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Episode 1

“Heyy Stop It Akatsuki!! That’s Not Funny..” Emiko Said Trying to reach
for her phone, “Haha! No Way Shortie!” Akatsuki Scoffed As he put his
hand up Preventing Emiko from Having Her Phone. Emiko Pouted in
Anger Giving Up on Attempting to reach and grab her phone,
“Bahahahaha! Looks Like She’s Given Up” Akatsuki Wheezed. “Just Give
her Back her Phone Akatsuki” Cyan Said Slightly Annoyed, “Yeah, You
guys are so Loud” Chizo Replied Agreeing to Cyan as she tilt her head
away from her Nintendo Switch. ”Ugh.. Fine” Akatsuki Huffed in
Disappointment Hoping to Tease Emiko More, As Akatsuki Was
Distracted Emiko Took Her Phone “Yeeee!! Thank You So Much Chizo!”
Emiko Piped in Excitement.

Oh Hi I’m Cyan Ienaga (16) And These Are My Friends, Let Me Introduce
Them For You. Lets Start with Akatsuki. Chiyo Akatsuki Or Formally
Known As Akatsuki (16) , He is quite a guy if I’m being honest.. very loud
and Extroverted but Very Kind. Chizo Nishimura (15) , She is As You Can
see is a Gamer and She’s Good At It As Well.. She’s Very Shy and
Intimate. Emiko Inoue (14), Despite Being the Youngest One In the
group She is The Most Kindest and Sweetest Person I Ever Met. And
Lastly Me A.K.A Cyan Ienaga (16), I am not the best Person but I Have
My Highs And Lows. They Are like a Family to Me, I Would do Anything
For Them..

Suddenly, A Loud Beep Started to Agonize their Ears.. “Huwaaah!!

What Is This?” Emiko Shouted while Covering Her Ears, “What?!” Chizo
Shouted Back And At That Moment Everyone Blacked Out.
Soon After They Wake Up, “Look! The Newbies Are Awake!” A Woman
Shouted. “W-wha? What’s Happening?” Cyan Replied, “A-are you
Okay? Do you Have Injuries?” The Woman Asked “Enough Woman.” A
Young Boy Scolded At The Woman “Control Your Words Wimp”
Another Man Growled At the young Boy. “Stop Being Immature Or I’ll
Skin You Alive.” A Girl Snapped While Giving a Death Stare to Both to
the Young Boy And The Angry Man, “Now Now.. Why Don’t We Just
Introduce Ourselves Instead Of Fighting?” The Woman Said As She
Helped Cyan Stand Up. “Alright Then..” The Man Sighed.. Is This My
New Life Now? I wonder where Akatsuki, Chizo and Emiko Are..

Episode 2
“My Name is Kaell Tokuda (23)! Nice To Meet you!” The Man Bubbled
in Joy, Well His Mood Changed Immediately.. “I Suppose I Have To
Introduce Myself As Too, I am Nishimoto Akio (13). But I Insist On The
Nickname Aki, It’s a Pleasure To Meet you” The Young Boy Stated.
Shit!, I’m Next.. “I’m.. Cyan I-Ienaga uh.. Nice to Meet you?” Cyan
Stuttered As He Was not good with Interactions, “I’m Noelle Olenyeva
(24), Hope We Can Be Friends Oh and Don’t Go Around Insulting People
Aki!” Smiled The Woman. “Ugh, I’m Akagi Kohaku (15) I hope you all
Survive I guess..” The Girl Muttered, “And I am Elyna Yamaoka (18) Nice
to See You All” Another Girl Added. “Is That Everyone?” Cyan Asked
While Looking Around The Room, “And That’s Me!, Kurata Kou (8)! One
Of The Best Hero Athlete There Ever Was!” A Boy Shouted. “Great. A
Fucking Kid.” Aki Sighed, “Hey Hey Hey Now I’m No Ordinary Kid!, I’m
The Best Hero Athlete Ever Existed!. I Can Take You Down In A Second
Nerd!” The Boy Shouted at the top of his Lungs. “I’m Sure We Heard it
The First Time Kurat” Akagi Murmured Okay.. Why Was That Actually
Funny, Suddenly Neck Bands Were Attached To Them and Pulled Them
Onto the Wall. “Kyaaah! What Is This?!” Noelle Screamed, “Oh Stop
Being So Childish And Calm Down!” Akagi Bickered. “Now Waiting For
New Players to Join.. 7/10” a TV Popped Up with the Message, “What
The Hell?” Cyan Snapped.. Soon After 3 More Players Entered The
Game, “What in God’s Name is Happening?!” Wait. That Voice Sounds
Familiar.. “Chizo? Emiko? Akatsuki? Is That You?!” Cyan Screamed
Again while having a Hard time Breathing, Before You Know It
Everything Was Pitched Black.

