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A- Fill each space with a suitable phrasal verb from the two previous

1. We’ll have to ………. Before lunch time if we want to get there in
2. You’ll ………… with your work if you don’t get on with it.
3. I wanted to go to bed but she ………… till one o’clock in the morning.
4. If he ……………. Breaking the law like that, he’ll end up in prison.
5. He's an integral part of the team and we can't ………………. him.
6. He's so moody - I don't know why she ………………. Him
7. Traffic was ………………. for several hours by the accident.

B- Are these sentences correct? Rewrite the incorrect ones.

1. Did you wake her up?

2. Put on the table it.

3. Turn off it.

4. Let's ask them out for a meal.

5. Write down your name.

6. Put away them.

7. Take it back.

8. Will you pick up me from the station?

9. Let in us. We don't have a key.

C - Complete the sentences with the correct phrase or word.

Wipe out – run out of – device – gadget – up to date – lose touch with -

1- The ___________ is discreet and can be reused nearly 40 times before the

battery needs to be recharged.
2- We go to a lot of trouble to keep our database ____________
3- Typewriters have been rendered ___________ by computers
4- Even if you try to, you can’t completely _________ your personal
information from the internet
5- I can’t text her to pick me up, I’ve _____________ battery.
6- In the past two decades, technological advances have allowed people to
communicate with friends with whom they had _____________.
7- Rescuers used a special ___________ for finding people trapped in
collapsed buildings.

Writing Paper Part 1. Task Type: Essay - Technology
In your English class you have been talking about technological developments.
Now your teacher has asked you to write an essay.
People have become overly-dependent on technology with the result that we
are not as mentally challenged as we used to be. Do you agree?
Write about:
1. positive ways in which technology simplifies tasks that would otherwise
be time-consuming.
2. the extent to which technology stops us working things out for ourselves.
3. ................ your own idea
Write your essay for your teacher (around 140-190) words.

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