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# zabbix-smartmontools

## Features
Cross-platform SMART monitoring scripts with two display modes:
smartctl_mode-device-example.png?raw=true) and
smartctl_mode-serial-example.png?raw=true). LLD discovers and sends data in one
pass, using minimal number of utilities. Supports any SMART name and displays it as

#### Advantages
- Utilises smartctl error return codes
- Full Low-Level Discovery: there is no need to add any SMART items
- Efficient: no unnecessary processes are spawned
- Bulk items upload with zabbix-sender
- Error-proof configuration: you'll know when host is not configured

#### Disadvantages
- Requires configuration
- Manual RAID passthrough
- Semi-hardcoded triggers (still for all disks though)



## Installation
As prerequisites you need `python3`, `smartmontools`, `sudo` and `zabbix-sender`
packages. For testing, `zabbix-get` is also required.
<br />
Take a look at scripts first lines and provide paths if needed. If you have a RAID
configuration, also provide that by hand. Choose `device` or `serial` mode. Import
`Template_App_smartmontools.xml` in zabbix web interface.

### First step

#### Linux
mv /etc/zabbix/scripts/
mv sudoers.d/zabbix /etc/sudoers.d/ # place sudoers include here for smartctl- sudo access
mv userparameter_smartctl.conf /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/ # move zabbix items
include here

#### FreeBSD
mv /usr/local/etc/zabbix/scripts/
mv sudoers.d/zabbix /usr/local/etc/sudoers.d/
mv userparameter_smartctl.conf /usr/local/etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.d/

#### Windows
move C:\zabbix-agent\scripts\
move C:\zabbix-agent\scripts\
move userparameter_smartctl.conf C:\zabbix-agent\zabbix_agentd.conf.d\
Install `python3` for all users, adding it to `PATH` during installation. Install
`smartmontools` and add its bin folder to `PATH` in environment variables.
<br />
Note: currently windows version does not detaches and data can only be gathered on
second run.

### Second step

Then you need to include your zabbix conf folder in `zabbix_agentd.conf`, like
Also its recomended to add at least `Timeout=5` to config file to allow drives spun
up in rare cases.

Thats all for Windows. For others run the following to finish configuration:
chmod 750 scripts/smartctl-*.py # apply necessary permissions
chown root:zabbix scripts/smartctl-*.py
chmod 640 userparameter_smartctl.conf
chown root:zabbix userparameter_smartctl.conf
chmod 400 sudoers.d/zabbix
chown root sudoers.d/zabbix
visudo # test sudoers configuration

## Testing
zabbix_get -s -k smartctl.discovery[get,"Example host"]
Default operation mode. Displays json that server should get, detaches, then waits
and sends data with zabbix-sender. `Example host` is your `Host name` field in
<br /><br />

zabbix_get -s -k smartctl.discovery[getverb,"Example host"]
Verbose mode. Does not detaches or prints LLD. Lists all items sent to zabbix-
sender, also it is possible to see sender output in this mode.
<br /><br />

Note: before scripts would work, zabbix server must first discover available items.
It is done in 6 hour cycles by default. You can temporary decrease this parameter
for testing in `template -> Discovery -> SMART disk discovery -> Update interval`.
In this case update value must not be less than 60 seconds.

These scripts were tested to work with following configurations:

- Centos 7 / Zabbix 2.4 / Python 3.4
- Debian 8 / ZS (2.4, 3.4) / ZA (2.4, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4) / Python 3.4
- FreeBSD 10.1 / Zabbix 2.4 / Python 3.4
- Windows XP / Zabbix 2.4 / Python 3.4
- Windows 7 / ZS (2.4, 3.4) / ZA (2.4, 3.0, 3.2, 3.4) / Python 3.4
- Windows Server 2012 / Zabbix 2.4 / Python 3.4

## Updating
### from any to 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 1.5.1:<br />
Replace all old files with new ones and reupload the template.
## Issues
- Zabbix web panel displays an error on json discovery, but apparently everything
works fine
- Windows version does not detaches, and data will only be gathered on second pass
(probably permanent workaround)

## Planned features
- SSD life monitoring, TRIM capability
- ERC / TLER / CCTL is-enabled check
- Disk SMART capability auto-enabling

## Links
- [The 5 SMART stats that actually predict hard drive
- [Disk and CPU temperature monitoring

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