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Natine of Conrsttlicéion of India Its salunt feabores and Preamble . Nation of Consbifiction of India Accodiy ts traditions) cLasifccalin fetieeed py i Us peliliad seentula Constibulions re ce ov federal. dr a unilary eonalibalion the So of the goverment are confralived En mre gore be Centiap Cnovernment » On the other and, 17 federal constititin , there ua duuerton of POM betiveen the Federaf and Sah goon « The ib a diffacnce of opinim amongel conabifiilional furuti about tHe nattar of grdan Conrsltililco One ucwo u thet itu prst-pederal consbililion wth a rout fabio adepting itelf te national emergencies The view of the framers of the Conalifulion bb that the Irddian Conifititio, U a Feder c “text Esrentiaf Featiirs oF FederaP CorutiliVien 4 Dishibulion +t “Poses — The distribalion of Coors ta an assentiol footins P ot aise ‘Scanned wih CamScanner The basis of distribution of pavers us that in matters % vation] inrporbince , in which & uniforn policy darinalte in tHe inter ole “ te nit 5 auutlovily u euiusted te the y Unni , and mattr of loca concer WRN vou the stafe. z Supvenracy of Coushtubion - A federal stobe deruus it, cxcilence from the conubibafien Every power, execute , legitlabine ov judiccal wrath it Lelonge ky tte Corcatitection vation oy individual ct ub ordinate te and conbrollul by the Comtohen The suprene corititutior u asstnbial if epevornment ute ee fede) itt, wvtten Conslifibien, u esrentiad if federal Crovernmed ts te work well, 3 Lotter Contibition ~ Jt url be prackico Ly iripessible ty mrairtain the cyprenoey of Sha constibidtion Laue been reduces ins cote . y Rigididly - A watina] corollary of a wnittin comabiibion is le ~vigidaly A comatibition tolich ua The suprene law ed the lund mrt also be rgd St scenpi means ‘Scanned wih CemScanner supremacy of tae Heck He Powe of anending We Coarstilition should not verain exclusiely with either te Central or State Crovernwonli. Acthervity ef Conti - Ma tAdorel Stale the lye! Constitistion 4 essenbiaD tov thre existence of tee fediral eystion - Gt is essential te reointiin deer duirrtor, of prot betiven te two leuela of qovernnatls and thts nus be deme by some independent and Unrpartial authorily and beyond the ovelmary bodat The Comutibiction establtbir a ducal petih, The proviacoms of Conslifiibion cant be altered without Ye coraut of nwyorily oF Hu tater The Fudian Constitution corfnins Hue modification of te fecltral principle Appetntmnt of Yovernart— Tee evernon of te Aah ore appointed by tte preside and answerable fe hun, Mere ce prorco4 nm the Consbiititie, under wher th Governer “ veyed te send cornlarn slate lave fer Hu ascent 4 President . Prosident hos porwr te ver Te Sh lw. Kerala education Bil uw me such example ‘Scanned wih CamScanner 2 farlianedi power tr legistalr in the nakinned incenad] Under Ast 241 Parlianwnt is empowered te nieke lars with vespet be ewrery matter enunralid Or He AG Lub if the Rajya Sabha Passes & res elubio, by 2/3 nojeity “that iE us necessary In the maktonal interwt B Parliaments pro t form wo Stats anc aller boundaries of coatiy States .— The forliament Of India moo form WL stabis , ib may mevease oy diminish the atea of any safe and it wry alter. the boundariu or mt of any stale (Axt-3). Emory ency Provisions = Conatchiction envisages three tippes of ernenrgencicds 5 Crcagevey Caused by Wor, Emergurcy caused by failre of contihition! mach crory th Stats (Art: asé). Financrad Emerguney (art: 360), Saliut Feabines of Constitition v4 Phcest Consist tr Ha world — Frdun Comatitilion U the lengthieal Lovahtidlion avd Ha ant detailed ad) writin conatibictions oy the world, vith 3s Articles divided info a2 pant and 8 Schedule ab Lage down the plructire net only ot central Cavernmet ‘Scanned with but alro of the Stabs. The vastness of the county | tend peculor problems yelating & the engage hae ated bulk to the Constibition 2 Perlianrentany form of (novernnuant ~ Corulifictio, estatliahe, parliomenbiny form ef qoverhmenk both at He ceure and SK, tn thes respect the weakens howe follower! the British wrodal