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Affirmations For Money Blueprint

How to Earn $10k per Month with Proven Affirmations

Ian Seamus Finn

Finn Publishing
Copyright © 2020 Ian Seamus Finn

All rights reserved

The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or
dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written
permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-0-578-23889-0

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Title Page
Section 1 — Setting Yourself Up for Mindset Mastery
Tip # 1 Getting started on personal improvement
Tip # 2: When difficulty sets you back — Aim up. Pay attention. Fix
what you can fix.
Tip # 3: Changing your pessimistic attitudes
Tip #4: When something horrible happens, and you feel plunged into a
living hell, eventually you can
Tip #5: Before you help someone — Find out why they are in trouble.
Tip # 6 What You Want in Interviews and Relationships — Clearly State
Your Requests to be Understood
Tip #7: Creating new possibilities is easy.
Tip #8: Make the best use of your time — By prioritizing what is
important for your survival and men
Tip #9: How to improve every day
Tip #10: Using the power of your unconscious mind
Tip #11: Being secure is not enough
Tip #12: What if you aren’t making progress and are stuck in a rut.
Section 2 — Hacking Reality by Communicating with Yourself
Tip #13: Change your mindset on a deeper level
Tip #14: Creating your fantasy future
Tip #15: Exercising your brain
Tip #16: The daily five-minute method for turning dreams into reality
Tip #17: Getting started on difficult, hard-to-do projects
Tip #18: How to face the huge projects that seem insurmountable
Section 3 — Persuasive Mindset Mastery
Tip #19: Habits to start using today
Tip #20: Focus on everyone’s favorite topic
Tip #21: Selling yourself and your ideas
Tip #22: Speaking memorably
Tip #23: High performance requires the right presentation
Tip #24: The mindset to present and persuade
Tip #25: Consistency and self-congruence
Tip #26: Always be anchoring your ideas and sales
Tip #27: The three adjustments to make before your sales pitches
Section 4 — Mindsets for Conflicts and Arguments
Tip #28: Different personalities call for different approaches
Tip #29: Even though you can’t always change minds, you can change
Tip #30: The next level of influence
Tip #31: Clarify and stay clear in your communications
Tip #32: Successful confrontations
Tip #33: Switching things up
Tip #34: Argument tactics for terrible interactions
Tip #35: Use pattern interrupts to break through
Tip #36: Take your time and don’t rush through the process
Tip #37: Use literal hostage negotiation
Affirmations for Money Blueprint

How to Earn $10k per Month with Proven Affirmations

By Ian Seamus Finn

+ 37 Tips for Changing Minds and Reprogramming Reality

When I was a kid, I watched the Star Wars Episode IV movie with awe
and always wondered if the Jedi Mind Trick could be performed in real life.
I, too, wanted to tell someone something and magically have them repeat
back to me my instruction. Although there is no equivalent to the Jedi Mind
Trick, the Hero’s Journey, Persuading Others, Therapeutic Tools, and the
literal magic of Affirmations make the Jedi Mind Trick seem like just a trick
and nothing more.
This book will explain from start to finish:

the types of people in the world and their personalities

the journey we all will take during our lives
hacking reality through affirmations
communicating with your own subconscious mind
how to influence and persuade with exact phrases and techniques
the difficult people you may run into
tools and strategies for conflicts and arguments
the step-by-step process to make dreams become your reality.

I was given a cancer diagnosis and started to imagine my children

growing up without a father. I have been creating lists and favorite tools and
exact words to say in different situations that I have used and found to be
equivalent to magic. What if I was to die and could never teach all I have
learned? I had to write all of this great stuff down and create a manual that
they can pick up and use when they are in trouble or need my guidance, but I
might not be around to give it.
Affirmations have been beyond helpful for me since I learned how to
harness their power. I have successfully used affirmations in business, health,
and relationships with incredible, almost unbelievable results. These
experiences have encouraged me to write this blueprint for readers to learn
how to use affirmations for themselves.
This is the book I wish I had when I was dealing with difficult times
and difficult people. A guidebook to help overcome personal problems and
people problems that we all deal with in life. There will come a time when
your life seems too painful to go on, or you meet someone who is so difficult
you want to do something crazy, and they are driving you crazy. There are
many tools for difficult times and difficult people throughout this book.

A letter of advice to the reader and my children Jack and Evelyn:

Dear Reader,
To really become good at something takes about ten years. It takes a
full year to even be competent at a lot of tasks that seem easy from the
outside. The exception and workaround is to commit to affirmations, and
your life will change in only six months. Be diligent, and if you find
something you love to do, stick with it before giving up. The best things in
life take a lot of work to get.
Books that influenced me, mastery of life reading list:

How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big by Scott

12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
What To Say When You Talk To Yourself by Shad
Helmstetter. How to Make Friends and Influence People by
Dale Carnegie How Successful People Win by Ben Stein
Think outside the box, try new things, and when you find something
you are naturally good at and that you like doing, keep working at it.
Continue to learn (always learn something new),
Become a hard worker (this will solve a lot of problems, believe
Love the work you do (if you don’t, keep looking for a job you
If you have a job you love, you will never have to work a day in
your life.
Pick your battles wisely, and don’t fight just for the sake of fighting.
That being said, nice only gets you so far, and at times you must be tough,
fight back, and not be bullied. Bullies pick on the weak, and if they know you
won’t put up with them, they move on to easier targets.
I am always very interested in saying and thinking the right thing,
positive affirmations, doing the right thing, and being a helping person and a
positive influence on the world. You, too, can stay positive when life gives
you setbacks. Work hard at something you love and enjoy your life. Be the
best person you can be.
Section 1 — Setting Yourself Up for Mindset Mastery
“Obstacles are God’s way of testing if we are serious.” —
There are times in each of our lives when we need help figuring out what
will make us happy. Making ourselves happy does not help others or solve
conflicts we have with other people, so how can we deal with a problematic
friend, family member, or coworker? This book is a guide to help you
through the struggles that you face when tragedy strikes, and there seems to
be nowhere to turn.
This book will make it easier to determine your problems and the
problems of troubled friends and family. Whether you have a background in
therapy or not, the terms and ad-hoc diagnosis help determine a course of
action to help other people and get out of the rut you may be in.
Changes can be difficult, so we are better at challenging others and
standing up for ourselves when we have tools for conflict and methods to
change other people’s minds. From easy to talk to, well-meaning types of
people, to the most difficult stubborn SOB you have ever met, the tools and
tactics for conflict and changing minds will be of tremendous value that
anyone can benefit from learning.
To become happy and help others requires self-reflection and change,
and the final section of this book is the real meat of the mind hacks that will
allow you to transform your mentality and life. This takes hard work and
persistence, but your dreams can become a reality from the methods and
strategies that will follow.
Merriam Webster’s definition of therapy is “of or relating to the
treatment of disease or disorders by remedial agents or methods.
Having a beneficial effect on the body or mind. Producing a useful or
favorable result or effect.”
Some psychology is figuring out why people do what they do. What
makes us all tick? Our minds are sometimes mysterious and other times like
an open book where we can understand others’ words and know exactly what
they will do next and why.
Even if you think you don’t need therapy and the other person or
people are the problem, this is not true. You need help too. Here is the
preparation you will need to help yourself and others therapeutically.

