h i n - b e d d e d

limestones and shales, containing ammonites of t h e Macrocephalus Z o n e
of Cutch, monographed and correctly dated b y Noetling (1897) a n d
revised by Spath (1933, p . 808). Macrocephalites, Dolikephalites, Indo-
cephalites and Pleurocephalites spp., with Indosphinctes aff. errans S p a t h
and Choffatia aff. recuperoi ( G e m m . ) . Large Indocephalites were mistaken
by Noetling for the similar Epimayaites polyphemus (Waagen), which,
however, is of U p p e r Oxfordian date. T h e original n a m e of P o l y p h e m u s
Limestone for this group has therefore h a d to b e changed (Arkell, 1951,
M o n . English Bathonian A m . , Pal. S o c , p . 36).


Mazar Drik Limestone (presumably lower part). Noetling o n his

pi. vi figured two typically U p p e r Bathonian ammonites, Bullatimorphites
bullatus (d'Orbigny), which h e correctly identified and recognized as p r e -
Callovian, and a 'Harpoceras' which Spath (1933, p . 808, a n d pi. cxxx,
fig. 3) renamed 'Oppelia baluchistanensis', b u t which is an U p p e r Bathonian
Clydoniceras. Some of Noetling's Chqffatiae also resemble Bathonian
forms more closely t h a n Callovian. I t would therefore appear that, like
t h e English Cornbrash and the condensed limestone of M o u n t Strunga in
Rumania, the M a z a r Drik Limestone bridges t h e U p p e r Bathonian a n d
Lower Callovian (Arkell, 1951, loc. cit., p . 36). I t will b e interesting t o
see whether more careful collecting in t h e future proves t h e two faunas
to be distinct stratigraphically as in the Cornbrash.


'Massive grey limestones several thousand feet thick' (Vredenburg, 1909,

p . 200). N o ammonites known.


'Dark-grey, almost black, regularly stratified limestones, several t h o u s a n d

feet thick, sometimes interbedded with richly fossiliferous dark calcareous
shales' (Vredenburg, 1909, p . 200). W i t h i n this series t h e following
ammonite faunas have so far been recognized.


Black shales near Kelat a n d on t h e N a t r a n i River, Las Bela, have

yielded an a b u n d a n t well-preserved a m m o n i t e fauna of t h e Italian L o w e r
Toarcian, including various species of Phylloceras, Juraphyllites, Lytoceras,

Dactylioceras, Porpoceras, Fuciniceras, Protogrammoceras and Polyplectus,

with the peculiar genus Sphenarpites (Holland, 1909; Spath, 1936). At a
lower level near Kelat and on the Porali River, Las Bela State, occur
Boulieceras and an associated fauna of Fuciniceras and a b u n d a n t Spiri­
ferina and Pecten ambongoensis Thevenin, as found in Madagascar and
Jebel T u w a i q in central Arabia. T h e r e are also m a n y other brachiopods,
etc. (Holland, 1909, p . 27).


Crinoidal limestones and shaly beds in the Shirinab valley, south of

M a s t u n g , yielded Arietites aff. bisulcatus (Bruguiere) (Holland, 1909,
p . 26). Since Sinemurian Arietitids are known in southern Persia and in
T i b e t this record is n o t improbable, b u t it would b e m o r e satisfactory if
verified b y an ammonite specialist, in view of the homoeomorphy of
certain Fuciniceras, w i t h strongly carinate-bisulcate venters, found in t h e
L o w e r Toarcian of Baluchistan.
(Unconformity, teste B u r m a h Oil C o m p a n y geologists)


Limestones with Productus, etc., locally N W . of Kelat (Vredenburg,

1909, p . 201).]


If it is a correct hypothesis that in t h e T e r t i a r y era peninsular India

moved northwards, it follows that the Jurassic geosynclinal deposits
of Waziristan and adjoining areas to the n o r t h would have been squeezed
a n d pinched between t h e approaching Indian shield and the smaller horst
of Afghanistan. T h e Jurassic belt is, in fact, m u c h narrower and more
discontinuous here t h a n farther south, in Baluchistan. T h e diminu­
tion in width and the discontinuity caused Fox (1931, pi. 10) in
his palaeogeographic m a p to show a N W . - S E . land-bridge joining
Afghanistan with peninsular India during the Jurassic. T h a t such a
bridge cannot have existed is proved by t h e Jurassic outcrops of the
Samana Range, which strike right across it. T h e r e can be no doubt
that t h e seaway passed continuously r o u n d the projection that caused
the K a s h m i r syntaxis, from Baluchistan, t h r o u g h Waziristan, into t h e
K a r a k o r u m , as indicated b y Wadia (1931, pi. 3).
T h e festooned trend-lines of the K i r t h a r and Sulaiman Ranges, repeated
on a smaller scale in Waziristan a n d the T r a n s - I n d u s Salt Range, are
consistent with the postulated n o r t h w a r d drive of t h e Indian shield. If
t h e m o v e m e n t was as great as supposed there should be extensive tear
faults and p e r h a p s discontinuities among the narrowed Mesozoic outcrops
of Waziristan. Detailed survey in the future should be able to detect these
if they are present. So far little is k n o w n of the Jurassic of Waziristan.
I n the south, shales containing Virgatosphinctes of the Chidamu Beds of
the Spiti Shales are reported, overlain by 'a mighty plant-bearing series
(Janjal Series)' and Neocomian belemnite beds (Spath, 1939, p . 136).
T h e Samana Range, between K o h a t a n d T h a i , in the N o r t h - W e s t
Frontier province, has so far proved highly intractable to collecting,
consisting largely of the barren types of deposit developed extensively
in Baluchistan and the Himalayas. I t is a large simple anticline, built
u p of alternating masses of monotonous sandstone and limestone, w i t h
subordinate clays. F r o m near the top of a great thickness of such beds,
which may extend down into the Trias, eight specimens of a single species
of brachiopod have been obtained. T h e y are identified as Rhynchon-
elloidea arenata (Quenstedt) and believed to indicate U p p e r Bathonian
or Lower Callovian ( M u i r - W o o d , 1930, p . 26). O n these beds follows t h e
dark grey, almost black, Samana Suk limestone, 120-150 m . thick, probably
U p p e r Jurassic in age; and this in t u r n is overlain by 9-15 m . of glauco­
nitic sandstone locally crowded with Neocomian belemnites (Davies,

T o the east of the Samana Range, on the opposite side of the I n d u s ,

is t h e Potwar Plateau, lying between the I n d u s and the J h e l u m a n d
bounded on the south b y the Salt Range and on t h e n o r t h by the Himalayas
of Hazara. M o s t of the surface of the plateau consists of T e r t i a r y rocks,
b u t from the double bend of the I n d u s below Attock, where Alexander
t h e Great crossed the river b y a bridge of boats in 331 B . C . , there r u n s
east and west a belt of anticlines which bring u p Mesozoic rocks (Cotter,
1933, with geological m a p , pi. 19). A t the east end this belt curves n o r t h ­
wards parallel to the Jhelum, where it r u n s into t h e western b o u n d a r y of
the projecting horst of Tertiary-covered rigid rocks m a p p e d b y W a d i a
(1931, pi. 8), which points into t h e syntaxis of the N W . Himalayas. Both
the Attock and Hazara Jurassic outcrops closely adjoin t h e s p u r on its
west side. T h e lithological and, in the main at least, t h e palaeontological
succession, however, are the same as in the Himalayas of Spiti and Niti,
5 of longitude farther east.
I n both Attock and Hazara the three following traditional formations
of the Himalayan Mesozoic are recognized :—

Giumal Sandstone, u p to 36 m . (Neocomian and Albian)

Spiti Shales, u p to 60 m . ( U p p e r Jurassic)
Kioto Limestone, u p to 480 m . ( U p p e r Triassic, Liassic)

I n Hazara there is a change of facies from t h e Himalayan type in t h e

north to the Salt Range type in the south, with successive overlaps within
the Mesozoic formations. T h e Kioto Limestone overlaps southward,
cutting out Permo-Carboniferous rocks which are present in Hazara and
coming to rest on the Attock Slates, which are probably p r e - C a m b r i a n .
T h e Spiti Shales overlap t h e Kioto Limestone, which develops an eroded
and bored surface; 'the bottom ferruginous layer of the Spiti Shales covers

t h e step-like outcropping edges of t h e T r i a s after t h e m a n n e r of a stair-

carpet' (Middlemiss, 1896, p . 29). F a r t h e r south, and in the greater part
of t h e Attock district, t h e Spiti Shales in t u r n are overlapped by the Giumal
Sandstone, which takes on a shelly facies and incorporates at the base,
or rests on condensed representatives of, certain Oxfordian horizons which
belong low d o w n in t h e Spiti Shales.
T h e Attock a n d Hazara districts t h u s provide a section across the
s o u t h e r n edge of t h e Himalayan t r o u g h a n d m u s t have b e e n moved bodily
w i t h t h e underlying shelf of p r e - C a m b r i a n rocks if the Indian peninsula
u n d e r t h r u s t n o r t h w a r d as postulated. A similar marginal section may be
preserved n o r t h of M o u n t Everest (see below).
T h e following stages have been identified:—

Succession in the Attock District and Hazara


A m m o n i t e s of the genera Spiticeras, Blanfor dicer as and Himalayites

have been recorded in limonitic poor preservation in sandy limestones of
t h e Attock district wrongly correlated with the Giumal Sandstone of
t h e Himalaya, and from Hazara is k n o w n a Neocosmoceras. These
are all genera typical of the U p p e r Spiti Shales (Lochambel Beds, see
p . 407) (Spath, 1933, p p . 803-4). Similar rocks in b o t h Hazara and
t h e Attock district have yielded n u m e r o u s Trigonia ventricosa K r a u s s
(Middlemiss, 1896, p . 3 4 ; Cox, 1935, p p . 2, 17, pi. ii, fig. 14).


Virgatosphinctes frequens, a species of the M i d d l e Spiti Shales (Chidamu

Beds) is recorded from several places in Hazara (Middlemiss, 1896, p p . 33,
3 4 ; Spath, 1933, p . 804).


I n t h e Attock district, where a condensed, marginal, shelly facies of

t h e Spiti Shales is overlapping the Kioto Limestone and is itself almost
overlapped b y G i u m a l Sandstone, a highly interesting ammonite assem­
blage of t h e T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Z o n e occurs. I t consists mainly of Peri­
sphinctes of strong C u t c h affinities (though some are cosmopolitan), with
which are associated some Mayaites, including M.pofyphemus (Waagen), the
whole indicating direct sea-connexion with C u t c h (Spath, 1934; subgeneric
attributions of t h e Perisphinctids require revision). W i t h t h e m occur
Gryphaea balli (Stefanini) a n d Exogyra fourtaui Stefanini, two oysters first
described from Somaliland, and other c o m m o n pelecypods (Cox, 1935).


T h e K u a r Bet Beds of C u t c h (see p . 391) are represented by a n u m b e r

of pelecypods preserved in grey r u b b l y limestone, presumably from the
local top of the Kioto Limestone. Protocardia, Eomiodon and Corbula
have b e e n figured (Cox, 1935).

Proof that at least some part of the Lias is represented in t h e K i o t o

Limestone is provided by typical Liassic pelecypods: Eopecten velatus
(Goldfuss), Lima gigantea (Sow.), Plicatula spinosa (Schloth.), figured b y
Cox (1935).


D r Cox (1935, p . 3, pi. i, fig. 1) recognized from t h e Kioto L i m e s t o n e

a single specimen of the U p p e r Triassic genus Indopecten Douglas. T h e
specimen is of special importance because it h a d been argued from t h e
supposed absence of this conspicuous genus from t h e Himalayan region
and its abundance in eastern Persia and the East Indies that there m u s t
have been in Triassic times another migration route across what is n o w
the Indian Ocean.]


N o equivalent section across the n o r t h e r n shore of the Asian T e t h y s

is yet on record. T h e most n o r t h e r n T e r t i a r y fold mountains of t h e
Himalayan system are the Pamirs. I n general they consist of a series of
arcuate ranges convex northwards. T h e y are the outer wrinkles of t h e
great syntaxis, stowed u p against older Palaeozoic (Altaid) ranges, w i t h
intense folding (often isoclinal), thrusting, and magmatic injection which
has locally metamorphosed the strata, converting Mesozoic shales into
micaschists (Tipper, 1923; Yudin, 1932). T h e extent of such m e t a -
morphic Jurassics is u n k n o w n ; b u t in Chitral T i p p e r obtained Jurassic
belemnites from schists in the Arkari valley at 16,000 ft. T h i s area has
peaks rising to 25,000 ft. and m a n y glaciers, making 'detailed work
practically impossible'.
It appears that the Angara plant-beds, t h e Saighan Series of Afghanistan
(see p . 381), pass on north-eastwards along the n o r t h side of t h e
H i n d u K u s h and t h r o u g h the extreme N E . corner of Afghanistan,
where they have been reported at Faizabad on the u p p e r A m u Darya.
T h e n c e their outcrop swings r o u n d eastwards with t h e strike of t h e
mountain ranges, crossing the central Pamirs in a belt about 30 miles
wide. I n the central Pamirs t h e thickness reaches 3000 m., mostly dark
grey and black shales, with ripple-marks in places and plant remains,
especially cycads, ferns and Equisetales (Yudin, 1932). O n the n o r t h side
of the A m u Darya the same series contains coal measures in the Hissar
Mountains and east Ferghana, and in these places and at N a r y n have been
found marine intercalations with Cardinia spp. as well as a m a r i n e m i c r o -
fauna. ' M i d d l e Jurassic ammonites' are also reported (Shabarov, 1939,
p . 550). I n the eastern Pamirs the thickness diminishes: the Angara Beds,
consisting of shales and quartzites, often false-bedded, and resting directly
on gneisses and ancient crystalline schists, are there overlapped b y t r a n s ­
gressive Cretaceous beds (Asklund, 1922, p . 173). Angara Beds have been
2 c
402 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - E A S T ASIA

recognized on t h e n o r t h flank of t h e K a r a k o r u m as far as latitude 77° 8' E.

( N o r i n , 1946, m a p , pi. A ) .
I n t h e central a n d southern Pamirs t h e Angara Beds are succeeded,
like t h e similar Liassic plant-beds of n o r t h Persia, b y a thick Middle-
U p p e r Jurassic limestone, 600-800 m . thick, called b y Hayden (1916)
t h e P a m i r Limestone. Resting unconformably on this, at least in the
central Pamirs, are u p to 675 m . of red sandstones and conglomerates,
with Lower Cretaceous pelecypods near t h e base; in places there is a
basal conglomerate composed of Jurassic limestone (Yudin, 1932). T h i s
series recalls a n d probably is equivalent to t h e Red Grit Series of
Afghanistan (see p . 381), t h e P a m i r Limestone being a n intercalation
b e t w e e n it a n d t h e Saighan Series a n d absent from Afghanistan.

FIG. 57.—Jurassic outcrops in the Himalayas and Tibet. After the Geological
Survey map of India.

So far three distinct Jurassic ammonite faunas have been reported

0 0
from t h e P a m i r Limestone. I n a valley called Kekchaki (37 3 3 ' : 7 4 55'),
H a y d e n (1916, p p . 307-9) found a b e d with many poorly-preserved
Perisphinctids, associated with Reineckeia a n d Oppelia. H e likened
t h e Perisphinctids to Kimeridgian species b u t felt confident enough
of t h e Reineckeia t o infer t h a t t h e age of t h e b e d is Callovian. T h e general
aspect of t h e m u l t i t u d e s of Perisphinctids from t h e Reineckeia beds of t h e
A n c e p s Z o n e of t h e E l b u r z is sufficiently like t h e forms cited b y H a y d e n
t o p r o d u c e strong probability that H a y d e n found t h e equivalent of this
horizon, which w a s also encountered b y t h e Filippi expedition i n t h e
K a r a k o r u m (see p p . 370, 405). I t m a y b e recalled that t h e same
Perisphinctid assemblage was mistaken for Kimeridgian at Lake U r m i a
b y Weithofer (see p . 366).
Confirmation of t h e presence of a rich M i d d l e Callovian ammonite
fauna was obtained b y a Russian expedition in t h e south-eastern Pamirs

in 1933. Despite its poor preservation, Vyalov (1935)* was able t o recog­
nize at least four species of Hecticoceras, which h e compared t o Russian
and Caucasian species and perhaps a C u t c h species (H. cf. dynastes
Waagen), Distichoceras aft. fornix (Sow.), also a Cutch species, a n d various
Grossouvrids. Beneath this fauna w a s collected an assemblage of
Perisphinctids compared chiefly t o Bathonian Siemiradzkia spp. Beneath
this again were further ammonites compared t o t h e Bathonian forms
Oppelia aft. aspidoides (Oppel), Prohecticoceras cf. primaevum (de Gross.)
and more Siemiradzkia s p p . Finally, t h e lowest assemblage found
appeared to b e M i d d l e to U p p e r Bajocian, with crushed a n d distorted
ammonites compared to Oppelia cf. subradiata (Sow.), Lissoceras cf.
oolithicum (d'Orb.), Dorsetensia cf. regrediens (Haug), ? Ermoceras s p . ,
Lytoceras s p . F r o m another locality was recorded Emileia cf. polyschides
F r o m Gajdna, in t h e southern Pamirs, a Russian expedition in 1927
made a small collection of fragmentary ammonites which appear t o denote
an U p p e r Bathonian horizon close to that of Lechstedt, near Hildesheim
(Khudiaev, 1931). T h e Pamir Limestone is here 600-800 m . thick a n d
the ammonites were collected near t h e base from marly limestone b a n d s
several tens of metres thick. T h e y are associated with a rich a n d varied
fauna, mainly pelecypods. Ammonites are rare a n d poorly preserved.
T h e fragments figured b y K h u d i a e v were compared b y h i m to Prohecti­
coceras retrocostatum (de Grossouvre), P. costatum (Roemer), Bullati­
morphites suevicus (Roemer) a n d Siemiradzkia obliqueradiata (Jiissen).
T h e material is so poor that from t h e illustrations these comparisons can
b e neither contested n o r confirmed, b u t they m a y well b e correct. T h e
top of the limestone is locally full of corals, Nerinea, etc. (Yudin, 1932).
According to H a y d e n ' s observations (1916) t h e lower p a r t of t h e P a m i r
Limestone is Triassic. T h e evidence adduced, however, is n o t q u i t e
convincing, in view of t h e superficial resemblance (stressed b y himself)
between various shale a n d limestone groups of different ages, a n d t h e
extreme complexity of t h e structure. T h e r e is here an inconsistency
which only future research can resolve.
Yudin (1932) was impressed b y t h e resemblance between t h e Jurassic
sequence in t h e Pamirs a n d that in t h e Caucasus a n d n o r t h e r n Persia.
I n view of what is now known of t h e Pamirs and K a r a k o r u m there can b e
no doubt of the correctness of Nikitin's hypothesis (1889, p . 142), adopted
by Uhlig (1910a, p p . 41-4), of a Jurassic seaway connecting this region
across Bokhara with t h e Aralo-Caspian depression, south Russia, a n d t h e
Elburz M o u n t a i n s of Persia. T h e sea d i d not, however, cover Afghanistan
as shown in t h e m a p b y Stefanini (1928).
* I am indebted to Mr E. P. Tyrrell for a complete translation of this important
paper from the Russian.


Beyond t h e great syntaxis, of which t h e Pamirs are as it were t h e key­

stone, a vast sea of m o u n t a i n ranges fans o u t eastwards i n t h e mightiest
virgation o n earth. T h e most southerly range of t h e virgation is t h e
Himalaya, t h e most northerly t h e K u e n L u n . Between t h e two is t h e
K a r a k o r u m ; high b u t relatively short, its sedimentary (Tethyan) part
dying o u t b y about longitude 79 E . into t h e plateau of n o r t h e r n T i b e t .
T h e K u e n L u n is composed of Palaeozoic a n d older sediments which
were folded a n d consolidated in t h e Altaid (Variscan) orogeny a n d raised

FIG. 58.—Sketch-map of the young fold ranges south of the Kuen Lun, after de Terra.
The shaded area was consolidated by Upper Palaeozoic folding and re-elevated
during the Alpine foldings in the south and west. (Some spellings Germanized.)

again b y t h e Alpine orogeny (fig. 58). T h e outer Himalaya likewise

consists of p r e - C a m b r i a n a n d Lower Palaeozoic rocks upheaved a n d
overthrust southward in t h e late Tertiary. Between t h e t w o , amid vast
areas of similar rocks a n d of granites a n d gneisses, are left small scattered
outliers w h i c h are relics of a shallow Mesozoic seaway, t h e T e t h y s .
F a r t h e r east, in T i b e t , thousands of square miles of Jurassic and Cretaceous
sediments deposited in this seaway still survive, b u t in t h e west, in t h e
closely trooped fold ranges of t h e great virgation, nearly all t h e Jurassic
has been destroyed b y erosion. West of t h e longitude of Spiti (the classic
locality described in t h e next section) t h e only outliers known are in t h e
K a r a k o r u m a n d t h e adjoining Aghil ranges.
T h e fascination of this spectacular a n d inaccessible region has drawn a

series of major expeditions, to whose collecting we owe what little is

known. T h e first to bring back Jurassic fossils was the de Filippi expedi­
tion of 1913-14, which crossed the K a r a k o r u m Pass a n d descended into t h e
T a r i m basin, returning by way of Yarkand, K a s h g a r a n d T a s h k e n t . A
vivid idea of the country m a y b e obtained from the first-rate description
a n d h u n d r e d s of superlative photographs (de Filippi, 1932). F r o m a
small valley, tributary to the Shyok River, immediately south of t h e
K a r a k o r u m Pass, about 125 specimens of ammonites were collected from
a marly limestone. T h e y are mostly fragments and t h e preservation is
poor, b u t they suffice to identify the Anceps Z o n e of t h e M i d d l e Callovian
(Stefanini, 1928). W i t h t h e m occur foraminifera a n d a cosmopolitan
assemblage of pelecypods—Chlamys, Lima, Ctenostreon, Pholadomya,
Goniomya, Oxytoma, some Rhynchonellids and Terebratulids, foraminifera
a n d sponge spicules. T h e locality was called the Valley of A m m o n i t e s .
T h e assemblage of fragments figured b y Stefanini comprises Grossouvria,
Choffatia, Reineckeia, Oxycerites and Hecticoceras, a n d is unmistakably
t h e same as that known from Lake U r m i a and t h e E l b u r z M o u n t a i n s of
n o r t h Persia (see p p . 366, 370). I n particular, Hecticoceras (Brightia)
aff. metomphalum Bonarelli and H. (Putealiceras) paulowi T s y t . occur in
all three areas. Like the Lower Bathonian of the Pamirs, this fauna seems
t o demand a seaway across Bokhara from t h e north-eastern Elburz. ( W i t h
S p a t h (1933, p . 806) I would reject Stefanini's identifications of Kosmoceras
(pi. viii, fig. 5), Villanya (pi. xi, fig. 4), and t h e rolled fragment of a (Spiti
Shale?) Perisphinctid (pi. x, fig. 4)). F o u r m o r e Pseudoperisphinctinae
from the same locality have since been figured (Frebold in N o r i n , 1946,
p . 196, pi. xxii: fig. 4, Choffatia s p . ; fig. 5, Poculisphinctes s p . ; fig. 6,
Indosphinctes s p . ; fig. 7, Grossouvria sp.).
T h e Trinkler expedition of 1927-28, following an earlier synthesis of t h e
Himalayas sensu lato (Trinkler, 1922), produced another great work o n
t h e K a r a k o r u m and K u e n L u n (de T e r r a , 1932). N o Jurassic ammonites
w e r e found, b u t from near longitude 7 8 a small assemblage of pelecypods
i n a neritic broken-shell limestone includes Variamussiumpumilum (Lam.),
Camptonectes lens (Sow.), Pseudolimea duplicata (Sow.), Ostrea calceola
Zieten, Trigonia formosa Lycett and other c o m m o n E u r o p e a n species, a n d
seems to indicate Bajocian (Staesche in de T e r r a , 1932, p . 145, pis. xxi,
I n the Aghil ranges, about 40 miles north-west of t h e K a r a k o r u m
Pass, M a s o n (1928, p p . 97-8) found Spiticeras aff. scripta (Strachey),
S. spitiense (Blanford) a n d Virgatosphinctes aff. denseplicatus (Waagen),
w h i c h proves that at least t h e middle a n d u p p e r faunas of t h e Spiti Shales
are represented.
Since three expeditions have all found different faunas, it is evident
t h a t these mountains m a y still have m a n y Jurassic surprises in store.
406 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - E A S T ASIA


T h e famous locality of Spiti is a small isolated area, only 40 miles long

in the direction of strike and less than half as wide, surrounded by exten­
sive tracts of Triassic and Palaeozoic rocks. T h e Niti area, rather more
t h a n 100 miles farther south-east along t h e strike, is somewhat larger.
B o t h Jurassic outcrops are relics of dissected synclines within t h e
Himalayan M o u n t a i n s n o r t h of the m a i n crystalline range.
F r o m ancient times splendidly preserved ammonites were b r o u g h t
d o w n b y traders to be sold to H i n d u pilgrims in the holy places of India.
T h e y were called Salagrams and were used as charms. T h e first to discover
their source in the Spiti Shales were the Strachey brothers, b u t it was a
long time before geologists elucidated the stratigraphy or collected any
ammonites in situ. T h e earliest collections were formed by purchase a n d
exchange, and the figures of isolated specimens by Gray, Oppel (1863)
a n d Salter & Blanford (1865) (the first and t h i r d revised b y Crick, 1903,
1904), gave rise to lively polemics among leading specialists of the day,
especially between N e u m a y r a n d Nikitin. Stoliczka (1866) a n d Griesbach
(1891) laid the groundwork of the stratigraphy, and H a y d e n (1904)
published a m o r e authoritative account of the Spiti area, correcting
mistakes m a d e by Stoliczka owing to inaccurate palaeontology.
I n b o t h areas the U p p e r Triassic and Jurassic rocks consist of a thick
mass of dark grey or black limestone (Kioto Limestone, 150-700 m.),
overlain conformably b y t h e Spiti Shales (about 90-150 m.). T h e Kioto
L i m e s t o n e forms forbidding cliffs along t h e valleys of t h e Spiti a n d other
rivers, while t h e Spiti Shales t e n d to weather into black, rolling, bare
downs. T h e Kioto Limestone is almost unfossiliferous, except locally
near the t o p .
T h e first, and still the only, attempt to collect ammonites in place from
t h e Spiti Shales was m a d e on an expedition in 1892 sent specially t o
investigate the stratigraphy of the Mesozoics of what is here called t h e
N i t i area (Johar a n d H u n d e s ) . I t was sponsored b y t h e Geological Survey
of I n d i a w h o sent their officers, Middlemiss and Griesbach, accompanied
b y C . D i e n e r of Vienna, w h o took p a r t a t t h e instigation of Professor E .
Suess. I n his account of this expedition, D i e n e r (1895, p p . 582-8) first
n a m e d the three divisions of t h e Spiti Shales already recognized b y
Griesbach (1891, p . 76), in ascending order the Belemnites gerardi Beds,
C h i d a m u Beds and Lochambel Beds (both after places in the Niti area),
a n d the collections m a d e are still the main basis of our knowledge of t h e
a m m o n i t e succession. T h e ammonite fauna of the Spiti Shales was later
m o n o g r a p h e d b y V. U h l i g (1903-10) a n d exhaustively discussed b y h i m
from every aspect (1910a). T h e other mollusca were monographed by
H o l d h a u s (1913).
T h e charge can never b e b r o u g h t against t h e British that during their
occupation of India they either neglected scientific opportunities or kept
a corner in scientific investigations. T h e splendid series of palaeonto-
Photo Dr. I. Ketin, Istanbul

PLATE 20a.—The Castle of Bayburt, eastern Anatolia: Upper Jurassic limestones.

(See Fig. 50.)

Photo A. von Krafft, Giol. Sun. India

PLATE 206.—Exotic blocks in the Kiogars. L , red Lower Lias limestone; P,
Permo-Carboniferous limestone; 4b, Upper Flysch, black shales; 5, basic
igneous rocks. (See Figs. 60, 61.)
Photo A. von Krafft, Geol. Surv. India
PLATE 2 1 . — T h e U p p e r S p i t i v a l l e y ; cliffs o f K i o t o L i m e s t o n e w i t h S p i t i S h a l e s a t t o p .

logical and geological memoirs of the Geological Survey of India bear

witness to t h e first statement; for t h e second it is only necessary to recall
that W . Waagen of M u n i c h , a pupil of Oppel's, was entrusted with
monographing the Jurassic fossils of Cutch, t h a t C. L . Griesbach, an
Austrian, became Director of t h e Survey, t h a t E. Suess of Vienna was
invited to nominate palaeontologists to help collect a n d to m o n o g r a p h
t h e classic fauna of Spiti, which t h u s came to b e published by V. U h l i g ,
a pupil of N e u m a y r ' s at M u n i c h (himself a pupil of Oppel's) and K .
H o l d h a u s , a pupil of D i e n e r ' s ; while t h e wealth of Triassic a m m o n i t e s
was entrusted to D i e n e r and Mojsisovics. T h e policy, for which strati-
graphers and palaeontologists t h e world over have cause to b e thankful,
was to enlist the best-qualified experts available, irrespective of nationality.
T h e succession in Spiti and Niti resulting from U h l i g ' s work (see especi­
ally Uhlig, 1910a, p p . 26-32, with lists) touched u p only in m e r e details,
is as follows:—
Succession in Spiti and Niti


Giumal Sandstone (up to 150 m.). Flysch facies passing down gradually
into the Spiti Shales. (Giumal is a locality in t h e Spiti area.)


Lochambel Beds (Upper Spiti Shales). Black lustrous shales with

fossiliferous concretions, m a n y having an a m m o n i t e at t h e centre. F r o m
t h e s e beds come the magnificent ammonites of u p p e r m o s t T i t h o n i a n a n d
Berriasian age figured in U h l i g ' s m o n o g r a p h (1903-10), belonging to t h e
genera Spiticeras, Berriasella, Blanfor dicer as (Cossmann, 1907, = Blan-
Jordia Uhlig, preoccupied), Aulacosphinctes, Paraboliceras, Himalayites,
Kossmatia, Neocomites, Acanthodiscus, Kilianella, Sarasinella, etc., all of
which were founded b y Uhlig. T h e uncoiled genus Bochianites also
occurs. T h e dating of this and the other parts of t h e Spiti Shales remains
the same as was established by Nikitin (1889, p . 125) and W a a g e n before
h i m (1875), except that U h l i g was t h e first to recognize t h e Neocomian
element. Representation of the E u r o p e a n T i t h o n i a n was recognized
b y Zittel as early as 1868.


Chidamu Beds (Middle Spiti Shales). Black lustrous shales with

n u m e r o u s black limestone nodules, m a n y of which have an a m m o n i t e
at the centre. T h e lithology is similar to that of the Lochambel Beds b u t
the fauna is quite different, being overwhelmingly one of Perisphinctids,
especially the genera Virgatosphinctes and Aulacosphinctoides (Uhlig, 1903-10,
pis. xlix-lvi). A m o n g t h e m is V. denseplicatus (Waagen), characteristic
species of the U m i a A m m o n i t e Bed in C u t c h . I n these beds also occur the
few Phylloceratids and Lytoceratids found in Spiti, as well as Oppeliidae
{Uhligites) and Haploceratidae. F u t u r e collecting will probably establish
408 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - E A S T ASIA

t h e presence of at least two distinct assemblages, for among the H a p l o -

ceratidae is Hildoglochiceras kobelli (Oppel), which, as Uhlig (1910a,
p p . 12, 27) pointed out, occurs in t h e Katrol Beds of Cutch, and is p r e ­
s u m e d to b e Kimeridgian (see p . 388).

G a p representing t h e L o w e r and M i d d l e Kimeridgian.


Belemnopsis gerardi Beds (Lower Spiti Shales). G r e y shales with occa­

sional limestone bands a n d a few unfossiliferous nodules. B. gerardi
is a b u n d a n t , b u t it ranges u p t h r o u g h t h e C h i d a m u Beds (Uhlig, 1903-10,
p p . 386-8); also coarse-ribbed Inocerami. T h e only ammonites known
are a few specimens of 'Macrocephalitids' which Waagen and U h l i g
(1903-10, p p . 269, 388, and pi. lxxvi, figs. 1-4) considered to be w h a t
are now called Mayaites, and they dated t h e m as U p p e r Oxfordian. T h i s
is confirmed b y S p a t h (1933, p . 804).

N o n - s e q u e n c e , denoted b y conglomerate

Belemnopsis sulcacutus Beds. At Niti Pass these beds consist of 45 m .

of sandstone with belemnites and pelecypods, overlain by conglomerate.
At Shalshal Cliffs t h e thickness is only 6 m . a n d there is at the top a layer
of ferruginous oolite or pisolite, from which Diener (1895, p p . 583,
856) recorded ammonites identified b y F . E . Suess as Macrocephalites cf.
pila (Nikitin), Kepplerites cf. galilaei (Oppel) and Sphaeroceras n . s p .
S u b s e q u e n t finds indicate that the Lower, M i d d l e and U p p e r Callovian
are represented, all highly c o n d e n s e d ; for at Laptal have been recorded
Macrocephalites cf. triangularis Spath, M. cf. flexuosus Spath, Reineckeites
aff. waageni (Till), R. douvillei S t e i n m a n n a n d Distichoceras cf. bicostatum
(Stahl), the last denoting the Athleta Z o n e ( H e i m & Gansser, 1939, p . 142).
I n some places the Callovian is cut out a n d the Spiti Shales rest directly
o n L a p t a l Beds or K i o t o L i m e s t o n e (fig. 59).
I n view of the results obtained by H e i m & Gansser, there must be s o m e
mistake about t h e level of t h e 'Stephanoceras coronatum' said to have b e e n
found b y von Krafft at T e r a G a d h near G i u m a l , between 105 and 120 m .
below the base of the Spiti Shales, which was figured by Uhlig (1903-10,
p . 269, pi. lxxvii, fig. 5) as a Macrocephalites, an identification confirmed
b y Spath (1933, p . 804) after handling the specimen.


Between t h e condensed Callovian a n d t h e K i o t o Limestone, H e i m &

Gansser (1939, p p . 139-40) recognize 80-90 m . of t h i n - b e d d e d limestones
containing shell-beds of pelecypods, including Trigonia, which they call
t h e L a p t a l series a n d assign to the Lias. I t appears that these beds were
included in t h e T a g l i n g or U p p e r K i o t o Limestone of earlier authors
(total c. 450 m.), from which Stoliczka (1866, p p . 66-83) recorded n u m e r o u s

Liassic Mollusca, including an ammonite which h e identified as Alocoly-

toceras germaini (d'Orb.), of t h e Toarcian. Details of t h e stratigraphy at
Shalshal Cliff are given b y D i e n e r (1895, p p . 583-6), a n d at L a p t a l b y
H e i m & Gansser (1939, p p . 140, 143), w h o show t h e Laptal Beds as c u t
out in some places b y t h e disconformity below t h e Spiti Shales. I n view
of t h e discovery of Liassic pelecypods in t h e Kioto L i m e s t o n e of t h e
Attock district (p. 401) it seems possible that t h e Laptal Beds m a y prove
to b e a lateral facies of the U p p e r Kioto (Tagling) Limestone.
T h e surprisingly imperfect correspondence between t h e a m m o n i t e
faunas of Spiti and C u t c h is evidently due largely to lack of correspondence
in dates (Buckman's 'doctrine of dissimilar faunas'), as was pointed o u t
already b y Nikitin (1889, p p . 126-7).

FIG. 59.—Details of the Triassic-Jurassic junction in some Himalayan sections. After

Heim & Gansser, 1939.
5, Upper Kioto Limestone; 6, Laptal Series; 7, Callovian ironshot oolite;
8, Lower Spiti Shales.


T o this stage mainly, should probably b e assigned t h e bulk of the K i o t o

Limestone (150-700 m.), which D i e n e r compared to t h e Dachsteinkalk
of t h e Alps.]

Near t h e exit of t h e Ganges from t h e m o u n t a i n s , in S W . Garhwal,

are outliers of grits a n d quartzites, often calcareous, a n d passing into
limestones in places, sandwiched between Eocene a n d Palaeozoic rocks.
These, the T a l Beds, are the only Mesozoic deposits k n o w n on t h e southern
side of t h e main Himalayan range. T h e y contain fragmentary fossils,
among which have been recognized corals, belemnites, pelecypods a n d
gastropods, b u t they could b e either Jurassic o r Cretaceous (Oldham,
1893, p . 230). T h e s e outliers should b e searched further, bearing in
m i n d t h e possibility that they represent a shore facies of t h e U p p e r
Jurassic on t h e southern edge of the T e t h y s .


T h e Kiogar area, some miles south of Niti Pass (in t h e literature referred
to as 'Kiogar', or 'Malla Johar in t h e Bhot Mahals of K u m a o n ' , o r 'Niti'),
near the frontier of I n d i a and T i b e t , is one of the m o s t interesting geological
410 R A N G E S OF S O U T H - E A S T ASIA

areas in t h e world. I n it is a wonderful development of klippen and exotic

blocks of all sizes, u p to large m o u n t a i n summits, associated with basic
igneous rocks, a n d exhibiting astounding differences of facies. T h e
p h e n o m e n a have been described a n d discussed b y von Krafft (1902),
Griesbach (1904), H e i m & Gansser (1939) a n d Bailey (1944).
T h e Spiti Shales are followed b y a great thickness of flysch—chiefly
sandstones—of Cretaceous age. T h e Lower Flysch or Giumal Sandstone
is 500-700 m . thick a n d begins with t h e u p p e r m o s t Valanginian, according
to a record of Olcostephanus (Rogersites) cf. atherstoni (Spitz, 1914), b u t

/1 i i ^ i i^ksozoics


FIG. 60.—Sketch-map of the Kiogar area. From Bailey, 1944, after Heim &
Gansser, 1939.

its u p w a r d date-limit is uncertain. (Spitz's records of Aptian a n d U p p e r

Albian ammonites are discredited b y Spath, 1939, p . 136). T h e U p p e r
Flysch consists of another 500-700 m . of shales, followed b y 300-400 m .
of siliceous sandstones a n d siliceous shales with radiolarian cherts, all
assigned t o t h e U p p e r Cretaceous ( H e i m & Gansser, 1939, p . 147). U p o n
t h e U p p e r Flysch rests a great sheet of basic igneous rocks, including
pillow lavas a n d interbedded with m o r e radiolarian cherts, in a n d o n which
float broken masses of limestone forming t h e craggy peaks of t h e Kiogar
range. T h e crags are t r u e klippen a n d resemble those of t h e Carpathians
a n d Alps, especially t h e M y t h e n . T h e y are of a facies u n k n o w n in t h e
a u t o c h t h o n o u s ' H i m a l a y a n ' sequence u p o n which they and t h e igneous
rocks rest (figs. 60, 61).
T h e succession i s : —
G r e y siliceous limestone (12 m.) full of Radiolaria a n d sponge-spicules,
probably Cretaceous.

Kiogar Oolite (50 m . ) : violet oolitic limestone w i t h pink marly a n d

white limestone layers, containing Calpionella alpina a n d therefore
U p p e r T i t h o n i a n or Berriasian.
Reddish marl a n d limestone (8 m . ) .
Kiogar W h i t e Limestone, n o fossils (200-300 m . ) .
Basic igneous rocks with some interbedded radiolarian cherts.
U p p e r Flysch, chiefly radiolarian cherts towards top ( U p p e r Cretaceous),
shales below, containing exotic blocks (800-1100 m . ) .

T h e basic igneous rocks i n t r u d e a n d vein t h e overlying Kiogar L i m e ­

stone b u t have b e e n contorted w i t h t h e limestone. F r o m this a n d t h e
presence of pillow lavas a n d interbedded radiolarian cherts, it is concluded
that thrusting movements took place during t h e extrusion of s u b m a r i n e
lavas a n d that t h e Kiogar Limestone a n d Oolite a n d p a r t at least of t h e
lavas constitute a nappe which has been thrust from t h e n o r t h along a

FIG. 61.—Diagrammatic projection of the Kiogars (K1-5). After Heim & Gansser, 1939.
The summits consist of Tibetan facies limestones (white), floating on and in a sheet
of basic igneous rocks (shaded), which is thrust over the autochthonous flysch.

plane within t h e lavas. Since t h e n a p p e can only have come from t h e

n o r t h or north-east, t h e Kiogar exotics are k n o w n as t h e T i b e t a n facies.
F r o m o u r point of view of still greater interest are certain exotic blocks
which are incorporated i n t h e shales of t h e U p p e r Flysch. S o m e resemble
the unfossiliferous Kiogar W h i t e Limestone of t h e klippen, a n d some a r e
of similar igneous rocks, b u t all t h e other exotics are entirely different
from anything either in t h e Kiogar n a p p e or t h e autochthonous foreland
underneath. T h e y too are considered of T i b e t a n facies, although (like
the klippen) they have n o t been traced to a n y formations yet k n o w n
in situ. Most consist of either Permian crinoidal limestone or red Triassic
limestones, some of which contain Ceratites, others ammonites of t h e
Carnian stage. B u t there are also blocks of r e d Liassic cephalopod lime­
stone like t h e A d n e t h Beds of Salzburg a n d Anatolia. I n t h e m t h e
ammonite assemblage is likewise Alpine, with p r e p o n d e r a n t Phyllo­
ceratids a n d Lytoceratids. T h e list, identified b y D i e n e r (1908), is as
follows:—Phylloceras (4 spp.), Schistophylloceras. (1), Juraphyllites (2),
Analytoceras, Pleuroacanthites, Euphyllites, Ectocentrites (1 s p . each)j
Schlotheimia (2), Arietites (4) a n d an oxycone. Diener remarked of this
b e d : ' N o palaeontologist would b e surprised if it h a d been found in Sicily
Greece instead of on t h e T i b e t a n frontier.'

T h e origin a n d m o d e of emplacement of these blocks in t h e flysch

is problematic. M a n y are m o r e o r less linked together b y blocks o r wisps
of igneous rock, including pillow lavas, like those overlying t h e flysch.
Bailey (1944, p . 13) has suggested that they were detached from the bottom
of t h e overriding t h r u s t sheet a n d i n t r u d e d mechanically into t h e base­
m e n t flysch, which m a y have reacted plastically to the moving load above;
b u t this does n o t account satisfactorily for t h e different materials of t h e
flysch blocks, m o s t of w h i c h do not occur in the Kiogar nappe. I t appears
r a t h e r t h a t they represent a slice or r e m n a n t of another thrust sheet torn
from a lower stratigraphical level—a tectonic 'lower storey', as Heim &
Gansser believed (1939, p . 157). O n this view t h e exotic blocks are a
m e r e streak, a n d t h e flysch that lies above t h e m m u s t be a semi-local
t h r u s t sheet, repeating part of t h e flysch succession and in t u r n overridden
b y t h e Kiogar n a p p e .
T h e problems become less baffling if t h e white Kiogar Limestone of
t h e m a i n Kiogar n a p p e is taken provisionally for Lower Tithonian, instead
of Triassic as supposed by H e i m & Gansser on purely lithological grounds.
Since t h e Kiogar Oolite with its Calpionella alpina can only b e U p p e r
T i t h o n i a n a t earliest, a n d indicates a n Alpine environment, a thick
white T i t h o n i a n limestone immediately below seems a m u c h more likely
occurrence t h a n Triassic Dachsteinkalk; n o r would a thickness of 200 m .
b e prohibitive. O n this assumption, H e i m & Gansser's triple facies
table (1933, p . 161) can b e simplified to two columns, as in table 1 9 : —



Basic igneous rocks and Upper ?

Lower Flysch (Giumal Sand­ Grey radiolarian limestone

Spiti Shales Kiogar Oolite with Calpionella

Kiogar Limestone

Jurassic Callovian oolite ?

Laptal Beds Adneth Limestone with Hett­

angian and Sinemurian

Kioto Limestone Red limestone with Carnian

Kuti shale ammonites
Kalapani limestone Red limestone with Ceratites
Chocolate shale

Kuling shale Crinoid limestone with brachio­



T h e exotic blocks a n d klippen seem to provide a tantalizing glimpse of

a faunal province lying t o the north, in t h e geologically unexplored regions
of T i b e t . Uhlig (1910a, p . 50) was convinced that somewhere t h e r e m u s t
be a T i b e t a n facies of t h e U p p e r Jurassic, corresponding t o t h e Alpine
facies of the Lower Lias in t h e exotic blocks, a n d p e r h a p s containing such
Alpine genera as Simoceras a n d Pygope. T h e s e genera have n o t yet been
found, n o r any U p p e r Jurassic T e t h y a n ammonites, b u t U h l i g ' s forecast
has been to some extent fulfilled b y t h e discovery of Calpionella alpina
on the klippen summits of the Kiogars.
Subsequent exploration of T i b e t , however, h a s limited t h e field of
speculation. A very large region farther east is n o w k n o w n geologically,
a great deal of it consisting of Jurassic rocks. Instead of t h e expected
' T i b e t a n facies', normal Spiti Shales are everywhere developed. Practi­
cally continuous outcrops of Jurassic sediments stretch from longitude
82 for at least 500 miles t h r o u g h n o r t h e r n Nepal, southern T i b e t , Sikkim
and Bhutan, at least as far as Lhasa a n d longitude 9 2 ° E . (Geological
Survey m a p of India). F r o m t h e m a i n outcrop, which occupies t h e
valley of t h e River T s a n g p o a n d t h e mountains o n b o t h sides, extensions
r u n northward into t h e central T i b e t a n plateau almost t o latitude 3 2 N .
T h e outcrops cover a total area of m a n y t h o u s a n d s of square miles.
O u r knowledge of this vast region is still sketchy. T h e principal sources
are H a y d e n ' s excellent account (1907) a n d t h e travels of Sven H e d i n
(1915-22; a n d see Hennig, 1915). H a y d e n ' s synthesis of widely-scattered
sections is as follows (1907, p p . 3 5 - 6 ) : —

/ Spiti Shales
Upper and partly Middle Jurassic
\ Shale and quartzite

Lungma Limestone

f Slate, quartzite and conglomerate

1 Crinoid limestone
\ Slate and quartzite
I Brachiopod limestone

' T h i s , however, is based o n such imperfect data that it can b e regarded

merely as a suggestion for a temporary working hypothesis' ( H a y d e n ) .
Apart from t h e Spiti Shales, t h e only formation from which H a y d e n
was able t o record identifiable ammonites was t h e L u n g m a Limestone, a
band about 15 m . thick which crops o u t near K a m p a d z o n g . I t is a hard,
shelly, mottled, patchily ironshot limestone, full of well-preserved shells.
T h e determinable ammonites collected b y H a y d e n are Sonninia cf.
dominans Buckman, Witchellia aff. platymorpha Buckman, W. tibetica
Arkell, Dorsetensia cf. romanoides (Douville), D. cf. regrediens (Haug),
D. haydeni Arkell and Emileia (Frogdenites) sp. T h i s fauna proves t h a t t h e
limestone is wholly M i d d l e Bajocian a n d comprises condensed r e p r e ­
sentatives of t h e Sowerbyi a n d Sauzei Zones a n d p e r h a p s also t h e

H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone. T h e lithology also suggests a condensed deposit.

T h e faunal affinities are mainly European, b u t there is one ammonite
species in c o m m o n with the Pamirs and another with western Australia
(Arkell, 1953).
T h e Spiti Shales contain the same ammonite fauna as the Chidamu
a n d L o c h a m b e l Beds of the t y p e area. F r o m M u k t i n a t h , at 13,100 ft.,
on the G a n d a k River in eastern Nepal, behind the main crystalline range
of the Himalayas, a n u m b e r of 'Salagram' ammonites are known, and the
river has the alternative n a m e of Salagrammi (Reed, 1908). T h e collection
is in the Sedgwick M u s e u m . M y identifications are as follows: As internal
casts: Blanfor dicer as wallichi (Gray), Paraboliceras cf. sabineanum (Oppel),
Virgatosphinctes denseplicatus (Waagen), Aulacosphinctoides tibetanus
(Uhlig), A. perrin-smithi (Uhlig), A. parvulus (Uhlig), A. uhligi Spath.
As external m o u l d s : Aulacosphinctes cf. morikeanus (Oppel), A. cf. hollandi
Uhlig, Aulacosphinctoides cf. subtorquatus (Uhlig), A. cf. radiatecostatus
(Steiger), Uhligites griesbachi (Uhlig). T h e r e are three or four different
kinds of preservation. Uhligites griesbachi (Uhlig) a n d a fragment of
Kamptokephalites were also picked u p in southern T i b e t by Odell (1925,
p . 311) a n d identified b y S p a t h (1933, p . 806).
D e t e r m i n a b l e fossils t e n d to disappear southward in the vicinity of the
great crystalline range on which stand M o u n t Everest and Kanchenjunga,
and some distance from it the shales are isoclinally folded southwards.
H e r e a b o u t s shales are developed in great thickness and embrace the Trias
and even the top of the P e r m i a n ; m u c h work will be needed to disentangle
t h e m and the various m o r e or less altered limestone formations. At a
locality called Hielung, 20 miles n o r t h of the s u m m i t of M o u n t Everest,
t h e r e is at the base of the shales a b a n d crowded with Spirifer and Productus
of about U p p e r Permian age (Heron, 1922, p . 232). I t is presumed to
belong to the underlying group of Permo-Carboniferous limestones and
shales w h i c h rise southwards a n d form t h e calc-schists, crystalline lime­
stones a n d b a n d e d hornfels of Everest s u m m i t (Heron, 1922, p . 2 3 3 ;
Odell, 1925, p . 2 9 7 ; H a y d e n & H e r o n , 1934, p p . 329-30; Wager, 1939;
Odell, 1943, p . 151). O n Everest they are tilted u p into the sky and r u n
out, underlain by the gneisses of the crystalline range. T h e great wall
so formed is the t r u n c a t e d root zone of an enormous thrust sheet, of which
the base (under limb of the original r e c u m b e n t fold) extends almost to
t h e Gangetic plain and forms an inverted mass of gneisses and phyllites
resting on inverted Carboniferous rocks near Darjeeling (Auden, 1937;
H e i m & Gansser, 1939).


T h e great eastern syntaxis, where the s p u r of Assam thrusts into the
T e t h y s a n d t h r o w s t h e strike of t h e ranges into a hairpin b e n d like t h e
K a s h m i r s p u r in t h e north-west, is still almost blank on the geological
m a p . Gregory (1929, p p . 3 (map) a n d 29-30) maintained t h a t the Himal­
ayan Alpid system was continued eastward across China to the Pacific,
the N . - S . ranges being Altaid, a n d only t h e westernmost B u r m e s e -
Malayan arc 'an off-lying loop' of the Tertiary system. T h i s interpretation
is n o t accepted b y L e e (1939, m a p p p . 246-7), however, who, like Suess
before him, shows t h e N . - S . system as Tertiary. H a r d l y anything is
yet known of t h e Jurassic deposits of this region, b u t that they swing

FIG. 62.—Sketch-map to show position of the known Jurassic outcrops in Burma

and west Yunnan.

round t h e syntaxis southward across t h e Chinese b o r d e r is indicated b y

the existence of thick marine Jurassic in t h e valley of the Lukiang ( U p p e r
Salween) in western Yunnan (Lee, 1939, p . 170). Professor L e e informed
me in 1951 (in lit.) that n o further information has been obtained about
this occurrence; b u t that at least t h e Bathonian is represented is proved
by brachiopods a n d pelecypods collected in Y u n n a n b y Coggin Brown
(Reed, 1924, 1927; first attributed to the Kimeridgian, b u t later recognized
to be Bathonian, Reed, 1936, p . 2).

F a r t h e r west, in the N o r t h e r n Shan States of Burma, a few small relics

of Jurassic rocks, t h e N a m y a u Limestones, are marginal deposits t r a n s ­
gressive across the edge of the I n d i a n shield. T h o u g h they rest upon
Palaeozoic limestones, not o n t h e crystalline basement, with relics of
Rhaetian marine beds here and there, they are comparable in m o d e of
occurrence with the marginal shelf deposits of Cutch, Jaisalmir, the Salt
Range, Attock and Hazara. Moreover, their age is U p p e r Bathonian a n d
they belong to the pelecypod-brachiopod facies, without cephalopods,
already familiar as a transgressive horizon in C u t c h ( K u a r Bet Beds, p . 391),
in various parts of East Africa (pp. 311, 341), in Egypt (p. 287) and in
southern Tunisia (p. 282). T h e absence from Burma of succeeding marine
Jurassic formations may b e due either to subsequent retreat of the sea
or to Cretaceous erosion, b u t probably a combination of the two. T h e
occurrence is in this respect closely comparable with K h a s h m el Galala
in E g y p t (p. 287).
M a k e r s of palaeogeographical m a p s (e.g. Stefanini, 1928, p . 17; G r a b a u ,
1928, p p . 133, 250) are accustomed to showing the Jurassic geosynclinal
sea or t r o u g h of deposition as b e n d i n g r o u n d southward from t h e
Himalayas across Assam and t h e m o u t h s of the Ganges and Irrawaddy
a n d t h r o u g h t h e Bay of Bengal. T h e r e seems no warrant for this view
to b e derived from t h e geological m a p , and the thick marine Jurassic
in t h e u p p e r Salween valley in western Y u n n a n seems to make it b o t h
unnecessary and improbable. If t h e hypothesis that the I n d i a n shield
moved n o r t h w a r d in the T e r t i a r y orogeny is correct, the N . - S .
geosynclinal outcrops of Y u n n a n m u s t b e expected to be squeezed, drawn
out and perhaps largely discontinuous remnants, as postulated for
Waziristan. T h e outer B u r m a n arc on this hypothesis is a festoon analagous
with the Sulaiman range on the other side of India. A great deal of
geological m a p p i n g in regions difficult of access is still needed. T h e
conventional view is therefore still shown in fig. 8 1 .
T h e N a m y a u Beds occur as large outliers u p o n t h e thickly wooded
Palaeozoic limestone plateau, beginning near Hsipaw, about 95 miles
N E . of M a n d a l a y . Owing to dense vegetation exposures are scarce
a n d it is not possible to arrive at even a rough estimate of the thickness,
t h o u g h it is believed to a m o u n t to 'several thousand feet'. Locally t h e r e
are strong basal conglomerates consisting of well-rolled pebbles of t h e
underlying limestones and other older rocks; b u t these may be of any age.
T h e N a m y a u Beds proper consist of a dark red or purplish series of s a n d ­
stones a n d shales, which weather to a labyrinth of trackless ridges and
ravines, densely forested. I n t h e lower p a r t of the series are some shelly
limestone bands, t h e N a m y a u Limestones, never more t h a n a few feet
thick, b u t uniform and persistent for m a n y miles. T h e y form no con­
spicuous physical features and can usually be seen only in stream beds.
M a p p i n g is m a d e still m o r e difficult by t h e strong disturbance the strata
have undergone, dips being generally steep and often vertical (La T o u c h e ,
1913, p p . 303-8).
It is from these thin limestone bands near the base of the N a m y a u
Beds that have been collected the m a n y brachiopods and pelecypods
described respectively b y Buckman (1918) a n d Reed (1931, 1936). Both
palaeontologists arrived independently at the conclusion that, although
more than one horizon may be present, all are U p p e r Bathonian. Buck-
m a n based on the material a highly elaborate and detailed classification
of the Terebratulids and Rhynchonellids. Reed (1936) had collections
from two successive horizons, b u t both are Bathonian. T h e higher
contains elements of the U p p e r Bathonian shelly beds familiar in East
Africa, Arabia and Sinai: Gryphaea balli Stefanini, G. cf. costellata
Douville, Eligmus cf. rollandi Douville, E. cf. polytypus Eudes-Desl.,
E. cf. weiri Cox, with more t h a n 20 other pelecypods, largely of familiar
European Bathonian species. T h e lower horizon contains at least 35
species, among t h e m new species of the genus Eomiodon, which is found
in the K u a r Bet Beds of Cutch and in the Great Oolite of N W . E u r o p e
and England.
T h e overlying red sandstones a n d N a m y a u Shales have not yet yielded
fossils b u t they are probably Cretaceous. Coal Measures near Kalaw in
the Southern Shan States have yielded a flora comparable to that of
the ' U m i a ' [i.e. Bhuj] plant-beds and Rajmahal G o n d w a n a s , now k n o w n
to be Cretaceous (see p . 387), and associated red beds near Kalaw contain
U p p e r Cretaceous ammonites (Fox, 1930). T h i s makes it m o r e likely
that patches of red sandstones and conglomerates near A m h e r s t and in the
Mergui district in t h e extreme s o u t h of B u r m a (latitude 12 N.), w h i c h
have been tentatively assigned to t h e Jurassic (Chhibber, 1934, p p . 200-
203), are really Cretaceous.

2 D


T h e three island festoons which stretch along the Pacific coast of Asia
from Formosa t h r o u g h t h e Ryukyu Islands, Japan proper and the Kurile
Islands t o K a m c h a t k a represent t h e t o p s of sunken m o u n t a i n arcs. T h e y
are not, however, all of one date. While the folding of the Ryukyu and
Kurile arcs is of T e r t i a r y origin, the folding of the Japanese arc is essen­
tially Mesozoic. T h e n o r t h island of Hokkaido (Yezo) goes with the
Kuriles and has complex T e r t i a r y n a p p e structures, b u t in the main island
of H o n s h u and the southern isles of Shikoku and K y u s h u (fig. 63) Tertiary
folding has taken place mainly along echeloned axes oblique to the islands
(Otuka, 1937). H e r e the main orogenies were M i d d l e Triassic (post-
Ladinian, p r e - C a r n i a n : t h e Akiyoshi orogeny) a n d Lower Cretaceous
(the Oga a n d Sakawa orogenies), though evidences of lesser phases in the
late Jurassic are not lacking ( M a t s u m o t o , 1949). M o v e m e n t was out­
w a r d s from Asia a n d presupposes a sunken rigid foreland u n d e r the
Pacific deeps. T h e foreland seems to have contributed no sediments to
t h e Mesozoic formations of J a p a n and therefore is inferred to have been
already s u b m e r g e d (Kobayashi, 19356; 1937; 1938; 1941).
Professor T . Kobayashi, to whose t r e m e n d o u s industry over the past
q u a r t e r century we owe an entirely new picture of Japanese geology,
postulates t h a t after the M i d d l e Triassic orogeny and Carnian transgres­
sion, pre-Liassic epeirogenic m o v e m e n t s warped u p a gentle arch of folded
a n d t h r u s t Palaeozoic a n d L o w e r Triassic rocks along t h e central axis of
south-western Japan. H e calls this ancient hypothetical land E o - N i p p o n .
D u r i n g the Jurassic and Cretaceous epochs there formed on either side,
a n d were gradually filled, two more or less separated geosynclinal troughs.
Deposition o n the outer (Pacific) side was mainly marine, with coarse
clastic and plant-bearing intercalations; on the inner (Asiatic) side it was
mainly lacustrine and deltaic, probably in m o r e or less separate basins,
with marine intercalations representing temporary incursions of the
Jurassic and Cretaceous sea t h r o u g h breaches in t h e intervening barrier.
D u r i n g the Jurassic there occurred o n both sides epeirogenic move­
m e n t s which greatly reduced and perhaps altogether halted sedimentation
in t h e M i d d l e Jurassic: n o definite M i d d l e or U p p e r Bajocian or Bathonian
faunas have yet been found in Japan. After active and prolonged U p p e r
Jurassic sedimentation, with marine influence strong in both troughs,
there occurred two L o w e r Cretaceous orogenies. T h e first (Oga) is
equated with the Jurassic-Cretaceous interval. Its sphere of influence
was t h e inner trough and it p r o d u c e d G e r m a n o t y p e tectonics with thrusting
and imbricate structures along t h e inner side of the E o - N i p p o n barrier.
T h e r e followed an U p p e r Neocomian transgression which laid down a
Neocomian-Aptian-Albian suite of sediments, beginning with a poly-
genetic conglomerate, on t h e outer side of t h e barrier. Finally, this suite
was in t u r n intensely deformed b y an Alpine-type orogeny (the Sakawa)
in t h e outer trough, t h e movements being completed before a late-
Cretaceous (Senonian) transgression.
T h e Cretaceous diastrophism was accompanied b y intense igneous
activity, especially in t h e area of t h e inner trough, which covered also
much of Korea. Granite batholiths a n d porphyritic dykes were intruded,
and volcanoes erupted extensive andesitic a n d basaltic lavas a n d tuffs.

FIG. 63.—The principal Jurassic outcrops in Japan and Korea. The linear outcrop
through Kyushu, Shikoku and the Kii peninsula represents the Torinosu Lime­
stone and is exaggerated and diagrammatic. The other outcrops after the Geological
Survey map, 1 : 3 million, 1953 (omitting some outcrops of doubtful age).

In t h e Jurassic, t h e only evidence of igneous activity yet proved is t h e

existence of thin lenses of acid tuffs interbedded i n an early-Upper
Jurassic sandstone in Rikuzen, N E . H o n s h u (Mori, 1949, p . 138) and in t h e
Tetori Series of t h e H i d a plateau (Iwaya, 1940). I t has been suggested
that red shales in Shikoku a n d other parts of S W . Japan m a y consist
partly of decomposed volcanic ash (Yehara, 1930, p . 29); b u t these m a y b e
Triassic or Cretaceous.
T h e Jurassic sediments of J a p a n are overwhelmingly i n t h e facies of
shales and sandstones. T h e only limestone of any extent is t h e lenticular
Torinosu Limestone, of U p p e r Jurassic age, developed transgressively
on t h e south slope of t h e E o - N i p p o n barrier and locally i n reef facies.
T h i s and older Jurassic beds which come in seawards beneath it are
believed b y some geologists to pass towards t h e Pacific into shales and

radiolarites of deeper-water facies a n d devoid of recognizable fossils.

Except perhaps for this outer coastal fringe in the south-west and its
probable continuation i n Hokkaido, t h e whole of t h e Japanese islands in
t h e Jurassic occupied a marginal belt oscillating between marine and
continental sedimentation. T h e region is of special importance for
dating the Mesozoic floras of continental Asia, since in Japan it is possible
t o establish their relationships t o m a r i n e horizons with ammonites.
Extensive heterochronous homotaxy is t h u s revealed. For instance,
t h e so-called Rhaetic-Lias flora of Asia and E u r o p e , originally dated in
western Eurasia, occurs in Japan beneath marine beds with Entomonotis
ochotica a n d is of N o r i a n age. T h e inference is that this flora migrated
westward during the Triassic epoch (Kobayashi, 1938a, 19386, 1939a,
Shales and sandstones like those in Japan and probably in part Jurassic
occur on b o t h sides of the axial m o u n t a i n range of Formosa (Kanehara,
1926, p . 33), while in the central range of Hokkaido there are radiolarites
of L o w e r Cretaceous a n d in part Jurassic age (Kobayashi, 1944, p . 237;
H a s h i m o t o , 1952).
I n the following description the Japanese Jurassic is illustrated by
successions first in the inner geosyncline (Nagato, northern Kyushu,
Korea, central H o n s h u ) , t h e n in the outer (Torinosu Series of the Pacific
coast), a n d finally in the isolated outcrops of north-eastern H o n s h u .


I n the peninsula of Nagato, forming t h e western tip of the main island

of H o n s h u , t h e Jurassic is represented by a group of sandstones and shales,
u p to 900 m . thick, with a polygenetic basal conglomerate, resting uncon­
formably on Palaeozoic phyllites. I t was called by Yabe the Toyora
G r o u p and has been described b y Kobayashi (1926) and carefully revised
by M a t s u m o t o and O n o (1947). (See also M a t s u m o t o , 1949.) F r o m some
p a r t of the group eight Toarcian ammonites—Dactylioceras, Peronoceras,
Harpoceras and Hildoceras—were figured and correctly dated by Yokoyama
(1904). T h e revisers have m u c h r e d u c e d t h e original estimates of thick­
ness and have proved palaeontologically that almost the whole 900 m . are
Liassic a n d t h e highest 570 m . or so T o a r c i a n w i t h doubtful Lower
Bajocian. Both in facies and in thickness this development is comparable
with t h e Caucasus ( p . 363).
I a m m u c h indebted to Professor T . M a t s u m o t o for sending me on
loan t h e t y p e specimens figured in his a n d M r O n o ' s important paper,
and to M r J. R. M c E w a n of K i n g ' s College, Cambridge, for translating
t h e p a p e r from t h e Japanese. T h e following is a tabulated summary,
substituting m y own zonal attributions and incorporating some emenda­
tions t o nomenclature a n d revised determinations. T h e principal changes
a r e : (1) T h e i r 'Echioceras Z o n e ' is in m y opinion based, not on Echioceras,
b u t o n t h e h o m o e o m o r p h o u s Fontanelliceras Fucini, a genus found in the

Italian D o m e r i a n ; (2) T h e i r ' G r a m m o c e r a s Z o n e ' is in m y opinion b a s e d

o n forms similar to G r a m m o c e r a t i d a e b u t b e l o n g i n g in reality to o t h e r
genera of the early T o a r c i a n . The b e d s are designated by M a t s u m o t o
& O n o ' s symbols ( U t - N e ) .

? Opalinum Zone. Upper Utano formation. 30-40 m.
Ut. Holcophylloceras sp.
Uz. (barren)
Uh. Hammatoceras (Planammatoceras) cf. kitahamiense (Shimizu) (pi. 2,
fig- 4)
? Dumortieria sp.
Calliphylloceras cf. nilssoni (Hebert)
Jurense Zone. Lower Utano formation. 100-150 m.
Ub. Haugia aff. japonica (Neum.) (pi. 2, fig. 5)
Up. Posidonia beds with
Phymatoceras toyoranum (Mat.) (pi. 2, fig. 1)
Pseudolioceras ? sp. (pi. 2, fig. 2)
Calliphylloceras cf. nilssoni (Hebert)
Commune and Falcifer Zones. Upper Nakayama formation. 200 m.
Na. Dactylioceras aff. helianthoides Yok.
Nd. Dactylioceras helianthoides Yok. (pi. I, fig. 10)
Peronoceras subfibulatum (Yok.)
Hildoceras chrysanthemum Yok.
Hildoceras densicostatum Yok.
Hildoceras inouyei Yok.
Protogrammoceras cf. nipponicum (Mat.)
Harpoceras okadai (Yok.) (pi. 1, fig. 8)
? Tenuicostatum Zone. Middle Nakayama formation. 30-50 m.
Ng. Protogrammoceras nipponicum (Mat.) (pi. 2, fig. 3)
Fuciniceras cf. lavinianum (Menegh.) (pi. 1, figs. 4, 5)
Harpoceras okadai (Yok.) (pi. 1, fig. 8)
Lioceratoides yokoyamai (Mat.) (pi. 1, fig. 9)
Hildoceras densicostatum Yok.
Dactylioceras helianthoides Yok.
Calliphylloceras cf. nilssoni (Hebert)
Lytoceras sp.

Lower Nakayama formation (30 m.), highly fissile shale, perhaps plus part of the
Nagano formation.
Ne. Fontanelliceras cf. fontanellense (Gem.) (pi. 1, fig. 1)
Seguentia cf. parodii Fucini (pi. 1, fig. 2)
Fuciniceras primordium (Mat.) (pi. 1, fig. 3)
Protogrammoceras cf. normannianum (d'Orb.)
Paltarpites cf. paltus Buckman (specimen sent)
Paltarpites toyoranus (Mat.) (pi. i, fig. 6)
Calliphylloceras cf. nilssoni (Hebert)
Lytoceras sp.

Nagano formation (250-300 m.). Basal conglomerate and sandstone, passing up
into sandy shale. Shallow-water fauna with pelecypods and gastropods, few ammonites.
From the highest 50 m. is recorded Arietites (Coroniceras ?) sp., and from the basal
member a Juraphyllites.

The assemblage from t h e 'Ng' horizon, laminated shale 30-50 m.,

w i t h ammonites, resting on 20-30 cm. of s a n d s t o n e , is of outstanding
interest for the light it t h r o w s on t h e stratigraphical position of certain

species of tricarinate Fuciniceras a n d Protogrammoceras. 'Pseudogrammo-

ceras nakayamense' M a t s u m o t o (their pi. i, figs. 4, 5) shows three strong
keels and seems specifically indistinguishable from Fuciniceras lavinianum
( M e n . ) the type species of Fuciniceras. T h e type specimen of 'Grammo­
ceras' nipponicum M a t s u m o t o (pi. ii, fig. 3) is probably a distinct species,
b u t some smaller specimens sent m e as varieties of it seem indistinguishable
from Italian species such as Protogrammoceras isseli (Fucini) and P.
inseparabilis (Fucini). T h e s e forms, originally supposed by Fucini to
b e Domerian, are found in J a p a n in company with Lioceratoides (pi. i,
fig. 9) ( = 'Praelioceras' Fucini) and Harpoceras okadai (Yokayama, 1904)
(pi. i, fig. 8) which seems identical with H. praeplanatum Fucini (1924)
a n d hardly distinguishable from involute forms of the common W h i t b y
Toarcian Harpoceras exaratum (Young & Bird), and Toarcian forms such
as Hildoceras densicostatum Yok. and Dactylioceras helianthoides Yok.
F r o m the close resemblance of the last to Dactylioceras tenuicostatum
(Young & Bird) and its u p w a r d range into the typical C o m m u n e and
Falcifer assemblage of b e d N d , t h e assemblage of b e d N g can only b e
placed at the base of the Toarcian.
T h e mixture of Italian and English elements in the underlying U p p e r
Pliensbachian beds (Ne) is instructive.
At various horizons in the T o y o r a group there is an extensive flora
allied to floras usually considered U p p e r Jurassic elsewhere; a n d in the
U t a n o formation are two endemic species of Inoceramus (Kobayashi,
1926, with plate). Above the U t a n o formation Kobayashi included a
further series of sandstones a n d shales ( N a n a m i formation) with plants
only, which M a t s u m o t o & O n o consider partly a lateral equivalent of t h e
U t a n o formation and partly the Toyonishi group, mentioned below.
T h e Jurassic T o y o r a G r o u p is overlain disconformably, and locally
unconformably, by conglomerate and coarse pebbly sandstone, which
pass u p into a further group of sandstones, shales and conglomerates, t h e
Toyonishi G r o u p , of Lower Cretaceous and perhaps U p p e r Jurassic
age ( M a t s u m o t o , 1949, 1954). In the u p p e r part of the group are the
Yoshimo Beds, with a brackish-water fauna of pelecypods and gastropods.
T h e y include early Corbiculids and large Turritellid gastropods suggestive
of the Aptian Cassiope of Spain (Kobayashi & Suzuki, 1939). T h e s e b e d s
are unconformably overlain by equivalents of the Wakino formation
(see below) and Inkstone G r o u p of the Lower Cretaceous, with igneous
rocks ( M a t s u m o t o , editor, 1954). Kobayashi (1938) considered t h e
Inkstone Series U p p e r Neocomian and the Yoshimo Beds Wealden.

A b o u t 50 miles to the south-west, near the university town of Fukuoka,
on t h e n o r t h end of the island of K y u s h u , the Cretaceous Inkstone Series,
with green tuff and altered andesites, overlies the Wakino Series. T h i s
latter consists of 800 m . of black shale overlying u p to 150 m. of con­
glomerate. Below are m u c h older rocks, u n d a t e d (Kobayashi & Ota,
Sandy shale and

Interbedded sand,
stone and shale

Brackish and
freshwater fossils

FIG. 64.—Correlation table for Japan, specially drawn by Prof. T . Matsumoto, 1954 (simplified). Verticle lines indicate rocks imperfectly known
Thickness in metres. Hashiura group dated as in Matsumoto & Ono M.S.

1936). T h e stratigraphy of this area has undergone m u c h revision

( M a t s u m o t o , editor, 1954).
T h e shales of t h e Wakino Series contain a remarkable fauna of fresh­
water mollusca, including peculiar genera of Unionids, Anodontas,
Corbiculids a n d Trigonioides, with t h e gastropod Brotiopsis (Kobayashi &
Suzuki, 1936; Suzuki, 1943). Similar faunules occur at various places
in eastern Asia, a n d despite its superficially Purbeckian appearance it is
n o w considered to b e Lower Cretaceous (Suzuki, 1949).


T h e Mesozoic basin of deposition in which these thick coarse clastic

sediments w e r e laid down, called t h e basin of T s u s h i m a after t h e straits
(fig. 63), extended also over at least t h e southern part of Korea. T h e r e
similar sandstones, shales a n d conglomerates cover a large area, resting
unconformably o n t h e crystalline basement a n d o n Palaeozoic rocks and
retaining in broad outline something of their original basin shape despite
s u b s e q u e n t diastrophism.
Locally t h e lower part (Lower D a i d o Formation) is Jurassic, b u t n o t
marine, so far as known. A record of Hildoceras inouyei Yok. if confirmed
would prove a continuation o n to t h e mainland of the Toarcian of Nagato,
b u t I a m informed b y Professor M a t s u m o t o that n o reliance can be placed
on t h e record. A rich flora occurs (Kawasaki, 1926, p . 118). T h e r e are
also several higher floras, t h e most celebrated of which is t h e N a k t o n g
flora, which characterizes a continuation of t h e Wakino Series of K y u s h u ,
w i t h some of t h e peculiar freshwater shells. T h e b e d s are ripple-marked
and sun-cracked a n d contain some intercalated ash beds. T h i s seems t o
herald t h e volcanism recorded o n a large scale in t h e overlying equivalents
of t h e Inkstone Series. Correlation is as follows:—


Upper Daido, Upper Keisho, and Inkstone series and Shimono-

Shiragi formations seki formation
Middle Daido or Naktong formation Wakino formation

Lower Daido formation Nakayama (Middle Toyora) TOARCIAN

I n N o r t h Korea is found in places a rich freshwater molluscan faunule

believed to b e early Jurassic. I t differs from all t h e faunules in Korea
and Japan b u t has its counterpart in M a n c h u r i a (Suzuki, 1949, p . 94).

O n t h e n o r t h e r n side of t h e supposed E o - N i p p o n barrier in t h e central
part of t h e mainland of H o n s h u there was irregular subsidence during
t h e Jurassic a n d L o w e r Cretaceous, with deposition of great thicknesses of
shales, sandstones and conglomerates, of facies similar t o that in t h e m o r e
westerly parts of t h e geosyncline. B u t while t h e Lias is here represented
(so far as yet known) only locally in t h e eastern half of t h e area b y marine
shells in plant-beds, t h e U p p e r Jurassic sea spread over m u c h of t h e
western half of the area and left ammonite-bearing Callovian, Oxfordian a n d
Kimeridgian intercalations among t h e barren sediments a n d p l a n t - b e d s .
Both t h e Lower Callovian a n d t h e U p p e r Oxfordian marine strata
contain Corbicula, Unto, Viviparus, Pila, Melanioides a n d other freshwater
shells (Kobayashi & Suzuki, 1937). T h e y are believed to have been
brought into a shallow a n d perhaps brackish sea b y rivers a n d streams
from neighbouring land (Suzuki, 1949, p . 93). Several prolific plant-
beds are also intercalated with t h e m . T h e conglomerates of t h e U p p e r
Jurassic partly fill valleys eroded in t h e basement gneiss a n d completely
overlap t h e plant-bearing Lias. D u r i n g t h e latest Jurassic a n d L o w e r
Cretaceous a series of intermontane basins were s h u t off from t h e sea a n d
only plant-remains and freshwater mollusca were e n t o m b e d in the deposits.
Locally erect silicified s t u m p s of coniferous trees are found, a m o n g m u c h
fossil wood (Ogura, Kobayashi & Maeda, 1951). T h e s e are post-
Kimeridgian a n d regarded as late Jurassic. T h e floras of t h e U p p e r
Jurassic a n d Cretaceous beds (in which tuffs appear towards t h e t o p )
are extremely rich. ( F o r revision of t h e floras a n d extensive literature,
see Oishi, 1940.)
T h e greatest development and t h e best exposures of t h e Jurassic a n d
Lower Cretaceous rocks occur in t h e H i d a plateau a n d neighbouring
mountains r o u n d t h e headwaters of t h e T e t o r i a n d K u z u r y u Rivers,
especially in t h e old provinces of Echizen, K a g a a n d H i d a (fig. 63). T h e
U p p e r Jurassic a n d Lower Cretaceous formations are grouped together
as t h e Tetori Series. T h e Liassic plant-beds, correlated b y their flora
with t h e Toarcian of Nagato, occur only in t h e north-east corner of t h e
Hida plateau a n d still farther to t h e east, in G u n m a Prefecture. T h e
occurrence of Cardinia (Kobayashi, 1935a) suggests t h a t Lower Lias
is represented also; a n d I am informed b y Professor M a t s u m o t o that this
has n o w been confirmed b y finds of ammonites. T h e generalized strati­
graphy is as follows (Kobayashi, 1927; 1935a; Kobayashi & Suzuki,
1937; Maeda, 1952):—

Upper Tetori Ohmichidani Shales, with flora and tuffs Cretaceous

Akaiwa Sandstone (barren)

Middle Tetori Itoshiro formation, with chief plant-beds ? Late Jurassic

and erect tree stumps

Lower Tetori Kuzuryu formation, with plant-beds, Corbi­ Kimeridgian

cula beds and ammonites Oxfordian
—Supposed unconformity (precise relation

Kuruma formation, with flora of the Nakayama formation of ? Toarcian and

Nagato earlier

M e a s u r e m e n t s in t h e H i d a plateau total 2700 m., of which 1100 m .

(not b o t t o m e d ) appear t o b e Jurassic, a n d there are layers of interbedded
acidic tuff (Iwaya, 1940).
Palaeontologically a n d stratigraphically, interest centres on t h e Lower
T e t o r i . T w o ammonite horizons have been found in situ, both containing
or passing laterally into brackish strata with Corbiculae (of two different
species). T h e sole a m m o n i t e represented i n t h e lower ammonite b e d is
t h e boreal genus Seymourites, previously known only from t h e Pacific
coastal regions of Canada a n d Alaska, from M o n t a n a a n d from Green­
land and Spitsbergen. T h e specimens figured (Kobayashi, 1947) are almost
identical with American species (e.g. Imlay, 1948, U.S. Geol. Surv.
Prof. Paper 214B, pi. ix), b u t it should n o t b e forgotten that Seymourites
m a y b e indistinguishable i n a crushed state from certain Stephanoceratids
of b o t h L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Bajocian dates (cf. Buckman, Type Ammonites
iii, p i . C C L , a n d iv, pi. C C C X I ) ; a n d that Stephanoceratids extend
t h r o u g h t h e T e t h y s in force to W e s t e r n Australia a n d Indonesia.
T h e higher a m m o n i t e beds yielded six species figured b y Yokoyama
(1904) from a shale in t h e plant-beds. M y revised determinations, which
indicate a late U p p e r Oxfordian date, are as follows (figures of Yoko-
y a m a ' s plate i ) : —

Fig. 1.—Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes or Kranaosphinctes) matsushimai Yok. (Cf.

Boehm's forms from Wai Galo, Sula Islands.)
Figs. 2, 3.—Per. (Mirosphinctes) hikii Yok.
Fig. 4.—Per. (? Kranaosphinctes) kaizaranus Yok. (nucleus).
Fig. 5.—Decipia kochibei (Yok.) (Cf. Arkell, Mon. Am. Engl. Corallian Beds
pi. lxxviii, fig. 12).
Fig. 6.—Per. (Dichotomoceras ?) cf. procedens Oppenheimer.
Fig. 7.—Glochiceras ? echizenicum (Yok.).

A specimen of Katroliceras, obtained from a loose boulder from t h e

T e t o r i Series in Echizen, indicates t h e presence of a third ammonite
horizon of M i d d l e Kimeridgian date (Kobayashi & Fukada, 19476). T h e
presence of this I n d i a n genus agrees with t h e Kranaosphinctes s p p . in
pointing t o direct connexion with Indonesia a n d C u t c h a n d t h e southern
sea, a n d is difficult t o reconcile with t h e interpretation of t h e earliest
T e t o r i ammonites as Seymourites.


O n t h e southern side of t h e Palaeozoic barrier of E o - N i p p o n there

prevailed in t h e Jurassic a totally different sedimentary regime. I n
contrast t o t h e deltaic type of deposition in intermontane basins in t h e
n o r t h e r n geosyncline, t h e southern received coastal a n d reef limestone,
p e r h a p s passing southwards into open-sea m u d s a n d radiolarian oozes.
T h e shales a n d radiolarites, which reach great b u t u n k n o w n thicknesses,
are called t h e Akigawa formation. T h e y comprise red a n d green shales,
radiolarian cherts, some sandstones a n d some limestones. T h e only

fossils besides Radiolaria are a few corals in the limestones. T h e shales

may be coloured partly by decomposed volcanic ash, b u t this has n o t yet
been established. T h e formation bears a strong resemblance to the D a n a u
formation of Borneo, and its age is equally problematic. I t occupies most
of the southern parts of the islands of Shikoku and K y u s h u and t h e K i i
peninsula at the southern extremity of H o n s h u . O n Shikoku it has been
described and m a p p e d by Yehara (1930), who considered it all U p p e r
Jurassic, b u t owing to the lack of fossils other t h a n Radiolaria, and bearing
in mind the history of the D a n a u formation of Borneo, I have not
shown the outcrops as Jurassic on fig. 6 3 .
T h e Akigawa formation is b o u n d e d on the n o r t h by a straight line of
thrusts, directed southward, along which it is overridden by the T o r i n o s u
Limestone formation, and that in t u r n is overthrust from the n o r t h b y
Palaeozoic rocks. T h e T o r i n o s u Limestone formation has a narrow
strip-like outcrop (shown generalized and exaggerated in fig. 63) between
thrust boundaries imposed in t h e Cretaceous Sakawa orogeny (named
after the town of Sakawa, near the middle of southern Shikoku). T h e
formation consists of shales and limestones with some radiolarian cherts
which Yehara (1930) and Kobayashi (1935, p . 84) first believed to b e
interbedded, b u t which according to Kobayashi's later conclusions
(1941; 1944, p . 234) are part of the underlying P e r m o - T r i a s s i c systems
intercalated tectonically. O n this view, based on remapping, the whole
Torinosu outcrop is a band of imbrications, complicated by m a n y tear-
faults, between large nappes, and the T o r i n o s u formation rests u n c o n -
formably on Permo-Triassic radiolarites and shales (Kobayashi, H u z i t a
& Kimura, 1945). Moreover, lenses of limestone like that yielding
U p p e r Jurassic fossils in the T o r i n o s u formation occur in t h e overlying
Lower Cretaceous Ryoseki Series, which is separated from the Jurassic
by a basal conglomerate. I n the Lower Cretaceous a regime of deltas
extended over the southern side of E o - N i p p o n , as the result of active
erosion of high relief structures beginning to be formed by the Sakawa
orogeny. T h e celebrated Cretaceous Ryoseki floras were e n t o m b e d , as
in the northern geosyncline, in shales and sandstones between thick
sheets of conglomerate.
I n the Torinosu formation there are various kinds of limestone, some
unfossiliferous, some with ammonites and pelecypods, others in small
irregular and unstratified lenses or reef-like masses, a b o u n d i n g in
hexacorals (Eguchi, 1951), stromatoporoids (Yabe & Sugiyama, 1935),
milleporoids and calcareous algae (Yabe, 1932). T h e Pectens and L i m a s
are specifically distinct from E u r o p e a n species b u t of similar aspect and
belonging to cosmopolitan genera (Kimura, 1951). T h e r e are also
brachiopods, Cidarids, gastropods, belemnites and sharks' teeth ( K o b a ­
yashi, 1935).
T h e ammonites hitherto found in the T o r i n o s u formation belong t o
two assemblages, one U p p e r Callovian, the other Lower K i m e r i d g i a n .
T h e Callovian fauna, found in a shale interstratified with the limestones,

comprises t h e genera Hecticoceras and Horioceras, and two Perisphinctids.

O n e is a 'nucleus' (or young) correctly likened by Kobayashi (1935, pi.
xiii, figs. 4, 5) to Properisphinctes. T h e other is a larger fragment incorrectly
assigned b y h i m (1935, pi. xiii, figs. 7, 8) to Sigaloceras, for from the
photographs it is apparent that the primary ribs are too long and the
venter too wide for Sigaloceras, and the fragment seems to be some form
of Binatisphinctes or Poculisphinctes ('Trinisphinctes').
T h e Lower (in part perhaps early-Middle) Kimeridgian faunule
comprises Lithacoceras tarodaense K o b . , Aulacosphinctoides cf. steigeri
(Shimizu) and (found separately) Ataxioceras kurisakaense K o b . &
F u k a d a . T h e s e Perisphinctids are all k n o w n only from poorly-preserved
fragments, b u t their general age cannot b e doubted. (Figures in Shimizu,
1927; 1927a; 1930; Kobayashi, 1935; Kobayashi & Fukada, 1947).
O t h e r fragments, too poor to b e w o r t h discussing, have been figured, also
an indeterminable Oppeliid (Yehara, 1927; Shimizu, 1931). T h e age
indicated b y t h e ammonites is confirmed b y the occurrence of spines of
Balanocidaris glandaria ('Cidaris glandifera') which characterizes Lower
Kimeridgian deposits in East Africa and t h e eastern Mediterranean.
T h e sole indication of a later date is a pelagic crinoid, Pseudosaccocoma
japonica, belonging to a genus of the E u r o p e a n Tithonian.


(a) Southern Kitakami massif (mainly Rikuzen Province)

A b o u t 350 miles north-east of the H i d a plateau and Tetori River area,
there is an isolated group of Jurassic outcrops near the north-east coast
of H o n s h u , in the Kitakami M o u n t a i n s a n d near Shizukawa Bay, in
the old province of Rikuzen (now Miyagi Prefecture). Hettangian and
Sinemurian genera of ammonites were long ago figured from here
(Yokoyama, 1904a).
General descriptions have been published by M a b u t i (1933) and M o r i
(1949), a n d a revision based on more ammonites has been undertaken by
M a t s u m o t o & Ono, w h o in 1951 most kindly sent m e a draft of their
u n p u b l i s h e d paper, with figures of some of the ammonites. F o r this
friendly collaboration I a m most grateful.
T h e Kitakami Jurassics belong tectonically to t h e outer or Pacific
suite, b u t they combine stages represented on b o t h sides in S W . Japan,
w i t h some additions.
T h e thickness of the Jurassic in the Kitakami massif was estimated by
M a b u t i (1933) and M o r i (1949) at about 1000 m . T h e revised measure­
m e n t s b y M a t s u m o t o & O n o (1951 M S . ) make it 700 m . ; b u t in a
neighbouring area it has been estimated at 2000 m . (Shiida, 1940). T h e
stratigraphical nomenclature is confusing because t h e r e are several
physically separate a n d tectonically distinct groups of outcrops, for which
successive authors use new or e m e n d e d formation names, to suit local
developments. I n the following table t h e names used by M a b u t i (1933)

are compared with those used b y M o r i (1949) a n d M a t s u m o t o & O n o

(1951 M S . ) in different areas. Shiida (1940) has a completely different
set of names based on another area.
F r o m t h e Sodenohama formation Professor M a t s u m o t o collected a
Perisphinctid which could b e a n Aulacosphinctoides, a n d Aulacosphinctoides
cf. steigeri (Shim.) is recorded from t h e Hashiura area (Mori, 1949, p . 319).
F r o m t h e Arato formation, sensu stricto, Professor M a t s u m o t o showed m e
two Parkinsonia-likc ammonites which seem t o m e to b e Idoceras s p p .
allied to Mexican forms of t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian. F r o m t h e Arato
Shale, sensu lato, M o r i (1949) records Kimeridgian a n d U p p e r Oxfordian
ammonites. A m o n g U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids recorded are
Kranaosphinctes cf. matsushimai (Yok.), Perisphinctes s.s. ozikaensis (Fukada,

Locality Hashiura Generalised Locality Shizukawa

(Mori, 1949) (Mabuti, 1933) (Matsumoto & Ono)
c. 1000 m. c. 1000 m. 700 m.

Jusanhama Group, 300 m. Tukihame Sandstone,

(? Tithonian) 200 m.

Hashiura Group, 600 m. Arato Shale sensu lato, Sodenohama Formation,

>520 m. c. 200 m.
slight unconformity Arato Formation, sensu
stricto, 300 m.
Aratosaki Sandstone, Aratozaki Formation,
200 m. 60-100 m.

Shizukawa Group, 90-110 m. Hosoura Sandy Shale, Hosoura Formation,

30 m. 60-100 m.
Niranohama Beds, 40 m. Niranohama Formation,
80-100 m.

1950) and Discosphinctes (Kobayashi & Fukada, 1947c; b u t t h e published

fragments are n o t really determinable with finality). Fukada states that
there is a sequence of U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids which indicates
that t h e English Corallian Beds are condensed. Posidonia beds occur,
and Seymourites has been recorded.
Liassic stages from Hettangian t o U p p e r Toarcian are represented
among t h e ammonites recorded from t h e Hosoura formation. They
include Hettangian Schlotheimia (Yokoyama, 1904a, pi. i, fig. 6), Sine­
murian Asteroceras and Oxynoticeras ( M a t s u m o t o & O n o M S . , a n d see
Yokoyama, 1904a, pi. ii, fig. 11), various Toarcian Harpoceratids a n d t h e
U p p e r Toarcian Phymatoceras chibai (Yokoyama sp., 1915, pi.). Recently
Tmetoceras has also been figured (Sato, 1954), so Lower Bajocian is
F r o m t h e Niranohama formation, M a t s u m o t o & O n o record 'a single
well-preserved Alsatites', with m a n y Trigoniae a n d other pelecypods;
belemnites and corals also occur, a n d there are poorly-preserved

(b) Soma Area, Fukushima Prefecture

I n this coastal area M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic rocks occur which are
similar in lithology and fauna both to those in the southern Kitakami
M o u n t a i n s and t o t h e T o r i n o s u series. A m m o n i t e s recorded include
? Parkinsonia, Indosphinctes, Pseudopeltoceras, Perisphinctes, Aspidoceras,
Streblites, Taramelliceras, Aulacosphinctoides a n d Paraboliceras ? (Masatani,
1950). T h e r e are also plant-beds. T h e total thickness is about 1500 m.



