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.. ..

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. 1u:I•Wi~t!l@l{,M~Mfl@~i4~ilL14®,~.- I •.

. . .1~,t•11f41:QUl:ii . . . ~ ..
. i:>Rov1Nc1AL MANAG't:MeN1·.seRv1ce·-, c·0Ma1Neo
. COMPETITIVE· EXAMINATION.~2021 .(88717) . .
-(.Hel~ ·o~ 28 J,urja 2oia.) .·'
' . .
1. Who was th~ _first Chief Justice of Pakistan: · B. Who. w~s· a~ltlsh delegate in U~ited Nations .
(A) Mian'Abdur Rashid · · · -wlien Kashmit !$sue fitst discuss rn UN:
(8) Alvin R. Cornelius . (A) · Samuel Beckett (B)· Ralph Bunche
(C) Muhammad Munir (C) Philip Noel Baker (D) None of_these
(0) Muhammad_Sh~habuddi~ '.. , 9. . beficlet1cy of Vitamin D results in .
2. Kashmiri leader Maqbool Butt niartyrap in · (A) ScUt'iy . .(B) Rick et~ .
which year: · . · (C) Ntgl1f t11_
1ndness (D) None-of these
(A) 1984 (B) 1985 .- ,1O. Current Secretary Oehetal of.OIC belongs :to
(C) 1986 . . . (D) 1987 which country: , _ ·. . . .
3. Cabinet approved 1 NSP (National Security (A)° Saudi Arabia (B) ~ d . . :· ·
(d) patar ·. . (D) Kuw":i,t , . - · . :-_. _ .-:.,
Policy_) o_n: · · ··
(A) . 12 January 20,21 . of
11. The currency ·1srael ·1s · · · . • .. :_• -·
(8) 13 JanuafY. 2022 (A) l:uro . -. .. · (B) Pound . . ..
(C) 28 Dec~mber 2021 .• (t!) Shekel (0) ~_rone .
- (0) 14 January 2022 .. 12 . . Deficiency of Vitamin-A results. in __
4. The Gandhara School of art developed during. · (A) Niglil 1,llndness (B) Rickets
· the reign of the: · · ·· · (C) Scurvy , __ (0) Goitre · .
(A) Guptas ·(B) Kushanas . 13. "Flying Horse" was ~ick name o·f which
(C) Mughals (0) Mauryas Pakistani Player: • . · . _
5. International Moth~r Lang·u age . day is' · (A) WE!§Hm Akram (B) Sall}i Ullah. Khan
celebrated every Year on: · . · · · (C) Jahangir Khan .(D) Jan Sher Khan •
(A) 19 February · (8) -2 0 Febr-uary • 2
14. Vitamin Eis stored itt . .
(C) 21 February . . (~) 22 February_ (A) Arteries . (B) Skull ·. .
6. In which type of rocks is l~mestone found: (C) Adtpo1e TIHUe~ (0) none;se
.(A) Igneous rock , ,. (B) Met~morphic rock 15. Fatis stored In·which part of the body ?_
(C) Backlight rock (D) Sedimentary rock
' 7. 'Where do Jhelum & Chenab river meets:
·(A) Khanki Headworks (8) Trimmu ·· ssue ~~d t_he liver.·
Body stores vitamin E In fatty ti_
(C) Panjnad · (D) Rasool Pur 3Most fat stored in the human body is su~cutaneous
(which means "under the skin"). This layer of fat is_
t . . made up of fat cells. A thin person still has b~tween 20
National S_ecurity ~olicy was launc~ed on 14 January • and 27 million fat cells, while an overwe)g~t pe~son can
' ,
2022 • •I • • •.


