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Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

Serum thyroid hormone balance and lipid profile

in patients with epilepsy
Sherifa A. Hamed a,∗ , Enas A. Hamed b , Mahmoud R. Kandil a ,
Hala K. El-Shereef c , Moustafa M. Abdellah d , Hanan Omar e
aDepartment of Neurology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
b Department of Physiology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
c Department of Internal Medicine, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
d Department of Pharmacology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt
e Department of Clinical pathology, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt

Received 2 March 2005; received in revised form 29 July 2005; accepted 10 August 2005


Purpose : Patients with epilepsy may exhibit changes in thyroid hormone balance, lipids and lipoproteins concentrations. The
suggestion that lipid abnormalities are associated with subclinical thyroid dysfunction remains controversial. The aim of this
study was to analyze whether thyroid dysfunction encountered in patients with epilepsy would also be associated with abnormal
lipid profile.
Methods : Eighty-eight patients with epilepsy and 30 control subjects were included in the study. A fasting blood sample for
thyroid hormones, lipid profile and GGT determination was obtained.
Results : The serum levels of FT3 was elevated in 10.2% of patients, FT4 was low in 28.4%, TSH was high in 4.6% and low in
2.3%. 13.6% of patients had high TC, 17.1% had high LDL-c, 60.2% had marked reduction of HDL-c levels (P < 0.0001) and only
2.3% had high TG levels. Abnormalities were predominated in CBZ-treated patients. 27.3% patients with abnormal hormones
had abnormal lipid profile. Significant association was identified between the serum TC, LDL-c, TG, GGT and EIAEDs and
between the duration of illness and TG (r = −0.411; P = 0.017), and FT4 (r = −0.412; P = 0.018). HDL was higher in women
than men (r = 0.416; P < 0.002). However, changes in HDL-c levels associated neither with duration of illness, type or serum
levels of AEDs nor with age or degree of control on AEDs.
Conclusions : Our results support that (1) altered lipid metabolism might be associated but not solely influenced by thyroid
hormones and (2) enzyme induction is not the main or only reason for altered thyroid function or HDL-c among patients with

Abbreviations: AEDs, antiepileptic drugs; CBZ, carbamazepine; EIAEDs, enzyme inducer AEDs; FT3 , free triiodothyronine; FT4 , free thy-
roxine; GGT, gamma glutamyl transferase; HDL-c, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL-c, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; OCBZ,
oxcarbamazepine; PHT, phenytoin; TC, total cholesterol; TG, high triglyceride; TRH, thyroid hormone releasing hormone; TSH, thyroid stim-
ulating hormone; VPA, valproate
∗ Corresponding author. Present address: Neuroscience Department, Saudi German Hospital — Aseer, P.O. Box 2553, Khamis Mushayt,

Saudi Arabia. Tel.: +966 7 2355000x6567; fax: +966 7 2354500.

E-mail address: hamed (S.A. Hamed).

0920-1211/$ – see front matter © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
174 S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

epilepsy. Hypothalamic/pituitary dysregulation by precisely mechanism caused by epilepsy itself or AEDs seems possible and
(3) it is important to recognize that patients with epilepsy are at great risk for atherosclerosis, hence monitoring and correction
of the culprit risks are mandatory.
© 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Antiepileptic drugs; Thyroid hormones; Fasting lipid profile; Lipoproteins