T h i s area measures about 2500 miles across and contains some of t h e most
difficult and complicated geology in t h e world. By far t h e greater p a r t of
the area is covered b y sea, and the land surface is decayed by deep tropical
weathering and mantled in dense vegetation. Jurassic sediments of widely
varied facies occur at n u m e r o u s scattered points, b u t t h e outcrops are
separated o n different islands a n d t h e r e are virtually n o sections. Splendid
collections of ammonites and other fossils, from Hettangian to T i t h o n i a n
in age, have been m a d e at m a n y places in the Indonesian islands, from
loose nodules in stream-beds or a m o n g t h e ejectamenta of mud-volcanoes.
T o the student of the Jurassic, therefore, the area is full of possibilities
and tantalising uncertainties. Instead of its almost complete suite of
Jurassic faunas helping t o check t h e universality or otherwise of the standard
sequence elsewhere, t h e isolated elements have to b e pieced together
solely from a knowledge of the succession in other parts of t h e world.
T h a n k s chiefly to sixty years of enterprising work b y D u t c h geologists,
some limited generalizations are possible. I t appears that there was
continuous sedimentation t h r o u g h o u t the Mesozoic in a sinuous t r o u g h
or geosyncline, which may have originated in t h e Permian, from eastern
Celebes t h r o u g h Buru, Ceram, J a m d e n a and T i m o r , and recent dis­
coveries in N W . Australia suggest t h a t it continued southward into the
Broome and D e r b y districts. I n this trough all the stages of the L o w e r
and U p p e r (but not the Middle) Lias are represented by prolific a m m o n i t e
faunas of European genera a n d in some cases even species. Neritic
Lower Lias sea also spread at least over N W . Borneo, I n d o - C h i n a and the
fringe of southern China ( H o n g K o n g ) . I t may also have overspread
Sumatra a n d Java, b u t t h e Mesozoic rocks t h e r e have b e e n converted by
dynamo-metamorphism into phyllites a n d schists. Eastwards in N e w
Guinea, so far as known, t h e first Jurassic transgression was in t h e Toarcian,
after which t h e r e was m o r e or less continuous deposition i n a w i d e belt
stretching t h r o u g h central N e w G u i n e a a n d probably connected b y sea
with N e w Caledonia and N e w Zealand. T h e Toarcian transgression is
also recorded in Cochin China.
In an area that has been affected by such intense disturbance both
(locally) before the Cretaceous transgressions of various ages a n d during
the Tertiary, where nummulitic Eocene limestone can b e converted into
schist and Pleistocene coral reefs m a y be elevated (as in central T i m o r )
to over 1200 m . and Pliocene sediments (as in Ceram) to at least 3000 m .
above the sea, it is of doubtful value to attempt detailed reconstructions

of Mesozoic palaeogeography. If, as is supposed by current theory, t h e

S u n d a arc with its adjacent deeps is an embryo mountain range advancing
against t h e foreland of Australia (or Australia an advancing shield under-
t h r u s t i n g t h e arcs), t h e whole area m u s t be still plastic. T h e repeated
orogenies of t h e past m u s t have produced tremendous distortion, the history
of which perhaps can never be unravelled.

FIG. 65.—Sketch-map to show position of the Jurassic outcrops in Sumatra,

Borneo, Indo-China and Hong Kong.

F r o m at least t h e Oxfordian to t h e T i t h o n i a n t h e trough of deposition

in eastern Indonesia a n d N e w G u i n e a was in direct communication
with that of t h e Himalayas, as is attested b y identity of faunas. At least
two of t h e t h r e e subdivisions of t h e Spiti Shales, t h e Oxfordian Belem­
nopsis gerardi Beds a n d t h e Lochambel Beds, with identical Buchia
[Aucella] and coarse-ribbed Inoceramus shells as well as ammonites, are
found in Spiti Shales facies in eastern Indonesia. W h e r e the connecting
seaway ran, however, is u n k n o w n ; for in the intervening tracts of I n d o -
China and Borneo only Lias and more doubtful M i d d l e Jurassic (with a
small and incomplete Kimeridgian exception in Sarawak) is known.
T h i s led Grabau (1928, p p . 133, 250) to postulate a connexion across
Assam into the Bay of Bengal and thence via the I n d i a n Ocean; a concept
criticized above. If it is a correct hypothesis that India moved n o r t h w a r d
in the Tertiary orogeny, a continuous outcrop of marine Jurassics from
west Yunnan to the Gulf of Siam or T o n k i n need not b e sought, for
these regions previously would not have lain so far apart; the Himalayan
and Indonesian troughs could be disrupted parts of an originally almost
continuous geosyncline. W h e t h e r the requisite system of tear-faults
exists and, if so, where it runs, are problems for future field-work.


Small patches of marine Lias are known at scattered points over this
area. At H o n g K o n g the Lower Sinemurian is represented by a Schloth-
eimiid genus, Hongkongites (Grabau, 1928, p . 774, pi. ix; Davis, 1952,
pp. 77-84, and plate facing p . 32) ( = Sulciferites ?), a n d at N a C h a m in
T o n k i n there are Cardinia beds, without ammonites b u t obviously
Hettangian or early Sinemurian (Mansuy, 1919).
I n Indo-China (Fromaget, 1937), at H u n Nien, in the province of
K w a n g N a m , Annam, marine beds yield a faunule of small pelecypods
and gastropods largely identical with species of the F r e n c h Hettangian,
and an ammonite compared to [Waehneroceras ?] longipontinum (Oppel)
(Counillon, 1909). Gryphaea arcuata and Uptonia jamesoni are also
recorded from other places (Fromaget, 1952, p . 69). I n the south, in
Cochin China, U p p e r Toarcian appears at T r i a n , about 30 miles N E .
of Saigon, developed as shales with Dumortieria lantenoisi (Mansuy,
1914). T h e photographs show this to b e close to D. nicklesi Benecke, of
the uppermost Jurense Zone in E u r o p e . At C h e p o n in Laos, on about
the latitude of H u e and midway between the sea and the Siamese frontier,
are red sandstones with occasional beds of limestone and shale in which
occur teeth of Lepidotus, Acrodus and Plesiosaurus, believed to b e of
U p p e r Lias age. T h i s formation is directly overlain by the U p p e r Creta­
ceous (Senonian) (Hoffet & L e Maitre, 1939). I n N E . Laos, in the Sam
Neua region, are shales containing some of the U p p e r Bathonian brachio­
pods of the Namyau Beds of B u r m a and Yunnan (Mansuy, 1920).


N o evidence for Jurassic beds has been found. A n assemblage of

pelecypods and plants near Singapore, which N e w t o n (1906) t h o u g h t
possibly M i d d l e Jurassic, has t u r n e d out to be pre-Rhaetian (Scrivenor,
1931, pp. 65-7).
2 E


I n several parts of the island there are patches of phyllites and silky
slates with interbedded sandstones, quartzites and occasional limestone
lenses, which at first were taken to be Palaeozoic or earlier. Like the
Alpine Bundnerschiefer which yield stretched belemnites, however, they
have proved to contain remains of Mesozoic fossils. T h e best faunule,
from a lens of limestone in the J a m b i district (see fig. 65), yielded Astarte,
Opis, Lucina and Cypricardia, pelecypods which seem to be of M i d d l e
Jurassic age (Tobler, 1923; Freeh & Meyer, 1922). I n several places also
lenses of reef limestone with only recrystallized fossils are attributed
doubtfully to the U p p e r Jurassic, while Lower Jurassic is suggested by an
oolite lens with Pentacrinus, corals resembling Montlivaltia, and belemnites
(Volz, 1913; Tobler, 1923; Brouwer, 1925, p . 2 9 ; Wanner, 1931, p. 597).
Clearly it is possible that the whole Jurassic system exists in Sumatra
in a partly metamorphosed state. According to the m a p by Rutten (1938),
however, t h e r e are only four small patches of Jurassic beds besides the
main J a m b i area (see fig. 65).
T h e Neocomian ammonite genera Neocomites, Kilianella and Olcoste-
phanus are also recorded from J a m b i .


A large part of this island is built of the D a n a u formation, a series of

radiolarites, hornstones, siliceous shales, quartz sandstones, silicified
tuffs a n d igneous rocks, intensely folded and compressed b u t not exten­
sively overthrust (Easton, 1904; M a r t i n , 1907; W a n n e r , 1931, p . 596).
T h e radiolarites have, as always, caused differences of opinion as to date.
T h e y were at first t h o u g h t to be Jurassic, b u t more recently almost all
ages except Jurassic have been attributed to the D a n a u : ranging from
Devonian to Paleocene. I n west Borneo shallow-water Jurassic beds,
which have been little disturbed b u t extensively denuded, and include in
places Lias, transgress over the folded D a n a u ; here the D a n a u is considered
to b e Palaeozoic to L o w e r Triassic, and, from the contained Radiolaria,
mainly Permo-Triassic (Easton, 1904, p . 2 8 ; U m b g r o v e , 1938, p p . 25-7;
Kobayashi & K i m u r a , 1944, p . 241). I n n o r t h Borneo, however, where
n o fossiliferous Jurassic is known, intensely folded D a n a u rocks contain
derived fragments of radiolarites and foraminifera of Cretaceous to Lower
T e r t i a r y age. I t seems, therefore, that in different parts of the island the
so-called D a n a u formation is of widely different ages, and received its
tectonic deformation at widely different periods. (For full discussion see
Reinhard & Wenk, 1951, p p . 91-7.)
F r o m the Sambas district, in the extreme west of the island (see fig. 65),
an ammonite from a nodule has been figured as 'Aegoceras' borneensis
K r a u s e (1911, pi. vii); it may be a Xipheroceras and in that case of middle
Sinemurian date. F r o m shales at another locality in the same district
have been figured U p p e r Toarcian Grammoceratids, apparently for the
most part Dumortieriae (Krause, 1896, pi. xi) and of about the same age
as the deposit at T r i a n in Cochin China—an horizon conspicuous also in
northern Persia. M i d d l e Jurassic is m o r e doubtfully represented b y
pelecypods and gastropods, including a Trigonia of Bajocian-Bathonian
aspect (Newton, 1903), and b y Astarte-and-Corbula beds (Easton, 1904)
which suggest the Bathonian.
U p p e r Jurassic certainly occurs b u t is even m o r e skimpily k n o w n :
reef limestones with an U p p e r Jurassic Lopha are recorded on t h e Sarawak
River (Newton, 1897), and Spath (Cutch, 1924, p . 16; 1933, p p . 825-6)
has identified a 'Subplanites of t h e schlosseri g r o u p ' from U p p e r Sarawak;
this indicates U p p e r Kimeridgian. A fragmentary Perisphinctid figured
by Easton (1904, pi. xii) is not determinable. L a n d probably existed to
the north-west (Martin, 1907).


I n the eastern part of the archipelago, as mentioned above, the Jurassic-

system comes on in force and in the 'Banda A r c ' there seems to have been
continuous deposition from Lower Trias or Permian to Lower Cretaceous.
T h e predominant facies in the geosyncline, from Hettangian to T i t h o n i a n ,
is shales with nodules, resembling t h e Spiti Shales. I n the Sula Islands
and Obi, to the north, the facies of some formations is m o r e shallow-water,
neritic; and, so far as negative evidence can b e relied on, deposition did
not begin until the U p p e r Lias or even M i d d l e Jurassic. T h e deposits
on Misol are intermediate in character.
T h e supposed limits of the trough, indicated by broken lines in fig. 66,
were based largely on evidence from the T r i a s and from the physiography
of the present sea-bed. F o r the Jurassic alone, the conventional picture so
constructed is less satisfactory, for from Toarcian times onwards a t r o u g h
at least as important continued eastwards t h r o u g h N e w G u i n e a ; and on
Buru (Wanner, 1922, p . 99) the earliest known beds are Oxfordian,
although this island lies in the middle of the trough. I n any case, all
reconstructions are hazardous while we remain so ignorant of t h e strati­
graphy of Sumatra and Borneo. T h e small relic of U p p e r Kimeridgian
in Borneo is a warning of the vast a m o u n t of denudation that has taken
place, before and since the Cretaceous.
T h e emphasis usually laid on facies will be disregarded in the following
summary, which aims at bringing together the multitudes of scattered
records of ammonites from all parts of the eastern half of the archipelago
and sifting t h e m critically. A complete b u t uncritical catalogue of Cephalo-
pods down to 1930 is available (Kruizinga, 1931), and a detailed account
of the stratigraphy island by island (Wanner, 1931). A n a t t e m p t to
classify the occurrences by means of the belemnites has been m a d e by
Stolley (1934), and the interesting Aucellae [Buchia] and Inocerami
have been studied respectively b y K r u m b e c k (1934) and W a n d e l (1936).
Other mollusca are catalogued by Krijnen (1931) and other groups by
various authors in the same Festschrift. Of special interest is the pelecypod

assemblage of t h e Liassic ' G r e y Limestones' of south Tyrol, found in

black limestone on T i m o r (Wanner, 1910). Liassic brachiopods from
Ceram are described b y W a n n e r & Knipscheer (1951).
Excellent general accounts of t h e geology, including useful summaries
of t h e Mesozoic formations, will b e found especially in Brouwer (1926),
U m b g r o v e (1938) a n d V a n Bemmelen (1949). T h e geological m a p ,
(Rutten, 1938) does n o t differentiate Jurassic from other Mesozoic
Volcanic activity during t h e Jurassic is proved by t h e U p p e r Oxfordian
Sasifu Beds of Buru, which are composed largely of water-laid tuff with
lapillae. T h i c k volcanic breccias a n d eruptive igneous rocks in t h e same

FIG. 66.—Locality map for the eastern Indonesian archipelago. The broken lines indicate
the conventional concept of the Timor-East Celebes and Papuan geosynclines, as
suggested by present-day distribution of facies, which must, however, have been
subsequently distorted to an unknown degree.

island are believed to date from t h e same period (Wanner, 1922, p . 101).
Tuffs assigned t o t h e Oxfordian also occur o n Misol (Wanner, 1931,
p . 592).


At least in Misol t h e r e is a continuous conformable succession from

Jurassic t o Cretaceous. T h e Valanginian a n d Hauterivian are repre­
sented b y limestones with Hibolites subfusiformis. T h e same is probably
t r u e of Rotti, T i m o r , Ceram, Buru a n d eastern Celebes (Umbgrove, 1938,
p p . 19-21). I n Buru t h e r e is r e d limestone with aptychi, reminiscent of
the Alpine T i t h o n i a n (Martin, 1900). T h e most interesting finds, how­
ever, have come from t h e Sula Islands, T a l i a b u a n d Mangoli (Boehm,
1904). F r o m streambeds o n t h e south side of t h e islands have been
collected some of the fjfpical fauna of the Lochambel Beds of the Spiti
Shales: Haplophylloceras strigile (Blanford), Blanfotdiceras wallichi
(Gray) (in quantity), and local species of the Himalayan genera Uhligites,
Himalayites and Bochianites (Boehm, 1904, pis. i-vii). F r o m the Sula
Islands have since been figured also two new species of Kossmatia
(Kruizinga, 1926, p p . 64-9, pis. xi, xii). T h e s e are m o r e evolute t h a n
typical Kossmatia and differently ribbed, b u t m o r e nearly resemble some
Mexican species (K. zacatecana Burck.). A 'Lithacoceras" from East
Celebes (Wandel, 1936, pi. xvi, 1) is also a T i t h o n i a n form, p e r h a p s
identical with Schliiter's Kossmatia from N e w Guinea.


F r o m the Sula Islands have been figured two Idoceras (Boehm, 1912,
pi. xliv; Kruizinga, 1926, pi. x, figs. 1, 2).


F r o m Wai Galo streambed on the south coast of Taliabu, Sula Islands,

Boehm in 1900 collected some 250 well-preserved ammonites associated
with crowds of belemnites a n d large coarse-ribbed Inocerami like those
from the Spiti Shales. T a k i n g shelter from the sun in a native hut, he
noticed on the ground the holotype of Mayaites palmarum Boehm, which
h a d been a toy belonging to t h e local children. T h i s find led h i m t o search
the streambed and discover the classic U p p e r Oxfordian fauna of W a i
Galo. T h e ammonites occur in cementstone nodules weathering out of
shales, as in t h e Himalayan Spiti Shales (Boehm, 1907). As in t h e D h o s a
Oolite of Cutch, the fauna comprises mainly Perisphinctids associated
with Mayaitids, b u t the species are different. T h e r e are also Peltocera-
toides a n d Phylloceratids: Ptychophylloceras galoi (Boehm), Calliphyllo­
ceras malayanum (Boehm), Holcophylloceras passati (Boehm), H. insulindae
(Boehm) and ? Partschiceras monsuni (Boehm).
T h e Perisphinctids, as has b e e n pointed o u t (Arkell, 1939, M o n .
Am. Engl. Corallian Beds, p . lx), all or nearly all belong to the s u b g e n u s
Kranaosphinctes, which in England is early-Plicatilis Zone. T h e W a i
Galo forms are all new, a n d the fact t h a t neither they nor the Mayaitids
are the same as those found in Cutch can b e explained by supposing t h e m
to be slightly earlier. If, as Boehm believed, they occur on the same
horizon as the large Peltoceratoides spp., a l a t e - C o r d a t u m Zone age is
suggested. T h e assemblage may perhaps b e nearest in date to that from
Kwa Dikwaso in Tanganyika (p. 328), in which there are fragments of a
Perisphinctes indistinguishable from P. burui Boehm and similar Phyllo­
ceratids. Similar Prograyiceras and Epimayaites occur near M o m b a s a .
T h e belemnites include Belemnopsis of the group of B. gerardi of t h e
Spiti Shales; Boehm (1907, p . 113) considered that these and the Inocerami
occurred slightly below the ammonites.
O n the island of Buru, about 100 miles to the south-east, U p p e r
Oxfordian ammonites occur at many places. N e a r Mefa village they are

in a red-weathering whitish limestone rich in mjprofossils, and occasion­

ally shale, a n d at Bara Bay in water-laid volcanic tuff with small lapillae
(Sasifu Beds). F r o m t h e Mefa Beds Boehm (1908) obtained Calliphyllo-
ceras malayanum (Boehm) and a suite of Perisphinctids of which he named
a n d figured only one species, P. (Kranaosphinctes) burui Boehm, remarking
t h a t t h e species were different from those at W a i Galo. F r o m these and
the absence of Mayaitids h e inferred that the beds were not quite the same
age as those at W a i Galo and probably somewhat younger (Boehm, 1908,
p . 298). Later collections made by Deninger in the same and a n u m b e r of
new localities in Buru were described by H u m m e l (1923), who unfortun­
ately was inexperienced in ammonites (and the Rules of Nomenclature).
His lengthy discussions and graphs are shown by his photographs to b e
worthless, for they make it evident that he considered conspecific forms
which would now be placed in different subgenera (different genera b y
Buckman and Spath). His pi. ix, fig. 5, shows a small form with lappets,
probably more closely related to Dichotomosphinctes rotoides than to
Kranaosphinctes burui; a n d his fig. 7 is a distinctly late Dichotomosphinctes
or Discosphinctes. T h i s and the Taramelliceras cf. flexuosum (Miinster)
( H u m m e l , pi. xi, fig. 8) bear out Boehm's inference of a somewhat later
date t h a n the W a i Galo assemblage—though still in the Plicatilis Zone.
H u m m e l also figures some typical E u r o p e a n pelecypods which might
have come from the U p p e r Corallian Beds of E n g l a n d : the Inocerami
are absent. H e also records most of the Wai Galo Phylloceratids and
some others, Ptychophylloceras insulare (Waagen), Holcophylloceras
mediterraneum ( N e u m . ) and a Euaspidoceras.
U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids occur also on T i m o r (Boehm, 1908,
p . 332), and a Taramelliceras of this age has been figured from a m u d -
volcano on Rotti ( K r u m b e c k , 1922, p . 204, pi. xviii, fig. 7).


As previously pointed out (Arkell, 1951, M o n . Engl. Bathonian Am.,

p . 59), some of the specimens from t h e Sula Islands figured by Boehm
(1912) u n d e r Oppelia fusca represent U p p e r Callovian Hecticoceratinae:
pi. xxxiv, fig. 2, is a Putealiceras, and figs. 3, 4 are Sublunuloceras, probably
of about Athleta Zone date.


At K e e u w and several other localities on Taliabu, Sula Islands, stream-

beds have yielded a wonderful assemblage of Macrocephalitids of sub­
genera (or genera) familiar in C u t c h a n d in E u r o p e . A wide selection
was figured by Boehm (1912) all u n d e r the same specific name Macro­
cephalites keeuwensis Boehm, of which Spath (1928, Cutch, p . 205)
selected B o e h m ' s pi. xxxvi, fig. 3 as lectotype. T h i s is a Dolikephalites
very close to the English U p p e r Cornbrash species M. (D.) typicus Blake
(synonym M. (D.) dolius Buckman) which has also been figured from
the Caucasus (see p . 361). T h e following other new names and
attributions for Boehm's Taliabu Macrocephalitids (Boehm, 1912, plates
xxxv-xliv) are scattered t h r o u g h nearly 100 pages of specific descriptions
and lengthy discussions of I n d i a n ammonites in S p a t h ' s C u t c h revision
{1928, p p . 163-252):—
Dolikephalites subcompressus ? (Waagen), Spath 1928, p . 201, for Boehm's
pi. xxxviii, fig. 2.
Kamptokephalites beta-gamma (Boehm), Spath, p . 198, for Boehm's pi.
xii, fig. 5.
Kamptokephalites subkamptus Spath, p . 174, for Boehm's pi. xii, figs.
1a, b only.
Indocephalites apretus Spath, 1928, p . 190, for Boehm's pi. xxxix, fig. 3.
Idiocycloceras bifurcatum (Boehm), Spath, p . 206, for Boehm's pi. xxxix,
fig. 1 ( = Kruizinga, 1926, p i . viii, figs. 1-3).
Eucycloceras intermedium Spath, p . 210, for Boehm's pi. xxxviii, fig. 3 .
Kamptokephalites etheridgei Spath, 1928, pi. xxxii, fig. 3 ( N e w Guinea),
covering Macrocephalites waageni Kruizinga, 1926, pi. ix, figs. 1, 2,
non Uhlig, from the Sula Islands.
F r o m these determinations it emerges that b o t h Macrocephalus and
Rehmanni Zones of the C u t c h Callovian are represented in t h e Sula
Islands. Macrocephalites s.s. as now understood seems to be represented
b y Boehm's pi. xxxvi, fig. 1 a n d p e r h a p s p i . xliv, fig. 1.
T h e presence of Lower Callovian o n Rotti is attested b y a ? Dolike­
phalites figured by Boehm, 1908, pi. xii, fig. 2.


T h e occurrence of both Lower and U p p e r or M i d d l e Bathonian (or all

three) at K e e u w in the Sula Islands is shown by three ammonites figured
by Boehm (1912) amongst his Lower Callovian Macrocephalitids.
Sphaeroceras sofanum Boehm (p. 150, pi. xxxv, fig. 2) is a typical Bullati­
morphites, like the three species with which he compared it, all of which
are Bathonian. Sphaeroceras godohense Boehm (p. 151, pi. xxxv, fig. 1)
appears to be a Rugiferites like those from the Subcontractus Z o n e of
E n g l a n d ; b u t the apertural region is missing, and if the complete a m m o n i t e
identified with Boehm's species by Kruizinga (1926, pi. xiv, figs. 2, 3)
is the same, appearances are deceptive and S. godohense is nearer to the
Bajocian Chondroceras. Lastly, at least one of the ammonites figured by
Boehm as Oppelia fusca (pi. xxxiii, fig. 3) is t h e t r u e O. fallax ( G u e r a n g e r ) ,
of the Lower Bathonian. I have no hesitation in confirming this identi­
fication since receiving a collection of this species (in 1951) from Persia
(see p . 371). Lissoceras occurs on Babar (Wanner, 1931, p . 588).


Some other K e e u w ammonites figured by Boehm (1912) indicate the

presence of the Bajocian. T h e fine Cadomites (pi. xxxiv, fig. 5), it can
hardly be doubted, was correctly identified as an U p p e r Bajocian species by
Boehm, although Cadomites ranges u p into at least the M i d d l e Bathonian

and (according to some authors) the Lower Callovian in Europe. An

allied species was figured from the Sula Islands by Kruizinga (1926,
pi. xiii, fig. 1) as ' Stepheoceras' indicum Kruizinga. As just mentioned,
Kruizinga's version of Sphaeroceras godohense Boehm (Kruizinga, 1926,
pi. xiv, figs. 2, 3) appears to be a Sphaeroceratid at least closely related to
Chondroceras of the M i d d l e Bajocian, a genus that occurs in N e w Guinea
(Boehm, 1913, pi. ii, 3, 4). Coeloceras indicum Kruizinga (1926, pi. xiv,
fig. 1) is too w o r n to interpret w i t h confidence, b u t seems to b e a Teloceras
comparable with Canadian species such as T. stelki W a r r e n and the English
T. banksi (Sowerby), in which primary ribs become obsolete. 'Stephano­
ceras aff. braikenridgii' Boehm (1908, pi. xii, fig. 3), from Babar, strongly
suggests a Normannites close to A^. orbignyi Buckman, b u t according to
Jaworski (1933, p . 323) it is a T o a r c i a n Catacoeloceras. A link with
Australia is Pseudotoites (Kruizinga, 1926, pi. vi, 1, 2, pi. xii, 3).
Bajocian pelecypods from Taliabu are figured by Jaworski (1920).


Species of Dactylioceras and 'Coeloceras' have been figured from Rotti

(Krumbeck, 1922, pis. xvii, xviii) and T i m o r (Krumbeck, 1923, pi.
clxxvii) and revised by Jaworski (1933). Toarcian Harpoceratids, which
require further attention, seem to be commoner, having been recorded or
figured from Borneo (Krause, 1896, pi. xi), from Jefbie and Fialpopo in
the Misol Archipelago (Soergel, 1913, 1915), where they indicate levels
u p to the Aalense Subzone, and from Babar (Wanner, 1931, p . 588).
M o r e accurate determination is possible for Grammoceras timorense
K r u m b e c k (1923, p . 115, pi. clxxvii, fig. 8) from T i m o r , which is an
Esericeras and indicates about Striatulum Subzone of the Jurense Zone,
and Harpoceras arietiforme Kruizinga (1926, pi. i, figs. 3-5) from the Sula
Islands, which is a large Fuciniceras probably of Lower Toarcian date,
like some from Baluchistan and Italy. Grammoceras kiliani Kruizinga
(1926, pi. i, fig. 2), also from the Sula Islands, indicates once more the
Jurense Z o n e ; while a Lytoceras of the jurense group is known from Rotti
(Krumbeck, 1922, pi. xvii, fig. 6).
Hammatoceras molukkanum Cloos (1916; and see Kruizinga, 1926,
pi. ii) is more difficult to date accurately b u t is certainly U p p e r Toarcian.


All parts of the Lower Lias are strongly represented in the islands,
especially in Rotti, Babar a n d T i m o r , b u t t h e r e are no sections. Almost
without exception the ammonites have been collected loose from stream-
beds or from the ejectamenta of mud-volcanoes. Details of the occur­
rences, island b y island, will be found in W a n n e r (1931), and figures
chiefly in K r u m b e c k (1922; 1923), W a n n e r & Jaworski (1931) and, with a
revision of m o s t of t h e families, in Jaworski (1933). T h e following is a
list of important species that have been figured or authoritatively recorded,
arranged to show t h e probable representation of the stages and zones.

Lytoceras cf. fimbriatum (Sow.). Rotti

Phylloceras rotticum K r u m b e c k . Rotti
Calliphylloceras subcapitanea ( K r u m b e c k ) . Rotti
Juraphyllites rotticensis ( K r u m b e c k ) . Rotti

Ibex and Davoei Zones

Liparoceras aff. kilsbiense Spath (Krumbeck, 1922, pi. xviii, 3). Rotti
Liparoceras rotticum K r u m b e c k . Rotti

Jamesoni Zone
Phricodoceras subtaylori ( K r u m b e c k ) . Rotti
Tropidoceras masseanum (Quenst. non d ' O r b . ) ( K r u m b e c k , 1922, pi.
xviii, 4). Rotti
Uptonia sp. (Krumbeck, 1923, pi. clxxvii, 4). T i m o r
Coeloderoceras ? moermanni (Kruizinga). Sula I s .

Raricostatum and O x y n o t u m Zones
Echioceras wichmanni (Rothpl.). Rotti, J a m d e n a
Echioceras rotticum (Rothpl.). Rotti
Echioceras cf. radiatum T r u e m a n & Williams. Rotti, T i m o r
Eoderoceras sp. (Krumbeck, 1922). Rotti
Oxynoticeras spp. (Krumbeck, 1922). Rotti

O b t u s u m a n d T u r n e r i Zones
Microderoceras landaui (Boehm). Rotti
Asteroceras sparsicostatum W a n n e r . J a m d e n a

Semicostatum and Bucklandi Zones

Arnioceras cf. semilaeve (Hauer). Celebes
Arnioceras cf. fortunatum Buckman. Rotti
Arnioceras mendax Fucini. Rotti
Arnioceras subgeometricum Jaworski. Rotti, T i m o r
Arnioceras ceratitoides (Quenst.). Rotti
Arietites aff. lyra Hyatt. Rotti
Arietites cf. rotiformis (Sow.). Rotti

HETTANGIAN (some perhaps Sinemurian)

Psiloceras spp. (Wanner, 1931, p. 587). Babar
Paracaloceras cf. coregonense (Sow.) W a e h n e r . T i m o r
Ectocentrites aff. italicus (Canavari) Waehner. T i m o r
Pleuroacanthitidae, 2 spp. T i m o r
Juraphyllites ? (Calaiceras ?) aff. stella (Sow.). T i m o r
? Phylloceras cylindroides K r u m b e c k . T i m o r


Shales in t h e south-east of the Isle of M i n d o r o have yielded Jurassic

ammonites recorded as of t h e genera Arterites, Oppelia, Macrocephalites,
Peltoceras, Perisphinctes and Streblites, a n d Trigonia mindoroensis occurs.
Some radiolarites in t h e island are probably also Jurassic, since similar
Radiolaria occur in t h e matrix of some of t h e ammonites. (Hayasaki,





I t is not altogether imagination to link these three distant countries

geologically as relics of an orogenic belt, most of which has foundered
beneath the sea. T h e trend-lines of the great central range of N e w
Guinea, called in its south-eastern part the O w e n Stanley Range, are
continued by the elongated island of N e w Caledonia, although separated
by 1200 miles of ocean; and after another gap of iooo miles the same t r e n d
is picked u p again at N o r t h Cape, N e w Zealand, a n d continued, after a
virgation in N o r t h Island with the K e r m a d e c - S a m o a ridge, t h r o u g h t h e
Southern Alps of the South Island. T h i s reconstruction forms an arc
5000 miles long, which Suess called t h e '3N arc' (New Guinea, N e w
Caledonia, N e w Zealand). T h e south-easterly t u r n taken b y the trends-
lines at t h e south end of t h e S o u t h Island, N e w Zealand, suggests t h a t
the orogen links u p u n d e r the sea with the fold-ranges of W e s t A n t a r c ­
tica and the Andes, to complete the circum-Pacific orogenic ring.
Geological exploration of N e w Guinea and N e w Caledonia is still
in infancy, b u t enough is known to indicate essential parallelism in the
Jurassic system in all three countries. I n fundamental contrast with
Australia, a continental area in the Jurassic, the '3N arc' was a regon of
geosynclinal marine deposition. N e w Zealand has about 4500 m . of
Jurassic, most of it greywackes and mudstones, interspersed with grits
and conglomerates, such as are m o r e usually associated with t h e L o w e r
Palaeozoic systems in E u r o p e . T h e U p p e r Jurassics of both N e w Zealand
and N e w Guinea show strong resemblances, lithologically a n d palae-
ontologically, to the Spiti Shales of Indonesia and the Himalayas. I n
both N e w Zealand and N e w Caledonia there are indications of a land area
to the west, which supplied the sediments to the trough. T h i s land m u s t
have lain on the site of the T a s m a n a n d Coral Seas. Geophysical a n d
geological lines of evidence converge to the conclusion that these seas
are a foundered land area, quite different from the Pacific Ocean.
It is therefore a hypothesis less shaky t h a n m a n y in geology, that the
'3N arc' coincides with a Jurassic sinking mobile belt, the Papuan G e o ­
syncline, which was folded and upraised in the m a n n e r of an active orogen
during the Cretaceous and Tertiary orogenies; furthermore, that this
orogen separated greater-Australia (inclusive of t h e T a s m a n a n d Coral
Seas) on the west from the Pacific Ocean on the east; and that between
the geosyncline a n d t h e ocean t o t h e east there m a y have risen a chain or

chains of island arcs over t h e site of t h e present edge of t h e continental

shelf, from t h e Solomons to Samoa. As will b e seen below (Chapter 30),
this picture resembles in essentials that deduced independently for t h e
Andes of S o u t h America.
U p o n t h e continental area of greater-Australia there were other troughs,
b u t broad a n d shallow a n d of stable-shelf type, occupied during t h e
Jurassic b y freshwater lakes (see p . 461). T h e s e may have connected with
the sea southwards off t h e present coast of eastern Australia b y a gulf
surviving from t h e T a s m a n geosyncline of Palaeozoic times (David &
Browne, 1950, p p . 695-6).


FIG. 67.—Jurassic and undifferentiated Mesozoic outcrops so far known in New Guinea
and the eastern Indonesian islands. After Rutten (1938) and Osborne (1945).

T h e largest known areas of Jurassic in N e w Guinea are in t h e north­
western peninsula, between Geelvink Bay and M c C l u e r Gulf. T h e n c e
outcrops are known intermittently along b o t h sides of t h e Central Range
which forms t h e backbone of t h e island, as far as t h e Fly and Strickland
Rivers, longitude i 4 2 ° E . T h e Jurassic a n d Cretaceous rocks consist
mainly of shales poor in fossils, w i t h mudstones in nodules a n d bands,
and subordinate sandstones. O n t h e headwaters of t h e Fly River t h e
shale series is estimated to b e 2250 m . thick. I t there crops o u t from the
foot of a massive escarpment of T e r t i a r y limestones (Osborne, 1945).
Inside this barrier t h e mountains rise abruptly from densely forested
lowlands u p to heights culminating in 16,400 ft. in t h e Carstensz Peaks.
F r o m t h e Central Range n u m e r o u s rivers, 200-300 miles long, cross t h e
plains to t h e sea, bringing with t h e m products of denudation far in t h e
interior. I t is from boulders in these rivers that most of t h e fossils have
been collected, a n d they have caused outcrops of Jurassic rocks to be

shown on maps in regions which have later proved to b e entirely T e r t i a r y

(Osborne, 1945, p . 132).
Bajocian and Bathonian are present in t h e north-west of t h e island, and
of the Lias at least Pliensbachian is represented, b u t in the south-east,
in the headwaters of the Fly River, nothing earlier is known t h a n p r e s u m e d
Callovian, which rests on granitic basement rocks, as if overlapping on
to the south-west edge of the geosyncline. T h e r e is another gap above
the Oxfordian. N o t h i n g representative of the Kimeridgian has been
found, and locally the Tithonian may be absent also, so that Albian and
Oxfordian shales are in contact.
With these reservations, the succession closely resembles that in the
Indonesian archipelago.
A general account of the geology is given by Stanley (1923), and dis­
cussions of Mesozoic and later stratigraphy will be found in Klein (1937)
and Glaessner (1943). Localities in D u t c h N e w Guinea are listed by
Gerth (1927, p . 228) and W a n n e r (1931, p . 595)- Significant ammonites
and some other fossils are listed below, by stages.


T h e following ammonites of the Lochambel Beds of the U p p e r Spiti

Shales have been figured, mainly from t h e n o r t h - w e s t : —
Haplophylloceras strigile (Blanford) (Boehm, 1904, p . 25)
Blanfordiceras wallichi (Gray) (Boehm, 1904, p . 34)
Paraboliceras cf. polysphinctum Uhlig (Schliiter, 1929, pi. xi, fig. 4)
Kossmatia desmidoptycha Uhlig (Schliiter, 1929, pi. x, fig. 3)
? Kossmatia sp. (Etheridge, 1890, pi. xxix, fig. 4)
On the u p p e r Fly River the T i t h o n i a n m a y be locally absent, cut out
by overstep of the Albian on to Oxfordian, b u t in other places it is r e p r e ­
sented by shales with Perisphinctids (Osborne, 1945).


Perisphinctes burui Boehm (Schliiter, 1929; U p p e r Sepik)

Perisphinctes taliabuticus Boehm (Schluter, 1929; U p p e r Sepik)
Perisphinctes cf. moluccanum Boehm (Schluter, 1929 ; U p p e r Sepik)
Peltoceratoides sp. (Gerth, 1927, p . 277)
Belemnopsis gerardi (Oppel) ( G e r t h , 1927, p . 228)
Inoceramus galoi Boehm (Gerth, 1927, p . 228)

T h e beds with Belemnopsis gerardi, Buchia malayomaorica a n d large

Inoceramus also occur in the headwaters of the Fly River (Osborne, 1945;
Glaessner, 1945). T h e y correlate with the Moluccas and with Broome
in N W . Australia.
A Quenstedtoceras has been recorded from N e w Guinea (Martin,
1911), b u t it may b e suspected of being a Kossmatia, like [Oppelia] lingulata
Quenstedt sp. misidentified by W o o d w a r d (in Etheridge, 1890, pi. xxix,

fig. 4), which several authors have remarked looks like a Cardioceras.
T h e r e is, however, a plaster cast in the British M u s e u m (No. C2239) and
it has no keel a n d belongs t o Kossmatia or some allied genus (Tithonian)


M a n y Macrocephalitids were figured by Boehm (1913) and have been

recorded from various outcrops h u n d r e d s of miles apart (Martin, 1911;
Schliiter, 1929, from the u p p e r Sepik River; Gerth, 1927, p . 226, etc.).
S p a t h (1928, C u t c h , p . 212 a n d pi. xxxii, figs. 3, 4) has provided some new
names :
Subkossmatia beta-gamma (Boehm) for Boehm, 1913, pi. v, fig. 2
Kamptokephalites etheridgei Spath, for Etheridge, 1890, pi. xxix, fig. 1,
from the Strickland River
Dolikephalites flexuosus Spath, for Etheridge, pi. xxix, fig. 5
T h e first indicates the Anceps Zone, the last two the Macrocephalus
Zone, t h e species being hardly distinguishable from some in the English
U p p e r Cornbrash.
Beds with pelecypods believed to b e of Callovian date transgress on to
granite basement in the headwaters of the Fly River (Osborne, 1945,
p. 146).


Bullatimorphites cf. bullatus (d'Orb.) ( G e r t h , 1927, p . 226)

? Rugiferites godohensis (Boehm) (Boehm, 1913)


Both U p p e r a n d M i d d l e Bajocian ammonites have been figured. U p p e r

Bajocian is attested by Cadomites daubenyi (Gemmellaro), matching Sula
Islands specimens, which Boehm (1912, p . 148, pi. xxxiv, fig. 5; 1913,
pi. iii, fig. 1) considered identical with the types borrowed from Sicily.
T h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Z o n e is represented by the following:—
Stephanoceras aff. humphriesi crassicosta (Quenst.) Boehm (1913, pi.
iii, fig. 2). T h i s looks possibly related closely to some Canadian
forms; e.g. Warren, 1947, pi. hi, and M c L e a r n , 1930, pi. ii.
Stephanoceras of humphriesianum g r o u p ; inner whorls figured (Boehm,
1913, pi. v, fig. 4) of a large specimen said to be indistinguishable
from Bayeux specimens.
Chondroceras cf. submicrostoma (Gottsche) (Boehm, 1913, pi. ii, figs.
3- 4)-

Normannites etheridgei ( G e r t h ) (1927, p . 226, pi. xxxvi, fig. 1, holotype).


? Coeloderoceras aff. moermanni (Kruizinga). G e r t h , 1927, pi. xxxvi,

fig. 2, and Jaworski, 1933, p . 323, pi. xi, fig. 8.


T h e island of N e w Caledonia, midway between N e w G u i n e a a n d N e w

Zealand, is 250 miles long b y about 40 miles wide. T h e backbone of t h e
island is a mountain range which r u n s longitudinally from e n d to end, with
many peaks u p to about 5000 ft. T h e range consists mainly of serpentine
and, towards the north and o n t h e north-east side, a mass of m e t a m o r p h i c
rocks, formerly lavas, tuffs a n d sediments, all believed to b e Mesozoic.
O n t h e west side is a coastal belt formed, with adjacent islets, of strongly
folded b u t unmetamorphosed Mesozoic sediments a n d volcanic rocks.
T h e sediments are largely in sublittoral facies a n d were presumably
formed close to t h e shore of t h e Australian continent that lay to t h e west.
T h e y have been folded a n d t h r u s t westward during a n d after intrusion of
the serpentine, which is thought to have arrived as an i m m e n s e ultrabasic
sill intruded between M i d d l e Eocene a n d Miocene times. T h e m e t a ­
morphic suite is believed to represent deeper-water equivalents of t h e
Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks, highly metamorphosed because they lay
above t h e magma, a n d were presumably carried westwards o n its back.
(Piroutet, 1903, 1917; Benson, 1926a; Jensen, 1936; also Uhlig, 1911,
p . 412, whose brilliant predictions have been confirmed b y recent work
by Jensen and Avias.)
T h e presence of all t h e stages of t h e Lower Lias is n o w established,
chiefly through t h e work of Avias (1950, 1951, 1954).* Above t h e Lias
greywackes is a thick carbonaceous formation, consisting predominantly
of black clay-shales, with some lenses of sandstone or arkose, sometimes
containing thin coal seams, and n u m e r o u s calcareous a n d siliceous nodules
(Routhier, 1953, p . 49). T h i s formation contains few fossils b u t is for t h e
most part U p p e r Cretaceous, as shown b y t h e presence of Kossmaticeras
spp., which indicate t h e Senonian. However, in addition three different
U p p e r Jurassic faunas have been discovered. Flows of andesite a n d
rhyolite have been reported about t h e Jurassic-Cretaceous b o u n d a r y ,
and m u c h of t h e greywacke series contains tuff, as i n N e w Zealand.
T h e evidence of t h e faunas m a y b e summarized as follows:—


Sandstones, conglomerates, mudstones a n d lavas, with gastropods,

especially Dicroloma (Avias, 1954, p . 171, fig. n o ) , and pelecypods which
include Trigoniae close to species in t h e U m i a Beds of Cutch (Piroutet);
b u t t h e determinations require confirmation (Routhier, 1953, p . 58).
These beds have also yielded Duvalia a n d t w o fragmentary impressions of
Berriasella perhaps comparable with B. novoseelandica (Hochstetter)
(Avias, 1954, p p . 172-3, pi. xx, figs. 13, 14).]
* I am indebted to M . Avias for most kindly sending me advance proofs of his
important monograph (1954), and for supplying the map (fig. 68).

FIG. 68.—Map of the Jurassic outcrops of New Caledonia, specially drawn by Monsieur J. Avias, 1954.
Key: A, dated Jurassic outcrops; B, undated Permian-Triassic-Jurassic, mainly greywackes, probably including
some Jurassic; C, Jurassic fossil-localities, 1-13, listed below.
Fossil-localities 1-13:—1, Mount Katepouenda, pre-Toarcian Lias (after Routhier); 2, Upper Nounin, Upper
Jurassic black shales with Inoceramus; 3, Goipin, same as 2 (after Routhier); 4, Ba, pre-Toarcian Lias, greywackes;
S, Aymes Creek basin, Me Chamara and Quele region, pre-Toarcian Lias, greywackes and sandstones; 6, Kondaou,
Upper Jurassic, perhaps with Tithonian; black shales and sandstones with Belemnopsis; 7, Teremba Islet, Hettangian,
greywacke-like sandstones; 8, Gally-Passebosc Monument, Tithonian? or Berriasian?, sandstones and conglomerates
with gastropods and Berriasellids; 9, Middle Ouamenie, same as 8; 10, Puen Island, Upper Jurassic green
greywackes with Belemnopsis; u , Lower Ouamenie, Upper Jurassic, same as 10; 12, Ducos Island (Fly Bay),
Sinemurian felspathic greywackes with Arnioceras; 13, Inaccessible Bay, Hettangian with ammonites.


Sublittoral sandstones and green greywackes at P u e n Island and Saint

Vincent Bay, with a b u n d a n t fossil wood, a n d containing a b u n d a n t b e l e m ­
nites compared to Belemnopsis aucklandica (Hochst.). T h e s e beds also
yielded Holcophylloceras aff. polyolcum (Ben.) and a Lytoceratid (Avias,
i954> PP- 161-8).
Black shales near the centre of t h e island, on the u p p e r N o u m i n a n d
u p p e r Poya Rivers, yield forms of Inoceramus comparable with species
figured from the Oxfordian of Indonesia (Routhier, 1953, p p . 5 5 - 8 ;
Avias, 1954, p p . 168-70). A very poorly preserved Perisphinctid figured
by Routhier (1953, p . 57, pi. iii, fig. 1) from a limestone fossil-bed in t h e
shales was misidentified as Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) schilli O p p e l s p .
(holotype refigured Schneid, 1944, Palaeontographica, vol. xcvi A, p . 27),
which is an involute, Discosphinctes-Wke offshoot of Arisphinctes. Though
too poorly preserved for determination, t h e N e w Caledonian a m m o n i t e
(kindly sent m e on loan) appears most likely to b e a Kimeridgian Idoceras.


Beds with a b u n d a n t Pseudaucella marshalli ( T r e c h m a n n ) as in N e w

Zealand, where they are pre-Toarcian and post-Hettangian and believed
to be Pliensbachian.


T h e presence of Lower Sinemurian is indicated b y an Arnioceras

found on Ducos Islet (Avias, 1954, p . 153, pi. xx, fig. 12).


At Inaccessible Bay, close to D u c o s Islet, have been found a n u m b e r of

Psiloceratidae and Schlotheimiidae, including the genera Discamphiceras,
Laqueoceras, Waehneroceras (including 'Storthoceras' and 'Megastomo-
ceras'), Saxoceras and Schlotheimia; also a Paradasyceras. With the
Schlotheimiids occurs the pelecypod Otapiria marshalli ( T r e c h m a n n ) ,
described from the H o k o n u i Hills in N e w Zealand. T h i s fauna has b e e n
monographed by Avias (1954).


Although m u c h still remains to b e done in N e w Zealand geology, t h e

picture already built u p is incomparably fuller a n d clearer t h a n we can
yet obtain of any other part of the P a p u a n geosyncline.
Of the geosynclinal nature of the Jurassic sediments there can be n o
doubt. T h e predominant rock-types are greywackes and m u d s t o n e s ,
with subordinate sandstones and conglomerates at several levels. T h e
total thickness near Kawhia H a r b o u r , south of Auckland, on t h e N o r t h
Island, is about 4500 m . I n t h e S o u t h Island t h e thickness diminishes,
being about 2200 m . at t h e south end. T h e s e m e a s u r e m e n t s are h a r d l y
comparable, however, owing to uncertainty about the u p p e r b o u n d a r y .

T h e s t r u c t u r e is complex a n d h a s n o t y e t been fully elucidated. T h e

S o u t h e r n Alps a n d neighbouring ranges consist largely of folded sedi­
mentary a n d m e t a m o r p h i c rocks, schists of undetermined age in t h e
west grading eastwards into less metamorphosed U p p e r Triassic beds
(Wellman & others, 1952). F r o m the lie of t h e proved Jurassic, however, it
seems that t h e sediments were derived from lost land in t h e west and laid
d o w n i n a subsiding t r o u g h which r a n longitudinally t h r o u g h b o t h islands

FIG. 69.—The principal fossiliferous marine Jurassic outcrops of New Zealand.

Based on the Geological Survey map, 16 miles to i inch, 1947.

a n d bent r o u n d to t h e south-east j u s t before emerging at t h e S E .

corner of t h e S o u t h Island.
Strong folding a n d compression of t h e geosyncline with all its contents,
u p to Neocomian inclusive, took place during t h e Lower Cretaceous.
I n t h e S o u t h Island, after folding, uplift a n d faulting, there was deep
erosion before initiation of a n e w cycle with deposition of transgressive
Albian a n d U p p e r Cretaceous. T h e n e w cycle of sedimentation continued
t h r o u g h most of t h e Tertiary, until b r o u g h t to an e n d b y t h e most recent
(late Tertiary) orogenic movements, characterised b y folding, uplift,
faulting a n d volcanicity. T h e s e m o v e m e n t s raised t h e present m o u n t a i n s
a n d determined t h e existence a n d approximate shape of t h e country.
I n t h e N o r t h Island tectonic events were more complex a n d there a r e
Aptian greywackes with considerable volcanic material.
Despite its great thickness, there is n o reason t o suppose t h a t t h e
Jurassic system in N e w Zealand is complete. N u m e r o u s changes of
lithology, from greywackes a n d claystones t o coarse conglomerates, a n d
even 'fossil forests', indicate repeated movements in t h e trough a n d its
surroundings. T h e faunas, t h o u g h including Hettangian a n d T i t h o n i a n ,
are far from complete. A s yet n o ammonites definitely assignable t o t h e
Sinemurian, Bajocian, Bathonian or Oxfordian have been found. D i s -
conformities certainly a n d unconformities possibly occur, b u t their
detection will b e difficult owing t o complexity of structure, rarity of fossil-
horizons, a n d discontinuity of exposures. N o r e d beds o r salt deposits
occur in t h e Jurassic or any other system in N e w Zealand; which suggests
t h a t t h e country has never formed part of a major continental landmass
(Fleming, 1949, p . 74).
As t h e most southerly a n d most remote i n t h e old world, t h e Jurassic
rocks of N e w Zealand are of great palaeontological interest. Despite their
remoteness they have less endemic fossils t h a n most isolated areas. T h e
ammonites, whether Hettangian, Toarcian, or T i t h o n i a n , nearly all
belong to ordinary cosmopolitan genera, with special affinity with species
found in Indonesia a n d N e w Guinea, b u t also Mexico a n d Japan. S o m e
pelecypods are astonishingly European. F o r instance, there occur Oxytoma
cf. cygnipes (Young & Bird), Meleagrinella cf. echinata (William Smith)
a n d Camptonectes cf. lens (Sowerby), all first described from t h e Lias a n d
Oolites of England. I n t h e Lower Jurassic, as in t h e Trias, t h e c o m m o n
pelecypods tend to b e endemic. T h e r e is a striking a b u n d a n c e of Pteriidae,
Myalinidae a n d Buchiidae. T h e U p p e r Jurassic pelecypods a r e largely
identical with those of t h e Spiti Shales a n d are dominated b y t h e genus
Buchia (= Aucella) (at one time believed t o b e boreal), which ranges from
Oxfordian to T i t h o n i a n a n d higher (Marwick, 1926, 1934, 1935). O n e
notable endemic Buchiid genus, Pseudaucella, is a rock-former o n a large
scale in N e w Zealand as in N e w Caledonia.
T h e Jurassic rocks of t h e t w o islands are grouped as follows, with their
approximate thicknesses (Willett, 1948, p . 14; Marwick, 1950, 1953, a n d
subsequent information):—
Upper Jurassic

JHSESS. } • >40om.(+ ) ? Metaura series . . xo o .

5 m

j Middle Jurassic
\ Temaikan series 600 m.? \
Lower Jurassic J- Putataka and Flag Hill
series . . . 500 m.
f Ururoan series \ J
\ Aratauran series / ' ^ " Bastion series . . 660 m.
Total 4500 m. Total . 2210 m.

Contemporaneous igneous activity was not extensive, b u t that it

occurred in b o t h islands is proved b y t h e presence of tuffs and rewashed
volcanic materials (Wellman, 1952, p . 2 3 ; Wood, 1953). T h e r e are also
frequent occurrences of pebbles of igneous rocks, notably spilites and
keratophyres, in Jurassic as well as Triassic conglomerates. Examples
of this are seen i n t h e coast sections of N u g g e t Point in t h e s o u t h and
Kawhia H a r b o u r in the north. Andesites, basalts and rhyolites occur in
places in b o t h islands in rocks which according to present knowledge
m i g h t b e either late Jurassic or early Cretaceous. Lavas and ash-beds are
also widespread in t h e Triassic greywackes. (Reed, in Willet, 1948,
P- 43)-
T h e following tabulation of the faunas is based chiefly on the sections
at Kawhia H a r b o u r , on t h e west coast of the N o r t h Island, south of
Auckland, which are t h e most complete in N e w Zealand. T h e Jurassic
system crops out in t h e west l i m b of a large syncline, some 20 miles wide.
T h e district has been m a p p e d in detail a n d described in an authoritative
m e m o i r b y H e n d e r s o n & G r a n g e (1926; a n d see T r e c h m a n n , 1923). A
similar m e m o i r is available for the area immediately to the south (Marwick,
1946). T h e coast-sections near N u g g e t Point, at t h e south-east end of
S o u t h Island, are described b y Mackie (1935) and their continuation inland
by Ongley (1939; see also Ongley, 1940).


T h e highest Mesozoic strata in the Kawhia H a r b o u r sections are coarse

sandstones and conglomerates with plant-remains and rare marine fossils
near the base, in all about 600 m . thick: the Puaroan series (Marwick,
1953, p . 30). A m m o n i t e s so far k n o w n (K. J. M c N a u g h t Coll., kindly
sent m e on loan) are an assemblage of Berriasellids of predominantly
Berriasian appearance.]


U n d e r t h e P u a r o a n at K a w h i a H a r b o u r is a great thickness (2400 or

3000 m.) of m a r i n e mudstones with n u m e r o u s Belemnopsis aucklandicus
(Hochst.), also Inoceramus haasti Hochst., Buchia malayomaorica K r u m . ,
Indogrammatodon cf. egertonianus (Stol.), etc. F r o m concretions in these
mudstones on t h e n o r t h shore of the h a r b o u r come Aulacosphinctoides
brozvnei (Marshall), A. sisyphi (Hector) ( = marshalli Spath ?), Uhligites
motutaranus (Boehm) and U. hectori Spath (Boehm, 1911; Spath, 1923).
T h i s assemblage is reminiscent of the M i d d l e Spiti Shales (Lower
T i t h o n i a n ) . I t has not been located on the south shore of the harbour,
where various Aulacosphinctoides, Kossmatia, Aspidoceras, Idoceras a n d
indeterminable Perisphinctids have been found; also the types b u t n o
s u b s e q u e n t specimens of Berriasella novoseelandica (Hochst.), which was
recorded from K o w h a i Point, well down in the Ohauan (Marwick, 1953,
p . 28). M u c h work is still required to sort o u t t h e stratigraphical order
of these ammonites. Aulacosphinctoides or Torquatisphinctes and Idoceras
Photo Dr. J. Marwick, Geol. Sitrv. N.Z.

PLATE 22a.—Urawitiki Point, at entrance to K a w h i a H a r b o u r , N e w Zealand.

T h e tidal platform consists of T e m a i k a n rocks.

Photo White's Aviation Ltd., per Aerofilms Ltd.

PLATE 226.—Entrance to K a w h i a H a r b o u r , looking s o u t h to t h e Jurassic
outcrops. Kawhia in foreground. (See Fig. 70.)
Photo Dr P. E. Playford

PLATE 236.—Bringo cutting, 19J miles east of G e r a l d t o n , Western Australia.

M a r i n e Bajocian unconformably overlying continental sandstone, which
unconformably overlies gneiss.
of strongly Mexican affinities occur. Near the base of the Heterian at
Captain King's, south of Totara Point, have been collected Idoceras cf.
humboldti Burckhardt, Epicephalites cf. epigonus (Burckhardt) and squashed
Subneumayria, all of the Mexican Lower Kimeridgian. The Mexican
Idoceras beds also occur in the South Island, as demonstrated by an
isolated find of Idoceras speighti Marshall sp. (Arkell, 1953).

FIG. 70.—Sketch-map of the outcrops on the south side of Kawhia Harbour,

New Zealand. After Marwick, 1 9 5 3 .


Most of the m. of the Upper and Middle Jurassic at Kawhia
Harbour is unfossiliferous. It consists mainly of grey, slightly calcareous
mudstones, with concretions at many horizons and scattered plant remains
throughout. About the middle of the series there is a band of coarse
sandstones, grits and conglomerates, in all 60 m. thick, and similar beds
also occur near the base. Below the Ohauan and Heterian faunas just
mentioned only one horizon with ammonites is so far known, in the upper
Temaikan or the base of the Heterian at Totara Point: this yielded
Lytoceras sp. and Holcophylloceras sp. Pelecypods are more numerous
but inconclusive (Spath, 1923, pp. 294-7; Henderson & Grange, 1926,
p. Marwick,
38; 1953, p.
27). The same Holcophylloceras has been

collected by Mr A. P. Mason at Onewhero, about midway between Kawhia

and Auckland; it is much more coarsely ribbed than H. mediterraneum
and in this respect agrees best with H. passati (Boehm), from the Oxfordian
of Indonesia. Some 540 m. below this Mr Mason found a new genus
which cannot be placed at present.
Callovian is indicated in the South Island by a Macrocephalites from
near Nugget Point (Marwick, 1935).
The South Island has also produced a distinctively Bathonian faunule
of pelecypods on the East Otago coast: Meleagrinella cf. echinata, with
Tancredia, Pleuromya, etc. (Ongley, p. This is regarded as
1939, 43).
Temaikan. At about the same horizon on Totara peninsula 'a faunule that
is Himalayan and European Bajocian-Bathonian in its affinities' includes
Kutchirhynchia and Cryptorhynchia (Marwick, pp.
1953, The
shallow-water sandstones and conglomerates, with granitic pebbles, are
undated. In some of the sandstone layers are stumps and trunks of trees
in position of growth. They may well be Bajocian or Upper Toarcian.
On the ocean coast south of the entrance of Kawhia Harbour, near
Ururoa Point, a 2 to 4 inch band of calcareous mudstone contains numerous
small fossils, including ammonites, brachiopods and corals. The
ammonites are species of Dactylioceras comparable with some figured
from Rotti and Japan (Spath, 1923, p. 301). Below this band are 120 m.
of greenish sandstones without fossils.
At m. below the Dactylioceras
120 bed is the top of a block of strata
180 m. thick, consisting of greywackes crowded with shells of Pseudaucella
marshalli (Trechmann). There is no intrinsic evidence of the age of these
beds, except that they are pre-Toarcian and post-Hettangian, but they
are regarded as probably Pliensbachian. They stretch for 30 miles
southwards and are also found 120 miles to the east, and again in the
South Island, on both sides of the syncline of the Hokonui Hills. Several
Pliensbachian (probably Domerian) ammonites are also known from New
Zealand, but all unfortunately from unrecorded localities: Partschiceras
partschi (Stur), Juraphyllites aff. diopsis (Gem.) and Lytoceras cf. cornu­
copia (Y. & B.) (Spath, 1923, pp. 290-3).

The lower part of the Lias consists mainly of fine-grained greywackes,
argillites and hard claystones, in which no fossils have been obtained
from the Kawhia Harbour sections. In the Hokonui Hills, South Island,
however, are fossiliferous Hettangian strata overlying sandstone with
cannon-ball concretions; they yield Psiloceras, ? Euphyllites (Spath, 1923)
and Ectocentrites cf. petersi Hauer sp. (Arkell, Above come beds
with Otapiria marshalli (Trechmann), considered 'Callovian ?' by
Trechmann, but from the small vertical distance above the Hettangian
ammonites these beds are unlikely to be later than Sinemurian, and
they may be Hettangian as in New Caledonia (see p. 451).
Western Australia
The Indian Ocean transgressed only a short distance on to the pre-
Cambrian shield of Western Australia in the Jurassic, leaving a narrow
fringe of shallow-water deposits which has been reduced by denudation

FIG. 71.—Diagrammatic sketch-map of the Walloon Lake or Lakes and the hypothetical
course of the Westralian, Tasman and Papuan geosynclines (based on Teichert
and on David & Browne). Marine Jurassic outcrops in Australia : black.

and faulting to small isolated patches. Some connecting links may still
await discovery, especially beneath Cretaceous and later sediments.
One area underlies Broome at depth and crops out near the neck of the
promontory of Dampier Land, between Broome and Derby; the deposits
here are mainly sandstones, shales and marls, ranging in age from
Oxfordian to Tithonian and up into the Cretaceous. The other out­
crop forms a narrow strip along the middle part of the west coast, behind
Geraldton and Champion Bay; the only marine formations here are
limestone and shale of Middle Bajocian age.
Though small, these outcrops are palaeontologically important on
account of their isolation. The Oxfordian and Tithonian fossils—
ammonites, belemnites and pelecypods—of the northern area show

close affinity with the faunas of Indonesia and the Himalayas. The
Bajocian of the west coast is more peculiar, showing signs of isolation in
its pelecypods, ammonites and nautiloids; but its special ammonite
genus, Pseudotoites, is found also in the Sula Islands, Canada, Alaska
and Argentina.
It has been postulated that the marine Jurassic of Western Australia
represents the edge of a 'Westralian' geosyncline, joining the Indonesian
geosyncline with a southern sea. The evidence for such a geosyncline,
however, is derived from the Palaeozoic systems. The Jurassic and later
rocks do not give any indication of the nature of the sea that laid them down
on its eastern shores: whether it was a narrow geosyncline or gulf as shown
on palaeogeographical maps (e.g. in David & Browne, 1950, pp. 474,
696), or a more open sea something like the present one. Geophysical
investigations may throw some light on this question. (But see p. 461).
Dampier Land and the fringe of the Desert Basin
The blunt peninsula of Dampier Land, which juts into the Indian
Ocean between Broome and Derby, consists of horizontal sediments,
chiefly sandstones, of Cretaceous and later dates, largely covered with
bush-grown sand. Owing to a gentle doming, the valleys of the Frazer
and Logue River systems have cut through into Tithonian beds; and
borings for water at Broome and south of Derby have proved Buchia
sandstones of Oxfordian date below sea-level. The succession is as
follows (Teichert, Brunnschweiler,
1940, 1942; 1951, 1951a, 1954)J—


Cross-bedded, ripple-marked, ferruginous sandstone with belemnites

and pelecypods, and a Crioceratid indet., at least 60 m. (Overlain by a
quartzite of probably Aptian age).]

Pale greenish glauconitic and siliceous marls like the 'Aucellen Kiesel-
mergel' of Misol, with Kossmatia aff. tenuistriata Uhlig. Belemnopsis cf.
tanganensis (Futterer), B . cf. gerardi (Oppel), Buchia cf. malayomaorica
(Krumbeck) and other pelecypods, also brachiopods and abundant
Calpionella sp. This is probably Upper Tithonian (Brunnschweiler,
1951, 1951a).
In the Edgar Range, inland, in the Canning Desert, Brunnschweiler
(1954) reports a Lower Tithonian fauna of badly-preserved ammonites
including Virgatosphinctes cf. communis Spath.

This stage is believed by Dr Brunnschweiler (in lit.) to be probably

present in the Edgar Range, but near Derby and about the Lower
Fitzroy River the marine Tithonian and Oxfordian are separated by
brackish-water sandstones and shales (Brunnschweiler, 1951).
The artesian borings at Broome proved about 150 m. of Jurassic
sandstones and shales with Buchia subspitiensis (Krumbeck), B . sub-
pallasi (Kr.), Belemnopsis cf. alfurica (Boehm) and B . cf. incisa Stolley.
These fossils correlate with Oxfordian beds in the East Indies, especially
Misol (Teichert, Similar fossils were found at shallower depth
in borings miles to the east, miles south of Derby (Teichert,
95 20 1942).

Geraldton and the coastal plain north of Perth

Lacustrine sandstones with Jurassic (probably Lower Jurassic) plants
in the southern part underlie the coastal plain for about 300 miles north

FlG. 72.—Distribution of Jurassic rocks in Western Australia (after Teichert, 1947).

T h e borings which discovered deeply buried ? Neocomian to Callovian near North-
West Cape, while this book was in the press, are close to the latitude figure 22.

of Perth. They reach thicknesses of m. or more, but diminish

on approaching Geraldton. At Mount Hill, 25 miles south-east of
Geraldton, similar beds but without fossils are overlain by the highly
fossiliferous marine Newmarracarra Limestone, of Middle Bajocian age,
which covers considerable areas in the hinterland of Geraldton and
Champion Bay. Farther north in places this limestone overlaps the
lacustrine sandstones and comes to rest on the crystalline pre-Cambrian
basement (Teichert, 1947).
The Newmarracarra Limestone forms flat-topped hills at the back of

the coastal plain and appears to be faulted down against the ancient
rocks to the east; it has a general dip of about half a degree towards the
sea. The thickness is observed to vary from about 3-3 m. to 11-4 m.
(11 ft. to 38 ft.). A superficial layer of variable thickness is generally
converted by lateritic weathering to haematite, and in this the fossils are
generally dissolved away, leaving external moulds. Overlying the lime­
stone are up to 13-5 m. of clay with sandstone bands (Playford, in Arkell
& Playford, 1954).
The Newmarracarra Limestone in the Bringo district rests on up to
37 m. of yellow and grey shales with lenses of ferruginous sandstones and
subordinate conglomerate. The shales yield casts of some of the same
marine pelecypods and gastropods, including Trigonia moorei, Ctenostreon
pectiniforme, etc. as in the overlying limestone, but no ammonites. Under
this are up to 35 m. of unfossiliferous multicoloured sandstones, con­
glomerates and mudstones, which probably represent a continuation of
the lacustrine beds more thickly developed farther south. The basement
of pre-Cambrian gneiss has a deeply weathered surface.
The Newmarracarra Limestone is rich in ammonites and other fossils,
above all pelecypods, and in some places the fossils are very well pre­
served. Squeezes taken from moulds in the surface layer in some places
suggest Stephanoceratids of the age of the Humphriesianum Zone, but
the bulk of the ammonites from the limestone, Sonninids and Stephano­
ceratids, indicate the Sowerbyi Zone, without definite elements of the
Sauzei Zone. The commonest Sonninids are species now assigned to
Fontannesia (formerly to Dorsetensia) which bear an extraordinary resem­
blance in every character, including sutures, to Grammoceras spp. of the
Upper Toarcian (Variabilis and Striatulum Subzones); but their age here
is put beyond doubt by their association with typical Middle Bajocian
Sonninia and Witchellia. The predominant Stephanoceratids belong
to the genus Pseudotoites. It is accompanied in the Newmarracarra
Limestone by Zemistephanus and Otoites, some of which are transitional,
in style of ribbing, to Pseudotoites.
Owing to poverty of exposures and hardness of the rock, it has not
yet been possible to determine distinct horizons in the Newmarracarra
Limestone in the field. The collections made by Mr P. E. Playford in
1952-3, however, have revolutionized our knowledge of the ammonites
and for the first time made it possible to interpret the species figured
from inadequate material by Moore, Neumayr, Crick, Etheridge,
Whitehouse and Spath. (Arkell & Playford, 1954.)

Minilya River
A tiny outcrop of sandstone containing algae and marine pelecypods
(Ostrea, Meleagrinella) occurs south of the Minilya River, a short distance
south of the Tropic of Capricorn. It is exposed along a fault which throws
Cretaceous against Permian (Teichert, The occurrence bears
witness to marine transgression of the continental margin some 350 miles

to the north of the Geraldton outcrops. The beds are considered to be

Upper Jurassic (Teichert, 1952, p. 131).
North-West Cape
A massive development of marine Upper Jurassic and Callovian has
been proved to underlie the later surface rocks near North-West Cape.
Deep borings made in 1954 in the Cape Range by the West Australian
Petroleum Co. proved over 1300 m. of dark grey micaceous siltstone.

FIG. 73.—The freshwater Jurassic rocks of Australia, after David & Browne, 1950.

Remains of ammonites and belemnites in core samples sent me in 1955

indicate the presence of Berriasian or Tithonian, ? Oxfordian and Lower
Callovian assemblages from to ft. below surface. (See fig.
4293 6536 72).

Jurassic freshwater beds of Australia

Except for these fringes in the west and north-west, Australia was
continental during the Jurassic. Almost half the total area of the present
continent, however, was covered by a vast system of freshwater lakes
('Lake Walloon'), having a total surface area of perhaps square 300,000
miles. The areas submerged are shown approximately in fig. 71. In

Queensland the total thickness of freshwater beds assigned to the Jurassic

exceeds m. In Victoria the thickness is about m.
2500 1200
The chief fossils are plants, belonging to an abundant cosmopolitan
flora, of which most of the elements have a range from Lias to Kimeridgian.
Some closely resemble Middle Jurassic plants of Yorkshire. In certain
places there are remains of fish and, much more rarely, saurian reptiles
and shells of Unio. (For details see David & Browne, 1950, ch. X,
especially palaeontology, pp. 465-9.)
A doubtful record of a Coroniceras, often mentioned in the literature,
has been kindly investigated by Professor F. W. Whitehouse and Dr
R. O. Brunnschweiler, who allow me to state that they are fully convinced
that it is based on an error. The specimen is in the Queensland Museum.
Its matrix and type of preservation are unlike anything known from
Australia, and the reports of the Hann expedition (on which the label
alleges it to have been found) make no reference to such a find, although
all fossil localities are carefully noted. 'All their collecting grounds for
marine fossils have been visited and have yielded only the familiar forms'.
(R. O. Brunnschweiler in lit., 1953, quoting Professor Whitehouse, who
believes the specimen came from Europe and, judging by the preservation,
probably from South Germany.)
The lake beds are assumed to span the whole of the Jurassic system,
but correlation is by lithology from place to place, aided by plant-beds,
and the only pointer to general correlation is the fact that at Mount
Hill, south-east of Geraldton, as mentioned above, the local freshwater
beds are overlain by the Middle Bajocian marine Newmarracarra Lime­
stone. Elsewhere, in the east, they pass up conformably into the
Volcanic activity in Australia is proved by the occurrence of rhyolitic
lavas, tuffs and agglomerates, with trachytes, dacites, andesites and
andesitic tuffs, interbedded near the bottom of the lake beds in Queens­
land, and by olivine basalts in the upper part of the series in New South
Wales. In Victoria there are felspathic sandstones which are regarded as
tuffaceous. (David & Browne, 1950, p. 473.)




Since t h e Caledonian orogeny t h e depression partly occupied now b y t h e
southern Baltic Sea has u n d e r g o n e relatively little geological change.
It has remained essentially a broad, shallow depression fringing t h e
southern p a r t of t h e ancient Baltic or F e n n o - S c a n d i a n shield a n d collecting
sediments (and, in t h e Pleistocene, glacial debris) resulting from almost
continuous erosion of t h e crystalline rocks of t h e shield. A t times of high
sea-level, during Jurassic and Cretaceous transgressions, t h e sea flooded
in from t h e west. A t its periods of m a x i m u m extension sea covered all
the stable shelf of n o r t h Poland and t h e Russian platform and connected
N W . E u r o p e with the central T e t h y s b y way of t h e Caspian basin. A t
times of relative elevation of t h e shield t h e marginal depression b e c a m e
a collecting ground of river debris. Deltaic sandstones a n d shales w i t h
plant-remains and even coal seams were laid d o w n at these times. T h e
deltaic deposits resemble those which in t h e M i d d l e Jurassic covered
Yorkshire, b u t in t h e Baltic area they have a m u c h greater stratigraphical
range, reflecting t h e greater proximity of t h e shield.
T h e only place where Mesozoic rocks are seen at t h e surface in direct
contact with t h e shield is Scania, t h e s o u t h e r n peninsula of S w e d e n
(Nathorst, 1910; Troedsson, 1951). H e r e t h e T r i a s with Rhaetic Beds
is followed by Lower Lias, both containing coal measures and m a r i n e
intercalations. M o s t of t h e coal is Rhaetic, b u t there are also Pteria
contorta beds. T h e Hettangian is of mixed marine, brackish a n d fresh­
water facies. D u r i n g the Lower Sinemurian a n d L o w e r Pliensbachian
there were major marine periods with ammonite faunas, b u t t h e U p p e r
Sinemurian is missing. A similar succession occurs o n t h e I s l a n d of
Bornholm, b u t here both the Rhaetic and t h e marine L o w e r S i n e m u r i a n
are absent. T h e Pliensbachian marine phase is well developed, however,
and ends with ammonites of t h e S p i n a t u m Z o n e . T h e Lias of Bornholm
contains coal seams and insects. I n both Scania and B o r n h o l m it is
overlain by sandstones believed b y some to be Wealden.
I n Pomerania the earliest marine Lias is L o w e r Pliensbachian (Ibex
Zone), b u t borings indicate a south-easterly a n d easterly extension of t h e
non-marine sandstone and shale facies with plants u n d e r most of t h e basin
of the Vistula, t h r o u g h n o r t h e r n and central Poland, to t h e borders of t h e
Carpathians near Cracow (fig. 74). A t Jastrow these beds, u n d e r l y i n g
marine M i d d l e Jurassic, are 402 m . thick, and as far east as Heilsberg
the thickness is still 94 m . (Brinkmann, 1927, p . 73 ; H o h n e , 1933, p . 73).
T h e facies ('Baltic') is reminiscent of t h e Gresten facies of t h e Alps a n d

is of t h e general type characteristic of t h e L o w e r Lias over immense areas

in t h e Caucasus and E l b u r z M o u n t a i n s .
M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic rocks are seen south of t h e Baltic in scattered
inliers in Pomerania (near t h e m o u t h of t h e Oder) a n d in Lithuania and
Latvia, b u t for t h e m o s t p a r t t h e area is covered by a thick mantle of
glacial drifts. T h e Pleistocene ice-sheet in its southerly advance crossed
a n d ploughed deep into t h e Mesozoic sediments fringing t h e shield,
carrying erratics south from Bornholm and t h e Baltic sea bed (with the



FIG. 74.—Sketch-map showing Jurassic outcrops and some important borings

in the Baltic region and Polish plain. Some buried boundary lines have been added.

K a t t e g a t and Skagerak) and leaving t h e m , mingled with crystalline

debris from t h e shield, strewn over t h e Cretaceous and Tertiary outcrops
of Jutland, t h e D a n i s h islands and t h e n o r t h - E u r o p e a n plain. Some
displaced masses, even of soft clays, are so large that they have been
mistaken for outcrops i n s i t u ; for instance at Lukow, S E . of Warsaw,
a brickworks has been sustained for m a n y years by a cake of Callovian
clays about 4 m . thick and covering at least a square kilometre, which until
recently was taken to be a normal outcrop, b u t which is now known from
a boring to rest on a succession of Pleistocene and Tertiary beds 120 m.
thick, w h i c h repose normally on t h e Cretaceous (Makowski, 1952).
M u c h information about t h e distribution of destroyed or buried Jurassic

rocks has been obtained from t h e smaller erratics. T h e principal studies

are those of Fiebelkorn (1893), Frebold (1928) and Richter (1931a)
for north Germany, and Skeat & M a d s e n (1898) for D e n m a r k . T h e fauna
of the M i d d l e Jurassic erratics h a s b e e n m o n o g r a p h e d b y Fraulein Stoll
(1934). F r o m these and other studies, tied in with information from a
boring at K a m m i n at the m o u t h of the O d e r and exiguous occurrences
near by, it is deduced t h a t n o fossiliferous m a r i n e M i d d l e Bajocian or
Lower Bajocian except the lowest (Hudlestonia, of the basal O p a l i n u m
Zone) occurs in the Baltic area. A n y beds of this age that m a y be present
are developed in deltaic or 'estuarine' facies as in Yorkshire; b u t even
t h e Scarborough Limestone with its Stephanoceras m a r i n e episode is
unrepresented by fossils. T h e U p p e r Bajocian is well represented by
Subfurcatum, Garantiana and Parkinsoni Zone a m m o n i t e s ; the Bathonian
is condensed a n d equivocal as in so m a n y other places. T h e Callovian
and Oxfordian are condensed b u t m o r e or less complete in outcrops in
the banks of the River W i n d a u at Popilani and near the coast at M e m e l
(both in Lithuania). U p p e r m o s t Oxfordian, Kimeridgian a n d L o w e r
Volgian all crop out and are well exposed in large quarries at Zarnglaff
in Pomerania (fig. 74). Lower Kimeridgian shales yielded Amoeboceras,
Enosphinctes a n d Aulacostephanus, a n d Callovian b e d s Grossouvria,
Peltoceras and Kosmoceras, in the Heilsberg boring in East Prussia ( K r a u s e ,
1909, pis.).
D e e p borings in D e n m a r k (Gregersen & Sorgenfrei, 1951) have shown
that Jurassic rocks are absent u n d e r t h e islands of Zealand a n d F u n e n
and the 'neck' of the Danish peninsula. I n this region a n d in a boring
(Hollviken) at the extreme south-western tip of Sweden, ? Wealden Beds,
or in F u n e n Cenomanian, rest directly on t h e T r i a s (Rhaetic or K e u p e r ) .
T h u s there is here a transverse swell crossing the Baltic t r o u g h a n d
joining u p with the 'high' previously k n o w n to exist u n d e r the coastal
region of Lower Saxony a n d n o r t h e r n Holland ('Cimbria'), which in t u r n
is prolonged south-eastwards as 'Pompeckj's Swell'. T o w a r d s the north,
u n d e r central and northern Jutland, a m o r e or less complete Jurassic
succession comes in u n d e r g r o u n d . A t G a s s u m boring 315 m . of dark
grey mudstones and shales yielded ammonites from Psiloceras a n d
Schlotheimia at the base to Amaltheus and Pleuroceras at the top, followed
b y U p p e r Jurassic. A t Haldagar boring, farther north, the Lias is
succeeded by 313 m . of sandstones a n d shale w i t h lignite, resembling t h e
Deltaic ('Estuarine') Series of Yorkshire a n d Scotland, a n d above this
follow clays in which U p p e r Oxfordian was recognized, a n d finally m o r e
sandstones and shales with plant remains, from t h e t o p of w h i c h w e r e
obtained Pavlovia and Buchia fischeri ( U p p e r Kimeridgian or L o w e r
T h e s e Jutland Jurassics seem to b e a direct continuation of those of
northern Britain and make it unlikely that the two basins were separated
at the time of deposition by a land barrier joining 'Cimbria' to s o u t h e r n
Norway, as has been shown on palaeogeographical maps. Cimbria seems to

h a v e been a small island or else was joined to southern Sweden. T h e

J u r a s s i c erratics of J u t l a n d presumably came out of the Skagerak and
n o r t h e r n Kattegat.

T h e highest beds exposed, in t h e large Schwanteshagen quarry, near
Zarnglaff, consist of 7 or 8 m . of limestones and marls with a partly
brackish fauna of small pelecypods. T h e y have still to be worked out,
b u t are recorded as 'Avicula, Corbula, Corbicella, Leda and Cyrena!. At
t h e t o p is a o - 6 m . b a n d of bluish-green sandstone full of 'Cyrena'

FIG. 75.—Sketch-map to show positions of some important borings in Denmark and

Scania (black circles) and the Lias and Rhaetic Beds in Scania and Bornholm.
(Richter, 1931, p . 16.) Below come 3-6 m . of glauconitic marls and in
p a r t sandy limestones, likewise u n d a t e d .

T h e rest (17-5 m.) of t h e Schwanteshagen quarry is worked in a series
of limestones a n d marls, in p a r t glauconitic, containing oysters, serpulids,
Buchia pallasi (Keyserling) and m a n y other shells. T h e highest bed is
full of Trigonia hauchecornei S c h m i d t (1905, pis. 7 , 8). I n these beds
o c c u r Zaraiskites (= 'Provirgatites') pommerania (Arkell) (1926, Proc.
Geol. Assoc., vol. xlvi, p . 340, pi. 26, fig. 1; and Schmidt, 1905, pi. x,
fig. 14) and Z. quenstedti auct. ( D o h m , 1925, pi. iii, fig. 3), which are

closely allied to 'varieties' of the Russian Z. scythicus (Visch.) (e.g. Michalski,

1890, pi. xiii, fig. 10). (Description of t h e beds and fauna in Richter, 1931,
p p . 15-16 and Profil B ; m a n y figures in Schmidt, 1905.)


N o Pavlovids are known from Pomerania, either in situ or as erratics.
Between the Schwanteshagen and Zarnglaff quarries, however, there is a
g a p , occupied by unexposed strata believed to b e 20-30 m . thick. T h a t t h e
m i d d l e zones of t h e K i m e r i d g e Clay are t h e r e represented is p r o b a b l e
from t h e occurrence of Subplanites in t h e drift (e.g. Fiebelkorn, 1893,
p p . 425, 427, pi. xix). Some fragments figured from t h e drift of D e n m a r k
'(Skeat & M a d s e n , 1898, pi. v, figs. 2, 3) moreover, appear to be Pectina-
.tites (cf. Buckman, Type Ammonites, pis. CCCLXXXI, DCLXIV). In
t h e Danish borings (Haldager), sandstones and shales with carbonaceous
:seams are believed to represent the Kimeridgian and are followed b y shale
a n d clay with Pavlovia a n d Buchia fischeri (Gregersen & Sorgenfrei,
I95 )-

Zarnglaff quarry gives a section from t h e Pseudomutabilis Z o n e d o w n
i n t o the U p p e r Oxfordian. T h e Pseudomutabilis Z o n e is about 7 m .
t h i c k and consists of marls, with at the top a bed full of crushed Peri­
sphinctes compresso-dorsatus Fiebelkorn (1893, pi. xxi, fig. 2), associated
-with Exogyra virgula, t h o u g h t h e main virgula level is lower d o w n in t h e
:zone. T h i s ammonite has nothing to do with 'Provirgatites' (with which
i t has been confused), b u t belongs to some m u c h earlier stock such as
Progeronia: probably it is closely related to P. digitatus Schneid (1914,
p i . iii, fig. 1) from the Pseudomutabilis Zone of Franconia. At t h e base
•of the zone at Zarnglaff is a bed of dolomitic and glauconitic sandstone,
w h i c h rests with a basal pebble bed on an eroded and bored surface of
t h e zone below (Richter, 1931, p . 13, a n d Profil A). T h e ammonites
a r e Physodoceras liparum (Oppel), Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis (de
Loriol) (Schmidt, 1905, pi. x, fig. 11) and other species of t h e eudoxus-
jubundorae group (Schmidt, 1905, pi. x, figs. 10, 12), and Progeronia or
Ataxioceras sp. ( D o h m , 1925, pi. i, fig. 2).
T h e Aulacostephanus beds rest on a bored, eroded surface of a 1 to
i-5 m . coral and Nerinea limestone containing Aspidoceras iphicerum and
large Rasenids (Involuticeras involutum Quenst. sp., D o h m , 1925, p . 35, pi. i,
figs. 1, 3, 4, 6). T h i s rests on 1-5 m . of oolitic limestone with other similar
large Rasenids (R. trimera Oppel sp. D o h m , 1925, p . 30 and m a n y figures;
a n d R. electra D o h m , p . 29, pi. ii, figs. 1-2). T h e s e species belong to a
g r o u p a b u n d a n t in the middle and u p p e r parts of t h e T e n u i l o b a t u s Z o n e
of Franconia, whence m a n y species have been figured by Schneid (1939,
Palaeontographica lxxxix A, p p . 137 ff.), t h e m o r e coarsely-ribbed as
Rasenia, the smoother species as Ringsteadia. T h e y are, however, not
•contemporary with t h e true Ringsteadiae of Zarnglaff and southern

England. ( T h e y should for t h e m o s t part b e assigned to the g e n u s

Involuticeras: see p . 115).
T h e lowest Kimeridgian b e d at Zarnglaff unfortunately yields n o
ammonites. I t is a 2-3 m . marl b a n d full of gastropods and m a n y other
fossils, including t h e large 'Pterocera' oceani of t h e F r e n c h Lower K i m e r ­
idgian. Elsewhere in t h e Baltic region, however, characteristic ammonites
of t h e English basal Kimeridgian zones (Cymodoce & Baylei) occur at
widely separated places. A t M e m e l in Lithuania Amoeboceras cricki
(Salfeld) was found in a micaceous sandstone underlying drift (Frebold,
1926), a n d in D e n m a r k a large Rasenia cf. cymodoce ( d ' O r b . ) , with smooth
outer whorl, was found in an erratic (Skeat & Madsen, 1898, pi. vii,

UPPER OXFORDIAN ( B i m a m m a t u m Zone)

T h e t o p bed of t h e Oxfordian, u n d e r t h e 'Pterocera' marl, consists of
2-5-3-5 - °f limestone yielding Ringsteadia pseudocordata D o h m non
Blake & Hudleston, R. frequens Salfeld, R. aff. marstonensis Salfeld, R.
(Balticeras) pommerania D o h m , R. (B.) ramlowi D o h m , and large evolute
Perisphinctids with coarse-ribbed outer w h o r l s : Pomerania robusta
( D o h m ) , P. schmidti ( D o h m ) , P. latecosta ( D o h m ) and P. dohmi Arkell
(see Arkell, M o n . A m . Engl. Corallian Beds, p . lxiv). T h e inner whorls
of Pomerania being u n k n o w n , it seems advisable to keep t h e m separate
from Decipia, b u t in any case t h e genus is very close to Decipia and has
n o t h i n g in c o m m o n with Pictonia. (Cf. P. westburyensis Arkell, loc. cit.,
M o n o g r . , p . 368-9, fig. 131). T h i s is t h e t r u e Pseudocordata Zone of
England. U n d e r n e a t h come another 4 m . of limestones yielding Ring­
steadia (Vineta) jaekeli ( D o h m ) , which is closely allied to R. (V.) evoluta
Salfeld, also from t h e English Pseudocordata Zone. A t t h e base of this
zone in t h e Zarnglaff q u a r r y there is a conglomeratic bed.
T h e lowest 5-4 m . of varied b e d s at Zarnglaff contain Amoeboceras
alternans auct. which, to j u d g e b y t h e figure in Schmidt, 1905 (pi. x,
fig. 8), is one of t h e Amoeboceras of t h e drift in East Anglia (recte A.
ovale (Quenst.—Salfeld)), here, at Zarnglaff, placed in situ beneath t h e
Pseudocordata Zone, as inferred for E n g l a n d in t h e absence of sections.
T h i s condensed a m m o n i t e succession in t h e two quarries at Zarnglaff
a n d Schwanteshagen is so i m p o r t a n t for E u r o p e a n correlation that it is
summarized in t h e following table. T h e revised identifications are based
largely on m y own examination of t h e ammonites in 1935 in the University
of Greifswald, t h r o u g h t h e kindness of D r K o n r a d Richter. (See Richter,
1931, p . 24, pi. ii, for general p h o t o of t h e collection.)

UPPER OXFORDIAN ( T r a n s v e r s a r i u m Zone)

L o w e r beds down to Callovian at Heilsberg, south of Konigsberg,
and to L o w e r Bathonian at Hohensalza near Posen, have been proved in
borings (Brinkmann, 1927, p p . 7 1 , 74, with refs.). F o r exposed profiles of
t h e rest of t h e Oxfordian and t h e Callovian, however, t h e scene shifts to
Popilani (Papile) in Lithuania, where sections are provided b y steep banks
of t h e River W i n d a u . T h e s e are to some extent duplicated b y inferior
sections at Niegranden in Latvia, also o n t h e W i n d a u .
T h e highest beds exposed at Popilani consist of 3-25 m . of dark grey,
brown-weathering sandstone, ironshot sandstone, a n d clay-ironstone,
interbedded with dark micaceous clays (Brinkmann, 1927, p p . 57-8).


in metres Strata and Ammonites Correlation

7-8 Brackish beds ? Purbeckian

? Upper Portlandian

Limestones and marls with Zaraiskites Lower Volgian

I7-S pommerania (Arkell) and Z. spp., also ( = ?Lower Portlandian)
Buchia pallasi

Unexposed beds. From erratics Pectina­ Pectinatus Zone
tites spp. and Subplanites spp. Subplanites Zones

Marls with basal sandstone and con­ Pseudomutabilis Zone

7 glomerate. Aulacostephanus spp. etc.

2-2'5 Coralline, Nerinean and oolitic limestones Tenuilobatus Zone

with large, coarse-ribbed Raseniae of
the trimera group
2-3 'Pterocera' marl

2-5-3'S Ringsteadia and Pomerania beds (the so- Pseudocordata Zone


called 'Pictonia baylei Zone')

4 'Jaekeli Zone': Ringsteadia jaekeli Dohm

'Alternans Zone': beds with Amoeboceras Decipiens Zone

54 (Prionodoceras) marchense Spath

T h e splendidly preserved ammonites have been monographed b y Boden

(1911) u n d e r t h e title ' L o w e r Oxfordian', b u t h i s admirable plates show a
fauna of Cardioceratids a n d Perisphinctids of t h e basal U p p e r Oxfordian
with m u c h in c o m m o n with t h e Elsworth Rock of Cambridgeshire.
Cardioceras (Subvertebriceras) densiplicatum Boden (pi. i, fig. 14), C. (S.)
•cf. zenaidae Ilovaisky (pi. i, fig. 13), C. (Maltoniceras) schellwieni Boden
(pi. ii, fig. 3), C. (M.) bodeni Maire (pi. i, figs. 6, 7) are characteristic of t h e
Elsworth Rock a n d t h e lower part of t h e Plicatilis Z o n e of t h e English
south-Midland counties. T h e Perisphinctids also agree with this dating:
t h e large fragment of an Arisphinctes or Kranaosphinctes aff. indogermanus
«(pl. iii, fig. 1), Kranaosphinctes windauensis (Boden) (pi. iv, figs. 2, 3, 4, 5),

Dichotomosphinctes s p p . (pi. iv, fig. i, pi. iii, fig. 2) and an Arisphinctes-

nucleus (pi. iii, fig. 8) all indicate t h e Plicatilis Zone.
O n t h e other h a n d a minority of B o d e n ' s figures show forms which, b y
themselves, would indicate an earlier date ( C o r d a t u m Z o n e ) : the Pro-
perisphinctes (pi. iii, figs. 4, 5), Prososphinctes (pi. iii, figs. 6, 7) and a single
fragment of Cardioceras costicardia Buckman (pi. i, fig. 16). Possibly
t h e explanation is that t h e material was derived from museums, n o t
collected in situ. T h i s should n o t at this stage b e assumed, however.
Beneath these irony a m m o n i t e beds are 7 m . of black, sandy, micaceous
clay with some of t h e same ammonites in t h e u p p e r half (Brinkmann,
1927, p . 57) and, in the middle, two layers of septaria which contain nests
of ironshot oolite with a b u n d a n t Cardioceras (Plasmatoceras) tenuicostatum
Nik. and C. (P.) popilaniense Boden. T h e s e small, very finely r i b b e d
Cardioceratids occur in similar concentration at t h e base of t h e Plicatilis
Z o n e at H e e r s u m near Hanover and in t h e Arngrove Stone near Oxford.
E x t r e m e difficulty of specific determination, however, detracts from t h e i r
value for w i d e correlation (Arkell, 1941, M o n . A m . Engl. Corallian Beds,
p . 230). W i t h t h e m at Popilani occurs Euaspidoceras perarmatum Sow.
sp. (Pakuckas, 1933, p . 478). Haldager boring in D e n m a r k yielded
Trigonia hudlestoni Lycett, of t h e e a r l y - U p p e r Oxfordian, in a series of
clays and claystones.

Some ammonites which seem to belong to t h e u p p e r part of t h e L o w e r
Oxfordian are figured by Boden with t h e Plicatilis Z o n e assemblage, as
m e n t i o n e d above. According to B r i n k m a n n ' s profile (1927, p . 57) there is
n o other likely bed for these to have come from; for the 3 m. of sandy
black micaceous clay u n d e r t h e Cardioceras tenuicostatum nodules rests
directly on t h e L a m b e r t i Bed, with Kosmoceras. Similarly Krenkel
(1915) figured a few ammonites which could belong to t h e lower p a r t of
t h e L o w e r Oxfordian a m o n g the Callovian fauna: namely }Pavloviceras
sp. (pi. xxii, figs. 21-24) and a Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) sp. (pi. xxii,
fig. 14). Peltoceras arduennense (d'Orb.) is recorded from borings a t
Hohensalza and Heilsberg, and from t h e Pomeranian drift.


