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SQL Practice

1. Effective work hours in office by an employee.

Table headers: Empid, action (in or out), time

select a.ID, (sum(b.time-a.time)) as 'Effective' from

(select ID,Action, Time, (rank () over( partition by ID order by time))
as Rank_in
from Hours
where Action = 'in') a
(select ID,Action, Time, (rank () over( partition by ID order by time))
as Rank_out
from Hours
where Action = 'out') b
on a.ID=b.ID
and rank_in= rank_out
group by a.ID;

2. userID,sessionID, time, event ID

For a user, the events which are at an interval of less than or equal to 30 minutes, belong to the
same session ID. figure out those session and event iDs for every user.

Leet code hard

1) Department top 3 salaries

select a.departmentid,, a.rank from (select departmentid,name, salary, (rank ()

over(partition by departmentid
order by salary desc)) as rank
from Employee) a
where a.rank<=3

2) Trips and users

select a.request_at,
ROUND(((SUM(CASE WHEN LOWER(a.Status) LIKE 'cancelled%' THEN 1.000 ELSE 0 END))
/ COUNT(, 2) AS "Cancellation Rate"
from Trips a join users b
on a.client_id= b.users_id
where b.banned = 'No'
group by request_at;
3) median salary of employee

Employee.Id, Employee.Company, Employee.Salary
Employee ​alias
Employee.Company ​=​ ​alias​.Company
GROUP​ ​BY​ Employee.Company , Employee.Salary
​WHEN​ Employee.Salary ​=​ ​alias​.Salary ​THEN​ ​1
​ELSE​ ​0
END​) ​>=​ ​ABS​(​SUM​(SIGN(Employee.Salary ​-​ ​alias​.Salary)))
ORDER​ ​BY​ Employee.Id

SELECT​ CustomerId, AVG(TotalDue) ​FROM​ ( ​SELECT​ CustomerId, TotalDue, ​--

SalesOrderId in the ORDER BY is a disambiguator to break ties​ ROW_NUMBER() ​OVER
( ​PARTITION​ ​BY​ CustomerId ​ORDER​ ​BY​ TotalDue ​ASC​, SalesOrderId ​ASC​) ​AS​ RowAsc,
ROW_NUMBER() ​OVER​ ( ​PARTITION​ ​BY​ CustomerId ​ORDER​ ​BY​ TotalDue ​DESC​,
SalesOrderId ​DESC​) ​AS​ RowDesc ​FROM​ Sales.SalesOrderHeader SOH ) x ​WHERE​ RowAsc
IN​ (RowDesc, RowDesc - ​1​, RowDesc + ​1​) ​GROUP​ ​BY​ CustomerId ​ORDER​ ​BY​ CustomerId;

4) average salary: dept vs company

select t1.pay_month, t2.department_id , (case when< t2.dep_net then 'higher'

when>t2.dep_net then 'lower'
else 'same' end) as "comparison"
(select month(pay_date) as pay_month, avg(amount) as net
from salary
group by 1) t1
(select month(a.pay_date) as pay_month, b.department_id, avg(a.amount) as dep_net
from salary a left join employee b on a.employee_id=b.employee_id
group by 1,2) t2
on t1.pay_month=t2.pay_month

5) students reports by geography (pivoting rows to columns)

set @r1=0, @r2=0, @r3=0, @r4=0;

select case when Occupation='Doctor' then (@r1:=@r1+1)
when Occupation='Professor' then (@r2:=@r2+1)
when Occupation='Singer' then (@r3:=@r3+1)
when Occupation='Actor' then (@r4:=@r4+1) end as RowNumber,
case when Occupation='Doctor' then Name end as Doctor,
case when Occupation='Professor' then Name end as Professor,
case when Occupation='Singer' then Name end as Singer,
case when Occupation='Actor' then Name end as Actor
order by Name

6)human traffic of stadium

SELECT,, s.people

from stadium s
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, people from stadium) T1
ON​ ​​ =​ ​​ + 2
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, people from stadium) T2
ON = + 1
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, people from stadium) T3
ON = - 1
LEFT JOIN (SELECT id, people from stadium) T4
ON = - 2
WHERE ((s.people >= 100 AND
((T3.people >= 100 AND T4.people >= 100) OR
(T2.people >= 100 AND T3.people >= 100) OR
(T1.people >= 100 AND T2.people >= 100))))
ORDER by id

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