1. Introduction chronic epilepsy by measuring the serum levels of FT4 ,

FT3 , TSH, TC, TG, LDL-c and HDL-c. Untreated and
Epilepsy is a common chronic medical problem treated patients with epilepsy on long-term conven-
and often requires long-term therapy, which may even tional AEDs (CBZ, PHT and/or VPA) were included
continues throughout life (Hauser et al., 1993). Many for comparison. We correlated lipid abnormalities with
previous studies reported altered thyroid function (par- the subclinical thyroid dysfunction. In addition, we
ticularly low FT4 ) among patients with epilepsy par- correlated different biochemical parameters with age,
ticularly during treatment with CBZ or other EIAEDs. gender, duration of illness, type and serum levels of
This has been also attributed to induction of the hep- AEDs utilized.
atic P-450 enzyme system and the consequent increase
in the metabolism of thyroid hormones (Connell et al.,
1984; Isojarvi et al., 1995). However, serum thyrotropin 2. Subjects and methods
concentrations do not change, and the clinical signif-
icance of low serum thyroid hormone concentrations A total of 88 patients with epilepsy (children = 33
is unclear (Fichsel and Knpfle, 1978). The reports on and adults = 55) and 30 healthy volunteers served as
the effects of VPA on serum thyroid hormone concen- controls, were included in this study. This study was
trations were controversial (Fichsel and Knpfle, 1978; carried out at epilepsy out-patient clinic of Assiut
Bentsen et al., 1983; Ericsson et al., 1985; Isojarvi et University Hospital, Assiut, Egypt. It was approved
al., 2001; Verrotti et al., 2001). by the regional Ethics Committee. Informed consent
In addition, many previous studies demonstrated was obtained from all the patients and control sub-
that AEDs might alter the metabolism of lipids and jects or their parents. All participants were subjected
lipoproteins. The increased risk was noted among to full medical and neurological history and exam-
patients receiving EIAEDs including; CBZ, PHT and ination. Seizures were analyzed determining seizure
PB (Yoo and Hong, 1999; Yilmaz et al., 2001; Tumer type, duration of illness, age at onset, type and dura-
et al., 2002). The effect of AEDs on the serum level tion of AEDs therapy and the degree of response to
of lipids and lipoproteins could be explained to a great AEDs. Epilepsy type was classified according to the
extent on the basis of the different hepatic microso- recommendations of the International League Against
mal enzyme biotransformation pathways of the AEDs Epilepsy (Commission on Classification and Termi-
(Luoma et al., 1980, 1982). VPA, an enzyme inhibitor nology, 1989). Regarding the degree of control on
AED, was reported to have little or no effect on fasting AEDs, patients were considered controlled on AEDs
lipid profile (Isojarvi et al., 2001). treatment, when seizure free for >1 year, partially con-
The suggestion that lipid abnormalities in patients trolled when seizure frequencies were occasional or
with epilepsy are associated with subclinical thyroid rare and uncontrolled when seizures were frequent or
disturbance remains controversial. The aim of this very frequent. The frequency of seizures were divided
study was to determine whether or not clinically euthy- as follows: (a) very frequent: seizures occurring sev-
roid patients with epilepsy with abnormal fasting lipid eral times a day or at intervals shorter than 7 days, (b)
profile could be characterized by common abnormal- frequent: seizures at intervals longer than 7 days but
ities of thyroid hormones balance. For this purpose, shorter than 30 days, (c) occasional: seizures at inter-
we studied the thyroid function and the fasting lipid vals longer than 30 days but shorter than 1 year and (d)
profile in a group of children and adult patients with rare: seizures at intervals longer than 1 year. Patients
S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183 175

with diseases other than epilepsy or taking other regular The interassay precisions were: 0.015 ± 0.004
medication besides AEDs were excluded. AEDs were (CV = 27%), 0.035 ± 0.006 (CV = 17%), 099 ± 0.009
described in recommended doses and according to the (CV = 9.1%), 0.395 ± 0.36 (CV = 9.1%), 1.28 ± 0.134
well-known guidelines. All treated patients gave his- (CV = 10.5%), 3.93 ± 0.246 (CV = 6.3%) and
tory of compliance to AEDs. The serum levels of AEDs 24.5 ± 1.26 (CV = 5.1%).
were determined in the therapeutic drug monitoring
(TDM) laboratory, Assiut University Hospital, Assiut
Egypt, using fluorescence polarization immunoassay 3. Statistical analysis
system of Abbott (EPIA) using TDxFLX appara-
tus (Abbott Lab, Wiesbaden, Germany), as described Data are expressed as means ± 2S.D. Statistical
before (Goma et al., 2004) and they were measured as comparison among different groups was evaluated
part of the investigation in batched assays. using ANOVA tests. The logistic t-test was used to
Routine laboratory blood tests were done for all evaluate the difference in the descriptive data of the
patients, including complete blood count, random patient and the control group. Adjustment for differ-
blood sugar, kidney and liver function tests. After an ences in baseline covariates and changes in variables
overnight fast and patients were seizure free for at least during study were performed by analysis of covariance
72 h, as any postictal central hormonal dysfunction is using general linear models. Moreover, Pearson’s and
recognized to reverse within hours (Pritchard, 1980), Spearman’s correlation was performed between differ-
blood samples were drawn at (8:00–10:00 a.m.) for the ent biochemical parameters. Chi-square was utilized
analysis of serum levels of AEDs, FT3 , FT4 , TSH, TC, for comparison of binomial data. Calculations were
TG, HDL-c and LDL-c. Serum samples were left to done with the statistical package SPSS for windows,
coagulate at room temperature, centrifuged and frozen version 10.0. Statistical significance was defined as
at −20 ◦ C until utilized. TC, TG, HDL-c, LDL-c and P < 0.05.
GGT were measured by enzymatic colourimetric meth-
ods (Roche).
For all patient and control subjects, the serum 4. Results
concentrations of FT4 , FT3 and TSH were measured
as described by the manufacturer by immunoenzy- The study series comprised a total of 88 patients
metric assay kits (IMMULITE reproductive hormone with primary epilepsy (children = 33 and adults = 55).
assays). The kits were obtained from DPC or Diag- Children group of patients aged 7–8 years (mean;
nostic Products Corporation, Los Angeles, USA 13.1 ± 4.2 years) with male to female ratio 1:2.3
(Diagnostic Product Corporation, 1987; Witherspoon (M/F = 10/23) and duration of illness ranged from 0.5 to
et al., 1988; Babson, 1991). Samples were assayed 15 years (mean; 4.7 ± 3.7 years). Twenty-five (75.8%)
in duplicate. For FT3 , the analytical sensitivity of the children had generalized tonic–clonic convulsions
assay was 1.0 pg/ml. Within run, the mean precision (GTC), 24.2% had other types of epilepsy (absence = 3,
values were 1.7 ± 0.24 (CV = 14.1%), 2.9 ± 0.32 psychomotor = 1, myoclonic = 1, mixed = 1 and focal
(CV = 11.0%), 3.7 ± 0.31 (CV = 8.4%), 4.6 ± 0.34 motor = 1). Eighteen patients were CBZ-treated, nine
(CV = 7.4%), 5.6 ± 0.34 (CV = 6.1%) and 10.2 ± 0.59 were VPA-treated and one was PHT-treated. Regard-
(CV = 5.8%). For FT4 , the analytical sensitivity of ing the degree of seizure control on AEDs: 13 patients
the assay was 0.15 ng/ml. Within run, the mean (39.4%) were seizure free for ≥1 year (controlled),
precision values were 0.65 ± 0.044 (CV = 6.8%), 11 (33.3%) had less frequent and occasional or rare
1.33 ± 0.077 (CV = 5.8%), 2.37 ± 0.097 (CV = 4.1%), seizures (partially controlled) and 5 (15.2%) had very
4.31 ± 0.188 (CV = 4.4%) and 5.02 ± 0.175 frequent seizures (uncontrolled).
(CV = 3.5%). For TSH, the analytical sensitivity Adult group of patients aged 19–55 years (mean;
was 0.01 ␮IU/ml. The intraassay precisions were: 28.2 ± 8.7 years) with male to female ratio 3.2
1.3 ± 0.10 (CV = 7.7%), 1.4 ± 0.077 (CV = 0.10%), (M/F = 34/21) and duration of illness ranged from
4.8 ± 0.20 (CV = 4.2%), 7.6 ± 0.55 (CV = 7.2%), 0.5 to 27 years (mean; 12.15 ± 6.7 years). Forty-five
24.2 ± 1.18 (CV = 4.9%) and 25.7 ± 1.71 (CV = 6.7%). (81.8%) patients had GTC, 18.2% had other types of
176 S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

