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Research Title Research Gap:

Problems and Challenges Encountered by students in Management ● Students who approach their learning in a surface way are unlikely to be
Accounting – Basis for Curriculum Development aware of the conceptual frameworks and the modelling of critical
thinking offered by lecturers. Nor are they likely to value discussion-
based tutorials, preferring instead to be ‘taught’ by the tutor. Given the
different nature of learning in the university compared with pre-tertiary
education, it may well be that teachers need to be much more explicit
about how students might conceive of and structure their learning in order
to take advantage of the interrelation of lectures, tutorials and
independent study. (Beverly R. Lord ,Jane Robertson).
● Furthermore, other study shows that there is no significant difference in
variables as to learning style. However, there is a significant difference as
to teaching style in terms of age, sex and year level, as well as in facilities
in terms of program and also in year level as it interpreted highly
significant. The most common problem encountered by accounting
students is not taking down notes, outline and practicing problem solving
skills (Camille Anne I. Mercado
● Students most commonly referenced instructor behavior, course pace, and
misalignment between course topics and examinations. Students reported
challenges with software used for homework assignments and challenges
with instructor responsiveness. Moreover, students also reported
challenges with group projects, indicating that both groups of students
identified interactions with classmates as a learning environment
challenge. (J.E. Wisneski et al.)
Author: Problem: Methods Used: Variables/Keywords: Findings: Recommendations:
Beverly R. Lord ,Jane
Robertson This paper investigates Open-ended Learning conception, ● Students in ● Study suggests that
accountancy students’ questionnaire lectures, learning categories A students who
Title: Student’s conceptions of learning, approach, deep/surface (increasing approach their
experiences of learning and extends Sharma’s learning, responsibility, knowledge) and B learning in
(memorizing and accountancy classes
in a third year (1997) study by teaching method, role of
reproducing) with the intention of
management accounting examining the lecturer
mentioned reading understanding the
class: Evidence from relationship between and listening most material will find
New Zealand conceptions of and often. Other ways of value in both
approaches to learning, learning included didactic and
Publisher: Routledge and more specifically talking about the interactive teaching
Informa Ltd. students’ contextual topics and doing approaches, as long
experiences of learning practical examples. as these
Link: in lectures and tutorials However ‘talking’ complement each
only involved other.
exchange of The notion of
information responsibility for
81053? (‘participating in learning, as revealed in
fbclid=IwAR3NIKIK3 tutorials’; this paper, suggests that
QNctQHjJGMuzO72b ‘exchang[ing] maximum advantage
WJ4PT6eCJ7- knowledge’); and may be gained when
7vVpSdIGl356Cdf0mQ ‘doing’ involved students perceive
3uyeo solving set problems learning as occurring in
for tutorials (‘doing a self-teacher-peer
problems’; ‘doing partnership across a
examples’). number of learning
contexts or locations
● For students in
category C
applying what was
learnt to solving
problems was the
most important.
However, these
problems were only
textbook examples
and those required
to pass assessments

● Students from
categories A, B and
C (surface
approaches to
learning) conceived
knowledge as being
something to be
acquired. Therefore,
they considered that
lectures helped the
learning process by
providing the
information to be

