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First Name Surname

Suburb, State, ZIP Code


Dear [first name],

As requested, this letter is to provide you with an estimate of [your business name] projected earnings for the
year ending [date and year].

Based on various business activities of [insert the services offered here], it is anticipated that [your business
name] gross income for the year ending [date and year] will be [monetary value]. This takes into account income
from current website operations as well as new websites being developed over the next [X months] for which
ongoing income is anticipated.

It is estimated that expenses to be incurred for the production of all income from the above activities for the year
ending [date and year] will be [monetary value].

In summary, based on the information provided, our current and planned business activities, [your business
name]’s projected earnings for the year ending [monetary value] are as follows:

Gross Income $[monetary value]

Less Expenses $[monetary value]
Net Income $[monetary value]

If you have any queries or concerns regarding any of this information, please don't hesitate to contact me directly
on [phone number].

Yours sincerely,


Street Address, City, ST ZIP Code (543) 555-1234 (543) 555-1235 fax [your web address]

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