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1)The very first thing i had done was go through my read book and answer the questions in

the columns:
-Shapes and Bond Angles
-Common definitions e.g strong acid

2)Wednesday I was in the library doing flashcards with my friends, I didn't have them all as
my friend brought the majority.

3)Because i find most of my issues i had done calculations using the white board on as
many different subjects as i could remember such as water of crystallisation and enthalpy
questions. Problem is i rub them out when done

4)I have many question from past printed tests that i had about so also did them, some
under timed conditions but the majority of them i just took my time with until i figured them
5)Finally i have a lot of write ups on how to do certain equations that i would re-read the
notes on such as the pv=nRT questions

I realise my old methods won’t work effectively any more as chemistry is my most struggled
with subject so after this test i wanted to put in the effort to improve it. So after this
independent study the quality will go up.

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