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Electrolytes are examples of minerals.

They are distinguished from

other minerals in that they carry an electrical charge when dissolved in
water. Humans and animals alike need electrolytes for their bodies to
function. Electrolytes can be found in blood, urine, other bodily fluids,
and tissues.

Importance of Electrolytes to the Body

Electrolytes fulfill several important purposes for people and animals.

 regulate the body's pH level, which ensures a proper balance between acid and base in the
 balance the quantity of water that is present in the body
 assist with the flow of fluid between the body's cells
 move substances into and out of cells, thus ensuring that nutrients go in and waste goes
 enable key systems of the body, including the nervous, muscular, cardiovascular, and
central nervous systems, to function properly

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) is a chemical produced in the brain

that causes the kidneys to release less water, decreasing the
amount of urine produced. A high ADH level causes the body to
produce less urine. A low level results in greater urine

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