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About the Guest
Lucila Ranzolin recendy retired after 30 years
of teaching ar Sligo Adventist School.
She is daughter of Elder and Mrs. R.M. Rabello,
pioneer of the Voice of Prophecy in Brazil and
granddaughter of Elder and Mrs. Ludwig Braun,
one of the Seventh Day Adventist pioneers in
Brazil. She is the wife of Elder Leo Ranzolin, Vice-
President of the General Conference of the Seventh-
day Adventist Church, and mother of three sons.
SAD: Mrs. Ranzolin, 1 know you have a busy
sehedule. It's a privilege have this interview. We
know, your father, your grandfather, your
husband and your son are pastors. It is very
fantastic! Please tell us about your personal
experiente in the ministry.
LR: It has been a unique experience. It was a
blessing to grow up in a home where everyone
loved God, and his or her goal was to advance the
cause of the Lord so that Jesus could soon return.
After 1 got married, we came to America where
my husband completed his B.A. in theology and
then went on to get his Master and B.D. at Andrews
University. The graduating class had a ceremony
where the wives were awarded a P.H.Tthat is
Pushing Hubby Through degree. It was memorable.
After finishing his studies and work to pay his bills
we returned to Brazil with our three sons, Leo Jr.,
Luis and Larry. Leo was elected to direct the youth
ministry have of the Paraná Conference in South to
Brazil One of our first assignments was to hold
evangelistic meetings in a small town abour two
hourss away. We loaded the children in our small
Volkswagen and drove there two to three times a
week. The people were always wauting for us, with
all their children, in front of the building. They
were poor and simple people, but hungry for the
word of God. We began with my presentation of
Bible stories in which 1 used the flannel board with
flannel pictures of all the Bible characterss. The
children loved ir, bur ir was interesting to notice too
how interested the adults were. My husband would
then show slides related to his topic for that night.
The Lord blessed our ministry and many precious
souls were baptized.
While working for the confererice, my , husband's
assignments took him away from home for two
weeks every month. During the Summer we were
able to go with hum to many youih camps. Most of
my husband's ministry has been in administration,
which requires long periods of naveling overseas.
Since I was working and had three small sons, I
was able to travel with hum only occasionally.
When he returned home, it was always good to
hear hum talking aboui the progress of the church
and the dedicatìon of God's children to the
finishing His work.
SAD: Please ler our readers know concerning
the experientes you had during your trips
around the world, that could be of interest to
the pastoral families.
LR: 1 ha, e been able to accompany my husband
on some of his trips. Poland, Nomay, a youth
congress in Swutzerland, youth rallies in Mexico
and Bra-i1. 1 would sa} the most memorable of
all was my c-usit to Cuba. I was present ai the
dedication of two churches build by Maranatha. I
saw the tens of joy of our people for having a
church in which to meet. 1 listened to them sang.
They sang with ali their hearts and much
enthusiasm. The beauty of their singing thrilled my
soul. It was wonderful to hear of their dedicated
service to God.
On Sabbath morning, we gathered a very large
swimming pool to witenss the baptism of three
hundred peole. 1 left home praying that thee Lord
would make me a blessing to them, but retumed
knowing that 1 had been blessed in more ways than
I could ever have imagined. I believe every
pastor's wife should have the opportunity to go
overseas and see by themselves how God is
working wonders among his people ali over the
SAD: It is a great privilege to be he daughter,
granddaughter, wife, nd mother of pastor. You
might have some ideas about PKs issues thrugh the
decades. Can you tell us what the difference is
between PKs during the decade of the 50's, and he
first years of the current decade 2000?
LR: Their needs are the same! They need love
and understanding from parents and church
membros! Kids today are more exposed to the
media, video games and drugs. They have the
wodd right in their classroom or living room.
Temptations for drugs, sex and violente are
immense! They need guidance and lots of love.
SAD: Please tell as abou[ your father's and
grandfather's ministries?
LR: My grandfather, Ludwig Braun, came from
Germany to Brazil with his wife Anna and his two
little kids. Because he and his wife had become
SDA they were disinherited by their families, and
lìfe became quite difficult for them in Germany.
Arriving in Brazil the govemment gave them a
piece of land to farta. Things were going well
financially since the farra produced many fruits
and vegetables and they were able to sell them.
An opportunity developed for my grandfather
to enter the ministry, so he decided to leave the
farm behind to go into denominational work. He
was one of the pioncers of our work in Brazil. In
