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Conjugate the verbs in brackets either in the preterit or the present perfect

1) I………………………………………………(never see) a kangaroo in my life.

…………………………………………….(you ever see) an Australian animal ?


A: My father……………………………………………..…(lose) his car keys so he

can’t drive!

B: When………………………………………………….(he lose) them?

A: He………………………………………….(lose) them this morning when

he……………………………………(come back) from the supermarket.

3) Mrs Thomas ……………………………(be) very unpopular since (=depuis)

the beginning of the school year because she………………………..……(give)
too much homework.

Give some advice (=des conseils) to a person in each situation!

1) It’s hot.

2) You have an upset stomach.

3) You don’t know your lesson. The teacher is angry.

4) You are cyber bullied on Instagram.

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