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Impaired gas exchange related to airflow

1.When caring for a client with acute myocardial
B. Risk for infection related to retained
infarction, the nurse recognizes that prompt pain
management is essential for which reason?
C. Activity intolerance related to fatigue
A. The discomfort will increase client anxiety D. Anxiety related to actual threat to health
and reduce coping. status
B. Relief of pain indicates that the myocardial
5.A pt is diagnosed with hypokalemia. After reviewing
infarction is resolving.
the pt's current medications, which of the following
C. Pain relief improves the oxygen supply and
might have contributed to the pt's health problem?
decreases oxygen demand.
D. Pain medication should not be used until a A. Narcotic
definitive diagnosis has been established. B. Corticosteroid
C. Thiazide diuretic
2.How does the nurse can assess the client for
D. Muscle relaxer
trousseau sign?
6.Carlo, a 55-year-old patient with a feeding tube, has
A. Ask the client to flex his hands
been experiencing severe watery stool. The patient is
B. Gently tap the client’s cheek and note for the
lethargic and has poor skin turgor, a pulse of 120, and
hyperactive reflexes. Nursing interventions would
C. Place a blood pressure cuff to the arm of the
client then inflate it 40 mmHg higher than the
client’s systolic bp and note for the palmar A. Applying wrist restraints to avoid accidental
flexion removal of the tube feeding
D. Place a blood pressure cuff to the arm of the B. Administering salt tablets and monitoring
client then inflate it 40mmHg lower than the hypertonic parenteral solutions
client’s systolic bp and note for the palmar C. Administering sedatives
flexion D. Measuring and recording intake and output
daily weights
3.A nurse is caring for a client requiring positive
pressure mechanical ventilation. The client has been 7.After a coronary angiogram, an urgent PTCA with
fighting the ventilator-assisted breaths, and the stenting was done to Ms. Dina. After, she was placed
client’s blood pressure has been steadily decreasing. on “dual antiplatelet therapy” (Aspirin 80 mg/ tablet
Which would be the most appropriate intervention by twice a day, and Clopidogrel 75 mg/ tablet, once a
the nurse? day). The nurse knows that the purpose for this is to:
A. Place the client in the prone position A. Dissolve any blood clots left
B. Prepare to administer intravenous B. To prevent the artery from rupturing
aminophylline C. Increase the efficiency of the PTCA
C. Notify the respiratory therapist to increase D. Prevent the stent from allowing it to be
the positive pressure settings enveloped by clots
D. Call the physician to suggest sedatives and
8.Nurse would be most concerned about which lab
values obtained from a client receiving furosemide
4.A male patient is admitted to the healthcare facility (lasix) therapy?
for treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary
A. BUN 20
disease. Which nursing diagnosis is most important
B. Potassium 2.5 mEq/L
for this patient?
C. Creatinine 3.1
D. Magnesium 1.8 D. Performing thoracentesis
9.To promote continued improvement in the 14.A 64 year old client is brought in to the hospital
respiratory status of a client following chest tube with thirsty, dry, sticky mucous membranes,
removal after a chest surgery for multiple rib fracture, decreased urine output, fever, a rough tongue and
the nurse should: lethargy. Serum sodium level is above 145 mEq/L.
Should the nurse start salt tablet when caring for this
A. Continue observing for dyspnea and crepitus
B. Encourage bed rest with active and passive
range of motion exercises A. No, sodium intake should be restricted
C. Turn him from side to side at least every 2 B. Yes, this will correct the sodium deficit
hours C. Yes, along with the hypotonic IV
D. Encourage frequent coughing and deep D. No, start with the sodium chloride IV
15.The client obtained a sodium level of 125 mEq/L,
10.This is the pressure that draws water inside the then a client asks the nurse why does her sodium
vessel which is more concentrated decreases. The nurse best response will be:
A. Filtration A. “Because you were put on an NPO because
B. Diffusion of your previous diagnostic procedure and
C. Active Transport now you are on a law salt diet.”
D. Osmosis B. “Its okay, you need to worry about it.”
C. “Because you had a frequent episodes of
11.The client visits to the hospital and complaining of
vomiting” - potassium
tremors, shallow respiration and nausea and vomiting.
D. “May be you need to increase taking foods
Which of the following laboratory results confirms the
rich in vitamin D.” - calcium
client’s condition?