those days transportation mas mainly by horseback.
My grandfather had to use money from his own
salary to support himself on his travels.
This left my grandmother who mas pregnant with
her thud child to wash windows in the church in
arder to have a little money. The gids had no shoes
even though the south of Brazil they had to go
around barefooted. My grandmother would make
little slippers of cloth from my grandfathers old
trousers. Each gets very cold in winter, girl had
two dresses. While one was being worn the other
was being washed and hung on the line to dry.
Members of the church donated food, but many
times there was very little to eat.
Meanwhile, my grandfather was out in the field
preaching and baptizìng many souls for Christ. His
trips would take him away from home for six
months or a time. My Aunt Ida tells me that my
grandmother was six months pregnam with her
when her husband left on one of his trips and
she was there months old when he saw her for
the first time. You mìght wonder how the girls
grew up. Well, with an ardent love for God and a
willingness to give all to the Master. One of the
girls never married. But the other two, one of
which was my mother, marrìed ministers. I never
heard my grandmother utter a word of
complaint although she had very little all through
her lìfe.
My father, Roberto Rabello, married Hedwig
Braum My dad was a minister and "as invited to
study in America. They were send to Pacìfic
Union College, with their two children, Claudio
and Lucila. While studying there a call came to
him from Glendale to have his voice tested to see
if he had a voice suitable for radio. He was
chosen to be the speakerforthe Voice of Prophecy
in Brazil. After finishing Colege ar PUC, he and
his family returned to Brazil in arder to start the
Voice of Prophecy. My mother was his secretary
and 1 remember her staying up late tying ali the
sermons for the program.
For many years the programs were recorded in
Glendale, Califomia, with the Voice of Prophecy
quartet and Dell Delker being taught by my father
how to proncunce the words in Portuguese. The
Lord blessed and they had beautiful pronunciation
in Portuguese as they sang for each program
recorded. Many years later on a visit to Brazil, after
Del Delker had sung at a large gathering, a lady
came to my dad and insisted on being introduced to
Dei so soe could talk to her. My dad told her that
Dell did not speak or understand Portuguese, to
which the lady replied: "But 1 just heard her sing in
perfect Portuguese!" God's miracles!
My dad and mom worked very hard, with total
dedication to the work of the Voice of Prophecy.
Later on pastor Henry Feyerabend was called to
sing in Brazil with the Brazilian quartet and he
started the nem Brazilian studio making ir no
longer necessary to do the recordings tn Glendale,
Califomia. Most series of evangelista used the
Voice of Prophecy s name às arder to atnact
people. It is said that the majority of SDAs in
Brazil mete brought into the church through the
work of the Voice of Prophecy. My dad and coe
quartet would travei months ar a time every year
holding Voice of Prophecy meetings and baptizing
people. The family made many sacrificas, bta the
Lord blesseci us ali, and although my brother left
the church for many years, he finetly surrendered
his life to the Lord and I ara sura 1 shall ser him in
coe kingdom.
SAD: What mas the method you used ia raising
your children? It will be a great help for young
LR: "Train up a chìld in the way he should go:
and when he is old, he w•ill rica: depart from ir."
Prov. 22:6 (RSV)
These are no perfect parems in this world and
me ali have things that we might have dane
differencly if wc had the opportunity. These are
some of the things that guided me: Unconditional
love, patience and absoluce trust in God. 1 taught
my children that Jesus was their best frìenci and
mas always available to help. 1 tried to be
consistem: in what I expect of [hem and kept them
busy with good activines. 1 did mor expect the
same response from each of my children, for they
were different in so many ways. I tried to make the
Sabbath a day ofjoy with activities that took [hem
ìnto the wonders of nature, God's creation. Being
able to tell them; Um sorry when they knew I had
made a wrong decision concernìng coem. Above
ali, I urge every parent to take every tare to the
Lord and he will guide and strengthen.
SAD: If you are invited to [each some classes for
pastor's raives what would some of your subjecis
LR: Balancing church and family life.
How to share him wìth church members.
How to handle those who attack your husband.
How to handle crincism.
How to be an asset to your husband's ministry.
How to handle difficult church members.
How to keep peace among the saints.
SAD: If you were the guest speaker for a seminar
for PKs, what would be your special emphasis?
LR: My emphasis would be how to be able to
live voar life in a glass house.
SAD: What does Mrs. Ranzolin do in her spare
LR: Reading. Gardening. Bird watching.
Playing the piano.
Trying to keep those around me happy.
Going on God's errands.