I n t h e banks of t h e W i n d a u at Popilani t h e M i d d l e and U p p e r Callovian,
comprising t h e C o r o n a t u m , Athleta and L a m b e r t i Zones, is condensed
i n t o 7-65 m . of strata, consisting mainly of sandstones and sand. W e l l -
preserved ammonites occur at a n u m b e r of horizons and have been
m o n o g r a p h e d b y Siemiradzki (1890, 1890a), Krenkel (1915) and Pakuckas
(1932, 1933). T h e stratigraphy and t h e Kosmoceratids have been revised
b y B r i n k m a n n (1927, 1929).
A t t h e top is t h e L a m b e r t i Zone, a bed 0-15 m . thick, containing
a b u n d a n t Quenstedtoceras henrici Douville (Krenkel, 1915, pi. xxii, figs.
16-20) (but not, apparently, Q. lamberti) and rare Kosmoceras cf. spinosum

(Sow.) or cf. tidmoorense Arkell (Krenkel, pi. xx, figs. 10-16). Quensted­
toceras spp. from t h e n o r t h G e r m a n drift are figured b y Weissermel, 1895..
T h e remainder of t h e succession represents t h e C o r o n a t u m and Athleta
Zones. Erymnoceras coronatum occurs about t h e middle (Brinkmann,
1927, p . 55), and almost every horizon yields Kosmoceras castor a n d K.
pollux. T h e presence of t h e Athleta Z o n e is attested b y Kosmoceras
transitionis Nikitin (Krenkel, 1915, pi. xxi, fig. 2), K. proniae-compressum
(fig. 3), K. proniae-duncani Krenkel (figs. 4-16) a n d K. arkelli M a k o w s k i
(figs. 20, 22), all of which a b o u n d in t h e Athleta Z o n e at Oxford. The
only Peltoceras recorded is P. lithuanicum K r e n k e l (1915, p . 248, n o t
figured), b u t there are n u m e r o u s Perisphinctids, principally Grossouvria y

e.g. G. cf. curvicosta (Krenkel, pi. xxiii, figs. 9, 10), G.popilanica (Krenkel)
(pi. xxiv, figs. 7-10), with Binatisphinctes arlti (Krenkel), B. rossicus (Kr.),
B. credneri (Kr.) (pi. xxiv), B. papilensis (Pak.) a n d o t h e r derivatives of
Grossouvria (pi. xxiii, figs. 5, 7) and of Choffatia (pi. xxiii, fig. 8 ) ; also
Longaeviceras maxsei (Krenkel), with late Cadoceratids and Hecticoceras.
T h e earliest Kosmoceratids figured are Gulielmites (jason g r o u p ) a n d
Gulielmiceras (gulielmi group) (Krenkel, 1915, pis. xix, xx), which are n o t
older than the Jason Z o n e (i.e. lower Anceps Zone). Beneath are exposed
a few metres of sands, containing only Meleagrinella cf. echinata; b u t as
this species also occurs nearly to t h e top of t h e ammonite-bearing beds,
t h e r e is no reason for suspecting any b e d s older t h a n M i d d l e Callovian.
Borings indicate that similar sands go down for some 9 m . and rest o n t h e
Palaeozoic (Zechstein) conformably. T h e profiles at Niegranden a n d
M e m e l are similar.


Although t h e L o w e r Callovian sea did n o t reach t h e eastern Baltic, i t s

presence in t h e western Baltic is attested b y typical Macrocephalitids
in t h e drift of Pomerania (Stoll, 1934, p . 33, pi. iii, figs. 10, 19, 20) a n d
Jutland (Skeat & Madsen, 1898, pi. i, fig. 10). Proplanulites teisseyrei
T o r n q u i s t and Kepplerites also occur in t h e Pomeranian drift ( B r i n k m a n n ,
1924, p . 4 9 1 ; Stoll, 1934, p . 33).


I n t h e Hohensalza boring (Brinkmann, 1927, p . 74) t h e r e is a great

thickness (147 m.) of dark clay with beds of dolomite, clay-ironstone,
limestone and sandstone, assigned to t h e Bathonian from t h e occurrence
of Parkinsonia 'ferruginea'; b u t it seems likely that t h e Bajocian is r e p r e ­
sented also. Lower Bathonian is certainly represented in t h e P o m e r a n i a n
drift, as shown b y t h e occurrence of Parkinsonia wurttembergica ( O p p e l )
and forms of Oxycerites and Oecotraustes (Stoll, 1934, p . 32, p i . iii, figs.
7, 8). As in Yorkshire, probably t h e Bathonian is represented b y p a r t of
the thick deltaic sandstones and shales which exceed 300 m . thickness i n
t h e Haldager boring, D e n m a r k .

T h e Pomeranian drift yields a full suite of Strenoceras, Garantiana,
Spiroceras, Parkinsonia and Bigotites (Stoll, 1934), indicating an extension
t o t h e western Baltic of t h e full sequence in t h e Hanover-Brunswick
area. (Palaeogeographical t r e a t m e n t in Brinkmann, 1924.)


T w o small indeterminable Stephanoceratids are known from drift
a t Rostock and near Berlin (Brinkmann, 1924, p . 486), b u t now that Bentz
h a s established that some Stephanoceratids range u p into t h e Subfurcatum
Z o n e in N W . G e r m a n y , these cannot b e regarded as proof of t h e extension
of t h e M i d d l e Bajocian sea. T h e only other zone represented among t h e
erratics is t h e basal O p a l i n u m Z o n e with Hudlestonia affinis (Seebach)
in an ironshot oolite. T h i s rock is found only west of t h e Oder. A
Leioceras of about O p a l i n u m Z o n e date has been figured from t h e drift
of J u t l a n d (Skeat & M a d s e n , 1898, pi. i, fig. 8). U n d e r D e n m a r k
t h e 313 m . of deltaic series presumably represents largely Bajocian

I n t h e west, in Jutland, Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg, glacial
drift has yielded Dactylioceras, Peronoceras (Skeat & M a d s e n , 1898,
p i . i, fig. 7) and Hildoceras, in addition to later zonal forms some of which
are found farther east. I n t h e Danish borings, however, no Toarcian
ammonites appeared. I n Pomerania only U p p e r Toarcian is found, and
of t h a t only t h e zones of Harpoceras elegans and Grammoceras striatulum
a r e represented (Frebold, 1928, p . 122).

T h e S p i n a t u m Z o n e is t h e latest Jurassic zone preserved in situ on t h e
isle of Bornholm. F r a g m e n t s of Pleuroceras have been figured from there
( H o h n e , 1933, pi. xiv) and b o t h Pleuroceras s p p . and t h e contemporary
Pseudoamaltheus are widespread in t h e drift of D e n m a r k , M e c k l e n b u r g
a n d Pomerania (Frebold, 1928, p . 120). T h e latter has been misidentified
as Amaltheus margaritatus. A. margaritatus and Pleuroceras spinatum
a n d also L o w e r Pliensbachian ammonites were recognised in the G a s s u m
b o r i n g in D e n m a r k by F r e b o l d (in Gregersen & Sorgenfrei, 1951).
T h e L o w e r Pliensbachian was a time of marine transgression. A m m o ­
nites of t h e Jamesoni a n d I b e x Zones occur in situ in Bornholm and
Scania, as shown by Phricodoceras bornholmiense (Hohne) and various
Acanthopleuroceras (valdani-maugenesti g r o u p ) of t h e I b e x Zone, a n d
Tragophylloceras numismale (Quenst.) figured from Bornholm (Hohne,
1933, pis. xii-xiv). A m m o n i t e s of t h e I b e x Z o n e "and in addition Andro­
gynoceras capricornus of t h e Davoei Z o n e are widespread in t h e drifts of
Pomerania and M e c k l e n b u r g ; and Polymorphites polymorphus (Quenst.)
of t h e Jamesoni Z o n e occurs in D e n m a r k . I n Scania the L o w e r

Pliensbachian is 115 m . thick, comprising m a r i n e clays with beds of

ironshot oolite, t h e Katslosa formation ( U p p e r Hoganas Series).

Both in Scania and in Bornholm there is a hiatus where t h e U p p e r
Sinemurian should b e (Troedsson, 1951), a n d no ammonites representing
this interval have been found in t h e drifts t o t h e s o u t h or south-west.
It is therefore inferred that t h e sea retreated before t h e L o w e r Pliens­
bachian transgression.
T h e L o w e r S i n e m u r i a n is represented in Scania b y t h e D o s h u l t forma­
tion (Middle Hoganas Series). I t comprises 70-170 m . of m a r i n e s a n d ­
stones, clays and marls, containing an a m m o n i t e bed with Arietitidae
(some figured by L u n d g r e n , 1881, pis. ii, iii—Euagassiceras sp.—and b y
Troedsson, 1951, p , 241, pi. xxiv, fig. 11). T h e s e b e d s a n d t h e immediately
overlying L o w e r Pliensbachian contain a rich fauna of other mollusca
and brachiopoda, also monographed by T r o e d s s o n (1951). M a r i n e b e d s
are not known on this horizon in Bornholm, where they seem to b e r e p r e ­
sented by t h e estuarine or lacustrine facies, b u t t h e characteristic Arietitids
and other fossils occur in t h e drift of D e n m a r k and Schleswig-Holstein,
to t h e west and south-west.

I n Scania t h e Hettangian is represented by t h e Helsingborg formation
(Lower Hoganas Series), consisting of 200 m . of rhythmically deposited
sandstones, clays and coal seams, with some calcareous a n d ferruginous
beds. It is dated by its position between L o w e r Sinemurian a m m o n i t e
beds and fossiliferous, partly marine, Rhaetic beds and b y containing i n
t h e lower p a r t a marine phase w i t h Cardinia b e d s (Troedsson, 1951).
T h e flora is characterized b y Thaumatopteris. T h e same flora a n d t h e
Cardinia beds also occur in Bornholm. I n t h e G a s s u m boring in D e n m a r k
Schlotheimia a n d Psiloceras were recognized b y F r e b o l d (in Gregersen &
Sorgenfrei, 1951) in t h e b o t t o m of t h e 315 m . of dark grey m a r i n e m u d -
stones and shales that represent t h e L o w e r and M i d d l e Lias.

T o w a r d s t h e southern edge of t h e Vistula basin, between W a r s a w a n d
t h e western Carpathians, t h e buried Jurassic rocks gradually c o m e to t h e
surface. T h e first to appear are t h e Portlandian-Volgian beds, which are
exposed in the valley of t h e Vistula at Wroclawek a n d farther south
in t h e tributary valley of t h e River Pilica at T o m a s z o w (respectively
80 miles W N W . and 65 miles S W . of Warsaw). F a r t h e r south these
higher stages are overstepped by t h e Cretaceous, b u t t h e r e m a i n i n g
U p p e r a n d M i d d l e Jurassic rocks, from t h e Kimeridgian downwards,
make extensive outcrops in a broad syncline between t h e ancient massif
of the Sudetes M o u n t a i n s on t h e west and t h e Lysa G o r a on t h e east:
that is, between the valleys of t h e O d e r a n d t h e Vistula. O n t h e south t h e

basin is b o u n d e d by the a b r u p t front of the Carpathian ranges south of

T h e principal outcrop forms the Jasna Gora cuesta running from
Cracow north-westwards past Czestochowa (Czenstochau) to Wielun and
beyond, with the last outcrops at Kalisz. T h e Jurassic limestone escarp­
m e n t faces south-west towards the O d e r valley and the Sudetes massif,
against which a n d its easterly extension at depth the formations were n o
d o u b t deposited. T h i s is shown, despite the erosion of the Oder, by the
fact that in the cuesta t h e Bajocian, Bathonian and Callovian stages when
t r a c e d southwards in t u r n pass laterally from clays and marls into sands
a n d sandstones with conglomerates and successively wedge out, until a
condensed L a m b e r t i Zone comes to rest on t h e Palaeozoics in places near
C r a c o w . T h e cuesta is dissected by the River W a r t h e , in the steep valleys
of which occur the classic exposures.
O n the opposite side of t h e basin there are extensive outcrops on the
S W . flank of the Lysa Gora hills. H e r e the lowest Jurassic stage
p r e s e n t at t h e surface is the Callovian (Swidzinski, 1931). Beyond the
L y s a G o r a and t h e u p p e r Vistula the Jurassic extends, mainly buried
b e n e a t h Cretaceous a n d later rocks, approximately to the heavy broken
line shown in fig. 74 (after Sujkowski, 1946). I t feathers out underground
against Devonian and Carboniferous rocks, which in the south surround
a levelled Archaean massif u n d e r the Podolian platform. Some attempt
t o reconstruct the successive overlaps along this buried line, between
t h e Pripet a n d the Niemen, has been m a d e by Halicki (1935) from t h e
distribution of erratics in the drift.
I n t h e deep valley of the River Dneister, at Nizniov, at the point where
t h e Jurassic wedges out against the Podolian platform on the east and the
Carpathian front on the south, is a remarkable deposit, the Nizniov
L i m e s t o n e , about 20 m . thick, sandwiched between Devonian below and
C e n o m a n i a n above. T h e only cephalopod known is a Nautilid of
T i t h o n i a n or Berriasian type, b u t on the strength of an extensive fauna
of gastropods and pelecypods the limestone is dated to the U p p e r
K i m e r i d g i a n or the Portlandian-Purbeckian or b o t h (Alth, 1882).
T h e main outcrops of the Jasna Gora cuesta and around Cracow and
S W . of t h e Lysa Gora are formed by an immense development of
U p p e r Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian limestones, together about
700 m . thick. T h e facies, b o t h lithological and palaeontological, is the
s a m e as in the Swabian Alb. T h e chief landscape-former is some 400 m .
of limestone, almost devoid of ammonites b u t zoned by brachiopods
(Wisniewska, 1932; Rozycki, 1948). T h e u p p e r half is largely coralline
a n d belongs to the Tenuilobatus Zone. T h e lower half, belonging to the
B i m a m m a t u m Zone, is o n t h e horizon of the Swabian-Franconian W e r k -
kalk b u t resembles the later (Kimeridgian) Schwammkalk, Felsenkalk,
a n d Plattenkalk. H u g e lenticular masses of u n b e d d e d Felsenkalk, com­
posed largely of sponge remains, have resisted compaction and weathering
m o r e successfully t h a n the surrounding flaggy limestones (Plattenkalk)

and stand u p in the landscape as hills and crags. T h e b e d d e d limestones

bend over and u n d e r these masses, an effect of compaction (Dzulynski,

A striking contrast is provided b y t h e Bathonian and U p p e r Bajocian,

which are developed as clays altogether at least 110 m . thick, a n d t h e u n d e r ­
lying M i d d l e and L o w e r Bajocian sandstones, all of which correspond closely
with N W . G e r m a n y . T h e intervening Callovian is m o r e cosmopolitan
in fauna and facies, b u t its palaeontological links are also mainly with t h e
west and north. T h e L o w e r Volgian element (Scythicus Zone) has n o
parallel in t h e west or south-west b u t shows o p e n sea connexion w i t h
Pomerania on t h e one h a n d and Russia on t h e other, while t h e final
Jurassic beds, above t h e Scythicus Zone, a n d t h e overlying ? Wealden,
revert to N W . Germany, providing an almost exact repetition of t h e
Einbeckhausen Plattenkalk a n d Serpulite of t h e H a n o v e r district.

[MARINE NEOCOMIAN. Hils Clays and Hils Conglomerate.]

Sandstones, sands a n d clays, with freshwater shells: 'Cyrena', Ptycho-
stylus harpaeformis ( K . & D.), Hydrobia, Cypris aff. valdensis.]

' Niveau IV, Couche L ' (Lewinski, 1923). 2 m . Yellowish flaggy
serpulitic limestone, crowded with Serpula coacervata Blum, a n d n u m e r o u s
Corbulae; also Cypris purbeckensis. Correlates with t h e Serpulite of N W .
Germany, which is M i d d l e Purbeck.

'Niveau I I I , Couches I, J, K ' . M o r e t h a n 28 m . Flaggy limestones,
slightly marly or chalky in u p p e r part, which contains only Cypris pur­
beckensis a n d Cypridea. I n t h e lower part a few small marine shells:
Anomia, Ostrea, Nucula, Cucullaea, Anisocardia, Corbula (3 spp.), with
Turritella minuta Roem. and 'Natica'. Suggests t h e M u n d e r M a r l s and
Plattenkalk of Einbeckhausen.


'Niveau I I , Couches G, H ' . Zone of Zaraiskites alexandrae Lewinski.
Z. alexandrae, Z. zaraiskensis (Mich.) and 7 pelecypod species c o m m o n
to t h e Scythicus Zone, b u t 30 other special species, also Glaucolithites
aff. gorei (Salfeld) ( = Perisphinctes aff. pellati Lewinski, 1923, pi. vii,
fig. 9, which n a m e is a n objective synonym), a n d other Perisphinctids of
doubtful generic position: P. quadriscissus Lewinski (pi. ix, figs. 1, 2),
Lydistratites ? sp. (pi. viii, fig. 1), a n d Ataxioceres-like fragments (pi. vii,
fig. 8) compared b y Lewinski to A. lothari (Oppel), b u t m o r e likely some
m u c h later stock, perhaps derived from some such form as P. dubius
Schneid of t h e Ciliata Z o n e at t h e t o p of t h e highest N e u b u r g Beds (1914,

pi. viii, fig. 4). A noteworthy fossil in this zone is Trigonia hauchecornei
Schmidt, which is characteristic of t h e top of t h e L o w e r Volgian of
'Niveau I, Couches A - F ' . Z o n e of Zaraiskites scythicus. 20-25 m .
G r e y micaceous clays, shales and marls, with some t h i n sandy beds.
Chiefly at two levels near base a n d at t o p are 55 species of fossils including
lumachelles of Oxytoma, also t h e vertebrates Ophthalmosaurus and
Cimoliosaurus, with Buchia pallasi Keys, and other spp., Zaraiskites
scythicus, Z. aff. quenstedti, Z. aff. pilicensis, Z. cf. tschernyschovi of Russian
authors, plus Z. sauvagei Lewinski. Clearly these beds correlate with
t h e L o w e r Volgian of b o t h Pomerania a n d t h e U r a l and Ilek Rivers, from
w h i c h latter similar ammonites are figured (see p . 494). Further, a
fragment of Z. scythicus figured b y Lewinski (1923, pi. ix, fig. 4) is almost
identical with one figured from t h e Gorei Z o n e of Dorset b y Buckman
(1926, T y p e A m . pi. D C L X X V ) ; a n d Lewinski (pi. vii, fig. 9) figured
from t h e Alexandrae Subzone a fragment which he rightly likened to t h e
zonal index fossil, G. gorei (Salfeld).
T h e Scythicus Subzone has also been described about 20 km. south of
T o m a s z o w , with Buchia and some of t h e same ammonites (Passendorfer

KIMERIDGIAN (up to 370 m.)

I n t h e n e i g h b o u r h o o d of T o m a s z o w t h e j u n c t i o n of the Lower Volgian
with t h e u n d e r l y i n g Kimeridgian is not exposed, and information from
borings is insufficient to establish t h e extent of t h e hiatus between the two
stages. N o Hybonoticeras seems to have been recorded from Poland, b u t
P r e m i k (1926, p . 374) believes on t h e evidence of some other ammonites
(not figured) that t h e Beckeri Z o n e is present in limestone facies a t Biala.
T h e Pseudomutabilis Z o n e is probably represented by marls and clays
w i t h lumachelles of Exogyra virgula a n d Gervillia which immediately
underlie transgressive Cretaceous sandstones in outcrops S W . of the
L y s a G o r a a n d elsewhere; from t h e m t h e only ammonite identified
seems to be Aspidoceras uhlandi (Oppel) (Siemiradzki, 1889, P- 53 > Swid-
zinski, 1931, p . 860).
I t is to the T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone, however, that the bulk of the Polish
Kimeridgian belongs. Separation from the U p p e r Oxfordian is difficult,
owing to t h e great thickness and the paucity of ammonites. I n the out­
crops S W . of t h e Lysa G o r a Involuticeras sp., Aspidoceras cf. inflatum
(Quenst.) and Prorasenia stephanoides (Oppel) are recorded from the
highest 150 m., b u t below this there are a further 200 m. of limestones
without ammonites, assigned to t h e 'Astartien' (Swidzinski, 1931, p . 854)
on their gastropod fauna and on t h e occurrence of Septaliphoria pinguis
(Roemer) (Rozycki, 1948, p . 26). T h e s e beds are largely in coralline
facies or contain Diceras, b u t they comprise a wide variety of limestones.
T h e formation is thinner and t h e facies m o r e favourable to ammonites
farther n o r t h . I n marly limestones near Kalisz is an extensive ammonite

fauna of t h e Tenuilobatus Z o n e of t h e Swabian and Franconian J u r a ,

characterized above all by a wealth of Ataxioceratids a n d Aspidoceratids,
with Prorasenia, Nebrodites ? and other genera (Premik, 1926).

B i m a m m a t u m Zone, c. 200 m . T o this zone apparently belong t h e
200 m. of b e d d e d (Plattenkalk) limestones with large a n d small lenticles
of u n b e d d e d sponge-reef (Felsenkalk) limestones which Polish geologists
classify as 'Rauracien'. Epipeltoceras bimammatum and Perisphinctids
have been recorded (Siemiradzki, 1889, p . 53) b u t as a rule a m m o n i t e s
are wanting. Instead t h e a b u n d a n t brachiopods are used for correlation;
5 subzones are recognized (Rozycki, 1948).
Transversarium Zone, c. 110-150 m . Zawodzie Beds. A further
series of thick, white, b e d d e d and in part chalky limestones, quarried for
lime especially about Czestochowa and rightly correlated w i t h t h e Argovian,
yield many large Perisphinctids and other ammonites (monographed by
Bukowski, 1887 ; Siemiradzki, 1891, 1892 ; Klebelsberg, 1912). Pelto­
ceras (Gregoryceras) transversarium occurs in t h e higher part ( U p p e r
Zawodzie Beds) (Rozycki, 1948, p . 18). T h e thickness of 110-150 m .
is developed in the hills S W . of t h e Lysa G o r a (Swidzinski, 1931).
I n the Czestochowa quarries it seems to b e m u c h less, and according to
Bukowski (1887, p . 92) all t h e other ammonites occur in t h e lowest 30 m . ;
nevertheless he twice states (pp. 93, 94) that Perisphinctes wartae is found
only at a higher level t h a n t h e others. T h e fauna comprises P . promiscuus
Buk., P . chloroolithicus Giimbel, P . biblex de L o r . non Sow., P . cotovui
Simionescu ( = P . cristatus Klebelsberg, 1912, pi. xviii, fig. 3) and a great
variety of other Perisphinctids figured chiefly b y Siemiradzki (1891),
with Euaspidoceras cf. perarmatum (Sow.), Goliathiceras, Vertebriceras,
etc. (Bukowski, 1887, p . 93). Specimens of large Perisphinctes cotovui
and P . maximus (Y. & B.) seen by m e in Berlin came from W e i l u n a n d
also from far in t h e south-east, at Busk.

Jasna G o r a Beds. Below some u n d a t e d limestones which form passage-
beds to the Zawodzie Beds and are of unstated thickness, is a 2 m . b a n d
of white marl with interbedded thin marly limestones in layers and nodules,
often containing sponge-remains. F r o m this b e d Bukowski (1887, p . 87)
listed nearly 50 species of ammonites. T h e y include Holcophylloceras
mediterraneum, b u t consist for t h e m o s t p a r t of Oppeliids (Ochetoceras,
Campylites, Trimarginites, Proscaphites, Creniceras, etc.), Cardioceratids,
Perisphinctids, Euaspidoceratids, a n d Peltoceratids. F r o m Cardio­
ceratids such as C. (Scarburgiceras) bukowskii M a i r e (Bukowski, pi. ii, figs.
21, 22) and C. (Subvertebriceras) aff. sowerbyi Arkell (pi. ii, fig. 23), a n d
Perisphinctids such as P . (Prososphinctes) mazuricus Buk., P . (P.) consociatus
Buk., P . (P.) claromontanus Buk., P . (Mirosphinctes) mirus Buk. a n d
P . (M.) marsyus Buk., a late L o w e r Oxfordian age is evident ( C o r d a t u m

Zone). T h e Creniceras s p p . a n d Proscaphites spp. are likewise not those of

t h e Mariae Zone, which seems to b e unrepresented. Q. mariae is some­
times recorded from t h e L a m b e r t i Z o n e below (e.g. Wojcik, 1910, p . 767)
b u t this requires verification.

Characteristic ammonites of all t h e zones of t h e Callovian occur in one
or m o r e thin beds, in places crowded with cephalopods, in t h e escarpments
t h a t r u n from Cracow past Czestochowa towards Wielun. T h e facies of
t h e M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Callovian is generally glauconitic marl, a n d in this
form t h e whole b e d is less t h a n 1 ft. thick in t h e Jasna Gora, although it
yields at least 22 species of ammonites, including Kosmoceratids, Hectico-
ceratids, Reineckeids, Macrocephalitids a n d Perisphinctids (Bukowski,
1887, p . 85 a n d plates). T h e L o w e r Callovian is a condensed ironshot
oolite, t h e celebrated Balin Oolite, 1 metre thick. Locally t h e Jason Zone
becomes differentiated as an ironshot oolite similar to t h e Balin Oolite
on which it rests, a n d in this form it yields m a n y well-preserved Kosmo­
ceras jason, K.fuchsi N e u m a y r s p . (1871, pi. xv, figs. 3, 4), small M a c r o ­
cephalitids a n d a great variety of Grossouvria, Binatisphinctes and Choffatia
(Siemiradzki, 1894, with 3 plates; pi. xlii Choffatia). I n other places an
u p p e r b e d with n u m e r o u s Quenstedtoceras a n d Peltoceras becomes separ­
able as t h e condensed Athleta a n d L a m b e r t i Zones. Although still highly
condensed, t h e zones become rather better differentiated at Raclawice,
where t h e profile is as follows (Wojcik, 1910, p p . 766-8):—
11, 10. Cordatum Zone. Light, flaggy, marly limestone and marl
with Peltoceratoides constantii (d'Orb.), Parawedekindia arduennense (d'Orb.),
Euaspidoceras cf. perarmatum (Sow.), E. edwardsi (d'Orb.), Cardioceras sp.
('cordatum' auct.), Vertebriceras sp., Taramelliceras flexuosum (Miinst.),
Creniceras crenatum (Brug.), Campylites delmontanum (Oppel) . . . 6
9, 8, 7. Red marl divided by yellow marl: Some ammonites of the
Cordatum Zone as above, plus others of the Lamberti and Athleta Zones.
Quenstedtoceras lamberti auct., Q. sutherlandiae auct., Q. mariae auct.,
Hecticoceras rossiense Teiss., H. brighti (Pratt), Peltoceras athleta (Phil.),
Kosmoceras spinosum (Sow.) (ornatum auct.), Grossouvria subtilis (Neum.),
Subgrossouvria orion (Oppel) . . . . . . . .0-45
6. Reddish oolitic and glauconitic marl with ammonites of Athleta
Z o n e : Kosmoceras duncani (Sow.), K. spinosum (Sow.), Hecticoceras brighti
(Pratt), and of the Anceps Z o n e : Erymnoceras coronatum (Brug.), Kosmo­
ceras castor (Rein.), K. pollux (Rein.), K. jason (Rein.), Reineckeia anceps
(Rein.), R. fraasi (Oppel), R. greppini (Oppel). . . . . . 015
5. Yellow oolitic limestone with Reineckeia stiibeli Steinmann of the
Anceps Zone, but chiefly Lower Callovian : Kepplerites torricellii (Oppel),
K. gowerianum (Sow.), Sigaloceras calloviense (Sow.), Macrocephalites spp.,
Oppelia subcostaria (Oppel), Grossouvria curvicosta (Oppel), Choffatia
funata (Neum.) . . . . . . . . . . . 02
4. Fine quartz conglomerate in calcareous matrix, locally oolitic, with
lignite : Wagnericeras wagneri (Oppel), Oppelia aspidoides (Oppel); therefore
Upper Bathonian . . . . . . . . . . 03
3, 2, 1. Sandstones, sand and conglomerate without fossils, to . 69

Beds 4 and 5 of this profile are b o t h developed in t h e same facies near

Cracow a n d unite t o form t h e Balin Oolite. T h i s condensed deposit,
1 m . thick, spans t h e U p p e r Bathonian a n d L o w e r Callovian, which are
indistinguishable b y t h e matrix, a n d in consequence t h e combined fauna,

monographed by N e u m a y r (1871), has a 'mixed' aspect. Teisseyre

(1887), w h o first described t h e genus Proplanulites from t h e Balin Oolite,
handled over 10,000 arnmonites from it, b u t saw only two specimens of
Lytoceras and n o n e of Phylloceras. T h e following is a list of t h e ammonites
figured in N e u m a y r ' s classic monograph, embodying n u m e r o u s subse­
quent changes of nomenclature.

Hecticoceras laubei ( N e u m . ) , pi. ix, fig. 4

Hecticoceras krakoviensis ( N e u m . ) , fig. 5
Hecticoceras balinense Bonarelli, fig. 6
Hecticoceras taeniolatum Bonarelli, fig. 7
Hecticoceras metomphalum Bonarelli, fig. 8
Torricellites uhligi (Parona & Bonarelli), fig. 9
Procerites sp., pi. x, fig. 1, pi. xi, fig. 1
? Orionoides sp., pi. x, figs. 2, 3
Proplanulites majesticus Buckman, pi. xi, fig. 2
Proplanulites sp., fig. 3
Proplanulites cf. spirorbis ( N e u m . ) , fig. 4
Subgrossouvria euryptycha ( N e u m . ) , pi. xii, fig. 1
Grossouvria anomala Loczy, fig. 2
Siemiradzkia de mariae (Parona & Bonarelli), fig. 4
Wagnericeras sp., fig. 6
Indosphinctes sp., pi. xiii, fig. 1
Indosphinctes pseudopatina (Parona & Bonarelli), fig. 2
Choffatia funata (Oppel), pi. xiv, fig. 1
Choffatia evoluta (Neum.), fig. 2
Grossouvria subtilis (Neum.), fig. 3
Choffatia furcula ( N e u m . ) , pi. xv, fig. 1
Choffatia balinensis (Neum.), fig. 2
Parapatoceras calloviense (Morris), p . 46

I n the Cracow area conglomerates in t h e Callovian contain pebbles

derived from Palaeozoic rocks a n d in at least o n e locality a 0-4 m . marl
belonging to the L a m b e r t i Zone rests directly o n U p p e r Carboniferous
porphyry (Dzulynski, 1952, p . 168). I n the hills S W . of t h e Lysa
Gora, however, the Callovian reaches a thickness of about 33 m . I t
consists of sandy marls with subordinate bands of limestone, partly
silicified, and chert, and yields Macrocephalites, Reineckeia a n d Erymnoceras
(Swidzinski, 1931, p . 851).
Very different is t h e facies t o t h e north-east, w h e r e at L u k o w , 65
miles E S E . of Warsaw, a brickfield is worked in an erratic mass of
unstratified clay 4 m. thick, containing nodules with splendidly preserved
ammonites mainly of the U p p e r Callovian (Makowski, 1952). A few
nodules found in a separate part of the workings yield only Cadoceras
tschefkini (d'Orb.), gen. nov. (aff. Longaeviceras) sp. nov. (Makowski,
pi. vi, figs. 1-3), and schumarovi (Nik.) (pi. v, 10); the age of these is
probably Athleta Zone or M i d d l e Callovian. All t h e other ammonites

are forms of the L a m b e r t i Zone. Since some of the names used by

Makowski are misleading as to age, the following corrections need to be
Quenstedtoceras (Quenstedtoceras) aff. leachi (Sow.), pi. iii, 2
Quenstedtoceras (Quenstedtoceras) aff. damoni (Nik.), pi. vii, 1, 2
Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) carinatum (Eich.), pi. vii, 3
Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) rybinskianum (Nik.), pi. vi, 4
Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) henrici (R. Douv.), pi. viii, 1
Kosmoceras (Kosmoceras) spinosum (Sow.), pi. iii, 6 only
Kosmoceras (Kosmoceras) aff. spinosum (Sow.), pi. iv, 13
Kosmoceras (Kosmoceras) tidmoorense (Ark.), pi. iii, 5
Kosmoceras (Spinikosmoceras) arkelli Mak., pi. iv, 10-12
Kosmoceras (Spinikosmoceras) annulatum (Quenst.), pi. iv, 1-9
Grossouvria aff. variabilis (Lah.), pi. viii, 4
Choffatia cf. recuperoi (Gem.), pi. ix, 3

I n t h e Cracow area t h e Balin Oolite rests o n sands, sandstones and
conglomerates with locally interbedded limestones, in which Oecotraustes
serrigerus Waagen and Clydoniceras discus (Sow.) are recorded (Wojcik,
1910, p . 757). T o w a r d s t h e n o r t h these beds pass into clays and are
a u g m e n t e d b y older beds coming in below, until in t h e Czestochowa part
of t h e escarpment t h e Bathonian consists of 80 m. of clays with bands and
nodules of fossiliferous clay-ironstone. I n these beds Rehbinder (1914)
recognized four a m m o n i t e zones (first published in Russian with French
abstract, 1912):—
Z o n e of Oecotraustes serrigerus Waagen sensu lato, accompanied by
Oppelia (Oxycerites) latilobata W a a g e n [possibly t h e Clydoniceras discus
of Wojcik ?], Oppelia biflexuosa ( d ' O r b . ) a n d Siemiradzkia aff. de mariae
(P. & B.).
Z o n e of Morrisiceras morrisi (Oppel), with Tulites subcontractus ( M . &
L.), Siemiradzkia aurigera (Oppel) a n d a b u n d a n t Oppelia fusca auct.,
w h i c h last reaches its m a x i m u m here.
Z o n e of Perisphinctes tenuiplicatus (Brauns). T h e zonal ammonite,
which is said to b e a b u n d a n t a n d restricted to this level, is of doubtful
generic position. O n e is reminded of t h e a b u n d a n t fine-ribbed Peri­
sphinctids of t h e Progracilis Z o n e in England, also immediately u n d e r t h e
Subcontractus a n d Morrisi Z o n e . Meleagrinella echinata and Ostrea
knorri a b u n d a n t ; Oppelia fusca auct.
Z o n e of Parkinsonia wurttembergica (Oppel) ( = compressa Quenst.).
Oppelia fusca auct. begins here. [ = Zigzag Zone.]
T h e correspondence with t h e Bathonian sequence in N W . Europe is
remarkable. Careful collecting of t h e Oxycerites recorded as Oppelia
fusca from t h e three lowest zones would probably lead to solution of the
problem of t h e ranges of O. fallax, O. aspidoides and their allies, which
have so m u c h confused Bathonian stratigraphy in t h e west.
T h i s is also developed as clays with b a n d s and nodules of fossiliferous
clay-ironstone in the n o r t h e r n p a r t of t h e escarpment, b u t wedges o u t
towards t h e south. T h e total thickness is 30 m., in which two a m m o n i t e
zones are recognized (Rehbinder, 1914):—
Zone of Parkinsonia parkinsoni (Sow.), c. 25 m . A b u n d a n t P. parkinsoni,
P. rarecostata (Buckman) and P. neujfensis auct.; also Lissoceras oolithicum
Zone of Garantiana garantiana ( d ' O r b . ) , 5 m . Garantiana s p p . a b u n ­
dant, b u t even more so Parkinsoniae of t h e group of P. arietis Wetzel
and P. rarecostata Buckman. N o Strenoceras recorded, b u t Teloceras
blagdeni (Sow.) occurs exclusively in t h e Garantiana Z o n e a n d is n o t rare
(Rehbinder, 1914, p . 221).


Below t h e Garantiana Zone there is a lithological change to sands,
sandstones and conglomerates. I n t h e t o p part a condensed b e d represents
t h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone, with large Stephanoceras, Stemmatoceras
and Teloceras (Rehbinder, 1914, p . 2 1 7 ; Langer, 1942, p . 90). Despite
some earlier records, t h e underlying sands are u n d a t e d b u t are generally
supposed t o represent t h e M u r c h i s o n a e Zone, or at least t h e L o w e r

T h e southerly extension of t h e supposed 'continental' facies of t h e Lias,
shown in fig. 74 (p. 466) is copied from H o h n e ' s m a p (1933), which is
admittedly hypothetical in respect of details. A b o u t 200 m . or m o r e of
sandstones and shales on t h e n o r t h side of t h e Lysa Gora, however, have
yielded a rich flora comparable with that of t h e Scanian L o w e r Lias
(Samsonovicz, 1929). T h e s e b e d s are said t o extend u n d e r g r o u n d as far
as Cracow, and to the north they have been encountered in borings at
Poznan, Jastrow and other places.


D u r i n g t h e L o w e r a n d M i d d l e Jurassic t h e Russian platform separated

t h e T e t h y s a n d Boreal seas. T h e first marine fauna is t h e Toarcian,
which appears in t h e D o n e t z basin and in Spitsbergen. Bajocian trans­
gressions narrowed t h e divide slightly, extending t h e sea perhaps to
F r a n z Joseph L a n d and t h e lower Petchora basin in north Russia, and in
t h e south u p t h e lower Volga perhaps as far as Saratov, near which Parkin­
sonia has been recorded (Haug, 1910, T r a i t e , p . 1002) as in t h e Donetz
and Mangyshlak in T r a n s - C a s p i a . T o t h e east thick continental-lacustrine
deposits of p r e s u m e d M i d d l e Jurassic age flank t h e U r a l M o u n t a i n s and
continue in thickness (up to 500 m.) southward into t h e E m b a basin
N E . of t h e Caspian Sea. T h i s facies thins rapidly westward, but
representatives of it (Bathonian ?) form t h e base of t h e Jurassic on the
lower U r a l and lower Volga and as far west as Kiev and Smolensk (fig. 76).
I n t h e U p p e r Jurassic a continuous broad seaway was opened meridi-
onally across E u r o p e a n Russia, linking t h e T e t h y s a n d t h e Arctic Ocean.
T h e transgression began in t h e latter part of t h e Lower Callovian, b u t
parts of t h e central region, as a r o u n d Moscow, were not submerged until
t h e L o w e r Oxfordian. W e s t w a r d m a r i n e connexions were opened
across Poland to t h e Baltic, and eastwards probably across t h e northern
Urals into t h e basin of t h e lower O b . T h i s transgression is one of the
greatest t h a t occurred d u r i n g t h e Jurassic anywhere in t h e world.


T h e D o n e t z River r u n s N W . - S E . t h r o u g h t h e n o r t h e r n Ukraine
a n d flows into t h e D o n shortly before reaching t h e head of t h e Sea
of Azov. N e a r I z y u m , 70 miles S E . of Kharkov, it crosses Jurassic
outcrops of m u c h interest for their contrast with t h e development
in t h e rest of Russia a n d their affinity with Poland and central Europe.
H e r e , as j u s t mentioned, T o a r c i a n and Bajocian faunas are developed, and
t h e U p p e r Oxfordian a n d L o w e r Kimeridgian are in limestone facies.
A s in southern Poland, there is no U p p e r Kimeridgian and no Volgian.
Already in t h e U p p e r Palaeozoic t h e D o n e t z basin was a geosyncline
lying between t h e p r e - C a m b r i a n crystalline horsts of Podolia a n d Ukraine
on t h e south a n d Voronezh on t h e n o r t h . D u r i n g t h e Variscan orogeny
a n d again in t h e T r i a s t h e structure was folded and upraised, and the
resulting folds h a d b e e n deeply eroded a n d almost levelled by the end
of t h e T r i a s . T h e Jurassic overlaps t h e T r i a s (with Rhaetian), but
w i t h o u t angular unconformity. I t begins with sands and clays of Lower
or M i d d l e Toarcian date. T h e total thickness of the Jurassic is 350 m.
T h e highest limestones, being without ammonites, are only vaguely
dated b u t are probably Lower Kimeridgian. T h e r e follow some variegated
clays and there is then a big gap in t h e succession, t h e next deposits being
Cenomanian sands, which form a continuous ring r o u n d t h e older rocks
and overstep t h e m all transgressively. Between t h e K i m e r i d g i a n a n d
Cenomanian there occurred a m i n o r phase of folding which, unfortunately,
cannot be accurately dated (Stepanov & others, 1937, p p . 25, 30).
T h e D o n e t z Jurassic resembles t h a t in t h e rest of Russia in lacking
characteristic T e t h y a n ammonites. N o Phylloceratid or Lytoceratid
has been recorded. T h e following citations of a m m o n i t e s refer t o t h e
monograph by Borissjak (1908) except where stated otherwise.

Variegated clays with plant-remains.

Thick shelly limestones with Nerinea, Nerinella and other gastropods
(Borissjak, 1917, p . 13, figs. 10, 11), in places coralline.

B i m a m m a t u m Zone. Limestones with Amoeboceras bauhini (Oppel)
and brachiopods, a n d below that beds with Decipia ? aff. achilles ( d ' O r b . )
and echinoids, including Paracidaris florigemma, Nucleolites scutatus
and N. dimidiatus (Makridin, 1951).
Transversarium Zone (Plicatilis Zone). T o this zone belong b e d s at
M o u n t K r e m e n e z with large Arisphinctes (Borissjak, 1908, pi. vi) a n d
Perisphinctes s.s. (pi. ii, fig. 14). T h e supposed fragment of Peltoceras
(Gregoryceras) cf. transversarium (p. 77, pi. iii, fig. 3) comes from a n
U p p e r Callovian locality and could equally well belong to a Rursiceras
sp. nov.; b u t M a k r i d i n (1951) records G. cf. transversarium from b e d s
with U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctes (not figured).

C o r d a t u m Zone. T o this zone is t o b e assigned Euaspidoceras nikitini
(Borissjak) (pi. ix, fig. 1), which occurs in E n g l a n d in t h e C o r d a t u m
Subzone s.s.; also probably E. indorossicum (pi. vii, fig. 4) a n d t h e assem­
blage of small Cardioceratids of t h e subgenera Plasmatoceras and Sub-
vertebriceras from Mogilni Ravine (pi. i, figs. 7, 9-13), t h o u g h at least
some of t h e m might be a little later, being reminiscent of t h e Arngrove
Stone faunas.
Mariae Zone. T o t h e Praecordatum Subzone belong Scarburgiceras
subexcavatum M a i r e (pi. i, fig. 6) and Pavloviceras nalivkini (Borissjak)
(pi. i, figs. 4, 5), both from Uski Ravine. T o t h e Mariae Z o n e are also to
be assigned t h e large Scarburgiceras sp. (pi. i, fig. 8), Euaspidoceras ivesense
Spath (pi. iii, fig. 7), and Q. cf. mariae (p. 63), all from C h u t o r Sawodski.
FIG. 76.—Jurassic outcrops of Russia, based on the Geological Survey map.
Lamberti Zone. Records of Q. lamberti and Q. leachi (= vertumnum)
(p. 63) indicate that this zone is represented at ChutOr Sawodski, as does
t h e figure of Kosmoceras aff. spinosum (Sow.) (pi. iii, fig. 16).
Athleta Zone. Presumably of this date are t h e Peltoceras beds of
Beryesowi Ravine, with Peltoceras s.s. aff. athleta (pi. iii, fig. 4), inner
whorls of Peltoceratoides or Parawedekindia (pi. iii, fig. 5), a n d IRursiceras
(pi. iii, fig. 3).

Both Erymnoceras cf. coronatum and Kosmoceras jason are recorded
(Borissjak, 1908, p . 7 4 ; Makridin, 1951).

T h e foregoing Callovian and Oxfordian beds record an advance of t h e
limestone facies and retreat of sandstones towards t h e east a n d s o u t h ­
east as the Palaeozoic shoreline retreated in t h a t direction (Borissjak,
1908, p . 91). T h e first truly m a r i n e beds were t h o u g h t b y M a k r i d i n
(1951) to begin with the Calloviense Z o n e . Below this c o m e thick coarse
sandstones which pass u p diachronically, as j u s t stated, into t h e Callovian
clays; they are supposed t o represent t h e L o w e r Callovian.

Underlying t h e sandstones are clays w i t h plant-remains. I n s o m e
places equivalents of these beds contain Pseudocosmoceras michalskii
Borissjak sp. and other Parkinsonidae, some belonging to t h e wiirttem­
bergica group (Mourachkine, 1930). Clays assigned to t h e Bathonian
and Callovian also occur as far west as Kiev (Chirvinsky, 1937, p . 87).

T h e lower part of the same clay formation contains irony concretions
from which have been obtained Parkinsonia, Spiroceras, Garantiana
a n d Strenoceras (Borissjak, 1908, p . 88 and figs.). T h e lithological,
stratigraphical and palaeontological similarities to Algeria ( G h a r R o u b a n
mountains) are m o s t striking.


T h i s is represented b y a b e d of conglomerate w i t h belemnites a n d
Dorsetensia rossica, isjumica, and kamenka (pi. ii, figs. 5-12), which Borissjak
was inclined to correlate with t h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone, overlying b e d s
w i t h Leioceras.

Hammatoceras cf. insigne (pi. i, fig. 14) indicates t h e J u r e n s e Z o n e .
T h e earliest marine fauna in the D o n e t z is typical of t h e Falcifer and
C o m m u n e Zones, with Hildoceras and Dactylioceras (Borissjak, 1908,
p . 88, and pis. i, ii, iii).


I n t h e depression between t h e lower U r a l and E m b a Rivers, N E .
of t h e Caspian Sea, Jurassic clays come to t h e surface in many small
anticlinal and domal inliers in t h e steppes. I n the eastern part, near the
southern end of t h e Urals, t h e continental-lacustrine facies is strongly
developed and seems to extend high into t h e U p p e r Jurassic, the thickness
totalling 500 m . I n t h e Indersk Hills, on t h e left bank of the lower River
U r a l , it has t h i n n e d to 105 m . (map a n d sections in Bubnoff, 1926, p p .
123, 127). H e r e m a r i n e L o w e r Kimeridgian with Ostrea delta and
Aulacostephanus crops out (Khudyaev, 1932, p . 652), and Virgatus Beds
are reported (Pavlow, 1884, p . 696), b u t in view of the earlier virgatotome
ammonites since m a d e known in t h e O r e n b u r g area (see below), this
latter record requires confirmation.
I n t h e Kirghiz Steppes, 100 miles east of t h e great b e n d of the Volga at
Stalingrad, lies t h e salt L a k e Elton. T h e country is flat and lacks natural
exposures, b u t from wells, ditches a n d other excavations are d u g clays
with small pyritized ammonites of t h e U p p e r Callovian. T h e figured
specimens (Kamysheva, 1938, pis. i, ii) being all nuclei or small fragments,
and t h e figures being available to m e only as enlargements from a microfilm,
specific determination is hazardous, b u t Kosmoceras jason seems to have
been misidentified and n o t h i n g earlier t h a n t h e Coronatum Zone, and
m o r e likely t h e Athleta Zone, is represented. T h e fauna is a typical
assemblage of t h e L a m b e r t i Zone, comprising Quenstedtoceras (Lamberti-
ceras), Kosmoceras of t h e spinosum and duncani groups, Properisphinctes,
Peltoceratidae, and Hecticoceras (Lunuloceras and Brightia), with a
nucleus of Erymnoceras cf. doliforme (Roman) (pi. i, fig. 6).
Kamysheva considers t h e assemblage is dwarfed and transitional
between faunas of t h e T e t h y a n and boreal provinces; b u t the 'dwarfing'
is due to preservation, and t h e figures show a collection typical of t h e
Oxford Clay facies of t h e U p p e r Callovian, which m i g h t have come from
anywhere from Oxford to t h e R h o n e valley and from N o r m a n d y to the
M o s c o w basin.
T h e thickness of t h e Callovian is 220 m. and t h e L a m b e r t i Zone is
followed b y reduced L o w e r Oxfordian marls with Cardioceras (13 m.)
and that in t u r n by Kimeridgian and L o w e r Volgian (Bojarinova & Ilyin,
I95 )-


T h e U r a l River rises in t h e southern end of the Ural Mountains and,
after gathering its tributary t h e Ilek, flows west as far as Uralsk, within
170 miles of t h e Volga, where it t u r n s south to the Caspian Sea. O n t h e
U r a l , soon after it has left t h e mountains, stands O r e n b u r g (Chkalov),
ancient provincial capital, s u r r o u n d e d by a large area of U p p e r Jurassic
rocks. A l t h o u g h once continuous w i t h those o n t h e Volga, these out­
crops are n o w isolated, and being t h e m o s t easterly in Russia they deserve

separate treatment. F a r t h e r n o r t h and only a little farther east, in t h e

southern Urals near Orsk, a n d on t h e western flanks of t h e m o u n t a i n s ,
t h e Jurassic is exclusively represented by its continental facies.
T h e O r e n b u r g U p p e r Jurassic is remarkable for a development of
Middle and U p p e r Kimeridgian a m m o n i t e faunas of t h e Beckeri, S u b ­
planites and Pectinatus Zones, corresponding as closely with equivalents
in western E u r o p e a n d E n g l a n d as d o t h e b e t t e r - k n o w n a n d almost
ubiquitous Lower Kimeridgian Acanthicus Beds. I t is evident that from
t h e middle of t h e L o w e r Callovian to t h e U p p e r Kimeridgian t h e r e
stretched an u n i n t e r r u p t e d seaway from Dorset to t h e southern end of t h e
Ural Mountains.

Zone of Epivirgatites nikitini. T h i s zone ( n a m e d b y H a u g , 1898) occurs
at the top of t h e Lower Volgian in t h e O r e n b u r g and Simbirsk districts
and occupies t h e position of t h e Blakei Z o n e of t h e M o s c o w district.
T h e zonal index and its allies (Epivirgatites Spath, 1923, = Nikitinella
Ilovaisky & Florensky, 1941) strongly resemble ammonites in t h e Gorei
Zone in England, ascribed to Glaucolithites or Crendonites. T h e zone was
equated by Pavlow with his Blakei Zone, b u t if the comparison with
England is any guide, it should b e slightly earlier, a n d t h e Blakei Z o n e
be missing in the east.
Zone of Virgatites virgatus. Better developed in t h e M o s c o w Basin
(see p. 494).
Zones of Zaraiskites scythicus a n d Dorsoplanites dorsoplanus ( = Zones of
Z. quenstedti and D. panderi). T h e s e zones are reduced and not separate,
being partly or wholly represented by a phosphatic nodule bed. The
following ammonites are figured from this horizon ( u n d e r w r o n g names)
by Ilovaisky & Florensky (1941): Zaraiskites diprosopa ( I . & F.) (pi. xxiii,
fig. 43) (cf. scythicus Visch.), Z. cf. sauvagei (Lewinski) (pi. xxiv), Z.
scythicus (Visch.) (pi. xxv, fig. 46), Z. quenstedti (Mich.) (pi. xxv, fig. 47),
Acuticostites sp., Dorsoplanites primitivus (pi. xxvii).


T h e Lower Volgian rests u p o n t h e Vetlianka Sandstone (10 m.),
characterized by a rich fauna of Perisphinctids. Some were figured
(poorly and reduced) b y Semenow (1896) w h o identified t h e m all with
western European species of t h e Lower Kimeridgian, and for t h e most
part with species from Crussol, A r d e c h e . T h e matter was not clarified
by subsequent discussions by Sokolov (1903-4) and Steiger (1914, p .
499 ff.), b u t Ilovaisky & Florensky (1941) have now published 15 plates
of natural-size photographs. F r o m these it is clear t h a t t h e c o m m o n e s t
forms are species of the genus Subplanites Spath (1925) ( = Sokolovia
Ilovaisky 1934 non B o e h m , = Ilowaiskya Vialov, 1940). T h e y include t h e
English species S. pseudoscruposus Spath (I. & F . 1941, pi. xxii) and t h e
closely allied S. klimovi (pi. xxi) with m o r e distant ribs, 5 . aff. wheatleyensis

(Neaverson) (pi. xvi), and Allovirgatites ianschini (pis. xviii, xix). In

addition there are fragments of Pectinatites (pis. ix, x, fig. 23, xiii, fig. 27,
t h e last aff. pectinatus Phil, sp.?) a n d t h e coarse-ribbed Wheatleyites
(pi. xiv, X o-8). T h e Vetlianka Sandstone therefore represents the S u b ­
planites a n d Pectinatus Zones of Dorset. T o raise it to t h e rank of ' W e t -
lianian Stage' (I. & F . , 1941, p . 188) is unnecessary.
I n t h e basins of t h e u p p e r U r a l and Ilek Rivers t h e Vetlianka Sandstone
rests o n b e d s with Virgataxioceras fallax (Ilovaisky & Florensky, 1941,
pis. ii, iii, and Semenov, 1896, pi. iv, fig. 14), a collective species, some
forms of which are almost identical with V. setatus (Schneid), of t h e Beckeri
Z o n e of Franconia. Ilovaisky & Florensky rightly correlated these beds
with t h e Beckeri Zone.

N e x t below are t h e Gorodistche Clays of t h e Pseudomutabilis Zone,
crowded with Exogyra virgula and ammonites of the genera Aulaco­
stephanus and Aspidoceras, as in England and western E u r o p e (Pavlow,
1886) ( Z o n e of Aulacostephanus kirghisensis d ' O r b . , sp., t h e type of which
came from Saragula, O r e n b u r g ) . Besides a remarkable series of species
of these two genera, there are several species of Amoeboceras (Pavlow,
pi. viii, figs. 4, 5), Prionodoceras (pi. v, fig. 4), Streblites (pi. viii, figs. 6, 7)
a n d Torquatisphinctes (pi. viii, fig. 3, ? pi. vii, fig. 3). (PI. vii, fig. 4, seems
to be a Virgataxioceras cf. fallax I. & F . sp., presumably from the overlying
zone). T h e s e 'Acanthicus Beds' include also t h e T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone, as
is shown by a n u m b e r of t h e ammonites figured by Pavlow.

Beds on t h e Oxfordian-Kimeridgian boundary, equivalent to t h e
Pseudocordata Zone, are represented b y Ringsteadia kurmani (I. & F.)
(1941, pi. i, fig. i, = R. aff. marstonensis Salfeld) and Dichotomoceras
sublacertosus (I. & F.) (pi. i, fig. 2). T h e s e beds form the top of Nikitin's
comprehensive 'Alternans Z o n e ' , and it may b e suspected that farther
west they yielded Prionodoceras jasikowi Pavlow sp. (1886, pi. v, fig. 4).
T h e rest of t h e U p p e r Oxfordian is m u c h m o r e fully known in the
Moscow basin (see p . 496).

A m m o n i t e s of this age cited by Sinzow (1899) include Goliathiceras
goliathum, Cardioceras cordatum, 'vertebrale', rouillieri, quadratoides,
Peltoceras arduennense, subconstanti, Aspidoceras perisphinctoides, Gross­
ouvria miranda, also Scarburgiceras praecordatum and Q. mariae (Sinzow,
1899, as interpreted by R. Douville, 1912, p . 258).

T h e L a m b e r t i Zone is conspicuous, with n u m e r o u s Quenstedtoceras
of t h e subgenera Lamberticeras, Eboraciceras, and Quenstedtoceras s.s.,

including Q. problematicum Sinzow and Q. subflexicostatum Sinzow.

Inseparable from these stratigraphically, according t o Sinzow, are a
n u m b e r of Peltoceras, Kosmoceras, Hecticoceras, Grossouvria, etc. T h i s is
t h e horizon of t h e L a k e Elton b e d s (see p . 488).


Middle Callovian is represented b y Erymnoceras coronatum, Kosmoceras
jason, K. gulielmi, K. castor, a n d K. subobductum a n d K. aenigmaticum
Ilovaisky & Florensky (1941, pi. xxviii, figs. 55, 56); L o w e r Callovian by
Cadoceras sp.? and Kepplerites s p p . (gowerianus, galilaei, a n d fortinodus
I. & F.).


As in Trans-Caspia, t h e O r e n b u r g Jurassic is said t o begin with Parkin­
sonia parkinsoni of t h e U p p e r Bajocian (not figured, b u t this was accepted
b y Uhlig, 1911, p . 380).


Across the endless monotony of t h e Russian plains t h e Volga winds
from within 150 miles of t h e Gulf of Finland to Astrakhan on t h e Caspian,
a straight-line distance of over 1000 miles. I n its long j o u r n e y it crosses
the so-called Moscow basin, a structure so flat that it is only perceptible
by a roughly concentric arrangement of outcrops on a small-scale geo­
logical m a p . D i p s in t h e Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks are generally
nil or too small to measure. T h e surface is e n c u m b e r e d over wide areas
with Quaternary deposits—loess a n d loessic loams, alluvium, solifluxion
products and till, and by tchernozem. T h e best, sections are afforded by
the banks of t h e Volga, which flows in places at t h e foot of cliffs comparable
with those on a sea coast.
T h e widespread scatter of outcrops (fig. 76) shows that almost the
whole of the central Russian plain is or was covered by U p p e r Jurassic
clays. A remarkable feature in view of this e n o r m o u s extent of outcrop
is their small thickness a n d uniform lithology. T h e whole Volgian stage
consists of only some 6-8 m. of beds, often less, a n d t h e underlying U p p e r
Jurassic is generally thinner, only rarely a little thicker, until the L o w e r
Volga is reached. T h e differentiation of t h e stages and substages rests
almost entirely on palaeontology, with little or no lithological guidance.
T h e Russian platform is, in fact, t h e type example of a stable shelf,
and t h e Jurassic sediments are developed accordingly. E x c e p t for some
low anticlines, gently folded and eroded during the Palaeozoic, there has
been n o tectonic disturbance or igneous action since t h e beginning of t h e
Cambrian, and diagenesis has been at a m i n i m u m . Even t h e C a m b r i a n
(near Leningrad) is developed as blue clay with perfectly-preserved
fossils, and bituminous shales in t h e Silurian contain fossils comparable
in perfection with those of m o s t T e r t i a r y formations. T h e C a r b o n i ­
ferous Limestone is m o r e like chalk. I t is not surprising, therefore, that

t h e Jurassic fossils, and particularly t h e ammonites, are often in a superb

state of preservation, with their opalescent pearly test intact. This
condition is rivalled, however, by t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian ammonites of
M a r k e t Rasen in Lincolnshire. I t would be normal for the Jurassic clays
of E n g l a n d b u t for crushing d u e t o compaction into shales.
As is to be expected from t h e great areal extent and small thickness of
t h e deposits, there are non-sequences in t h e Jurassic, which vary the
succession from place to place. F o r instance, t h e Lower Callovian is
missing in m o s t places in t h e centre of the M o s c o w basin, the sequence
beginning with t h e C o r o n a t u m Z o n e ; b u t in places this also is missing,
and in others t h e L a m b e r t i Zone, so that first t h e L a m b e r t i Zone (at
Novosselki in t h e province of Ryazan), and then t h e Mariae Zone of the
L o w e r Oxfordian (at Miatchkovo near Moscow) come to rest uncon-
formably on t h e Carboniferous Limestone. T h e zones represented in
t h e Oxfordian and Kimeridgian likewise vary from place to place, and it
is only at K a s h p u r o n t h e m i d d l e Volga t h a t shales with Subplanites
like those in t h e U r a l a n d Ilek basin have been found. T h e Volgian is
m o r e constant b u t it also is by no means complete everywhere. For
instance on t h e middle Volga t h e Virgatus Z o n e in places is represented
by a b a n d of phosphatic nodules, a n d n o r t h of Simbirsk t h e Subditus
Z o n e is directly succeeded b y relatively late Neocomian; while near Nijni
Novgorod t h e U p p e r Oxfordian is succeeded directly b y Neocomian
clays with a b a n d of phosphatic nodules at t h e base containing derived
ammonites of t h e Virgatus Z o n e (Pavlow, 1889, p . 89).
T h e thickness of t h e Jurassic below t h e Volgian increases greatly at
a n d south of t h e Samara bend, rising to m o r e t h a n 100 m . (Murchison,
1845, p . 2 4 6 ; Boutrov, 1937, p p . 38-9).

Ryazan Beds (upper part). Z o n e of Paracraspedites spasskensis. The
Ryazan Beds are developed only in t h e southern part of t h e Moscow
basin a n d are thickest in t h e valley of t h e Oka, where they consist of
glauconitic sands, 0-5 to 2 m . I n t h e classic exposures, whence t h e
ammonites were m o n o g r a p h e d by Bogoslowsky (1897), two zones are
condensed and only one horizon can be recognized (Bogoslowsky, 1897,
p p . 148-50), b u t in other places t h e Spasskensis Z o n e is distinct from and
overlies t h e Rjasanensis Zone, as was early recognized by Pavlow (Zonov,
1937, p . 41). A t least one species of t h e later zone, Subcraspedites
subpressulus (Bog.), occurs in t h e Spilsby Sandstone in Lincolnshire
(Swinnerton, 1935, p . 37), and other species figured by Bogoslowsky
have been claimed as probably close to Spilsby Sandstone forms
(Spath, 1936, p p . 8 1 , 170).]

Ryazan Beds (lower part). Z o n e of Riasanites rjasanensis. R. rjasanensis
(Nikitin, 1888, pi. i) was believed by Kilian to occur in t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n
(Transitorius Zone) in the south-east of France, b u t according to M a z e n o t
(1939, p . 262) this was based on a misidentification. Nevertheless, two
species of Riasanites are still admitted b y Leanza in t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n
of Argentina (see p . 582). Accordingly it seems indicated that the lower
zone of the Ryazan Beds b e considered U p p e r Jurassic, and this view has
been a d u m b r a t e d b y S p a t h (1947, p p . 54-5, 66), o n these a n d general
grounds. It is therefore here transferred to t h e U p p e r Volgian.
Zonov (1937, p . 41) states that in some places near Moscow t h e Rjasan-
ensis Zone is separated from t h e underlying Nodiger Z o n e b y 4-6 m . of
unfossiliferous sands. W h e t h e r these are t h e same as t h e Vorobiewo
Sands of Pavlow (1889, p p . 9 1 , 97) is not clear. I n other places, however,
the condensed Ryazan Beds overlap all t h e Jurassic stages d o w n to M i d d l e
Callovian inclusive and in several places come to rest on Carboniferous
rocks (fig. 77). T h i s behaviour is consistent with an U p p e r T i t h o n i a n

FIG. 77.—Section at Ryazan, showing the transgressive relation of the Ryazan Beds to
the underlying Upper Jurassic and Callovian. After Bogoslowsky. T h e section
1, Unfossiliferous sandstone; 2, Polyptychites Beds: sand with phosphatic
concretions containing at least 4 species of Polyptychites, also belemnites (lateralis),
etc.; 3, Ryazan Beds. Glauconitic loams with many Buchia, etc.; 4, Upper and
Lower Volgian. Glauconitic sandy beds with many Buchia, etc. Craspedites spp.
in upper half, Virgatites in lower half; 5, 6, Oxfordian clays; 7, Callovian.

age for t h e Rjasanensis Zone, t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n being notably t r a n s ­

gressive in m a n y parts of t h e world, t h o u g h it is unlikely that t h e t r a n s ­
gressions were everywhere exactly contemporaneous.
T h e remainder, and principal part, of t h e U p p e r Volgian consists of u p
to 4 m. of grey marly clay, b u t it m a y become (as near Moscow) mainly
a glauconitic a n d micaceous loam o r sandstone w i t h phosphatic nodules.
I t is characterized by species of Craspedites a n d n u m e r o u s Buchia
(= Aucella). T h e n u m b e r of zones t h a t can b e recognized differs from
place to place and there is doubtless a subjective element, d u e partly to
the chances of collecting. T h e following succession was established b y
Nikitin (1884, p . 7 3 ) : —
Zone of Craspedites nodiger, with C. triptychus, okensis, unshensis,
kachpuricus, Garniericeras catenulatum, G. subclypeiforme, a n d Stschur-
ovskya stschurowskii.
Zone of Craspedites subditus, with C. okensis a n d G. catenulatum.
Zone of Craspedites (Kachpurites) fulgens, with C. subfulgens, okensis,
subditus, fragilis.

Pavlow (1889, p p . 85, 91-2, etc.) used alternative indices and recognized
only two z o n e s ; b u t although he averred that he could not separate t h e
Fulgens Z o n e from that next above, he recorded C. fulgens only from a
separate b e d at t h e base of t h e U p p e r Volgian at Mniovniki, near Moscow,
t h u s s u p p o r t i n g Nikitin's conclusions at Yaroslavl (1881, p . 23). Zonov
(1937, p . 40) considers still further subdivision possible. T h e Nodiger
Z o n e is best known at K o s t r o m a , N E . of M o s c o w (Nikitin, 1884a).

I n t h e M o s c o w district this substage consists of as little as 1-5 m. of
t h i n l y - b e d d e d glauconitic sand a n d micaceous clay, with two beds of
phosphatic nodules, one at the base (Pavlow, 1889, p . 91). A t K a s h p u r
it may b e about 2 m . thick, b u t it passes d o w n without visible break into
b i t u m i n o u s shales which have proved to be pre-Volgian (see below).
O n t h e Mologa and K o s t r o m a Rivers also it is very thin. T h e full sequence
of zones, according to Nikitin, Pavlow, and Rosanov, is as follows:—
Z o n e of Lomonossovella [Titanites ?] blakei (Pavlow), with Titanites
(Kerberites) portlandicus (Cox) and giants, cf. 'gigas' Blake.
Z o n e of Epivirgatites nikitini. T h i s occurs in t h e Simbirsk and O r e n b u r g
districts and is probably somewhat older t h a n t h e Blakei Z o n e of t h e
M o s c o w district. Pavlow t h o u g h t t h e m equivalent, and is supported by
Zonov (1937, p . 40), w h o states that this is t h e horizon of Lomonossovella
lomonossovi (Michalski).
Z o n e of Virgatites virgatus, with V. pilicensis and other species, and
Acuticostites acuticostatus. T h e s e extraordinary genera, with their
' m a c h i n e - m a d e ' ultra-virgatotome ribbing have yet to b e found outside
Russia. ( F o r good figures see Vischniakoff, 1882, and Michalski, 1890.)
Z o n e of Zaraiskites scythicus with Z. zaraiskensis and Z. quenstedti.
T h i s zone, which also occurs in Poland and t h e Baltic region and probably
in D o r s e t (see p . 20), was first separated a n d n a m e d by Rosanov in 1906.
I t was also recognized by Pavlow (1907, table facing p . 84) as the Q u e n ­
stedti Z o n e . I t is probably impossible in most places in t h e Volga basin
to separate it from t h e D o r s o p l a n u s Zone, and Rosanov and also Sokolov
& Bodylevsky (1931, p . 25) equated t h e t w o ; b u t t h e facts in Poland and
also in E n g l a n d confirm Pavlow's contention that there are two zones,
t h o u g h m u c h condensed. ( T h e generic n a m e Zaraiskites, after Zaraisk
near Ryazan, is due to Semenow, 1898; = Provirgatites Lewinski, 1923).
Z o n e of Dorsoplanites dorsoplanus, with D. panderi, and probably also
Pavlovia pallasi ( d ' O r b . ) . N a m e d b y Pavlow (1907, p p . 43, 74). T h i s
zone probably corresponds with t h e Pavlovia pallasioides Zone at the top
of t h e K i m e r i d g e Clay, which at Hartwell, near Aylesbury, contains a
possible Dorsoplanites, 'Pallasiceras' ultimum Neaverson.

I n t h e river cliff and ravine at K a s h p u r t h e clays with Virgatites (and
Zaraiskites}) pass d o w n into b i t u m i n o u s shales not separated by Nikitin

(1897, p . 16) or Pavlow (1897, p . 26) from t h e Virgatus Z o n e . J. F . Blake,

however, who took part in the Congress excursion of 1897, collected a n d
b r o u g h t h o m e from this locality a m m o n i t e s w h i c h S p a t h (1923, p . 307)
was able to identify as Subplanites. T h e occurrence of Subplanites in S E .

FIG. 78.—Section at Kashpur on the Volga, after Pavlow, 1897.

N. Neocomian.
N.SMB. Black clay with Simbirskites versicolor.
N.SQ. Friable greenish-grey sandstone with Belemnites subquadratus (1 m.) and shaly
grey clay, more or less sandy and poorly fossiliferous (2-3 m.).
- -
N.PL. Phosphatic conglomerate (o 2 m.) and yellow sand (o 25 m.) with Polyptychites
keyserlingi, P. gravesiformis, P. beani, Belemnites lateralis, B. subquadratus, Buchia
N.VG. Friable sandstone and conglomerate of fossils (0-9 m.) with Subcraspedites
spasskensis, Buchia spp. and belemnites as in N . P L .
AQ. Aquilonian ( = Upper Volgian). Undated green sand (0-25 m.).
AQ.K. Marl passing into sand and into a dense mass of fossils (1 m . ) : Craspedites
kaschpuricus, Garniericeras subclypeiforme, Belemnites lateralis, B. russiensis, Buchia
fischeri, etc.
AQ.S. Grey glauconitic and sandy marl (3 m.). Craspedites subditus, C. okensis, C.
catenulatus, same belemnites and Buchia fischeri, etc.
PT. Portlandian ( = Lower Volgian).
PT.G. Sandy marl and green sandstone with phosphatic nodules ( o 7 m.). 'Ammonites
of the group of A. giganteus, A. triplicatus' ( = Blakei Zone).
PT.V. Phosphatic conglomerate, bituminous shales, and grey clays with Virgatites
virgatus, Belemnites absolutus, etc. (3 m.).

Russia has since been confirmed b y t h e figuring of n u m e r o u s specimens by

Ilovaisky & Florensky from t h e basin of t h e U r a l and Ilek (see p . 489).
I n some places a t h i n zone of Glochiceras cf. fialar (Oppel) occurs above
t h e Pseudomutabilis Z o n e (Zonov, 1937, p . 36).

T h e G o r o d i s t c h e Clays, or Acanthicus Beds, of t h e M i d d l e Volga
begin at Saratov and are almost ubiquitous in t h e Volga basin. T h e type
section is in t h e Volga b a n k N N W . of Simbirsk (Murchison, 1845,
p . 246). W i t h their rich fauna of Aulacostephanus spp., Aspidoceras
s p p . and Physodoceras s p p . (monographed b y Pavlow, 1886) and beds
crowded with Exogyra virgula, they belong mainly to t h e Pseudomutabilis
Zone, b u t t h e T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone is also represented by Streblites, Amoe­
boceras spp., Rasenia fraasiforme, Prorasenia mniovnikensis and P. cf.
stephanoides, m o s t of which were included by Russian authors in the old
'Alternans Z o n e ' . I t is possible that there is a non-sequence representing
t h e Mutabilis Zone, for no forms like R. mutabilis have yet been figured
from Russia: this was already noticed by Salfeld in 1914 (p. 238).
I n t h e sections on t h e u p p e r Volga a r o u n d Rybinsk, Mologa and
M y s h k i n (about 170 miles n o r t h of Moscow) t h e Volgian seems to rest
on t h e basal Kimeridgian, with Amoeboceras cf. subcordatum (d'Orb.)
and Prorasenia cf. stephanoides (Oppel) (Nikitin, 1881, bed 4).

A n exact and highly i m p o r t a n t p a p e r b y Ilovaisky (1904) gives t h e
sequence of U p p e r and L o w e r Oxfordian clays at t h e villages of Miatch-
kovo near M o s c o w and Novosselki and Nikitino in t h e province of
Ryazan. T h e whole Oxfordian series is about 10 m . thick at Miatchkovo
and 15 m . at Novosselki, w h e r e it is overlain b y t h e Volgian (Virgatites
beds). T h e succession may b e classified as follows:—
B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e . Beds D and C. A t t h e t o p (bed D4) are Amoe­
boceras leucum Spath and A. ilovaiskyi Arkell (Ilovaisky, 1904, pi. xi,
figs. 2, 7), which correlate with t h e Pseudocordata Zone in England.
A t a lower level (beds D i and C) is Amoeboceras pseudocaelatum Spath
(Ilovaisky, pi. xi, fig. 6, pi. x, fig. 30). C. zieteni is also recorded (as rare)
in b e d C. Amoeboceras alternoides (Nikitin), by comparison with t h e
English succession, should c o m e from a b o u t this level (see Arkell, 1948,
p . 3 9 5 ; for discussion of t h e E u r o p e a n correlations of these Cardioceratids
see Arkell, 1947, p p . 353-6).
Plicatilis Zone. T o this zone clearly belong t h e clays of beds B and A2,
with large Perisphinctes s.s. (pi. xii, fig. 2, and p p . 277-8, sub P. martelli),
Kranaosphinctes bolobanowi (Nik.) (pi. xii, fig. 1), Euaspidoceras cf. pauci-
tuberculatum Arkell (pi. xii, fig. 3), Cardioceras zenaidae Ilov. (pi. x, figs.
33> 35)' C. densiplicatum Boden (pi. x, fig. 34), C. zieteni II., C. vagum II.,
C. expositum B u c k m a n sp. (pi. xi, fig. 5) and Ochetoceras canaliculatum.

C o r d a t u m Zone. Bed A i , with Cardioceras ilovaiskyi M a i r e (Ilov.,
pi. x, fig. 28) a n d other forms of t h e cordatum g r o u p (pi. x, fig. 31),
Goliathiceras sp. (pi. x, fig. 27), Pachycardioceras rouilleri ( p . 268) and
Perisphinctids. O t h e r a m m o n i t e s of t h e C o r d a t u m Z o n e w e r e figured b y
Lahusen (1883): C. cordatum (Sow.) (pi. v, fig. 5), C. costicardia (Buck.)
(pi. v, fig. 3), Aspidoceras aff. catena (Sow.) (pi. x, fig. 14), Peltoceratoides
sp. (pi. x, fig. 12).
Mariae Zone. Bed K contains Quenstedtoceras (Pavloviceras) pavlowi
Douville, of which the type came from Ryazan, a n d allied species
(Ilovaisky, pi. x, figs. 2 2 - 2 5 ; L a h u s e n , 1883, pi. iv, figs. 6-17). T o t h e
same zone belongs Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) lahuseni M a i r e (Lahusen,
1883, pi. v, fig. 1). A t M i a t c h k o v o n e a r Moscow, this zone rests on
Carboniferous Limestone, which is quarried o n b o t h banks of t h e Volga.

T h e L a m b e r t i Zone is strongly represented o n t h e U p p e r Volga a n d in
t h e Ryazan province b y t h e Leachi Z o n e of Nikitin, w i t h a range of
Quenstedtoceratids comparable with those in t h e Hackness Rock and t h e
L a m b e r t i Limestone at W o o d h a m pit in E n g l a n d . T h e clay of this zone
similarly passes into a b a n d of argillaceous limestone in places on t h e
upper Volga; and at Novosselki in Ryazan province it oversteps o n to
Carboniferous Limestone. A notable link w i t h E n g l a n d is t h e presence
of conspicuous large Eboraciceras, to w h i c h belong Q. rybinskianum
Nik. (1881, pi. i, fig. 8) and Q. problematicum Sinzow, 1899 (type, Nikitin,
1881, pi. i, fig. 6), together with Lamberticeras (pi. i, fig. 1, a n d L a h u s e n ,
1883, pi. iv, figs. 1-3, and perhaps fig. 4, t h e type of Q. pseudolamberti
Sinzow, 1899), Prorsiceras (Nikitin, 1881, pi. i, fig. 5), Pachyceras mologae
Nikitin sp. (pi. i, fig. 12), and t h e u b i q u i t o u s Kosmoceras spinosum Sow.
sp. (pi. iv, fig. 34) and K. proniae a n d its allies (Teisseyre, 1884). T h e
last and K. transitionis Nik. a n d various Peltoceratids ( L a h u s e n , 1883,
pi. x, figs. 5-9) indicate that t h e Athleta Z o n e is represented. Various
well-preserved Hecticoceratids come from t h e U p p e r a n d M i d d l e Callovian
(Lahusen, pi. xi).

T h e C o r o n a t u m and Jason Zones are widespread a n d are represented
by Lahusen's beds b, c. T h e y yield Erymnoceras coronatum and E. doliforme
Roman (Neumayr, 1876, pi. xxv, figs. 1-3; L a h u s e n , 1883, pi. vi, figs. 1-4)
and n u m e r o u s appropriate Kosmoceras, Hecticoceras, etc. ( L a h u s e n ,
pis. vii-xi). Presumably from this level also comes Erymnoceras renardi
Nikitin sp. (1882, pi. xi, fig. 24). A t Sergatch t h e C o r o n a t u m Z o n e with
Erymnoceras is developed as a b a n d of oolite (Milachewitch, 1880).
Classic works, chiefly based on ammonites from this substage in Ryazan
province, were published by N e u m a y r (1876) a n d Teisseyre (1884).
According to Zonov (1937, p . 35) Erymnoceras s p p . occur in t h e lower part

of t h e M i d d l e Callovian, with Kosmoceras jason, not in t h e overlying beds

with K. castor and K. pollux as in western E u r o p e .

Nikitin (1884a) divided t h e M i d d l e and L o w e r Callovian between two
zones of Cadoceras milaschevici a n d C. elatmae. I t is difficult to determine
at w h a t level t h e division falls in t e r m s of west E u r o p e a n zones, b u t p r o ­
bably it is somewhere in t h e Koenigi-Calloviense Zones. T h e Russian
Callovian is famous for its variety of forms of Cadoceras (e.g. Nikitin,
1882, pi. xi, figs. 20, 2 1 , pi. xii, figs. 26-29; 8 8 i , pi. iii) and there are also
m a n y forms of Macrocephalites (1882, pi. x, figs. 15-18), Kepplerites such as
K. lahuseni Parona & Bonarelli, 1897 (type L a h u s e n , 1883, pi. vi, fig. 8)
and Gowericeras (figs. 5, 6, 7), Proplanulites, Chamoussetia, Grossouvria,
etc. W h e n a detailed stratigraphical succession comes to be worked out,
interesting comparisons with N W . E u r o p e and especially England are to
b e expected.
O n t h e m i d d l e Volga, in places, L o w e r Callovian ammonites are only
found rolled in a conglomeratic b e d of t h e C o r o n a t u m Zone, which rests
directly on t h e P e r m i a n ; in other places there are sands similar to the
u n d e r l y i n g P e r m i a n (Pavlow, 1884; 1885; 1897, p . 5), which may be
basal Callovian or older. Arcticoceras is recorded near Kuibyshev (Zonov,

!937> P- 33)-
I n t h e Samara b e n d of t h e middle Volga t h e P e r m i a n and Carboniferous
are transgressively overlain b y 25-30 m . of white sands, with basal pebble
b e d a n d lenses u p to 4-5 m . thick of laminated clays at or near t h e base and
filling pockets in t h e Palaeozoic platform. T h e s e beds are attributed by
Russian geologists to t h e Bathonian. (Boutrov, 1937, p p . 38-9; Zonov,
i937> P- 33)-
Between t h e n o r t h e r n U r a l s a n d t h e T i m a n Range lies a wide triangular
basin drained b y t h e Petchora River, which crosses t h e Arctic Circle and
flows into t h e Arctic Ocean. T h e greater p a r t of t h e basin is filled with
Q u a t e r n a r y m a r i n e beds, b u t beneath m u c h of it there is a sheet of Creta­
ceous and Jurassic strata, which come to t h e surface between the river and
t h e flank of t h e T i m a n Range. T h e best exposures are on the River
P i s h m a a n d at t h e headwaters of t h e River Ishma, two tributaries of t h e
Petchora. N e a r t h e confluence of t h e Pishma and Petchora, Murchison
(1845, p . 417) already noted 'large masses of grey calcareous sandstone
subordinate to clays a n d charged with ammonites a n d fossil wood',
passing d o w n to thick grey clays and shales with Posidonia, resting on
D e v o n i a n limestone.
A m m o n i t e s were b r o u g h t back and figured b y Keyserling (1846)
and a n u m b e r of later explorers. T h e assemblages all fall, in age, between

t h e u p p e r part of t h e L o w e r Callovian a n d t h e lower part of t h e L o w e r

Volgian. N o U p p e r Volgian ammonites are known, b u t belemnites of
this date are reported ( K h u d y a e v , 1932, p . 518). T h e a m m o n i t e s are of
interest for their close links with t h e rest of t h e Arctic region and t h e
Volga basin o n t h e o n e h a n d a n d w i t h England, especially Yorkshire,
on t h e other.
T h e earliest ammonites are post-Macrocephalus Z o n e : namely Arctico-
ceras ishmae (Keyserling) (refigd. Spath, 1932, pi. xv, fig. 7), Cadoceras
elatmae Nikitin, C. tschernyschevi Sokolov (1912, pi. 1, fig. 2), which corre­
late with t h e Koenigi Z o n e (the Elatmae Z o n e of t h e Volga basin, Nikitin,
T h e overlying zone of Cadoceras milaschevici Nik. a n d C. tschefkini
(d'Orb.) of t h e Volga basin is also represented, b u t this goes u p t o t h e
C o r o n a t u m Z o n e . H e r e belongs Cadoceras syssolae K h u d y a e v .
T h e U p p e r Callovian Cadoceratids are of special interest, for their
nearest allies are found in t h e Hackness Rock of Yorkshire, which is
Athleta-Lamberti in d a t e : these belong to t h e g e n u s Longaeviceras
Buckman. T w o Hackness Rock species, L. longaevum (Leckenby, 1859)
and L. placenta (Leckenby, 1859) (Buckman, T y p e A m . 1919, pi. cxxi,
A, and 1920, pi. CXLVIII) are p e r h a p s identical specifically with two
Petchoraland species respectively, 'Cadoceras' nikitini a n d 'C keyserlingi
Sokolov (1912, pi. i, fig. 3, pi. ii, fig. 2). Quenstedtoceras s.s. ('leachi')
and Lamberticeras ('lamberti') also occur, a n d there are t h e usual L o w e r
Oxfordian Cardioceratids, as in t h e Volga basin. T h e u n i q u e Styracoceras
balduri Keyserling sp. (see N e u m a y r , 1885) is U p p e r Callovian or L o w e r
Oxfordian (Distichoceratinae ?).
Another assemblage of special interest is that of t h e B i m a m m a t u m
Zone, represented b y Amoeboceras shuravskii (Sokolov), A. alternoides
(Nik.) and A. quadratoides Sokolov non Nik., and other species (Sokolov,
1912, pis. ii, iii), including A ovale (Salfeld) (pi. iii, figs. 9, 10, = bauhini
T h e Kimeridgian is represented by t h e ubiquitous Aulacostephanus
b e d s ; various new species have been described from t h e region by
Khudyaev (1927, 1932) as A. pyschmae, etc., in addition to A. eudoxus,
A. subeudoxus, A. subundorae, etc., k n o w n from t h e Volga basin a n d
western E u r o p e .
A nodule b e d at t h e base of t h e L o w e r Volgian contains rolled specimens
of Amoeboceras and Aulacostephanus syssolae a n d subsyssolae K h u d y a e v
(1932, p . 653). T h e L o w e r Volgian is widespread a n d seems to b e r e p r e ­
sented by t h e Dorsoplanus and Scythicus Zones only.
Jurassic pebbles occur on t h e K a n i n peninsula to t h e n o r t h - w e s t of t h e
Petchora basin (Ramsay, 1911), a n d t h e r e is little d o u b t t h a t t h e U p p e r
Jurassic sea also spread over t h e n o r t h e r n Urals into t h e O b basin, where
identical deposits are found in t h e L i a p i n e a n d Soswa River districts;
b u t these are in Asia and will be described with t h e other occurrences in
Siberia (p. 512V
N o Mesozoic beds have been found in situ in Novaya Zemlya and it is
doubtful whether any exist: t h e general structure is a complex Palaeozoic
anticlinorium, deeply eroded after t h e Variscan orogeny. A n u m b e r of
well-preserved ammonites have been found in gravels, however, mainly
i n t h e m i d d l e p a r t of t h e west coast, a n d have b e e n figured b y Sokolov
(1913) and Salfeld & F r e b o l d (1924); see also list in Bodylevsky (1936),

FIG. 79.—Sketch-map of the European Arctic and adjacent regions, showing the
present edge of the continental shelf (hachured).

a n d detailed t r e a t m e n t b y F r e b o l d (1930; 1951, p . 81). T h e y range in

age from Cranocephalites pompeckji (Madsen) which is probably basal
L o w e r Callovian to Tollia s p p . and Polyptychites s p p . of t h e Valanginian.
L o w e r , M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Callovian are represented b y Arctocephalites
arcticus, Cadoceras tschefkini and Longaeviceras keyserlingi respectively,
and t h e B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e by Amoeboceras regulare Spath and frequens
S p a t h ; all as in Petchoraland a n d Spitsbergen. T h e supposed U p p e r
Volgian with Craspedites cf. fragilis ( T r a u t . ) and C. aff. jugensis Prig,
is p r o b a b l y L o w e r Cretaceous (Subcraspedites fauna). N o ammonites of
t h e Kimeridgian or L o w e r Volgian have been found.


T h e archipelago of F r a n z J o s e p h L a n d contains t h e m o s t northerly
k n o w n Jurassic in t h e world, o n latitude 8o° N . T h e o u t c r o p s are mainly
o n the south-westerly N o r t h b r o o k Island a n d H o o k e r Island, b u t also
o n some of t h e adjoining islets. T h e m o s t complete a n d b e s t - k n o w n
sections are at a n d near C a p e Flora o n N o r t h b r o o k I s l a n d ( N a n s e n ,
1899; Pompeckj, 1899; Koettlitz, 1898; N e w t o n & Teall, 1897). H e r e
Jurassic shales with layers of nodules a n d sandstone, with u p t o 14 m .
of carbonaceous a n d pebbly sands at t h e base, rise from sea level t o a height
of about 175 m . T h e y are overlain b y 25 m . of Cretaceous basalts c o n ­
taining a n d overlain b y plant-bearing sandstones (whence C a p e F l o r a
takes its name). A t t h e t o p is a capping of p e r m a n e n t ice.
T h e lowest 3 m . of t h e shale series is a marl containing pelecypods
(Meleagrinella, etc.) a n d brachiopods (Discina, Lingula) believed to indicate
a Lower Bajocian date (Pompeckj, 1899). Above this is a considerable
g a p without fossils. T h e first a m m o n i t e fauna spans a large thickness
of beds and represents two L o w e r Callovian zones with Arctocephalites
koettlitzi (Pompeckj, 1899, p i . ii, fig. 12), A. arcticus, A. ellipticus S p a t h
(1932, pi. xiii, fig. 6), A. pilaeformis S p a t h ( N e w t o n , 1897, p i . xl, fig. 2) a n d
Cadoceras frearsi (d'Orb.) (ib. p . 131) (Macrocephalus a n d Koenigi Zones).
(For further figures of this fauna see Whitfield, 1906.) After another gap
follow beds with Cadoceras tschefkini ( d ' O r b . ) a n d Pseudocadoceras nanseni
(Pompeckj) (pi. ii, figs. 1-6, a n d fig. 16, p . 87). Pseudocadoceras is a n o t h e r
genus represented in t h e Hackness Rock, b u t it a b o u n d s also in t h e earlier
Kellaways Rock of South Cave (both in Yorkshire) a n d it is also a b u n d a n t
in Alaska. Finally, at t h e top, is a poorly-preserved faunule of Quenstedto­
ceras (Pompeckj, pi. ii, fig. 9), one of which was found e m b e d d e d in t h e
base of t h e basalt (Koettlitz, 1898, p . 638).
Arcticoceras, Pseudocadoceras a n d Quenstedtoceras are also recorded from
Hooker Island (Samoilovich & Bodylevsky, 1933; Oghnev, 1933).
T h e plant-bearing beds are believed t o b e Hauterivian-Barremian
(Wealden); on some of t h e islands Berriasian ammonites are recorded
below (Spizarskij, 1937).


Spitsbergen a n d its associated islands s t a n d o n t h e n o r t h - w e s t edge of
the Barents shelf. T o t h e west a n d n o r t h t h e sea floor sinks rapidly. T h e
shallow seas that now divide t h e islands of t h e Spitsbergen a n d F r a n z
Joseph groups a n d separate t h e m from t h e mainland m a y b e regarded as
a temporary transgression over t h e margins of t h e mobile shelf.
Conditions were essentially similar i n t h e Jurassic. A n a r r o w island
probably broke t h e water close t o t h e edge of t h e shelf immediately t o t h e
west of Spitsbergen, supplying some s e d i m e n t ; b u t i n general deep water
lay to the west as it does to-day, connecting t h e polar ocean with Britain.
T h e first Jurassic transgression occurred in t h e Toarcian, bringing a
typical English a n d N W . G e r m a n a m m o n i t e fauna over Spitsbergen only.

D u r i n g t h e M i d d l e Jurassic some narrow a n d shallow seaways were

opened on t h e shelf, bringing Bajocian pelecypods a n d brachiopods to
F r a n z Joseph L a n d a n d a Bathonian faunule to K i n g Charles Islands.


Spitsbergen and Franz Joseph

ZONES King Charles Land and European Russia
Islands Novaya Zemlya

Subcraspedites Subcraspedites Ryazan Beds pars

beds beds (NZ)
Craspedites Absent Upper Volgian
Zones ... complete
Scythicus Lower Volgian
Dorsoplanus Dorsoplanites complete
Rotunda Not proved
Pectinatus | Vetlianka Beds
Subplanites spp. J Not yet proved

Beckeri Virgataxioceras Beds

Raseniae Black shales 193 m. Gorodistch6 Clay
Bimammatum Horizons 4 and 5 Amoeboceras spp. Beds D, C, Moscow
(23 m.) (NZ)
OXFORDIAN Transversarium Beds B, A , Moscow
Cordatum 1 Not proved s

Bed A i , Moscow
Mariae f (20 m. no fossils) Bed K, Moscow

Lamberti 1 Horizons 2 and 3 Quenstedtoceras Quenstedtoceras

Athleta J (35 m.) beds of Cape and Peltoceras beds
Flora Longaeviceras.
Erymnoceras and
Coronatum and Kosmoceras beds
Jason Cad. tschefkini Cad. tschefkini and
Calloviense and Pseudocado- milaschevici.
Koenigi Seymourites ceras, Cape Flora Cad. elatmae and
Kepplerites lahuseni
Macrocephalus Arctocephalites Arctocephalites Macrocephalites

Discus Pelecypod faunule


T h e major transgression over t h e whole area, however, came with the

L o w e r Callovian. I t b r o u g h t Cranocephalites and t h e n Arctocephalites
as in East Greenland a n d Siberia, b u t n o t t h e European Macrocephalitids.
N o t until t h e Koenigi Zone, it appears, was direct communication with
Britain reopened. T h i s was t h e real beginning of t h e great Callovian
transgression which united t h e N o r t h Atlantic with t h e Caspian, across
t h e Barents shelf a n d t h e Russian platform as well as most of north-central
E u r o p e . W i t h local a n d m i n o r interruptions, shifting in time a n d place,
this transgressive sea lasted into t h e Kimeridgian. T h e r e is, however,

a major non-sequence of varying size in t h e Kimeridgian, cutting o u t

everything between t h e Mutabilis Z o n e a n d t h e L o w e r Volgian. T h i s
non-sequence represents t h e Pseudomutabilis, Beckeri, Subplanites,
Pectinatus and R o t u n d a Zones of England, central E u r o p e a n d s o u t h
Russia (Orenburg). Only t h e lower part of t h e L o w e r Volgian is present,
a n d t h e U p p e r Volgian has not been proved in Spitsbergen or K i n g Charles

FIG. 80.—Sketch-map of Spitsbergen and associated islands, showing the Jurassic

outcrops in black, and the Cretaceous and Tertiary rocks stippled. After Orvin,
1940. On King Charles Islands much of the Jurassic shown is covered by Cretaceous
rocks and basalt.

