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- odnos i s i ? wy ??c zni e do pr z es z ?o?c i .

- mówi my o t y m, c o by s my c hc i el i z mi eni c / mar z y my al e ni e j est t o mozl i we do

spe?ni eni a poniewa? nie cofniemy czasu i nie zmienimy przesz?o?ci.

if + Osoba +Past Perfect + Osoba + Future Perfect in the Past

if + osoba + had + III forma + Osoba + would have + III forma

If I had met Susan last week I would have given Gdybym spotka?Susan w poprzednim tygodniu,
her the book. da?bym jej t?ksi??k? .

(ale nie spotka?em i nie da?em jej ksi??ki, szansa


EXERCI SES pr zykl adów

1. If you ______________ (not / be) late, we ______________ (not / miss) the bus.
2. If she ______________ (study), she ______________ (pass) the exam.
3. If we ______________ (arrive) earlier, we ______________ (see) John.
4. If they ______________ (go) to bed early, they ______________ (not / wake) up late.
5. If he ______________ (become) a musician, he ______________ (record) a CD.
6. If she ______________ (go) to art school, she ______________ (become) a painter.

1. If you (have) he option, (you/stay) in Paris for longer?

2. If we (negotiate) a bit, (they/reduce) the price?
3. If you (know) about the crime, (you/tell) the police?
4. If we (meet) 20 years ago, (we/be) friends?

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