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She still views other males as gross (the beast) and puts her father first.

When the beast asks to marry her, she quickly rejects him. However, the Beast
continues to see her regularly, day after day (Brett, n.p). The beast offers for
Beauty to see her father, except that he would die if this happened.
Beauty eventually realizes that she is actually in love with the beast (Brett,
n.p). Beauty starts out in the phallic stage of development. She is starting to
recognize the difference between male and female, however, she still views males as
beastly, and chose her father over them. When the beast comes into the story,
Beauty offers to sacrifice her life for her father.
When Beauty sees Beast at the end of the story, she is scared that the Beast
will kill himself since she did not keep her promise. The Beast is upset about
this, but still says how happy he is to see her and that he will die satisfied.
This is where the genital stage begins. Beauty explains her love for him and that
she cannot live without him.
From the overall story, male presence is dominant and the Beauty has to make a
choice between men that she is emotionally attached to in her life. Her father has
been part of life for a long time but she then finds love and intimacy in the
Beast, of which she wants to experience in her life as she also loves the Beast.
Reference Brett, Jan. Beauty and the Beast.
5 Quotes: 1. “You’re a beast and a swine and a bloody, bloody thief!” (Golding
252). 2. “I expect the beast disguised itself” (Golding 225). 3. “’ ‘Course there
isn’t a beast in the forest. How could there be? What would a beast eat?’ ‘Pig.’
‘We eat pig.’” (Golding 83). 4. “’Fancy thinking the Beast was something you could
hunt and kill!’” (Golding 143).
In the Lord of the Flies, much of the boys’ trouble is due to the “beast” on
the island. In this quote, Simon explains his feeling that the beast is within the
boys themselves. After all, belief in the beast first came from the worries of a
littlun. As Simon attempts to convey, the contents of the boys’ minds and hearts
are the most destructive, and perhaps only, beastly thing on the island.
It is, therefore, a usual question whether the initial process was real
considering that it was merely a concept, a virtual reality. It is in line with the
above that the primordial purpose of this paper is to scrutinize whether virtual
reality is indeed real or just a figment of man’s imagination. VIRTUAL REALITY 3
Virtual Reality: Is It Real?
The beast is almost a character itself and is also shown to be present in other
characters. By showing us the beast in other characters Golding shows us the nature
of the beast and therefore also the nature of evil. Through the pig’s head, Golding
conveys the message that the beast (or evil) is ‘part of’ and ‘close’ to man.
However they are contradicting themselves, as they said that they did not
believe in the beast. This shows that they have become more afraid of the beast as
time has passed. Yet as the hunters become more aware and afraid of the beast,
Simon on the other hand becomes less afraid. He already believed that there was no
beast, but his “fit” showed him more clearly that there was nothing to be afraid
She is basically starting to go through puberty, a sure sign of the genital
stage (Brett, n.p). As Beauty passes through the stages in her life, she has the
desire to read but also has more desires that she wants to satisfy and is not sure
of the place or the person to find it from but this change when she starts
developing interest and liking for the Beast. On the other hand, the Beast is seen
as unconsciously searching for some form of help as well as someone that can be
able to love him for who he is.

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