Creator’s Note :

I Think That’s Enough Writing ^^* Also Stay Hydrated yall

Oh yea! And I Forgot to mention that Italic words such as this “Wait. That Voice
Sounds Familiar..” is Cyan’s POV or what he is currently thinking right now, I
thought putting words such as “Cyan wondered to himself” would be boring and
kinda confusing so hopefully with this explanation you can enjoy the story
more! Again thank you for reading ^^

For other character’s POV , I will be putting some explanation on the title such
as “Aki’s POV” but for the Italic words that has not been titled such as Aki
and Akagi’s POV, is indeed Cyan’s own POV.
Episode 3
Cyan and The Others woke up in a room, but this was different. It was
warm and windy, it had a strange sensation that it didn’t felt like it was
even real. “Great, We’re trapped in another room” Akagi Sighed, “This
ain’t no Ordinary Room fellas..” Kaell looked around with suspicion.

“Oh Please, its just a room.. its not gonna bite-” Elyna speaked but
then got cut off, as a knife got stabbed on her neck. The silence filled
the room as Elyna fell on the hard cold floor, “I knew it..” Aki
Whispered as he tried to approach Elyna slowly. But a door opened and
had a 10 second countdown, while everyone was still shock by this
sudden death.. Akagi doesn’t blink and Pushes everyone into the door.

As the door closes, the Corpse of Elyna Yamaoka was burned to death.
“What Happened..” Noelle Stuttered as she was still traumatized from
Elyna’s Death, “It’s a Killing Game.” Aki Concluded. Aki.. what does he
know?, “Hey!, D-don’t make stuff up..” Cyan also Stuttered in Fear.
“We’re Trapped Here for a Reason, We’re not safe here or Anywhere.”
Aki Stated Hardly showing any Emotions, “What do you know.” Akagi
Said while holding a Sharp Object Against Aki.

“Pardon Me?” Aki Replied Back, “Do you have something to do with
whatever is happening right now? Tell me or die.” Akagi Threatened
Aki. “Here..” Aki Offered his hand to Cyan, “Slice My Skin.” He
demanded. Everyone was confused on why Aki wanted to Harm
Himself, “Cyan it’s a trap! Don’t do it!” Kaell Screamed. “I Said Do It
Ienaga!” Aki Demanded Again, Not knowing what to do Cyan closed his
eyes and stabbed Aki’s Hand which was not expected. As the blood
from Aki’s Hand spill onto the ground, he tackled Cyan onto the ground.
“What The Hell?!” Cyan raised her voice as he was getting tackled on
the ground, “Everyone Duck!” Aki Shouted in Panic. Everyone did as
what they’re told so, but then Ammo’s Rained from the sky in the place
where Cyan would’ve been if Aki didn’t tackle her. “See? It’s a Killing
Game, Every Cell you have harmed would’ve caused you a rain of
dangerous things or even more brutal and worse stuff ” Aki Proclaimed,
“Where did you get this Information from..” Akagi murmured.

Wow this Is getting intense 0-0, but again its 3am and I have school tomorrow.
But I can’t stop writing this ;-;. Writing this is too fun hehe, but make sure you
get the rest you needed! Don’t stay up all night working on something that’s not
really important like I am right now hehe ^^. Damn I still have a lot of space to
write stuff on it :0, again I would like to apologize to grammatical errors this is
my first time writing a story so please if you have any critics or tips please tell
me!! Please be kind and enjoy~!
Episode 4
“Yes, you have saved Cyan but that doesn’t prove your point
whatsoever.” Akagi added, “Look, you all can be suspicious of me later,
Now.. we need to find the way out of here.” Aki Stated again. What is
wrong with them, its like they’re both Imposters trying to prove the
other is wrong to cover up their own sins. Aki did save me but that
doesn’t give him my full trust, fuck it I don’t trust anyone in this room
and I won’t.

Akagi’s POV :
Fufufu.. Aki you are really one man to lie, I can see all the lies you’re
covering by acting arrogant. How Cute of him trying to cover up all of
his childish and demanding behaviours.. We know you’re careless Aki,
Take off that Responsible Personality Mask of Yours its getting too old.

Saving someone won’t prove your point Aki, that’s just stretching my
point far more. Look now everyone’s suspicious of you, you with your
trophy and good grades.. and still can’t prove you own point hah!.

