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Name: _______________________________________ Number: _______ Class: _____

Date: _________________________________________________

COMPREHENSION - Score: ______Evaluation:____________ WRITING: Score: _______Evaluation:____________

Teacher: ____________________ (Ângela Moreira) Enc. de Educação: ________________________________


A. Read the dialogue.

Marion and Tim are friends. They are at the park.

Marion: Hi, Tim! Look at this picture.
Tim: Who is she?
Marion: She’s Taylor Swift, my favourite
Tim: Where is she from?
Marion: She’s from the United States of
America. I love her songs.
Tim: She’s so beautiful… Look at her
big blue eyes and wavy blond
She’s also very intelligent and
kind. And she loves animals,
Tim: Has she got any pets?

15 Marion: Yes, she has. She has got a

brown dog.

B. Match the two columns.

Marion and Tim are 1. • • a) Taylor Swift.

Marion’s favourite singer is 2. • • b) big eyes and wavy hair.
Taylor Swift is 3. • • c) intelligent and kind.
She has got 4. • • d) friends.
C. Read the sentences and tick () TRUE or FALSE.

1. Marion and Tim are at the playground.

2. Taylor Swift is a singer.
3. She has got green eyes.
4. Taylor’s dog is brown.

D. Answer the questions. Give complete answers.

1. Where is Taylor Swift from?


2. What’s her job?


3. Has she got brown hair?


4. Is she intelligent and kind?


E. Label Taylor’s clothes, footwear and accessories. Use the words from the box.
glasses boots scarf jacket

dress shoes jeans

1-___________________ 2- _______________________3- __________________ 4- ______________

5-__________________________ 6- _____________________________7- __________________

F. Look at the pictures. Ask and answer. There is one example.

1. Has Mary got red hair? (Mary / brown hair)

No, she hasn’t. She has got brown hair.

2. _____________________________ short hair? (Ted / short hair)


3. _____________________________________ curly hair? (Lisa and Maggie / straight hair)



G. Complete the sentences. Use the possessive case. There is one example.
1. It’s___________________________________________ red skirt. (Rita)
2. Those are ________________________________ flip flops. (James)
3. These are _______________________________ jeans. (our parents)

H. Circle the correct possessive pronoun.

1. Those are your clothes. They are mine / yours.

2. That is Megan’s T-shirt. It’s its / hers.

3. This is the boy’s pet. It’s theirs / his.

4. Those are my socks. They are mine / ours.

I. Describe yourself.
Don’t forget to mention: your age, height, weight, face, eyes, nose, mouth, hair, general
appearance and personality.








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