Some people will never listen to you or agree with you during or even
after a conflict. You will never win some arguments because the other person
is either irrational or unwilling to change their behaviors or themselves. Also,
sometimes winning an argument is of little benefit if you demean or
humiliate your adversary. This will just make things worse, and in future
interactions, they won’t cooperate. There is a middle path to follow, and this
book will show you the way.
All ancients, from Buddha to biblical ancient Jewish authors, know
Life is Suffering. If you are suffering, that’s sad, but not particularly
special. We are born human and are all guaranteed a good dose of suffering at
some point in the near future. If not now, for sure within five years. By
bearing and transforming your suffering, you learn how to become a better
Tip # 1 Getting started on personal improvement

Sales are hard work.

Rearing kids is hard.

Work is hard.

Aging, sickness, and death are hard.

If you are suffering—well, that’s the norm. People are limited, and life is
tragic. Getting started on personal improvement by accepting difficulty is part
of the path we are all on.

When we recognize the journey we are all on will have many ups and
downs, we can overcome the pitfalls we encounter. Even though life is hard,
at times, life is also wonderful, fun, worthwhile, and meaningful. The harder
you work on any of the major life problems like wealth, health, and family,
the easier life becomes for all three. There is a force multiplier: when you are
healthier, you will have more energy to build wealth and spend quality time
with your family. When you have more wealth, you can spend some of your
wealth on your family and eat healthier, and get quality help for your health
problems. When you have a happy family to come home to and spend free
time with, you will be able to focus on building wealth and become a
healthier person for them. This book will help you get there. Keep reading.

Health, Wealth, and Family Increase Happiness Exponentially:

Tip # 2: When difficulty sets you back — Aim up. Pay
attention. Fix what you can fix.
Don’t be arrogant in your knowledge. And above all, don’t lie. Tell
the truth. Lying leads to hell. If you can’t tell the truth, say nothing, just keep

Suffering is often the result of our own actions, so learn to pinpoint

the reasons behind your suffering. We all find life unsatisfactory, and so we
all suffer, but suffering can be temporary, and there can be a relief.

If you act correctly, your actions allow you to be psychologically

integrated now, and tomorrow, and into the future, while you benefit
yourself, your family, and the broader world around you. Everything will
come together. This produces maximum meaning. Meaning trumps
profitability and even trumps short-term advantages.
Tip # 3: Changing your pessimistic attitudes

Meaning gratifies all impulses, now and forever.

That’s why we can detect it.

If you are pessimistic, you need to find something meaningful to do.

What is meaningful for you, and why? Change your pessimism by finding the
most meaningful thing for you individually and start working on it.
Tip #4: When something horrible happens, and you feel
plunged into a living hell, eventually you can return from the

Become a new person, become a new version of your old

self, and choose rebirth.
The Torah has a passage that reflects on what to do when bad things
Everything is for the better.
You have to look for the hints of the good even in the bad things.
Set your ambitions on the development of character and ability, not
status and power. And while you are doing this, do not lie, especially to
yourself. If you feel weak and rejected and desperate and confused, try telling
the truth.
Tip #5: Before you help someone — Find out why they are in

How did this occur, what is the backstory, and will my help make things
better or worse?

Don’t assume he or she is the noble victim of unjust

circumstances and exploitation. That is the most unlikely explanation,
not the most probable.

Besides, with no personal responsibility on the victim’s part, you

deny them all agency in the past, present, and future.

Failure is easy to understand. It’s easier not to shoulder a burden. It’s

easier to put off what needs to be done today, this week, this month, and
indulge in cheap temporary pleasures. It is a serious sin to be a ghoul and
feed on everyone else’s pain. When others are suffering, try to help and
try sympathy, reject your feelings of glee or happiness from others who
are struggling. This will make you a better person. There are necessary
preconditions before entering into any therapeutic relationship: Mutual
flourishing of both individuals has to be agreed upon.

Ask Yourself and Your Patient (Therapeutic):

How do I know your suffering is not the demand for martyrdom of

my resources so that you can momentarily stave off the inevitable?
Tip # 6 What You Want in Interviews and Relationships —
Clearly State Your Requests to be Understood

Before you decide to interview for a job, first determine what you
want. What type of job will you like: the work, the company, and the

You must know clearly what you want out of the situation and be
prepared to clearly articulate what you desire. It’s a good idea to write down
an ideal job you could see yourself doing for ten years. If you are having
problems communicating with someone, tell the person you are talking to
exactly what you would like them to do instead of what they have done,
or are currently doing. Make your request as small and reasonable as
possible—but ensure its fulfillment would satisfy you. In that manner, you
come to the discussion with a solution instead of just a problem.
The more people sort themselves out, the more responsibility they
will take for the world around them, and the more problems they will

What shall I say to a faithless brother? The king of the damned is a

poor judge of being.

The best way to fix the world—a handyman’s dream—is to fix


Your Path Through Crisis Situations—Four

Questions and Answers:
Question 1: How can I be happy when the world around me is a disaster?
By creating new possibilities.
Tip #7: Creating new possibilities is easy.

Find worthwhile tasks. Open yourself up to new possibilities.

Your old job might not be possible anymore. New jobs and tasks are not only
necessary but also in high demand.

Question 2: How can I thrive or even do better than when there is no


Work hard, have a positive attitude, and try to enjoy

whatever you can.

Don’t let your problems take away life’s pleasures. When

catastrophes occur, it’s hard to enjoy life and be happy again. You have
permission to have fun and be happy.
Tip #8: Make the best use of your time — By prioritizing what
is important for your survival and mental well-being.

Question 3: I didn’t plan ahead; what can I do now? Avoid heavy

drinking and drugs. Apply for five jobs a day if you are out of work. Learn
about side hustles. Start selling some of your old stuff on eBay. Get to work
and start acting.
Question 4: How can I just get through this without losing my mind?
Many of us get to a point in our lives where we aren’t sure how to even get
through our troubles.
Prioritize with to-do lists. Create a list before bed or when you
first wake up. Prioritize what really matters and what really needs to be
Tip #9: How to improve every day

Make one small task achievable, then do it. Make an improvement each
day. They will start to build momentum. Make a list of chores and tasks that
you can do to make your home improvement and start working on them.

Tuning out and turning off news and social media: I am addicted to news
and Facebook, why not turn it off or even take a break?

Take breaks from news and social media feeds.

News has a ratio of thirteen to one bad news stories to good. When a
national disaster or pandemic occurs, we all turn to the news to find out what
is happening. The more news you consume, the less positive your outlook
can be because most news is bad news. Take breaks from the news. Social
media becomes a platform for conspiracies, half-truths, rumors, and flat out
wrong reports that are posted as facts. Be skeptical of your news feeds from
well-intentioned “friends” that are sharing the latest posts. Check sources for
yourself, unplug from all of it for a few hours, and notice how much more
pleasant your mind and life are.
If you say the above passage the right way, with energetic intent, a
positive can-do attitude, looking the interviewer in the eyes, and being
friendly and ready to go, you will nail your job interview and have success in
three out of five jobs where this is your interview statement.
Interviewing to Get a Higher Paying Job Affirmations:

1. I am going to get a high paying job and will do whatever it

2. I am going to prepare and impress before and during my
3. I am great at interviews and will get a high paying job.
Tip #10: Using the power of your unconscious mind

Illusions are examples of reality in our mind not being what is real,
right in front of our faces.
All of us have a conscious and unconscious mind, which are totally
separate. For most people, their unconscious mind is actually dominant over
our conscious mind. Once again, we don’t fully understand the world around
us. Illusions are examples of reality in our mind not seeing what is real, right
in front of our faces. But if our mind thinks something is real, it has the same
effect of being real on our actions and mindset. You can use this to your own

Our subconscious mind tells us everything we can’t tell ourselves in

our dreams. Repeatedly telling yourself something is the best way to
influence your dominant subconscious mind. Actively influence your own
and others’ subconscious mind by putting up influential signs in your
office for teamwork and signs for yourself in bold letters near your desk
towards habits you want to do more of.

