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The Mexican president posts a photo of what he

claims is an elf.
The Mexican president posts a photo on social media on what he claims is a real
elf. I decided to talk about this article because I find it funny but at the same time
very interesting, since an important figure like a president firmly believes in
mythical creatures, in this case we are talking about elves.

The Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador wasn’t joking when on
Saturday the 26th of February, he posted on social media a photo of an “Aluxe”.
The photo was taken by an engineer and is quite scary: The nighttime photo
shows a tree with branches forming a lock of hair and stars forming the
character's eyes. He said that the photo “was taken three days ago by an
engineer, it appears to be an Aluxe,” and at the end he said “everything is

According to traditional Mayan belief, "Aluxes" are small, mischievous creatures

that inhabit forests and fields and like to play tricks on people, such as hiding
things. Some leave small offerings to appease them. The fact that his beliefs are
still alive today, is due to the fact that the Mayan influence is very strong also
today, especially in the Yucatan Peninsula. Here people still speak like the
Mayans did, they wear the same traditional clothes, they grow the same crops
and they eat the traditional food. This shows us how traditions can be stronger
than any conquerors.

Another motivation I chose this article is because we now finished studying the
Early Latin American civilization, including the Maya, and we are now studying
Mexico from its physical, political and cultural aspects. While I wrote this current
event, not only did I learn extra things about the Maya Civilization, but I also
learned how strong traditions are and how they can shape and make a more
unique society.
Rachele Demitry

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