I need to prove that dumbass wrong to cover whatever I did to Noelle

in the past. Ughh stop thinking about the accident Akagi!, They
deserved it anyway. His Tactics are pointless, maybe one day I can
make him beg for his life. Fufufu your face begging me to spare your life
is gonna be adorable Aki.

Aki’s POV :
Oh Akagi, you’re fake mask won’t cover your Assasin Soul. I know what
you’re gonna do, you’re gonna bring me down to be the top of the
Game. I shouldn’t have told them the lasers and shit, Fuck!.

I have seen you Akagi, with your Codes and contradictions before. So I
know how to handle you too well, take off that innocent mask of yours
and show people the true you.. who knows? Maybe the government
payed you to kill everyone here, including me.

I know you too well Akagi, and with the Information I have I will unravel
your phsycotic personality and your true colors. For now.. I shall spare
you some time to think for your next meal, until then I will collect more
and more information so I can see you beg on your knees whimpering
for your soul to be spared.

The Silence has been going on for an hour now, Everyone hasn’t spoken
to eachother since then. “So, Are we going to get out?” Cyan stuttered
as he tried to start the group moving again, “but where are we gonna
go?” Noelle replied with visible hesitation on her face.

The awkward silence came back flooding the room, and Everyone was
Visibly Hesitant with the next Plan they’re trying to come up to survive
this so-called “Killing Game”. As the silence go on, the room was getting
hotter and hotter each second. “hey guys is it just me or is the room
getting really hot its like I’m in a Microwave or somethin’. ” Kaell Asked,
“Everybody.. Open the door!!” Aki Panicked.

Again, its getting intense and I think imma finish this at Episode 6 before my
Exam hiatus, so the Episodes will get longer and longer eventually.. I’m sorry lol

Episode 5
Again, everyone did as told but the door won’t even budge a tiny inch.
“It won’t fucking budge! God damn it!” Akagi Panicked as she tried to
open the door several times, “Let Me Try..” Kaell Huffed. Without a
Blink, Kaell kicked down the door but it was a dead end.

“This is The End Isn’t it?” Akagi Sighed, “No, This is Just the Beginning”
Aki Concluded. He seems calmer then everyone else in this situation,
why the hell?? Is he so Calm?? It’s like he knows this is gonna happen,
even worse! He could’ve planned this!. Within a Few Minutes, The
Room was Hotter Then Ever.. it felt like anything in it could melt in an

“Am I dead yet?” Cyan Asked as he was lying on the floor, hopeless.
Suddenly, the room melted down. Again, everyone was shocked by this.
Out of nowhere Cards starting raining down, Cyan catched one and
read it out loud to the whole group. “1207” Cyan said as he tried to
read the cards, “Heyya!” a voice bubbled in excitement.
“Huh? Who’s There?” Noelle Stuttered in fear, “so.. you guys are like..”
the voice paused. “Group 1207, right? right” the voice then continued
on, “seriously I was looking Everywhere for you guys its ridiculous-” the
voice continued rambling on and it sounded as If it was getting closer.

It was a Woman, A young adult to be precise. She was wearing.. a

school uniform?. “Who Are you, Name, Age and why are you here.”
Akagi Stated, “oh my god, is this a quiz or something? You know what,
whatever. Hi I’m Hotsaku Ryuko (17) and I don’t know why the hell I’m
even here” the voiced rambled on.

“Sounds Convincing Enough” Aki Replied with a slight Sarcastic Tone in

his voice, “Wait- where’s Noelle and Kaell?!” Cyan Panicked. “Ugh, Calm
Down Geek. They’re with their own Group now” Ryuko claimed, “Own
Group?” Cyan was Confused, “Alright Alright, Who The Hell Are You and
what do you know.” Aki Backed Cyan Away From Ryuko.

“y’know what. I’ll be nice and introduce myself once again.” Ryuko
Sighed, “My Name Is Hosatku Ryuko (17)” Ryuko Introduced Herself
Again but with a slower tone. “Get Lost Whore. We don’t need
someone like you.” Aki Insulted Ryuko, “Aki, she’s our teammate. Be
nice to her or something.” Cyan Interrupted Aki. “Oh Really? What The
Hell Do You Even Know?-” Aki Raised his Voice At Cyan, But was
Suddenly Interrupted By Ryuko’s Comments.

“Pride Month’s Already Over but Go Off I Guess” Ryuko Commented,

“Wha- I’m Not Gay!” Aki Argued. “You Guys Sure Argue Like One.”

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