Here are pictures from my office, where I put up the subliminal

messages for everyone to work as a team. Above the copy machine is the
image of a team of horses with the message.
TEAMWORK “Regardless of differences, we strive shoulder to
shoulder . . . Teamwork can be summed up in five short words: We
believe in each other.” – Author Unkown.
Next to the refrigerator in the lunchroom, we have a sign reading IN

We all our beholden to Instant Gratification and Raw Emotion,

often referred to as our ID. If you deny your emotional desires too much,
they become increasingly powerful (the longer you follow a diet, the more
appealing a dessert at Sonic becomes) These emotions have a powerful
influence over our behavior. Don’t try to make drastic changes to your
behavior, make subtle changes that compound over time.

Some people feel so terrible they need to make everyone else feel just
as bad as they do or worse. These types see themselves as the victim who
struggled against fate unsuccessfully. Victimized by the establishment, by
their boss, by their lover, by their family, by their friends… Take your pick.
In every case, they fail to see that they have done this to themselves or
anything to themselves. They will take you into their hell if you let them, so
be cautious and don’t get sucked in.

Pay attention to dreams and slips of the tongue to understand

thoughts and impulses we would rather not confront.

Once we acknowledge below our consciousness, a swamp of

repressed desires, resentments, and motivations that affect our day-to-day
behavior, we have more self-understanding. When we ignore these signs, we
are more likely to engage in destructive behavior patterns and are surprised
when repeatedly making the same mistakes.
Tip #11: Being secure is not enough
You don’t want to be secure; you want to be strong. You might
fail, but it’s your best bet. People have extracted unbelievable successes out
of catastrophic failures. All the heroism in the world isn’t going to save a
cancer patient. You do the best you can and try to make the world a little
better. It’s not going to save you from the tragedies that will occur, but it will
be your best path to follow through hard times.
Become a stronger person. Take on challenging, worthwhile tasks,
and never be a victim. When you have strength, you are secure, and strength
is not just muscles. Mental toughness, a strong mental mindset, with laser-
like focus on the affirmations we will commit to. Stay committed to your
affirmations and keep working on them, and they will come true.
Tip #12: What if you aren’t making progress and are stuck in a
Stay committed and focused. Don’t give up. Without consistent
action, failure is guaranteed. Fake it until you make it (Act As If).
Pretend things are going well, pretend you are who you want to become. Act
as if everything will work out, and you will achieve the goals you are striving
towards. Just acting out and imagining yourself in the best case scenarios and
with your problems resolved is therapeutic and helpful. The world is your
stage, so act as if you’re making progress.

If the manager refuses to give you a raise at the end of this meeting,
follow up with the question “Why not?” and “Is there anything you can do
for me?” These are two of the key phrases that will open many doors and get
other people to help you in ways you didn’t realize.

Negotiating a higher salary Affirmations:

1. I am going to get a high salary and will do
what ever it takes.
2. I am going to prepare and impress before and
during my meeting for a higher salary.
3. I am great at negotiating and will get a
high salary.
Section 2 — Hacking Reality by Communicating with Yourself

“You don’t have to understand the world. You just have to

find your way around in it.” — Albert Einstein
The world around us is complex and complicated, and there are many
things we don’t fully comprehend or observe. To change yourself to become
a better communicator, you have to communicate with yourself on a deeper
Improve Your Mind and Your Mood by bombarding yourself
with the correct programming and messages.
Tip #13: Change your mindset on a deeper level

Flood your brain with smart messages—affirmations, positive

thoughts, and encouragement work.
None of us really understands the true nature of the world. We all
have massive blind spots and misunderstandings that either help or hurt us
along the way.
Optical illusions show blind spots and lies from your eyes. Brain illusions are
blind spots we have in thoughts and our behaviors. To overcome brain blind
spots, we must use constant affirmations and self-talk to change our brains
into seeing what we want to see and taking advantage of opportunities that
will come along and focus our attention on the right things.
Some common blind spots we have are overconfidence, which usually
helps, positive thinking, and wishful thinking. These are all beneficial blind
Negative blind spots include hypochondria, paranoia, anxiety, seeing
the worst in people, expecting the worst outcomes in situations.
Next time you feel down or are not in a good mood and just can’t get
back on track, flood your mind by continually thinking and self-talking to
yourself with the right messages. Change your mind by flooding your
mind with positive messages and beliefs. Your brain can only focus on
one thing at a time. The best multitaskers have been shown to actually be
focusing on one task, then quickly moving to another and not actually
focusing on two or three tasks at once. Use this to change negative moods
and depressing circumstances. The correct messages are unique to you, but
there are many great ones listed at the end of this chapter.
Tip #14: Creating your fantasy future

First, imagine with visualizations, then turn the imaginary into your
Your subconscious mind cannot discriminate or perceive what is real
and what is fake. Our minds are like computer processors that never realize
whether an image, thought, or experience is real or fake, created by the user,
or really a part of the environment. This is where we can program our minds
and others to do what we want them to do. This is on a whole other level that
is beyond magic. Our minds are dull and foolish, so let’s fool them forward.
A real occurrence is indistinguishable from an imaginary mental creation.
Each imaginary creation will rewire and reconfigure your mind into
how you want it to be and what you want to become. There is no difference
between thinking and doing. Real and imagined are the same to our brains.
So what now? How can I fool myself forward or use this on other people?
For starters, imagine accomplishing simple tasks, then extraordinary
Tip #15: Exercising your brain

Imagine doing difficult tasks the way an expert would.

World Famous Golfer Jack Nicholson never hit a shot, even practiced
shots, without clearly seeing them in his head first, then hitting after his
visualization was complete.
Most people unknowingly use this power against themselves. They
inadvertently imagine their screw-ups that will happen, the worst-case
scenarios, what will go wrong, and how they can’t do anything right. Then
when they fail at everything, they blame others or don’t understand how to
make changes for themselves. Instead, create your own virtual reality visuals
and images of you doing your best. Get a really good picture of your life after
your affirmations are achieved. What will life look like, feel like, and what
will you experience?

This works for everything in life, not just affirmations. When you
have presentations, competitions, dating, making money. Imagine yourself
living through events before they happen and you nail your presentation, win
your competition, get the dream date, and make lots of money. Seeing
yourself do these things trains your brain to do them the same way.
Visualizations are the easiest life hack ever.
The World Is Your Stage, So Act As If
All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they
have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many
parts, his acts being seven ages. — William Shakespeare
Pretend things are going well, pretend you are who you want to
become, and you have a much better chance of making it real. Act as if
everything will work out, and you will achieve the goals you are striving
towards. Fake it until you make it. Just acting out and imagining yourself in
the best case scenarios and with your problems resolved is therapeutic and
helpful. After pretending to be the person you want to be, it will just come
naturally to become that man or woman.

