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Check Request

Document Type ID=5

1)Once the Header Details is saved then the InboundID is created with the status=1 in the tbldocument table
and the header details is saved in the tblHeaderFieldValueFlat_5 table
2)Once the GL Codes is saved, data is saved in the table tblDocumentGLCodeXRef
3)Once the Header Details is saved then the StatusID=100(InboundUploadSuccess) in tblInboundData and
status=1 in the tbldocument.

4)For the selected Business Unit GL Account,Operating Unit, Department, Product, Project should in the range
as selected that is present in the tblComboRules

Eg: SELECT *FROM tblComboRules WHERE IsActive = 1 AND BusinessUnit = '394' order by 1 desc

Other wise will through an exception as

Invalid combo values(combination of Business Unit,GL Account,Operating Unit,Department and Product is not

5)Document is “Assigned to Business Unit Finance Approvers”

Eg: SELECT *from tblRoutingBusinessRules where BusinessUnit='394' and IsActive=1 and RuleType='CHECK'

DepartmentCode=NULL (Finance Approvers)

DepartmentCode=ALL (Operations)

Note: Here all the Users should be in Active State.

6)Here the document status will be in “Ready For Review” status(27)

7)Any of the assigned Finance Approvers that this document is assigned can able to Review it
Once Review, document is moved to Reviewed(28) status and the document Assigned to Business Unit
Operational Approvers
8)Any of the assigned Operational Approvers Reviewed(28) the document, then the document status is moved
to the Approved status(29)
9)If the “Finance Approvers” rejected the document then the document will be assigned Assigned back to
creator of Check Request in “Ready For Review” status(27)
10)If the “Operational Approvers” rejected the document then the document is Assigned to “BusUnit Finance


Note: In the tblDetailRowFieldValueFlat_5 we are not saving any data

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