SAD: During my visit ia Peru, 1 ead many

articles written by pas or's wives froco che South \
merican Division concerning che Fork of a pastor
wife in the liame. Please tell ias abou[ che family
mia. stry ia Brazil.
LR: I have been away froco Brazil cr 32 yearsl.
However, durin- che ¢isits we made during our
furloughs, we notice a strong family bond. Young
people and teenagers are noz afraid and
embarrassed to be with adults. They are involved in
church activities. 70% of che churches are made up
of young people and ihat is che reason why che
church is growing Ma fast. Brazil lias che largest
mem bershìp as a country, with 1,200,000! When
che family is involved in che work of che church
there is vitali
and growth!
SAD: One of my husband arti cles is concerning
unhappy PKs. What is your advice for some par '
nas ia
the m
imstrY who want to Irm ia che
their k
ida to atam df farth? -
LR: PKs have a difficult time growing up
because many ofthose around [hem fome[ that
they are only children or teenagers who are
subject to che same temptations as any other child.
As a child I had people in church that would open
their eyes during prayer in arder to check if na ,
eYes were
oPen, If che Y
caught me with open eyes ir would be reported to
ma, parems and I would be punished for my bad
exam ple. I could never understand why• adulas
could open their eyes and noz be punished when 1
had to be pun ished. Criticism for behavtor creates
within a PK a spira of rebellion. Help your chìld to
understand that nobody is perfect and even Jesus
was mor treated well in ti-as morld although He
mas without sim. If ever our children needed our
prayers ir is

now, because we live irá perilous SAD: My

husband and I would ublish some books with dif
k their like towill roc. times.naoers P feremt Prsona
1 exPe riencesfrocoe
PKs. We would be happy to have your
participation for one chapter. Do vou have some
topics vou want to alia
re with ias"
LR: I wI'll work togeth
er with m Y
hus band and will be glad to Provide some
insights and observarions for your project.
SAD: Do vou have any works of motivation for
our readers"
LR: PKs need ali our help for I believe Satan
works harder with them because so many of our
people hold them, instead of Jesus as an example.
May God bless you in your endeavors as you seek
to help them.
SAD: Mrs. Ranzolin it's an honor to have vou for
this interview. Do vou have some special message
for che 21st century PKs?
and works here inMaryland with his Develop a
personal relationship with
lovely wife Wilma. My third sou your Lord
through prayer and che
Larry lives ìn Maryland and works in study of h
is word and you will be
che business management field. Ali able to sail
through che roughest
of [hem have been rays of sunshine seas. May
God bless each one of
in my life. You,
beata precariously • ar times bua our God is
able to bring them roto port. Hold fast opto his
hand rememberin that God is noz finished with
any of ias yet. He
is mlghtY and
will s ee each one
of his c hildren
ah ali che tr n
ials of th
is world.
SAD: I know Your family is great priority ia
voar life. Please tell ias about vaiar family.
LR: I've been happily married for 47 years to a
caria- and loving hus band. Children are a
blessing from che Lord and we have three
blessings. My oldest som Leo Jr., teaches New
Testament and Greek ar Pacific Union College.
His wife Susan lias been a grzea
t siaPFora to
The Y
have imo chlldrem, Lanssa, who fin ishes high
school chis year and David, who is ìn tenth grade.
'ddl som Liais is a CPA and lives
Exclusive Interview
Elder Leo Ranzolin
General Vice-Presidem of the General
Conferente of Seventh Day Adventists BY
and for che church, was gmtifying! 1 LHD: Elder
Ranzofn, thank vou thank God that He gave me che
so much for voar motivational lener. raniR • and
the loY to lieiP direct their
It's ao honor to inteniew you and lives. Ir was
rewarding and, even today, your wife. It's my third
to cammunicate with vou. The first time ia Costa
Rica ia 1988, when I received voar letter vou told
me, '°The Lord lias some sPeciai Place for vou ia
the ministry." The second time, was vou preached
ia Panama 1993, and now che third time ia Davie,
Florida. Elder Ranzobn, I know vou have wrib teu
several articles, and books. Please tell ias abata
your experientes ia the different leveis ia che
ministry and voar presidenfial responsibility for che
vvorld headquarters of che Seventh dav Advenaist
LR: 1've thoroughly eajoyed my 47 years ìn che
ministry (including some gmduate studìes)! Most of
my ministry was spent in Youth Ministry. Ir was a
joy and a great privìlege to work here ar che
General Conferente as an Associate Director for
Pathfinder Ministry and Camping for 10 years,
from'70-'80 and then as Youth Director for rhe
church - from'80 - '85. To see young reopie, fuil
ideas and
enthusi ism for che work of che Lord

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