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# filter = [self/court/home_court/vassals/sub_realm/realm/dynasty/all] ('self' MUST

be set for decisions targetting only the taker, the other filter types can be set
to lessen CPU load)
# ai_target_filter = [self/court/home_court/vassals/sub_realm/realm/dynasty/all]
(which characters for which the AI evaluates the decision.)
# court: all characters in the AI's host court, including prisoners, and
characters currently away (wards, prisoners, etc)
# home_court: all characters in the AI's home court, including prisoners, and
characters currently away (wards, prisoners, etc)
# vassals: direct vassal rulers of the AI's employer
# sub_realm: all characters below the AI's employer
# realm: all characters in the same top realm as the AI
# dynasty: all members of the same dynasty
# all: all living characters (Avoid if possible. VERY CPU-HEAVY!)

targetted_decisions = {

bloodline_living_god_ceremony_dec = {
ai_target_filter = realm
filter = realm
only_rulers = yes

from_potential = {
is_ruler = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_living_god

OR = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_living_god_threat }
had_character_flag = { flag = flag_living_god_threat days =
365 }

potential = {
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { trait = dragon }
NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
NOT = { culture_group = winter_group }
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_living_god_receipt }
OR = {
religion = yiti_gods
religion = yiti_gods_reformed
is_playable = yes

allow = {
show_only_failed_conditions = yes
FROM = {
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_incapable = yes }
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }
age = 14
prisoner = no
is_incapable = no
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
character_event = { id = more_bloodlines.630 }

ai_check_interval = 6

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

bloodline_educate_vassal_dec = {
ai_target_filter = realm
filter = realm
only_rulers = yes

from_potential = {
is_ruler = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_bureaucrat

OR = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bureaucrat_trainer }
had_character_flag = { flag = flag_bureaucrat_trainer days
= 365 }

potential = {
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { trait = dragon }
NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
NOT = { culture_group = winter_group }
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bureaucrat_receipt }
OR = {
religion = yiti_gods
religion = yiti_gods_reformed
is_playable = yes

allow = {
show_only_failed_conditions = yes
FROM = {
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_incapable = yes }
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }
age = 14
prisoner = no
is_incapable = no
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
character_event = { id = more_bloodlines.640 }

ai_check_interval = 6

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
bloodline_educate_family_dec = {
ai_target_filter = dynasty
filter = dynasty

from_potential = {
is_ruler = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_bureaucrat

OR = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bureaucrat_trainer }
had_character_flag = { flag = flag_bureaucrat_trainer days
= 365 }

potential = {
NOT = { character = FROM }
NOT = { trait = dragon }
NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
NOT = { culture_group = winter_group }
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bureaucrat_receipt }
OR = {
religion = yiti_gods
religion = yiti_gods_reformed

allow = {
show_only_failed_conditions = yes
FROM = {
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_incapable = yes }
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }

age = 14
prisoner = no
is_incapable = no
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
character_event = { id = more_bloodlines.640 }

ai_check_interval = 6

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
bloodline_diplomat_delegation_dec = {
ai_target_filter = independent_rulers
filter = independent_rulers
only_independent = yes
is_high_prio = yes

from_potential = {
is_ruler = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
wealth = 160
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_diplomat

OR = {
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bloodline_diplomat_sent }
had_character_flag = { flag = flag_bloodline_diplomat_sent
days = 1460 }

potential = {
NOT = { character = FROM }
is_ruler = yes
independent = yes
NOT = { trait = dragon }
NOT = { culture_group = unoccupied_group }
NOT = { culture_group = winter_group }
NOT = { has_character_flag = flag_bloodline_diplomat_received }
is_nomadic = no
is_playable = yes

allow = {
show_only_failed_conditions = yes
FROM = {
prisoner = no
NOT = { is_incapable = yes }
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }

age = 14
prisoner = no
is_incapable = no
NOT = { is_inaccessible_trigger = yes }
war = no

effect = {
hidden_tooltip = {
character_event = { id = more_bloodlines.650 }
e_yi_ti = {
holder_scope = {
wealth = -180
set_character_flag = flag_bloodline_diplomat_sent


ai_check_interval = 6

ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
eat_brain_dec ={
only_playable = yes
ai_target_filter = court
filter = court
diplomacy_icon = GFX_execute_decision

from_potential = {
is_ruler = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_longspoon

potential = {
prisoner = yes
host = { character = FROM }
NOT = { trait = dragon }

allow = {
prisoner = yes
NOT = { diplomatic_immunity = yes }

effect = {
FROM = { ##Check for tyranny
set_character_flag = unjust_execution

if = {
limit = { ROOT = { is_ruler = no } }
custom_tooltip = {
hidden_tooltip = {
change_variable = { which = "tyrant"
value = 5 }
if = {
limit = { ROOT = { is_ruler = yes } }
custom_tooltip = {
hidden_tooltip = {
change_variable = { which = "tyrant"
value = 10 }
hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id = maintenance.1 }
}#tyrant trait
hidden_tooltip = { character_event = { id =
more_bloodlines.660 } }#pick which benefit you want
add_trait = cannibal_trait
random_list = {
10 = { add_trait = paranoid }
10 = { add_trait = lunatic }
180 = { }
#Target's realm upset
if = {
limit = {
FROM = { ai = no }
NOR = {
war_with = FROM
any_liege = {
OR = {
war_with = FROM
primary_title = {
check_variable = { which =
"de_facto_empire" value = 0.9 }
ROOT = {
primary_title = {
= { which = "de_facto_empire" which = PREVPREV }