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· d PPSC i.Jcqs Model Papers
2 Ad'lance .. . . ..
1 . . . (Br Hea~ . (13) Zuli.fqat Ali Bhutto. -. . . . :·
(A) Liver s (0) Artenes · (C) Ayub Khan . . · · · · . ., . .. ·.
C) Subcutaneou • ,
( . · the following is responsible ·for (0) Pervaiz Musharraf , .. .
16. Which of_ I ellow· 27. Farooq Ahmad Leghari serv~lPre. :d' · · · .· .··
tuming TaJ Maha Y (8) Carbon dioxide Pakistan from: / · s1.• ent of
~~~ ~~:;~~~dioxide (0) A~~onia _. (A) 10 October 1~93 to .22 September ..
(B) 14 July 1993 to 02 November 1995_
.. the theme of International Forest
17. .Whatwas . (C) 14 November 1993 to 02 Dece1998 ·'
2022? .. .
Day re;t and sustainable cities . . ~ · (D) 17 November 1996 to 12 Dece;~r 1991
uer 1991
(A) FFo ts and sustainable production and 28 . .?~23 FlFA Women's World Cup Will .__
(B) ores . • . ·m: . . ~~~
(C) Forest and Ecosystem- (A) Austr~lia . (8) New Zealand
(O) Forest and Water • (C). Oatarn .. (0) A & B

18 Author of 'In the line of Fire' _is: .29. Which direction ~oe~ _wind flow around ar
· (A) Muhammad Ayub Khan of high. pressure 1n the Northern Hemisphe~~'
(B) Muhammad Yahya Khar:1 (A) Counter clockwis·e direction ·
·cc) -Pervaiz Musharaf. • (8) Clockwise direction · ·
(0) Muhammad Zia UI Haq .. . . (C) South west direction
(0) None of these · .
19. Who has become the first Pakistani to win a
Grammy Awtmf: 30. The share of ___ is highest aniong a.'I
(A) Abida Parveen (B) Arooj Aftab ~ commercial energy consumption.
(C) Fareeda Khanum (0) None of these ... (A) Gas . (8) Oil ·
(C)· Coal (0) Firewood
20. How many times N1shan-e-Haider has been
awarded: . .' · . · 31 . Who was the first governor of Punjab after
(A) 10 ~ (B) 11 . . Independence: ··
(C) 12·. .·. . (0) 13 . (A) Francis Mudie
(B) Sikandar Hayat Khan . .
21. Hamza Shahbaz .the · . . Chief Mjnister (C). Herbert ~illiam (0) None -of these
of Punjab: .· · :
(A) 19th . . (8) 20: 32. Who was· first Muslim .·m-usician in sub-
(C) 1.B" · (0) 22 continent: . : .
(A) Ameer Khusro · (8) Wali Oakni .
22. Shalimar Bagh was constructed by: ·(C) Ouli Qutab Shah (0) None of these
· ·. (A) Akbar (B) Shah Jahan
(C) Jahangir {0) Aurangzeb 33. Who was- the first Commander-in-Chief· of
Pakistan Army: . . . .
23. ·w.nier Olympics 2022 were held in: (A) Gen. Sadique Chaudhry
, (A) Japan (B) China
(B} Gen. Frank Meservy
(C) Italy (0) · US (C) Gen. Muhammad Ayub Khan
24. Kaavan elephant was sent from Pakistan to · (D) Gen. George Murphy. · ·
· which country on the direction of court: ..
34. First underground drainage system was
(A) Cambodia (B) Ireland
introduced by which civjlizatioh: ·
{C) Taiwan · (0) Italy
(A) Indus Valley Civilization
25. "Akbarnama" was written by: (B) •Mesopotamia·Civilization
(A) Kalhan (B) Birbal · (C) Egypt Civilization ·
(C) lbn Batuta (D) Abut Faz~I . (0) China Civilization
26. Who was Pakistan's First· Civil Martial law 35 . .Tropical cyclone becomes hurricane at speed
Administrator? more than. ·
(A) Sikandar Mirza (A) 24 mph , (8) , 44 mph
(C) 74 mph (D) None of these .
have any'."'here from 75 to 300 billion fat cells 36. Moinuddin Ahmed Qureshi became caretaker
distributed around the body. Prime Minister of Pakistan in ·
It's worth bearing in mind that the body doesn' t only (A) May 1992 . (B) July 1993
store fat directly food, as the liver makes further fats .
(C) , September 1994 (0) October .1995
· from proteins and carbohydrates. These additional fats · 37. U2 incident t~ok place in:
are 'm ade to e'nable the easy storage of energy in fat (A) 1950 (8) : 19S5
cells, and help to explain why a low-fat diet wort't (C) 1960 ' . (D) 1965
necessarily result in you losing weight.
4 38: Governor-of Punjab introduced the ordinaocB .
The first Pa_
kistani who was nominated for the · fo slash the powers of the speaker on · · ;
Grammy Award is Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan . · (A) 15 JunEj 2022 (B) 5 June··2022 · . ·

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' -'

(C) 15 May 2022

Provine/al Management Service ~
(D) 5 May 2022
(A) 1950 to 1952 (B) 1955 to 1960
First Gove rnor of · East Beng al after (C) 1958 tq 1962
39· Independence: (0) 1956 to 1960
(A) 'Sir Fero z Khan Noon 52. When Federal Shariat Cour t estab lished :
(B) Frederick Bour ne (A) 1973 (B) 1980
(C) Chau dhry Khali q uz zama n (C) 1986 (0) 2000 .
(D) John Shor e . 53. 1965 Wor laste d for how many days:
_ Who said "lnstr ume~ ! of acce ssion to India is (A) 12 days (B) 15 days
40 illega (C) 16 days (D) 17 days
l and fraud ulent :
(A) Quai d-e-~ am 54. The zone of atmo sphe re in which ozon e layer
(B) Uaqa t Ah Khan is prese nt is
(C) Raja Ghaz anfar Ali (A) Meso sphe re (B) Ionos phere
(0) Abdur Rab Nisht ar (C) Str~tosphere (D) Trop osph ere
41 . Al)dul ~ari,:n know n as Little Karim was: a
55 . A train left station at 8:35 a.m . and arrive
d at
(A) Sc1ent1~t (8) Astro nomi st its desti natio n af 3:12 p.m, How long did the
(C) Moun taine er (D) None of these journ ey take?
(A) 5 hours and 37 minu tes
42. London_is situa ted on the bank of which rivEfr· (B) 4 hours and 37 minu tes
(A) Rhine I (B) Tham es · . (C} 6 hours and 37 minu tes
(C) Danu be ! (D) Sein e

(D} 6 hours and 10 minu tes
43. Which Musl im m~jo rity area was ~iven to India 56. Whic h one of the foll6wing plane ts is n~ilre 5
to acco mmo date for acce ss to Kash mir: st
to the earth ? ·· , :. ,
(A) Fero?J?Uf
(C) Makra,
(B) Gurd aspu r (A} Venu s . (B} Merc ufi ~ : . ·
(D) None of these (C) Jupit er . . (0) Nep!~r)~ ; ,, .. ,
«. The cultural cen er of Gand hara Civili zatio n 51. How many gene ral seats ar~: t_bere : in the
was: · National A9se mbly of Pakis tan: t ;..:, · ;,
(A) .Mo~enjo D ro (6) .Harr apa · (A) ·262
(C) Tax,la (B) 272 ~~~. • ~I
(D) Hyde rabad
•s. Which coun try was name d world 's happ iest
(C) 282 :.' .~{P).J.9:?.., ;• ·,: •·:. ('~
58. PunJab Repe a,li,:i.9 .a,n.d ~emoval Qf. Qi~c ulti~s
country in Th . Worl d Happ iness Repo rt
2022: cl
in . Ordin ance .i on
i,vas prom ulgat ed tP.: ,, ,

• .(A) Curt~il lhe ~we rs of Cl'lie f-Mil) ~teo .
(A) Italy (B) Finla nd (8) C_t,11:taiJ. th~_power~__Qf _<;~y_err}_or . ., _ . • .
(C) New Zeal nd (D) Qma n (C)··Cutf~i!' th'e p~we rs of-Speake~. ,:. · -~., ·' ·
46. Sedimentary r cks are: (D). Curtail fffe powe rs of Chief Secr etary
(A) Rough
· (C) Poro us
(B) Haro
(D) Brittl e 1
i ~i~h~.·2(\~OP,2~~.::::·-~l~:• ,E~~-;:~\~: ~r.
~~-,--~Marc t ,:Y!~i!.~~.·f.· ~~if• ~an . i~
· · · · ~
47. Holy Qura n was first trans lated in whic h :I I
(A) T~ji_kist$ rf •r:_~.,_: (B) 1~etp aij~n: :h
language in t e Sub- conti nent: (C} Vz~ekisten1;~ l (D) K~;~ khsfa n ~::
;~·;Clc~;encf was launcihed8 on: ' - :
. 1 .
(A) Punjabi (B) Sind hi · , 60.

"{~~r)~~~l'ti~:~r ~grj;~~-:~;6~~
'.~ ; The --
(C) Balouch (D) Pash to · ' ..,; i
48. Which reg lator contr.ols . t~.k,i~)~if,; St~~k tl~·-r: .,
j 61 . Constantinopl~. fell into the· hands. Qf tt:ie
r , , - • !'I\ I
(A) State ank of Pak ist~· ·:, . . _';.:. .' · ,. .
! Muslims in:' . >'::~:. .
~ F, I·. , : I' ·.• :< _v,-~· ' :: I :. '

(B) Sec~ri ,es and ~~9~ap,g~ · p~~m~~}on of (A} 1254' :··;, '· J J (f3) 1353~: ,· • ~--.
Pak1st n . .. ..

(C) 1453"'''d iu, (D) 1653. •''-f '_ ..).
r ,. . , • : ,
(C) Minist of Fir'lance' . :,(,I, ,.. . . , , ,

~162:'/ FRfot&s~'sti~~1r Is alk'oiko,x/

J, •
(D) None f these·' · , '; '. · ·· ·: -, , .. •' , ,., -C?. ·

I n as:·:;q
\\,(JH t•'i
(A) Monosaqchaf/des (B) Disicch~~d~s .
◄9. When the S~Vi ettin'idn irW~d~d\~ f~fia'91stan : (C) Malto se ~~ ; :.JI ~~"?
(A) 24 _0 ·e·
ber1974 ~-- ' ··~ ,_.. ·_ ··1
1' (D)_ ?Ure se
<B> 24 ·c e~b·e r 191 r:.·. ~ ,,,,: ,!,
(C) ~4
' : •_, ! I

. 5 Ven,us js ;,~~ t1~~i flh~N~~~Hlb\~sl~o'(a'rth 11s it'·

ecemtJeF 1979 , , :,-\ :.•.•'< ,f"O ,;r,
(D) 24, ecem ber 1981 , . :•,•\: 1 I · 1 · :
-J:Jf.! nrw 7 : .h1 -,\ . P.1 1 ~ t~t,•1: 1r
sweeRs.P~ o.n it~19rt,>lt,1Mercurt1~t~v~1t/l~~l"5e~~ to
i\ 1

SO. "Sh_ahra e Pakis tan· book'Wr1tte~tiy:' .) '

·(A~ A;K..Faza l'UI Haq,•!( w ;:r: , 'iii':· ·.:, i l (' . j i!

: !~r;t~,
1h~:t9fl~.~~h-1v lJfl(, 1:1.11) ):, ::•Iii"
_, I , , , :!-,.! J ~·
The ,eur.O,(W"S' l~unch,~ on W~11u__a~tf 9.~~:1f~'i·ir e .
first thr~e year~ it was .mfihv.isible\ Cl.u~r~M\l, C?tlJY
(B) S,~ Fail- j-Hiis sain
(C) Chau dhry Knali quzz arnan ·
. ,.,IJ 11 "
. for
accounting purpo ses aricf't!le~rb~r, payments. · · .
;r; I ' jJ .,
51 (D)_M:A.t;i ~spnar:ii ... . : 1•i:n• 11 ( • f;,,)11, ! ,:,, l'f '.•! Coin,s'nkriotes.we·r~ laun~!le~r,m 1)~n..,4arv
I 2007,
· J~n~t Marizu; Qadir was Pakistan~ ft>re{gn and in 1'2·El holln r!iesftl'le biggest cashd r~ttg eove~
min,stet- dunrig!, I, j Pl~ce: i!"
P1 J ,n, .. !1 -1/\ : •J) history took I ' () ) . . . .li;c:"l ( J I.

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Provlncl.1I M,wm1cm cm S orv.ico .. · 25 • ·
93_ rn US. National Sanctity of Human Life (also
\Cl To rn.ll-.e l;'lrgt> doc111nent .111or~ r(',,,; · .'.
called Right to Life) Day 2022 was celebrAted
, D\To rtllow p.1ge l1e,H1l'n, .111-1 foN,•,·~ 1,, ·
(A) 2 January (B) 22 January .ippt?ar op docu111tJ11t wlh~11 11 1s ~,n11tl•11
. ' '
(C) 22 March (0 ) 25 January 97 .. The gas. CDllllll0llly known :i~ "li1~1~1h1n~ pils",
94. What 1s the sho,:tcut key. for hyperlink .' in MS (A ) Carbon Dioxide 16\ Sulfur Drr1x1cto · ·
Word .• .
tC) Nitrous .Oxide (DI S01.11L11n Oxide · .
98. MS excel ,s L1Sed for prepani19
. .
(A) · Presentations · (Bl Sprt->.idsllcet
95. A high quality CAD system uses the .followif')g '·
(C ) Send attachrnents 40) None of these
for printing drawing and graphs. · .
(:A) . Line printer (8) Digital Plotter 99 Which of the following is not a hardware: .
(C) Dot matrix printer (D) None of these (A) RAM (8) Hard p1sk .
(C) Monitor (D) Windows XP
96 Why headers and footers used in MS -Word:· ·.
(A) To enhance the overalf appearance 'of the 100..What is minimum ~nd ma~imum font . siie
document available in. formatting toolbar:
(B) To mark t~e starting of a page (A) 12 and 74 (8) 16 and 122.
. (C) 8 and 72 (D) 20 and 78
· Answer Key
·1. A 14, C· 27, · c 40. A . 53. D 66. C 79. · A 92:· . C ··
2. A 15. C 28. . D 41. C 54. c· · 67. B 80.'· A 93. ·a•.
3. C 16. C 29. B C . 94. C · .·
17. · ·a 42. B 55. .68. C· · .81. · A
4. 8 30.' B 43. B· 56. B 69. · A • . . 82. · . A- · ~ . B
5.. C' 18. C · 3 1. A 44. C 57. B 70. · B 83. B 96. D .
6. D 19. B 32. A 45. 8 58: C 71. D· 84. A 97; C·. ' ·
' 7. 8 20. A 33. a· 46. C 59. · G· 72.' B . 85..· A 98. B
8. C
21. C
34, A · 47.. B. 60, B 73. D . 86.'. ' B 99.· ··.o
9. 22: 35. C 48. B 61. C 74. B 8Z. A ,100. · C
10. B 23. B 36. B 49. · C 62. A 75: 88.' B
11. C 24. A 37. C 50. '. C 63. C 76 . . ' A . 89. A
12. A 25. D 38. C 51. C 64. C 77. a· 90. D
13. B 2'6. B 39.· B . 52. 8 65. D, 78. C 91. B
• •.• •. • • • ♦ ♦ ♦

I j i I

1. The Shandur Pass c onnects Chitral with : (A) Kot Mitthan (B) Pak Patan I
(G) Multan (0) Jhang
(A) Gilgit . (B) Swat
· 4. Nanga·the highest peak of: .
(C) Malam J abba.
Karakoram H ighway between Pak & China
(D) Kaghan
(A) Himalayan
(C) Hindu .Kush
(B) K arakor~m ·
(0 ) _Sulen'lan Range
.,, ,. I
· · was completed in:
(A) 1975 (B) 1976 5·. Ri'ver· Kabul joins Indus River near:
(C) 1977 (C) 1978 (A) Dera Ismael Khan ·
(B) Kalabagh
3. Tomb of Khw aja Farid 7 is in: (C) Attock . ' · .
(D}' No~shera .
• 7 '
6. The Chairman of National Economic Cou·ncil
Khawaja Ghulam Farid Koreja or Khawaja Farid
is: • r.. '
(1845wl 901) was a 19th-century Sufi poet' of Punjab.
He was a member of the Chishti Nizaml Sufi order. He
(A) Finance Minister (EH Prime Minister • •
{C) President (0) None pf the~e .
is buried in Mithankot/Kot Mitthan. Farid al-Din
Mas'ud Ganj+Shakar (c. 4 April 1179 - 7 May 1266)
was a 12th-century Punjabi .M uslim preacher _ and simply as fariduddin Ganjshakar. His shrine is in : , •
mv~tjc. He is known as
Baba Farid or Shaikh Farid or Pakpattan, · ·
•·,. ....,..,,,...,
> • .

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u2 Actv,nc,,g ®r; MCOs Modg/ PapgCJ.
~\.aV.:;:... 11JJ'1i .IIU)1~ ,~
' rJJ ,~J1./·<f-lf,b)J" iJ / )•u;~·iJJA';
(~,,.., ..&.r.L:f.l~~l)~b"
. ..J)(t (8) j ( 1 (A)
Jpr....1~. (8) ~ " (A)
J,J,-(1 (D) 1- (1 (C)
if~(!~JI (0) t/!..?r,.j! (C)
<:~LI~,Af~1i"11tr,1(£f2;-,i 11

- J'~ J.,,Jf' ~.~-..

f ~J...rf .91 T -
e),V (B)
v·i"':-~ (A)

Jl,J~I (8) _.~lcf.1 (A) Ji (0) ..:.-,lf (C)

i:Jl,;,_lJ/ (0) . c,t"if ;~! (C) . . \' f-V1' ,L.PII✓' .::..,,J/(1
-'f-~r',=..Afl.,-" .92 -?' (8) ..JJ (A)
1.,~,f' (Bf J.~ (A) _.-:"'Uu (D) 4 (C)
(r (0)
1J~1-< _(C) \'f-v.:.,; --:'>,JJ,U:v;., ,98
<:i.J]J",,rt:/:-L,Jj(j,;/ /~t::"-c)/t::"-i./..J_j~JP .93 · . · J1 (/'l,,I/ (B) U1~,.;IJ1 (A)
. ,;;~ i).i_,Jl {B) . :/-(i; · (A). · '. . ·J1liJ,1: (D) ~/~ (C)
JA,l,, (D) . v!I/- (C) \'7 c)/j~ L "~L,JA",.)10 _99

~\..l]c)//r.;L"(!Yll,.fo"(' 1<.. 94 c)!;J_)$L•tJy (8) lJ~Y".:.-/1:Ur (A)

·. J~✓-...JU,Jr (A) .Ji?.J .JL•tJy (D) c)l;..i'I~/ (C)

iJJ" .;;11,r~ ce~ . . r7 J(._1.,./,::=}-~J:.,:;} J17(Jn~:.J1J1.1r~vr .100

ui;J~1:tJr <~> J1/ (8) ~1~1 (A)

Jp1..,.~ (D) 0tJW1 (D) J; (C)

1. B· .
Answer Key
C 14:. 27. B 41. A 54. B
2. B 15. 67.. B 80. D 93, C
C 28. A 42. C 55. A 68. C . 81.
3. A 16. B A 94, D
4. ·o 17;
29. C 43. B 56. A 6,9. ·- a 82. C 95. C
B 30. A 44. B 57. . B 70. · A
'. 5. B 18. A- 31:--
83. B 96. A
C 45. C 58. B 71 . A 84, 97, D
.6. B· 19. C 32. c- C
. 7. 46. B 59. B 72. A 85. -A . ·ga, . B
C 20. D 33. c 47. B 60. D · · 73. 'C 86. C 99. A
8. C 21.
9. A · 22. ·
6t D
C . ·14, D 87. o. 100. C
10. B 23. B 75. A 88. A
37. C 50. ·D 63. - C · . -76.
11. A 24. A 38.
A 89. C
A 51._ C 64. · A · 77. D 90. A
·. 12. B 25. A 39... B
13. c. 52. B 65. · .B 78. D- 91. C
26. C· 40. B 53. 8 - 66. A . 79. D 92. A
♦♦ ♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ .

. .

· ·.iuN,0RcLER~ (Bs-11 ), PUNJAB POLICE DEPARTMENT~ 2021

. . . : 11
· Rameez Raja is the .
Pakistac1;1 Cricket"Board: ..
Chairman the of . .. . .
2. What is the total area of Paki5tan
in sQUS
(A) 35 (B) 35th. kilometers: g13 km'
37 . (A) 796096 km2 (B) 88i, f the¢
(C) 1h (D) None of these·
(C) 6950~5 km 2 (D) None~ ,
··- ··•-~..--- - ·-- -- .... . . . __. ·---- ·... ·-- --- - - - .

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. Miscellaneous 223

3 How many districts In Lodakh: 18. Ghazi brotha d_am in Attock, Punjab, is locate d
. (A) 01 (B) 02 on ______,..r- river ,
(C) 03 (D) None of these (A)--Oashf (8) Kabul ·
(C) Indus (D) None of these
4. Which continent hos no desert?
(A) Asia (B) Austrnlin 19. 2022 FIFA world cup will heRld in.,--
(C} Europe (D) None or theso (A) Qatar · (B) uss1a
(C) UAE (D) None of these
5. Chemical forrnulo of WMhing sodA is:
(A) Na2CO 1 20. Which resources are non-reFnew~ bfle:
(B) NoHCO3
(C) NaJSO◄, 10HiO (D) None of these (A) Goo thermal (8) oss11 ue1s
(C) Solar (D) None of these
6. When did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan died:
(A) 11 January 1898 21. Pakistan-China meets with which pass:
(B) 27 Morch 1898 (A) Khun1·rab (8) Khyber
(C) 02 September 1898 (C) Toch · (D} None of these
(D) None of these 22. Khyber Is a._ _ _ .
7. Muslim League was founded on - ~- - - A) Largest stadium
by Nawab Salim Ullah Khan in Dhaka,
(A) Dec. 30, 1907
(C) Dec. 25, 1906
(B) Dec. 30, 1906
!8) Famous building
C) Pass (D) None of these
23: Pakistan is located in which c<:>ntinE:nt:
(D) None·o t these (A) Europe (8) Asia
s. Which mountain range is located in the south (C) Australia (D} None of these
of Pakistan 24. What does IWMI stand for_:,___.
(A) Koh-e-Suleiman · (B) Karakoram (A) International Water Management lnst1 .
(C). Kirthar (D) None of these (B) International Waste Management _Institute
9. warsak dam is situated on river_ _ __ (C) Irrigation Water Management Institute
(A) Kabul (8) Indus (D) None of these .
(C) Swat (D) None of these 25. International ChUdr'en's Day is observebd on:
10. Pakistan national poet Allama Iqbal died on: (A) 14 February (B) 20 Novem er
(A) 21 May 1938 (C) 18 Decem ber · (D) None of these
(B) 21 April 1938 26. Rann of Kutch is a disputed area between
(C) 21.September 1938 (A) KPK- India (B) Sindl:1-lndia
(D) None of these . (C) Punjab-India (D) None of these
11. Sanna Marin of Finland is famous as __ 27. The Length of Pakistan and Afghanistan
{A) Nuclear Scientist border is ·.
(B) Youngest political leader ~ (A) 2252 KM., . (8) 2430 KM
(C) Astronaut · . · (C) 2052 KM (D) None of these
(D) younges prime minister of her-country
28. The International Monetar-y Fund (IMF) was
12. How many time Squash ball jump in each shot established by an international treaty in _
(A) One (B)' Two , · (A) 1942 (B) 1944 .
(C) Three (D) None of these (C) f945 (D) None of these
13. In which city National $choo l of Public Policy . 29. Who is the Current Chairman Joint Chiefs
·o f
located : · Staff Committee (CJCSC), Pakistan:
(A) Islamabad (B) Lahore (A) General Rashad Mahmood
(C) Peshawar (D) None of these (8) General Nadeem Raza
14. Which is the first gulf nation to complete FATF (C) General Zubair Hayat (0) None of these
conditions: · 30. ·who was the 161h President of US:
(A) UAE . (B) Bahrain (A) John F''Ken~edy (B) Henry Truman
(C) Saudi Arabia (D) N_one of these (C) Abraham Lincoln (0) None of these
15. Who is the current chairman ofNCO C: 31. The Capital of Srilanka is:
(A) Shafqat Mahmood (B) Asad Umar (A) Colombo (B) Jaffna
(C) Sheikh R·asheed (D) None _of these (C) Kandy . . (D) None of these.
16. When Shalimar garden established: . 32. Who is the Current Prime Minister of. AZ.AD
(A) 1642 · (B) 1672 · JAMMU AND KASHMIR:
(C) 1700 (0) None of these A) Sardar Attique Ahmed Khan

· .
17. What is the longest glacier in the Karakoram B) Sardar Abdul Qayyum Khan Niazi
and second-longest · in the world's· non-polar C) R_aja Faroo9 Halder · (0) None of these
areas: · · · 33. Pakistan China border agreement was signed
(A) Hispar Glacier • (8) Siachen.Glacier in:...- =r-
(C) Biafo Glacier (0) None of these . (A) 1963 ·
.( B)' 1956

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224 Adyancec1 pesc MCO• M0 dt1e,otCI
(8) Oyster Mushrooms
(C) 1965 (0) Nonft of these (C) Strew Mushrooms (0) None Oftt-.....
34. Indus Basin Treaty of 1960 bfotWeen P•kistan 50. Kldnoy stones l~dcaused due to -~
and India is related to problem. (A) Sulfur diox o (8) Cale~
(A) Border 1[JfWII tor (C) Aluminum oxldo (0) None of t~ate
(C) Ref1.tgM (D) None of these
51 . Cabinet Mission Plan was announr-
35. Which was 1he firgt country to recognize year: ·~ lri ~
Pal..1stt1n an lndependl!!'nt stete: (A) February 1945 (8) Februa ~
(A ) lr1Jn (B) Iraq
(C) February 1947 (0) None o(o,1941,
(C) Indonesia (0) None of these
52. Loud spe,aker voice ls increased~ to~
36. How many times did Mahmud of Ghaznl - --
invade India? (A) High Energy
(A) 05 (8) 15 (8) High Frequency
(C) 17 (0) None of these (C) Spectrum technology (0) None 01 lt-
37. Thal desert Is located In 53. Cooking gas is also called: ~
(A) Gilgft (B_.)_P_u--.njab (A) Butane (8) Hexane
(C) KPK (0) None of these (C) Propane (0) None o f ~
38. Sindh was conquered by Mohammad bin 54. When Mughal king Humayun recaptur~ r-......
Oasim In: darbar: --.
(A) 710 AD (8 ) 711 AO (A) 1550 . (8) 1555
(C) 712 AD (0) None of these (C) 1560 (0) None of these
39. Pakistan purchased Gwadar from 55. The escape of water molecules from ~
{A) Oman (8) Iran is called-=---:-:--
(C) Kuwait (0) None of these (A) Sublimation (B) Evaporation
(C) Condensation (0) None of these
40. For ho~ much rupees Ranjit Singh sold the
Kashmir: . . 56. Who started the Faraizi Movement?
(A) 6.5 million (8) 7.5 million (A) Haji Shariat Ullah.
(C) 8.5 million (0) None of these (B) Allama Muhammad Iqbal
41 . The most populous continent is: (C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Jauhar
(A) Africa (B) Europe (0) None of these
(C) Asia (0) None of these 57. The luminous body emits ·
42. Hemodialysis cleans (A) Light (B) Energy
(A) Veins ~(B=),-Blood (C) ·Waves (D) None ofthese
(C) Nerves (0) None ofthese 58. Nitrogenous wastes excreted through urire r.
43. The largest Island of Pakistan is: humans is:
(A) Astola (B) Manora (A) Ammonia (B) Uric Acid
(C) Charna (0) None of these (C) Urea (D) None of these
44. When Economic Cooperation · Organization 59. World War I started in which year
established: (A) 1913 (B) 1914
(A) 1964 (8) 1985 (C) 1915 (D) Noneofthese
(C) 1992 (0) None of these
60. Choose the antonym Deny
45. If batsman is out of the crease and wicket (A) Acknowledge (B) Veto
keeper hits the wicket this wicket is called: (C) Repudiate . (0) None of these
. (A) LBW (8) Hit wicket
(D) None of these 61 . Choose the antonym Detest
· (C) Stump (A) Loathe (B) Love
46. The land lying between the river Ravi and (C) Aboni(nate (D) . None of these
river Chenab is called
(A) Rachna Ooab ....,(~ B)-C-haj Ooab 62. I wish my father_ _ alive today.
(0) None of these (A) was (B) were
(C) Bari Ooab (D) None of these
(C) is
47. When was Liaquat Nehru Pact between India
and Pakistan signed: 63. Poke one's nose into means
(A) 1950 (B) 1955 (A) to praise someone
(C) 1964 (0) None of these (Bl
to get involved In
(C to be rude
48. Syed Ahmad Shaheed started . the Jihad (O None of these
movement against
(A) Deen-e-llahi (B) Sikh Rulers 64. What Is 'Subway'? · u~d ievel
(C) Hi~dus (0) None of these (A) A road -or path raised above gr~
(B) Short passage to any place · , ..
49. Which mushroom is no·t edible: (C) Undergrou nd passage
(A) Amani~a Phalloide~ (D) None of these· .

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,: · Miscellaneous 225
65. Conjunction joins
(A) Output . · (B) · Internal device ·
{A) Two Clauses·- ..._.,,,(B::7") Two Sentences
(C) Input optical device (D) None of these
{C) Two Phases (D) Nonl:! of.these
66. It is useless to cry ·over 80. You can t.1se the format painter multiple times
before you turn it off by ·
(A) spot milk , (B) split niilk
(A) You can use the format painter button
{C) served milk· (D) None of these only one time when you click it . .
67. To 'cry wolf:-::-:=-=-:--=::--- (B) Double clicking the format painter button .
(A) to listen eagerly (B) to turn pale (C) Pressl,:,g the Ctrl key and clicking the ·
(C) to give false alarm · (D) None of these forma~ painter button
68. Add fuel to the fire (D} None of these
(A) calm down -....,.(=B),.....create problem . 81. In MS excel which bar is used for formula and
(C) aggravate trouble ~D} None of these data writi-ng: .
• 69. Amina is afraid_ spiders. (A) Formula bar {B) Menu bar
(A} . to . (8) _..of (C) Title bar (D) None of these
(C} for• (D) None of these 82. The Physical part of computer is called:
(A) Software {B) Hardware .
·10. My brother and friend~·me in my studies. • (C) Firmware · {D) Nof)e of these
(A) Helps (G) Helped .
(C) Help {D) None of these · . . 83. The brain of computer is called: .
. ·. (A) Motherboard {B)· CPU
71. Cho~se the optioh_ that correctly transforms · · (C) Microprocessor (0) None of these
the given ~entence •into reported speech:
84. Qazaf ia
The student said, "Sir, I am not gµilty". . {A) · Clau_s_e"T"in--:I--:sl~am (B) Constitutional law
(A) The student'said with respect that he was •iC) ' Sharia4 Law {D) None of these
r;o0 g~•ilty . . · .
(B) The student pleaded that he was not · · 85. The tax collected from prisoner is called~
guilty _ . . (A) Fidiy,a · (B) Jiziya
(C) The student pleaded With respect that he {C) Ashar (D) None o~ thes~
was not guilty. ·
. (D} None of these .. .
. . ~v..rJJ'J1t\.1/-3'~~,? . .86.
72. According to a time' tabie a coach was ·ctue to / ~?:, {B) . 1/,/.I~JO' (A)
leave a station ·at 22:55 · af!d· arrive at its·
destination at 06:05 the next day find the time :
· · · taken for the journey:
' . i)!JIt:;._.i.J.·,.i {D) . ;~..::.,JO' (C) .
(A) 7 hours 10 minutes
(B) 6 hours 30 minutes .. · · ~;__~,piJ'-;f;~)~/
. ' . .
(C) 5 hours 10 minutes · (D) None of these
,JT (B) . "? (A)
73. If 54 is subtracted from three times a certain
number the result is 36. Find the number. · ,J.iJI~j~, ,•(D) VJ (C)
(A) 20 . · (B) 25 . . ·
(C) 30
74. 9/11 + 5/7~
(D) Non~ of these
· ~v..r~o--JS,/~✓iit' .88·
. (A) 2/3
(C) 1/3
(B). 3/2 . ··
(D) None of these •
.r1v cs) l~ (A) . .

·75. A batsman ·in his 12th innings makes a·• score vi JI~✓--(;)r (D) . . "? (C)
. of 80 rUU1s and there by iricreases his average
score by 3. What is his average after the 12th
innings? · ·
f~~j LifoJilr(~»t .89
(A) ,45
(q 17
(B) 46 .
(D) None of thes~
~...:.-)2> (B) / ..:.-JO' (A) .

76 . .80% of 700 =- -- ,J.i_JI~✓- ,;)I (0) /t;1,1J.1" ((:)

. (A) · 550
(C) 565.

(B) · 560
(D) None of these . ' .
~'rt,,uLf~,~ .9o·
77. 1/0.02=

(A) 50 - - - (B) 100 ~~f .I:,_. (B) . . _./_( (A)

... . (C) 75
··, 78: CTRL+S is used for . ·
(D} None of th.ese
vi J/t:;._J:,;,)1 (D) .~ (CJ .. . _·
: (A) 'Save as - , · ~ · Save .
(C) Revise , · (D) Ne:me of these ~-'ri.J.L/.if-~t;)lo?(\fJ~~_.~· .9f
· 79:; Light pen is wnich :type of _
d evice: ')~t;)i,;,;JI" (B) ' l)JJ\ (A')
. ,, •\,.,--:


: ·1

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. . ..
. 226 . Advanced PPSC MCQs Modll Papers ' . ·. ..

viJl~ i.t,;;1 (0) / '-:";, (C) ,.;.!JI,:;...t./.i:)I (D) J,, ;C)

. . .
'f-(Y."l,o (i.f,l'f-t1, .92 f--7.,~uri...1~.1.
' 11
V It L'Yi(; / Y• r . h

L·x,x_;)v,JI: (B) ~xJ,~ (A )

,. . ~ -9?
. ,Jr (B) · -' · ~/(A
. ,, t
~Jf~ i.t,;;1 (0 ) L·11v f ·(C) .,..tfJ_; ~ ~c)I (D)
,~. (C)
f vJL Yi~r f[,J:.J!~~ ..93
fv.JL xtt._~{ i,.;! v~~ .9a
J (B) I . ,, (A)
. . "? (8 ) . . . . -'~ ·(A)
viJf~i.t,;;1 (0 } 11P (C)
't ,.JiJl~i.tcJI (D) ; ; (C)

~ 'f-~LfL.1tJ,L:~,~~!"-" ._s4 · r5-)1/V.:::..~.I~~ .

. c/,.f~ (A)
;:}1,:'l)J,- (B) 99
..i'l-c.l:~J (A ) c/,,:;.....:,;.i;i;> (B) .
,.;:iJfc...l)!i:,JI (D) . ' i:,Ji;..i'I~/ (C) .. ,.;:iJ/,:;_t.f.c/1 (D) .· i:£0::,1..-L.,..,. (CJ
. . .

Ju, f if• ,. - if,::;,1J..fJ'J\.,? .9s . · .:(1:.:.,..,!V/ .a:,"o t ~i.100

'":"I / (B)_

(0 )
J~ (A) · · f ~(Jr;.~ -~f--Ul>~/;+-;;,.r~Lf2-~
· (ff (C.) · ,._. · ifljf.t.RI (8) J!.R1,j! (A)
ifLJ:fi~ji ..
L~iv. .fJ-\j .96 ~ Jf~u!c)! ·.·(O) J°;J{--:> (C)
. O{ (B~ . j (~) ._.. . .
1. B 14. c. Answe r K~y - ..
27. ·B 40. B
2. B 15. B . 53. C
28. C .6.6. B
3. B 16. A 29. B
41. c ·-•
54. EL - 67: . C
79. C 92. C
4. C 17. B 42. B 55. B 80. B 93. B
30. C 68. -' C 81. A 94. A
5. 4.3 . A
A 44. B
· 57.-
6'9. ·a· 82. B · 95. B
B 45. C · · 58. · 7.0. A · 83. B 96. C
7. B 20. B C
33. A 71. C 84. A 97. A
46. A
34. B 47. A
72·. A . 85. B 98. 8
35. A 48: B 73. C 86. A 99. B
10. B 61. B
. 11.
23. B 36. ·c 49. . A 62. A 74. a· 87. B 100. A
D 24. A
·12. A
37. B 50. B 63. B 75. c· 88. C
.25. . B 38. C . 76.'
13. B 5 1: B · 64. C B ·8.9. B
26. B 39. A 77. A
·52. B · 65. A 90. C
78. B 91. A

. • ♦ ♦ ♦ •• ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

. . 1 ~t•1•1=11:t4A4;ill ·
JUNI OR CLER ~ (B8•1 1) Pun ab.Po lice Depas1ment • 2~ 18 .
1 W hat is the ·s y~onym of Disp~rate ? ·. . 3. Molasse~ . is . a byproduct • of .
· · (A) Anxious · (B) D1ff~rent '. · factory. · .· sugar • •. - .

(C) Excite~ . -(0 ) Afraid_
Which is the largest desert in the W(?rld?
(A) Fertilizer . ~ii . eanaspaf• Gheeim
(~_) ~otton s~e~~...;- fn11n d ;r,: .. Ar... hl ...
·· · (~) Th- -~~ . · . . (B)
·-. Sahara
- . · • , .. 4 · u ..... _ --.. -•-·-

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396" Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers


.4" (A) t ~ (D)

Answer Key
1·. C 14. A 27. B 40. A 53. C 66. A 79. C
2. C 15. D 28. B 41 . C 54. D 67. B 80. C
. 3. C • 16. C 29. C 42. C 55. D. · 68. B 81 . B
4. C 17. A 30. A 43. D 56. B 69. A 82. D
5.· A 18. D 31. . D 44. D 57. D' 70. D 83. B
6. D- 19. A 32. A 45. A . 58. C 71 . B. 84.
7. B C
• 20. C. · 33. . C · . 46. D 59. , . B 72. D 85. ·A
8. C 21 . · C · ·' 34. A 47. C 6°'. C 73. C
9. 86. B
C 2.2. C 35 . . C 48. C 61. . D 74. D
10. D
.87. C
23. C 36. , C 49. C 62 . . C 75. A
11. C 88. A
12. D
24. · A 37. · D 50: B 63. B 7.6.. , s· 89. C
- 25. · B 38. -8 51 . ·O 64. D 77. D
13. ·s 26.
90. B
C 39. B 52 . . B 65. · C 78. : C 91. C
♦♦♦♦- ♦♦♦♦♦♦ .

. . . . .
. _·· N~IB TE~S_ ILDAR G_E~ERAL ~NOWt EDGE (B~-14) ·
. . .. ..._ " .., .. . . . R. REGIO
. ·.
N- 2022

l .
1. On which' rfver Kabul River falls: · : - ·· · . 9. - Open Skies tr~aty was signed in:
(A) Indus . . (B) Sutlej .. . .. _' . . ·. (A) 199-1 . (B) -1992
(C) )helum . • (~) Chenab ·. :- · . .- · . . (C) 1993 (D) None of these
2. Which of the fpllowing ·gas is used for cooling 10.. Which mirror is \Jsed in .headlight of cars?
in refrigerators: · · . · ·· . · (A) ,concave •, (8) Convex
(A) Chlorofluorocarbon (B) Nitro9en (C) ~lair . . -. . : (~) ~one of these
(C) Helium ·' · (D) .None of these ·.
11. The ·authen,tic book of Ahadith is:
3. Treaty of Hudaybiyyah ,is for how many years. , (A) Sahih Bukhari (B) Sa!;)ih Muslim
(A) 5 years _ (B) 10 years ' · (C) Both A & ~ . ·· (0) None of these
(C) 15 yea~s · ,.(D) 20 ~e~rs ,· · . 12. 1he sum of the thfee·angles of a triangle is
4. How many days 1965 war continued: (A) 90 degree (B) · 1so degree
(A) 10 , . {B) 12 . (C) 2_70 degree (0) None of these.
(C) 17 · (0.) 25 · 13. What is the .S.I. un1 it of temperature?
5. The Roman n_ umeral for number 1000 is: (A) Kelvin ·. (8) Centigrade
{A) C {B) D__ .. -- (C) Fahrenheit _- · (D). Nqneo<the~e
(C) t (D) M .14. The most abunda.nt metal found in earth crust:
6. Which comp~nion of · Holy Prophet (SAW) . {A) Oxygen: : (B) Aluminum .
recit~ verse of _Holy Quraf:l at the presence of (C) Iron · · (D) Sili~on .
Najjashi?. ·
(A) Hazrat Ali RA (B) Hazrat Usman ~A -
15:,. At the time partition of Bengal who was the
_(C) Hazrat Jaffar Tayyar RA • • -•
leader of Muslims. in East Bengal: •
. (A)' Nawab Mohsin ul Mulk
{D) Hazrat Zaid Bin Haris RA ··
; 7. !iazrat U's (B) Nawab Waqar ul Mulk . .
man RA ·did· not partidpated fn .-. (C)- Nawab Salee!TI.Ultatil_Khan
which war . · · (D) Norrie of these . • .
(A) Ghaz~a Sadar (8) "Gha~a Tabo~k ·. ·· · · · dais in Tokyo
(C) Ghazwa Ohad 16. Pakistan ·bagged how·ma_ny me ·
(0? Ghazwa K~aiber .
8 oiympics 2021 ? ,
· ~~!~h of foll~wing institution ~eleases report ·
(A) : One . . . · <(B)) ~~~e ·o1 these '(O) ·
Meltdo:~~ Great Lo~kdown to the Great {C) Four . · O e
(A) IMF . · ·. . · ·· ' . h' h Ianguag
· . ., 3
..17, Under ttie consti~ution_of 19! ~ . '1~nguage bf
(C) ADB .. • (B). UNCTAD _ · . -was declared ~s the Nation_ a . - ·
(D} World Bank
Pakistan? · .
. .. · : .
I di

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'. \ .
• I
' . Board of Revenue 397
(A) Urdu ·_ · (B) Punjabi , 32. Name the first Women Speaker of Pakistan
(C) .Bengali ,; (0) Sindhi National Assembly?
Electron was discovered by: (A) Dr. Flrdaus Ashlq Awan ·
18. (A) J.J Thomson (B) Ruther Ford (B) F.ehmeeda Mirza
(C) Goldstein (D) None of these (C) ·sherry Rehman
(D) Shireen Mazari
. ,
The crime that inv~lves and U$es of_ __
19· is known as cybercnme. 33. First poet of Urdu language?
(A) Computer devices · (B) tnte~net . (A) Quli Qt.itab Shah (B) Daagh Dehlvi
(C) Both A & B (D) Non_e of these (C) Meer Taqi Meer (0) Ameer Khusro

20 world Wide Web (WWW) is a - 34. How many . seats were· reserved in assembly"
· which allows the user to access a vast variety· ' for-Muslims in Lucknow Pact?
of documents by hypermedia links. (A) 1/2 · (B) 1/3
(A) Information Sto_ring Service . · (C) 1/4 (D) 1(?
(8) Information Deleting Service . . 35. The Civil Disobedience Movement led by
·(C) !~formation $ystem (D)_· All of these ·
Mahatma Gandhi, in the year
21. The highest award of film is: . (A) 1920 · (B) 1921
(A) Golqen film award (B) Lux award (C) ·-1922 ·. . . .(D) 1930
(C) Oscar · · . · _ (D) , None of these 36·.. Christians believe in._~-=--=·
22. Which country held. its first el~ction in October .· - . -.(A) . Oneness . . (B) Duality ·
2021?. • . . .. ,. ' ··(C) Trinity · - (D) .Noneofthese·
(A) Saudi _Arab!a (B) . Qatar , . . 37. Masjid .Mahab_ a t Khan is lcicated in · ·
{C) Brunei . (DJ None of the,se .-· . ·.'. ._ (A) La~ore _ (B) Peshawar
23. When ~he object moves with the speed of light . · . · (C) Karachi · . · . · '(0) Islamabad
its mass would be ·. _. ' · ·. .- - . · 38. · The major ·source of energy in Pakistan is: ·
(A) Zero .(B) Doubles_. . • (A) Nuclea·r _ _ (B) Oil and Gas
(C). Remains same . · (D} -Infinity .· ; . . (CJ Petroleum products _(D) None of these
24. Scandinavian country Norway ls a: · · · ' ·39.· . State· Bank of Pakistan wa~ inaugurated ·by
(A) Repul:llic . Quaid-e-Azam in ·...
(8) Constitutional Monarchy . · ., {A) · 1~t March 19,48 (B) 1st May 1948 ·.
(C) Federafion (0) None of these ,(C) 1st July 1948 .:.{0) 1st August 1948
. 25. HTTPS provides a· ...,......,..-- cpmmunication 40. Powerhouse of living ce·11 is called:
over computer network_.- · · • · _(A) Cell wall . {B) ·cytoplasm
(A) Secure (B) Text "(C) Mitochondria (D) _None of ttiese_
(C) _Voice . ·. (D) Video 41 . Name -- the" function which is used fo .find· the
26. In which year Taliban office opened in Qatar? length of string.
{A) 2013 . ·. (B) 2015 (A) · length() ... (B) strlen()
(C) 2019 · .. · (0) 2021 - _(C) slen()· (D) ler,()
27. The most prestigious .literary award "The. 42. The · fir~t minisfry of Muslim League in the
Booker Prize· started in - · . provi_nce of Sindh was established in:
(A) 1999 (B). 2000 (A) 1939 · (B) 1.941 . ·
(C) 2005 · · (C) 1_943 · (D)· 1945 . , •
(D) None of these(1969) .
_43. ' Apple Park is lo<?ated in which city?
· 28. Which is the la;t state to join USA? (A) California (~) Lqndon
_(A) Alaska . . (B) -Hawaii (C) -S wat ·. · (0) Quetfa ·
(C) Arizona. _ (0 ) New Mexico .
44. Maldives lslar;td fs srriailest Muslim state, what
29, Ram Nath Kovind i·s incumbent president' of:
is l he percentage of Muslim population there?
(A) Nepal . · (B) Sri Lanka (A) . 90 % (B) 94 % •.
(C) Bhutan . . (C) 98 % (D) 100 %.
. (D) None of these (India) . . ·. . .
45. Ancient period in history ,e
o. Recently declared as·. mosque Hagia Sophia (A) 500 BC . (8). 326 BC ,
was -built by · · (C) 1 AD . (Dl 476 AD
{A) Greeks (B) Ottomans _
46. In which year .--findi-'Urdu· controversy started:
(C) R_o mans · · (D) , None-of these · · · (A) 1867 · . . (B) '1868 ·
31 . .
· · Jannat ul Mu·alla is· the name of a g·r aveyard. (C) 1869 (D) 1~70 · ·· _· :
In Which is situated? :
47. After how many ye~rs norm_ally"' _census is
(A) Jedda · (B) Mecca . conducted? ·
(C) Madina (O}° Baghdad .. (A) -3 years (B) (5 years .
I '

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398 Advanc ed PPSC MCQs Model Papers 63.

Which type of view is not present .
{C) 10 years (D) ·15 years I. I ud . din · PowerP oint? . 1n M~
48. · Where · is the tomb of Maulana Ja 8 (A) Outline · (B) Slide sho.
Rumi located? (C) Slid_e sorter (D) Norrnai w
B) Baghdad
(A ) Rome . (D) Koonia 64 . The PowberPotint) _view that displays ~I'll" t ·
. (C) Sam~rkand . ( . . ed District (title and u II e s 1s . , e);I
49. General Pervaiz Mush_a rraf introduc · (A) Outline view (8) Notes Page v
System in the year:. · (C) ·slide show · (D) _Slide. sorter 1ew
(A) 1999 (8 ) 2000
(C) 2001 (0) ~oo
4 65_ Which comma nd is used to open Powe,-pniM
file. . . -•~
50. Nuclear energy when expanded converts
(A) Proton into ne_utrons (A) ppt. exe (B) PQwerPnt e
(C) ·ppte.ex e (D) Noneo t~
(B) Chemical into heat . · . 66.
(C) Nuclear into thermal · (D) Non.e of these · The option is use~ to show a s :
51 . What is the shortcut key to "Center Align" the row or col umn on every printed page? PeCific
selected text? (A) Print layout (8 ) Print title
(A) Ctrf + C . (8) Ctrl + E (C) Print view · . ·(D) None of these
(C) Ctrf + F (D) Ctrl + D 67. Which Sura is, called 'Aroos-ul-0ur'an (the
52. What is the smallest and largest fo·nt siz~ Bride of the Our an)? ·
available in font size tool on formatting toolb?lr · .(A) Surah Yaseen (B) Surah Rahman
(A) 6 and 72 (8 ) 8 and 72 (C) Surah Fatiha · (D) Surah Jinn
(C) 12 and 1392 (D} None of these 68. Who is .credite d for building the Great Waacf
53. In which year Muslim league in .8aluchi sta_ n China? . - ·
was establis hed: · (A) To~ . (B) -Fa Hien
(A) 1933 (B) 1935 . (C) Hiung Tsang (D) Qin Shi Huang
(C) 1937 · (D) 1939 · ·.
. 69. is a ·predeffned set of colors, fonts a~
office word?
54. Which. key is .used to save .docume nt ·in· MS . -vi,.....
s-ua-=-I-effects that·you apply to your slides.
(A) Design , (B) Animation
(A) Ctrl + S (8) Ctrl + S (Cj Layout . . (D) Theme
(C) Ctrl + F · (D) Ctrl + N
55. Which key is used for paste Qn MS "'ford 70. Which among · followin g wi1dcard characters
(A) Ctrl + C (8) Ctrl + V . are recogni zed by excel?
(C) C~I + S (D) Ctrl + W · · (A) + and - (~) ! and " ·
56. When was the Qiblah changed ? . (C) * and ? . . (D) <and >
(A) 1 Hijrj . (8) 2 Hijri . 71 . . The first page ot any website is called:
(C) 3 t=tijri . · (D) 4 Hijri · (A). Deskto p . · (B) Home page
57. Which shortcu t is used to calculate the range (C} ·.Web page . (D) Open page
of cells in MS Excel: · · 72. . Which items · are placed at, the end of a
(A) Alt+ (8 ) Ctrl++ . docume flt. .
(C) Shift++ (0) None of these (A) Footer · (B) End N~te
58. .-tow many time the Wo_rd "Ahmed" (SAW). has (C) Foot Note . (D) Header
appeare d in the Holy Quran? . · · 73. Which is correct form in MS E:xcel.
. (A) 1 (8) 2 - (A) 6A . (B) A6
(C) 3 (D) 4 . (C) (A6} . (0.) +A+. the
59. The literal meanin g of Soam is ·74_ A feature of MS Word that saves
· (A) To seek {B) To stop docume nt automa ticaliy after every_.,,.
(C ) To purify {D) To allow mfnutes:
. .
60. The title page of docume nt is called: . (A) .5 · (B) 10
(A) Authorin g page (B) Cover page (C) 15 (D) 20 and
(C) Text page · (D) None of these 75. To select a grnup ofworks heet we pre!!ntto
61. Tll~ free+ing row and ~olumn in Excel is tn hold___ :_ key and select the -sheet we _
wh,ctb pane add. . .
(A) Free_z !ng row . . (8) Freezin g column (A) · Alt · (B) Ctrl · . · se .
(C) Freezin g pane (D), None of these (C) Shift · . · (D) None of _ the I
62. Go to ·comma nd in excel is located in 76 . •. .. . · aA5.Exce ·
- Which value remain unchan ged 1~ ov, ·
(A). Menu (B} Find . ·(A ) Consta nt . · (B) Functior these _,,
(C) Search (D) Help . (C~ Variabl e . (0) N_o ne O onte01

.. I t •
·7 · - . is the· ghosted· text behi~d the c_
on Page in Microso ft wof~. · ·

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Board of Revenu e 399

(A) Watermark (B) Stamp ·
(C) Logo · .. (D) None of these
. 78 . Who is regarded as the father of · political ·
·science? · . f-,lfi~ (D) "-1(.; (C) . .
·. (A) Plato • (B) Aristotle
(C) Karl Ma~ (D) None of these · ,.f).,(~vi'}?~;,;, .91
79. What is g~tter margin in MS Word? ·
· (A} Margin ~h~t 1s added to the left margin .
· · · v.1,J1.;LI (~J)l:JP vl ·V ~ .J'..:.---qJ~,;L;,Jn .
when prmtrrig
(B} M~~in that is added to right margin when tJ/'( / (8) Uiln\;[Jo~ ,.,f-:? '(A) .
. pnntmg
(C} Margin that is_a~ded to the binding side of
page when pnntvng
J'i(-J..Rt (D) J~J: -(.C)
(D} Margin· that is_ a~ded to the outside of the ~l),~~ ,;~1.L. J>. .92
page when pnntmg .
80. Ho~y Quran ,first translat ed in sub-conQine~t in
which language.
'f-J!( r ..Jy---: 4Jn~4(.r.u!efT~nA
· (A) Urdl;! · . . · (B} Sindhi . · tl:if'(L l (B) if.Jlf1)? (A)
(C) PunJab1 · (D)· Farsi ·
~J,-"(LIZ (0) . ,.:::,,1.7.,Y.i fi (C)
81. The Jinnah Barrage has been built Qn
_ _ .,,_ ri~er?
(A) Indus (B) Jhelum
,JA j;1 L /~ ~).11J;f, ...J,j>.✓ L ·~J1t1,1 lf1G .93
.(C) ~henab · ~D) None of these
82. Website use informa tion called · · . ·
~.:::,Lf".;.rt(;{ J .1'-"fL /. L ·c/,;,
• •• 1 • ' • • 1.1 •

(A) Proxy ·
(C) Tracker .
(B) Defende r .
·t:J, ~0;t.;_J ' y' (8) ._;~,;/ (A)
(D) Virtual priv~te network
. j~y.::;,,/ (D) .' "J~t,;., (C)
83. ..US dropp~d atomic bomb on in World War II
(A) Japan ·
(C) France
' (B) · ·
· (Q) None of these ·, .
(j: {~l:/.?,? 4 i.1:-"'r;"f"JJ'/.{1,1j'(L~o,x.rr~.94
84. We set the page number s on a · · ·· · type of f Lft..1( J.:11 L 0i /.,Jr
document. · . : •·
(A) ·Note pad . . . :(8) · Word processor · . . 'i:J.~ /
f. (B) e,;,J;y-~ (A)
(C) Bot~ A & B (D) None of _these
85. Which of the followin g is used ·to display the I'. 1.f\1 j',; (D)
. ·. . · .
,?-Jt;? (C)
list of all subjects . · .
· (A) Seleclio n pane (B) Wrap t~xt · -!t;Jrc.- Lt.r {.,. ,J.Jt;1J>. J' 185i,J1 L ..::.-~ :95
(C) Hyphen ation (D) None of these .
. (' , ,, ! •...,. ,,,, ~ ~.,,j_~ • .
86. Web browser stores previou s information for · . , .-1.1.:---- 4,.-~ LJ· {Uil;.-IJ
web pages is termed as
(A) Auto complet e (8) Feed ·
·· °;/ f cyl:Vy'., (B) .·(Ju;_i·~ -?I} (A)
. (C) W~b slices · (D) None of these
87. First working laser develop ed by:
,_ij_rJ:,11-:--~ -~D) u»t,LL (C)
(A) Max Planck . .

(B) Theodo re Maiman r f--<.f I J1 '-:--,?-.::...,, 1) • 96

(C) Robert Boyle
(D) None of these · (~..I (t:ef.;L·{ (A) •
. 88: The largest river of .Pakistan is:
. (A) Indus (B) J&lelum . \;[,( (L"~f L{ (B)
(C► Chenab (D) None of these
LY'G(~(L·.ef.;L-4 (C) ·
. . fLft.~L✓~1:J-'e)~;~. .:I.J!Jjc.,1, .89 , . ~G_j (.\·~.:Li (D) . : .
· J.1~✓? .(8) - .~.J;Ji1/fl- ·(A) · .• '

' ·, t. . · . · '?'r-''/ .:::...c)?.Jl,,;, .97 ..: ··

. .... . .{l(IYl;.efl_(C)
• I JI?} (B) ,J} {~( · .
r'f-,.;:!( ~ - ~ :~/ Y P-. .~o
, ..·

. .

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· 40 0 . .
Ad va nc ed P~s :MC Qs Mo de l Papers . . I
., C
,j, p '"> . _.
·~ L- v ,c>
r : rt i f , IJ: ..1Oo
.· v_. 4r-..::.,V"'/
f 'f- " ,!t"c...,.1J~,1i): .. /J f,d/. {A) .
.:;,? (A) . . Ii.Jr.£;: <B)
.. J/ (8 ) IJ~'/. (C ) ,
/,_r}'i,'/- (D ) ; .
711t> (D> ._;;I (C)

fvJ;?l'-:-'v ~~.di -c,(;:,/. ~ I . .99 -.
" . Answer Key.D 8 79. C 92. D·

D . 40. C 53. ·.
67. B so: .8 ,. . 93. A
A 14. B
28. 8 41 . o 54. : e 68. D' 81 .. . A 94. A
95.. A
A 15. · . 82. · C
b · 42. c 55: 8 D .
3. .8 16. D 29. ·e . 69. 83. A 96. D
4. .C 17. - A 3(), . C 43. A - 56.
. 57. -A . 70. C
84. 8 . -97. . D·
5. D 18. A .31. 8 . 44.· D 71 . . ' 8 A 9,8. A
A 85.
6 . .- C 19. -c 32. 8 45. . . o 58.
.8 72: · e 86. A 99_· A
. 46. A 59. 8
7. . A 20 . ··o .33. D.
-60. 8 73.
87. 8 · 10 0. D
34. 8 ·47 . C 74 . · 8
· 8. 8 21.- . C 61 . · C 88. A.
B 22.- B 35. o · 48 . D a· · 75. B'
36. C 49. D 62.
:A 89.
10. A- 23. O ·. 63. 8 . 90. 8
24 . 8- . 37. 8 50.. 8 A .77. A
11, C '64.' 91 . A
A 38. B ·. 51 . - 8 e· 78 . 8
12. · B 25. 65. ·
A . 26. -A .... 39. C· 52~ .· 8
13. ♦ ♦-
♦ ♦ -♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦

. .
. .. , MODEL PAPER 77
. . 'N A.I S T
· E H ~I L D A R· ENGLISH (85~14)·
. A IS A L A B A D -
T .
-G U J·R A ~ W A L A -F
R E V E N U E DEPART H A N -B A H A WALPUR - 2 0 2 2 . .
Tr ~n sla tio ~ from the ·
oose the _be·st En gli sh . .
wing Engli sh proverb
with Urdu · · 4. · Gh
: . . -: Ji :.
1. Ma tch the foflC? · . .. . .1,71 .
equivalent: (gA!v)enCopttons: . . (B ) St an d ·
· e·v ide nc e do es no t
ne ed pr oo f. , • ollaborat,on
(D ) Op po sit ion
(C ) Confrontation_ ·
· .
. ,,, r i;y _ _
(A~ Jf(f .1l/if'
.d'~. ·. ·
-S. Choose the be st En
gli sh Tr an sla tio n fro
~ the

JL~f ...C✓ - uLuJ.

(B )
. Roptions: . ):( ,;' ~
ri.1(l.1i./.,.VtJA v: J( (D· ) .;:.,,~Lfi ,;
,:4 (~v).en
~s po ns ,ve (6 ) Op en
(C) . .
(D ) Fl ex ibl e
(C) Ins en sa te ·
of Urdu word: ~( ;.> Urdu · · .
Ch oo se the.m ea ning 6 th En gli sh pr ov er b with
2. · · Ma t~h e fol low ing · .
(13) -Characteristics · eq uiyale nt:, .
· ·
(A) Standard ·coy None of these
(C ) l.solated Mo r~ haste les s· s~ ee
sh -Translation ·from the
3·. Choos~ the· best _Engli
· -~A) (l.1(l.1c_tJ;tJ.);JJ:.
giv en options:
tj " · · (. , f" ,. r. ·
(8 ) Abrogate ·_
..!.-_!p! ~( /,V (~ ,f' .,
(A ) Disclose - (B)
(D) Originate
·. (C ) . lnstitute. ·
(C) !~ ef'lJn L 1
.' (0 ) (I v ic...a?~~JL""

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,• ,.._
' ...
. . \ .
. . . ' .. . .9B!.!2o~a~;d!...o~fuR~·e:.!v~e~n!.=:u~e:--:--4
--0-1 .- ·> ·
, · ·r. Choose ~he best_ Urdu translation from the
(A) Epide~ic . (B): Pandemic
given_opt10~s. · . · . (C) Endemic · (0) . Zoonotic
. • Main in parts . ; 19. Which is the correct sentence . - · .
(A) J}JG"° (B) v1,;£.1L1.1J, (A) The scenery of Kashmir are _beat;Jti_ful.
(B) The scenery of Kashmir !s_beaut1f~I.
(C) ..::J:>iv~ (C) The sceneries of Kashmir 1s beautiful.
, (0) Scenery of Kashinir'is beautif~I. ,
8 Choose the m_eaning of English word:
· 20. To '·'Shell out" means to=-=--=--:---·
· Blessing ·
(A) Receive . (B) T!3ke.
(A) cl~ (B) ;~·. (C) Spend m~ney (D) EilJoy1ng

(C) ,.,Cij (D)' di 21. To spill the beans means . ·

(A) ·To revea,I secret infof mat1on
(B) To misbehave •
9 Choose the -pair of words tha( best express a (C) To keep secrets (D) To tall< irrelevant • I
· relationship similar to that expressed in the
original pair. · ·' 22. If it is "just what the doctor ordered" it's _ _.
Fish: Scales (A) Tota~ly wrong (B) · Still a d~eam .
(A) Book: Papers (B) Snake: Fangs (C) What you need (0) Something new
(C) Car: Whee!s (D) Birds: Feather . · ,23.
The synonym o·f Harmony is: · ·
10. Choose the paw of words that besf ex press a · (A) Disturbance · (B)_ Concord
relationship similar to th~t expressed · iri the (C) Agitation · · .' (D) Hatred _ .
original pair. . . 24. .She bought_ . ·_ ·more expensive car than I do .
a·otany: Plants . . . (A) an · · (B) .a. - : • . .. .
(A) Stars: Astronomy (B) G~ology: Ear:th · ·(c) the . .(D) no article 1s used
(C) Teacher: Class (D)· Disease: Etiology - -25. Change voice She w~ites'a letter.
11. ·1 came .· ~n, old friend ·of mi~e -. in . . (A) A letter is written by her. · .
. Liberty Market this morning·. . · . · _ .· .· · · (B) A letter is wrote by her.·
(A) Around ' . (B) By . · (C) · Letter !S written by her (_D)_ None of these .
(C) Across : ·. (D) 'With r
26. · wilf hav·e reache·d ..the airport before_._ _
12. I congratulated him__"'""="",- success. the airport. , . . . ·
. (A) On . (B) ,At (A) you reached · .· (B) · you reach _
(C) In (D) Fr_om (C) you reaching :- · ((?). Noi:ie__of these

13. Choose the correct spelling -o f the underlined 27. The synonym· of Rear is: ,
: · word.
became a milionair when he -vyas still
. (A) Head ·. ·
(C) Window ·
. (B) Back
. (D) .._Face
· (A) mil_lionaire ,(B) m!ll!ona~e . 28. Th~ synonym of Heterogeneous is:
(C) . millionire . (P) m1ll1or_a tr . · (A) like . . , (B) Different
· (C) . M_atching · (D) Parallel
14. Choose the correct spelling of the u'hderlined
word He has told. me about the new colleaqe. 29: The s·y nonym of FacsimiY~ is: .
(A) colleage . . (B) coleague . (A) Duplicate ·. ·· .(B) Original ·
(C) colleague · (D) collegue · . · (C) N13tive (q)' lniti_al .-
·1s. Choose the ~orrect spelli~g <'of jhe ~nd_erlin~d 3'o, .Choose the correct capi_talization. .
word We're hoping for a new begmrnnge 1~ (A) My psychology test was held on Monday.
this city. . . . · - · • (B)' My Psychology test was held on Monday
(A). beginirig (B) _.b1g1~nt~g : . (C) My psychology test was held on monday _
(C) beginning (D) beg1nn1g (D) My Psychology Test was held on monday
16. C~oose the pair of words ttiat best exp:ess a ·• 31 _ Under the cloud means .
. relationsl)ip similar' to that .expressed m the (A). To be a secret . .
. original pair. · (B) To be ttnder suspicion ·
(C) Feel good fact~r . (D) Arnazi_ng
· Umpire: Ground field ..
(A) Class:· Lab (B) Judge: Courtroom 32. Broken reed mean_s .
(C) Pen: Write . (D) TV: Watch . · . (A) A subject of talk. (~) . Wec:ik person
· (C) Some cause of quarrel · · : ·
_17. Choose the opposite word of Similar · ... (D) . Ke~p lost in dreams ·
· (A) Synonym . · . . (B) Antonym
(q Close·· · . (0) Related 33. The ·synonym .of Impromptu i~: · :_·· · :. ,
18. The· di~ease ;pre.a d : around the . globe is (A) Prepared . · (EH i l)nprepar.ed-: _: ·
_ (C) Train · .(D) Rehearsed .-
termed as: · : · · ·
. 34. · The synonym of Prodiga1 is:''.·. : , ... . .. -

• . I
: • I


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402 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(A) - Provident (B) Profligate Chris ' .
(C) Harry Potter is the best ·film d1~ected b
(C) Miserly (D) Frugal Chris. · · · · Y
35.- The synonym of Churlish is: · · (D) None of these
(A) Brave (B) Shy ·
(C) Uncivilized (D) Foolish 49. She said, "MaydGthodtbGleo
· sdsm"1yg~tobnl_•.
h .- .
(A) She praye a . ess er son
36. What is the meaning· of In the lieu of: (B) She pray that God m1g~_t bless her son. ·
(A) Further (B) Instead of (C) She prayed that God _m~ght bless his son
(C) Additionally (D) Along with (D) None· of these . · .·
37. -The antonym of Ecstasy_is: 50 _ Children • ·tt ·d sixteen yeathrs ~
(A) Bliss (B) Miserly · age not a0 m1 .e - - - -, eir parents.
(C) . Exultation (D) Happiness (A} Over/ with/ without
38. The antonym of Bane is: (B) At/ cif/ with j
(A) Blessing (B) Ruin . (C) Of/ at/ with . . (D} Under/ of/_without
(C) Despair (D) Trial . 51: He was charged . _ _ _ _ . ,:nurder and
39. The synonym of Upbringing is: · brought--,-,----.--:-- tnal . Jury.
(A) Leaving · (B) Desertion (A) With/ to/ by . (B) At/ mto/_by /
· (C) Neglect · (0) · Breedi-ng (C)·. With/ to/ through (D) For/ to/ rn front of
40. What is the meaning of the idiom A chi~ off 52. The soldiers fought_(Bl)asTt_mll an.
the old block (A) Up to · I ·
(A) A piece of wood (B) . An 01'.d friend . · · (C) Until . ·. · . (D) Against
(C) Characteristics of one's ancestors 53. H e ~ reading and th~n_k ing while he_~
(D) A good bargain ·
before. .
41 . I could not -help laughing_ _ (A) Kept/ bad read (B) Keep/ had read
(A) in (B) on . (.C) _Kept/read . . · (D) None of these
(C) at . . (D) to , . 54. Choose tt)e ON!; WORD SUBSITUTIO~ from
42. · What is the antonyms of abrupt: the options give:n below
(A),,.. Gradual (B) Rude
(C) Faulty (D) Gruff · Barrister
(A) Lawyer . (8) Attorney ·
43. Change voice: Who is knocking at the door? (C) _Specialist · (D) Advocate_
(A) The door is ·being knocked by whi«:>m?
(B) By whom is the door being knocked? · 55. She has written letters. change into passive
voice. · - · ·
(C) By whom is the door being knocked, at?
(D) The door is being knocked at by .whom? (A) Letters has been_wri!{en by he~. .
(B) Lelters have been written by· her.
44. · Not everyone ·but__- _ brave_
(A) -/ deserve
· . _ this.
(B) the/dese~es , · .
(C) Letters have written by her.
(D) Letters had _b een written by he~.
(C) the/deserved (D) None of these
56. Choose the correc·t sentence
45. _ baby l\kes _ · _funny story.
_(A) ala (B) -/- . (A) The higher you go, the cooler it is.
(C) . The/a (~) An/a (B) The higher you go, the cooler it gets.·
{C ) The higher you go, the cool -it is._
46. H€! inquired_·_ · m,y work 9n office. . _ (D) · The hi~~ ·you 90, the cooler it is•.
(A) lo (B) into
(C) on (D) at . 57. Choose·the correct-analogy
What is meaning of the idiom To ·turn over a Blasphemy: .Irreverence. .
new leaf · . . . . {A) Condemnation: Disapproval
(A) To cover up one's _fault. by weari,ng new · . (B) Optimism: Insight
marks · • . . . (C) Ignorance: Patience ·
(8) . To change the old hab:,ts and adopt new · .( D) _Sorrow: Intention
ones 58. Choose the antonym Ebul~ient
(C) To change completely one's course' of (A) Elated · (B). Glum
action . (~) Sparky · . (D) Jaunty
(D) ·To shift attention to new problems after
_· ·having studied the old ohes tnoroughly · · -59. The dealer is not sure; _ _..._ that thing is -
worth aM that money.
48. Choose the correct capitalization · (A} However . . . (8) . While .
You had better:looked for some other options. ~C) But . (D) Althoµgth
· (A) Harry potter ~s the best film directed by 5
- · · chris. .
o. We shalQg o ~ he goes or riot.
(A) Wh_atever .. (B) Whether ·
(B) Harry ·potter ~s the best film directed by . ,·
(C) unt1~ • (D) None of _thes~ ·


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I Board of Revenue . ·403
61 Festoon : chain :: creek : .-"5::=-· 76. I have a very--,..-= book selection.
· (A) Inlay (8)7s,and (A) Considered · (B) Logical
(C) Stre~m (D) Crook (C) Jud~ious . (D) 3 mart
62_· Choose the corre~t analo~y 77. What is the meaning of Along in years
Mother: Daughter . (A) Getting tired (B) Getting old
(A) .son: Father (B) Brother: Sister (C) Time to rest l . (0) Unsuccessful
(C) Queen: Princess (~) None of these 78. Ttie mother said, .'11 will pick yol:J from school if
..63 We shall differ_ _ you in this matter. l·can". .
. (A) With (B) From (A) The mother said that sh~ would pick him
(C) To • (D) None of the~e . if she could.
(8) The mo~her said that she would picked
64 Fanners expecting that crop will be profitable him if she could. ·
· __,...-=::; locust attack. (C) The mother said that she will pick him.if
(A) Till (8) Unless .: · she could. · • ·
(C) Until (D) None of these . (D) None of these ·
65 I am _ to weekend.- 79..Change . voice: People are ~pending less
. (A) Look forward · (B) Look forwarded . money.on shopping. . . • .
(C) Looking forward (D) None of th.ese (A) l ess mqney is be1n_g spent on shopping
66. Would that I . a king; by people. .
(A) Was . (B) Am (B) .-Less money is spent on ~hopping by
(C) yvould be •(D) Were · people. _ · _ .
(C) Less money is being spend on shoppm~
67. Nobody was_._ by·her e·xcuse:·
by people. . .
(A) Taken. · (B) Taken in
' (D) Less money has b~en spent on shopping
(C) Taken into . (D) None of these by people.
68. Do you want - something_ _ now?. · 80. He was . on success.
(A) To have/ drinking (B) Having/ drinking (A) Scar-it (B) Elated
(C) To have/ to drink (D) Have/ for drink (C) ·Gloomy . (D) Meagre
69. Choose the correct sentence·. 81 . ·He : his family to live alone. .
(A) Two boys are helping each other (A~ Exile -~- (8) Banished
(8) Two boys are helping one another • (C) Deserted . . (0) None of these.
(C) ·Two boys are helping each other
(D) None_of these . . 82. Wha~is the meaning of A fair weather-friend
(A) False friend . (B) Close f~iend
70. Choose the best ·antonym: Imprimatur · '(C) Good friend . . (D) ~oyal friend . ·
(A) Approval (B) Disappro'-'.al
(C) Sign (0) Authontat1ve 83. V~stige :. a---:-;--"""'. :': Vestm~nt : Garb (c~oose

the.word that best completes the companson)

· 71. The soldiers : were instructed to -----:-- · (A) Footprint · · (B) Artery
restraint and handle the situation. (C) Sacrament (0) _Clergy
(A) Control (B)' Ex~rci_ se
(C) Prevent' (D) Remain 84.' My father . here two years.
(A) work · ·-(B) had worked
· . 72. She w~nts _ _ a complaint ·. about the · (C) ··works_ . (D) worked
waiter. ·
(A) To make (B) Making · 85.· He was astonished . his misbehavior. .
(C) Makes · (D) · Made , . (A) to ~ 6 ) a~
(C) with (D) from
73. An earlier event or action that is regarded as :
an example or a
guide to be ~onsidered in 66: · w ·h at is the meaning of Capita~ Punishment:
. (A) The death sente~ce or p~nalty. · .
similar Circumstances . . 1s known .
(8) ' Punishment tha~1s very light
as~~---:- • . -(C) Punishment that involve~ paying a fine
(A) Subsequent _ .(B) Precedent
(C) Upcoming · · (0) .None of these · (D) .Public puriishmen~

74. We will send documents . the boss has

87. · · ·. : Static :: Deficient · : Complete .
signed it. · - - ' (choose the word tt9at best completes . the
(A) Once . (B) While · . comparison) · ' •'·; . .J
(A) Clinging · . (B} Alive
(C) When . ·(D) None of these
(C) Kinetic (D) Eleo~ric
75. Choose the 6or'5"e ct sentence ' If •. •

·(A) I have two brother .in law. · 88. "Watch out means~- _
(A) Relax (B) Hurry up · . • ·
{B) I have two brothers in law .
(G) Be ca.ref~I (D) s _eek Pe~m1ss_1o_n ·
~- {C) I have two brothers in laws
(D) Non~ of these . 89. ·,Float: ·sink:: Boat:.?_


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404 . Advance d PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(A) Drink · (B) To drink
(A) Ship (B) War (D) Drinks ·. '
· (C) Drinkln_g
(C) Submarine (D) Missile
90. He wants_·_ a cold drink.
Answer Key 73. B
. · 1. 37. B 49. A 61. C 85. B
A .13. A 25. A 74. A
38. A . 50. D
62. C 86. A
2. B · 14. C 26. 8 · 75. . B
39. D · 51. A
63.· B 87. e
B 40. C , 52. B 64. B 76. c. 88. c
41: 65. C ' 77. B 89. c
5. C 17.· B 29. A C 53. A A ·
66. D 78. 90.
6. .c 18. B 30. . B · 42. A 54. c· 67. B 79. A
7. C 19. B 31. B 43. A 55. . B
44. B 68. C 80.· B
B. D 20. C -32. B 56. A
. 21: 45. A .57. A. 69. A 81 . C
9. D A 33. B
10. B 22. C 34. B 46. B 58. B 70. B 82. A ·
11. C 23. B 35. . C 47. B 59. A 71 . · B .. . 83. A
12. A 48. C - 60. 72. · A 84. B
24. B -36. B
..... ..... . B

. .·

1. Who is the caretaker Prime Minister . of a. WhichJn dian Muslim leader. called Quit India
Afghanistan? . · · · Movement was against Muslims : . .
(A) Abdul Ghani Baradar ·. . (A) Liaqat Ali Kha~ (B) Quaid-e-Azam
(B) Mohammad Hassan Akhund • · . · ·(C) Raja Ghazanf ar (D) None of-these ·
(C) Mohammad Yaqoob 1 · 9 .. UN S;e~urity Council
(D) Abdul Salam. Hanafi to. meet on _ _. to
discuss Afghanistan issue.
2. · The tomb of Anarkali is situated in (A ) .15 August . (B) 16 August
· (A) Kamran Baradari : (C) ~7. August · (0) None of these
- (B) Inside of Punjab Secretariat .
(C) Inside of Lahore Fort (D) Anarkali Bazar 10. First C~arter of Human Rights is . .
(A) Internatio nal Charter (B) Magna Carta
3. The "English Channel" is. located between ·
(C) -U.N. Charter (0 ) None of these
which two countries:
(A) England and France 11 . When Radcliffe A~ard was announc ed
(B) England and Italy . · . (A) 18th_July 1947 . (B) 17th June 1947
(C) -England arJd US {C) 5th hJgust 1947 {D) 17th August 194,
(D) None of-these . . ~2. The head of senate is named as
4. Which c.ountry will host OIC foreign· ministers (A) Pre~iden t (B} Spea.,..k-er- -- · ,
meeting (48th CFM Session) in 2022? . . (C) Chair111an (D) None of these
(A) Riyadh (B) Pakistan
13, The atomic nl9.mber of Hydroge n is
(C) UAE . (0) ~.ubai
5. Who is called "Poet of East" ~~~ g; . .
. .
. (B) 02 .
(D) 04 . ;
(A) Allama Iqbal (B) Nasir Kazmi
(C) Faiz Ahmad Faiz (0 ) Ahmad Faraz 14. W(Aa)shington _is in ~hich ·state·~f us:'.·. ·. . .
s: Mercury Thermometer was invented by?
Califo~nia -
{ B) Ma land
~D) No~ of these
. "
(AJ Ian Tunning (B) James Gosling
(C) Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit 1 · • . 15 .. When Covid d It . . ·.
. (D) None of these · · · (A) Mid e a variant discover ed in 4~dia:
(C) Late 20 (B)- End .2020 . ._.
7. The c~or wh_ich we see when our eyes .are 20
closed . . _. . · .
· 16 3rd June . .· (D ~ ~one of these , ·
(A) Grey'._ · . . (A) A Plan is also called· . ·. .
.. (B) Black . . · ugust offer , · (B · . .. · ·
- (C) Eigengrau · · (D) ·None of these (C) Wavell plan . : . ) Partot,on plan
17 . . T_tie .. fi~~t Mu . (D) N?ne of th:se
: ~1tuated in . g~ul emperor Babar's tomb is .

. '•

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. ,

\ . : ' ,. •
Board of Revenue ·
(A) Lahore (B) Delhi , . . . ' . . .
(C) Kabul (D) Agra 32. US President elected through · , · ·
(A) Electoral votes (8) Popular vote
18 Which coontry has the unwritten constitution? .(C) Bc;,thA&B . (D) _NoneoUhe se. ,
. (A) USA (B) Great Britain .
(C)_Australia . (D) None of these · 33. The profession of Fatima Jinna~ was · .
(A) Scientist (B) Dentist . ,
19. World's. highest peak "Mount Everest• · is (C) Architect (0) None of these ,,,
located in: •
(A) Pakistan . . (B) India 34. What is the . total area of Pakistan in square
(C) Nepal (D} China kilometers? , . ·· '
(A) 795096 km2 (8) 798096 km2
2o. If the volumes _o f two ~ubes are in the ratio (C) 796090 km2 (D) 796096 km2
8:1, then the ratio of their edges is ·
. · (A) 8:1 (B) 2: 1 35. Pakistan won ICC 001 world cup in ..
(C) 12:1 (D) 16:1 . (A) 1975 . (B) 1983
(C) 1992 . '(D) 2009
21 . According to the Constitution of 1956 there .
. • shall be,---..,... .__ legislature in country. 36. 'Allama Muliamm~d Iqbal delivered his famous
(A) Bi Cameral · (8) Uni Cameral Allahabad address in
. (C) Tri Cameral . (D) None of these (A) 1928 . (B) 1929'
(C) -1930 (D) 1931
22. Muslim percentage in Pakistan is . . .
(A) 94% . · , {8) 95% · · 37. AUKu'S is a trilateral · · pact betw~en
(C) 96% , . (0) 97% Australia the United Kingdom and tt1e United
States. .:AUKUS was anno·unced on 15
23. The big bang theory was proposed by · ·September 2021 . .
(A) Georges Lemaitre (B) Mayim Bialik • (A) . Submarine · ·(B) Defense · ,
(C) Edwin Hubble , . (0) None of these (C) Economical . (D) None of th~se
24. Third World Countries means · . · 38. Who co.ined the name of Pakistan?
(A) Developed . ~ (8) Developing (A) Sir" Syed Ahmad Khan
(C) Backward . (0) None of these · (B) C~. Rehmat Ali .
25. · is called the opium poppy: (C) Quaid-e-Azam . (D) None of .these
(A)· Dried.Latex · · (B) Root · .. 39.· Which ·of the following become first Arab
(C) Stem (V) None of these . · . . country to launch Mars probe? .
26. : When the temperatur e increases, resistance .' · (A) Qatar (B) UAE .
decreases in. _ _ _. . . (C} KSA . .(0) None of these . .
(A) Metals . (8) Insulator · .- · . 40. In the ~a~ufacture of Banaspati Ghee which
(C) Semi-Conductor (D) ~one of these • gas i~ u~ed? .
. 27. Water and salt. ls·produ_ced 'by reaction of.acid (A) Hydrogen · : (-B) Oxygen ·
with . : (C) · Nitrogen. .· . ._ (D) None of these
. (A) Aqueous solution.s (B) Base . 41 . -:Whfch gas is used in fire exting.uishers:
(C) Hydroxides (D) None o~ these · : . (A) •Nitrogen oxide . (B) Carbon dioxide
28. Mass is a same physica·1quantity as : . . 2. (C) Carbon monoxide (D)· None of these .. . .
(A) Weight 4
. .. . \ " '
. · (B) Inertia · f:-iow many countries use Euro currency?
(C) Displacement (D) None of thes_e (A) 16 . (B) 19 .
29. Who was the last Governor General Qf East. (C) 22 (D) 27
Pakistan? . ·· · '43_ Covid. ·deaths in world- till .September .2021
· (A) Sahabzada Yaqub Khan . • around
(8) Abdul Motaleb Malik (A) 3 million (B) 5 million
. (C) General Tikka Khar:i (D) None .of these . (C) ·6 rriillion . (D) . Nqne of thes~:. .
30. Carbohydrates are · stored · i~ plants and 44, Containment of China is ·part of foreign policy
· . animals in the following respective form. . . of which country? ·
(A) Starch .and Glycogen · (A) Russia · \ (B) India . .
· (8) Starch and Glucose . (C) US '(D) None of these
(C) Cellulose and Glucose 45. - ---,-- is the process that ·powers the Sun
·(D) -None of these and the stars.
31, The Mo~tague Chelmsford R~forms.-is known (A) Nuclear Fission ·
as .. (B) ·Nuclear Fusion_.·
· (A) Governmen t ·of India Act 1935 '(C) Both A & B
(8) Government of India Act 1919 (0) None of these .
(C) Governmen t of India Act 1892 46. Which ·.women play~d a . . r9!e .
,in Lahore
(D) Government of India Act ~9?9 · ··

• I

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406 · Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
. - ·· 2 • rd we ·use· th·e·key
(A) Begum Muhammad Ali Johor ., , 62. To wrirlL~SHl~T!~ (B)· CTRL+SHIFT+:::
(B) Ra'ana Liaquat Ali Khan · . · •·· · . (A) CTRL+SHIFT+ (D) None of these
(C) Jahanara Shah Nawaz ·· · ' (C) C "'" ·. . ~ ·
(D) -None of these optiqn use to save _ a fter 10 mi_nutes
63. _ _..,.,t,-cally in MS Word.
47.. How many ·members were · in Shim!~ automa (8) Auto recover
deputation: · (A) Instant recover (D). None of these
(A) .\30 . (B} 35 (C) Save draft
.(C)· 40 (D) None of these 64 Which one •is the ·most _suitable reason to use
48. Eiffel tower is located In which country · Macro in MS Office. .
(A} To Record Sound
(A) France (B) Italy . ·
. (B) To Record Mouse Move
(C) Australia (D) None of these
. (C) To automate repetitive tasks
49. The structure ·-and functional unit of the (D) To Record Keystroke
environment is :kriown as ·
What is to be use to add te·xt in Slide?
(A) Biome · (B) . Ecosystem .65. A) N te box (B) Text box
(C) Biosphere. ·. . (D) None of.these
~C) T~xt layer .- (0) _None of the~
50. For spreadsheet which software is used
(A) MS Wora
(C) MS
(B) . MS Excel .
(D} MS Access
66. ro:
Th . . option is used to show a specific
or column on every print~d p~ge? .
A) Print layout . . (8) . Print title . .
51. Which function key is used for openi_ng help? ~C) Prir:it view _ (D) . None ~f these _
· {A) F1 (B) F2 .
(C) F3· · (0) F4 . 67 _ Which key is·used to create chart 1n MS Excel ·
(A) F6 . . (8) F9 .
52. F12 key in MS Word is used for: . . . _ (C) . F11 _ (0) None of these
(A) Save : (B) Save as .
(C) Restore (D) None of thes~ , . 68 _. If you open the file after that you start your
· . work that you last ends · ·
53.- Which-of the following is not a search eAgine . (A) · Boo'l<mark (B) Cross refer~nce
· (A) Yahoo · (B) _Goog3e . .. (C) Reference (D) None of t~ese
(C) ·Ask. . (0) .-None oHhese
.54. Ctrl+Shift+< is used for . . 69.- To view t~e website we(8u)seWh t .
(A) Browser. a sapp
(A) Font size (B} Redo .
(C) Email . , . (D) .None of these _
- (C). Delete . _. . (D) _None of these .
55. When you open web browser which page is. 7o. Which command will
you use i n Powfedr~ffoif!t ift
you . need to chang~ the· coIor o I eren
- ·. _open:
objects without changing cqntent?
(A) Home page · (B) Bookmark . .
(A) Desig~ template (8) Color.Scheme
(C) Cast 1 (0) None of these
(C) Font color (D) Object color
56: 8/9 write ·in Excel without · formula then . it
71 _. ·In Excel, a Data Series is defined as what?
(A) A type of chart · · ·
(A) Fraction (8) . Oat~ '
(C) Table . (D) -. None of these (B) A cell reference
(C) A-~ollection of related data
57. What does 'the NOW() function return U-1 Excel (D) A division of results
(A) Past time . · · (8) Current time ·
(C) Future time (D) None of these · 72. Design template option in available under
·(A) Drawing bar (8) Formatting toolbar
58. Which key is used for redo in MSXWord (C) Standard to_olbar {D) All of t_hese
(A) Ctrl+W . (B) Ctrl+ . ·
(C) CtrI-,.y : · (D) None of these 73. Which of the following is used .to move from
one page to another. · ·
59. · ·. is used to move the·cursor one word ·
(A) Web browsing . ,.· (8) Web navigation
right at a time in MS Word., _, . · ·
(C) H_yperlink . · (D) None of these
(B) ALT+RIGHT ARROW ' 74. Specific information added on. th~ ·top of the
(C) SHIFT+RIGHT ARROW . page is called · .
(D} None of these ·. (A) Header (8) Footer_ .
.60. Which i:i the following
is called as page to (C) Margin (D) None of these·
create a presentation in PowerPoint? 75: We can add in M·s PowerP01nt
. (A) Sheet . (8) . Slide . (A) Animation , (8) Audio · ·
(C)" Paper- _(D) · None of these {C) Video . (D) All of these
· 61 . Cyber security"i~ related ~o . 76 . Wh9ch value·remairi ·u nchang.e d in M~ Excsl · ·.
·(A) Cof'T]puter~. ., . ( 8 ) Network (A) Co~stant · · (8) Function·
(C) ~oftware (D) - ~11 .~f these ._- (C) Variable . . ' (D) -None ·ot these . ·
. : . ·:

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Board of Revenue 407

#Value! Which type of error record in Excel
17. (A) Numerical error (8) Syntax error
(C) excel doesn't recognize the formula ('/~Jl
(D) None of these . ~-✓-c,11 viJI co>
Which is the longest Surah of AI-Quran?
18· (A) Surah Al Baqarah (8) Surah Falak ' .
(C) surah Al lmran (0) None of thes_ e

79· Which is the shortest Surah of AI-Quran? ,JJ~(ji (8) ( ,_.,/ (A)
(A) surah Al Naas (8) Surah Al Kausar
(C) surah Al Asr (0) None•of these Lf.iJI
c..v-(;)I (0) ,J)~ (C)
When Zakat become obligatory?
. (A) 1 Hijri · · (8) 2 Hijri "v.r I
~ __;;.v cJ\. ,i, ~,.1t:- .92 L
(C) 3 Hijri (0) None of these
When Qibla changed?
(8) J~,.J
. ,j_?r.;r' ..I (A)
. (A) 1 Hijri
(C) 3 Hijri
.-(B) 2-Hijri
(0) None cif these
.:_J!i.J, (0) }Jt",.r-~ (C)
82 The nisab on Zakat on Gold is?
· (A) 7 tq,ta
(C) 52 tola
. (8) 7 ½ tola ·
(0) None of these __~
fh,LL.f'~J' (q
jJ.1,J,4J1.1,l.::,.Jn .93
- William Henry (8) Stephenson (A)
83. The first Ghazwa in Islam in which Muslims •
fought? . viJI
~r.f..01 _(0) TS Eliot (C)
(A) Ghazwa Abwa (8) Ghazwa Badr
(Cl Ghazwa Ohad (0) None of these ~ Jl.1~',;),N ,f . LJLJ. .94
. .,
84. Trnam-e-0ar-ul-Hijrat was a title of ._.
(A) Imam Ahm~d RA (8) Imam Malik RA
(C) Imam Shafi RA (0) None of .these . . ·
c.)J -~ J!i J~,;.r V
85. Name· the tribe.of Hazrat Haleema Saadia, the.' · •~ · -: ·: ·":-: ·..
foster mother of Holy Prophet P8UH? · .-·
f'f-~~r v _~Jlt
(A) Banu Tamim . (B) • Banu Saad . ._ . v~I _{B) . _;J (A)
(C) Banu Addi (0) None of thes_ e • ·; ., = · . -
86. The "Kissing of the Hajr~e-Aswad" is called: ·. .i ,J./,j/~r./..(;)I. (0) ~i;( (C)
(A) lstelam (8) Saee . .
(C) Mabroor (0) None of these ·
. -· · : _ · fh1,/ ~ A.~?Lv' ~~~lv. 1~ .9s
!f--~iv-.:,,.1,.-JJ'~(;)ij JJ;(?,.L1.~ .87 . ..Y,~tJJy-.
(8> tf.,11,. <A>
~l7 1Jl1.1Y' (8) . tt}!iuY' (A) ,J./Jf~i)!c,11 (0) Ji,✓ ...;Uz11 (C)
viJIC'.-r./..(;)I (0) ·. J!.itt.1Y' (C)
(!~,~✓- . JftJ4, fi.J..)ij,t'¢iJ,_j.::..,.I) .96
'f-V~(oi~S~(.)~ tf.I ',jJ .88 (,l (8) . ~i.,( (A)

~'f-(( r -:f-:vlf..1i,.((1.11-: i.ft.;/ ,J.!J/;;;_;.J.~, (0) ;,,;. (~).

~,0i;~1~1 ~JI i.1.-f oi-t'¢iOJ1,_

. }'.::..,.1,
(B) ('/ (A)
JiJl~v-'i;)I (0) . J7,J~~ (C) 'rjf,.fflj~'-A,,J(..(, (A)
r f-V'(✓(~Jlr .89 . 4r-Jlifff,Y'--.11,,J(...{i (B>
. . u1,LliiG;...1.1 (8) j~ (A) 4r-JfiffI ~1lt"'-.1~J(...{i (C)
· JiJIc....J!~, (0) u,,~J~ cq> ,.dJI~r.f..cJI (D)

r'f-(' J~J>/(vlf..11; .9o 11,

'.T,.; "'.?i.: v ,Jii1a 2- £.'--j~v .98 . ·t :
. if ,;(-.iJI (8) . . J' (.~i: .(A) ,, .(B) -fl (A)

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408 .
" . ' ...
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers

J (C)
, , .f f-~ufL~hJ~..J)J'rJ?.(~~'-10o
--:--~ (B) : .. , . ~ (A)
· ~. ·r~,f .
. ,/,J!._y,j,:JleP-. 1?.uP .99
,J./'Jf~ l.f!~ 1- (D) , ✓ (C)
✓- (B) -v.✓; (A)

viJI.:-,.;!,:JI (D) ... ,Jy (C) ., ..

· -· · Answer Key 79. B
66. B 92.
1. B 14. : 0 . 27. B 40. A 53. D
'67. C 80. B 93,
2. B · ·15, -C 28. B . 41. B 54. A a ··. C
A 81. 94.
_.A - 16 .· B
. B ... '-17: . C
·-'9. . B· 42. B · 55. A· 68.
69. ' A
. 82. . B 95.
30. ·.A . 43. · B 56. B·
70. B 83. B C 96.
5. ·A · . 18. B 31. B · , 44. C- . 57. B 84. 8.
6. . C_ 19.' C 7.1. C B 97.
32. A 45. B 58. C · 85. B , . · 98. B
7. C - 20. B · · 33. · B 46. A 59: A 72. B
8. · a -·· ·21.'.., B '• "73. B 86. .A 99. · C
34. D 47. B 60. B
74. A 87. B . 100: A
9. : B · "'·, 22.' •"C 35. C · 48. A 61. D
10. B . 23. A 36. C . .49. B 62.. A. 75. D 88. . A
1 1. ' D 24. B 37. B 50. . B 63. . .8 76. A 89. A -
38. . B ·51. A 64. .C , . 77. C 90. C,
12. C -25. A
13. A · . - 26. C.. -39. . B . . ·52. B 65. .B . 78. A · 91. B

-.. . ..
. . .
1. M; tch the.following ·English proverb with .U~du . "(D) ~ vii:::.....a?~~Jc-
equivalent: ·· · . .
A guilty conscience needs·no accuser · · . · 5- Choose the best Urdu translation ·of word:-.
(A) 't:_J._if;1,J'~~ (B)_··Ap,Jfoj ,.;~} .
(A) .L-./L5;l, .
. ,. (C) tJ(IJ!J,; .(D) ~~J'l....:>~~ ; (-~ ) -~);~,
. , I •

2. Choose the-meaning of Urdu word: ~ ' 6. . M·at~h the folto~ing Engi°ish proverb with _Urdu
(A) All of a su_ d den (B) Distressed equivalent: · • ·._ · · . · ·
(C) Restlessness (D) None of1hese More to it than meets the ·eye
3. · Choose tl;le best Engl_ish Translation from the
given options·: · · (A) )llliJlo;! 3.}jJ . . .(.B) -:-~J% ~~,{
/ - z.
i:::....C,IJj,J/,~· (C) "-'~J,J . (D) ' ~:v!J'}IJLC~
(A} Straight from 'the horse's mouth 7· · ~hoose the best l,Jrdu translation • from· th8
(B) Straight from the officials given options.·
(C) Straight from the lion's mouth
•(D) Straight from the box /- Bread '.a nd Butter

4. Match the following English proverb with Urdu (A) ~i;,y . (B) -/6Ju
· · equivale nt: . ·: . .
_;. • . A rolling .stone gathers no moss (C)° Ji;j,.1 .. (~). i j ,;Vlr-
.. ·.(~) ('~(l.1;_tJJ(.f);v!J. .,
(B) (..:.,liz{,;f/.C((~i", . ..-
· Ch~o~e the ~eani~g of Urdu word: _.1~'
(A) Restlessness · (B) · Forbearance -·
(~) · Anguish _· · (D) All of a sudden

.. . .

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r Board of Revenue 409
"•! .,. t ~ •J~ ~.. ~
., IP ,r ... , '\.
Translatio n of the (0) Hiker: 'Agi lity. . . " ~ ' --
9. Choose the best English
word: -?'1L·(v-(.. )I'.ti 19. Choose the best me~ning of Idiomatic phrase:
(A) A figure among ciphers A square meal ... * ~

(B) A king in _the palace (A) A go_o d diet (8) · A full meal . ·
C) A prince 1n wilderness (C) A timely meal (D) t:, proper doet .
~D) Great braggart, little doers
20. To "Iron out" means to
10_ Choose !he best Urdu translation fron:i the (A) Complete small de=-t=a:i:ils=---
given options. •(8) Make problems . · ,.
Reconcile . (C) Plan ahead · .
{D) No~e of these (Solve probl~ms )
(A) l·/J; (8) l:)~ .
2.1. Choose the ONE from the followtng options
(C) L·l./c- (D) t:JC which · exhibits .' the same an~logy as
establish ed in the last two words. Forgo:
11. Choose t~e correct phrasal verbs to co,:nplete : Undo: Reverse
the follow,~g sente_nce . . _·G'--=-o
,.(A")·---, ,,·, . (8) •Begin
{C) Renounc e (D) Forget
1am sure you will . your fears gradually .
(A) Come over (B) Get over, · .22. Choose the ,ONE from the. following 'options
· (C) Control over (b~ None of th~se which ' exhibits the $ame · analogy as
establish ed in the -last two words.• Spelunke r:
12. Choose the pair of words that best express a : Astronom er: Space •:- · ·. ,
relationship siry,il~r !9 that ,expresse d in the
(Af Spacesh ip (8) Light · . 1 , . -
original pair.
(C) Cave . (D) Wave· ·
Diffident: Arrogant
(A) Agony: Pain · , (B)_ Ft::arful: Timid . ·· 23. Find the appropria te analogy:
(C) Energetic: Lucky (0) Day: Night ,· · ., Shepherd : Sheep:
{A) Sociologi st: Statistics . ·.r·
13. Choose the corre·c t'pnrasal ,'verbs·to complete ' (8) Driver:·co nveyanc es .
the following sentence. . · · . ·· · ·. (C) Gardner: Plants
(0). Artost: Murals . . _
The children were· all, at the table .waiting for
the mother to___ · ·24_ Give the m·eaning of' ldiom: To was one's dirty
(A) Dish out (B)' Dish up _. . . . , · linen in public .
(C) Dish in · .(D) N~ne of these· {A). To criticize· one's n·ature in p_ublic , '
14. Find out appropriate phrasal verb. • (B) To quarrel in the open
My information does not_ the · report . (C) . To do some ugly work in public· .
which has just been presente d. (D} To··discu ss dirty and scandalo u~ matters
(A) Accord to · (8) Accord iri · . · · of P,erso.nal nature in the, presence of
(0) Accord from , ' · · ·, · · strangers . ,.. · .;,• · -~
. (C) Accord with .
15. Choose·th e best meaning o( ldiomatic ·phrase: .. · .~s:_ Find out ap~ropria te phrasal verb_ . , ••--.! ·
Whethe~ I _pay , or my wife pays · -· the
A burning question
(A) A confusing ·question
same thing. · .. • . -.. ... ~
(8) A simple question (A) Amounts ~o (8) Amounts in
(C) A forgotten issue · (C) Amounts into .
· · (D) Amounts for
(D) An important question · 26. Give the meaning of l~io·m : •
To thrnw down the glove · • -~ :
16. Choose the ONE frol'f! th~ following optio~s
(A) To resort to wrdng tactics : i l • ·-:-
which exhibits · the same analogy as \
establishe d in the last two words: Slack: (8) To give· a challenge · --
_ : Plucky: Courage ous · (C) To accept defeat . , , , · •
(A) Tight . (B) Sileo! (D) To reject the prize C •• •
17 (CCh) Negligen t · (D) Cowa iy . 27. Select !he meaning of idiom belwOeri.'double
quotes from given options. ' ·· ·' · ·.
· oos~ the best meaning of Idiomatic phrase:
A lion's share . , He didn't bat ah eye• nieans thi,_s~"!• as_·_
(A) ·The part ofa lion (B) · The share of a lion (A) , He didn't see, • (B) He wasn1 )lappy
(D) The lion's escape · (C) He didn't show surpnse ·
(C) Major part
18. Find out appropriate analOQy: . , (!)) None of these ·, ',. . '.', :·· ' . ,
Weightlifter, Stren~th: . ,. 28. Select the meaning of idiom between double
(A) Goalie: Skill · quotes from given option~. . .
. . ~. .To "Jump.on the bandwag on"·mean s to_ _.·
(B) -Oaincer: Speed
_\C)Marathon er. .EndUrance , .. ,• (Ar Continue . :_ · _(B) Rest

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410 Advanced PPSC MCOs Model Papers

(C) Join in .· _ (D) , None of these 37 Choo~e 0 ~ 8 ~f the. ~entences with the corre
· use of capital ·,·etters. · ,, ct
29. Choose the best me~ning of Idiomatic phrase: (A) "you are my best frie!1~· she said, "an
have no doubt abou~ rt . dI
To cross swords •(B) "You are my best frtE:~.d, She sard, "an
(A)· To fight (B) To defend · have no doubt about rt . ·. dI
(C) To kill . (0) To rob (C) "You _are my best friE:~q, she Sald, "and
. of Idiomatic phrase:
30. Choose the best meaning . have no doubt abou~ rt ·.
(O) "You are my best fn~n,,d; She said, "And
Hallmark ·
. \ have no doubt about rt '. I
(A) A big mark . (B) A spot
. (C) Genuine excellence (0) Grand seiect the.correct sentence: : ·
31. Choose the · word ·that · best complete the · (A) The teacher beat me b,y a strck.
(B) · The teacher beats·me by a .stick.
·meaning of the sentence.
(C) The teacher beat me the strck.
Behaving in a · and serious way, even (O) The teacher, beat rne Wit~ a stick·.
in a . situation, ·makes people respect · . .
. you. . . 39_ Choose the correct sentence:..
(A) calm, difficult . . . (B) squally, astou!1ding .·. . · This cl~th is .mor:e superior t~an that. · ·
(~) silly, sound (0) .flarT_lboyan_ t, trrc~y . . (A) This cloth !s more ~upen(?r than that.
32. Choose the sentence with c06rect use of . · (B) This ;sk.l~lilOf th~n that.
punctuation marks: : . · ·.· .' (C) This cloth,,is tnor~ ~upenor to that. ·
(A) I never wan4 to see you again, she · (0) This cloth is supefror to that. ·
~creamed · . · .. 4a, Complete the sente:nce by picking up suitable
· (B) _I never w~nt t_o see you, ag·ain", she. · 0• ption from the given below:
screamed · . . .· . ,
(C) "I · never want to see you, again!", · sh~ Although he eats.a l_ot,_ · _ __
screamed ·. · - · · ·. , (A) He is losing werg_ht
(D) Ml never want · to .s~e you ·agaln",.:she ·. (B) He is gaining weight
screamed ·: · (C) -He is getting fatter .
. 33. Complete the sentence by up ~uitablEl · '(D) -~e is piutting'"'o_n W~igtrit. _.
option from the given below: f couldn't' solve : 41. Pick out the correct sentence from the given
. the problem so---,---·· · options. . · · ·
(A) I telephoned the poYice · .: (A) He reads Dawn.
(B) I called an ambulance . (B) He is rea_ d s Qawn. ·
(C) I asked my father to help me, (C) He reads th~ Dawn.
(0) I ~nswered the advertisement . (D) He should reads Oaw,:l . .
34. Pick -out the most effective word. from · the 42. Select the correct sen.tence.
given words to fill in the blank to make the (A) Do not seize my hand so tightly '
sentence meaningfully complete. · · (B) Do not pat my hand so tighUy
These .essays are intellectually _ _ _ and .(C) Do not grab my tightly
represent ·various levels of complexity.·· (D) Do not'hold my hand so tigh~IX
. (A) Superior . (B) Revealing 43. Select the correct sentence _
(C) Modern . ·· (D): Demanding (A) Did not you hear me? Yes I did nof ·
35. Pick · out the most effective word from ·ttie · (B) · Ojd not you hear me? No I did not ·
given words to fill in ·the blank to make the . (C) Did not you hears 'me? Yes I did not -
sentence me.a ningfully complete. . . . (D) Oid not'you heard me? No I did not
: A - -s olution may not· be in sight, but the 44. Select· senter1ce · with . . correct u;e of
important thing was to get a , • between punctuation marks. . . . · -
them started. ·. - . (A) Mr. Hubert the old man remembered,
-(A) Conflict · . · (B) · Debate understood and-flushed with anger.·
· (C) Dialogue .· · (D) Conversation (B~ Mr. Hube.rt, _the Old man, · remembered,
36. Pick out -sentence· wit.ti correct ·· use . of Understood ~nd flush~d. with ange~- d
punctuation marks. · · · · (C) Mr. H~bert, the old man remembere
(A) Asif and Ali, ·th_e bus_ines_s partners, ·were . ·, (D) :~~~eHrsutoboedrt_,anthdefluoslhdedmwanith raenmgeemr. be~ed,
· meeting for therr new. proJect. .
(B) Asif, and Ali, ~he business partners were . understood and flushed with a·rtger.. .
meeting for their new .project. • 45. Select the c·orrect se~tence · .
(C) Asif and Ali the business partners, .were (A) The fort is a worth seei,ng buildin~-
. meeting for their new project. . .· . (B) · The fort is my worth 'seeing b~ild_1ng.
. . (0) Asif·and All the busin~ss partners were (C) The for4 is very worth seeing·. · , . , <
· meeting f9r proje~t. · ·. (D) . The for6 is a building Wort!l· seeing_.• .

I •
dL3&& muwnwww.,,,,,,.,,,,,.nw,,_ _ __ ··-.. .

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- ·. - "·soard o; Revenue
Pick out ' the most . effective word. frorp ' the (C) G_ lutton (0) Cannibal
· · given words to fill in the blank· to make the 55. Choose t.he antonym of Abolish.
sentence meaningfully complete. (A) . Repeal (B) Eliminate .. .
His interest in the study of human behavior In · (C) Conserve (D) Negate ·
indeed very~. , .. . 1 56. Choose appropriate PREPOSITIONS to
(A) Strong. (B) Large . complete the sentence from the given options.
(C) 8:road (D) Deep
Scandinavian countries teachers
47 Choose one of the sentence with the correct ·
are-,--,,---- the best-paid employees.
· use of capital letters. : ._ · (A) In/between , (B) _In/among
"(A) The Polar Expedition · the - world's, first _(C). ln/bt::tw~en (D) From/in
cruise Ship is all set to travel to the·North
Pole · 57. Choose appropriate PREPOSITIONS to
(B) The polar expedition the world's · first · complete the sent_
e nce from ·the given options..
Cruise Ship is all set to travel to the.North He is ashamed_ _--=..,.... his misconduct.
Pole · , . . (A) with (8) of
(C) The . Polar Expedition the World's first (C) for · (D) at
Cruise Ship is all set to travel to the north
pole ..· · · · 58.· Choose appropriate PREPOSITIO~S to ·
complete the sentence from the ·given options.
(D) The Polar Expedition the . World's first
., . . Cruise Ship is all set to travel to the No'rth We should stand . our friend. ·
Pole ' (A) With (a) For
48. Choose t~e correct sentence (C) By . (D) Around
You had better looked for some other opti~ns. - :
59. Majid had a heart attc\!Ck_ _ _ _· he was
(A) You had better looked for · some ·other ' driving. ·
. (A) When (B) Since . . .
·options. · . ,
(8) You had, better··1ooking for ·:so'me . other (C) While· {D)_As
options. ·· · . · · . ·' · · 60. ·c hang~· of voice. Choose the correct option .
(C) You had better · looked to ,,some- .other . Wili' you visit'them? .' . . . . .
options. . . . _ / ·. ·· . (A) ' Will they be visited by you?
(D) You had better look for some other .
(B) Wourd they be visited by you?_
. options. .' . '
'(C) Wil·I they visited by you? .
49. Complete th~ sentence: .. (D) Will they _been visited by you? _
I felt as if_ ___,.--• 61. The sente~ce given below has a blank. Below
(A) Me looked at me · ·the sentence are· g.iven four options: · One of
(B) He throw my pen . which can m1 in ~he blank so as to match the
(C) I were the center of the unoverse se~tence complete and meantngful. Spot it

(D) I would have tainted t=le jumped · the river. .
50. Pick out the· most effective . word from the . (A) in . (B) into .
given words to fMI in the blank to make the · · (C)" on · (~) over
sentence meaningfully complete. · _
62. Choose the synonym: Dampen
He_ _ _ for Lahore. without meeting me. · · . (A) Dry · · (B) Censure : ·
(A) Left . (8) Had left · (C) Depres_
~ , · (D) Debo~air
(C) Have left . . (0) Le.aves ' 63." Choose correct antonym for: Pulchril udinous
· 51 . ·Sele.c t the corr~ct sentence . · (A) Pacif!st (B) Rare
My next door neighbor is_ _ dentist and his (C) Smooth •
(D) Unsightly •,,• I •

. · wife is,.,.,...,.-- architect. 64. C,h ange th~ voice of the following sentence:_
(A) will fail (B) fail The police is looking into the l"(latter, . . .· · -
(C) ~. an ·(D) a, the (A) Who is the police who is lo(?ki~g into the
_·52. Choose _the antonym ~.a rbarous , I matter? . . .
· (A) Repulsive (B) Civilized (B) Look Int() the matter, polic~ · . ·· '
.- . · (C). Compose · (D) None of these (C) The matter is be,ing looked _into by -the
police · · · • · ',.
53: Choose the best antonym: -PEJORATIVE . · (D) By which police . the matter is being
. (A) Defamatory . (B) Adulatory looked into? -.,, . , ·, . .
(C) Symbolic . · (D) Logical
65. T,he sentence giv.e n··below has a blank'. Below
54. Choose the ONE--WORD SUBSITUTION from ·the sente·n ce ·are given · fOl:lr. pptions. . One of
. ·: the options given below . --. ' · · ·,. i, J which can fill in the blank so as to mate~ the
. An't!xcessively greedy eater . '· ·· . . . · sentence complete and meaningful. .Spot rt
, (A) · Gannet ·· : (B} .Garald . , -· . . .
.· · . .

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no· · l&Qht, It ·
412 Adv anc ed PPSC MCQs Mod el ~ape!§. ~ Moon ~as . sun' shin es on it. IS .
78. ~c au se --- ZS ) The /a/th e
. He jumped._ _ my·offer.
(A) at
(C) to
(8) on r;r The/-/the (D) The/the/the
(D) over (C) -l-1th0 . fick le .
66. Choose the right option to comhplegtle Choose the Antonym . (B) Industrious
Indirect narration of the direct speec vent~~ 9
1 . (A) Spotless . (D) Loyal ·
quotation marks: (C) Welcome .
· fon t ·
"What are you talking about?• . a·o Choose the op ' displaying correc spell .
The teacher asked me wh at_ . · of the wo rd : eriments are bein g cond
(A) am I talking about ucted in
(8) I was talking •bou t ---==-::-= ~xp d·Lo ndo n.
Rome, Pans an (8) Perallel
(C) He is talking about
(D) was he talking about (A) Paralel (D) Perralel
(C) Parall~I . . WR ATH
67. Find out the word followed by appr best anto nym .
preposition and fill in the blank space. 81 . Choose .thh~ (B) Rag e
The eagle swooped and _ (A) De119 (D) Env y
a sleeping (C) Ang er ·
lizard. , h correct artic le from •the ·given·
(A) Carried up (8) Carried down 82. Choose t e ·
(C) Carried off (D) Carried in . opti_ons.
68. Choose the synonym : DEVOID organization, I told you about,
' ·. elde rly. · -. · ·
(A) Replete (B) Fait~less . • . ·helps _ _ __ (B) The /an
(C) Hopeless · (D) Bereft (A) An/ar.i (D) Tho tthe
69. Choose the antonym : BARREN (C) An/the · . . •~ ·
· (A) Radiant Th ntence given berow has a _b l~nk. Below
(B) Fertile ·83.
(C) Besiege · (D) Reduce thee :!nte nce are· give n . four .options.
One of
which can fill in the bla~ k so :as to mate
70. Choose the best antonym: VALIANT ~ the
sentence complete and mea ning f~I. Spo
(A) Diffident {B) Vivacious . t ,t
(C) Intellectual (D) Adroit . · · It's ·impera.t ive ._that you stud y_ W?~
71. Spot the substitute for the given sentence abroad · · stre ngth en you r listening
: : ood speaking skills..
A speech delivered without preparation . .. .
_· · (A) whereas · . · (B) so as to
. (A) Emigrate · (B)· Exaggcrat~ (C} as long as
• (C) Extempore . · ~D) _unle ss
(D) Exco~municate
84. Choose ·correct syno nym of: Afic iona
72. . Select one word that best matche·s do
the given (A) Novice· (B) Riva l
explanation: · · · · (C) Devotee (D) Age nt
Not willing to teli people about ~hings · .
(A) Dumb . 85. Change of spee ch. Cho ose the corr
(B) Reticent ect option.
(C) Quaint · (D)· Queasy ·"Ma y you hav e a long life'; he said to me.
73. Choose the correct article/su · (A) He wished me to hav e a long life,
bject-verb .
agreement ·from .the •given options. (B) He wished that I mig ht hav e a long
· life
(C) He wished to me that I may ·I ive long
______.........,.. opportunities you have got shou .
ld · (D) He wish ed for me that I migh t.had a long
. not be missed. · ._life:
· (A) An 86. Choo~e the bes t anto nym -of: DEM
(8) The UR
(C) 'A . (D) No·~e ot these (A) · o,~sent (B) Acc ept ·
74. Choose the Synonym : PESSIMIST (~) B,01sterous (D) · Non e of thes e
(A) Cynic · (B) ·Terrible 87 · ~ha nge of spee ch cho ose th.e corr
ect optio n
(C) Arr<?Qan.t (D) Immoral I said ~o .h4m, •:wh a·t is you r plan "?·
75. Choose correct antonym : Earnest . (A) 1_asked h!m w~a t was his nex t plan
(A) Cheap '
· (8) Frivolous (~) 1asked h~m that wha t was .his nex t
( ➔ 1aske d him abo ut his
(C) Release · (D) Civilized_ nex t plan ·. ·
·76. Choose the bes t synonym: INSOLENT . (D) 1asked him wha t his nex t plan was
88 ·
(A) Disrespe~tful (B) Doubtful ·. ~rtohose the Option· disptayi ng corr ect
(C) · qari ng (D) Deny . e word. sp·em~g!.
. , ...
. 77_. Y01.J cannot .prevent people_ __ I managed to wo k f , . · . .
talking (A) Interup : r or two hou rs with out
· .
.such serious matter. tion· ·
(A) by/o ver (C) lntru ppti o (B) . ~ -
. · : (EU from/about . · 1nter rupt Ion ·
(C) (0) None of these · . ·· n ·. (D) · lnte rupp tion ·
89. Cho ose the 'be t
(A) . Ave rage · 5 . syn ony m of: TRI FLE
· · • (B) Triv ial
I •

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r Board of Revenue 41 3
(C) usual : (D)_Timely . a
(D) We_have bought present for our_teacher .
e the most appropriate conjunction to fllA 95. , Choose the Antonym of: Dank
ChOOS . .
gO. in the following sentence. . .. . (A) ·Clammy . (B) Droop
he worked hard enough, ~e couldn't (C) .Muggy (D} · Dry
~ exam. (B) In case
96. Change of voice: Choose the correct option ..
(A) _
Even (D) Although She Is singing the song. · · ·
(C) So (A} The song is sung by her. •
Choose the synonym of: Accede · (B) The S(?ng has been sung by her.
91. (A) Fail . (B) Compromise (C) The song is being sung by her
(C) correct (D) C~nsen_t (D) The song '.'Vas ~eing sung by her.
chOose correct synonym of: Iterate 97. Choose appropriate .prepositions to complete ·
92• (A) unsettled • (B), Repeat · ,the sentence from the given options.
(C) Impoverish (D) Ann~unce . ·He depended._ _ their meeting him....:....-
The sentence given below has a blank. Below the railway station. ·
93· the sentence are given four options:
One of (A} for/at (B) on/at
which can fill in the blank so as to match the (C) aUat · (D) aUon
sentence compl~te and mea~ingful. Spot it . .
98 . . Choose-the Antonym of: Facsimile
The thieves broke_ _ _the house and (A} Reproduction . (B) Sincere ·
broke-open the safe. (C) Original (D) engineered.
(A) in • (B) open
(C) out 99. Choose the Synonym of: Abbreviation · ,
(D) into
(A) Short form . (B)· Long form
94. Choose the voice ofthe following sentence . (C) ·Medium form (D} P.ara phrase
. .
A present has .been bought.for our teacher. •. too.Choose the Antonym of: Indolent . -
(A) We bought a present for our teacher. _ (A) Clumsy · . · (B) Obese_
(B) They have bought our teacher a present. (C) Diligent (D) Low
(C) They bought a -present 'for our teacher
, . · Answer Key
1. A ·. 14. ~ C. 27. . C 40. A . 53. B 66. a · 79.. D · 92. B
2. B 15. D . ·28_ C 41. A 54: C· 67. C ' 80. ' . C . 93. D
3. A 16. C . 29:' . A 42. [} , . . 5.5. C 68. D 81. A -94. D
4. B 17. C · 3.0. C . 43. A · 56. B 69.' B . 82. -o 95. D
5. A 18. C . 31: A 44. B 57. B 70. A 83. B 96. C
6. C 19. B 32. _ C 45. D , 58. . A 71. C 84. C 97. B
7. . B 20. . D. 33. C 46. o· .·59. · C 72. : 8 85. a 98.· C
8. A '21. ·C 34. A 47. D 60. ·· A. 73. B 86. . a 99. · A
9. A 22. C 3·5_ C 48. · b .-. 61. a· 74. A . 87. · D ·100. C
10. D 23. C 36. A 49.' C 62. C 75. B' . · 88, . - B
11. B 24. D 37. B 50. . 'A 63. . D 76. A '89. B
12.· B 25. A 38. D . - 51 . C 64. C 77. · a 90. . D.
13.- B 26. B . 39,- ·D . 52. fl 65. . A· 78. A 9 1. · D
. . ..... ♦ • • •.


NAiB TEHS ILDAR (BS-14) 2009

in the Punjab Bo·ard of ~even ue ,Depart~ent
. ·:, ·
. t . When did.the Holy Prophet P.B.U.H offef HaJ? 3. What·is the tota°i number of Ghazwas?
(A) 4 AH (B) 6 AH · . · {A) 23 (B) 25 .
(C) BAH . (D) 10AH· .(C) 27 : '(D) 30
. ~- w(hich Surah.does ·not start with Bismillah? ·4 . In which year Migration to Madina too.k place?
A) Al Asr _. . (B) Al Nisa . (A} 618 AD (8) 620 AD . -,. . .
(C) Al Taub.a · (D) Al Nama (C) 622 AD {D) 6~4 A~· ..

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E. TO R PR O C ES SI N G .(8 ~~17)', .
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.-(A)' Si~ -Syed Ahmad. .K.han·_ ...
·:· .. _: . . .. . . ... :. · . .. .. . .., . . .·. · ·. (S) Syed .Amir .Ali
. · · ·.,~: .... · (C) Ch .Rehmat Ali · ·.
,·d 7% ·1and · ·. · · · . . ·. . . . .
· · · . :· _ ·(D ).- of the se
. c;o/r lan d ,· . ·.· . :· _
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sc;ope_unq~rw~_ ter_for the firs~ tiinne?
~~ve~·._..enf. . .. . .. tel~
.. .· _:·.·- n.,.. (A) . Rµss,an . (B) Amenca
... .'
inese .. · · . ·-(0 ) None these or
. . . · . : . .... ·....' : . . (~ ) ..C~
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· . .·.. . . ·(A) t:,_. ~- ..:,·· ,. _.-- . ; :..:~ ~
. (Q) All of ·
. . . (C) .T a!j
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· . · --- ~v pru s: ·
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. .. . · .· . >,_yvh~ c~nquered islana ~.
kar RA ·
. .. . ·._.· · · .. .·_:_: .· .. ~) . ~azr~t Abu ~a r. RA . .. . _
. · ·· .··· ~azrat;Uma
•' --~ . . : ··, --~ .: .. ·/ .. "'Zr a_t _Us ma n: RA ·(D} . of these . Nohe
. ..:. . ·. .· ··,,n:, -~f Immaculate is: . . . .
·_ d: · . .
. .. ·. ,· . .· · . ··.. •',,..·..,_·· .. .·(B )H ar
· . . .. . . . . (D ) None.of these
.. .
. · · : · ""Sant is· · . · .-J ·.. _ .· ·
· "e) -Agitatec
.. .. .
.. . .
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r-. • I • .

·Puniab·Agricul ture Department 475.

\ '

{C) T~ ruin oneself . {D) None of these (C) To sh~w stre09th (Df not_celebrat ed
. 19. keep a straight face .· ....
34. Na,'row pi:ece of land connect ing larger . land
(A) remain silent .. (B) remain serious areas and separatcog seas: ·
{C) remain mute (0) None of these (A) Estuary . (B) · Strait · . ·
20. Why noble gase·s are less reactive: (C) _lshtmus (D) None of th~se
(A) less electronic configuration 35. Why US e'1°tered in World War II: ·
{B) due to·their .complete octet (A) due to German y attack Poland
(C) due to low vale~cy (D) None of these · (B) due to Pearl Harbot attack by Japan
I •

21. Bundi Beach is in: {C) ·due to Russia · . . .

{A) Norway · (8) Australia {D) Norje of these
(C) Spai~ · (D) None of1hese 36. Whic~ folk sufi ·sioger is from Hyderab ad: ·
22. Yellow river is also called: {A) Salman Sh?ih (B) Sanam Marvi
. (A) Red River (B) Jhe Huang He (C). Abida Parveen (D) None of these . •
.(C) Green River · . (D) • None of _t~ese·_. 37. ·who started Nnon,,Cooperation Mqveme nfi
23. Babylon ~s t~e·old name .of: . {A) Quaid-e-AzarT) · {B) Ghandh i
(A) Iraq_ . (8) Turkey . · ·(C) Ali Brothers (D) None of these
. (C) Tunisia : ·· (D)· None of these .
38. Who was the success or -of Outb Ud din Aibak:
24. When did India repeal the Kashmir Status.Act: · (A) . Aram Shah · {B) lltutmish
(A) 05 August 2019 (B} 31 August 2019 · . {C) ,Razia &rltana (D) None of these
(C) . 10 January 2020 (D) .None of these- .· : 39. ·who founded mosque Cordoba : .
25. ·who was the founder of Apple: . (A) Abdur-R ahnian 111 (B) Abdur Rahman I
{A} Steve-Jo bs · : (8) Bill Gates · · {C) Tariq bin Z~y~d (D) None of these
· (C) Warren Buffet (D) None of these .40.· The demographic tran~ition model started in:
(A) 1928 · (B) 1929 . .
26. Who was the co-found er of Apple: · · .
. (A) Bill Gates .. (B) Allen . ,· : (C) 1933 , . {D} None of these
. (C) Alan Turing __· · (D) None of these 41 .. Which country started One Belt Or:,e Road:
·27. PKK stands fa~:· · i · · · . (A) China (8) India
· · : (D~- N_one of these
. (A) Pakistan Korea Kfngdom (C) Tajikis~an·.
(B) Kurdistan Workers Party . 42. Recently Absolutely Not is discusse d in media
(C} Pakistan Korea ·Kingshi p .what does it means: .- - •. · · ~ .
(0) None of these . . .. (A) not to participate in War .
28." .When Quaid-e -Azam jo{n All. India Muslim . (B) for not to use air bases of Pakistan
. League? : . - ·. .. · {C) not to use nuclear weapon s · ·.
(8) 1913 (O;) · Both A & ~ · . . . · .· .
. · (A) 1909
(C) 1920 . (D) None.of these 43. In ·. Pakistan Sug·ar _is made -by Sugarca ne
29. Waqar ~I Mulk · was the _·_._ ·_ . of ~If Garh ~ · · and . : · .· . · .·
.(A) Qrange · : . · (B) Beet .
(A) President {B) Secreta ry · . (C) . ~ango · . (D) N_one of_these
(C) Principa l {D) · None of these · 44. Global Warmin g is a tbreat to all of•us ·is a
warning by: · · . . . · :.
30. The Charism atic Leader: Quaid-i- Azam
· · (A) United Nations
Mohammad Ali book Wrote by
(A) · Sir Sikanda r hayat . . · (B) .· Antoni<;> Gu.terres
· • (C) Both A&l3 .
(B): Stanley Wolpert .
(C) Hector Bolitho . · (0) None.of. these.
(D) None of these 4,5. Ttle· scientific ~ulti1/atio~ of vegetable~. fruits :_
.and lawn grass is called · : ·
_31 . . Which type ·of code is used in ·comput er ·, {B} Sericulture .
lang,uage:. · (A) Apicultu re
(C)' Horticulture . · {D)- Non~ of_these .
. · {A) Systema tic · · . (B) Decima l , ·
(C) Binary · · (D) None of these . 4?, A Person who works for the welfare of wom~ry · ' ·. :
uslim-Un ity•· . is called . · · . · . · · ~
. - . .32. The title "Ambas sad~r of· Hindu-M (B) Misogynl St . : . .. . . ...
by-=---,.,_..,..,,.,....,? (A) Feminis t ·
· ·. was given to Mr Jinr1ah (D) No~e of th~se . ..
(B) Sarojini- Naidu (C) Misogam ist
. . (A) Allama Iqbal
. _ ( C) Mustafa ~amal (D) None of these 47. "Hornet' s nest• means: · :· ·?
(A) A violent situation , . .· · . , ,
33.: Why All India Muslim League ceiebrated Day . (8) A bee's h
- ous~ · .. . ·. ·. ·,.
of Delivera nce: · • · · ·
~nger . · (C) A good situation .
(A) To show Muslim • I . (D) None of these ,
(B) To disregar d British rule

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. ' \ . ,.
476 Advan ced PPSC MCQs Mode l Paperf_
. . (0) · None of these
48. ,What are organized cluster of; h·ouses which is (C) Grey · .-. · • 1•
small in number called? .. . low level compu ter languages:
63. Which are_ . (B) Assem bly •
(A) City
(C) Hemlet
(B) DweMing
(D) None of these
(C) Bo "l
8 . (0) Nqne of these
49. Which part of the Cam.era i's analog_ue to the 64. A stich in time save .(B) Nine ..
· retina in the human eye? .
(A) Lens (A) Seven (D) None of-these
(8) Film • (C) Ten .
(C) Apertu re . ·
(D) None of-tliese t · m of ambig uity Is:
65. The an ony (B) Transparency
50. Chang e of temperature, drought is due to_·
(A) Globa l Chang e Impact
(B) Polluti on .
.. · ~~~ ~~f;:a (D) None of these
(C) Acid Rain. Wh' h key is used for Undo a programme
(0) None of these
51 . Which Mugha l emper or built Badshahi
Mosqu e:
·(B) CTRL +Z
(0) None of these
(A) Akbar (B) Aurangzeb ·91. BFoad cast and gra_ham pho11e are examples
(C) Jahan gir (D) None of these . .
. 52. Ziarat wa~ summ er ·residence. ·of chief ·
fl). ;~dio aids
(O) Bolh A & B .
. (B) Video aids
comm ission er o f - - ~ (O~ None of these
(A) Sindh . . (B) . Baluchistan ..68 _ The· ~ntony m of Conce al Is: 1 •
(C) KPK. . (D) None _of these _ (A) ·cove r (B) Scree n .
53. In Objec tive Resolu tion of 1949 sovereignty . ·c~) Denot e (0) None_of these
· , belong s to· · 69 Which ·key is used to insert a text in a cell: .
(A) Parlia ment·. (8) ALLAH _. '·(A) Enter . (B). Tab
.(C) Khalifa , (D} None of these • (C) Space . . (0) None of these
54. · A search engine used softwa re called __·_.. to 70. Which 'is the larges t metal in ea~h· crust:
. search docum ents on internet. (A) l.ron .. (8) Alumi num
(A) Wikipe dia . · .( B) Dark Web . ·. . . (C). Coppe r · _ (D) None of these
(C.) SP.Ider ·
. . (D) None .of these 71 : In Power Point pag~ mean s
-~ --
is used ~ci check from -one web to ·· (A) Page . . (8) ·Slide
. (C) Sheet . ·. . . (0) None of these
·(A) Brows er (B)· Surfing
(C) Navig ation (D) All of these 72. talmo od is ·a book _o f ~hich religio n:
· (A) Jv1us1Mns . . (B) Jews
56. Boko Haram is a: , . (C) Christ ian (0) None c;,f these
(A) · Nigeri an·terrorist group
(B) Shipp ing Comp any , . 73 .. I said to him; "Why are you workin g so hard?"
(C) Hindu Sect · (D) None of these· (A) I asked him why he was workin g so hard.
57. Johan n~sbu rg is a ·city ot· · · · . (B) I a·sked him why was he workin g so hard.
(A) China (C) I asked _him why_had he been working so
. (B) South Africa . hard.
. (~) l,.iby.a :
(D) None of these- . (D) None of these .
58. Wt-lat is the name of the operating system that ·
reads and reacts in terms of actual time.
. 74. 1/~o~h 6Q + 1/Log4 60 '+ 1/logs 60::::
· (A) ·, 0 ·. . · ( B) 1
{A) Quick respo nse sy~ten:i . · ·
(B) Real Time System (C) ~5 (0) None of these
· (C} · Time sharin g system (D) None of thes~ · · 75. He said to her, "What a ·cold day!" _. ·
59. Partic les suspe nded jn the water rubbin g · (A) He exclai med that-it was a very cold day.
agains t a .river bed/ba nk or cliff is what type of (8) He told her that it was a cold day.
erosio n? (C) He exclai med sorrow fully that it was a
(A) Abras ion . · cold day.- .
(B) Tractipn· .
· · (C) Saltat ion (D) None of these
(D) N one of these
·. , 60. Mural mean s_.,-- - 76. lnclina ti9n mean s , .
(A)· Ancie nt writing s (B) Imagin ation {A) Avers ion (B) Attitud e .
: ·~ -(C) _Piece of art war.I< (D) None of these (C) Aptitu de · (0) N_o ne of the_se
77 : H:assa
.. 61 : .".Turk ish tribe create~ the Ottor!1an _E mpire in: n Habib is assoc iateb .with which spor1s:
. __. · : (A) · Cerit_r~I-A~ia . (B~ Asia-M inor . (A) Sq~as h (B) PQker · .-_
· · (C) An.atoha • (D) None ~f th_ · · (~) _Swimm ing {D) · None of these
e s~
62 _. .The anton ym of Ha·g gard is: 78. Which compa nion of Proph et Muham f~~ .
-. (A) ·.Pale (B) Health y ·(PBUH) was award ed with the title of T
s_w ord of Ai~a,n"? ·. ·
(A) Abu Bakr Siddiq ue (R..A)_

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. ....
pun/ab Aarlculttire Depa_,V,:,erit 477
(B) Umar Farooq (R.A) . ·. .
(C) Khalid bin Waleed (R.'A ) • . .::-,1L,.::..,1~ (B) J;'ciJ-1j. (A)
(D) N~ne of these 0

79. -Ali _ibn Abi Talib (R.A) was m'artyred in the ,.;tJ/~J-cJI (0) :j.,_;.:;J,/1 (C)
---~·_ Hijrah.
(A) 36 (B) 38 _J.'t;,j ~ ·.9.1 J)
(C) 40 (D) None of these
80. Which country is called the uland of ,/,;J'J ::f ta> · ,/::,J'J.:f.,v <A>
. · Prophets·?
(A) Palestine · (B) Saudi Arabia ,.JJI~✓-cJI ' (D) ' ,/,;JJ ;(,;~ (C) .
(C) Iraq . (D) Non.e of-these
81.. Three quant,ities a; b, c 9f a: b=1 :2, b:c ·2:3 . fl,)JA,fLJ,1;j15"1,l(i~i)"fA,{· .92
then it continues as
(A) 3:4:5 ·
-=---(8) 2:3:4 . ,;~)l;I{ (8) .IJl·; ,.z,11 (A)
(C) 1:2:3 . · (0) None of these ·
82. The area of the square whose side is the
,J./Jf~J-cJi ·(D) .
' ' '
h1f (C)
hypotenuse is equal-to th~ sum of the areas of
the squares on the-other two sides. f~~....p,i./~()i;Jli
(A) Binomial (B) 'Pythagoras . \ .. .93
(C) Angle Bisector - (0) None of these_ . .·.()1'tilt,,- (8) Ji; (A) .
_' 83. If thr, rad_ius_of cite!~· is 1 Cfl) then its area in · ·•
mm 1s .- vi J/;;;_·J-~,. (O).' J,,}J (C) .. '
. (A) 3.14 (B). 314 ,
(C) 0.314 . - · (D)_ None of these .~,-~tJ~)u~ ,f/i:-:,,Ai./iii.;LJSr,1i:o~ .94
84. 0.75: x: 5:8 then the value of xis · ·
(A) 1 . (B}. -1.20 . . :... ·: ; J~,;~ ·{~) · ,j!..i'l,j! (A)
(C} 3:3 ·co) .None of these. '
85. A pe~<;m bought 200 dozen orange at Rs. 10
. . -
,J.!Jl ~i.t.cJI ' (D) _,~,; / (C)
per · dozen and he . ·spent Rs. 500 on
·-.. . ..
transportation. He sold each' orange ·at. Rs. 1. :.· . ·. ·. ._· . '-:'r(l:~l(/i:,ifJil.JJ/_I .95
each. What was his profit or 1oss %? · . • .' · I • • - • ' •

· (A) 5% . ·.
(C) 3%
(B) 4% . .. ·
(D) · Norie of these: · ·
o~~'f-·(B) . : .· . J~jJ. (A) . ·

86. The difference between a discount of 35% vi-J/,:;_i.J!,j, cb>" . lr~L· <cY
· and two succe$sive discounts of
20% on a
certain bill was 22.· Find the amount of the bill.
(A) 200 · (6-) 1100 . .
. : _·. i.:~t,<L/~✓f,~}1.d.,_~, -~
' .
. (C) 2200 . (D) No,ie of these .
· 87. The mean of five numbers is , 18. If o,51e·
i:r>;c cs> ,;e:l;c (A)
number is excluded, then their.mean is 16, the : ' . ,._dJf~~cJI '(D) · JJ.J/ -,.z,1}. (C)
excluded number is
(A) 24 . · - .....,.,,(B,,..,...)--=2~6-
(C) 28 (D). No,11e of thes~ . ~✓-'v_J11~_;~;;• -~7
: · (A)
·-·i.:t!,.J~L./,,/j~J~,,,..,~{.::-tvl/Lll~~; .88
. ·a1~; ,_(1~ (B.)
;,J • • • ~
JiJf~-i./-cJI :(D) · , ,u0,...f,--f' (C)
. .._, ,JD~)A> (B) . . ~».::-)A> (A) '

. viJI~v!cJI (IJ) . . . ~ ).::-}A> (C) ' f'f-,:;_~j~,1JJu~;~;,S,,;r)i:~ .9a

01tl,;· (B) . J1t,/r,; .(A).
,._ i.:~t-:,,;J~1~1,,,t:JfLLv~j ·.89 ,.JiJId..J-'cJi ' (D) . ,. A)"' (C) '
. ._;,; (B) · ,7 ·(A°)
tV...r.?V:cJPif(..;.~~-:)lt,L-t~~ I·..99 . :
i.J1J[,:;_~1;11 (0). i1J (C) oi1 .(B) : . ·.- . .-1.f~~ (A).
' . .
.. ·. ·-u..rr~VLv.? j L,,m~:. .9~--
.... ·.

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478 Advan ced PPSC MCQs Model P;pe(l
LJ-1JJ.L1fiLJ../ L,i_
. cf.i'JI'-V-cl!. (0) . ~tr• (C)
. ' ,_;:IJI~ ✓-~, (D)
-✓-~.J .:..--·".100
LJ.,J i;.fiJ iLL[/ Li. (A) ·..
.CJIJl,)'JIJiLL[/L,I{ .(B) . . . ·. '
Answ er Key ., s 79.
28. B
·a ~o. B
41. · A
;!· ~-. 68.~i:
. · o·
80, · A ·. 92.

B 16. B 29. B 42. B ·;~· A 69 . . B
C 81. C
-82. B.:
. 95.
. 5.
B 17. C 30. · A 43. B · B 70 B 83. B 8 ·
C 18. C 31. C 44. B · 96.. 8
6.. A
. 57. ·. . · 71:. B 84. ·a . 97. c
19. B 32. B 45. . C . ;~· : . ·12., · -~ ·as. a
7. C 20. B 98. .B
,33. B ·. 46.. A · C. . ·13. A- 86.
8: B 21. B · 34. C 47. A 60. · r4 · B
C 99. c
22. .· B
23. A
.35. . B
36. B
49. · B
·c ~ 1~
g .
ls° A
.. C ·
· 87. B
88. . B
100. B
11. D 89. 'A
1,2. c
.· · 38.
50. ·. A
. 51. ' B
63. . . C .7
. 6· ·
'90. . B
64: ·. B · 77. · B
13. A U -~ ~ B ~ B M ' B ra 91. B
... ... ... .. C

, • • • • I : • ,

. ASSISTANT.( 43G 2020 ) .· · . . .

~gr icul ture Depart~en~, ~at er ~an age ~~n ~ ~in g
. .
1. On September 9, 1958, Pakistan acquired · . .. {C) ·or Qibla Ayaz
Gwadar from: . (D). None of these
(A) Oman (8) Bahr;:lin · . · '
. . -(C). Iran
7 . · Name the· Prophet who intr.oduced the science
(D) None of these . of astron'omy?
2. 'Which of the followirig is the smallest planet in (A) Hazrat ldrees· (A.S.)
cur Solar System? · (B) Hazrat Eessa (A.S.)
(A) Venus (8) Mercury · (C) Hazrat Moos a (A.S ..)
(C) Neptune · (D) Uranus .
. . .
(D) Hazrat Lulit (A.S.)
· . 3. Greater Iqbal Park in' Lahore, where MJnar-e-- 8. French president Emma nuel Macron belongs :
Pakistan is located, was previous~ called:. · · to which politi9al' party? · .
(A) Nasir Bagh (8) Gol Bagh .
.. (A) Democratic centre .· ·. ·
(C) Napier.Park . (D) Park ·(B) Union for popul ar Move ment : · ·.
4 . Hijaz mountains are found in: . ((g>) La ~~·publique En Marc~e
(A) Iran · ·
(8) Saudi Arabia 5oc,alist Party · · . .
(C) Kuwait_ . (D) Iraq · . 9. As knife is to cut then shave is t~ ....:. .---·
5. Fill in thf;' · blank: "Lay · something .. (A) BJ~de . · ·
tor the rainy day." , . (C) Mirror
(B} Lather , .
(D) Razor . .
(A) .Down .
(C) Before
(8) By
(D) on
10. Where
Brit' h.
Bah ~d · · ·. · . · k n bY
· ·. . .. . . , . .a ur.' Shah Zafar was ta e .
. ..
6. · Who _1s,. the .curr~nt Chairman of Council of .
· . . is
· (A) Ag.r:a
ers after conqu er of Delhi? tne
• .Islam ic Ideolo gy? · · . · .
(B) Rangoon ·
. (C) . Bah
(A} Allama Syed lftikhar Khan Hussain vi Na
1·1. Paki · , · · (D). H~ng K~ng .·. u,e .
(B) Mufti Muneeb ur Rehman · . .· · .q . UnitesdtaNn s . Per~~ nent · repres entative 1n
· . ations 1s· ·
·· ' · (A) Munir Akram· . ·..
' . . .'
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. . ' :· ., ·.. .
•, t • . ... • I I . f' /

. • • I

.... 1 - . \


.· · .· Dl~~qTO~Are GENERAL (~ROD.) ._2022·.·. ·
. .
.. ' {. '

n,e fourth Anglo- Mysore war was started in 11. Which Muslim leader.exile to Dharamshala1, in
1. (A) 1700 ·. *(B) 1798 · 1919: . · . .
(C) 1798 . (0) None of these (A) Barkat Ali .
· (B) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johor
2_ central be~,s~nelssh District Development (C). Saifuddin Kitchlew . · ·
Authority u, t in a ore at: .
(A) OHA Sector (8) Walton Road . (D) None
of these
' . .,
(C) Kot Lakhpat . · (D) None of th_ ese ,. · . ~ 12. Which mode'rri country occupies the area of
3. According to _ Indus Water Treaty ·which river erstwh!le Sassanid empire:
will be governed by India?' · : . (A) 'Pakistan · (B) Afghanistan
. (A) Indus, -Jhelum and Chenab · *(C} Iran .. (~)·. None of these
(8) Ravi, Sutlej and Beas . · · · · . 113. The world . population according to. United
(C) Ravi, Sutlej and Chenab -.. · , Nation is: /
(0) None of these , . : : (A) 7.2 billion . (B) 7.5 billion ,
4. Which Turkic leader first established kingdom
· (C) 7. 7 billion (D) None ~f these
in Sub-contir:ient: · • , · '· -14. Joule is the unit of:
(A) Babar , .- · . , . · . (A) Luminosity . · (B) (;nergy . -
(8) Qutb-.ud-din Aibak ;~ . ·. (C} Work ·. . · ·(D) None of these
(C) Ahmad Shah Abdali ·" ·15_ Which continent has minimum birth rate:
(D) None of these . . . (A) Africa
5. Who is the current chairperson of _Competi.tion (B) Asia . , .
Commission of Pakistan: · (C) North America .
(A) Vadiyya Khalil : . . (D) ~one of these (Europe) .
(B) Rahat Kaunain Ha~san . . •..
: 16. The Colosseum is Jocated in: -
(C) Joseph WiI$0n (D) . Non~ of t~ese , (A) Milan · , (B) Rome ..
6. In which part of · computer . execution , of (C) London (D) None of these
instructions done: · . . · · · 17. The founder.°-Of. Alibaba is: . ..
(A) ALU . . . (8). Control Unit
fC) Main memory · · (D) None of these (A) .Jack Ma (8) Jeff B.ezos
(C) Biil Gates· ·._· ._(D). Non,e of _thes~
7. Fill in the blank by appropriate word
18. Imperative mood verb rep.resents: . . . ·
While this incident come . (A) Wishes and purpose
(A) Round (B~)~B~y- . (B) •.Pray, a9vice and reg_uest .
(C) Abo\Jt (D) None of these ·(C} :Pity a~d curse (D) None of these· '
8. The synonym of Proiong is: . .· .19. There was much effort for little work.. Identify
(A} Extend · (B) Concise parts of speech of quantitative subjective:
(C) Pretend · (D) None of these (A} · Qua,n,titative adje'ctive . ·
9- In MS PowerPoint we can go to next slide by: . . , (B} Qualitative adjectove
(A) Enter· Button • (B) Mouse ·.. · · · ·. (C) Subjective adjective
. . (C) Spacebar . . (D) All of these· (D) None ot:t_ hese
I '"'·' ., . 4

·:.· 1o. MaIaIa · Yousafzai graduated from which · ·2o. Choose the ;c~rrect one. . •\
· university-: ·. · ..• . · . , . . ~ , \ i _·. ' ~'.,J·· ~· ·: 2
. . (A).Gambridge . , (B) Oxford . . 1
. · Dharamshala city is the winter capital of Himachal : .
· _: : :·:,, (C) __Warwic_ k . •- . . ,(D) None·of these
:;'.'• ..·:,:.'·::/ \ '. :_· ,"-_::: ._:,;.·-· ... ·
·. . ·.
•• ' • •, : •...: • ' •: • •!
••,•" : '•
~•~ • ':
.·Pradesh,'lndia.'· ._:. ' ··· · ·
• • •;, •I • ~
' .t ;. •
· ·•.- ,.• ,i ._.: · . ·
- • 4 • ' •
' ,,

• ' ,I

.. . '

Scanned with CamScanner

'498 Advanced PPSC MCO, Model PfllfrJ . . . .. -,. . water is: .
. d I thl rty 34. The potential of pure . (B) One
Why h ad not you 1ntereste n spa • . (A) Zero _ (D) None of-these
(A) Why had been you interested In this · (C) Two : .
party. tic induction -..
~B) pwa%.·had not been 'f.OU Interested In.this .. 35. Law of mag~ . . , ~B) · Faradaf ..
A) Tesla · / · D) None of thes
( C ) Why had not you Interested In th•
I rt
pa y.
·~C) Newton
deputation· consisted of how ~a
(0) None of these · 36. Shim1a "' ny
21. Quality of mangoes _~~ood. · . .. ; ,· member•: (8) 35· ·
~~~ -:::: m~ N;:
22. Passive Voice of ·Toe boy did not break t~e
of.~~ ,• ·, ~~~ ·re '.. .(~) None ~f-ttiese
37.· Which of thheK•f~lrowing mountaineers Were
91ass· is - - . - - - -· . • , missed on t .e 2 · · · ·' ·
• (A) The glass was not broken by the boy. ·• • . ~ · (A) Sajid Ah Sadp~r~ad ara · '
(B) The glass has not been broken by t~e . . · (B) Mu~damAm, . ~~:para (6) None of th--
boy __ . ' , ' 1 ·• -: • ~· (C) MaJ1 1 . _ ""~
(C) The glass is not broken by the boy. Muslim thinker's category econof!ly as:
(D) None of these 38 · (A) Islamic economy . _
23. No lady___ the committee: · (B) Political-economy .
(A) over (B) into _ (C) Household eco_n omy · (D) None of ltlese
{C) by (0) Non~ of these(in) Vaccination program2 of Pakistan is:
-24. In computer disk storage is a sub division on a . (Ar CPI . · (B) EPI
magnetic disk or optical disk called · . · · (C) OPI · (0) None of these
(A) Track (B) ROM A I adid•
(C) Sector (D) None ·of these 40.' Who wrote sa~•u -san .-··
(A) Mirza Ghahb . ·
25. Who said .,Ahmad Si_rhindi is· the spiritual_- · (8) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan - .
leader of Muslims. - (C) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johor .
(A) Syed Ahmad Khan (D) Non~ of these . _ . .
(8) Shah Wali Ullah
(C) Allama Iqbal .:·41 , The secret agency of. Pakistan 'is:
(D) None of these · ·, · ·· (A) I B · . · (B} ISi
26. Syed Ahmad Shaheed's Jihad Movement was . ,. .. (C)- FIA - (0) All of these
against-,---= · · · · ·· : 42. ,Which following youngest cricketer tOOlt
(A) Peshawar ruler (B) Sikh govt · · · hat trick in test match: · ·-
(C) British rule (D) None of these · · (A). Hassan Ali · · - · (8) Naseem Shah
27. Tarbela dam is located in: (C) Wahab.Riaz. · - - (0) None of these
(A) Mirpur (8) Swabi _43_ .°Jhe foreign policy Pakistan is:·of
(C) Haripur (D) None of these .. (A) Unilateralism (B) Bilateralism
28. Pa1kistan was one of the· following country to . . · _(C) Multilateralism . . (0) None of these
open its embassy in: · 44: .Babusar Pass connects: . . .
(A) Tashkent - (8) Baku ' (A) Ouetta with· Chamman
(C) Tirana (D) None of these (B) _Abbotabad with Gilgit · .. _
29. When Pakistan join World Bank: (C) Peshawar with Afghanistan
(A) 1948 (B) 194~ (D) None of these . . ,