epilepsy (focal motor = 5, mixed = 2, myoclonic = 2 and in the serum level FT4 (children: 0.99 ± 0.12 ng/dl;
psychomotor = 1). Twenty-four patients were CBZ- P < 0.01 and adults: 0.98 ± 0.28 ng/dl; P < 0.01). Four
treated, 11 were VPA-treated, one was PHT-treated patients (4.6%) (children = 1 and adults = 2) had ele-
and 11 patients were on polytherapy with more than vated TSH level (4.5, 10.0 and 11.0 ␮IU). Three
one AEDs. Fifteen patients (27.3%) were seizure free patients (3.4%) (children = 1 and adults = 2) had
for ≥1 year (controlled), 20 (36.4%) had less frequent reduced TSH levels (0.01–0.37 ␮IU) (Tables 2 and 4).
and occasional or rare seizures (partially controlled) Among, one PHT-treated child had reduced level of
and 12 (21.8%) had very frequent seizures (uncon- FT4 (0.55 pg/ml) and elevated TSH (4.5 ␮IU), one
trolled). Untreated group of patients with epilepsy par- VPA-treated adult had marked reduction in the serum
ticipated in this study comprised a total of 13 patients level of FT3 (1.5 pg/ml) and level FT4 at the lower
(children = 5 and adults = 8). All patients included border of normal 0.80 ng/dl. One CBZ-treated adult
in this study had drug concentrations at the refer- had FT3 level at upper level of normal (4.1 pg/ml)
ence therapeutic level (CBZ is 4–10 ␮g/ml; VPA is with mild elevation in TSH level (4.4 ␮IU). Changes
50–100 ␮g/ml; PHT is 10–20 mg/l). Demographic data were predominated among the treated group of patients
of the studied group are illustrated in Table 1. with epilepsy compared to the untreated group, par-
All patients were clinically euthyroid. Compared ticularly the CBZ-treated (FT3 : 3.05 ± 0.68 for CBZ
to controls, nine patients (10.2%) (children = 4 and versus 2.84 ± 0.77 for VPA, 2.64 ± 0.65 for poly-
adults = 5) had mild elevation in the serum level of therapy and 3.14 ± 0.70 for the untreated; P < 0.05)
FT3 (children: 3.08 ± 0.71 pg/ml; P < 0.01 and adults: (FT4 : 0.93 ± 0.24 for CBZ versus 1.14 ± 0.0.30 for
2.90 ± 0.81; P < 0.05). Only one patient had low FT3 VPA, 0.95 ± 0.23 for polytherapy and 0.99 ± 0.19 for
level (1.5 pg/ml). Twenty-five patients (28.4%) (chil- the untreated; P < 0.05). Although remained within
dren = 8 and adults = 17) had significant reduction the normal levels range, levels of TSH were lower