16.Nurse Carlo caring for a client with a
A. Magnesium level of 3.2 mEq/L
pneumothorax and who has had a chest tube inserted
B. Magnesium level of 2.8 mEq/L
notes continues gentle bubbling in the suction control
C. Magnesium level of 3.0 mEq/L
chamber. What action is appropriate?
D. Magnesium level of 1.2 mEq/L
A. Check for an air leak because the bubbling
12.The nurse checks the results of lab tests and notes
should be intermittent
that the potassium level is 2.5 mEq/L. After reporting
B. Do nothing, because this is an expected
this finding to the physician, the nurse assesses the
client for:
C. Increase the suction pressure so that the
A. Hypertension. bubbling becomes vigorous
B. Weak, irregular pulse D. Immediately clamp the chest tube and notify
C. Bounding pulse. the physician
D. Increased bowel sounds
17.The nurse evaluates which of the following clients
13.If a pleural effusion develops, which of the to have hypermagnesemia?
following actions best describes how the fluid can be
A. A client who has hyperthyroidism and a
removed from the pleural space and proper lung
magnesium level of 1.6 mEq/L
status restored?
B. A client who has CHF takes diuretic and has
A. Performing paracentesis magnesium leve of 2.3 mEq/L.
B. Allowing the pleural effusion o drain by itself
C. Inserting a chest tube
C. A client who has a renal failure takes D. Stridor on expiration
antacids and has a magnesium level of 2.9
23.A client has a serum calcium level of 7.2 mg/dl.
During the physical examination, the nurse expects to
D. A client who has chronic alcoholism and a
assess which of the following:
magnesium level of 1.3 mEq/L
A. Hegar’s Sign
18.Which of the following statement best explains
B. Homan’s Sign
how opening collapsed alveoli improves oxygenation?
C. Trousseau’s Sign
A. Alveoli have no effect on oxygenation D. Goodell’s Sign
B. Alveoli need oxygen to live
24.Eddie, 40 years old, is brought to the emergency
C. Collapsed alveoli increase oxygen demand
room after the crash of his private plane. He has
D. Gaseous exchange occurs in the alveolar
suffered multiple crushing wounds of the chest,
abdomen and legs. It is feared his leg may have to be
19.The observation that indicates a desired response amputated. When Eddie arrives in the emergency
to thoracostomy drainage of a client with chest injury room, the assessment that assume the greatest
is: priority are:
A. Constant bubbling in the drainage chamber A. Pain, Respiratory rate and blood pressure
B. Increased breath sounds B. Quality of respirations and presence of
C. Increased respiratory rate pulses
D. Crepitus detected on palpation of chest C. Abdominal contusions and other wounds
D. Level of consciousness and pupil size
20.The most abundant cations in the extracellular
compartment compartment is: 25.This is a type of fluid imbalance occurs when the
loss of ECF volume exceeds the intake of fluids and
A. Calcium
when the water and electrolytes are lost in the same
B. Sodium
C. Potassium
D. Magnesium A. Fluid Volume Excess
B. None of the above
21.A nurse is assessing lung sounds on a client with
C. Fluid Volume Deficit
pneumonia who is having pain during inspiration and
D. Rehydration
expiration. The nurse hears loud grating sounds over
the lung fields. The nurse should document the 26.Sublingual nitroglycerin tablets begin to work
client’s pain level and should document that: within 1 to 2 minutes. How should the nurse instruct
the client to use the drug when chest pain occurs?
A. Pleural friction rub was heard upon
auscultation. A. Take one tablet, then an additional tablet
B. Wheezing was heard upon auscultation. every 5 minutes for a total of 3 tablets. Call
C. Fine crackles were heard upon auscultation. the physician if pain persists after three
D. Lung sounds were clear upon auscultation. tablets.
B. Take one tablet and rest for 10 minutes. Call
22.Which finding should a nurse expect when
the physician if pain persists after 10
completing an assessment on a client with chronic
C. Take one tablet. If pain persists after 5
A. Pink, frothy sputum minutes, take two tablets. If pain still persists
B. Minimal sputum with cough 5 minutes later, call the physician.
C. Barrel chest
D. Take one tablet every 2 to 5 minutes until the D. Muscular contraction and relaxation
pain stops.