Islands. T h e next transgression began as usual with t h e basal Neocomian,

b u t in t h e middle of t h e N e o c o m i a n there is a continental phase (Weir,
1933, p . 695). It was perhaps d u r i n g this phase that occurred t h e fissure-
eruptions of basalt, in and over which are t h e plant-beds of C a p e Flora.
T h e literature on t h e Jurassic of Spitsbergen is extensive. A n excellent
general account of the geology with a coloured geological m a p is given by
Orvin ,(1940) and another good s u m m a r y b y Allan (1941). S u m m a r i e s

of t h e mass of detail for t h e Jurassic are given b y Frebold (1935 and 1951),
a n d in greater detail, w i t h palaeogeographical maps, b y F r e b o l d (1930).
T h e s t a n d a r d section, 'FestungspronT, near t h e southern side of t h e
entrance t o I c e F i o r d , is described b y F r e b o l d (1928) and F r e b o l d & Stoll
(1937), a n d revised with full m e a s u r e m e n t s a n d stratigraphical placement
of each fossil-horizon b y H o e l & O r v i n (1937). Sections o n t h e east coast
of W e s t Spitsbergen have been described by F r e b o l d (19296), Obruchev
(1927) a n d T y r r e l l (1933). ( S o m e references a r e listed with Greenland,
P- 743-)
T h e Jurassic of K i n g Charles Islands h a s b e e n described b y Pompeckj
(1899a;) a n d Bliithgen (1936), and summarized in the works by Frebold
T h e following is a s u m m a r y of t h e succession:—

Shales with Subcraspedites of t h e subpressulus group, comparable to
forms in t h e Ryazan Beds and t h e Spilsby Sandstone (Spath, 1936,
p . 170; earlier recorded wrongly as Craspedites cf. nodiger of t h e U p p e r
Volgian b y Spath, 1921, p p . 351, 3 5 3 ; see also Frebold, 1930, pis. xxvii,
xxviii). A t t h e base is a Buchia b e d (horizon 21) with species that occur
in t h e Ryazan Beds (listed Sokolov & Bodylevsky, 1931, p . 115)-]

A t least t h e Dorsoplanus Zone is well represented by n u m e r o u s Dorso­
planites s p p . from various localities (Frebold, 1930, pis. x-xiv), b u t the
'virgatotome' ammonites on which t h e repeated records of the Scythicus
Z o n e are based are m u c h m o r e doubtful w h e n not definitely erroneous
(see below). ' P . sp. indet. aff. nikitini' (Frebold, 1930, pi. xiv, fig. 3) is, as
F r e b o l d rightly stated, indeterminable, a n d is no evidence for the Nikitini
Z o n e . F r o m additional material, S p a t h (1952, p . 21) considers that
indeterminable Perisphinctids figured b y Sokolov & Bodylevsky (1931,
pi. ix, figs. 3-5) are Dorsoplanites s p p .

T h e extent of t h e n o n - s e q u e n c e below t h e L o w e r Volgian may b e
very considerable. I n t h e m o n o t o n o u s succession of black clay-shales
w h i c h continues d o w n into t h e Callovian, subdivision b y palaeontology
has n o lithological p r o p s .
T h e highest identifiable Jurassic a m m o n i t e from t h e Festungsprofil
that has been figured seems to b e t h e 'Virgatites cf. scythicus' of Sokolov
& Bodylevsky (1931, p . 113, pi. viii, fig. 6), from horizon 18, which
appears to b e an Ataxioceratid. T h i s is only some 15 m. below t h e top
of t h e black shales a n d s o m e 3 1 m . below t h e supposed t o p of t h e Jurassic
(Hoel & Orvin, 1937, p p . 24-5). T h e nearest comparable species, such
as Ataxioceras aff. discobolum F o n t , a n d A. saxicolum Schneid (1944,
Palaeontographica, vol. xcvi, A, pi. i, fig. 1; pi. v, fig. 5) are all from the
T e n u i l o b a t u s Zone. T h i s conclusion is consistent w i t h t h e absence of t h e
ubiquitous genus Aulacostephanus from Spitsbergen and K i n g Charles
Islands. T h e unidentifiable Perisphinctids {Lithacoceras ?) (cf. roubyanum
Fontannes ?) from horizons 18 a n d 19 (Frebold, 1928, pi. i, figs. 3, 4)
are not evidence against it. H e n c e , if this a m m o n i t e is not deceptive,
horizons 18 and 19, in t h e u p p e r part of t h e black shales, are not ' U p p e r
Portland' b u t L o w e r Kimeridgian.
T h e highest record of Amoeboceras kitchini (Salf.) and its allies seems to b e
in horizon 9, which is 115-95 - below horizon 18 (Hoel & Orvin, 1937),
and records go d o w n for at least 46-5 m., to horizon 6. T h e s e thicknesses
are large b u t not unreasonable, b y comparison w i t h t h e K i m e r i d g i a n
at Kimeridge, where t h e Aulacostephanus, Rasenia and Pictonia Z o n e s
are together 204 m . thick, of which at least 64 m . are pre-Pseudomutabilis
Zone, probably more, a n d M i l n e L a n d , East Greenland, w h e r e t h e L o w e r
Kimeridgian Amoeboceras shales are 75 m. thick and overlain by 86 m .
of shales without identifiable ammonites.
I t is t o t h e basal T e n u i l o b a t u s Z o n e (Cymodoce and Baylei Z o n e s of
N W . Europe) that t h e other Kimeridgian fossils figured from Spitsbergen
and K i n g Charles Islands belong: for instance, Rasenia cf. groenlandica
Ravn from T h u m b Point (Frebold, 1930, pi. xxii, fig. 2), Rasenia cf.
borealis Spath (Frebold, 1930, pi. ix, figs. 3, 4) and t h e large Amoeboceras
(Euprionoceras) sokolovi (ibid., pi. viii, fig. 1). (Pictoniae and Raseniae
recorded b y Spath, 1921, p . 351, were based on Dorsoplanites: see Spath,
1935. P- 77)-

T h e B i m a m m a t u m Z o n e is represented b y Amoeboceras {Prionodoceras)
nigrum Spath (1935, p . 2 5 ; Frebold, 1930, pi. viii, fig. 2) and its allies,
which include t h e Novaya Zemlya Prionodoceras identified by F r e b o l d
(1930, pi. xxiv) with Cardioceras arcticum Pavlow. T h e s e forms at
Festungsprofil seem to span horizons 4 and 5, which are 12 m . apart, t h e
higher 11 m. below horizon 6, and in uniform shales.

Between the U p p e r Oxfordian and Callovian at Festungsprofil there is a
gap of 19-8 m., mostly unfossiliferous shales, partly concealed.


F r o m horizon 3 downwards at Festungsprofil are 35-3 m. of shales,
including fossil horizons 2 and 3, t h e n 40 m . of alternating shales a n d
sandstones, without fossils, to t h e base of a conglomerate that rests on t h e
Trias. T h e ammonites recorded from horizons 2 and 3 (only 3-3 m . apart)
are M i d d l e and U p p e r Callovian: Cadoceras (?) cf. frearsi K r e n k e l non
d'Orb., Longaeviceras keyserlingi (Sokolov), L. cf. maxsei (Krenkel) and
Quenstedtoceras 'mariae', which is a loose term, p r e s u m a b l y here (as SO'
often) misused (Sokolov & Bodylevsky, 1931, pi. v, fig. 3, w h i c h m a y b e a

fragment of Q. holtedahli Salfeld & Frebold, 1924, pi. i, figs. 3, 4, type from
Novaya Zemlya). Q. lamberti was collected in K i n g Charles Islands.


Possibly part of t h e 40 m . of unfossiliferous shales and sandstones resting
on t h e T r i a s at Festungsprofil is represented by shales in Ice Fiord and at
S o u t h Cape which have yielded Kepplerites (Seymourites) tychonis Ravn,
K. (S.) svalbardensis Bodyl. a n d Cadoceras cf. crassum M a d s . (Frebold,
1929, pi. ii, 1930, pi. vii, fig. 1; Sokolov & Bodylevsky, 1931, pi. v, figs.
1 , 2), correlating approximately with t h e Koenigi Zone. O n K i n g Charles
Islands earlier L o w e r Callovian is represented b y Arctocephalites arcticus
(Newton) (Frebold, 1951, p . 79).

I n K i n g Charles Islands t h e earliest fossiliferous Jurassic, following
a thick sandy series, consists of some shaly sandstones containing a pele-
cypod assemblage which includes such typical Great Oolite forms as
Meleagrinella echinata (Smith), M. braamburiensis (Phil.), Pteroperna
emarginata M o r r i s & L y c e t t a n d Lima cf. semicircular is Goldf. O n t h e
strength of this faunule Pompeckj (1899a) assigned t h e beds to the
N o other Bathonian occurs in t h e Spitsbergen area nor in Franz Joseph
L a n d . I t m u s t b e emphasized that t h e placing of t h e Arctocephalites
b e d s in t h e Bathonian b y S p a t h did not result from 'revision of t h e
a m m o n i t e s ' (Frebold, 1951, p . 79), b u t was simply a matter of n o m e n ­
clature, S p a t h having unfortunately decided to classify t h e basal Callovian
M a c r o c e p h a l u s Z o n e in t h e Bathonian. N o Bathonian ammonites are
k n o w n from t h e Arctic.

I n several areas (not Festungsprofil) t h e base of t h e Jurassic is formed
by a phosphatic conglomerate, containing U p p e r and M i d d l e Toarcian
a m m o n i t e s : Pseudolioceras compactile (Simpson), 'Coeloceras' polare F r e ­
bold, Dactylioceras annuliferum (Simpson), Grammoceras cf. saemanni
( D u m o r t i e r ) , with belemnites and pelecypods (Frebold, 1929, pi. i; 1930,
pi. v i ; Bodylevsky, 1929). T h i s t h i n bed has a wide distribution and
always rests on T r i a s . It is a condensed and possibly a remanie bed
(Weir, 1933, p . 693).


O n t h e isle of A n d o e in t h e Lofotens, off t h e north coast of Norway,
a b o u t 10 sq. k m . of t h e coastal flat is underlain by Jurassic and Cretaceous
sediments. T h e beds are faulted d o w n into t h e granitic basement in a
way similar to t h e outliers in t h e H e b r i d e s . T h e y are almost completely
concealed b y Quaternary deposits a n d are known only from borings for
coal. T h e total thickness is at least 510 m.

T h e sequence begins with about 60 m . of sandstones, often rather

coarse, with seams of coal and also beds of bituminous shale a n d fireclay.
O n the evidence of t h e plants the age is M i d d l e Jurassic. Above follow
at least 325 m. of sandstone. A dark grey micaceous sandstone not m o r e
t h a n 150 m . above t h e base of t h e series and 90 m . above t h e coal b e d s
yields Amoeboceras alternans auct., Perisphinctes sp., Gryphaea dilatata
and other pelecypods, a n d is therefore Oxfordian. Above are n u m e r o u s
species of Buchia and some Perisphinctids (Sokolov, 1912, pi. i), and at
the top 125 m . of shales from which a Neocomian 'Crioceras' is recorded
(Sokolov, 1912; Vogdt, 1905; L u n d g r e n , 1894).



D u r i n g t h e whole of Jurassic time a continuous continent stretched
from t h e Urals to t h e coast of China. Before t h e shallow Callovo-
Oxfordian flooding of t h e Russian platform in eastern Europe, continental
land extended also west of t h e Urals to j o i n t h e Scandinavian shield, so
that t h e Asian continent reached from t h e Pacific to t h e N o r t h Atlantic,
as at t h e present day. T h o s e w h o see any advantage in doing so follow
G r a b a u and call this continent Pal-Asia.
Its boundaries, it is t r u e , were different from those of t h e present day;
b u t t h e shapes of all t h e continents have repeatedly changed t h r o u g h o u t
geological time. M u c h of t h e south of t h e present Asia was submerged
beneath t h e T e t h y s , or detached b y it (Peninsular India). T h e northern
b o u n d a r y of T e t h y s r a n approximately along a line drawn from t h e Aral
L a k e to H o n g K o n g . F r o m t h e n o r t h and N E . t h e continent was invaded
by arms of t h e Arctic Ocean, w h i c h extended u p t h e present valleys of t h e
O b and L e n a to about latitude 60° N . b u t avoided t h e intervening Siberian
Platform and T a i m y r . A n o t h e r a r m extended from t h e east u p the A m u r
valley into Transbaikalia. Sea also covered most of t h e extreme north-east
of Siberia, beyond t h e Lena.
Unlike Africa, Asia does not, and did not in Jurassic times, consist of
one immense p r e - C a m b r i a n shield, b u t of several smaller ones welded
together. T h e largest is t h e Siberian Platform, lying roughly between t h e
Yenesei a n d t h e L e n a and between t h e Arctic coast and Lake Baikal.
I t is m u c h m o r e e n c u m b e r e d b y later sediments t h a n t h e Scandinavian
shield. T h i s is t h e Angara L a n d of Suess, b u t Suess's concept has been
enlarged and modified b y s u b s e q u e n t discoveries. T h e ranges of
m o u n t a i n s which lap like a letter U r o u n d t h e south and south-east of t h e
'amphitheatre of Irkutsk' have t u r n e d out to b e n o 'ancient vertex' b u t t h e
front ranges of a late Jurassic or early Cretaceous orogenic belt that was of
great importance in eastern Asia.
F a r t h e r south several smaller shields or ancient nuclei occur, notably
u n d e r t h e G o b i and T a r i m deserts, t h e O r d o s and n o r t h e r n T i b e t . T h e y
are swathed a r o u n d a n d c e m e n t e d together b y fold ranges, as yet little
k n o w n in detail, b u t at least in large part of Jurassic date. According to
Vialov( 1939) t h e nuclei and orogenshave a linear arrangement that stretches
right across Asia from west to east; b u t a less regular pattern such as was
sketched b y G r a b a u (1928, p . 292) seems m o r e likely. I n such a vast
orogen these m i n o r nuclei dwindle to t h e rank of median masses, analogous
with those in E u r o p e and Anatolia, and with the Iranian Plateau.

I n this greatest of all orogens, involving all east Asia, t h e Cretaceous

plays t h e role of unconformable transgressive cover and t h e Jurassic is
generally involved in t h e folded basement. I n m a n y parts of China a n d
eastern Siberia t h e Jurassic is intensely deformed and metamorphosed,
whereas t h e L o w e r Cretaceous (Wealden?) is horizontal. I n other places
the Lower Cretaceous also is deformed and unconformably overlaid b y
M i d d l e or U p p e r Cretaceous deposits. T h e movements were accompanied
by widespread and intense magmatic activity. G r a n i t e batholiths were

FIG. 8I.—Palaeogeographical sketch-map of Asia, showing distribution in the Jurassic

of land and fresh water (shaded) and sea (white). T h e white areas were not all
flooded simultaneously.

intruded as in N o r t h America, and in m a n y places volcanoes ejected great

thicknesses of lavas, tuffs a n d agglomerates. I n Mongolia a n d else­
where t h e volcanic series overlies t h e Jurassic (or supposedly Jurassic)
continental formations b u t shares t h e same pre-Cretaceous folding
(Berkey & Morris, 1924). T h e m o v e m e n t s are k n o w n collectively as t h e
Yenshan orogeny, of which t h r e e principal phases are recognized: late
Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and U p p e r Cretaceous (Wong, 1926, 1929;
T a n , 1926; Chang, 1933; C h u , 1939; Becker, 1939; Lee, 1939).
T h e r e is thus a great contrast between t h e western and eastern parts

of Asia. I n the west t h e last orogeny occurred in Triassic times, when the
U r a l s received their last a n d probably m a i n folding (Vialov, 1939). W i t h
this episode t h e Angara a n d Scandinavian shields were welded together.
T h e U r a l folds—which m a y b e traced far to the east of the present mountains,
u n d e r the O b basin—were planed down before deposition of the Jurassic
rocks, a n d there were n o further major disturbances west of the Lena.
T h e plateau basalts and dolerites of Angara L a n d are also Triassic, like
t h e K a r r o o lavas a n d dolerites, a n d were eroded to remnants before the
Jurassic Angara Beds were deposited (Odintsov, 1937). (Some intrusive
dolerites in the Kuznetsk coal basin, which intrude M i d d l e Jurassic coal
measures (Yavorsky, 1937), m a y b e m u c h later.)
T h i s stable western region belongs tectonically with European Russia
and, like it, was not invaded b y t h e sea until t h e U p p e r Jurassic, and then
b y a tongue of the Arctic Ocean which spread south on b o t h sides of the
Ural M o u n t a i n s and left relatively thin deposits. I n the east, on the
contrary, geosynclines were actively forming during the Jurassic around
and between t h e horsts. T h e deposits laid down in these troughs, partly
m a r i n e b u t mainly continental or brackish, reached thousands of metres
in thickness while those forming farther west reached a few score or at
most h u n d r e d s of metres. T h e greatest thickness of Jurassic recorded is
about 7500 m . in Mongolia, largely conglomerates and sandstones. O n the
K o l y m a River in extreme N E . Siberia 6000 m . is reported, and 2000 to
4000 m . is c o m m o n in t h e A m u r geosyncline and elsewhere towards the
Pacific coast.
Like Australia d u r i n g the Jurassic, Asia was largely covered by fresh­
water lakes, in which collected conglomerates, sandstones, shales and
coal measures. T h e important coal measures of Siberia and China belong
mainly to this period. T h e flora is not uniform all over the continent.
F r o m the O b to Transbaikalia conifers predominate over cycads and
ferns, whereas farther east a n d south-east ferns take first place and cycads
second, indicating a w a r m e r and d a m p e r climate towards the Pacific
(Obrutschew, 1926, p . 330). F a r t h e r south red beds and lack of flora
indicate aridity in t h e interior (Kobayashi, 1942). T h e Angara flora
has been t h e subject of m a n y studies, a n d the stratigraphy of the Angara
Beds and their plants is a vast subject outside t h e scope of this book.
Excellent summaries will b e found for Siberia in Obrutschew (1926)
a n d for China in L e e (1939). (See also Bexell, 1935; Nagibina, 1946;
L e u c h s , 1935). I n the type sections along the Angara River, between
Irkutsk a n d Lake Baikal, the Jurassic conglomerates, sandstones and coal
measures are overthrust b y p r e - C a m b r i a n gneiss and granite, mylonitized
along t h e t h r u s t - p l a n e , w h i c h is in t u r n folded (Tetiaev, 1937). N e a r
Lake Baikal t h e Jurassic is represented by polygenetic conglomerate
with lenses of arkose, resting on Lower C a m b r i a n ; in the n o r t h it is only
gently inclined, b u t towards t h e south end of the lake it becomes intensely
folded a n d cleaved, a n d is finally overfolded b y p r e - C a m b r i a n granite
(Tetiaev, 1937a). T h i s region, which from information then available
Suess inferred was u n d i s t u r b e d since t h e earliest geological times, is on
the b o u n d a r y between t h e stable Siberian Platform a n d t h e belt of Yen-
shanian folds to t h e south and south-east.
Farther east in Transbaikalia, freshwater faunas are found in t h e u p p e r
part of a succession of almost u n d i s t u r b e d lake-beds in t h e basins of t h e
T u r g a and Vitim ( = Witim) Rivers, respectively south-east and n o r t h of
Chita (Reis, 1910; Egger, 1910). Besides plants t h e r e are freshwater
fish, Estheriae, ostracods, insects, pelecypods (Cyrena) and gastropods
(Limnaea, Viviparus, etc.). O n e peculiar m i n u t e gastropod, Cerithium
gerassimowi Reis, is closely similar to, b u t not identical with, Promatildia
(Teretrina) microbinaria Arkell, of t h e Dorset Purbeck Beds. T h e precise
age of these beds is, as usual, uncertain. O b r u t s c h e w (1926, p p . 315-7)
regarded t h e m as U p p e r Jurassic, G r a b a u (1928, p p . 710-4) as Cretaceous.
Suzuki (1949), on t h e basis of a review of all k n o w n East Asian freshwater
and brackish molluscan faunules, classes t h e m with a widespread suite
which he calls t h e Jehol fauna, and correlates this with a n u m b e r of Chinese
faunules (e.g. t h e Mengyin, with t h e same Estheriae) regarded b y Chinese
geologists as Cretaceous (Lee, 1939, p . 4 2 1 , etc.). Suzuki (1949), b u i l d i n g
on the m o r e recent results obtained in Japan, regards all these as U p p e r
Jurassic ( = T e t o r i formation of J a p a n ; see p . 425). M r P . C. Sylvester-
Bradley has kindly examined Egger's figures of t h e ostracods b u t informs
me that they do not enable h i m to make any suggestions as to t h e date of
the beds.
Great advances towards m o r e accurate dating of t h e Mesozoic floras
of Asia may be expected w h e n assemblages have b e e n collected in situ
in t h e regions where marine intercalations with ammonites are n o w known,
as in t h e Pamirs and m a n y places in Siberia. T h e key region for t h e far
east is Japan, where t h e subject has been p u t on a firm basis b y Kobayashi
(1939a, 1942, 1942a).


Basin of the River Ob

East of t h e Ural M o u n t a i n s a b r o a d tongue of t h e Arctic Ocean
extended transgressively in t h e U p p e r Jurassic u p t h e valley of t h e River
O b , over the n o r t h e r n part of t h e s u n k plain of western Siberia. T h e plain
is now thickly covered in Quaternary a n d late T e r t i a r y deposits, t h e
northern part u n d e r glacial drift, b u t older rocks show occasionally along
the rivers. T h e most southerly m a r i n e Jurassic is recorded b e n e a t h
drift on t h e G r e a t Yugan River, a s o u t h e r n tributary of t h e m i d d l e O b
(about latitude 6o° N . , longitude 7 4 E.) (Obrutschew, 1936, p . 907).
O n the basis of belemnites and pelecypods only, it has been interpreted
as U p p e r Volgian (Bodylevsky, 1936).
Farther south, in t h e Kazakh U p l a n d s and along t h e central a n d s o u t h e r n
Urals, t h e Jurassic is represented b y its plant-bearing continental facies,
and it appears certain that (as inferred by Suess) t h e n o r t h e r n Jurassic

sea never linked u p with the southern ocean t h r o u g h the depression north
of the Aral Lake, which Suess called t h e 'Straits of T u r g a y ' . On the
eastern slopes of the southern Urals, between Cheliabinsk and Orsk, the
plant-bearing beds are 200-400 m . thick. T h e y rest horizontally against
the planed-off Palaeozoic and p r e - C a m b r i a n rocks of the Ural folds, which
were elevated and peneplaned in the Trias, and westward they are over­
s t e p p e d b y t h e U p p e r Cretaceous (Senonian) until they wedge out
(Razumovskaya, 1937, p . 73). T h e continental Jurassics reappear on the
west slopes of t h e Urals also, and there interfinger towards the west and
south-west with t h e marine facies in the n o r t h Caspian depression (see
p . 487).
T h e marine U p p e r Jurassic is k n o w n chiefly on the Rivers Soswa and
Liapine ( = Sygwa), which drain t h e n o r t h e r n Urals between latitudes 62 and
6 5 N . and w h e n u n i t e d continue, as t h e Soswa, to flow eastwards to join the
O b (Ilovaisky, 1903,1906,1917). T h e oldest Jurassic ammonites from this
region are Amoeboceras ('Cardioceras alternans') which, in the absence of
figures, might b e U p p e r Oxfordian or Lower Kimeridgian. T h i s is also
the type area for Rasenia uralensis (d'Orbigny) (Rivers Tehol and Tolya,
about latitude 64° N.). M o s t conspicuous, however, is the Aulacostephanus
assemblage of the Pseudomutabilis Z o n e ; b u t Aspidoceras has not been
found. T h e L o w e r Kimeridgian shales appear to overlap westward against
easterly-dipping Devonian and crystalline rocks of the Urals. Rasenia
cymodoce a n d Amoeboceras ovale are recorded (Sirin & Shmakova, 1937).
T h e higher Kimeridgian is richly represented by several faunas of
Pavlovia, Dorsoplanites and Stschurovskya. T h e succession still remains
to b e worked out, and differences between the Liapine and Soswa Rivers
indicate that it may not be straightforward (Ilovaisky, 1906, p . 262).
T h e Liapine River is the type area for the genus Pavlovia (based on P.
iatriensis Ilovaisky, 1917). Ilovaisky's intended monograph on these
ammonites was unfortunately never completed.* At least the higher parts
of these beds—largely green sandstones—represent the lower part of the
L o w e r Volgian. U p p e r Volgian is also reported (Volkov & Jacjuk, 1937).
T h e highest Jurassic beds (12 m.) are unfossiliferous. T h e y are overlain
b y Berriasian green sandstones with Paracraspedites spasskensis of the
U p p e r Ryazan Beds, and this is succeeded b y Valanginian Polyptychites

Basin of the Anabar River

According to t h e palaeogeographic maps of Archangelsky (1939, p . 300)
the Jurassic sea in t h e basin of the O b was connected north-eastward
across the Yenesei estuary, b y way of the valley of t h e K h a t a River and the
lower Khatanga River, with t h e Arctic Ocean at the m o u t h of the Lena,
cutting off t h e T a i m y r Peninsula as an island. Obrutschew (1926, pi. 7)
showed the postulated Jurassics (entirely concealed u n d e r Quaternary
* Only Part 1 appears to have been published, in 1917 (see Obrutschew, 1926, p. 294),
and of this no copy is known to exist in Britain or America (Spath, 1936, Cape Leslie,
p. 26, note 5; and personal enquiries in the U.S.A.). D. Ilovaisky died in 1939.

drifts) in the connecting territory as 'problematic', and in the 1937 geo­

logical m a p of the U S S R (ed. Nalivkin) they are all coloured as Cretaceous.
Erratics found in the lower Yenesei valley are not earlier t h a n U p p e r
Cretaceous (Alexandrov, 1938).
T h e first authentic Jurassic east of the Yenesei seems to be that on t h e
Anabar River (between longitude n o ° a n d 115 E.), m o n o g r a p h e d b y
Pavlow (1913). So far from indicating any connexion with t h e basin of
the O b , the ammonites are entirely different, all belonging to older stages
unrepresented in the basin of the O b . According to available evidence,
the two basins of the O b a n d A n a b a r - L e n a were not s u b m e r g e d simul­
taneously, and so the question of their connexion does not arise.
Ammonites collected for about 30 miles u p t h e A n a b a r from the Arctic
coast, figured by Pavlow (1913), belong to three stages: U p p e r Pliens­
bachian, represented by Amaltheus depressus (Simpson) and Phylloceras
hebertinum R e y n e s ; Lower Callovian, represented by Cadoceras elatmae
Nikitin and Arctocephalites (?) sp. (pi. xviii, fig. 2 ) ; and Lower Oxfordian
(Cordatum Zone), represented b y a rich and extremely interesting fauna
of Cardioceratids. A p a r t from some belemnites of supposed Volgian
date, the next-higher assemblage is a magnificent fauna of Valanginian
Polyp tychitids.
Perhaps the highlight of these collections from the 73 rd parallel is the
Phylloceras, so generally supposed t o b e an essentially T e t h y a n g e n u s
(and even suborder). Its association with a Yorkshire species of Amaltheus
suggests that it travelled by way of the N o r t h Atlantic and Arctic Oceans,
from which direction certainly came the Callovian a m m o n i t e s of Russian
and Arctic affinity; b u t a m o r e probable r o u t e (in view of t h e Lias of
Japan) was from the Pacific by way of t h e Sea of Okhotsk and across the
peninsula of east Siberia where the Verkhoyansk a n d other post-Jurassic
mountains now stand. It was along some such route, presumably, that
in t h e Lower Callovian Seymourites travelled from t h e Arctic (Spitsbergen,
E. Greenland) to Japan (see p . 426).
T h e Cardioceratids of the C o r d a t u m Zone in this remote and isolated
region are of great interest for their affinities with and differences from
their closely-related contemporaries in Britain, some 3100 miles away.
T h e true C. cordatum (Sowerby) occurs (Pavlow, 1913, pi. xiv, fig. 5).
Some of Pavlow's other species are intermediate between English species,
or differ b u t slightly from them, while yet others are quite different from
anything known in any other p a r t of t h e world. F o r m s of b o t h t h e
Cordatum and Costellatum Subzones of England are represented, and one
day no doubt field-work will establish whether they are separate strati-
graphically. (For discussions of this fauna see Arkell, 1946-8, M o n . A m .
English Corallian Beds, p p . 318, 333-5, 381-2, etc., Palaeontogr. Soc.)
Callovian ammonites have also been found on t h e islands off the m o u t h
of the Khatanga River (Sokolov, 1916, summarized in Obrutschew,
1926, p . 296). Cranocephalites is said to occur in this region (Moor,

North-Eastern Siberia and New Siberian Islands

O n the N e w Siberian Islands Cadoceras cf. elatmae with insects and plant-
beds are reported (Obrutschew, 1926, p . 299). O n the mainland east
of the Verkhoyansk Range there are widely distributed outliers of a variety
of marine a n d continental Jurassic rocks, comprising shales and sandstones
and in places tuffs a n d porphyrites, t h e whole forming sequences 2000 m .
thick. I n the Zyrianka depression (on the Kolyma River) there are
sandstones with plants a n d shales reaching 6000 m . in thickness (Kropotkin
& Kheraskov, 1939). M u c h still remains t o b e done, however, i n t h e dating
of t h e formations in this intensely folded region. M a r i n e Lower Lias
a n d extensive Toarcian with Dactylioceras, Porpoceras, etc., are briefly
recorded for 'the eastern part of the Arctic region of the U S S R ' (Bodylevsky
& Kiparisova, 1937). Possibly this refers to eastern Transbaikalia,
mentioned on p . 515, b u t marine Toarcian overlain by Lower Callovian
with Arctocephalites is k n o w n to exist in t h e Kharaulakh Mountains, at the
n o r t h end of t h e Verkhoyansk Range, east of the lower Lena (Nikolaev,
1938). L a t e r ammonites are not known, b u t some other fossils suggest
that Oxfordian a n d Volgian exist there also.

Valley of the Lena and Basin of the Vilui River

D u r i n g the Lower a n d M i d d l e Jurassic, at least, a shallow gulf of the
sea extended u p the valley of t h e L e n a into t h e heart of east-central Siberia
a n d spread out south-west over t h e region now occupied by the basin of
the River Vilui ( = Vilyuy, Wilui, Viljuj). Before the Late Jurassic or
Cretaceous orogeny, w h e n the arc of Verkhoyansk was uplifted and thrust
over the foreland that is now the L e n a - A l d a n valley, this Jurassic gulf
or t r o u g h probably connected eastward with the as yet little-known
Jurassics j u s t mentioned, a n d with those of Japan by way of the Sea of
I n t h e basin of t h e Vilui (chief western tributary of t h e L e n a ) (latitude
0 0
6 2 N . , longitude 116-118 E . ; see m a p in Rzasnicki, 1918, p . 61), marine
L o w e r Bajocian with Ludwigia murchisonae has long been known, inter­
stratified with plant-bearing Angara Beds. According to revision by
Krimholz ( = Krymgolc) (1950), the marine beds, which are 100-150 m.
thick and separate a lower a n d u p p e r series of continental plant-beds,
consist themselves of three distinct horizons. T h e lowest horizon is
without ammonites, b u t on t h e evidence of pelecypods is assigned to the
Pliensbachian; t h e middle horizon yields Dactylioceras athleticum, D.
gracile, belemnites and pelecypods, a n d is clearly T o a r c i a n ; and the highest
is L o w e r Bajocian, with Ludwigia murchisonae.
T h e lower continental series, which m u s t b e of L o w e r Lias age, is 50-
60 m . thick and consists largely of conglomerates, alternating with lenticular
masses of sandstone. T h e conglomerates are polygenetic. T h e u p p e r
continental series may be Cretaceous, in part or in whole. A similar

tripartite series, 400 m . thick, with a Bajocian m a r i n e t e r m in t h e middle,

occurs at Yakutsk on t h e middle L e n a (Soikkonen, 1938).

Eastern Transbaikalia
O n t h e same longitude as t h e occurrences in t h e Vilui basin b u t some
700 miles farther south (between latitude 5 0 - 5 i ° N . and longitude 115-119°
E.), near t h e T r a n s - S i b e r i a n railway, t h e following sequence of marine
Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic faunas occurs (Khudyaev, 1931). T h e beds
are strongly folded along N E . axes a n d sometimes overfolded to t h e
north-west, and have been i n t r u d e d b y granite and by porphyrite dykes.
Plant-beds occur at several horizons. T h e series is at least 2400 m . thick,
not counting the 1000 m . of u n d a t e d conglomerate.

UNDATED CONGLOMERATE (more t h a n 1000 m.)


T h i n sandstones with rare seams of sandy shale; often grading into
arkoses, especially u p w a r d s . I n t h e lower half Garantiana cf. bifurcata
(Ziet.), G. sp., Lytoceras sp. indet. I n t h e u p p e r half Perisphinctes sp.
indet. and a fauna of pelecypods largely identical with English G r e a t
Oolite species, including Meleagrinella echinata ( W m . Smith).


Shales alternating with sandstones and grading horizontally into pebbly
sandstones and locally conglomerates. Pelecypod fauna, no ammonites.


Lithologically similar, b u t yielding Leioceras cf. opalinum (Rein.),
Pachylytoceras torulosum (Zieten), belemnites and pelecypods.

TOARCIAN (340-360 m.)

T h e u p p e r 180-200 m . consists of conglomeratic sandstones grading
horizontally into shales with gravel and sandstone interbeds, a n d contains
Trachylytoceras cf. rubescens ( D u m . ) , Pseudolioceras subconcavum (Y. & B.),
Whitbyiceras cf. lythense (Y. & B.), Porpoceras andraei (Simpson), Dactylio­
ceras braunianum (d'Orb.), D. vermis (Simpson) and m a n y pelecypods.
T h e lower 160 m . consists of shales with rare pyritic nodules and in its
u p p e r part yields Dactylioceras aff. athleticum (Simpson), D. cf. annulatum
(Sow.) and D. aff. gracile (Simpson).


Shales with Beaniceras cf. centaurus (d'Orb.) in t h e u p p e r part and
Uptonia jamesoni (Sow.), Uptonia s p p . and other ammonites in t h e lower


Shales w i t h Nucula spp., 50 m .

Shales with rare pebbles and C r e n a t u l a and Hinnites, 100 m .
Conglomerate, believed basal, 80 m .

T h e Jurassic has been observed in some parts of Transbaikalia to rest

unconformably o n the Lower Carboniferous (Luchitsky, 1947). T h e
u p p e r conglomerate, which rests o n t h e M i d d l e Jurassic, may b e
Cretaceous, for in Transbaikalia the Jurassic tends to be overlapped
towards the south-east by Cretaceous conglomerates and continental
plant-beds of similar facies (Nagibina, 1946). T h e lake beds with fresh­
water fauna on the T u r g a and Vitim Rivers are referred to on p . 511.

Basin of the Bureya River

O n t h e same latitude as t h e previous section b u t about 500 miles to
t h e east, in the A m u r geosyncline, marine Lower and Middle Jurassic and
L o w e r Callovian faunas occur in a Jurassic succession nearly 4400 m. thick,
underlying the coal series of the Bureya basin. T h e Bureya is a S W . -
flowing left-hand tributary of t h e great A m u r River, which forms t h e
b o u n d a r y between Siberia and M a n c h u r i a . T h e Jurassic system rests on
e r o d e d granite and consists as usual of sandstones and shales, in which
five cyclic changes of grain-size have been noted. Fossils are poorly
preserved. T h e succession (Krimholz, 1939) may be summarized as
Coal Series: the flora has been variously claimed as Jurassic and
Cretaceous . . . . . . . . . . ?
Alevrite Series : fine-grained silts, no fossils . . . . . 492 m.
Modiolus Series: shales with Modiolus spp., Meleagrinella spp. and two
Lower Callovian boreal ammonites : Arctocephalites orientalis
Krimholz and Cranocephalites era (Krimholz) (pi. ii) 1759 m.
Shales without fossils . . . . . . . . . 909 m.
Inoceramus Series : sandstones, becoming coarse towards base. Lower
Bajocian ammonites: Ludwigia brasili (Buckman), Hammatoceras
sp. and many pelecypods, especially Inoceramus . . . . 530 m.
Lias Sandstones, fine-grained, becoming coarse, arkosic downwards.
T h e upper part Toarcian, with Pseudolioceras cf. whitbiense Buck.,
belemnites and Oxytoma. T h e middle part Upper Pliensbachian,
with Amaltheus margaritatus (pi. ii, fig. 4) and Oxytoma spp. The
lower part unfossiliferous . . . . . . . . 694 m.

4384 m.

T h e resemblance of the ammonite faunas to the Vilui and Anabar

River successions is striking. T h e contrast with European Russia (central
a n d northern) and the O b basin could not be greater. While the east of
t h e continent was submerged the west was emerged, and vice versa:
only in the Lower Callovian were both submerged together. A n d in the
east the submergence was geosynclinal, in the west it was a neritic trans­
gression over a stable shelf.

Sikhota-Alin and Vladivostock Area

Along the east coast, from the south side of the Sea of Okhotsk t o
Vladivostock, the Jurassic is developed mainly in t h e Angara facies,
with both plant-beds and volcanics, b u t in places there are vestiges of
marine incursions of imprecisely determined dates, so far not k n o w n to
yield identifiable ammonites. F o r the most part they are believed to b e
Bajocian, with perhaps Bathonian, b u t near Vladivostock there is p r o b a b l y
also some marine Lias and Lower Bajocian belonging to t h e Japanese
province. T h e records of W i t t e n b u r g (1909) were shown by M . K .
Eliaschewitsch (now Professor M a x i m K . Elias of Nebraska University)
to be in part based on misidentifications of Palaeozoic fossils. T h e total
thickness of beds assigned by Elias to the Jurassic a m o u n t s to 3750 m .
(Summarized in Obrutschew, 1926, p p . 299-301, 321-4, 480-3.)
[Indo-China and Hong Kong are dealt with in t h e chapter on Indonesia,
P- 433-]



Jurassic sediments fringe t h e Greenland shield only in a strip of fiords

and islands on t h e east coast, from 70° to 7 7 N . latitude. T h e y are t h e
only Jurassic sediments existing above sea-level anywhere on t h e east
side of the American continental shields. T h e rocks consist of shallow-
water, almost entirely clastic, sediments, characterized at most levels b y
abundance of mica and, as in other Arctic regions, b y paucity of limestones.
T h e y rest indifferently on gneiss, Caledonian granite a n d Palaeozoic
and Triassic rocks. T h e y begin in some places (Scoresby S o u n d area)
with Rhaetian-Lower Lias deltaic beds containing a b u n d a n t w a r m -
temperate fossil plants as in Scania and G e r m a n y ; in other places with a
basal conglomerate and unfossiliferous sandstones probably of late M i d d l e
Jurassic age. D a r k ammonite shales are developed in t h e L o w e r a n d
U p p e r Kimeridgian and L o w e r Portlandian, and part of t h e L o w e r
Portlandian has m u c h glauconite; so that lithologically as well as palae-
ontologically there is considerable resemblance to n o r t h Russia a n d
England. The total thickness amounts to about 1400-1500 m . (excluding
I n general t h e Jurassic rocks of Greenland represent a series of t r a n s ­
gressions of t h e 'Scandic Ocean' over t h e block-faulted, irregularly d o w n -
sinking continental margin. T h e y were laid down on t h e opposite shore
of the same ocean as that which eastward overspread t h e Barents shelf,
leaving its deposits in Spitsbergen and A n d o and b o t h sides of t h e Scottish
Highlands. T h e western b o u n d a r y against t h e Greenland gneiss was
determined by an ancient fault-line, comparable with those exposed in
Sutherland and Scania. T h e fault was active in t h e Caledonian and
Variscan revolutions, and during t h e Jurassic t h e d o w n t h r o w n coastal
strip sank irregularly, with differential tilting of fault blocks. T h e m i d d l e
part remained above water, dividing t h e Jurassic outcrops into a n o r t h e r n
and a southern area.
T h e northern area, comprising Clavering Island, Wollaston Foreland,
K u h n Island and northward to Koldeway Island (fig. 83), has U p p e r
Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous sediments only. T h e Callovian 'Yellow
Series' is transgressive on Permian or older rocks a n d there is a conform­
able sequence u p to U p p e r Kimeridgian. T h e n occurred a phase of
faulting, with westward tilting of t h e fault-blocks. I n places t h e tilted
Kimeridgian is directly followed b y transgressive Valanginian. B u t in
Wollaston Foreland and Clavering Island conglomerates believed to
be of Lower Volgian and Portlandian date transgress unconformably
over older rocks down to Caledonian gneiss (Maync, 1947). T h e s e

m o v e m e n t s occurred contemporaneously with t h e principal phase of the

N e v a d a n orogeny that affected t h e western side of N o r t h America, from
Alaska to California.
I n t h e n o r t h of t h e southern sedimentary area, Jurassic fossils occur
o n Geographical Society Island (fig. 83), where a 400 m . series of sands,
^N/ hcW jfoo*"—
/ \ [SO n^jsr 1
\ ° ' NJ

%f~~/— / ~" f——

~ \ \L ' '

1 YF\ \
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* ^ ^ Y > / \ J W ^

4—CI^IKI ,,vt«-

^ — /

S5R-~>_f^ /

TV~-— ] T

FIG. 82.—Map of Greenland to show position of the Jurassic outcrops.
sandstones and conglomerates overlies beds of probably Triassic age and
is believed t o b e Callovian from its resemblance t o t h e 'Yellow Series'
farther n o r t h (Donovan, 1949, 1955 or 56). M a r i n e Jurassic fossils also
occur o n Traill Island (Donovan, 1953). I n t h e south-west of t h e area, in
M i l n e L a n d , a 200 m . unfossiliferous sandstone (Charcot Bay Sandstone)
begins t h e Jurassic sequence, resting directly on granite; it is followed
b y shales of U p p e r Oxfordian date, a n d above this b y t h e fullest sequence
of U p p e r Jurassic faunas k n o w n in Greenland.
F o r t h e Lias a n d Callovian t h e principal centres are southern Jameson
L a n d and a small area on Liverpool L a n d , b o t h on t h e n o r t h shore of
Scoresby Sound, each side of H u r r y Inlet, which divides t h e two lands
(fig. 83). By far the greater part of Jameson L a n d is covered b y drift,
b u t the Lower Jurassic a n d Rhaetian sediments crop out along the west
coast of H u r r y Inlet, forming Neill's Cliffs (pi. 24). T h e s e cliffs rise from
about 30 ft. above sea near Cape Stewart, at the s o u t h end, to 2000 ft.
farther north, t h e n gradually sink again, b u t continue west of t h e i s t h m u s
to form t h e west coast of Carlsberg Fjord, a total distance of about 2
degrees of latitude. Inland t h e ground rises and provides scattered outcrops
of higher Jurassic rocks, culminating in a bare Kimeridgian plateau. T h e
general dip is to the S W . or west, off t h e crystallines of Liverpool L a n d .
T h i s tilt is of late- or post-Jurassic date, for t h e sediments appear t o b e all
derived from the mainland on t h e west; Liverpool L a n d is a n uptilted
Milne L a n d is m u c h freer of Drift and the U p p e r Jurassic rocks rise
in a series of terraces from the east coast n o r t h of Cape Leslie to a m o u n t a i n
ridge, capped with a 330 m . Portlandian-Volgian-Valanginian sandstone
(Hartzfjaeld Sandstone). H e r e the general dip is to t h e east.
Authoritative general accounts of the geology of G r e e n l a n d have b e e n
published by Lauge K o c h (1929, 1929a, 1935), based o n his forty years of
explorations. M o s t of t h e rest of t h e available information has b e e n
published by participants in his n u m e r o u s expeditions, or b y specialists
to w h o m their collections were entrusted. The following s u m m a r y is
based on works b y Frebold (1933), Rosenkrantz (1934, 1942), Aldinger
(1935, 1937) and M a y n c (1947; also Cretaceous, 1934, 1939), using as
framework monographs on the ammonites b y Spath (1932, 1935, 1936,
1947, 1952), Donovan (1953) and (for the Lias) Rosenkrantz (1934).
Earlier figures of ammonites will also b e found in papers b y M a d s e n
(1904) and Ravn (1911). T h e succession down to t h e Oxfordian refers
chiefly to Milne L a n d , the thicknesses being mainly after Aldinger (1935);
that for the Callovian and Lias refers to Jameson L a n d . T h e Callovian
ammonite beds are also well developed on Traill Island (Donovan, 1953;
M u i r - W o o d , 1953).

[ B E R R I A S I A N (160 m.+)

A n exceptionally interesting development occurs in the n o r t h e r n area,

on K u h n Island and Wollaston Foreland, on opposite shores of L i n d e -
mans Fjord. H e r e t h e succession worked out by M a y n c (1947; 1949,
p p . 28-32, 95-101), with revised determinations b y Spath (1952), is as
Level with Tollia payeri (Toula)
130 m . without ammonites
Level with Hectoroceras kochi Spath (first described from J a m e s o n
L a n d : Spath, 1947)
12 m. without ammonites

Micaceous shale with Praetollia maynci and P. aberrans Spath (1952)

9 m . + without ammonites
Basal conglomerate with Subcraspedites afF. preplicomphalus Swinnerton
a n d S . (Paracraspedites) aff. spasskensis (Nikitin), also derived
Stschurovskya spp. ( = 'Laugeites') and other Portlandian ammonites
(10 m.)
20 m . of shales a n d sandstones without ammonites

T h e Subcraspedites zone also occurs in Jameson L a n d and Milne L a n d .

I t correlates with the Ryazan Beds and the Spilsby Sandstone, which
latter likewise contains derived Portlandian ammonites. I n Milne L a n d
it is t h e highest fauna found in t h e Hartzfjaeld Sandstone, which is 330 m .
thick and ends with 100 m . of Cretaceous plant-beds of uncertain date
(Aldinger, 1935, p . 51).]

U P P E R VOLGIAN (80-90 m.)

M o s t of the u p p e r part of the Hartzfjaeld Sandstone probably belongs
to the U p p e r Volgian. F r o m it have been obtained, in Milne L a n d ,
Craspedites leptus Spath and C. ferrugineus Spath (1936, p . 85): species
represented b y small and poorly-preserved material, not identical with
anything k n o w n from t h e Russian Volgian. At one locality, associated
with a small fragment of a Craspedites, was found a fragment of a large
a m m o n i t e b o d y - c h a m b e r compared to Titanites; b u t considering the m a n y
contradictions a n d uncertainties revealed b y study of the Milne L a n d
collections (Spath, 1936, p . 142) and that this 'doubtful fragment' (ibid.,
p . 162) was 'loose' (p. 68) a n d t h a t 'specific identification is, of course, out
of t h e question' (p. 67), no reliance can b e placed u p o n it as to the mutual
stratigraphical relations of Titanites and Craspedites. N o other U p p e r
Portlandian ammonite was found in Greenland (ibid., p . 162).


T h e Lingula Bed near the middle of t h e Hartzfjaeld Sandstone (70 m .

above t h e base) has yielded t h e genus Stschurovskya Uov. & Flor. 1941
(= 'Kochina' Spath, 1936, p r e o c c , = 'Laugeites' Spath, 1947) belonging
to a species (S. groenlandica Spath sp. 1936, p . 82) close to the type species
of the genus, S. stschurowskii (Nik.), of the Russian Lower Volgian. Beneath
come 70 m . of unfossiliferous Hartzfjaeld Sandstone, then 20-30 m . of
sandy shales w i t h Dorsoplanites gracilis S p a t h a n d forms of t h e Gorei
Z o n e of t h e u p p e r Portland Sand, assigned variously to Glaucolithites
Buckman and Crendonites Buckman (by Spath to the latter; 1936, p . 62).
S o m e of t h e m are described as 'almost indistinguishable' from English
a m m o n i t e s of the g r o u p of G. gorei, b u t all are assigned to new species.
T h i s assemblage can b e dated confidently to t h e G o r e i Zone of the Lower
T h e lower part of the Portland Sand (Albani Zone) is probably r e p r e ­
sented by at least the u p p e r p a r t of t h e underlying Glauconitic Series
(total 50-80 m.), from which come various Pavloviae a n d a large a m m o n i t e
(originally 600 m m . in diameter) belonging to a many-whorled g r o u p
characteristic of the English Portland Sands, for which several of Buck-
man's n u m e r o u s generic names could b e used. (Spath, 1936, p . 66,
assigns it to Behemoth.)
Dorsoplanitinae also occur in conglomerates o n K u h n Island a n d
Wollaston Foreland, with Stschurovskya (Maync, 1949, p p . 3 1 , 9 8 ; Spath,
1947, p . 58).


T h e section in Milne L a n d (fig. 83) continues d o w n w a r d with 90 m .

of sandy clays and sandy micaceous marls, with nodules. I n t h e (presumed)
upper part are n u m e r o u s Pavloviae comparable with those in the R o t u n d a
and Pallasioides Zones, and in addition Dorsoplanites s p p . S o m e of t h e
species continue u p into the Glauconitic Series. I n the (presumed)
lower part were collected six species of Pectinatites which correlate satis­
factorily with the Pectinatus Zone.

M I D D L E K I M E R I D G I A N (86 m.?)

Below the Pectinatites beds come 86 m . of shales, said to be unfossili­

ferous except for a thin band (50 m . u p ) of crushed Perisphinctids. T h e s e
are unidentifiable b u t have been tentatively assigned to Subplanites and
Sphinctoceras (Spath, 1936, p p . 13-17). A n earlier record of Aulaco­
stephanus requires confirmation (ibid., p . 143).

L O W E R K I M E R I D G I A N (75 m.)

Next below in Milne L a n d come 75 m . of Amoebites Shales. I n these

Spath (1935) recognized four successive ammonite horizons as follows:—
4. At top, oil-shales with Amoeboceras (Hoplocardioceras) decipiens
Spath, a deceptively Aspidoceras-like form with two rows of lateral tubercles,
figured also from K u h n Island (Frebold, 1933, pi. i, figs. 1-4). I t is k n o w n
only from Greenland.
3. Oil-shales with Amoeboceras (Euprionoceras) kochi, another large dis­
tinctive subgenus, known only in Greenland and Spitsbergen. The
precise date of both horizons in terms of the E u r o p e a n zonal scheme is
2. Shales with Rasenia borealis and various Amoeboceras. T h i s is
dated to the Cymodoce Zone.
1. Shales with Rasenia orbignyi, R. inconstans and Amoeboceras spp.,
corresponding to the Baylei Zone. T h i s assemblage is probably repre­
sented also in Jameson L a n d .
Donovan states that in Traill Island and the northern area there are at
least 500 m . and 635 m. respectively of black shales, largely of Lower
Kimeridgian age.

UPPER O X F O R D I A N (270 m.)

A t t o p of the Oxfordian is t h e Pecten Sandstone (70 m.), with rare

a m m o n i t e s ; so far only Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) aff. alternoides (Nik.)
a n d A. (P.) superstes (Buckman non Phil.) have been figured (Spath, 1935,
pi. i, figs. 2, 4).
Below follow 200 m . of sandy, micaceous shales with layers of con­
cretions. F r o m 'a few m e t r e s ' below t h e t o p were collected Ringsteadia

FIG. 83.—Sketch-map to show the Jurassic outcrops of East Greenland. After

Koch, 1950.

sp. indet., Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras) aff. pseudocaelatum Spath and A.

(P.) transitorium Spath. Both these assemblages are of t h e date of the
Decipiens and Pseudocordata Zones.
F r o m somewhere in these shales (presumably lower down) was collected
Cardioceras (Subvertebriceras) aff. zenaidae Ilov. (Spath, 1935, pi. ii,
fig. 3), which is t h e sole representative of t h e Plicatilis Zone. Perhaps of
t h e same date is a Cardioceras from Jameson L a n d recorded as C. caelatum
Pavlow (ibid., p p . 74, 75).

U N D A T E D (200 m.)

I n Milne L a n d no earlier Jurassic zones have been proved; u n d e r t h e

Cardioceras Shales is t h e Charcot Bay Sandstone (200 m.), w h i c h is
unfossiliferous and rests with basal conglomerate directly on ancient
granite. Nowhere in Greenland have there yet been found ammonites
of the Lower Oxfordian, nor definitely of the U p p e r or M i d d l e Callovian.
Kosmoceras boreale Ravn (1911, pi. xxxvi, figs. 5, 6), from Koldeway Island,
was found with Seymourites tychonis (Ravn) and may b e the inner whorls
of it and so is presumably uppermost Lower Callovian; and the 'Quenstedto­
ceras}' of Ravn (1911, pi. xxxvi, fig. 4) is possibly a Macrocephalitid

L O W E R C A L L O V I A N (225 m.)

For the downward succession the scene shifts to Jameson L a n d , where

the following ammonite horizons have been recognized in the Vardekloeft
formation (Spath, 1932, p p . 138, 145). T h e same beds occur as t h e
Yellow Series on Traill Island (Donovan, 1953) a n d are represented in t h e
northern area on Wollaston Foreland (Maync, 1947, p p . 83-98, 162).
T h e beds consist mainly of micaceous shales with occasional sandstone
bands. T h e order is not entirely established.
4. Kepplerites and Cadoceras b e d s : characterized by Kepplerites
(Seymourites) spp. and many Cadoceras spp., with which occurs a Kosmo­
ceras (Gulielmiceras). T h e assemblage correlates with t h e Calloviense
Zone. Seymourites occurs also in N o r t h America, Spitsbergen, Siberia
and Japan.
3. Arcticoceras b e d s : this genus (based on A. iskmae Keyserling) is
associated with }Pleurocephalites and the horizon in that case correlates
probably with the Koenigi Z o n e . Arcticoceras has already been m e n ­
tioned in connexion with n o r t h Russia, F r a n z Joseph L a n d , etc.
2. Arctocephalites b e d s : this genus (based on A. ishmae var. arcticus
Newton) is co-extensive with Arcticoceras and is p r e s u m e d to correlate
with at least t h e u p p e r part of t h e Macrocephalus Zone.
1. Cranocephalites b e d s : this genus also occurs in N o r t h America and
Siberia and, despite assertions that it is Bathonian, its age is now estab­
lished as Lower Callovian (see p . 536).


Neither of these stages has yet been proved to exist in Greenland.

A pelecypod fauna referred to t h e m (Madsen, 1904, p . 204) has t u r n e d
out to be Toarcian (Rosenkrantz, 1934, p . 14).

TOARCIAN (30-50 m.)

Marine L i a s with the following faunas occurs in eastern Jameson
L a n d and in a small area in southern Liverpool L a n d (Rosenkrantz,
1934, 1942). T h e principal exposures are from Cape Stewart northward
along the west side of H u r r y Inlet. T h e Toarcian beds are represented
in the upper part of the 200 m . Neill's Cliff formation and comprise m o r e
or less calcareous sandstones, often cross-bedded and even conglomeratic,
with several layers of fossiliferous concretions. F r o m t h e m have been
obtained 7 species of Pseudolioceras, all English and E u r o p e a n species,

including P. compactile (Simpson), and correlating with the Pseudolioceras

beds of Spitsbergen (p. 506). M o s t of these date to the U p p e r Toarcian.
I n addition t h e r e are Dactylioceras groenlandicum Ros. and Catacoeloceras
sp., indicating the Bifrons Zone (Rosenkrantz, 1934, pis. v-viii).

UNDATED (150 m.)

T h e middle and greater part of the Neill's Cliff formation consists of

150 m . of highly variable shallow-water, calcareous sandstones, micaceous
shales, conglomerates, cross-bedded sandstones, etc., from which no fossils
of dating value have been obtained.

L O W E R P L I E N S B A C H I A N (3-20 m.)

I n the basal beds of the Neill's Cliff formation a rich marine fauna
occurs with (rare) ammonites. T w o distinct horizons are so far k n o w n :
t h e higher w i t h Beaniceras a n d Lytoceras fimbriatum, denoting the Ibex
Z o n e ; the lower with Uptonia jamesoni and an extensive fauna of pelecy­
pods, gastropods, brachiopods, etc. (Rosenkrantz, 1934, pis. iv, v, vii).
A striking feature is a rock crowded with Cardinia, similar to the Cardinia
beds found in England and as far away as Ferghana and Indo-China.
T h e Jamesoni b e d also occurs on Liverpool L a n d .

H E T T A N G I A N (60 m.)

T h e highest 90 m . of the Cape Stewart formation consists of plant-

b e d s : mostly sandstones a n d grits with hollow casts and fragments of
twigs, stems and leaves, b u t with shaly intercalations in which is a rich
flora of large a n d often almost u n d a m a g e d leaves. T h e highest 66 m.
are characterized by Thaumatopteris and many other forms, the assem­
blage agreeing with the Hettangian flora of Sweden (Scania) and Germany
(Harris, 1935).

[ R H A E T I A N (30 m.)

T h e lower part of the plant-beds is similar but contains a distinct

flora characterized b y Lepidopteris, a n d is of Rhaetian age. T h e two
floras are mixed in a zone only a few metres thick. T h i s flora also agrees
with that of Scania, G e r m a n y a n d other places (Harris, 1935). T h e rest
of t h e Cape Stewart formation consists of 85 m. of barren, cross-bedded
sandstones. Below are 225 m . of p u r p l e marls interbedded with lime­
stones (upper Klitdal formation), without known fossils b u t presumably
corresponding to the Keuper.]


O n Prince Patrick Island in t h e Arctic Archipelago of Canada marine

Jurassic has been known to exist since Ammonites m'clintocki was figured
x s
from there by H a u g h t o n (1858, p p . 244-5, P'- * > fig - 2-4). T h e ammonite
P L A T E 2 4 . — J u r a s s i c r o c k s o f N e i l l ' s cliffs, H u r r y I n l e t , E a s t G r e e n l a n d .
(See Fig. 8 3 . )
PLATE 2 5 . — J u r a s s i c s e c t i o n , P r i n c e P a t r i c k I s l a n d , C a n a d i a n A r c t i c . (See Fig. 8 5 . )
was refigured by N e u m a y r (1885, p p . 38, 141, pi. i, figs. 5-8) w h o assigned
it to Harpoceras. F r o m the figures it appears to be a Toarcian H a r p o -
ceratid, perhaps a Pseudolioceras (though evolute for the genus).
D u r i n g 1954 D r E. T . T o z e r of the Geological Survey of Canada
measured sections on the island and collected ammonites which are being
studied by D r H . Frebold at Ottawa. H e has kindly sent m e a copy of
his M S . preliminary report (Dec. 1954), from which he allows m e to
quote the discovery of ammonite faunas belonging to three stages: T o a r c i a n
(with Dactylioceras cf. commune and 'Harpoceras' m'clintocki), basal L o w e r
Bajocian (with Leioceras opalinum), and L o w e r Callovian (with Arcto-
cephalites (Cranocephalites) cf. vulgaris. T h e r e is also another Callovian
horizon with a new genus. According to D r T o z e r these beds are
followed by a non-marine series which is probably still Jurassic, and this is
overlain with local unconformity by a further marine sequence containing
Buchia spp.
T h e beds are unfolded and belong to an epicontinental series fringing
the Arctic Ocean (Fortier & others, 1954) (Plate 25).


F r o m the m o u t h s of t h e Mackenzie River for about 700 miles westward,

to the entrance to Bering Straits, stretches the Arctic slope or coastal
plain. Bounded on the south by the Palaeozoic Brooks Range, it is a
low-lyingj bleak waste of permanently-frozen Mesozoic sediments, mainly
Cretaceous, intersected by frozen rivers and ending at a low coast which is
sometimes overridden by sea ice. (Fig. 85, p . 537.)
On the F i r t h River, 35 miles on the Canadian side of the international
boundary, strongly folded and semi-metamorphosed Jurassic rocks have
. yielded an ammonite assemblage of the Calloviense Zone, with six species
of Cadoceras and Pseudocadoceras, mainly of Russian and F r a n z Josef
L a n d species (Buckman in O'Neill, 1924, p . 14A). I t is possible that
Jurassic rocks spread out u n d e r the delta of the Mackenzie River, w h e r e
'undifferentiated Mesozoics' are shown on the Canadian Survey m a p ,
b u t the only evidence so far is of Trias and Lower Cretaceous.
O n the Alaskan side of the boundary, in the Canning River district,
the Kingak Shale (1500 m . or more) has yielded a n u m b e r of a m m o n i t e
faunas ranging from U p p e r Pliensbachian to U p p e r Oxfordian, and its
higher parts may include Kimeridgian and Portlandian, to j u d g e b y
species of Buchia (Martin, 1926, p p . 262-4; Inilay, 1952, p p . 982-3).
T h e exposed river sections have been supplemented by borings farther
west, in the Barrow area, which produced additional horizons down to
Lower Sinemurian. T h e faunas recorded by Imlay may be tabulated as


U p p e r Kingak Shale with Buchia mosquensis, B. rugosa, B. bronni.

2 L


Shales with Amoeboceras (Prionodoceras); also Buchia bronni.


Shales with Kosmoceras castor (Rein.) abundant.


Shales about 165 m . lower with Arcticoceras cf. kochi Spath, and at a
lesser depth Pseudocadoceras grezvingki (Pomp.), a species recognized by
Buckman from the F i r t h River.


Shales probably 600 m . below the Arcticoceras horizon in the Canning

River area yielded Pseudolioceras and Erycites spp. T h i s horizon occurs
also in S W . Alaska, opposite Kodiak Island. Pseudolioceras and ? Tmeto­
ceras were also obtained in borings in the Barrow area.


I n the South Barrow boring Dactylioceras and Peronoceras were obtained.


Lower Kingak Shales, near the base, yield Amaltheus cf. engelhardti
(d'Orb.) and Lytoceras cf. fimbriatum (Sow.). T h i s is the horizon which
occurs on the opposite side of the Arctic Ocean, on the Anabar. River,
Siberia (p. 513). A b u n d a n t Amaltheus a n d a ICrucilobiceras were also
encountered in a boring in the Barrow area.


I n Avak boring Arietites aff. bucklandi (Sow.) was obtained. ( T h e

figure referred to, W r i g h t ' s monograph, pi. i, fig. 1, is type of A. scunthorp-
ensis Spath, 1924).
M a p p i n g has shown that the Callovian overlaps across early Bajocian
a n d L o w e r Jurassic a n d is in t u r n overlapped by the U p p e r Oxfordian-
Kimeridgian, while that is overlain disconformably by the Lower Creta­
ceous (Imlay, 1952, p . 983).
N o signs of contemporaneous igneous activity are reported from the
Jurassic of the Arctic slope.


F r o m Bering Strait to the I s t h m u s of T e h u a n t i p e c t h e N o r t h American

Cordilleras stretch for 4600 miles without interruption. T h e present
chapter deals with the first 3400 miles, to t h e Mexican border and t h e
head of t h e Gulf of California. T h e greatest w i d t h of over i i o o miles
is reached in the central U n i t e d States, about latitude 40° N . T h e r e ,
chiefly in Colorado, W y o m i n g and U t a h , are large areas above 7000 ft.,
with many peaks of 12,000-14,000 ft., t h e highest being M o u n t W h i t n e y
(14, 495 ft.) in the Sierra Nevada. T h e highest points in N o r t h America,
however, are reached in t h e Alaska Range ( M o u n t McKinley, 20,300 ft.)
and St Elias Range in t h e extreme south-east corner of t h e Yukon, Canada
( M o u n t Logan, 19,850 ft.).
I n the simplest terms, the Cordilleras represent t h e products of a vast
shifting geosyncline or complex of geosynclines, repeatedly sinking,
filling with sediment, and buckling t h r o u g h o u t m u c h of Palaeozoic,
Mesozoic a n d Kainozoic t i m e : a typical orogen, opposed fundamentally
to the kratogen of the interior of t h e continent, t h e Canadian shield and
its surrounding stable platform or shelf.
Again in t h e most general terms, t h e Cordilleras are divisible longi­
tudinally into three. O n t h e Pacific side t h e outer belt r u n s from t h e
Aleutian arc t h r o u g h t h e Alaska Peninsula with their great chain of recent
volcanoes, and forms the Coast Ranges, t h e Sierra Nevada, and t h e
peninsula of Lower (Baja) California. East of this lies a wide belt of high
plateaux, troughs, a n d relatively short ranges, including t h e 'Interior
System' of Canadian geologists and t h e Basin Ranges of Nevada. T h e
third belt, overlooking the Great Plains and prairies of t h e interior and
often bounded by low-angle thrusts, is t h e Rocky M o u n t a i n s . N o n e of
these three subdivisions is a simple entity, b u t rather a complex of orogenic
I n Triassic and Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic times t h e Pacific marginal
belt, or Coast Ranges, was t h e site of a volcanic island festoon enclosing
a trough of deposition: a concept inferred independently for the outer
ranges of the Andes, as will be shown in Chapter 25. After vast extrusion
of volcanic rocks lasting many millions of years, there occurred in U p p e r
Jurassic times a major orogeny, t h e N e v a d a n (equivalent approximately
to the Yenshan of eastern Asia), involving intense folding a n d intrusion of
large batholiths, which now form t h e greater part of t h e coast ranges,
from Alaska to the Sierra Nevada and L o w e r California. T h e date of
these intrusions can seldom be fixed within narrow limits, b u t most of
t h e m are U p p e r Jurassic or L o w e r Cretaceous, or b o t h . T h e outermost

zone later sank back into the Pacific and became again the site of sedi­
mentation and of a n e w volcanic island festoon, which in later (Laramide)
movements was deformed and raised into the coast ranges of California,
Oregon and Washington.

120" 110* 100* 90" 80-

FIG. 84.—Oxfordian palaeogeography of North America. After Imlay, 1949,

compiled from numerous sources.

T h e Rocky M o u n t a i n s were in Lower, M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic

times the site of broad, shallow subsidence and moderate sedimentation,
b u t after about Oxfordian times in the Western Interior of the United
States sedimentation ceased or became predominantly, or wholly, conti­
nental. I n Canada this inner trough or pan seems to have been confluent
with the outer geosyncline, b u t on the whole instead of a predominantly
volcanic filling it received normal marine sediments with suites of Liassic,
Bajocian, Callovian, and locally Oxfordian, faunas. F a r t h e r south, at
least in the United States, it became separated from t h e coastal geosyncline
b y a belt of uplift, a geanticline which suffered erosion a n d supplied m u c h
sediment eastwards. In, probably, Kimeridgian times an extensive basin
became cut off from the sea in the Western Interior of the U n i t e d States,
a n d in it was formed the continental Morrison formation with its land
animals. Finally, in the U p p e r Cretaceous a n d early Tertiary, t h e Rocky
M o u n t a i n s trough and m u c h of its shelf-facies u p o n the edge of t h e
continental platform were compressed by the Laramide orogeny, with
intense folding and thrusting.
T h u s the outer (Coast Ranges) and inner (Rocky Mountains) belts of
t h e Cordillera in the main are structurally of different ages, separated in
t i m e by most of the Cretaceous p e r i o d : t h e outer ranges were first buckled
i n the Nevadan orogeny, the inner in the Laramide. I n between was
something of a no-man's-land. I t is characterized mainly by high-angle
block faulting of late Tertiary date, at least in places even later. T o these
last movements of cordilleran evolution are d u e the Basin Ranges a n d
their continuation northward in the plateaux and fault troughs of t h e
' I n t e r i o r System' of Canada.
F o r all the Cordilleras of N o r t h America (except Alaska) a broadly
consistent evolution has been worked out, b u t the variation is almost
infinite and the complexity formidable. T h e broad structural and oro-
graphical features of the present day by no means coincide with those of
t h e Jurassic. T h e unravelling of the tangle has proceeded m u c h farther
i n N o r t h America than in eastern Asia, b u t although a great a m o u n t of
detail has been published for m a n y areas, there are still large regions almost
unknown—particularly in N W . Canada a n d Alaska—and a clear picture
is still a dream for the future. Even the outcrop sketch-maps for the
Americas (figs. 85-88), though probably m u c h more accurate t h a n those for
east Asia, are still of necessity mere sketches. T h e latest available geo­
logical maps of Canada and the U n i t e d States still show vast regions as
'undifferentiated Mesozoics', or as 'Trias-Jura', or 'Jurassic-Cretaceous'.
I n some of these areas Jurassic has been marked on t h e accompanying
sketch-maps, in others it has not, according to t h e present author's personal
assessment of the literature. Nevertheless such sketches are believed to
b e more useful t h a n no maps at all, and less misleading t h a n attempts at
palaeogeographical maps, constructed from shaky inferences elaborated
b y guesswork.
Since the Jurassic of N o r t h America has an extensive literature in t h e
English language which is readily accessible to English-speaking readers,
greater compression has been considered justified t h a n for other parts of
t h e world where the literature is more difficult to discover and obtain
a n d is largely in foreign languages. American and Canadian users of this
book are asked on this account to excuse w h a t m a y seem a disproportionate
brevity or even perfunctory treatment of one of the greatest series of
Jurassic outcrops in the world.

All t h e outcrops being in t h e west, most of the faunas are recent d i s ­

coveries, a n d it is w o r t h reflecting that hardly any of t h e m were known
w h e n H y a t t was working o n a m m o n i t e s at H a r v a r d 60-90 years ago. I n
those days it was easier a n d preferable to visit the m u s e u m s of E u r o p e
for material than to search the Rockies.


T h e most complete s e q u e n c e of Jurassic rocks on the N o r t h American

continent occurs in the coast ranges of southern Alaska, which sweep
in from the half-submerged A l e u t i a n arc, t h r o u g h Alaska Peninsula and
Cook Inlet, t h r o u g h t h e Alaska Range, and t h e n follow round, parallel
to t h e Pacific coast, to m e r g e into t h e coast ranges of Canada. T h e i r
outcrops, n o w dissected by severe glacial erosion, by inlets of the sea and
b y intrusive batholiths, m a r k the site of a major geosyncline, comparable
in scale with those of eastern Asia a n d t h e rest of the Pacific seaboard of
the Americas. T h e total thickness of Jurassic sediments amounts t o
about 4500 m . (Fig. 85, p . 537.)
T h e Lower Jurassic is mainly in volcanic facies, consisting of submarine
lavas, tuffs and agglomerates, passing into a n d interbedded with shales,
sandstones a n d conglomerates, in which in some districts Lower and
U p p e r Liassic marine faunas have b e e n found. T h e M i d d l e and U p p e r
Jurassic comprise a vast and varying pile of conglomerates, sandstones
and shales, with rich ammonite faunas occurring at several horizons.
Researches are not yet sufficiently far advanced to admit of satisfactory
generalization. M u c h detail is k n o w n of a n u m b e r of scattered areas,
b u t in between are still greater areas as yet unexplored stratigraphically
or of necessity treated still as 'undifferentiated Mesozoics'. T h r e e excel­
lent syntheses have been published (Martin, 1926; Smith, 1939; Imlay,
1952), and no attempt is here m a d e to summarize once more the mass of
detail marshalled in these works a n d in t h e n u m e r o u s Geological Survey
bulletins to which they refer.
T h e south Alaskan ammonites show close connexions with those of
t h e Arctic slope, Greenland, and t h e Arctic Ocean generally, b u t in the
absence of any connecting outcrops across the north-western shoulder
of t h e continent it cannot b e stated definitely whether a seaway passed this
way or t h r o u g h the Bering Straits and over N E . Asia (cf. Crickmay, 1931,
m a p s 4 - 1 1 ; Eardley, 1951, p . 517). T h e latter view implies an exceptional
degree of disharmony between the Jurassic geosyncline and t h e strike of
later foldings: for it seems to b e generally agreed t h a t t h e Rocky M o u n t a i n
structures carry on N W . a n d t h e n west into t h e Brooks Range of
n o r t h e r n Alaska, and account, presumably, for the tightly-folded and
semi-metamorphosed Jurassic of t h e F i r t h River region (p. 529). T h e
m o r p h i c continuation of t h e cordilleran geanticline is assumed t o b e t h e
basin of the Yukon River in central Alaska and its surrounding Palaeozoic
mountains, where the Mesozoics are largely absent or represented only by
folded Lower Cretaceous a n d transgressive U p p e r Cretaceous. This
central swell experienced orogeny, with injection of batholiths, in t h e
M i d d l e Cretaceous, as did t h e A n d e s .
T h e south Alaskan Jurassic geosyncline (if this picture is correct)
t h e n corresponds only to the Coast Range geosyncline and orogen. But
it presents peculiar features in the times of its foldings, which set it apart
from the rest of the N o r t h American Cordilleras a n d probably are con­
nected with the change of strike t o E . - W . a n d even S W . (Crickmay,
1931, p . 62; Stille, 1942, p . 77). Instead of t h e N e v a d a n orogeny
a t the end of the Jurassic, S o u t h Alaska suffered considerable foldings at


Stages Cook Inlet Alaska Peninsula

Kimeridgian and Naknek formation: massive light-coloured sandstone, arkose

Oxfordian and tuff, overlying grey shale with sandstone beds
1350 m. 1500 m.+

? Chisik Conglomerate, 90 m.

Middle and Chinitna Shale, with subordinate calcareous Shelikof formation

Lower Callovian and sandstone beds, 6 9 0 m. 1500-2100 m.

Lower Callovian, Tuxedni Sandstone, with marine fauna and Kialagvik formation
Bajocian, Upper plants; subordinate shale, arkose, and 150 m . +
Toarcian conglomerate, 2400 m. Unconformity

Lower Toarcian Volcanic series: basic submarine lavas and Sandstones, shales
to Hettangian tuffs, c . 300 m. and volcanic rocks
c. 6 9 0 m.

two earlier epochs: Toarcian and between Callovian and Oxfordian;

a n d then, more like t h e Rocky M o u n t a i n geosyncline, vigorous refolding
with injection of batholiths in t h e L a r a m i d e (early Eocene) orogeny
(Mertie, 1930). T h e L a r a m i d e orogeny, o n t h e other hand, seems to
have missed northern Alaska, so that, in respect of dates of folding, the
usual behaviour of the two geosynclines was here reversed (Stille, 1942,
p . 76).
T h e type area for the Jurassic is t h e west coast of Cook Inlet and its
continuation in the neck of Alaska Peninsula. H e r e the sequence may be
tabulated as in table 22 (Martin, 1926, p . 134; Smith, 1939, p . 4 5 ) ;
dates provided by Imlay (1952) are added.
The chief authorities for t h e ammonites in the following tabulated
s u m m a r y are M a r t i n (1926) and Imlay (1952). T h e Callovian ammonites
have been monographed sumptuously by Imlay (1953); monographs on
t h e other faunas are urgently needed.


T h e latest Jurassic on some of the islands of the archipelago of S E .

Alaska and in t h e N u t z o t i n Range consists of dark shales and other beds
with Buchia piochii G a b b (Lower Portlandian?) and lower down B.
rugosa Fischer a n d B. cf. mosquensis (v. Buch), b u t no ammonites are


Beds with Prionodoceras ? and Buchia bronni (Rouill.) as in n o r t h Alaska

occur in the lower p a r t of the Naknek formation of Alaska Peninsula a n d
Cook Inlet, a n d in t h e Chitina Valley district (Reeside, 1919, p . 30, pis.
xviii, 4, xix, 1-3).
Below this, in the basal Naknek formation, are a b u n d a n t Cardioceras^
Scarburgiceras, etc., which indicate the presence of the Mariae, Cordatum
and Plicatilis Zones (Imlay, 1952, p . 977; some figures in Reeside, 1919).
Locally at the base of the Naknek on Cook Inlet is the Chisik Conglom­
erate, u p to 80-90 m . thick, which points to a considerable local disturbance
a n d seems to correlate with upheaval in t h e Harrison Lake area of Canada.


N o U p p e r Callovian fauna has been found, and there may be a dis-

conformity. T h e Shelikof formation on Alaska Peninsula (Pompeckj,
1900, 3 pis.) a n d equivalent Chinitna formation of Cook Inlet have
yielded magnificent M i d d l e a n d Lower Callovian faunas (Imlay, 1953).
T h e highest third of the Chinitna contains Phylloceras, Lilloettia,
Cadoceras (Stenocadoceras) and Pseudocadoceras; though chiefly crushed,
some of t h e Cadoceratids resemble C. milaschevici (Nik.) and C.
stenolobum (Keys.), indicating a M i d d l e Callovian date, probably
C o r o n a t u m Zone (Imlay, 1953, p . 53).
T h e earlier Callovian faunas are of exceptional interest on account
of their possibilities for correlation w i t h Greenland, E u r o p e and N o r t h
and South America. T h e middle third of the Chinitna contains many
Cadoceras, Pseudocadoceras, Kepplerites, Lilloettia, Oxycerites and Phyllo­
ceras; a n d the lower p a r t of this middle third also yields Paracadoceras,
Kheraiceras, Xenocephalites a n d Gowericeras. Imlay considers this
assemblage t o represent t h e Jason Zone. T h e lower third of the Chinitna
yields Kosmoceras (Gulielmieeras), Kepplerites, Gowericeras, Cadoceras,
Paracadoceras, Lilloettia, Grossouvria, Xenocephalites, Kheraiceras, Oxy­
cerites, Phylloceras and Choffatia (Imlay: 1953, pi. 54). T h e date of this
assemblage is clearly about Koenigi or Calloviense Zone.
T h e r e is no evidence for the Arcticoceras or Arctocephalites beds, b u t
in t h e T u x e d n i formation o n Cook Inlet the Cranocephalites beds are
present a n d contain Reineckeia (Imlay, 1952, p . 980), which proves their
Callovian age.


N o proof of t h e existence of Bathonian has been published.

T h e middle and lower parts of t h e T u x e d n i formation yield a r e m a r k ­

able variety of Bajocian ammonites. F e w have yet been figured, b u t from
t h e genera recorded by Imlay (1952, p p . 978-81) it appears that t h e
following zones are represented:—
U p p e r Bajocian: assemblage of Sphaeroceras, Polyplectites, Lepto-
sphinctes and Lissoceras (p. 980).

FIG. 85.—Jurassic outcrops of Canada and Alaska.

Middle Bajocian:
H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Z o n e : A b u n d a n t Normannites, Teloceras a n d Chondro­
ceras (p. 980).
Sauzei and Sowerbyi Z o n e s : A b u n d a n t Stemmatoceras, Stephanoceras
and Sonninia, with a few Emileia, Chondroceras a n d Lissoceras (p. 981).
Elsewhere is recorded an assemblage of Stemmatoceras, Emileia, Lisso­
ceras, Leptosphinctes and an Oppeliid (p. 979). Elsewhere again, a b u n d a n t
Emileia, associated with Sonninia, Erycites, Pseudolioceras and a n Oppeliid
(p. 978).

Some of these associations seem impossible and one is forced to doubt

the accuracy of t h e collecting or recording.
According to records (Martin, 1926, p . 153) on Cook Inlet occur the
Australian and Canadian genera Zemistephanus and Pseudotoites (Ammon­
ites richardsoni and A. cf. carlottensis Whiteaves, 1876).


O n Alaska Peninsula the Kialagvik formation yields Pseudolioceras

whiteavesi (White), which correlates with the Toarcian Pseudolioceras
level of Greenland (p. 527), and peculiar ammonites also figured by
W h i t e (1889, pis. xii-xiv) and assigned b y h i m to 'Lillia' [Phymatoceras],
b y Pompeckj (1900) to Hammatoceras, and b y Imlay (1952, p . 978) to
Erycites, b u t probably referable to none of these genera. Imlay assigns
these beds to the Lower Bajocian on the strength of a new record of
Tmetoceras; b u t as h e also records Sonninia at the top of the same beds,
it is likely that this is another case of condensation, Lower Bajocian and
T o a r c i a n here occurring in condensed form in close proximity to the
M i d d l e Bajocian.
O n Cook Inlet t h e T u x e d n i formation is unconformable on the volcanic
series (Martin, 1926).


All these stages are said by Imlay (1952, p . 979) to be represented in

collections from the Alaska Peninsula, from a series at least 690 m. thick.
T h e only genera mentioned are Coroniceras and Arnioceras, indicating
t h e Sinemurian. H e also records Coroniceras ? from tuffaceous beds on
Cook Inlet; here t h e Lower Jurassic is presumed to be mainly in volcanic
facies, represented by basaltic and andesitic lavas and tuffs about 300 m .
thick (Martin, 1926, p . 134).
F r o m the Matanuska Valley and Talkeetna Mountains Imlay (1952,
p . 981) records ammonites referred provisionally to the genera Schlotheimia,
Deroceras and Xipheroceras, the last two resembling species of the

I n Canada the two troughs are distinguished by their sedimentary

filling b u t are not easy to define accurately on the ground owing to orogenic
compression, subsequent tectonic dislocations, and erosion.
T o the outer or Coast Ranges t r o u g h belong the Jurassic outcrops
of t h e S W . Yukon a n d most of British Columbia except the south-east
corner. T h e filling is characterized in the Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic
by massive submarine volcanics : tuffs, agglomerates and basic lavas, with
interbedded shales and argillites. T h e tuffs in some places continue high
into t h e Callovian. T h e volcanic materials came from the west, from .the
inferred island festoon not far off the present Pacific coast. I n central
British Columbia t h e m a i n Jurassic volcanic series is 5400 m . thick and
follows conformably on a like thickness of volcanics assigned to the U p p e r
T r i a s . Above follow more t h a n 1500 m . of greywackes, shales and
argillites, with subordinate tuffs. T o w a r d s t h e coast thicknesses are
smaller and m u c h of the Jurassic is locally cut out b y disconformities and
minor unconformities: for instance on Vancouver Island, where Callovian
rests on Toarcian, and on Q u e e n Charlotte Islands where Albian rests on
T h e inner or Rocky M o u n t a i n s trough has no volcanics and consists
mainly of shale, with minor quantities of fine sandstone and, sometimes,
black limestone. At the top coarser sandstones come in, their constituents
felspathic, and thickening westward as if derived from the rising Cordil-
leran geanticline. T h e s e rocks, called the Fernie group and (p. 540)
basal Kootenay Sandstone, comprise representatives of nearly all t h e
stages present in the western geosyncline, with close correspondence in
most of the faunas, b u t the thicknesses are of the order of a t e n t h or
twentieth: the total for the Fernie varies from 66 m . to 330 m .
T h e deepest part of the t r o u g h lay u n d e r the front ranges and foothills
of the Rockies in Alberta and eastern British Columbia. T h e western
boundary cannot be clearly defined (Warren, 1951). T o the east t h e
shallow sea passed far over the southern prairies, for m a r i n e Jurassic has
been proved in borings u n d e r the Cretaceous of southern Saskatchewan
and SW. Manitoba. T h e s e epicontinental sediments are or were con­
tinuous with those which come to the surface in the Black Hills uplift
of South Dakota.
If the local unconformity and incoming of coarse sand grains at t h e
base of the Kootenay betokens the climax of the Nevadan orogeny in t h e
western geosyncline, the contribution of Canada to the dating of that
event depends mainly on the single giant ammonite mentioned on p . 540.
It appears to be U p p e r Portlandian, which would make the N e v a d a n
orogeny Lower Portlandian or U p p e r Kimeridgian.
I n the western geosyncline in Canada, however, no major unconformity
or conglomerate that can be correlated with the Nevadan orogeny has
yet attracted attention. Instead, in the Harrison Lake area of British
Columbia a 900 m . conglomerate is intercalated between Oxfordian
Cardioceras beds and Callovian with Cadoceras. T h i s , the K e n t C o n ­
glomerate, is said to rest discordantly on the Callovian and is believed to
represent the upheaval and erosion of the Agassiz M o u n t a i n s , and it has
been equated with the Chisik conglomerate of Alaska (Crickmay, 1933a,
p . 358). T h e Canadian batholiths, t h o u g h ' N e v a d a n ' in the loose sense of
the term, are probably Cretaceous, like t h e Idaho batholith and those i n
Lower California.
T h e lion's share in unravelling and publishing the Jurassic faunas of
Canada has been taken by D r F . H . M c L e a r n , as shown by the long series
of papers cited in the bibliography. M o r e recently, important contri­
butions have also been m a d e b y Warren, Frebold, and others. I am deeply
indebted to these correspondents for reprints and to D r Frebold for an
advance copy of the typescript of his masterly s u m m a r y of the Jurassic

of Canada (1953). F o r an up-to-date general picture of the geology see

H a n s o n & others, 1947.


O n Vancouver Island marine Lower Neocomian rests on an eroded

surface of a shale formation (with a median sandstone and siltstone member)
in which occur Buchia cf. russiensis (Pavlow) and B. cf. rugosa (Fischer).
T h e s e beds are believed to be 'Portlandian'. Buchia mosquensis (v. Buch)
also occurs in the lower Eldorado g r o u p near Lillooet, on the Fraser
River, and is believed to denote approximately the same age.
I n the east, at Fernie, a gigantic ammonite has been found (Frebold,
m t n e D a s e
1953, p . 1239) °f ^ e Kootenay Sandstone, which had usually
b e e n considered Cretaceous. T h e ammonite, though poorly preserved,
can be seen from a photograph kindly sent m e by D r Frebold to be a
Perisphinctid, and appears to be a giant m e m b e r of the Dorsoplanitinae.
T h e biplicate ribbing on its outer whorl is coarser than in most of the large
Titanites a n d allied genera of the U p p e r Portland Stone, b u t some parallels
can be found, e.g. audax Buckman ( T A . vi, 1927, pi. D C C X V I I ) , glottodes
(ibid, iv, 1923, pi. C D I I I ) , zeta (ibid, v, 1923, pi. C D L I I ) , okusensis
(ibid, v, 1925, pi. DLXX), or kerberus (ibid, vi, 1926, pi. DXX), which
provide a better m a t c h t h a n the nearest Kimeridgian genera, such as
Pavlovia and Paravirgatites (ibid, iv, 1922, pi. CCCVIII) (Plate 26).
T h e basal Kootenay Sandstone usually passes down into the Jurassic
Fernie group, b u t locally there is an unconformity between them. T h e
u p p e r m e m b e r of the Fernie ('passage beds') consists of 30-60 m. of
unfossiliferous sandy beds which, from their stratigraphical position are
probably Kimeridgian or Lower Portlandian. I n the west the Kimeridgian
m a y be represented b y shales.


I n the west the shale sequence, with Buchia bronni and B. aff. khir-
gisensis, etc., passes down into Oxfordian beds sometimes characterized
also by Buchia bronni b u t yielding ammonites. T h e latest assemblage
k n o w n is one of Cardioceras canadense Whiteaves, C. lillooetense Reeside
a n d C. whiteavesi Reeside, found at Big Creek, 90 miles N W . of
Lillooet. ( F o r figures see Reeside, 1919, pi. xvii.) (For the dating
implications of these Cardioceratids see p . 548.) Traces of the same
assemblage are reported from Harrison Lake (with a Phylloceras)
in a 1500 m . sequence of argillite; from Vancouver Island; and from
about n o miles N N W . of Hazelton.
I n another area about 100 miles east of Hazelton, in central British
Columbia, records of Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) aff. scarburgense (Y. &
B.) and C. (S.) aff. praecordatum Douville (Lord, 1948, p p . 23-4) indicate
that the M a r i a e Zone is represented.
I n the east (Fernie) the Oxfordian is represented by Green Beds with
belemnites and gastropods (Frebold, 1953, p . 1238).
PLATE 2 6 . — G i a n t a m m o n i t e in basal K o o t e n a y S a n d s t o n e , east of F e r n i e ,
British Columbia.
Photos Dr. TT. Frehnld, Geo!. Rmv. Canada

PLATE 2 7 . — L o w e r J u r a s s i c a n d T r i a s s i c o u t c r o p i n t y p i c a l l a n d s c a p e , S n a k e I n d i a n
V a l l e y , n o r t h of J a s p e r , A l b e r t a . T , T r i a s ; L L . L o w e r L i a s ; T o , T o a r c i a n .


T h e youngest Callovian ammonites recorded from Canada seem to b e

Cadoceras cf. doroschini (Eichwald) in Vancouver Island, where the
beds containing t h e m rest unconformably on t h e Toarcian.
I n Queen Charlotte Islands marine Albian rests unconformably on
beds probably only a little older, yielding Seymourites spp., at the top of
the Yakoun formation. T h e U p p e r Yakoun (about 130 m . or more)
consists of sandstones and shales with m a n y pelecypods. T h e ammonites
correlate with the Seymourites beds of Alaska and G r e e n l a n d . Other
forms of Kepplerites are also present (K. penderi M c L e a r n sp. a n d
K. newcombi Whiteaves sp.) ( M c L e a r n , 1929, pis. i-viii). T h e M i d d l e
Yakoun, which may be Lower Callovian and Bathonian, consists of
360-450 m. of tuffs and agglomerates, in which so far only rare belemnites
and brachiopods have been found. Gowericeras and Catasigaloceras are
recorded from the Ashcroft area (Crickmay, 1930a).
I n the Harrison Lake area three Lower to M i d d l e Callovian horizons
have been made out (Crickmay, 1930):—
U p p e r level: Macrocephalites of two new subgenera: Lilloetia and
Middle level: Cadoceras, Paracadoceras, Pseudocadoceras, an assemblage
close to that of the Chinitna Shale and Shelikof formation of
Alaska (Imlay, 1952)
Lower level: Macrocephalitids indet.
T h e s e faunas occur in about 750 m . of black shales which overlie t h e
Middle Jurassic volcanic rocks (2700 m.). Above the shales are more tuffs,
540 m. thick, which are mainly of Callovian age, since they are overlain
b y beds with Cardioceras.
I n the east, the U p p e r Fernie group (Corbula beds) near Blairmore
yielded Lower Callovian Macrocephalitidae described by Buckman
(1929, pis. i-iii). H e assigned t h e m to three new 'genera'. According to
Spath (1932, p p . 13, 33) the commonest ('Miccocephalites') are the same as
Arctocephalites, b u t W a r r e n (1947, p . 43) considers t h e m closer to Crano-
cephalites; b u t since the difference between these is only of subgeneric
rank (Donovan, 1953) the point is academic. Frebold (1953, p p . 1237-8
a n d in lit.) has found Eurycephalites muelleri (Imlay) and Cadoceras in
t h e same beds.
Immediately above these beds is a marker horizon, the Gryphaea b e d
(1-52 m.) with Macrocephalites, Gowericeras or Seymourites, and Peri­
sphinctids (Frebold, 1953). I n the Highwood-Elbow area, Alberta,
Arcticoceras, Cadoceras and Proplanulites occur (Allan & Carr, 1947,
P- 23).
T h e Callovian is the only stage recognized unequivocally, by ammonites
—Macrocephalitids—in the Jurassic formations which have been proved
b y borings to extend far to the east, u n d e r the Cretaceous plains of southern
Saskatchewan and M a n i t o b a (references in Frebold, 1953, p . 1241).


I n the west the Bathonian is probably represented, if at all, by volcanic

rocks, and no evidence for it has been found. I n the east, the Middle
Fernie may comprise sedimentary representatives in the lower part of the
Corbula munda beds. I t is in the M i d d l e Fernie that the only Bathonian
ammonites have been recorded: Oppelia (Oxycerites) of the group of O.
fallax (Gueranger) and O. aspidoides (Oppel) (Frebold, 1953, p . 1237).


N o U p p e r Bajocian has been proved in Canada. Like the Bathonian,

it m a y be represented by some of the submarine volcanic series—tuffs,
agglomerates, sandstones and shales—which reach 450 m . in thickness
in Q u e e n Charlotte Islands and are widespread in British Columbia
(Middle Yakoun formation).
T h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m and Sauzei Zones are well developed and wide­
spread, in the Lower Yakoun formation of Queen Charlotte Islands
(marine tuffs, sandstones and shale, 60 m.) and across British Columbia
a n d Alberta, where the fauna occurs in the Middle Fernie group (shales
with some more or less sandy limestone beds and lenses). T h e abundant
ammonites include species of Stephanoceras, Stemmatoceras, Teloceras,
Zemistephanus, Normannites (including Kanastephanus and Itinsaites),
Chondroceras (including Defonticeras and Saxitoniceras) and Frogdenites ?,
which have been figured chiefly by Whiteaves (1876-84; 1909), M c L e a r n
(1927; 1929, pis. ix-xvi; 1930; 1932; 1932a) and W a r r e n (1947).
O n M a u d e Island in Skidegate Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands, there is
evidence of two distinct horizons. O n the south-east shore of the island
occurs an assemblage of Stephanoceras skidegatense (Whiteaves) and
various species of Chondroceras, which on palaeontological grounds would
b e assigned to t h e H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone. O n the north-west shore of
the island is a different assemblage, comprising Zemistephanus and many
Normannites, and probably t h e rarer Pseudotoites carlottensis (Whiteaves)
( M c L e a r n , 1949, p p . 10, 13). T h e Canadian Zemistephanus and Pseudo­
toites are not identical with the Australian at specific level, and the asso­
ciated Normannites are believed to b e more advanced than the Australian,
p e r h a p s derived from Australian-type Otoites. T h e Canadian assemblage
is therefore probably somewhat later than the Australian, hence probably
Sauzei Zone.
T h e Sowerbyi Zone is represented as a distinct horizon in the Hazelton
g r o u p of British Columbia by an assemblage of Sonninia a n d Witchellia
(= 'Sonninites') with t h e local Sonninid genus Guhsania (McLearn, 1926).
T h i s horizon lies between two volcanic series and is near the base of the
Hazelton group (which is u p to 3000 m . thick). Fontannesia, also of this
age, is recorded from the Ashcroft area (Crickmay, 1930a, p . 27); and a
Sonninia is reported from the M i d d l e Fernie.
T h e only Lower Bajocian ammonites yet known from Canada are
also from the lower part of the Hazelton group: Tmetoceras regleyi
(Dumortier) and a problematic form, from the Whitesail Lake area,
British Columbia. Probably they are of t h e age of the Scissum Zone.
(Frebold, 1951, pi. xv.)