Table 1
Demographic data of the studied group of patients
Demographic data (N = 88) Children (N = 33) Adult (N = 55)
Patients’ age (years) 7–18 (13.1 ± 4.2) 19–55 (28.2 ± 8.7)
Male/female 10/23 34/21
Age at onset (years) 1–12 (4.3 ± 3.9) 4–50 (28.2 ± 5.8)
Duration of illness (years) 0.5–15 (4.7 ± 3.7) 0.5–27 (12.2 ± 8.1)
Type of epilepsy
Primary generalized; # (%) 30 (34.1) 49 (55.7)
Partial; # (%) 3 (3.4) 6 (6.8)
Treated/untreated; # (%) 28/5 47/8
AEDs utilized; # (%)
VPA 9 (10.2) 11 (12.5)
CBZ 18 (20.5) 24 (27.3)
PHT 1 (1.1) 1 (1.1)
Polytherapy 0 11 (12.5)
Drug dose (mg/d)
VPA 400–800 (605.6 ± 160.7) 400–1200 (736.4 ± 283.8)
CBZ 200–800 (572.2 ± 187.3) 600–1200 (787.5 ± 227.1)
PHT 300 600
Degree of control on AEDs; # (%)
Controlled (seizure free for >2 years) 13 (14.8) 15 (17.1)
Partially controlled (occasional and rare) 11 (12.5) 20 (22.7)
Uncontrolled (frequent and very frequent) 5 (5.7) 11 (12.5)

Data are expressed as # (%).

S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183 177

Table 2 Table 3
Serum thyroid hormone and thyrotropin concentrations in patient Abnormal serum fasting lipid profile in the studied group of patients
with epilepsy with epilepsy
Children Adult Children Adult
Range (pg/ml) 1.90–4.50 1.5–4.9 Range (mg/dl) 64–213 73–376
Mean ± S.D. 3.08 ± 0.71** 2.90 ± 0.81* Mean ± S.D. 138.60 ± 32.28* 162.59 ± 55.63***
Normal Normal
Range 1.90–3.80 1.5–4.1 Range 64–198 73–200
Mean ± S.D. 2.91 ± 0.56 2.84 ± 0.63 Mean ± S.D. 134.10 ± 31.30 142.54 ± 34.38
Range (ng/dl) 0.49–1.53 0.47–1.82 Range (mg/dl) 55–194 54–222
Mean ± S.D. 0.99 ± 0.12** 0.98 ± 0.28** Mean ± S.D. 116.1 ± 037.2 114.6 ± 43.8
Normal Normal
Range 0.82–1.73 0.81–2.00 Range 45–194 50–200
Mean ± S.D. 1.06 ± 0.29 0.39 ± 1.10 Mean ± S.D. 111.1 ± 42.7 113.1 ± 44.8
Range (␮IU/ml) 0.39–4.5 0.49–11.00 Range (mg/dl) 10–64 5–63
Mean ± S.D. 2.11 ± 1.02 2.45 ± 1.68 Mean ± S.D. 30.33 ± 10.29*** 25.39 ± 6.06***
Normal Normal
Range 0.9–3.66 0.4–4 Range 35–64 35–63
Mean ± S.D. 2.02 ± 1.42 2.23 ± 1.77 Mean ± S.D. 43.60 ± 8.3 44.40 ± 8.64
∗ P < 0.05. LDL-c
∗∗ P < 0.01. Range (mg/dl) 32–167 38–329
Mean ± S.D. 89.79 ± 32.28*** 109.90 ± 50.56***
in the CBZ-treated groups of patients (monotherapy Range 32–124 38–125
and polytherapy) compared to others (1.61 ± 0.93 for Mean ± S.D. 81.31 ± 23.60 88.97 ± 25.06
CBZ versus 2.50 ± 2.88 for VPA, 2.11 ± 2.08 for * P < 0.05.
PHT, 1.00 ± 0.57 for polytherapy and 1.24 ± 0.48 for ∗∗ P < 0.01.
untreated group). We noted enlargement of the thy- ∗∗∗ P < 0.001.