Act As If — Here are some concrete Act As If Examples you can

use: Act as if people see only what you allow them to see
Act as if I am a CEO making 20k/month
Act as if I am a strong, rich man
Act as if I am successful, handsome, smart
Act as if I know more about life than you do
Act as if that doesn’t bother me
Act as if I don’t give a shit
Act as if I am happy and satisfied
Act as if I have the best job and run the best company there is

“Ask and it shall be given to you; Seek and ye shall find.

To him who knocks, the door shall be opened.”
—Matthew 7:7
Tip #16: The daily five-minute method for turning dreams into
The best and most constructive way to manifest your dreams is easy,
available, and effective. What is the one thing that would change your life the
most? To be healthy with a great body? To have a great friendship and a
loving relationship with family? Or to make an extra $10,000 a month in

Decide on one change.

Create a positive can-do affirmation.
Write and rewrite every day, fifteen times a day.
Make the affirmation part of your life and become open and
receptive to changes in the universe around you that will make your
life exactly what you are affirming fifteen times a day.

Affirmations are declarations of what you are doing, what you are going
to do, and creating opportunities at each and every instant that you are alive.
We go through life not noticing much of what is occurring around us.
Imagine a horse with blinders on. This is how most people live their lives.
Affirmations remove the blinders and allow us to see opportunities and new
connections that will make goals become a reality. When we write down
affirmations and continually write down positive present-tense affirmations,
our world is opened up, and our eyes are opened to new pathways that did not
exist to us before.

How to Write an Affirmation:

When writing your affirmations, make sure they are positive and in the
present or future tense. Examples are:

I write e-books for a living and successfully earn over $10,000 per month
from writing them. (You don’t make $10,000 per month when you first start
this affirmation, but you will be making that much by the end of the six
months of writing this fifteen times per day, every day.)

Affirmations are not immediate solutions to your problem. The

timeframe from first writing your affirmations to achieving big life-changing
effects is as follows: first week — there is little difference in your day-to-day
life. After three weeks, you will start to see changes in the world around you.
In six weeks, you will start changing your behavior. After three months, your
life will start to show major changes starting to occur. Opportunities will
arise from out of nowhere. After six months, your goal will have been
achieved. Consistency and persistence are the keys to achieving your goals.
Stick with the affirmations and watch the magic happen.
Why do affirmations work better than just doing the work?

Affirmations are influencing your subconscious mind.

You are SCREAMING at your subconscious mind as loud as you

can: DO THIS!

Everything starts to come together because the conscious and

subconscious parts of your brain will finally be working together towards the
common goal that you chose.

One of the first effects of writing affirmations is getting ideas for

ways to act on your affirmations. Take a step towards reaching your goal by
acting on these ideas. They are like shots in the arm of adrenaline that you
can act on, right away. For instance, you are writing affirmations on how to
make $10k every month: I will earn an extra $10k a month.

I will earn an extra $10k a month.

I will earn an extra $10k a month.
I will earn an extra $10k a month.
I will earn an extra $10k a month . . .

Then an idea pops into your head:

What if I signed up for an online course on taking family photos. I
can take a quick course on Udemy for $10.00, then start asking my
friends and family if they want family photos taken and I will charge
them a discounted rate to build up my portfolio. I can charge them
$50.00 and with five photo sessions make an extra $250.00 This is a
long way from $10k, but it is a start, and I will be doing what I love,
Taking Pictures!

Act on these ideas, and act right away. Sign up for the course, and send
out messages and posts about working on a portfolio and offer family photo
sessions for $50.00. By acting right away, you are making your affirmations
become reality. You are working on creating the life you have always
wanted. Take advantage of these ideas and get to work immediately. Don’t
worry about finishing the list of affirmations; come back to it later.

How to turn Affirmations into Results:

A. Make affirmations part of your daily routine. Write down your

affirmation 15 times every day. Create a clear, present-tense
statement that you want to become real. “I am a successful writer,
and my E-BOOK will sell 10,000 copies.”
B. Every day you must focus on what you want and your vision of your
C. Visualize what you want.
D. Use Energetic Intent on what you want.
E. Narrate to yourself exactly what you want yourself to do.
Commitment is the stuff character is made of. This is the power to change
the face of things. After you do it, get the impression that it works, and that is
all that matters.

Here are ten specific Affirmations for Money to start using and writing
down yourself fifteen times every day. You can use these yourself or create
your own.

1. Prosperity and opportunities are drawn to me.

2. My finances are improving beyond my dreams.

3. I am a money magnet—money flows to me freely.

4. I created many ways of making $10,000 per month.

5. I have a job where I am making $10,000 per month.

6. I am financially abundant, and I have enough money in my life.

7. I currently make $10,000 per month doing the job I love.

8. I work at a meaningful place where I am paid $10,000 per month.

9. I am successful and use my inherent abilities to make $10,000 per


10. I have a growth mindset and see opportunities everywhere. Making

$10,000 per month is easy for me.

Affirmations for Health

1. I am getting healthier by eating right and exercising.

2. I am becoming strong and healthy, and I love doing it.
3. I eat healthily and exercise three times per week. I am very healthy.
4. I love healthy food and exercise. I am losing weight and getting

Affirmations for Relationships and Family

1. I am creating a wonderful family.

2. I have a loving family that I enjoy spending time with.
3. I am working to make my relationship better with my family.
4. I am going to meet the love of my life, and I am ready for a

Keep in mind Affirmations don’t work overnight. You have to put in the
time of writing them down fifteen times per day, making them part of your
new reality, and reprogramming your life to make your affirmations come
true. A large life-changing affirmation will take six months of commitment,
consistency, and dedication to become realized.
As you write them down and rewrite them, stick to the same affirmation,
fake it until you make it, believe them even when they are not true, and do
everything you can to create your new reality. Opportunities will appear
because you are tuning your life and your behaviors to be open and available
to the universe.
Tip #17: Getting started on difficult, hard-to-do projects
Narrate to Yourself to Force Yourself to Get Started.

If you can’t focus or get started on something you know you really must
do, narrate to yourself. Tell yourself to do it, and keep telling yourself to do it
until you start to complete the task. I sometimes can’t get around to writing,
and I tell myself:

Sit down and write.

Sit down and write.
Sit down and write.
Sit down and write.
Sit down and write.
Sit down and write.

Until finally, I am sitting down and writing. You can use this for any task:

Draw a diagram.
Draw a diagram.

Make a YouTube video.

Make a YouTube video.
Write a tweet
Write a tweet.

And keep saying to yourself the exact action you want to do until you do
the work.
Tip #18: How to face the huge projects that seem
Just start by completing micro-steps consistently.

When you need help starting a huge project, and some large goals and
projects are daunting, and it just seems like you can’t even begin the work,
break it down into the smallest task that you can do now. Like going to law
school: make a list of law schools within driving distance. After that, what is
the next thing I can do: look at the schools and find out how much they cost.
These are micro-steps. Even if you don’t finish a project, you have done
micro-steps until it is either taking on a life of its own or has become no
longer worthwhile.

Some projects will take on a life of their own. The things that become
important are where the energy comes from for the project. Never ever back
off from a micro-step. If it’s too big, make it smaller, but always complete a
micro-step. Writing a page of a book can be broken down into writing just the
title of a chapter. If even this is stumping, you break this down into just
writing a bad title for a chapter. Make this a micro-step that you complete
before moving on or stopping your work.

