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The Black




by- mrcouchpotato
The Fireworks Show

i was once going through the streets of sydney, until i saw something. thousands of
birds were chirping very loudly in a corner. turns out there was a big  reworks show
that scared them.

but, there was one bird which was observing the show very carefully. it was a black
raven. i saw it going in a corner.
Entry to Witchtopia

i was very suspicious of it. i followed it. the raven went and went and then stopped. suddenly, my
body was disintegrating. i noticed that i have stepped into a force   eld. my entire appearence was

changed... into a warrior!

then i saw an old lady coming towards me. she told me that she is a which and i have entered in

the witchtopia. i saw the raven again. she sat near a witch's cauldron and boom! she transformed
into a witch! there were bats and ravens all around the world.
Trip to Nevada!

something wasn't right. i went from sydney to witchtopia... without any portal. and...why me? there

must be others going in this world from sydney. it is just behind the street of the sydney opera house.

then, i saw a witch's child, in an airplane. she said i am going to nevada, with my parents. nevada?

why is this girl' family going from one world to other? i wanted to investigate. i asked her if i can go
with her or not. she agreed! we  ew for hours! then were on top of a sandy desert.
Area 51

this was geting way more suspicious. i remember that i once read an article about area 51, a secret

base in nevada, surrounded with desert on all 4 sides, and many people claim that there are aliens in

my guess was correct. we were landing on area 51. i asked the witch about the landing. she said to

wait and we will be in the witch's secret abode. Area 51?

suddenly, i fell asleep. when i woke up, the plane had landed. the family was going in. i followed them.
we were in area 51! i wanted to know if there are aliens or not. the us millitary was guarding every

single corner of the base. the family snuck pass them and made their way in.

i did that too. i went to the secret lab and oh boy... i saw many ravens. they turned into witches

and started making potions from their cauldrons. yes, there are no aliens but witches in area 51!
Tiny Potion

the witches were weird. they were putting some green substance in their potions and then putiing it in a
conveyer belt. seems like that the government is making them do this as a work over here. but why at

the world's one of thw top secret places? there was much bigger  sh to fry...

i wanted to see what is on the other side of the conveyer belt. but... i almost got caught by an o cer. he

was taking round and i was right in front of him. keeping it in mind, i might get arrested for this. i called
one of the witches and asked if they could make me a tiny person potion. they agreed. i drunk it and

became super tiny. they also gave me another potion which will make me grow up. i went in the

conveyer belt.
In the Conveyer Belt

The conveyer belt was long. I believe i was there for around 20 minutes. But then, I saw some

compartments. they had di erent labels of logos of soft drink companies like Coca Cola, Pepsi etc. The

green substance was being put in these di erent compartments. Then, there were wizards (yes, they

even employed wizards) who were packing the substance in bottles in boxes and sending it to where

the company's factory is.

The wizards didn't speak English. They spoke some other language. I remembered that i was a warrior
and had many weapons. I quickly tied a rope around one of the wizards and pulled them towards a
corner. Then i drank the other potion and grew up. He spoke something i didn't understand. I had a gas
that faints a person (i am a warrior, so do expect that). and also a gas that triggers their brain to speak
English. I  rst made him smell the English speaking gas and learnt some of their language. Mind my
words, it is very weird. Then I made him smell the fainting ption. He fainted.Then, i wore his hat and
cloak and gave mine to him. Woohoo! I am a wizard!
Where the substance goes...

I started interacting with the wizards. The cloak had a power that made me understand every single bit

of the language. Language learning is easy these days! I asked one of the wizards about what this

substance is for. They said it was for mixing in the soft drinks.

The government would do that? The government is hiring people to mix something in soft drinks, one
of the most consumed bevereages in all of the countries! I quickly snuck into a truck which sent all the
substances to the factories.

The truck went into the factory where Fanta is made. The wizard wasn't lying, they were opening and

actually putting the substance in the beverages! I went up to the manager of the factory and asked him

abouth what is going on. He said that these are government's orders.

I asked him what the substances contain. He said that he dosen't know. Then i came to know that one of

the ravens was also in the truck. I followed it and she turned into a witch! I asked her, what is in it? She

said, it is a potion that makes you obese when you drink it. I was shocked. I took a  ight to Washington

D.C and took an appointment to meet the President of the US.
Meeting with Presidnet Boe.

Mr.Boe is the president of the US. I went to the park where the President usually goes. I got a

noti cation that my appointment was cancelled! I saw that the president was in the park. I went up to

him. I asked him about the substance. I didn't tell him that I went to Area 51, or I would've been


He told me that he is aware about this and it started a few months ago. The government plans on to tell

the public that soft drinks contain such things and we should stop consuming them. I really liked the

idea. But... I asked him, what about the companies like Coca Cola? Their business will collapse! Mr.Boe

had an answer to that. He said that the companies will now sell co e and chocolate! Very Funny!
Mr.Boe was kind enough to send me back to Sydney!

Even though there is no such thing as the substance in the soft drinks, they are still dangerous and
turn us towards obesity. Thus, one should de nately stop or at least limit their consumption of soft


Author's note

Hello, mrcouchpotato here. I hope you enjoyed the story. if you did, please likex, favourite
and comment as this took me more than 4 hours to make.

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