31.A client has been taking INH for 2 months. The
27.Ms. Dina was treated and after 3 days she is for client complains to a nurse about numbness,
discharge already. She was wondering when she can paresthesias, and tingling in the extremities. the nurse
resume her “intimate activity” with her husband. The interprets that the client is experiencing:
nurse’s best response would be:
A. Hypercalcemia
A. Delay sex until 1 week after you are B. Impaired peripheral circulation
discharged C. Small blood vessel spasm
B. The best time you can have sex is when D. Peripheral neuritis
your husband wants it too
32.A 60-year-old male client comes into the
C. If you can tolerate 2 flights of stairs and it
emergency department with complaints of crushing
has been 2 months already since discharge,
chest pain that radiates to his shoulder and left arm.
consult your doctor again, and he may give
The admitting diagnosis is acute myocardial
you the go signal to resume your “intimate
infarction. Immediate admission orders include
activities” (sex) with your husband.
oxygen by NC at 4L/minute, blood work, chest x-ray,
D. If you will be undergoing cardiac rehab, it is
an ECG, and 2mg of morphine given intravenously.
advisable you resume sex during phase I of
The nurse should first:
the Rehab program
A. Order the chest x-ray
28.Some particles cannot be able to cross into the
B. Administer the morphine
other compartment because a cell membrane
C. Obtain a 12-lead ECG
requires the assistance of membrane altering system.
D. Obtain the lab work
This term is called?
33.A male client asks the nurse about the potassium
A. Impermeability of the cells
her potassium level. The nurse noticed that the
B. Facilitated Diffusion
patient’s potassium level is 5.7 mEq/L. The patient
C. Osmosis
then asks the nurse about the factors that can cause
D. Filtration
an elevation of the potassium level. Which of the
E. Correct
following is the correct response from the nurse?
29.A chest tube with water seal drainage is inserted to
A. The patient had an over administration of
a client following a multiple chest injury. A few hours
potassium sparing diuretics
later, the client’s chest tube seems to be obstructed.
B. The patient had an over administration of
The most appropriate nursing action would be to
A. Clam the tube immediately C. The client had a frequent episodes of
B. Prepare for chest tube removal vomiting
C. Milk the tube toward the collection container D. The patient had a frequent episode of
as ordered diarrrhea
D. Arrange for a stat Chest x-ray film.
34.Nurse Reynolds caring for a client with a chest
30.Which of the following is not the function of tube turns the client to the side, and the chest tube
calcium? accidentally disconnects. The initial nursing action is
A. Enzyme Activation
B. Intracellular production and utilization of ATP A. Place a sterile dressing over the
C. Formation and mineralization of bones and disconnection site
teeth B. Call the physician
C. Immediately replace the chest tube system A. Creatine kinase (CK or CPK)
D. Place the tube in bottle of sterile water B. Lactic dehydrogenase (LDH)
C. LDH-1
35.The majority of the body’s water is contained in
D. LDH-2
which of the following fluid compartments?
40.Patients diagnosed with hypervolemia should
A. Intracellular Compartment
avoid sweet or dry food because:
B. Extracellular Compartment
C. Interstitial Compartment A. It obstructs water elimination
D. Intravascular Compartment B. It can lead to weight gain
C. It increases the clients desire to consume
36.An elderly pt with peripheral neuropathy has been
taking magnesium supplements. The nurse realizes
D. It can cause dehydration
that which of the following symptoms can indicate
hypermagnesemia? 41.This is a solution having a higher solute
A. Hypotension, warmth, & sweating
B. Nausea & vomiting A. Isotonic Solution
C. Hyperreflexia B. All of the above
D. Excessive urination C. Hypotonic Solution
D. Hypertonic Solution
37.A client with TB asks a nurse about precautions t
take after discharge from the hospital to prevent 42.The client who has a diagnosis of fluid volume
infection of others. The nurse develops a response to deficit was told to monitor his BUN and Creatinine.
the client’s question based on the understanding that: Which of the following is an expected result of the
patient’s BUN and Creatinine level?
A. The disease is transmitted by droplet nuclei.
B. Deep pile carpet should be removed from A. Both the BUN and creatinine will decrease
the home. B. The BUN will decrease and the creatinine
C. The client should maintain enteric will increase
precautions only. C. Increase BUN and creatinine
D. Clothing and sheets should be bleached D. Both the BUN and creatinine will increase
after each use.
