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Bulimia Nervosa

What is Bulimia? Signs of Bulimia

Bulimia nervosa is a potentially life-
threatening eating disorder where Shame about eating
people with this eating disorder often Depression
secretive bouts of overeating followed You can't control
by vomiting, strict dieting, or extreme what you eat
exercise, associated with excessive Fear of gaining weight
concern with body weight with a loss of
control over eating and then purging, Preoccupation with
trying to get rid of the extra calories in your body shape
an unhealthy way.

Why it happens
Though the causes of bulimia are extremely complex, they
can be broken down into four categories: biological factors,
including traits we inherit via our genes; developmental
factors, including our personalities and childhood trauma;
psychological factors, including undiagnosed mutually-
occurring mental illness; and sociocultural factors, such as
diet culture and the thin ideal.

Things we can do to
help someone suffering
from Bulimia
Have regular family mealtimes as
Keep communicating.
often as possible.
Show care and compassion.
Don't talk about weight with your
Set boundaries.
children. Instead, focus on
Support them in getting better.
healthy habits.
Keep trying to include them.
Try to promote a healthy,
Try to build up their self-esteem.
realistic body image in your kids.
Give your time, listen to them and
Discourage fad dieting.
try not to give advice or criticize.

"Life isn't a life without fighting. A

fight without passion isn't a fight. A
passion without heart isn't a passion.
A heart isn't a heart without rhythm.
And a beating rhythm isn't a rhythm
if it alone."
- Behati Azalea Monzanto

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