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Not to be confused with Principality.

Politics of ancient Rome


 Roman Kingdom
753–509 BC
 Roman Republic
509–27 BC
 Roman Empire
27 BC – AD 395

 Principate
27 BC – AD 284
 Dominate
AD 284–641

 Western
AD 395–476
 Eastern
AD 395–1453

 Timeline

Roman Constitution
 Constitution of the Kingdom
 Constitution of the Republic
 Constitution of the Empire
 Constitution of the Late Empire
 Senate

Precedent and law

 Roman law
 Ius
 Imperium
 Mos maiorum
 Collegiality
 Auctoritas
 Roman citizenship
 Cursus honorum
 Senatus consultum

 Senatus consultum ultimum

 Centuriate
 Curiate
 Plebeian
 Tribal

Ordinary magistrates
 Consul
 Praetor
 Quaestor
 Promagistrate
 Aedile
 Tribune
 Censor
 Governor

Extraordinary magistrates
 Corrector
 Dictator
 Magister equitum
 Consular tribune
 Rex
 Triumviri
 Decemviri

Titles and honours

 Emperor

 Legatus
 Dux
 Officium
 Praeses
 Praefectus
 Vicarius
 Vigintisexviri
 Triumvir monetalis
 Lictor
 Magister militum
 Imperator
 Princeps senatus
 Pontifex maximus
 Augustus
 Caesar
 Tetrarch

 Other countries

 v
 t
 e

The Principate is the name sometimes given to the first period of the Roman
Empire from the beginning of the reign of Augustus in 27 BC to the end of the Crisis of
the Third Century in AD 284, after which it evolved into the so-called Dominate.[1]
The Principate is characterised by the reign of a single emperor (princeps) and an effort
on the part of the early emperors, at least, to preserve the illusion of the formal
continuance, in some aspects, of the Roman Republic.[2][3][4]

Etymology and anticipations[edit]

 'Principate' is etymologically derived from the Latin word princeps,
meaning chief or first, and therefore represents the political regime dominated by
such a political leader, whether or not he is formally head of state or head of
government. This reflects the principate emperors' assertion that they were merely
"first among equals" among the citizens of Rome.
 Under the Republic, the princeps senatus, traditionally the oldest or most honoured
member of the Senate, had the right to be heard first on any debate.[5]
 Scipio Aemilianus and his circle had fostered the (quasi-Platonic) idea that authority
should be invested in the worthiest citizen (princeps), who would beneficently guide
his compeers, an ideal of the patriot statesman later taken up by Cicero.[6]

In a more limited and precise chronological sense, the term Principate is applied either
to the entire Empire (in the sense of the post-Republican Roman state), or specifically to
the earlier of the two phases of "Imperial" government in the ancient Roman
Empire before Rome's military collapse in the West (fall of Rome) in 476 left
the Byzantine Empire as sole heir. This early, 'Principate' phase began when Augustus
claimed auctoritas for himself as princeps; and continued (depending on the source) up
to the rule of Commodus, of Maximinus Thrax, or of Diocletian. Afterwards, Imperial rule
in the Empire is designated as the Dominate, which is subjectively more like
an (absolute) monarchy while the earlier Principate is still more 'Republican'.[citation needed]

The title, in full, of princeps senatus / princeps civitatis ("first amongst the senators" /
"first amongst the citizens") was first adopted by Octavian Caesar Augustus (27 BC–AD
14), the first Roman "emperor" who chose, like the assassinated Julius Caesar, not to
reintroduce a legal monarchy. Augustus's purpose was probably to establish the political
stability desperately needed after the exhausting civil wars by a de facto dictatorial
regime within the constitutional framework of the Roman Republic – what Gibbon called
"an absolute monarchy disguised by the forms of a commonwealth"[7] – as a more
acceptable alternative to, for example, the early Roman Kingdom.
Although dynastic pretences crept in from the start, formalizing this in a monarchic style
remained politically perilous;[8] and Octavian was undoubtedly correct to work through
established Republican forms to consolidate his power.[9] He began with the powers of
a Roman consul, combined with those of a tribune of the plebs; later added the role of
the censor and finally became pontifex maximus as well.[10]
Tiberius too acquired his powers piecemeal, and was proud to emphasise his place as
first citizen: "a good and healthful princeps, whom you have invested with such great
discretionary power, ought to be the servant of the Senate, and often of the whole
citizen body".[11] Thereafter, however, the role of princeps became more institutionalised:
as Dio Cassius put it, Caligula was "voted in a single day all the prerogatives which
Augustus over so long a span of time had been voted gradually and piecemeal". [12]

