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Alcantara, John Reiner L.

12-Asher HumSS

Reflection Activity: 50 Entrepreneurs Priceless advice

Watching different kinds of entrepreneurs saying their quote is honestly quite
exhausting. It didn't even move my heart a little bit, even though they are famous,
rich and successful. While watching different men and women giving their advice, it
seems that there is something missing from their life. Their words are shallow like an
empty shell waiting for their owners to come in the dried highway. As I go on and
watch them and try to inspire people, I noticed that they all have similar objectives
which is to teach and nurture.

Each business journey begins with some form of inspiration. You don't have to work
alone if you're a startup. Those that have achieved success will always share their
motivation for achievement with you in order to mentor, inspire, and advise us. Their
advice is like a godly word that has bestowed upon us, but for some people it only
sounds like a broken phonograph. While watching the video 2 times, I realized I don't
want to follow their steps. I want to be an entrepreneur where I will chisel my own
path to the stairs of success. If I stumble and break, I will stand up and drag those
people along who believe in me. a n entrepreneur should innovate not imitate, if i
follow them in their path, i will always be one step behind those people who are

The video may help different kinds of people by imitating or following those pieces of
advice, but I believe that those people are not my mentors, but they are my rivals in
business. This video may help me in the future because I am a beginner, but
eventually there will be a time where I will be included in a compilation of
entrepreneurs saying their priceless advice.

Choose the top 10 pieces of advice you will use as an entrepreneur

in the future.
"Focus on one thing and do it really well." - Steve Jobs
"Be persistent and stay true to your vision." - Jeff Bezos
"Be willing to fail, and fail often." - Elon Musk
"Surround yourself with people who are smarter than you." - Richard Branson
"Delegate tasks to free up time for strategic thinking." - Jack Welch
"Don't be afraid to challenge the status quo." - Mark Zuckerberg
"Solve problems that people care about." - Larry Page
"Stay hungry, stay foolish." - Steve Jobs
"Be adaptable and willing to change course." - Reed Hastings

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