If you do enough steps, the project should start giving you energy
instead of requiring it.

That’s the step that tells you, you struck gold.

Otherwise, you get to the point where you decide you will not put any
more energy into this project. Some things become no longer worth the work,
and you move on to something better.
Finding Meaning:

Whenever I am doing things compatible with my personal life design, I

know it because they are meaningful to me.

Doing things for the good of the human race.

A positive for humanity makes you feel purpose.

If you feel purpose, you have a purpose.

Support your reproductive capabilities: exercise, eat healthy, fresh

clothes, fresh haircuts

Support other people: help others to find meaning

Improve your job and your work:

“This is America. Pick a Job, then become the person who does it”
— Mad Men TV Show

Work smarter and do the tasks and projects that matter when
you are working.
Summary List for Sections 1 & 2 —

Becoming a Mindset Master with Affirmations:

Life contains a lot of suffering—fix what you can fix.

Meaning gratifies all impulses, now and forever.
When tragedy strikes, become a better person, choose rebirth.
Come to discussions with solutions, not just problems.
Tell people what you want them to do.
Act As If everything will work out.
Visualize your ideal future.
The world is your stage.
Write affirmations daily.
Flood your mind with messages to get back to work.
Break large projects down into micro-steps.

After you figure out your ideal affirmation and start writing it down
daily, you will face setbacks, and your friends and family will sometimes
work against you. This has been my experience for any major project or goal
I work towards. The following sections are guides for overcoming negative
people and the negative behaviors and roadblocks they put up against you.
Section 3 — Persuasive Mindset Mastery
“Timid Salesmen Have Skinny Kids.” — Zig Ziglar

Selling yourself to others is not only a skill for used car salesmen or
pawnshop customers and vendors. We all sell ourselves to everyone we
interact with for different reasons. We are trying to get other people to help
us or pay us for the things we do or the items we sell or the services we
provide. Learning the best selling and marketing methods will help you
negotiate better work and life situations for yourself and allow you to have
the freedom to do what you want and make money when you want.

First impressions can never be made twice, and we are more

influenced by the first fifteen seconds of meeting someone than the
remaining time. Once a first impression is made, we are far more likely to
keep that first impression than change our minds about anyone.

Our visual representation and visual imagery of ideas and proposals

greatly improve or detract from our content so much that we have to always
show and create quality images and videos in order to get anything
understood and approved by our target audiences.

There are some words that make other people respond, and just by
saying the right thing, the results can be astounding. Get ready for quick,
easy-to-remember terms that will do just that, change minds, and create sales
and approval.

Sales and Marketing tools can also be applied to your personal life. You
will come in contact with difficult people and problematic behaviors, and
there are ways you can interact and deal with these people that will benefit
you and them. Make them into a better person or at least call them out on
inappropriate behaviors.

Improve yourself and your life and turn your goals and dreams into

The ultimate life hack is having a meaningful purpose for all the work and troubles

What if everyone you met and interacted with were like zombies and
in a “trance state” twenty-four hours a day? How would you treat them?
Would you interact with them or get away from them?
In many ways, we are all in trance states throughout our day, every day.
What you will be trying to do is Break the Existing Trance State and
introduce a new mindset both for yourself and your targets of these
New habits and systems can be learned to become part of your everyday
Tip #19: Habits to start using today

Build Rapport, Mirror Body Language, and Find Commonalities.

These are all the same thing, which is, become interested in the
person you are communicating with. Start conversations and find their
interests. Literally copy their body language and movements to become their
mirror, and the common interests you have, you can bring up and talk about.
When we meet people with commonalities, we automatically like them more
and have an affinity towards them.

During negotiations, it has been found that you are five times more
likely to get a deal and negotiate a compromise by doing the simple trick of
mirroring the body language of the person you are negotiating with. [1] Just
don’t be too obvious, and make sure your mirroring is not detected by the
person you are negotiating with.

Pace and Lead Them. Pace — act like the person (mirror) you plan
to persuade, then lead them where you want to go.
Tip #20: Focus on everyone’s favorite topic

Everyone’s favorite topic is themselves! Why should they care? How

do they benefit?

Think from the perspective of who you are trying to persuade. What
matters to them? Ask yourself and answer this when presenting your
argument or sales pitch. Don’t sell me anything—improve my condition.

For others to remember what’s important in your sales pitch,

make the first words out of your mouth the important point of your talk.
You want others to take with them a few key parts or ideas. Tell them what
your point is, then explain your point. Too often, sales pitches start by
beating around the bush, and halfway through, your target has no idea what
you are selling them.

Use the keywords of Better, Faster, and Easier because they

work. Tell them how you are better, faster, and easier. In business, these
are some of the most useful words in the English language that I have used to
great benefit. Why do these work vs. words like good, prompt, and simple?
Sometimes those words might work better, but to get the results you really
want, use the terms above, and your success will come faster, and the work
will be easier for you.
Tip #21: Selling yourself and your ideas

Make them think past the sale.

You arrive at a car dealership, and the salesman proceeds to ask
you, “What color do you want your new car in?” You are already talking
about the color of the car, and not if you will buy a car. It’s as if you
have already agreed to the sale. This is an example of making someone
think past the sale.
Talk to your target about their feelings. Specifically, tell them how
they will feel after they make the decision you want them to make. If you
bought the red car, you would feel sexy and cool when you are driving.
Responses from your target audience can be a guide to whether you
are having the desired effect or not. Laughing is a tell it’s working, or a blank
stare, or if they exaggerate absurdly or give you a cynical answer, that means
your argument worked, and they have no other logical response. An
Exaggerated Emotional Outburst from an opponent also shows you won the
Use a high ground maneuver of challenging someone to be a better
version of themselves. By saying something has ‘risk.’ All humans are
hardwired to avoid risk. Most people will agree there is some risk to almost
all actions taken.
People are irrational much of the time. We are trying to break through
their irrational ideas and responses. Your Target will backward rationalize a
decision—after they buy something, they will make up reasons they did so.
Tip #22: Speaking memorably

You want to be remembered, and we always remember people who

have changed our mindsets.

Using the right words clearly and repeatedly will help get the sale and
make your point memorable and ‘sticky.’

Never take for granted your target understands you . . . Repeat your
key phrase three times.

Say exactly what you want—don’t forget to ask for it or you won’t
get it!

Remember to never assume your target can’t afford your offer; they
always can.