(C) 1950 (D) None of these 45. Recently America ·appointed Michael Kuriffa
30. Winter monsoon come from which side: • as: . .
(A) North east' · (B) South east · ; (A}° Se.c retary of State , · .
(C) North west (D) None ofthese (B) Head of Pentagon ·
31 . Wh1cf) agreement renamed Cease Fire Line to (C) Commander of Centcom
Line of Control: · -. - ·
(A) Tashkent agreement 2 ,, . , .
(B) Karachi agreement , The Expanded Programme·on Immunization (E_Pl}'was·
(C) Shimla agreement launched in'Pakistan in protect chilaren by· -
(D) None-of these
im~unizing them against chbldhood tub~rculosis,
. 32. _W hich of the following is herbivores. poll9 myeliti s, 'diphtheria pertussis teta~~s a·nd ·_ ' .
(A) Dog·. . · (B) Cat
. (C) _Cow (D) All of these measles. Later, With the ~upport develop'ment of
partners a numb f · · · · : ·t· · a· ·
33. The currency of Sri Lanka· is: . haemo ' . . - er o new vaccines e.g. hepat1 1s_, ·
: (A) Dinar - : ,. · · · ... (8) Rupee . P~ilus influenzae typE! b (Hib) and pn~_ umocoec31
·:. _ (C) Dollar._ (D). None of thes~ vaccine (PCVlO) - • - - · -- - d
2012 · . . were il'.'ltroduced in 2oot 2009 ~!l
'~nd.mact,vated ,.. . . . I"!'· i "S' ..
- respect· ·. IVe·1y. -
- po,10 vaccine-m 0.1 ,

