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I. Multiple Choice
1. Which among the phases of matter is characterized by structural rigidity and resistance to changes of shape or volume?
a. Gas c. Plasma
b. Liquid d. Solid
2. Everything that exists can be classified as either a type of matter or a form of energy. Which of the following is an example of matter?
a. Air c. Time
b. Heat d. Sunlight
3. Non-matter is not type of matter but forms of energy. Which of the following statements describes non-matter?
a. they occupy space and has mass
b. you cannot hold, taste, or smell these things
c. they are type of matter that are also a form of energy
d. their physical properties are used to observe and describe matter
4. The main physical characteristics of matter are mass, volume, weight, density, odor, and color. Why do you need to study physical properties of
a. All things are made of matter
b. Matter is anything that occupy space and has mass
c. Matter typically exist in one of three states: solid, liquid, or gas.
d. Properties of matter help you to see matter, feel matter, and taste matter.
5. Matter is made up of small particles. Which of the following describes the arrangement of particle of solid?
a. Far apart and random c. Far apart and have a regular pattern
b. Close together and random. d. Close together and have a regular pattern
6. Which of the following statements BEST describes matter?
A. It has weight. C. It has a definite shape.
B. It is a form of energy. D. It occupies space and has mass.
7. Which is NOT an example of matter?
A. air B. chalk C. sound D. water
8. Which of the following sets of samples below is NOT matter?
A. air, water, love C. crayon, light, heat
B. idea, chair, chalk D. light, shadow, feeling
9. Which of the following statements is TRUE regarding the particle nature of matter?
A. Matter is not made of tiny particles.
B. Particles of matter are moving all the time.
C. Particles of matter do not attract each other.
D. Spaces between the particles are filled with air.
10. Which of the following has the weakest force of attraction between the particles?
A. gas B. liquid C. solid D. vacuum
11. What happens to the attractive forces of liquid particles when they are cooled?
A. start to weaken C. remain the same
B. start to decrease D. start to strengthen
12. The attractive force of the particles of a gas is described as _________ attractive force.
A. weak B. strong C. very strong D. intermediate
For numbers 13– 15. Refer to the illustrations given. A B C Which of the above illustrations represents the particles of solid? liquid? gas?


13. Solid _________ 14. Liquid _________ 15.Gas _________

16. Which of the following statements BEST describes the particles of a gas?
A. All the particles are attached from each other.
B. The particles are not attached and moving slowly.
C. The particles are arranged in sequence and moving rapidly.
D. The particles are not attached and are moving rapidly in any direction.
17. Which statement describes the particles of solid?
A. Its particles are closely packed and held together by strong attractive force.
B. Its particles have enough space, definite volume but have indefinite shape.
C. Its particles are far from each other and have an indefinite volume and shape.
D. Its particles are free to move slowly but it takes the shape of their container.
18. Which of the following states of matter cannot be held by your hand?
A. Gas B. Liquid C. Solid D. Both A and B
19. Why do liquids have definite volume but have indefinite shape?
A. Because its particles are closely packed and have strong attractive forces.
B. Because its particles are far from each other and they occupy the entire space available.
C. Because its particles are free to move easily and are held together by less attractive force.
D. Because its particles have weak attractive forces and are moving from one place to another.
20. Which pair of states of matter has definite volume?
A. Solid and gas C. Liquid and solid
B. Gas and liquid D. None of the above
21. Which transformation process involves the change of state from gas to solid?
A. deposition B. freezing C. melting D. sublimation
22. Which transformation process occurs in drying of wet clothes?
A. evaporation B. freezing C. melting D. sublimation
23. Which transformation process changes the state of a matter from that of a liquid to a solid?
A. condensation B. evaporation C. freezing D. melting
24. What process involves the change of state from solid to gas without passing the liquid state?
A. evaporation B. freezing C. melting D. sublimation
25. What phase change is observed in the formation of clouds in the atmosphere?
A. condensation B. deposition C. evaporation D. sublimation
26. What happens to the arrangement of particles of matter in solid, liquid and gas as the temperature is increased?
A. Particles are becoming closer together
B. Particles move farther apart from each other
C. There is no change in the arrangement, it stays the same.
D. It becomes disordered and then changes back to become ordered
27. In what conditions of temperature and kinetic energy will favor the condensation process?
A. There is an increase, both for temperature and kinetic energy
B. There is a decrease, both for temperature and kinetic energy
C. There is no change, both for temperature and kinetic energy
D. There is an increase in temperature and a decrease in kinetic energy
28. What transformation takes place when dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) changes from solid to gas?
A. condensation B. evaporation C. melting D. sublimation
29. Which processes increases the movement of particles?
A. melting → freezing C. condensation → freezing
B. melting → evaporation D. evaporation → deposition
30. Which of the following examples turns solid into another state of matter?
A. cutting of hair C. tearing of paper into pieces
B. dropping a plastic can D. ice cubes in a glass of juice

II. Match the state of matter to its property by writing the letter of the correct answers on a separate sheet of paper.
States of Matter
A. Gas
B. Liquid
C. Solid
_____ 1. Has a definite shape.
_____ 2. Particles are closely packed.
_____ 3. Particles are held by weak attractive forces.
_____ 4. Easy flowing in any direction faster compared to liquid.
_____ 5. Has a definite volume and takes the shape of the container.

III. Enumeration

1-3 States of Matter

4-9 Phase Changes in Matter
10 4th State of Matter




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