U p p e r Toarcian assemblages are reported from the 2700 m . Laberge

Series near Lake Laberge, at the source of the Yukon River: Grammoceras
and Dumortieria (Buckman in Cockfield & Bell, 1926, p . 21); from central
British Columbia: Grammoceras aff. saemanni (Struck.), Reynesoceras aff.
ragazzonii ( H a u e r ) * , Haugia aff. grandis Buck. (Lord, 1948); and from
the upper part of the Lower Fernie near Jasper: Dumortieria and Hammato­
ceras, with Posidonia (Collet, 1931, quoted in Frebold, 1953). Pleydellia
may possibly occur in the Yukon (Frebold, 1953).
Lower Toarcian assemblages of Harpoceras and Dactylioceras, or
Peronoceras (Porpoceras), occur in the same areas and others (see, e.g.
Frebold, 1951, p . 15, pi. vi, fig. 4). T h e y are best known in the M a u d e
formation of Queen Charlotte Islands. F r o m the same formation comes a
peculiar Harpoceratid genus Fanninoceras, believed to be of about t h e
same age (McLearn, 1932, pis. iii-ix; 1949, p . 9). Harpoceras and Fannino­
ceras occur together on Vancouver Island (Jeletsky, 1950, and in Frebold,
I n places the Toarcian is transgressive and in parts of the Fernie area
it cuts out the Lower Lias entirely. I n the west it is largely volcanic,
the fossiliferous beds being interbedded with tuffs and agglomerates.


Amaltheus and Prodactylioceras are recorded from the Laberge series,

Yukon (Buckman in Cockfield & Bell, 1926), and Platypleuroceras from
central British Columbia (Lord, 1948).


T h e Sinemurian, with, in a few places, evidence of the Hettangian as

well, is represented in the west mainly by volcanic tuffs and agglomerates,
u p to some hundreds of metres thick, with fossiliferous sediments inter-
stratified. I n the east it is represented by the lower part of t h e L o w e r
Fernie group (altogether only 24-60 m . thick), which consists mainly of
dark shales and, locally, a basal conglomerate.
I n this stage is perhaps the most widespread single Jurassic ammonite
fauna in Canada: the Arnioceras-Arniotites assemblage of the Semi-
costatum Zone. I t occurs among the tuffs and lavas of Vancouver Island
and in Queen Charlotte Islands ( M a u d e formation), inland from Vancouver
in the Hope area, in the Yukon, and in the east in the Lower Fernie g r o u p
(Warren, 1931). Arniotites was first described from Vancouver Island
by Hyatt as Triassic, b u t it was shown by Crickmay (1928) to be Liassic
and very close to Arnioceras. F r o m casts kindly sent m e by the Geological
* If correctly identified this should be earlier.

Survey of Canada I d o u b t whether it or t h e closely-similar Melanhippites

Crickmay can be distinguished generically from Arnioceras.
I n the T y a u g h t o n Lake area (about n o miles n o r t h of Vancouver)
a more varied suite has been collected (Frebold, 1951, pis. v-xiv), com­
prising a well-preserved assemblage of the Bucklandi Z o n e : Arietites
bisulcatus (Brug.), Coroniceras (Metophioceras) latisulcatum (Quenst.),
Vermiceras scylla (Reynes) and Agassiceras cf. scipionianum (d'Orb.).
I n addition Asteroceras cf. stellare (Sow.) occurs; this should be younger
t h a n the Arnioceras fauna ( O b t u s u m Zone), b u t Arnioceras or Arniotites
is not found here. Arietitids are also reported farther east in some out­
crops of the Lower Fernie.


I n t h e same T y a u g h t o n Lake area t w o separate assemblages were collected

at a n u m b e r of localities, comprising respectively Psiloceras canadense
F r e b o l d and some other ammonites (Planorbis Zone) and Schlotheimia
cf. acuticosta Buckman (Angulata Zone) (Frebold, 1951, pis. i-iv.).
T h u s it appears that the Hettangian a n d Lower Sinemurian faunas are
fully represented in western British Columbia and largely in European
development at specific level. T h e beds consist of dark argillites, locally
containing limy concretions and some shale, and they appear to rest
conformably on the U p p e r T r i a s where not faulted against it.


T h i s stage m a y b e represented in t h e S u t t o n formation of British

Columbia, which yields Choristoceras and Myophoria and thus correlates
with Rhaetian which lies conformably between the Norian and Hettangian
in western Nevada (Muller & Ferguson, 1939, p . 1607).]


South of t h e Canada-United States border the two Jurassic troughs—

Rocky M o u n t a i n and Pacific—become more clearly differentiated and
require separate treatment as two distinct provinces. Marked southward
increase in the a m o u n t of sand in the Rocky Mountains trough, thickening
of t h e sand westward, and the predominantly eastward set of its current
bedding, indicate that the Cordilleran geanticline became higher and
wider southwards. Somewhere about the border between Nevada and
Arizona, in the region of Las Vegas, it joined a transverse east-west
uplift which closed the Rocky M o u n t a i n s trough on the south and divided
its waters permanently from those of the extended Gulf of Mexico.
T h e Rocky M o u n t a i n or W e s t e r n Interior t r o u g h t h u s formed a large
blind-ended, bag-shaped basin, communicating with the open sea only
at t h e north-west end, in British Columbia. Sediment is thickest on
its western side and thins out eastward to a feather-edge against the stable
Palaeozoics surrounding t h e shield.
Photo Chicago & North Western Rly., per Prof. R . C. Moore
PLATE 28.—The Sentinel, Zion National Park, U t a h . Jurassic sandstones and shaly T r i a s .
PLATE 2 9 . — J u r a s s i c s a n d s t o n e c o u n t r y , A r c h e s N a t i o n a l M o n u m e n t area, Utah.
T h e predominant sediment laid down in this inland sea was sand.
Like other large inland seas, of which t h e first that comes to m i n d is the
Trans-Erythraean trough (pp. 298, 302), its Jurassic record begins with
thick sandstones devoid of marine fossils, and probably of continental and
even largely subaerial origin, which cannot yet b e definitely apportioned
between the U p p e r Trias and Lower Jurassic. I n the south of the basin,
in northern Arizona, southern U t a h and southern Nevada, these sand­
stones (Wingate and Navajo) form the famous Vermilion Cliffs a n d W h i t e
Cliffs of the Glen Canyon area and Zion National Park, with their
wonderful erosion features such as Rainbow Arch (pi. 29). Farther
north the Navajo passes into the Nugget Sandstone. T h e Navajo alone
has a m a x i m u m thickness in southern Nevada of over 1000 m . T h e
total volume of sand present has been estimated at not less t h a n 50,000
cubic miles, and (as with the N u b i a n Sandstone) most of it came from the
destruction of older sandstones.
Into the basin from the north came three major Jurassic marine t r a n s ­
gressions, bringing faunas already m e t with in C a n a d a a n d Alaska and
varying the sedimentary succession w i t h limestones, marls and shales.
T h e first transgression was the M i d d l e Bajocian (? coinciding with an
unconformity in Alaska : p . 535); the second the Lower Callovian; the
third uppermost Callovian (Lamberti Zone) and Lower Oxfordian,
lasting to the beginning of the U p p e r Oxfordian (early Plicatilis Zone).
N o t all parts of the basin were completely inundated. As m i g h t b e
expected, the palaeontological record is m u c h m o r e complete in the north,
in Montana, W y o m i n g and South Dakota. Southward and towards the
margins of the basin the marine formations pass irregularly into red
beds. G y p s u m also formed over large areas at different times.
T h e last Jurassic formation of the Western Interior, the Morrison,
is non-marine b u t has a very wide distribution and overlaps all the earlier
formations, especially in the south. Unlike the early Jurassic non-marine
sandstones, it has a varied lithology: interbedded with coloured sandstones
and conglomerate are red and green shales, and in places limestones, the
shales and limestones carrying flora and fauna of great interest. T h e
deposit is fluviatile and lacustrine and in m a n y ways reminiscent of the
European Purbeck-Wealden, although now believed to b e earlier (Kimer­
idgian). Its deposition must have been preceded b y earth-movements
and extensive erosion, and the earth-movements appear to have raised a
barrier across northern M o n t a n a which shut out the sea and formed an
enclosed basin.
Owing to the Laramide orogeny the Jurassic of the Western Interior
presents almost every possible aspect tectonically. Its eastern feather-
edge is buried beneath Cretaceous and T e r t i a r y cover u n d e r the Great
Plains. I t first rises to view as narrow ring-outcrops a r o u n d the Black
Hills uplift of South Dakota. T h i s outermost ripple of the Rockies is
separated from the front range in W y o m i n g by a broad, deep trough
filled with thousands of metres of later sediments: the total tectonic relief
2 M

of this first 'ripple', from crest of Black Hills to inner trough, being around
20,000 ft. Finally, beyond the mighty tectonic chaos of the Rocky
M o u n t a i n ranges it flattens out in the south-east to build some of the great
plateaux of U t a h , Arizona a n d Nevada already mentioned, with their
canyons a n d encircling cliffs.

FIG. 86.—Jurassic outcrops in the western United States.

A n orderly stratigraphy for this vast region has b e e n obtained above all
by the researches and brilliant syntheses of R. W . Imlay (1947, 1948, 1949,
1952), on whose work the following brief s u m m a r y is necessarily based.
Ver W i e b e (1933) a n d G. T . Schmitt (1953) have given an exhaustive
t r e a t m e n t of the stratigraphy from a non-palaeontological standpoint.
I n the following s u m m a r y the complex formational terms are eliminated
as m u c h as possible in the interests of world-perspective; readers who
require these t e r m s m u s t refer to t h e works quoted.

Morrison formation (60-120 m . ; max. 300 m . in the west): t h e highest

Jurassic formation over a vast area of Colorado, U t a h , W y o m i n g , M o n t a n a ,
N e w Mexico and Arizona. I t consists of sandstones and greenish clays
or shales, which may be altered fine tuff, with a b u n d a n t bentonite locally,
and passes in short distances entirely into unfossiliferous white or purplish
sandstone. T h e base overlaps all the underlying Jurassic and transgresses
on to the pre-Cambrian in Colorado (Mook, 1916, 1918; t h e former with
complete bibliography).
T h e fauna of the Morrison is entirely freshwater and terrestrial. T h e
most famous fossils are giant dinosaurs, including Atlantosaurus. They
agree most closely (though not exactly) with those of t h e T e n d a g u r u
Beds of Tanganyika, which are interbedded with marine strata yielding
U p p e r Kimeridgian ammonites (see p . 333). T h e r e are also turtles,
fish and mammals. T h e mammals have their nearest counterparts in
the Purbeck Beds of England, and being highly peculiar genera and
families, point to fairly close age relations (Simpson, 1926, p p . 212-4;
1929); b u t their value for exact correlation is t e m p e r e d b y the fact that
mammals are unknown in the earlier marine U p p e r Jurassic of E u r o p e .
Some ostracods also are closely comparable to Purbeckian forms. In
several places the Morrison formation yields different silicified faunules
of small freshwater gastropods and a few pelecypods, with characean
plants (Branson, 1935; Henderson, 1935; Stanton, 1915; White, 1886;
Yen & Reeside, 1950; Yen, 1952). T h e s e , however, are less like those of
the English Purbeck Beds than the latter are like those of the Cretaceous
Bear River formation of W y o m i n g , which is now considered Albian (see
Arkell, 1941, p . 125). T h i s points to a pre-Purbeckian age for t h e Morrison.


Redwater Shale m e m b e r (24-57 m.) at top of the Sundance formation.

Greenish grey shales, richly fossiliferous, especially in W y o m i n g and the
Black Hills of South Dakota. Contains also glauconitic sands at base,
some limestones higher u p , and at top sandy b e d s ; becomes sandier
westward (Imlay, 1947).
T h i s marine episode b r o u g h t in an extremely varied a n d interesting
fauna of Cardioceratidae, monographed by Reeside (1919). T h e r e is
marked resemblance at generic and subgeneric level with European,
especially English, forms, b u t only one (doubtful) case of specific identity.
T h e placing of such forms from a different continent in t h e taxonomic
subdivisions established in Europe, especially from figures and descrip­
tions only, admittedly must have a strong subjective element. Neverthe­
less, it has been attempted b y Imlay (1947, p . 264) with a knowledge of
the American forms and using m y figures of the English forms *; for what
it is worth I therefore now offer m y interpretation of Reeside's figures
and descriptions based on some 30 years' familiarity with the English
* Arkell, 1935-48, T h e Ammonites of the English Corallian Beds, Palaeont. Soc.

Cardioceratidae. T h o u g h we differ in m a n y details we agree t h a t besides

t h e majority of species clearly i n d i c a t i n g b o t h C o r d a t u m a n d M a r i a e Zones
of t h e L o w e r Oxfordian t h e r e are m i n o r i t i e s w h i c h can only b e of t h e age
of t h e Lamberti Zone (Upper Callovian) and Plicatilis Zone (Upper
Oxfordian). I n t h e following list t h e references are t o Reeside's plates
and figures.

1. Quenstedtoceras (hamberticerasT) collieri Reeside, i, 1-8.

2. Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) hoveyi Reeside, i, 9 - 1 4 ; ii, 1.
3. Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) tumidum Reeside, iv, 8-10; v, 3 - 4 .
4. Quenstedtoceras (Eboraciceras) subtumidum (W. & H.), iv, 16.
5. Quenstedtoceras (Pavloviceras) latum (Reeside), xx, 7 - 1 6 .
6. Goliathiceras suspectum (Reeside), iv, 5-7; v, 1-2.
7. Goliathiceras crookense (Reeside), ix, 2 - 4 .
8. Goliathiceras russelli (Reeside), xiii, 2 - 3 ; xiv, 3 - 5 .
9. Goliathiceras crassum (Reeside), xii, 3 - 4 ; xiii, 1; xiv, 1-2.
10. Goliathiceras albaniense (Reeside), xxiii (non xxiv, 1-2).
11. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) americanum Reeside, vi, 15-20.
12. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) cordiforme (M. & H.), vii, viii, ix, 1.
13. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras reesidei Maire, viii, 4-5 only (type).
14. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) martini Reeside, ix, 5 - 8 .
15. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) schucherti Reeside, xi, 3 - 5 .
16. Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) wyomingense Reeside, xv, 12-17.
17. Cardioceras (transitional, Scarburgiceras-Cardioceras) auroraense Reeside, x.
18. Cardioceras (Cardioceras) hyatti Reeside, xv, 1-4.
x v
19. Cardioceras (Cardioceras) distans (Whitfield), xv, 18-24; ' -
20. Cardioceras (Cardioceras) lilloetense Reeside, xvii, 2 0 - 2 3 .
21. Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) whitfieldi Reeside, vi, 1 - 6 .
22. Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) alaskense Reeside, vi, 7 - 1 0 .
23. Cardioceras (Scoticardioceras) stillwelli Reeside, vi, 11-14.
24. Cardioceras (Vertebriceras) stantoni Reeside, xv, 5 - 8 .
25. Cardioceras (Vertebriceras) obesum Reeside, xv, 9 - 1 1 .
26. Cardioceras (Sagitticeras) haresi Reeside, xix, 4 - 1 2 .
27. Cardioceras (Sagitticeras!) obtusum Reeside, xx, 1-6.
28. Cardioceras (Subvertebriceras) canadense Whiteaves, xvii, 5 - 1 1 .
29. Cardioceras (Caictoniceras) whiteavesi Reeside, xvii, 1-4.
30. Cardioceras (Maltoniceras) sundancense Reeside, xvii, 12-19.
31. Cardioceras (Maltoniceras) prionodes Crickmay sp., 1936, pis. ii, iii, xviii, 1-3.
32. Cardioceras (subgen. nov.) plattense Reeside, ix, 9 - 1 2 .
33. Cardioceras (subgen. nov.) bellefourchense Reeside, xi, 1-2; xii, r - 2 .
34. ? Pachyceras incertum (Reeside), xx, 1 7 - 2 0 ; x x i ; xxii.

U s i n g t h e n u m b e r s in t h i s list for brevity, t h e age-indications are as

1-4 U p p e r Callovian, L a m b e r t i Z o n e
5, 14-17 L o w e r Oxfordian, M a r i a e Z o n e
6-13, 18-27 L o w e r Oxfordian, C o r d a t u m Z o n e
28-31 U p p e r O x f o r d i a n , Plicatilis Z o n e

N o d o u b t f u t u r e collecting will d e t e r m i n e w h e t h e r four horizons can b e

d i s t i n g u i s h e d i n t h e field, or w h e t h e r all o r a n y c o m b i n a t i o n s of t h e four
are b l e n d e d . (Cf. C r i c k m a y , 1936: it is n o t clear w h y it is a 'gross error'
( p . 554) t o t a k e n o s . 2 - 4 i n t h e a b o v e list at t h e i r face value.)
In England Scoticardioceras is more characteristic of the Plicatilis
Z o n e , b u t t h e A m e r i c a n forms (21-23) are n o t like t h e English in ribbing
h a b i t a n d p r o b a b l y a r e earlier. Several of t h e species of Scarburgiceras
are very close t o E n g l i s h forms of b o t h M a r i a e a n d C o r d a t u m Zones, and
o n e m a y b e identical (C. reesidei M a i r e ; Arkell, 1946, op. cit., p . 307).
C. (S.) schucherti most resembles C. (S.) mirabile Arkell (Mariae Zone).
C. (C.) lilloetense seems to belong to the group of C. persecans Buckman
(Cordatum Zone). T h e Vertebriceras are most like C o r d a t u m Zone
forms; C. (V.) stantoni is close to C. (V.) gracile Arkell. I have not
attempted to subdivide the Goliathiceras, b u t at least G. russelli and perhaps
several others are probably Pachycardioceras, as Imlay suggests.
It is curious that other families of ammonites are almost absent
(see however, Imlay, 1947, p p . 260-1). I n other regions, especially
England and Europe, they abound at every level represented b y these
Elsewhere some elements of these faunas have been found in t h e
basal Curtis formation of the Uinta M o u n t a i n s in U t a h a n d Colorado,
and in Yellowstone National Park, etc. (Imlay, 1952, p p . 9 6 4 - 5 ; 1947,
p p . 2 6 0 - 1 ; Crickmay, 1936).


I n the lower part of the Sundance formation in t h e Black Hills and

Wyoming, and in the equivalents in Utah, Arcticoceras henryi (Meek &
H a y d e n ) is common, with Arcticoceras s p p . a n d m a n y pelecypods. I n the
W i n d River Basin, Wyoming, the Arcticoceras beds are succeeded by beds
with Gowericeras spp. I n the Rierdon formation of M o n t a n a these two
zones occur with Kepplerites (Seymourites) beds above, and beds with
Arctocephalites below. T h e following six zones have been m a d e out in
this and other Rocky M o u n t a i n states, and the ammonites have been well
figured (Imlay, 1948, 1953);
Zone of Seymourites mclearni Imlay, with Kosmoceras, Grossouvria
and Macrocephalitids
Zone of Seymourites tychonis (Ravn), with Cadoceras spp.
Zone of Gowericeras subitum Imlay, with Cadoceras spp., Xenocephalites
shoshonense (Imlay) and rare Perisphinctids
Zone of Gowericeras costidensum
Zone of Arcticoceras codyense, with Cadoceras and small Arctocephalites
Zone of Arctocephalites spp.
T h e exact correlation of these zones with those recognized in E u r o p e
presents many difficulties. I t has been fully discussed by Imlay (1948,
1953), who has been able by the use of these zones to make widespread
correlations t h r o u g h the Western Interior states (1952). T h e occurrence
of Macrocephalitids at the top agrees with Canada a n d has its counterpart
in England, though there they are c o m m o n e r below; and t h e absence of
Macrocephalitids at the b o t t o m agrees with Greenland. Kosmoceras
at the top and Gowericeras in the middle of t h e Lower Callovian also
agrees with England; and the presence of Xenocephalites in the Gowericeras
zones, since it- occurs with Reineckeiae in South America, further indicates
t h a t these zones cannot b e low in the Lower Callovian. T h e Arcticoceras
a n d Arctocephalites zones (and also Crancephalites of Greenland) are all

closely b o u n d together palaeontologically and form a unit which is by no

m e a n s too large t o e q u a t e w i t h t h e immensely thick Macrocephalus Zone
of, for instance, C u t c h (p. 391). Even 'Procerites' can be Callovian, as
Imlay points o u t ; and apart from this doubtful determination there is no
evidence for anything Bathonian. I n this connexion the excellent dis­
cussion of t h e Greenland evidence b y D o n o v a n (1953, p p . 130-3) should be
r e a d ; t h o u g h it does not seem to m e to b e necessary to doubt the generic
identity of the American Gowericeras which are at least as like the European
forms as are other N o r t h American ammonites such as the Cardioceratidae
a n d Stephanoceratidae.
Some of the ammonites figured b y Imlay, as Cadoceras muelleri, C.
tetonense, C. piperense, from the Gowericeras beds, are astoundingly like
E u r o p e a n Morrisiceras of the M i d d l e Bathonian, and seem to go best in
the South American Callovian genus Eurycephalites, which Burckhardt in
1903 mistook for Morrisiceras (see p . 584).


T h e G y p s u m Spring formation of t h e W e s t e r n Interior region contains

in its u p p e r part gastropods likened by Imlay (1947, p . 242) to forms from
t h e English Great Oolite. T h e position of this horizon is below the
Callovian faunas j u s t discussed a n d above the M i d d l e Bajocian Stemmato-
ceras-Defonticeras zone. N o unequivocally Bathonian ammonites are
known, nor any datable to U p p e r Bajocian.


T h e middle p a r t of t h e G y p s u m Spring formation of central Wyoming

and southern Montana, the lower part of the Sawtooth formation of
western Montana, and the lower part of the T w i n Creek limestone of
western W y o m i n g a n d eastern Idaho contain a fauna characterised b y
Chondroceras (Defonticeras) oblatum (Whiteaves), Zemistephanus vancouveri
M c L e a r n and Stemmatoceras (Imlay, 1948). I n M o n t a n a Teloceras is
also recorded (Imlay, 1952, p . 968). I n m a n y places this zone contains
limestones, a n d it represents a marine transgression from the west. T h e
fauna is clearly t h e same as t h a t of t h e M i d d l e Bajocian in Canada.

UNDATED ( L I A S ?). (Up to 1000 m.)

T h e m a r i n e M i d d l e Bajocian in W y o m i n g , Idaho a n d South Dakota

rests on the N u g g e t Sandstone, which may be a continental equivalent
of the Lower Fernie of Canada, b u t bears little resemblance to it. N o
marine fossils occur, and there is m u c h coarse current-bedding, with
polished sand grains and pebbles. I n Arizona and parts of Nevada t h e
Navajo Sandstone, probably equivalent stratigraphically, has yielded
inconclusive reptilian remains. T h e s e sandstones are doubtless equivalent
in a general way to the Lias. (Imlay, 1952, p p . 664, 666.) F u r t h e r thick
sandstones u n d e r n e a t h (Wingate formation) may b e basal Liassic or
U p p e r Triassic.


T h e great belt of deeply-sinking narrow troughs, volcanic activity

and Jurassic orogeny, already described in Alaska a n d British Columbia,
continues through the Pacific border states of Washington, Oregon and
California, with part of western Nevada.
Here the master event was t h e Nevadan orogeny. By means of close
ammonite stratigraphy the date of this revolution has been p i n n e d d o w n

F I G . 87.—Distribution of the Franciscan and Knoxville formations in

California. After Taliaferro.

within narrow limits. I t occurred between (certainly) L o w e r or (probably)

M i d d l e Kimeridgian, a n d T i t h o n i a n : t h a t is, in t h e U p p e r Kimeridgian,
or possibly Lower Portlandian. T h e stratigraphy of t h e whole region
divides itself into two epochs, before and after t h e orogeny, for t h e revolu­
tion caused not only violent folding and t h r u s t i n g and t h e injection of
t h e mighty granodiorite batholith of t h e Sierra Nevada, b u t westward
migration of t h e geosyncline to a fresh site.
T h e centre of pre-Nevadan sedimentation lay o v e r t h e region of t h e
Sierra Nevada, with t h e adjacent parts of western N e v a d a on t h e east and
t h e Great Valley of California on t h e west. H e r e sedimentation was
continuous from the Trias (Norian and Rhaetian) into t h e Hettangian

and Sinemurian, with ammonite faunas of all four stages. Preliminary

movements occurred in the Pliensbachian, when masses of coarse conglo­
merate were formed, with some folding and incipient thrusting, followed
closely b y volcanism ( D u n l a p formation). T h i s episode may possibly
coincide with a major orogeny in Oregon, where the U p p e r Trias was
intensely folded before the locally lowest Jurassic beds were laid down—
t h e earliest dated being Pliensbachian. After this orogeny in central
Oregon there was no volcanism, b u t in California volcanic activity con­
t i n u e d intermittently in the Toarcian, Bajocian and Callovian. T h e total
thickness of deposits of these ages is from 1500 to 4500 m. and in places
contains about 420 m . of pillow lavas overlain by u p to 450 m. of tuffs,
radiolarian cherts, and shales. T h e s e volcanics occur through all the
outcrops of California and south-western Oregon. T h e lavas, which are
all submarine, range from rhyolite to basalt, with augite-andesite pre­
dominant. Volcanic centres can b e recognized, in the form of necks and
concentrations of flows and coarse agglomerates and breccias. T h e r e are
also m a n y and complex intrusions (Taliaferro, 1942).
Volcanic activity t e n d e d t o die down in t h e . last episode (Mariposa
shale or slate) before the Nevadan orogeny: that is, during the Lower
a n d perhaps M i d d l e Kimeridgian; t h o u g h there were still extrusions of
greenstone a n d tuff.
T h e Nevadan orogeny produced violent deformation of all preceding
rocks, involving t h e m in overturned folds and major thrusts, in which
Palaeozoics were t h r u s t eastward over the Jurassic. Following quickly
u p o n these m o v e m e n t s , t h e h u g e batholiths of the Sierra Nevada and its
satellites were intruded, preceded by some basic intrusions. Similar
structures and batholiths continue southwards to form most of the long
peninsula of Baja California, b u t the evidence suggests that these are
L o w e r Cretaceous, like t h e great I d a h o batholith.
After the Nevadan orogeny a new geosyncline formed to the west of the
old one, over the site of the present Coast Ranges. Like its predecessor
this too received sediment and volcanic material from the west; from
which it is again inferred that a volcanic island festoon lay offshore in
what is now the Pacific. T h i s trough may have received in places u p to
7,000 m . of sediment and volcanic rocks, all within the Tithonian period
(sensu lato). T h e s e rocks, since folded in successive Cretaceous, Tertiary
and even Pleistocene orogenies, now build the Coast Ranges with their
characteristic shaly aspect, so different from the serrated ridges and peaks
of the Sierra Nevada, carved from the granodiorite batholith.
T h e e n d of t h e Jurassic is marked by another orogeny, t h e Diablan,
which occurred between the Tithonian and Valanginian and is therefore
dated to the only stage unrepresented by fossiliferous sediments in the
region, t h e Berriasian.
T h e complex history t h u s briefly sketched has been hammered out
by m a n y geologists working over a period of more than half a century,
b u t is pre-eminently to the credit of Professor N . L. Taliaferro (1942,
1943) and F . M . Anderson (1933, 1945) for t h e p o s t - N e v a d a n history,
while t h e p r e - N e v a d a n history in Oregon a n d Nevada owes most t o t h e
work of L u p h e r (1941) a n d M u l l e r & Ferguson (1936, 1939).
T a b l e 23 (based on Taliaferro, 1942, p . 107, emended) summarizes
the stratigraphy of t h e U p p e r Jurassic with its complicated a n d
oft-modified terminology.

Stages Formations (California & Oregon)

Lower Albian
Aptian Horsetown and Paskenta—Shasta group and
Franciscan (pars)
Berriasian Absent. Diablan orogeny
(? Upper and) Middle Tithonian/ Knoxville/Franciscan (pars)
Upper Kimeridgian (Lower Absent. Nevadan orogeny
Middle? and Lower Kimeridgian Mariposa Slate (California) and Galice formation
(Oregon) and
Upper Oxfordian
Middle and Lower Callovian Amador group (California) and Dothan group

T h e Lower a n d Middle Jurassic in t h e Sierra Nevada are together over

6000 m . thick, while the U p p e r Jurassic of t h e Coast Ranges m a y b e at
least 7500 m . t h i c k : a total of 13,500 m . (Taliaferro, 1942 p p . 104, 109).
A large part of t h e supposed U p p e r Jurassic m a y be Cretaceous.

Knoxville formation (probably 3000 m . + ) , passing d o w n into t h e
Franciscan formation (probably 6-7000 m . ) . T h e Knoxville consists
chiefly of shales, in which occur Buchia piochii a n d other species of
Buchia, and a poorly-preserved ammonite fauna correlating with t h e
Middle Tithonian Substeueroceras a n d Durangites beds of Mexico, includ­
ing Berriasella storrsi (Stanton), Protothurmannia rezanoffiana Crickmay,
Kossmatia dilleri (Stanton), K. tehamaensis Anderson, Durangites aff.
vulgaris Burckhardt, Substeueroceras [Parodontoceras ?] stantoni Anderson,
'Aulacosphinctes' (?) spp., Protacanthodiscus crossi Anderson, Phylloceras
(3 spp.), Lytoceras, etc. (Crickmay, 1932; Anderson, 1945; Taliaferro,
1943, p . 198; Imlay, 1952, p . 974). T h e lowest 360 m . are unfossiliferous.
According to Taliaferro (1942, 1943) t h e lower part of the Knoxville
is equivalent to the u p p e r part of t h e Franciscan a n d they grade into one
another vertically and laterally. Arkosic sandstone is t h e d o m i n a n t
sediment of the Franciscan; interbedded with it are shales, silts a n d

carbonaceous layers passing to i m p u r e coal. I n the middle and u p p e r

parts of the formation are great thicknesses of volcanic rocks: pillow
lavas, vesicular basalts, andesites a n d dacites, tuffs and agglomerates
interbedded with limestones and radiolarian cherts; and the whole is
i n t r u d e d by a variety of hypabyssals. T h e cherts are best developed where
t h e volcanic rocks are at their m a x i m u m , and the whole is clearly a
shallow-water succession. M a n y of the Knoxville fossils, including
ammonites, were collected from shales below pillow lavas and cherts of
Franciscan type (Taliaferro, 1943, p . 197). F r o m boulders of the chert
have been obtained two snouts of Ichthyosaurus which compare best
with / . posthumus of t h e Solnhofen Slates ( U p p e r Kimeridgian, Lower
According to Taliaferro (1943, p p . 190-195) both Franciscan and
Knoxville are overlain unconformably t h r o u g h o u t t h e Coast Ranges by
t h e Paskenta formation, which contains a marine Valanginian fauna.
P a r t of t h e Franciscan at t h e t y p e locality in San Francisco, however, is
Cretaceous, for it has yielded the Albian ammonite Douvilleiceras
(Schlocker, Bonilla & Imlay, 1954).


Along the west side of t h e Sierra Nevada the Mariposa Slates, which
pass into the Galice formation in Oregon, have yielded Amoeboceras
(Amoebites) dubium (Hyatt) (Reeside, 1919, p . 38, pi. xxiv, figs. 5-8)
a Lower Kimeridgian form; also poorly-preserved Perisphinctids, P.
virgulatiformis H y a t t and P. miihlbachi Hyatt, which Crickmay (1933,
p p . 56-7, pis. 16-18) interprets respectively as Virgatosphinctoides [Middle
Kimeridgian] a n d Dichotomoceras [ U p p e r Oxfordian—Lower Kimer­
idgian]. T h e preservation of the material, however, renders generic
placing hazardous. F r o m agglomerates at Longtown Ridge, ? Diviso-
sphinctes or ? Pachysphinctes is recorded (Imlay, 1952, p . 976).


T h e Mariposa Slate apparently reaches down into the late Lower

Callovian, for it has yielded Kepplerites (Gowericeras ? or Seymourites)
(})lindgreni H y a t t sp. (Crickmay, 1933, p . 57, pi. 17, figs.9. 10) and Macro­
cephalitids or Cadoceratids. ('Catacephalites' was based on a squashed
Cadoceras.) K. lindgreni seem to be m u c h like Seymourites figured from
Canada by M c L e a r n (1929, pis. i-viii). T h e equivalent Amador formation
of the Sierra Nevada is partly volcanic in the lower layers, containing
pillow basalts, tuffs a n d agglomerates; it has yielded ? Grossouvria (Imlay,
1952, p . 975). At M o u n t J u r a in the northern Sierra Nevada, Reineckeia
(Reineckeites) dilleri (Crickmay 19336, p . 914, pis. 32, 34) is sufficiently
c o m m o n to have been proposed as a zonal index. Some hundreds of
feet lower was found Choffatia hyatti Crickmay sp. (19336, pi. 33),
which m u c h resembles some E u r o p e a n forms of the Macrocephalus
Zone (subbakeriae group). I n central Oregon Lilloetia and Kepplerites
{Gowericeras ?) occur in the T r o w b r i d g e Shale, t h u s correlating with
Canada and Alaska (Lupher, 1941, p . 264).


I n central Oregon a series of formations has been distinguished with

rich Middle and Lower Bajocian ammonite faunas as follows ( L u p h e r ,
Izee group.
Snowshoe formation (840 m.). Sandstones grading to shales with
flinty nodules. Skirroceras cf. leptogyrale Buckman and S . spp., Witchellia
aff. simulans (Buck.) and W. aff. felix (Buck.), Sonninia (Papilliceras)
stantoni Crickmay, S. cf. blackwelderi Crickmay, Hebetoxyites cf. hebes
Buck., H. cf. clypeus Buck. T h e age of the last two in England, according
to Buckman, is the u p p e r part of the Sowerbyi Zone (Laeviuscula S u b -
zone), b u t all the others are of the Sauzei Zone. Stemmatoceras and
Normannites occur in a conglomerate derived from this formation.
H y d e formation (324 m.). Massive medium-grained sandstones with
Skirroceras and Sonninids as above.
Colpitts g r o u p : W a r m Springs formation (30-90 m.) and W e b e r g
formation (30-67 m.). Limestones, sandstones and shales, with a b u n d a n t
ammonites in both subdivisions. T h e y include (not differentiated) a
profusion of Sonniniidae, m a n y like those of the Sowerbyi Zone figured
in Buckman's monograph, including Euhoploceras, also Witchellia
('Zugophorites', 'Zugella'), Docidoceras spp., all of the Sowerbyi Zone, and
also Praestrigites ('Deltostrigites') cf. deltatus (Buckman) and Tmetoceras
cf. scissum (Ben.), of the Lower Bajocian.
T h e Sowerbyi and Sauzei Zones are also represented in the M o r m o n
formation (283 m.) at M o u n t Jura, California, as shown by Sonninia
schucherti, S. stantoni, S. blackwelderi, S. juramontanum, Normannites
reesidei and Chondroceras russelli, all of Crickmay (19336, p p . 909-913,
pis. xxvii-xxxi). Holcophylloceras occurs here.


T h e next-lower formation in central Oregon, the Nicely Shale (40 m.),

contains fossiliferous nodules with Amaltheus cf. reticulatus (Simpson),
Amauroceras sp. nov., Harpoceras spp. nov., Platyharpites sp. nov. and
'early Hildoceratidae and Dactylioceratidae' (Lupher, 1941, p p . 240,
246). T h e same forms are found in the underlying Suplee formation
(12 m.). T h e age from this appears to be U p p e r Pliensbachian, perhaps
transitional to Toarcian. Harpoceras is also recorded from the D u n l a p
formation of western Nevada, where it has been taken for basal Toarcian
(Muller & Ferguson, 1939, T a b l e 3 and p . 1621). T h e D u n l a p formation
contains thick conglomerates of local pebbles and its u p p e r part is largely
volcanic; the conglomerates and local erosional unconformities are taken
to indicate uplift and folding during the Pliensbachian or possibly early
Toarcian (ibid. p p . 1616-7).


T h e D o n o v a n formation, the lowest Jurassic beds recognized in central

Oregon, seems to straddle these two stages. It consists of less than 60 m.
of sandstones and sandy shale with negligible amounts of limestone and
conglomerate. T h e red sandstones yield a b u n d a n t pelecypods, also
? Uptonia (Polymorphitidae, perhaps not this genus) and Coeloceras cf.
pettos (Quenst.) of the Jamesoni Zone, also Eoderoceras cf. impavidum
(Buck.) a n d Paltechioceras {^Metechioceras'') of the Raricostatum Zone
( = ' A r m a t u m Zone') of the U p p e r Sinemurian (Lupher, 1941, p . 235).
T h e Eoderoceras fauna of this zone also occurs in the top of the Sunrise
formation in western Nevada (Muller & Ferguson, 1939, p . 1612) and
Echioceras has been found at M o u n t J u r a (Crickmay, 19336, p . 909, pi.
xxvii, figs. 1-5).


Oolitic limestones 22-5-25-5 m. above the base of the Sunrise formation,

western Nevada, contain Arietites bisulcatus (Brug.), A. rotator (Sow.),
Megarietites meridionalis (Reynes) and Tmaegoceras spp. (Muller &
Ferguson, 1939, p p . 1611-2). F r o m the same beds probably came Coroni-
ceras (Metophioceras) crossmanni (Hyatt) and perhaps Arnioceras woodhulli
H y a t t (Crickmay, 1925).


T h e lowest 22-5 m. of the Sunrise formation consists of argillaceous

a n d cherty limestone interbedded w i t h shale a n d has yielded Psiloceras
spp., Euphyllites, Waehneroceras, Phylloceras, Schlotheimia and Chlamys
aff. textorius (Quenst.) (Muller & Ferguson, 1939, p . 1611).


T h e Sunrise formation follows conformably on Rhaetian beds with

Pteria contorta (Portlock) and Choristoceras marshi (Hauer) and under­
lain by t h e Norian stage with a rich ammonite fauna (Muller & Ferguson,
1939, p p . 1605-9). 1 ° Oregon, however, t h e U p p e r T r i a s and unfossili­
ferous beds above it (which may b e Jurassic) are acutely folded and
overlain unconformably by Jurassic in which the lowest dated stage is



Most of Mexico is a continuation of the Cordilleras of N o r t h America.

In it are still recognizable representatives of t h e Pacific geosyncline, t h e
Cordilleran geanticline, and an analogue of t h e Rocky M o u n t a i n trough.
T h e Pacific geosyncline continues southward t h r o u g h t h e n o r t h ­
eastern state of Sonora and t h e long peninsula of L o w e r California and
intervening Gulf of California, which may be a lineal descendant of t h e
ancient geosyncline. I n Lower California, however, no fossiliferous rocks
older t h a n Cretaceous have been found, a n d t h o u g h from t h e lithology
and t h e intrusive batholiths t h e peninsula would appear to b e a continua­
tion of t h e Sierra Nevada and Coast Ranges, b o t h t h e batholiths and t h e
sediments are somewhat later. T h e only Jurassic known in N W . Mexico
is some small outliers of Lias, mainly continental b u t partly marine, in t h e
state of Sonora.
T h e Cordilleran geanticline is continued in a general way, considerably
narrowed, by t h e main N N W . - S S E . m o u n t a i n range, t h e Sierra M a d r e
Occidental, which t h o u g h t h r o w n u p in its present form in t h e late T e r t i a r y
and even later, was already a land barrier in the Jurassic.
T o the east of the barrier lay a broad basin of Jurassic deposition,
analogous with t h e Rocky M o u n t a i n trough and ancestral to t h e Gulf of
Mexico, though differing greatly in outline. Like its n o r t h e r n analogue,
this trough was deepest along its western side, which developed as a
geosyncline r u n n i n g obliquely S S E . - N N W . t h r o u g h what are now t h e
Sierra M a d r e Oriental and t h e high central plateau (Mesa Central). It
was in this geosyncline, open only at t h e south-east to t h e Gulf of
Mexico, b o u n d e d on t h e west by t h e Cordilleran geanticline and on most
of t h e east by a finger-like p r o m o n t o r y from t h e n o r t h e r n land, that nearly
all t h e Jurassic rocks of Mexico accumulated.
T h e outstanding features of t h e Jurassic faunas of Mexico are their
Mediterranean connexions and their evident severance from those that
lived in t h e tectonically analogous Rocky M o u n t a i n trough of t h e U n i t e d
States and Canada. I t is this discontinuity, and also t h e tectonic dis­
continuity in t h e southern part of t h e country, t h a t make it logical to
treat Mexico and the Gulf region in a separate chapter.
T h e tectonic discontinuity consists in the s u d d e n change of strike of
the mountain ranges and fold axes t o E . - . W . in t h e south of Mexico,
in conformity with the general t r e n d of the folding in Central America
and the Greater Antilles. Palaeozoic, Cretaceous and Tertiary folds all
follow this trend in the Central American-Antillean region. Lithology

and faunas in southern Mexico indicate that in the Jurassic the same grain
was followed by a seaway which at times linked t h e Gulf of Mexico with
t h e Pacific a n d afforded a migration r o u t e across southern Mexico. It
was not always open, and from its postulated closings and openings has
been called t h e Balsas portal (Schuchert, 1935, p . 119). T h e times when it
probably opened were t h e U p p e r Jurassic a n d L o w e r Cretaceous, at least
intermittently (Imlay, 1940). A more p e r m a n e n t connexion between the
Atlantic and Pacific Oceans lay farther south, t h r o u g h the Caribbean and
across Costa Rica a n d P a n a m a (fig. 88).
T h e possibility of a m o r e northerly connexion between t h e Mexican
a n d Pacific troughs by way of a Sonoran portal (Imlay, 1940) cannot be

i. 88—Palaeogeographic sketch-map of middle America in the Upper Jurassic. Based

on Imlay, and corrected to 1954. (From Journ. Paleont., 1941 modified.)

excluded. T h e occurrence of outliers of marine Sinemurian in western

and north-western Sonora (Burckhardt, 1930, p p . 23-4, 4 1 - 2 ; Imlay,
1952, p . 973) suggests t h e possibility of a seaway by this portal in early
Jurassic times. Arnioceras a n d other marine fossils are interbedded in
some of these outliers with a continental series (Barranca formation)
which is in places as m u c h as 750 m . thick. F u r t h e r discoveries may show
whether this fauna has closer affinity with those of southern Mexico or
those of western Nevada and Oregon.
T h e remarkable correspondence between t h e faunas of Mexico and t h e
M e d i t e r r a n e a n region, especially the south of France, at n u m e r o u s succes­
sive levels of t h e U p p e r Jurassic, was m a d e clear by Burckhardt as early
as 1903 a n d again fully reviewed in 1930 (pp. 1 0 6 - m ) . Burckhardt,
however, pointed out a n u m b e r of differences, which are enough
to make detailed correlation difficult. T h e most striking is t h e abundance
of t h e peculiar Mexican Oppeliid genus Mazapilites in t h e critical U p p e r
Kimeridgian (to Lower Portlandian ?) part of the succession, above the
Beckeri Zone and below the definite Tithonian. T h i s part of the sequence
is still badly in need of further investigation. A general difference is the
comparative rarity of Phylloceratidae and Lytoceratidae in the Mexican
Kimeridgian a n d Tithonian, whereas in t h e Mediterranean area they are
the dominant ammonites in n u m b e r s of individuals, t h o u g h not in n u m b e r s
of species. I t is noteworthy that these families should be rare in Mexico
in beds carrying an otherwise typical T e t h y a n fauna, whereas they are
abundant in the Caucasus in beds carrying an otherwise typical N W .
European fauna (see p . 362).
Burckhardt (1910, 1911) believed t h a t t h e Kimeridgian a n d T i t h o n i a n
of Mexico contained a n u m b e r of 'boreal' genera such as Simbirskites,
Craspedites, Kachpurites, Virgatites, b u t this was contested by U h l i g
(1911), and although Burckhardt in his last work (1930, p . n o ) maintained
his views, Uhlig is now generally held to have been right. T h e question
will be dealt with further in connexion with t h e Andes of Argentina
(p- 580). j
N o orogeny involved Mexico during t h e Jurassic or Lower Cretaceous.i
b u t earth-movements perhaps synchronous with t h e D u n l a p (Upper,
Pliensbachian) and Nevadan ( U p p e r Kimeridgian) orogenies can b e
detected by local overlaps and disconformities or by interruptions of the
marine sequence. F o r instance the Sinemurian and Lower Pliensbachian
are marine, with a full ammonite sequence, although plants are present
at several horizons; b u t above the Jamesoni Zone the marine record is cut
short and a purely continental regime of plant-beds persists until the
Middle or U p p e r Bajocian.
A great intercalation of red beds and gypsum (Huizachal formation)
in the U p p e r Jurassic, u p to 420 m . thick, is believed to b e mainly of
Oxfordian age (Imlay & others, 1948). I t has a basal conglomerate u p to
nearly 50 m . thick, and other conglomeratic lenses m a y occur at any level.
I n eastern D u r a n g o this formation contains andesitic lavas 150 to 300 m .
thick, interbedded with red shale a n d sandstone derived largely from
disintegration of the lava. T h e age of these beds is a difficult problem,
in the absence of fossils. T h e y are, however, overlain disconformably
by the U p p e r Oxfordian (La Gloria formation), which in its basal con­
glomerate contains pebbles derived from t h e r e d beds. I n other places t h e
junction is marked by an angular unconformity. T h e red beds usually
rest on Palaeozoic or older basement rocks a n d in these places m a y b e of
any date between Oxfordian a n d P e r m i a n ; b u t in t h e Huesteca area of
Veracruz, Puebla and Hidalgo they overlie marine Lower Jurassic, a n d
they are believed to correlate with similar b u t t h i n n e r red beds and
gypsum in southern Mexico which are mainly of Lower Oxfordian age.
(For summaries and discussion of the evidence see Imlay, 1943, p p .
: 2 2
1475-9; 9 5 > P- 9 7 ! Imlay & others, 1948, p p . 1753-61). I t is possible
that the earth-movements that caused this widespread continental episode
in Mexico, with its conglomerates and volcanic activity, were in a general

way contemporary with t h e Agassiz orogeny of Canada and the formation

of t h e Chisik conglomerate of Alaska; b u t b o t h those events can b e tied
down to a m u c h narrower time-interval on t h e Callovian-Oxfordian
T h e Nevadan orogeny is not discernible as such in Mexico b u t may
be represented by n o n - s e q u e n c e between Kimeridgian and Tithonian.
As will be seen from t h e s u m m a r y that follows, however, more strati­
graphical collecting is required before t h e existence and precise extent
of such a gap can be satisfactorily established.

FIG. 89.—Jurassic outcrops in Mexico. T h e broken line indicates approximately the

northern boundary of buried Jurassic rocks under the Gulf Coastal Plain of the
southern United States.

Some further volcanic activity at t h e end of t h e Jurassic is indicated by

tuffs a n d bentonitic shales in t h e U p p e r T i t h o n i a n in southern Mexico.
A complete picture of t h e ammonite faunas of t h e Middle and U p p e r
Jurassic of Mexico is presented in four sumptuously-illustrated m o n o ­
graphs by one of t h e most able and distinguished students of the Jurassic,
t h e Swiss geologist Carl Burckhardt, w h o died in 1935. T h e monographs
describe t h e U p p e r Jurassic faunas of Mazapil (1906), San Pedro del
Gallo (1912) a n d S y m o n (1919-21), a n d t h e M i d d l e Jurassic a n d Callovian
faunas of t h e states of Oaxaca and G u e r r e r o (1927), and they were followed
by a brilliant synthesis and discussion of t h e whole Mexican Mesozoic
(1930). F u r t h e r figures and new information have since been published
in important papers by Imlay (1939, 1939a, 1943, 1943a; and Imlay &
others, 1948) a n d Mulleried (1942; and Burckhardt (posthumous) &
Mulleried, 1936). T h e Jurassic floras were monographed by Wieland
(1914). Comprehensive general accounts of Mexico and t h e adjacent
areas of Central America, the Gulf region and Antilles, have been published
by Schuchert (1935) and Sapper (1937), and a synopsis of t h e Jurassic
of the whole region by Imlay (1943).
I n connexion with the u p p e r part of the following summary, use should
be made of the correlation table for the T i t h o n i a n of South America and
Mexico on p . 581.


At Mazapil this consists of 10 m . of shaly and marly limestones with

black cherts containing Substeueroceras cf. koeneni (Steuer) and Berriasella
cf. calisto ( d ' O r b . ) . A t Symon, D u r a n g o , from 21 m . of shaly limestone
forming the top of the Jurassic were collected Substeueroceras sp., Paro-
dontoceras spp., Proniceras cf. idoceroides Burckhardt, Berriasella zacatecana
Imlay, a n d Aulacosphinctes ? (Imlay, 1939, p . 9). T h e fauna comprises
many species of all these genera, plus Micracanthoceras spp. and Hildo­
glochiceras spp. (For complete list see Imlay, 1939, table 9; m a n y figures
in Burckhardt, 1906, 1921, and Imlay, 1939). Proniceras was placed by
Burckhardt (1930, table 6) at the base of the T i t h o n i a n as here understood,
below the Durangites and Kossmatia beds, b u t Imlay (1939, p . 23) states
that this was an error, based on relative geographical position of separate
outcrops, which might have been faulted. H e has proved that it occurs
at the top, with Substeueroceras.
T h i s fauna correlates with the zone of Substeueroceras koeneni in Argen­
tina, there also recognized by Leanza as the highest zone of the Jurassic
(see p . 582).
I n southern Mexico the T i t h o n i a n Pimienta formation consists of tuffs
and bituminous and bentonitic shales with lenses of limestone and a few
thin bands of chert. F r o m it have b e e n obtained Substeueroceras, Paro-
dontoceras, Himalayites, Corongoceras, Hildoglochiceras, Pseudolissoceras and
Durangites (Imlay, 1952, p . 971). I n the type area in t h e southern Sierra
M a d r e Oriental t h e thickness of t h e Pimienta is 100-200 m . (Heim, 1926).


T o this division belongs t h e next-lower horizon, characterized b y

numerous species of Durangites and Kossmatia, together with s u b ­
ordinate Hildoglochiceras and Micracanthoceras, and Grayiceras ? mexicanum
(Burckhardt) (which Burckhardt figured, 1912, pi. xxxiv, figs. 18-22, as a
Simbirskites, b u t which Spath in 1923 likened to forms from t h e Spiti
Shales). M a n y figures in Burckhardt, 1906, 1912, 1921; Imlay, 1939;
list in Imlay, 1939, table 8. T h i s horizon correlates with a T i t h o n i a n
fauna in California (see p . 553).


Between the M i d d l e Tithonian Durangites and Kossmatia beds and the

Middle Kimeridgian Hybonoticeras beckeri beds is a series of strata char­
acterized primarily by Perisphinctids of great variety and presenting great
2 N

taxonomic difficulty, and (in t h e lower part at least) by the peculiar

Oppeliid genus Mazapilites, not known outside Mexico (see Burckhardt,
1921, pis. i-iii, v-xiv, a n d list in Imlay, 1939, table 7). Imlay (1939, 1943)
has figured a n u m b e r of new forms from these beds and made valiant
efforts t o sort out t h e systematics of t h e Perisphinctids and the detailed
succession. I t is still impossible, however, to place all the forms satis­
factorily in existing genera, or to draw a definite boundary between
T i t h o n i a n and Kimeridgian.
T h e presence of Lower T i t h o n i a n in the u p p e r part of these beds,
probably above the range of Mazapilites, is proved b y u n d o u b t e d Virgato­
sphinctes, correlating with the Lower T i t h o n i a n of Argentina and farther
afield (e.g. V. cf. denseplicatus W a a g e n sp., V. adkinsi Imlay, V. chihuahua-
ensis Imlay (1943), V. aguilari Burck. sp., 1906 pi. xxvii, 6-9). T h e
p r e d o m i n a n t Perisphinctids, however, are a different group which seem
to fall for the most part into the genus Aulacosphinctoides (Burckhardt,
1921, pis. v-xiv, s u b . Aulacosphinctes), characteristic of the Lower Tithonian
and U p p e r Kimeridgian of Spiti, N e w Zealand, etc. M a n y of the species
have a notable frequency of simple ribs, which strongly recalls the genus
Torquatisphinctes, a n d if, as Imlay holds, b o t h genera are represented, it is
likely that these beds reach down into the M i d d l e Kimeridgian. Another
pointer in t h e same direction is t h e occurrence of forms of Perisphinctids
( P . mexicanus Burckhardt, 1906, pi. xxxi, figs. 6-9) which appear to belong
to the genus Virgataxioceras of the Beckeri Zone, and the overlap, according
to Burckhardt, of Mazapilites and Hybonoticeras. Other forms occur
which Imlay (1943, p p . 532-3, pis. 88, 89, 91) assigns to the late-Middle
a n d early-Upper Kimeridgian genus Subplanites, t h e genus to which P .
burckhardti Blanchet (1923) probably belongs (type Burckhardt, 1921,
pi. xiv, figs. 1-3); a n d 'Perisphinctes nikitini' Burckhardt (1906, pi. xxxi,
figs. 1-4) seems to b e a Subdichotomoceras. Another fragment figured by
Burckhardt (1906, pi. xxxii, fig. 2) may b e identical with an early Virgato­
sphinctes of the N e u b u r g Lithographicum Zone, V. eystettensis Schneid
(1914, pi. iii, fig. 5). W i t h these forms occur a considerable variety of
Aspidoceras and Physodoceras, Taramelliceras, Pseudolissoceras, Haploceras,
etc. I t is difficult to believe that careful stratigraphical collecting will not
one day yield a sequence a n d solve t h e problems.
Some ammonites, mostly indeterminate fragments, that may represent
a different U p p e r Kimeridgian fauna of the Pectinatus Zone have been
figured from an isolated outcrop near Las Cuevas in eastern Durango
(Imlay, 1939, p . 33-4). T h e y have been assigned to Callovian genera
and dated (p. 21) to the ' M i d d l e Oxfordian', b u t they bear a suggestive
resemblance, in the photographs, to Pectinatites (pi. 7, fig. 7) and Wheat-
leyites (pi. 7, fig. 1; pi. 5, fig. 8 ; pi. 6, fig. 1; pi. 8, figs. 1, 2).


T h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian is represented most recognizably by beds with

Hybonoticeras cf. beckeri ( N e u m . ) , H. cf. harpephorum (Neum.), H. cf.
knopi (Neum.), H. cf. hybonotum (Oppel) a n d H. cf. autharis (Oppel),
a remarkably south European assemblage of the Beckeri Zone. W i t h
t h e m occur the earliest Mazapilites, Physodoceras and a few Perisphinctids.
T h e Lower Kimeridgian is the most richly fossiliferous and characteristic
stage in Mexico, with an immense fauna of Idoceras and m a n y other genera.
T w o zones are recognizable, an u p p e r with Idoceras durangense a n d
Glochiceras fialar, a lower with Idoceras of t h e group of / . balderum. Both
m u s t b e mainly Lower Kimeridgian, for t h e higher zone contains m a n y
Involuticeras and Streblites, with Ochetoceras a n d Sutneria, also Pararasenia
zacatecana (Burckhardt). Besides t h e genera mentioned t h e r e are
numerous Aspidoceras, Nebrodites, Taramelliceras, Haploceras, etc., with
subordinate Perisphinctids and some Phylloceras and Lytoceras. (For
lists see Imlay, 1939, tables 4 and 5 ; n u m e r o u s figures in Burckhardt's
Mazapil (1906), San Pedro (1912), and Symon (1919-21) monographs
and in Imlay, 1939). T h e Glochiceras fialar fauna also occurs in the
T a m a n formation (altogether over 1000 m . thick) in the southern Sierra
M a d r e Oriental (Heim, 1926).
M a n y of the later Mexican Idoceras are clearly related closely to Ataxio­
ceras, from which t h e ventral s m o o t h b a n d alone provides a doubtful
distinction (Burckhardt, 1912, pis. xxvi-xxxi). Peculiar local genera are
Subneumayria, type S. ordonezi Burckhardt sp. (1906, pis. i, ii), and
Epicephalites, type E. epigonus Burckhardt sp. (1906, pi. iii), b o t h probably
Rasenids related to Involuticeras.


Ochetoceras beds (100 m . ± ) at San Pedro del Gallo : shales a n d sandy

marls with nodules and a black limestone b a n d containing O. canaliculatum
(d'Orb.), O. pedroanum Burck., O. mexicanum Burck., Taramelliceras
neohispanicum Burck., Discosphinctes virgulatus (Quenst.) var. carribbeanum
(Jaworski), Euaspidoceras (Burckhardt, 1912, pi. v, 5, 8, 9 ; p i . vii, 4-22).
T h e date of this assemblage is probably B i m a m m a t u m Zone.
Perisphinctes beds (150 m.) at San Pedro del Gallo: marls a n d shales
with beds of sandstone and limestone a n d m a n y pelecypods, including
Trigonia hudlestoni Lycett. All t h e Perisphinctes figured from these beds
are typical Dichotomosphinctes, strongly resembling c o m m o n forms of the
Plicatilis Zone, with which the beds certainly correlate (Burckhardt,
1912, pis. ii-vii). T h e r e are also Taramelliceras s p p . a n d a Creniceras
(pi. vii, 15-17). A characteristic C u b a n form o c c u r s : P. plicatiloides
O'Connell (Burckhardt, 1912, pi. iii, 3-6).
Below these beds are 600 m . or more of shales and sandstones, with
Nerinean and coralline limestone, resting on red shales, marls and
sandstones, all without ammonites. I n Zacatecas t h e Nerinean a n d coral­
line limestones are 500-1000 m . thick (Burckhardt, 1930, table 6). I n
eastern Mexico are u p to 420 m . of red beds of uncertain date b u t approxi­
mately Lower Oxfordian, the Huizachal formation (Imlay & others, 1948).
T h i s formation unconformably overlaps all previous Jurassic b e d s on to

Palaeozoic or older rocks, b u t is said to be itself unconformably overlain

b y the U p p e r Oxfordian. Perhaps the explanation is that the red beds are
of different ages in different places, since Burckhardt described them as
underlying the U p p e r Oxfordian without a break in Durango.


U p p e r Callovian (Athleta Zone) is represented at El Consuelo, Oaxaca,

a n d Cualac, G u e r r e r o , by a n assemblage of Peltoceratids, with which are
associated Reineckeids and Perisphinctids. Characteristic forms are
Peltoceras aff. athleta (Phil.) a n d P. cricotum Burck., Subgrossouvria
suborion (Burck.), S. neogaeum (Burck.), etc. (Burckhardt, 1927, pis.
xxx-xxxiv.) A m m o n i t e s identified with the Callovian genera Pseudopelto-
ceras ?, Subgrossouvria ? a n d Indosphinctes ? have also been figured from an
isolated outcrop in D u r a n g o (Imlay, 1939, p p . 33-4) but, as remarked above
(p. 562), from the figures they could be U p p e r Kimeridgian Pectinatites
and Wheatleyites.
I n the Cualac district, Guerrero, there lies beneath the Athleta Zone a
series of Reineckeia-bezx'mg marls and shales, 660 m . thick, which contain
Macrocephalitids in t h e lower part a n d bridge the M i d d l e a n d Lower
Callovian (Burckhardt & Mulleried, 1936, p p . 310-12; many figures in
Burckhardt, 1927, pis. xv-xxix). Erymnoceras mixtecorum (pi. xiii) was
found at another locality, El Consuelo, in t h e Reineckeia beds (see
Burckhardt & Mulleried, 1936, p . 312). A m o n g the Macrocephalitids
are Eurycephalites boesei and Xenocephalites nikitini; and the spindle-
shaped Tulitid, Kheraiceras v-costatum, occurs (pi. xv).


U n d e r t h e Callovian of Cualac, according to Burckhardt & Mulleried,

follow 250-300 m . of sandstones with pelecypod shell-beds. I n the upper
part of these beds are marls with some poorly preserved ammonites, of
which t h e only one determined is Epistrenoceras paracontrarium
Burckhardt sp. (1927, p p . 80, 94-5, pi. xvi, figs. 14, 15). T h i s genus is
k n o w n nowhere in the world from any stage b u t the Bathonian.
T h e Lower Bathonian yields a characteristic ammonite fauna of the
Zigzag Zone at several localities in Oaxaca (summarized, Burckhardt,
1930, p . 25, as 'Bajocian M o y e n ' ) . F r o m nodules e m b e d d e d in clay-
shales, Burckhardt figured (1927, pi. xii) Zigzagiceras (Procerozigzag)
floresi Burckhardt sp., aff. crassizigzag Buckman and allied forms (pis.
xii, figs. 10-16, 18-20, misidentified as M i d d l e Bajocian Stephanoceras).
W i t h t h e m are associated small Perisphinctids, some of which appear to
b e Siemiradzkia (pi. xi, fig. 8) or Planisphinctes (pi. xi, figs. 5-7), or both,
misidentified as Dactylioceras.


A l t h o u g h most of the supposed M i d d l e Bajocian Stephanoceratids

are Lower Bathonian Zigzagiceras, there remains Stephanoceras undulatum

Burckhardt (pi. xii, figs. 1-4) which is a Normannites and can only b e
Bajocian. Some doubtful forms on pi. xi (figs. 5, n , 12) could also b e
Bajocian (Leptosphinctinae ?). A Garantiana ? fragment found at another
locality (pi. xvi, figs. 10, n , 16) could b e U p p e r Bajocian or Bathonian.
I t appears therefore that further search of t h e lower layers of nodules
in these beds may reveal a larger Bajocian fauna. F u r t h e r researches would
b e of great interest, for the Bajocian should b e less meagrely represented
in Mexico, and it is important to establish the age of t h e beds with nodules
which overstep on to ancient mica-schists in some places in Oaxaca
(Burckhardt, 1930, p . 25).

TOARCIAN has not been proved in Mexico b u t m a y be represented in some

parts by continental deposits with plant remains.


T h e U p p e r Pliensbachian is believed to be represented by p l a n t - b e d s .

A single Lower Pliensbachian marine fauna of t h e Jamesoni Z o n e has
been found in shaly clays with marcasite concretions, which have yielded
species of Uptonia and Polymorphites. T h e s e beds are grouped with the
Huayacocotla formation (below). Arieticeras occurs (Erben, 1954).


T h e Huayacocotla formation (300-390 m . or more) in n o r t h e r n Veracruz,

northern Puebla and eastern Hidalgo, consisting of shales with subordinate
sandstone and conglomerate a n d some lenses of limestone, has yielded
a succession of 9 ammonite zones spanning t h e whole Sinemurian
(Burckhardt, 1930, p p . 9-23; Imlay & others, 1948). T h e ammonites
have not been figured and until this is done c o m m e n t m u s t be reserved.
T h e succession recorded by Burckhardt i s : —
Beds with Microderoceras cf. bispinatum and Eoderoceras cf. armatum
Beds with Echioceras raricostatum, etc.
Beds with Arnioceras cf. james-danae Barcena
Beds with Arietites cf. deciduus H y a t t
Beds with Vermiceras cf. bavaricum
Beds with Oxynoticeras aff. oxynotum and aff. guibali
Beds with Euagassiceras cf. sauzeanum d ' O r b . [ = resupinatum Simpson],
Beds with Arnioceras cf. geometricum, etc.
Beds with Arietites aff. bisulcatus, etc.

T h e base of the formation has not been observed. I t is p r e s u m e d to rest

on metamorphic rocks, pebbles of which occur in its conglomerates.


I n Chiapas, Guatemala a n d H o n d u r a s there is a widespread continental

formation, the T o d o s Santos Beds, consisting of yellow, red a n d b r o w n

sandstones, marls, shales a n d conglomerates. T h e thickness varies, b u t

250 m . is normal for Chiapas. T h e beds rest unconformably on folded
Palaeozoics and on gneiss. T h e u p p e r part of the formation is proved
b y marine intercalations to be Cretaceous (Sapper, 1937, p p . 26-8) b u t
plant-beds in the lower part ('several h u n d r e d metres') contain species
reported to b e identical with some of those in the Lower and M i d d l e
Jurassic of Oaxaca (Mulleried, 1942, p . 129). T h a t marine Jurassic exists
in some parts of Central America is indicated b y reports of Amaltheus
in river gravels in H o n d u r a s (Sapper, 1937, p . 28) and 'a few ammonites
similar to Macrocephalites' at Tegucigalpa, also in H o n d u r a s (Haas, in
Imlay, 1952, p . 970).


T h e Jurassic sea of the Mexican geosyncline extended all through t h e

n o r t h e r n state of C h i h u a h u a a n d came to an end j u s t beyond the frontier in
N e w Mexico and the extreme west corner of Texas. I n trans-Pecos Texas
the plains are broken by a small, isolated mountain group, the Malone
Mountains, near T o r c e r station, in H u d s p e t h County. T h e s e provide
the most northerly outcrops belonging to the southern sea. T h e length
of the range is only 6 | miles a n d the width z\ miles, with a relief of about
700 ft. above the surrounding plain. T h e r e are also some outlying parallel
hills a mile t o t h e north-east.
T h e s e small arid mountains and hills are built largely of folded Jurassic
rocks, the Malone formation, about 300 m. thick, which rests uncon­
formably on fossiliferous Permian and is overlain conformably by m o r e
t h a n 900 m . of L o w e r Cretaceous. T h e Malone is a near-shore marine
formation with a rich pelecypod a n d somewhat sparse ammonite fauna,
which has given rise to prolonged controversy, having been regarded b y
some geologists as Jurassic a n d b y others (notably Kitchin, 1926) as i n
p a r t Jurassic (the ammonites) and in part Cretaceous (many of the pelecy­
pods, especially the Trigoniae).
T h e ammonites have been figured by Cragin (1905) and revised by
Albritton (1937), w h o has also revised the stratigraphy and found that t h e
Trigoniae a n d other pelecypods asserted b y Kitchin to b e Cretaceous
in reality are found in the lower part of the formation, in the same beds as
L o w e r Kimeridgian ammonites, a n d below beds ( U p p e r Malone) with
T i t h o n i a n ammonites (Albritton, 1937; 19370; 1938, with detailed geo­
logical m a p of the area).
T h e succession is as follows:—


T o r c e r formation (about 120 m.). Black i m p u r e limestone, sandstone,

sandy shale, and occasional beds of limestone conglomerate. Age given
by the genus Neocomites b u t fauna sparse. At the base a quartzitic
sandstone and chert-pebble conglomerate member, with average thickness
of 12 m . ]



U p p e r Malone formation (45-99 m.). Predominantly limestones, b u t

t h e highest 7 to 8 m . consists of sandy limestone and sandstone a n d is the
only part in which fossils have been found. At the top were collected
Kossmatia aguilerai (Cragin) a n d K. zacatecana Burckhardt. ( T h e lower
p a r t could represent the Lower Tithonian, which is not necessarily


Lower Malone formation (0-205 m.). T h i n - b e d d e d sandstone, sandy

shale, impure limestone, and limestone conglomerates. A m m o n i t e s are
practically confined to the highest 30 m . T h e y include Haploceras
cragini Albritton, Idoceras schucherti (Cragin), / . clarki (Cragin), Physodo­
ceras smithi Albr., P. booni Albr., P. bakeri Albr., Aspidoceras laevigatum
Burckhardt, Nebrodites nodocostatus Burckhardt, and two Perisphinctids,
'Lithacoceras' (?) malonianum (Cragin) and 'L' (?) shuleri Albr. (The
latter bears no resemblance to any Lithacoceras and is not identifiable from
the figures, b u t might be a crushed Katroliceras or Subdichotomoceras;
t h e former is perhaps a Progeronia).
Idoceras ranges from the top of the Lower Malone down to within
30 m. of the base, and below it n o ammonites are known. At least six-
sevenths of the Lower Malone is therefore Lower Kimeridgian, of t h e
age of the Idoceras beds of Mexico. T h e basal 30 m . is undated.
T h e Malone formation thins rapidly towards t h e east and north, and
since it contains fossil driftwood (one log 15 ft. long a n d 2 ft. thick) and
abundant conglomerate, the shore probably lay not far in that direction.
M a p p i n g shows that the Malone rests with angular unconformity on t h e
Permian. T h e basal part contains some gypsum, probably reworked from
the Permian below.


As remarked above (see fig. 88) the Mexican geosyncline in Jurassic

times was partly separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a long, narrow
peninsula, possibly tapering to a chain of islands, which projected south
across eastern Mexico from the N o r t h American continent, somewhat
as Florida does to-day. East of this the Gulf of Mexico extended north
of its present shores to fill a large bay over eastern T e x a s a n d t h e states
of Louisiana, southern Arkansas, Mississippi a n d western Alabama,
embracing m u c h of the Gulf coastal plain and lower Mississippi valley.
T h e Jurassic rocks which formed at the bottom of this bay are buried
beneath thick cover of Cretaceous and Tertiary sediments and were
discovered only by deep drillings for oil. Examination of t h e drill cores
has yielded m u c h information on the thickness, facies and age of the

Jurassic formations present and led to m a n y interesting deductions

(Imlay, 1941, 1943, 1945; Swain, 1944, 1949).
T h e Jurassic (which is all U p p e r Jurassic) thins northward, from over
2000 m . in N E . Louisiana t o 600 m . a n d less u n d e r Arkansas. T h e
thinning is accompanied by overlaps within the system and by change of
facies from shallow off-shore sediments in the south to shallower near-
shore in the north. Besides m a n y well-preserved ostracods (Swain, 1949),
pelecypods, gastropods a n d ammonites have been figured (Imlay, 1945).
T h e T i t h o n i a n a n d Kimeridgian succession is comparable lithologically
and palaeontologically with t h e L a Casita formation in northern Mexico.
I t has yielded Glochiceras fialar, Metahaploceras and three forms of
Idoceras comparable with Mexican species. Beneath these were found
U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctids. T h i s is the earliest fossil assemblage
proved. T h e age of the lowest, unfossiliferous formation (Eagle Mills)
is problematic. I t consists largely of red beds and contains masses of
salt. T h e s e beds may b e equivalent to Lower Oxfordian red beds and salt
in Mexico (as believed b y Imlay), or to the saline series with intercalations
of fossiliferous marine Permian on which the U p p e r Jurassic is trans­
gressive in the M a l o n e M o u n t a i n s (see e.g. Eardley, 1951, p . 544). (For
the latest s u m m a r y of the evidence and arguments, see Imlay, 1952,
p p . 973-4). T h e Eagle Mills formation rests with a basal conglomerate
on Palaeozoic or presumed-Palaeozoic rocks, including siltstone, phyllite,
schist, etc. (Imlay, 1943, p . 1434).
T h e formations m a y be tabulated as follows:—


Tithonian? Cotton Valley group: marine in the south,

1200 m. with Idoceras fauna in lower part, and
Lower Kimeridgian Exogyra virgula; passing north into red
beds and elastics

? 144 m. Buckner formation: red shales, anhydrite
and some dolomite; few fossils, none
Upper Oxfordian 500 m. Smackover formation: oolitic limestones in
upper part with Perisphinctes spp.; lower
part darker with argillaceous layers
5 3 ° m. Eagle Mills formation: red beds and salt,
with basal conglomerate

T h e Buckner formation indicates regional uplift in latest Oxfordian

or earliest Lower Kimeridgian times, and this was followed by some
gentle folding and a transgression, which produced regional unconformity
at base of the Lower Kimeridgian Idoceras beds. T h i s corresponds to
the beginning of the fossiliferous Jurassic sequence in the Malone
M o u n t a i n s . T h e Cotton Valley group in places has a basal conglomerate,

and in S W . Alabama (that is, towards the north-east) this rises diachroni-
cally and at the same time becomes thicker and coarser and contains
pebbles derived from the Appalachian Mountains, which are consequently
inferred to have experienced a revival of uplift at this time. ' I t seems
logical to correlate the uplift of these mountains with the Palisade dis­
turbance, which formed block mountains from Nova Scotia to the Carolinas
sometime after the U p p e r Triassic and before t h e U p p e r Cretaceous'
(Imlay, 1943, p . 1474).
According to Swain (1949, p . 1250) the movements between U p p e r
Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian in the southern States were insignificant

FIG. 90.—Generalized horizontal section through the Jurassic and Cretaceous of southern
Arkansas and northern Louisiana, after Imlay. (From Journ. Paleont., 1941.)

compared with later ones which occurred at or near the end of the
Kimeridgian. I n that case 'the most intense interval of uplift of Jurassic
t i m e ' (Swain) coincided with the Nevadan orogeny.


Excepting only Kiogar in the Himalayas with its 'erratic blocks of

Malla Johar', no small Jurassic area in the world has proved so baffling
to geologists or produced so m a n y conflicting interpretations as the Organ
Mountains in Pinar del Rio province in western Cuba. I n the geological
literature on this region published during the last 35 years it is standard
practice for every account to contradict its predecessors on almost all
important points. T h e same formations have been declared to b e
Palaeozoic, Jurassic, and LTpper Cretaceous, the Jurassic has been stated
to be 120 m. thick in one account and 10,500 m . thick in another; t h e
junction between the U p p e r Oxfordian and T i t h o n i a n has been interpreted
as a major unconformity demonstrably due to an important Jurassic

orogeny, and as a t h r u s t fault of Cretaceous date; the formations below

the plane of discontinuity have been described by many observers as a
m e t a m o r p h i c basement complex, consisting of crumpled schists, phyllites
and marbles, whereas the latest writer asserts that they are not meta­
morphosed and are normal U p p e r Cretaceous sediments overridden by a
t h r u s t sheet.
T h e stratigrapher unable to visit Cuba and see for himself can hold no
opinions, b u t after reading the accounts by Brown & O'Connell (1922),
Lewis (1932), Schuchert (1935), Dickerson & Butt (1935) and Palmer
(1945), he t u r n s thankfully to the publications of the palaeontologists,
where he is on firmer ground.
F r o m the palaeontological studies it is certain that Cuba has so far
p r o d u c e d t w o ammonite assemblages, U p p e r Oxfordian and Middle
Tithonian (the latter equivalent to the Durangites zone of Mexico).
Dickerson & B u t t (1935) believed that these two faunas were separated
by a major unconformity and asked us to believe that the concretions
that have yielded h u n d r e d s of well-preserved, undeformed, U p p e r
Oxfordian ammonites came from the metamorphic Cayetano formation of
schists and phyllites beneath the unconformity. Unfortunately Schuchert
(1935, p . 495, and underline of fig. 81) swallowed this. Palmer (1945),
for w h o m the unconformity is a low-angle thrust plane, derives the
Oxfordian ammonites more happily from above it. H e states that the
concretions with ammonites come from 120 m. of 'very thinly bedded
shaly limestone of almost schistose structure', which he names the Jagua
formation, a n d that this is the lowest formation of the thrust sheet; and
t h a t the Cayetano formation underneath (up to 10,200 m. thick), though
very sparsely fossiliferous, is probably U p p e r Cretaceous.
Above the Oxfordian Jagua formation, according to Palmer, follow
conformably the beds yielding the second ammonite fauna, which Imlay
(1942) in a detailed m o n o g r a p h proved to be of the age of the Durangites
zone, namely M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n ( = U p p e r Portlandian of Imlay). T h e s e
beds have always been called Vinales Limestone, b u t Palmer (1945, p . 7)
seeks to restrict this t e r m to the u p p e r part, which yields mainly aptychi,
and asserts that most of the ammonites come from the lower part, which he
calls t h e Q u e m a d o formation (thickness 1320 m.). T h e aptychus beds
account for at least another 390 m . Both historically and palaeontologically
it seems preferable, with Imlay (1952, p . 969) to regard the aptychus
beds and Q u e m a d o as subdivisions of the Vinales Limestone (total thick­
ness about 1700 m.). T h e outcrop cannot be shown on fig. 91 because
all available geological maps include the Vinales Limestone with the
T h e crucial point remains the nature of the junction between the
Oxfordian Jagua and the M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n Vinales (Quemado), and on
this Palmer is reticent, t h o u g h he does not remark on any physical break,
and shows t h e m as in normal, conformable contact in the structural
diagram here reproduced (fig. 92). F r o m the absence of the whole
CUBA 571
Kimeridgian a n d Lower T i t h o n i a n , however, a large non-sequence m u s t
be inferred, and from the fact that t h e Oxfordian is confined to t h e west
end of the island while the T i t h o n i a n occurs over a m u c h larger area
almost to the east end, a regional unconformity is probable. Palmer,
indeed, seems to suggest this, when h e ascribes the restricted distribution
of the Oxfordian to overlap by the T i t h o n i a n (1945, p . 26).

FIG. 91.—Sketch-map of western Cuba. After Palmer, 1 9 4 5 .

According to Palmer's interpretation (figs. 9 1 , 92) the Oxfordian has

been t h r u s t u p southwards from beneath the Gulf of Mexico.
Palmer's finding that t h e aptychus beds are later t h a n most of t h e
M i d d l e Tithonian ammonites confirms a remark b y O'Connell in 1921
(quoted by Schuchert, 1935, p . 516), that 'a definite horizon has been
traced for several miles, at which nothing b u t aptychi and an occasional





FIG. 92.—Section through the Organos Mountains, western Cuba. After Palmer, 1 9 4 5 .
The 'scar' on the south marks the south edge of the overthrust.

small Haploceras are found'. Imlay (1952, p . 969) states that in several
of t h e collections studied by h i m 'the ammonites a n d aptychi are associated
and in some cases are even on the same rock slabs. Also, some of t h e
collections consisting mostly of aptychi have Portlandian ammonites such
as Pseudolissoceras and Virgatosphinctes'. However, it is possible that not
all the mixed collections of ammonites and aptychi came from the main
aptychus beds, which O'Connell and Palmer b o t h observed t o b e separate.
I n a thickness of 1700 m. it would not be surprising to find that there are

representatives of b o t h T i t h o n i a n and Neocomian, even though U p p e r

T i t h o n i a n ammonites have not been found. T h i s might account for the
inclusion in t h e collections of so m a n y anomalous uncoiled ammonoids
of strongly Cretaceous affinities.
T h e M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n having received expert treatment in the readily-
accessible m o n o g r a p h by Imlay ( 1 9 4 2 ) there is n o need to list the
species. T h e genera include Phylloceras, Metahaploceras, Pseudolissoceras,
Hildoglochiceras, Simoceras, Virgatosimoceras, Aspidoceras, Physodoceras,
Virgatosphinctes, Corongoceras, Dickersonia, Micracanthocer as, Durangites,
Lytohoplites, Parodontoceras, Berriasella, Spiticeras and various 'hetero-
m o r p h s ' . Dickersonia has not been found outside Cuba. T h r e e species of
'Berriasella! are added by Sanchez Roig (1951, pis. 21, 22), b u t one (pi. 22,
figs. 3, 4) seems to b e an Oxfordian Dichotomosphinctes (? aff. ouatius Buck.).
I t can perhaps b e assumed that a similar mistake in collecting was respon­
sible for t h e record by Brown & O'Connell ( 1 9 2 2 ) of Bajocian in Cuba
on t h e strength of a Strenoceras sp. nov., considering the strong resem­
blance to this genus of some C u b a n Corongoceras and Dickersonia (cf.
Imlay's pis. 5 and 6). N o ammonites earlier than U p p e r Oxfordian
have ever been figured from Cuba, although Bajocian and Bathonian
have been quoted without evidence (Schuchert, 1935, p . 520; Palmer,
1945, p . 6).
T h e rich U p p e r Oxfordian fauna, on the other hand, still lacks a reviser.
Figures of variable quality (some unrecognizable) have been published
by Sanchez Roig (1920, 1951), O'Connell (1920) and Jaworski (1940).
D r Sanchez Roig in his latest paper (1951) still assigns some of the forms
to Kimeridgian genera {Ataxioceras and even Virgatosphinctes) b u t these
are misidentifications. I n m y opinion his Virgatosphinctes (pi. 20, figs.
1, 2) is the inner whorls of an U p p e r Oxfordian Perisphinctes sensu
stricto, a n d his Ataxioceras lictor cubanensis (pi. 23) is a typical Arisphinctes,
close to P. (A.) ringsteadensis Arkell, and its date is early-Bimammatum
Z o n e ; it has n o resemblance to Progeronia lictor (Fontannes) of the
Kimeridgian. Jaworski (1940, p . 134) and Imlay (1952, p . 969) were right
in concluding that all the ammonites from the Jagua formation figured
hitherto either are U p p e r Oxfordian or belong to peculiar local subgenera
or genera (such as Vinalesphinctes), some not yet named, b u t not incon­
sistent with a B i m a m m a t u m Zone dating. Having been concerned with
E u r o p e a n Perisphinctids of Oxfordian age for more t h a n thirty years, I
think it w o r t h while to attempt a revision on the basis of the published
figures. Professor Jaworksi sent m e a few specimens from Cuba before
t h e war and m y comments are incorporated in his valuable paper (1940,
p p . 1 2 4 , etc.). T h e extraordinary suture of Perisphinctes plicatiloides
as figured by O'Connell, which I pointed out ( 1 9 3 9 , M o n . Am. Engl.
Corallian Beds, p . 149) seemed to set it apart from all European subgenera,
was found by Jaworski (1940, p . 1 2 0 ) to have been misinterpreted.
(SR = Sanchez Roig)
Phylloceras jaguaense SR
Phylloceras lagunasense SR
Glochiceras aff. microdomum (Oppel) (Jaworski, 1940, p. 97)
Ochetoceras canaliculatum var. burckhardti O'Connell
Ochetoceras mexicanum Burckhardt (O'Connell, 1920)
Ochetoceras (Cubaochetoceras) imlayi SR (includes 'Neoprionoceras' girardoti Jaworski,
Ochetoceras (Cubaochetoceras) constanciae SR
Ochetoceras (Cubaochetoceras) vignalense SR
Euaspidoceras vignalense Spath (SR 1 9 5 1 , pi. 28)
Euaspidoceras o'connelli SR
Vinalesphinctes niger Spath (Jaworski 1940 and SR)
Vinalesphinctes roigi Spath
Vinalesphinctes brodermanni SR
Vinalesphinctes grossicostatum SR sp. (sub Arisphinctes)
Perisphinctes of the following subgenera:—
Perisphinctes sensu stricto
Perisphinctes anconensis SR (sub Virgatosphinctes)
Perisphinctes} diversicostatus SR (deformed; sub Dichotomosphinctes)
Dichotomosphinctes spathi SR (note lappet)
Dichotomosphinctes plicatiloides O'Connell, including cubanianus SR
and probably also Dichotomosphinctes catalinensis SR sp. (sub Berriasella)
Arisphinctes sanchez-roigi sp. nov. (castroi SR, sub Dichotomosphinctes, non Choffat)
Arisphinctes cubanensis SR sp. (sub Ataxioceras lictor)
Arisphinctes? aguayoi SR (sub Dichotomosphinctes)
Arisphinctes} planatus SR (sub Dichotomosphinctes)
Arisphinctes} gregarius SR (sub Dichotomosphinctes)
Arisphinctes} guanensis SR (sub Discosphinctes)
(The last four names might with more material be reduced; they seem to be
forms of the group of P. berlieri de Loriol)
Pseudarisphinctes vignalensis SR (sub Dichotomosphinctes)
Pseudarisphinctes imlayi SR (sub Decipia)
Discosphinctes antillarum Jaworski
Discosphinctes carribeanus Jaworski (sub 'Planites' virgulatus)
Discosphinctes subguanensis sp. nov. (Per. (Planites) virgulatus var. guanensis SR, non
Per. (Discosphinctes) guanensis SR)
Orthosphinctes (or close derivatives thereof) cubanensis O'Connell, including P.
delatorii O'Connell
Orthosphinctes rutteni Jaworski (sub 'Planites')
Subgen. nov. (possibly related to Vinalesphinctes) subconsociatus Spath (SR 1 9 5 1 ,
pi. 16, fig. 2, sub Prososphinctes)
Second subgen. nov. petrosus SR (sub Ataxioceras)


I t is possible that t h e Vinales Limestone is represented among partly-

metamorphosed limestones a n d schists of u n k n o w n age that form t h e
axial mountain range of t h e island of Hispaniola (Haiti), b u t n o fossils
have been found. Otherwise t h e only other Jurassic in t h e W e s t Indian
islands is in Trinidad.
Trinidad is a direct continuation of t h e northern coastal mountains of
Venezuela, from which only a narrow channel separates it, a n d it is a long
way from Cuba a n d t h e Gulf of Mexico. Nevertheless it is described in
this chapter because it is one of t h e W e s t Indian islands a n d is more likely
to b e looked for in a chapter o n middle America t h a n in o n e o n South
America. N o Jurassic is known in eastern Venezuela, a n d T r i n i d a d is
nearly as remote from the Jurassic in t h e West Venezuelan a n d Colombian
Andes as from that in Cuba.
T h i s extremely isolated occurrence of Jurassic was discovered in t h e

N o r t h e r n Range, a schist chain about 50 miles long by 10 miles wide,

densely clad in jungle, which is a detached fragment of the Caribbean
Range of Venezuela. I n eastern Venezuela transgressive Cretaceous
rests on Palaeozoics and Trias, b u t the age of the schists and associated
metamorphics is u n k n o w n in either Venezuela or Trinidad. T h e y are
believed t o b e Palaeozoic b y some (Liddle, 1946, p p . 691, 702) and
Cretaceous by others (Bucher, 1952, p . 79).
Caught u p in the schists and obviously incorporated tectonically
are isolated blocks a n d lenses of limestone. Some of these exposed
on the north-east corner of T r i n i d a d had been found to contain U p p e r
Cretaceous fossils. I n 1938 excavations for a dam at Hollis Reservoir,
on the south flank of the N o r t h Range, exposed u n d e r schists a mass
of dark flaggy limestone from which some recognizable U p p e r Jurassic
ammonites were obtained (Hutchison, 1938). T h e y were identified as
Virgatosphinctes transitorius (Zittel), zonal index fossil of the European
Tithonian (Spath, 1939). Subsequently 'further ammonites of Tithonian-
N e o c o m i a n age' have b e e n reported (Suter, 1951, p . 190; Barr, 1952).
I t t h u s appears that the Cretaceous transgression on the south side of
the Caribbean may have begun with the Tithonian, as in C u b a ; and the
major orogeny t o which t h e T i t h o n i a n a n d Cretaceous rocks have been
subjected in T r i n i d a d is consistent with Palmer's interpretation of the
structures in western Cuba (see p . 571).


For 5000 miles, from the Caribbean Sea to Cape H o r n , the Andes build
an unbroken r a m p a r t along the coast of South America. O n the east lie
the plains of the South American or Brazilian shield, with its continuations
in Guiana and Patagonia, subdivided by forested downwarps forming the
Amazon and Parana basins. O n the west lies the Pacific. Between these
two level and rigid tracts, the one sial, the other sima, rise the Andes,
b o u n d e d by belts of major faults. T h e range consists essentially of a high
plateau, u p to 10,000 ft. above the sea, formed largely of folded Mesozoic
sediments covered with Mesozoic, Tertiary and Recent volcanic rocks,
from which rise two lines of great Tertiary to Recent volcanoes. T h e
central Andes, the widest and highest part, opposite the re-entrant in t h e
middle of the west coast of the continent, reach a width of 300-400 miles.
Northward and southward the ranges narrow to less t h a n 100 miles and
finally break down. At Cape H o r n the trend-lines swing r o u n d eastwards
into the South Antilles loop, largely submerged beneath t h e sea; at the
north end they fan out in the Columbian virgation.
T h i s great meridional line of weakness differs fundamentally from t h e
Alpine-Himalayan ranges of southern Eurasia, although broadly con­
temporaneous. T h e Andes, t h o u g h by no means simple in structure,
show no recumbent folds or major low-angle overthrusts : n a p p e structures
are absent, and inverted folds exceptional (Douglas, 1920, p . 5 7 ; Heim,
1949). Instead of a broad mobile belt like the T e t h y s geosyncline, becoming
crushed and u n d e r t h r u s t by the approach of two sialic continental shields,
the Andes have arisen mainly t h r o u g h magmatic activity along the conti­
nental slope. T h e Mesozoic sediments from end to end are due to marginal
encroachments of the Pacific Ocean over the South American shield.
Along this continental slope in Triassic times a submarine swell began
to be formed off-shore by uprise of a batholith elongated parallel to the
coast. As it rose it enclosed a trough in which the Jurassic sea laid down
sediments ranging from Hettangian to Tithonian, varying in completeness
from place to place as movements of t h e crust caused transgressions at
one time or place and regressions at another. Volcanoes rose along the
swell, which at this stage probably resembled the island arcs of the present-
day Pacific and Indonesia (Gerth, 1939, p . 11). Volcanic activity, at least
in the central region, reached a climax in the Kimeridgian, with the out­
pouring of enormous sheets of basic lavas (the 'porphyrite formation')
and explosion-pyroclastics. Finally, in the U p p e r Cretaceous the
batholith underlying the island arc u n d e r w e n t major upheaval, folding
the Jurassic rocks to the east of it, and giving birth to the coastal cordillera.

T h e inner cordillera, with its chain of youthful volcanoes, was upheaved

in two further spasms, in the early and late Tertiary. T h e s e movements
involved further folding of the Mesozoic rocks and some metamorphism,
with uplifts of u p to 14,000 ft. in the central Andes, and were accom­
panied by further massive outbursts of volcanic activity.

FIG. 9 3 . — P a l a e o g e o g r a p h i c s k e t c h - m a p of S o u t h A m e r i c a in t h e L o w e r a n d M i d d l e
J u r a s s i c , w i t h t h e p r i n c i p a l m a r i n e e x t e n s i o n s in t h e T i t h o n i a n or N e o c o m i a n o r
b o t h . Based o n W e e k s , 1947.