Scanned with CamScanner

r . ··..· . · • ~
.·. -~.... ..(.0) N~• Ot thes_e_ . .
1: : .
. .
~,ock , O!~!Y 0eve1opmeni 0eaa11meni · m :
(D) None of these . ,: . . , fi t . b ttl ~f
' .•· th WintEff,. Universiade youth games were , . 60. Who ,defeated
Pani pat: Ibrahim. Lodhi
. in irs __ _a e
6 29
, 4 - h Id in which city: . · · ~A) Akbar . (B) .Babar · .
. . (A) . Mosco\W . .. , . (8) Krasnoyarsk . . C) Humayoun (D) None o_~t~ese •
_:. · (C) Gaze . !D) ~one of the~e .
· · Wh ..1 h canal connects Atlantic and Pacific 61 When was.Vernacular Press Act enacted:·
·41., . c · . (A) 1870 . (B) 1874 · .- ·
ocean: (B) Kiei (C) 1878 .· . (D) None of thes_e •.
~~~ ~~~!ma ·_. (~) None of thes~ 62: . Who ·discovered Penicillin: . .
, not onl~ read the boo_k bu,t also : , .(A) Alexander Fleming · (B) Edison 1 · • . . ·. •
• 48- Hemembered what he read. Identify which part · (C) Alfred Nobel . (D) _N~ne of these
· · ~, speE!ch is used in this senten_c e. . ·• . :63. Who invented dynamite: · . ' .
· (A) Adjective (8) ConJunct1on , . · (A) ·Newton (B) Edison
(C) Adverb (D) None of these (C) 'Alfred Nobel · (D) None of these
49_ Mon~ey live_ _ _ th(eB~trebey. . ., '64. Blood group is iden·tified by: .
. , .
(A) into · (A) ·Antigens · (8) · Anti body .
· (C) over _ . (D None of these(on) . . (C)' Anti toxin · . . (q) None of these
· so: Ch_oose t~e com~ct one • •.: · 65. Which gas is pr~_sent in bulb:_ ·
· Laugh up one's !sleeves · · (A) Argon · . (B) Nitrogen .
. (A) Laugh in on,e's sleeves . ·, . (C) Hydrogen ·.. · (0) None of these
(B) Lat1gti atone's sleeves · :66: Smoke from industrie.s causes:
(C) Laugh on 9ne's steeves ·(A) Fog (B) ·smog -
(0) None of these · . (C) Mist · (D) None of these
51 Choose the correct analogy
· Here: There: She: · · • '
sf corona · virus · originate from' which· city of
~ . (A) I ... . · . _.(B) . He . · . (A) · Beijing : . · (B) Wuhan .-
. (C) They (D) None of these . (C) Guahgzho~ _(D) None of these
· 52. Oil ·is to seed butter is to · · · .. :·· ·. - · ·68 .. ·The Tashke.n t 'Odeclaration between· Pakistan
· (A) Milk · · ·· • : (B) Cow · . · and India was signe~ on
. .(C) Goat·. · . .-(D) None of thes~ .. (A) 1960 . . . · (8) 1966 .
_·53_ Ch~ose the.correct analogy (C) , 19~6 - . . (D) .N~ne ~f these-
Poet: Poem: Choreography: • . 69.- The ca·pital-of lndon~sia is: · ·
. ·. (A) Drama·. · (8) Masque · · · · ,- · (A) Jakarta . . . . (B) Bangkok ·.
. · (C) ·Ballet (D) N~ne of these . (C) · Kuala Lumpur . (D) None o( these
54. Minim1.1m and Maximum f_ o nt ·size in -MS Word ' 70.. Who ;aid Pakistan should close sanctuary
· is: : . . . . near the border of Pakistan and Afghanistan
(A) 6,500 · · · (B) 8, 72 ... · · -· due to·that instability in Afghanistan:
· (C) 6, 75 . ·· :(0) None of these · · .(A) Us Secretary of State ·
55. ·which of the following is not a _font style:_ •· (8) · Director CIA . ·
{A) Bold ,. (B) Italic . . . · · (C) Commander Centcom
. (C) ~nderline (0) None of these •·. (0) N<:>rie-~f _thes.e · .
56. Any individual, . firm, organization and · 71 . . When Pakistahjoin'SEATO: . · •, . _..· '
. department involved in printing, displaying or . (A) 1947 · · .. · '.(8) 1954 · ·.
circulating incorrect . version of map of (C) -1973 (D) None ~f these ·
. Pa~istan is liable to_..,....,~. · , ·. . . 72.. The highest'w~teria'u in Venezuela is: .. ,
• . -- (,\) Five-year prison (6} 5 million fine · . (A) Angel . · . (B) Salt_o
, : (C) Both A & B (D) None of.these .. · (C} Catarata .- · (D) _Non~ of these ·· ~
· . Which country is located . in · the ea.s t of 73. Pakistan· climate change act.p~ssed'in: . . ,- : · ,
.· . Pakistan: .. · • . (A) - 20.15 .. . · ·. (B)20F. . · -:.:.
(A) China (B) India · · . (C) 2019 , · . (D) None of these , • ·.,
5 (C) Iran •· . (D) None of these
74 ·
To revitalize Khilafat which . movement_ ,
. ..~- _ ThT.e
ea_ · which. , separates . Pak_istan from h d · · ·
k Qaunc e : • · . ·,.- • ...
. ·· a11 1stan 1s called ·.. · · (A) · Turk!sh ~einstate m~vem_~:~t .;. ,. : . .·:. ; '.- _:. ·:.
·.·:·. ·. (A}: Wakh~n· . , . (8) Pamir Knot . · (B) Tl,rk1sh movement · -' . ·
.:,': · ., _{_C)_ KhyberPass _·· - (0) Norieofthese · (C) Khilafatmovement __: (9).'N9ne_;9_f~~ese
.:~.~-'CPEc is:a .- · · :: ·_ · 75 _.·to· Recently Turkey.relations with U~ seve~~ d~e.
. · ·.._:__~~)) -r~mte changer ·.. ,_ · . . , · . ·. : . . · ::_ . . . ·.
~;·:_(A):"S_4.00 m_i,s·sile_s ·"<, (BJ ) Hurna_~ R_
·; (C · . !n .venture-between China & lr)dia· ig~_ts.
·:, .•: ) Joint Venture. between China & Iran ·
·:;::?··.·; ...

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i '
•... . ....
soo 1
Advanced PPSC MCQs Model•Paoers
A) Ghazwa Sadar·. (B) Ghazvva O~cs
(C) Situation in Syria (D)' None of these fo> Ghazwa Hunain (D)· None of these
76. Each one of_ _ pencil: . ·
(A) Has (B) Were .· . ~' ·rJi;IJ- ~-,:,J;.✓-/ .:J1P0rh11-f~_iL,~ ,
:(C) ;Was (D) None of these
·.. 77. In a class there are 27 students. If there are 7
more girls than boys in the class hqw many
· _, ~ " _ ~-"~f-,✓ =~~~L~i. ·91 r
s~dents are girts? · . c,1i;J;;l;u,,- (B) .. ,_;.;41 (A) .
(A) :10 •· · : (B) rt ·. .
(C) 23 . . (0) None 9f these : · . v1Jf~iJ.i:J, ·c·o>_ . 1_5/~lr~ (C)
Il. , _78. A mari annual production ·sells in. 750005he ·
use of 10% will be · ·: · .~~~IJ/;:;:;_J._i.,JJ ~A lF(l;(if~ ~'» ~ u~ J~ j. •
(A) 6500
(C) 4500 . •.
(B) . 5500

(0) .None of these (7500). .

. . · · ··
. · · J~,~-'! cJl<:t r ~❖L ~~ i// ·~ ·L

t 4r-
' iI
I 79. A _ m an ·take loan of 65000 on annual at ,... .• .'
interest rate of 3% in how many ye·ars' interest ,L;,.'.i. (B) ,?,~ (A} . .
become 68900?. · . •,
{A) . ·2
. {C) '· 4
(B) 3
(D) None of these
j-JI~v=c)I (0) . ~,:;· _(C} .
i' .
. 80. (7x-1) - :{4x+8) what ·will the value of x:
(A) 03 · · (B) -03
. ~of-/LJ'J.:""T'~Jj~J\~,. ,93
cJL-:.'-- ~ "·, ,v' _(B) IJ.1{~ 1.1cr.:>J1
I .
(C) 01 (D) None of these (A} .
,,I· ' ·a1 . °The sum of the ages of a father ·a nd his son is
109 ye_a rs now. 5 years ago their ages were in ,.,;i'JI~v-cJ' (D) (-~.Ji; :(C)
the ratio of 2:1 . The ratio of the ages of father ' .
and son after 1O years will be
(A) 5:3 . . {B) 4:3
·f 'f--'1/V.:::...l·,&~i. ,94
. . (C► · 10:7 ' .· . · (D) None of these ~,(i (B) . . ,:/, (A)
82. A man · paid 8500 zakat what will be his
. income:
(A) 400000 (B) 340000
A,~, (C) ..
· (C) ·450000 (D) None of these (l;' JI.::...v-cJI .(0) ·'.
83. A man annual • production sells in
· 3481600.The use of 10% will be
(A) 35000 . . .(B) 34816
f ~J-"•rJ>vc)lc::...v-JJe,,;J .95
• (C) 34670 (D) Noneofthese J;,JJ; (B) .t{.t-4 (A)
84. How many books include In Sahai Sitta:
(A) 05 {.B) 06
vi'JIc::...i/-c)I ' (D) J( J' (C)
(C) 07 (D) None of these
85. When Hazrat Ume Kalsoom RA died: t .i;_c,J/,1v1Lif,,,::J:H .96
(A) 628 AD . (B) 630 AD
(C) 631 AD (D) None of these J,;(-1.{1 (B) (:JIP.i't~/ (A)
86. Maseeh- ul Islam is the title of:
(A) Hazrat Abu Tafha RA'J_/~v-cJf (D) ~~,;/ (C)
(B) Hazrat Abu zar Ghaffari RA
(C) Hazrat Ali RA (D) None oflhese f 'f-cJl/t;~(.,,AJ.UvLj,J,/~I, .97
87. Who narrated most Ahadith:
(A) Hazrat Abu Huraira RA
. ,,?/-I .( B) ,i::,~,J (A) ·
(B) Hazrat Abu Bakar RA·
• (C) Hazrat Ali RA · (D) None of these
.,.;:IJIC::...V-c)I (D) 'cJk'--- ~,~ (C)

88. When.Imam Ghazali died: rt.JJ2(L/"1r;J'•/ .98

. (A) 500 Hijri · (B) 503 Hijri .
(C) 505 Hijri {D) None of these . U/.P~J;},"> (B) U,~ r,_,,j, .(A)
89. Bait ul Muqadas conquered· in the reign of:.
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar. RA · . .'J(~v-c)t (D) "'="'"'i/ (C) .
(8) Hazrat Umar RA _
(C) Hazrat Usman RA ·. (D) No11e of tliese
90. In which battle Abdullah bin abi back with. his
soldiers: · ·

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J : • !~

iry Development Department

Livestock·& ·Da_ §01
Jf.'.tft::-~,.jl (0) ,: . .
V , .. : ?~ (C) ·. t,.~1ti '(B) -~ ◄ . ,. • IP..;l,J (A)

.'.. ~ ,:-_ci.~Lt.Ji✓h/(~J!,.i.-u;·.~-0~ . . .✓,i J/~✓-~1 (b>.. . ... • ' #,. \ • I . • .( ' . .. .

. ,1;i.;~


. Answer Key . .,. I . ' .

1. BB . 1154. ·_ DB .. ~ 27, , . ·C . 40. B .: 53. c: . ., 66. B 79. · A · . 92. A
2. . ; .· - 2a. ·e
· ·. · 41: D 54. B , '67. · B BO: . A 93. C
.~ 1: :B ; ~i: .. ~ .
42. B
. · 43. B
55. · · C ·
56. C
68. · B ' · ,
.69: · A
81. . -" A
82. B·
94 . . D
95. 1 B
· · •· ·31_ C . .44. B 57. .' B 70: A- · 83. B· 96. · C
~- B .· ·19, A · 32. C
45. C 58. A 'l1.. B · 84.. · B . 97. C
· iB . C
2201. AB '
· . .
A 46. B 59.
72. 'A·· ·
... 73. B
85. B . ··ga. .A : .
86. B .. 99. ·· A
4 7. C
9: D . : 22. A 35. B 48. B 61. C . 74. . C 87. . A .. · 100. A'
· 10. · B . · 23. . D 36. B 49. · D ' 62.. A 75. A 88. C
11. . G. · . 24. C · · 37. B 50. A 63. C. 76: A 89. a.
12... C . . 25. C .38. - A · 51. A · 64. · A 77.' B 90. B
. 13. C ·· 26. B 39. B 52. · A 65. A 78: D ·91: B • I

' ·. . MODEL PAPER 98
ASSISTANT (BS-16) 2021
(D) None of these
1. The largest helicopter in the world is:
(A) Piasecki (B) Klngstelin 9. How many amendments proposed by· Jinnah ..
(0) None of these . in Nehru Report: . . .
(C) Sikorsky .
(A) 02 (8) 03
_2. :,~h~~h material provide shield against gamma (C) 04 (D) None of these

· · (A Wood . (B) Lead 10. Jansher Khan won Junior Squash cha!llpion ·
• (C Water . · (0) All of these ship in:
(A) 1986 · (B) 1984
· 3. The main purpose of Oslo accord 1992 is: (C) 1981 (0) None of these
(A) Abolish the PLO ,
(B) to settle dispute between Israel and 11. United Nations has formed by a charter
signed by different nations but is has no
Pakistan interference in:
(C) Vacate from Gaza · (A) Aggression (B) Internal matter
(D) None of these . (C) Both A & B ·(0) None of thes~
4. ·P~nting Press invented by: 12. The Head quarter of Economic Cooperation· ·.
(A) Francis Crick (B) Johann Gutenberg Organization is in: · ·
. · ·(C) James Watson (0) None of these (B) lsl~mabad
- ·(A) Istanbul
5. Secretary· of State of America is: (C) Tehran . (D) None .of these .
(A) Wendy Ruth Sherman (B) Mike Pompeo 13. Congress did not attend which Round Table
(C) Antony Blinkeo (D) No,ne of these · Conference: · · · .
G. Current DG lSPR is: . · (A) First (B) · Second
(A) Asif Ghafoor . · (B) Asim Saleem (C) Third (D) None of these
(C) Babar lfthikhar (D) None of these 14. GSP plus· provided how much relief on
7 Pakistan goods:
· Which Planet is easily seen from earth:
(A) Mars (B) Venus · (A) 63% (B) 66% ·
(C) Pluto (D) None of these (C) 69% (D) None of these
8· Bntish Junior open 2020 Squ.a sh won by: 15. Current Governor of Sindh is:
)) Muhammad Hamza.Khan
Sabih Mehmood _
(A) lmran Ismail ·
(C) Saeed Zaman
(8) lshrat ut lbaad
(D) None of these
rnC) Muhammad Nawaz · .

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. .
(A) Colon (B) ·Comma •·
1. J.K Rolling is famous for
(C) Semi Colon (D) None ~f these
(A) Avengers · (B)H"arry Potter
(C) Fast and Furious (0) None of these . 12. These books ere yours and 1M : ·
(A) Yours (8) Her
2. The product of the mass and the velocity is (C) His (0) None of these
known as:
(A) Distance (B) Momentum 13. The Budget of Federal government in 2021-22
(C) Velocity (0) None of the&e is:
(A) 47 trillion (B) 48 trillion ·.
3. When Ouaid~e-Afam joined All India Muslim (C) 48 trillion (D) None of th~se
(A) 1912 (8) 1916 14 Tho Defense Budget in 2021-221s:
(C) 1919 (A) 1200 81lhon (B) 1370 BIiiion
(D) Noneofthese(1913) (C) 1450 B1lhon (0) None of these
4. In the sub•contin~nt c lcci1on 1035 the f1na1 , 5 Educalton budget of Punjab In 2021-22 is:
result announced In: (A) 442 Billion (B) 450 Billion
. (A) 1935 (B) 1936 (C) 592 81lhoh (0) None of these
(C) 1937 (D) None of lhc'-C 16 The Head of UNO Is:
5. The Hanging Gardens ,s locol<?d in _ _ (A) Elon Musk (8) Marcus Pleyer
(A) Iraq (8) Iran (C) Antonio Guterres (0) None of these
(C) Egypt {D ) None of t~csc 17. Wh,c..., nver eteate border between Israel and
6. Cyber Warfare Is : Jordan?
(A ) Jordan (B) Nile
(A) Install Spyware (D) None of these·
(B) to destroy infrastrudurc (C ) Euphrates
(C) to use of technology for development 18 Which person wrote official biography of
(D) All of these · Ouatd~-Azam?
7. Who has been appointed as Pak,stan·s first (A) Stanley Wolpert (B) Hector Bolitho
(C ) Shanf Mu1ahid (D) None of these
female Hindu Civil Judge?
(A) Iran Bedi (B) Knshna Kuman 19. A is a unit of information in a .
(C) Suman Bodani (0) None of these (AfTieid. Record --
(B) Record. Field
8. Murree was constructed 1n 1853 at
(A) Sunny Bank (B) Nathia Gali (C) Data source. Field
(C) Sher Bangala (D) None of these (D) None of these

9. Which organization publishes ·wand 20. Golan Heights. sometimes seen in news. is
the disputed region between which of the
Development Report"? following countries?
(A) UNDP (B) IMF (A) Afghanistan & Pakistan
(C) World Bank (0) None of these
(B) Iran & Israel
10. Who is 001 captain of Pakistan Cricket team? (C) Syria & Israel
(A) Azhar Ali (B) Babar (D) None of these
(C) Sarfaraz Ahmad (0) None of these 21. Select the pair which has the same
1, . His only wish: wants to be CSP. Which relationship. GRAJN: SALT
punduation mark is used in the sentence?

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572 Advanced PPSC MCQs Mqdel Papers · The Area · study Center ciuaid-e-A
(A~ h
· . s ard: pottery 35. un·1verslty Is abo.ut: .~B). .C , . lalll
. (B shred: wood (A) Latin America entral Asia
(C) blades:.grass XC) Europe . D) None of these
(D) None of the-se (chip: glass) When did the World Trade Orga~ization co
22.. The output shown on computer monitor Is: 36· · to effect? me
(A ) Hard copy (B) Soft copy 1
n January 1994 . ~B)· January 1995
(C) Print copy (D) None of these . , , , ! (C) M~~c~ 1996• D) None o~ these
23,- Hagias Sofia is In •
(A) Spain
•• ! •
(B) Rome
·1 i '
3 · A) . to
She could not refrain 1
· n·
B) rom
~he_dding tears.
(C)' Turkey (D) None of these · · ~C) by · D) None of these
24. Which of the following instn.ll"('lent,·used to · : The .'n ormal te~perature of human body
measure water vapors in the atmosphere? . 38 · the Kelvin .s ~ale 1s (B) · _ 011
{A) Anemometer (B) ·· Hygrometer . , (A) 31 O
~ ' r .(~) 373 ·: _, ·: · ~' ~
99 7
{C) Barometer · .. , (D) . ~one of these · (D) None of these
25: Buckingham Palace is l~cated in - • • •. Yes, I will no~ go there.
(A) United Kingdom · ' (B) · Berlin · 39 · (A) No (B) Would .
(C) Moscow (D) None of these _ (C} Why __(D) None of these
26.·_. Prepare yo.urself for the worst. .
(A) You be prepared for the worst .
. ·
. _ Whatever h_e does . with _an e~e to the main ·
(8) The worst should be prepared by ftjn~~~n : (B) Adverb
· · (C) Be prepared for ·the worst. .·· ·: • .
yourself. · -., ·. , (C) Preposition· (D} None of these
(D) . None of these 41_ Which prophet is famous in the name of
~ . - ' ·· · . Sahibul Hooth? -.
27. Name the· ruler ·who laid the foundation of (A) Hazrat Nooh AS (B) Hazrat Younus AS
Muslim Inda Empire and he-....d1edwhile·p1aying
P.olo:- •.._ (C) Hazrat Daood AS _(O) ~one <?f these_

(A) Mu~ammad Ghauri . - . .. 42. _The process of remo_v ing unwanted part of an
(B) Qutb-ud-din Aibak · · · · . image is .called . . . . ·
(C) Akbar · (A) Hiding . (B) Cropping
: (T?) None ?f the~e (C) Cutting . - (IJ) None~~ these
28. Whose companion of M9ly ' proph~t SAW ' ' ' 43.. Chaos~ ·the synonym_of Repercus~ion .
started Hijri Calendar: · . . ; (A) Recollectio~ ·
(A) . Hazrat Abu Bakar RA (a) Remunerat1_ o n ··
(B) Hazrat Umar RA ,., (C) Clever · .
(C) -Hazrat Usman RA . ,. _(D) None·of these (Reaction)
(D) None of these . ·: 44. Choose the synonym of Scintillating . ·
. :: 29:- -How many Su.rah are with. name of-Prophets? · · (A) Smouldering (B) _Warming ·
(A) 02 1 (B) 03 , _ -. (C) · Glittering . . (D) Noneofthese
. (C) 06·. • . ·(D) None of-! ese : . · 45 .. To provi_d·e_explanation wh~ch symbo·I is used?
30. When ·Educational institutes closed . due . to _ (A) Comma -· - (B) . Colon .
·· Covid
. (A) 0719?
March (B) 13 March , .. (C) Exclamation . (D) None of t~ese
. · (C) 19 March · ' . (D) None bf these . 46.' MS Access is used for
·31: Karakoram Highway is denoted by: (A) Create web pages-----'-
. (A') N-25· ·· (B) N-35 _
( B) Tool development
(C) N-75 _ (D) None·otthese- . (C) Data table ·
32. The book "A 8~i~f ,Histo.ry of Time" is written · (D) · None of these ··
. . by~.--,-· . . . l . 47. Mr, Ali teaches very well . : '.
(A) ·Aristotle . · : _- (A) Oidri't he·. .. i";(B) -D9esn't he
(8) Stephen Hawking .• • : t
-(C) ~adn't he . - (D)' None of ,these
(C) Karen Arm Strong
(D) · None of these . . : ' 48. He never will mend his ways.
. ·. . (A) will never . (B) never. , ·
33 Which country' wa1
ruled by Mu~so_ lini? · ·. (C) way (D) f;J_one of t~ese
· (A) Italy . . (8) France ·
(C) Poland . (D) None of these 49. I'm so weary . your complaints. .
· (A) from • - · . ~B) about - - . -
34 ·. Japan current is also called:· · · (C) of· · D) · None6fthese-..
· } ,!>- . - (A) Cold cu·rrent . .. (B) Kuro_~hlo Current ·
_·_- : - (C) _Canary Current (D) None of these ',·so. ·· ·
is . used
- -
to accelerate bea
rn of ·
charged particles. . · : ._ .
(A) Transistor· · {B) Amplifier
(C) Cyclotron · · (D} Non_e of these

: , . . ·, I

••• I • • : • •
n.:am !iiild!DdJ#Jili&JLIMIU4Hll'IRI . W JQ- :c .

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. ~~

" · A~qaf Deiiart1,:,,ent · 573

: TheY eat fruits. (C) India p k" . ..
51 . (A) ate. (8) fruit - a 1stan ,(D) None of these
C) eaten · • (0) None o( these 65· Zhob and Kalachl rivers are in ·.
( th Ed f A th · f .(A) KPK . · (B) Sindh ·
According · to · e uca ion u ority O (C) Balouchistan (D)· None of these
52. pakistan __ seminaries are working in
66; Bauxite Is an ore of:
r:t~~OOO · .
(C) 40000 . .
(8) 35000 ·
(0) Nol'le of these
' (A) M~nQanese
(C} Aluminum ·
(B)" Iron . ,
(D) _INone of these
Pakistan defeated _ _ _ in 1971 _Hockey 67- ~hich_is the highest peak of Himalayas range
53. world cup. . in Pakistan? .
(A) Spain · (B) Australia . ~· . (A) .Tirich Mir (B) : Nanga Parbat ·,
(C) Germany . (D) None of.these·· . (C) K2 . • (D) None of these
Digital TV.emits_
. _· _. . . 68. ·I.n the. atmosphere carbon dioxide is ·removed
54· •(A) X rays (B) Gamma rays · by · . ·· . · .
. (C) Cathode rays · (D) None 9f these · (A) Deforestation ·. (B) Aforestation .
(C) Photosynthesis (D) . None of these
_ The ruins of Harappa are situated in district?
55 (A) Multan . (B) Okara . . ·. . 69. On. 7 July 1972 Sindh announces Sindhi
(C) Lahore · . lang·uage is used as .
(D) None of these (Sahiwal) · · (A) National language
. - (B) Official Language
5S. The Empire State Building · ·is · iocated · (C) Medium of instructions ·
in---=--"'_ _ _ _. · (D). None of these
(A) Paris (B) New y ·o rk · ·
. (C). London ·
- . .
(D) None.of these
1q. ·Penicillin ~as.diiscovered by__·_
. - (A) · Waksman · .
(B) Alexandar Fleming
57. Which among · th.e following is the·· fastest . ·, (q · Lo_ uis Pasteur- (D) _None.of these
memory component in a computer? 1 •
71 ,. SDGs are.
(A) Cache (B) Hard 9isks . . -.--;__~
(C) RAM . _ (D) None of these · ,. (A) To end poverty (B) Health
58. Where does the Vo,lga River·originate? .. (C) Water sani_tation (D) ·A~ of these
(A) Valdai Mountains .. . · 72. Which country has largest army?
(B) Alkai Mountain . (A) Russia • · · (B) China , .
(C) Aral Mountains .· · (C) · USA · · (D) None of these
. (D) None of these : 73. The prevention of nuclear weapons is dealt by
59. Who · was · the first .Finance Minister . ·of which treaty: · · ' · ·
Pa~istan? . · . _(a) - NPT -. (b) CTBT · ·
(A) ··sir Zafarullah · · · ·· · (c) · Treaty of Paris .'(d) None of these
(B) Ghulam Muhammad _74:: I went' my/a~ily. . .. ·
(C) Liaquat Ali Khan · (A)· Strait : • . · (B) Direct · - ·
(D) None of these· (C}_ Rightly · . : . (D) . None of these
60, The other name of Baburnama is: ·· · · 75. A black hole-exerts such inasslve force that its
'(a) Tuzk-e Bab~i · escape velocity is very high due to
(b) Waqa e Babari (A) Large size . .· ·
(c) Both A & .B · (B) Small size ·. · · · · ·
(d) None of these · (C) High_density ·.. :·. .
61. Titu Mir . struggled for the · freedom (D) None of these (High Gravity)
against_ _ _. . . ,· 76. 125 men completed a task. in 120 . days how
(A) _Hindu Zamindars . many . men will complete the same task in
(B) British Colonial System 100days? · ·
(C) Both A & B -". (A) 100 (B) · 200
(D} None of these · . . . (C) 250 ·
th 15
62· -Pakistan conducted suc.cessfi.JI ·. launch · 'o t (D) None of ese ( 0)
Ghauri missile system on 8 October: . 77, A tank ca'n be filled in 0.8 seconds tt~~n in two
· . (A) 2017 (B) 2018 hours how many tank can. be filled:
, (C) 2019 (D) Nonie of these . (A) 9000 (B) 8000
63 - The p (C) 7000 · (D) None·ot these
, · ·.. urest form · of iron which has little ·
. (amount of carbon in it is · 78. If 3a.+5b/3a-·5b=5, then ·a: b is equal t'o?
A) Cast iron (Bl Pig iron · ·· (A) 2:1 . .· . (B) 2:3 ·
. (C) Wrought iron (D) None ·of these · (C). 1.3 • · · ·
64. ~10.nred ofl_ Actual Control . (LAC) is a di~puted (D) None of these' (5:2) ·. ... . . . . ..
er- me ·between , · 79. Samar bought a shirt for Rs.250 arid -s.o.ld .it for
(A) China-lndta (I?.) China-Pakistan Rs 295.find the profi~ · . · · · ·. , . .

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574 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
(A) 16% -(B) 18% ·
~,:/,o/ (B) ..
(C) 20% (D) None of these
80. If the radius of circle is incre·a sed by 2_% then
"'="'tf,:J.~ (C)
what is the increased in percentage area?.
(A) 100/121 (B) 97/25
(~f-k' ):../ JI~~t,jl (D)
(C) · 101/25 (D) None of these . L~0.11:,_;)J/~..£LJ,,✓i.t✓- ·._;.:..,o,J',,J, .so
81 . What would be the reciprocal of ~um of .of
. reciprocals of 2 & 3? \'v.t¥c;..1
(A) · 0.47 (B) 0.2
(C) 0.77 (D) Noneofthe se(1 .2) ~ ~ (B) J.1~f~ (A)
82. If A: B:C=2:3:4, then A/B : 8/C : C/A is equal
to • :
vi'JIe,_i.J.t,jl (D) J::'i..:.JI .(C)
(A) 4:9:16 (B) 8:9:12
(C) 8:9:24 (D) None of these ·. . .r111JP1utfAJ;1i.i1r,,;1 _91
. 83. The age of A and B are in the 6:5 and
sum of their ages is 44 years. what will be the ~0vjJ1I (B) . tJ)(,J', (A) .
age of B after 8 years?
(A) 22 (B) 25 v-f',JIc:--v-tJ' .{D) . \ tJ. ~~J1 (C) .
(C) . 28 . (0) None of these
. c;: ':-'~✓-(i.l~,t:.J~ -92
: rc_if f-:--v,f.,{,:,, ,;;Jr,ii;.1:::.-;v .a.4 ·
( 1A J):: )~ (B) , .:_.f.j,,~j . (A)
J/JY.1.::.-.,c ·cs) J.::.-..,c <~>
v1'JIC.:.i}:. ,jl (0) . ../..:;.,/- (C)
Ji JIc:--v!~' (D) '• ' . .;?I~} (C)

· . f ~(;'.:(,.v(if-i}:.$1:1, .85
c;: ':-'·~?. (J' Jf .93
• ' M

...;..zi(?., (B) llJ(? (A)-· .vV(~ . (B) · (A)

.· i.tfJl<::.-.J .t,jl
(0) J~,i(?.. (C.) Jj Jl~.'tJ!(;)I (0) . .. · ~f{ (C)

}'VJl(LV'~-/~J)r..:JJv~L.::.-J.i .86
.. rrut:Jl--=--i,rJl,r:,..:,,,); .94
~1J\ .(A) . 11/.,i~ (B) . JV l.(111 '(A) .
. ~
·(51~(;)1).-~7 (B) ·
. '. ' . ~JI~JJ, (D) . ..::.-L~~~I (C) .
,.c,;d, JLV ·(C) · ·rVJ~,v!lS/t,;~iL.tl_;v'1~-'-1.~c; .9s
((tvd,..iil~ ) vi'JI<::.-V-(;)' .(D) ; .'. ,,.. I. (~·i;
. .
(B) . . . . J~,,.,.~ (A)
. . . f'f--._;Ji:Lf~l,fi.f )J,y._,.,· .a1 ,ficJl;;;_tJ!t,;,11 {D) ,.f.u(-.t.i't (C)
1t;:.;1JI (B) . ,:>~L:f.ld" .(A) ·c;:v1~,S v'~,J.Jl()YiJI .96
. i.tfJIc_.i}:.t,jl . (D) (IYI~ (C)
.·: ._;~;;/ (B) ..?l~J.·J'\'j (A)
· 'f--~(✓ /
- 1i/J1l.,,inr.,:L)jjo1/.1~tJ !f)t,ji} .88· u1JI~~t,;)I (D) . ·. J,.;1iJ1( (C)
f~e-JJJ ~((;)I .
. c;: ~ lf t,;) f ,J p 1?,f,/4j j . .97
. -·.. . /~(fa(~ ) . . . ,;/( (A1 . ' (? » -(B)' . . J~~f} . (A)' .
. · . iJ.i'Jfe-jt,jl (D) (1Uf/lM (C)
·.Ji,;,11 (D). ~ Lki,. (C)
'f-~l,.1e -,./~~J~,ly 89
: . __.1_1j;

L~~J . d
I •

. r!l.1
• . c;: ~v
~J? u:~;~(~1,,J.,~')!; -✓::;;; _gs'
i .; ~ . ('1 tJ?.(B). . . . J1tt,IJ.(~)
: ..J~d--(\ }A.) .
· ~ JI~u!(jl ' (D) ' . ( Jlil (C)
. . ..

Scanned with CamScanner

• I
Auqaf Departm ent 575

f v-(v' (~ l,_4hl~J,~c:z.,1.,-liif.-=--J.r~ .99 r"-

' .
_;I( ✓".,i L H .1oo
. . . . · ,· rrJ.rr(;)k:.:-.1.r-'tf\;JIJ'v'~ d,;1rJ;~· (B> ...11,:::.;;J".,} (A) .

ul>':-- I (8) -::.S (A)

i./.1 Jf.::...v!v'I (0) v'l;...11~/ (C)

JfJf-=...v-v''. (D) 6~- (C)

Answe r Key '

1. .. B 14. B 27. B 40. A 53. A 66. C 79. B 92. B
2. 15. A 28. B · 41. B 54. ·A 67. . B. 80. C 93. C
3. D 16. C 29. c · 42. B 55. D 68. C 81. D 94. A·
4. C 17. A 30. a · 43. D 56. B 69. B 82. C 95. A
5. A 18. · ·A 31. B 44. ·c 57. A 70. B 83. C 96. B
6. A 19. A 32. B 45. B 58. A . 71. D 84. B' 97. C
7. C 20. C 33. A 46. C 59. B · 72. B .· 85. B 98. C
. 8. -A ·21. D . 34. B 47. B 60. A 73. A 86. D 99. A
9. C 22. B 35. A 48. A 61. C · 74. B 87. B 100. B
10. B 23. , C· 36. B 49. C 62. B 75.. ' D 88. B ·
11. A 24. B 37. B 50. C 63. C 76. D 89. D
12. A 25. A 38. A 51. A 64. A 77. A 90. B
13. B 26. C 39_· . A : .·52. B 65. C 78. D 91. C
♦♦ -♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ •


. .
MANA GER AUQA F· {20M 2020)
Auqa f. & Religi ous Affairs·oepartme nt _

1. Which of the following is the .largest · fort of · (C) Can cause a cell ti;> become turgid .
.Pakistan? · • (D) Is independe~t of solute concentr ations
(A) Rohtas Fort · (B) Attock fort ,. Complete 'the ·number series: 1, 2, 2, 5, 3, 8, ·
(C) Jamrud_Fort . {D) Rani Kot Fort . ? . .
2. Sir Syed advised Muilims to stay away from (A)· 3 (B) 7 ·
Congress because:·. . {C) · 6 . , (D), 4
(A) Muslims needed · tim.e to prepare 8 . ~ - - - •river is. also known as Mother of
themselv es for political struggle Rivers.
'(B) It was 'Hindu dominate d body (A) Mekong {B) Mississip pi
{C) Its demaQds were against Muslim's (C) Indus ·. · (0) Fraser
· interests ·
{D) All these factors kept them away· from 9. Four People shar~d a .taxi to the airport. The
Congress · fare was Rs.4O and they gave the dr.i ver a tip
30% of the fare . If they equally shared the
3. What 1s the name of the Arab country Mars . cost of fare and tip how much did each person
Mission in Arabic? pay? . .
{A) Al-Amal (B) · Al-Aman {A) 13 · . (8 ) 14
(C) Al-asma · (D) Al-Adma n · · {C) 15 ..
, (D) 16
4. . Pyq11gyang is a city of: -10. Jn MS Word.2O16, is not available ,
' {A) -South Korea · (B) North Korea in Font Spacing. - - - -
{C) Japan (0) Oran (A) Normal . (B.) Loo~~ly
5. Ten, Co,mmandments bestowed to which {C) Condens ed . . (D) Expande d
prophet? · ·
1.1 . ·what is NASA sta·nd for? ·. .
: ·. (A) .Solomon (B) .Moses . (A ) National Aeronau tic and ~pace
.(C) Jesus . · . ·. (D) · Joshua Administ ration· · . .
. 6. ,Osmosis : (8) National Aeronau tics and Space
(A.) Requires ATP · Administration- · , . .
· : . .·
(8) Results in the bursting_.of plant .cells (C) National Aer.onautics ar:id Spaces
: Administ ration . :. · '
. plac·ed in pure water ·

•I I I

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, , I •
.,. . . . . . . ·. ,,. .
. .
; :
_; ,
:. .
.. . ,.
. '
. ., .


.. . . ~· ' .

. .· . . . ASSISTANT (BS-1 Gf· · .·· , _ ··. . ·. : ·. -:.·:

.· .- . '. . ·. ..
L.ABO~R ·& HU_MAN "R Es·o u~~ E D~P ~~T ME_NT {PU~JAa .. :_ ·.. . . .
. i:MPLOYEES ·SO~ IAL. SECURITY INST·IT~T ION)·~-~022 ·.· ..·::-· · .
. . . . .. . . .. . • '

(C) ,25 kg . (D) None of thes~:._.· ' . I

~hich co~ntry )~ large~t produc ~r 6f natural .
gas in. :'

· · 15. G igantic clo~ds ~~ntains : du~t arid I, J, •• •

C) Iran_. · · • ··
(B) Russia
(D_) . None of the~e..
space called : . · · : ··.· ;_.._. .
(A) Comet .
. · : _..
• · · (B). ·Qalaxy . . ..
·: ·,·.. .
. . .
(D) None 6f t~ese · ' .
A~ian games 2022·will held -WI whictri city: · (C) Milky Way·· ·
· (A) Seoul · (B) Bangko k' 16. Which:of .thedoll owing :exe~~ te i~struc tions: . ..
(C) Hangzhou (_D) Naone of these · (A) Mother board . , .. {B.) . Hard,e isk . · • : · . . ,
(C) CPU! . ·. (D) Nohe of these·
3 Koh-e-Murad is sacred place of: .. · . ·. ·
· (A) Zikri .. , (B) ·.Hindus .·. . . . 17. :As _,:_·_· is ready to· h~lp me 1· have t~- do. ·. · . · .
. _ . _ by myself. ·. · · · · : . . .
(C) Parsis· .. (Q) ·Non_e of these.-
· {A) someo ne/all . (8) Nobo9 y/every thing .· .
4 Black Lives Matter move·meG"it initiated from · · (D) No':)e of
_ these · .
· which country: · ·· · · · · · (G) no <;>ne/all
. · . · 18: Choose the correct one: · ·
(A) · South Africa . • ·. (B) US
. · · (A) A series of lecture s w~s del_ivered · ·'
(C) Egypt · ·(D) ~orie of these : ·'
s. When US did strike in Afghan istan: · . ; . · ((CB)) A_series of ledure s were deliver ed . .. : .·
{A) 7 August 2001 · · (B) 7 Octobe r 2001 -.· A series of lecture was deliver ed ·
(D) None-o f _thes~ . . ., · ·· .
(C) 8 Decem ber 200·1 (D) of thes.e .
19. His work ·stand · to that of others. ... . . .
6. Lee Kuan Yew r-eign ~ps~ed . .· · · ·
{A) 28 years · · ·. (8) 29 years . . (A) out · . .- - ·· (Eh over
· (C) by · . ' · _·. , (P) N_o ne _o f these ·- ·
(C) 31 years . (D) Non_e· of these ·
' 7. When state of Kalat·a cceded to· Pakista n:· 20. In t~e ocea~ ba_ siA . relief. · is g~ntly .
(A) 1947 · - · (B) 1948 · sloping . relative ly shal_low -subme rged at the . · -
plain of subcontinent. · . · ·
(C) 1949 _ · (D) None of these .
8. President is elected by . . ·. . (A ) Contine·ntal, shelf · (8) Contin ental rise ··
. (C) Contine ntal slope (D) Norie of tli-ese .
(A) Nati~naJ as~em bly (B) Se~ate .
(C) Proy1nc1al assembUes· · ·.21. ln<ius river origina tes·from . · - : _ .
. ' (A) . India . . (B) China
· (0 ) All of these
· · (C) Tib~t · (D ) None of thes·e
.,. oars-e-nizamia was establi shed during the
reign of: ·22. She burst tears.
{A) Babar (8 ) Akbar ·. _ (A) .to - -- .·(B) in . .
·(C) Humayoun {D) None of these (C) -with _(D) ~ohe these(i nto) . .. of
· 10. When · diarchy was· introdu ced in Sub- 23. He is • M.A.
continent (A) :a -. · (B) an · . . . . ·
(A) 1909 (8) 1916 · .. . . : (C) , of · . (D) None of these _. · ·
(C) 1919 . (D) ·None of these .. 24. Choos e the correct .~ne: · .
1 Orange revolution is associa ted with (A) The~e catties are niine . .
· (A) Turkey .._ . . .- . (B) India · (B) These cattle are mme. . · ·
(~) Ukraine · · · (D) None of these (C) These cattle is mine. ,
. · . .. . .
12· The speed of sound is ~inimu ro in: · : . (D) Norw ·of these · .
. (A) S!eel ~ · . · (8 ) Water at 25·° C : 25: ·When · · _c6rr,munist · part; ·· was .'b~ri.n~d
i~- . · · · ,.:
·. Pakista n: · ., · · · · · · · - · ·· · >·
(C} Air at O C . • (D). None of t~ese
3 ·: .(A) 1950 . (a) . 1954 . . .·. .
· -~ · ldiom•.~ s the Crow flie.s" means : .·· ·. .
(C) 1958 . . · . ·. (D) None otthes e ·. . ..- :_ · .,·, ·
{Al Indirect way (B) •Dire ct~
· (C) . Impossible task (D) None of these , . 26. Banjosa la'ke is in: · ~ · . . ·.;,.,; . . ·.: ·:!. • :·, :_.:
14 .· (A) Punjab . ·. (B)_'AJ K , . .·· ·. .. , -: ~- · -·. · .:·.
· A_ ~ature ·tree · will ta-ke how m~ch carbon ' ,,, • . • • • : • 4. , • j • : ~ • : •

dioxide from the ·atmosp here annua?ly? ·

(A) 20 kg _(B)'_ 22 kg . 1 . • .
., . ' . '

' •

.. . \

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'684 Advan&e d PPSC MCQs Model Papers
A) Parabolic (B) Seif .
. (C) Sindh (D) None of these ~C) Dune . (D) f:-Jon~ of.the~e
27. Which article of 1973 constitution Is related to Wh'ch of the following uses source of light:
4 2 , A Conventional · (B) Perspective
secret ballot:
(A) 38
(C) 280
(B) 226
(0) None of these
. ~d Non-perspecti~e (D) ~one of these
43 : When U S entered in Afghanistan: , .
28. Most populous city of Pakistan Is: A 2000 ·, ' (8) 2001 · ' ' - . '
(A) Lahore
(C) Quetta
(B) Karachi
(0) None of these
~d 2002 - (0) None of t~.ese
44 _· Which country is against US ~mbargo attemPt
29. Which Indian political leader did not attend
on Iran? ~8- .
first round table conference: (A) China ·· ' ) Russia
(A) Gandhi (13) Muhammad Shafi (C) F,rance I D) None of these
(C) Zafar Ullah Khan (D} None of these
30. How many Muslim League members were · 45 _ No tax~tion wit~out repre~~nt~ti_on . slogan
included in interim government: · initiated in: · (B) C- h' ·
(A) US . . . ,. ,na
(A) 04 · (B) os· (C) Spain (D) N~ne of these
(C) 06 (D) Norie of these . . .
46 . . When Doha ·a ~reemen t was •signed between
. 31 . Who founded Jamat-e-lslami? us and Afghanistan: ·. .·
• (A) Syed Abul Ala Maududi (A) February 2020 ·(B) Decembe r 2019
(B) Maula Abul Hassan Ali Nudvi (C). Septemb er 2020 (D~ None (?f these
(C) Hussain Ahmad. (D) None of these ,
: 47. 11&, am ~liyev is the pres(iBd)enAz.tof b .. .
32. Wall of knowledge built in which city: (A) Armenia -· : ~r aIJan
(A) Islamaba d (B) Karachi (C) Uzbekist an (D) None of these
(C) Lahore (D) None of these
48. · The headqua rter · of · Human Rights Watch ·
33. Pakistan co~ducte d nuclear tests on ·May 28, • (HRW) is k>cated in.- = - = - - .
1998 at? · · .
(A) Ne~ X?Tk . . . ' (aJ Washmg ton
(A) Toba Kakar (B) Cha_ghi-hil_
l~.- · (C) Berlin (D) No~e of these •
(C) Raskoh · .(OJ None oMhe_se
49. How much. trade i~ ,carried through seas and
34. What is the name of the border between . . . oceaKis:
Pakistan and Afgha.nistan? . (A)' 70% (B) ao0; ; · ·. ·.
(A) Durand line (B) Line of coofrol · ~ · (C~ 90% (D) None of these
(C) Radcliffe lin~ (D) ·None of thes·e · ·
50. · When l_raq invaded Kuwait:
35., When Makran acceded to Pak~stan: · · (A)' August 1989 . (B) August 1990
(A) 15 August 1947 · '(C) ·Septem ber 1996 (D) None ~f th~se
(8) 17.March 1948
(C) 22 ,December 1955 51: . .Wall Street is situated in:· :
(D) None _o f th·ese (A) Genev_ a . . (8) New York
(C) ·Lon.d on . · (D) . Non~ of these
36. Pakistan Steel Mills was constructed in the . . .52. The first'Asia n ur,j° secretary general is: ·
(~ifnzfJ ul Hhaq (A) Bari Ki-moon · · (B) U Thant' ·
(B) Benazir Bhutto . . . (C) . Kofi Annan (D) None of thes~
(C) Muhamm ad khan Juneja
(D) None of these (Zulifqar Ali Bhutto)
37. Anna Molka-Ah med was a famous .
53. W~ich of the following is .used ~n ·optical fibre:
. G_las~ ~hread .
· C) Tiny particl_e s
. (B) ·Glass particles
(D) None of these
(A) Painter
(C) Film maker
38. Big Ben is located in:
· · .{B) Dramat- isr-
(D) None of these t>
54. Which gas is combust ible:
H~lium .
. • C) -Nitrogen ·
. · (B) .Hydrogen ·
(D) , None of these
(A) ·~ome (B) London 5~, H~ is---..:... worried
.a boµt his car issue_. he
" (C) Paris· (D) None of these r:et to ~he garage : . · · · ·
· 39. Who is current -chairman of F~deral· Public: A) so-much /that · (B) so/- ·
·service-C ommissio n: · . · C) •1the . •(D) None of these
.(A) Malik Zafar Iqbal (B) Zahld Saeed 56 - H.e sat~ th~·shadow
(C) Hase~~_Athar
40. Yemen crisis started 9&i:
(P) None of these · t~ on
C onto ·
. .
of mang~ tree. · .
· (8) under
· · .· (D) None :of thes~.
· ·

·(A) 201 ·'7 . : (B) 2015 57 · . Choose th~ corre~t

analogy .
(C) 201'1 .. ,, (D) Nooe of these Young: O ld:_Mornong .
· · · · ·(A) late· ·
. .41,. Modificat i~n of _statione~ . barchans .re_sults in .. ·.. · (C) _Early ·, · , · · (B) ~ight_
the formation of. .- 0 (D) None of the (E · ·.
. .· . · .

. .

.. s~ . ve~mg)

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Labou r & Human Resou rce Depar tment 685
If you come across my keys, br_ i ng it to_me, 72. Which is used for ON/OF F
58. ? .
can you . · (A) Fuse (B) Switch
(A) don't you (8). isn't you · (C) Break er. . . (0) All of these · .
(C) can't you · ·
. (D) None of these (will you) 73.' He said 'to me, "where will you spend this ·_
_ .
night"? · • . ·
How much blood human.body contatns: .
. •I -
59· (A) 3-4 liters (A) He asked me where I would spend that
· (B) 5-6 Jiters
. (C) 6-7 liters (0) None·o f the~e • night. - .
(B) He asked me where I will spend that
·- Nonstick cooking utensi ls are coated with
60. (A) PVC night. ,.
(8) Teflon · (C) He asked me where I would spend this
(C) Polystyrene (0) None of t~ese night. . · .
61 Antonym of Gump tion is _ (D) None of thes~ . ·
. (A) Apathy . (B) Nerve 74. A collection of inter.r elated file in compu ter is a
(C) Initiative (0) None of_these (A) File_manag er (B) · Field .
6 2. The · we_ invest igate the_ _ appar ent '(C) Datab ase (0 ) None of these
that he was gutlty. 75·. If A and B togeth er can compl ~te a piece .?f
(A) further/most . (B) farthes t/more
· work .in 15 days and B alone m 20 days; m
· (C) farthesUmost (D) N,one of these · · how many days can A alone compl ete . the
63: After creating the table which of the fol1owing wo~? - .
• is correct: (A) 60 . (B) 45 . . . .
(A) - Fields canno t be added . (C) ~o (D) None of these .
(B) Fields canno t be delete d . . 76. When ·52416 is divide d by 312, the quotie nt is
(C) Fields can added but only once ·. · . · 168. What wiM be the' quotie nt when 52.41 6 is
(D) None of these · (Field can be apded and divide d by 0.0168 ?
deleted as neede d) . . ·.
(A) 3.12 - · · , (B) 312. _-
64. · Five people 1oined the job and seven · . (C)_ 3120 (0) None of these
· (A) resigned (B) have· resign ed . 77. If x= 7-4✓3 then find .t he value:of x+(1/x )
(C) resign · • . { D) · None· of these . . , (A) 1 ·- (8) 14
65. ·The area betwe en rivers Jhelun i and Chena b (C) 7+_4 ✓3 (0 ) None of the~e
is calle d~~- · 78 .. A school has only (our classe ~ that contai n 10,
. (A) Rachn a Ooab (B) Chaj Ooab · 20, 30 and 40 studen ts respec tively. The pass.
(C) Sindh Sagar (0)- None _of these percen tage . of these classe s ·are 20%, 30%..,
· 66. .What is extens ion of. Power Point presen tafion · 60% and 100%· respec tively: Find the pass %
offile? · ot th·e entire school. • · . .. ·
(A) .pp . (A) .76% (B) 66% ·_ ·
· (B) -.xls- (~) 56%
(C) .ptb .- . .. ....
. ·:- (0) None of-thes1:;1 .
79. A person buy_a shirt· in 470 and soid in 540
(D) None of these (.ppt) • _find the approx imate profit percen tage? · ·
67. -Basin means_ _ _. · (A) 11 % · · (B) 12% ·
(A) Deep area of river • , (9) '1 3% . _
· (B} Deep area of land · . (D) None of these (15%} _
(C) Deep area-o f ocean 80. Rs. 1290. is lent out at .5% per annum simple
-(D) Noi:ie of these . interes t for 3 years. Find the amoun t after 3
68. Which can · be used for : quick acces s to .. . years. · :
commonly used comm ands and tools? (A) 1290 (B) 1380 . ,
(A) Title bar . - (B) Tool bar (C) 1470 _ ·-(D) Nore, of these
_(C) Task bar · (D) None of these 81 . The value of log~ (125)( 625)/2 5 is equal to:
69. T~e hardw are parts of compu ter are: : (A) 725 · (B) ·s4 .
. (A} Firmw are compo nents. · ' (C) 05 · (D) None of the~e
· · (B) Logica l compo nents -~ 82. How many times in a day·, are the hands of a
.. ·(C) Physical compo nents (D) No_n e·of these clock in ·straig ht line but oppos ite in directi on?
70. HTTP stands for · (A) 22· (B) 24 ~
· . ·-
· · (A) Mypertext Trans fer~Pro focol . . ~C) _48 . (D) None of the~e
· {B) · Hyper text Trans fer Proce ssor · . 83. The word uttere d before Nimaz is called :
. .. ,..., (C) High transf er protoc ol (D ) None of these· (A) Azan .: · . - ·;, ·-
·· 71 ... Which · part . of co.mputer . conne cts with (B) Takbe er-e-T ahreem a ._ ·- .
motherboard and give power to differe nt parts: (C) Tasl:lhad · · (D) None of these - '
(A) CPU (B) Ppwer supply · . ·94_ Hazra t Umer (R:A) divid~ d Muslim Empire into
(C) RAM -(D) None of ~hese .~ow many provin ces? ·· . ·--
.. ." . ~- <i -.: . ; ~ (A) ~even · (8) Eight

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686 Ad~anceil PPSC MCO, Model Paoea . .

(C) Ten . (0) No'ne of these f i;..~f)._.J,t;~;;Jl,.
85. Which book wrote by Imam Ghazall? m . if,;,; J ,94
,(A) Al fouz ul kabeer (B) ANhya ~~ ~~~~e J"• ivt.?
- .... (8)
.. 1"-' (A) .
(C) Huliat ul baligha (0) one
86. Who wrote Al Fouz ul Kabeer: a
viJI.:-.v-1:)I ~D) . . if,; cl,~ (C) .
(A) Or lsrar Ahmad (B) lbn Taem 1Y
(C) Sh.ah Wall Ullah (0) None of t~ese · . f 'i-..;;,,,J /(r J~ ,,,J.;t>,J,/iij/ ..'
87. The last fight against P~rsian in Hazral Umar
I • , • ,95
RA reign: , · .b
L)Li.J)(I _(B)' . l,)~..J)(i (A)
(A) Nihawand
· (C) Yermuk
(B) Bewa,
(D) None of t~ese
viJI~✓-~, -(D) - --1(' (C)
88. How many ·Heads of "Zakar · are t_ here In . . r~>11,t:n)•; .v
Islam? .. .' . - '' "''"t"' .96
(A) 07 · ( 13 ) 08 • &

(C) 09 (0) . None of these · . l:.rr\;J~{ . (B) l:r.i,.J} (A)

89. Which book compiled by A.hmad Bin Shoaib
RA Ji'Ji;_v-i:JI ,(D) .'. . -. L:r.J1~ (C)
~'f-~J✓j ~-0'{~'1). .97
(A) Bukhari Sharif
(B) Muslim Sharif
(C) Tirmizi Sharif ·,
(D) None of these(Nisai)' . ,.,:r.Jj,J (8) . · · .i'l~..Jt(- (A)
90. Give the riame, who · compiled first work . o_f ·
Hadith ·sahifa-e-Sadiq'a." · . · 1. .
v-i JIi:;:....i.f..i:!'
((?) ,J/-(4. (C)
(A) Hazrat Abu Bakar (RA) . .. · ·· ·
(8) · Imam Muslim (RA) · · · · ·
(C) Hazrat Abu Hurairah (RA) · . · ·-
. ~.ur¥v~,L~h fiJ.l~.l~~r.----0t.tif'(1,, .98 ·

(D) None of these (Hazrat AbduUah bin Amr .

(RA)) . . . . .
·, / . (8) .k.-:d! (A)
" j:iJ(~✓--tjl (D) . _ _
k.,~ (C)
f ~o~r;crJ;; ~JA{~~~· .91 - ..
- . -~1,,:, ..... J (B) ,J/i;;,/~;:;,. (A) . · .,Si.t~J'P.~JJ .99
_viJi~~~; cor . . · (,r cc> AJ.J'.1v
. L~vlPoJr
. .. <A> '

A;:,f.:,~L~ V(p,Ji_(B)
v~~(.f~/J/1..\1.,~~-J=~,_·.92 _
,t~ (B) . · · ·,:/. (A) .· . . ·
· viJI~i.1-0, (D)AJ.J~L~VlP-:tf (C}
't . . •

-j:iJI~✓-ell (D) Jj{ (C) > ' -~'f--c}J'L!".;;1,...fiJ~;;J.100 :

. •, . ~f--V-U-"-;>~-J('":"'C(U.1liifdJ~,~~ .9~'·
,,cl,~ (8) · . J.'."""d~ ·(A)
J/~~ '(B) ;~l:)lY,A,.(A) -
~Jlc...i.t~, (D) l:)IPcf'~J (C)

.,,iJ/.a...~i:/f (D) (-\,? (C) , ..

1. .B . 14: B 27. . . i3
92. o·
2. C 15. D 28. B · 40. C 53, A 66. D · ... .79. D
41. C · 54. B 67. B B
· 3. A · 16. C 29. . A 80. B 93. A
4-. .. : · '8 . 17. B 30, B 42. B 55.. A 68. B .
-31. · A 81. c· 94. C
. ·5_ . . B 18.. A. 43: B 56. . B 69. .C · 82. 'A . ·95,
.. , ..-. 6. ·... · C . . · 19.
... 7. . B 20.
32. B .A
33. ': B
44. A
45. A
' 57. · ·b
58. · D
70. . A
71. -B . 83. 8 . . 96,.
97. C ..
·, . · 8 ·o . . 21. C . 34. A . · 46. · A 59. B . 72. B 84: ·C •·
85. B 98. ·'
· .· . g· . . C . · 22. D . :. 35. B · 47. B · 60. .. 8 73. A . 99. B ,"
. , t°'O. · .C . 23. . B · . · 36. D . 48. . A 61. · ·A · 74.. C 86. . C
._ . . tf._ -C , :24. · ...B · 37. . A. 49. . B 62. A. 75. ·A . 87: A ,• . 100. 8-.:<'
. ·12. · C .. 25. 8 88. . B .
38• · 8 50. · B. . 63. D 76. . C
89. . D · ·· .-· . . ·
· · 13.· ·· B :· , 26. B · . 39. B 51; . B · 64. . B . 77. · B
. 52. B 65. B .· 78. B' 90. D
91. · A
. . . • ..• ♦ • .• ♦ ♦ • . • ·· .

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.. .. ,.. J • •,

I • \• •

. . @t•J•J8■:biHilliE . . . .
. ASSISTANT (BS-16) 2022 . ·. .
(C) . Hydroctiloric··Acid ·
1. My father was so poor.,.....,.,,----· . (D) None of these _
(A) To get medical help for my mother
(8) That he cann(?t buy food for us .
10_. Pakistan's ideology is bases on the ideals ot2:
. . (A) Theocracy · (B) . Democracy
(C) To send me to ~chool (C) Monarchy _ . (D) None of these
(D) None of these .·
2. . The sum · of the squares of two positiv~ - 11. The Hadith comprising the wording of Allah is
integers is 100 and their difference of .their called: · •
square is 28. The sum of the numbers is: · (A) Taqreeri . (B} .. Quoli
(A) - 10 (8)12 . (C)Qudsi · (D)Noneofthese
(C) 14 . · (D) None ~f_t~ese . . ' 12.. 1n··Pakistan, term Chhanga Manga ·Politics is
3: Whose. birth year-is 150 A ..Hwhen lm~m-Abu · used for ·
· Hanifa RA died: . · , . · ,(A) Kickback · . (B) Hors·e-trading
(A) Imam Malik RA (B) Imam S:hati RA (C)°' Bribery_ . (0) None ~f these
. (C) Imam Ham_bal RA(D)_ Non.e of these 13. Roht~s fort was b~ilt during the rule of:
4. Pakistan needs -how many votes from FATF .(A) Babar _ . (B} Hu.mayun .·
members to exit from grey· list. · · . (C) Sher Shah Suri (D) None of these
(A) 10 (8) 12 . ·.1 14,: Snowcapped mountains ~re found on-which of
'(C) 14 (D) None of _these , . . the following planet: · · _ . .
· 5. One of the. tono·wing_: word~ means "A per~on : .· (A) Mars (B) Venus .
. who causes trouble". · . · (C). Pluto (D) . None of these · ·.
- . _., · (A) Oblivious (8) Nuisance · · 15_ WWW stands for
· (C) Tra<;lition_al ([)) None of these (A) Whole World Web .
. . 6. "Daughter of the East" is written by: . (B) 'Wide·.world Web
-(A) Fatima Bhutto _, (B) Bena2:ir 6hutto (C) World Wide Web
(C} Nusrat Bhutto · (D) None of these .(D} Non.e_of these ·
7. There are twice as ·many tioys as there are 16. Metrology is study of: .
girls· If 30% of the -boys and 45% of .the girls · (A) Study of Atmosphere
iaile~ _in the exary,s then what percentage of (.B) Study of Stars
the class passed the exams ? (C) Study of Weight .
; (A) 35% . ( B) 40% , · •; " ,. . ;
. (D) None of these _ .
(C) 52% . (D) None·of these
17 . . BolarrP.ass is located in the range 3 of:
8. Feral means · (A) Salt Range ·. . ... . ·
(A) Well Planned ·(B) Over weoght (8) Kirthar Range
1C). ~jld . (0} None of these_. (C) Karakoram Range
9. Car - batteries uses .. :that reacts ~ith (D) None of ttiese \'

lead _plates to generate electricity. •

• (A) Sulphu.ric ~cid - . (8) Nitric Acid
2 J ·1 •. . . .
. '3 svam · . .
To_ba Kakar:' Range ··

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~ '. Services and GMera/ ~dni1iristrat1oi, Department (S&Gii.D/
(8) Fror:n
.953 .
. ~any years does·the. (~ign of i'igihtly ·' (A) Over
fo: hdO~aliph prolonged . . • {D) None·of these .
(C) With -
18· guide (B) 20 years . . · .
(A) 30 years . · .. (D) None of these · . 33. Choo~E: the antonym of: Laborious .
C) 14 years , , (A) D1hgent · . (B) Lazy
( (D)- None of th~se -· _
can do a piece_of work in 4 hou_rs; B and C . · . (C) Frivolity·
I 3 nd _c
34. Which one is the result of the output given .by.
19. A ether can do_ ~ in hours, while A a in. • • a computer:
. to9ether can do It in 2 hours B alone t~ do 1
1 hours (B) Instruction · · . ·_
to9 a hours · (B) O 0 th (A) Data . •
~~~ 12 hours_ (D) None f ~se
_ .(C) Informatio n (D) None of these
· A_comp~te~ pr?gram ~t tr~nslates ~ne . 35. A worker is paid Rs.2130 for 6 days..If his
1 0 total wage during a ·month is Rs.9230 find the
20- rogram !nstruction at .a time ~~ -~achm~ .
fanguage is called__(-B) cpu·· . .1 , : number of days he_worked in the month are?

