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Today …. I'm going…….to talk….abo…ut patience

Now who has time for that?
Back in the day, being patient was essential. Communication was slow. They had
to wait months for a reply letter. even Transport, They had to wait to get to their
destination for days.
Now, if someone doesn’t reply to our text the movement we send it, we get
frustrated. Infact, a study by amazon suggests that they could lose 1.6 billion
dollars per year if their pages took just 1 second longer to load. We don’t have
the will to wait. In the modern era everything happens instantly. This makes us
more impatient. We are impatient.
Though not talked about often, patience is among those crucial qualities for
success. Patience is really important in maintaining good relationships with
friends, family and even your partner. Patience helps us see through the negative
and focus on the good in people. An impatient person clouds their reasoning and
are rude and offends the people around them.
Patience is emphasized in the Quran as well. Is mandatory as a Muslim.we
must remain patient when our prayer is not answered. We muslims must stay
patient and positive in tragic situations. In surah al baqarah, Allah says that he
will test humans with fear, hunger, loss of wealth and lives. We must remain
patient when these calamities strike. As mentioned in the quran “Only those who
are patient shall receive their rewards in full, without Hisaab”
Patience is used on a daily basis as well. When ordering food, we wait for it to
arrive. wait for our turn at the register in shops.have to wait in traffic. If we are
truly patient in these kinds of situations, we won’t get frustrated, nor angry. It is
critical to remain calm and patient in public. Even in school. We have to wait for
our turn when going to the toilet, drinking water. Wait for others to give a shot at
answering. Waiting for our turn. This is the fair way. And Also, adapt to being
patient and remain calm and not get angry easily when other students bully us.
Telling a teacher is more thoughtful than losing your patience and fighting back.
And do not confuse patience with procrastination. You don’t wait for the last
minute to finish your homeworks. That’s irresponsible and causes stress. “The
difference between patience and procrastination can be determined by whether
you’re waiting on something or something is waiting on you.”

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