According to Gerth, the leading authority on the Andes (1939, p . 59),

t h e four successive stages of uplift ( U p p e r Jurassic, U p p e r Cretaceous,
early Tertiary, late Tertiary) were accomplished in waves which moved
from west to east, each wave of uplift farther east than its predecessor
PLATE 3 0 — F o l d e d J u r a s s i c l i m e s t o n e s i n t h e P e r u v i a n A n d e s , n e a r O r o y a , a b o u t 80 m i l e s e a s t of L i m a .
and causing eastward migration of the sedimentary trough or foredeep
on the continental side. At the same time the terrane to the west of each
wave tended to subside, and the oldest strips have partly foundered
beneath the Pacific. Moreover, h e attributes the folding of the Jurassic
sediments in the foredeep, and their ultimate thrusting against the shield,
to gliding eastward from the brows of the rising ranges. T h i s picture
resembles in a remarkable way that produced b y Italian geologists to
explain the structures of the Apennines and the problems of t h e Argille
scagliose (see p . 213).
T h e position of the foredeep trough during the Jurassic can be deduced
from three parallel facies strips. I n the centre is a strip of shales and lime­
stones with ammonites; to the east is a more littoral development, with
brachiopods and corals in some of t h e stages; to the west are tuffs, agglom­
erates and submarine lavas, sometimes interbedded with thin b a n d s of
limestone containing marine fossils. I n position the Jurassic trough
does not precisely coincide with any particular part of the m o d e r n Andes
b u t tends to wander across t h e m obliquely, especially in southern Argen­
tina; the movements, being probably due to r a n d o m migration of magma
at depth, did not always follow the same lines.
As in so many parts of the world, the Trias closed with major volcanic
eruptions and terrestrial sedimentation, preserving in places a Rhaetic
flora, here allied to floras of Australia and N e w Zealand. T h e Lower Lias
was a time of comparative quiet, during which the sea transgressed east­
ward all along the Andes, from Colombia and E q u a d o r to as far as latitude
4 5 S. in Patagonia, laying down shales and limestones or sandstones with
typical European ammonite faunas. D u r i n g the Lower and M i d d l e
Toarcian in places submarine lavas were erupted a n d the sea retreated
locally. Perhaps to this time belong reefs of Liassic corals at Arequipa
in south Peru, which are interbedded with lavas in a 900 m . volcanic
series which there rests directly on ancient gneiss (Jenks, 1948). ( T h i s
series underlies nearly 4000 m . of normal sedimentaries also assigned to
the Jurassic.)
I n the Middle Bajocian there was another marine transgression, bringing
in once more a rich E u r o p e a n ammonite fauna. T h e U p p e r Bajocian
and Bathonian are unrepresented by ammonites and there m a y have been
another regression at this time, or else a rise of the barrier cut off ammonite
immigration. I n Patagonia the whole M i d d l e (and perhaps U p p e r )
Jurassic appears to be represented by continental deposits 500-1000 m.
thick. T h e faunal gap in the central region coincides with a phase of
minor intrusions.
T h e Lower and M i d d l e Callovian, with a b u n d a n t Macrocephalitid
and Reineckeid ammonites, represent another period of transgression
and deposition; b u t at least on the coast of Peru and north Chile there
were further submarine eruptions with formation of pillow-lava. T h e
period of marine deposition was brought virtually to an end by t e m ­
porary uplift of the island arc to form a barrier which cut off the foredeep
2 o

t r o u g h from the o p e n sea, converting it into a chain of evaporating-basins.

I n t h e m were deposited g y p s u m a n d anhydrite, which reach a maximum
thickness of a b o u t 300 m . i n t h e central Andes. I n t h e Caracoles area of
n o r t h Chile t h e g y p s u m follows u p o n fossiliferous marine beds with
typical U p p e r Oxfordian ammonites, a n d in the N e u q u e n area of Argentina
it is overlain by and passes laterally into shales with Lower Kimeridgian
ammonites. F r o m this it m a y be inferred that t h e gypsum is of uppermost
Oxfordian date ( B i m a m m a t u m Zone), b u t it is not necessarily contemporary
in all parts of the Andes.
I n p a r t s of west-central Argentina t h e m a i n gypsum formation is over­
lain by u p to 1000 m . of lavas, crystalline tuffs and explosion-pyroclastics
(the 'porphyrite formation'). T h e s e rocks first attracted t h e attention
of Darwin on the voyage of the 'Beagle'. T h e y contain peculiar transitions
from lava to breccia a n d conglomeifete, t h e last formed, apparently, by
contemporaneous erosion of volcanic rocks at sea-level. T o w a r d s the
east they pass laterally into conglomerates, arkoses and other coarse
clastic sediments. T h e relation of these rocks to t h e marine Lower
Kimeridgian of N e u q u e n is unknown, b u t it seems probable that they are
equivalent t o continental sandstones a n d red clays which overlie t h e
Lower Kimeridgian a n d that the volcanic episode they record coincides
w i t h t h e major stratigraphical break everywhere apparent in South, as in
Central, America below the transgressive Tithonian.
T h e T i t h o n i a n transgression carried the sea farther east and south than
ever before in the Mesozoic: even in northern Peru and far south into
Patagonia. T h e new marine series begins usually, b u t not always, with a
basal conglomerate, a n d consists of a n immensely thick shale formation
with subordinate limestones. Over 7 degrees of latitude in Argentina, from
N e u q u e n t o t h e vicinity of Aconcagua, t h e r e are at or near t h e base a few
metres of limestone crowded with Virgatosphinctes spp. of the Lower
T i t h o n i a n . U p o n this follow shales a n d limestones, altogether well over
1000 m . thick, with distinct M i d d l e and U p p e r Tithonian, Berriasian
a n d Valanginian a m m o n i t e faunas. I n Patagonia volcanic activity con­
tinued, for t h e T i t h o n i a n shales are underlain, overlain and interfingered
with porphyritic lavas and contain thick beds of tuff.
I n t h e n o r t h e r n A n d e s ( N E . P e r u , E q u a d o r , Colombia, Venezuela)
absence of marine Jurassic faunas between Sinemurian and Tithonian
(and usually absence of those also) makes it impossible t o decipher t h e
history so clearly. I n this region t h e U p p e r Jurassic is believed to be
represented b y t h e L a Quinta formation a n d its equivalents (formerly
classed as ' G i r o n formation', which included Trias and Permian)
( = Chapiza formation of east E q u a d o r ) . I t consists largely or wholly
of red b e d s : sandstones, dark red shales, with basal polygenetic con­
glomerate locally, a n d often containing extensive pyroclastic rocks, lavas
a n d intrusives, especially towards t h e top. T h e s e beds overlap t h e
marine Sinemurian discordantly in east Peru a n d transgress on to the
Carboniferous t h e r e and in eastern Equador, and on to older crystallines in
parts of Colombia and Venezuela. T h e y usually pass u p w a r d s without a
break into similar beds believed to b e Lower Cretaceous. O n t h e east side
of the Central Cordillera of Colombia, however, t h e red beds are overlapped
by Lower Cretaceous strata dated to t h e Barremian at latest ( T r u m p y ,
1943). T h e thickness of t h e red beds is usually about 2500 m . in east

FIG. 9 4 . — T h e chief m a r i n e J u r a s s i c o u t c r o p s of S o u t h A m e r i c a . After Stose,


Peru and east Equador, and from 500 m . to 3000 m . in Colombia and
Venezuela, b u t in the Cesar Valley in the n o r t h of Colombia it exceeds
4000 m . (For east Peru see Huff, 1949; for east Equador, T s c h o p p ,
1945; for Colombia and Venezuela, O p p e n h e i m , 1940, T r u m p y , 1943;
general, Hedberg, 1942).
I n the areas of marine deposition, correspondence of the South American

Jurassic ammonites with E u r o p e a n genera a n d other species is striking at

all stages. T h e r e was formerly t h o u g h t to have been an important influx
of I n d i a n a m m o n i t e s into South America w i t h t h e Callovian (Jaworski,
1923), b u t this has proved to be an illusion. Revision by Spath of the
C u t c h Jurassic ammonites described b y Waagen, on which previous
identifications with I n d i a n species had been based, showed that in each
case t h e S o u t h American species h a d been misidentified. Of the six
species of I n d i a n Macrocephalites and three species of Indian Perisphinctes
listed from S o u t h America b y Stehn (1924), only one is not rejected or
queried b y Spath in his revision (and that one, M. magnumbilicatum
Waagen, is not confirmed by Spath for S o u t h America). A few Indian
species from the Callovian upwards are to be expected in South America
(pre-Callovian ammonites d o not occur in Cutch), for another point
b r o u g h t out by the revision of the C u t c h ammonites is their close affinity
with t h e European. O n t h e other h a n d n o n e of t h e distinctively I n d o -
Madagascan genera are known from South America (e.g. Bouleiceras of
t h e Toarcian, Obtusicostites, Sindeites, etc. of t h e Callovian). Instead,
t h e r e are correspondences with Western Australia and Canada in the
Bajocian (Pseudotoitej;).
M a n y of t h e Andean, like the Mexican, T i t h o n i a n ammonites were
assigned t o 'boreal' Russian genera such as Virgatites, Craspedites, Sim-
birskites (Burckhardt, 1903, 1911; R. Douville, 1910), b u t this was con­
tested b y U h l i g (1911), a n d most of t h e disputed forms have since been
provided with n e w generic names. (Good figures of most of these
ammonites will b e found in Burckhardt, 1903; Krantz, 1926 (reduced to
§ ) ; and Krantz, 1928). Burckhardt, however, still maintained his views
t o t h e e n d (1930, p . 110), a n d in particular renamed as Craspedites limitis
the form previously figured by h i m as Perisphinctes aff. erinus (d'Orb.)
(1903, p . 52). Even S p a t h as late as 1931 (Cutch, p . 527) assigned Peri­
sphinctes mendozanus Steiger (1914, n o m . nov. for Burckhardt's 'scythicus',
1903, pi. vii, figs. 1-8) a n d P. argentinus H a u p t (1907, pi. viii, fig. 1) to the
boreal genus Dorsoplanites, b u t five years later, after studying the genus,
h e t h o u g h t the resemblance 'probably entirely superficial' (Spath, 1936,
M e d . o m G r e n l a n d , 99, p . 72). Leanza (1945, 1947) still admits t h e
Russian genus Riasanites in Argentina.
F o r t h e sake of brevity, t h e whole Andean province is tabulated below
as a single series of outcrops. Detailed regional treatments will be found
in G e r t h (1935) and for t h e individual countries in useful books by Stein­
m a n n (1929) for P e r u (available in G e r m a n a n d Spanish editions), by
Briiggen (1950) for Chile, by W i n d h a u s e n (1931) and Weaver (1931) for
Argentina, a n d b y Feruglio (1949) for Patagonia. F o r cross-sections of the
Andes see Douglas (1914, 1920-1), Jenks (1948) and Gonzales (1950).
A s u p e r b m a p is available (Stose, 1950), b u t this does not show some of the
small b u t important outcrops of marine Jurassic (e.g. at Caracoles) as
distinct from t h e volcanic rocks.


T o this stage Leanza (1945) assigns two zones: Neocomites wichmanni

Leanza below and Olcostephanus curacaoensis (Weaver) above, t h e latter
with Lissonia riveroi (Lisson), which occurs in equivalents of part of t h e
Mulichinco formation (Weaver, 1931, p.^57).]


Mulichinco formation. I n central a n d south central N e u q u e n this

consists of an average thickness of 500 m . of sandstones, conglomerates

Z o n e s after L e a n z a

Spiticeras d a m e s i Spiticeras beds Berriasella boissieri Berriasian


Substeueroceras Substeueroceras Virgatosph. f chaperi Ardescian and
koeneni koeneni beds transitorius ( delphinensis Purbeckian
Corongoceras alternans (with Micracanthoceras,
P r o n i c e r a s , etc.)

Windhauseniceras giganteus )
internispinosum Durangites and gorei | Portlandian
Kossmatia beds albani f G a p in south
Pseudoli ssoceras pallasioides
zitteli rotunda 1

Virgatosphinctes Virgatosphinctes and ciliata/pectinatus
mendozanus Aulacosphinctoides vimineus/Subplanites
beds U p p e r and
Subplanites Middle
burckhardti ulmense ) ^ Kimeridgian
, •., , • } Gravesiae
Mazapilites with hthographica J

i H . beckeri beds Hybonoticeras beckeri

and red shale, of continental origin, b u t northward it is replaced b y marine

shales and limestones with ammonites, a n d is reduced to 200 m . F a r t h e r
north, in Mendoza, continental beds die out entirely a n d t h e shale-
limestone series is unbroken from T i t h o n i a n t o Hauterivian or higher
(Weaver, 1931). Leanza (1945, 1947) recognizes two z o n e s : —
Zone of Spiticeras damesi (Steuer) and Cuyaniceras transgrediens (Steuer),
with abundant Cuyaniceras spp. ( = Odontoceras auct. = Steueroceras
Cossmann), Neocomites spp., Thurmanniceras spp., Spiticeras s p p . and
Pseudoblanfordia australis (Burckh.).
Zone of Argentiniceras noduliferum (Steuer), with Berriasella laxicosta
(Steuer), Frenguelliceras spp., Neocosmoceras egregium (Steuer), Sub­
steueroceras, Groebericeras, etc.]


Quintuco formation. Shales, mainly dark or black, which in central

N e u q u e n have an average thickness of 500 m . ; southwards they tend to
become calcareous and sandy. Leanza (1945) has reduced the five zones
of earlier authors to three, b u t the lowest is here transferred to the Middle
T i t h o n i a n (which alters t h e thickness distributed between the U p p e r
a n d M i d d l e divisions).
Zone of Substeueroceras koeneni (Steuer), with Aulacosphinctes mangaensis
(Steuer), A. azulensis Leanza, Berriasella fraudans var. inflata Leanza,
Parodontoceras callistoides (Behr.), Micracanthoceras vetustum (Steuer),
Riasanites rjasanensoides K r a n t z (1928, pi. iv, fig. 7), Spiticeras acutum
G e r t h and Aspidoceras longaevum Leanza.
Zone of Corongoceras alternans (Gerth), with Berriasella spp., Micra­
canthoceras s p p . and Corongoceras rigali Leanza.
Leanza (1947, p p . 837-40) points out that the Damesi Zone correlates
with the Berriasian Boissieri Zone of Europe, while the assemblage of the
Koeneni Zone corresponds well with that of the U p p e r Tithonian T r a n s i ­
torius ( = 'Privasensis') Zone in E u r o p e . I n support of this Leanza
reaffirms that, as already maintained by Mazenot (1939), Parodontoceras
callistoides (Behrendsen) is not the same as the species so called by Kilian
in 1907 from the Berriasian of SE. France and Andalusia. O n the other
hand, Leanza still identifies some South American ammonites from t h e
Koeneni Zone with species of Riasanites of the Ryazan Beds of Russia.
If this identification is correct, it confirms the supposition that the Ryazan
Beds of Russia are condensed and comprise representatives of the highest
Jurassic as well as t h e lowest Cretaceous (see p . 492).


Zone of Windhauseniceras internispinosum (Krantz), with Wichmanniceras

mirum Leanza, Aspidoceras steinmanni H a u p t and A. neuquenensis Weaver.
T h i s zone is the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n of Weaver (1931, p . 46) and was placed
at the base of the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n by Leanza, b u t since it corresponds
with nothing in the E u r o p e a n U p p e r Tithonian, it is now dropped into the
M i d d l e T i t h o n i a n , unrepresented in t h e classic area.
Zone of Pseudolissoceras zitteli (Burckhardt), 70 m. Calcareous sandy
shales and sandstones or marls with nodules. Neocheotoceras waageni
(Zittel), Glochiceras parabolistriatum Krantz, Pseudolissoceras pseudoo-
lithicum ( H a u p t ) , Aspidoceras steinmanni Haupt, Simoceras aff. volanense
(Oppel). (See K r a n t z , 1928, pi. iii, fig. 7 ; Weaver, 1931, p p . 4 6 - 7 ;
G e r t h , 1935, table V I I I , p . 295). Pavlovia (?) windhauseni Weaver (1931,
pi. 44, fig. 300) suggests at latest a Lower Portlandian date.


Zone of Virgatosphinctes mendozanus Burckhardt, 25 m. Ferruginous

limestones and dark grey shales, passing into bituminous limestones with
shale partings. M o r e than 75 per cent, of the ammonites belong to
Virgatosphinctes mendozanus Burck.; also V. australis Burck., V. mexicanus
Burck., V. choicensis Burck., V. lotenoensis Weaver and a b u n d a n t Ino-
ceramus curacoensis Weaver. (Weaver, 1931, p p . 4 6 - 7 ; G e r t h , 1935,
table V I I I ) . Perhaps 'Anavirgatites baylei' Spath came from this horizon
in Chile (Bayle & Coquand, 1851, pi. ii, fig. 2). A m o n o g r a p h by I n d a n s
(1954) of the Perisphinctids from t h e Virgatosphinctes b e d at the base of
the Tithonian in south M e n d o z a shows t h a t in addition to this genus
the assemblage comprises typical Aulacosphinctoides (pi. xviii, figs. 1-7) a n d
species indistinguishable from Torquatisphinctes (pi. xx, figs. 2, 3) as in
Mexico, also Pseudinvoluticeras (pi. xv, 1) and t h e Dorsoplanites-like forms
mentioned above (pi. xx, figs. 1, 4, 5).
T h e preceding synopsis of the Tithonian and Berriasian of Argentina
follows the important revisions by Leanza (1945, 1947) with some strati­
graphical information from Weaver (1931). F o r n u m e r o u s figures of t h e
ammonites from Argentina, Peru and Chile see Behrendsen (1891-2),
Burckhardt (1903), R. Douville (1910), Favre (1908), Feruglio (1937),
Gerth (1925a, 1926a), H a u p t (1907), K r a n t z (1926, 1928), Leanza (1945),
Lisson (1908, 1937), Rivera (1951), Steuer (1897), Welter (1913), I n d a n s


I n N e u q u e n province, Argentina, the T i t h o n i a n shales rest t r a n s ­

gressively u p o n a considerable thickness of varicoloured sandstones a n d
red clays or clay shales of continental facies, which at Chacay-Melehue rest
in t u r n u p o n the marine basal Kimeridgian beds mentioned below (Leanza,
1947a). T h e s e unfossiliferous beds are presumably t h e same as t h e
upper part of the Loteno formation of Weaver, perhaps the highest 103 m .
down to the conglomerate (bed E) containing pebbles of acid lava in t h e
Picun Leufu anticline (Weaver, 1931, p . 42); for the mysterious 'Lusitanian
Virgatosphinctes' of bed N (ibid., p . 43, pis. 45, 46) have proved to be,
what they always looked in t h e drawings, Callovian Reineckiae ( H e r r e r o -
Ducloux & Leanza, 1943). I n C h u b u t 500-1000 m . of continental deposits
intervene between the p r e - or early-Tithonian volcanics and marine
Toarcian (Feruglio, 1949, p . 89).


Immediately underlying the continental sandstones a n d shales at

Chacay-Melehue is a slightly dolomitic limestone containing Nebrodites,
Idoceras, Aspidoceras, Streblites (Pseudoppelia) a n d aptychi, assignable
t o the lowest subzones of the Tenuilobatus Zone. T h e beds overlie and
also pass laterally into the main G y p s u m formation (Leanza, 1946,
Marine beds of about the same age occur also at Caracoles, near t h e
frontiers of Chile, Argentina and Bolivia, whence have been figured
the Crussol species Perisphinctes roubyanus and Nebrodites doublieri
(Steinmann, 1881, p. 298, and figs.).


I n the Caracoles area the G y p s u m formation immediately overlies

marine beds containing Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) harringtoni Leanza,
which is very close to the E u r o p e a n P. cotovui Sim., Euaspidoceras cf.
perarmatum (Sow.), Ochetoceras cf. canaliculatum (Buch) and Trimarginites
cf. arolicus (Oppel), providing accurate correlation with the Plicatilis
Zone ( = Transversarium Zone) of N W . E u r o p e (Steinmann, 1881,
p p . 297-8, pis. ix-xii; Stehn, 1924, p . 63, pis. ii, v; Leanza, 19476 and pi.).
T h e same zone, with Perisphinctes spp. as in England, is also found u n d e r ­
lying the m a i n gypsum in Arroyo de la Manga, M e n d o z a (Stipanicic,
1951). C o m b i n e d with the evidence from N e u q u e n mentioned above,
this dates t h e G y p s u m formation to u p p e r m o s t Oxfordian (Bimammatum
Zone) a n d basal Kimeridgian.


I n t h e Caracoles area t h e Callovian comprises at least 100 m. of lime­

stones and marls, in which can be recognized an u p p e r zone (60-70 m.)
w i t h n u m e r o u s Reineckeidae a n d subordinate Macrocephalitidae, and a
lower zone (30-40 m.), with n u m e r o u s Macrocephalitidae but no Rein­
eckeidae (Steinmann in Stehn, 1924, p . 60). T h e s e faunas are extremely
rich and widespread in P e r u , Chile and Argentina. Locally higher
beds with Hecticoceras spp. and Parapatoceras (Stehn, 1924, pi. ii, fig. 5)
can be separated ( G e r t h , 1935, p . 264), and Peltoceras is reported, in
association with Reineckeids (Stehn, 1924, p . 139).
O n t h e coast close to t h e Chile/Peru frontier, a hill called M o r r o de
Arica exposes 45 m . of red shales with veins of gypsum, resting upon
Callovian Posidonia shales interbedded with pillow-lavas. F r o m t h e
lower shales with pillow-lavas Douglas (1914, p p . 8, 9) collected two small
specimens of a t u m i d Macrocephalites, a n d from shales higher u p a crushed
Kosmoceratid (recorded as K. cf. ornatum) with a lappet, which compares
best with K. (Gulielmiceras ?) zortmanense Imlay, from t h e Kepplerites
mclearni zone of t h e western U n i t e d States (see p . 549). (Douglas'
specimens are in Oxford University M u s e u m , nos. J U 3-5.) T h e Caracoles
Kosmoceras dunkeri Steinmann (1881, p . 272, pi. xii, fig. 9) likewise may
be one of the Gowericeras fauna so well represented in the western United
States and Alaska and figured by Imlay.
T h e Macrocephalitidae and Reineckeidae of South America have
been described and figured in n u m e r o u s works, of which the principal
are by Burckhardt (1903), Steinmann (1881), Stehn (1924) and Herrero-
Ducloux & Leanza (1943). Besides species allied to European and I n d o -
Pacific forms b u t in most cases not conspecific as would appear from
published lists, there are peculiar genera such as Eurycephalites (based o n
Macrocephalites vergarensis Burckhardt, which was erroneously compared
w i t h Morrisiceras a n d mistaken for Bathonian), Xenocephalites (based on
M. nequenensis Stehn) and the Reineckeid Neuqueniceras (based on
Perisphinctes steinmanni Stehn). T h e usual Grossouvriae abound. Oppelia
exotica Steinmann (1881, pi. xi, figs. 5, 6) appears to b e an Oxycerites.
Xenocephalites and probably Eurycephalites occur in the Lower Callovian
of the western U n i t e d States (see p . 550).


N o ammonites indicative of these stages have yet been found in South

America. T h e 'Lissoceras psilodiscus' figured by Stehn (1924, pi. iv,
fig. 1) was misidentified. So also was t h e 'Stephanoceras bullatum' figured
by Gottsche (1878, pi. viii, fig. 1), which is a Callovian ammonite, found
in company with Reineckiae. At least in t h e Caracoles area, t h e m a i n
Macrocephalites beds are separated from the M i d d l e Bajocian b y 15-20 m .
of beds almost devoid of fossils.


H u m p h r i e s i a n u m Zone. T h i s zone seems to be represented in Peru

and Chile b u t not in Argentina, to j u d g e by records a n d some figures by
Steinmann (1881, pi. xii, fig. 7) and Moricke (1894, p . 20). T h e fauna
needs re-investigating.
Sauzei and Sowerbyi Zones. T h e s e zones are represented b y the so-
called Sauzei Limestones, or Sonninia Beds, crowded with ammonites
and other fossils, which mark a constant and widespread episode from
Peru to Patagonia. T h e ammonites have been well figured by Gottsche
(1878), T o m q u i s t (1898) and Jaworski (1914-15, 1926, 1926a). T h e
dominant genera are Sonninia, Witchellia, Emileia, with Otoites, Chondro­
ceras, Fontannesia, Eudmetoceras, Bradfordia, etc., as well as Pseudotoites
closely allied to Western Australian species (Tornquist, 1898, pi. v, figs.
1, 4 ; pi. vi, fig. 2). W h a t appears to be an early Leptosphinctes (Jaworski,
1926, pi. xiii, fig. 8) was found in the Sauzei Beds, and may be compared
with t h e M i d d l e Bajocian record of the genus from Alaska; the nearest
European species, L. davidsoni Buckman (1921, vol. iii, pi. C C I ) , occurs
in the Subfurcatum Zone, basal U p p e r Bajocian, in which Teloceras still
persists in Europe. T h e early Oppeliid, Bradfordia morickei Jaworski sp.
(1926, pi. xi, fig. 9), is closely comparable with E u r o p e a n species from
the Sauzei and Sowerbyi Zones, which occur from Dorset to Sicily
(= 'lokastelid Renz, 1925). Eudmetoceras gerthi Jaworski sp. (1926,
pi. xii, fig. 5) also denotes the Sowerbyi Zone. T h i s assemblage is
therefore not Lower Bajocian as supposed by Jaworski (1926, Tafel X ,
facing p . 426), even t h o u g h locally below the range of Sonninia.


Immediately below the Sonninia and Emileia beds at Espinazito Pass are
calcareous sandstones full of Meleagrinella substriata, which yield Tmeto­
ceras regleyi (Thiolliere) (Gottsche, 1878, pi. ii, fig. 3 ; T o r n q u i s t , 1898,
p. 6) and thus correlate with the regleyi horizon in Canada and the Scissum
Zone of Europe. 'Harpoceras concavum' is also recorded with Tmetoceras,
but the identity of this requires confirmation.

. At Cerro P u c h e n is a fauna of 'Harpoceratids' which probably have been

rightly taken for the Pleydellia assemblage (Grober, 1918, p p . 17, 28, 30),
n a m e l y : 'Harpoceras' malarguense, puchense and argentinum Burckhardt
(1903, p i . i), b u t it is difficult to j u d g e from drawings alone. I n the same
zone are said to occur Erycites aff. fallax (Benecke) and Eudmetoceras
klimakomphalum (Vacek). G r o b e r (1918, p . 30) stressed the identity of this
fauna with t h e San Vigilio fauna of the Southern A l p s ; b u t the San Vigilio
fauna is a condensed mixture of Lower and M i d d l e Bajocian. Planam-
matoceras a n d various other Hammatoceratids occur in Argentina, Chile
and Peru.
T h e rarity of unequivocally Lower Bajocian ammonites among published
figures from South America may be due to unfavorable facies, for the
prevalent deposits in the part of t h e column that might be expected to
belong to the L o w e r Bajocian are often black shales and black shaly
a n d cherty limestones with Posidonia alpina, a notoriously inhospitable
environment for ammonites.


Perhaps the latest definitely Toarcian faunule yet found in South

America is t h a t with Sphaerocoeloceras brocchiiforme Jaworski and Dumor­
tieria pusilla Jaw. from Arroyo Negro in M e n d o z a province (Jaworski,
1926). F a r t h e r south, in C h u b u t , Sphaerocoeloceras is recorded with
various Toarcian ammonites (Feruglio, 1949, p p . 106-8).
I n Chile there is a strong representation of t h e Phymatoceras (= 'Lillia'),
Haugia and Brodieia (= 'Brodiceras') fauna of the basal Jurense Zone
(Lilli - Variabilis Subzones), closely resembling forms figured by
D e n c k m a n n from D o e r n t e n and a collection sent m e from Baluchistan
(Moricke, 1894, pi. i, figs. 1-5, pi. iii, fig. 2 ; Jaworski, 1926, pi. xiii, fig. 2).
Lower and M i d d l e Toarcian ammonites include Dactylioceras cf.
raquinianum (d'Orb.) from Caracoles (Steinmann, 1881, pi. xii, fig. 6)
and various Dactylioceras and Harpoceras with Phylloceras partschi from
Chile and Argentina (Gerth, 1935, table V I I , p . 269; Feruglio, 1949,
p p . 106-8). I n Patagonia the Lias, with Toarcian ammonites near the
t o p , is about 875 m . thick (Feruglio, 1949, p . 89). T h i s compares with
about 900 m . at Arequipa in south Peru (Jenks, 1948).
I n Peru b o t h U p p e r and M i d d l e Lias, probably with representatives
of the M i d d l e a n d U p p e r Jurassic, are developed as poorly-fossiliferous
limestones. T h e y form t h e U p p e r Calcareous Series, more than 1300 m.
thick, which rests in some places conformably on Lower Lias shales and
in others unconformably on Carboniferous rocks, and is succeeded
conformably by Lower Cretaceous sandstones (Harrison, 1943, p . 7).

M u c h of the Pliensbachian is developed in shelly facies, from which
in some parts of Peru well-preserved silicified fossils are obtainable, b u t
no ammonites. A notable feature is the occurrence of the earliest known
Stomechinus (Tilmann, 1917, p . 696); the next-oldest known is an a b u n d a n t
species in the Bouleiceras bed of Arabia. I n Chile and Argentina t h e facies
is more favorable for ammonites.
T h e Domerian is represented in Argentina by the remarkable Italian
species, Diaphorites vetulonius Fucini (Jaworski, 1915, pi. viii, fig. 4),
and probably by some of the Hildoceratidae listed by various a u t h o r s
(summarized by Gerth, 1935, table V I I ) . T h e Davoei Zone is represented
in Chile by Prodactylioceras (Moricke, 1894, pi. ii, fig. 6), the Ibex Zone
in Argentina by Tragophylloceras wechsleri (Oppel) (Jaworski, 1915, p .
393 and figs.), and the Jamesoni Zone by Uptonia jamesoni (ibid., p . 451);
b u t whether these and associated ammonites are stratigraphically separable
as in E u r o p e remains to be proved by future field-work. I n Patagonia
Prodactylioceras is recorded with Toarcian species (Feruglio, 1949, p . 108),
which m u s t surely result from a misidentification.


T h e U p p e r Sinemurian is widely distributed from N e u q u e n n o r t h w a r d s

into Peru by beds with Eoderoceratids, Echioceratids and Oxynoticeratids.
T h e y include Eoderoceras armatum (Sow.) (Jaworski, 1915, p . 451),
Crucilobiceras cf. subarmatum (Y. & B.) (Rigal, 1930, pi. ii, fig. 4), Gleviceras
behrendseni Jaworski sp. (1926, pi. xi, figs. 3-5) and Echioceras cf. rari­
costatum (Zieten) (Douglas, 1921, p . 264), etc. At Piendra Pintada, on
about latitude 4 0 S., Oxynoticeras occurs in plant-beds.
T h e Lower Sinemurian with Arietitidae (Arnioceras and inner whorls
figured on same slab as 'Psiloceras ?') occurs in black shales below the red
beds in Colombia ( T r u m p y , 1943, pi. i) and in east E q u a d o r ( T s c h o p p ,
1945; 1948) and N E . Peru (Huff, 1949) in dark bituminous, siliceous or
dolomitic limestones, which in east E q u a d o r are 1500 m. thick (Santiago
formation). Farther south in Peru and in n o r t h Chile a suite of black
bituminous shales and platy limestones (up to 540 m . thick in Peru)
yield many European Arietitidae of the Bucklandi Zone, including
Arietites, Metophioceras, Vermiceras, with Arnioceras, etc. (Tilmann,
1917, p p . 656-67, pis. xxi-xxiii; Harrison, 1943, p . 7). Arietites is also
recorded from the eastern side of the Andes in Argentina (Behrendsen,
1891-2, p . 369). Microderoceras occurs in Peru. I n N e u q u e n t h e lower
zones at least are developed in littoral facies and there are sandstones
full of Gryphaea, differing slightly from G. arcuata (Jaworski, 1914,
p . 323). It seems probable, therefore, that at least in Peru all the zones of
the Sinemurian are present, with essentially E u r o p e a n ammonite faunas.


T h e Planorbis Zone is developed in Peru as dark limestones and marls

with Psiloceras and Caloceras (Tilmann, 1917; Harrison, 1943). Supposed
Psiloceras figured from Colombia ( T r u m p y , 1943, pi. i) appear to be inner
whorls of the associated Arnioceratinae. I n Peru, however, a fine-ribbed
Schlotheimiid, 5 . cf. angustisulcata (Geyer), occurs in the Sinemurian

Arietitid beds ( T i l m a n n , 1917, pi. xxi, figs. 1, 2). I n Argentina the

Hettangian is probably represented by coral limestones and sandstones
(Jaworski, 1914, p . 323).
T h e Lias in some places rests on plant-bearing sandstones believed to
be Rhaetian, in which Estheria, Unto and fish occur (Gerth, 1935, p p .
e a s t
225-9). 1 ° E q u a d o r there is a lithological passage u p from marine
T r i a s ( T s c h o p p , 1945). I n many other places, from Venezuela in the
n o r t h (Oppenheim, 1940) to Patagonia in the south (Feruglio, 1949,
p. 109), the Lias or its supposed equivalents transgress on to Palaeozoic
and p r e - C a m b r i a n rocks.


T h e description and correlation of the continental deposits and eruptive

rocks of t h e shield lie outside t h e scope of this book. T h e dating of
these rocks, as of their counterparts in t h e south of the African shield, is a
specialized enquiry which will d e m a n d m o r e field-work and perhaps will
b e solved only b y introduction of new techniques. Sedimentary petrology
a n d micropalaeontology have as yet been little employed.
T h e u p p e r part of the great 'Santa Catarina System', the lower parts of
which are Palaeozoic, consists of unfossiliferous aeolian sandstone
(Botucatu Sandstone, 0-300 m.) overlain by the Sera Geral fissure-
eruptives of t h e Parana basin, which are the largest known mass of volcanic
rocks in t h e world. T h e s e two formations correspond with the Cave
Sandstone a n d Stormberg Lavas of South Africa, and it is customary to
regard t h e m as Rhaetian (Gerth, 1935, table V I , p . 251).
I t is sometimes argued that some if not all of the Sera Geral lavas may
be Jurassic (Gordon, 1947, p . 17), b u t this depends at present on personal
evaluation of the time-significance of t h e Botucatu Sandstone and two
unconformities which separate t h e lavas from the highest fossil-bearing
beds of basal U p p e r Triassic age.
I n either case, whether these lavas are Rhaetic or Liassic, the shield
during the whole Jurassic period was a land-area, about which at present
next to nothing is known.


I n Tierra del Fuego the Andean folds t r e n d east and are continued b y a
submarine ridge which passes t h r o u g h South Georgia and bends r o u n d
on itself through the South Sandwich, South Orkney a n d S o u t h Shetland
Islands to join on to t h e finger-shaped p r o m o n t o r y of Grahamland,
Antarctica. T h i s great loop was aptly named b y Suess in ' T h e Face of t h e
E a r t h ' (1909, vol. iv, p . 496) t h e Southern Antilles. I n recent literature
it is sometimes called the Scotia arc. T h r o u g h it the A n d e a n foldings
join South America to Antarctica. T h e y deploy t h r o u g h the western
part of the continent and r u n out to sea again in t h e Edsel F o r d Range
on Marie Byrd L a n d . Beyond this their course is conjectural, b u t a
submarine ridge joining the Balleny a n d M a c q u e r i e Islands t o N e w
Zealand suggests a second eastward-thrusting loop, m o r e open t h a n t h e
southern Antilles, and completing t h e orogenic girdle of the Pacific.
West Antarctica, through which the fold-ranges pass, differs funda­
mentally from east Antarctica, which is a shield comparable strati-
graphically and tectonically with the shields of South Africa, South
America a n d Western Australia. O n the usual peneplaned basement
complex of crystalline pre-Cambrian rocks there rests in east Antarctica
a series of horizontal sedimentaries, ranging from Cambrian to Trias,
with in particular a thick development of Devonian, Carboniferous,
Permian and Triassic sandstones (the Beacon Sandstones). Like t h e
Karroo in South Africa a n d t h e P e r m o - T r i a s in Tasmania, t h e Beacon
Sandstones are intruded by a system of dolerite sills and dykes of probably
Rhaetian or early Liassic date.
T h e shield is truncated abruptly about longitude 1 7 0 , from Cape
Adare in Victoria L a n d towards the South Pole, b y a mighty fault, marked
out by a line of volcanoes, most famous of which is the still-active M o u n t
Erebus. T h e downthrown area underlies the Ross Sea a n d Ross ice
barrier and probably continues across t h e ice-covered waist of the conti­
nent to the Weddell Sea. I t represents a narrow foredeep, between the
edge of the shield and the folds of t h e orogen. Usually along such contacts
the edge of the shield has tended to u n d e r t h r u s t the advancing folds.
Probably t h e same has happened here, b u t t h e great fault (to t h e y o u t h -
fulness of which the active volcanoes testify) has come into being since
and let down t h e u n d e r t h r u s t edge of the shield u n d e r the Ross Sea.
T h e fold ranges of west Antarctica consist of thick sedimentaries with
batholiths of grey and pink granite injected among t h e m and in the cores
of the major anticlines, b u t no evidence has yet been obtained of the age
of the sediments or the date of the folding. T h e sediments where studied

in the Edsel F o r d Ranges consist of a singularly homogeneous and indi­

visible series of fine-grained sandstones and arenaceous shales, in a
condition of low-grade metamorphism, so slight as to amount to little
more t h a n induration, t h o u g h tending t o production of quartzites and

FIG. 9 5 . — T h e S o u t h P o l a r r e g i o n s ( d i a g r a m m a t i c ) s h o w i n g T e r t i a r y fold r a n g e s
( h e a v y black lines) a n d s h i e l d s ( s h a d e d ) . Based o n F a i r b r i d g e , 1949.

slates. N o trace of a fossil has been found. T h e thickness is estimated

at not less t h a n 4500 m . ; b u t not enough field-work has yet been done to
overcome the difficulties resulting from intricate folding and the distortion
due to the granite intrusions (Passel, 1945). Fairbridge (1949) has
remarked that this series sounds like flysch and might well be Mesozoic.

Most of the islands of the southern Antilles loop are volcanic, b u t the
largest, South Georgia, is an exception. T h i s consists of several t h o u s a n d
metres of fine-grained sedimentaries—greywackes, shales a n d tuffs—
more or less acutely folded, which appear to be a continuation of t h e
Cretaceous flysch zone of Patagonia and T i e r r a del Fuego, D a r w i n ' s
'clay-slate' formation. A few ammonites have been found. O n e was
tentatively identified with Acanthoceras (Gregory, 1915), b u t later finds of
Puzosia, Tropaeum a n d Sanmartinoceras have proved t h a t t h e u p p e r p a r t
at least of the sediments ( U p p e r C u m b e r l a n d Bay Series) is Aptian
(Wilckens, 1937, 1947). One of the ammonites was found in t h e same
beds as problematica which h a d previously been identified with L o w e r
Palaeozoic corals (Gregory, 1915). I t seems that there is no palaeonto­
logical evidence for any sediments earlier than Cretaceous in the island
(Holtedahl, 1929; Wilckens, 1932), t h o u g h it is likely that the basal Cape
George Series is Palaeozoic. T h e Falklands, on the other hand, contain
n o solid formations younger t h a n T r i a s (Adie, 1952, 19526).
T h e only c o m m o n Jurassic fossils yet known from the Antarctic regions
are plants. T h e y have been found in Grahamland, both at the extreme
tip, at M o u n t Flora, H o p e Bay (Halle, 1913, Adie, 1952a) and in Alexander I
L a n d in the extreme south-west of the peninsula (Wordie, 1948, p . 68),
where also U p p e r Jurassic ammonites are reported (Adie, 1952a, p . 3 9 6 ;
Cox, 1953, p . 3). T h e Jurassic ammonites so far found are said to be
Perisphinctids; an indeterminate fragment has also been figured from
James Ross Island (Spath, 1953, p . 3, pi. xii, fig. 5), b u t t h e others are
still unpublished. T h e famous plant-beds of H o p e Bay occur in the
lower part of the mountain, in hard slaty shales that have been folded in
Tertiary times. A lacustrine origin is probable. T h e beds probably
represent a continuation of some part of t h e Jurassic plant-beds of
Patagonia, now m u c h better known than when Halle's monograph was
published (see Feruglio, 1949, ch. viii). T h e H o p e Bay flora comprises
at least 42 identified forms, chiefly ferns, cycadophytes and conifers. T h e y
are not stunted, a n d belong to t h e cosmopolitan w a r m - t e m p e r a t e Jurassic
flora. T h e closest affinity is with the M i d d l e Jurassic flora of Yorkshire,
with which there are nine species in common, b u t there are also strong
links with India and Australia.
At present Grahamland and the adjacent islands are almost completely
covered in permanent ice, and rock protrudes only here and there. T h e
only living flora is a meagre growth of mosses and lichens. T h e con­
clusion is therefore inescapable that in Jurassic times Antarctica had a
m u c h milder climate. Fossil shells a n d plants show t h a t t h e climate was
also temperate in the Tertiary. T h e glacial geology, however, indicates
much more severe glaciation in the Quaternary t h a n at present.
T h e small islands of Snow Hill a n d Seymour, close to H o p e Bay, have
yielded a beautifully-preserved U p p e r Cretaceous (Senonian) a m m o n i t e
fauna, which likewise shows no signs of polar characteristics, b u t has some
species in common "with contemporary assemblages in Chile, California,

Japan, Natal, India and N e w Zealand (Kilian & Reboul, 1909; Spath,
953)- (Owing to erroneous comparison with a Canadian Jurassic
ammonite, Kilian & Reboul produced one of t h e curiosities of palaeonto-
logical n o m e n c l a t u r e : they founded t h e genus Seymourites with the
Canadian species as type, with t h e result t h a t t h e n a m e has t o b e applied
to a Callovian genus of ammonites which does not occur in the southern
A m a r i n e Aptian fauna w i t h ammonites also occurs in Alexander I
L a n d (Cox, 1953).
Summaries of the geology of Antarctica have been published by F u r o n
(1936), T a y l o r (1940), W a d e (1941), W o r d i e (1948) and Fairbridge
(1949, 1952), and of S o u t h Georgia b y Trendall (1953).


2 P


All the occurrences of Jurassic formations chronicled in the preceding

chapters amount to little more t h a n relics of marginal lappings of t h e sea
around the edges of the continents; the sole exception being the T e t h y s ,
a sea which stretched across southern Asia from west to east along t h e
band that was destined to emplace t h e great Tertiary m o u n t a i n chains.
Despite modern advances in geophysical techniques, we are not in
sight of being able to distinguish and date sedimentary systems hidden
beneath the ocean floors. Accordingly the only way that light can be
thrown at present on the major distribution of land and sea and the extent
of the oceans at any particular period is by extrapolation from study of the
fossil faunas in the fringing sediments deposited at times of transgression.
T h o s e faunas when properly correlated and dated give some idea of the
contemporaneity or otherwise of transgressions in different parts of t h e
world, and tell us something of t h e migration routes that were open across
the seas, and so indirectly of the existence and extent of t h e seas themselves.
Most of the immense literature on t h e old controversy about t h e
permanence of the oceans consists of arguments drawn from t h e distri­
bution of land and freshwater faunas, recent and fossil. Nearly all of it
(as summarized, for instance, by J. W . Gregory in his two presidential
addresses to the Geological Society of L o n d o n , 1929 and 1930) is highly
uncritical, based on the assumption that if animals or fossils on different
continents are sufficiently similar they require land bridges to provide
migration routes across the oceans. T o o little account was taken of t h e
immense time factor involved, a n d the rare chance possibilities of crossings
by adult or larval individuals u n d e r the influence of currents or wind
storms, which, when suitably multiplied b y such a time factor, become
probabilities. T h i s has been shown ably and convincingly by Simpson
(1952). As he states, 'a possible event, however improbable it may b e as
an isolated occurrence, becomes probable if enough time elapses'; and
the degree of probability is increased in proportion to t h e size of the
population involved as well as to the time available, for both increase
the opportunities.
I n contrast to most of the preceding literature, our study is of migrations
of marine organisms. T h e y have t h e advantage that whereas all land
animals can conceivably cross the sea and populate distant continents,
no means have been suggested whereby marine animals such as ammonites
can cross continents. Even here a caveat m u s t be entered, however.
At the present time both freshwater and marine molluscs and lowlier
organisms can cross wide tracts of land in a very short time, carried on t h e

feet of birds, either as eggs, or larvae, or small imagos. A striking instance

of this is the lake Birket Qarun, in the Faiyum, Egypt, which has been fed
b y a b r a n c h from the Nile and has contained the normal Nile fauna of
Corbicula and other molluscs for tens of thousands of years, as may be
seen by the abundance of shells in its high Pleistocene beaches, in which
they are associated with Palaeolithic implements. D u r i n g the early years
of the present century the need for more cultivable ground led to artificial
shrinkage of the lake to a point where salinity suddenly made the water
suitable for m a r i n e or brackish mollusca. A survey of the fauna in 1907
m a d e no mention of any marine forms. By 1927, however, the dominant
mollusca in the lake were Cardium edule and Scrobicularia cottardi, two
forms characteristic of t h e saline lakes near Alexandria (Gardner, 1932,
p. 84). T h e y were so a b u n d a n t b y 1927 that their shells formed a con­
tinuous beach m o u n d for m a n y miles along the lake shore (Sandford &
Arkell, 1929, pi. xi). M o r e than 100 miles of dry desert separate the
Alexandrian lakes from t h e Birket Qarun, b u t there is a constant traffic
of duck between the two, a n d the lakes are visited by flocks of flamingos.
T h e r e can be n o doubt that the mollusca were in some way transported
by these birds, probably in m u d adhering to their legs.
I n Jurassic times air-transport was perhaps more restricted, but with
Archaeopteryx and flying reptiles on the scenes, it cannot be affirmed as
impossible t h a t m a r i n e organisms could have been carried across isthmuses
b y air. A n d as Simpson has shown, anything that was not impossible
becomes a fair probability w h e n there is so m u c h credit to draw on in
t h e b a n k of t i m e .
However this m a y be, we shall here attempt a review of some of the
features of distribution of fossil m a r i n e faunas which have a bearing on
migration routes a n d the extent of the oceans in at least one geological
As a preliminary it should be stated that at n o time in t h e Jurassic
were marine transgressions over the continents so extensive as to warrant
t h e assumption that the main oceans could have been dry land, least of all
t h e Pacific. M a p s (e.g. H a u g , 1900; Gregory, 1930, p . xci) which show
t h e Pacific as mainly dry land, on which the water is reduced to narrow
strips, necessarily imply a compensating inundation of the continents
of an order far greater t h a n is warranted b y the known distribution and
facies of t h e sediments. Even the greatest transgressions, such as that of
t h e U p p e r Jurassic across Russia, from t h e Arctic Ocean t o t h e Baltic
and Caspian, are negligible compared t o t h e effects of emptying the
Pacific. F u r t h e r m o r e , such transgressive seas were always shallow, as is
apparent from the sediments and faunas they left behind. N o r were they
contemporary everywhere. T h e Liassic period, for which Gregory
shows t h e Pacific almost drained of its water, was a period of regression
compared with the U p p e r Jurassic; a t r u t h already pointed out three-
quarters of a century ago by Neumayr.
W e cannot get rid of the water in the oceans by postulating enlarged
ice-caps in the Mesozoic, since a rich temperate flora lived simultaneously
in Greenland and G r a h a m l a n d , n o r b y postulating a p e r m a n e n t dense
cloud-cover full of suspended water, since neither the flora n o r the fauna
admit of such an assumption; and jellyfish washed u p at Solnhofen in
Bavaria were dried so rapidly b y hot sun that they did not have t i m e to
decompose or to be caught by the next tide and destroyed while still soft.
Moreover, since the Jurassic period there have been major orogenies,
which indicate considerable shrinking of the lithosphere without corres­
ponding reduction of the hydrosphere, so that there is n o w m o r e sea
relative to the surface of the solid earth.
Accordingly we have to construct o u r maps so as to accommodate
at least as m u c h water as there is on t h e earth at present; which leaves us
t h e choice between supposing that the major oceans were m o r e or less as
they are now, or arranged in some radically different way. Before investi­
gating the second alternative it behoves us to weigh what evidence t h e r e is
for and against the first. Indeed, t h e first alternative is so infinitely simpler
and a priori more probable, that very cogent evidence needs to be adduced
before any reasonable m a n should want to abandon it. (See Jeffreys,
1952, chs. 11, 12).
T h e following pages briefly review the evidence for the Jurassic period.


T h e Pacific Ocean is s u r r o u n d e d b y a ring of Jurassic rocks from N e w

Zealand t o Patagonia. T h a t this was a geosynclinal r i n g is not disputed.
But if it surrounded a vast Pacific continent as inferred by H a u g (1900),
Kober (1928, p . 361) and others, the faunas should show a complete lack
of cross-connexions; which they do not. T o account for supposed con­
nexions between the Lias of Japan and western N o r t h America, and the
Tithonian of N e w Guinea and Chile, Gregory (1930, p . cxi) postulated
two separate, long, narrow, east-west seas dividing the continent into
three parts. Both these postulates incur t h e insuperable difficulty of
displacing the water from nearly half the globe without providing adequate
accommodation for it elsewhere.
T h e alternative hypothesis, eloquently elaborated by Stille (1944, 1948),
that the whole Pacific is and always has been a primordial ocean (Urozean)
with a relatively rigid floor (Tiefkraton), avoids these fundamental diffi­
culties and is to that extent preferable. T h e r e is no warrant, however,
for supposing that the Pacific half of the earth's surface necessarily had a
much simpler history t h a n the other half. T h e r e are indications that
uniformity is b y no means the r u l e : for instance t h e large area in t h e middle
covered b y coral islands m u s t have been sinking steadily for t h o u s a n d s of
feet in Tertiary to Recent times, and on t h e b o r d e r of the coral island zone
there is evidence for migrating anticlines and synclines ( C h u b b , 1934).
As compensation for these sinking areas, other areas (such as the western
Albatross plateau ?) may well have undergone elevation.

W h e n in the light of these reflections we examine the Jurassic faunas of

the s u r r o u n d i n g geosynclinal seas without bias, we find almost (but not
quite) all the evidence equivocal. T h e presumption of a complex history
is borne out by the diversity of phenomena in the different stages of the
Jurassic. F o r instance, in the Callovian, Oxfordian and Kimeridgian
there is a marked boreal influence far down the American side: Seymourites
and Cardioceras extend from Alaska down to the Western Interior of the
U n i t e d States, and Buchia (Aucella) even to Mexico; and on the Asiatic
side Seymourites is said to extend down to Japan. I n the Middle Bajocian,
on the other hand, a southern fauna essentially similar to that in Argentina
and Indonesia extends t h r o u g h Canada to Alaska. T h i s is the same
arrangement as is found in E u r o p e and western Asia, where Lower and
M i d d l e Jurassic faunas at h o m e in the T e t h y s extend to the edge of the
Arctic Ocean, and U p p e r Jurassic faunas at h o m e in the north extend
to the n o r t h e r n edge of t h e T e t h y s (Chapter 28).
I n attempting to draw conclusions from comparisons across the Pacific
it has to be borne in m i n d that Indonesia and the Gulf of Mexico are
antipodal, so that any genera or species common to opposite sides of the
Pacific would have had no farther j o u r n e y if they migfated round the
opposite hemisphere. M o s t of t h e assemblages on both sides are, in fact,
more like Old W o r l d faunas of the same age t h a n like their contemporary
assemblages on the opposite side of the Pacific. T h i s fact invalidates
both the instances on which Gregory based his two landlocked, elongated
Pacific seas—the ' N o r t h Pacific Liassic sea' and 'Spiti-Chile' U p p e r
Jurassic sea (1930, p . xci). T h e Sinemurian ammonites in British Columbia
are identical at specific level with those in N W . E u r o p e ; the Liassic
ammonites of Japan are mainly Toarcian and U p p e r Pliensbachian and
so not comparable with most of those in British Columbia, b u t in any case
their relationships are closest with those of the Tethys, chiefly in southern
Europe. As to the T i t h o n i a n assemblage of the 'Spiti-Chile sea', it is
world-wide. So also are the Hettangian ammonites (not considered in
Gregory's map), which are represented b y an essentially similar assemblage,
the Psiloceras fauna, in t h e South Island, N e w Zealand, in N e w Caledonia,
Indonesia and Indo-China, and also in b o t h N o r t h and South America.
All the forms are comparable with European ammonites, more or less
T h e same difficulty invalidates the arguments for a west-east connexion
across the Pacific from t h e Himalayas and Indonesia to South America
in the Callovian, stressed by Jaworski and others (see p . 580). T h i s
was based on misidentifications. W h e n the ammonites are examined
critically it is found that all the species c o m m o n to Asia and South America
also occur in Europe. O n the other hand, there are a n u m b e r of peculiar
South American Macrocephalitids (e.g. Xenocephalites) which have since
been found in N o r t h America and even Greenland and Alaska, b u t not in
Asia, and these d e m a n d free migration north-and-south along the east
side of the Pacific.
T h e only fossils that could be of real significance in this problem would
be peculiar genera or species occurring on b o t h sides of the Pacific b u t
not found in western Asia, Africa, or Europe. A special search has
been made for such forms, b u t only two genera have been found, and
they are b o t h M i d d l e Bajocian. T h e y are the Stephanoceratid genera
Pseudotoites and Zemistephanus, both found in Western Australia and in
Canada and Alaska and one of t h e m in Argentina, b u t nowhere else.
Since they do not occur in the extensive Bajocian outcrops in the Old
World, they must have crossed the Pacific, and almost at right-angles to
all the lines drawn on Gregory's hypothetical m a p (Arkell & Playford,
954) 96);
Another pointer to uninterrupted sea-connexion across the Pacific
is provided by the genus Idoceras of the Lower Kimeridgian. T h e g r o u p

FIG. 9 6 . — D i s t r i b u t i o n of s o m e a m m o n i t e s k n o w n o n l y o r m a i n l y f r o m t h e Pacific h e m i s ­
p h e r e . T h e rings r e p r e s e n t dispersal c e n t r e s , a r r o w s s u p p o s e d m i g r a t i o n r o u t e s .
P, Pseudotoites ( M i d d l e Bajocian); Z , Zemistephanus (Middle Bajocian); I,
Idoceras durangense g r o u p ( L o w e r K i m e r i d g i a n ) .

of I. durangense Burckhardt is extremely a b u n d a n t in and characteristic

of the Kimeridgian of Mexico and Texas, a n d has been found also in t h e
South Island, N e w Zealand, and in the Sula Islands, Indonesia. T h i s
instance is not conclusive, for a single species occurs also in Sicily a n d
the southern Alps (I. dedalum G e m m . ) ; b u t considering t h e abundance of
the group in Mexico, direct migration from its chief centre in Mexico
across the Pacific and Atlantic provides the most probable explanation of
its distribution.
These facts are consistent with and support such inferences as that no
land lay south-east of Japan during the Jurassic (p. 418) and that the
absence of red beds from the whole geological column in N e w Zealand
indicates that those islands have never formed part of an extensive land-
mass (p. 453).


Concerning the Indian Ocean there has been almost unanimity that it
once was largely dry land, the eastern half of the great equatorial continent
of Gondwanaland, which lasted t h r o u g h the Palaeozoic and began to
founder at t h e end of t h e Jurassic. T h e western half, or African-Brasilian
continent, m u s t have been m o r e or less completely separated from the
eastern half by the Jurassic gulf which reached southward from T e t h y s
across Arabia and Somaliland and the western part of the Arabian Sea,
down the east coast of Africa, into the M o z a m b i q u e Channel. T h i s was
shown as a geosyncline passing right t h r o u g h the M o z a m b i q u e Channel
on H a u g ' s earlier m a p (1900, p . 632), and as a blind-ended gulf in his
later m a p (1910, p . 1112) and D a c q u e ' s (1910, p . 164). Uhlig (1911)
also regarded it as open only in t h e Neocomian.
T h e eastern half of Gondwanaland, known as the Australo-Indo-
Madagascan continent or more briefly Lemuria, is supposed to have
joined eastern Madagascar, peninsular India, and the Australian shield.
A second southerly gulf from T e t h y s is now supposed to have more or
less separated t h e Australian shield a n d has been called t h e Westralian
geosyncline (Teichert, 1939). T h i s extended south from the Timor-East
Celebes geosyncline and its waters overlapped Western Australia, leaving
there various epicontinental Jurassic sediments.
T h e Maldive and Seychelles archipelagos have continental rocks, and
Stille (1948, p . 25) classes the Indian Ocean as a 'new ocean'.
T h e distribution of Jurassic faunas supports the hypothesis of a
L e m u r i a n continent, or at least suggests that a land barrier joined
Madagascar to peninsular India a n d prevented direct migration between
the M o z a m b i q u e and Westralian gulfs.
I t was long ago pointed out by H a u g , Uhlig, Lemoine and others, tJhat
the U p p e r Jurassic faunas of East Africa a n d Madagascar have close
affinity with those of C u t c h . F u r t h e r discoveries in the last forty years
have greatly strengthened these ties and have proved others, just as close,
between East Africa and Arabia and Baluchistan in the Lower and Middle
Jurassic (not represented in Cutch, where the earliest known ammonite
fauna is Lower Callovian). F o r almost t h e whole U p p e r Jurassic t h e
ammonite faunas of Madagascar and East Africa are closely comparable
with those of C u t c h and both areas yield such special elements as the 'late
Macrocephalitids', Mayaites a n d its allies, and peculiar Perisphinctids
such as Obtusicostites and its allies, not found in Europe. These areas
were already in free communication when t h e first Jurassic transgression
occurred at the beginning of the Toarcian, as shown by the existence of the
specialized Hildoceratid genus Bouleiceras, found in Madagascar, Kenya,
British Somaliland, central Arabia a n d Baluchistan, b u t nowhere else
in the world except Portugal. I n the Bajocian the most conspicuous
feature of the fauna in Arabia and Sinai was the peculiar genus Ermoceras,
since found to have migrated along t h e African coast as far as western
Algeria a n d reported in the Pamirs, b u t nowhere else in the world.

Of these peculiar endemic elements only the Mayaitids have been

found in Indonesia, which was in any case k n o w n to have b e e n in c o m ­
munication with the Himalayas and Baluchistan by way of the T e t h y s .
If there had been an alternative direct route for migration across the I n d i a n
Ocean a m u c h greater community of faunas might have been expected.
Conversely, the Westralian gulf in the Bajocian was populated b y a
prolific assemblage of Stephanoceratids, of which t h e most characteristic
were the genera already mentioned, Pseudotoites and Zemistephanus.
Although these migrated to Canada, Alaska and Argentina, and Pseudotoites
at least is found in the Moluccas, they are known nowhere else in the Old
World. T h e Bajocian of Western Australia is not of the right zone t o
contain Ermoceras (early U p p e r Bajocian) but there are in the Old World,
including East Africa, Arabia a n d Persia, plenty of occurrences of M i d d l e
Bajocian faunas in which Pseudotoites and Zemistephanus and the peculiar
Australian Fontannesiae might be expected if they could have crossed the
Indian Ocean as they could the Pacific.
In this connexion it is worth recalling that when the specialized
Indonesian Triassic pelecypod genus Indopecten was found in Persia
and O m a n it was argued that, being such a large and conspicuous form,
it could hardly have escaped detection in t h e Himalayan T r i a s if t h a t h a d
been its route of migration, and that a direct route across the Indian Ocean
was therefore more likely; this involving the conclusion that L e m u r i a
had already broken down by t h e U p p e r Triassic (Douglas, 1929, p . 631).
Within a few years of publication of this conclusion, however, Indopecten
was announced from the Attock district in the western Himalayas (Cox,
1935. P- 3)-


SQuth of the points where the Atlas M o u n t a i n s in Morocco and the

Caribbean Coast Range of Venezuela and N o r t h Range of T r i n i d a d strike
so spectacularly out to sea, no Jurassic rocks are known on the Atlantic
side of either Africa or South America. T h i s has often been taken to
imply that in Jurassic and earlier times the South Atlantic did not exist,
an explanation which may be correct. Nevertheless, it is not necessarily
correct, and all interested in the question should read the symposium
on the subject published by the American M u s e u m of Natural History
(Mayr, editor, 1952). It should be borne in m i n d that the ring of Jurassic
rocks encircling the Pacific, which produces so strong a contrast with the
South Atlantic, is on the site of a vast system of geosynclines, which has
no parallel on the margins of any other ocean; and that b u t for the orogenic
buckling and uplift of the geosynclines, which elevated marginal Pacific
sediments high into the air, the existence of these sediments might not
be known.
According to K o b e r (1928) an orogenic belt, and by implication a p r e ­
ceding geosyncline, r u n s down t h e middle of t h e Atlantic parallel to the
coasts and is the cause of the Mid-Atlantic ridge, now almost completely

submerged. If such a geosyncline exists and is as old as those surrounding

the Pacific or crossing Asia, it m u s t have cut across the hypothetical
western part of Gondwanaland. Stille (1948), however, is not impressed
by t h e Mid-Atlantic ridge and visualizes the Atlantic as two primordial
oceans separated by a primordial land-bridge which joined the bulge of
W e s t Africa to t h e bulge of Brazil.
I n t h e absence of Jurassic deposits, Jurassic stratigraphy can throw no
light on this ocean, except in an inconclusive negative sense.


O n the western side of t h e N o r t h Atlantic there are no Jurassic rocks

between t h e Gulf of Mexico and N E . Greenland, a distance of 3500 miles.
T h i s is a longer stretch t h a n either coast of the South Atlantic, from
Morocco to the Cape or from T r i n i d a d to the H o r n ; yet it does not imply
non-existence of an ocean, for Jurassic outcrops occur in a string along
t h e east coast from N o r w a y and Scotland to M o r o c c o , and there are
T i t h o n i a n aptychus b e d s in t h e Cape V e r d e Islands (Pires-Soares, 1953).
Stille (1948) regards the N o r t h Atlantic as a primordial ocean, separated
from a m u c h smaller basin, the 'primordial Scandic', to the north, by an
ancient land-bridge joining the British Isles by way of Iceland with
South Greenland a n d Nova Scotia. British palaeogeographical maps
(e.g. Wills, 1951) still follow H a u g (1900, 1910) in showing the whole
N o r t h Atlantic occupied b y a continent in Mesozoic times. Several lines
of evidence, however, t h r o w d o u b t o n the validity of this assumption, at
least for t h e Jurassic, a n d go further in casting doubt on the existence in
t h e Jurassic of any barrier between t h e Atlantic and Scandic Oceans.
T h r e e significant facts a r e :
1. T h e Toarcian, U p p e r Oxfordian, Kimeridgian and Lower Port­
landian ammonite faunas of N E . Greenland and Spitsbergen s h o w ^ u c h
frequent identity, often at specific level, with their counterparts in England
t h a t it is certain that t h e Scandic (and therefore also Arctic) Ocean was in
direct connexion with the waters that covered large parts of Scotland and
England. T h e British and E u r o p e a n faunas clearly spread north into the
Scandic at these times. T h e influx of deltaic material into Yorkshire and
N E . Scotland during t h e Bajocian a n d Bathonian was a temporary inter­
r u p t i o n of normal deposition, presumably due to upheaval of the
Scandinavian shield. At this time there was a temporary barrier against
free migration of ammonites, for Bajocian and Bathonian faunas do not
occur in Greenland or Spitsbergen.
2. T h e remarkably rich ammonite faunas of the Middle Bajocian of
western Scotland (Skye and Raasay) have their nearest connexions in
Dorset. Since no such ammonites lived in the Cotswolds or Midlands of
England, an open sea route r o u n d the west of Ireland seems more likely.
3. I n the Pliensbachian of Dorset and Portugal is found a peculiar
Polymorphitid genus Dayiceras, known nowhere else in the world. Even
bearing in m i n d t h e case of Indopecten in the Himalayas (p. 601), it is

incredible that this genus should exist undetected in the F r e n c h Lias,

which has been studied and repeatedly monographed for more than a
century. A suggestive similarity in the facies of the Kimeridgian of
Asturias (p. 234) to that of Dorset is a pointer in the same direction:
namely, open sea connexion across the Bay of Biscay and west of t h e
present Iberian peninsula. T h a t this sea route was o p e n in the Aptian is
proved by several striking species of large gastropods (Cassiope) c o m m o n t o
Spain and Dorset but not found in France (Arkell, 1947, p . 169).
Another point on which analysis of Jurassic faunas throws some light
is the likely order of distance between t h e western end of t h e M e d i t e r ­
ranean and the Gulf of Mexico when the faunas lived. All authors seem
agreed that these areas were connected by sea in the Jurassic, even t h o u g h
interpretations vary. H a u g showed his usual type of narrow, long
geosyncline connecting t h e two, with a firm migration arrow along t h e
centre; this was still more or less t h e view of K o b e r (1928, pi. ii) and
Gregory (1929, p . cxix); Uhlig, who believed that ammonites migrate
along coastal waters, saw in the n o r t h shore of the hypothetical G o n d -
wanaland the desired r o u t e ; a n d Stille (1948) retains the same shoreline
as the southern boundary of his primordial N o r t h Atlantic Ocean.
According to the hypothesis of continental drift, however, no such long
migration route has to be provided, for in the Jurassic, before the drifting
apart of South America and Africa, the Gulf of Mexico and the western
end of the Mediterranean would have lain close together.
It happens that in Portugal and in Cuba there are two of the richest
faunas of late-Upper Oxfordian ammonites known anywhere. Both
comprise enough links with faunas in England and elsewhere to make their
dating and contemporaneity virtually certain. Yet these two faunas are
decidedly different: there is no identity at specific level, and Cuba has two
subgenera of Perisphinctes which cannot be matched in E u r o p e , a n d an
endemic genus, Vinalesphinctes, which may possibly be a local, parallel,
development to Ringsteadia and Pictonia, b u t is q u i t e different from
anything in Portugal or elsewhere.
Again, in t h e Kimeridgian of Mexico, t h e r e are a b u n d a n t links which
make dating virtually certain, b u t the swarm of Idoceras all have a peculiar
local stamp, and the endemic genera Mazapilites, Epicephalites and
Subneumayria are altogether original. T h e same is t r u e for t h e T i t h o n i a n ,
in which among m a n y c o m m o n T e t h y a n genera are found peculiar endemic
forms in abundance, such as Dickersonia (Cuba) and Durangites (Cuba,
Mexico and South America).
Considering how uniform these faunas are t h r o u g h o u t the M e d i ­
terranean region, and how T i t h o n i a n faunas in the eastern T e t h y s extend
from Spiti and Nepal to Indonesia and N e w Guinea, and taking into
account the evidence of the Oxfordian faunas also, it is impossible to
believe that the Gulf of Mexico region was substantially closer to the
Mediterranean region in the Jurassic t h a n it is now.
I n a northerly direction from Tethys, of course, the U p p e r Jurassic

faunas in E u r o p e change fundamentally in a few h u n d r e d miles; b u t the

U p p e r Jurassic of the Gulf of Mexico is essentially T e t h y a n and Pacific,
containing conspicuously such genera as Idoceras, Simoceras, Hybono­
ticeras, and is absolutely devoid of n o r t h e r n elements. It can, therefore,
only b e compared with the T e t h y s .
I have pointed out previously (Arkell, 1949, p . 415) that a more compact
arrangement of the continents, as envisaged by advocates of continental
drift, would make t h e world-wide dispersal of so many Jurassic ammonites
easier to understand, b u t any such general considerations are outweighed
b y these particular discrepancies between contemporaneous faunas on
opposite sides of the Atlantic. T h e evidence here is positive and it
weighs heavily against the drifting apart of t h e N e w and Old Worlds since
t h e Jurassic.


T h e Arctic is the last of the primordial oceans recognized by Stille

(1948). All workers on the period seem to have been agreed that it was
in existence during t h e Jurassic. Even H a u g (1910, p . 1113) showed it
as an ocean at this period: the seat of N e u m a y r ' s boreal province, from
which migration arrows issued across Alaska a n d the N o r t h Sea and
Barents Sea, all pointing south.
Until the M i d d l e Jurassic n o distinctive Boreal realm (meaning a
fauna special to t h e Arctic regions) seems to have existed.
F r o m the Callovian onwards to t h e Portlandian inclusive, however,
high n o r t h e r n latitudes have a n u m b e r of distinctive faunas, and the fact
that their distribution is governed only by latitude and not at all by
longitude—they occur at the northern rim of both the Old and the N e w
World—indicates that their h o m e was the Arctic Ocean.
T h e r e appear to have been in t h e Jurassic four portals through which
the Arctic Ocean communicated with southern seas: (1) through the
Scandic, between Norway a n d Greenland, into the N o r t h Atlantic and
across most of Britain and the N o r t h Sea into the heart of E u r o p e ; (2)
across t h e Barents shelf and K a r a Sea into E u r o p e a n Russia and thence
to the Caspian, with a shorter gulf east of the northern Urals into the
basin of t h e lower O b ; (3) across eastern Siberia b y way of. the Lena and
Verkhoiansk M o u n t a i n s to t h e Sea of Okhotsk and lower Amur, to connect
with the Pacific faunas of J a p a n ; and (4) a less certainly located portal,
which carried t h e boreal faunas down t h e west side of N o r t h America,
either by way of the Bering Straits or u p t h e Mackenzie valley in N W .
Some of the distinctive ammonites which inhabited these portals and
fanned out from their southern approaches are:—
Callovian: Cranocephalites, Arctocephalites, the Cadoceratidae and the
Oxfordian: Cardioceras and its m a n y subgenera, replaced by Amoeboceras
in the U p p e r Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian.

Kimeridgian: Aulacostephanus and Rasenia; these like Cardioceras

reached as far south as the R h o n e valley as rarities, and m a y (unlike
Cardioceras) have migrated into Mexico.
Portlandian and Lower Volgian: t h e Dorsoplanitinae and Virgatitinae.
U p p e r Volgian (Purbeckian?): the Craspeditidae.
T h e distribution of these genera and families presupposes free inter­
communication by way of an Arctic Ocean and therefore confirms t h e
general conclusion that that ocean is primordial.


T h e evidence from Jurassic stratigraphy requires the existence in Jurassic

times of the N o r t h Pacific, N o r t h Atlantic, Scandic and Arctic Oceans;
it requires at least a barrier across t h e Indian Ocean from Madagascar to
Ceylon and peninsular I n d i a ; it has nothing to contribute to t h e problem
of the existence or non-existence of t h e South Atlantic.
Differences between contemporary faunas on opposite sides of t h e
Atlantic, in the Gulf of Mexico region and the western M e d i t e r r a n e a n
region, are incompatible with t h e idea that these areas were m u c h closer
together in the Jurassic period.



T h e existence of marked faunal realms or provinces in the oceans and
seas at t h e present day led long ago to a quest for evidence of similar
p h e n o m e n a in the Mesozoic. T h e present differentiation of marine
faunas is a complex resultant of climatic and geographic factors. W h e r e
circumstances are favourable, southern or tropical faunas may grade
imperceptibly into temperate or northern faunas, b u t in other circum­
stances the transition from one extreme to another may be astonishingly
a b r u p t . F o r instance, the I n d i a n Ocean fauna of corals and large, brightly
coloured echinoids a n d molluscs, including t h e giant clam, occupies t h e
whole Red Sea u p to t h e head of the Gulf of Suez, whereas on the opposite
side of t h e 100-mile Suez isthmus the Mediterranean fauna holds sway.
Very little mixture has taken place even during almost a h u n d r e d years
since the canal has been cut. W i t h o u t knowing the geographical lay-out,
n o geologist finding these two faunas in strata a h u n d r e d miles apart
would dream of correlating t h e m . Moreover, if the needful small s u b ­
sidence of t h e i s t h m u s allowed one fauna t o spread over t h e territory of
the other a n d oust it, the two faunas would be found in sequence in the
territory of the one t h a t h a d been vanquished, and there would be nothing
in the territory of the victor fauna that could be correlated with the
vanquished fauna, which would therefore inevitably be considered older.
Such considerations as these seem to be overlooked by those palae­
ontologists w h o insist on the universality of all ammonite assemblages
a n d o n unlimited incompleteness of t h e geological record a n d still hope
to find that, for instance, the U p p e r Volgian faunas of Russia mark a
time interval distinct from the T i t h o n i a n and Purbeckian.
T h e m a r i n e realms and provinces of the Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous
were exhaustively discussed b y Uhlig (1911) in one of the most inspiring
and masterly contributions ever m a d e to Mesozoic stratigraphy. I n this
work, completed a few days before his death and embodying a lifetime's
experience of stratigraphy a n d fossil faunas, Uhlig revised previous
schemes p u t forward b y N e u m a y r , Nikitin, H a u g and others, and set out
his results o n a m a p of t h e world. H e recognized four realms, which he
subdivided into provinces, and a separate province (Japan) not attached
to any realm. T h e y were as follows :—
1. Boreal realm, with its subdivision the ' N o r t h - A n d i n e ' province.
T h e latter was unhappily named, since it comprised western N o r t h
America with t h e whole of Alaska a n d reached no farther south than the

head of the Gulf of California. W e should say, nowadays, ' N o r t h

Cordilleran province'.
2. Mediterranean-Caucasian realm (for short, M e d i t e r r a n e a n realm),
including o n its n o r t h side t h e central E u r o p e a n a n d s o u t h Russian p r o ­
vince as a 'neritic marginal zone'.
3. Himamalayan realm, combining t h e Himalayan and Malayan p r o ­
vinces and the isolated Maorian (New Zealand) and Ethiopian provinces.
4. South Andine realm, including t h e M i d d l e and South American
outcrops from Mexico t o Cape H o r n and, for t h e Neocomian, including
the Uitenhage beds of South Africa.
Innumerable facts subsequently accumulated are incompatible with
this scheme and demand extensive modifications. F o r instance, as was
shown above, t h e Kimeridgian faunas of Mexico (realm 4) show marked
affinity with those of N e w Zealand (realm 3) a n d essential elements have
also been found in Indonesia and Japan. T h e Bajocian faunas of southern
Alaska and western Canada (realm 1) are n o t boreal; they connect w i t h
those of Western Australia (realm 3) and western E u r o p e (realm 2). S u c h
instances could b e multiplied at length.
I t is clear that the time factor was not given sufficient weight by
Neumayr (1883) or Uhlig (1911). N o m a p can show faunal provinces
for t h e whole Jurassic, for t h e entire situation was constantly changing.
T h e key to the problem is the sporadic b u t progressive differentiation of
marine faunas during the Jurassic. Oppel and Waagen already realized
this. Waagen wrote (1864, p . 9 8 ) : ' T h e higher we climb in the Jurassic
series the greater become the difficulties, either of recognizing or separating
individual beds, or of correlating.' T h e climax is reached in the u p p e r m o s t
Jurassic with the situation which still to this day requires a threefold
use of stage names—Tithonian, Volgian and Portlandian-Purbeckian,
according to the part of the world.
D u r i n g the Lower Jurassic (Lias) ammonite faunas seem to have been
universal (fig. 97). T h e Hettangian a n d Sinemurian ammonites of western
Canada, northern Alaska, Indonesia and Peru agree at specific level with
those of western E u r o p e , a n d E u r o p e a n genera have b e e n recognized in
New Zealand, N e w Caledonia and the Himalayas. Of E u r o p e a n Pliens­
bachian genera, Uptonia occurs in Greenland, Amaltheus, Lytoceras and
? Crucilobiceras in northern Alaska, Amaltheus and Phylloceras on the
north coast of Siberia. Recent work reviewed in this book proves that in
Japan there is a succession of Pliensbachian, T o a r c i a n a n d L o w e r Bajocian
faunas essentially the same as that in E u r o p e , including some genera
especially characteristic of the Mediterranean countries. I n addition,
however, there are some endemic forms which have not yet been matched
elsewhere. Typical European Toarcian Pseudolioceras faunas, usually
with Dactylioceras, occur in Transbaikal, Spitsbergen, G r e e n l a n d a n d
northern Alaska, and probably also in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago.
T h e Lower Bajocian faunas may have a similar distribution, for a Ludwigia
murchisonae assemblage is known near the Arctic Circle in t h e basin of

FIG. 9 7 . — M a p s h o w i n g t h e w o r l d - w i d e d i s t r i b u t i o n of Liassic a m m o n i t e faunas. H ,

H e t t a n g i a n ; S, S i n e m u r i a n ; P , P l i e n s b a c h i a n ; T , T o a r c i a n ; T B , basal T o a r c i a n
w i t h Bouleiceras f a u n a ( E t h i o p i a n p r o v i n c e ) .

F I G . 9 8 . — M a p s h o w i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of B a t h o n i a n a m m o n i t e f a u n a s . L , L o w e r ;
M , M i d d l e ; U , U p p e r B a t h o n i a n a m m o n i t e s . T h e m a x i m u m regression was i n t h e
M i d d l e B a t h o n i a n . Black b r i c k s d e n o t e t r a n s g r e s s i v e U p p e r B a t h o n i a n i n shallow
p e l e c y p o d facies, s o m e t i m e s b r a c k i s h .

the River Lena, and ?Tmetoceras and Erycites are recorded from n o r t h e r n
N o Middle or U p p e r Bajocian faunas, however, are known from Arctic
regions. I t seems that after the Lower Bajocian there was a withdrawal
of ammonite population from the periarctic regions now accessible,
presumably as a result of epeirogenic uplift, which is reflected in t h e
Deltaic Series in northern Britain and the Baltic.
I n the M i d d l e Bajocian a Pacific realm is first clearly differentiated,
though there is a suggestion in the peculiar endemic forms in the Japanese
Toarcian that it may have already existed before the end of t h e Lias period.
I t was in the M i d d l e Bajocian, however, that the peculiar Pacific genera
Pseudotoites and Zemistephanus appeared in force in Australia and Indonesia
and in the western cordilleras of both N o r t h and S o u t h A m e r i c a : genera
which have so far been found nowhere else (Arkell & Playford, 1954).*
I n the Bathonian (fig. 98) the contraction of ammonite populations
already noticed in the Bajocian was carried further. If Oxycerites found in
the Canadian M i d d l e Fernie (p. 542) are Lower Bathonian, like t h e Zig­
zagiceras fauna of Mexico (p. 564), M i d d l e and U p p e r Bathonian faunas,
so far as known at present, are confined to the T e t h y s a n d n o r t h - w e s t e r n
and central Europe. T h e y have been found from central E n g l a n d to
Morocco and from Cracow to Arabia, and in Madagascar, Baluchistan,
the Pamirs, Indonesia and N e w Guinea, b u t nowhere else. T h i s great
contraction of the area of occurrence is associated with diminution in
n u m b e r s and evolutionary stagnation or regression of t h e a m m o n i t e s
(Arkell, 1951, p p . 3-4, 15). A n o t h e r strange feature of the U p p e r
Bathonian, which will be discussed in C h a p t e r 3 1 , is t h a t in places as widely
separated as Tunisia, East Africa, Madagascar, Attock, C u t c h and B u r m a
t h e b e d s are transgressive b u t in regressive facies: t h a t is, they show
brackish tendencies and were evidently deposited in very shallow water
(fig. 98). T h i s is indicated by absence of cephalopods and a b u n d a n c e of
small pelecypods such as Corbula, Eomiodon, Protocardia, Pseudotrapezium
and Eligmus. I n England and France, moreover, t h e resemblance to t h e
Purbeck Beds is increased by thin freshwater intercalations with n o n -
m a r i n e gastropods a n d ostracods.
T h e inference is t h a t in about the middle of t h e Bathonian there was a
regression of the sea from most of the known world now land (perhaps
d u e to a deepening of t h e Pacific ?: see p . 641). F o r t h e rest only N W .
E u r o p e and the T e t h y s were left still inhabited by ammonites, while in
some places was introduced a land or swamp regime comparable with that
realized m o r e completely in N W . E u r o p e in t h e Purbeckian. Probably
it was during this Bajocian a n d Bathonian regression that t h e Arctic
Ocean was cut off from the seas of the rest of t h e world and the special
Boreal fauna began to evolve. T h e prototypes probably lie e n t o m b e d
u n d e r the Arctic Ocean and will never b e known.
* U h l i g ( 1 9 1 1 , p . 417) a n t i c i p a t e d t h a t a Pacific r e a l m m i g h t b e r e c o g n i z e d o n e d a y
a n d t h a t J a p a n m i g h t b e f o u n d t o b e l o n g t o it.
2 Q

I t is with t h e beginning of t h e Callovian that peculiar endemic Boreal

faunas first appear, b r o u g h t south over the surrounding lands by trans­
gression spreading from t h e Arctic Ocean (fig. 99). T h e first Boreal
elements are specialized Stephanocerataceae, Cranocephalites and Arcto­
cephalites, soon followed b y other peculiar Cadoceratinae and K o s m o -
ceratidae such as Seymourites. While these were taking possession of
n o r t h e r n Alaska, n o r t h e r n Canada, Greenland and Siberia, and sending
out pioneers p e r h a p s as far south as Japan, there were also synchronous
transgressions taking place in t h e temperate and tropical world which
caused a great equatorial expansion of t h e t r u e Macrocephalitidae.
T h e s e last are not of Arctic origin as sometimes supposed, for they are
not found in t h e extreme n o r t h except perhaps in Arctic N o r t h America,
whereas they a b o u n d t h r o u g h o u t the temperate and tropical world and
are obviously at h o m e in t h e T e t h y s from western E u r o p e to Indonesia
a n d Madagascar, a n d r o u n d t h e Pacific. T h e y were gradually replaced
b y the Reineckeidae, which have a similar distribution and dominate the
M i d d l e Callovian in regions as far apart as Argentina, Mexico, south
G e r m a n y and Cutch, b u t reached as far n o r t h as southern Alaska and
Yorkshire only as rarities.
T h e Callovian, L o w e r Oxfordian and Lower Kimeridgian were
characterized b y great expansion, enrichment and spread of Boreal genera
such as Kosmoceras, Cadoceras a n d its derivatives (Quenstedtoceras,
Cardioceras, Amoeboceras), Rasenia and Aulacostephanus. T h e s e genera
spread from t h e n o r t h across E u r o p e a n Russia and Britain, b u t stopped
short south of t h e Caspian and Caucasus and only reached south of the
Alps as occasional stragglers—though Cardioceras went in some strength
d o w n t h e lower R h o n e valley and a single species even reached Portugal.
T h e r e was at this t i m e considerable mingling of the Boreal a n d Pacific
realms, for Kosmoceratids arrived in P e r u ; a n d the pelecypod family
Buchiidae was equally a b u n d a n t in the Boreal and Pacific Oceans, abound­
ing in California and N e w Zealand and in E u r o p e reaching south to Dorset
a n d the Boulonnais in t h e Kimeridgian (Dutertre, 1926).
T h i s fundamental fact in Jurassic history, t h e northward spread of
t e m p e r a t e a n d equatorial faunas in t h e L o w e r Jurassic and Bajocian, and
t h e southward spread of n o r t h e r n faunas in t h e Callovian and early U p p e r
Jurassic, has been rightly emphasized b y T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r in their
brilliant review of historical geology (1952). T h e y designate the first
p h a s e as t h e T e t h y a n transgression, the second as the Arctic transgression,
a n d they point out that during the Oxfordian and Kimeridgian coral
reefs were driven southward across E u r o p e by the progressively cooling
I n order to keep distinct two separate phenomena, marine transgression
a n d faunal migration, t h e process u n d e r discussion, namely the southward
migration and colonization of boreal faunas, will here be referred to as
t h e Boreal spread. T h e Boreal spread was not a continuous process. I t
is t r u e that by the Kimeridgian coral reefs had retreated south to central

FIG. 99.-—Map s h o w i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n (B) of t h e B o r e a l family C a r d i o c e r a t i d a e {Cado­

ceras, Pseudocadoceras, Quenstedtoceras, Cardioceras) in the Callovian a n d Lower
O x f o r d i a n , at t h e t i m e of t h e m a x i m u m Boreal s p r e a d .

/ r- ««tTic CIRCLE / vi

\ l«»AT„. ^ " ) TM ^ / C V '


FIG. IOO.—Map s h o w i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e T e t h y a n Perisphinctes f a u n a ( T ) i n t h e

U p p e r O x f o r d i a n , at t h e t i m e of t h e B o r e a l r e t r e a t . M , M a y a i t i d a e of t h e e a s t e r n

E u r o p e , b u t in the U p p e r Oxfordian they extended in force northwards

to Yorkshire where none had been before, and perhaps even to northern
Scotland. * T h i s was long after the first and greatest southward spread of
Boreal ammonites, w h i c h h a d reached t h e fringe of t h e present M e d i ­
terranean in the Callovian and Lower Oxfordian. T h e U p p e r Oxfordian
in fact represents a temporary reversal of the Boreal spread and a return
of T e t h y a n faunas ; for the a b u n d a n t large Perisphinctidae of the English
U p p e r Oxfordian are a T e t h y a n race which does not occur in the Arctic;
s o m e are identical at specific level with those in equatorial East Africa
a n d also closely related to forms that lived on and even south of the
e q u a t o r in Indonesia and northern Chile. I n E u r o p e they are common
i n t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n area, s o u t h of t h e southern limit of Cardioceratidae
(fig. 100).
I n t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian the Boreal spread was renewed, b u t in the
M i d d l e Kimeridgian it stopped. Thereafter in northern E u r o p e and
Russia old stocks became extinct, no fresh ones appeared, and specializa­
t i o n of t h e single surviving stock, t h e Perisphinctaceae, set in. I n England,
t h e Boulonnais and Arctic America (Greenland and Canada) these gave
rise to the Dorsoplanitinae which culminated in the giant Portlandian
Perisphinctids, the largest Jurassic ammonites. T h e r e is still difference
of opinion whether these are to b e correlated with the similar giants of
t h e Blakei Zone of t h e M o s c o w basin, a n d until t h a t fauna has b e e n
m o n o g r a p h e d the last word cannot be said. I n any case, during the
L o w e r Portlandian there was still free communication across Pomerania
a n d Poland between E n g l a n d a n d Russia, b u t in the Moscow basin a
highly specialized and peculiar form of Perisphinctids, the Virgatitinae, had
already reached its acme in Virgatites (pi. 45, figs. 1, 2). W i t h the end of
t h e Portlandian (assuming that to coincide with the end of the Lower
Volgian) ammonites became extinct in N W . Europe, Greenland and
N o r t h America, while another specialized, smooth, degenerate stock,
t h e Craspeditidae, was evolved in the Moscow basin and adjoining
Arctic regions (pi. 46). T h e s e presumably lived at the time of the
Purbeckian. T h e i r descendants (Subcraspedites fauna) returned to colonize
Yorkshire and Greenland with the early Cretaceous transgression.
D u r i n g this closing phase of regression a n d specialization in t h e north,
t h e T e t h y a n fauna continued to thrive and evolve actively over all the rest
of the world. F r o m the Beckeri Zone of the M i d d l e Kimeridgian onwards
t h e r e were p r o d u c e d m a n y a n d varied experiments in a n u m b e r of
a m m o n i t e stocks. T h e Perisphinctids evolved on separate and productive
lines, p r o d u c i n g t h e world-wide Berriasellidae with their n u m e r o u s
offshoots such as the Himalayitinae and Neocomitinae; the Simoceratids
a n d Aspidoceratids also produced further novelties; and the Oppeliaceae
a b o u n d e d in vast n u m b e r s a n d infinite variety, augmented by fresh
developments from the Haploceratids. T h e r e is no basis for comparison

* I f t h e r e e f - b u i l d i n g c o r a l s i n t h e L o w e r K i m e r i d g i a n b o u l d e r b e d s (Arkell, 1933,
p. 476) are derived f r o m e r o s i o n of O x f o r d i a n b e d s o n t h e u p t h r o w n side of t h e fault.

w i t h the Boreal realm, a n d until some area has been discovered w h e r e any
of the faunas of t h e three realms overlap (perhaps this may occur in t h e
region of the Caucasus), it is necessary to continue using t h e separate
stage name Tithonian, introduced for this purpose b y Oppel, for all t h e
Jurassic above the Beckeri Zone over the whole T e t h y a n a n d Pacific
parts of the world.
T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r state that in t h e U p p e r Portlandian [recte U p p e r ?
o r Middle? Tithonian] there was a t h i r d period of major m a r i n e t r a n s ­
gression and faunal spread a r o u n d the Pacific, which they call t h e circum-
Pacific transgression, and they liken this to nine similar circum-Pacific


FIG. I O I . — T h e n o r t h e r n h e m i s p h e r e , s h o w i n g t h e d i s t r i b u t i o n of t h e V o l g i a n ( V )
a n d P o r t l a n d i a n (P) f a u n a s . T h e h e a v y black lines s h o w a p p r o x i m a t e l y t h e s o u t h e r n
limits of t h e Boreal f a u n a s at t h e m a x i m u m of t h e C a l l o v i a n B o r e a l s p r e a d .

transgressions which they discern following T e t h y a n and Arctic transgres­

sions in the same order repeatedly t h r o u g h o u t geological history (1952a,
p . 35). I n the Jurassic instance the evidence for a final circum-Pacific
phase is m u c h weaker t h a n for t h e two preceding, T e t h y a n and Arctic
phases, which m a y be regarded as established facts. I t is t r u e t h a t parts
of the Tithonian were transgressive in Argentina and California, after
t h e Nevadan orogeny, b u t t h e r e is nothing to suggest a Pacific transgression
o n the Asiatic side. T h e r e is in fact n o evidence for an appreciable Pacific
spread of faunas at this time, in any way comparable with t h e T e t h y a n
a n d Boreal spreads. If there was ever a Pacific spread it occurred in t h e
L o w e r Kimeridgian, w h e n t h e Mexican Idoceras fauna, with its peculiarly-
ribbed race of Idoceras, and specialized Rasenian genera Epicephalites and

Subneumayria invaded N e w Zealand, a n d t h e same forms of Idoceras

reached Indonesia and Japan. However, as has been remarked above,
t h e Pacific realm was already differentiated in t h e M i d d l e Bajocian,
a n d so this spread of t h e Idoceras fauna i n t h e western Pacific was only a
reclamation of territory.
T h e great southern bay off t h e central T e t h y s , which extended across t h e
Arabian sea a n d down t h e east side of Africa to Madagascar, developed
several peculiar faunas which warrant t h e recognition of an Ethiopian
province, t h o u g h in a wider sense t h a n used by Uhlig and including Cutch,
Baluchistan and Arabia (p. 336). T h a t U h l i g was nevertheless right t o
classify this region as a province rather t h a n a realm has been shown b y
t h e discovery of isolated stragglers of nearly all these endemic Ethiopian
genera in other parts of t h e T e t h y s as distant as Portugal (Bouleiceras),
Algeria (Ermoceras) a n d Indonesia (Mayaitidae).
I n t h e eastern T e t h y s , from Spiti t o Indonesia a n d N e w Guinea, another
special fauna appeared at t h e very e n d of t h e Jurassic, b u t it is not yet
certain which of its elements are T i t h o n i a n and which Lower Cretaceous.
T h e collection of these faunas o n rigid stratigraphical principles is o n e
of t h e most i m p o r t a n t tasks still waiting to be done.
Summarizing, it appears that during the Jurassic there were only t h r e e
faunal realms, which may b e most simply n a m e d the T e t h y a n , Pacific
a n d Boreal. N o n e of the three was differentiated at the time of the Lias,
w h e n one fauna was universal. By progressive differentiation and spread
of t h e Pacific a n d Boreal realms during the M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic
t h e remainder became t h e T e t h y a n realm. D u r i n g U p p e r Jurassic times
t h e three realms changed their frontiers considerably in certain regions
at t h e expense of each other's territory.
T h e Pacific realm began to b e differentiated perhaps in the Toarcian,
b u t certainly i n t h e M i d d l e Bajocian, at which t i m e t h e r e began a general
retreat of ammonites from t h e periarctic regions. T h i s retreat culminated
in t h e M i d d l e Bathonian. I n t h e U p p e r Oxfordian Mexico, Cuba,
California a n d Indonesia belonged t o t h e T e t h y a n realm, b u t in the L o w e r
Kimeridgian t h e Pacific realm asserted itself anew and incorporated
Mexico, Japan, Indonesia and N e w Zealand.
T h e first indications of t h e Boreal realm appear in the Lower Callovian,
a n d d u r i n g the rest of t h e Callovian and L o w e r Oxfordian it spread s o u t h
over E u r o p e to the borders of t h e present M e d i t e r r a n e a n and Caspian
seas. I t was t h r o w n back during t h e U p p e r Oxfordian b y a t e m p o r a r y
re-advance of t h e T e t h y a n realm, which took equatorial Perisphinctids
a n d coral reefs t o t h e n o r t h of E n g l a n d a n d Scotland b u t n o t into t h e
Arctic regions. I n t h e L o w e r Kimeridgian t h e Boreal spread was renewed
a n d all the old territory was regained.
Finally, from t h e M i d d l e Kimeridgian onwards t h e Boreal realm
shrank a n d its marginal areas were subdivided b y regional uplifts into
t h e Portlandian and Volgian provinces. Meanwhile t h e T e t h y a n
realm continued to exist and locally to extend, as shown b y T i t h o n i a n

transgressions in m a n y parts of t h e world, and it probably merged with t h e

Pacific, b u t the T i t h o n i a n faunas became m o r e sharply differentiated
t h a n ever from those in the Boreal realm.