roid gland and presence of thyroid cysts in 20% of

CBZ-treated patients (data not shown). No significant 17–30 mg/dl and 32–55 mg/dl, respectively). All 12
difference was identified between adult and children patients with total cholesterol levels had also elevated
levels. levels of LDL-c. Only three CBZ-treated patients had
Compared to controls, 12 patients (13.6%) elevated levels of total cholesterol, LDL-c and low
(children = 2 and adults = 10) had higher level of levels of HDL-c (Tables 3 and 4). Changes were pre-
TC (children: 138.60 ± 32.28 mg/dl; P < 0.05 and dominated among the treated group of patients with
adults: 162.59 ± 55.63; P < 0.001). Only two adult epilepsy compared to the untreated group, particularly
patients had elevated level of TG (222 mg/dl). the CBZ-treated (TC: 158.74 ± 55.75 for CBZ ver-
Fifty-three (60.2%) (children = 23 and adults = 30) sus 141.47 ± 40.09 for VPA, 166.14 ± 50.03 for poly-
patients had marked reduction of HDL-c levels therapy, 157.67 ± 40.00 for PHT and 144.23 ± 43.03
(children: 30.33 ± 10.29 mg/dl; P < 0.001 and adults: for the untreated; P < 0.05) (TG: 102.93 ± 59.45 for
25.39 ± 6.06; P < 0.001). Fifteen patients (17.1%) had CBZ versus 89.95 ± 43.47 for VPA, 95.14 ± 19.99 for
high levels of LDL-c (children = 4 and adults = 11) polytherapy, 85.33 ± 26.54 for PHT and 82.31 ± 25.58
(children: 89.79 ± 32.28 mg/dl; P < 0.001 and adults: for the untreated). While elevated LDL-c was pre-
109.90 ± 50.56; P < 0.001). Among were 10 (11.4%) dominated among polytherapy and PHT-treated group:
adult patients (VPA-treated = 7 and untreated = 3) had 114.57 ± 45.84 for polytherapy and 104.67 ± 39.43 for
reduced levels of both HDL-c and LDL-c (range: PHT versus 95.47 ± 31.35 for VPA, 53.34 ± 14.12 for
178 S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

Table 4
Number of patients with epilepsy having abnormal serum thyroid hormone balance and fasting lipid profile in relation to different AEDs utilized
N = 88 VPA (n = 20) CBZ (n = 42) PHT (n = 2) Polytherapy (n = 11) Untreated (n = 13)
FT3 (n = 10, 11.4%) 2 (high), 1 (low) (5%) 7 (high) (16.7%) 0 0 0
FT4 (n = 25, 28.4%) 3 (low) (15%) 19 (low) (45.2%) 1 (low) (50%) 0 3 (low) (23.1%)
TSH (n = 7, 8%) 1 (low) (0.05%) 3 (high) 2 (low) (11.9%) 1 (high) (50%) 0 0
TC (high) (n = 12) 0 8 (19.1%) 0 1 (9.1%) 3 (23.1%)
TG (high) (n = 2) 2 (10%) 0 0 0 0
HDL-c (low) (n = 53) 16 (80%) 30 (71.4%) 1 (50%) 1 (9.1%) 5 (38.5%)
LDL-c (high) (n = 19) 1 (5%) 14 (33.3%) 1 (50%) 1 (9.1%) 2 (15.4%)

CBZ and 97.31 ± 37.44 for the untreated. However, centrations and GGT levels, but significant correla-
reduced HDL-c was predominated in all groups of tion was identified between the serum TC (r = −0.435;
patients (33.60 ± 11.64 for CBZ, 28.05 ± 13.22 for P = 0.006), LDL-c (r = −0.611; P = 0.002) and TG
VPA, 36.00 ± 3.61 for PHT, 32.43 ± 12.29 for poly- (r = −0.513; P = 0.006), GGT (r = −0.821; P = 0.001)
therapy and 30.54 ± 9.17 for untreated group). and EIAEDs (CBZ and PHT utilized as monotherapy
Changes were also predominated among the or part of polytherapy AED treatment). Significant pos-
controlled treated group of patients with epilepsy itive inverse association was identified between the
(Table 5). Twenty-four patients (27.3%) (children = 10 duration of illness and TG (r = −0.411; P = 0.018),
and adults = 14) with abnormal thyroid hormone levels while non-significant inverse association was existed
had in addition abnormal fasting lipid profile. Although between the duration of illness and FT4 (r = −0.112;
did not reach a significant level, inverse correlation was P = 0.420). In addition, changes in the serum thy-
identified between FT4 and TC (r = −0.113; P = 0.540), roid hormones and HDL-c levels associated neither
TG (r = −0.195; P = 0.284), LDL-c (r = −0.048; with duration of therapy, type of antiepileptic drugs
P = 0.793) and HDL-c (r = −0.018; P = 0.899). Signifi- (AEDs) utilized or plasma AEDs levels nor age but
cant positive inverse correlation was identified between gender difference has been demonstrated with signif-
HDL-c and TC (r = −0.391; P = 0.0001) while no icant increase of HDL among women and not men
significant correlation was identified between HDL-c (r = 0.416; P < 0.002). Changes in other serum lipids
and FT4 (r = −0.018; P = 0.899). Low levels of GGT, associated with neither duration of therapy or plasma
which were used as markers of liver enzyme induction, antiepileptic drug levels nor age or gender.
was identified in 12 (13.6%) patients among which 7
(58.3%) were VPA-treated and 3 (25%) on polytherapy
with VPA while high levels were identified among 19 5. Discussion
(21.6%) patients among which 8 (43.4%) were CBZ-
treated and 4 (21.1%) on polytherapy with CBZ. No In this study and consistent with many others, 28.4%
correlation was noted between thyroid hormone con- of patients with epilepsy had serum FT4 level below