Tell an adversary you are on their side and act that way; act as if they
are on your team to turn an enemy into a friend.
Tip #23: High performance requires the right presentation

Memorize a Few High Performing Persuasion Phrases and Start

Using Them Immediately:

These are the exact phrases and words you can use to persuade others.
This is not magic, but can sometimes work like magic. Not all people can or
will be influenced, but the results can and will astound you. Shutting people
down or getting what you want takes initiative. You have to talk them into
what you want. Use the following phrases while talking and work wonders on
Use the word ‘because’ (kids will say because . . . as a reason alone! It
Would you mind . . .?
I’m not interested.
I don’t do that.
I have a rule . . .
I just want to clarify . . .
Is there anything you can do for me?
Thank you!
This is just between you and me.
That’s not my thing.
A Magic Bullet question for any argument:
Tell me something you think is true that you think I don’t think is
true . . .
No, I agree with you—that is true.
Another Magic Bullet for any argument:
“You’re probably right”
Whenever someone disagrees with you on a small matter (read: most
things), you can just shrug, and say, “you’re probably right,” and move on.
Not caring about winning trivial arguments saves so much time and energy.
What about if you don’t have to make a presentation? That doesn’t
matter; we are all presenting our ideas whenever we talk to other people. It
may not seem like a sales presentation until you realize how often you make
The Learned Jedi Mind Trick:
Next time you want to see someone do exactly what you ask them to,
use the Jedi sequence of key phrases: “Would you mind (Request),
Because (any reason you quickly think of).” If they are not influenced,
follow up with, “Is there anything you can do for me to (Repeat
Request)?” Then follow up with the Request a third time. This sequence uses
high performing persuasion phrases, a repeated request (three times), and the
word “because.” Try this, and three out of five times, your request will be
Tip #24: The mindset to present and persuade
Sales and Persuasion involve being calm, centered, and collected.

Have facts ready, be free of emotional charges such as anger or

depression, approach your audience gently, and be patient. Never bully,
insult, belittle, shame, or shout down.

Relatedly is the Psychological Method of being silent when necessary and

repeating statements back to them. Sometimes silence is the answer.

If you know someone who’s always late, stop trying to convince them to
show up on time.

Just ask: “Will you be late today?” The intention of this question sets the
stage for the person to persuade themselves not to be late.
Tip #25: Consistency and self-congruence
If someone agrees to something, even a small request, remind them!
Being consistent is one of the major principles of persuasion. People
align with their previous statements and actions, almost always.
Persuasion is about moving attention to where you want it to be.
Focus on what you want people to focus on. You don’t need to have facts or
specifics. Focus on the details you want. Focus on feelings and emotions you
want your listener to feel and experience. It’s not about facts; it’s about focus
and attention, and making sure people’s focus and attention is where I want it
to be.
Ask for something huge—the Big Ask. When negotiating, ask for
something so unreasonable that you shake your head and say, “I can’t even
believe I’m asking for that.”
By asking for a huge amount or discount or sale, you have nothing to
lose. Often you will be surprised by either getting what you ask for or getting
far more than you originally expected or would settle for. Ask big and dream

Limit their options to two choices: Make the two choices what you want
for both choices. I win, or I also win, but you choose option two. The scarcity
of choices requires them to pick one of your chosen ways of winning and for
you to win no matter what. Two ways to win, and no way to lose.
Tip #26: Always be anchoring your ideas and sales

Picture a ship releasing its anchor and drifting with the currents, but
always staying in the same area from the pull of the anchor. Why would a
beard oil salesman be selling a Viking sword? Why sell a Vespa at a
restaurant on your dinner menu? This doesn’t make sense unless you
understand the concept of price anchoring. Anchor a super expensive item
like a Vespa on the dinner menu (a European Italian restaurant chain actually
sells a $4,500 Vespa on their menu)[2] or a $1,500 Viking Sword next to
$16.00 Beard Oil[3]. and the comparatively cheaper other items look great.
They are anchoring expensive high-end products to keep everything around
them, by comparison, a bargain. This can and will increase sales.

My Company’s Anchoring Usage: When I am not writing e-books, I

manage and run a legal services company offering Process Services.
Most Process Services cost between $75-150, which some people would
balk at and tell us was too expensive. I have literally never heard this
since adding the following Vespa Like Menu Item of the Ultimate
Process Service Package for $1,250:

Ultimate Process Service Package: Find Anyone, Anywhere and

Get Them Served Includes SkipTrace, PO Check, 4 Hours of Stakeouts,
2 Addresses, Attempts Made within 24 Hours and Proof Filed for

This concept also works with any ideas and changing mindsets. Like
the big ask, you anchor your idea next to something much larger, even
knowing that the larger option will not be chosen. Ask for ten times what you
want, or your idea to be accepted. For example, ask for a raise including the
option to work on sales with a 10% commission on sales that come in. That is
a lot more than most employers agree to. Then include, “or I would like a
raise of 2.50 per hour.” Now instead of thinking about the 2.50 per hour raise
= 5,200 per year more, your employer is comparing $2.50 to 10% of new
Tip #27: The three adjustments to make before your sales

Simplify, amplify, and repeat every sales pitch. This is an excellent

technique to double-check and adjust your sales pitch before presenting.

1. Simplify, stop making your sales point too complex; keep it

simple then everyone understands.
2. Amplify your sales pitch by including visuals and giving the
message a punch.
3. Repetition for memorization. Repeat your point three times so
it ‘sticks’ in your target memory.

While you are reviewing your sales pitch, also make sure to stay
positive. Never use the words ‘not’ or ‘don’t’ in your sales pitch. Turn
your pitch positive, not negative, and even avoid the problematic denial
of a negative.

Examples: 1. This product is not a joke. Your unconscious mind hears

‘product,’ ‘joke.’ Horrible persuasion. Instead, just say, this product is
serious. 2. Don’t buy from our company if you are concerned about our
quality. Never say this. The unconscious mind hears “don’t buy from our
company” and ignores the rest of the sentence. Instead, say “buy from me, we
have made mistakes in the past but are always improving our quality.” Watch
the Following Video:

“Steve Jobs Insult Response” (


Steve Jobs was able to turn around insults, never reviews, and even
product defects into highlighting Apple as a company and Apple products.
Summary List for Persuasive Mindsets:

Build Rapport, Mirror Body Language & Find Commonalities.

Pace & Lead: Pace — act like the person (mirror) you plan to
persuade, then lead them where you want to go.
Why should they care? How do they benefit?
The first words out of your mouth should be the main points you
want others to remember.
Tell them you are better, faster, and easier.
Use Energy instead of Facts because it works.
Make them think past the sale
Use the word Because.
Repeat the key point three times.
Say exactly what you want.
I’m not interested.
I have a rule.
Is there anything you can do for me?
You’re probably right.
No, I agree with you.
Be calm, centered, and collected. Never Bully or insult.
Move attention to where you want it.
Ask big!
Anchor large purchases next to less expensive items for contrast.
Simplify, Amplify, and Repeat.
Stay positive!
Section 4 — Mindsets for Conflicts and Arguments
“Don’t raise your voice, improve your argument.” — Desmond Tutu

Social Media and Technology have created more difficult people.

All of us have way shorter attention spans and entitlement attitude where
we want things now, or we are upset.
Tip #28: Different personalities call for different approaches

Determine the type of person you are confronting and use the
approach that matches their personality.
• Aggressive vs. Passive, Task-Oriented vs. People-Focused Personalities

• Four Personality Groups For Simplicity: Thinker, Feeler, Director, and


• Each of these four types can be categorized into two focuses and two
communication methods

• People are either interested in being Task-Focused or People-Focused

• The two Communication Styles we will categorize are either Aggressive

or Passive

The Thinker is Task-Focused and Passive.

The Feeler is People-Focused and Passive.
The Director is Task-Focused and Aggressive.
The Initiator is People-Focused and Aggressive.

Everyone is either focused on the task at hand or on the people and

how people are acting or what people are doing. If you try to respond to the
task-oriented person with the people strategy, you will not get through, and
they will not change. The same goes for people using the incorrect strategy
on a task-focused approach. Determine if the person is Task-Focused or

Is the Person Task-Focused or People-Focused?