43.The physician ordered a complete blood count
38.A nurse begins to hear high-pressure alarms in the laboratory to a client. Which of the following is the
room of a client requiring respiratory assistance with a expected result on the client CBC?
ventilator. Which is the best action by the nurse?
A. The CBC reveals a decrease in the
A. Lower the tidal volumes being delivered to hemoglobin and an increase in hematocrit
the client B. The CBC reveals a decrease in hematocrit
B. Wait and allow the client time to regulate and hemoglobin
breathing in coordination with the ventilator C. The CBC reveals an increase in hemoglobin
C. Silence the alarm and restart the ventilator and decrease in hematocrit
D. Check ventilator tubing and connections D. The CBC reveals an increase in hematocrit
and hemoglobin
39.A client enters the ER complaining of chest
pressure and severe epigastric distress. His VS are 44.A patient is prescribed 40 mEq potassium as a
158/90, 94, 24, and 99*F. The doctor orders cardiac replacement. The nurse realizes that this replacement
enzymes. If the client were diagnosed with an MI, the should be administered
nurse would expect which cardiac enzyme to rise
A. Via a rectal suppository.
within the next 3 to 8 hours?
B. Mixed in the prescribed intravenous fluid. B. Facilitating sodium transport
C. Directly into the venous access line. C. Assisting in cardiac muscle contraction
D. Via intramuscular injection. D. Contributing to vasoconstriction
45.A client has the following arterial blood gas values: 50.A nurse had given a client taking ethambutol
pH 7.12, PaCO2 40 mmHg and HCO3 15 mEq/L. (Myambutol) information about the medication. The
These ABG values suggest which disorder? nurse determine that the client understands the
instructions if the client states that he or she will
A. Metabolic Alkalosis
immediately report:
B. Respiratory Alkalosis
C. Respiratory Acidosis A. Orange-red discoloration of body secretions.
D. Metabolic Acidosis B. impaired sense of hearing.
C. GI side effects.
46.The physician refers the client with unstable
D. Problems with visual acuity
angina for a cardiac catheterization. The nurse
explains to the client that this procedure is being used 51.To evaluate the effectiveness of prescribed
in this specific case to: therapies for a patient with ventilatory failure, which
diagnostic test will be most useful to the nurse?
A. Bypass obstructed vessels
B. Assess the functional adequacy of the valves A. Pulse oximetry
and heart muscle. B. Pulmonary artery pressure monitoring
C. Open and dilate the blocked coronary C. Chest x-rays
arteries D. Arterial blood gas (ABG) analysis
D. Assess the extent of arterial blockage
52.Etiologies associated with hypomagnesemia
47.A nurse observes for early manifestations of acute include which of the following:
respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) in a client
A. Decreased vitamin D intake
being treated for smoke inhalation. Which signs
B. Hyperaldosteronism
indicates the possible onset of ARDS in this client?
C. Renal Failure
A. Decrease in both white and red blood cell D. Constipation
53.A client was then admitted to the cardiac unit and
B. Cough with blood-tinged sputum and
placed on telemetry. A nurse reviews the client’s
respiratory alkalosis
laboratory values and notes that the client’s
C. Diaphoresis and low SaO2 unresponsive to
potassium level increases to 6.3 mEq/L. When
increased oxygen administration
analyzing the cardiac rhythm, the nurse would expect
D. Hypertension and elevated PaO2
to note which electrocardiogram (ECG) finding?
48.Atherosclerosis impedes coronary blood flow by
A. Sinus rhythm with a depressed ST segment
which of the following mechanisms?
B. Sinus rhythm with a tall, peaked T wave
A. Plaques obstruct the vein C. Sinus tachycardia with a prolonged QT
B. Blood clots form outside the vessel wall interval
C. Hardened vessels dilate to allow the blood to D. Sinus tachycardia with an extra U wave
flow through
54.The movement of both solute and solvent by
D. Plaques obstruct the artery
hydrostatic pressure, from an area of a higher
49.Magnesium performs all of the following functions pressure to an area of a lower pressure is called?
A. Osmosis
A. Assisting in protein metabolism B. Filtration
C. Diffusion B. Paresthesia, muscle weakness and flaccid
D. Active Transport paralysis
C. Dysrhythmia
55.Body fluids perform which of the following
D. Oliguria
60.The nursing is assessing the client for chvostek
A. Cushion the organs
sign. Which of the following findings is correct about
B. Transport nutrients
chvostek sign?