Principate under Augustus[13]

Nevertheless, under this "Principate stricto sensu", the political reality of autocratic rule
by the Emperor was still scrupulously masked by forms and conventions
of oligarchic self-rule inherited from the political period of the 'uncrowned' Roman
Republic (509 BC–27 BC) under the motto Senatus Populusque Romanus ("The Senate
and people of Rome") or SPQR. Initially, the theory implied the 'first citizen' had to earn
his extraordinary position (de facto evolving to nearly absolute monarchy) by merit in the
style that Augustus himself had gained the position of auctoritas.
Imperial propaganda developed a paternalistic ideology, presenting the princeps as the
very incarnation of all virtues attributed to the ideal ruler (much like a
Greek tyrannos earlier), such as clemency and justice, and military
leadership,[14] obliging the princeps to play this designated role within Roman society, as
his political insurance as well as a moral duty. What specifically was expected of
the princeps seems to have varied according to the times, and the
observers:[15] Tiberius, who amassed a huge surplus for the city of Rome, was criticized
as a miser, but Caligula was criticized for his lavish spending on games and spectacles.
Generally speaking, it was expected of the Emperor to be generous but not frivolous,
not just as a good ruler but also with his personal fortune (as in the proverbial "bread
and circuses" – panem et circenses) providing occasional public games, gladiators,
horse races and artistic shows. Large distributions of food for the public and charitable
institutions also served as popularity boosters, while the construction of public works
provided paid employment for the poor.
Redefinition under Vespasian[edit]
With the fall of the Julio-Claudian dynasty in AD 68, the principate became more
formalised under the Emperor Vespasian from AD 69 onwards.[16] The position
of princeps became a distinct entity within the broader – formally still republican –
Roman constitution. While many of the same cultural and political expectations
remained, the civilian aspect of the Augustan ideal of the princeps gradually gave way
to the military role of the imperator.[17] Rule was no longer a position (even notionally)
extended on the basis of merit, or auctoritas, but on a firmer basis, allowing Vespasian
and future emperors to designate their own heir without those heirs having to earn the
position through years of success and public favor.
Under the Antonine dynasty, it was the norm for the Emperor to appoint a successful
and politically promising individual as his successor. In modern historical analysis, this
is treated by many authors as an "ideal" situation: the individual who was most capable
was promoted to the position of princeps. Of the Antonine dynasty, Edward
Gibbon famously wrote that this was the happiest and most productive period in
human history, and credited the system of succession as the key factor.
The autocratic elements in the Principate tended to increase over time, with the style
of dominus ("Lord", "Master", suggesting the citizens became servi, servants or slaves)
gradually becoming current for the emperor.[18] There was however no clear
constitutional turning point, with Septimius Severus and the Severan dynasty beginning
to use the terminology of the Dominate in reference to the emperor, and the various
emperors and their usurpers throughout the 3rd century appealing to the people as both
military dominus and political princeps.
It was after the Crisis of the Third Century almost resulted in the Roman Empire's
political collapse that Diocletian firmly consolidated the trend to autocracy.[19] He
replaced the one-headed principate with the Tetrarchy (c. AD 300, two Augusti ranking
above two Caesares),[20] in which the vestigial pretence of the old republican forms was
largely abandoned. The title of princeps disappeared – like the territorial unity of the
Empire – in favor of dominus; and new forms of pomp and awe were deliberately used
in an attempt to insulate the emperor and the civil authority from the unbridled and
mutinous soldiery of the mid-century.[21]
The political role of the Senate went into final eclipse,[22] no more being heard of the
division by the Augustan Principate of the provinces between imperial
provinces and senatorial provinces.[23] Lawyers developed a theory of the total
delegation of authority into the hands of the emperor,[24] and the Dominate developed
more and more, especially in the Eastern Roman Empire, where the subjects, and even
diplomatic allies, could be termed servus or the corresponding Greek
term doulos ("servant/slave") so as to express the exalted position of the Emperor as
second only to God, and on earth to none.[citation needed]

