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You must have heard about “Taken”, a movie series in which Liam Neeson is the main protagonist.

It is a thrilling and entertaining ride from start to finish!

Three movies are included in this well-known series. The plot is engaging and keeps you guessing
until the very end. In all of them it is about a man who tries to rescue his daughter and wife after
being kidnapped by the most dangerous people on earth. This action takes place in three different
locations, including Paris, Istanbul and Los Angeles.

The newly realized film has been making people extraordinarily curious about what more could
happen different from the previous two films. In fact, the main idea is still the same. On the one
hand, this makes the series compact. On the other hand, it gets boring because there is hardly
anything that contrasts with the others.

However, the script is well-written and the dialogue is witty and enjoyable. The action sequences
are intense and the characters are well-developed.

It must be pointed out that in general, this is an enjoyable, but not great, release of a film that has
made itself a considerable amount of money and earned a place among our generation's other
semi-superheroic thrillers. It's action-packed and exciting, with a strong story and memorable
characters. It may not be as innovative as the earlier films, but it still manages to deliver a
satisfying conclusion.

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