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country_decisions = {

aksumite_nation = {
major = yes
potential = {
normal_or_historical_nations = yes
if = {
limit = {
tag = ETH
OR = {
NOT = { has_dlc = "Origins" }
has_country_flag = eth_can_form_aksumite
else = {
was_never_end_game_tag_trigger = yes
NOT = { tag = ETH }
primary_culture = tigray
NOT = { has_country_flag = formed_aksumite_empire_flag }
OR = {
ai = no
is_playing_custom_nation = no
OR = {
is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
ai = no
OR = {
ai = no
AND = {
NOT = { exists = AKS }
num_of_cities = 3 #Carnage
NOT = { tag = HLR }
NOT = { tag = PAP }
NOT = { tag = AKS }
is_colonial_nation = no
OR = {
is_former_colonial_nation = no
AND = {
is_former_colonial_nation = yes
ai = no
provinces_to_highlight = {
OR = {
area = central_ethiopia_area
area = southern_ethiopia_area
area = damot_area
area = tigray_area
area = aussa_area
area = yemen_area
area = hadramut_area
area = mahra_area
province_id = 387
province_id = 4279
OR = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
allow = {
NOT = { exists = AKS }
is_at_war = no
is_free_or_tributary_trigger = yes
is_nomad = no
owns_core_province = 387 # Mukha
owns_core_province = 4279 # Zabid
central_ethiopia_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
southern_ethiopia_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
damot_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
tigray_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
aussa_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
yemen_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
hadramut_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
mahra_area = {
is_core = ROOT
owned_by = ROOT
type = all
effect = {
change_tag = AKS
remove_non_electors_emperors_from_empire_effect = yes
if = {
limit = { NOT = { government_rank = 3 } }
set_government_rank = 3
set_capital = 1227
horn_of_africa_region = {
limit = {
NOT = { owned_by = ROOT }
NOT = { is_core = ROOT }
add_permanent_claim = AKS
add_prestige = 25
if = {
limit = {
has_custom_ideas = no
NOT = { has_idea_group = AKS_ideas }
country_event = { id = ideagroups.1 } #Swap Ideas
set_country_flag = formed_aksumite_empire_flag
clr_country_flag = eth_can_form_aksumite
ai_will_do = {
factor = 0
ai_importance = 400 #

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