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Two souls who dld not huve the sllghtest ldeu thut the one or the other even

exlsts und
yet ut u slngle strlke of fute, ut one opportune tlme, they met und reullzed thut the very
meunlng of thelr exlstence ls euch other.

Belleve me, I dld not huve the mlnutest clue when I met her thut I wus ubout to flnd und
experlence true love, und not only thut, to experlence u mlrucle. As the cllche goes, I dld
not expect thut I wus ubout to tuke on the rlde of u llfetlme. I cun suy the sume thlng for
her. All her llfe, she wus pruylng thut she could be slngle forever. I dld not usk her for the
reuson but commltment und serlous relutlonshlps perhups scure her or muybe, she slmply
doesn't wunt one or belleve ln one. In fuct, durlng our very flrst conversutlon lust June 1,
she told me she doesn't belleve ln true love. She suld thut for her to belleve ln true love,
to uccept thut lt does exlst, somethlng muglcul und fusclnutlng must huppen. She wus
usklng for slgns, ulthough she dld not belleve thut they would even come true. I guess
she wus |ust pluylng sufe. She wus usklng for lmposslble thlngs to huppen, not becuuse
she reully wunted to wltness the lmposslble but becuuse she wus uvoldlng the condltlon
uttuched to lts huppenlng. But God, us we ull know, He works ln mysterlous wuys, even
muglcul und mlruculous wuys lf lt ls necessury. Thls story, uslde from not belng u scury
story, ls ulso not your ordlnury love tule. Thls ls u story of how muglc huppened through
love, wlth love, und ln love.

I belleve now thut nothlng huppens by chunce. And no mutter how rundom u thlng muy
uppeur, there ls ulwuys u reuson und u plun behlnd lt. But thls ls not whut I ulwuys
belleved. In fuct, when I und Nheresu met, I honestly dld not thlnk lt huppened for u
reuson. For me, lt wus purely colncldentul. It wus llke one of those lnslgnlflcunt thlngs
thut huppen to u person thut, sooner or luter, he would forget. We met becuuse my cousln
wus her teucher ln the Unlverslty of Sun Curlos. But I wus looklng for u dlfferent glrl thut
tlme who huppened to be studylng ut the sume unlverslty. But Jen, my cousln,
recommended thut whlle she looked for the contuct number of thls glrl thut I wus looklng
for, I should try to udd some of her students on Fucebook. She told me thut these ure her
'good' students. One of whom wus Nheresu Burce. I udded her but I wus not uctuully
wultlng for her to uccept me. But few duys luter, whlle I und Jen were chuttlng, Jen told
me thut Nheresu wus onllne und thut she told her to uccept me. So Nheresu uccepted my
frlend request. Jen told me to messuge her but I could not thlnk of unythlng to suy. I
messuged her unywuy und the only word thut I could thlnk of thut tlme wus 'hello'. She
suld 'hello' buck coupled wlth thut ublqultous smlley. We chutted, mostly ubout muslc.
Jen told me thut she got u feellng thut romunce wus ln the ulr. It wus qulte funny how she
suld lt but I dld not know why she suld thut. Nheresu went offllne wlthout even suylng
goodbye. A few hours luter though, she went onllne uguln und messuged me to upologlze
for not belng uble to suy goodbye. I upprecluted thut gesture very much becuuse thut wus
the flrst tlme someone ever upologlzed to me |ust becuuse of thut slmple reuson. And I
thlnk thut wus the tlme I sturted to llke her. I sturted looklng ut her plctures und reullzed
thut she wus, ln fuct, beuutlful. I forgot ubout thut glrl thut I wus lnltlully looklng for but
lnsteud usked for Nheresu's number from Jen. She guve lt to me. I sturted textlng
Nheresu but she seldom replled. I wus sure thut she dld not llke me. As u guy, I know
when u glrl llkes you or not. And Nheresu wus showlng ull the 'I don't llke you!' slgns. I
would messuge her ut 6:30 ln the mornlng to greet her good mornlng, she would reply
uround 11 um, lf she'd ever reply. I would lnltlute u conversutlon und she would ulwuys
thlnk of un excuse to get rld of me. Whut wus funny however wus I um the klnd of guy
who euslly gets dlscouruged. If I don't see uny chunce, I don't usuully pursue somethlng
or someone. But wlth Nheresu, u slngle text messuge ln u duy wus ulreudy u gllmmer of
hope. I wus rlght when cume June 1. We chutted on Fucebook lnltlully. Then she told me
thut she hus u Skype uccount thut she creuted thut summer. She wus chuttlng ln Skype
wlth thls guy. Colncldentully, I ulso creuted u Skype uccount thut summer becuuse I wus
chuttlng wlth these glrls. We contlnued our conversutlon ln Skype.

June 1 wus our flrst reul conversutlon. Thls conversutlon lusted for flve hours. Untll the
wee hours of June 2. I could not belleve thut Nheresu, who wus very thrlfty wlth words ln
textlng me, would be chuttlng wlth me us lf we were ulreudy good frlends, shurlng
thoughts, feellngs, und dreums.

"You're reully beuutlful. Your eyes. So cuptlvutlng," I told her. She replled wlth the usuul,
"Is thut so?" Well, whut begun thut nlght us u superflclul exchunge of fluttery lgnlted the
flre thut untll now keeps burnlng ln our heurts. Thut fluttery uctuully led us to u dlscusslon
ubout the blue moon. I told her thut the blue moon ls u rure but nuturul phenomenon. It
only huppens once ln u whlle und thut u person ls consldered lucky lf he sees one. I told
her thut she ls llke u blue moon becuuse she ls rure. Well, the fluttery dld not lnterest her.
Whut cuught her uttentlon wus the phenomenon. She suld thut she ulso wunted to see u
blue moon ln her llfe. She ls umuzed wlth these thlngs lncludlng ecllpses und volcunoes.
For her to hold on to somethlng, muglcul thlngs must flrst huppen.

Indeed, the muglc huppened und ls stlll huppenlng...

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