Table 5
Patients with epilepsy with alteration of serum thyroid hormones and fasting lipid profile: Relationship degree of control on AEDs
Degree of control on AEDs Controlled (n = 28) Partially controlled (n = 31) Uncontrolled (n = 16) Untreated (n = 13)
FT3 (n = 10) 6 (21.4%) 1 (3.2%) 1 (6.3%) 2 (15.4%)
FT4 (n = 25) 10 (35.7%) 11 (35.5%) 2 (12.5%) 2 (15.4%)
TSH (n = 2) 4 (14.3%) 2 (6.5%) 1 (6.3%) 0
TC (n = 12) 6 (21.4%) 4 (12.9%) 2 (12.5%) 0
TG (n = 2) 0 0 0 0
HDL-c (n = 53) 15 (53.6%) 25 (80.7%) 6 (37.5%) 7 (53.9%)
LDL-c (n = 19) 8 (28.6%) 6 (19.4%) 3 (18.8%) 2 (15.4%)

Data are expressed as # (%).

S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183 179

the reference control range. The risk was dominated (Isojarvi et al., 1994), (3) although, initial studies
among CBZ-treated patients with epilepsy (76% or demonstrated that oxcarbamazepine or OCBZ does
19/25). However, TSH concentrations were not sig- not appear to induce the hepatic P-450 enzyme sys-
nificantly elevated in patients with low serum thyroid tem (Larkin et al., 1991) and replacing CBZ with
hormone concentrations (Table 2) (Isojarvi et al., 1989, OCBZ resulted in deinduction of liver enzyme lev-
1990, 2001). The altered thyroid function during CBZ els and short-term restoration of normal endocrine
medication has been attributed to induction of the hep- function in men with epilepsy (Isojarvi et al., 1995),
atic P-450 enzyme system and the consequent increase however, Isojarvi et al. (2001) reported that both CBZ
in the metabolism of thyroid hormones (Connell et and OCBZ (in high or low doses) induce a decrease
al., 1984; Isojarvi et al., 1995). We noted enlarge- in serum T4 and FT4 concentrations, which did not
ment of the thyroid gland and presence of thyroid cysts correlate with serum GGT levels. OCBZ is mainly
20% of CBZ-treated patients (data not shown). This reduced instead of being oxidized as in CBZ and it
is consistent with many studies. Enlargement of thy- may induce the hepatic P-450 enzyme system when
roid gland has been reported in patients taking either given in high doses (Klosterskov Jensen et al., 1992).
CBZ or PHT for epilepsy, and it was suggested to be The authors suggested that CBZ and OCBZ are most
compensatory due to low serum thyroid hormone con- likely decrease serum thyroid hormone concentra-
centrations (Hegedus et al., 1985). However, data have tions through a mechanism other than hepatic P-450
demonstrated that the changes induced by these drugs enzyme system induction and consequent accelerated
are transient (Strandjord, 1981; Verrotti et al., 1998, metabolism of thyroid hormones. Hypothalamic inter-
2001). ference of regulation of thyroid hormone production
In consistent with many studies, only 15% of our by the drugs seems possible, (4) Surks and DeFesi
VPA-treated patients demonstrated low FT4 levels (1996) showed that patients taking CBZ medication
below reference values (Isojarvi et al., 2001). In ear- had low FT4 and FT3 levels when serum samples
lier reports, the effects of VPA on serum thyroid were analyzed by a commercial procedure from diluted
hormone levels have been inconsistent and conflict- serum, but not when an ultrafiltration method from
ing (Liewendahl et al., 1978; Bentsen et al., 1983; undiluted serum was used. The authors concluded that
Ericsson et al., 1985; Eiris-Punal et al., 1999; Iso- their results further support the view that hepatic P450
jarvi et al., 1990, 2001). Recently, Isojarvi et al. enzyme induction is not the main or the only reason
(2001) and Verrotti et al. (2001) did not find any for decreased thyroid hormone concentrations during
alterations in thyroid hormone metabolism in VPA- CBZ treatment, (5) Isojarvi et al. (2001) demonstrated
treated patients with epilepsy, and the TSH response to that despite the increased levels of thyroid peroxi-
thyroid-releasing hormone also was normal. Slightly dase (TPO)-ab and/or thyroglobulin (TG)-ab in CBZ-
increased serum TSH levels and normal serum thyroid and OCBZ-treated patients, these changes were not
hormone concentrations have previously been reported associated with altered serum thyroid hormone con-
in adults taking VPA for epilepsy (Isojarvi et al., centrations and their concentration were normal in
1990). VPA-treated men, suggesting that immunologic mech-
Our results and that of others highly suggest the anism seems unlikely and (6) Villa and Alexander,
presence of mechanisms other that enzyme induc- 1987 suggested that inhibit iodine uptake by the thy-
tion that may contribute to thyroid hormone dysfunc- roid gland might be contributed as one of the mech-
tion among patients with epilepsy. In support: (1) we anisms by which CBZ can induce thyroid dysfunc-
reported normal levels of TSH in CBZ-treated patients tion.
despite low FT4 levels. Isojarvi et al. (1990) reported In this study, we reported significantly elevated TC,
normal TSH responses to TRH in CBZ-treated patients TG and LDL-c levels in 13.6, 2.3 and 21.6% of our
with epilepsy, and therefore pituitary interference by studies patients, respectively. Many previous studies
the drug seems unlikely, (2) we reported no correla- demonstrated that AEDs are able to modify lipid pro-
tion between serum thyroid hormone concentrations file. However, little is known about the precise nature
and GGT levels, which were used as markers of liver and underlying mechanisms of such changes. High lev-
enzyme induction and this is consistent with others els of LDL-c and as well as TG have been reported
180 S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

