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“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.

Psalm 119:105, ESV

Scripture is how we know where to walk—it is the light God has given
us to know Him and how He wants us to live. Alongside this theme
verse, the team at Precept is excited to share our new logo with you,
part of our refreshed brand that reflects Precept’s biblical foundation
and kingdom-focused mission.

The symbol is a guiding light, pointing upwards. A visual

representation of Psalm 119:105, it symbolizes the light of Scripture,
directing us to God. This simple symbol reminds us that Scripture is at
the heart of all we do. God’s Word leads us to Him, and Precept exists
to lead you through God’s Word.

As Precept moves into another 50 years of serving our neighbors

close to home and around the world, we are changing the look of our
ministry—but not the message. Scripture is our light, and everything
we do is based on that truth.

P.O. Box 182218 / Chattanooga, TN 37421 // // // 1-800-763-8280

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