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Practical – 8

Date : 7/02/2021

Roll No. and Name : 20TCE047 ( Om Mavani )

Course Code and Name : 2CS101 computer programming

Practical No.: 8-A

Aim: Create a structure which holds various attributes (e.g. name, id,
basic_salary, DA%, HRA%, total_salary etc.) of an employee. Write a program
which allows you to scan these (except total_salary) attributes for 3 employees.
The program should support following operations:

i. Display (total salary of the selected employee)

ii. ii. Max (find and display name of the employee with maximum salary)

Methodology followed:

#include <stdio.h>
struct employee
{   char name[10];
    int id;
    float Basic_salary;
 void main()
     float T1,T2,T3,DA1,HRA1,DA2,HRA2,DA3,HRA3,Basic_salary;
    struct employee e,e1,e2;
     printf("\n Input Values \n");
    printf("\nEnter the values(id,salary):");
    scanf("%d %f",&,&e.Basic_salary);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");
    printf("\nEnter the values(id,salary):");
    scanf("%d %f",&,&e1.Basic_salary);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");
    printf("\nEnter the values(id,salary):");
    scanf("%d %f",&,&e2.Basic_salary);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");

    printf("\n%s %d %f %f %f\n",,,e.Basic_salary,DA1,HRA1);
    printf("\n%s %d %f %f %f\n",,,e1.Basic_salary,DA2,HRA2);
    printf("\n%s %d %f %f %f\n",,,e2.Basic_salary,DA3,HRA3);


    printf("\n THE TOTAL SALARY \n");
    printf("\nThe Total is of %s is %f.\n",,T1);
    printf("\nThe Total is of %s is %f.\n",,T2);
    printf("\nThe Total is of %s is %f.\n",,T3);

        printf("\n THE MAXIMUM SALARY \n");
    if(T1>T2 && T1>T3)
        printf("\n The %s has maxium salary %f.\n",,T1);
    else if(T2>T3 && T2>T1)
        printf("\n The %s has maxium salary %f.\n",,T2);
        printf("\n The %s has maxium salary %f.\n",,T3);

Theoretical Principles Used: Here the concept of struct is used for fetching the
details of employee for calculating the final salary. Also if else condition is used
to compare the salary of the entered salary of the employee.

Output:put Values                                                                       
Enter the values(id,salary):1 100000                                                       
Enter the name:darshil                                                                       
Enter the values(id,salary):2 500000                                                       
Enter the name:mohit                                                                   
Enter the values(id,salary):3 600000                                                         
Enter the name:dixit                                                                       
darshil 1 100000.000000 50000.000000 10000.000000                                  
mohit 2 500000.000000 250000.000000 50000.000000                                          
dixit 3 600000.000000 300000.000000 60000.000000                                        
 THE TOTAL SALARY                                                                    
The Total is of darshil is 160000.000000.                                                       
The Total is of mohit is 800000.000000.                                                
The Total is of dixit is 960000.000000.                                                  
 THE MAXIMUM SALARY                                                                    
 The dixit has maxium salary 960000.000000.                              
Practical No.: 8-B

Aim: Write a structure to accept item information such as name, quantity and
unit price. Structure should take information about 5 items. Create a user
defined function that calculates the cost of each item. Print details of each item
such as: Name Quantity Price Cost Notebook
5 50.0 250.0 Pen Drive 2 500.0
1000.0 Pen 20 5.0 100.0

Methodology followed:

#include <stdio.h>
struct stationary
    char name[10];
    int quantity;
    float Eprize;  
float prize(float a,float b)
    float c;
 void main()
    float T1,T2,T3,T4,T5;
    struct stationary s,s1,s2,s3,s4;
    printf("\n Input Values \n");
    printf("\nEnter the Values(quantity,prize):");
    scanf("%d %f",&s.quantity,&s.Eprize);
     printf("\nEnter the name:");
     printf("\nEnter the Values(quantity,prize): ");
    scanf("%d %f",&s1.quantity,&s1.Eprize);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");
     printf("\nEnter the Values(quantity,prize): ");
    scanf("%d %f",&s2.quantity,&s2.Eprize);
     printf("\nEnter the name:");
     printf("\nEnter the Values(quantity,prize): ");
    scanf("%d %f",&s3.quantity,&s3.Eprize);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");
     printf("\nEnter the Values(quantity,prize): ");
    scanf("%d %f",&s4.quantity,&s4.Eprize);
    printf("\nEnter the name:");

    T1= prize(s.quantity,s.Eprize);
    T2= prize(s1.quantity,s1.Eprize);
    T3= prize(s2.quantity,s2.Eprize);
    T4= prize(s3.quantity,s3.Eprize);
    T5= prize(s4.quantity,s4.Eprize);

    printf("\nThe Output is:\n");
      printf("\n%s %d %f %f",,s.quantity,s.Eprize,T1);
      printf("\n%s %d %f %f",,s1.quantity,s1.Eprize,T2);
    printf("\n%s %d %f %f",,s2.quantity,s2.Eprize,T3);
     printf("\n%s %d %f %f",,s3.quantity,s3.Eprize,T4);
      printf("\n%s %d %f %f",,s4.quantity,s4.Eprize,T5);

Theoretical Principles Used: Here we have used the concept of struct. We

have created the struct of stationary which include the item name , quantity,
and prize.

Input Values                                                                           
Enter the Values(quantity,prize):5 10                                                 
Enter the name:pen                                                                           
Enter the Values(quantity,prize): 10 20                                             
Enter the name:scale                                                              
Enter the Values(quantity,prize): 50 3                                                       
Enter the name:penciel                                                                    
Enter the Values(quantity,prize): 10 50                                                 
Enter the name:book                                                                        
Enter the Values(quantity,prize): 6 3                                                
Enter the name:sticker                                                                     
The Output is:                                                                         
pen 5 10.000000 50.000000                                 
scale 10 20.000000 200.000000          
penciel 50 3.000000 150.000000                
book 10 50.000000 500.000000                                                             
sticker 6 3.000000 18.000000                   

Practical No.: 8-C

Aim: Write a structure for a complex number which has a real part and an
imaginary part. Add the 2 complex numbers, store it in another complex
number using user defined function and display the result as a complex

Methodology followed:

 typedef struct complex

    float real;
    float imag; 
complex Add(complex a,complex b);
void main()
    complex a,b,ans;
    printf("\nTHE FIRST NUMBER\n");
    printf("\nEnter the values for First  complex number:");
    scanf("%f %f",&a.real,&a.imag);
    printf("\nTHE SECOND NUMBER\n");
    printf("\nEnter the values for Second complex number:");
    scanf("%f %f",&b.real,&b.imag);
    printf("Ans is=%f+i%f",ans.real,ans.imag);

complex Add(complex a,complex b)
    complex var;
Theoretical Principles used:Here we have learnt how to use the struct
function for creating the complex number. Here real and imaginary part of the
complex is fetch from the user and addition of real part and imaginary parts is
carried out by using user defined function.

THE FIRST NUMBER                                                                          
Enter the values for First  complex number:5 6                               
THE SECOND NUMBER                                                                           
Enter the values for Second complex number:2 1                                           
Ans is=7.000000+i7.000000                   


In this practical we understood the concept of struct which help us to

create the combination of different data type which makes easy for fetching the
one particular items information easily.

Signature of Teacher:

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