(A) tnterp~et~r . , · (A) 26 (B) 24 . .·

(C} Compiler . • (D) . None o
_ f these .(C) 22 (D) None of these
than a ,hen by what per -36. ·,.The esta.blis.hment of _ Delh.i Sultan~te . began
21 P is 6 time~ greater th an .P?
· cent 1s Q smaller .• · • -'. . · ' with the invasion of:
.(8 ) .BS.- 5 Y
· · · (A) Muhammad Ghouri
(A} 84% . •· .._ • "'~

(C) 80% · . 0 •, . (B) Muhammad Tughlaq

(D) None of these (83.331/o ). . .. . : . ·(C) Allan Uddin Khilji (D) None of these ·
22. Which one is not a yestigial organ of human . 37.. Where is Tower Bridge located? .
being? . · . (A) London (B) Budapes~
(A) Appe_ n_dix • (B) Coccyx ·(C) -CoYombo (D) None of these ·
{C) Eye hd . (D) None of tA'lese · .
. · -. . · . 38. Choose the ahtonym.of: Wrath - _
23_ Tipu Sultan embraced martyrdom m: . (A) Solace. . . (B) Peace . ·
1A) 1799 . · (B) 1821 . .- . (C)" Delight (D) None of these ·
(C) :1789 - - (D} None of these _ , ·
39. Muhamm ad Ali Sadpara was a:
(A) Cricketer . · (B) Traveler . ,
24. Which of the following ran_ge · is naf!'!ed as
. . Trans-Him . ·· -. · ·
alay~s? _ (B}· · Karakor-am · (C) Mountain eer (D) N<?ne of these
. (A) Hindu· Kush
(C) - Sub Himalayas (D) None of thes~ 40. A person who can rieither read nor write is:
·· · · • · · (A) . biterate · . (B) Illiterate
25. He has been- suffering from _fever~ the . ,c) Garrulous · _ _ (D) None_.of these
last three days. · · · .
(A) For . · . (B) About · _ _, · 41 . ' Name the · Um-mul-Momfneen who narrated
(D) · None of these _ · ·maximum ahadith:
(C) Sirice
26. The name.-of wife of the "Abu Jahal" was: .
· (B) Ume-e_ -Ka_lsoo~
-~~ ~=~sahba:lddiqua RA
(C) Hazrat Khadija RA
I •

(A) Ume-e-Jamil
(C) Uine-e-Fazal · (D) None of these
(D} None oft ese(Zirarah) 42. Whi~h animal was re.siding with the As'hab-e-
27. Recently Karacl)i fell to which position on • -. · · Kahaf? .. _ , ,
·· : Crime Index out of 300 global cjties:. (A} Camel
(B) 11011 ·_ · · _ .(B) Oonkey _.
(A) 105 ··.
(C) 115
(D) None of these -- · (C} Dog (D) · None of these
43 ·· ~ert:~n t:i~~~ Fassad means:
. 2a. Choose the synonym of underline d word:
Thiefs filli.frL eyed betrayed his-guilt. _ . . (8) Sharp ~p Cutting Strike
(A) Crafty (B) Wily .. ., (C) Path of Salyati911 . . .
(C) Deceitful (D). None of tl'l'ese (D) No~e o~ these (Eli~inati on of ~isoord)
29 - 4~. The stl.(dy of"stars is know_n as: · ·
- Cho_ose the antonym of: Sacrilegious
(A) Pious · (8) Impious · . . (A) Astrology . - ·(B) Astronom y
(C) Profane (D) . Non~ ·of these .· (C) Cosrnography (D) ·~one of t~ese __
o. Currency of China is: 45.· ·An application program that allow a user to-set .
(A} Po~nd _ _. (B) Yen · page number and spell check of document is .
Rupee . . · known as · . · ,• ·
. . (C)
·(D) . ~one of thes~ (Yuan) · . (A) Notepad · (B) WordPad . ·
3 .. _ . ·. (~) Wo,-d processo r"_ (D) All o~thes~ _ .: 1.·
1. In wruch country is Storiehenge?
(A) Un~ed Kingdom _(B) The-Nett:ierlands ·. 46. European Union consisted · .of ~ow · mahy .
. (C) Sw1tz_ erland · (D) None of thes~ - me,!Tlbers_? · · ·.-, · '
3 · ·.·(A) · 23 - • -_.~B) · 2 7
- .. · ·' ·
~- _The principal" will preside___·. ~he function.
..: . . ;..

' .

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"t .. .

954- Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers · (B) Romantic ·

(A) Tragedy (D) None of these
(C) 31 (D) None of these . (C) comedy
47. Which of the foliowing established a cease-fire is considered the engineering
60 Kashmir? · hub of Pakistan. .
(A) lndo-Pak Truce treaty A) Lahore · . (B) Gujranwala .
(B) Aman ki Asha Agreement ~C) · Slalkot (D)_ None of th~~e
; ' (C) Mirpur Declaration 1

(D) None of these (Karachi Agreement) 6 Defence Day is observed in: th . .

1. • (A) 511i September (B) 12 September
48. Where is Bathsheba Beach? . (C) 17th September (D) None of these ·
(A) Barbados (B) Greece ·
(C) Australia (D) None of these 62· A Fort had provision of food for 150 men for
49. ·The name of Turkish currency is: 45 days. After 10 days, 25 _men left the fort
The number _of days for which the remaining ,1
(A) Takka (B) Riyal ·
(C) Lira (D) None of these food will last 1s: (B)
(A) 29 1/5 37. 114
50. Guess th~ cl~~est po~sible meanings of the (C} 42 (D) None ~f these .
given idiom from the options given below:
63. Military courts haldt bdeeto" teesrtraobr_1lsismhedndto deal
A pipe dream with the cas~s re a e - u er _
(A) A nightmare (B) A day dream
amendl];lent. ( ) 1h
(C) An unending dream · . . (A) 19 8 20
(D) None of these(A hope or plan that will s
(C} 21 • (D) None of these
never come true)
64. China signed a . 25 years (Strategic
51 . A person who has um1sual habits is called: · Cooperation Pact) with:
(A) Eccentric (B) Misogynist · (A) · Nepal (8) Bangladesh
(C) Misogamist ·. · (D) None of these . · (C) Iran (D) None of these
52. The incumbenf Foreign · Minister · of
Afghanistan is: .
65. The re~_piratory problem common in smokers
(A) Muhammad Hanif Atmar is: ·
(B) Mustafa Mastoor _(A) Tuberculosis (B} Asthma
(C) Muhammad Sarwar Danish . (C) Emphysema (D) None of these
(D) None of these (Amir Khan Muttaqi) 66. Light takes · about._ _ to reach Earth from
53. · · ·
is the ·current ·Federal, Ministe(of. · the Sun. ··
Maritime affairs. ·(A} 8 Seconds (B} 8 Minutes
. .. (A) Ali Amin Gandapur · (C} ·17 Seconds
(B) Zartaj Gui ·. . . . . (D) None of these (8.3 Minutes)
. {C) Syed Ali Haider Zaidi · {D) None of these 67. At the ti'me when Khilafat delegation visited
. 54. Who said "AU history is the history of class . England in 1920, the British PM was:
· · struggle"? (A) Lloyd George • (B) . Churchill
{A) Rousseau (8) Kant ·· (C) Ghamberlain· .· (0) None of these
· ,· (C) Vico · · ' 68. Gloss means
(0) None of these (Karl Marx) . (A) Language ·. . . (B) Rubbing
55. In Pakistan, annually sugar consumption per (C) Brightness (D) None of these
capita is estimated as:
(A) 15 kg - (B) . 20 Kg
69. When did East Pakistan become Bangiadesh?
(A) September 1971 (B) December 1971
(C) 25 Kg (D) None: of these ·
{C) January 1972 · (0) ·None of these
. 56. Befo~e Islam Friday w~s called:
70. Kunar river is also called___ river in ·
_(A) e,!li/t(t . (8) --:-'/'(! · Pakistan.
(A) Kunhar . (B) Swat
.(C} /t(t. · (D} None of these . (C} Chitral (D) · None o,f these
57: What is ·the significan~e of 5th J~ne in the UN . 71. Capital of Lebanon: . ..
,· calendar of the year? . · (A) 'Tripoli · . (B) Damascus ·
· (A) World Environment Day ' (C) Beimt (0) None of these
(B) World Post. Day
(C) World Food Day (D) None of these
, .- 72 - . . deyeloped the idea the Universal for
Turing Machine which becomes the basis for
58. lsraei occupied East Jerusalem fn: the first computer.
. . ''R' :(A) .1967 . (B) 1969 (A) Bill Gates . · (B) Alan Turfng ' •\

(C} · 1971 (D} None of these (C} Charles Babbage (D) None of these
. ~ .
- 59. Actor Moeen Akhtar was famous for
· which type of actipg?

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Services an General
t·,me· 0; Khilafat of Hazrat"
· h ·
Ali RA◄?
· · (C) Normal (D) None of the~e
ent S&GAD 55 .I .

wi,at 1s ar and one mont ..

73. four ye . . . of .Islamic Ideology is:
. . , · · 87. Chairman of Counci l
(M. 3 years . . . (A) Dr. Qibla Ayaz (B) Fazul-Q.Jr-Rahman·
(8) 2 years . . ' •. · .•
(C) None of these . ·. .. ·· (C) Molana sheerani (D) None of these ,
. (D) . f Bengal was annulled In. · 88. The latest season of the PSL was held entirely
partition° (B) 1910 In Pakistan for the . time.
14- (A) 19~~ - (D) None of these . (A) Fi,rst .. ( B ) Second
19 (D) None of these .
(C) Third .
(C) rteracy
1 rate in Pakistan is esitmated:
5 current . (B) 60% · · . 89. The blotting paper helps absor~ liquids ~y_ · _.
1 · (A) ~~~ . .(0). None ?f these_ • . . • (A) Viscosi ty (B) Capilla ry action
fraction s is greater than ' · . (C) Sutface tension (D) None of these
(C).ch f the following
76. Wh 'anltess than 5/6: · . ·90. London is situated on the ba.nk of which river: ·.
314 · .(8) 2/3 (A) Rhine (B) Thames
· (A) l?s (D) Nqne of these . . - ((?) Danube • (D) Seine ~
~n did Kamala Harris aoo . Joe Biden
77, ssume office? r'i-cJ /~(J, .1~'-.91
(A) 01 January 2021 (B) 01 February 2021 c)~..i'I ~/ (8) ..i'V;: (A)
(C) 20 January 2021 (D) Nooe ofthes e · :-·
78 3.14x10 isequa lt~:.
(B) 3~40 .
. JIJI c..v-cJ'<o) J·v i/ (C)·
. ...
· (A) 314 _
. (C) 314000·
(D) None of these (31400
· _
00)' . . . '
,,,~J;,_;, rJ,,;,Ji)b..
·. .-:·· f ~(✓ (i ' . -
' - V '/ •
92 ·

79. The .Institution . ~f. Senat.e came · into · b,eing . "\ ~'/~1.1W . .
(B) .
j ,( Lh~ .(A)
under the const1tu,t1on of: ·. ·
(A) 1956 (8) 1962 · . -· U,1Jf .::;...v-cJI· (D) : . . :fA,ir. (C)
(C) 1973
80. Odds and ends n:,eans ,_ .
(D) None of.t~~se,::: , . :,·:
' ' ~
·. · · . _· · rtif0 ~t,~)°J..Jt,hri/~
·t 7 r.
v! 93
(A) To do big thing!? with 1n the
others , '.
· .
dge of.·
'· . . . -? (.B) , . · · if (A~ ·
(B) To take the burden upon 9rieself .
·. j/Jl
!• '

(C) Rem. nant~· · (D) None of h

t. ~se . c..v-'(;)I (0) O.J~ l (C)

81. The hardest ·thing present in a human body is:

(Ar Dental enamel
(C) Ribs -
(8) Skull bones
(D) .None of th~se .
· ,J; j
. .•
V,: .;£,/I,\)?" I(J-'if- f ...-1',-' ~~,_:. ti< 94.
, · . f ~l]IJ( t(t;)1e;..LJ
82. Eat one's cake and have· it means :
{A) A policy to keep dog as a hous_ e-guard · ·· rJ~8 . (B) . . rJj,_;.~~· (A) -.
(B) A policy . to encour age fighting among I • •
(C) To maintain a diseased cat
. (k>./ (C)..
(D) None·o f these )u:1JI
:((;A;iJy c..v-01 (D) ..
· 83. Total districts in Punjab ~re: ·· . . . .

(A) 30 · ·· · (8) 32. . . ·S7 J}(if~ 7 (.$/!;.,_i;..,J>,(-Jj ..95

(C) 34 . . . (D) None of these (36)
84. Functional Dependencies·• are the types of . J,;iji.:,r>1 (B) · · ~il:[.Jt,{ (A) .
constraints that are based on
(B) Ke_y_re-v~isited U,1.J f ~V-c) I (.0) . . 0'.J{'.t;~ (C)..
. (A) Key . ·

(C) Supers·et key (D) None of these
85 W · · · .96 -
· · hat is the name of the economic corridor
signed between China and Pakistan 1n 2015? · J.:~1 (A)
. (A) CFEC (B) CPEC · J,,Ji> (B)

86 (C)- CKET
(D) None of these
.v.! JI C::...(j-L;,/I (D
c)~l, . (C)
· · thIn the atmosphere if the temperature· is
. en the pressure is .
---W) High J
r'i-:v- J,./ ,,1,(-1.kif..,1_~1Jr ,97 .. · ·"

4 Foury.
(A) Low

- -- -- - ~ --
(;),;lit (B) ~ . (A).. · - . >
ear and nine month uiJI.::;...j.~, (D) (;)t:JW1 (C) . ,.

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... .,.
956 Advanc ed PPSC MCgs Model Pae,!.rs_

'itf-(if~ ,I. ~(.1~/, 11~ .98

v-fJ/&;..,./.i;)I (D) . ~..luj (C)

JI(- (B> J,.1ijJv (A) ·rli";)LL:.1.,,;/Jo;u,.;.;;,.11,,,_.

,_;:jJfc:.-t.tcJI (0) ,t-1,(cJ (C) J!';;k ! (8) ~,~1~ 1 (A)

_'itf-L1fr./L( ,I~ .99 Ji JI&:.-V-~' (D) ..:L; (C)

( .1""1 .1)? ,~ (B) ,J}1,t.1, (A)

. Answ er Key
1. C 40. B 53. C · 66. · D 79, C 92. B
B 14. 27. C
2. C 15. C 28. C 41. A 54. · D 67. A 80. C ·93_
. 3. 68. C 81. A A
B 16. C 29. A .42. C · 55. C 94. 0
4. B 17. D· 30. D 43. ·o 56. B ' 69. B 82. D 95.
70. C 83: D
5. B 18. A 31. A 44. B 57. A 96. B
6. B 19.' · C 32. A 45.- . C · 58. A 71. C 84. A 97.· A
7. D 20. C 33. B ·46. a· 59. ·c 72. B 85. B 98. C
·a. C 21. D . 34. C 47. .o .. 60. A '. 73. D 86. B 9g_ A
. 9.. A 22. B 35. . A 48. A 61. A · 74: C 87. A 100. B
10. D 23. A · 36. -A 49. C 62. c I 75, B 88. A
11. C -'24. B 37. A ·. 50. · D . 63. .c . 76. C 89. B
12. B 25. A" :. 38. C .. - 51. . A ·,_ 64. . · C 77. C 90. a·
13. C 26. D 39. 65. C 78. D 91. C
.. 52. D
' .·. ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ♦ ♦ ♦ • -~

MOD EL PAPE R 193 ·,

·'' ·.
in .the.Cavil Secretariat Departme_nt ·(S .& .GAD)
. ·. .

1. Which of the following disease has · been · · (C) ._ B othA& B (D) ·Noneo fabove
finished in Pakistan? .
(A) Measeals
(C) Malaria
(B) Small Pox· . _,~~
• (D) ·None of above · - :·· ·-
•-~ . i~
8. · Great Britain of pacific is knpwn .
-N~w Zealand . _ (B) Japan ~
·Australia :=--.-.:;(D) .None of above .
· :.. _ ~
2. Agricultural reforms after 1857 · War · of g_ ..Lord Mountbatten.wa s retir~d as?
Independence were conducted in? · ·
(A) Punjab (A) · A~my Officer (B) Navy Officer .
(8) · UP (C)
(C) Bengal Arr Force Officer" (D) None of above
(0). None of above
3. Which among the . following in the largest · 10. Qartba Mosque· is in: . . .
lake? . . (A) Portugal (8) Spain · ·
· (A) Baikal (C) Turkey (D) None of above
(8) Supe.rior·
(C) Caspian · (D) None o( above · 11. Hig~est Peak'of Himalayas ·is in Pakistan
4. Havaldar Lalik Jan received Nishan Haid~r in: (A) Karakorum . (8) Nanga Parbat
(A) 1971 . (B) j965 · (C) Sakesar (0) None of above
(C) 1999 (D) None of above · . .12: .Which_·p~ovince_is adjacent to China?
5. Whic~ among .the following is not a page (A) Xtnj1ang . (B) Hainan· .
margrn? . , .:... . . (C) Zhejian g . · (D) None of above .
(A) Right . · (B) Centre 13. John .HUibert Marshall ~as Director-Gene·ral of ·
(C) Left . . (D) None of above the Archaeo0ogocal survey of India. He was .
_6.· _Who introdµced the basic-democracy?° · responsible for the excavations of . ·.
· (A) . Ayub Khan (8) Shutt<;> (A) Harrapa . (B) Moenjodara · · ·
(C) Zia · (D) N9ne of above . (C) Both A & .B (D) 1 None of above
7. Theory of relativity was giyen by: 14 · Synonym of conjecture . .
(A) Newton . .. . (B )·.. Ein~tein (A) To beli'e f . · (B) To Guess
(C) To Find . ·. ·([?) None of above :

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·Pun/ab Public ~ervlce Commission · · 1005 _ '' ..
1/_(D) !)~Jl1 (8) .n~ (A)
. . . t .::...JJ~·(v" "t.£:t,:;L.J" .96 J (D) ..:;,~/ _(C)
I • .

Ji~JJ'"J .(B) ..i'l:(f (A)

rJ11v-fi./J .t"J,oi✓ .J .99
iJNf~ {D) . - ;)(-11;/ (C) 1.t1LJ (B) J., (A)
J'i..vlJ ,:t:JJ/hf..!.--;f,;~~~1.... 11&
1 .97 1'1
_tlJf (D) ,,:fi (C) I

~J . ,:)..,;) (B) c;;/- (A) . . ~~v(~·(.t,IPL~·;i~ .190

· J 1.J;ll (D) [,;- (C) . · ..11J~1 (B) "':"l(' ;;Jl.;,1..J (A)
1~v~f ;J~i(i lj..?I .~8 .l!Ji;Jif (D) . JAbo,~1 (C)
.. Answer. Key
D 14. A 27. . · C · 40. A 53. B 66. B .79. .o· 92. A
I. B 15. D 28. C. 41. D 54. C 67. D 80. B 93. · B
2 D 16. C 29. · D . 42. C 55. i3 B 68. 81. A 94. C
3. D 17. D 30. A 4;3. . . D 56. B . o. 69 . 82. C 95. D
18. D 31. B. 44. · A 57. C B· 70. ,8 3. B 96. B
'5. D
C ·-19. A 32; . A . 45. C . 58.. A 71. B 84. D ' 97. C
i A 20. D 33. A ·· 46. C ··59_ B 72. D ,85. B 98. C
1. 34'.i · · · C · · 4 7. D 60. D
8. · D 21. B 73. A 86. B 99. ·a
9. C 22. C· 35: C · 48. D 61 . . B 74. D 87." : A 100. B
10. D.
23. -· C . 36. C · 49. C ·. 62. C · . 75. D 88. B
ff. D 24. B 37. C 50. A · 63. o· · 76. . [) . 89. B
12. -C 25. C 38. A 51. o,. ·. ·64 . . . C · 77. ·- A 90. D
13. A -26. D 39. A 52. · D 65. · B 78. · C 91. D
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .♦♦


. •


1. First Chairman of the Senate wa·s: 6-. Sun Yat Sen Park and Casa Garden is in
(A) Tasleem Aslam (B) Habib Ullah Khan which city of_China: ·
(C) Shahida Jamil . -(D) None of these (A) Beijing ·. . (B) Macau
2- Gwadar remained under Oman's rule for · (C) Shangh~i (D) None of these
. .
~ Years 7. Ashgabat ls the capital of _ _
(A) 55 (B) 75 (A) Tajikistan (B) Azerbaijan
(C) 175 (D) None of these ( 161) (C) Armenia ·
3· Faiz Ahmad F~iz was born in: - . · (D) None ~f these(Turkmenistan") ·
(A) Lah.ore ' . . (B) Karachi - 8. Who was the second Prime Minister of
(C) MCJltan Pakistan: .
(D) None of these (Sialkot) ·· (A) Liaqat Ali Kha·n ,
4· Wh' h . .
att ick part of body becomes lethal due to (B) Khawaja Nazim-ad-Din .
. ac of Covid-19: (C) Ch. Muhammad Ali . (D) Non_
e these of
. . . (A) Liver . (B) Lungs . 9. · Rakaposhi is located in which mountain range
5 (C) Throat. (D) None of these :_ '(A) ·Karakoram •· _· (B) Himalaya ·. . • ·: ·
~I India Muslim Student Federa.tion ·ll{as . (C) · Hindu Kash • ·(P) None of these
(~)ncied _i~ which c\ty: 1o. Nanga parbat Is · located- in which mountain ·
(C D~lhi · (B) _Lahore ran,ge . I
l Ahgarh (D) Non~ of these (A) Karakoram · (B) Himalaya- . ,

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·1006 . . Advanced PPSC MCQs'Model Papers
(A} Life Insurance (B) _. Medical help
. (C) Hindu Kash (D) None of these
11.' "Big Apple" is a nickname of,-:--~~- (C) Scholarships (~). None·of these
. (A) Washington · (B) New York 24 What Is the name for an amphitheater-lik
·(C) California (~) None oJ these · hollow that forms at the head_ of a glacier? e
12. Who wrote Bhutto Ke Akhri 323 Din: (A) Kettle (B) Cirque ·
(A) Brig. Siddique Salik . (C) Saddle (I?) None of these .
(B) Colonel Riffat Ullah
25 'rhe term of National Assembly of Pakistan is·
·• (C) Colonel
Rafiuddin (D) ~one of these · (A) 4 years (B) 5 years . . · .,1
13. Deficiency of _ _ causes anemia (C) 6 years . (D} None of these
(A) Calcium • (8) Zinc
(C) Iodine· . · 26 _ Bosnia signs deal with ~akistan to send back
migrant in
(0) None of these(lron) (A) November 2020
14. Who is Current Se~retary General of South . (B) • October 2-021
Asian Assoc;:iation for Regional Cooperation · (C) 'September 2021
(SAARC): . (D) None,?f these .
(A) Arjun Bahadur Thapa
(B) Amjad Hussain B. Sial , 27. First general _election_w(aBs) _h e Id in Pak\stan in:
(A) ·1955· . 19 73
. (C) Esala Weerakoon (D) None of .these
(C} 1970 : (D) None of these
15. Who was UN General Assembly president in . . ·
1962-1963: . 28. Who is the Federal Mhinister of National FoO(I
(A) Razali Ismail . Security·and Researc · .
(B) ·sir Zafarullah Khan . . .. . (A) Omar Ayub · (B) Khusro Bakhtiar
(C) lsmat T. Kittani
· (D) None of the·se (C) Hammad Aihar
16.. Which is the'latest member of NATO:. (0) None of these (Fakhar Imam)
(A) China. · ·(B) North Macedo111ia 29 PM i' n khan laun;ched mobile
(C) Norway (D) None of these_ · app ~ r~an 6, 2020 to corit-ro....,.I-d=-ru_g_a-,-b-use:
17. The major dispute between Pakistan and India.
(A) Safe Citizen app . · .
is: · · (B) Zindagi app ·
(A) Border dispute . .\ . (C) · Dangers of drug .a pp· (D) None of these
(B) Water issue
(C) Ladakh crisis . • . 30. Which : metallic element ..-is lrquid at room
(0) None of these (Kas~mir issue) temperature:
(A) Zinc (13) Lead ·
·18. Chemical substan~es _increas~ earth's . (C) · Mercury
surface temperature is _known as , . · (D) None of these
· (A) Global warming . 31 . Stetho.scope was inyented by
(B) Greenhouse gases . . (A) Steven Sasson (8) Ma_rt,,_in-c-=-o - oper
'(C) Climate change · (D) None of the~e- (C) David Hyatt . . .

1'9. Third battle of Pani pat fough't b~tween: · · · .. : · (D) None.of these (Ren~ Laennec)° ·
(A) Afghans and Marhattas · 32. ·\JVhen Pakistan built first nuclear power plant
(B) Afghans and .Sikhs (A) Nov_ember 1972 (B) August 1971
(C) Afghans and Indians {D) · None ofthese (C) May 1974 (D) None of these ·
20. Who was the . Muslim leader of first Round . 33. National· Animal of Pakistan is .
Table Conference: ·' · (A) ·uon ; . · · . (8) Tig-:-e-r- -
(A) Allama Iqbal · (B) Ouaid-e-Azam · {C) . Markhor · {D) None of these ·
{C) Sir Agha Khan . (0) None of these
. 34. Who ·was the first to measure the · earth's
21. Which company plans to 1nvest $94.04 miAlion radius ·
in a 'virtual pipeline' to deliver · imported · (A) Copernicus {B) Eratosthenes
liquefied natural gas (LNG) at the doorsteps of · (C) AI-Beruni (D).-None of these
·the industrial sector. .
(A) Oil ·and Gas- Development • tompany 35. The Paris Peace Atcords4 ends the . .
Limited · · · · · . (A) American Civil War- ·
· (B) Pakistan Petroleum Limited (8 ) Balkan War · · ·
(C) Gwadar Gas Port L,imited (C) ,- Crimean War
,_ .; (D) :None of th~se . . . (D} . None of these ·
.. 22. Pneumonia_is·qaused by which bacteria: 36. Zer,o was ·invented by ·
· · (A~, Bacillus '.( B) Cocci · ·
·- · (C) . Viprjo . ,· · (0) None of these · · , 4 . . . - . ' .
'Paris Peace. Accords; officially titled t he Agreement on
-- 23. Hann·s · Seidel .. Foundation . (HSf:) , offers nd
· . Pakistan students . · .: . . · · . .· - E ing the War c;1nd ·Restori~~ Peace in Viet Nam, was a
peace ~rea_ty ~igned on January..27,.1973, to.establish _
· · peac~. in Vietnam and end the Vietnam War. ·

• •, f

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. Puri1a'b Publlc· se',yice Commission 1007
ehaskara · · (B) . Kalidas · . (A) Known · (B) Clear
(D) None of these .
. ~~~ arah~agup,ta . (D) None of these
. ' (C) ·Popula r-
whilch country last Joins SAARC: 52. To "back .out" means
37. (A) Afghanis~an . (B) China . (A) to be trapped •·( Bf to retreat ·
C) rran . (D) None of these (C) to suppor t . (0) None of these
( dd' . 53, "When in Rome, do as. the Do" ·
Zia Mohy~ ~n ts a_ __,,,..,__ s·
38. (A) Singer . (8) · Actor · • • (A) One (B) Roman
(0) None of these (C) One·s (D)' None of these
(C) comed1a_n . .
_ ____ --
T·he orange rive~ flows in_ 54. Chang e-Voice Daniel is singing a song
.39. A) Asia . . (B) Africa . . (A) A .song is being singing by Daniel
~C) America · (0) None of these (8 ) A song is sung by Daniel .
{C) A song is being sung by Daniel
. Mojave De~ert is located in w~ich country : None. of these
4o. (A) •Australia • (B) ~rnted States .(0)
. ~

(C) France (0) None of_these . 55. To "nip it in the bud" means to _ _.
(A) Encour age som~th ing
Pak China border dispute was settled in . ..
41 (B) .1960 · · . (8) Preven t it at the start ;
· . (A) 1961 .
· · (C) Expect greatne ss from it
(C) 1962 . .
(0) None of. .thes·e .
(D) None of these (1963) .
56. : Choose tl')e correct parts of speech He is
42. . was also known as the 3rd Jun~ Plan- · walking along the road ·
(A) Irwin-Pl an (8) Mountb atten Plan · (B) Adverb ·.
(A) Conjun ction·
(C) Rad.clif f .Plan · (0) None of these . (D) None of thes~
(C) 'Prepqs ition
43. The . jurisdiction ·of lnterna tion~I. Court ~f 57. Choose the correct analogy T.alk: Stamm er
Justice is: (B) Play: Speak
·: (A) Walk: Stagge r
(A) to solve dispute betwee n·co.untri es . le: Wa* (D) None of these
: .(G) .Scribb
• (8) to solve crimina ls and individu al issues • • • • I

(0). None of these 58.· Her p.irents went to Karachi · train.

·. (C) Both A & B. ·
·. (A) From · .. (8) T ~ · _
44. The'functi.on of State bank of Pakista n is ·. . · (C) By · . (0) None of these·
(A) Inflation control
(8) Lending busine ss · 59. Choose the synony m Bring Up
· (C) Implement moneta ry policy (A) Follow · · . (B)' Raise
· (D) ·None of these ·_ . : (C) Track . (0) None of these
45. The submarines operate 60. Chang e the narratio'n Emily said, ~I may-le ave·
{A) Newton 's law · _ _.,_ . tomorr ow." · · . .
(8). Pascal law (A) Emily said that she might leave the next
· day. · , - . · . · -
(C) Bernoulli's theorem
that .she might
_ .leave tomorr ow
(D)_ None of these (Archim ed~s· Principre) · (B) Emily said
CO2 • (C) Emily informe d me to leave tomorr ow ·
46. _.Which gas is 80 times ~ore potent than (D) None of these · ·
(A) Nitrogen (B) Methan e .
· (C) Carbon · (D) None of these - • 61. Which· punctu atio·n · mark is . used in this
se61tence He · vosited three. -countr ies
47. Headqu~rter ot lnt~rna Energy Agency France, US and Austral ia. --
(IEA) is located in . .· '(B) ;
Genev a
(A) :
(A) Berlin (B) · . (D) None of these -
(C) ,
. (C) Hague
(D) None of these( Paris) 62. He is . io.oking for ·someo ne to offer, her
48- lahore resolution called Pakista n r_e solution glamor ous well paid and undem anding job,·
but ·I think he is . · ·
by: .
· (A) Happy go lucky (B) Cry~ng for moon
(A) Muslim press ' (B) · Hindu P.ress · ·(D) None oft~es e ·
(C) Hard_' boiled ·
. - (C} English press (0). None of these •
49 63. Choose the correct ·o'ne
· · Beirut is . the capital ofwhich of the followin g (A) · She invited I and my sister.
countrie s? ·
(B) She Invites I and my sister ·,
(A) -Libya (B) Lebano n (C) She invite me and my sister
· (C) Egypt · (D} None of these . (D) None of these·
SQ Th . .
· Pl e <:aPacIty of Neelum -Jhelum Hydrop ower · 64. Choose the ·eorret t one
ant Is . · o r. ..
·, (A) Pakistan. and India' is po_ ! .. I •

(A) 769 MW · . (B) 869 MW (8) Both Pakistan and India are poor.
(C) 969 MW . (D) f-$one of these (C) Both Pakista n as weil as·lndia are poor
51 (0) None of these
· Choose the antony m of Vag~e·
,, .• .

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1008 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Pap.ers
65. Najma is in hospital. She _ ·_· Ill for last few (A) 55 · (B) 68
. (C) 75 (D) None of_these
(A) Has been · (B) Have been 79 _ ·A man is lendin~ 60,000 at sirryple interest at
(C) Had been . (0) None of these the rate of 9% per year. W~at 1s the principle
66. Internet Explorer Is a type of amoun t and Interest he repaid after 3 years?
(A) Browser
(A) 16200 (B) 76200 . .
· (B) Complier
(C) Operating system (0) None of these ' (C) 70200 · (D) None of these
67. MS office is a 80. A certain numb~ r of two ~igits is three times
(A) Horizontal market (B) Deep curve the sum of its digits, and tf 45 be added to it
(C) Freeware . (0) All of these . its digits are revers ed. Find the numbe r. •
(A) 27 . · (B) 39
68. 'You can check the conditions against (C) 45 (D} None of these
when applying conditional ·
formatting 8·1. If 3x• +7::.:250, then x is( eq)ual to?
(A) Formula (B) Cell value (A) 5 · 8 3
(C) Cell tab (0) None of these (C) 2 (D) None of these
69. W.hich of the following software is used for 82. · Who admired Muslim efforts for save Ahadith:
presentation for comm unication purposes. (A) 'Haiti (8) A J Springer
(A) PowerPoint . (B) Excel . · (C)' W. M.ontg omery Watt (D) None of these
· (C) Word . (D) None of these 83. which Holy ~roph et(PBU H) not
70. We can use_ _ to convert word in to PDF. · participated is kno_ w n as . .
·(A) Save (B) Print (A) · Ghazw a (B ) Sanyy a
(C) New (D) None of these (C) Al-Fay · . (D) None of thes~
71 . Who invent ed compu ter 84. Which book wrote by Hazra t Ali RA
(A) Charle s Babbage (B) Alan Turing (A) Kashf al-Mah fub (B) Nahj al-Bala gtia
(C) Bill Gates (D) None of th_ e se . . . (C) Kitab al-Ath ar (D) None.of thes~ .
72. We _can remov e /- hide border of~ shape by -85. Masjid -e-Aqs a is locate d in the old city of:
selecting: · · · · ·· ·(A) Jerusa lem · (B) Gaza .
(A} No line .- . • (B) No Outline ·· · '(C) Ramal lah ·(D) No~e of these
. · (C) White line · . ·. (D.) . None of these
86. When Hazra t Umar -RA captur ed Jerusalem
73. Which . query do you use to a·nswe r the . for-the ·first time:
• questi on "Which employees earn more ttian ·(A) 638 CE
$5000 a month"?
.(B) 640 CE
· · · · · . . (C) 642 CE · ·.. (D) None of these
(A) Select query (B) Update query .
(C) Search query (D) None of these 87. Which Ayat of.~ol y Quran ·is longes t in Surah
AI-Baqarah ..
74. Find the numbe r of triangle_ s which can be. . (A) Ayaf2 86 · ..
· formed by joining .the angula r ·points. of a
.(B) Aya_ t 282
(C) · Ayat 256 (D) N'one of these
polygori of 8 sides as vertices. . ·•
. (A) .8 · . (B) 24 ·. 88. Which Sur~h is called the Heart
(A) Surah Muham mad
of AI-Quran ·
(C) 56 · (D) None of these
.·(B) St.irah Al-Reh man
75. The mean of 5 ;,umbe r is 34. th.ese ·ot are 29,
. ~C) Surah' Yasee n (D) None of these
26, and 35, if the remaining two numbe r are· in
the ratio 1 :3 find the numbe r? · 89. The minim um amoun t of Zakat is:
(A} 10,40. (B) 20, 60 . (A) 7.5' Gold . (8) 52.5 Silver
(C} 35,45 (D) None of these (C) l;qual to nisab · (D) Air of these
76. A photograph measuring 5.5 cm by ~ cm is• 90. · .yYhich · ~ompa nion of Holy ~ropHet SAW
enlarged in the ratio of 7,5. What is the new include s in the scribe of revela tion: .
length and width of the picture? . , · · (A) Hazra t Usman RA
(A) 7.8 cm by 12.5 cm (8) Hazra t Zaid.Jbn Sabit RA · .
(B) 7.7 cm by 12.6 cm · (C) Hazra t Abdull ah Bin Masoo d ~A
(C) 7.8cm by12.7cm · ,:-J)"·N oneof these (D) All of these . .
77. · What is the r~dius c: . · . -: tball o~ volum e
.. 6400c m3 · ·· •
· (A ) :-:10.52 cm · · 1; • :; .52 cm ~Jo,..;~i!'..;J0,k.,1J.t~; _.91 : ·:: : ·
(C) 12.52 cm tr . . ·>ne of these
78. David obtain ed 76, 65, i.. 67 and 85 marks
·(o.u t o~ 100) in E:nglish, M: ··:e_
. t>k.~J~0~,LS-k.\JLiu~
m atics,· Physics,
Chemi stry and :Biqlog y What· are his averag e
marks ? ~ 'i=-JL~~'-?~v-J 1.,nL.Jy1~1,1&

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fun/ab Pub/le Service Commission . 1009
. A" (B) .,~ ._.(, (A)
- f 'f-t1,uifJ'.1,:tvlj. .96
' • I
jJ/1:-,./.cJI (D~ . (C ) .1~~
, ,.,,,.-'L (B} ,~, ~ (A) \

_ _ _ L~ i? rT .92 ,fl' JI~✓-~1 (D} ~ly (C)'

. .\
,(( (8 ) . ('' '(A) . . f 'f-'V~l.:O;v-l.fl-'f-~l.:Oj.:.f.~.1L .97

,jJ ft:-r.J.t,;JI (D) (~ ~C)

. ~,~✓/ (B) · . lf-'i✓/ (A)

rJ'..;J/L'!u.1~:1,L/t;ifLJ•,c)~, .93 ,_;iJI~v- c)I (D) . J1,.:,1~> (C)

~~ . (8 ) . J,j (A)
:,.,.;L)1(i/JPi .98

j Jl~i.J.Jt (D) / . i:/ Y· (C)

I.IV(u; ~B} · ,.fu(..,t,.?I (A)

. ·_· . \.. . ':if.1L0r.;.J~J.~ .94 ·v-1JI~I.J!~I (0) Jl)_i✓ ,,/ (~)

Ji,✓ JUz!ll:lJJ" ~B) ,u_~✓ ;t (~) .
.vi JIc....✓-cJI (D) ..\ .· · j~ f {C) _ 1:.foA;1 {B) · l;d.1Lz,,1 (A)
. .

I :':'f- ~l/L ,tL, ;(}1 / .95 . , ,fi'J/C.

. . ,.,
.:v-c)I,,. (B} ClgJI~ (C)
. .

Ji,✓-.Jltiltl:!Jy (B) ~ .· j(i J --(A) . .

.· ·. ':UJLl.1/c...,.Jl)/1/J1,,,'•.::A/c),:100
I . .
u,~iJr/, ·cc) L)LJ.:J; · (~) u~ ..J) (A)

_'. .cJ,~1/il\.1i Jl~v-cJ' co) .
• , .
I • ,
,J!J/c...r}!c)t (D) !'(' (C)
.,, Answ~rKey
1. 8 14: . C 27. C· 40. · a 5J. B 66. A 79. s 92. A
2. D 15. e 28. - D 41. D 54. ·c 67. A 80. A 93. C
· 16. . B
1?. . D
30. · :C
B · . 42. B
43. C
55. · B
56. . C . .68. B
69. A
81. C
82. '. B
5. C 18. B 31. · .D 44. . C 57. A . 70. ·a · 83. . B. 96. B.
6. B 1~. A 32. A 45: ' .D 58. C · 71. A 84. B 97. A
7,, o· '20. B . 33: C 46. B -59. B 72. B 85. A ·98. B
8. B 21. C . 34. B 47. D 60. · .A 73.- · A 86. A 99. A
9. ·A 22. B 35. · D 48: B· 61. · B ·74. C .. .. 87. B · .100. B
10. a 23. c · 36. C- 49. B 62. · B
. :63. A
7.5. . B 88. C
11. B 24. B 37. A ·50. C 76. B 89. D -
12. C 25. B 38. B ·51 _ B 64. B 77. B . 90. · o
. 13. D .. .. . A
26 39. ,B 52. a· 65. . A . 78. C · 91 . . C .
• • • •.• ♦ ♦ • • ♦

.. .. 1~,t•1 11:tl=b1A=l:f-l•~I · ..
. · ASSISTANT (BS-16) 2019.·1 . ....
Pu bli c Se rvi ce Co mm iss o
l· n~ Se rvi ces·& Gerie~af · ·.· . .-.
!n,the Punia b
· · · .. · · =·· . · . .
• - Ad mi nis tra tio n Oe.p art me nt· . . .
1 (A) Paper craft ·
· ~e)gel was_a · Philosopher?.
(8) Dress deslgn!ng . .
(C) ~erman . . (B) English (C) Miniature tre~ farming
. (0) Greece ·
2 . "orean · ·· - . (0) Flower ar-rangement '.
· 'lkebana• Is a Japanese art of: .

.. f
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. ''


LECTURER URDU (BS-17) 2022 . .

· "'f-v..,p'J')IP )v ~J.,uirt'-i11., .1 'i'f-Jf/ '/c....,J.1il_;,} j .7

,J/(;"-:"';( (B)
,J.1t· .fi; (A) 1;l1Jli,,;,,- .1 (8) 1;./~j v-_r (A)

~Jf4:.-v-r.;JI (0) ,J/{;/ (C) viJI'-r../.i:JI (0) ,J/~✓-J:~lr.;}l,-1 (C)

<:r..JJLL.i.,u1,-,a4:-JPi.f..,1.1JP('J'J~r....u. .2 · 'i'f-~Lf//~v\,. ~.,~ .a
. i;t (B) . ,., (A)
,J/(}7 !ii (~)
. .
J~,.-,=./ (A)
. ~~ (D) . .1~ (C) ,_;i JIc-j:.t,;), (0) l.)J\ reJ?. (C)

f T"'~SJ...fLL.J,~~i::-,, . .3 "~~
' .
- _;~ . .9
...?1J~1 (B). (" .1G''-1:" (A} : · . · JL7.✓- .· (B5 /Ir- _(A}
~.vd ; co, .(-~~; cc, . viJIG.-,./..t,;)I (D) (,...>-'! (C)
~C:::...&,.A./.l{'-~'.,iJ 1'~
I - -
- .'4. ' . ~iJJij(/i;L,J; ,;,. .10
"":"",.,,J;J. (8) ..::.,~,tJ JIS'I (A)
:t-t,'(cJ (B) j{IJ/. (A)
v-/Jf~v!r.;JI (D) r.;J~;J }v~ (C).
.. (D) . . J.1i:-✓? (C)
: 1.),.1.JJ.;;~i Li....:?
. .J;f. ....(iL
- ./J;lur1.. 1 JL1. .5
. . .
. tc:::...J,1:,,./~ilYL1 .11
t1rLfV✓-i~1s"":"".,,1J LLJ1..f<,.f..JwS • I •

. ,c-..Ji~ (B)
. .

. ;..tfJI~l,)!t,;)I (D) . . . ~{-{ (C)

~ii (8) · ·~ JI (A)
.:.:fl.!1 (D) .,:.,-)L,.1 (C) . ., 'i 'f--jif0(J.111. .12
/ ,ju(-t..,i'I (8) . rJV(~ (A) .
f7 Jtr°'v-..P>( ~L;·J_v('. .6
Ji JI~ ·l.)!l:,11 (D) ,.f u(-.t..11 (C) .
. ,J?'_ (8) ,J~ (A)
(-,J} ~D) (' ;,;i (C)

. I

I ' . . ...............
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. , (8)

j Jl~~c)I -.(0) v-l:,t.!.-1~. (C)

, ~,-,IJ'~.::;...t/'--¼Lt-~ .14
l>-r'•>~l;.1 (8) L'/e,JL,.iii(/.(A.)
• f •

jJ/;iJ!cJ'..(D) ~-;~i:-J,St/ (C)

__ ff--"?~''"="~✓(
.7. J~,
. .. ..
., '
;.ji/ (A)

- ' .
. _ fJ'LJ.'~.::;...·
. ~~JJ'~r
. .
1i..1s · .

1.:.1~>- (A) .
,/41 (D) . . if,J,. '(C): .
. .
:· .. . _ ((.:-f.·,-J.kf,✓.iJ'JvL .11 .,/{ •,,.~. . . . ~-:. ...;~'.;-,--4,;,.,=,;;
: ,J-.'~,.~_.;;:;,•:);l'-J<".:!,'~-,ffr~-:!

·· ..f"',jr ='o/jJ1(v,SJ~;
·..: ·.-,i!-...; ,.;,=1.,,.,,.,..::-~.".''1;'!"

'' . . . ''-~.<>j:::;.J:~:t\::t~·:~•.~
JrL .."!"".::_:;,..,..;,-;,..•-;-~,... •
. I •a
. . -.. v,,;r:v,:, (8> ,J'i~.t..i'I (A}'_

,f.!JI~~e,Jl (D) . . ' ~(j/- (C)

.f c"-T:t.u,;aJ,11✓ .1a
I ·•

· • ,
11PT (B). · iJ (A) . .
' . - -:
.23 ·

. ,. _·_4! (D) , : . ,~ (C) . . tff( ; (B) . . lP'l(iJ;) ' (A)'

f,_eivsr .k.~?.r,,sJ~, ~19 · jjJfG--V-c)I. (D) _t:~J,,,- 1

{C), <

(~~·-t.,~ . (B) ~,Jj1~ (A) , . ·: ,fJJ'r--ji!rt:=-.c)IYif,?11? .24

' viJI~v-cJ' (D) ' ' . (LV'l.} (C)

..J/.,...~ (B)
. ,
. J 1~J (A)

· ,JiJ / c.(./!e,JI
. .:;.,;.'(;.·,~.U . (C)
./.J'LJ~, =4-J/J~1(r~rt~,i,1 .20
' ..
: ..S.::,-v- ~ f-·y .:-LU_IJ L~{ .25
' .{O°J'{j f .· . . -<.Ji.;( (A) · .. . .
, . l1i,.. f\ (B) Jlie,J~.A (A)
... '
(B) . . .

.vf'Jf~~e,JI (0) J.pJ~ (C) ,JiJf.::;..:.l.)!c)I . (D) _ · : '/..Ufi; (C) · .

.r'?--..,.;,C( j /.:,;.r:Jh J;J,;;,1(,Jji .21 · .r'r'V~JJ:L·I .26 ·

. .. ':

,f J (B) '
. . ,..._ . .. ·_. J,L· ·. (A) .:
iJ 1 ~ (B) o~~J1 (A) ·. ' '

·vi_JI~L}!ijl (0) JJA.i A:· (C) vi JI~v-cJ'.(D) . ~ (C)

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. 1082 · Advanced PPSC MCQs~Model Papers · . :

v,fJ~-~1;_,,_il~LJ✓- T
.21 . .
. j ,..;J1,1,'~ (8) . . · . (~I.:.>" (A) '
... ~~r✓r·",., Lc:.,,.,aL.J1~L /(Ii
• • •Y ~
. cf}~ (O) ~✓ ~ .(C)
. cJ!;cf' JI . (8)
. . /
( /·~· (A)·
. . .
,J.i'JI~✓-~I (0) t),:i~ {C) . . ·. Y',)]JJ1,J..{.j,.PJ:;;;,;/i..f..JJA .37
. .
,J1,:,,J,r..J:1 <0 f ~;,;,J,r...Jj ·(A) · ·
r~r-,J(,•.:J.?.1i.f~✓-vlf""vi;,L ,r,./- .2a
·. • .. -.::.:),, (8) ._r k.~. {A) . · : .· ~V.k>~~,Jv'-(i; (C)

afl'J/d_;,.t.~, (0) .. ' '. : · .. . .•J~"-,{C) . . .·Jf1:-;,J!c)I (0) ,·

~ivl.J~" r,:-,,/V~J,t,,,"; .3a·

' . . .11,,JcJ
. · t~Jv.1(~ . ·.29
-· -
~~ijJJ, j~ (8) .
. ..:-~,1J,(I (A) _. ·
. ,J,,,-iJ'J, .(B) ~.vJ,

,_;1JI~✓-~r (D) · ,,~1J;J.1 (C) ~,,J'J, (C)

~JI~v,!~I (D) .

f_'f-''/k1~~ f . .30 . . j ~1·/t-.lJp·,J;i;ll L1, ~~ ~ ji; J. (1' :39

.. . _;,,;r cs) ·._- ·. ~(}-' {A) . .fJLii f~
. ✓,i J(=-v-cJI {D)· ..~l.;;,,~1
. '
/ · (8)' . . . ,?,_;J~ {A)

_r~~iifV(r?1rd.J~,;;,Lr ·.;~ v-f'Jf~J-c)I {D) ' (;';~ {~)

~J:(° (B) J,1( ~A) ' '

_,) .11Jz;l(if- .. .J;I., .40
v-f'Jf~i./-c)I (D) · ·. cJ~( .(C) .. . ~1 .(8) . . Jf·,,:F·(A) .
. ,/ . .

. f 'f-.1~ ,,..,;,JJ,.1 zr.1-J._;;.7 ..32 ,f.!Jf~l.}!c)I (D) .

. 28. (8) · 26 (A)

. ,.
.··.. r4r-Jr.e,1~.:.-~ ~~c)/Jt;.1~('v!1r,.-.t~~/- .41
·,f.!Jf.:;...,J!c)t _(D) 30 . (C) .
. .. . . .
. .
· . a.1~l (B) ?, (A)
fvJ~f~ Lj~,~- ?L-:-, t .33
:-Ii' (C)
✓jJV (O)' ·,
. ~~ .1}1 : (B) . .. ✓- .11/,r!'{ {A) . . ' .
~J/~JcJI :(D) . . . . vJ"'~j~ ~~ (C) · ... r 4-•.Jl;-.1-.::.,r,JI .42
~ U'L- . {B)· , . ~p (A) .
,. . . ~\:--:-crtif~~~J:~\r-:-·,,;.11 .34 ,JiJf~v-~1 (D) .· · . . · . ,Jn~ (C) .
.ivV111: <B> · _.; . . J~~t..i'1 (A>
. ,. r'f-'1/V~l .43_
.. · ,_;iJf~v,.c)I (D) · · . J,~iJi)., •·(C) .
J/~~lj; ~ ·(A)
. f VJI/() J;i LJj .3s . :
; ..· ~hl!t(~_;u;LI-' (B) '
. ..~·(J,t(;,_rJ-~ . (8 ) . 1:/~~v-(.),.1(;1 (A)
._,.tiJI~✓-i:JI {D) ~-.l~)tJ.,1(1·~ {C) ·.
·. ·· ~J/~J- cJl . (D)
. 1:/✓-~~(_/i.1
/ {C.)
·. )'Vu1~~JJ~1;~ .~4

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\ . Educa tion Department 1083

j,;1,;tr- _(B) .· u}(.t-1.1..,.!Js (A)

r'f-'1/V~~~~-.,,+- .53

·../J/~,.J.~1 ~D) f rj~J../1 ~C) .: 'f,-Jr.~lr(,:),-~?-n(4- _(A)

rir~L>if:1}.(J~T(~~, .45 · 'f-~1J,.{Sv,/~JJ,Lt4- (8.)

