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Walking Outside The Cave

Richmon Rey Jundis

We all have different versions of caves. For one, it can be their past traumas, for
others it can be fear and shame, and for some, like in Plato's Allegory of the Cave,

Plato's allegory reminds me that the world that I now thought to be the reality
might be mistakenly perceived by me. I might be deceived because of my feelings and
maybe because I let my mere senses be my guide and bases for my decisions. Just like
the prisoners in the cave, I can also be unaware of the true nature of the world around
me. Personally, I, too, am a prisoner of my own cave. Trembling and filled with fear, I
see the possible sufferings that I may experience as I challenge my own beliefs, and I
fear being deemed a threat if I say something against what the common people perceive
as true just like the freed prisoner from the Cave when he came back.

On the other hand, as I reflect on the freed prisoner. Just like him, I need to force
myself to turn my head toward the light and seek the truth even if it is very hard for me
at first. As Plato suggests, I need to be educated and to think critically to see beyond the
shadows of ignorance and to challenge my fears. I need to use my mind to guide my
feelings and senses, so that I may never be deceived. How can I truly be genuine with
my thoughts and connect with other people without wearing a mask, if I continue to let
myself be chained by this fear?

Therefore, I need to slowly open my eyes towards the light of truth, the truth that
must begin in myself, so that I may be able to truly connect with the people I converse
with, without holding my thoughts and without fear of being judged. Even if I will
suffer at first like that freed prisoner when he came out from the cave, I must strengthen
my heart and force my will to take the first step toward the light of reality.

As long as I guide my feelings and senses with my knowledge, I will never be

deceived again as I pursue to walk outside the cave of my fear.

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