in treated patients (Calandre et al., 1991; Isojarvi et this is consistent with previous studies. Sex differ-
al., 1994; Eiris et al., 1995). High serum TC concen- ence in serum lipoprotein concentrations (i.e., higher
trations have been reported among patients receiving LDL cholesterol and TG but lower HDL cholesterol in
CBZ, PHT and PB (Franzoni et al., 1992). In con- men) is independent of the dose of CBZ and plasma
trast, lower values of TC, HDL-c and LDL-c similar concentrations and considered to be correlated with
to healthy controls have been found in patients with the previously reported diminished rate of death from
epilepsy receiving VPA (Calandre et al., 1991; Fran- coronary heart disease in patients with epilepsy as
zoni et al., 1992; Eiris et al., 1995). CBZ, PHT and HDL exerts an antiatherogenic effect (Sudhop et al.,
PB are principally metabolized in the hepatic P-450 1999). Our finding of low HDL-c among patients with
system. This enzyme system also catalyzes the transfor- epilepsy is highly supporting the presence of mech-
mation of the cholesterol in biliary acids. Thus, chronic anisms other that enzyme induction that may con-
treatment with these drugs might compete with choles- tribute to abnormal lipid profile among patients with
terol in the utilization of those enzymes, and this leads epilepsy.
to reduction in the transformation of cholesterol in In this study, inverse correlation was identified
bile acids with increased total serum cholesterol level. between TG and HDL-c levels (although did not reach
Previous studies have suggested direct links running a significant level). Previous studies have demonstrated
from the serum anticonvulsant levels to the extent of that endogenous TG metabolism influences HDL-c
hepatic microsomal enzyme induction, and further to level in patients with epilepsy undergoing anticonvul-
the plasma HDL-c concentrations (Luoma et al., 1980, sant treatment. Patients with epilepsy with elevated
1982). On the other hand, the main route of VPA trans- TG or a combination of elevated TG and LDL-c have
formation in humans is represented by glucuronidation been found to have lower plasma HDL-c level than
(Rettenmeier et al., 1989). normolipidemic patients with epilepsy (Luoma et al.,
Interestingly, in this study, we reported higher per- 1980).
centage of patients with epilepsy with significantly From this study and that reported by others, we
low HDL-c (60.2%) (P < 0.001). For our knowledge, suggested that thyroid hormone balance might be
this is the first report of low levels of HDL-c among associated with characterized pattern of abnormal
various groups of patients with epilepsy (treated and fasting lipid profile among patients with epilepsy
untreated), with different ages and despite the type of which is not solely explained by the enzyme induction
AEDs utilized or the degree of control on AEDs. In mechanism of AEDs. Whether the increase in lipids
contrast, previous studies reported increase in HDL in and lipoproteins in the treated group of patients with
CBZ-treated patients with epilepsy (Yoo and Hong, epilepsy is mediated through effects of epilepsy
1999; Yilmaz et al., 2001; Tumer et al., 2002). Pre- per se or the effect of AEDs on thyroid hormones
vious studies reported that CBZ is associated with still has to be clarified. In support: (1) a significant
increase in HDL2 lipoprotein cholesterol, which results number of patients with abnormal lipid profile was
in an increased hepatic synthesis of apolipoprotein found to have abnormal thyroid hormone levels; (2)
A1, the major component of HDL-c (Luoma et al., thyroid hormones are well known to be involved in
1980, 1982), whereas PHT is specifically associated the regulation of lipoprotein metabolism, inducing
with increase of TG (Pita-Calandre et al., 1998). High significant changes in the concentration, size and
levels of HDL-c have been reported in normal sub- composition of plasma HDL (Huesca-Gomez et
jects receiving PB (Eiris et al., 2000). However, in al., 2002; Bramswig et al., 2002). Many studies
contrast, few studies reported that CBZ therapy does suggested that abnormal levels of plasma HDL
not affect serum lipids (TG, TC, HDL-c and LDL-c) commonly reflect altered metabolism of the major
(Deda et al., 2003). However, Lower values of TC, HDL-apolipoprotein A–I (apo A–I) (Huesca-Gomez et
HDL-c and LDL-c similar to healthy controls have al., 2002). From our results, there seems to be a high
been found in patients with epilepsy receiving VPA possibility that thyroid hormones may influence HDL
(Franzoni et al., 1992; Eiris et al., 1995). Gender dif- through apo A–I, (3) many studies have confirmed that
ference has also been demonstrated with significant hypopituitarism is associated with deranged plasma
increase of HDL among women and not men and lipid levels with lower HDL cholesterol and higher TG
S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183 181