JI~> ~) (B) J--i-!IJ ~ (A) . I : • ' 'r-~/'-:'"',j((L~,/JJl.))'1(4- (C) '

jJ/::;...4/,,:,JI (0) ..(I.J:?.1 (C) .JiJl~ ✓-i:)I· (0)
. i\:..~JI/V~Jl,'-:'"'?j,-=-:-~J LJ~ ; .4s ··
I •'~..:)1Pfi (B}. . ~ft1 ,(~ .(~)

jJ/;__,.t.,:,JI (0):. ~1'-Jl{VlJ°\'I (C} . i
f~L✓.,:..A~Si.r't1r1~L..fJ:~ J; ..47
·· l))~r$,J?. (B) · · · ·c/(;t,J},-. ·(A)

/J/~v!,:,JI (D) . · ~f{ (C) ·.

fij//,_~,S(:? J2,t:£~~ .-~8

. . . tt•
. . .

: ·.· fij/i{J,(~1~,JJ,~l[-4'~ ·
. .. . f irv!'-1~Lv1' ,r\--~·'J~1-~1Js .
,JtfJir, . (8) . · ;_;_~U./ (A) ·

JiJIi::..i/-,:); (0) ,/ '(~I; (C)

~y],:)(1{j1Jy#,J]f1J/-_,?I?j,;Jy#. .49
,i,; ..;;J·(8) J}i~l1,.>IJs .(A).
,JiJI~ :Ji:), ·(D). JUfJ;f.-?1; (C) ,. ,/$( c/Ai f(J.j
~~e 5~ .

·. .ii;/~L·J 1 .(8) -,t?·

✓ (A)
·. . ·. · i~/J-ififtJi1~). L.rtf'1?. .~o
I • •
,.;:!JI~~~I (D) . . ·. .
,J~IJI . (B) j;;,;t1,.,:..} (A)
,J/Jf.:::..(,/!,:)I (D)' 1,/e.l.~ (C)

-:--!(L,f..J,~j1v,~Ld✓- : ·.51
~v~:i;-(✓~jy,if..)vi '
. I • .

.,fk. (~) . (,; (A) . . .f

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v'fJ/~. ✓' (D) · :J,u~/"' , I:

·: .. ..)J,J..(C) .Ji1;t~J,~ (B) (A)
. '

✓,i J/::..:i;/-~i '(O)


~l<~.J,u ·_'(C) .
~tJJLWrL,./,j1,1~ j(. ,52 ' .

..· . .. ~{-{ . (8) fa' ::r .::.,11.¥ (A) ·~;_V.:,?f1JJA,;,~~ _;~:' :

. ,J/Ji~✓-c)) ~L·J (C) 'r.J.1'1'-:'"'? (B) . . .j/{if ,; -(A) .
(D) - j ~/ j

. ' .

• ' I I

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1084 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers .
.~tr-J?tf,J:.'c/, (L,it'jeft,;)L)... / 1:.
• . V .65

J/L,,,;~L/vmr ;J .57 J,(;('( (8) J,~ ~ I/ (A)

, ,_/Jft::-,.;;.(;)I (0) .,JJ'(j:,j! (C)

r'f-'(.._/ :t JI¥ ,;llirJ,~/1,1
.:?'t::-.::.-r'.1,,i;;;1J,~J',jp/..:.,~I,.) L ...... _,,v ~6
JL\t,{ (8) • '_;,:j /- (A)

,JiJI~;;:cJ1 (D) J~r\;.,/ ·(C) . .~,-~,Aj(

- ,I (8)
J1VrJY...;.i:! ,r f rJY...Yr J;i;J1L,J. ~~, ·.5a -·
-- .J/1;.f. (A)

. 1c_·
vi'JI~~(;)I (D) 1,i,J1Jtrd_.J1,j (C)_

(1';~ (B) . . #~ (A) 1t:f-1:'Y.,JJ~~,..;'fJfo ..)I,,J • .67

Jj JI~.,f..t,;)I (D) (C) - ,~,1~ (~Y · mo (A) _


(;' .-~ , ,.. . ,t _/

. ·'f-v_·-;--~oX,., ;,.-l."v L~Y....:.rJ~;juL..:.
. (0) ~,.f _(C)
. . . .59 :•

_ - (IP.J (B) . . ...:- ~ j jl (A) 1,:-..: ....:1,J,:1,,~f_ .68

. .

✓-: JIC-V,.t,;)I (D) - . • • . lt~.J .(C) . ·, ' .:_.YJ10Jtlrct~1JL~i (A)

_ ·_. - •. - _· .· - 1 'f-Jvv~J~it,; ..60..· _V1:o~l.v~~ ~JLJ-1.),..;),, {B)
I J:J,li (B) VY.~Jtlr(;)~ ~JL,..;~j,..;).,, {C) .
.. . .
... ·. ·-✓-! JIC-,J:.tjl (D)
..:;;>✓,J, r; (C)
. .
.-~ . ,JiJIC-V-t.;)I (.D)

. f~-ki~\fv'Jvv~L....,;1,.i1I -~1 . -. _- _
f,,..Jp.iJ'~Vu0/~~":-"""~";I .69
.•. ~ 1 {Gc.iLj (B~ .. J;(G' ~ --(A),·-. . ..... ·Ju;~J:; (.B) _-. !.1-v I":-""" -_(A) .

. . -·J i_
Jl.:=...J:tjl _(D) . (tio~)~-(C)°, ; ,· -. JiJ(c..i./.t.;)I (D) 'J:u/.'f,J:l (C) .-
. . ,

._ _ . 17Jl/!f~.:;..1VL1} .62 ··

(?(.:- 1V. (B) .- i.J!'~if.:-1V.(A)

.,JiJIC-,J:.t.;)1 (D) . - - -✓.J(.:-1V -~c)
- .
ir ,J:. IJ'l 'f- (\,t~ °JJr ,jt,;,. 11 ()1? Jf Jut.-f :63 . ,· 1,:-.:.-~ 1 ,,(~_,1~1914-~ 1857 .n ·
,,;, L fv . _.
j0rJ,fa✓ - jL,iJ; (B) (}1~'5,J,.- . (A) : -
' .

&~ .(B) ,.j (A) ,JfJ/~i./.L:)I (D) ~j~j, . (C)

_.i (D) ,.;:.,·C, . (C) . '\L._;,_~J.../ol~J/ .72

. I •

'f-!f.j;., J'J -fl{~f t, J;l~ C(Jj,\% ., J1f

1 .64_ . ·y i_;~'{ (B) - - u1tL11c,e> J,.(A) -

.· viJIC-(J-t,;)I (D) . __. . .: ~(-"' (C)

-~ (8) . · \;{'.,..t (A)

Ji' JI~l,ht.;)I (D) . ~ (C) Sv.:.~ L~~L,.J(._

" .73
. • •• I . -

_-i.:J!; (A) . ·

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.. . I ,. , .. , . . Education Department 1085'
,jJf1::-..J.,.jl: (D( ·IJJ;~cf)I'-'( (C)
~ (B)
. . fc.-~"l>t\(i;1~,;_!,.1~l;/~tLJ;;) .74 ,J:lJIc;...l,/!(:,11 (D) ..:.~ (C)
· J;~r;!j'· (B) , J~'li.,::;,1) • (A)
k' .83
~ r.J.1 ..;;,v ~ ..:.~ .:-
,JJI~ ·tf.(.:)1 (D) • J.1'li~ . (9) ,,
.,,J~~ (8)

. J11J..'.!~,~~·:.rirrf--r1/i.1L1.~;
_~· . 1s utJIc...v-c.1r (D>
, ~ ,.£, if . • 84, To direct delete all without putting it in recycle
· . ·f--1.)- Lv ..::,.,! -: bin we use which option.
·P .. . · , ·,,_.:. ·· ~ •. · (A) Delete (B) Format
J#JI ;Ji; (B) r.. J~1 {A) .
1 ~

. . (C) Remove (D) None of these

jJIc..-J.c.11 · (D) I; · . J.11,r (C)
85. Which of the following is not a vesti_g ial organ?
(A) Coccyx (B). Appendix
f · ;£,;/; v L ;I' .. Jj.iJ (C) Eyelid (D) None of these
y..1', .. V 0 ~~U 76 86.
Ice is to white as coal is to--=----=--·
j!. (~) . {A) -~}--·, · (A) _Re_d
(C) Brown
. · •• (B) Black
· (D) None of these
v. (C)
··._.~olr · 87. Here is to there as to~ -
.. (A) Her (B) She
· · · . (C) Him . (D) None of these
· _t 1 f--/ /f~~Ji;jfJi'v.::.,~ ,
7.f . 88. Wllich .state of us · marked 5 February _as
r ~:r · · · .>'!' r:. i.f , Kashmir day by .adopting a resolution by a
C/ Y J_,:..,
(B) V-'•..r. ,·u-·.1,ll~µf' (A) . . _. _voice. vote c;1fter-. years of efforts_ by the
~ .. . _. ... · ,. -~· -::- ·." . ·• ~ ·' American Pakistani· advocacy group: .
~;~r-(1,;1~Lv,,,,-:,{ J~) ;:.:- ,·:·' •.·:-··. ·.: (A).: Washington . (B) Alaska
. . ,.;':!JI. .
'; ..•,·,.,--.-
J.< ·.. .,,,,, /·.,,
- ,.,..
.._.• .. .. .....,-,.<,·• h.. h~··(C)
'•-••J · ,, • :York
t.leu, .. , (D). Non""
"' .of these
· .. t::..: ~cJf (D) . 89. Choose the correct answer.
. ( ·.t F '· : ~- ·. ~· :.:. , • · :; . ; , t : :. r . {A) ; These.-cattt~ -~~e>r:nin_e.
' -f '2;:.d~\fd~:.,1(0~j ·.78 i · · (B') ·' These cattle 1s min~e-..
·J.;.-i-~r-)8( ::'1 -~.._: j:;;j_f ;)/t~~- :i L; -~g~ ti~:{::g;:~:~:~~~1!1~~~;/ :.-~

.'i :. ... .90. _In MS-Word, for what does ruler help?
Ji.JI~,.f..cJI (0) . ,.;1_,c71 (C) . (A) -To set tabs .
. (B) ·ro set indents
(C) · :ro charige page margins ·
(D) · Ail of the·~e
.. (.)Lj~((' -(8) __ _ ; u(-...J)(I· (A) , 91 ; Pakistan .tested Ghauri Ballistic Missile
- · System in:
L!fJ{~i./-1:}' ((!) . . _ .. eJ'(r (C) .· .· (A) 2016 -
. · (C) 2018 .
: (B) 2017
(D) 2019
t f--V~r'7°J'J,1r;JJ;~i,J1/, :BO 92. Who Imposed Second . Martial law in
(A) Muhammad Ayub Khan
.::::,V ~(B) .,::.;l~J~J/ (A) (8) Sikandar Mirza
(C) Muhammad Yahya Khan .
1.J1Jf~t.1-~l . (D)·_: _ J_ir;J_,il)1 (C) (D) None of these . .
93. Ormara port is .in which provi_nce of Pakistan:
- ~'f-(/~r..f..~✓/r;.1~1rf .81,. (A) Punjab . · . (B) Sindtl
(C) . KPK .. (D) Bal~chi~t_a n
. --~✓; .(B) . k.@ J \A.) ..
· 94. if 4 ~•1 ~1/!54 the~ the value of x is: ·
. v1J(~~~I
·~o)i (' Jljf •(C) . .
(A) 1 . ·...
. (C) 2 . .
. (B) -1 ·
(D) _3

t +v/ J,,.c:,(f
. .. · .. r;~~{ •.a2
95. There are. 56 boys ifl a class. of. 140 .students,.
. What percent of the students are boys,? .

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1oee · Advanced PPSC MCO§ Model Papers.
(A). 30% (B) 35% 98 coal and gas burning causes:• ··
· (A) Oust (B) Smog':· · •
(C) 40% (0) 55%
(C) Fog (0) None of th~se ·
96. Nawaz Sharif become Prime Minister of
Pakistan for second time In: 99 Poet: Poem: Choreographer: - ~ · _
(A) February 1996 (8) February 1997 · (A) Opera (B) Ballet
(C) January 1997 (D) None of these (C) FIim · · (0) Drama
97. US withdraw Its forces from Afgh•nlstan due 100.Who waa the first Turkish ruler In
to: continent:
(A) UN pressure (A) Qutbuddin Albak (B) Jahangir
(B) China pressure (C) _Aurangzeb - (0) Humayoun
(C) US have no reason to stay
(D) Security threats
Answer Key
,. B 14. B 27. C 40. . B · 53. , A 66. C 79. 8 92, C
2. D 15. B 28. B 41 . B 54. B 67, B 80. A . 93. . D
3. A 16. .B 29. C, 42. B 55. ·B 68. A 81 : B 94. 8
4. B 17. C 30. e· 43. B 56. A 69. . B . 82. B· 95. C
5. C 18. B 31 . , B 44. A 57. B 70; A · 83. A ' 96. 8
6. B 19. · c .· 32. B 45. C 58. . A . 71. B 84. . ·0 97. C
c ·
20. . C 33. C 46. B 59. C 72. A 85 . . :c e·a. a
21 . B 34. B 47. C 60. B . 73. B 86. B · 99. . ·a
9. B 22. C .. 35. C 48. B 61. C . : . . 74 . ·s 87. 8 ~00._ A
.10. A 23: A 36. a· · . 49.. , C 62. . . B 75. B · ·aa. c·
11 . B 24. B 37. B 50. . B 63. ·B 7ft. . G .89. C
12. A 25. C 38. c - 51 . B . 64 ..· ·.c 77. A 90; D
13. C 26. B 39. B 52.. A. . 65. A 8 1e. .'
••.•······· .
. . 9_1-. • ~ .


LECTU R~R l_!RDU MALE·.(BS-17) 2021

. .
.Ji_JIt::-(/.:C)I (D) _· .·. · · )k. :(C)
,J;:.1',Afl.J:P.1 (8) ....f_,;11;/ (A) . . . :<. ·~,.:.~,;v~vo.1ilJ ~~ .s
viJIt::-i./.. c)I (D) ;,;J-"'jg. (C) . .1jV.::...0 ?,i/ hJ~~ (A)
f LJ1l~(.)L( Jd.;1,fi .2 vi .:;;.11?,S~,t4.;~fiu; (B)
,11u. (B) ·. · _..!.-lb-- (N ,. ✓-~AL g ·.1,1u1'I:"({~/J )t.r':;~, (C)
JfJ/t:;;...i./.,c)I {D) · J~1J6} (C.) ,.tiJl~J:.c)i (D)

. {Jf.vf1,vf i;ij__·,.;_.l,Y J1,'-:";, :3 ·f 'f-~J'J'~,,,_1-,..,;,,,..·.6. . ·

•. --:,V (8) . . . I (A) ·. J,'.vd? (8). · J1i,~\JUr1 r _(A) ·: . . :
• • • : · # • .,.


{D) ~, (C) ' (~) . ·.· Ji;/~~ (C)·.

• • • I ".

' ··
' .- •

/ L_.0:J'4:-JJ../J>J1,--:,? . .4
/ ,'

. '. . . fu:t~P.j",SJ~/~tJ~ . .'7
. . . '-;,f (B) . . -J. {A) . . . 08 . (ij) . . . 06 (A) ·
✓,/ JI~✓-~,;;- (D):: _, . .· .10, (C)


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1098 . . Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
.' 69. A 81. B
9. . A' 2:1. C. 33. - B . . .. _ 45. ..·
. 57· ~ . C . 70. A 82. B 93, A
10. B · 22. · c··· . ·34, A · · 46. B 58· . . 71.· A
59·. · ·~ · 83. · a· 94. C
11. A · · 23.
12.. B · 24.... C .
13.: · B 25. · A
A ·. : 35.. · 8 .- · . _.47. . · .A
36. B
37.. B
48. .B
49. B
. 6 _: · B ..-
- ,
73 .. B
· . 74. ·. B
C 84. ·
85. · .C
A 95.
. . ... 14. ·: A . · 26. · C 38'. · A · 50, C 62. C ·•. . 75. A .• .. 87. 86. B 98.
C. 8
·1s. . B · ' 27. : A · 39. . 'A 51. B . . . 63. B
76. · -A .' 88. B .99. c
16.. ·A 28. B 40. A 52, A 64. · B 100. A
1-7. A 29. B 41. B 53. B .65. ' . A .77. C . . .89. ·B
18. C 30. C . 42. . C· 54. . C ' 66. A· 78. 8 - , 90. · B
. 19. C 31 .. ·. a 43. · ·c· . · 55. C . 67. B . 79 .. · B 91. ·a
20. - A 3~. B . · 44.· B .· -56. A 68. B • 80. C 92. A

. .• ', . ••••••••••
. ...._·. ··· ... .···.. ·PlJNjAB
. .. . . '
·.. . : .

. . • •I . . .

v ·1: . Pakistan need~· how many votes from FATF 1o. When America declared Pakistan fron't line
.. members to.exit from grey list? · · · - state. against war .o,n terror:. .
. . · (A) 10 . . · · .(0) 1.2. . -. . . ·. (A) 2002 · (8) 2008 .
(C) 14 . - ·(D) ?2· · (C) 2019 · · (0) None .of these
2. When was Rabia Basri born: 11. Cursor is a: . ·
(A) · 50 Hij~! . (B) ·95 Hijri (A) Pointing device . (B) Pixel
(C) . 112H1J~I · ·(D) 100.Hijri .'· (C) Thin Blinkin9 Line(D) None of these ~
. 3. Heart of A.sia Conference between 8-·1o 12. Who is the. author of the ·book" Struggle for
December 2015 held in . · Pakistan"? · • . · · ·•
(A) Lahore · (B) ·Karachi . (A) Ayesha J3lal -; (8) K: KAziz
(C) De!hi . . (D) Islamabad (C) Shahid Rafique . (D) None of these
4. Kyrgyzstan revoluti'on is also called: 13. ln w~ose era Sheikh Mujibur ·
(A) TheTuMp Revolution. . six points after release from jail:
(B}. Texas Revolution , . .(A) Sikandar Mirz.a (B) · .A.yup Khan
(C) · Industrial ·Revolution (D) .Nolie.of these (C) Yahya Kh~n . (D) Norie of these
5. : Highest Poibt of Hindu Kush Range? · 14. Basic i s ~ lang4ag·e.
(A) Nanga parbat · . (B) K-2 . (A) a procedural •
(C) Tirich Mir . _(D) Moun-t Everest · (B) an object oriented .
6. Who represents from women side in Pakistan (.C) Both A & s· ·(D) None of these
resolution: 15. Packages Limited was ·founded in ·
(A) Shaista lkra·m Ullah - . (A) .1940 _ · (Bf 1956
- . (8) Begum Rana Liaqat Ali Khan · · - (C) .1988 . (D) 2000 -
(C) BeQ1.Jm Maulana.Muhammad AOO 'Johar 16. Who Introduced Neo.-Sufisim: . - .:
. (D) None of these ·
· · (A) Shah Wali-Ullah -
7. ·YIJho. wrote b~ok abo~t Bihar tragedy and · (B) Sayed Ahmad Barelavi
inch,1ded eye witnesses record: · . (C) Si,r Sayed Ahmad (0) Mohammad llyas ·
(A) Liaqat Ali Khari · (8) Zahid Hussain -
{C) Akmal Chaudary (D) Abul Kalam Azad , 17.. Iron .Dome i~ a m_obile Defence Sy.stem
. . : . developed by which country?_ · . · .
8. When five districts separated from P411>jab and . (A) ·USA (B) ·ch&na
separate province NWFP; - (C) Israel . (D) Iran .·
' . (A). 1901 . . (B) 1909
. ·1a. ·Name . the political party launched by · Air
" ...
. · (C) 1932 · (D) .· 1939
Marshal Asghar Khan: . . · ·
9. , Pakistan purchased· ·Gwadar from which (A) Paki,stan' Democratic Party · ·· ·
: country? - (B) Jrust1ce. Party of Pakistan ·,
(A) UA~ . (13) Oman· (C) T~hreek~eclstaqlal . . (D) :None of these
(C) Iran . (D) None of these _·

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Higher Education Department 1099
. h country oppo sed Paki stan' s ... · ·(C)' The scen ery of Kash mir are beau tiful.
19. w;~b ershi p in Unite d Natio ns? , (D) The scen ery of Kash mir was beau tiful.
ni Iran (8) Egyp t
(~~ Afghanistan (0) Malays!~ . 34. Whe n sepa rate elect orate syste m for ·Musl ims
· acce pted in India:
( hO was firs~ Amb assa dor of Pakistan t(? ' (A) 1909 (B) 1916
zO. ~ hanistan: . : (C) 1935 (D) 1946

k)Al) r (8) Tariq Atlzu ddin

11 Chun drlga
35. A work er did work 1 week and 3 days for
.Asiam Khat tak . (0) Aziz Ah~ ad ·
Rs. 75_0. In one mont h how much he got
H w many articl es .. are ·the,,-e In 1962 mon ey:
2 · cinstitution? : (A) 2250 (8) 2200
(A) 230 (B) 250 (C) 2300 (0) 2450
(C) 280 (D) 365
36. He : They :: I : ?
of the Sufi s~ila . welc ome all religi on (A) We . (B) My I
22· Which
faith and color equa \ly: · ·. (D) Us
(C) Me · . .
ia (8) Chis hti
· 37. Who was ·the Prim e Minis ter of USS R at the
(A) Soha rward
(C) Naqshbandi (D) Qadri
time of Tash kent agre emen t:
e occu_rred in 8alou chi~t an ITT (A) Nikita Khru shch ev
23. When Earth 0q~ak ·. · .
which 50,00 ltfe losse s. . (B) Niko lai Tikho nov ·
(B) 1935 . (0) Alek sey Kosy gin
(A} 1920 (C} Ivan Silay ev .
(C) 194~ (0) ~ 970. · · ·, ·
38. Kirthar Hills are locat ed in .....,..,..-,.,...-
on: (A) Punj ab . . . (8) Sind h
24, One unit .w as aboli shed
i . •

(A) 1960 . (8) 1970 (C). ,KPK (D) Gilgi t ·

(C) 1980 . . (D) 2001 st .
39. Accordi'l'lg to popu lation M_u ltan is _ · _ large
25. The term Oliga rchy mea ns _ _ _ city ofth Pakis tan. · : h.

(A) The rnle of Feud als · (A) 5 _ (8) 6 1

(8) The ru.le of the.Jew . {C) . jlh (D) 8th
(C) The -rule qf tyran ts with
40. Whic h . Pakis tani climb er died rece ntly
. I

(D) T_l)e rule of d~m pcra ts· foreig n climb ers at K-2: ·
. . (A) Sajid Ali Sadp ara
26. What is·ha giogr aphy : .
(A) The litera ry form link~ d . close ly w ith · (B) Moha mma d Ali Sadp ara
courtly love · .. .· ·· (C) Guiz ar Ahm ed Sadp ara
. (8) A meth od of crea ting a myst ical union -(D) Nqne of these
trans miss ion , ee_n
(C) A term asso ciate d with or~I · ·41. Wha t is the name , of the bord er betw
(D) The writin g and study ing o{ saint s' _liv.e~ Pakistan and Afgh anist an?
27. Meeting of the · India -Pak istan ·. Perm anen_t (A ) Line of Cont rol · (B) ·ode r-Ne isse line
Indus Wate r Com miss ion 202~ was held in: (C) Dura nd Line , . (D) None of Jhese
(A) Lah.ore · · (8) Delh i · red
(0) Islam abad .42. Wryic h cou_nt6y capital three times decla
(C) Karachi · · . most pollu ted:
... · (A) New Del_hi. (8) · Jaka rta
28. When PPP was estab lishe d:
. (A) 1962 . (B) 1965 . (C) Dhak a (D) None of these ·
(D) 1970 . in
(C) 1967 43. Pakistani pop singe r Ahm ed Jaha nzeb born
29. The purest form of wate r is: , which year: .
(A) Rain wate r · (8) Lake wate r _ . . (A) .- 1972 (B) 1978
r wate r (0) Sea wate r (C) 1980 .. ,(0) -198 8
(C) Wate
India :
30. Who was the British PM in 1920: 44. ·when. wom en got votin g right s ih Britis h
chill · 1909 . (B) 1929 , .
(A) Chamberlain (B) Wins ton Chur ·· (A)
(0). Lloyd Geor ge (C) 1937 . · {D) . None of these ..
(C) Macmillan .
-· Which of the articl e talks · abou t pe& man ent 45: Whe n US acce pt nucle ar statu s of .P akist
· · · . (A) 2002 (B) 2004
settlement in Kash mir:
(A) 35-A (B) 37-A (C) 2006 (D) 2008
(D) 1_i 1 - . tan?
. (C)_ 4q-A . 46. Whic h is the longe st wate r tunn el In Pakis
32 ak (B) Khoj ~k · -
-W ( h1cia mend ment relat es with Shar iah Bill: (A) Wars
_(O) None of these • . .
A) 7 . . (B) 9th (C) Lowa ri
. (C) 18th . . (0) 22nd . , ., is: · ·. ·. ·
47. The smal lest province of Pa~Jstan by ar~a.
33 Wh· h . . . · (A) KPK · (B)· Sind h_ · ·.
1c 1~ the corre ct sente nce? ·
(C) Punj ab (D) None of these .
· ((A).. Scen eries of Kash mir are beau tiful. . i'
8 The scen ery of K~sh rnir is beau tiful..
... '

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1100 Astv•nc,ct Ppsc Meo, Mod•( e,e,a.

48: Durand Line is ·the ·border ·between Pakistan 63 Name the first president of Baluchistan
and · Muslim student Federation?
· . :
(A) Iran . _ · (A) Fayyaz Khan .
(B) China B) Fazal Ahmad Ghazi .
(C) _Afghanistan . (0) None of these ·1
C) Zafar-Ullah
◄9. · P.akpattan is Situated on the Bank of which
• , River?
. · . • (A) Chenab 64
O) ljaz Hassan
the early 19 century official language of
(B) Satluj
· · (C) Ravi (D) Jehlum · · Punjab govern,:nent was: .
(A) Urdu · ~ (B) Persian
50. The highest peak of Salt Range is? . (C) Punjabi · (D) of these
(A) Nanga Parbat (B) Sakesar. .
(C) Malka Parbat. (D) None of these . 65 The Indus water Treaty was mediated. by:
. (A) IMF . (B) USA
51 . When Pakistan tested his first'cruise missile:
(A) 2005 (C) World Bank (D) UNO .
(B) 1998
(C) 2010 (D) None of these . 65, Who.was first speaker .of Sindh as~mbly in
52. How many votes are required to table no 1937: . '
confidence motion: (A) Dewan Baha~ur Bhoj
(A) 10% (8) 20% (B) Syed Miran ·
(C) 30% · (C) Agha Badrud~in Khan
(D) .None of t~ese ·
. . . (D) Pir Qurbar, Ah Shah
53. When Pakistan and India agree to reduce the
· risk of atomic attack: · ·· 67 . .Which state was attacked by th~ India on 11
.(A) 2005 (B) 2007 September 1948
· · (C) 2000 (D) None of these _ . . (A) Kashmir (B) Hyderabad
· (C) .Ounagarh · (0) Swat
54. When was ·the . Simla agreement · signed
between India and Pakistari? · 68. The central government sh?uld ~eal with o~ly
(A) 1948 (B) 1965 . two subjects according to six points Qf Sheikh
(<;) 1971 (0) 19o/2 Mujibur Rahman. Thes_e ;;ire _
(A) · Defence and Foreign Affairs. · •
55. How marw British officers join Pakistan ~rmy '• (8) Defence _ and Economic_Affairs .
after independence: . (Q) Food security a,:id Foreign Affairs
(A) 500 . · . {B) 1000 · (0) None of these ·
(C) 13500 · (0) . None of these
.: Q9. According · to radio carbon dating Harrapa .
56. Mysticism movement was against - · civi[Jzatioo is how much old:
(A) Religion· · . {B) Blacks
(A) 3000 B.C to .1_
300 B.C
(C) Both A& B .(D) None of these to
(B) 2000 B.C 150a B.C
57. The ·1:riglish East India Company established (C) 2000 B'.C to 100G•B.C
its first factory in . · . (D) 2000 8.C to 1300 B.C
(A) Bengal. (B) Surat 70. Azad ·Jammu . ·and. · Kasnmir -legislative
. (C) Calcutta (D) None of these -
Assembly ha_ s how many seats: ·
58. A strip of land ~hich ·conne~ts P·akistan·-with (A) . 35 : . (B) 53
Tajikistan:· . ·. ·(C) 56 . (D) 76
(A) Hindenburg Line (B) Wakhan ·
· (C) 38 parralel
· ,.. 71. M~itary can:,paign in· the Bajaur region of ·
·(D) None of these ·Pakistan in 2008 is named as:
59. 1909 act is also known as: (A) Operation Rah-i-Haq-1 .- • ·
(Ar Minto-Morley Reforms (B) Operation Sherdil
(B) . Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms (C) · Operation Sirat-i-.M\Jstaqeem
(C) -Govt. of India act (D) None of these · · (D) Operation Brekhna ·• .
60. Who was the Viceroy of India at the tome of 72. Secular and Nationalist Jinnah book wrote by:
partition of Bengal? _ (A) Kamran Javed · (B) Iqbal Qureshi
· • . · (A) lord Curzon · (B) Lord Wavell (C) · Ajeet Javed (D) None of these
(C) tord Minto (D) _None of tryese
73. The capital of Gilgit Baltlst~n is. ..
· 61 . · Who wrote' the ·book A Manual for Writers of · (A► Pamir .. (B) Gilgit
·. Research Papers, Theses, and Dissertations . (C) Hunza . • · (D) B.altistan ·
(A) Turabian (B) Hemingway ·
,(C) · Herodotus . (D) None of th~se 74. Badshahl.mosque is _ _ · l~rgest mosque ir:t -
the world: . . · ·
62. When East India Company get pernwssion . . (A) 5th . .( B)' 7th ,. .
from Jahangir for commercial trade: (C) 9
(D> . 2o(h..
. (A) 1600 ·
. .
. (B) 1608
(C) 1610 '.· (D) 161;1 75. When congress meeting held in 1·929; . ·. · .
· (A) Lahore · · (B) Karachi • ·• .

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Highei- Education Department 1101

i (D) None o·f these · 89. National Flag of Pakistan ·was designed by .
cl - for:
oe. lhsociolog. y stands - ·
. (A) Amir udin Kidwai · .
( (B) Hafeez Jalandhri. ·
APA in n,inistrative Procedure Act (C) Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla
16· (Al ~~erican Psychol~gical Association . (D)' None of these · .
(9) Asian pacific Ame_ncan · .. • ·
(C) Association of.~ohc e Authorities . . _ .90. W~at is the (A'rea Wise) rank of Pakistan
amon~ the World's largest CoMntry .
(D) n communal award rintroduced in India: · · - (A). 9 th (B) 34 1

77 wi,e1930 . . _ (B) 1931 ',· (D) 76

(0) None of these . (C) . 68
· (A) 32
(C) 19. . . . 91. Hazrat KhawaJa Bakhtiar Kaki RA was disciple
. h party won max❖mum seats in East · and khalifa· of: ·
78. Wh~~tan in -1970 elections: . · (A) Baba Fare_ed ·. · . (B), Moinuddin Chisti ·
pa ppp. (B) Awami -league (P) None of these •
(C) Bulleh Shah
(~~ Nort~west party · (D) None of !hese -.
92. · Whp was the Mughal ruler who died by falling
~all~r kahar lake is situated in which district: . from the ·stairs of his library in 1~56:
79- (A) Chakwa\ . (B) Khusab (A) Akbar . (8) 8abar . ·.. .
(C) Mianwah: · , • ·. (D) None of these ·. (C) Humay_ u n (D) Jahang)r-
Which Pakistani cricketer player awarded 93. Choose the correct o·ption ·
so. Sitara-e-lmtiaz -~fter his death? . . .· .
z (A) -Go on your business
(A) Khalid Wazir . (B) Zafar Sarfara
(B) G6 about your b~siness
(C) Akhtar·Sarfaraz (D) Abd4I Qadir (C) Go in your business
1. Hegel dia~e~tical method related to: - (0 ) Go into your business
(A) Thesis . . ·
_(B) Contradictory process between opposing . t&::-~/.'(,J;:-;,JJI .94 - ·.
·sides · ' . .

(C) · Anti-thesis · · (D) None of these ,JJi;. (B) v,J')'·_(A)

82. Which ty,pe of. assembly was of ·1947 of
Pakistan : . · · ,Ji JI,:.:_•J..r,jl (D). 1,,1,> (c)
(A) Constituent .' . (B) . Legislative
(C} Botti A & B . (D) None of these _~7""Jiifv.:L~£~t,;1,,.:.-v~L-f 1/J!if '":-'Clo? .95
83. ·MAO college shifted in Pakistan after ·--:--? .(A)
independence in which building : -=--k-' (8)
(A) Kinnaird College
(B) Sanatana Dharma College ,JfJfc... J..r,jl (D) ,.ff (C)
(C) Forma~ Ghristian College· ·
. 96. Air is to fly as water is to
(D) None of these (8) Swim
(A) Float
84. Pakistan strategic location important for
is (C) Sink (D) None of these ·
(A} Region (B) South Asia
· (D) .None of these _.. 97: Russia supp~rt openly·which country · i.n 1971
(C} World war: - · ·
85. How many votes are required to· amend 1962 . (A) ."Pakista n (8 ) India .
constitution: · (C) · (D) None of these
(A} 1/2 · (8 ) 2/3
(C) 1/4 (D) None of these 98. The only country ·which· shares border with
86 Wh · Canada:
(A)_ USA ·(8) Poland·
. .· ich of th·e. · disease create problems in
. Blood Clotting : (C) Mexico (D) . None of these
(A) .Thalassemia (8) Anemia
(D) None of these . 99· WHO certifies which country as .Malaria free:
(C} Hemophilia . (B)- China
87 Th L · . · (A) J:lakistan .
· e argest cantonment of Pakistan army is · . (C) 8rai il _ ._ _(D) Japan
· . 1OCated in: ·
(A) Jhelum · (8) Karachi -100.What is the theme of World Environment Day
(D) Multan 202 1.? - '
(C) Kharian
88 n election 2018 held in Pakistan: (A) Ecosystem Res~ora tion
· . - ~Ahe_
Time for nature .
(B) _
\'c} -11 May 201 (B) 25 July 2018
~g~ ~~:eo~~ii~;se
( (D) None of these
~- 25 June 2018
Answ er Key . . 19. :C 22. B
1. B
4. A 7. b 10-. . A 13. e 16. A
. 20. A 23.·, 8 .
2. • B A 11. C . ·14. A 17. . C
5. C 8. 21. · B 24: B
6. B 12. A , 15. B 18. . C
C 9.

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1102 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
75. A . 85. B
25. B 35. A 45. B 55. C 65. ~ . 76. 95. C
26. D 56. A 66. 8 86·. C
· 36. A · 46. A 96. . B
27. D 37. D 47. A 57. 8 67. B · ·· 77. C 87. ·c 97. , B
.28. C 58. B .. 68. A 78. 8 88. B
38. B 48. C .A 98: A.
'29. A ·39. c· 49. B 59. A 69. · D 79. 89. A
80. · D 90. B 99. B
30. D 40. B 50. e· 60. · A 70. B
,81. B .. 100. , A
31. A 41. C 51 . A 61 . A 71 . B 91. B
32. · B 42. A 52. B 62. B 72. C 82. C 92. c·
33. B 43. B 53. B 63. B 73. 8 83. 8 93. D
34. . A 44. B· 54,, D· 64. C 74. B 84. ·c 94. . C
.. • • .• ♦♦ • .• ♦•


• ' • • p I

. .
1. Shimla Deputation draft was written by . (A) Easy task - (B) Complex situation
(A) Mohsin UI Mulk · . (C). Uniform situation (D) None of these
(8) Sayid Husain 8ilgrami _·1o:· Name the political . party launched · by Air
(C) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan Marshal Asghar Khan: . .
(D) Maulana Muhammad Ali Johor · (A) Pakistan Democratic Party ·
. 2. . What is -the storage capacity of a en ROM? ' .. · (B) Tehreek-e-lnsaf ··
(A) 500 MB . (8) 680 MB · .-· · · . (C) Justic¢ Party of Pakistan . . · --:- ._. ,_
(C) 800 MB . (D) 1000 MB . .·. (D)' Tehreek-e-lstaqlal
3. Asabiya was enunciated by: · 11. How ·many worksheets are there in: Ex~el by
(A) Af-Maawardi : (B) AI-Ghazali default: · . . ' . • i

· (C) AI-Farabi · . (D) _lbn-e~Khaldun (A) 0.1 (B) 03

(C) 05 . (D) .07
. 4. Parliamentary Governments is also-known as
(A) Executive Government . · · 12. Which of the following country possesses a
(8) Legislative Government · plural executive? · · · · . . -.
(C) Responsible Government (A) USA . (B) -UK , .
(D) None of these .. · · · (C) Russia . (0) Switzerland
5. At . the time of Partitipn, Nizam•s· State . of 13. Cha.n ge voice·: Were th.e ·clothes · dried in the
Hyderabad had acceded to: · · • lawn by mother? • . · · • · . .
(A) India (A) Did the mother .dry the. clothes ' in · the
(8) Pakistan lawn? - · , •
(C) -became independent (B) Did the mother dried the., ~loth~s in· the
. (0) None of these lawn? · · ·
6. Which one of the following is true about ,_(C) Did . .
his ·mother" dry. the clothes in th~
· . p'roletariat? •. lawn? · . -,
(A) It is rule of capitalist class (D) .Had the mother dried the clothes in tlie
· lawn? · • ·
(8) . It is government py the people
. (C) It means rule of educated classes 14. ·The concept of extending freedom to other ·
(D) It means rule of the working classes . propounded by: , _ .·
7. ·A summary of Plato's Law was written by· (A) Lincoln (8) Aristotle
(A) Aristotle . · (8) AI-Farabi · (C}. AI-Ghazali (D) None of these
· (C) AI-Mawardi · .· (0) None of these · · 15. '.he 7once_pt of 'legal. sovereignty' .was for the
8.' Universal Adult Fran·chise means first time given by: . . · .
(A) R!ght to vote granted to all adult citizens . (A) Hobbes (8} Locke
(8) Right ,to_· vote granted to all University (C} Aristotle . _ (D) · None of these
. graduates. , · 16. !he Un!ted Nations specialized agenc~ for .
· . (C) Right-to vote granted to ail men · information and communication technologies
· :(D)1 Right to. vote gra_nted to citizens who pay . (A) International Telecom Network Union: .
: taxes . {B) International Telecommunication Unic,n
·9_ · Wheel within a wheel means (C) · International Information Union · •... ' ·
(0) None of these ·

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Higher Education Department 1103
The pivot point of _Pakistan foteign policy is:
11. (A) · Defence (8.) Kashmir 30. ~-== -- are called the powerhouses of
the cell?
. . (C) Trade and Com!l"erce . (B)' Liver
. (A) Lungs
(D) All of these · . • . ' (D) None of these . ·
(C) Mitochondria
Minimum age for candidate of Senate is 31 . Which of the following Is the "bird flu virus"?
18,. (A) 25 years (8) 30 years (8) H5N1 .
(A) Rhino virus
(C) 35 years (D) 18 years (D) Hemophilic
(C) HIV '
Thomas Hobbes called the agreement by 32. -The concept of 'Separation of · Powers' was
19. which people create a government the: . given by: . · . ·
(A) Enlightenment (B) Social contract (8) Montesquieu
· (A) Machiavelli
(C) Checks and bala~ces .(D) None of these · (C) Bentham . (D) - None of these
20· The child who bom ·and get qualities which are 33, Ara Al-Madina al-Fadila was written by:
birth. genper, color etc. are· called: ··
. •. · (A)· Ai Farabi . .(B) lbn Khuldun
(A) Ascribed status (C) Al Naseer (D) None of these
(B) Achieved Status
(C) Accomplish Status 34. · Who said 'Man is a social animal'?
(D) None o( these · (A) Aristotle · (B) Plato · • .
(C} Laski · :(D) R?usseau
21. Who expressed the vie~ that . under ·
Parliamentary __ system o( gov·ernment 35: Who was the first C-in-C of Pakistan Army?
bureaucracy thrives under · the cloak of (A) Muhamm·ad Ayub·Khan · ·
ministerial ·responsibility? . · (B) General Sir Frank Walter Messervy
· (A) Ramsay Muir (C) ·sikandar Mirza ·.
(B) . Ramway. Macdonald • · (0) N'one of_these
(C) Lord Hewart. . •· -36. Which E:nglish philosopher promotes
(D) · None of t~ese · . . liberalism .
best form :of (A) Hobbes (8) Locke
22. According to Aristotle · · is the (0) None of.these _
government. · - · · (C) Laski . ,_
(A) Polity . .(B) Monarchy . . . 37. · was the· first Commander in Chief -of
• (C) Aristocracy (D) . Oligarchy -~akistan Navy: . . · ·
' 23. Friendship to all, malice to.none said by (A) .Vice Admiral Haji Muhammad Siddique
(A) Ayub Khan· .· : ·. . · . (B) Vice'Admiral Afzal Rehman Khan
(B) Quaid-e- Azam .. (C} Rear Admiral ..9afford Jame·s Wilfred
(C) Allama l_ qbal . {D) Admiral Zafar Mahmood Abbasi
(D) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan . . . 38. Who is never Infant in Britain:.
·24. The Seven Wonders . of the Ancient . World (A) Minister ·. · (8) King/Queen·
discovered by: (C) President (D) None_of'these ·
(A) Herodotus . •(8) Antipater 39_. The General WiNis the political concept of?
(C) . Aristotle · (D) Non.e of these.· ·· (A) Karl Marz · , (8 ) -- Hobbes · ..
(C) Locke . . · : (0) ·Rousseau . ·
25. · Nawab Waqat-ul-Mulk became secretary qf
Board of Trustees Aligarh in year of: . 40. Maxlmum of Islamic p·rovisi~ns are
·(A) 1906 . (B) 1907 . included .in which constitution of Pakistan :
(C) · 1908 (D) 1909 (A) 1956 . .· · ( B) 1962 .
(q -1973 . ·. (0) ~one ~f these
26. The S~cial Contract theory paved fhe way for:
(A) lntroduction,of direct democracy . 41. The modern state is: .
(B) Democracy · · . (A) National slat15 · (8) International state
(C) Rise of absolute monarchy · . (C) R~gional stat~ · (0) Federal state
(D) None of these 42. Council of Islamic Ideology have how many
seats for women: ..
27. Who is the foumder of. anaiytical school of. (B) 02 .
thought · · (A) 01 ,
(A) -Montesquieu • . (B) John-Austin (C) 03 '(D) 04
(C) Aristotle • (D) . None of these . 43. Mujahideen declared jihad against India in
2 Kashmir ·in
8. The author of famous· b,ook,· . "Nuclear
Weapons and Foreign Policy" is:- · (A) 1974 · . . (B) 1989 .. · .
(A) Gerald -Ford (8) Henry Kissinge r. .(C) 2004 (0) None of the~e
. (C) Ronald Reagan (D) ~9ne _of these 44. What is the power-'capacity of Diamer B~ast,a·_
29- W~en Right to Proxy Vote abolished in UK:. Dam? · . · .· ·
(A) 1865 . (B) 1868 (A) 1000 MW . ..(B) 3500 MW ·
· (C) 1870 ·. (O)' 1880 (C) 4000 MW · · (D) 4500 W)W

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'• 1104 Advanc ed PPSC MCQs Model Papers
45. The ~emand of separate electora te for ·Indian · 59_- Iran and Pa~ist~n confirme d their mutual I
Muslims was first accepte d in the Act of · border by treating m \

(A) 1909 (B) 1916 (A) ~ 948 · .(8 ) 1958 I

(C) .1931 (D) 1935 .. (C) 1968 · . (D) No~e of these · :/
46. The Presiding officer of the US Senate is: · 60. Sharif Report was publishe d on
(A) The President (B) The vice-Pre sident
(C) Chairma n senate (D) Attorney G~neral
(A) 1930
(C) 1939 .
(B) 1934 ·
(D) 1943 . . I
47. Which country is former British colony? 61 . What is the other name of Mohammad Ar
(A) Mozambique . (B) Burma Bogra Formula ? . · ·
(C) Vietnam (D) None of these (A) New Law of Pakistan .
48. Who gave six principle s of realist theory: · (8) Constitu tional formula
(A) John Marshall . • (C) Pakistan report · (D) None of these

(B) Hans J. Morgent hau 62. The .N~n-_Muslim member of Punjab Boundary
(C) Montesq uieu Comm1ss1on was: · .
I •
(D) None _ o f these (A) Karan Singh. (8) Teja Singh .I'
49. The concept utility was introduc ed by: (C) Jeta Singh (D) None of these
(A) Adam smith (B) · Marshall · 63. Accordin g to Karl Marx liberty is:
(C) Jeremy Ber:itham (D) Kart Marx · (A) Free will · . (B) ~ocial phenomena
, 50. · Huuat ul BafaghaH was written by? ·(C) .No actions (D) None of these
. (A) Sir. Syed Ahmad Khan 64. Shandu r polo festival hel_d every ·year in which
(B) Shah Wali Ullah ' month:
. . (C) Syed Ahmad (A) May (B) ·June
. (D)' . None of these (C) July (D) None of these
51. Who defined democra cy as "Govern ment of 65. · The monistic theory of sovereig nty holds that:
the people, by the pe9pl~, for 'the people"? · ·(A) Sovereig shared by the King and the
(A) Woodro w Witson · Parliame nt
(B) Lord Bryce (B) - The sovereig nty resides in the state alone
(C) Abraham Lincoln (C) Sovereig nty resides in the King only
(D) None of these · (D) . Sovereig nty is shared by _the state· ·and
52. The study of insect is called:·. . - , other associat ions
(A) Paleontology (B) Entomology ·_.:, 66. ·who abrogat ed 19.56 Constitution: ·
(C) P_arasitol<?gy . (D) Immuno logy ·. - (A) Ayub Khan . . (8) Yahya Khan
53-. Which western phil.osopher said the state of (C) ;Sikari~ar Mi~a - (D) None of these
nature is paradoxical to other: · · 67. The teacher spoke _ _ _ to the students
(A) Hobbes . (B) . Rousseau ' . : .wh9 were naughty .
(C) Austin ·. (D) None of these . · ·(A) Kind. ' · { B). Kindnes s
· 54. Which Muslim philosopher is disciple of Plato · (C) · Kindly (D) None of these
and Aristotle · . 68. W~e·n did Pakistan become a Republic:
(A) lbn Rushd - · · (B) Al Farabi (A) .1.947 . (B) '1956 ·
(C) lbn Sina (D) Abu Bakr .al-Razi (C) 1962 - . (D) · 1973
55. Which organ of the Constitution is known as 69. According to Objectiv e Resolution sovereignty
the Fifth'wh eel of the·coac h? over the entire Universe belongs to:
(A) Planning Commission . (A) Allah Almighty . .
(8) Finance Commission (B) Governm ent of Pakistan ·
'(C) Public Service Commission (C) People of Pakistan ·
(D) No ne 'o f these (D) _N one of these
56. Which one balance the . g·overnmen·t 70. · is a state governe d as a single entity
machinery of America : . · in · which the central government _is the
(A) Finance Ministry . (B) Suprem e Court supreme authority
(C) Senate · (D) None of these. (A) Unitary state · (B) . Bilateral state
57. -First western writer to develOP. systematic (C) . Confederation · (0) None of these
doctrine of sovereignty was: 71 . Which of the following does not fall within the ·
(A) -Grotius (8) Pla_ to • purview of the political liberty?
(C)_ T H Green · . - ·
(D) Austin• (A) Right to conte·st elections · _ ·. . .
58. Political science stresses the study of: (B) Right to vote · -
(A) -Govern ment _ (B) State . (C) Right ta. move the court ·.for,. the
_(q) _Power . . (0)_ All of these enforcem ent of rights - · · ·
-.. . . (D) . Right t<? ~riticiz~ the governm ert ·

\ .

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' Lord Bryce uses the approach of: 85. Who said that political science is a study of
72- (A) Observational (B) Legal state and government:
(C) compara~ive (D) None of these (A) Montesquieu (B) Rousseau
, (C) Gilchrist (0) ~one of these
3 Welfare administration is referrer to:
1 . (A) Translating so9ial policies into a welfare . . 86. Change voice: They greet me cheerfully every
program . morning
(B) Method of policies governance (A) I am greeted cheerfully by them every
(C) System o.f administration for · social · morning . .
welfare . (B) Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.
(0) All of th~se · (C) I am being greeted cheerfully by them
74 _ Most powe rf~ I featur~ ·m parr,amentary form of. (D) ◄ every
None of
_ these .
Government 1s: . ·.
(A) Rule of Law. . , (B) Legislatur~ . _87. Social contract theory help in the growth of · ·
(C) Equal representation (D) None of tliese . (A) Social state · (B) Mod_ern state
75 _ According to .the . Pl~ralists · oi:ie ·of the (C) Enclose state (D) None of these
important limitations on sovereignty is: . 88, How many house of lord's · members when it
\ sits as highest court of appeal: .
(A) International law .
(B) Written Constitution (A) e (B) · 12
(C) Political parties .. (C) 18 (D) 30
(D) None of ese 89. Convert to Indirect form: He said ~Hurrah! We
· on sovereig nty h_as ·come,. in have won the match"? . .
76. Pi°uralists attack
the wr:t:,~gs of: . (A) He ·e.xclaimed ·with joy that they had won
· · (B) · Herbert Spencer . the match. . · . · ·
(A) JS Mill
(D) None of these. . . (~) He ·told t~em that they had won the
(C) Maitland
Tl. .The purpose of local governments is:·, ('t ) ~!~~k~~ if they had won the matcn.
(A) Tq ~mpower ,villages · -: · · : (D) .He exclaime d that they have won ·
(B) To:make people independent· · match. .
(C) Devolution of powers · • .
(D) None of these 90. Wh~ played an-important role in international
· · human rights law? ·· · · - · .
78. f=reedom of wors~ip and religion i~ terrped B$ : (A) World War . . (B) . Economic surnmit .
. (A). Orthodoxy ·. .. (B) Seculari sm . ' · (C) l)nited Nations ([?) None of these
(C) Conformity . (D) t;Jone of these_ ..
79. Which Princeiy state maharaja want ·to ·jpin .
· · 91. The ~
angle ·of elevation of a ladder- leaning
aga.nst wall is 60 o and .the foot of the ladder
length _o f the ..
·(A) :
Hyderab ad . . (B) 1Jodhpur . · ' ··
s 4.6 m
. · .iladder is:·away from t~e wall. The
· (C) Jodhpur . . (D) None.of t~ese . . · ·. (A) _ m
46 (B) 9.2 m
80. The. state capacity at home is parallel to . its '{C) 10.2 m
{D) 16.6 m
. performance at: . 92. .
In which country communist exist:
(A) 'chi:n~ -~ · : . (8). USA .
(A) Global level . (8) State level .
·cc) Regional level· (D) None of these , . · (C) Cariada . . (p ) None of these

81. Money bill can be introduced in parliame~t by: 93. In which type of Government periodic and day
. ·.. to day responsibility is present: · . · ,
(A) Finance minister . · '(A) Monarch y • .
(B)· Cabinet membe.r ·
(B) Parliamentary -System .
(C) Any member of parliament
(C) Constitu tional democra cy
(D) . Npne of these
cy mean~ (D) No~e of these . .
82. Art of diploma
(A) Keep the power dry 94. Mo'nistic .concept of'sovereignt.y is called:
(A) legal theory of sovereignty · ·
(B) Difference of opinion
· .. • (B) Absolute theory of sov~reig nty
(C) Come up against
. (Q) None .of these (C) Partial theory of sovereignty
83. Historic~ materialism is one of the tools in (D) t-fone of these
95. The .builders of consMution in USA 'retjetct~ the
provision that it b.ecomes the c~rner_s ~ e or: .
' I (A) Behaviouralism (B) Utilitariafnthism .
(C) Marxism (0). None o ese
84. Who presides over meetings. of House of (A) Political parties (8) ·Cabinet
· (C) Senators · . (D) None of these . '·
to othE:rs ,~eserve ~
. Lords:
· (A) Chairman : (B) .Speaker,, · 96. Those who deny freedom es and under: -a JUSt ~o
· ·(C) Vice Chairma n (D).· None of thes~ not for themselv
cannot long retain if said by · ·. . , .
• I
• ✓

. ' ..

