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select *from tblDelegate 

where isactive=1  and DelegateTo=36602

select getdate()
select *from tbluser  where FirstName like '%Paul%' and isactive=1  and UserID=36595
select *from tbluser  where FirstName like '%Robin%' and isactive=1  and UserID=36602

select *from tblRoutingBusinessRules where Approver=''

--insert into tblSendTo(DocumentID,AssignedBy,AssignedTo,CreatedTimeStamp,IsActive)

--select Documentid,1533,36602,getdate(),1  from tbldocument where documentid
in(select DocumentId from tbldocument where documentid in(select documentid from
--tblSendTo where assignedto=36595  and isactive=1)  and statusid not in(0,1,31))

select *from tblSendTo where assignedto=36595  and

isactive=1 and DocumentId in(select DocumentId from tbldocument where documentid
in(select documentid from tblSendTo where assignedto=36595  and isactive=1)
  and statusid not in(0,1,31))

select *from tbldocument where documentid in(select documentid from tblSendTo where
assignedto=36595  and isactive=1)  and statusid not in(0,1,31)

Could you please setup a delegate for Paul Alamed.  Please move all invoices currently
pending in his queue to Robin Bauer
and setup Robin as his delegate going forward.  He will be out for an extended amount
of time and we will remove the delegate upon his return


select *from tblSendTo_Bkp_05Feb2020

select *from tblsendto where assignedto=36602  and isactive=1

--insert into tblSendTo(DocumentID,AssignedBy,AssignedTo,CreatedTimeStamp,IsActive)

--select Documentid,1533,36602,getdate(),1  from tbldocument where documentid
in(select DocumentId from tbldocument where documentid in(select documentid from
--tblSendTo where assignedto=36595  and isactive=1)  and statusid not in(0,1,31))

--update tblSendTo set isactive=0 where assignedto=36595  and

--isactive=1 and DocumentId in(select DocumentId from tbldocument where documentid
in(select documentid from tblSendTo where assignedto=36595  and isactive=1)
--  and statusid not in(0,1,31))

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