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PROF ED 9 – Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum

Aaron B. Tecson III – A May 21, 2022

Activities on Media Literacy

Task 1: Learning Reflection

Give the Advantages and disadvantages of Media. Write them in the fishbone below.

It educate the Through media, all The media can be a -The Through media the
mass, about the the information source of interconnection of culture can be
discoveries, can be shared or entertaining every individual shared and
environmental pass on across and everyone. through media diffused, to
issue, and other all over the world. within and across entertained and
relevance the world. enlightened others
information of the about the diverse
world. culture.

It can lead to It can be risky Overused of the It can be a possible Risk to malware
individualism and because some sites media or social way for scams, and virus where it
resulted to limit is not appropriate media may lead to fraud and hacking. can dig up your
interaction to the and unmannerly to addiction personal
family, friends, some children to information or
relatives and other be seen or to stole it and used it
individuals. watched. in a negative way.

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