T h e foregoing s u m m a r y of the distribution of faunal realms is based

o n fact, b u t questions of climate involve m u c h inference and speculation.
T h e y might accordingly with justification b e omitted from this book.
However, the climatic consequences of m u c h that has been stated are so
drastically at variance with N e u m a y r ' s scheme of climatic zones (1883)
a n d with what might be expected, especially in the n o r t h polar regions,
that some remarks on t h e present state of the evidence and its implications
seem called for. O n e day it m a y b e possible t o take actual m e a s u r e ­
m e n t s of past temperatures (Urey & others, 1951).
U h l i g again (1911, p p . 440 ff.) ably reviewed the evidence as it presented
itself nearly thirty years after N e u m a y r ' s paper and stated in s u m m a r y :
' H e n c e we may draw the conclusion that although climatic zones existed
in the Jurassic, in general and at higher latitudes t h e climate was somewhat
warmer than in later times.' Seward (1933, p . 335) also concluded from a
study of the Jurassic vegetation that 'the available evidence indicates
m u c h less difference between t h e floras from different zones of latitude
t h a n our knowledge of plant-distribution at t h e present day might lead u s
to expect.' H e qualified this by suggesting that the apparent m o n o t o n y
of t h e flora might be increased b y inadvertent confusing of assemblages
of different ages, and by t h e fact that the assemblages preserved as fossils
would tend to be always from a similar biotype—the vegetation of coastal
lowlands, river basins and estuaries. Moreover, in eastern Asia K o b a ­
yashi (1942, p . 162) has noticed that cycads and ferns are c o m m o n e r towards
t h e south and conifers and ginkgos towards the n o r t h . However, nothing
can seriously detract from the fact that during some part of t h e Jurassic
a fairly rich flora of temperate facies flourished within or near b o t h t h e
Arctic and Antarctic circles, in East Greenland and G r a h a m l a n d . Even
if w e postulate, with T e r m i e r & T e r m i e r (1952a, p . 47), t h a t monsoons
reached Greenland, Uhlig's conclusion seems fully justified.
F o r the U p p e r Jurassic at least, t h e evidence of t h e vegetation is
s u p p o r t e d by the distribution of coral reefs in E u r o p e . I n the U p p e r
Oxfordian the main coral belt r u n s t h r o u g h south-central E u r o p e , and the
coral reefs in Yorkshire are fully 2 0 of latitude farther n o r t h t h a n the most
northerly existing at the present day, in t h e Gulf of Suez, t h e Bermudas
a n d Japan. T h e reef-building corals with their calcareous skeletons
have certain physical and chemical requirements which presumably were
m u c h the same at all times and so they are in a class apart as t h e most
valuable climatic indicators (Arkell, 1935).
Inferences drawn from t h e present-day distribution of the nearest
allies of Jurassic animals in other classes may b e misleading. F o r instance,
three particularly c o m m o n fossil pelecypod genera in Jurassic rocks,

especially in E u r o p e , are Trigonia, Astarte and Pholadomya, and all t h r e e

survive to the present day. I n t h e Jurassic they are closely associated in
t h e commonest, shallow-water biotype. But at the present day Astarte
is boreal, Trigonia lives only in the w a r m waters around Australia, a n d
Pholadomya is abyssal.
A m o r e reliable guide t h a n t h e descendants of a fossil mollusc o r
a r t h r o p o d is probably its size. At the present day the largest forms of
arthropods, snails and all shells, that is, animals with external skeleton,
are found in equatorial or tropical regions. By analogy it is difficult not t o
believe t h a t t h e i m m e n s e Portlandian ammonites lived in m u c h w a r m e r
water t h a n anything possible in similar latitudes at the present day. T h i s
was contested b y N e u m a y r (1883, p . 279), who pointed to the giant
squids which live at present in the N o r t h Atlantic; b u t these have no shells
a n d so are not relevant.
If t h e large m a r i n e shells (ammonites, pelecypods a n d gastropods) a n d
occasional corals of the Portland Stone be accepted as of subtropical
aspect, t h e r e is a puzzling contrast with the dwarf freshwater fauna of
the Purbeckian, which conformably overlies it. T h e freshwater snails
of the Purbeckian, t h o u g h belonging largely to c o m m o n surviving genera
s u c h as Viviparus, Lymnaea, Physa, Valvata, are smaller t h a n m a n y of
their living English counterparts. T h e insects too are small and have
always b e e n considered t o b e of temperate facies. Unless there was a
cooling of the climate between the Portlandian and Purbeckian, the only
explanation seems to b e a w a r m current in t h e sea and cooler air-
t e m p e r a t u r e on land. T h i s would b e t h e opposite of w h a t T e r m i e r &
T e r m i e r (1952, p p . 506, 510) postulate for N o r t h America to explain
t h e w a r m continental climate suggested t o t h e m b y t h e M o r r i s o n fauna
in t h e midst of what to t h e m was a cold Kimeridgian sea. T h e M o r r i s o n
molluscan fauna, however, is of j u s t as temperate appearance as t h e
Purbeck, a n d except that the N o r t h American Kimeridgian m a r i n e
fauna is called 'Boreal' there is nothing to suggest t h a t the sea was
particularly cold. Buchia, as w e have seen, crosses t h e equator in t h e
Pacific realm.
T h a t the Boreal sea was cooler t h a n that farther south is indicated
b y t h e absence or rarity of limestones in its deposits. O n the other h a n d
indications of glaciation are also lacking from all Arctic regions. M o r e ­
over, t h e giant Portlandian a m m o n i t e s are p a r t of t h e Boreal fauna. T h e i r
most southerly k n o w n place of occurrence is n o r t h e r n France and t h e y
extend, as already mentioned, to G r e e n l a n d a n d Canada. N o r are a n y
of t h e other marine faunas of t h e Boreal realm stunted, impoverished, o r
in any way indicative of a specially cold habitat. I t is impossible to imagine
t h e Arctic Ocean u n d e r its p r e s e n t polar regime as t h e cradle of t h e s o -
called Boreal faunas. T h e conclusion is inescapable that the Arctic Ocean
in the Jurassic h a d no ice cap a n d t h a t its waters were at least as w a r m
as those of the present temperate zones.
I t has been argued (for references see D a c q u e , 1915, p . 422) that t h e

general temperature of the sea was lower at the time of the Lias t h a n d u r i n g
the U p p e r Jurassic. T h i s is suggested by the general scarcity of limestones
a n d of coral reefs before t h e M i d d l e Jurassic a n d b y an increase in t h e
average size of fossil insects during t h e period. I t should not b e overlooked
however, that the Greenland flora about which so m u c h has b e e n said
lived in early Lias times.
T h e existence of seasonal changes in what are now t e m p e r a t e and
Arctic regions seems indicated b y growth-rings in fossil wood, dissepiment
rings in certain fossil corals a n d b y ledging or ringing of the growth-lines
of certain pelecypods. (For references see Arkell, 1935, p . 102.)
W h e n we speak of the waters of the whole earth being w a r m e r in t h e
Jurassic than at present, there are two areas about which t h e r e m u s t b e
reservations, since at present there is no evidence, namely, t h e m i d d l e of
t h e Pacific and the middle of t h e South Atlantic. If some theory of
geophysics were to demand that the poles were situated in these areas
in the Jurassic, and that in consequence of t h e poles lying in great oceans
(the Arctic Ocean is a diminutive land-locked sea in comparison) there
were no permanent (or greatly reduced) ice caps, there would not seem to
b e any positive evidence against this. But to b e sufficiently far from t h e
rich Jurassic faunas of the Alaska peninsula and from t h e corals in t h e
Torinosu Limestone of Japan, t h e Pacific pole would have to be not
more t h a n 20° or 30° n o r t h of the present equator if on such a meridian
as would bring the other pole reasonably central to t h e S o u t h Atlantic.
I n that case the Jurassic equator would have lain on about latitude 6o°-70°
on the European side, namely n o r t h of the Orkneys a n d t h r o u g h Iceland
a n d Scandinavia, which is too far n o r t h to suit t h e facts. T h e ideal position
for the Jurassic equator, assuming displaced poles, would b e t h r o u g h
southern Europe, which would bring the n o r t h pole u p to latitude 40°-50°
in the Pacific, too near Alaska and Japan. A n y less drastic displacement
of the north pole, which would locate it over any of t h e lands s u r r o u n d i n g
the Arctic Ocean, m u s t be ruled out unless the climate was in general
m u c h warmer, owing to the ring of Jurassic faunas which encircles t h a t
ocean and to the absence of any signs of glaciation.
All things considered, therefore, t h e most probable explanation of t h e
w a r m temperature of the Jurassic is that which depends on receipt of
more solar radiation, as already postulated b y D u b o i s (1895).* His theory
has the special advantage that t h e effects of increased solar radiation would
have a disproportionately great effect in high latitudes, owing to t h e
efficiency of the distributary mechanism of currents and winds.
Therefore, in order to melt the ice caps and r e n d e r the Arctic Ocean
inhabitable by a large and varied fauna, it is not necessary for t h e
sun to heat the equatorial zone to inconveniently high t e m p e r a t u r e s .
Moreover, in middle and high latitudes currents are said to have a greater
warming effect than winds, so that the sea would t e n d to b e w a r m e r t h a n

* ' C o n t i n e n t a l s u b m e r g e n c e ' ( B e r r y , 1929) d o e s n o t s e e m a s u i t a b l e o r a d e q u a t e

e x p l a n a t i o n for t h e J u r a s s i c , at least.

t h e air; this m a y explain t h e contrast between t h e giant marine Portland

a n d t h e dwarf P u r b e c k freshwater shells.
If t h e r e was a general w a r m i n g of t h e earth's surface by increased
radiation received from t h e sun, there would b e nothing to show where
t h e poles were situated. Provided t h e general temperature was such
that n o ice caps were formed, geophysicists are at liberty to postulate
almost any wanderings of t h e poles t h a t m a y b e convenient. T h e y m a y
do this for most of geological history, for ice ages seem to have been
infrequent e v e n t s ; a n d their geological remains are so awkwardly arranged
t h a t some wandering of t h e poles m a y b e welcome as an aid to accounting
for t h e i r distribution.
T h e infrequency of glacial episodes and especially the rarity of fossil
tills in Arctic regions indicate that if, in fact, t h e poles have always been
approximately where they are now, t h e w a r m state of the earth in the
Jurassic was normal a n d o u r present condition, with polar ice caps, is
exceptional. I n t h a t case it rests with t h e astronomers to decide whether
t h e o u t p u t of radiation from t h e sun has fluctuated enough and at the
r e q u i r e d times, or w h e t h e r p a r t of t h e radiation has been intercepted o n
occasion b y interstellar dust or gas.


F o r many geological purposes it is useful to classify the land areas of t h e
earth into (1) shields, or ancient continental nuclei, composed of p r e -
Cambrian crystalline complexes, which have b e e n relatively stable and
received little sediment all t h r o u g h post-Archaean t i m e ; (2) shelves, or
moderately rigid platforms, s u r r o u n d i n g t h e shields, often with t h e
crystalline basement not far below or p r o t r u d i n g as large horsts, b u t the
surface beneath the Mesozoic cover composed of either flat-lying or
(farther from the shields) often highly folded, consolidated a n d eroded
Palaeozoic sediments which are relics of older m o u n t a i n chains; and
(3) mobile belts, in which stand t h e youthful T e r t i a r y m o u n t a i n chains of
t h e present day and which display in their Mesozoic a n d T e r t i a r y sedi­
mentation a high degree of mobility, often with geosynclinal deposition,
volcanic extrusions and batholithic intrusions. T h e shields a n d stable
parts of the shelves together form the rigid elements of t h e earth's surface,
the kratogens; the mobile belts and mobile parts of t h e shelves form the
unstable elements or orogens.
I n general the principal shields conspicuous at t h e present day ( N o r t h
America, South America, Antarctica, Scandinavia, Africa with western
Arabia, peninsular India, Angaria, Sinia, W e s t e r n Australia) were already
in existence in Jurassic times. So also were the shelves; indeed, our
concept of the shelves is conditioned largely by t h e development of t h e
Mesozoic epicontinental deposits left u p o n t h e m . T h e mobile belts,
however, were by no means always the same in t h e Jurassic as in the
Tertiary and at present, although for the most p a r t distributed along t h e
same general lines, namely: in a ring r o u n d the Pacific, a n d as a connecting
band east-west across Asia and t h e Mediterranean and Alpine region.
I n this chapter will be brought together salient facts bearing on the
distribution and condition of the shields, shelf-seas, mobile belts a n d
geosynclines during the Jurassic. Finally, in the last two chapters (30, 31)
are critically summarized t h e volcanic activity and diastrophic m o v e m e n t s
that occurred during the Jurassic in t h e mobile belts.
I t must be emphasized how arbitrary is the division between shields,
shelves, and mobile belts: all grade into one another. Like all attempts
to classify natural phenomena, this is to some extent an artificial s c h e m e ;
b u t it has its uses.

T h e absence of marine fossils from the greater part of t h e shields makes

dating of their deposits extremely uncertain, and it is consequently

seldom that we yet have accurate knowledge of their histories. As will

b e seen from the brief remarks on t h e South African and South American
shields (pp. 343, 588), it is impossible to be sure whether any of the
continental deposits thereon are Jurassic, b u t the indications are that
the latest are all Triassic. T h e same applies to the Antarctic shield. T h e
N o r t h American, N o r t h African a n d Scandinavian shields definitely
carry n o Jurassic deposits. T h e I n d i a n shield has usually been supposed
to carry thick Jurassic deposits of continental facies, with plant-beds, b u t
o n examination they all appear to be Cretaceous (like the Nubian Sandstone
of N o r t h Africa), a n d t h e Jurassic is left represented only by a discon-
formity between Triassic M i d d l e and Cretaceous U p p e r Gondwanas
(P- 384)-
I t appears, therefore, t h a t all these shields were above sea-level and the
scene of erosion during the Jurassic. T h e y are recognizable only by t h e
sediments they supplied to surrounding shelf-seas and geosynclines.
F o r instance, o n t h e south side of the T e t h y s in Barbary there are immense
wedges of clastic sediments which thin out northwards and were evidently
derived from erosion of t h e Saharan shield; in N E . England a n d Scotland
t h e Bajocian a n d Bathonian comprise unusual thicknesses of deltaic
deposits which can only have been derived from the Scandinavian shield;
a n d in Scania, close to t h e edge of the crystallines, similar elastics are
interbedded with a n d make u p the greater part of the Lower Lias. I n
America similar wedges of elastics, coarsening n o r t h towards the shield,
underlie the Gulf coastal plain, and in t h e Western Interior most of the
colossal pile of sandstones (p. 545) was presumably derived from the
shield—though here a n d in the south largely from Palaeozoic rocks rather
t h a n direct from t h e crystallines. ( T h e same secondary derivation was
independently inferred for the N u b i a n Sandstone.) F r o m interfingering
of t h e elastics w i t h m a r i n e faunas r o u n d t h e edges of t h e shields something
can b e inferred of t h e periods of m a x i m u m erosion, and therefore
differential elevation, of the shields, and the picture gained is consistent
w i t h t h e absence of deposits on the shield surface.
T h e shields of N E . Asia are less well defined and the region is hardly
k n o w n with sufficient geological detail to enable a clear picture to be
obtained. Angaria a n d Sinia were and are certainly covered to some
extent b y continental deposits of Jurassic age, b u t a large part of the
outcrops of these deposits lies rather o n folded, consolidated a n d eroded
Palaeozoic basement which should be classified with the shelves. Authors
disagree as to t h e n u m b e r of shields that should be recognized at the
p r e s e n t day. S o m e are better classed as horsts in labile shelf areas, like
those in N W . E u r o p e . I t is not legitimate to admit existence of Jurassic
continental deposits as evidence of a shield, for, as just remarked, such
deposits are b y no means characteristic of shields a n d hardly exist at all
on most of t h e m .
T h e r e remains Australia. Only the western p a r t of the continent is a
shield. T h e eastern p a r t consists of Caledonian and Variscan fold ranges

(Palaeo- and Meso-Australia in fig. 102). Some lacustrine continental

deposits occur as outliers on the western and northern parts of the shield,
b u t only those in the south-west are dated by plants as Jurassic. T h e
main outcrops of the Jurassic lacustrine beds are all in the east, where
most rest on the folded Palaeozoic shelf. Australia is therefore n o
exception to the general rule that the major p r e - C a m b r i a n shields of the
earth were upstanding in the Jurassic a n d mainly the scene of erosion
rather than deposition.

FIG. 1 0 2 . — S k e t c h - m a p t o s h o w t h e s t r u c t u r a l e v o l u t i o n of A u s t r a l i a . After
R . W . F a i r b r i d g e , 1950.


Surrounding the shields are usually more or less broad shelves ('aires
d'ennoyage' of Haug, 1900, 1910), which are neither shields n o r t r u e
mobile belts, b u t were covered or partly covered in the Jurassic b y epeiric
seas, t h e deposits of which are varied, seldom very thick, and often highly
T h e shelves were described and defined with reference to E u r o p e b y
v o n Bubnoff (1931), w h o divided t h e m into stable shelves a n d labile shelves.
T h e typical stable shelf is E u r o p e a n Russia. Over enormous areas
horizontal, thin b u t palaeontologically almost complete U p p e r Jurassic
sediments spread transgressively over little-disturbed Palaeozoics. T h e

whole area has been protected by the rigid foundations of a pre-Devonian

platform which lies not far beneath. L o n g b u t very gentle anticlinal
ripples alone break the monotonous plains, in which dips are hardly
T h e labile shelves are typified on t h e other h a n d by N W . Europe.
H e r e t h e Jurassic facies is similar a n d t h e r e are often also condensed
beds, b u t t h e formations t e n d to swell out into thicker lenses, there has
been considerable tectonic disturbance of a m i n o r order (Stille's Germano-
t y p e tectonics), a n d a n u m b e r of ancient horsts break through the sedi­
m e n t a r y cover—such as t h e Black Forest, Bohemian Forest, Ardennes
Island a n d Scottish Highlands. T h e r e is evidence that in the Jurassic
most of these horsts were already upstanding or else began to rise. T h e
foundations of t h e labile shelves are t h e w o r n - d o w n m o u n t a i n chains
t h r o w n u p b y the Variscan and Caledonian orogenies. Such a foundation
is a mosaic of structures a n d varying rock-types. Although solidified
a n d welded together b y earlier orogenies, these tracts were still unstable
during t h e Mesozoic, a n d the nature of the foundations is sufficient
explanation of t h e contrast in their histories in comparison with the stable
O n t h e labile shelf of E u r o p e t h e r e was in Jurassic times a complex
network of subsiding troughs of sedimentation of various shapes and sizes.
T h e s e grade imperceptibly into geosynclines (Arkell, 1933, p . 616), b u t
it is preferable not to stretch this t e r m to cover them, for they seldom
contain m o r e t h a n 1000 m . of Jurassic sediments, they were not the seat
of volcanic activity or greywacke-type sedimentation, and they have not
been converted into folded mountains.
T r o u g h s of subsidence a n d sedimentation on t h e labile shelves are
called cuvettes by Wills (1929, 1951), parageosynclines by Stille (but this
t e r m was preoccupied in another sense b y Schuchert: see Glaessner &
Teichert, 1947, p . 588), and intracratonal geosynclines by Kay (1951,
p . 107), w h o subdivides t h e m into three types, each with a formidable
n e w name, according to shape, setting and filling. H e r e they will be
called b y their English name, troughs, or troughs of deposition. T h e
nature, extent, subsidence a n d contemporaneous tectonics of the troughs,
with their cyclic sedimentation and its causes, have already been discussed
a t length in relation to t h e British Jurassic, a n d all this need not b e repeated
here (Arkell, 1933, chapter iii).
F o r data on some of the largest shelf regions in the Jurassic outside
E u r o p e , the reader should refer to the T r a n s - E r y t h r a e a n trough (p. 298)
a n d t h e W e s t e r n Interior of the U n i t e d States (p. 544). T h e American
example has been admirably m o n o g r a p h e d from this point of view by
Imlay (1949) without t h e use of any daunting terminology. I t also
illustrates h o w a shelf t r o u g h can pass imperceptibly into a geosyncline.
T h e continental-lacustrine Jurassics of eastern Australia accumulated
in a broad t r o u g h which is tectonically analogous to the Rocky
M o u n t a i n t r o u g h of t h e W e s t e r n Interior of the U n i t e d States. T h e

Australian deposits reach 2500 m . in thickness in parts of Queensland a n d

so are of geosynclinal magnitude. I t appears that the sea was at all times
excluded in the Jurassic (p. 461), whereas in t h e American analogue
several m a r i n e transgressions occurred in the M i d d l e and early U p p e r
Jurassic (p. 545). I n the Lower Jurassic and from the beginning of t h e
Kimeridgian onward (Morrison formation), however, w h e n t h e sea was
shut out from the American t r o u g h also, the analogy was complete.
T h e Rocky M o u n t a i n trough in Jurassic time was separated (though
not completely and permanently) from the Pacific by t h e cordilleran
geanticline, which was part of the circum-Pacific mobile belt and supplied
clastic sediments to the trough on the east. If the analogy with eastern
Australia holds, there was in Jurassic times, between t h e present Australian
coast and the Papuan geosyncline, a geanticline which performed t h e dual
role of excluding the Pacific Ocean from the Australian lakes and supplying
sediment to t h e m and to the geosyncline to the east. Possibly a sunken
remnant of the barrier survives in the N e w Zealand ridge (fig. 102).
T h e thickness of the Australian continental Jurassic is about t h e same
as that of the Jurassic system in m u c h of the E l b u r z M o u n t a i n s of Persia
(p. 368), where the Lower Jurassic is in t h e same facies, b u t t h e M i d d l e
and U p p e r Jurassic are marine. T h e E l b u r z Jurassics, however, were
laid down in an elongated trough on the mobile belt and have m o r e
claims to be called geosynclinal. Such examples, nevertheless, serve to
show the transitions that exist and emphasize the artificiality of all attempts
at rigid classification.


T h e mobile belts which appear in all the textbooks and are best defined
and described u n d e r this n a m e b y Bucher (1933, chapters 3 a n d 4) are
belts of high young mountain chains, volcanic and seismic activity, gravity
anomalies, long linear or arcuate strike-lines, island festoons a n d n a r r o w
deeps. T h e belts are easy enough to define at the present day: as stated
above, one forms a ring r o u n d t h e Pacific and another branches off from
it in Indonesia and passes t h r o u g h the Himalayas, Persia and the Alps
and Mediterranean, beyond which it is usually shown with a hypothetical
extension across the Atlantic to t h e Caribbean region. T h e pattern of t h e
mobile belts has been described as 'just what we might expect on a con­
traction theory' (Jeffreys, 1952, p . 310).
Since virtually the only constant character for recognizing these belts
in past geological systems is their high degree of diversity, which is an
expression of a high degree of mobility, t h e t e r m mobile belts is the most
appropriate. T h e y are called orogens b y K o b e r (1928) a n d Staub (1928),
a name that emphasizes their role as the source of m o u n t a i n systems.
H a u g (1900, 1910) called t h e m geosynclines, b u t this was a misuse of
D a n a ' s t e r m (for the history of which see reviews by Glaessner & Teichert,
1947, and Knopf, 1948); and Stille calls t h e m orthogeosynclines.
T h e circum-Pacific mobile belt of the Jurassic coincides largely with

that of the present day; in fact the volcanic rocks, batholiths and fold-
structures of t h e Pacific border of N o r t h America are largely of Jurassic
origin, as appears in the next two chapters. Batholiths such as characterize
the mobile belt in N o r t h America were not intruded in the Jurassic
period in any other p a r t of t h e world. Active volcanicity is found also in
South America, in the Caucasus and Crimea, and on a smaller scale in
t h e Mediterranean. Jurassic orogenies occurred in N o r t h America b u t
not South America, a n d also in the Caucasus and Crimea.
Over t h e rest of t h e mobile belts, down most of t h e east side of Asia
(except N E . Siberia) a n d thence to N e w Zealand, the only feature dis­
tinguishing t h e Jurassic deposits from those o n t h e labile shelves, besides
occasional volcanicity, is the great thicknesses of sediment, and even that
criterion fails i n t h e Himalayas, in S E . Asia a n d over m u c h of the. M e d i ­
terranean area. Geosynclines certainly existed in the Jurassic in N E .
Siberia, where thicknesses of 4000 to 6000 m . are recorded, and (the
P a p u a n geosyncline) from N e w Guinea, t h r o u g h N e w Caledonia to N e w
Zealand, where the thickness of the Jurassic approaches 5000 m . Something
like such thicknesses are reached in the Alps where, as Deecke (1912)
showed, small deeps a n d shallows a n d emergent islands a n d mobile ridges
existed side by side.
I n the Himalayas and T i b e t the Jurassic system shows signs of mobility,
such as disconformities, condensed formations and contrasting facies,
b u t there is n o indication of a geosyncline between Western Yunnan and
the Pamirs. A s has been pointed out before, the celebrated Spiti Shales
are similar in facies to t h e English U p p e r Lias and Kimeridge Clay,
b u t they are thinner, m o r e heterogeneous, and indicative of less continuous
subsidence t h a n t h e Kimeridge Clay of Kimeridge. T h e Spiti Shales
extend over an e n o r m o u s area in T i b e t (p. 413) without radical change of
facies. T h e Callovian in t h e Spiti area a n d the Bajocian in T i b e t ( L u n g m a
Limestone) are condensed a n d highly fossiliferous ironshot oolites, a n d in
t h e exotic blocks of the Kiogars are samples of red Adnet Limestone of
Hettangian a n d Sinemurian age a n d U p p e r T i t h o n i a n Calpionella oolite,
b o t h matching their counterparts in southern E u r o p e . Except for 200-
300 m . of possibly L o w e r T i t h o n i a n limestone (Kiogar Limestone), all
the formations, t h o u g h varied, are t h i n ; and there are no conglomerates,
unconformities, or Jurassic igneous rocks. T h e Jurassic features of this
p a r t of the greatest Tertiary mobile belt o n earth, therefore, are those of a
labile shelf. H e r e t h e T e t h y s was merely a shelf-sea comparable with that
of north-western E u r o p e .
I n t h e M e d i t e r r a n e a n area outside t h e Alps (where acute tectonic
deformation in the T e r t i a r y orogenies makes reconstructions difficult
a n d hazardous), N o r t h Africa (Barbary) provides the most detailed
information over t h e largest area, thanks to the work of many French
geologists in Algeria a n d Morocco, a n d especially to the brilliant analyses
and syntheses of G. Lucas (1942, 1952). Barbary forms the southern part
of the mobile belt of T e t h y s , adjoining the n o r t h margin of the African

shield. Here any attempt at classification into labile or stable shelves

breaks down when the region as a whole is considered: almost every
imaginable type of terrane is represented. T h e H i g h a n d M i d d l e Atlas
if they alone survived would be considered a shelf area; b u t the Saharan
and Tellian Atlas provide lines of horsts active in the Jurassic a n d elon­
gated troughs of truly geosynclinal dimensions, containing u p to 3900 m .
of Jurassic sediments (Cornet, 1952, p . 12), which have been converted
in the Tertiary into true fold-mountains, with locally complete over­
turning (as in the Ouarsenis: Calembert, 1952). Volcanic activity
alone is lacking. N o r t h Africa m u s t be considered to have been p a r t of
a mobile belt in the Jurassic period; it included at least one geosyncline,
but also large tracts occupied by shelf-seas.
Over t h e rest of t h e Mediterranean region too m u c h has sunk b e n e a t h
the sea to enable safe generalizations to be m a d e about the isolated frag­
ments that remain accessible. T h e Pyrenees a n d most of the Iberian
peninsula had shelf-seas in the Jurassic. So did Sardinia a n d Sicily,
where the sequence from Bajocian to Oxfordian is usually not more t h a n
10-15 - thick. But Sicily h a d volcanic activity during the Bajocian,
whereas the Atlas geosynclines with their thousands of metres of sediments
did not.
T h e peculiar lithology and fauna of the Kimeridgian and T i t h o n i a n
(fausse breche, Knollenkalk) is not distinctively geosynclinal b u t r a t h e r
T e t h y a n . It is surely to be ascribed to climatic, chemical a n d environ­
mental influences, not tectonic; t h o u g h t h e origin of t h e peculiar breccias
is probably seismic (p. 147).
Except in the Alps and the Atlas there is nothing in the Mediterranean
region comparable to the great geosynclines of western N o r t h America.
I n Oregon, for instance, the M i d d l e Bajocian alone, with ammonites
throughout, is 1300 m . thick (more t h a n the whole Jurassic at any one
locality in Britain). I n California the T i t h o n i a n is ?75oo m . thick. Parallel
to these rapidly subsiding geosynclines were long volcanic geanticlinal
ridges or island festoons, which suffered rapid erosion and kept t h e
geosynclines filled with sediments and volcanic material. T h e s e geanti­
clines form an integral part of the Pacific mobile belt. Spasms of
exceptional uplift or movement were marked by t h e deposition of h u n d r e d s
of metres of conglomerate. Such conglomerates within the Jurassic
are commonest in N o r t h and South America, b u t occur also in N e w
Zealand, the Caucasus and Crimea.


T h e main shields recognized at the present day were in existence in the

Jurassic a n d were essentially land areas, undergoing erosion. T h e edges
of some of them, and more especially the surface of minor shields already
covered by sea in U p p e r Palaeozoic times, were stable shelves, on which
thin and uniform Jurassics were deposited (e.g. Russian platform). Regions
which h a d been the site of geosynclinal deposition in Palaeozoic times
2 R

a n d of mountain-building i n t h e Caledonian and Variscan orogenies were

in part above water i n t h e Jurassic a n d formed extensions of the shields
(e.g. Ural Mountains, K u e n L u n ) , b u t in part were submerged and formed
labile shelves, o n which varied Jurassics were formed i n troughs, often
interspersed with horsts (e.g. extra-Alpine Europe).
T h e mobile belts so conspicuous at t h e present day are a heritage from
t h e T e r t i a r y orogeny a n d do n o t coincide entirely with any easily recog­
nized combination of features in the Jurassic. T h e circum-Pacific mobile
belt was t h e most actively mobile in Jurassic times a n d provides t h e

ome ra tes 0

w a
fa ci es

-0 0


M o u n t a i n ranges i n t h e

T e r t i a r y m o b i l e belt "3S N

iastro phi
hickn ess

olcani sm
ontin ent


hick <:on



C a n a d i a n coast r a n g e s + + + + 4-
Californian coast r a n g e s . + + + 4- -J-
Andes . . . .
+ +
N e w Zealand
+ + + +
[Eastern Australia] .
+ + +
+ +
Elburz . . . .
+ +
+ + + +
+ + + -F 4-
Atlas . . . . + +
Alps . . . . + + + +

greatest n u m b e r of special characters. I n N o r t h America it was t h e

scene of active volcanism, geosynclinal subsidence a n d sedimentation,
orogeny a n d batholith intrusion, all in Jurassic times. T h e Tertiary
mobile belt, however, takes i n t h e Rocky Mountains, which was a n o n -
volcanic, non-orogenic, shelf-sea d u r i n g t h e Jurassic. I n eastern Australia
t h e analogue was not incorporated in t h e Tertiary mobile belt, which
coincided with t h e Jurassic geosyncline (New G u i n e a — N e w Caledonia—
N e w Zealand). T h i s geosyncline qualifies as such a n d as a mobile belt
by its great thickness of Jurassic greywacke a n d flysch-type sediments
(approaching 5000 m.) and conglomerates, b u t it shows only feeble Jurassic
volcanism, n o plutonism a n d n o folding.
T h e east-west mobile belt across southern Asia a n d E u r o p e coincides
approximately with t h e T e t h y s sea of the Jurassic. O n the whole it was
mainly a mobile belt i n the Jurassic, b u t it embraced within it many areas
of stable shelf and rising horsts, a n d m a n y of its mobile parts would, by
themselves, b e classed only as labile shelves. T h e Himalayas do n o t

coincide with any geosyncline in the circum-Pacific sense; the Himalayan

Jurassic sea-bed was mobile at first and later became stable; there was in
Jurassic times no thick geosynclinal deposition, n o volcanism, no folding,
not even conglomerate-formation. Geosynclines with some of these
features in various combinations do occur within the Tethys, however,
notably in the Pamirs, Elburz, Zagros, Caucasus, Crimea, Alps and Atlas.
T h e Caucasus and Crimea come nearest to the N o r t h American geosyncline
in showing all the requisite characters except plutonism, as will appear in
the next two chapters.
A complicated terminology (Kay, 1951) for different kinds of t r o u g h s
and geosynclines does not seem to serve any purpose and tends to create
a false impression of clear-cut divisions where in reality there is gradation
(see table 25).

T h e Jurassic period was no exception to the rule that volcanic rocks tend
t o reach their m a x i m u m development in the 'girdle of fire' round the
Pacific Ocean. T h e y are, however, unevenly distributed, being far more
conspicuous on the American side t h a n on the Asiatic, except in the
e x t r e m e north-east of Asia, w h e r e it approaches nearest t o America.
Owing t o the size of the area, the mountainous terrane and the compli­
cated tectonics, and t o t h e fact that volcanic rocks can be dated only by
reference to fossils above or below them, hardly ever interbedded, it is
often difficult or impossible to determine accurately the age of enormous
masses of effusives a n d pyroclastics along t h e Pacific coast of the Americas.
T h e dating becomes most difficult where the volcanics are thickest, that
is usually westward, towards their source of origin, for t h e r e fossil-beds
b e c o m e scarcest.
M a n y occurrences are described in Geological Survey memoirs and
papers on parts of Alaska, British Columbia, Oregon and California,
b u t too often with unavoidable vagueness of date. A n u m b e r of
references have b e e n collected together b y K a y (1951, p p . 45-6), and
Taliaferro (quoted in Chapter 23) has dealt in masterly fashion with
t h e stratigraphy of the igneous rocks of California, while those of South
America are well summarized by G e r t h (1935). T h e present account
concentrates on t h e stratigraphical dating of igneous episodes, as a con­
tribution towards understanding a large subject outside the scope of
this book a n d t h e competence of its author.
Starting in t h e n o r t h , in Alaska, records show t h e comparatively modest
thickness of about 300 m . of submarine lavas and tuffs of Lower Jurassic
date, ending in t h e Lower Toarcian. M i n o r tuffs also occur in the
Kimeridgian or T i t h o n i a n , or both.
I n British Columbia t h e volcanic series becomes enormously thick,
totalling in some places u p t o 5400 m . a n d resting o n a like thickness of
volcanics assigned to the U p p e r Triassic. I n the Harrison Lake area,
t h e volcanic series is overlain by fossiliferous Lower Callovian and
embraces the Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic; the thickness below the
Callovian and above the T r i a s here is about 2700 m . Volcanic activity
continued, however, well into the Callovian, in which there are 540 m.
of tuffs.
I n Oregon and, still more, California, t h e date of t h e chief volcanic
activity is later. H e r e some 870 m. of lavas and tuffs are found in the
stages Toarcian to Callovian. T h e r e follow some more lavas and tuffs
in t h e Lower (and probably Middle) Kimeridgian; and finally, after the

N e v a d a n orogeny, thousands of metres of varied volcanics in t h e Franciscan

a n d Knoxville formations, largely of T i t h o n i a n age.
I n Mexico no volcanic activity seems to have occurred until t h e
Oxfordian, when there was an o u t p o u r i n g of andesitic lavas d u r i n g a
brief continental episode. Tuffs and bentonite occur also in t h e T i t h o n i a n .
For South America the picture is less clear; m u c h more work needs t o


Tithonian and Lavas and Tuffs and Interbedded

Portlandian tuffs, bentonite volcanics
Patagonia several
1000 m .
Kimeridgian Volcanics S o m e lavas tuffs
1000 m . a n d tuffs

Oxfordian Lavas
150-300 m .

Callovian L a v a s in Tuffs
Peru and 540 m .

Bathonian Lavas and

Bajocian 870 m .

Toarcian Volcanic Volcanic

series series
Pliensbachian 900 m . , 2700 m . Volcanic
in P e r u series
Sinemurian 300 m .


b e done. A volcanic island festoon probably existed off-shore along m u c h

•of the Andes in Lower and M i d d l e Jurassic times. I n P e r u volcanic
rocks 900 m. thick of probably Liassic age rest directly on ancient gneiss,
a n d in both Peru and Chile further eruptions of submarine lava occurred
i n the Callovian. T h e climax of activity was reached in west-central
Argentina at the end of the Oxfordian, with the building u p of 1000 m .
of basic lavas and pyroclastics. T h i s episode may correspond to any or all
of the Kimeridgian. Finally, in Patagonia the T i t h o n i a n shales are u n d e r ­
lain, overlain and interfingered with porphyritic lavas and contain thick
beds of tuff.
F o r N E . Asia information is too sketchy for dating t h e extensive volcanics
t h a t occur supposedly at the top of the Jurassic of N E . Siberia and in

Sikhota Alin and n o r t h e r n China (p. 509). I n Japan volcanic activity

in t h e Jurassic was slight, being represented only by tuffs in thin lenticles
in the early-Upper Jurassic of Rikuzen and the Hida plateau (Honshu).
I n Indonesia water-laid tuffs and lapillae on B u m and Misol are
accurately dated to t h e U p p e r Oxfordian. Probably of the same date are
thick volcanic breccias and eruptive igneous rocks on Buru. I n N e w
Zealand tuffs occur in the Jurassic of both islands b u t volcanic signs are
inconspicuous, perhaps because volcanoes were not close to surviving
outcrops. I n Australia a variety of lavas and pyroclastics are interbedded
near t h e b o t t o m of t h e Jurassic lake-beds in Queensland, a n d olivine
basalts occur in t h e u p p e r part of the series in N e w South Wales (p. 462).
T h e T e t h y s of Eurasia and N o r t h Africa can show little on the scale of
the volcanic activity on the east and n o r t h sides of the Pacific ring. T h e
eastern half, from Indonesia to the frontier of Persia, shows no volcanic
rocks at all. A l t h o u g h it now contains the highest mountains in t h e
world, this tract, as already remarked (p. 624) displays few geosynclinal
characters in t h e Jurassic. I n t h e Zagros M o u n t a i n s radiolarites in t h e
zone of overthrusting are associated with basic igneous rocks, both
extrusive a n d intrusive, as in the ophiolite zone of the Alps. Volcanic
rocks also occur in the M e k r a n hinterland (p. 380).
T h e only focus of Jurassic volcanism in the Old W o r l d comparable with
the Pacific seaboard of the Americas was in the Caucasus ranges, t h e
Little Caucasus, Azerbaijan and Crimea. H e r e the activity was mainly
of Bajocian date, t h o u g h in the Araxes valley (p. 365) it came to an e n d
before the M i d d l e Bajocian. I n the southern Caucasus and Little Caucasus
thick porphyritic lavas and tuffs, with tuff breccias, are interbedded over
wide areas among sandstones and shales with M i d d l e Bajocian ammonites
(p. 357). I n Georgia t h e thickness reaches 2000 m. (Vassoyevich &
others, 1937, p . 12); even 3000 m . has been estimated here (Mokrinski,
1939, p . 509) a n d also in t h e Little Caucasus (Leontyey, 1950). I n s o m e
places activity is said to have begun in the Lower Bajocian. Three
petrographic zones are recognized: a central zone mainly basaltic, a
n o r t h e r n zone andesitic-dacitic, a southern zone essentially andesitic
(Lebedev, 1947). T h e volcanic series may go u p into the Bathonian
a n d in some places probably spans t h e M i d d l e Jurassic less Callovian.
I n Sicily widespread marine tuffs occur in the M i d d l e Jurassic and i n
at least one place U p p e r Bajocian ammonites have been obtained from
t h e m (p. 209).
I n the Crimea there was a longer history of volcanic activity. Following
intrusions after the Pliensbachian and probably also after the Toarcian,
t h e r e were three successive periods of eruption of submarine andesites,
agglomerates and tuffs during the M i d d l e Jurassic with Callovian. I n
t h e Balaclava area there is also a tuff b e d of T i t h o n i a n or Lower Cretaceous
date. T h e M i d d l e and U p p e r Jurassic eruptions are of both fissure a n d
central type and there are indications of at least five volcanoes (Federovitch,

I n Anatolia, around Bayburt, two separate masses of andesitic lavas and

tuffs, each 300 m. thick, are interbedded in the Sinemurian, and some
t h i n n e r volcanic rocks also occur in the U p p e r Pliensbachian (p. 350).
I n the coast range south of the Sea of M a r m a r a a bed of red tuff occurs
i n t h e supposed M i d d l e Jurassic.
T h e 'ophiolites' of the Alps and n o r t h Italy are generally very difficult
t o date and may be of widely different ages. T h e y consist of basic s u b ­
m a r i n e lavas, usually basalt, accompanied by intrusive gabbro and
peridotite and often m u c h mixed u p by later tectonic deformation a n d
m e t a m o r p h i s m . Extrusive and intrusive rocks are difficult to separate
a n d some of the serpentines m a y be lavas (Bailey & McCallien, 1953).
T h e s e igneous rocks are generally associated with cherts, with or w i t h o u t
radiolaria. I n the northern Apennines t h e earliest may be late T i t h o n i a n .
T h e r e are effusions in the Lower T i t h o n i a n near Belgrade a n d some of t h e
ophiolites in t h e Dinaric Alps m a y b e Jurassic (p. 192).
O n the shields t h e time of transition from Triassic to Jurassic witnessed
colossal outpourings of basalt. M o s t of these probably occurred d u r i n g
t h e Rhaetian, b u t close dating is generally difficult if not impossible.
T h e Stormberg lavas in South Africa, t h e Sera G e r a l lavas in S o u t h
America and the plateau basalts in Angaraland belong to this category,
b u t all need not be of exactly the same age. T h e scant evidence is, in fact,
o p p o s e d to the idea of contemporaneity; for t h e Angara basalts were
e r o d e d before deposition of t h e Jurassic, whereas those in Morocco are
said to be in part interbedded with marine Lower Lias (p. 260) and so
are probably contemporary with the Lower Hettangian basalts and tuffs
of t h e Pyrenees (p. 224).


European geologists interested in the dynamic aspects of their subject

think little of the Jurassic period. In most of the Old World it was a time
of quiet, given over to moderate deposition, guided and on occasion
modified by epeirogenic movements. Only in parts of a narrow belt
through the Alps, Anatolia, the Crimea and Caucasus are there signs of
unusual dynamic (and igneous) activity.
On the west side of North America the story is very different. There,
where volcanic action was greatest and sedimentation often extremely
rapid, full-scale mountain-building took place in the Jurassic. To some
extent, like the volcanism, these events spread over into NE. Asia. It
was the western cordillera of North America, however, that was in Jurassic
times the seat of by far the most important earth-movements in the world.
Accordingly it is from North America that any study of Jurassic dias-
trophism should start, and from which it should take its nomenclature
if a separate nomenclature for tectonic events is considered necessary.
The chief focus of activity was the Sierra Nevada, after which is named
the Nevadan orogeny. (This name, however, conveys nothing until one
knows that its date was immediately pre-Tithonian; it can, therefore,
more usefully be known as the pre-Tithonian orogeny.* The same applies
a fortiori to less important orogenies or phases). The pre-Tithonian or
Nevadan was a major 'revolution', and besides causing isoclinal folding
and thrusting, and being both preceded and followed by intense volcanism
and geosynclinal deposition, it culminated with the intrusion of the great
Sierra Nevada batholith.
In America there is no reliable evidence that the Triassic and Jurassic
were separated by an orogenic phase or important movements of any
sort. In western Nevada has been found that stratigraphical rarity,
marine Rhaetian deposits with ammonites, and they lie conformably
between marine Norian and marine Hettangian (p. 556). In British
Columbia both Upper Trias and Lower Jurassic are mainly represented
by thick volcanics which together build a conformable column. The first
movements seem to have occurred in the Pliensbachian, for in Oregon
it is the Upper Pliensbachian that oversteps unconformably across
acutely folded Upper Trias and unfossiliferous beds which may represent
earlier parts of the Lias here folded with the Trias. In the Sierra Nevada
the Pliensbachian contains thick conglomerates and displays folding of
the lower beds and incipient thrusting. This was the Dunlap orogeny.
* E v e n t h i s m u s t b e qualified as p r e 'local T i t h o n i a n ' .
In Alaska an unconformity occurs somewhat later than the Dunlap,
apparently in the middle of the Toarcian, though more information is
required. The indications consist of unconformable relations of the
Tuxedni sandstone, which contains conglomerates and Upper Toarcian
ammonites, to the underlying volcanic series, said to include stages up to
Lower Toarcian (pp. 535, 538). It seems that the Dunlap may have been
a minor orogeny that shifted northward along the Pacific coast during the
Pliensbachian and Toarcian.
In the late Callovian or at the boundary between Callovian and Lower
Oxfordian another orogeny took place in Canada, where it is represented
in the Harrison Lake area by the Kent conglomerate (900 m.), resting on
folded Jurassics which include Callovian with Cadoceras, and in Alaska
by the Chisik conglomerate (90 m.), which rests on beds dated as Upper
Callovian. This episode was named by Crickmay the Agassiz, because
he believed that during it the Agassiz Mountains of Canada were folded,
upheaved and eroded, all within the time taken to deposit perhaps a single
zone (pp. 539, 560). This startling deduction has received support from
subsequent work on other orogenic phases, more especially the Nevadan.
The course of events in British Columbia at this time recalls those in a
French Upper Palaeozoic geosyncline illuminatingly described and dis­
cussed by Pruvost (1939).
The Nevadan orogeny was on a much larger scale than the earlier ones
in the western United States at least, but in Canada and Alaska its effects
are less conspicuous. In its type area it caused isoclinal folding and at
least partial metamorphism of the underlying Jurassics, extensive thrusting
and migration of the geosyncline outwards, to the Pacific coast ranges.
The precise date of emplacement of batholiths is proverbially difficult
to determine, but there seems general agreement that arrival of the mighty
Sierra Nevada and Canadian Coast Range batholiths was the culmination
of this orogeny, though other west coast batholiths came later, at various
times in the Cretaceous. The new geosyncline formed after the orogeny
was the seat of volcanism (Franciscan/Knoxville) as intense as any that went
before, and of extremely rapid sedimentation. This might, however, be
reconciled with theory by assuming it to be the pre-orogenic volcanism
leading up to the next orogeny, which took place in the Berriasian in the
same general region (Diablan orogeny).
The greatest surprise that has resulted from detailed stratigraphical
work by Taliaferro and Anderson is the discovery that the whole Nevadan
orogeny occupied a span of time probably no greater than the Upper
Kimeridgian. The folded rocks include fossils of Lower and probably
Middle Kimeridgian date, while the post-orogenic suite is Tithonian,
with Middle Tithonian ammonites thousands of feet above the base
(pp. 551-4).
It is natural to suppose that in the Rocky Mountains and Western
Interior trough these orogenies might be expressed in some way in the
stratigraphy. No convincing correspondence, however, is apparent.

The principal marine transgressions or ingressions there occurred in the

Middle Bajocian, Lower Callovian, Lower Oxfordian and probably Lower
Kimeridgian (Morrison formation). Of these only the Lower Oxfordian
coincides in any way with a western orogeny; it might be considered to
echo the end of the Agassiz. The Nevadan orogeny, however, may well be
expressed in a negative way by the cessation of deposition at the end of the
= unconformity — .— .— . = trangression


Tithonian and OROGENY

Kimeridgian regional pre-

uplift NEVADAN Kootenay

Oxfordian pre-Morrison




t p — .— .— .?

Pliensbachian DUNLAP


— . — . —

Morrison. This latter event was presumably due to a very wide regional
uplift, but it cannot be dated with precision. In Canada the basal Kootenay
transgression probably coincides with the end of the Nevadan orogeny.
In Trans-Pecos Texas and under the Gulf coastal plain the Lower
Kimeridgian is transgressive, and in the latter area the most important
uplift deducible from the borings occurred at or near the end of the
Kimeridgian, namely at the same time as the Nevadan orogeny. There is
also a big gap, which undoubtedly corresponds to the Nevadan orogeny,
in Trans-Pecos Texas (Upper Kimeridgian and ? Lower Tithonian missing;
p. 567) and in Cuba (whole Kimeridgian and Lower Tithonian missing;
p. 570). Where the gap is so big one must beware of jumping to the
conclusion that it was necessarily caused by the latest tectonic phase when
more than one is possible, as Gilluly (1949) has emphasized; but unless two
phases were superimposed, the lowest member of the transgressive, post-
orogenic suite may generally be relied on to give an approximate date to
the significant movements.
In the Mexican trough there seem to be only indirect and inconspicuous
repercussions of the orogenies in the cordilleran geosynclines. This fact
puts the trough in the Jurassic tectonically with the Rocky Mountain
trough, as might be expected, and despite the single episode of Oxfordian
The South American Andes present an altogether different pattern.
Despite the intense volcanic activity down the west side of the geosyncline,
no authenticated Jurassic folding can be recorded. Instead there are
successive transgressions acting as markers in a varied but essentially
conformable series of extremely thick deposits. In the north, in Equador,
marine Upper Trias passes up into marine Lower Lias, but in the south,
in Patagonia, the Rhaetian is continental and the Lower Lias (Hettangian?)
is transgressive and overlaps it on to Palaeozoic and pre-Cambrian rocks
(p. 588). The four main transgressions thereafter in the Andes are
Middle Bajocian, Lower Callovian, Lower Kimeridgian and Lower to
Middle Tithonian; and all four coincide with transgressions in the Western
Interior of the United States and Canada. Tectonically, therefore, the
Andean geosyncline of the Jurassic resembles the Rocky Mountain trough,
but in its heavy sedimentation and intense volcanicity it belongs with
the Pacific cordilleran geosyncline. Its hybrid character is still further
brought out by the fact that its principal orogenic deformation (Andean
or Subhercynian) took place in the mid-Upper Cretaceous (pre-Senonian),
a time intermediate between the Nevadan and Diablan orogenies of the
Pacific coast geosyncline of North America and the Laramide orogeny
of the Rocky Mountains.
In NE. Asia, including China, precise data are so scarce, chiefly owing
to the predominantly continental facies of the formations, which have
so far defeated attempts at zoning, that no firm conclusions are yet
possible.* Orogenies certainly took place at various times approximately
datable to the Jurassic. Some of the later movements have been called
the Yenshan orogeny (term introduced by Wong, 1926), but while numerous
phases have been separated, none is satisfactorily integrated with the
universal time-scale (Lee, 1945, pp. 25-7). For these reasons the term
Yenshanian is quite unsuitable for use outside NE. Asia.
Along the remainder of the west side of the Pacific, from Japan to New
Zealand, no orogenic movements can definitely be assigned to the Jurassic,
but conglomerates at two horizons in the late-Lower and the ? Middle or
? early-Upper Jurassic of New Zealand suggest that such movements
did occur.
* From data available it does not seem to me that we are yet in a position to warrant
a map such as that shown, for instance, by Umbgrove (1947, pi. 3).

In the Tethys, knowledge of stratigraphical detail is so uneven, so thin

for the eastern half and so concentrated for the western half, that a balanced
summary is impossible. No true orogenic movements have been proved
in the eastern part until the Caucasus, though evidence may well exist.
The Caucasus seems to rank next to North America for the intensity
of its sedimentation, volcanism and orogeny during the Jurassic. The
enormously thick Toarcian rests in places with a basal conglomerate on
pre-Cambrian gneisses, while in others it cuts unconformably across an
immense thickness of isoclinally folded slates and phyllites, in the upper
part of which Upper Pliensbachian ammonites are recorded (p. 357);
but this record was doubted by Renz. There is here a possible equivalent
of the 'late Dunlap' orogeny of Canada and Alaska. Tectonic movements
and faulting are also reported 'at the end of the Middle Jurassic' and
called the Adyghe phase (Robinson, 1937, p. 35), but the age is not clear.
The Nevadan orogeny is recognizable by the behaviour of the Tithonian,
which in places has a basal conglomerate and in the North Caucasus
oversteps unconformably on lower stages down to the crystallines (p. 358).
The Crimea is probably the most interesting part of the Old World
from the point of view of Jurassic earth-movements, for in it three Middle
and Upper Jurassic orogenies are demonstrable by thick conglomerates
and unconformities, as well as a fourth in the Neocomian and possibly
another above or below the problematic Rhaetian. It also deserves special
attention as the type locality of the 'Cimmerian movements' of Suess
(see p. 353).
The term Cimmerian (from the semi-mythical Crimean people of that
name) has led to confusion, because in the German language, in which it
has chiefly been used, it is spelt with a 'K' and in the common adjectival
form as 'Kimmerische Faltung' it has been mistaken for 'Kimmeridgian'
by both British and Asiatic authors.* Moisseiev (1937, p. 13) has replaced
the term by 'Chersonian orogeny'. But in any case it was first introduced
for two widely separated orogenies, supposed to have occurred at the base
of the Lias and at top of the Tithonian; whereas it has since been shown
that the pre-Lias phase is at least extremely doubtful and more likely
pre-Rhaetian (therefore intra-Triassic) and that the second phase, which
was supposed to have ended the Jurassic, in reality preceded most of the
Tithonian and so is the Nevadan orogeny. Two intervening phases have
since been shown to be equally important. The term Cimmerian move­
ments is therefore now too vague to have any meaning or value, being
synonymous with 'Mid-Mesozoic'.
According to Moisseiev (1937, p. 13) movements between Rhaetian
and Lias were 'quite possible' and he calls them 'hypothetical Salghir
The Bajocian or Donetz phase seems to have been important in the
Crimea; it is marked by coarse conglomerates up to 1000 m. thick, resting
* E.g. J . W . G r e g o r y , 1929, ' S t r u c t u r e of Asia', p . 2 1 ; a n d C h u , 1937, R e p t . X V I I
I n t . G e o l . C o n g r . , vol. ii, p . 549.
unconformably on folded Lias shales and limestones which contain
Pliensbachian and Toarcian ammonites. The precise dating, however,
is none too certain owing to scarcity of ammonites—the lower limit of
time rests in fact on one record of a Lytoceras jurense. This may therefore
turn out to be the 'retarded Dunlap' orogeny of Alaska.
The Lower Oxfordian orogeny is marked by conglomerates, up to
150 m. thick, which rest on Upper Callovian and pass up into Upper
Oxfordian, and in places transgress on to Lias and Trias. This (the
Yaila phase of Moisseiev) is clearly the Agassiz orogeny of Canada and
Finally, the pre-Tithonian unconformity, already familiar in the
Caucasus, can again be linked with the Nevadan orogeny.
In view of the remarkable correspondences at all these levels with
western Canada and Alaska it is worth noticing that along a polar great
circle the Canadian-Alaskan boundary at the Pacific coast is no farther
from the Crimea than from the northern Andes on the frontier between
Equador and Peru.
Some of the appearances of unconformity below the Crimean con­
glomerates, where they rest on tightly folded shales, may be exaggerated
by disharmonic movements between the shales and more competent
conglomerates (Weber in Moisseiev, 1937, p. 71).
In the Donetz, type locality of the Donetz phase of earth-movements,
there is a feeble conglomerate containing Middle Bajocian ammonites,
which rests on Upper Toarcian; so the gap is slight. The Lower Toarcian
is transgressive on Trias, but without angular unconformity (pp. 484, 487).
In the High Atlas of Midelt, Morocco, the Donetz phase is double, gentle
folding having taken place twice: pre-Lower Bajocian and pre-Middle
Bajocian, with local transgression of Middle Bajocian on to Lower Lias
(p. 265).
In Europe pre-Lias and pre-Tithonian unconformities are recorded
from many places in the Balkans and elsewhere, but the latter is hardly
perceptible in the Alps. No attempt need be made here to recapitulate
the mass of information available and so ably summarized already by
Stille (1924, pp. 133 ff.). Of special interest, however, are the gentle
foldings of pre-Middle and pre-Upper Bajocian age in the Cotswolds
detected by Buckman (summarized in Arkell, 1933, pp. 198-9), and three
minor phases in the Upper Jurassic and Neocomian of NW. Germany
described by Schondorf (1914), Dahlgriin, and others (Stille, 1924, p. 141).
Limestone-conglomerates occur there at the base of the Gigas Zone of
the Middle Kimeridgian (Deister phase), and in the Serpulite, which is
Middle Purbeckian (Osterwald phase), and again in the Valanginian
(Hils phase) (see p. 133).
Purbeckian folding also took place in the Swiss Jura, where the effects
are registered in changes of facies, corresponding with anticlinal folds of
the Tertiary orogeny that caused the structures existing at the present day
(Carozzi, 1948, p. 123). The similar alignment of the Upper Oxfordian
6 8

and Lower Kimeridgian coral reefs parallel to the present structural grain
of the Jura, long ago observed by Bourgeat, suggests that preliminary
foldings of the Alpine orogeny occurred even earlier in the Jurassic.
In North Africa the only intra-Jurassic folding, of approximately Upper
Oxfordian date, is described from western Algeria and is localized and
associated with faulting (Lucas, 1952, p. 66). Something of the same sort
may perhaps explain localized intra-Jurassic folding reported at one
point in Tanganyika (p. 333), and also seismic (?) breccias in the Toarcian
of the Ain Sefra region in the Saharan Atlas (p. 265).


One of the principal objects that have been borne in mind when
assembling and sifting the stratigraphical data has been the perfection
of a time scale by which to measure earth-movements. Only when a
reasonably detailed and reliable stratigraphy of world-wide scope has been
established can we hope for progress along many fascinating lines of
enquiry into the mysteries of mountain-building and dynamic geological
history in general; in fact, into the fundamental problems of geology.
The starting-point of all such enquiries in modern times is Professor
H. Stille's monumental book, 'Grundfragen der vergleichenden Tektonik'
(1924). If the conclusions of such a work could be summed up in a few
lines without impropriety or loss of sense, they would read somewhat
as follows:—
1. Orogenic movements are episodic, world-wide and synchronous.
2. Epeirogenic movements have these same attributes.
3. Orogenies synchronize with regressions outside the mobile belts
(opposite of Haug's 'law').
All of these propositions have been debated in an interesting symposium
('Struktur und Zeit', Geol. Rundschau, 1950, vol. xxxviii, Heft 2), and
since a diagram from my 'Jurassic System in Great Britain' (1933) is
reproduced on the front page and the book is often quoted, it is appropriate
to enquire what contribution the Jurassic system has to make to these
fundamental problems, in the light of the data now available.
Those interested can go through the foregoing chapters for themselves,
collecting and resifting the innumerable instances of unconformities,
disconformities, pebble-beds, conglomerates, transgressions and regres­
sions. To marshal and appraise them all here would unduly lengthen
the book. The most important orogenic data have, however, been reviewed
in the preceding section of this chapter. No one appraising these data
with an unbiased mind can fail to be struck by the remarkably short
duration of the orogenic phases: Crickmay's first announcement of this
in 1931 for the Agassiz orogeny has been confirmed for the Nevadan
and is likely to be confirmed also for the Dunlap; it is also true for the
Diablan and Donetz. Just as striking is the correspondence in date
between orogenic episodes in western North America and the Crimea,
on the same polar great circle on opposite sides of the world. Here the

two principal American orogenies, Nevadan and Agassiz, turn out to be

recognizable on exactly the same horizons. Hence, despite the flat
contradiction by Krejci-Graf (1950, p. 120), the first of Stille's three
propositions, as enumerated above, seems valid for the Jurassic.
To preclude the implication that an orogeny called 'world-wide' should
have occurred everywhere, it would be as well to rephrase proposition 1
to read: 'Orogenies are episodic and tend to occur at the same time in
widely-separated parts of the world'.
As to proposition 2 : inspection of the table on p. 634 shows another
remarkable correspondence between the three main transgressions in
North and South America, the Middle Bajocian, Lower Callovian, and
Lower Kimeridgian. Correspondence between these two regions could
be greater than appears from the table, because the Hettangian and
Tithonian transgressions of South America could not be recorded in the
Western Interior of the United States for the good reason that the region
had been put out of reach of the sea by uplifts.
Transgressions at the same periods certainly took place in many parts
of the Old World also: notable examples are Middle Bajocian trans­
gression in Western Australia; Lower Callovian transgressions in Russia
and Arctic regions; Lower Kimeridgian transgressions in Algeria, Arabia,
the Middle East, and many parts of Europe. Synchronism is much less
striking, however, because there were so many more epeirogenic than
orogenic movements. It appears as though almost every stage, or even
substage, is transgressive somewhere; though in some places it is difficult
to make the needful distinction (pointed out by Stille) between a true
marginal transgression and a discordance or mere disconformity due to
immediately preceding localized movements. Nevertheless, proposition 2
can fairly be stated as follows: 2. 'Epeirogenic movements were more
numerous than orogenic, but the principal transgressions can be recog­
nized at the same horizons in many widely separated parts of the world'.
The third proposition, dealing with the relations between orogenic
and epeirogenic movements, was discussed at length by Stille, and his
conclusions as to the invalidity of Haug's 'law' are irrefutable. Owing
to the advocacy of Dacque in two authoritative papers (1910, 1911), in
which he made Lemuria (the eastern half of Gondwanaland) the test case
to prove Haug right, I have examined the evidence of the Middle Jurassic
transgressions surrounding the Indian and Pacific Oceans with particular
care and it seems worth stating the results, since they emphatically support
Stille's rejection of Haug's 'law'.
Dacque\ in confirmation of Haug's ideas, after marshalling all the
evidence then available, stated that 'the greater part of the geosyncline
surrounding Lemuria experienced a regression or shallowing of the sea
at the end of the Lias or beginning of the Bajocian; and corresponding
to this there was a simultaneous transgression over the continental margins'
(1910, p. 166). The same result was arrived at for the circum-Pacific
geosynclines and their borderlands (1911, p. 494).

Certainly the Bajocian and Bathonian faunas seem to be absent from the
Papuan geosyncline in central and SE. New Guinea, New Caledonia and
New Zealand, and also (with minor exceptions) in Japan, but there is
plenty of sediment in which they may yet be found, and the faunas are
present where these geosynclines meet the Tethys in Indonesia, which is
nearest to the transgressive Middle Bajocian of Western Australia. For
the rest of the vast length of these western Pacific geosynclines there is
no bordering continent with marine marginal Jurassics now above sea,
so it is impossible to say whether or not there was a transgression at this
time over adjoining continental land. At any rate none reached the
enclosed basin of east Australia.
On the eastern side of the Pacific the position is clear. The Middle
Bajocian transgression over vast areas in the Western Interior states and
Canada, already often mentioned, synchronizes perfectly in the Pacific
coast geosyncline with Middle Bajocian which is the thickest in the world.
No other interpretation is possible than that transgression over the Western
Interior was going on simultaneously with extremely rapid subsidence
in the Pacific coast geosyncline. An eleven-page analysis of North
American Jurassic stratigraphy in the state of knowledge in 1911 led Dacque
to the conclusion that it confirms Haug's 'law': but in fact it contradicts
it absolutely.
Similarly in the enormously thick geosynclinal series of the Caucasus,
the Toarcian and Bajocian are particularly well represented, whereas
according to Haug's 'law' they should be regressive there. The volcanic
developments in the southern Caucasus merely denote geosynclinal
The single unit 'Middle Jurassic', used by Haug and Dacque, is, of
course, much too crude. The transgressions over various continental
areas within the Middle Jurassic were by no means simultaneous (as
indeed Haug realized: 1900, p. 701). For instance, in Western Australia
the transgression over lake beds and crystalline basement was Middle
Bajocian, but in Transbaikal, on the edge of Angaraland, the Lias sea was
there already, and although both Lower and Upper Bajocian are present,
Middle Bajocian ammonites have so far not been reported. In Madagascar,
East Africa and central Arabia the transgression over the African shield
was early Toarcian (Bouleiceras beds) and marine Bajocian merely follows
on. In Cutch, Tunisia, Egypt (Suez) and Burma, the transgression was
Bathonian, and probably late Bathonian. These various transgressions,
therefore, were not synchronous with an alleged regression in the geo­
synclines 'at the end of the Lias or beginning of the Bajocian'.
Regressions from continental margins being marked mainly by negative
evidence (absence of expected faunas, which may be due to various causes),
they are less satisfactory to deal with than transgressions. It is therefore
preferable, indeed usually unavoidable, to proceed from the transgressions,
and to enquire how they are integrated with the signs of orogenic movement
within the mobile belts (table 27, p. 634). Accordingly, from the evidence

presented by the Jurassic system, the third proposition (p. 638) may be
restated as follows: 3. 'Orogenies within the mobile belts do not
synchronize with transgressions outside the mobile belts'. Rather, the
transgressions tend to follow orogenies. Table 27 shows that the Callovian
transgression is an exception, and this prompts enquiry whether there
was not somewhere a Bathonian orogeny still to be discovered ? Perhaps
the 'Matmatian' folding in southern Tunisia (p. 282) may turn out to be
of this age. The Bathonian is missing or peculiar in facies in many parts
of the world, and even where it is physically transgressive it is litho-
logically and palaeontologically in 'regressive facies' (Cutch, Burma,
Egypt, S. Tunisia). There is here a paradox requiring explanation.
Perhaps the transgressive beds (probably all late Bathonian) are merely
precursors of the Callovian transgression.
Haug strove to find in the transgressions over continental areas accom­
modation for water expelled from the geosynclines by orogenic compression
and uplift. Stille's conclusion, that the main mountain-building periods
in geologic history were periods of regression outside the mobile belts,
while obviously true, aggravates the problem if too many of the oceans
are supposed to be continents, as on Haug's maps. Stille postulated
'asylums' for the regressed waters in deeps within the mobile belts. If,
however, as was shown in Chapter 27 to be probable, the Pacific was an
ocean much as now, all the water drained from the continental margins
could be taken care of by modest depression of parts of the Pacific floor.
The volume of water in the Pacific (it has more than half the water
surface of the earth) is so huge that comparatively small movements of its
floor could account for all the observed transgressions and regressions.
That movements took place in the Pacific hemisphere as in the other
hemisphere there is no reason to doubt. Tertiary to recent movement
over large areas is proved by the coral reefs.
So far as our knowledge goes at present, it does not point to any master
plan of universal, periodic, or synchronized orogenic and epeirogenic
movements. The events were episodic, sporadic, not periodic. There
was no 'pulse of the earth'.
Different regions of the earth had different histories, but some spasms
in the mobile belts were great enough to affect very large areas. Perhaps
a strong spasm in one part of a mobile belt would touch off others at points
of weakness or mounting unbalance in distant parts of the globe. Move­
ments under the huge water reservoir of the Pacific could have repeatedly
caused world-wide changes of sea-level, but the effects of these would vary
according to the relief in different parts of the world and might often be
modified by local land movements.
It appears that tectonic events were controlled by magmatic and
compressional processes which went forward with ever-shifting emphasis
in both time and place, as the crust of the earth gradually adapted itself
to the shrinking interior.

2 s


Hils phase

Diablan orogeny



( = Yenshanian)


OXFORDIAN Agassiz orogeny

( = Yaila p h a s e )

BATHONIAN ? Matmatian phase

BAJOCIAN Donetz phase


D u n l a p orogeny


RHAETIAN ? Salghir phase Early Cimmerian

This list contains only works referred to in Chapter i and some of the older
classics. A fuller bibliography of the classification of the Jurassic will be found
in Arkell, 1946.
ARKELL, W. J. 1 9 3 3 . The Jurassic System in Great Britain (Oxford Univ.
ARKELL, W. J. 1 9 4 6 . . Standard of the European Jurassic, Bull. Geol. Soc.
Amer., vol. lvii, p. 1.
ARKELL, W. J. 1951-5. Monograph of the English Bathonian ammonites,
parts 1-5 (in progress), Pal. Soc.
B U C H , L. VON. 1837 ( 1 8 3 9 ) . Uber den Jura in Deutschland, Abh. kg. Akad. Wiss.
Berlin, 1837, p. 49.
H O L M E S , A. 1 9 4 7 . The construction of a geological time-scale, Trans. Geol.
Soc. Glasgow, vol. xxi, p . 1 1 7 .
O P P E L , A. 1 8 5 6 - 8 . Die Juraformation Englands, Frankreichs und des siidwest-
lichen Deutschlands (Stuttgart).
O P P E L , A. 1 8 6 2 - 3 . Ueber jurassische Cephalopoden, Pal. Mitt. Mus. k. Bay.
Staates, vol. iii, p. 1 2 7 .
O P P E L , A. 1865. Die tithonische Etage, Z. Deutsch. Geol. Ges., vol. xvii,
P- 535-
O R B I G N Y , A. D ' . 1842-51. Paleontologie francaise. Terrains jurassiques.
Cephalopodes (Paris).
O R B I G N Y , A. D'. 1 8 5 2 . Cours elementaire de Paleont. et de Geol. strat., vol. ii
ROCHE, P. 1 9 3 9 . Aalenien et Bajocien du Maconnais, Trav. Lab. Geol. Lyon,
fasc. xxxv, m 6 m . 29.
SCHINDEWOLF, O. H. 1 9 5 0 . Grundlagen und Methoden der palaontologischen
Chronologie (Berlin).
TERMIER, H. & G. 1 9 5 1 . Les herbiers marins et la signification des faunes
pyriteuses, Extraits de la Revue Scientifique, an. 89, fasc. 1, no. 3309,
p. 1 6 .
W A A G E N , W. 1864. Der Jura in Franken, Schwaben und der Schweiz, Preis-
schrift Univ. Miinchen.


(since 1933)
AGER, D. V. 1 9 5 4 . The genus Gibbirhynchia in the British Domerian, Proc.
Geol. Assoc., vol. 65, p. 2 5 .
A I T K E N , W. G., & M C K E R R O W , W. S. 1 9 4 8 . Rhynchonellids of the Boueti
Bed, . . . Geol. Mag., vol. 85, pp. 1 9 , 1 7 6 , 178, 3 1 6 .
ANDERSON, F. W. 1939- Wealden and Purbeck Ostracods, Ann. Mag. Nat.
Hist. ( 1 1 ) vol. iii, p . 2 9 1 .
ANDERSON, F. W. 1 9 4 ° - Ostracoda from the Portland and Purbeck Beds at
Swindon, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. 5 1 , p. 3 7 3 .
ANDERSON, F. W. 1940a. Ostracod zones in the Wealden and Purbeck Beds,
Rep. Brit. Assoc. Adv. Sci. for 1939-40, vol. i, no. 2, p. 2 5 9 .
6 4

ANDERSON, F. W., & Cox, L. R. 1949. The 'Loch Staffin Beds' of Skye; with
notes on the molluscan fauna of the Great Estuarine Series, Proc. Roy.
Physical Soc, vol. xxiii, p. 103.
ARBER, M. A. 1943. T h e Microzoa Beds of the Inferior Oolite of Dorset,
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. liv, p. 113.
ARKELL, W. J. 1933. The Jurassic System in Great Britain (Oxford).
A R K E L L , W. J., & RICHARDSON, L. 1933. Borings into the Great Oolite at
Latton, near Cricklade, Wilts, and Ready Token, near Cirencester, Proc.
Cots. N.F.C., vol. xxiv (1931-3), p. 181.
ARKELL, W. J., RICHARDSON, L., & PRINGLE, J. 1933. T h e Lower Oolites
exposed in the Ardley and Fritwell railway-cuttings between Bicester and
Banbury, Oxford, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xliv, p. 340.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1934. The Corallian rocks in the new railway-cutting at Westbury,
Wilts., Geol. Mag., vol. lxii, p. 317.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1934a. The oysters of the Fuller's Earth, Proc. Cots. N.F.C.,
vol. xxv (1933), p. 21.
A R K E L L , W. J. 19346. Report of field meeting in the Isle of Purbeck, Whitsun
1934, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xiv, p. 412.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1935. The Portland Beds of the Dorset mainland, Proc. Geol.
Assoc., vol. xlvi, p. 301.
ARKELL, W. J. 1935a. O n the nature, origin and climatic significance of the
coral reefs near Oxford, Quart. J. Geol. Soc, vol. xci, p. 77.
A R K E L L , W. J. 19356. On the Lower Kimeridgian ammonite genera Pictonia,
Rasenia, Aulacostephanus and Ataxioceras, Geol. Mag., vol. lxxii, p. 246.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1935-48. Monograph on the ammonites of the English Corallian
Beds, Pal. Soc.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1936. The Corallian Beds of Dorset, Part I: The Coast, Proc.
Dorset N.H. Arch. Soc, vol. lvii, p . 59.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1936a. The Ammonite zones of the Upper Oxfordian of Oxford,
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Soc, vol. xcii, p. 146.
ARKELL, W. J., & others. 1936. Report on coral reef meeting at Wenlock Edge, the
Dudley district and the Oxford district, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. xlvii, p. 130.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1937. The zonal position of the Elsworth Rock, and its alleged
equivalent at Upware, Cambridgeshire, Geol. Mag., vol. lxxiv, p. 445.
ARKELL, W. J. 1937a. Report on ammonites collected at Long Stanton, Cam­
bridgeshire, and on the age of the Ampthill Clay, Summ. Progr. Geol.
Surv. for 1935, part 2, p. 64.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1938. The geol. of the site of the Bodleian extension in Broad
St. [Lamberti Zone, Oxford], Oxoniensia, vol. iii, p. 1.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1939. The ammonite succession at the Woodham Brick Co.'s
pit, Akeman St. Station, Bucks, and its bearing on the classification of the
Oxford Clay, Quart. J. Geol. Soc, vol. xcv, p. 135.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1939a. Map of the Corallian Beds between Marcham and
Faringdon, Berkshire, Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. 50, p. 487.
A R K E L L , W. J. 19396. Geol. of Oxfordshire. Victoria County History, Oxford­
shire, (Oxford).
ARKELL, W. J. 1939^. U-shaped burrows in the Corallian Beds of Dorset,
Geol. Mag., vol. lxxvi, p. 455.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1939c?. The Richardson collection of lamellibranchs from the
Fuller's Earth Rock, Proc. Dorset N.H. Arch. Soc, vol. Ix, p. 165.
A R K E L L , W. J. 1940. Report on Mollusca from the pebbly sand below the
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A R K E L L , W. J. 1940a. Fossils from the Fuller's Earth of the Weymouth anti­
cline, Geol. Mag., vol. lxxvii, p. 42.

ARKELL, W. J. 1 9 4 1 . The gastropods of the Purbeck Beds, Quart. J.

Soc, vol. xcvii, p. 7 9 .
A R K E L L , W. J. 1941a. Map of the Corallian Beds around High-worth, Wilts,
Proc. Geol. Assoc., vol. Iii, p. 7 9 .
A R K E L L , W. J. 1 9 4 1 c . Map of the Corallian Beds around Purton, Wilts., Wilts.
Arch. N.H. Mag., vol. xlix, p. 2 7 4 .
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western Japan, J. Geol. Soc. Japan, vol. xiv, p. 4 8 4 ; and Jap. J. Geol. Geog.,
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PIRES-SOARES, J. M. 1 9 5 3 . A proposito dos Aptychi da Ilha de Maio (Arquipelago
de Cabo Verde), Ministerio do Ultramar, Lisbon. (Also abstr. Bull. Soc.
Port. Sci. Nat., vol. xv, 1 9 4 5 , p. 1 0 5 . )
PRUVOST, P. 1939. Quelques observations sur le ph£nomene de plissement
dans les bassins houillers, Bull. Soc geol. France ( 5 ) vol. ix, p. 3 0 7 .
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SEWARD, A. C. 1 9 3 3 . Plant life through the ages, 2 n d ed. (Cambridge Univ.
SIMPSON, G. G. 1 9 5 2 . Probabilities of dispersal in geol. time, Bull. Amer. Mus.
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STAUB, R. 1 9 2 8 . Der Bewegungsmechanismus der Erde (Berlin).
STILLE, H. 1 9 2 4 . Grundfragen der vergleichenden Tektonik (Berlin).
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STILLE, H. 1 9 4 8 . Ur- und Neuozeane, Abh. Deutsch. Akad. Wiss. Berlin
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UREY, H. C , & others. 1 9 5 1 . Method for measurement of palaeo-temperatures,
Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., vol. lxii, p. 3 9 9 .
VASSOYEVICH, N., & others. 1 9 3 7 . The oilfields of the Georgian SSR, XVII
Int. Geol. Congr., Petroleum Excursion, fasc. 4 , p. 5 .
WILLS, L. J. 1 9 2 9 . The physiographical evolution of Britain (Arnold, London).
WILLS, L. J. 1 9 5 1 . A palaeogeographical atlas of the British Isles and adjacent
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WONG, W. H. 1 9 2 9 . The Mesozoic orogenic movement in Eastern China,
Bull. Geol. Soc. China, vol. viii, p. 3 3 .

Illustrations of the principal zonal index ammonites of the Jurassic, mainly

from the type specimens.
Plates 3 1 - 4 1 , Hettangian to Portlandian of the North-west European province.
Plate 4 2 , Oxfordian and Kimeridgian of the Tethys.
Plates 4 3 - 4 4 , Tithonian of the western Tethys.
Plates 4 5 - 4 6 , Volgian of Russia.
(20 of the 95 species here figured are from photos reproduced from my Jurassic
System in Great Britain, 1933, by kind permission of the Oxford University
The 'Opinions' referred to are decisions of the International Commission
on Zoological Nomenclature, published during 1 9 5 3 - 5 their Bulletin, upon
problems of nomenclature submitted to them by the author with the object of
protecting and stabilizing the names of zonal index ammonites.

Euasteroceras turneri (Sowerby), lectotype designated by Buckman, 1898.
(British Mus.). Alluvium ex Glacial Drift, Wymondham Abbey, Norfolk.
Type species of the genus Euasteroceras Donovan, 1 9 5 3 . Xo-66.
Asteroceras obtusum (Sowerby), chorotype after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxx, fig. 2 ) .
Charmouth, Dorset. The holotype is lost. (For the genus Asteroceras
Hyatt, 1866, see Opinion 324.) Xo-8.
Arnioceras semicostatum (Young & Bird), ? holotype, after Buckman ( 1 9 1 8 ,
Type Am. ii, pi. CXII). Robin Hood's Bay, near Whitby, Yorks. (Whitby
Mus.). Ventral view of another specimen after Hyatt. (For the genus
Arnioceras Hyatt, 1867, see Opinion 307.) X i - o .
Arietites bucklandi (Sowerby), chorotype after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxx, fig. 5 ) .
Keynsham, Somerset. Type species of the genus Arietites Waagen, 1 8 6 9 .
(Opinion 3 0 5 ) . X o - i s .
Schlotheimia angulata (Schlotheim), lectotype designated by Lange, 1 9 5 1 ,
after Lange ( 1 9 5 1 , pi. i, fig. 2 ) . Probably from Wellersen near Eimbeck,
Saxony. (Schlotheim Coll., Geol. Inst. Berlin). Type species of the genus
Schlotheimia Bayle, 1 8 7 8 (objective synonym Scamnoceras Lange, 1 9 2 4 ) .
(Opinion 323.) x 1 -o.
Schlotheimia angulata (Schlotheim), chorotype after Lange ( 1 9 5 1 , pi. i, fig. 5 ) .
Oldentrup, Saxony. X r o .
Psilocerasplanorbis (Sowerby), lectotype now designated, Watchet, Somerset.
Crushed in a shale. (British Mus.). Type species of the genus Psiloceras
Hyatt, 1867, designated by Spath, 1924. (Opinion 324.) X i-o.



Pleuroceras spinatum (Bruguiere), after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxxi, fig. 1 ) . Stoke-
s u b - H a m d o n , near Ilchester, Somerset. T y p e species of the genus Pleuro­
ceras Hyatt, 1 8 6 7 , designated by Fischer, 1 8 8 2 . (Objective synonym Palto-
pleuroceras Buckman, 1 8 9 8 . ) (Opinion 3 2 4 . ) Xi-o.

Amaltheus margaritatus (Montfort?) auct., after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxxi, fig. 2 ) .

S o u t h Petherton, Somerset. T y p e species of t h e genus Amaltheus Montfort,
1808. xo-8.

Prodactylioceras davoei (Sowerby), topotype, C h a r m o u t h , Dorset, after Arkell

( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxxi, fig. 3 ) . T h e holotype is lost. T y p e species of the genus
Prodactylioceras Spath, 1 9 2 3 . ( S y n o n y m Paralytoceras Frebold, 1 9 2 2 , non
Freeh, 1 9 0 2 . ) Xo-8.

Tragophylloceras ibex (d'Orbigny), after Arkell (1933, pi. xxxi, fig. 4). Branch
H u i s h , near Radstock, Somerset. X i - o .
Echioceras raricostatum (Zieten), holotype after Zieten ( 1 8 3 0 , pi. xiii, fig. 4 ) .
? Boll, W i i r t t e m b e r g . T y p e species of t h e genus Echioceras Bayle, 1 8 7 8 .
(Opinion 3 2 4 . ) X i - o .
Oxynoticeras oxynotum (Quenstedt), after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxx, fig. 1 ) . Stone-
house, near Stroud, Glos. T y p e species of t h e genus Oxynoticeras Hyatt,
1875. Xl-29-

Uptonia jamesoni (Sowerby), after Arkell ( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxxi, fig. 6 ) . Paulton,

Somerset. T h e holotype is lost. T y p e species of the genus Uptonia Buck-
man, 1898. xo-78.



1. Pleydellia aalensis (Zieten), h o l o t y p e after Z i e t e n (1830, pi. xxviii, fig. 3). Lias
of A a l e n , W i i r t t e m b e r g . X 1 -o.
2. Lytoceras (Pachylytoceras) jurense (Zieten), after Q u e n s t e d t ( 1 8 8 5 , pi. 4 7 , fig. 2 ) ,
c o p i e d from a d r a w i n g b y Z i e t e n . P r o b a b l y from U h r w e i l e r , Alsace. X o-go.
3. Hildoceras bifrons ( B r u g u i e r e ) , t o p o t y p e after A r k e l l
( 1 9 3 3 , pi. xxxii, fig. 3 ) .
W h i t b y , Y o r k s . ( N e o t y p e w a s figured b y B u c k m a n , 1 9 1 8 , T y p e A m . ii,
pi. cxiv.) T y p e species o f the g e n u s Hildoceras H y a t t , 1 8 6 7 . X i-o.
4 . Dactylioceras commune ( S o w e r b y ) , l e c t o t y p e n o w designated, W h i t b y , Y o r k s .
T h e aperture is c a r v e d as a snake's head. (British M u s . ) . X i - o .
5. Harpoceras falcifer ( S o w e r b y ) , h o l o t y p e , Ilminster, S o m e r s e t . (British M u s . )
T y p e species o f the g e n u s Harpoceras W a a g e n , 1 8 6 9 . ( O p i n i o n 3 0 3 . )

6. Dactylioceras tenuicostatum ( Y o u n g & Bird), c h o r o t y p e after A r k e l l (1933,

pi. x x x i i , fig. 6 ) . W h i t b y , Y o r k s . X o - 8 .



Witchellia laeviuscula ( S o w e r b y ) , l e c t o t y p e d e s i g n a t e d b y R o m a n , 1 9 3 8 , Inferior
Oolite, D u n d r y , Somerset. ( B r i t i s h M u s . ) T y p e species o f the g e n u s
Witchellia B u c k m a n , 1 8 8 9 . X i - o .
Sonninia sowerbyi ( S o w e r b y ) , h o l o t y p e , Inferior Oolite, Dundry, Somerset.
(Bristol C i t y M u s . ) X i - o .
Ludwigia murchisonae ( S o w e r b y ) , h o l o t y p e , Inferior O o l i t e , H o l m e , near
Portree, Isle o f S k y e . ( B r i t i s h M u s . ) T y p e species o f t h e g e n u s Ludwigia
Bayle, 1 8 7 8 , designated b y H . Douville, 1879. X C 3 4 .
Graphoceras concavum ( S o w e r b y ) , after A r k e l l ( 1 9 3 3 , p i . xxxiii, fig. 3 ) . Inferior
O o l i t e , n e a r S h e r b o r n e , D o r s e t . T h e h o l o t y p e ( B r i t i s h M u s . ) from t h e
Inferior O o l i t e b e t w e e n I l m i n s t e r a n d Y e o v i l , S o m e r s e t , has b e e n refigured
b y B u c k m a n , 1 8 8 7 , M o n . Inf. O o l i t e A m . , p i . ii, figs. 6 , 7 . X o - 8 .
Tmetoceras scissum ( B e n e c k e ) , h o l o t y p e after B e n e c k e ( 1 8 6 5 , p i . v i , fig. 4 ) .
Cape San Vigilio, Lake Garda, Southern Alps. T y p e species o f the genus
Tmetoceras B u c k m a n , 1 8 9 2 . X 0 7 .
Leioceras opalinum ( R e i n e c k e ? ) , after Q u e n s t e d t ( 1 8 4 9 , p i . vii, fig. 1 0 ) . R e i n -
e c k e ' s t y p e is lost a n d h i s figure is u n r e c o g n i z a b l e . Q u e n s t e d t ' s fig. 1 0 is
therefore ' r e g a r d e d as t h e arbiter o f w h a t is opalinus' ( B u c k m a n , 1 8 9 9 , M o n .
Inf. O o l i t e A m . , S u p p l t . , p p . x x x i v - v , x i i ) . T e u f e l s l o c h , near Boll, W i i r t t ­
e m b e r g . T y p e species o f t h e g e n u s Leioceras H y a t t , 1 8 6 7 , designated b y
B u c k m a n , 1 8 8 7 . S e e G . R . L e p s i u s , B e i t r . K e n n t n i s s Juraformation U n t e r -
Elsass ( L e i p z i g , 1 8 7 5 ) . X i - o .



1. Parkinsonia parkinsoni (Sowerby), lectotype* designated Buckman, 1908,
Inferior Oolite, near Yeovil, Somerset. (British Mus.) T y p e species of the
genus Parkinsonia Bayle, 1878, designated by H. Douville, 1879. Xo S4.
2. Garantiana garantiana (d'Orbigny), lectotype now designated, St Vigor,
Calvados. (d'Orbigny Coll., Paris, no. 2149C; photos from plaster cast.)
T y p e species of the genus Garantiana Mascke, 1907. (Opinion 324.) Xo-68.
3. Stephanoceras humphriesianum (Sowerby), lectotype* designated Buckman,
1908, Inferior Oolite, Sherborne, Dorset. (British Mus.) T y p e species of
the genus Stephanoceras Waagen, 1869, designated by Buckman, 1898.
(Opinion 324.) xo S7-
4. Teloceras blagdeni (Sowerby), holotype, Inferior Oolite, Sherborne, Dorset.
(British Mus.) T y p e species of the genus Teloceras Mascke, 1907. Xo 40.
5. Otoites sauzei (d'Orbigny), original figure from d'Orbigny (1846, pi. 139).
France, locality not specified. There is no specimen agreeing with this in
the d'Orbigny Collection. (Since this plate was printed a neotype has been
chosen and figured by Westermann, 1954, p. 89.) T y p e species of the genus
Otoites Mascke, 1907. Xo 7o.
6. 7. Strenoceras subfurcatum (Schlotheim), two syntypes in the Schlotheim
Collection, Berlin, after Bentz (1928, pi. 14, figs. 1, 26). Subfurcatus-
Schichten, Auerbach, Bavaria. Fig. 6 now designated lectotype. Xro
* T h e figuring of these specimens only, under the title 'Type specimens in the
Sowerby Collection', is here regarded as tantamount to designation of lectotypes.




1. Oppelia (Oxycerites) aspidoides (Oppel), holotype after Oppel (1862, pi. 47,
fig. 4 ) . Nipf. near Bopfingen, Wiirttemberg. T y p e species of the subgenus
Oxycerites R o l l i e r , 1 9 0 9 . ( O p i n i o n 3 2 4 . ) Xo'50.

2. Clydoniceras discus ( S o w e r b y ) , a f t e r A r k e l l (1933, pi. xxxv, fig. 2). Lower

Cornbrash, South Brewham, Somerset. (Oxford Univ. Mus.) The holo­
type, figured Arkell, 1 9 5 1 , p i . ii, fig. 2 ( L o w e r C o r n b r a s h , B e d f o r d ) is worn
and poorly preserved. Type species of the genus Clydoniceras B l a k e , 1905.
X 1 -o.

3. Tulites subcontractus ( M o r r i s & Lycett), lectotype designated by Buckman,

1921. Great Oolite, Minchinhampton, Glos. (Geol. Survey Mus., London.)

4. Procerites ( progracilis Cox & Arkell, holotype. (Am. gracilis

J. B u c k m a n n o n M i i n s t e r ) . Stonesfield Slates, M i n c h i n h a m p t o n Common,
near Cheltenham. (Manchester Mus.) Type species of the subgenus
Gracilisphinctes B u c k m a n , 1920. -
Xo 4Z.

5. Oppelia (Oxycerites) fallax (Gueranger) (=fusca auct.), after Arkell (1933,

pi. x x x v , 5). Basal Fuller's Earth, Broad W i n d s o r , Dorset. (Opinion 324.)
X i-o.

6. Zigzagiceras zigzag (d'Orbigny), Zigzag Bed, north Dorset (probably Broad

Windsor). (Oxford Univ. Mus.) Type species of the g e n u s Zigzagiceras
Buckman, 1902. Xo-76.




1. REINECKEIA ANCEPS (Reinecke). Gammelshausen, Wiirttemberg. Tubingen

Geol. Inst. T y p e species of the genus REINECKEIA Bayle, 1878. Xro.
2. ERYMNOCERAS CORONATUM ( B r u g u i e r e , d ' O r b i g n y ) , as i n t e r p r e t e d b y J e a n n e t , 1 9 5 1 .
Ironstone, Herznach, S w i t z e r l a n d , J. H . C a l l o m o n Coll., 1953, n o w Sedg­
u s
wick M -, Cambridge. Type species of the genus ERYMNOCERAS Hyatt,
1900. XC37.

3. SIGALOCERAS CALLOVIENSE (Sowerby), lectotype designated Arkell, 1933, Kellaways

Rock, Kellaways, Wilts. (British M u s . ) T y p e species of the genus SIGALO­

CERAS Hyatt, 1900. (Opinion 324.)

4. PROPLANULITES KOENIGI (Sowerby), lectotype designated Buckman, 1921, Kella­
ways Clay, [Rampisham?], Dorset. (British Mus.) (see Buckman, 1921,
T y p e A m . iii, p . 3 6 ) . X i-o.

5. KOSMOCERAS (GULIELMITES) JASON ( R e i n e c k e ) , t o p o t y p e , i n n e r w h o r l s , after Buck-

m a n (1924, T y p e A m . v, pi. D i l i ) . Gammelshausen, Wiirttemberg. (Alte
Akademie, Munich.) (For the genus KOSMOCERAS see Opinion 303.)
Buckman (1922, Type Am. iv, pi. C C C X X X I V B). Basal Callovian,
Ehningen, Wiirttemberg. (Oppel Coll., Munich, now lost.) Synonym
M . VERUS B u c k m a n : stabilisation b y the International C o m m i s s i o n on Zool­
o g i c a l N o m e n c l a t u r e a p p l i e d f o r : s e e B u l l . Z o o l . N o m e n c l a t u r e , 1 9 5 1 , vol. 2,
parts 6/8, p. 173.) Xo-7o.