C. Transport electrical charges
D. Facilitated fat metabolism A. There is a presence of cervical softening
B. There is pain on dorsiflexion of the foot
56.A client, newly diagnosed with asthma is preparing
C. There is twitching and/or contracture of the
for discharge. Which point should a nurse emphasize
facial muscles produced by tapping on the
during the client’s teaching?
facial nerve at a specific point on the face.
A. Limit exposure to sources that trigger an D. There is a carpopedal spasm induced by
attack inflating the blood pressure cuff above
B. Use inhaled steroid medication as a rescue systolic pressure
61.Eddie, a plane crash victim, undergoes
C. Use peak flow meter only if symptoms are
endotracheal intubation and positive pressure
ventilation. The most immediate nursing intervention
D. Contact care provider only if nighttime
for him at this time would be to:
wheezing becomes a concern
A. Prepare him for emergency surgery
57.A client, hospitalized for a severe case of
B. Maintain sterility of the ventilation system
pneumonia, is asking a nurse why a sputum sample is
C. Facilitate his verbal communication
needed. The nurse should reply that the primary
D. Assess his response to the equipment
reason is to
62.Nurse Maureen has assisted a physician with the
A. Complete the first of three samples to be
insertion of a chest tube. The nurse monitors the
client and notes fluctuation of the fluid level in the
B. Differentiate between pneumonia and
water seal chamber after the tube is inserted. Based
on this assessment, which action would be
C. Encourage expectoration of secretions.
D. Help select the appropriate antibiotic.
A. Reinforce the occlusive dressing
58.A client with hypokalemia had an ECG monitored
B. Continue to monitor the client
in the morning. Which of the following is the expected
C. Encourage the client to deep breathe
ECG reading to client?
D. Inform the physician
A. Flattened and depressed T waves
Will be reviewed
B. Widened QRS
C. Prominent U waves and depressed ST 63.Which of the following condition of the client
segment contributes to Fluid volume excess?
D. Prolonged PR interval
A. A client who take 2 glasses of water in a day
59.What is the serious clinical manifestation the client B. A Client who is experiencing excessive
may experience having this potassium level? vomiting
C. A client who has a decreased dietary sodium
A. Abdominal cramping
D. A client who received an over administration 69.Which of the following should the nurse include in
of hypertonic intravenous fluids the diet teaching for a client with a sodium level of
125 mEq/l?
64.Clinical assessment of fluid volume deficit would
be confirmed if the nurses identify which of the A. Bake Ham
following? B. Bake Chicken
C. Cheese and noodles
A. Full bounding pulse
D. Bake Potato
B. Dry mucous membrane
C. 1 lb weight loss 70.The physician ordered lasix to a client with a
D. Engorged neck vein hyperkalemia. The nurse knows that the action of
lasix to the client condition is to?
65.The term which refers to the total number of
anions equal to the total number of cations is called? A. Decrease potassium excretion through
A. Homeostasis
B. Increase potassium excretion through
B. Infiltration
C. Diffusion
C. Decrease potassium absorption in the body
D. Electrical Stability
D. Increase potassium absorption in the body
66.A 57-year-old male patient is diagnosed of PE. He
71.This is the fluid dynamics in which the movement
often complains of worse pain during deep breathing
of solutes or particles in a solution is from a higher
exercises, coughing and sometimes when he is
concentration to a lower concentration
sneezing. Based on the patient’s observed
manifestations. He is experiencing: A. Filtration
B. Diffusion
A. Pain brought by thick mucus secretions
C. Osmosis
B. Pleuritic Chest Pain
D. Active Transport
C. Pain cause by angina
D. Pain brought about by the inflammation 72.A nurse is gathering data on a client with a
diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). The nurse reviews the
67.In the evaluation of a client’s response to fluid
results of which diagnostic test that will CONFIRM this
replacement therapy, the observation that indicates
adequate tissue perfusion to vital organs is:
A. Bronchoscopy
A. Central venous pressure reading of 2 cm
B. Tuberculin skin test
C. Chest x-ray
B. Blood pressure readings of 50/30 and 70/40
D. Sputum culture
within 30 minutes
C. Pulse rates of 120 and 110 in a 15 minute 73.Which of the following is an example of positively
period charged ions (cations)?
