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Before giving this worksheet to your students, review and discuss when we use the 'be' verb in English - the 'be' verb
usually comes before: (1) a noun ("She is a student."; (2) an adjective ("She is busy."); (3) a verb + ing ("She is
studying."); (4) preposition + place ("She is in the classroom.")  It is also found in sentences that use passive voice,
but you may want to skip this point for lower level students.  We don't use the 'be' verb before another verb; for
example, "She studies." ... NOT "She is studies."           
                                                                                          Wrap-up by having students compare answers with
classmates, and then choose one or two students to write their answers on the board: (1) is; (2) Is / is, etc.  Correct
and discuss any mistakes.                                 (Add 5 to 10 minutes.)

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