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Subject: application for Winter Internship- December, 2022- Tanuj Sharma, 4th Year,

Respected Ma’am/Sir
I am Tanuj Sharma, a fourth-year law student at National Law University Odisha
pursuing BBA.LLB. (Hons.). I take immense pleasure in applying to your esteemed law
firm, Advani & Co. for the physical/offline winter internship program for the month of
December (preferred dates being 5th December to 31st December 2022), preferably with the
Dispute Resolution team at your Delhi office. As a highly motivated and committed student,
I strongly believe that if given an opportunity to work with Advani & Co., not only it will
give me a head start for my legal career in dispute resolution, but it will also give me an
exposure to work closely with a team which is driven, willing and committed to walk the
extra mile to achieve the client’s delight.
I have had a consistent academic background throughout my student life. In class 10 th, I
secured a CGPA of 9.6/10 and in class 12th I secured 93% along with being a member of the
executive council. Moreover, my current CGPA of college stands at 7.10/8.00. My active
participation in extra-curricular activities right from my school has instilled several values
like team work, multitasking and leadership. Even in my law school, I have participated and
have won accolades in several debates and moot court competitions. The skills acquired there
have immensely helped me in getting rich internship experiences in dispute resolution. In my
prior internships, I have researched and briefed the counsels on several topics from
Arbitration, Insolvency law to Tax litigations. The consistent assignments at multiple law
firms have sharpened and enhanced my research and drafting skills and this makes me an
effective intern for the team I work for. Recently, I interned with Shardul Amarchand
Mangaldas & Co. under the technology litigation team. My experience there had been no less
than astounding as I was allotted a wide variety of work in tech law, adding a lot of value to
my knowledge and exposing me to this developing niche along with its frequent intersection
with dispute resolution. Moreover, I also keep myself updated with the recent legal updates in
arbitration, insolvency law and other legal fields which allows me to have an edge over my
peers and add a constructive value to the organisation that I am working in.
My acquired skills of effective research and drafting have enabled me to prove my mettle as a
resourceful intern who is ready to learn and adapt quickly. With the given exposure in the
field of litigation and dispute resolution, my interests in this area have grown exponentially
and therefore, I am looking to explore this field further and work with an organisation that
allows me to grow into a better professional and an evolved individual. If given the
opportunity, I assure you that I will prove to be an important asset on whom the mentors and
the team can rely on for achieving the desired goals for the clients while upholding the core
values of the organization. I believe that I can fully make the best use of this opportunity to
work under your law firm and learn not only the exceptional legal work but also several other
values required to maintain a sustained client-lawyer relationship, a principle that your firm
I have attached my CV for your kind perusal. In addition, please follow the link to access one
of my published writing sample-

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