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English 2 – Ms.

Hồng Phúc

Guidance to PET Speaking

Part 1:
- Luôn cố gắng sử dụng câu dài
- Luôn cố gắng phát triển ý thành 2-4 câu (Nếu có thể, nói cho tới khi giám thị hỏi sang câu tiếp
- Các chủ đề quen thuộc: Family, friendship, study and school, hobbies (music, movie/ cinema,
reading books,..), sports, healthy diets, technology, vv…vv
Part 2:
- Luôn đưa ra lý do giải thích vì sao mình đề xuất 1 phương án nào đó
- Luôn đưa ý kiến phản hồi (đồng ý/không đồng ý) có kèm giải thích lý do vì sao
- Sau khi phản hồi đồng ý/ không đồng ý, luôn phải đưa ra phương án đề xuất tiếp theo
- Cố gắng nhắc đến tất cả các phương án bức tranh đề bài cho, có thể gộp 2, 3 bức tranh vào
cùng 1 lần đề xuất.
- Đặc biệt lưu ý: Luôn chốt lại được 1 phương án tối ưu nhất

Part 2 Conversation samples:

English 2 – Ms. Hồng Phúc

Roles Jobs Languages to use

Student A: - Greeting - Hi, Hello, …
- Restate the - ……………
situation - What do you think about it?
- Ask for B’s opinion Can you suggest one way?
Do you have any idea about it?
What do you think we can suggest him/her?
Student B: - Give suggestion 1 + - I think, she/ he should …… BECAUSE……/ Uhmm, Let me see, she/ he can
Reason(s) …… BECAUSE…….
- In my opinion, …….. can be a good idea BECAUSE ….
Do you agree with that?
Student A: - Respond to - AGREEMENT:
suggestion 1 (Agree/ Yes, it is a good idea BECAUSE ……../
Disagree) And how about ……..? BECAUSE (give another suggestion)
+ Reason(s) - DISAGREEMENT:
- Give suggestion 2 + Uhmm, I am not so sure about that BECAUSE …..
Reasons I think she/he ‘ be better to…. What do you think about that?
Student B: - Respond to - AGREEMENT:
suggestion 2 You are completely right BECAUSE ……../
(Agree/ Disagree) Another way can be ……. (give another suggestion) Do you agree?
+ Reason(s) - DISAGREEMENT:
- Give suggestion 3 + Uhmm, I am fraid I can’t agree with you BECAUSE …..
Reasons So, I suggest another way. It is……..
Is it ok?
Student A: - Respond to - AGREEMENT:
suggestion 3 Yeah, it’s true BECAUSE ……../
(Agree/ Disagree) And I also think she/he should ……. (give another suggestion) BECAUSE. Do
+ Reason(s) you agree?
- Give suggestion 4 + - DISAGREEMENT:
Reasons Sorry, I don’t feel the same BECAUSE …..
So, it is better if she/he ……
Does it make sense to you?
Student B: - Respond to - AGREEMENT:
suggestion 4 I can’t agree with you less BECAUSE ….
(Agree/ Disagree) - DISAGREEMENT:
+ Reason(s) Err, that’s not the way I see it BECAUSE ….
Student A Finalize the best Ok, I understand./ Oh, I see.
choice SO, the best choice is …../
(VERY IMPORTANT SO, we can suggest her/him …..
Student B Confirm the OK, completely agree/ Alright, that’s great!

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