Task-Focused — Get to the point, open-faced sandwich, meat of the
meeting. Talking about human stuff like family, hobbies, sports,
anything not involving work! They dislike long stories and having to
wait to get to the point. They want to know right away what the purpose
of the meeting is. The longer you stretch out before getting to the point,
the more frustrated and mad the person gets. Why the build-up? And
after the point is made, they will always think the build-up was pointless
and not worth waiting for.
People-Focused — Sandwich technique, talk about human stuff,
family, friends, hobbies, then get to the meat of the meeting, then
conclude with family and friends human stuff. Help them get their eyes
off themselves, show the bigger picture, and include how this affects
other people. Give them time to process. They take things personally
and will get emotional because they care about other people. Don’t be
cold and impersonal—that will make things worse!
Is the person Aggressive or Passive? The aggressive tactics will not work
on a passive person, and vice versa. Determine the type of person you are
dealing with before your interaction and especially before a major
confrontation. Most people get defensive when you confront them. The root
cause is fear and insecurity in themselves. To avoid them shutting down or
lashing out, use the following techniques.
Aggressive — Stay calm, lower your voice, and don’t get sucked
into lashing out. Try to stick to facts and figures and positive emotions.
Passive — They have a tendency to shut down and not respond or
respond negatively much later. Make sure to ask questions, make them
interact with you, and be involved in the decisions you make together.
If you need to assess someone quickly, an easy test to determine the type
of person you are interacting with is to ask the following two questions. Their
answers will give a reasonable estimate of the personality type, but not a
guarantee; there are always exceptions to the rules.

1. Aggressive vs. Passive Question:

You are put into a position where you are angry, and your feelings
are caused by someone you know, but not very well, an acquaintance of
a close friend.
Do you express your feelings and tell them how you feel right away,
discuss it with your friend after the fact, or just let it go? The aggressive
person will confront the acquaintance; the passive will either discuss it
with the friend or just let it go.

2. Task-Oriented vs. People-Oriented Question:

You are asked to spend the weekend working on a special project

that will make work much easier the following week but will take five
hours of your Saturday you were supposed to spend with close friends.
Do you go to work on Saturday or do the work on Monday and
spend time with your friend instead? The task-oriented person will go to
work, while the people-oriented person will spend time with their friend.

By using this matrix, you can communicate effectively with each type of
person and personality:
Tip #29: Even though you can’t always change minds, you can
change people

Try as we may, there are times where some people’s minds are set,
and there is no changing them. We can’t always change another person’s
mind, but we can change their behavior.

Figure out what they are doing that is bothering you. Try to have them
change the one thing that bothers you the most, not their personality or
themselves. It is a lot harder to change who someone is, what their beliefs
are, or their own feelings and ideas. But that one problem behavior is
changeable. Determine the behavior, state why it is a problem, and state the
solution of what you want them to do differently. Focus on behavior and
nothing else.
Tip #30: The next level of influence

If you can’t change someone’s mind and you can’t change their
behavior, then what?

You can change how YOU react to them.

Sometimes there is no changing even someone’s behavior. Just telling

someone, “I can’t control you or change your ideas, but I can change my
reactions to them,” can have a profound impact. From now on, I am going to
deal with this in a different way. Change your own reactions and behavior.
Try doing things differently with this person. The next level of influence is
showing, in your actions and reactions, that you are going to change how you

Ask Open-Ended Questions! — Determine the other person’s

perspective—instead of just making statements. 86% of people resist and are
slow to any change.
Techniques that give you more power with Difficult People . . . and keep
you from being manipulated.
Pace and Blend with the other person in a way of relating to them
subconsciously. Copy their body language and body positioning. If two
people are mirroring each other, and there is a disagreement, one person will
intentionally shift their body to make sure they are no longer in a mirror
position to the other person. Even if this happens, you can still use this to
create a connection with the other person, bring it back to mirrored
Backtrack when necessary: Sometimes, you may have to backtrack and
take back things you have said. Admit to mistakes you have made and show
you are willing and open to compromise.
Clarify: Be as clear and concise as possible. Repeat back to them what
they are saying, and clarify their statements and behaviors.
Tip #31: Clarify and stay clear in your communications

Be as clear as possible about the behavior that is unacceptable and the

behavior you want going forward. Many arguments and conflicts come from
not communicating enough or communicating in unclear ways. Make sure at
least one side of the communication (your side) is crystal clear.

The Three Clear Methods of Managing Conflict:

1. Ignore and forget it — 86% will do anything we can to avoid

conflict (most people will hint and beat around the bush, imply it
but don’t confront you about it)
2. Strive to improve the problematic relationship
3. End the relationship

If two people are mirroring each other, and there is a disagreement, one
person will intentionally shift their body to make sure they are no longer in a
mirror position to the other person.

Strive to improve the problematic relationship. Ignoring runs into

problems later on, and ending the relationship is often not an option.
Tip #32: Successful confrontations

The Thinker by Auguste Rodin

With some people, you just know the confrontation is going to come,
not if but when. Successfully confront someone by preparing, using
positive messaging, and documenting the interactions.

With difficult people, preparation, preparation, preparation, and after

your meeting or confrontation, documentation documentation,
documentation. Be prepared to give details, factual and specific, then
write down everything that happened.
Use ‘I’ ‘We’ ‘us’ ‘our’ If you say, ‘you, you, you,’ it puts up barriers
and walls.
State your request clearly (Real Estate: Location, Location,
Focus on their behavior rather than the person or personality.
Include standards of what you consider acceptable behavior and just
focus on the behavior that is not acceptable
Use appropriate nonverbal behaviors, like mirroring and open body
“Treat others the way they want to be treated.”
Imagine your body posture is the thinker and ask, “what can we do
to turn this around and make this a win-win situation?” This keeps you
in an engaged and thoughtful body language and allows you to take your
time. The thinker is the embodiment of careful, complete understanding
and thoughtful processing.
Tip #33: Switching things up

If someone is upset (with you or something that might seem unfair to

them), switch the focus from the outcome to the process. (Here is how we
got to this outcome.) This is after you have made your case, followed up with
examples, worked on their behavior, and still need to get something out of a
so-far unsuccessful confrontation. Now let’s change our focus to the process.
Here are the things we did to get here. This is the process of moving forward.

If someone is upset, but it is not warranted: Stand your ground.

Stick to your preparation and repeat your request. As a last resort, call
them out. “Your phony outrage doesn’t work on me.” You are pretending
to be outraged over something that isn’t outrageous. You wouldn’t say this
type of thing in private, so don’t try this on me.

Three’s a Crowd Make Changes Quickly: Unless all of the three team
members have clearly defined responsibilities, the group forms shifting
allegiances of two against one. One way to mitigate the three-person problem
is to have one of the people be elevated to lead or team lead, give them a little
bit higher pay and have them, as part of their job, make sure there’s no
conflict between the three team members and oversee the other two.
Tip #34: Argument tactics for terrible interactions

We have all been there before where an argument turns into a terrible
shouting match, verbal abuse, personal faults are brought up, and everyone is
worse off than before they started.

Use the following Argument Tactics to overcome and win when

arguments become terrible interactions.

Tactic 1: Improve your self-image. To effectively deal with difficult

people, I need to improve my self-image and self-esteem.
Most people get defensive when you confront them. The root cause is fear
and insecurity in themselves.