level (Rosen et al., 1993; Beshyah et al., 1995; Mon- The above information alerts the neurologists
son et al., 2000); (4) Halle et al. (1999) suggested that in for the high atherosclerotic risk exposed by patients
men with low HDL-c levels had mild to moderately ele- with epilepsy (reviewed in Hamed and Nabeshima,
vated serum TG which strongly suggest the presence of 2005). Epidemiologic studies have shown that dys-
other metabolic cardiovascular risk factors and in par- lipoproteinemia with low concentrations of HDL-c
ticular of a more atherogenic LDL subfraction profile and elevated serum TG and LDL-c is associated with a
of increased concentration of small, dense LDL parti- particularly high incidence of coronary artery disease
cles that are depleted in surface lipids; (5) many studies (Caligiuri et al., 1999; Artenie et al., 2003; Jouko
suggested that CBZ seems not to influence endogenous et al., 2004). HDL-c is a strong inverse predictor of
cholesterol synthesis or intestinal absorption directly, atherosclerosis risk (Halle et al., 1999). The protective
neither also relates to increased ApoB production nor effects of HDL-c have been attributed to its role
to decreased catabolism but it changes the conversion in reverse cholesterol transport and its effects on
cascade of intermediate density lipoprotein (IDL) endothelial cells. Several reports have suggested that
particles by most likely indirect effect through a HDL has anti-oxidative actions (Caligiuri et al., 1999;
decrease in thyroid hormones (Strandjord et al., 1981; Halle et al., 1999). Recent data indicate that subclinical
Isojarvi et al., 2001; Verrotti et al., 2001; Bramswig hypothyroidism is also associated with enhanced risk
et al., 2002); (6) in general, a higher prevalence of for arteriosclerotic cardiovascular disease, which
subclinical hypothyroidism in a population with hyper- could be attributed to multiple mechanisms such as
cholesterolaemia was determined when compared to a hyperlipidemia, hypercoagulable state, direct effects
population with normal cholesterol levels (Mishkel and on vascular smooth muscle or endothelial (Caparevic
Crowther, 1977); (7) many studies demonstrated a et al., 2003). Hence, the risk of atherosclerosis
significant reduction in both total and LDL cholesterol might increase among patients with epilepsy with
concentrations has been reported after administration subclinical hypothyroidism which are more liable for
of thyroxine in a small group of hypercholesterolaemic developing hypercholesterolaemia and dyslipidemia
patients with basal TSH levels in the upper range of as demonstrated above. Many prospective studies have
normal values (Deschampheleire et al., 1999; Canturk demonstrated that a multi-ingredient vitamin formula
et al., 2003); (8) many experimental studies demon- (Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12, folate, Vitamin C, Vitamin
strated that in ponies, similarly as reported in rats and E and beta-carotene) with anti-oxidant properties has
pigs, HDL cholesterol ester can be transferred to LDL measurable effects LDL-c oxidation indices (Earnest
despite the absence of plasma cholesteryl ester transfer et al., 2003).
protein (CETP) activity and hepatic lipase (HL), both
are important proteins that modulate the metabolism
of HDL, and that the magnitude of this transfer is 6. Conclusions
related to the levels of HDL CE (cholesterol ester) as
induced by the amount of fat in the diet (Geelen et al., From our results, we concluded that: (1) altered
2001). And hence high amount of fat in diet increases lipid metabolism might be associated but not solely
the conversion of HDL into LDL. influenced by thyroid hormones, (2) our findings
However and despite all the above evidences, altered support the notion that serum thyroid and HDL-c
lipid metabolism might not be solely influence by thy- concentrations in patients taking EIAEDs are altered
roid hormones. It should be kept in mind that subclin- by some mechanism other than liver enzyme induction.
ical hypothyroidism is a relatively common condition Therefore, interference with hypothalamic/pituitary
with incidence between 3 and 7% in the general pop- regulation by epilepsy itself or unknown complex cen-
ulation (Spacilova et al., 2003). The prevalence of the tral regulating mechanism of thyroid function by AEDs
disease is approximately 20% (Weissel, 2003). Hence, seems possible, (3) our results suggest that the effect of
probably, such frequency rates for developing subclin- long-term AED therapy on lipid profile increases the
ical hypothyroidism might be increased among the risk of atherosclerosis-related disease, hence, a need
patients with epilepsy group of population, which is for monitoring serum thyroid hormones and fasting
also common. lipid profile particularly in patients receiving EIAEDs.
182 S.A. Hamed et al. / Epilepsy Research 66 (2005) 173–183

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