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Maybe This Is Good

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: General Audiences

Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M
Fandom: Captain America (Movies), Agent Carter (Marvel Short Film), Marvel
Cinematic Universe
Relationship: Past Peggy Carter/Steve Rogers - Relationship, Peggy Carter/Original
Male Character(s), Peggy Carter & Howard Stark
Character: Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, Original Male Character(s)
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Pre-Relationship, Getting Over
Language: English
Series: Part 1 of All Of My One-Shots For MCU
Stats: Published: 2022-09-01 Words: 761

Maybe This Is Good

by FlowWrites


Peggy is starting to get over Steve and she realizes that it is okay for her to let him go.


Did I finally cave and watch Captain America The First Avenger? Yes. Did I then watch
the Marvel One-Shot about Peggy and feed even more into my love for her? Yes. Did I
then stop my Marvel marathon to write a fic where she gets over Steve and never forgets
him and always has some love for him and marries a nice man and has the career of her
dreams? Yes. And then did I Google to see if there was a canon man that she married to just
use him and find out it was Steve and get spoiled for his arch? Yes. Do I care that it is
canon? Fuck no. Am I still going with the idea? Look at what you are reading darling.

Peggy (or better known as agent Carter) finally has the job of her dreams directing S.H.I.E.L.D.
She finally feels as though people now see her for what she can bring to the table and not the fact
that she is a woman. Even when she was in the military during the war, she felt as though no matter
how much they gave in the undertone of everything they said to her she was still a woman
therefore not as good as the rest of them.

She knew she was more capable than most of the men there but everyone else seemed to ignore
that fact other than Howard. . .sometimes. That is what she loved about Steve the most, he saw
what she could do and who she was and not the pretty face that everyone else saw, or that she was
a woman.

After the war, she was reduced to nothing but some girl all the men felt they could push around.
And she let them. Because part of her thought maybe, just maybe they would see her worth. Then
one day she had enough and decide to fuck it and went and did the mission and then finally
someone else saw her worth, and that was all she had to do all along.

Right now she is looking through files for some new recruits. They have some in mind but at the
beginning, they mostly worked on getting the programs all set up before they started dragging
people into it.

Now she gets the absolute privilege to look through what feels like millions of files. She was
reading one that seemed to her the perfect candidate that they needed for the job when Howard just
threw the door open.

“Peggy! I found the perfect doctor that can help us!”

“Who?” Peggy asked in a monotone voice if it was most likely the one she picked earlier that week
and sent it to Howard to see if he also liked them and finally stopped messing around with weapons
and finally read the damn thing.

“His name is Dr. West. . “ Howard then went into detail about how perfect he is for the job and
Peggy just tuned him out. It was the doctor she chose.

“And West- are you even listening to me?”

“Howard, I know who he is. I chose him. Didn’t you read who sent the file to you?”


“Though I am extremely glad that you seem to really like him, also since you are here and talking
about him I want to meet him in person just to make sure he is good since those files though very
detailed can’t say if the person can mesh with everyone. So could you do that?”

“Sure thing doll,” Howard says walking back out the door, Peggy shakes her head. This is an
example of the sometimes with Howard.

Peggy was now, a day after that interaction with Howard, waiting in a conference room. She was
wearing a new dress she bought for the action, not wanting to wear her other fancy red dress, the
one she wore with Steve in the bar and wanting to dance with him in. It brings too many bittersweet
memories and there is no time for that in a professional setting like this. The dress she is wearing is
black with sleeves and a beautiful v-neck that is fitted perfectly to her figure. It goes past her knees,
her shoes are heels that are red. She was sitting at the head of the long table which is the only thing
in the conference room organizing some things she needs to work on later.
Dr. West then came into the room, his black hair slicked back; he was in a normal black suit. He
had an average build not big but not small. Once he closed the door, he had a polite and kind smile
on his face.

“You must be agent Carter would you prefer me to call you that or Ms. Carter?”

“Ms. Carter is fine thank you, please sit,” Peggy gestures to the other head of the table, the one
closest to the door.

The meeting went on without a hitch, Dr. West made no comments on her being a woman and after
all the business things were covered, it got more personal. Once the meeting was over Peggy had a
feeling she hadn’t had in a long time. This feeling of excitement from a person. Maybe she could
love someone again. And maybe, that is okay.

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