Cardioceras cordatum ( S o w e r b y ) , l e c t o t y p e designated b y t h e International
C o m m i s s i o n o n Z o o l o g i c a l N o m e n c l a t u r e , O p i n i o n 2 3 5 ; after A r k e l l ( 1 9 4 6 ,
pi. xlviii, fig. 1 ) . L o w e r C a l c a r e o u s G r i t , S e e n d district, W i l t s . (British
Mus.) T y p e species o f t h e g e n u s Cardioceras N e u m a y r & U h l i g , 1 8 8 1 .
X i-o.
2 . Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) praecordatum R . D o u v i l l e , neotype designated b y
A r k e l l , 1 9 4 1 , after R . D o u v i l l e ( 1 9 1 3 , p i . v i i , fig. 7 ) . V i l l e r s , N o r m a n d y .
( S y n o n y m s douvillei M a i r e , praemartini S p a t h . ) X 1 -o.
3 . Cardioceras (Scarburgiceras) scarburgense ( Y o u n g & B i r d ) , h o l o t y p e after
Arkell (1939, pi. x , fig. 1). Oxford Clay, Scarborough, Y o r k s . (Whitby
M u s . ) T y p e s p e c i e s o f t h e s u b g e n u s Scarburgiceras B u c k m a n , 1 9 2 4 . X i-o.
4 . Quenstedtoceras (Pavloviceras) mariae ( d ' O r b i g n y ) , l e c t o t y p e designated B u c k -
m a n , 1 9 1 3 , after A r k e l l ( 1 9 3 9 , p i . x i , fig. 4 ) . V i l l e r s , N o r m a n d y . D ' O r b i g n y
C o l l . , Paris. ( F r o m plaster cast.) ( F o r t h e g e n u s Quenstedtoceras see
O p i n i o n 3 2 4 . ) Xi-o.
5. Creniceras renggeri ( O p p e l ) . ' R e n g g e r i m a r l s ' , O x f o r d C l a y , W o o d h a m P i t ,
B u c k s ; after A r k e l l ( 1 9 3 9 , p i . i x , fig. 1 8 ) . T h e h o l o t y p e , figured b y S o w e r b y
f r o m n e a r W e y m o u t h , is lost. T y p e s p e c i e s o f t h e g e n u s Creniceras M u n i e r -
C h a l m a s , 1 8 9 2 . Xi-o.
6. Quenstedtoceras (Lamberticeras) lamberti ( S o w e r b y ) , t o p o t y p e , O x f o r d C l a y ,
T i d m o o r P o i n t , W e y m o u t h . A u t h o r ' s C o l l . T y p e species o f t h e s u b g e n u s
Lamberticeras B u c k m a n , 1 9 2 0 . ( O b j e c t i v e s y n o n y m Bourkelamberticeras
B u c k m a n , 1 9 2 0 . ) ( O p i n i o n 3 2 4 . ) Xi-o.
7. Peltoceras athleta (Phillips), n e o t y p e , after S p a t h ( 1 9 3 1 , r e p r o d u c e d in A r k e l l ,
9 3 3 > pl- x x x v i i , fig. 7 ) . H a c k n e s s R o c k , S c a r b o r o u g h , Y o r k s . (British
M u s . ) T y p e species o f t h e g e n u s Peltoceras W a a g e n , 1 8 7 1 , designated b y
S c h i n d e w o l f , 1 9 2 5 . Xo-85.


1. Perisphinctes (Perisphinctes) cautisnigrae Arkell, holotype, after Arkell ( 1 9 3 5 ,
pi. i, fig. 1 ) . Trigonia clavellata Beds, Corallian Beds, near Osmington,
Dorset. (British Mus.) Xo-i7.
2 . Ringsteadia pseudocordata (Blake & Hudleston), holotype, after Buckman
( 1 9 2 5 , Type Am., v, pi. DXL). Ironstone, top of Corallian Beds, West-
bury, Wilts. (Geol. Surv. Mus., London.) Xo-23.
3 . Perisphinctes (Perisphinctes) variocostatus (Buckland), holotype, after Arkell
( 1 9 4 7 , pi. lxxvi, fig. 3 ) . Drift or Ampthill Clay, near Bedford. (Oxford
Univ. Mus.) Type species of the genus Perisphinctes Waagen, 1 8 6 9 . (Opinion
303.) Xo-25.
4 . Decipia decipiens (Sowerby), holotype, after Arkell ( 1 9 3 7 , pi. F, fig. 2 ) . Drift
ex Ampthill Clay. (British Mus.) Type species of the genus Decipia
Arkell, 1 9 3 7 . Xo SG.
5 . Perisphinctes (Arisphinctes) plicatilis (Sowerby), holotype, after Arkell ( 1 9 3 9 ,
pi. xxix, fig. 1 ) . Berkshire Oolite Series, Corallian Beds, Dry Sandford or
Marcham, Berkshire. (For the subgenus Arisphinctes see Opinion 3 0 6 . )

Subplanites ( wheatleyensis (Neaverson), holotype after
Neaverson ( 1 9 2 5 , pi. i, fig. 1). Wheatley, near Oxford. (British Mus.)
Type species of the subgenus Virgatosphinctoides Neaverson, 1 9 2 5 . Xo 57.
Gravesia gravesiana (d'Orb.), lectotype designated by Pavlow & Lamplugh,
1892, from Palaeontologia Universalis, no. 1 7 8 . Near Auxerre, Yonne,
France. Type species of the genus Gravesia Salfeld, 1 9 1 3 . Xo-68.
Rasenia cymodoce (d'Orb.), lectotype designated by Tornquist, 1 8 9 6 , the
original figure from d'Orbigny ( 1 8 5 0 , pi. 2 0 2 , fig. 3 ) . X i-o.
(It is believed that, like so many of d'Orbigny's types, the original specimen
is not in the collection and that the alleged lectotype figured in Palaeontologia
Universalis, no. 5 5 , and reproduced in my Jurassic System in Great Britain,
pi. xxxix, fig. 4 , belongs to another species; it appears to be a Triozites of
the Baylei Zone.)
Rasenia (Rasenioides) mutabilis (Sowerby), holotype, Horncastle, Lincolnshire.
(British Mus.) X i-o.
Pictonia baylei Salfeld, holotype, the original figure from Bayle ( 1 8 7 8 , pi.
lxvi, fig. 1). Cap de la Heve, Le Havre. (Application has been made to
stabilize P. baylei as type species of the genus Pictonia Bayle, 1 8 7 8 : Bull.
Zool. Nomencl. 1 9 5 1 , vol. 2 , parts 6 / 8 , p. 178.) Xo-62.
Aulacostephanus pseudomutabilis (de Loriol), lectotype designated by Durand,
1 9 3 2 ; the original figure from d'Orbigny ( 1 8 5 0 , pi. 2 1 4 , figs. 1 and 2 ) . No
type specimen resembling these figures is in the d'Orbigny Collection.
Type species of the genus Aulacostephanus Tornquist. 1 8 9 6 . (Opinion 3 0 2 . )




1. Titanites giganteus (SOWERBY), HOLOTYPE AFTER SOWERBY ( 1 8 1 6 , VOL. II, P I . 1 2 6 ) .


2. Glaucolithites gorei (SALFELD), HOLOTYPE AFTER DE LORIOL ( 1 8 7 4 , PI. II, FIG. 1).


(FIGD. ARKELL, 1 9 3 5 , P I . 2 6 , FIG. 2 ) . E M M I T HILL MARLS, PORTLAND SAND, ST
1936.) X 1 -o.

4. Pavloviapallasioides (NEAVERSON), HOLOTYPE AFTER NEAVERSON ( 1 9 2 5 , PI. III, FIG. 5 ) .

LONDON.) Xo-j6.

5. Pavlovia rotunda (SOWERBY), TOPOTYPE AFTER NEAVERSON ( 1 9 2 5 , PI. I, FIG. 6 ) .


6. Pectinatites pectinatus (PHILLIPS), TOPOTYPE, NEOTYPE, AFTER ARKELL ( 1 9 3 3 , PI. XL,

GENUS Pectinatites BUCKMAN, 1 9 2 2 . -
Xo 5.

Gravesia gigas (Zieten), holotype after Zieten ( 1 8 3 0 , pi. xiii, fig. 1). Ried-
lingen on the Danube. Xo-i4.
Hybonoticeras beckeri (Neumayr), lectotype designated by Spath, 1925, after
Neumayr ( 1 8 7 3 , pi. 3 8 , fig. 3 ) . Immendingen, Baden. Xo-62.
Streblites tenuilobatus (Oppel), holotype after Quenstedt ( 1 8 4 9 , pi. ix, fig. 16).
Weissensteiner Steige. Type species of the genus Streblites Hyatt, 1 9 0 0 .
X i-o.
Aspidoceras acanthicum (Oppel), lectotype designated by Roman, 1 9 3 8 , after
Neumayr ( 1 8 7 3 , pi. 4 1 ) . Tenuilobatus Zone, Thalmassing, Franconia.
(Oppel. Coll., Munich Mus.) Xo-35_
Epipeltoceras bimammatum (Quenstedt), holotype after Quenstedt ( 1 8 5 8 , pi.
7 6 , fig. 9 ) . Lochen, Wiirttemberg. Type species of the genus Epipeltoceras
Spath, 1 9 2 4 . Xi-o.
(Haug, 1 9 1 0 , Traite, p. 1 0 4 9 , replaced bimammatus as zonal index by
bicristatus, on the assumption that they are synonyms. Am. bicristatus
Blainville ( 1 8 4 0 ) was published without figure, dimensions or locality, and
since the description is inadequate and a search of the collections at Paris
has failed to produce any types, the name should lapse. Am. eugenio-
bicristatus Raspail ( 1 8 4 2 ) was well figured and can be seen from the figures
to be a different species: less tumid and less strongly and distantly ribbed than
bimammatus. I am indebted to the Centre d'Etudes et de Documentation
Paleontologiques, Paris, for kind help with this matter.)
Gregoryceras transversarium (Quenst.), holotype, after Salfeld ( 1 9 0 6 , pi. xi,
fig. 6 ) . Birmensdorf, Switzerland. (Tubingen Geol. Inst.) Type species
of the genus Gregoryceras Spath, 1 9 2 4 . X i-o.



1. Semiformiceras semiforme ( O p p e l ) , l e c t o t y p e n o w designated, after Zittel
(1870, p i . 28, fig. 8). M o n t e C a t r i a , Italy. Xo-6o.
2. Neochetoceras steraspis ( O p p e l ) , l e c t o t y p e n o w designated, after O p p e l (1863,
pi. 69, fig. 1 ) . L i t h o g r a p h i c slates, S o l n h o f e n . T y p e species of the genus
Neochetoceras S p a t h , 1 9 2 5 . Xo-6o.
3. Hybonoticeras cf. hybonotum ( O p p e l ) , after B e n e c k e (1865, p i . x i ) . V o l a n o ,
near R o v e r e d o , S o u t h e r n A l p s . T y p e species o f the genus Hybonoticeras
Breistroffer, 1947 ( = Waagenia N e u m a y r , 1878, n o n K r i e c h b a u m e r , 1 8 7 4 ,
nec B a y l e , 1878). Xo-37.
4. Anavirgatites palmatus ( S c h n e i d ) , h o l o t y p e after S c h n e i d ( 1 9 1 4 , pi. viii, fig. 5 ) .
N e u b u r g B e d s , N e u b u r g . T h i s w a s n a m e d b y S c h n e i d as alternative i n d e x
to his Ciliata Z o n e a n d is figured here because o f t h e doubtful generic
position o f ciliata a n d ease o f misidentification. Xo-so.
5 . Taramelliceras lithographicum ( O p p e l ) , h o l o t y p e after O p p e l ( 1 8 6 3 , p i . 68,
fig. 1 ) . L i t h o g r a p h i c slates, S o l n h o f e n . Xi-o.
6. Lithacoceras ulmense ( O p p e l ) , n e o t y p e after S c h n e i d ( 1 9 1 4 , p i . iv, fig. 3), desig­
n a t e d b y A r k e l l , 1 9 3 7 . L i t h o g r a p h i c slates, E i c h s t a t t . T y p e species o f t h e
g e n u s Lithacoceras H y a t t , 1900. Xo-46.


1. Berriasella calisto ( d ' O r b i g n y ) , t o p o t y p e , after M a z e n o t ( 1 9 3 9 , pi. iv, fig. 1 2 ) ,
Berriasian, A p r e m o n t . T h e species also o c c u r s in the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n .
X i-o.
2 . Berriasella privasensis (Pictet), l e c t o t y p e designated b y M a z e n o t , 1 9 3 9 , after
M a z e n o t ( 1 9 3 9 , pi. ii, fig. 3 ) , Berriasian, Berrias. T h e species also occurs
in the U p p e r T i t h o n i a n . T y p e species of the g e n u s Berriasella U h l i g , 1 9 0 5 ,
designated b y R o m a n , 1 9 3 8 . Xi-o.
3. Berriasella delphinensis ( K i l i a n ) , h o l o t y p e , after M a z e n o t (1939, pi. v i , fig. 15).
U p p e r T i t h o n i a n , C l a p s - d e - L u c . X 1 -o.
4 . Protacanthodiscus chaperi (Pictet), l e c t o t y p e designated b y M a z e n o t , 1 9 3 9 ,
after M a z e n o t ( 1 9 3 9 , pi. viii, fig. 7 ) . U p p e r T i t h o n i a n , A i z y . Xi-o.
5. Virgatosphinctes transitorius ( O p p e l ) , l e c t o t y p e n o w designated, after Zittel,
1 8 6 8 , pi. 2 2 , fig. 1 . U p p e r T i t h o n i a n , S t r a m b e r g . Xo-5s.


1. Virgatites virgatus ( v o n B u c h ) , h o l o t y p e after v o n B u c h ( 1 8 3 0 , p i . viii, fig. 1 ) .
B l a c k shales at K a r a s h o v o ( K o r o s h o v o ) o n t h e R i v e r M o s k v a , 2 leagues a b o v e
M o s c o w . T y p e species o f t h e g e n u s Virgatites P a v l o w , 1 8 9 2 , designated
b y R . D o u v i l l e , 1 9 1 0 . ( O b j e c t i v e s y n o n y m Euvirgatites L e w i n s k i , 1 9 2 3 . )

2 . Virgatites stschukinensis ( M i c h a l s k i ) ( l e c t o t y p e M i c h a l s k i ' s p i . v i , fig. 8 , n o w

d e s i g n a t e d ) , figured t o s h o w t h e v i r g a t o t o m e style o f r i b b i n g photographically,
a n d also t h e s u t u r e . M o s c o w district. (Geol. Survey M u s . , London.)
X i-o.
3 . Zaraiskites scythicus ( V i s c h n i a k o f f ) , l e c t o t y p e n o w designated, after V i s c h -
niakoff ( 1 8 8 2 , p i . iii, fig. 1 ) , M n i o v n i k i , near M o s c o w . G e n u s Zaraiskites
S e m e n o w , 1 8 9 8 (objective s y n o n y m Provirgatites L e w i n s k i , 1 9 2 3 ) . Xo-56.
4 . Dorsoplanites dorsoplanus ( V i s c h n i a k o f f ). V e n t r a l v i e w o f imperfect lectotype
n o w designated, after V i s c h n i a k o f f ( 1 8 8 ^ , p i . 1 , fig. 5 ) , X 2 / 3 , a n d side v i e w
of a m o r e c o m p l e t e s p e c i m e n after M i c h a l s k i ( 1 8 9 0 , p i . x i , fig. 2 ) . X o - 5 8 .
T h e l e c t o t y p e f r o m T a t a r o v o . T y p e species o f the g e n u s Dorsoplanites
S e m e n o w , 1 8 9 8 , designated b y R o m a n , 1 9 3 8 (objective s y n o n y m Poly-
tosphinctes S c h i n d e w o l f , 1 9 2 5 ) .

1. Riasanites rjasanensis (? Lahusen, 1 8 8 3 ) Nitikin; the first figures, after Nitikin
( 1 8 8 8 , pi. i, fig. 1). Ryazan. Type species of the genus Riasanites Spath,
1923. Xro.
2. Craspedites (Kachpurites) fulgens (? Trautschold, 1 8 6 1 ) , after Nikitin ( 1 8 8 1 ,
pi. vi, fig. 4 8 ) . Kamenik on the Upper Volga. Type species of the sub­
genus Kachpurites Spath, 1 9 2 3 , designated by Spath, 1 9 2 4 . X i-o.
3. Craspedites nodiger (Eichwald, 1 8 6 5 - 8 ) , after Nikitin ( 1 8 8 4 , pi. v, fig. 19).
Kotelniki, near Moscow. X 2 / 3 .
4. Craspedites subditus (Trautschold) ( = Am. koenigi d'Orb. non Sow.), after
d'Orbigny ( 1 8 4 5 , pi. 3 5 , figs. 3 , 4 ) . Koroshovo, on the Moskva, above
Moscow. X 1 -o.
5 . Lomonossovella [Titanites?] blakei (Pavlow), holotype, after Pavlow ( 1 8 8 9 ,
pi. ii, fig. 4 ) . Mniovniki, near Moscow. X i-o.
6. Epivirgatites nikitini (Michalski), lectotype now designated, after Michalski
( 1 8 9 0 , pi. xii, fig. 5 ) . Kashpur on the Volga. Type species of the genus
Epivirgatites Spath, 1 9 2 3 , designated by Spath, 1 9 2 4 . Xo-67.

The only authors indexed are the pioneers.
Alphabetical lists of authors will be found
in the bibliography, pp. 643-757.
Accepted zones are not indexed. For lists
see tables 1-3, pp. 10-12.

Aalenian stage, 8 Hautes Alpes, 1 5 6 - 7 ; High Calcare­

Abadia Marls, 2 3 8 ous Alps, 1 5 2 - 6 0 ; Maritime, 1 4 6 - 5 2 ,
Abai Beds, 3 0 6 map 6 9 ; northern limestone, 1 6 0 - 7 2 ;
Abbotsbury ironstone, 2 2 Prealps, 1 5 2 - 6 0 ; shortening of, 1 5 3 ,
Abur group, 3 9 2 1 6 1 ; southern, 1 7 3 - 8 ; Subalpine
Abyssinia, 3 0 3 - 6 , 3 1 3 - 1 6
ranges, 1 4 6 - 5 2 ; Transylvanian, 1 7 9 -
Acanthicus Beds, 1 5 7 , 1 6 7 , 1 6 8 , 1 7 3 - 4 ,
1 8 4 ; western, 1 5 2 - 6 0 ; volcanism in,
181-2, 186, 2 1 5 , 2 4 7 , 3 1 5 , 4 9 0 , 4 9 6
Achtala, 3 6 2 Alsace, 5 5 , 6 4 - 8 , map 1 0 6
Aden, 3 0 1 Alsorakos, 1 8 4 , map 1 8 0
Adigrat Sandstone, 3 0 4 , 3 0 6 , 3 0 7 , 3 1 0 , Alternans Zone, 4 9 6
312, 3 1 3 , 3 1 6 , 343 Amador group, 5 5 3 - 4
Adneth Beds, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 - 2 ; facies, 1 8 4 , America: Cordilleras of, 5 3 1 , 5 5 7 ;
349. 4 " . 4 1 2 Central, 5 6 1 , 5 6 5 ; diastrophism, 6 3 2 ;
Adyghe phase, 6 3 6 Gulf Region, 5 6 7 - 9 ; Middle, 5 5 7 ;
Afar, 3 0 3 , map 3 0 5 North, 5 2 9 , 6 2 8 - 9 , 6 3 2 - 4 ; palaeo­
Afghanistan, 3 7 9 , 3 8 1 , 3 9 8 , 4 0 1 , 4 0 3 geography, 5 3 2 fig. 8 4 , 5 5 8fig.8 8 ,
Africa, 2 5 3 ; Central, 2 5 6 ; East, 3 0 3 - 4 3 , 5 7 6 fig. 9 3 ; shields, 6 2 0 ; South, 5 7 5 ,
638; North, 2 5 7 - 2 8 3 , 6 2 4 - 5 . 637-8; 6 2 0 , 6 3 5 ; United States of, 5 3 2 - 4 ,
North-East, 2 8 4 - 9 ; South, 3 4 3 ; West, 5 4 4 - 5 6 , 5 6 6 - 9 ; volcanicity, 6 2 8 - 9
Ammonites as guide-fossils, 1 2 - 1 4 ;
African shield, 2 5 5 - 7 , 2 7 0 - 1 , 2 8 0 , 2 8 7 , as zonal indices, 1 0 - 1 2 , 1 4 , pis. 3 1 - 4 6 ;
318, 3 1 9 . 3 4 3 , 6 2 0 distribution, 6 0 7 - 1 3 ; habitats, 1 3
Agassiz orogeny, 539, 560, 633-4, 3 7 , 6

Ammonitico rosso: Oxfordian, 2 7 4 - 5 ;

642 Sinemurian, 2 1 8 ; Toarcian, 1 9 2 , 1 9 7 ,
Ages, 1 1 - 1 2 212, 217, 269, 279
Aghil Ranges, 4 0 5 , map 4 0 2 Ampthill Clay, 2 2
Aires d'ennoyage, 6 2 1 Amran Series, 3 0 1
Akigawa formation, 4 2 6 - 7 Amur geosyncline, 5 1 0 , 5 1 6
Alabama, 567-9
Anabar River, 5 1 2 - 1 3 , map 5 0 9
Alaska, 5 2 9 - 3 8 , 6 3 3 , map 5 3 7
Anatolia, 1 9 4 , 3 4 7 , 3 5 8 , 6 3 1 , pi. 2 0
Albania, 1 9 2 - 8 , map 1 8 0 Andalusia, 2 4 3 - 5 0 ; maps, 2 2 1 , 2 4 4
Alberta, 5 3 9 - 4 3 . P - 2 7 Andes, 5 7 5 - 8 8 , 6 3 5 , pi. 3 0
Alemannian land, 1 0 7 , 1 5 4 Andoe Island, 5 0 6 , map 5 0 0
Alexander I Land, 5 9 2 Angara Series, 3 8 1 , 4 0 1 - 2 , 5 0 8 - 1 2 , 5 1 4 ,
Alexandrae Zone, 4 7 7 - 8
Algeria, 257, 264-5, 270-80, pis. 1 1 , 12
Angaria, Angaraland, 6 2 0 , 6 3 1
Al Hills, 3 1 2 - 1 3 Ankara, 3 4 9 - 5 2
Alpinian stage, 8 Annam, 4 3 3
Alps: Basses Alpes, 1 4 6 - 5 2 , map 6 9 ; Anole Issa, 3 1 8
Bavarian 160-r; central, 1 5 2 - 6 0 ; Antalo Limestone, 3 0 4 - 7
Dinaric, 1 9 1 - 3 ; eastern, 1 6 0 - 7 2 ; Antarctica, 5 8 9 - 9 2 , 6 2 0
3 D
Apennines, 2 1 2 - 1 8 , map 2 0 0 Balin Oolite, 4 8 0 - 2
Aquilonian stage, 4 9 5 ,fig.7 8 Balkan Mts., 1 7 9 - 8 2 , 1 8 5 - 7 ; peninsula,
Aquitaine basin, 3 9 , 5 2 179 ff.; maps 180, 1 8 2 , 1 9 4
Arabia, 2 9 7 - 3 0 2 , 3 7 8 , pis. 1 7 , 1 8 Balmer Sandstones, 3 9 2
Arabo-Nubian massif, 2 8 4 , 2 9 2 , 3 0 0 , Balsas portal, 5 5 8
maps 2 8 5 , 2 9 8 Baltic region, 4 6 5 - 7 5 ; shield, 4 6 5 - 6
Arabo-Somali massif, 3 0 2 , 3 1 3 , 3 2 1 , Baluchistan, 3 9 6 - 9 , map 3 9 5
maps 2 8 5 , 2 9 8 Banat, 1 7 9 - 8 4 , map 1 8 0
Arab Zone, 2 9 7 Bankkalke, i n
Aratauran series, 4 5 3 Barbary, 2 5 5 , 2 5 7 - 6 0 , 2 7 1 , 6 2 4 - 5
Arato formation, 4 2 9 Bardera Series, 3 1 7 - 1 9
Arctic Ocean, 5 0 8 , 5 1 0 , 5 2 9 , 5 3 4 , 6 0 4 , Barents Shelf, 5 0 1 - 2 , map 5 0 0
6 1 6 , maps 5 0 0 , 6 1 3 Barnack Stone, 3 1
Arctic Slope, 5 2 9 - 3 0 , 5 3 4 , map 5 3 7 Barranca formation, 5 5 8
Ardassie Limestones, 2 3 Barrois, Calcaires du, 5 6 , 5 7
Ardeche, 7 1 - 9 Basin Ranges, 5 3 3
Ardennes, 3 9 , 5 5 , 5 9 , 6 1 , 6 2 , 6 4 , 6 6 , Bastion series, 4 5 3
68, 133 Bathonian stage, 7 , 1 0 ; type area, 2 7 ;
Ardescian stage, 8 ; type area, 7 1 ; in regression, 6 0 9 , 6 4 1 , map 6 0 8
France, 7 1 , 8 7 , 9 1 Bath Stone, 2 7 - 9
Argences, 4 7 , 4 8 Bayburt, 3 5 0 - 2 , pi. 2 0
Argentina, 5 7 7 - 5 8 8 Bayeux, 4 9 , 5 0
Argille scagliose, 2 0 3 , 2 1 3 Beacon Sandstones, 5 8 9
Argovian stage, 5 8 , 8 4 , 9 3 , 9 5 Beckeri Beds, 1 1 2 , 1 1 3 , 1 4 8 , 157
Arietenkalk, -bank, -pflaster, 1 2 9 - 3 1 Bedesar group, 3 9 2
Arizona, 5 4 5 - 7 , 5 5 ° Belemnite Marls, Shales, 3 6 , 3 3 8 , 3 8 9 ,
Arkansas, 5 6 7 - 9 393. 396, 399
Armatum Bed, 1 2 8 Belemnopsis gerardi Beds, 4 0 8
Arngrove Stone, 2 3 , 1 3 9 , 4 7 2 , 4 8 5 Belemnopsis sulcacutus Beds, 4 0 8
Asia: north and NE., 5 0 8 , 6 3 5 ; shields Belgium, 5 5 , 6 6 , 6 8
of, 5 0 8 , 6 2 0 ; south-central, 3 8 2 ; Bencliff Grit, 2 3
south-east, 3 9 4 ; south-west, 3 4 7 ; Bering Straits, 5 3 4
volcanicity, 6 2 9 - 3 0 Berriasian stage, 8 ; type area, 7 1 , 7 2
Asia Minor, 3 4 7 , 6 3 1 , pi. 2 0 Betic Cordilleras, 2 4 3 - 5 0
Aspidoides Schichten, 1 2 0 , 1 2 3 Bhuj Series, 3 8 7 , 3 9 2 , 4 1 7
Astartien, 9 3 Biancone, 1 7 4
Asturias, 2 3 4 , 6 0 3 Biarmatum Zone, 1 1 7
Atlantic Ocean, 6 0 1 - 4 Bielefeld, 1 4 1 - 4
Atlas Mts., 2 5 5 , 2 5 7 - 8 0 , 6 3 7 - 8 Bihen Limestone, 3 0 8 - 1 2
Attock, 3 9 9 - 4 0 1 Birmensdorf Beds, 9 3 , 9 5
Augsburg, 1 0 7 , 1 5 9 Black Forest, 3 9 , 8 0 , 8 1 , 9 6 , 1 0 5 - 7
Australia, 4 5 7 - 6 2 , 6 2 0 - 1 , 6 3 0 , pi. 2 3 Black Hills, 5 3 9 , 5 4 5 - 6 , 5 4 9
Australian shield, 4 3 2 , 4 4 5 - 6 , 4 5 7 , Black Jura, 1 0 8
620-1, 622-3, 626 Black Ven Marls, 3 6
Austria, 1 6 1 - 7 2 Blainville, Pierre de Taille de, 4 8
Aveyron, 6 9 , 7 0 , 7 6 - 9 Blaukalk, 1 2 3 , 1 2 4
Azerbaijan, 3 6 5 , 3 6 9 Blue Lias, 3 6 - 8
Bohemian Forest, 1 0 5 - 7 , 1 3 3 , 1 6 1 , 1 6 9 ,
Babar, 4 4 0 - 1 , maps 4 3 6 , 4 4 6 172, 173
Baden Beds, 9 2 - 9 4 Bokhara, 3 6 5 , 3 7 3 , 4 0 3 , 4 0 5
Bajocian stage, 7 , 1 0 ; type area, 5 0 , 5 1 Bolivia, 5 8 3
Bakony, 1 8 9 , map 1 8 0 Boll, 126, 1 2 7
Balaclava Shales, 3 5 5 Boreal realm, 6 0 6 , 6 0 9 - 1 5 , 6 1 6 ; spread,
Balearic Islands, 2 5 0 , map 2 2 1 610-12, 614
Balin, 6 4 Borneo, 4 3 4 , map 4 3 2
Bornholm, 4 6 5 , 4 7 4 , 4 7 5 Cape Flora, 5 0 1
Botucatu Sandstone, 5 8 8 Cape Mondego, 2 3 9 , 2 4 0
Bouleiceras Bed, 2 4 1 , 3 0 0 , 3 1 3 , 3 1 8 , Cape Range, 4 6 1 , map 4 5 9
3 4 2 , 3.98, 6 0 0 , 6 4 0 , pi. 1 8 . Cape Stewart formation, 5 2 8
Boulemane, Marnes de, 2 6 5 Cape Verde Islands, 6 0 2
Boulonnais, 4 0 - 3 Caracoles, 5 7 8 , 5 8 3 - 5
Boxworth Rock, 2 2 Carixian stage, 3 6
Brachiopods, 13 Carpathians, 1 6 2 , 1 6 3 , 1 6 5 , 1 6 8 , 1 7 0 - 2 ,
Bradford Clay, 2 7 , 2 8 1 7 9 - 8 4 , pi. 9
Brazilian shield, 5 7 5 , 5 8 8 Carrara Marble, 2 1 3 , 2 1 8
Breccia Nappe, 155 Caspian Sea, depression, 4 8 8 , 5 1 2 ,
Brecquereque, Calcaire de, 4 2 map 4 8 6
Brenztaloolith, n o , 111 Castor and Pollux Zone, 1 1 9
Brianconnais geanticline, 1 5 3 , 1 5 9 , 1 6 0 Catalonia, 2 2 5 , 2 2 7 - 3 2
Bridport Sands, 3 5 Caucasus, 3 5 5 - 6 4 , 6 3 0 , 6 3 6
British Columbia, 5 3 8 - 4 4 , 6 3 2 - 3 , pi. 2 6 Causses, 6 9 , 7 0 , 7 6 , 7 7 , 2 5 8 , 2 6 2 , 3 4 1 ,
British Isles, 1 7 - 3 8 342
Brno (Brunn), 1 6 9 Cayetano formation, 5 7 0 - 1
Brora, 2 3 - 6 Celebes, 4 3 6 - 7 , 4 4 1
Brown Jura, 1 0 8 Central America, 5 6 1 , 5 6 5
Brunembert, Gres de, 4 2 Cephalopod Bed, 3 5
Bruquedale, Calcaire de, 4 1 , 4 2 Ceram, 4 3 6 , map 4 4 6
Buch, Leopold von, 8 , 1 0 8 , 1 7 4 Cerin, 2 2 2
Buckman, S. S., 6 , 1 1 , 2 1 , 2 6 - 7 , 3 1 - 4 , Cevennes, 6 9 , 7 0 , 7 4 , 7 6
36, 5 5 , 102, 104, 143-4, 176, 2 6 5 , Ceylon, 3 8 2
417- 6 3 7 Chailles, 5 8 , 5 9
Buckner formation, 5 6 8 - 9 Champfromier, 1 0 4
Bulgaria, 1 8 5 - 7 Chanaz, 9 7 - 9
Bundnerschiefer, 1 5 4 Changamwe Shale, 3 2 1 - 2
Bureya River basin, 5 1 6 , map 5 0 9 Chapiza formation, 5 7 8
Burma, 4 1 4 - 1 7 Charcot Bay Sandstone, 5 2 2 , 5 2 6
Buru, 4 3 6 , map 4 4 6 Chari group, 3 8 6 , 3 9 0
Busk, 4 7 9 , map 4 6 6 Chatillon, Gres, Marnes de, 4 2
Chaumont, Oolithe de, 6 1
Cabaco Beds, 2 3 9 Chersonian orogeny, 6 3 6
Caen, Calcaire de, 4 9 Chiapas, 5 6 5 - 6
Caillasses, 4 8 , 4 9 , 6 2 Chidamu Beds, 4 0 6 , 4 0 7
Calabria, 2 1 1 , map 2 0 0 Chihuahua, 5 6 6 , map 5 6 0
Calcaire a entroques, 6 3 , 6 4 , 7 8 , 7 9 , Chile, 5 7 7 - 8 0 , 5 8 3 - 8
352 China, 4 1 5 - 6 , 5 0 9 - 1 1 . 6 3 5
Calcaire ocreux, 6 6 Chinitna Shale, 5 3 5 - 6
Calcareous Grit, 2 3 , 2 4 Chisik Conglomerate, 5 3 5 - 6 , 6 3 3
California, 5 5 1 - 4 ; Lower, 557; Gulf of, Choin, 7 5 , 9 9 , 1 0 1
557 Chomerac, 7 1 , 7 2 , 8 9 , 9 1 , 2 7 2
Callovian stage, 7 , 1 0 ; type area, 9, 2 5 Chubut, 5 8 3 , 5 8 6
Calpionella, 147, 156, 1 6 1 , 165, 174, Cimbria, 1 3 6 , 4 6 7
181, 2 0 4 , 2 1 3 , 2 4 6 , 2 5 1 , 2 7 1 , 2 7 2 , Cimmerian, 1 8 9 , 3 5 3 - 4 , 6 3 6 , 6 4 2
352, 4 1 1 - 1 3 , 4 5 8 Cinder bed, 1 9
Canada, 528-33, 538-44, map 5 3 7 , Ciret, 7 7 , 7 8 , 1 0 1
pis. 2 5 , 2 6 , 2 7 Claps de Luc, 1 4 8
Canadian shield, 5 3 1 , 5 4 4 Classification, 4 - 1 4
Cancellophycus, 7 9 , 124, 150, 159, 2 3 2 , Climate, 6 1 5
249, 2 6 5 , 2 7 6 Clipsham Stone, 3 1
Canning River, 5 2 9 , 5 3 0 Cluse de Chaille, 8 5 - 9
Cantabrian Mts., 2 2 5 , 2 3 4 , map 2 2 1 Clypeus Grit, 3 1

Coast Ranges, 53J>5. 538, 5 5 1 - 4 . 5 5 7 , Dalle d'Etain, 6 1

633 Dalle nacree, 60, 7 5 , 97
Cochin China, 433, 435 Dalmatia, 1 9 1 - 8 , map 180
Coimbra Beds, 243 Dalnashin window, 3 7 7
Colombia, 5 7 7 - 8 0 , 5 8 7 Dampier Land, 4 5 7 - 9
Colorado, 547, 5 4 9 Danakil horst, 303, 306
Colpitts group, 555 Danau formation, 434
Conflans, Marnes de, 61 Dancalia, 3 0 6 - 7 , map 305
Continental drift, 603, 605 Dar-es-Salaam, 3 2 6 - 3 3 0
Continental intercalaire, 256 Daua Limestone, 3 1 7 , 3 1 9
Cook Inlet, 5 3 5 - 8 Deister, 1 3 4 , 1 3 7 ; phase, 1 3 3 , 138,
Coquillot, Argile du, 43 642; Sandstone, 134, 135
Corallian Beds, 2 2 - 4 Deltaic Series, 3 2 , 1 9 9 , 4 6 7 , 473"4,
Corallien, 93; compacte, 58 52i
Coral Rag, 23, 58 Denmark, 4 6 6 - 8 , 4 7 2 - 5
Coral reefs, distribution, 6 1 5 , 6 1 7 Dhofar, 302
Corfu, 195, 196, 198 Dhosa Oolite, 389
Cornbrash, England, 26-8; France, Dhruma formation, 299
43, 48, 6 1 , 7 5 ; Germany, 1 1 9 , 120, Diablan orogeny, 5 5 2 , 6 3 3 - 4 , 642
134, 141 Diastrophism, 6 3 2 - 4 2 ; dating of, 638-
Corniola, 2 1 8 42
Coroa Mombasa Limestone, 3 2 1 , 323 Didimtu Hill, 3 1 8
Coronaten-Schichten, 122, 123, 142 Dinaric Alps, 1 9 1 - 3 , map 180
Correlation, 5 - 1 4 Diphya Limestone, 174, 181
Corsica, 218, map 200 Dives, Marnes de, 4 7
Costa Rica, 558 Djurdjura Mts., 2 7 1 , 272, 279, 280
C6te d'Or, 58, 5 9 , 6 7 , map 40 Dobrogea, 188, map 180
Cotswold Hills, 2 7 - 3 5 ; Sands, 35 Doernten, 1 4 4
Cotton Valley group, 5 6 8 - 9 Dogger, 33, 108, 109, 123-5
Crackment Limestone, 2 7 , 30 Domerian stage, 8, 35; type area, 1 7 7
Cracow, 4 7 6 , 4 8 0 - 3 , map 4 6 6 Donetz, 4 8 4 - 7 ; phase, 3 5 5 , 6 3 6 - 7 , 642
Creche, Gres de la, 4 2 Donovan formation, 5 5 6
Crenularis Beds, 9 3 , 94 Ddshult formation, 4 7 5
Cretaceous system, base of; see Dothan group, 5 5 3
Berriasian stage Doulting Stone, 31
Crete, 193, 195 Dresden area, 138, 140, 169
Creue, Calcaire de, 58 Dubisian stage, 8
Creully, Pierre de Taille de, 48 Dun Caan Shales, 3 5
Crimea, 353, 358, 630, 636, 6 3 7 Dundry, 31
Cross Hands Rock, 28, 29 Dunlap formation, 5 5 2 , 555; orogeny,
Crussol, 70-9, fig. 8, 228, 359, pi. 4 559, 632, 634, 636-7, 642
Cualac, 564 Durango, 559, 5 6 1 - 4
Cuba, 5 6 9 - 7 3 Duruma Sandstone, 319, 326
Cumberland Bay Series, 5 9 1
Curtis formation, 549 Eagle Mills formation, 5 6 8 - 9
Cutch, 3 8 4 - 9 2 Edgar Range, 4 5 8
Cyprus, 3 4 8 - 9 , 3 5 2 Effingen Beds, 93, 95
Czechoslovakia, 1 6 2 - 7 2 , pi. 9 Egypt, 2 8 4 - 9 3 , 5 9 6 , pis. 1 3 , 14
Czestochowa (Czenstochau), 4 7 6 , 4 7 9 , Einbeckhausen Plattenkalk, 1 3 5 - 7 , 4 7 7
480, map 4 6 6 Elatmae Zone, 4 9 8 - 9
Czetechowitz, 168-9 Elburz Mts., 3 6 7 - 7 3
Eller Beck Bed, 33
Daghani Shales, 309 Elphinstone Beds, 378
Daghestan, 3 5 7 - 6 4 Elsworth Rock, Series, 24, 46, 4 7 1
Daido formation, 424 Emmet Hill Marls, 20
Engelberg, 1 5 9 Gara, Jebel, 3 7 6
England, 1 7 - 3 8 , pis. 1, 2 , 3 Gastropods, 1 3
Eo-Nippon, 4 1 8 - 1 9 , 4 2 4 , 4 2 6 - 7 Gawan Limestone, 3 0 8 - 1 2
Epeirogenic movements, 6 3 2 ff . , 6 3 8 - 9 ; Geissberg Beds, 9 3 , 9 4 , 9 5
influence on evolution, 3 - 4 Geosynclines, 6 1 9 , 6 2 3 - 7
Equador, 5 7 7 - 8 0 , 5 8 7 - 8 Geraldton district, 4 5 9 , pi. 2 3
Eritrea, 3 0 6 - 7 Germany, 1 0 5 - 4 5 , 4 6 5 - 7 4 , maps 1 0 6 ,
Ernstbrunn Limestone, 1 6 6 - 7 1 3 2 , 1 3 7 , 4 6 6 , pis. 7 , 8
Espinazito Pass, 5 8 5 Ghar Rouban, 2 6 0 , 2 7 1 - 3 , 2 7 6 - 8 0 , 2 8 3 ,
Estuarine Series, 2 7 , 2 8 , 3 2 , 3 3 pis. 1 1 , 1 2
Ethiopia, 3 0 3 - 6 , 3 1 3 - 1 6 Gibraltar, 2 4 5 , 2 4 8 - 5 0 , pi. 1 0
Ethiopian province, 6 0 7 , 6 1 4 Giganteustone, 1 2 3
Euxenic Swell, 1 7 9 Gigas Beds, 1 3 5 , 1 3 7 , 1 3 8
^Exotic blocks of Malla Johar, 4 0 9 , Gingen, 1 2 4
pi. 2 0 Giron formation, 5 7 8
Giumal Sandstone, 3 9 9 , 4 0 0 , 4 0 7 , 4 1 0 ,
Faiyum, 5 9 6 412
Falkland Islands, 5 9 1 Glandarienkalk, 2 9 0 , 2 9 3 - 6 , 3 0 9
False breccias, 2 0 4 , 2 4 4 ; origin of, Glauconit-Bank, 1 1 4
146, 1 4 7 , 6 2 5 Glauconitic Series, 5 2 5
Faringdon Oolite, 2 3 Glos, Sables de, 4 6
Farsia, 3 0 2 Glossopteris flora, 3 3 6 , 3 8 3
Fascally Sandstone, 2 5 Golden Oolite, 3 9 0 , 3 9 3
Faucille, 9 4 , 9 5 , 9 8 Goldschnecken, 1 0 8 , 1 1 8 , 1 1 9
Faunal realms and provinces, 6 0 6 - 1 5 Gondwana system, 3 8 2 - 4 ; -land, 600,
Felsenkalk, 1 1 2 , 4 7 6 , 4 7 9 602, 6 2 0
Ferghana, 4 0 1 Gorodistche Clays, 4 9 0 , 4 9 6
Fernie group, 5 3 9 " 4 4 Grahamland, 5 8 9 - 9 2
Ferrugineus Beds, 9 9 , 1 0 1 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 3 Grande Oolithe, 9 9
Fezzan, 2 8 3 Gravelotte, Marnes de, 6 4
Firth River, 5 2 9 , 5 3 0 Great Oolite Series, 2 7 - 3 0 , 6 2
Flag Hill series, 4 5 3 Greece, 1 9 3 - 8 , maps 1 8 2 , 1 9 4 , 196
Fleckenmergel, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 - 2 , 1 9 2 Green Ammonite Beds, 3 6
Forest Marble, 2 7 , 2 8 , 6 1 Green Beds, 5 4 0
Greenland. 5 2 1 - 8 , 5 3 4 , pi. 2 4
Formations, 4
Formosa, 4 2 0 Grenoble, 8 1 , 8 5 , 8 6 , 8 8 , 1 4 6 , 1 4 8
Gresten Beds, 1 6 1 , 1 7 1 - 2 ; facies, 1 7 9 ,
Fosse vocontienne, 146, 1 4 7
Frame folding, 1 3 3 184, 190, 3 5 5 , 3 6 3 , 465
France, 3 9 - 1 0 4 , 2 2 0 - 4 , maps 4 0 , 6 9 , Grober Oolith, 9 9 , 101
2 2 1 , 2 2 6 , pis. 4 , 5 Gryphite Grit, 3 2
Franciscan formation, 5 5 3 - 4 Guatemala, 5 6 5
Franconian Alb, 1 0 5 Guerrero, 5 6 0 , 5 6 4
Frankendolomit, i n Guillestre Marble, 1 5 6 - 8
Franz Joseph Land, 5 0 1 - 2 , 5 0 6 Gulf coastal plain, 5 6 7 - 9 , 6 3 4
Freixial Beds, 2 3 7 Gulf of Mexico, 5 5 7 , 5 6 7
Freshwater beds, 1 8 , 1 9 , 2 8 , 3 0 , 6 3 , Gypsum formation, 5 8 3 - 4
77, 8 5 - 9 2 , 134-6, 2 2 7 - 8 , 424-5,
Gypsum Springs formation, 5 5 0
461-2, 547, 588, 596, 616
Frodingham Ironstone, 3 7 Hackness Rock, 2 5 , 4 9 7 , 4 9 9 , 5 0 1
Fuller's Earth, 2 7 - 3 0 , 4 9 , 6 2 , 121 Haiti, 5 7 3
Furcil, Marnes du, 9 9 Hambleton Oolite, 2 4
Hampen Marly Beds, 2 9 , 6 1
Hanifa formation, 2 9 9
"Gahodleh Shales, 3 0 9 Hanover area, 1 3 2 - 4 5
"Galice formation, 5 5 3 - 4 Harford Sands, 3 4
7 9 8 INDEX

Harrar, 3 0 3 , 3 1 3 - 1 6 Hyde formation, 5 5 5

Harrison Lake, 5 3 9 - 4 1 , 6 3 3 Hydrequent, Sables d', 4 1 , 4 3
Hartwell Clay, 2 0 Hypselum Beds, 1 1 6
Hartzfjaeld Sandstone, 5 2 3 - 4
Harz foreland, 1 3 3 , 1 3 7 , 1 4 5 Iberian Ranges, 2 2 5 - 3 4 , m a
P 22
Hashiura Group, 4 2 9 peninsula, 2 2 0
Haug's law, 6 3 8 - 4 0 Idaho, 5 5 0
Hauptrogenstein, 6 4 , 9 9 - 1 0 1 , 2 0 1 He Cremieu, 8 o , 8 1 , 9 4 - 8 , 1 0 4
Haute-Marne, 5 7 , map 4 0 Impressa Mergel, 114, 1 1 6
Havre, Le, 4 5 , 4 6 Indersk Hills, 4 8 8 , map 4 8 6
Hawasina Series, 3 7 8 - 9 India, 3 8 2 - 4 0 9
Hawkesbury Clay, 2 8 , 2 9 Indian Ocean, 6 0 0
Hazara, 3 9 9 Indian shield, 3 8 2 - 4 , 3 9 4 , 4 1 6
Hazelton group, 5 4 2 Indo-China, 4 3 3
Hebrides, 2 3 , 2 8 , 3 1 - 3 , 3 5 - 8 , map 17 Indonesia, 4 3 1 , 4 3 5 - 4 1 , maps 41
Heersum Beds, 1 3 9 , 4 7 2 446
Heilsberg boring, 4 6 7 , 4 7 0 , 4 7 2 , map Indre, 5 5 . 6 3 , 6 7
466 Inferior Oolite Series, 3 1
Helsingborg formation, 4 7 5 Infra-Valanginian, 1 3 5
Hennequeville, Couches d', 4 6 Inkstone group, 4 2 2 - 4
Hens' Cliff Oolite, 2 7 , 2 9 Inselbergs of the March Plain, i(
Herault, 6 9 , 7 4 166, map 1 6 1
Herznach, 9 6 , 9 7 Interior System of Canada, 5 3 3
Hesdin l'Abbe, Oolithe d', 4 2 Ionian Isles, 1 9 3 - 8
Hessian Strait, 1 3 1 , 1 3 2 Iran, 3 6 6 - 7 8
Heterian series, 4 5 3 - 5 Iraq, 2 9 7 , 3 7 6
Hettange Sandstone, 6 8 Ireland, 3 7 , 3 8 , map 17
Hettangian stage, 7 , 1 1 ; type area, 6 8 Irkutsk amphitheatre, 5 0 8 , 5 1 0
Hierlatz Limestone, 1 7 2 Iron Gates, 1 7 9 - 8 3 , 1 8 5
Highworth Beds, 2 3 , 1 3 9 , 3 2 9 Isalo Sandstone, 3 4 3
Hilarion Limestone, 3 5 2 Israel, 2 9 2 , map 2 8 8
Hils phase, 1 3 3 , 6 4 2 Italy, 1 7 3 - 8 , 1 9 9 - 2 1 8 , map 2 0 0
Himalayas, 3 9 4 , 3 9 9 - 4 1 4 , 6 2 4 , 6 2 6 - 7 Itoshiro formation, 4 2 5
Himamalayan realm, 6 0 7 Izee group, 5 5 5
Hinton Sands, 2 8
Hispaniola, 5 7 3 Jabalpur formation, 3 8 4 , 3 9 2
Hith Anhydrite, 2 9 8 Jabbok, Wadi, 2 9 3 , 2 9 6
Hoganas series, 4 7 5 Jaekeli Zone, 4 7 1
Hohmatt, 1 5 7 - 8 Jagua formation, 5 7 0 - 3
Hohn stein, 1 3 8 , 1 4 0 Jaisalmir, 3 9 2 , map 3 9 5
Hokkaido, 4 1 8 , 4 2 0 Jameson Land, 5 2 2 - 8
Hokonui Hills, 4 5 6 , map 4 5 2 Japan, 4 1 8 - 2 9 ; correlations, 4 2 3
Holland, 4 6 7 Jarnisy, Marnes du, 6 2
Holzmaden, 1 0 8 , 1 2 7 Jasna Gora, Beds, 4 7 6 , 4 7 9 - 8 1
Honduras, 5 6 5 - 6 Jaumont, Oolithe de, 6 4
Hong Kong, 4 3 3 Jehol fauna, 5 1 1
Hook Norton Limestone, 3 0 , 4 9 Jilh formation, 3 0 0
Hope Bayflora,5 9 1 Jordan, 2 9 2
Horsetown formation, 5 5 3 Jubaila Limestone, 2 9 9
Hosoura formation, 4 2 9 Jubaland, 3 1 6 - 9 , map 3 0 5
Houllefort, Calcaire d', 4 2 Juba Limestone, 3 1 7
Huayacocotla formation, 5 6 5 Jugoslavia, 1 8 5 - 6 , 1 9 1 - 3 , maps 1 8 0 , 1
Huizachal formation, 5 5 9 , 5 6 3 Julfa Gorge, 3 6 5 , maps 3 5 6 , 3 7 3
Humeralis Beds, 1 3 5 , 1 3 9 Junction Bed, 3 5
Hungary, 1 8 9 - 9 1 , map 1 8 0 Jura Mountains, 8 0 , 6 3 7 - 8 , pis. 5 , 6
Jurassic system: classification, 3 - 1 4 ; Kootenay Sandstone, 5 3 9 , 5 4 0 , 6 3 4 ,
climate, 3 , 6 1 5 - 1 8 ; diastrophism, 3 , pi. 2 6
6 3 2 - 6 4 2 ; duration in years, 3 ; fauna Korallenoolith, 1 3 9 , 1 4 0
and flora, 3 , 1 2 - 1 4 , 6 0 6 - 1 5 ; sub­ Korea, 4 2 4 , map 4 1 9
divisions, 7 , 8 , 1 0 - 1 2 ; volcanism, 3 , Kossen Beds, 1 7 2
628-31 Kratogens, 6 1 9
Jusanhama Group, 4 2 9 Kuar Bet Beds, 3 9 1 , 4 0 0
Jutland, 4 6 6 - 8 , 4 7 4 Kuban, 3 5 7 , 3 5 9 - 6 3
Kuen Lun, 4 0 4 , 4 0 5 , 6 2 6
Kachh, 3 8 4 Kupferfelsbank, 1 3 0
Kahlberg, 1 3 4 Kurdistan, 3 7 6 , map 3 5 6
Kalisz, 4 7 6 , 4 7 8 , map 4 6 6 Kutch, 3 8 4
Kambe Limestone, 3 2 1 , 3 2 5 Kuzuryu formation, 4 2 5
Kanin peninsula, 4 9 9 , map 4 8 6 Kwa Dikwaso, 3 2 8 , 3 3 9
Kantcote Sandstone, 3 8 9
Karakorum, 4 0 4 - 5
.Karroo system, 3 2 6 , 3 3 6 , 3 4 3 Laberge Series, 5 4 3
Kashpur, 4 9 2 , 4 9 4 - 5 , map 4 8 6 Lagagima Limestone, 3 0 5
Kathiawar, 3 9 2 , map 3 8 5 La Gloria formation, 5 5 9
Katrol group, 3 8 6 - 8 Lake Baikal, 5 1 0 , map 5 0 9
Katslosa formation, 4 7 5 Lake Balaton, 1 8 9 , 1 9 0
Kawhia Harbour, 4 5 1 - 6 , pi. 2 2 Lake Elton, 4 8 8 , map 4 8 6
Keeuw, 4 3 8 - 9 Lake Garda, 1 7 3 - 7
Kelheim Diceraskalk, 1 1 0 - 1 2 , 1 6 8 Lake Urmia, 3 6 6 , 3 7 0 , 3 7 4 , map 3 5 6
Kellaways Beds, 9 , 2 6 Lake Walloon, 4 6 1 - 2 , map 4 5 7
Keltiberikum, 2 2 5 Lamellibranchs, see Pelecypods
Kemble Beds, 2 7 - 2 9 Lamoriciere, 2 7 2 , 2 7 3
Kent Conglomerate, 5 3 9 , 6 3 3 Langenbriicken outlier, 1 2 9 , map 1 0 6
Kenya, 3 1 6 - 2 5 , maps 3 0 5 , 3 2 0 , 3 2 4 Langres plateau, portal, 3 9 , 5 5 , 6 6 , 6 9 ,
Kesiktash, 3 4 9 , 3 5 0 - 1 8 3 , maps 4 0 , 8 1
Ketton Stone, 3 1 Langrune, Pierre Blanche de, 4 8
Khashm el Galala, 2 8 7 , pi. 13 Lansdown Clay, 2 7 , 2 9
Khatanga River, 5 1 2 - 1 3 Laos, 4 3 3
Kholan Series, 3 0 1 Laptal Beds, 4 0 8 - 9 , 4 1 2
Kialagvik formation, 5 3 5 , 5 3 8 La Quinta formation, 5 7 8
Kibiongoni Beds, 3 2 1 Laramide orogeny, 5 3 3 , 5 3 5 , 5 4 5
Kidugallo Oolite, 3 3 0 La Rochelle, 5 3 , map 4 0
Kimeridge Clay, 2 0 - 2 , pis. 1, 2 La Rochette, 4 1 , 4 2
Kimeridgian stage, 7 , 1 0 , 1 2 ; type La Serre massif, 8 0 , 8 1
area, 2 1 Latvia, 4 6 6 , 4 7 1
Kingak Shale, 5 2 9 - 3 0 La Verpilliere (St Quentin), 1 0 3
King Charles Islands, 5 0 1 - 6 La Voulte, 7 3 , 7 4 , 7 5
Kiogars, 4 0 9 - 1 2 , pi. 2 0 Languedoc, 6 9 , 7 0 , 7 2
Kioto Limestone, 3 9 9 - 4 0 1 , 4 0 6 , 4 0 8 - 9 , Lebanon, 2 9 3 - 6 , pis. 1 5 , 16
4 1 2 , pi. 2 1 Lechstedt, 1 4 0
Kitakami Mts., 4 2 8 - 9 LemeS Beds, 1 9 3 , 3 5 3
Klaus Beds, 1 7 0 Lemuria, 6 0 0 , 6 0 1 , 6 3 9
Klentnitz Beds, 1 6 6 - 8 Lena River basin, 5 0 8 - 9 , 5 1 4
Klippes, 1 5 2 - 3 , 1 6 0 , 1 6 2 - 5 , 6 8 , 1 7 1 ,
Letzi Beds, 9 3
179, 1 8 1 , 4 0 9 - 1 2 , map 1 6 1 , pis. 9 , Liapine River, 5 1 2
10 Lias, as subdivision of Jurassic, 1 0 8 ;
Klitdal formation, 5 2 8 distribution of faunas, 6 0 7 - 8 ; zones
Knorri Beds, 6 2 , 9 9 , 141 of, 3 5 - 8 . See under Hettangian,
Knoxville formation, 5 5 3 - 4 Sinemurian, Pliensbachian, Toarcian
Kolyma River. 5 1 0 Libya, 2 8 0 - 3

Ligurian Apennines, 213, 217-19, map Maures and Esterel massif, 1 4 6 , 1 5 0 ,

200 1 9 9 , map 6 9
Lincolnshire Limestone, 3 1 , 3 2 Maude formation, 5 4 3
Lindi formation, 3 3 1 May-sur-Orne, 5 1 , fig. 5 , 5 2
Lithuania, 4 6 6 , 4 6 7 , 4 7 0 - 3 Mazapil, 5 6 0 - 3
Little Caucasus, 3 5 7 , 3 6 2 - 5 Mazar Drik Limestone, 3 9 7
Lochambel Beds, 4 0 6 , 4 0 7 Mecsec Mts., 1 8 9 , map 1 8 0
Lochen, Lochengriindle, 1 0 9 , 1 1 6 - 2 0 Mediterranean realm, 6 0 7
Lochenschichten, 1 1 4 , 1 1 6 Mefa Beds, 4 3 8
Lofoten Islands, 5 0 6 , map 5 0 0 Memel, 4 6 7 , 4 7 0 , 4 7 3 , map 4 6 6
Lombardy, 1 7 3 - 8 Mendoza, 5 8 1 , 5 8 3 - 7
Longues et Marigny, Cail lasses de, Meragalleh Limestone, 3 0 8
48 Merzifun, 3 4 9 , 3 5 0 - 1
Longwy, Marnes de, 6 4 Metaura series, 4 5 3
Lorraine, 6 2 - 8 , map 4 0 Meuse, 5 7 , 5 8 , map 4 0
Loteno formation, 5 8 3 Mexico, 5 5 7 - 6 5 , 5 8 1 , 6 3 5 ; Gulf of, 5 5 7 ,
Lotharingian stage, 6 6 - 7 567
Louisiana, 5 6 7 - 9 Meysset, Marnes de, 7 4
Lualaba Series, 2 5 6 Middle East, 2 8 4 ; maps 2 8 5 , 2 8 8
Lucon, 5 4 , map 4 0 Migrations of faunas, 5 9 5 , 5 9 8 - 9 , 6 0 3
Lugh Series, 3 1 7 - 1 9 , 3 4 3 Milaschevici Zone, 4 9 8 - 9
Lukow, 4 6 6 , 4 8 1 , map 4 6 6 Millepore Bed, 3 2
Lungma Limestone, 4 1 3 Milne Land, 5 2 3 - 8
Lusitanian stage, 2 3 7 , 2 3 8 - 9 Minchinhampton Beds, 2 7 - 3 0
Luxemburg, 3 9 , 5 5 , 6 5 , 6 6 , 6 8 Minilya River, 4 6 0 , maps 4 5 7 , 4 5 9
Lysa Gora, 4 7 6 , 4 7 8 - 9 , 4 8 3 , map 466 Minjur Sandstone, 3 0 0 , 3 0 1
Miritini Shale, 3 2 1 , 3 2 3
Mackenzie River, 5 2 9 , map 5 3 7 Misol, 4 3 6 , 4 4 0 , 4 5 8 - 9 , map 4 4 6
Maconnais, 7 5 - 9 , 1 0 1 Mississippi, 5 6 7 - 9
Madagascar, 3 3 6 - 4 3 Mobile belts, 6 1 9 , 6 2 3 - 7
Maghara, Gebel, 2 8 9 - 9 1 , 2 9 8 Molucca Islands, 4 3 6 - 4 1 , map 4 4 6
Mahadeva formation, 3 8 3 - 4 Mombasa, 3 1 9 - 2 5
Mahokondo septaria, 3 3 2 , 3 3 5 Mongolia, 5 0 9 , 5 1 0
Majolica, 1 7 4 , 2 1 4 Montana, 5 4 5 , 5 4 7 , 5 4 9 , 5 5 °
Majorca, 2 5 0 - 1 Mont des Boucards, Calcaire du, 4 1 ,
Makalla, 3 0 2 , map 3 0 5 42, 46
Makonde formation, 3 3 1 Mont d'Or, 6 9 , 7 7 - 9
Malaya, 4 3 3 Monte Catria, 2 1 2 , 2 1 5 , 2 1 8 , map 2 0 0
Malla Johar, 4 0 9 - 1 2 , map 4 0 2 , pi. 20 Monte Cetona, 2 1 7 , map 2 0 0
Malm, 1 0 8 (fig.), 1 0 9 Monte Gargano, 2 1 2 , map 2 0 0
Malone Mts., 5 6 6 - 7 Montejunto Beds, 2 3 8 - 9
Mandera Beds, 3 1 7 Montenegro, 1 9 2
Mangyshlak, 3 6 4 , map 3 5 6 Montreuil-Bellay, 5 4
Manitoba, 5 3 9 , 5 4 1 Mont Saleve, 8 3 , 8 5 , 8 8 , 8 9 , 9 2 , maps
Mansa Guda formation, 3 1 8 8 1 , 8 6 , pi. 5
Marehan Sandstone, 3 1 7 , 3 1 9 Montsech, 2 2 2
Marine realms and provinces, 6 0 6 - 1 5 Mormon formation, 5 5 5
Mariposa Slate, 5 5 3 - 4 Morocco, 2 5 7 - 7 9
Market Rasen, 2 2 , 1 1 5 Morrison formation, 5 4 5 , 5 4 7 , 6 3 4
Marmarone, 2 1 8 Morro de Arica, 5 8 4
Marquise, Oolithe de, 4 3 Morvan, 3 9 , 5 5 , 6 2 , 6 3 , 6 8 , 7 9
Marrat formation, 3 0 0 Mothe, Oolithe de la, 5 7
Massenkalk, i n , 1 1 2 Mountain building, 6 3 2 ff.
Massif Central, 3 9 , 5 2 , 5 4 , 5 5 , 6 9 - 7 9 Mount Everest, 4 1 4
Matmatian phase, 2 8 2 - 3 , 6 4 1 , 6 4 2 Mount Flora, 5 9 1

Mount Hermon, 293-S Novaya Zemlya, 5 0 0

Mount Hill, 4 5 9 , 4 6 2 Nubian Sandstone, 2 5 6 , 2 8 4 - 7 , Z 9 7 , .
Mount Jura, 5 5 4 - 6 300-2, 304, 305, 308, 313, 314
Mount Strunga, 1 8 3 , 190, map 1 8 0 384
Movelier Schichten, 9 9 Nugget Point, 4 5 4 , 456.. map 4 5 2
Mozambique, 3 2 0 Nugget Sandstone, 5 4 5 , 5 5 0
Mtaru, 3 2 3 , 3 2 8 Numismalismergel, 1 2 7
Mulichinco formation, 5 8 1
Miinder Mergel, 135, 1 3 6 , 4 7 7
Murzuch Limestone, 2 8 3 Oaxaca, 5 6 0 , 5 6 4 - 5
Musandam Limestone, 3 7 8 - 9 Ob River basin, 5 0 8 , 5 1 0 - 1 2
Mytilus Beds, 159, 3 6 5 Oceans, 5 9 5 - 6 0 5
Ohauan series, 4 5 3 - 5
Nagano formation, 4 2 1 Oman, 3 7 8 , map 3 7 3
Onewhero, 4 5 6
Nakayama formation, 4 2 1 , 4 2 4 - 5
Oolite Marl, 3 4
Naknek formation, 5 3 5 - 6
Oolithe Blanche, 4 9
Namyau Beds, 4 1 6 - 1 7 , 4 3 3
Oolithe Ferrugineuse, 4 6 , 5 0
Nara, Jebel, 2 7 2 , 2 8 0
Oolithe Miliaire, 4 9 , 6 2
Navajo Sandstone, 5 4 5 , 5 5 0 , pis. 2 8 , 2 9
Ophiolites, 1 9 1 - 2 , 1 9 5 , 2 1 3 , 2 1 9 , 3 7 5 ,
Naves, 7 4
Neill's Cliff formation, 5 2 7 - 8 , pi. 2 4
Nepal, 4 1 3 - 1 4 Oppel, Albert, 3 , 5 , 6 , 9 , n , 1 4 , 7 0 ,
Neuburg Beds, 8 9 , 9 1 , n o , i n , 1 5 7 , 108, 127, 129, 163
167, 4 7 7 Orbigny, Alcide d', 3 , 7 , 9 , 1 4
Neuquen, 5 7 8 , 5 8 1 - 8 Oregon, 5 5 1 - 6 , 6 3 2
Neuvizy Ironstone, 5 9 Orenburg (Chkalov), 4 8 8 - 9 1 , map 4 8 6 '
Oriental Island, 1 7 9 , 1 8 0 , 1 8 5 , 1 8 6
Nevada, 5 4 5 - 6 , 55°-i> 5 5 3 , 5 5 5 - 6 , 6 3 2
Nevadan orogeny, 5 3 1 , 5 3 3 , 5 3 5 , 5 3 9 , Ornatenton, 1 1 4 , 1 1 8 , 1 4 0
Orne, 4 6 , 4 7
551-4. 559. 560, 569, 632-4, 636-7,
Orogenic movements, 6 3 2 ff.; dating:
Nevisian stage, 8 of, 6 3 4 , 6 3 8 - 4 2 ; influence on evolu­
New Caledonia, 4 4 5 , 4 4 9 - 5 1 tion, 4
New Guinea, 4 4 5 - 8 Orogens, 6 1 9 , 6 2 3
Osmington Oolite Series, 2 3 , 4 6
Newmarracarra Limestone, 4 5 9 - 6 0 , pi.
Osterwald phase, 1 3 3 , 6 4 2
Ostracods, 1 4 , 1 9
New Mexico, 5 4 7 Oxford, 1 9 - 2 1 , 2 3 - 6 , 3 1
New Siberian Islands, 5 1 4 , map 5 0 9 Oxford Clay, 9 , 2 4 - 6 , 5 6 , 1 4 0
New Zealand, 4 4 5 , 4 5 1 - 7 , 6 2 6 , 6 3 0 , Oxfordian stage, 7 , 1 0 , 1 2 ; type area,
6 3 5 . pl- 2 2
9, 2 2
Ngerengere Beds, 3 2 6 , 3 3 0
Nicely Shale, 5 5 5
Niederfellabrunn, 1 6 6 Pacific geosyncline, 6 2 8 , 6 3 5 , 6 3 9
Niegranden, 4 7 1 , 4 7 3 , map 4 6 6 Pacific Ocean, 4 4 5 , 5 8 9 , 5 9 7 - 9 , 6 4 1 ;
Nievre, 5 5 , 5 8 , 6 2 , 6 4 , map 4 0 transgressions, 6 1 3
Niranohama formation, 4 2 9 Pacific Realm, 6 0 9 , 6 1 0 , 6 1 4
Niti, 4 0 6 , map 4 0 2 Pakistan, 3 8 2 - 4 0 1
Nizniov Limestone, 4 7 6 , map 4 6 6 Palestine, 2 9 2 , map 2 8 8
Normandy, 4 4 , maps 4 0 , 4 5 Palisade disturbance, 5 6 9
Northampton Sand, 3 4 Pamir Limestone, 4 0 2 - 3
Northamptonshire Ironstone, 3 3 , 3 4 Pamirs, 4 0 1 - 3
North Atlantic continent, 2 3 6 Panama, 5 5 8
North-West Cape, 4 6 1 , map 4 5 9 Panchet formation, 3 8 3 - 4
Norway, 5 0 6 Pannonian basin, 1 7 9
Notgrove Freestone, 3 2 Panto Crater Limestones, 1 9 8
Nothe Clay, Grit, 2 3 Papua, 4 4 6 - 9

Papuan geosyncline, 4 4 5 , 4 5 1 , maps Psilonotenbank, 131

457, 640 Ptilophyllum flora, 383, 387, 392
Parihar Sandstone, 3 9 2 Puaroan series, 4 5 4 , map 4 5 5
Paris Basin, 3 9 ; south-west, 5 2 ; east, Purbeck Beds, 1 9 , 8 5 - 9 2 , 1 4 8 , 1 5 6 ,
5 5 ; map 4 0 pis. 1 , 3
Paskenta formation, 5 5 3 - 4 Purbeckian stage, 7 , 1 0 ; independence
Patagonia, 5 7 7 , 5 8 5 , 5 8 7 - 8 , 5 9 i of, 8 ; relation to Wealden, 1 8 ,
a r e a
Patcham group, 3 8 6 , 3 9 0 - 2 1 3 4 - 5 ; type > 1 9 ; in. England, 1 9 ;
Pays de Bray, 4 3 , map 4 0 France and Switzerland, 4 1 , 4 4 , 8 7 ,
Pea Grit, 3 4 90, 1 4 8 , 1 5 6 ; Germany, 134-6;
Pecs, 1 9 0 Poland, 4 7 7 ; Sahara, 2 8 3
Pecten Sandstone, 5 2 6 Pusey Flags, 2 3
Pelecypods, 13 Putataka series, 4 5 3
Pereiros Beds, 2 4 3 Pyrenees, 2 2 0
Persia, 3 6 6 - 7 8 , pi. 1 9
Peru, 5 7 7 - 8 o , 5 8 3 - 8 , pi. 3 0 Quaderkalk, i n , 113
Petchora River, 4 9 8 - 9 , map 4 8 6 Queen Charlotte Islands, 5 3 9 , 5 4 1 - 3
Peterborough, 2 5 , 2 6 Quemado formation, 5 7 0 - 1
Philippine Islands, 4 4 2 Quenstedt, F. A., 8 , 1 0 8 , 1 2 7 - 3 1
Pichottes, Calcaire des, 4 3 Questrecques, Gres de, 4 2
Pienid klippes, 1 6 2 , 1 6 3 , pi. 9 Quintnerkalk, 1 5 7 - 8
Pimienta formation, 5 6 1 Quintuco formation, 5 8 2
Pindiro Beds, 3 3 1 , 3 3 3
Planet, Gres du, 4 8 Raasay Ironstone, 3 5
Pliensbachian stage, 7 , n ; type area, Rabai Shale, 3 2 1
127 Radiolarites, 1 5 4 , 1 6 1 , 1 6 8 , 1 9 2 , 2 1 3 ,
Podolian platform, 4 7 6 , 4 8 4 219, 348, 352, 375, 378, 420,
Poitiers, Straits of, 3 9 , 5 2 , map 4 0 426-7, 434
Poland, 1 6 5 , 4 6 5 , 4 7 5 - 8 3 , pl- 9- Ragstones, 3 2
Polar Basin, Ocean, 5 0 8 , map 5 0 0 Rajmahal formation, 3 8 3 - 4 , 4 1 7
Poles, position of, 6 1 7 - 1 8 Randen, 9 2
Polyhemeral chronology, 6 , 1 0 4 Ranville, Pierre de Taille de, 4 8
Polyphemus Limestone, 3 8 9 , 3 9 7 Ras el Abd, 2 8 7 - 8 , pis. 1 3 , 1 4
Pomerania, 4 6 5 - 7 4 Rauracian stage, 5 8 , 8 4 , 9 3 , 9 5
Pompeckj's Swell, 1 3 3 , 1 3 7 , 4 6 7 Ravar, 3 8 0 - 1
Pontic Mass, 1 7 9 , 3 5 1 Reculet, 8 1 , 9 4
Popilani, 4 6 7 , 4 7 1 - 3 , map 4 6 6 Red Grit Series, 3 8 1 , 4 0 2
Porphyrite formation, 5 7 5 , 5 7 8 Redwater Shale, 5 4 7
Porrentruy (Pruntrut), 9 4 , 1 0 0 Regensburg gulf, 1 0 7 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 6
Porta Sandstone, 1 4 0 Reisberg Schichten, i n
Port-en-Bessin, Marnes de, 4 9 Renggeri Marls, 5 9 , 9 3 , 9 6
Portland Beds, 1 9 , pis. 1-3 Rennertshofener Schichten, 1 1 0 - 1 2
Portlandian stage, 7 , 8 , 1 0 ; type area, Rhabdocidaris Beds, 9 6
19; England, 1 9 ; France, 4 1 , 4 3 - 4 , Rhaetian stage, type area, 1 7 2
5 6 , 9 1 , 9 2 ; Jura, 9 2 ; Germany, 1 3 6 ; Rhenish massif, 1 3 2 - 3
Spain, 2 2 8 ; province, 6 1 4 , map 6 1 3 Rhine-Danube railway, 1 2 0
Portlandkalk, 1 3 7 Rhine valley, 3 9 , 8 0 , 1 0 0 , 1 0 5 , 1 6 0
Portugal, 2 3 5 - 4 3 Rhone valley, 6 9 - 7 9 , P'- 4
Posidonia Beds, 1 7 5 - 6 , 1 8 3 Rierdon formation, 5 4 9
Posidonienschiefer, 1 2 7 Ries crater, 105
Pre-Planorbis Beds, 3 8 Rif, The, 2 5 8 , 2 6 6 - 2 7 0
Prince Patrick Island, 5 2 8 , map 5 3 7 , Rift-faults (Africa), 3 0 3 , 3 0 6 , 319,
Pl- 2 5 map 3 0 5
Privas Ironstone, 7 6 , 7 7 Rikuzen, 4 2 8 - 9
Provence, 6 9 , 1 4 6 - 5 2 Ringstead Coral Bed, 2 2
Rinxent, Calcaire de, 4 3 Scissum Beds, 3 4 , 1 0 2 - 3
Rivadasella, 2 3 4 - 5 Scotia arc, 5 8 9
Riviera coast, 146, 148, map 6 9 Scotland, 18, 2 1 - 6 , 3 1 - 8 , map 1 7
Riyadh Group, 2 9 8 Sehnde, 1 4 3
Rocky Mts., 5 3 2 - 3 , 5 3 9 , 5 4 4 - 6 , 6 3 3 Seismic action, 147, 6 2 5 , 6 3 8
Rogoznik Beds, 1 5 7 , 1 6 5 - 7 , 1 7 4 , 2 1 2 , Sekika, Jebel, 2 7 6
215 Semur, 6 7 , map 4 0
Romani Zone, 151 Sequanian stage, 5 7 , 5 8 , 84, 9 3 , map 8 1
Rotti, 4 3 6 , 4 3 8 - 4 4 1 , map 4 4 6 Sera Geral lavas, 5 8 8 , 6 3 1
Rouvres, Calcaires de, 6 1 Serpulite, 1 3 4 - 6 , 4 7 7
Rumania, 1 7 9 - 8 4 , 1 8 8 Shales-with-Beef, 3 6
Russia, 3 5 5 - 6 6 , 4 0 1 - 3 , 4 8 4 - 5 0 0 , map Shalshal Cliffs, 4 0 8
486 Sharps Hill Beds, 3 0
Russian platform, 4 8 4 , 4 9 1 , 4 9 8 , 5 0 2 , Shasta group, 5 5 3
508, 621-2 Shelikof formation, 5 3 5
Ruvu Beds, 3 2 6 Shelves, 6 1 9 , 6 2 1 - 3 , 6 2 6
Ryazan Beds, 4 9 2 - 3 , 5 ° 4 , 5 ! 2 , 5 8 2 Sherborne Stone, 3 1
Ryoseki Series, 4 2 7 Shields, 6 1 9 - 2 1 , 6 2 5 , 6 3 1
Shizukawa Group, 4 2 9
Sahara plateau, 2 5 5 - 9 , 2 6 0 , 2 7 0 - 1 , 2 7 6 Shotover Grit Sands, 2 1
Saighan Series, 3 8 1 , 4 0 1 - 2 Shotts, Plateau of the, 2 7 0
St-Concors, 8 5 , 89, 9 1 Siberia, 5 0 8 - 1 6
St Gaultier, 6 3 Siberian platform, 5 0 8 , 5 1 1
St Quentin la Verpilliere, 1 0 3 Sicily, 2 0 1 - 1 1
St Vigilio, Cape, 1 7 6 , 1 9 7 , 2 1 1 , 2 1 6 , Sierra Nevada, 5 5 1 - 4 , 5 5 7 , 6 3 2 - 4
251, 381 Sikhota Alin, 5 1 7
Salagrams, 4 0 6 , 4 1 4 Simbirsk, 4 9 6 , map 4 8 6
Salghir phase, 3 5 5 , 6 3 6 , 6 4 2 Sinai, 2 8 9 - 9 2
Salt Range, 3 9 3 Sinemurian stage, 7 , 1 1 ; type area, 6 7
Salzgitter Hohenzug, 134, map 1 3 7 Sinia, 6 2 0
Samana Range, 3 9 8 , map 3 9 5 Smackover formation, 5 6 8 - 9
Samana Suk Limestone, 3 9 9 Smith, William, 3 , 4
Sandsfoot Clay, Grit, 2 2 Snowshill Clay, 3 4
San Pedro del Gallo, 5 6 0 , 5 6 3 Snowshoe formation, 5 5 5
Santa Catarina system, 5 8 8 Socotra, 3 0 2 , 3 1 3
Santiago formation, 5 8 7 Sodenohama formation, 4 2 9
Sarawak, 4 3 5 , map 4 3 2 Solnhofen Slates, 1 0 7 , i n , 1 1 2 , 1 9 3 ,
Sardinia, 1 9 9 - 2 0 1 , 2 1 2 222
Sarthe, 4 4 Soma, 4 3 0
Sasifu Beds, 4 3 6 , 4 3 8 Somaliland: British, 3 0 8 ; French, 3 0 7 ;
Saskatchewan, 5 3 9 , 5 4 1 Italian, 3 1 3 , 3 1 6 ; map 3 0 5 ,i
Saucourt, Oolithe de, 5 7 Sonora, 5 5 7 - 8 , map 5 6 0
Saudi Arabia, 2 9 7 Sonoran portal, 5 5 8
Savonnieres, Pierre de, 5 6 South America, 5 7 5 ; shield, 5 7 5 , 5 8 8 ,
Sawtooth formation, 5 5 0 6 2 0 ; diastrophism, 6 3 5 ; volcanism,
Saxonian folding, 1 3 3 , 1 3 6 629
Saxony, 1 3 1 - 4 5 South Antilles arc, 5 8 9 - 9 1
Scandic Ocean, 5 2 1 , 6 0 2 , map 5 0 0 South Cave, 2 6 , 1 4 0
Scandinavian shield, 4 6 5 , 5 0 8 , 5 1 0 , 6 2 0 South Dakota, 5 4 5 , 5 4 7 , 5 5 0
Scania, 4 6 5 , 4 6 7 , 4 7 4 - 5 South Georgia, 5 8 9 - 9 1
Scarborough Beds, 3 1 , 3 2 South-Kabylie trough, 2 7 0
Schistes lustres, 154, 199, 2 1 3 , 2 1 8 Spain, 2 2 0 - 3 5 , 2 4 3 - 5 1
Schneckenfels, 1 3 0 Spatkalk, 9 8 , 9 9 , 1 0 1
Schwammkalke, i n , 4 7 6 Spiti, 4 0 6 , map 4 0 2 , pi. 2 1
Schwandorf, 120, 121 Spiti-Chile sea, 5 9 8

Spiti Shales, 3 9 3 , 3 9 9 , 4 0 0 , 4 0 6 - 8 , 4 1 0 , Terrain a Chailles, 5 9 , 9 3 , 9 5 , 9 6

413-14, 432-3. 435.437, 445. 447, Teruel, Plateau of, 2 2 5 , 2 2 8 - 3 3
454 Tethyan facies, 2 0 4 , 2 4 4
Spitsbergen, 5 0 1 - 6 Tethys, 2 5 5 , 4 0 4 , 5 0 8 , 5 9 5 , 6 0 9 , 6 1 2 ,
Sponge reefs, 1 0 6 , 1 1 3 , 4 7 6 , 4 7 9 614, 6 2 0 , 6 2 4 , 626-7, 630, 6 3 6
Stages, 7 - 1 2 ; definition, 7 ; interpreta­ Tetori Series, 4 2 5 - 6
tion, 9 ; limitations in Upper Jurassic, Teutoburger Wald, 1 3 4 , map 137
8; redundant names, 8 ; tables of, Texas, 5 6 6 - 7 , 6 3 4
7 , 1 0 - 1 2 ; type localities, 9 Thomar, 2 4 1 , 2 4 2
Stara Planina, 1 8 5 , 1 8 7 Thouars, 5 5 , map 4 0
Stonebarrow Beds, 3 6 Three N Arc, 4 4 5
iStonesfield Slates, 3 0 Tibet, 4 1 3 - 1 4 , map 4 0 2
Stormberg lavas, 6 3 1 Tibetan facies, 4 0 9 - 1 2 , 4 1 3
Straits of Langres, 3 9 Tilestone, 3 4
Straits of Mozambique, 3 3 6 Timor, 4 3 6 , 4 3 8 , 4 4 0 - 1 , map 4 4 6
Straits of Poitiers, 3 9 , 5 2 Tisbury Stone, 2 0
Straits of Turgay, 5 1 2 Tithonian stage, 8, 12, 7 1 , 8 7 , 1 6 3 , 1 8 1 ,
Stramberg Limestone, 1 5 6 , 1 6 3 - 6 , 1 6 7 , 2 2 2 , etc.; age of, 6 0 6 , 6 0 7 , 6 1 3 ;
1 7 4 , pl. 9 type sequence for America, 5 8 1 - 3
Stranca Mts., 1 8 0 - 1 , 1 8 5 Toarcian stage, 7 , n ; type area, 5 5
Stroud Clay, 2 7 Todos Santos Beds, 5 6 5 - 6
Sudan, 3 0 6 Tomaszow, 4 7 5 , 4 7 8 , map 4 6 6
Sudetes massif, 4 7 5 - 6 Torcer formation, 5 6 6
Suebian stage, 8 , 1 1 3 Torinosu Limestone, 4 2 7 - 8 , 4 3 0
Sumatra, 4 3 4 , map 4 3 2 Touar-Kyr, 3 6 4
Sula Islands, 4 3 5 - 4 1 , map 4 4 6 Tour Croi, 4 2
Sundance formation, 5 4 7 - 9 Toyora group, 4 2 0 , 4 2 2 - 4
Sunrise formation, 5 5 6 Transbaikalia, 5 1 0 , 5 1 1 , 5 1 5 - 1 6
Sttntel, 1 3 4 , map 1 3 7 Trans-Caspia, 3 6 4 , 3 7 3 , map 3 5 6
Suplee formation, 5 5 5 Trans-Erythraean trough, 3 0 2 , 3 0 3 ,
Sutton formation, 5 4 4 3 i 3 , 3 i 7 , 3 2 0 , 3 2 1 , 3 2 5 , map 2 9 8
Swabian Alb, 1 0 5 , pis. 7 , 8 Transgressions, 6 3 4 , 6 3 9 - 4 1
Sweden, 4 6 5 , 4 6 7 - 8 , 4 7 4 - 5 Transjordan, 2 9 3
Swindon, 19, 2 0 , 2 1 Transylvanian Alps, 1 7 9 - 8 4
Swinitza, 1 8 3 , 1 8 7 , 1 9 0 , map 1 8 0 Trept, 9 5 , 9 6 , 117, 1 8 8 , 2 2 9 , 2 7 5
Switzerland, 8 0 - 1 0 4 , 1 5 2 - 6 0 , pis. 5 , 6 Tresham Rock, 2 7 - 9
Symon, 5 6 0 - 1 , 5 6 3 Treuchtlinger Marmor, i n
Syria, 2 9 3 - 6 , pis. 1 5 , 16 Triassic system: see Rhaetian stage,
Szeklerland, 1 7 9 Karroo
Trigonia beds, 2 2 , 2 3 , 4 6
Tagling Limestone, 4 0 8 - 9 Trigonia smeei Beds, 3 3 1 , 3 3 4 - 5 , 3 ^ 8
Taimyr peninsula, 5 1 2 - 1 3 , map 5 0 9 Trinidad, 5 7 3 - 4
Tal Beds, 4 0 9 Tripolitania, 2 8 0
Taliabu, 4 3 6 - 4 0 , maps 4 3 6 , 4 4 6 Trockau, 1 1 7
Taman formation, 5 6 3 Trouville, Oolithe de, 4 6
Tanganyika, 3 2 5 - 3 5 Trowbridge Shale, 5 5 5
Taormina, 2 0 9 , map 2 0 2 Truellei Bed, 3 1
Tatra Mts., 1 6 2 , 1 6 3 , 1 7 0 , 1 7 1 , map Tug Terfa, 3 1 4
161 Tunisia, 2 7 0 - 8 3
Taurus Mts., 3 4 7 , 3 5 2 Turga River beds, 5 1 1
Taynton Stone, 2 9 Turkey, 1 8 0 - 1 , 1 8 5 , 3 4 7 - 5 2 , pl. 2 0
Teheran, 3 6 8 , 3 7 0 - 3 Tuwaiq, Jebel, 2 9 7 - 3 0 0 , 3 2 1 , pis. 17, 1 8
Tellian Atlas, 2 7 0 , map 2 5 7 Tuwaiq Mountain Limestone, 2 9 7 , 2 9 9
Temaikan series, 4 5 3 , 4 5 5 - 6 , pl. 2 2 Tuxedni Sandstone, 5 3 5 - 7
Tendaguru, 3 3 3 - 5 , 5 4 7 , map 3 2 7 Twin Creek Limestone, 5 5 0
INDEX 80 5

Tyaughton Lake, 5 4 4 Wakino formation, 4 2 2 - 4

Tyrol, 1 7 3 - 8 Wales, 18, 3 8 , map 17
Walkererde, 1 4 1
Uitenhage Beds, 6 0 7 Wallachian plain, spur, 1 7 9 , 1 8 0 , 1 8 5
Ukra Beds, 3 8 7 Walloon Lake, 4 6 1 - 2 , map 4 5 7
Ukraine, 4 8 4 Wanderer Limestone, 3 0 9
Ulmensis Schichten, i n , 1 1 2 Wangen Beds, 9 3 , 9 4
Umia Beds, 3 8 6 - 7 , 3 9 2 Washington, 5 5 1
United States, 5 3 2 - 4 , 544-56, 566-9, Wattonensis Beds, 3 0
pis. 2 8 , 2 9 Waziristan, 3 9 8 , map 3 9 5
Ural Mts., 4 8 8 , 5 1 0 - 1 2 , 6 2 6 Wealden Beds, 1 8 , 4 1 , 4 4 , 9 1 , 1 3 4 - 6 ,
Ural River valley, 4 8 8 - 9 1 , map 486 227-8, 477, 501
Ururoan series, 4 5 3 , 4 5 6 Weatherstones, 2 7 , 3 0
U.S.S.R., see Russia, etc. Wedelsandsteine, 1 2 3 , 1 2 4
Utah, 5 4 5 - 7 , 5 4 9 , pis. 2 8 , 2 9 Weissenstein, 8 2 , 9 7
Utano formation, 4 2 2 Weldon Stone, 3 1
Utzing Beds, 1 1 8 , 1 1 9 Werkkalk, 1 1 4
Westbury Ironstone, 2 2 , 4 6
Valea Lupului, 1 8 2 Western Australia, 4 5 7 , pi. 2 3
Valesacca, 184, map 1 8 0 Western Interior of U.S.A., 5 3 3 , 5 4 4 -
Valfin, 8 1 , 9 2 5 0 , 6 3 3 , pis. 2 8 , 2 9
Vancouver Island, 5 4 0 , 5 4 1 , 5 4 3 West Indies, 5 7 3
Vandenesse, 6 2 Westralian geosyncline, 4 5 7 - 8 , 6 0 0 , 6 0 1
Vardekloeft formation, 5 2 7 Wetlianian stage, 8 , 4 9 0
Varians Beds, 6 1 , 9 8 , 9 9 , 1 0 1 , 1 2 0 Wettingen Beds, 9 2 , 9 3
Vendee, 5 4 , map 4 0 Wheatley Limestones, 2 3
Venetia, 1 7 3 - 8 White Jura, 1 0 8
Venezuela, 5 7 3 - 4 , 5 7 8 , 5 8 8 White Limestone, 2 8 , 2 9
Veracruz, 5 6 5 Whitwell Oolite, 3 2
Verkhoyansk Range, 5 1 3 - 1 4 , map 5 0 9 Wiehengebirge, 1 3 4 , 1 3 9 , map 1 3 7
Vetlianka Sandstone, 4 8 9 - 9 0 1
Wielun, 4 7 6 , 4 7 9 , 4 8 0 , map 4 6 6
Vienna Basin, 162, 166, 1 7 0 Wingate Sandstone, 5 4 5 , 5 5 0
Viglaes Beds, 196 Woevre, Argile du, 5 6 , 5 9
Villany Hills, 190, map 1 8 0 Wurttemberg, 1 0 5 - 3 1
Villers, Marnes de, 4 7 Wurttembergicus Beds, 6 2 , 1 2 1 , 1 2 3 ,
Villerville, Argile de, 4 6 141
Vilui River valley, 5 1 4 , map 5 0 9 Wychwood Beds, 2 8
Vinales Limestone, 5 7 0 - 3 Wyoming, 5 4 5 , 5 4 7 , 5 4 9 , 5 5 °
Vindelician land, 107, 1 5 4 - 5 , 1 6 0
Vitim River beds, 5 1 1 Yabbok, Wadi, 2 9 3 , 2 9 6
Vladivostock, 5 1 7 Yaila phase, 3 5 4 , 6 3 7 , 6 4 2
Volcanicity, 6 2 8 - 3 1 Yakacik, 3 4 9 , 3 5 0 - 2
Volga Basin, 4 9 1 - 8 , map 4 8 6 Yakoun formation, 5 4 1
Volgian stage, 8 , 1 2 , 4 6 8 , 4 7 5 , 4 7 8 , Yellow Series, 5 2 2 , 5 2 7
4 8 9 , 4 9 9 , 5 0 2 , 5 1 2 , 5 2 4 ; age of, 6 0 6 , Yemen, 3 0 1 , map 3 0 5
607; type area, 4 9 1 - 5 Yenesei River valley, 5 1 2 - 1 3 , map
Vfilksen Conglomerate, 1 3 7 , pi. 8 509
Vorobiewo Sands, 4 9 3 Yenshan orogeny, 5 0 9 , 5 1 1 , 5 3 1 , 6 3 5 ,
Vosges, 3 9 , 5 5 , 6 1 , 8 0 , 8 1 642
Yoshimo Beds, 4 2 2
Waagen, W., 1 0 8 , 1 0 9 , 1 2 7 , 3 8 6 , 4 0 7 , Yugoslavia, 1 8 5 - 6 , 1 9 1 - 3 , maps 1 8 0 ,
607 182
Wadi Raman, 2 9 2 Yukon, 5 2 9 , 5 3 8 , 5 4 3 ; River, 5 3 4 , 5 4 3 ;
Wahn boring, 135 map 5 3 7
Wai Galo, 4 3 7 - 8 Yunnan, 4 1 5 - 1 6 , 4 3 3

Zacatecas, 5 6 3 , map 5 6 0 Zementmergel, i n , 1 1 2

Zaghouan, Jebel, 2 7 1 , 2 7 3 - 6 Zerka, Wadi, 2 9 3
Zagros Mts., 374-8, map 3 7 3 , pl. Zigzag Bed, 3 0 , 4 9 , 7 6 , 1 5 9
Zones, 5 - 1 4 ; definitions, 5 ; index
Zamia Shales, 3 8 7 fossils, n - 1 4 ; limitations, 6 , 7 ;
Zarnglaff, 4 6 8 - 7 1 tables for N.W. Europe, 10, for W.
Zawodzie Beds, 4 7 9 Tethys and Boreal Realm, 1 2 ; for
Zell Beds, 1 7 0 American Tithonian, 5 8 1

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