same_realm = FROM
trait = slave
dynasty = 0
custom_tooltip = {
hidden_tooltip = {
any_liege = { opinion = { who = FROM modifier =
opinion_executed_realm_character } }
if = {
limit = { is_ruler = yes }
any_vassal = { opinion = { who = FROM
modifier = opinion_executed_realm_character } }
if = {
limit = { independent = no }
liege = { any_vassal = { opinion =
{ who = FROM modifier = opinion_executed_realm_character } } }
add_fear_execution_effect = yes
death = {
death_reason = death_execution_eaten
killer = FROM

ai_check_interval = 3
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

modifier = {
factor = 0.25 # Fairly high - let them be tyrannical
modifier = { #Less likely to do if it would incur tyranny
factor = 0.5 # ditto above
FROM = {
NOR = {
ROOT = { just_execution_reason_PREV_trigger =
yes }
war_with = ROOT
ROOT = { any_liege = { war_with = ROOT_FROM } }
NOT = { same_realm = ROOT }
ROOT = { #excludes owned slaves
trait = slave
has_opinion_modifier = { who = ROOT_FROM
modifier = opinion_my_owner }
modifier = { #would like to eat people for magic points
factor = 10
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = cannibal_trait
trait = mystic
modifier = { #Dont execute if like prisoner...
factor = 0
reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 40 } #higher than
average, let them be sociopaths, also take out anti kinslaying stuff
FROM = { #...except if have valid reason and are just,
ruthless or wroth, and not a lunatic
OR = {
NOR = {
trait = just
trait = ruthless
trait = wroth
NOT = { ROOT =
{ just_execution_reason_PREV_trigger = yes } }
NOT = { trait = lunatic }
modifier = {
factor = 4
any_claim = { holder_scope = { character = FROM } }
NOT = { is_child_of = FROM }
modifier = {
factor = 2
is_pretender = yes
FROM = {
OR = {
is_pretender = yes
is_primary_heir = yes
any_pretender_title = {
OR = {
current_heir = { character = FROM }
FROM = { any_pretender_title = { title =
modifier = { #trying to inspire fear
factor = 20
FROM = {
OR = {
trait = ruthless
trait = cruel
OR = {
is_close_relative = ROOT
is_vassal_or_below = ROOT
ROOT = { liege = { liege_before_war =
{ character = ROOT_FROM } } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.1
OR = {
is_lover = FROM
any_consort = { character = FROM }
is_married = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0.05 #Enemy has your relative
FROM = {
any_current_enemy = {
dynasty = ROOT
is_close_relative = ROOT
any_courtier = {
is_close_relative = FROM
dynasty = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0 #Is your enemy and can enforce a victory
any_current_enemy = {
character = FROM
modifier = {
factor = 0.01
FROM = {
trait = just
NOT = { ROOT = { just_execution_reason_PREV_trigger =
yes } }
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = {
trait = just
ROOT = { just_execution_reason_PREV_trigger = yes }

modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { trait = ruthless }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
FROM = { trait = wroth }
modifier = {
factor = 1.5
FROM = { trait = zealous }
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { trait = cruel }
modifier = {
factor = 2
FROM = { trait = impaler }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
FROM = { trait = honorable }
modifier = {
factor = 0.33
FROM = { trait = patient }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
FROM = { trait = kind }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 20 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.5
reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = 0 }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = -25 } }
modifier = {
factor = 2
NOT = { reverse_opinion = { who = FROM value = -50 } }
decisions = {
bloodlines_raise_peasant_army_dec = {
is_high_prio = yes
#ai = no
potential = {
is_ruler = yes
# ai = no
NOT = {
has_earmarked_regiments = peasant_army_bloodlines
war = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
OR = {
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_living_god
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_peasant
has_tribal_or_nomadic_government_trigger = no
allow = {
war = yes
prestige = 100
effect = {
prestige = -100
capital_scope = {
PREV = {
spawn_unit = {
owner = ROOT
province = PREV
home = PREV
troops = {
archers = { 2000 2000 }
light_infantry = { 3000 3000 }
heavy_infantry = { 200 200 }
light_cavalry = { 200 200 }
attrition = 1.0
disband_on_peace = yes
earmark = peasant_army_bloodlines
maintenance_multiplier = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1
bloodlines_raise_jogos_riders_dec = {
is_high_prio = yes
#ai = no
potential = {
is_ruler = yes
# ai = no
NOT = {
has_earmarked_regiments = zorse_army_bloodlines
war = yes
has_landed_title = e_yi_ti
OR = {
any_owned_bloodline = {
has_bloodline_flag = bloodline_scion
has_tribal_or_nomadic_government_trigger = no
allow = {
war = yes
prestige = 100
effect = {
prestige = -100
capital_scope = {
PREV = {
spawn_unit = {
owner = ROOT
province = PREV
home = PREV
troops = {
archers = { 1700 1700 }
light_cavalry = { 1000 1000 }
knights = { 300 300 }
horse_archers = { 500 500 }
attrition = 1.0
disband_on_peace = yes
earmark = zorse_army_bloodlines
maintenance_multiplier = 0.5
ai_will_do = {
factor = 1

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