D. Urinary output is 30 ml in an hour
A. Sodium
68.Nurse Ruth assessing a patient for tracheal B. Bicarbonate
displacement should know that the trachea will C. Chloride
deviate toward the: D. Phosphate
A. Affected side in a hemothorax 74.Which of the following actions is the first priority
B. Contralateral side in a simple pneumothorax care for a client exhibiting signs and symptoms of
C. Affected side in a tension pneumothorax coronary artery disease?
D. All of the above
A. Administer sublingual nitroglycerin
B. Educate the client about his symptoms 79.During auscultation of the client with pleurisy which
C. Decrease anxiety is commonly heard on the lungs of the client?
D. Enhance myocardial oxygenation
A. Presence of Pleuritic Friction Rub
75.A client is taking spirinolactone (Aldactone) to B. Absent or diminished breath sounds
control her hypertension. Her serumpotassium level is C. Presence of Wheezes
6 mEq/L. For this client, the nurse’s priority should be D. Presence of crackles
to assess her:
80.The force that draws water or solvent from a less
A. Respiratiry Rate concentrated solution into a more concentrated
B. Bowel Sounds solution through a semi-permeable membrane is
C. Electrocardiogram (ECG) results called?
D. Neuromuscular Function
A. Osmosis
76.This is the water pushing pressure that pushes B. Filtration
outward to the membrane from an area of higher C. Diffusion
concentration to the area of lower concentration? D. Active Transport
A. Osmotic Pressure 81.A client was given Nitrostat (Nitroglycerine) 0.3 mg
B. Hydrostatic Pressure via sublingual route. The nurse knows that the action
C. Blood Pressure of the medication is to?
D. Oncotic Pressure
A. Causes vasoconstriction of the blood vessel
77.A client comes to the emergency department with B. Administered to dissolve the clots
status asthmaticus. His respiratory rate is 48 bpm, C. Causes vasodilation of the peripheral
and he is wheezing. An BG analysis reveals pH of vasculature thereby increasing blood flow to
7.52 Partial pressure of areterial CO2 (PaCO2) of 30 the heart
mmHg, PaO2 of 70mmhg and bicarbonate of 26 D. Treats hypertension
mEq/L. What disorder is indicated by these findings?
82.Which one of the following medications could
A. Respiratory Alkalosis potentially exacerbate the problem of patient with
B. Metabolic Alkalosis FVD?
C. Metabolic Acidosis
A. Synthroid
D. Respiratory Acidosis
B. Digoxin
78.A client with a suspected pulmonary embolus C. Insulin
receives a ventilation and quantification nuclear D. Lasix
medicine (VQ) scan to evaluate regional lung
83.Following a treadmill test and cardiac
ventilation of airflow and regional lung blood flow. In
catheterization, the client is found to have coronary
consulting with a physician, a nurse learns that there
artery disease, which is inoperative. He is referred to
is a VQ mismatch. Based on this information, which
the cardiac rehabilitation unit. During his first visit to
action should be taken by the nurse?
the unit he says that he doesn’t understand why he
A. Inform the client that the test was normal needs to be there because there is nothing that can
B. Explain to the client that further testing will be done to make him better. The best nursing
be needed response is:
C. Reassure the client that he/she does not
A. “Do you feel that you will have to make some
have a pulmonary embolus
changes in your life now?”
D. Tell the client that tuberculosis treatment will
be needed
B. “You are probably right but we can gradually A. Anions
increase your activities so that you can live a B. Electrolytes
more active life.” C. Cations
C. “Here we teach you to gradually change your D. Fluid
lifestyle to accommodate your heart
88.In renal regulation of water balance, the functions
of angiotensin II include:
D. “Cardiac rehabilitation is not a cure but can
help restore you to many of your former A. Selectively constricting portions of the
activities.” arterioles in the nephron
B. Catalyzing calcium rich nutrients
84.Which of the following should the nurse assess in
C. Increasing progesterone secretion into the
this pt?
renal tubules
A. Weight loss D. Blood clotting within the nephron
B. Jugular Vein Distension
89.A priority nursing intervention for a client with
C. Orthostatic changes in pulse rate and bp
hypervolemia involves which of the following?
D. Poor skin turgor
A. Encouraging the client to consume sodium
85.Which of the following is the most common
free fluids
symptom of myocardial infarction?