lx 6B Uatzue bens of rpedilyy end flexibility — The ludtan Constilition though voritten » is acdficiently Heck It uw mly a fer provision of the comstiiut on that repedre the coment of half f He Stale legilatire The yest of the provisions cam be cummuenled by a sprecal wajorly oF Parliament. Fundanentel Righti - Furdamentee Chit in Port Il of Hu Consbitition Are prekibihim agarnst the SGE Sta cannot nakea las that taker Qucay cen of the 9A of the Cire quaranlid in Pant II of Corabtichion Dineckiue Principles of State Policy — Untike Fundamental righ fs sthsse are not jutbeiatle Sf te sta & Unable FB ineplement theses thay are onby anioeralle 3 te clectrale ‘Scanned with at Hue re of election. 6 4 Adult Suffrage every Geeular SAG - Jt has no velriton of ik mm as secegnised religion of tale . Articles 25 t 28 ghees tomerti Shape te thin concept of seculartem , gpraranting eur porter Freedom of conacienee ound. eld te profes, ldepudeut Tadiciarg ~The exrtince of right depends Up the navedy for 1h enforcement, Thus an ! diciony vs eatablished independuct ancl impartial gudeciaay Single Citivenship - Grdian have only one ciliconship Aug dot Wane uy nb citizenship . roy citizn enjogs He some vighb of citizenship we naif im what state be anita. an or looman abou 18 years of age Kes Geen gen tie Ky te elect vepresentallive for the lepilatins . Art B26) ua bold step keeping im nud the iiteracy and vart extent of the counbey Fundamental Duler — G4 and Arrendment) ACE; 1976 introduced a Cole of ten’ Funclamenlay Dubies” for Chizens with the Corstituhon (8641 Araend ment) A ch, 200 | Hees cocle has become of eleuen duties . FJudictl Revinw — Power ef courts be pronounce upon Hae corstitv Horalitiy ef} legialabine acts urhick gaul loitein Heir normal jorudichm be erforce and the Powe 2 refuse te enforce. suck os they find tai Uncoubtidiiored and lence vod . ‘Scanned wih ComScanner The Preamble Frente a the Key ta open Ha macnd of The AIM tna Gervubanis (eae » Stprenne Cour held thek He Preamble was vat a part of The Comubitibion. But iv Kealwanaundr Bharata Care , Supyeme Court vejedid the abeue view aud luld thal peepee «preamble iu a port of the Consbitiction Purpose it Serwes — a) gt indicatin the source gvo™ cohich the Consttlikinn Comer, the people oF tnolia b) 94 confauu the enacting Letise uctuich mings ants fusce Hla Comabitudion . ©) 3t declares the qrect gta and freedoms whieh he people of India intended te cere Lecture te all cifizens aut baste types of government anal polity which tas tp be elablished Preamble declares Gnidia a Severe Socrtaliat Secular Democrabie, Republic, Sovereign power that which u absolufi and unembrastled | Demoowle staée , it my Waeeprainmolectsdloy ioe horeclibany head . Gy vrepublic the political Sovensiqnly vests Un the people and L of the Stati u only a poum 3 elbeted ly the people der & find term ‘Scanned wih CamScanner Objectives enshrired tr the Preamble Tustin — Soctaf , eomoce and polit'caf Liberty ~ Of thenght, expression, belle, faibh and sership Eapalily — Of statics and of oppounily, ancl 10 promolz red thm all Faltinnily — Assu Paatee S6uany the dignily of Ha induiedusad and Preamble cannot le anurrendad ov a SUR a way that it Cearer be be Seven Demecrsbic Republic “44 these element are vere the phrucking will viet suruue ond if coil! loca ib (dentelig Adnd Ammendmut bes tronrtid thie ras words in the Preanchhe fe Seeularcimt , Soctalim. and [etegniy . Socialism inplits a system af government in Lotich rmuans of productim is whelly a partially emtrellid by the Sak The word inteyrily u intended to put an ed te Geparafict tendeneite ancl tke people fret tat every pert of lola U Herr how Beeulercim ot though Hu Secular Stak cre nol Corabibtion mbt wantid t allot a cba ond th Ave 26 to 28 haue lean included an SR Bornmat We Union of Inclia, the Supreme Cort has het tat" Cecufaim “4 the basic feating of. Covstitution Conclusion i a ven lengthy consbilinbion vith 345 Tt ottinpti a balance befiveen FundanrnLat 4 nyt ond and infra of the Irdinideco as welf 4 the stale .

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