● Half the students

(22; 45%) wrote that
tutorials provide an
opportunity for
practical application
of the knowledge
taught in lectures
and covered in the
readings. Tutorials
were also seen as a
place to go into
more depth on a
topic, whereas the
coverage in lectures
was seen as a
general overview.
‘Tutorials ... tend to
focus more in depth
on a topic, giving a
greater look into the
Author: The Problem: Methodologies: Variables/Keywords: Findings: Recommendation:
Camille Anne I.
Mercado, Elaine To determine the Descriptive method is learning satisfaction, ● The satisfactions of ● The institution may
Jennicka Shaira satisfaction and used in conducting the accounting, learning accounting respond
M.Bayugo, Zeirra Ly S. problems encountered study style, teaching style students‟ with immediately and
Leynes, Christine Joy of accounting students regards to learning give attention to
suggestions and
B. Lontok, Dezza in learning professional styles was found out
complaints of the
Klaire M. Medilla, subjects from the that they are
students. They may
Jiexel L. Manongsong institutions of higher satisfied with a inform the
learning in Batangas composite mean of administrators who
Title: City, Philippines in 2.94. Among the are responsible for
Accounting Students‟ terms of learning style, indicators the suggestion
Learning Satisfaction of teaching style of the enumerated, boxes to be attentive
Professional Subjects as professors and facilities studying through the ● In terms of
Basis for Continuous aid of books got the facilities, the
Improvement highest weighted university may
mean of 3.26 and allocate similar
Publisher: ranked first. It is classroom
conditions to
Asia Pacific Journal of because students
different year levels
Education, Arts and prefer to use
which are
Sciences traditional books conducive to their
because it is easier learning.
Link: for them to access ● The professors may
https:// and is more reliable give more problem
d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfr than using online solving exercises in sources order to improve the
APJEAS-2016.3.1.13- ● It was followed by practical skills of
libre.pdf? note taking, the students
1476750004=&respons outlining and especially if they
e-content- problem-solving and are exposed to a
disposition=inline studying alone with program that
involves applied
%3B+filename a mean score of 3.22
%3DAccounting_Stude and 3.16,
nts_Learning_Satisfacti respectively.
o.pdf&Expires=167560 Students prefer
7331&Signature=Lzpx8 these techniques
aOadbFi8TTN1BXVP9 because they are
hDPaJH2nhFCO- able to pinpoint the
H3eC3OBo4TeyvlYoJS most important
LVqeRgoR- concepts which
Y0LKGIMSyOcvlkQi9 would enhance their
OvsAHK97ivvYu0AxG knowledge further
wH2s5icg6ltzSHvelYm about certain topics.
tL64Uzma8Jc09kcPL- It is also an
tI24bRfxQi93eg6LWtT effective tool for
URIHYDJEERQgm9sh reviewing before
rHglaBK62qRt7Hvbhw examinations.
XNGo8v4KIMCziG1C ● The overall
71cJ~qteHwHFnMPgX assessment of
RMGiEtDfELpGwR3Tl students‟
p8qBE5aHLpIKbJdsH satisfaction with
M0xq4u90T9sC4Qlzpe regards to facilities
HV3acRBhDO1TYGPo resulted was
YRpqPu9QCXdIk~gBL verbally interpreted
JXQpgZBYp98UOK4x as less satisfied with
NAh966Dg~NEFz8kK a composite mean of
MUFatg__&Key-Pair- 2.46
Id=APKAJLOHF5GGS ● The overall
LRBV4ZA statement of the
students‟ summary
table on accounting
satisfaction resulted
was verbally
interpreted as
satisfied with a
composite mean of
2.76. Both learning
and teaching style
received a verbal
interpretation of
satisfied with
weighted means of
2.94 and 2.89,
respectively. The
results shows that
students are overall
satisfied with the
way they learn –
whether they do it
alone or by group,
and are taught by
their competent
professors using
various teaching
tools and methods.
Facilities received a
less satisfied verbal
interpretation with a
weighted mean of
2.46 indicating that
some of the
facilities are not
conducive for better
student learning.

Author: The Problem: Methodologies: Variables/Keywords: Findings: Recommendations:

John E. Wisnesk,
Gamze Ozogul, Barbara To investigate the A mixed methods Prerequisite learning ● Analysis of variance ● Result suggests that
A. Bichelmeyer impact of the research design was Knowledge transfer between student students' ability to
prerequisite course used to investigate the Learning environments academic transfer knowledge
Title: learning environment research questions performance in a from prerequisite to
prerequisite and
Investigating the impact on student performance raised in this study. The post-requisite
of learning in post-requisite central premise of courses is not
environments on coursework. This study mixed methods research accounting course impacted by the
undergraduate students' focused on is that the use of both confirmed that learning
academic performance undergraduate quantitative and learning environment of
in a prerequisite and accounting qualitative approaches, environment did not either course.
post-requisite course in combination, impact student Therefore, findings
sequence provides a better academic of this study offer
understanding of further empirical
● In order to
Publisher: research problems than evidence that online
overcome the
Crossmark either approach alone environment learning
challenges identified environments are
Link: above, both face-to- capable of
https:// face and online producing learning students reported outcomes equal to
/science/article/abs/pii/ relying upon self- those of more
S1096751616300537 study techniques. traditional face-to-
However, face-to- face environments
face students ● These findings
reported the ability suggest that either
to also rely upon face-to-face
their peers and
students may have
campus provided
tutors with greater access to a wider
frequency than array of resources to
online students. resolve learning
challenges by virtue
of being on campus,
or online students
may just not be
aware that these
resources exist

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