B. Monitoring respiratory status for signs and
A. Dyspnea symptoms of pulmonary complications
B. Edema C. Establishing IV access with a large bore
C. Chest pain catheter
D. Palpitations D. Drawing a blood sample for typing and cross
86.The client was sent to the cardiac catheterization
laboratory for her to have a coronary angiogram. 90.Which of the following nursing diagnoses might
Which of the following statements best explains what apply to a patient with fluid volume deficit?
the procedure is?
A. Increased Cardiac output
A. It is a procedure wherein a catheter will be B. Altered urinary elimination
inserted to visualize if your coronary arteries C. Decreased cardiac output
are patent and provides good blood flow to D. Impaired physical mobility
your heart muscles
91.A client being discharged from the hospital to
B. It is a non invasive procedure that will enable
home with a diagnosis of TB is worried abut the
your doctor evaluate your coronary arteries if
possibility of infecting the family and others. The
they are blocked, if they are then they are
nurse determines that the client would get the most
not supplying enough oxygen to your heart.
reassurance from the knowledge that:
C. Coronary angiogram is the same as any
other angiogram and no contrast dye will be A. The family will receive prophylactic therapy,
used since we will be using a coronary and the client will not be contagious after 1
catheter continuous week of medication therapy.
D. It is also known as the right heart B. A Family does not need therapy, and the
catheterization, it will check your client will not be contagious after 1 month of
hemodynamic parameters medication therapy.
C. The family does not need therapy, and the
87.These are the charged ions capable of conducting
client will not be contagious after 6
electricity and solutes in all compartments?
consecutive weeks of medication therapy.
D. The family will receive prophylactic therapy, the acid-base disorder this pt is demonstrating is
and the client will not be contagious after 2 which of the following?
to 3 consecutive weeks of medication
A. Metabolic acidosis
B. Respiratory alkalosis
92.Which of the following conditions most commonly C. Respiratory acidosis
results in CAD? D. Metabolic alkalosis
A. Renal failure 98.A client with asthma has pronounced wheezing
B. DM upon auscultation. Suspecting an impending asthma
C. MI attack, a nurse should:
D. Atherosclerosis
A. Prepare to administer a nebulized beta-2
93.The nurse expects that calcium excretion is one of adrenergic agonist.
the interventions in order to eliminate the calcium in B. Have the client lay on his or her right side.
the body. Which of the following diuretics the nurse C. Prepare to intubate the client.
will expect to administer? D. Have the client cough and deep breathe
A. Potassium wasting diuretics 99.A client is scheduled to undergo a diagnostic
B. Loop diuretics procedure. The purpose of the procedure is to
C. Thiazide diuretics obliterate the pleural space and to prevent the re-
D. Potassium sparing diuretic accumulation of the fluids. The kind of diagnostic
procedure to be performed to a client is?
94.This is a type of hyponatremia where water in the
body increases but sodium stays the same. A. Paracentesis
B. Pleurodosis
A. Hypervolemic Hyponatremia
C. Thoracentesis
B. All of the above
D. Bronchospcopy
C. Hypovolemic Hyponatremia
D. Eudemic Hyponatremia 100.An adult client is admitted to the ED with chest
pain. The client states that he had unrelieved chest
95.In which cellular compartment from the ECF do the
pain for approximately 20 minutes before coming to
cerebrospinal fluids, pleural fluids and peritoneal
the hospital. To minimize cardiac damage, the nurse
fluids be found?
should expect to administer which of the following
A. Intracellular Fluid Compartment interventions?
B. Transcellular Fluid Compartment
A. Bed rest, albuterol nebulizer treatments, and
C. Intravascular Fluid Compartment
D. Interstitial Fluid Compartment
B. Thrombolytics (fibrinolytics), oxygen
96.A nurse is reading the results of a Mantoux skin administration, and nonsteroidal anti-
test on a client with no documented health problems. inflammatories
The site has no induration and a 1-mm area of C. Morphine, oxygen, and bed rest
ecchymosis. The nurse interprets that the result is: D. Oxygen and beta-adrenergic blockers

A. Uncertain
B. Positive
C. Borderline
D. Negative
97.A pt's blood gases show a pH greater of 7.53 &
bicarbonate level of 36 mEq/L. The nurse realizes that

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