Tactic 2: Develop Assertiveness Skills

Terrible Interactions inevitably will lead to Passive, Assertive, or
Aggressive Outcomes.

Passive: Lose-Win I’m not going to die on that hill, or I will pick my
battles carefully. You decide this fight is not worth it, just walk away and be
passive. (86% of people choose to be passive when confronted with
aggressive, terrible arguing people.)
Assertive: Win-Win Assertive but not aggressive. Use the least amount of
force necessary.
Aggressive: Win-Lose Law enforcement, military . . . “Standing up for
my rights without violating the rights of other people.”
Tip #35: Use pattern interrupts to break through

The interaction is stuck, and you need to stop them in their tracks
and turn this into something different.

Sometimes you have to interrupt the person you are talking to. Flip
the table over, but not literally. Just use these Pattern Interrupts to stop them
from arguing and change their mind or shut down their argument. Here are
the best ones to memorize and use:
Stop, Stop, Stop.
Are You Yelling At Me? Why?
I am your friend/boss/coworker!
Do You Need To Go Home?
(Do You Need To Be Sent Home?)
What can you do for me?
I’m Not Interested In That.
Tip #36: Take your time and don’t rush through the process

Some people and some problems can easily be solved in one to five
minutes, but they don’t want that, and that will never suffice to solve the
problems they have brought up.

Instead, specifically, take time, investigate, talk to the parties

involved, tell them you will develop a plan, and you may seek outside
help and research. Then either hours or days later, present your
solution. Treat this as an important matter that you will not just dismiss.

You can even do this as a backtrack if you put something off, then it
is brought up again, and you don’t have a ready answer. The other person has
been thinking about and been bothered by this, but you didn’t give it a second
glance. Now you know how important the matter is to them and will treat it
Tip #37: Use literal hostage negotiation

When your interaction gets out of control, and nothing seems to be

working, you need to use the following negotiating tactics of SWAT teams
and police officers for hostage situations[4]:

1. Adjust My Breathing (slower and calmer)

2. Lower my voice to exhibit calmness and sincerity
3. Ask Left Brain Logic type questions
4. Apologize and/or show empathy
5. Look for Common Ground and demonstrate understanding
6. Assurance that an agreeable resolution is attainable
7. Offer options (even if they don’t like the choices)
Summary List - Mindsets for Conflicts and Arguments

We can’t change someone’s personality, but we can change their

behavior. Focus on Behavior and not Personality.
We can change ourselves and how we react.
Ask Open-Ended Questions.
Strive to improve your relationship.
State your Request clearly.
Switch the focus from the outcome to the process.
Improve yourself to improve your communication with difficult
Be assertive but not aggressive.
Take your time.
Stand your ground.
Lower your voice to show calmness and sincerity.
Show empathy.
Offer Options.
Assure them an agreeable outcome is attainable.
Look for common ground and demonstrate understanding.

I wrote this book to help readers become better communicators and to

make money through communications strategies that are effective and game-
changing, to get through the roadblocks they have in their mindsets, and
influence themselves and others to become better people who have happy and
more fulfilling lives.

What each one of us does with our time matters, and we can change
people around us and change ourselves. Start writing affirmations and taking
action. Here are a few ideas on ways to make $10,000 a month. After using
these affirmations and making it part of your reality, you will see many other
opportunities. These are just a few to get you started.

If you want to make $10,000 per month with affirmations, the first
thing you must do is start using the following affirmations:

I am going to make $10,000 a month. I am earning $10,000 a

I am going to make $10,000 a month, and I will do whatever it
takes to make $10,000 a month.
If you like sewing, make your affirmation about sewing and how you
can make $10,000 a month by sewing. If you love to cook and love eating,
make your affirmation about cooking and eating and how you can make
$10,000 a month cooking and eating. If you love to shop, flipping is what
you should do; you get paid to shop and sell what you shopped to other
people. Make your affirmation about what you love. Have a car hobby
already? Make your affirmation about cars. If you have an eye for
wonderful, beautiful
photographs, make your affirmation about photography and how you are
going to start making $10,000 a month by buying and selling photos or taking
photos, doing whatever it takes to make money with photography. Do what
comes naturally to you and what you already love.
The special sections on Interviewing To Get A Higher Paying Job,
Negotiating A Higher Salary, Make Your Boss’ Life Easier, Making Your
Company Make More Money So You Deserve A Raise, and Side Hustle
Communications For Extra Cash give the reader the tools to start making
more money immediately. With just the Interviewing To Get A High
Paying Job, Negotiating A Higher Salary, and Side Hustle
Communications For Extra Cash, you can make $10k per month.

Here is a quick list of professions where affirmations and hard work will
get you to earning $10k per month within 6-12 months. Pick 1 and stick with
eBay Flipping
Gig Delivery & Driving – DoorDash, GrubHub, Amazon
Tutoring, Teaching
Childcare, Babysitting –
Gardening, Landscaping
Handyman, Carpentry
Writing, Journalism
Computer Technical Support
Computer Maintenance
Computer Networking
Social Media Marketing Services
Search Engine Optimization
Website Development
Editing Service
Sales and Marketing Services

Affirmations and changing minds is a skill you can practice and work
on. Writing affirmations works miracles, and the self-talk we use on our own
minds will set our mindset towards a more meaningful life.

Life Is Suffering. Obstacles sometimes are the way of testing us to see if

we are serious.

Doing what you find Meaningful is Thriving. Take the lessons and ideas
from this book and use it in your own life. Go forth and thrive.

Thank you for purchasing and reading Affirmations For Money

Blueprint. Use the information you have learned from this book and start
writing affirmations and reprogramming your reality. You’ve probably
already chosen an affirmation for yourself and started writing it and thinking
about creating the life you want. If so, congratulations, but stay consistent
and stick with your affirmations. To change your life will take time,
effort, and hard work. The affirmations will guide you into your new

If you are stuck in a rut, you can always refer back and reread this
book or get in contact with me. I love to do in-person consulting and
coaching on all of the topics we covered. Alternatively, if you have great
news and your life has been reprogrammed, send me a quick note. It is the
best compliment to hear how my work has changed peoples’ lives for the
better and created new realities.

The affirmations can and will help many readers pay off debts, change
careers, and take family vacations. Seeing the success of readers is a
heartwarming experience for me.

Congratulations! Once you have completed this book, you

are now an expert at Mindset Mastery, Affirmations for
Money, and how to Reprogram Your Reality.

Use the tools you have learned and create the best reality you

The next step is to launch your own company or make your

company insanely profitable. If you would like support with that,
or with any of the sections in this book, I have an invitation for

For a small group, I am offering coaching and consultations in

Business Opportunities and Strategies Using Affirmations and
Mindset Mastery.

Click here to learn more:

If you have questions about what to do in your specific situation, or you’d
like some strategic advice on making the most of your affirmations or
reprogramming your reality, you can rent my brain here.

I’d love to work with you in-person. Either way, best success
and Start Writing Affirmations Today to Reprogram Your
Jonah Berger, Invisible Influence (Simon & Schuster, 2017)
Steve J. Martin, The small BIG (Grand Central Publishing, 2014)
Pete Weishaupt, Twitter Feed @peteweishaupt April 2019
Fred Pryor Course – Dealing With Difficult People (, 2016)

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