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1106 Advanced PPSC MCQs Mode1 Pae,ers
. . '
Woodro w W ilson
(B }
Abraha m Lincoln
r'f-~ ()~~ .99
Dwight Eisenh ower
·Jimmy Carter
·c-J (B)
t::.-1,J j . (A).

97. Rigid and unwritte n constitution is 9>res~n~ in ,.;:!Jfc..J:.,;JI (0) • , ~(!'I.A ;
which type of state:
(A) Confed eration
(C) Unitary
(B) Federa l ·
(0) None of thes·e ~ 'f-~ ,Jr-1- ~ .100
98. No constitu tion no state concep t is
propou nded by:
,ti;;.:: ~ (B) :t,i:, (A)

(A) Plato · (B). L6ck~ · ,fi'Jfc-v-~' (D) ...:Jt,Ji; (C)

(C) Aristotl e · (D) None of these
Answ er Key
1. B . 14. . A 27. ,a 40. C 53: A 66. C 79. B 92. A
2. B 15.' B 28. B 41. . A 54 .. B 67. .C 80. A· 93. B
3. D 16. B 29. B. 42. A 55. A 68, 8 81, C 94.
. 4. A.
C · . 17. D 30. C 43. · B 56. B 69. 'A 82. · A -gs·. A
5. C 18. B 31. a 44. D 57. · D 70. A 83. ¢ 96. B
6. D

19 . .' B 3i .a 45. A 58. -o · _ 71.. C 84. a 97. --
I 7. 20. · A . :, · 33. A 46. B 59, · B 72, A 85. C . 98. B
8. Ii,'- 21.· A . 34. A .47. a 60. C 73. D 86. A 99. · A
9: B 22. · A 35. a. 48. a· 61. B 74. B. 87. B . 100. B
11. .
23. B
24: a . . 37.
36. B 49. C 62. B 75. ·A 88. a.
C 50. B 63. A 76. C 89. A
· 1.2.
D 25. B · 38. a 51. C 64. C 77: . C 90. C
A .· 26. · -a 39. D 52. B 65. a· 78. . B 91 . B •.
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦ ♦♦

. ,,.
. .
(21/05/2022) ·
. . .
1. Zia UI Haque becam e Preside nt of Pakista n in"
(A)" 1977
6. Who. was Prime .Minister of Bengal after-1946 •
. (B) 1978 election s: · . .
(C) 1981 (D) 1985 '(A) Hu~sai n Shahee d· Suhraw ardy'
2. Which Mugha l empero r era Ahmad Shah (B) Khawaja. Nazimu ddin ·
Abdali faced his first defeat: • (C} Abdul Kasem Fazlu l Huq
(A) Bahadu r Shah I (D) None of these · ·. · ·
· (8-) Bahadu r Shah II
(C) Wali Shah
7 . . Firstly who celebra te .14 Februa ry as valentimf
(0) Ahmad Shah Bahadur
d~ . ·.
(A) Theodo re . · (B) Geoffre y Chauce r·
3. The battle . fought ·b.e tween Ottoma ns a_nd ·(C) Pope Leo . . (D) None of these - :
Safavid s empire was: ·
(A) Battle of Kosovo (B) Battle of Chaldir an 8. Abdul Aziz lbn Saud came to India on a state
visit for 17 days in:
(C) Battle of Montiel (0) None of these •
(A} 1954 . (B) 1955 .
4. Real name of Mugha l Empero r Jahang ir was • (C) 1956 . , . (D) 1957
(A) Farid (B) Khurram
'(C) _S aleem 9. Taiwan , officiall y.called ·
(D) Iqbal . . (A) Republ ic of China
5. · Maz~at Ali (RA) shifted his capital from Madina .(B) . P~ople Republ ic of China
to: . (C) Public of China \ ·
(A) Karbala ·cs)
Kufa (D) No'ne of these.
(C) Makkah (D} No_ne of these 10. The total period of Abbasi ds calipha te was:
(A) 500 years (B) 505 years

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Higher Education Department 1107

09 years · (£?) 515 years (C) Syrian . , . (D) None of these

(C)· 5 . . .
· -
Marna was about · 27. Liaqa t Ali Khan visited which cou.ntry from 3
"(B) Sindh . · · ·. May to 26 May 1950: · . :
11. Cha~unjab
(~~ Bengal · - (D) None of these (A) Russi a (B) USA .
(C) China · (D) None of these
~ho is called ·. ~he. Fathe r of Mode rn
12- p ychology? . 28. Sama rkand is In which count ry: .
;) Wilhelm Wund t "(B) lbn-e- Kh.ald oon ·. (A) Uzbek istan (B) Azerb aijan .
_.k) Adam Smith . (D) parw! ~ (C) Kazak I
hstan (D) Tajikis tan •

;he physical part of a comp uter Is known -as: 29. Who was the secre tary gener al of OIC in 1985
sottware (B) Hardwa,re (A) Syed Sharif uddin Pirzad a
· i~~
Opera ti~g Sy~te m . (D) Syste m Unit (B) Hamld Algabid
(C) Tunku Abdul Rahm an
Matter exist in which form
4 . .(B) Liquid (D) None of these
1 . (A) Solid
· (C) Gas (0) All of these 30. Name of US presid ent who was a film actor?
Khilafat Papers was publis hed by: (A) Rk.ha rd Nixon . (8) Rona ld Reag an
15· (A) Shaukat Ali . (C) Jlimm y Carto r . (D) No·n e of these
(B) Maulana M!Jhammad Ali Johar 31. lbn Battut a visited India in the reign of:
(C) Allarna Iqbal ... . (B) Ghias uddin Balba n
(A) Mlaud in Khilji
(D) None of these . (C) Sultah Muha mmad Tughl aq

is. Who resigned after Tashk ent awee ment: .· , (D). None of these
· (A) Ayub Khan . (B) Zulf1qar Ali Bhutto 32. Badstiahi mosq ue built by: . .
(C) Manz oor Qadir (-0) None of t~ese . (A)' Akbar . (B) Auran gzeb
(C) Jahan gir (D) · Maha bat Khan
17. When the· Indus Wate r Treat y was signe d:
(A) Sep~ember 1960 (8). Oct_ober 1960 33. Khila.f at r.novement was launc hed by:
· (C) Novem ber 1960 (D) Dece mber. 1960 . . . (A) Quaid -e-Az am
18. Mahmud Ghaz navi attack early perrod of its (B) Maula na Muha mmad Ali Johar
(C ) Ghan dhi (D ) None of these
reign.or:i which dynas ty:
. (A) Saffarid . (B) Shah i · 34. Faraiz i .move ment was starte d-by:
(C) Abbasid , (D) None _of these (A) .Maula na Muha mmad Ali Jauha r
19. Old capital o! USA was: · • (B) Sir Agha Khan .
(B) . Wash ington (C) Haji Sharia t Ullah .
(A) New York
(D) None ot these (D) None _of these . . .
(C) Alaska
35 . .What . is the real name of ·tal Shah baz
20.· Which city . i.n Switz erland . W~S . the Qalan'dar? · .
headquarters of the Leagu e of Natio ns:·
(B) Gene va · . (A) Shah Muha mmad Qasim
. (A) Canberra (B) Hazra t Usma n ·Marw andi
{C) Brussels · (D)· Hagu e
(9) Abdul Raso o_l (D) None of these
·21. 13ritish annex ed ·Punja b under which' tre~ty
_3 6.' He said ~om~ , "Go away from here." Chan' ge
· (A) Treaty of Amrit sar(B ) Treat y ofKar achi into Indire ct Speec h
· (C) Treaty of Lahor e ' (D) None of these · (A) He ordere d me to go away from here. ·
· 22. When was secon d OIC Summ it Confe rence (B) He o.rdered me to go away from there.
· ·
held: (C) He order rne to go away from there.
(A) 1974 (8 ) 1977 (D) None of these ·.
"(C) 1979 . (D) 1979 .
37. A docto r said, "You take ·rest." ·
23. Death anniv ersary of A!lam a Iqbal is obser ved (A) A docto r advise d me to take rest. ·.
~- . .
_(B) A docto r was advise d me to take rest. .
(A) · 21 April (B) 21 May . (C ) A doctor advise d me to took rest.
(C) 21 June ' . (D) 21 July iD). A docto r sa!d me to you had taken rest.
24 38. Kitab al-jbar, wa diwan al-mo btada e wa al-
- When the Sovie t Union attack ed Afgha nistan ? · ·
(A) 24 Decem ber 1977 · khaba r book wrote by ·.
(A) Al Beruni (B) lbn-e: Haitha m
(B) 24 Decem ber 1978
. (C): 24 Decem ber 1979 (C) lbn-e- Khuld un . (D) None of these
(D) 24 Decem ber 1980 · . 39, Who wrote the book entitled' 'Archaeiotogy of
25 Know ledge '? · . •
- The initial cente r of Ott~m an empir e was: , . . (B) Voltaire
(A) ·Anatolia · (B) Kanya · (A) Karl Marz
(C ) Michael Fm_Jcault ~O) Fe~vre ·
(C) Ankara · . . (D) None of the~e ·
~ . · 40. Orth~ dox· Khilafat lasted how ma.ny years: .. · .
... .

. · Jhe concept of zero was given by: . (A) 10 . (B) · 3 0 · ·

(A) Indian · ._(8) Egypt ia_n · :

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1108 . Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers·
(C) 45 (D) 112 55, How many Europe~·n. states have mona~ch ·as
head of state: · ,
· 41. If the volume ~f spher.e and cone are equal (A) 11 (B) .12 :
with same radius(r) then calculate height(h) of (C) 13 (0) 14 '
the cone.
56. Byzant~ne empire wasE
(A) H:.:4r (B) H=2r (A) Northern Roman mpire
' (C) H=r (D) None of these
(B) Western Roman Empire
42. A ·sci~ntist counts 80 cells in a petri dish and (C) Eas~ern Roman Em'pire
· finds that each one splits into two new cells
·( D) None of these
: every hour. He uses the function A(t)=cr to
calculate the total. number of cells in the petri 57. wlio was the first Ckalip(hRoAfIslam:
(A) Hazrat Abu 8 a ar . . .} 1
dish after hours. Which of the fo,!lowing
(B) Hazrat Umar (R.A) '
assigns the correct values of c and r?
(A) c=40 , r"'2 (B) c=80, r=.0.5 . . (C) .Hazrat U~man (R.A.)
(C) c=80, ~2. . (D) (0) ·Hazrat Ah (R.f::)
. . c=80, r=1
. .5
43. Meaning of neck and neck . · 58. Who was the · world's first female Prime .
(A) Compete equally (B} Corridor· . Minister? ·
(C) lost the game (0) None ofthese (A}' Indira Ghandhi . .
(B) Sirmavo Bandarana1ke
44. ltit11ad-ud-Daula's tomb a4 Agra was built by (C) Margaret Tha!cher (0) None of these ·
(A) Akbar · . (B) Jahangir
(C) Noor Jahan (D) Shah Jahan · 59. lbn-e-Khaldun was a famous · · .
·(A) Sociologist . (B) Chemist
45. Mift~h-ul-Futuh book by Amir Khusro in. (C) .Physicist . (D) None of these
honour of: . . ' ·
(A) Jalaluddin Firuz KhiljJ 60. The t~eadquarter of Arab Lea~ue is at
'(B) ·Alauddin Khilji . (A) Dubai (B) Cairo ·
. (C) Quli Qutab Shah ·(C) Madina (D) None of these
(IJ) None of these 61. Qawali was introduced by which sufi silsila:
46. Who is Head of State in New Zealand: · · (A) ·Qadsia · (8) : Chistia ·
(A) Jaci~da·Ardern . (B) Queen Elizabeth .. (C) Suha~ardia (D) None of ~hese
(C) · David Cameroon (D) None of these, · 62.··The first mechanical. caOculating machine· was
47. Hazrat Ali (R.A) was-martyred:in·: . made by: . . · · .
(A) 661 AD . .· .- (B) ·670.AD . (A) Charles Babba·ge (B) . Howard Aiken
(C) 678 AD · (D) . 665 AD . (C) Blaise Pascal (0) None of these
. 48. Kushan empire introduced which coin"s: 63. Who first attacked on sub continent:
(A) Silver (B) · Gold · . (A) Dari~s · (B) A lexander .
. (C) . Zinc· . (D)'Nickel . (C) · , · · (D) None of_these
49. Where was Rosetta Stone found? 64. Who was_son of Hazrat Ameer Muawiya RA
(A) Libya · (B) Lebano.n (A) ·vazid · , · (8) .Zubair .
(C) Egypt (D) None of these • · .(C) Salman . (0) None of these .
50. Which country won• the . most medals in the .. 65 . .The Holy Quran was first compiled during the
Tokyo Olympics 2020 (played in 2021 )? _. · caliphate of: · · ·. · ·
(A) Japan (B) China · ~ · . (A) • Hazrat Abu Bakar (R.A. ) ·
(C) -U~A (0) NonE:i of these ·· (B) Hairat Umar (RA) ·
. (C ) Hazrat Usman (R.A.)
· 51. ·All Pakistan ·women ,A ssociation. (APWA) (D) Hazrat A li (R.A.) •
founded by:_ · · · . · · ..
(A) Begum Ra'ana lia½uat Ali Khan 66. , British sent wh9m to Saudi Arabia: . ·
(B) Shaista lkram Ullah . • (A) Lawrence ·ot Persia ·
(C) F_
a tima Jinnah (0) None of these · (B) Lawrence of Egy pt ·
(C) · Lawrence of Arabia \
· 52. Tarvkh al-Rusul wal-Muluk, was wr,itte·n by: (D) None of these · ·
(A) Al-tabari . (B) Al-razi
(C) lbn sina - (D) .Al-gbazzali 67. Whb declared Buddhism as state religion: ·
53. Jamal al-din al-Afghani was against (A) C~andragupta (B) Ashoka
. (A) Indian Independence · . . (C) Bindusara . · (DJ None of tl')ese · .
I •••
(B) . European colonialism · · · 68.. In 184~ · the 'British .- sold · Kashmir ·to · Dogra
(C) Central Governm·e nt MaharaJa G ~lab Singh for an amount of ·
(D) None of these • · (A) 7 Million (B) 7.5 Million .
' .
54. Who established Saud~Arabia ?n 1923 · (C) 8 M!llion (D) . 8.5 Millio~l
(A) King Abdul Aziz · (B) King Faisa·1 · 69. · In 1993 elections of Natio.nal assem:bty PPP
(C) ' King Khalid (Q) King Salman . . secure~ how many general seats: ·.. · ·
(A) 81 . ·, (B) 73

_ _ _ _ _ _ ....:....._ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __:_ ,, · I ·..

' ..
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" Higher Education Department ;, ,. 1109 •
67 . . (D) N~ne of these · (C) Jahangir (D) None of these
(C~ 999 who imposed martial law : · 82. "Hujjatullah ul Baligha " was writte~ by? ' .
1o. In ub Khan . (B) Yahy~ Khan (A) Sir Syed Ahmad Khan
(A) ~~rvaiz Musharra( ; (D) None,ol thes~ (B) Shah Wali Ullah
(C) ·Ambassador who died-with President Zia · (C) Syed Ahmad
11. USHaque in pla~e crash was? · · (D) None of these
u(AI) Arnold Lewis RH~phel · :· 83. The Delhi Sultanate came to an end in
· oeane Roseh mton . ~ . (A) 1526 (B} 1290 , .• 1
· (~~ Robert B. Oakley.
(C) 1325 . (D}·.None of these ·
~0) None of ~sfle · d b C t , 'd f 84. In which language did Ba bar . write ' his ·.
rkheim was m uence Y om es I ea O autobiography 'Tuzuk-e-Babari'? ,
12- D) Peace (B) Positivity (A) Hi~di (B) Turkish
~~) Discipline (P} ~one of these . (C) Persian (D) None of these
Ttie Saur Revolution took ~ace in 1978 in . 85 _ ·Manzoor Ahmad . Wattoo ·government was
73- (A) Afghanistan . (6) China · restored by High court in: . · -' ·
(C) Sweden (D) None of these (A) · November 1996 (8) September 1996
4 Mughal emperor Akbar reigned from (C) August 1996 (D) None of these.
7. (A) 1550-1605 (8) 1~56-1605 . : ~6. ·change voice: They greet me cheerfully every
(C) 1~80-1605 (D} N·o ne of ~hese . morning _ . . •.
15_congress d_id ·not attend which RolJnd T~ble : . (A) 1 am greeted cheerfully by them every
Conference. - . ·. · . morriing. · . . . ·
· (A) First · (8) Second · · (8) Every morning I was greeted cheerfully.
(C) Both.A·& B (D} . None of_these . ,_ • (C) I · am being greeted cheerfully by . them
76 What is the name of the borde~. between ·- · . . every morning. ·
· Pakistan and Afghanistan? · . . . . . (D) · None of these .. _ .. . _
(A) Line of C?ntrol (B) Oder-Neisse line -~ '. 87. How many division· of Pakistan:.
(C) Durand Lme . (I?) N(?n_e ~f these · _1 · . . (A} 04 _·. · . . (B} ·os . .. .
n. Ertugru! Ghazi's life history only authe~tic 1 · (C)
. source 1~: · . . · . . · :. : , ·.
0: ,~ ·_. ·.. ··. .(~}. None _of ~hese ·_
•88: Fer'dina_nd .Magella•n help 1n the d!scovery o~.
· (A) SalJuq-nama . (B) Stasat nama ,_. . •.·.. J·: · ·(A)' Spain ~- . . (B) Alaska · _ :
(C) Usman _ memoir (D) · None_?ft~e~e · ··• ·. :, :· : (C.) USA i ·,·.t'.;·:.- -.~, .·:__·. (D) ' Noneofthe~e
78. Oklahoma ~ombing of 1_995 p~rpetrat~d_by: · · :·,·' .89 __ Splar,c~lehdar is whic_~ type.of cal~ndac ·
(A) Blac~_ltves matter(S) White suprema~lst · · ' · (A) Persian . _ (8)" Gregorian
(C) Slavery (D) None of these . · . (C) Chinese · '·. (D) None of these . .
79. Which women issued its own coin:
{A) _Noor Jahan . (B} Mumtaz • •
. · 90.· .Eightee~th A,=r;endm~nt of the Constitution
· Pakistan -passed in: · · .. : . ·
(C) Gulbadan (D) None of_thes~ . . (A) 2008 , •. .(8) 2010 . . .
·so. During the partition·of India w_ho was king of (C) 2012 _· (D) ~020.
B(l)ta~~orge 1v· . . (.B) G
_· ~orge V · . ·. · 91 . . The ancient lndi~~ sour~es was:
(A) Paintings · ·. .. ·. ·
{C) George VI (D) Nqne of these · · · · , (B} Archaeologic_al excavation. . ·. · ' • ,
81. Which .o f the folloll.'.i~g Mughal Emperor'.s .has (C) Literature · . (D) None of these .
no tomb: . (B).. Shah Jahan_ 92. Who was the ·mona·r~hy i_n Engla.nd i'r1 1857 : ·
(A) Aurangzeb .. (A} .. Alexandrina Victoria (8) Elizabett} I •. .
1 . . (C) Elizabeth JI . ·.. . · (D) ~o~e of t~e-~e
On 14 October 1999,·Musharraf appeared on . 93. While Memory .Serves wrote by: _ · . ·
elevision to declare a state of emergericy a.nd issued a (A) William Stoke • ·(B) Sir Francis.Tuker
· Provisional Constitutional Order that ultimately (C) ~obert Cook . (D) Non~ of;th~se_,
· suspended the writ of the Constitution of Paki.stan and 94. Mahatma Gandhi.was born in: , : : ·., ·
dissolved the National Assembly and four provincial · . (A) . 1866 ·· . (B)- 186 ? ' · •·.
~ssennbl!es, atthoughtheyleftMuhammadRafiqTarar (C) 186 8 .· · · . (D) 186~ , - ,., " •,·: .·. ·:• · .
nofficeasPresident. However, General Musharrat 95 . . Democracy· ·and Authoritarianism dn,::S.o~t_h _'. ·.. · .-. :_ ·
,trongly objected the wordage use of "martial law" or Asia book wrote by: ' · . ··
::upd'etaf', instead insisting that: "This is not martial o f ~~e~~ , .
(A) Maleeha lodhi . . (B) M~n1~_fkr<;il)1. % . :, . · .: · .• ,
1 (C) Ayesha Jalal _. ·. -~D) Non_e _
Who is ~alled the frontier G.aridhi::,i ;• · •; ~ '
, only another path towards democracy." The ISPR
}sa:confirmed that "There is no martial law in the · (A) ,Khari Abdul_~l;laffar: Khan •',<,.... ·,····
' cou_ntry."· • · . • · . . . . • ..

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1110 Advanced PPSC MCQs Mod_el Papers (

. (B) Khan Abdul Jabbar Khan ' rv1;/t.f~,L~J,Jjt,,L,./-Z.,ul}!,d] .99

(C) AbdulKhan ·
(0) None of these ...tJi:/-)
... (B) . -<-?' (A)
97. When Sir Syed Ahmed Khan established
Indian Patriotic Association? vi JI~v=~, (0) ~? (C)
(A) 1880 (8) 1888
(C) 1898 (D) None of these r t::...r./..u1~1,,1/(J~, .100

98. Name the Pakistani Girl who achie~e~ the
milestone and top~d in ACCA (Assocratron of IJJJ~ . (B) . i~c.'~ JI (A)
Chartered Certified Accountants)?
(A) Nida Aslam (8) Zara Naeem vi'JI~rJ!cJI (~) ( 11.) (C)
(C) Tehreem Javed (0) None of these · K
· . Answer ey
1. B 14. D 27 B 40. . B 53. B 06. C 79. · A 92. A
2. D 15. B , 28: A 41. . A . 54. A 67. B 80. C 93. B
·3_ B 16.· B 29. A ' 42. · C 55. B 68. B 81. A 94. D
4. C 17. : A' 30. B 43. A 56. C ' 69. A 82. B 95~ C
S. B '18. B 31. .C 44. C· 57. A · 70. · D . 83. A 96. A
6. A 19. A 32. B · 45. A
58. · B 71. A 84. B 97. B
7." B · 20. . B 33. B 46. B
59. . .A . 72.. B 85. A 98. B
.8. B . 21. · C 34. . C 47. A
60: B ·. 73. A . 86. A 99. C
9. A 22.· A 35. B 48. B ,61. B 74. B ' 87. B 100. A
10. C - 23. · A '36. a· 49. ·C 62, · C . 75. A . 88. C
11. B 24. - c· · ·. 37: A. 50. C . 63. · A · ·76. C 89. B
12. A 25. A '38. C 51. A 64. A · 77. · A ,90. . B
13. ·e 26. A 39. · C , 52. . A '· 65. A_ 78.. B. 9·1. .B
. . .... ~ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • ..

· · !~t•l•J~l:MiJ@ll'l'lU.· .· · · .
·_ Highe~ ·Education D,eparfme_
n t: _2021
1. Hazrat lma·m Hussan .(R.A) Wife Shehr Bano . (P) f-,lone_of these . ·
was daughter of- · · · ·
(A) Yazdgard 111 . (B) Abdur Rahman · . B. John Marshal excavated_Mohenjodaro in:
(C) Abad Bin Malik (D) None of these . · (A) ·1920 . (B) 1_921 . · .
(C) 1922 . (D) .None of these
2. 18th Amenqment. was made part' of 1973
constitution: . ' . 9. Which of the following is not caretaker prime
(A) 05-04-2010 ·. . (8) .19-04-2010 · mfnister'of Pakistan? ·· ·.
(C) 09-04-2010 (D) None of these ·. (A) Balakh Sher Mazari (8) Moin UI Haq
. .· · (C) Malik Meraj Khalid (D) None ~f these .
3. Liaquat Ali Khan ·was killed by: . ·
(A) Aslam Khan (B) Naeem Agha· 10. · The Ice burg dubbed A-76 in.which sea:
(C) Saeed Akbar (0) None of.these · (A) Cortez Sea . · . (B) Baltic Sea
·4. lbn-e--Sina ·was born in: (C) Weddell Sea . (D) None of these
(A) Shabshan · (B) ,Samarand 11 . Fourt~ world refers to which cou·n tries: ·,
(C) Buk~ara . •. . (D) None of these (A) Chad, South Sudan
(B) China, Cuba
5. - :Al Manso or Abbasid Caliphate was brother-of:
(C) So~ a!Qa, Yemen .
(A) Abu Haider (8) Abu Jaffar . (D) None of these .
. (C) Abbas Al Saffa~ (D) None of th~se
12. Who is known ·as "CQnquer ~f Egypt"?
6,. Mesopotamia word originated froni:.
. .(A) Umar Bin Al Aas RA
·(A) . Sumerian ., (B) Greek
· .. (B) Hazrat Saad Bin Abi Waqas RA ;· .
(C} Latin (D) N_
o ne of these '
· (C) Hazrat Abu Ubaida Bin al_Jarall_RA
7. Mesopotami~ means: · (D) None of these . .· · · :
(A) Land Between Oceans
·(8) Land ·setween Seas · ·
ti3. Which US preside~{ g·ave New Wor4d Otder a_t .
the tir:ne of USSR disint~gratiori?.. -. · · ·. · ·
(C) Land between two·riyers_· • I'•, I ••
(A)' Richard Nixon · (B) . Bilf. CMfiton ·. ··

.: .. \ '~ . . '
,, . ' . '
•, .. I ·;
' l I I •

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· 1118 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers

vialt:-v-r:J' <o> iJr;(-.;..i, <c> .,

~,J,./-:-VI<~L,l>Li.)&1\ _99
u:c.f,,l(B) ~✓f:h' (A)
v1-a1~~r:;, co> .)J:', cc>
Answer Key A
~ :~- : ;:· g ~~: A . ~~- : 92.'
B 42. . B 55. B 68. A 81. C
3. B 16. C · .. 29. 94. C
4. · A B 43: A 56·. . d 69. C 82: B
95. A
g .:t ~ ;~: g.
17. A 30.
· 31. ·
~~: g·, ·:~: ~- 96.
1. ·a 20. B· 33. A · 46. A 59. B 72. A , 85. A . 98. a
8. A 21. B 34. B 4 7. A 60. A 73. ·· A · 86. B 99, A
9. C 22. A 35. B 48. C 61. B .74. B _· 87. A 100, A
10. C 23. B 36. B · 49. A 62. C 75. · C · 88. A
'11. A 24. . c :...; 37. B : · 50. B 63. C , . 76. C 89. A
12- A ' 25. . B '. ', . 38. B 51. A- 64. B 77. . /J. 90. ' A
13. A 26. B 39. A · 52. A 65. A 78, · /.. . . 91. B
• ♦ • • .•.• ♦. ♦ ♦ ♦ . '
. .'
.. . . .
I • ✓


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r ~ducat/on Department
. 1119 .

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.'i" . ~JJ'J. ..J,c)~· .11
J,lr,.!., 4 :Cr'I..At.,L! (A)
:},~,.fr; (B) .

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Jf JI~1.1-~I (0) . ~ , · (C)

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JiJI~J: ,:)I (P) . . ,r.i',:)~ (C)

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'5,lr,~4_1Jlj/l_.4/b~.::.,j> (~) . ·v,f,.f.,j,i;_jo,cr-uw•· .1s
.J ,:--.->IJ. (B) 1967 (B) . 1965 (A)
. 1971 {D) 1969 (C)
,J.J'JI~✓-,:JI (P) (f..i:1-,;,i./11.1 (C) .
· v'.:._~Ji./.1:.,,-...J,evc)?cf .:..-;..JiJ,~,j ·.20
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,J.fJf~v-c)I (D) if1j!1i;1_..J1J1.z..l (C)
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(0) . . ~ti.I (C)

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1 II
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· 1120 · Advanced PPSC MCQs·Model Papers

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i:J!j (B)' . j~ (A)

~ J.r'I (8) ,;jJY"I (A)

,.i'Jl~v -0' (D) ..:...l.1i;J, (C)

"':'"",,J_,..,, (0) ..!,..»J,-,1 (C) f 'r-{lr"~ ifJ ,E .33

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cJ}u;1 (8) ~ A (A) . ..viJI~v-t;)t (D) .:::,-\!I (C) .

viJIc::...i.te;11 (D) . . ~~ id~ (C) · ,,· 'if-( v-i.1Yifif ~cJl}(.Ji.A,7 .34. ·

'ir..JJ~ LJ.,OIA/1,J.)1;1}1 .25 · .,J./1,~r- (~) . "":"171,.1,.- (A)

.' d ..?I~ (B) ·. J,t.f.lf'i;: (A) ,.IJI4-V-cJI_(D) .1i,.1,.- (C)

_dJ(c::...i./..c)I. (0) · ·c1,;,.t,;- (C) ·if.:-,tJ.·J'.:-,1Y-ifL jkb /? .::.,7,.;:.-4.n[... Jlf .35

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(i; (B) .· · , . -R, (A) ·. j./JI~✓-di (IJ}0.1{.1 yVdlf '1'G' (C) .
.d Jl~v-cJI (D) . : .. . ~fj _
(C): rr:;...-C0?
' . Sv"'u,rcJ. iG' .i1·
~'f--~~LfIJ'~)1.11r~'-.2s j,).-11 (B) . · ~IfI. (A)
_ JL(Li (B) -~(;(LI (A) : ' . vi'JI~v!cJr' (D) -. /d1i:,t.1 (C)
,J.i'_Jl1::.-i./..c)I (0) J?°'ef♦~l(LI .(C) .J'6.-:.--.,Jli>I ifif" j _~,-~ , L ~ t:,f.1 (la.::.,jl> .38
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i.SJ.19 (A) _· . ,:..,,,,!;J1if -'~~fi/.1..:...7 (A)
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. . .
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J}, (B) Jn.::~ (A) '5;1)1/.'I.I (8) . ·. j,)1 (A) .
t(r -(D) · · · .k" (C) vtJl~v--(;)i (D) . ·.·_ J,1/i;J,(l'P!11.1 ~C) · ..
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· ..:...r'(I (B) . J}(I ~)

,J.iJIG-V-c)i. (D) - . 1i.,J'~---(C) . ·. . . / (1 (D) . : iJ-(1 (C~
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j ,u1r' . (B) J.e.1r_ (_A) ·

,J!lo".JY (~) . ' · . ··.J'lo.1r' (C)

·. ~.::..~
' . - . .42
JifijL,~l:::A-: . . .

?.Jlj,; (B) J}1/.JJ,b1 . (~)

,j~It:;;_.,_/..ijf (D) ·cJ,;1,.fr; ,(C) .
ri..t/i/,:)ti~:. I✓ ~.:.-1r'i.fij/o,if4~;J

• J'oPliJY. (B). . . .::::,1),.:;.,_.1Y' (A.) . '

,jJ/t:;;_._JijL (D)_ '· efi).:;,,.1~. (C_) 1

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:p. .44.

·Lr jrtf-''fi; _.(ij.:.-j> (A) . · ·.

.li_f J;,tf.1?'..:;,,._?> (B)

Lr;;)Itf 1 ,.,(.7~-?-J.:;,,.,l> (c)

' ✓-f' JI~v!1.:.11· (D) .
.. . ,Jif~(~
~.::..~...✓ Llf
.. . .45. .
• •' ' ; . ' ""
( Jlm,t . (B) . J~.(A)
;_/Jlt:-;.;:f:)I (0) · t.5,.r.<. . (C)

.· rv.:¥~,L~~~J-l'( ((v-0 if LJ'_ u .46:

~}t{L (B) · Jz--tfL·· (A)
f i.JJ.t.:)I~ L ·;~IC:,.,;I.J, :52

. ru.r¥Vlui.1YJ~t.11:./fo1Y'~.:-~.AJ01Y A? .!:., ., 1;:1W!1;{5 (B) . . J1,'i ..i'1.J}i5 . (A) .

J1.,J, (B) .:.-V (A) . . -✓-i°Jlt::....i./.t)_I (D) 1)'1~.!:.,,.,,1;d1;tf5 (C}

i.:JJ'" (D)
. .
ji;. ·(C) , ... Vi.:Jk:L~~~~ o,hJ~~~lf,11..:,fif;...»~./, .53_
f'f-·j ~,)yr.(,Jl'll:1£(~(ci-_L(/(j .48 .fJ L,~\ro,;y.s~_J:;;s~,i_-.!:.,,.,,1;~.1 · _·
·" (B) · -f1 (A)
J~,J~ .(B) . :. .J,l( .(A)·.
1~ _(D) J (C) ·v-1 JI~·i.1-0, (D). . · (CJ( (C) .
. . ..

r'f-C:...~crJ J.::.r..»v'~'(~.;;~), .49_. · · ~v.r~L~,.i'-~L:i;; s4

-~;J,":-'C( · . ·. (B) ,t1,,"':"C(_(A)

J,1~,urc/,,~·-(B) • Jlij <~>
: · ('il'IJ~ ·.(D) .·;_;.1,'i j,,~.it5 (C): . .
v-!J(t:'-.,~~'.{p);}1"':"C( (C) .. . . .
f.~l1., l( L.,:...{y (LI .-55 : .·. ' .
- -fvJcJI..J Jl/c...~l ,.,v-...; .50. ,,. • • \ • . f

t J'~(tl (B) . · _~c/:-K"l(~I .(A)',

.J(Ll1,l~t,i.l(L~ (B)_. ..J (Ll1,1~ /.l(U (A)

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•' ..

· 1122 · Advanced PPSC 'MCQ~ Model Papei-s .. . . · : , . .. . · , · ..· •. ' .

:.,,.i.1(\1 (D} : . JVv (C) · . ·.. ,,; ;_j ,,f<:) f,:,., (-1r1i:f ,,i)f(:/p/r (:/..?, ~• ,.fi! .65 '
. .) ~
·. f ~~ifv rcJ,:/ IJ,/ .56 .
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jJJ/~r.J.i:)!. (0) -~ ~. I.I, (C)

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,-;,,:~c):~;-=,)A> (B) v••c):jl,;,--=,)A> (.A.) . · -
-~.J~c)~-=-J'>··coJ· :_: ~· · i.:J'-=-J4>, tc) · .
'l,' °t r
.i.tiJf~✓--~, <o> :· ·J,11,;,.,7. (C> .
C.:liih9{(j~"':"',~(;iJL,,J,~ .-67
..._ A "" • .., ._ ..... . ~.

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fiu; (B) ·•• ):-:·/ :'·-. ~ (A) · . J~(j (B) · .· . ~ ( } (A)

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,J(j . (~) 'l,}(} -·(C)

fJr.-=.-,L?✓v-.1r-J1;.1UJ.-~ .59
··. · · c.:V~L·Y~J'(~;,~ .68
.11sa <B-> · 1191 <A> ·. . fb'l' (B) (;),I, 101 (A)
1800 (D) . · 1799 (C) . .
·. ✓-1Jf'-'~c)l_· (0) . .1~.P.1 (C)
. /,.;fl~.1(v--=-·~rJL(r..~.1~L.1~L,;tJ _.60 ' ' .
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.69 - .

~ .~- : I,...
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;. , .. : :-. .
_. . . ..
fl' '.(A): _
, .· . .. ~r ·(_B) . _. .: . t)/ (~).
. viJI~d.:cJ; (D) . . r.l-y/ (C) .· : . if./ JIG-V-,(:)1 (D) . ·: .,_j}Y (Cj
. . .

. .· c.:7~V1:u..i~L-v ilt,)~~,J~f?u/ .61. .C.:v.JLr.;,,u.laLc1/~~cJ?LJJ,J,~i,; .70 .

· 06 (B) 05 (A)
.·.....,. .....•-~:' ··vq (B) ~ _. . . l,L?.t (A)' . ... · . 08 . (0) · . . · . 07 (C)
J./JI~✓-i:J' ·co)·· ·· ·. ,(?-1 (C) . . ~-

c.:~(;)I-N?,,.,~~-' ._s2 . ,j~-·(~) ..·. _. ,:,;;,:,J-' (A).. . . ...

. . . . . .

. . . J;1)1 (8) . . c),_Jp cf.I .(A) .vi JI~i.t.J, ·<D.> . · ·. c;.;.;e"f (C) _ . •- .

Ji JI~✓--cJI (D) . . ·. · . ~l;t;ll (C) .· · · . r,:-✓il.--r(~·..J,;hl, .12

. ~i✓/ (B) . · . Jli-1..J> _
·(A) .
c.:v.1;{/1.11 J.ipi~> .(0) . J:.'i✓/ (C)
:Jr (A) . _- ·
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. .
(C) .,J. (B) '. L1,,=J,_;,J~ (A) ·_ . . . .. . .
-. ·. . fi.JJcJl~L_!iC, .64 -✓-! Jf~✓-(;),· (D). . . . ·Li,Jtf.. (C)° ·. : .· . .

. u_, i~fill...,. I). (A) · . · ·. . · ·-. ~i..JJ?fLkr(J!..t/ .74_· ~ ·.

.. ~ ' ., t

. . J.1~1:1,_,H)1.J:-".:.().1,:11:1.1,..- (B)
: ." J,_.,dr (B) · .- J;1)1.J.'.,:1 (A) . ..
·-· .·' .(:)11)(-AJ/,J ·(D) · .- j1.1i✓f,; (C)
~JI~✓-_c)I (0~ .· .J,,j;(~;,:, (Cf

... .
' ·,.

Scanned with CamScanner

.. ·Education Department · · 1123'·
. . .
f;J Jr:~ ~,i. ;f--:,,1$'1:l[,.;!,.,?:",.,P
05 (A)
75 (B) Dr. Aslam Jabba r
(C)" Dr. Kamran Naveed
.. 06 (B) , . .
08 (D) , 07 (C) (D) _ N one of these
87. . The seat of the catholic church is in ~hich
-..~JJ,".);_>)~1~,;!, ✓- l,)!1t /''-: /" 76 country:
(B) Italy
IJ,r.,..ll (A) Spain
(D) 'Germany
. . _r~ Vri:J-"1'-1 (C) Vatican City .
88. Mount Logan is In:
,/- (B) . ✓-.?. {A) (A) US (B) Canada
' (C) Mexico (O) ·ualy
l. ~ I&:,..,_,(.,:)I (0) . ,,,..,, (C)
89. Odds and ends- mean s: I
v-: L> '":"'
(B) Difficult
f' .. (A) · Dispute
f~~ ~ / · .77 , (q ) Remna~ts . (D) Excuse

Jit;d_.)rj (8) · J ~~ (A) M1saq-e-Ma dina was signed between Musli ms

99, . .
, and
(A). Christians . (8) Jews_.
j ,J:!.1 j,; (0) ,J~,~~ (C) .
(<;:) Syri~ns (0) Romans .
J;1;...C, . .78 ·
· , -. ·
91 . Who gave . the -name of- Pakistan for the
-: president · of the Asia · Pacifi c group of
· (B) '• . , UNESCO:.
,:J.:,.,-..» . . . '/. ·..:;..-,..» .(A) .. ·. 1 .. · (A ) China

.:,.,-..» (D~ .· -~ ..:.--..» (C) · . . . . (B) Italy ·. · · ·
_ . .. . . . (C) Turkey , .·: ·
h voting )
· ~-,, :•~£.. .. t
· 1.1.:- 1.:1. A
J ' : ~- · • .. ' · (Of None of thes~.·(throug
l,:)~ 79 ·
. · .· · . :92. . The anto·,:wm pf yearn : . .
. - • : .. - ·
-(A) 'Co~~ h ·_,· ·. · (B) Hung er
",L,,!,,.,/'/ "~l~e ~ (B). :!tJ;>· f ,.(f( Lf':'(A) ~~- --:-..· -~.;r:·; . I · (0) w·1sh
i;n ~ • v /-
· . 1.1·
.. ·, . •.
' . ·
:.· • . •
1• ,.

• Repe_ . .
~,;~~ JC) -. ·.
• ., ·

'Jf,JI~i,/..,:)I (0) -. .' . . ., 93. ,·I\ ~is _a cornputer's·; ~ce~tral comm unica ti~_n s
•· · • • J . ·, ( · backbone.· · connectivity • point, which all
• • • •••• .. .

periph erals
f !P-Jf/Olf"' ~,:;Ii(,
. '/
J,.,Ji~A ·
I~· .80.,. ._·_,, · :comp
• . conne
o1;1enJs : 3~nd··· . J 7xtem_
.cted. · · · .. •
. ··
:~fii.1..::.-)2> (B) . .1.1..::.-7 ' (A)"_' ·.·.: ' ' (A), cpu "
:f ·. (B) 'Monitor _ . . - .
,., . . • •: · . · , -. (C) Moth..e rboard (D) RAM .
"'1' •
o· ,:;.,;a> . (0) .~i;/ .Jlr..:-?, (CJ 94. Which ·mounlain· range - is located betwe en·
· · China and-Pakistan: . . . . ·
s of UNO a
· re situat ed at: - • • . . (A) .~rea t Himalayas
81. Headquarter
(A) Geneva . (B) New York" . . · (8) Karakoram ~ang e
(C) Washington . (D) Hague . (C) Hindu K1,1sti Rang e : - ,, .
(D) · Siwal iks . .
82.·Autopsy is taking tissue from :
(A) Living body · (8) Dead body· . 95. Bronze ,s an alloy of: .
(A) ·Gooper-Tin (B} Copper-Zinc
(C). Epitope. - (0) _Npne of these
8 rnor General of · .'-(C) Iron-Zinc . (D} -Tin-Z inc
3. Who .was secon d · Gove ·
(A) Muhammad Ali Bogra
(8) Ch. Muha mmad Ali
.96. S,=-a·;·~1._;)J',.,f ~tti:~1,fJ,
(C) Khawaja Naz.i m ud din · . · (A) i;/'1;,- ·. . ·.
(B.) ~~IP , , .
(D) Malik Ghulam Muha mmad .
84 (C) , ,i;. . (D) None of these .
. The worid.' s small est parlia ment ·is in whic·h . .
country: . . · that. ·
(B) Micronesia · · 97. This chair Is inferior
(A) Sweden (A) from to ·
(C) Finland ·. (D) None of these (0). to·o _
85 · (C) of .... .
· The original amou nt 5000 is increased by · 98. Change. the following ·statement indirect . . ·
6000 in 4 years . How much perc~nt increased speech. He said, "Let us go for the. morni ng.
· Per year: . ··
. . (B.)' 5% . walk."
(A) 4%
. (C) 6%· . _- (0) 7% · . ·' ·.(A) propo sed He
u_s go f~r ·the
·· .
·morn ing
walk. .
86 (B) He ordered us to go for the ~orni ng walk. ·
- · Who wrote the book lntr~ductiori to Islam: ·
. (A) Dr. Muha mmad Hami d Ullah . ·. (C) H~ ordered that they · shol!ld go ~o~ the
.. .

Scanned with CamScanner

i .
, 1124 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
morning walk. (D) Non~ of these
· (D) He proposed that they should go for the
. morning walk. . 1oo The protocol' entered ·into force in Feb ·
9~. ..J) IJ"/ .v
r rfv! .:..:.1,.;101,r,,,y.
., · " : ..~-i;r✓,,nr~.
. .. ,,. ti
· 2005; 90 days aft~r being ratified by at ~~ary
55 annex signatories that together accou st f
for at least_ of total carbon emission ~d
1990. · n Ill
(A) 45% (B) 55%
<A> ;?.e-- (B)
'"' .
Answer Key . ·.
(C) 65% (D) 75%

1. C 14. A "27. C 40. C 53." B 66. B 79. B 92. c

2. B 15. C . . 28. B 41. C 54. B 67. A 80. · C 93. c
3. A 16. A 29. A 42. B 55. A 68. B .81. B 94. B
4. B 17. B · . 30. B 43. . B 56. B 69. B 82. B 95. A
A 18. B
31. A 44. A 57. A 70. C 83. C 96. c
B 19. 'C 32. A 45. · B 58. A . 71. / 8 84. B 97. B
7. A. ' 20. C 33. A 46. · C 59. -C · 72. B 85. B 98. D
8. C 21. ·a 34. ·c 47. A 60. . B 73. C 86. A 99. A
9. B 22. C 35. ·· A 48. .B 61 . . 8 74. C 87. ·c 100. ·B
10. ·a 23. · C 36. A 49. A . 62. . A 75. B .··88. B
11. A'. 24. C 37. B 50. ·B 63. · . B 76. A ·a9. C
12. ·s 25. A · 38. A · . 51. B 64. B . 77. B 90. B
13. B 26. B 39. B . 52. C 65: · B 78. A - 91. D
. .

♦ ♦ • .• ♦ ♦ ..
•'• . .
·· ·• -·· ···


. ' , . . . ' . . . . '
. .Hig_her Edu~ation· Department Punjab .· ·
. '

·_~L(;)/.11)~ LJ/i-,~~, . .1
' . ,. ·✓_.~ ..(B)
. .
-.. .
. ()JnJ",:--· (A) .

~./i.1-I (B) : . · ·15;,j5 (A) . · . .v-fJI -=-0:GJ,. (D} . . . J,tP!~ (C) .

vi'.JI~v-=(jl (D) .. ~,J,o!; ,•
. ·_r~--:-:,ViSJy?;..::.r.),~UJJ;.,r/ ,(, .s
·. . ._r~h:7.ivL/1Z'i.LL ~~,;i;~1.(1 :2 A.~ ...Wensmck (~) · William Hopki_
n (A)
J:! JI-=-t,l!(;)'I (D)_Ka~en _Ar~strong (C)
.ilj.i.f~ (8) Aj.~~- (~)
vi' JI~v-=(;)', (D) ;1,;.:J-1.-- ·(C) · )v._t¥VI..;.,hf,.1,ll,)~
. l:. L .... lf' .1·
· r'f-..i-A/u(;)/,)Jv, . .3
~ - (B) p (A).

J'!.::.,.1y ..(8) . . . ,./11..:.,1/ (A) . _:

✓-!JIt:-,j.d, <o>
.vi'Jlc...v!(;)I (D) _ _j;...;J~ (C) · ..r 'r-J'v".::.. ,J.~ ~I)! .1L i;J; .8
..1, i;[ ;;,,

·... ~ 'f-_;;.,O"ucJl{.s;;J,~ L..::.r..» .4

./ -~? <B> . ~;v .ft.;..:.,J-> , (A) .
·.11; ~Jlk-' (8)
v-i'Jlt:-u;!l:);_(D) ' - -·; ~..:.,, ? (C) .
.. 1 t,/Jlk-' (A)
(D) ..::.r.)1"-:-"j. (C) f 'f-J;,J;,~4~ ~ rv-=,:..>orl~~c)1) .9
. ·J tH~7 · (B) . . ~~I..:.,7 (A)
. .. :· ·.·:- ·_iv.1~l ...;;-L~,Jr-"'J~~,
: .. ·.
,;s .
. ,. ·. _ . . '
vf J/ ~:._t.~1(D) ,_ ··:·· :ifY.;~ . (C► .

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ation Depa. rtmen
. t ..1169
. . . ·.·, vur¥
VIL f4;.1.,4-.1jL.~ fl ~90 . .. (A) will co~e
. · · .
(8) came
(D) had com~
~C) come _ (B) d.1(..!,~f (A) 96. I ...... ... your book s last Friday. ·
(A) · returns . (8) ·retur ned
Jf d .(D) . ,.;/f~ui (C_) (C) will.return (D) ·has return ed

91 .· ~A·)·.do 'not 'g~o hosp itall) sdfJ~~·go . 97. He exerc ise since mom in9.
(A) has been taking (B) Is taking .

(C) have not gone (D) will not go . (C) were taking (0) have been taking
He ·asked m·e wher e I .. .. .. . .. · ·
· 92
98. A black shee p .. . ...... the whole flock:·
. · (A} am going . (B) will (A) will spoil · (B) spoil ·
(C) was going (D) have gone (C) spoils (D) spoiled
93. The Mu~lims ....... .: in one G~d. . . ·· 99. Work hard lest you .. .. .·.... fail. ·
(A) beheve~ · (B) • behe ve . . (A) will . . (B) s~ould
(C) had behe~ed . (D) were believ ed (C) . shall (D) would
94. We ... ... : ..... the poor. , ·
·100.M oney ...... : .. the mare 90:
(A} shoul d help (B) would help . · (A) make s ' (8) ·make
(C) ·-migh t help _ (0) _migh t have hlepe d ·.(~) will mat e (D) made
95. I would have helpe d him lf he .. , .. .... to me.- ,

1. . · o . 14. - A 27. : C
Answer Key .
40. B 53. . B .' 66. c
. '79.
·-C 92. C
2. D 15. · C 28. .A· . .· 41.-C 54. C .67. o · ·so. D 93. B
3. A 16. C 29. · B A · ' 55. .B
42. · 68. ' A 81.' B 94. A
4. A'
D . 17.. B 30. ·- A 43. D 56. ·o 69. C 82. A 95. D
5. 18. · D 31. . C 44. B 57. C . 70. C 83. A 96. -8
6. C 19. a. 32. B · 45. B 58. D . 71.' C 84. A 97. ·A
7.·, · C · 20. - ·a 33. C A
· 46. · 59. D . 72. A 85. A 98. C
8. : C 21.. c. 34. B 47.B 60. . C · · 73: C ./. 86. D 99. B
9. . A 22. D 35. C 48. A . . . 61. · C . . 74. ·. A 87. B 100. A
10. C 23. C 36. B .49. .C. 62. C 15.- D · 88. C

11. . -A · 24. A 37. · D · 50. C · 63. D · · 76. C 89. B
.. 12. A · 25." A ·- 38. C 51. A ·. 64, . B . 77. D . 90. C
13. B 26. D 39. · A . · 52. D 65. D . 78. D 91: a·

MO DE L PAPER 236 '·

ASSIS°TAN T·(BS-16) 2022 _._. .

(D) None ofthese_O919)
1. O~ma ra port is in which province: . .
(B) Baluchistan . · 6. . In which year Graham Bell invented telep hone
(A) Punja b · (B) 1876 ·
(D) None of these (A) 1776
(C) Sindh ([?) N9_ne of these
(C) 1976
2. Godw in Auste n is· situ~t ed in whic_h range :
(B) Hima layas · 7. · Ronald Ross discovered the cause of:
(A) Hindu_kush (B) Malar ia ..
·(A) Polio
(C) Karak oram , _(D) None ofth~ se . {D) ~one of the~e
1 (C) .. A.IDS
3. .Who wrote "Glim pses of World Histo ry"?_ 8. . Who discovered Penicillin:
(A) Maha tma Gand hi (B) Louis Paste ur
· . · (A) Alexa ndar Flem ing
(B} Jawa harla l Nehr u .. (C) Howard Flore y (D) None of these
(C) ~ajin dra Prasa d
(D) None of these 9. · Laho re Resolutio~ was seconded from .Punja
by: .
· 4. Bagh dad Pact was prom~lgate_d in 1955. and (A) Ch. Rehm at A~i .
then after Iraq left it Is also called: (B) Abdulla.h Huss ain
(A) . SEATO. (B) CENT O · ·
(C) MaulaK'la Zafar Ali Kha!'l · • •, · ·
(C) Manil a Pact (D)_ None of these ·.....
(D ► None of these · .. . . -
Rowl ett Act was passe d in: ·
· 5.
(A) 1915 . , (B) 1916 1-0.· Which. river os ~ot flowing -' from · Jami;nu & ·
Kashmir: :·. ..,· . .
(C) 1917 . . ... ·•:.

Scanned with CamScanner

. .•, .
.11'10 . .Acivi,icfd Pp§C MCOs Model Papers .
(A) Ind~~ -. • . . • (B) Beas:-·· ··. . · •.:-. : ; '•'(C) Janies8achana~(D) .Noneofthese
(C) Ravi (D) . None of these .- 27. The second. ~ost important layer of earth
11 . In 201~-20 Austraiian . b~sh fire .4e"ati,n -is·, · . .· atm)oMsphere hise:.r· e -·.(B) Troposphere
named as: . . · -. . . •(A . esosp_ . •. .. .
(A) . Dark Summ-e'r _. ·. ·(l:,) .. BlackSutnmer .· .' 1 (C) 'Stra~9sph~~~ ·,. -~ (~). None .o f these
(C) White $ummer·. (D). ' None c,>f the~:e 28. . The nonrenewable so·u rce of energy is:
12. First female ambassador of Pakista·n to Iran: . (A) Wind energy . ((80)). SNolar enfergy .
(A) Ri_ ffat Ma~od (8) Mal!ha Lod~i _.· : (C) Hydropower . one o the~ .
(C) Begum Shahnawaz (D) None of these a
29. An avalanche hit Pakistan army base killed '
13. Ole· Stands , & or~-- . . . · · • 140 'soldiers and civil contractors at ·
. (A) Organization of Islamic Conference · .f _·: . . (A) 06.lApril-2012 . (8) 07-April-2012 ... ·
(B) · Organization of Islamic Cooperation : · ·.: (C). 08-Aptil-2012 . (0) None of ·
. · (9 Bot~ A & B · · (D)_ None of the-se _
30.. Global: "warmin~f poses thr~at to world is
14. What is the energy fQrmed ~ue to waterfall:.: . · statement by: · ·. .1 : .· · •
(A) Potential·Energy . (B)' .Kinetic Energy (A) ·United Nation, (8) -Antonio Gu~erres
. (C) ~otion·Energy (0) None of these. · ·(C) Both A & B ·. · . (O)· None of these
15. ·National game of Pakistan is: . 31 · Whoidelivered Allahabad address: · ,. . · .
. (A) Cricket : ·: · . (B) Football· . ··-. :-, , , : ._(A) Ana·ma Iqbal · (B)· Ouaid-e-Azam
. ·: . · (C) Boxing · · ·· - · · · ·· · · .· (C) Liaqat Ali Khan . (0) Nohe of the_se . · .
. . ' (D) None of these (Hockey)' · .. . . • · 32 _ Which industry was· growing in · Pakistan ·
16. l_n,: SI u~it 'of ,li~e Picosecond is' equal t~ .h~w ·. before 1958: .,.' , . ..~
many seconds:. · . . . . ·· (A) Cottage - · · (B) Chemical ·. ' . ·. . .
(A) 10·•1 ',.; · (B). 10· (C) Manufacturing ..'· (D) All of these
(C) .10· ~-, . . (0) None of these ; 33. Nehru Report was published in: . r
.., · r)
.17. Who started Jihad Movement:-
ShahWaliullah ·.. ·
(A) · 1927 ,
(C) 1929
(B) 1928
(D) None of these ·
. .