See also[edit]
 Constitution of the Late Roman Empire

1. ^ K Lowenstein, The Governance of Rome (1973) p. 370
2. ^ "Principate - government". Archived from the original on 2016-10-11.
3. ^ A history of Rome, M. Cary & H.H. Scullard, ISBN 0333278305
4. ^ SPQR; Mary Beard, ISBN 9781846683800
5. ^ O Seyffeert, A Dictionary of Classical Antiquities (London 1891) p. 516
6. ^ H J Rose, A Handbook of Latin Literature (Methuen 1967) p. 99 and p. 235
7. ^ D Wormersley ed, Abridged Decline and Fall (Penguin 2005) p. 73
8. ^ J Burrow, A History of Histories (Penguin 2007) p. 124-5
9. ^ J Boardman ed. The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 538
10. ^ D Wormersley ed, Abridged Decline and Fall (Penguin 2005) p. 70-1
11. ^ Quoted in J Boardman ed. The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 540
12. ^ J Boardman ed. The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 549
13. ^ Digital Reproduction of diagram found in The Anchor Atlas of World History, Vol. 1 (From the Stone
Age to the Eve of the French Revolution) Paperback – December 17, 1974 by Werner Hilgemann,
Hermann Kinder, Ernest A. Menze (Translator), Harald Bukor (Cartographer), Ruth Bukor
14. ^ C Edwards Intro, Lives of the Caesars (OUP 2000) p. xxi
15. ^ C Edwards Intro, Lives of the Caesars (OUP 2000) p. xxiii-v
16. ^ J Boardman ed, The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 561
17. ^ J Boardman ed, The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 561 and p. 573
18. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 25
19. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 25
20. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 27
21. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 25
22. ^ J Boardman ed. The Oxford History of the Classical World (1991) p. 808
23. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 29
24. ^ H M Gwatkin ed., The Cambridge Medieval History Vol I (1924) p. 28

 Alston, Richard. 1998. Aspects of Roman History. AD 14–117. London: Routledge.
 Aparicio Pérez, Antonio. 2009. “Taxation in Times of the Principate.” Gerión 27:1:
 Bleicken, Jochen. 1978. Prinzipat und Dominat. Gedanken zur Periodisierung der
römischen Kaiserzeit. Wiesbaden: Fr. Stein.
 Flaig, Egon. 2011. “The Transition from Republic to Principate: Loss of Legitimacy,
Revolution, and Acceptance.” In The Roman Empire in Context: Historical and
Comparative Perspectives, Edited by Jóhann Páll Arnason and Kurt A. Raaflaub.
Ancient World, 67-84. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell.
 Gallia, Andrew B. 2012. Remembering the Roman Republic: Culture, Politics and
History under the Principate. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press.
 Gibson, A. G. G., ed. 2013. The Julio-Claudian Succession: Reality and Perception
of the Augustan model. Mnemosyne. Supplements; 349. Leiden: Brill.
 Harlow, Mary and Laurence, Ray. 2017. “Augustus Senex: Old Age and the
Remaking of the Principate.” Greece and Rome 64.2: 115-131.
 Kousser, Rachel Meredith. 2005. “From Conquest to Civilization: The Rhetoric of
Imperialism in the Early Principate.” In A Tall Order: Writing the Social History of the
Ancient World: Essays in Honor of William V. Harris, Edited by Jean-Jacques Aubert
and Zsuzsanna Várhelyi. Beiträge zur Altertumskunde; 216, 185-202. München:
 Melounová, Markéta. 2012. “Trials with Religious and Political Charges from the
Principate to the Dominate.” Series archaeologica et classica 17.2: 117-130.
 Raaflaub, Kurt A, Mark Toher, and G. W Bowersock. 1990. Between Republic and
Empire: Interpretations of Augustus and His Principate. Berkeley: University of
California Press.
 Williams, Kathryn Frances. 2009. “Tacitus' Germanicus and the
Principate.” Latomus 68.1: 117-130.

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