· ' (CB)) SHy~SAhh~atdUSllhhah(eDe)dN · . f th' 34. Which dam is situated ~n Haro river: ' .
.. . : . aJ1 an.a _ a one o ese (A) Khanpur · . (8) Mar,gla ·
18.· What was the dea,;mn·e ·of Kyoto Protocol for (C) · Tanda (0) Non~ of these
· CO2 limit upto 5.86% from 1990s to:
(A) 2020, (B) 2004 · . 35. When Muslim Le_a gu_e observed · Day -~ f
(C} 2012 (D) None of tbese Deliverance:
·(A) 19 September 1938
19. Astronomy: is the study of: (B) 19 September· 1939
(A) . Stars (B) Moon (C) 19 December 1938
. (C) Planet · (D) All of these · · •· (D) None of these (22 Oecembe~ 1939)
-_. 20. The biggest fort of Pakistan i~: . , .., ; .
36. W~ich ope.ration started by Pakista·n arniy to
- . (A) Kot Oiji Fort . · :(B) Rani Kot Fort combat terrorism in 2014: . . · .
(C) Rohtas Fort (0) None 'o f these (A) Zarb-e-Azb- (B) fair play . •.
21 . . Block chain technology used in: . (C) Midnight Jackal (0) None of these ·
(A) Cricket (B) Crypto currency
37. Which country is·most visited by tourists in the
(C) Bricks (D) None of these modern world: - - . .· ·
22. The Budget .deficit of Pakistan in 2021-22 is: · (A) US (B) France. ·
(A)·. 5.5% . (B) 7% . . (C)· Italy · (0) None of these
(C) 7.5% · (D) ·None of these
38. _The modern name-of s ·hahjahanabad i~:
23. Wind always' blow~ from area of _ _ =5-- (A) Fatehpursikri (8) Agra .
(A) low pressure to high pressure (C) Purani Qilli (P) None of ,these '.
· (B) High pressure to low pressure
39. Who is the first Sikh·senato·r ·belon·g.s to KPK:
(C) Only low pressure (D) None of these
.(A) .Lal C~and . _.- (~) , Gurdeep Singh . ·
24. Which of'the following flower is called Queen (C) ·Shunda R_u th • . (0) . None·of these
of Water: -·
(A) Tulip . (B) Rose - 40. Which famous personality of English literature ·
(C} Lilly (0) None of these . awarded Nobel prize in 1'907: . · ·
(A) P_a ul Heyse . (8) _Rudyard Kipling
25. The cause of soil pollution is: · (C) ·Romain Rolland · (0) None of these
(A) Ozone (B) .Acid rain '·
41 . ·what i~ the new na~e of Kashmir Highway:
(C) Air freshener (0) None of these
th (A) .tadakh Highway (B) Srinagar Highway
26. 16 president of us ·who abolished s~avcry: - - (C) Poonch Highway (D) None of these
:{A) Andrew Jackson (B} Abraham Lincoln

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. ... ..., .. . ,. .
,, Miscellaneous · 1171
What is the ~umber of lates t edition of PSL in· (8) Pafd on .
' (A) Revenge ·
42. 2021 : . . . .·· . . ' . (C) ~ond(?~ation (D) • None _of these
(A) Six . · (B) Seve n · . lysis: · ·.
56. Madr:iess: Brain : Para
. . (C) Fourth (0) None of. these · : • (8) .Body . • ···
(A) Arms
team won ·psL 2019 in Kara.chi: ·... (C) Nerv es · . · (0) None of these ·
43 · Which chi Kings (B) Multan Suita ns
· (A) Kara 57. Choo se the .anto nym Embellish . . ·
(C) Quet ta .Glad iators (0) N~fle of.these. • · (8) Furnish
(A) Ador n
.is the first viceroy after 1857 war: . . (0) No_ n e of these
44 WhoHard (C)" .Simplify
. .
· (A) ing · (B) Cann ing· . ·. \

None ·of the~~ 58:- Indicate the type of sente nce ·

(C) Curzon . (D)
45 When Baluchistan got· (B) .1970
statu s. province:
.· ·
ot They are playing ·cricket. .
(A)' Present lnd~finite .
. (A) 1-9 47 · .
~on e~ these (8) Pres ent Continuous .·
·. (D) ~·
(C) 1973 (C)' Prel?ent P~efect ... ·. <. ,
s ot neutra_ l .
4s. When Switzerland got the statu (D) None of. these . . · .- .. •
state: . · · ·
·(B) 1810. . 59.'. Complete t~e prove rb to maok~ the sente
(A~ 1800 . . : meaningful. .· . ·. . · -
(C) -1815 (D) None .of these
If ~~shes _ _ horse s, Qeggars woul d ride
47. Who is current Ch_ief.. Justi c~ ·of L~ho~~ Hig~ • (A) were : · (8) was
Court: : · ·. , · · · (D) Ngne of these
.. · (C) have ·
{A) Muhammad Qasi m ·
· 60. Correct t~e followi~g phra se · ·...
{B) Qaisar Rash~ed .
(C) Muh am~ d Ar:neer Bhatti To fly at the face of · .
(D) Non~ of these · · · {A) to.a fly at the face of
(B) to fly of the face of ·
48. Th~ last ruler of Ottom an Empire was:·.
(A)· AbdµI Amjeed II : (.8 ) Sultan Ahmad (~) ~o fly in the face of . (0) None_of these.
(C) Sult~n Mehm ood (D). Noma of these 61.' She is my. mother~in-law. ·Whic h punc tuati on .
mark is used in the sentence.- . ·. · · ,
. : 49. When · Taliban formed government •in (A) Hyph en · . (B) ·Ex cla ~~· ,
Afghanistan for the first time: • {D) None. Qf_thes ~ .
(A) 1989 . · '(B) 1992 (C) Apostrophe
(C) i 996 (D) None of these 62.. (well) I don't think I will 'be home befo ra.6 pm: · .
In this sentence well is · , ·
50.- OGRA decided fuel price after how many days . (A) Adverb · {B) Adje ctive :
(A) 10 days (8) 15 days ,(0) None of these
.(0) None of tne~e (C) Interjection
(C) 30 days . ·
63. Complete the -following sentence to make
51. · In the early period which endemic is called meaningful. -: ~ .
Black Deat h: \.,
(A)'. SARS (B) lepro sy . None of you_ _ done work correctly.
-. (0) None of these · (A) Has . . · . {B) Have · . .·
· (C) ·Plague · .
(C). were · · {D) Nolie of these
52. :rreaty of Lau·s anile of 1923 is: ~c~.
(A) Turk ey not claimed the Arab province
=. . 64. .·The hand .has five .fingefs. In .this se~te
. . · five is ·· · . · . . · ·
(B) Base to form modern Turkey ·
(C) the publi c· debt woul d be share betw een (A) ·Nou n . (B) Adverb · ·. .. ·
turkey and its region countries of ottom an . (C) Adjective · · · (D) None of these
• empire
. 65. Sh~ is ab~-olutely i ncredibie· which mark
{D) All of these used in this sentence ,. ·
· (B) !
53. • In June ' 1948 unde r ·the influence of Soviet '(A). .
· Union Berlin Wall was created to: (C) ; . · ' (0) : N'on,e of these
ping ·
(A) prevent its population from ·esca t bro ugh t~ this quarrel'. .' , ,
· 66. Wha
. · Soviet controlled E;ast Berlin to Wes t . (A) about · . {B) in · .,
Berlin , · • . . (D) · None of these
· (C) • round . ' . . . ;,--
(B) Divide Berlm into two parts .
good :that stude nts
(~) Both A & B · (D) None of .tlies e · · . 6t. His __ . of subje ct was.
· ·~ . . .
have doubts at the t' • •

54.· Select · the pair which , has · the same . (A). Clarity . . . (8) Exposure : . .
. . relationship. PROMIS_E: FULFILL· (C) · Pic4orisation . . (D) None of.the
. . ·. ..
se .
. .. .
{A) Confessio n: Hedg e · · · ~ .
68. Conju nctio n which expre sses an inference is
. (B) Law: Enforce . _ . conjunction , · ·
(C) Pledge: Deny (A) lllative ·· (B) Cumulative ·
(D) None of these ~C) Corr.~ tive· (D) None of these
55. Choose the synonym Reta liatio n

I .

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1172 . Actv,aced PPSC MCQs Mode l P.apers
69. 12 water pumps can make a water tank empty 81 A computer on internet is identified by:
- in 20 minutes. But 2 pumps are out of order. • · (A) IP addres.s · (B) HTTP
· How long will the remaining . pumps take to (C) HTML ~O) None Of _these
make the tank empty? .
(A) 20 minutes 82 . Slide sorter of .Po~erf:>oint is available
(B) 24 minutes menu . · 0n
(C) 28 minutes (0) None of these - ,~nsert
.,.,(A,.,.)~ (8)' View
70. .Wortd spins at_ _ (C) File (0) None of these
' (A) 10°/hr (B) 12°/hr
(C) 15°/hr (0) None of these . tiiri:Vtrhf'l~.;.;o
, .83
71 : AJi earns rs 7500 in 2 weeks what will he eam·
in 2 days if he works 6 days a week ·
,,} (8) (A) J=v,~
(A) 1300
(C) 1200
(8) 1250 · ✓,I ~v!~ ' (0) JI ., ,Jt" (C)
(0) None of these
72. A is 4 times as fast as B and therefore is able
. to finish the work in 45 days less than B. A
.. .
~✓- J.;J~~/~.:..;o
and 8, can complete· the work in how many
(8) . .

i._1.::.-)"" (A) .

(A) 12 days : . (B) 15 days viJl~✓-cJI ,( 0) · c)~.:: .,jP (C)
. (C) 18 days (0) None of-these . . .. ,. -
73. The ratio of the length of a rod and its shadow
is 1: ✓3. The angle of elevation of the sun .is .
tJlP4L✓,J\>.d)V t'f.t.1.::.-;o .85
. (A) 30°·· (8) 45°
(C) 90° .
'/ .::.,JP (~)_ J.'i.tcf.,/. )l;tf. ::.,? (~)
(0) None of these
74. Two trains are run·ning in ·opposite directions
with .speeds .of 62 km/h and 40 km/h.
'--V-cJI (D) . :tG"
,~lcf.,AP'.:;,,? (C)
respectively: If the length of
one tra n is 260
m, and they cross each other in 18 seconds, ·
· · . ·. . · \\I-~ ~lt' ✓~ r1.::.-? .ea
c,ri S
then what is the length of the other train? ·
(A) 240 meter (B) 250 meter
(B) :-'~/-1.::.,jP (A)
(C) 260 mete r (0) None of these · . · .
75. The price of ··357 · mangoes is Rs.1 SF.25.
viJI ~✓-cJI (D) . N;.:; ,,? (C)
What will be the . approximate price of. 49
dozen of such mang oes? , r~ J ,u'(
Jd' i.~(~' .a1
(A) 2000 . · (8) 2509 · . ..
(C) 4000 , . (0) None of the~e . _. ·
· e1Y ~;A, -{B) . Jj',.( (A)
76. (315)3 x (3/5)~ = (3/5)2•·1 . what is the value of .
. viJI ~✓-t:JI (0) JI.»! (C)
. (A) 0
(~) -1.
(B) 1 '
(D) None of these.
·. (t:.-,.fv'~'i✓-~~f.l4iP~1L..nL~-t,J?.,,j .88
77. A recta ngula r lawn 80 meters by ·60 meters . . fl
has two roads each 10 m wi de running in the
. middl e of it, ·one parallel to the length ' and the 0
oU,er parallel to the breadth. F~nd the cost of /.::.,? (A) .
gravelling them at Rest. 30 per squar e mete r ;.i . . . \
(A) 3900 · (B) 39000 . . ,J_r; ,Jtc/.»
. -".::.-jA> (B)
(9) 30000 (D) None of these · i./.fJI~✓-~1 (0) tf ~? (C)
78. Memo ry which contain information on
comp uter and canno t chang e: ··
(A) - RAM · .(B) ROM r~VuJ,t..f; .s9
(C) ERAM . ·
(D) N·o ne of these . L'J,h •Jkj~ /..iit · (B)
- 79. Whic_h .file ~tored in comp uter that ·p erform .. )
.. '

. functions quick ly while brows ing:· i./.fJ(~y!t:JI (0) '1;/,L

.· (A) Cache ,. (B) Exe .. (C)
. (C) •Cook ies • (D) None of these
80'. Whic~ is repre sente d from high. level to low
· · level tn C+-+, COBO L,.JA VA_etc·.
f ;L.
Yi.(,~J(i);l(.:;,,1Yi.f,j/ _- 90
(A) Hardw are
(C) Softwa~e
· ' (B)· Firmw are . · · · ., . e..C\)1 (8) :
. , . ~I (A)
_(D) _. ~one of these .· v.(J/~v!c;1 (D) •fi' (C)

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I • •
•, f . . • • ,. • • •• • • • • I • .1

· . · · ·. · ·-:.Miscel[an'dous · : 1173 . · .

~'f-(L:Vt;,J"Jr~,j,•..91 1 '1i.c;_,.; · ,a)~ ·.•_·.

· •• : ·• • •.• · .., _. ~- ~,:,· 1

r f


• • r
•• '--"'--:..( :'"' ,
I •• • • •

J.;rJ (8) · /~J,l~ IJ (A) ..· ·, . ·. .. .. · · :: . -~fj~~~~JJi __ (C) _ ·., __ .~

jJ/i:- v,cJI (0) . ~r ·:(C_) .... . .. , . . .. iiJ(t::-.~c/l..(D) .

. · v..f.v-..~JJl,~?.:;;-n .92 .: - r~jifili1~i,,~r~vfiJy,~_i' -~~-- .

· vr.fJ~v-JdfLJJ .(A) · · · ~ •. ./ ~ ; car. _:'-; / 11; ·<A>° . ~:··
vl/Jr.v-~f.c·~ (B) · ,. ·_ · viJI~~~, '(D) . .· .· ·.J'lcJ~.11-:cc) ·
· -J ·J · ·. ~ ·
. v'l~ Ii.t~l}:. ,JJ (C) _. :·• · ·
·· ·. s~✓ c,tr-, ~1i :9~ ·: . ~ · .· _:
· •
c.t/JI~v!c11 (D) ' . . :- ~ 700 : (S) - · ·. : ; 1800 (A) ' · . .
. ' • . . .
~ . . >(.V~; -✓j, r,1.~·~(;,((; ,"'... . ·,J:(,J/r:;.;,:.t(;)( tor . . . ·1900 ·cc)
·. •
.; ...·.. . ~

• I . 93 . · ' · .·
- V • • • •• • . . • ·• ·•

. o,trrr <A> _... · :·. · :.- . _. . : . • · · ·: ~_.. -rvJ;/45~<!: :~~

•I • • • .

. , .. . 'f-fo~,L~V',Jrir. (B> _. _. ..-_ • ._ 'f-~(J~,! cs)· · f--~1J~,,. <~>· -· . .- .

~·frt¢,~,·-(C) : , . .- ·. · . .·· y.t.f..• J.?-~v~vLt!liv-?-, ··(c) _·.
;.JiJI-=.:.J!c1,· co) ..· i.t!Jf~✓-c11 .,c"b:> - ...· · .
r4r-,vV~t,i~)'v,J.-:vi,..v;l:J~i :9~-- ·: · .- . . - ,· _ . f~-fl:~~~JJ,;.,,i{&A-J,,~ ·:_ 99 ·. ·-.-· ·.
I • Cl:_vt;.:.3;fi(t,,- (A) .·· .,· .·_... . .' !AV:cJ~}.: ..<~~ . : .~~Jt,J.,:,k (A)
.·.. ·. O:J:f~~, '( .CB( .:,._ , . . i.t!JI ~✓-cJI (D)... ·.. ·_;;.1,v:=;r7 ·~c): . . ·_ . ' '
.. . , · · . ·-.. .· , -- . . . . : . · ·.
t.JL--:.1((;)~..i'I~/ .1_00· ..
. "'' · ;

ui~n (G'~ {L)JJ ~rrrr (C) . . · ~'-t:Ci;✓,J~µ}ifJ~ or~--:1.

: ."

1895 (A) _. ~ . . :· -
. . ,..,.,v1 .·(O·) _- · · .1897 (B) · · .. . .
. ,...;,t
. . v.: .
. ·.·
. .~ . . '._~ ..
- . ·· . . . . ~ .. -·. .-· . -~ -(J/~ ~t:), (bf . .1898 (C) ..

' . '---,,:,,:/1;1
- .
. .95 .. .- '

_~,~.1~1IL;,n~·L: - (A) ·. :· •.· ··:' : . ·· _.: : .. _ : _: ;

,. Answer Key·.- · · .. . · . .. . ..
1. B · 14. B 27. C 40. B ·· 53. A .- · 66: A . .· 79. . · . 92.' A A
·2. C 15. · D 28. D 41. B . ·. -54_. B .· 67. .S · . 80. , · .c . .93.' B- .
' 3. · B . . 16: B 29. . B . 42. A · · · 55.. . A . : .. 68. A.. . 81: . A . · -: 94, . A- . : .
4. B 17. B 30. C 43. · C · . · 56. . C- 69. B 8?. . a· . 95: . - 8 : ·
, 5. D- 18. C · 31. · A · 44. · B ·· 57; • · C . ·70. ·C.' · 83.- B . 96: , C . .
6.· B 19. D 32.· C B · 58. B · 7·1.. . s·. 84. · : fj ·. 97. ·A . · . .
45. C •.. . ·
7.. B 20. B 33: · B · 46. . C .. ·59_ A . . 72. _- A : 85. , B . .. '98.
8. A .21. B .34. A. .47. C 60. C · · 73.· A .. 86. A .. ·99: C · -· :
. 9. C· . 22. C ··74_ . B ·. 8
. 7. C . · 100 . .C ··-: .'
35: · D . . . 48. A 61. A ·
· ·. · ~ , .. _
. .10. . B · 23. B 36. A .-49.. ·C -62. . C 75. B . ·· · · 88. C .
• _11.~ B 24. C . · 37. 8 50. ·a 63. · A 76. -~·c · 89. · -c .
. 12...· 'A-- 25. B · · 38. C 51. ·c . 64. ' A · 77. . B . · ~o. :C ·. . : ...
. ., ...
13._ .·a... 26.· B . 39. · B 52, D ·. 65.. 78. ._B·.-. · . 91 . . C
. • .• ♦ ♦ ♦ •.• ♦♦ ♦ . • . ..
• •• Ir

' .
. .. .
. ...
. . '
. ' ... .. . . . '

' .
·:· .. .

.... ...
I • '
' '
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., .



CODE-15 VARIOUS POSTS ·(49E2021, 1182021, 66G2021, 37K2021, 105M2021
122M2021, 13A2022,: 1J2022, 112M2021, 115M2021) (13/06/2022) . '
. .
1·. Siam center Js in: · iC) L~banon . (D) Egypt '
(A) Istanbul (B) Rome . . 8. _Identify the Viceroy· who made t~e August
(C) B_angkok (D) New York Offer 9n 1940? .. · · · · ·
" 2. The youngest Nobel Prize· ·laureate,: Malaia . (A) Lord Wavell ·. (6) ·Lord Linlithgow
,Yousafzai won Nobel Peace Prize for the . {C) Lord Ripon (D) Lord Mountbatten
year? . 9.' ·United Nations cnarter signed in: •
.(A) 2013 {B), 2014 _(A) May1945 (8) June1945
(C) 2015 _- •' ·(D) 201'6 (C) July 1945.' . '(O) August 1945
3. The capital of Libya is: . . 10. Russia signed Warsaw pact in:
• (A) Tehran . · . (B) Ank~ra · . _(A) 1950 · ·· (B) 1955
(C) rripoli . (D) Amman ·(C} 1960 . (D) 1980 .
4, What was the title of Al Farabi1: . .11. ·Newgrange·is located in which co·untry: ·
_ (A) The First Arab Philosopher . (A) · Italy . . . (8) ·China · . .
(8) The Philosopher .. .. .. ". . · .· (C) -lrela5ld '(D) Albania .
(C) The Second Teache-r
(0) ~one of thes.e . · 12-' The .Headquarter of P~~istari Air .Force. is
· located in:
5. Malala .Yousafzai belongs from which area of (A) Rawalpindi (B) islamabad
Pakistari2: · · .·. .(C) Kar!3chi (D) .Lahore
(A) Peshawar (B) Qt,Jetta 3
· . (C) Karachi (D) None of these 13. Gre_ta Thunbe~g was .included in Time's 100
. . m.ost influential people, being the youngest
·. ·6. Which sister of Hazrat Urriar RA embraced . Time Per~on: ofthe Ye?ir, for. the year: ·.
Islam before Hazrat Umar RA: · ·
(A) - Hazrat Fatimah RA ·
3 . . . . . .
. (8) Hazrat Ayesha RA .
(C) Hazrat Zainab RA • Greta Tintln Eleon_
o ~a Ernman Thun.berg (born 3_
(D) None_of these , January 2003) is a Swedish environmental activist who· ·
is known for challenging world leaders to take : . · _. ·.
7. Israel sn.atched 'Golan Heights; in 1967 from: ·
(A) Syria . . (B) Jordan .· · · immediate act ion for climate change mitigation. Her
. influence on the world stage ,has been_ describe~ by The
1 Guardfan and-other newspapers as the "Greta effect"..
Alfarabi was cons;dered the greatest philoso.phic~·I
· ·she received nu,m erous honours and awards, including .
:· · . . ·. authority a·nd was known as the "sec·ond teacher" after
a_n honorary Fellowship of the Roya.I Scot'tish .· <
Aristotle in the medieval Islamic world.
2 Geographical Sodety, inclusion in Time's 100 most
• ·. .· Swat_Mingora;
' influential people, ·b eing the youngest Time Person of
. . . .

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. . ~
Miscellaneous d · •h
. .. ·.
. ( 2018 (B) 2019 . ' · 19.
powe rs of the Worl d Bank are vest e in > e ·
A)) 2020 ·. ·• · (D) · 2021 . · . . . . •-
Boards of:- · · .
c war of lndependeri~e4 for 13. colonies (A) Senators . (B) Governors .·
( (C)- .Policy makers (D) Non e of thes e ··
1,. tJStween.US and British was lasted from: · .
85 1775 8 persuaded Ahmad Shah
. [c) 1770-178
1175~1? 9 · · (_D)
'(B) 1775 · • 3
·1!7 7
. . 20, Shah Wali Ullah nst:
Abda ll to fight agai .
e · (A) Marathas (B) Sikhs .
.5 HoW many angels helped the Muslim In Battl · (D) .None_of these
· · . (B) 1000 . .(C} British
1 · of sa7d0r:O
· .:
·: (D) 5000 21 . When China j~ined World Trade Orgarizatii:>n; . ..
((AC)) 3000 .
(A) .2000 .. ·· (B) 2001 · • . .
I (D) 2003 ·· . : .. · · ·: ·! . .. _ ~--·
reco rd •9f mos t Test ·. (C) ~002
16 Aleem Oar broke. . •'' .
· rflatches as •n umpi~.-·
·· 22. Name· the··.Second, worifan: ·. ~ft8r, · Haz·ral· ·
· _. . ,Sha~lija (RA) who emt?raced J~lan i? .
(A) Billy ~owden · · · : · (A} t-fazral Lubaba' blnt Haris (R.A)..-:.. . . · · ·
· .. · . ..
(B) Steve Bucknor · · _. -· (B) _Ha:zrat 'Ummay 'Aimen (RA ) .:._. . ~:
(C) Kumar Dha th rmasena · ··
). ·
. ·, • · . • . (C)._ -~azra(Sumay-yah binti Khayy;k'(R.A
(D) None of ese b (R:A )
_; (q)., ,Ha_zra(Z~in_a
17. The. acco~~ss b~tween !srael a~d 'PLO . are' . ·, ..
t . •. ·· : • • • •

.b~shain Accord . . :. , ,: . 23 . .Pakistan 'lies in the' tropic ione of:

· ,nA~)m~~ of Canc
_(A).·. lr.op
. _-(B) - , er· .· .·:..-..
~ (B) Camp David Acc~rd _ '• ·: .. .. ._,. · {C) _Tropic of Capricorn .
. (C) Oslo A9cord · ,
. , .,. (D) ~one of these_ _·
(D) Non_ e of these
When . President . Muh~~mad · Ayub : i<han_ ..' ·
i Which of- the fQllowing :rive r is
·conflu~nce_ of Euphrates· and Tigris~ . .. · _
form ed by the .
· . ..
· 24.
passed away:
· .
· o . • ., . •.

. (.B.) Kha~ur . .. ._ : . · . (A) 1970

. . (A) N1le-R1ver ·. . (C): 1974 {D) 1975 ·
(D) Yar ~~ .~· '~ ·
iC) s.-iatt-al-Arab
· ·'· . : 25. · Jansher Khan awarded Hilal-e.;lmfiaz·in:
(A) 1993 : . · (B) . 1997. ,
ld's 100 . . (C) · 199a· · (D) ~ooi ·
theYear, inclusion in the Forbes list-of The Wor. in: ·
nom inatio ns for 26: · The first invasion of Mahmud Ghaznvi was
Most Powe·rtul Women (2019), and A~ . ·
.. (B) 100Q _..
· . ·. . (A) 900.A D '
the Nobel Peace Prize in 2019 , io20 , and ~021. (D) None of these ·.
4 - ··. .· (C) 1100 A[?
The American Revolutiona,Jy War (April 19, 177~
as ary· 27. Whic_ h disea_se is caused by drinking '. •. .
September 3, 1783 ); also known the Revolution • contaminated water? · ·
.War or American War
of lndepeQde nce,. secu
- red
. ·_ (A) 'Typhoid . (8) Malaria
American ·indep ~nde nce from Grea t B_ r 'itain. Fighting . · :.- _(C) Y_ellow f
_ ever · (0) - None of these - __
ation of
began on April 19, 1775, followed by the.Declar 28·. The ·R~sponsibility to Protect is internatio nal:
Ame rican Patri ots · ·
_ (B) Law ·
Independence on July 4, 1776. The (A) Responsibility
were supported by the Kingdom of France and
to a . . · (C) Norm . (D) None of th.ese
lesser extent the Spanish.Empire, in· a conflict takin 29. Which book of Allama Iqbal published in 1923

place in North America, the Caribbean·,· and ;A.tla ntic (A) Baa1-·e Jibre
0 el
.Ocean . · / ·. . .. : . . · (B) ~ang e ~ara .
een . : ··(C) .Payam+Mashnq ·
The O~lo Accords. are a pai~ of agreements betw (D) Zaboor-e-Ajam . .
Israel and the Pai'estine Libe&ation Organization
t~e Osl_o I Accord, signed in ·washin~to(l, D.C., in 1~~3; 30. The •synonym of anomaly is: .
(8) Normal
1995._ .
(A) Straight ··
and the Oslo II Accord, signed in Taba, Egyp~, in (C) ~ntegrlty . . (D) Irregularity . . . _
They marked the start· of the Oslo process, a peac 31 _ 1962 .Con$titutiqn of Pakistan fasted for
~ow . •. .
base d on
Proc~ss aimecf at achieving a peace treaty many years
Resoiution 242 and.ResolutiQn 338 of the Untte
d (A) 5 years . (B) 7 years ... . . . . ...
:Nations Security Council, and at fulfill ing lhe "righ t of . . (C) 9 years : (D) .11 years -. . . ...
T~e Oslo ~
the Pa,lestinian people to self-determination ".
. 32: How many games were introduce~ I~ To~y
· . .· .' . ·_
Process began after secre t negotiation_s in Oslo'. · . Olympics 2020, B)
l by ·. . · - -· ..
Norway, resulting in both the recognitio n.of Israe . (A) 04 · - (
th PLO ~s the (C) 01· . . : ... ··.·, ~D) o.9 •.. ~- .
the PLO and the recognition by Israel of e
representativ~ of the P~lestinian people a as_
nd a · · . . 33 _ :rhe ;ynonym_?f A~i'!1osity is! .
Partner in bilateral negotiations.· .. . · .....
- '•

Scanned with CamScanner

1176 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers ...
. (B) United by Peace
• .1,(A) · Hostility -· . · (B) Consi~~ration . (C) Moving Forward _
(C) Kindness . (0) Genons1ty ., (0) None of these.
34. He said to me, "May you be happy." (Which . 47. ouring Soviet Union _. Russia was ruled by
one is correct narration) · which theory: ·
' (A) He wished that I might be happy. (A) Communism · · (8) Terrorism ·
(B) He said that I might be happy. · .. (C) Arab N~tionalism.(D) F~scism ·
(C) He told me ttiat I might be happy.
(D) He reported that I might be happy. . 48. · Hazrat Abu' Bakar. RA was elected as caliph at
, which place: . -
- 35. Which city of Pakist'an Is known as •Paris of . (A) Masjid al Haram •. · · ·
Asia"? · . .- (B) AI-Masjid al-Nabawi · ·
{A) Karachi · (8) .· Lahore (C) Hazrat Abu Bakar RA house .
(q Islamabad •(D) Faisalabad
· (0) Saqifah Bani Saedah,
36. Jahangir Khan is famous ir:, which ·sport:
(A) Hockey (B) Cricket . 49; buring .Cold War which strategy was adopted -
(C) Squash (D) Badminton
. . by US: .· ·
(A) Deterrence (B) Detente .
37. What is the meaning of under1ined word:· 1. will · . · (C) Co~elict,resolution(D)._Non~ o~
pencil you on Tuesday. ' ·
(A) Appointment (B) Move . . 50. What is the synonym of Cala~ity:
(C) Shift .. (0) ·None of these .. ·· · (A) . Benefit (B) · Disaster
(C) Agreement · -. (D) Support
38. In North America which is not th·e state of
USA: ·. 51 . He ,is the .boy of obedie'nc~·. Obedience in this
. . (A) Alaska _. .. (B) . Florida . . '. sent'5r'lCe is _ ._ noun. . ·
(G) California · .· . · (0) Paraguay · · . · (A) Collective (B) · Virtual
- . ' . .
{C) Abstract . {D)._Concr~te
39. The departmental' store is open . :_ . eight
to seven . . · · ·· .52. What was the' relation .between Prophet Ismail
• (A) From .{B) By {AS) and Prophet lshaq (A.S}: · · .
· (C) Between· . · . (0) During .· . (A) Co1-1sins · · . (8} Brothers
_ 40. Keep straight fa.ce means:. .. · · .
. (C) . Father and Son (D) None of t~ese
· 53. Who was the first P.resident of Pakistan:.
· · {A) Remain silent .. · (B) Remain serious.
• (C) Remain disturbed (0) Remain mute · .. (A) Malik Ghulam Muhammad
41.· Which affect the ·temperature· d'uri~g- the (B) Muhammad Ali Jinnah ·
boiling of water: . ' _ (C). Sikandar Mirza _
(A) Air. temperature (B) Alr pressure · . . (D) Khawaja Nazim _ud di11
I • (G) Air den~ity . (D) . None of these ,. 54. ·If the initial p~pulatiori of rat~ was 20· and grew
42. To get into hot waters means:' to 25 •after the se~ond yea'r, which •9f the
· {A) To be impatient following functions best models.the population .
(8) To .get into difficulties . of rats P with respect to the number of years t
(C) To suffer a huge financial loss · - if. .the population growth of ·rats is considered
(D) To be !n a confused state of rMld. to be exponential? . · ·· ·
. (A)' Ps::5t +20 (B) P=5t+20 ..
43. The average run . of a cricket player in· -1.0 (C) P=20(1.25)t . . (D) ' P=20(5)t ·:
innings was 33.How many runs must he make
in his . next innings so as to increase his · 55. Out of 565 princely states fn ln-~ia how many
averagE;l of runs by 3? · _ · states acceded to Pakistan: •
(A) · 56 · (8) 66 (A} 11 ·. ·. -. (B) ·13 .
. {C)· 76 , . (D) None.of these - {C) 15· : ··· (D) ,.17 - ·.
. ·'
44. The a.verage in~ome.of Aand B is 50000 .-and : 56. . Whic,h -of the . following · mass wasting 1

average income .of 8 and ·-C is 60000 . and phenomenon could a person outrun: · .
\ ., Average income of A arid C is 55000'. (A) . Debris _: · (B) Creep ·
the income of 8? · · ·· · (C) , Slump . .. .
(A . 45000 . . (B) 5.5 000 (D) None of these-'(Avala1:1cbe}
(C) 65000 . . · {C) 750000 _
· ·57. A ball -~s tl;irown vertically . up.wards The ··. ::
45. _In how .many ways 2 students can be ch.osen . acceleration d_ue to gr_avity: · . ·
' ·.· ·from the class of 20 students? .· . ·· (A) 9.8 m/s2 downward ·
· (A)' 190·. __ - (8) 180 -' (8) -9.8 rn/s 2 downward
(C) 24.0 . (D) 390 {C) . 9.8 m/s2 upward '
(D) -9.8 m/s_ 2 u·pward ' ·. ..:._ . . . .
· 46 . . The theme of Tokyo Olympics' 2020 was: . . .' ~ .
· (A) United by Emotion . ·
.. \

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. ,. •.I ..• ,
Miscellaneous . 1177
is· looking .for accom moda tion _ _ _ in · (A) 200
8:- He · .
. (B) 202
5 flat or shared hous_e . (C) 204 (0) 206.
(A) Until . · :. (B) Until •
(C) Neither· ·
1 (D) Eithe r 71. I watch ed TV last night but my sis ter ~--. .
(A) Hasn 't (B) Didn't . . . .
ed In wt')ich provi nce 9f Pakistan:
5·9 FATA mergb · · (B) Sindh .
(C) Isn't · (D} Does~·t :
· (A) Punja
(C) KPK (D) Balou chista n 72. Bill hasn 't finished his work but we _
(A) Do (B) Have
Which of the following is a s~ort cut key to
60 · close a docum ent: ·
· ·-' (B) CTRL+W .
. I (C) Don't · (D) Does n't .
73. I will neve r go ~ Y - tabloid pres~ .
. .

:(A) CTRL+E (B) inade quate ·

(C) CTRL+H . (D) ·crRL +J. ' (A) limited
(C) expe rienc e· . (D). None ?f these
61 . The s~il matu rity color of north easte rn areas
i s _.· . 74. Who_·acce pted Akba r's MDin-i-Elahr?
. {B)" Grey (A) Maan Singh , (B) Birba l
(A) Dark Brow n
(C) . To~a r Maal (D) Tans en
(C) Reddish . · (D) None of these
62. You cann ot link _~xce_l works heet data to a · · 75 . .Whic h barra ge · is not prese nt in · Sindh -
· - · ,. · . provvnce: . . .• .
· word docum ent:
(A) With the right drag meth od (A) Gudd u Barra ge (8) .Talin sa Barra ge . .
(B) With a hype rlink . ·. .. . . . · (C) Sukk hur Barra ge (Q) Kotri Barra ge -
(C) With the copy · and · paste special 76. 'Study of sp.orts' effec t on society. is cal!ed :
comm ands · . · • . ty . · (B) Spor t Socio logy·
. : · (A) SpQrt socie
(D) . With the copy and paste .butto ns on the (C) Sport Psyc holog y (D) None of these
• standard toolb ar · ·
77, Th~ Battle·. of Sarag arhi ·in
Afgtbanistan is ·
narra tion:· She aske <fme , "Are you .
·- · name d as: ·
63. .Change
happy in your new job?" . . · ·. · · (B} · Stree t battle
(A) Guerrilla hattle
(A) She aske d me whet her·l .an:r happ y· in my· (C) last.,, stand battle (D). None of these
- new.j ob
(B) She asked me if I ·was happ y in my n~w ·
78. _ _ is used to print -the_ docu ment and
· job · . . . store _softw are in.the comp uter.
. (A) Defau4t · .· . · . (B)- lnstal l~tion .
(C) She aske d me If I have been happ y i(l my · (D) .None <?f thes~
n~\,V job - .· · · · (C) Processing
(0) She asked me 'if I had been happ y in my 79. The_forme r capital of.Pa kistan is: ~
new job · · · . .· . (A)" laho re (B) Karac hi
(C) Pesh awar · (D) Hyde rabad
64. ·Name the youn gest elect ed presi dent of USA:·
(A) Henr y Trum an · ao:. What i~ the ca~se of rainb ow:
., (B) Andre w Jacks on . (A) Cloud s ' _(B) Oust partic les
- (C) John F. Kenn eay · (C} Rain drops · (D) All of_ these
(D) Lyndon_B. John son
81. Whic h comm unity is targe ted in Balou chista n:
ins: (A)_ Pash tun. ·· (B) Balou ch · "
65. A floppy disk conta ·
, .(A} circul ar track s . (C) _H az~ra . _ . (D) None of these · .
, ,
82. l=mployees in · this depa rtmen t alway s ~
· (B) secto rs · · _
· (C) Both circu lar track s and secto rs close relati on with each · other . · • .
(0)_° None of these _ _.
(A) mafntains· ·.. - . (B) main tain
· 66. Which key is used to creat e chart in excel :· · (C) maintai~ec;t . (D) None of these
. (8) FS · ' 83.
(A) F2 · . · The spee d of electr omag netic rays as .. '
(~) F11 · . (0) F3 comp ared to spee d of light is:· ·
67._ The place value of 9 in 0.069 45 is:· (A) More than spee d of light
(A) 9_ 0 . (B) 9/100 (8) Less than spee d 'Of light
· (C) 9/100 0 . (D) 9/90 .- (C) Same as spee d of-ligh t .. · ' .· ,: .

(D) No reQation with spee d of light

68. Tahzeeb-ul-Akhlaq maga zi~e publis hed in:
. (A) .1865 · · (8) 1_870 . : · 84. Jinna h's · 14 ·poim s were the Musl im's reply. to
-(D) 1880 · the: .
.. _(C) _ 1875
.· ' . . (A) Nehru Repo rt · · . ~-
' 69. Islamic calen dar starts from: •
··. (A) Ghaz wa.:e• Badr (B) Ghazwa-e~Tabook
(C) Hijrat -e-Ma dina (D) Sulah Huda bia ·.
The Battle of.Saragarhi was ~-l~st~s.tand battle fought · ·

s -are there in ar:i ~dull ht,ma ~ .

70. How many bon~
. -'. · · · ·· . Tirah Campai'gn between the British Raj a_nd ·
being? . ,
. ~ Afghan tribesmen. · .
• •I

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. .
1178· Advanced PPSC·MCQs Model Papers
._· (B) Simon Commission -~vJ·~,Si;(..E/c;__/ .93
·. (C) Lucknow Pa~
(D) Communal award ..?l~¼J'.,J (B) J_~✓- __;w, (A) .
85. Muslim Response to the West: , • Muslim
Historiography in India 1857 - 1914 book was c,t'J i~t (D) . Ji(-J..i'I (C)
, wrote by:
(A) Dr. Kazim Saeed 'ii.J]; /£,::)./ .94
· (B~ Muhammad Aslam Syed
. .. (C) Dr. Nawaz Kamran J/, tJ/ (8) . J,f. (l,)J.C( (A)
(0) Muhammad Saleem Nasir
86. Prize money RsG0,000 will · be distribut_e d v,/ JI~J!cJI (0) J,I. (viW1 (C)
· among eight · teams according to their
positions· determined in match-series award 'i'f--{.f,Sv',J,i,J}i .95
· increases by the same amount ea~h higher
.. position.If last place team is given Rs4000, ,;t/:j/- (B) .. ✓ .1\i;I (A)
~ how much awardea to the first place team?
(A) Rs 8000 (B) Rs 11000 ✓,i'J/G-1)!~ (D) .1J:?i:f1~j (C)
. .-. . . (C) Rs 16000 , _(O} Rs 20000
• 87. The price of printer is Rs 150000 and is ',"':"?.:,,.,,.1, .96
· depreciated 4 % annually. What is the price of
printer after 3 years?
. (A) 131699 .
.(B) 132710 · • .
· )i;.,J~n?.d'-:""J (A)
(C) 133_766 (0) 135076 _ ~IP!,J~n?.,S'-:""J (B)
-88. A carpenter lays x b·rickS per l;iour fo·r y hours
and then lays_x/2 bricks for '2.y more_hours. In .. ' . i.f./JId,_J:i.:)t (D)Je-,S~,.1?.,S~J (C)
!e~s of x and y, how many bricks did he -lay
. m total?
(A) xy . ·
(B) 2xy •
·· · · . - ~'f-,e♦if) .97
(C) 3xy (P) 4xy : ·. -: . . .1h':I (B) . . . I.(_). (A)
' .
_89 .. Silk w_a s·fi~t _made by: ·
· (A) Germany . .
(B). China _.·J.!'J/~t)!~t (D) . ·. .1~1 (C)
. . . . · (C' Italy _ · (0) Japan · •· · :.
~k- ~ j~ 'f--~..AP~nl( ~vlv! .:;..AP ( :90
-_ 'i7 .98
. , ·.
- _ ... .f0.,tef/0~.,AP"J,,Ycc-Ycf"I]!~~ -, ,JjP:;;l'f~. (B) ijl,;JI~/ (A)

l~ 4-'..AP (8) . ·. - t.J/~~- (A) . .

. ji)J\v,,- {D) . J~,~~- {C)
L!-1Jf~~~I (D) .- ·· . ..J}~~~. (C): . ~~,LJ'~Ji,J.11J11Tv .99
. Sf.l,..-?)J.(l:,1~)())(/v-·j,,if .h·,A .91 . ~}.if°J. (B) ,J,~i:)~ ~ (A)
·,., .

v!~u(j'}JJ,~ (B) · · ·v!.m,Y· (A)

✓:f JI~t.tc11 · (D) · . .J,A..:lit;j (C) .

I~J-~1 (D) v!.1~, J'., (C)" 'i 'Pt-rif .· L·fJ....;- v,!n.11/~L:cJP)./100
: . . f Z..0/}-J:_tLLi;. )tai,,1 ~92. J.J ··(B) ~ ) (A}

. . ..ivJ,k" . (B) ✓ ,~Jl' (A) .

L!-1~f~.~ -~t. (O} .1Witk"if G'.-:(C) , .

1. C . 6. .· A · . 11: · C .16.- -a 21. ·a . 26. B · 31. B .. 36.:. c·-:_ ·
2. B ·- 7; .A 12. B 22. .- .4
!:. ..~ ·g_ ., a:9. B . - . 13.
.B . 14.
19. . B·
C 23.
24. .
, 27. · A : . 32. . B . . 37. .A ·
· 28. · C - 33. .,:· A · 38. D
5. · .D . . 1Q. B 15. ·· D . -20. A 25. . B ·.
29. · C - 34. A · ' 39. ·, A
30. D 35. . A -' · 40. B -·

I • r ' I ,

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l I

M/sce@neous j179I
,l!... 6B
65. C
66. . C
89. B
90. · B
98. · B
B 51 . C 59. C 67. C 75. B 83. C 91. B 99. . A
JS. 52, B 60. B 68. B 76. B
B 84. A 92. A 100. 0
'""5. A 51
69. C
70. D
. 77.
85. B 93. C
,,. A
A 55. B
63. B 71. 8 79. B
94. B
95. A
~ D 56- 64. C 72. B 80. C 88. B 96. . B


cooE-16 VARIOUS POSTS (5A2021, 582021, . 28H2021,
85H2021, 51 H2021, 48H2021, · 49H2021; 50H2021 ~ · 52H2021,
39K2021, 119M2021, 8A2022, 12A2022, 3K20_22, 16D2021)
' .

. (11/06/2022)
s . .

1. Wisdom teeth normally grow between the. age 6. The capital of Georgia is
of: (A) Tbilisi · . · (B) Berlin
(A) 30-40 (B) 17-30 · (C) Accra (D) ·None of these
(C) 2545 · · (D) 20-50 ·7 . The brai~ ·of any computer system is:
2. ·Nagomo-Karabakh. is a disputed region (A) Control Unit · · (B) CPU
between: . (C) ALU .. (D) Memory
(N Armei:t-ia and Azerbaijan · 8. The woman --:------:-----,---- is standing by the
(B) Armenia and Turkey table wor.ks·1n electronic media. ·
(C) Azerbaijan and Turkey (A) Whose (B) Whom
(D) Azerbaijan and l(azakhstan (C) Which (D) Who
3. Health is a state of ~omplete physical, n:1ental 9'. Length of the "line of·Control in Ka~hmir Is":
and social well•being and not merely the (A) 520 KM , (B) 62~ KM
absence of disease or infirmity said by which (C) 720 KM . (D) 820 KM
· organization: .
(A) Wortd Food Programme . 10. Russia recently invaded.wh.ich country
(8) Wortd Health Organization (A) Poland (B) Ukraine .
(C) United Nations (C) Sweden . (D) None of these
(0) None of these 11-. Which one of the following ·planets has. the
4. Kaku! Military Academy is located in which city largest numbe~ of natural satellites?
of Pakistan: (A) Mars. (B) : Saturn•
(A) Lahore (B) Peshawar (C) Jupiter . . · (D} Venus . · ·
(C) Abbottabad (D) Faisalabad of
12. Nathia Gali Beach is in which city Pakistan:
5. _ _ _ is a spreadsheet program where one (A) Murree (B) Islamabad
can record data in the form of tables. (C) Karachi . (D) La~ore :
(A) MS Office (B) MS Excel 13. ' Pakistan government u11able to s~nd on_.
(C) MS PowerPoint (D) None of these people welfare due to: . . . .


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. . .... '·

..·J1iO · :.· Advan~ed ~PSC ~CQs M~d~(Papers

· (A) Foreign.debt~ and payments B) Sayed AI-Shu_hada School
·...(B) .Trade de~G!t . · . .. C) Wisdom School
. :·: " : (Cl Fiscal deficit
. . : ·. '(P) .'~ol")e Of th~se .
· ! O} None of these · ..
27 . Relations betwe~n Australia and China have
· . · ·14. Wti~t is•the control unit's f~nctlon In the CPU: · been strained in r~cent y~ars C?Ver various
· · (A) To penorm logic functions · political and trade disputes , including:
. ·. (8) To transfer data· · (A)· Taiwan issue (B} South China Sea ·
. . (C) 'To store data (C) Hong Kong · · (0) N~ne of these
.. , .. · (D) . Non~ of these
.; . · tS. URL·stands fQr:· 2a: How many Surahs of Hol~ Ouran start with
Haroof-e-Muqataat? . · .
(A) Universal Research List
(8) Universal Resource List
(C) Uni(orm Resource Locator .
' ,• '
' (A) 29 .
. . ·.• (C) 33
(B) 31 .
, (O) 2!,
(D) Unifo~ Research Locator . ·29. Who is the angel in charge qf rain:
... ·16. Article 370 of the Constitution of India gives: · ;.(A) Hazrat Jibrael (AS) - 1
(A) Special status to Kashmir · (B) Hairat Mikael (AS) ..
(B) Special status to Kera❖a '(C). Hazratlsrafeel .(AS) · ··.:
(C) Special status to Biha( (0) .Hazrat,lzf~eel (AS) 1 ·
tD) None of these 30. Pakistan's_ . got 5th s~ot in weighUift!ng.
17~ What are examples pf primary·producers? · in Tokyo OJymJ:)iCS 2020 ..-
(A) Animals · . . : · (A) Yasin,Kamran (B) Babar T~useef ·
. (B) Omnivores- - (C) Talha Talib (0) None of these
.(C) . Camivqres . . 31-'. Kartarpur ·corridor opening on which birth .
• ((?) .·Green plants ~nd Algae · ·anniversary qf Guru Nanak 1h .
18.· Bacteria are: · · :: · (A) 500 · · ; . .: · · (8) . 529
. · (A) Predators (B) Parasites -· . {C) 530111 ·· . (0) . 550th
.· ' . . (C) E:piphytes . (D) None of these .. ·32_ Sun.radiation reflected or absorbed by
19. H,adquarters . of the Woi!'ld Health • · (A)' Ozone ·. : ·(B) Atmosphere·
: 9rganization is located at: : . ·, · . (C) Light · · · (D) None of th~se
· · ·.(A) New·York . (B) Washington . .. . · 3;3: Which cricket player ,played. an important role
· (C) .Rome (D) . Geneva · '. · ·· ··· • in Kartarpur Corridor?. ·

· · 20. Fi.rst Fe.male Ambassador of Saudi Arab ~

· · : . '(A) Sarah Ayed bent Muhamm~d Al. Ayed•.

. ·(Bt Princess Rima bint·Bandar .
(A) Navjot Singh . . (B) Venkatesh
(C) Ajay Sharma • · (D) None of theso ·
34. -In Pakistan first translation of- Quran. was in
which language? ·. · ·
· (C) Nadia Baeshen (D) None of these_
(A) Persian (B} Sindhi , . ·
" . · 21 . Shah Wali Allah made a pilgrimage to Makkah (C) Urdu . · (0) Balouchi ·.
.in · ·
. (A)' 1730 35. Who was the last Viceroy of India·: .
.- (B) 1732
(C) 1734 {A) Lord Mountbatten (8) Lord Hardings.
. (D)' 1736 ·
. . (C) Lord William (D) None of.t11ese
22. How . many years Hungary remained under . 36. What is·the total period o(Otto·man Empire?
control of Ottomans: . · · ·
: (A) . · . (A) · 1200-1917 . . (8) 1400-1719 .
(~) 150 yea~s · .. · (~) 1299-1922 ... · (Q) 1295-1914
. (C): 200 ye~rs:.. (D) 250. years
23. The. mean of earth r~dius minches is: in
31. Musiim rule Spain established by:
(A) ·Ameer Abdul Rehman
. . (A) 210.83 million" (B) 230.83 million,; . (B) Qasim Shah Ill .
. · , . ·(C) 250.83 millionH (D) 290.83 million" ·
(C) S_ultaR Nafees · .(D) · Abdul Karim I
24. Wh·o presented 14 points.apart f~om Ouaid-e-
. . Azam: .. •· . · . · · · 38. Facebook Diplomacy started in ·
(A) Abui Kalam Azad · · · . (A) 2004· . . (B) 2008
·(B) · 1nayatu·llah Khan-Mashriqi . . . {C) 2012 . · (0) 2016
(C) Nehru · ·- · · 39. · When did the Soviet Union ·establislie·d arid
(0.) Muhammad f\Ji ~09f'a . . collapsed? · ·
25. Batman Dam is in wlilch country: (A) 1920-1980 (B) 1922~1991
(A) Pakistan .. . ·. •(B) Turkey • : . (C) -1917~1979· (D}· Noneof these ·
' (CJ Chi_lia (D) New·Zeaiand 40. Which is ·the venue of the· .2·028 Summer
26. Which sc~ool was atta~ ed in May'2021? Oly,:npics? : · .- - . · ·
(A) Army Public School .. · · : · .' (A) Pari~ : · ··. , (B) . Los Angeles
f • ·' (C) R_ oJJle ; , .. (D) Moscow
•• >.

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•'" •

I' ·, •
. -•11
• ~• I
Miscellaneous ·1181

1 Who w,s the - first · pre~ident. of Chinese. (C) 1973 ·.

(D) 1974
· 4 · Republic : ·. · · .
(B) S~n Yat-s~n • 52. Which part of . . speec h ca~ act as
(A) Junko Tabar
(O) · Kim Jong-1I_ ' · independently compl ete senten ce:..
(C) Mao Zed~ng (A) Interjection . · ·(B) Preposition · .
42. When fir:st tim~ repres entation _i_n_ (C) Conju nction (D) None of these
. vicer,oy executive counc ·
(A) 1906 . . (B) 1909 . 53. Change na~ratl~n: He remarked, _"Two and
two makes four. .- , ·
(C) 1935. (D) 1947 two and • tw~ make s
(A) He remar ked tnat
. gold ·
43 Who won· the first-ever Paralympics four. · .
· medal for Pakistan. (8) He remarked that two and two would • •
· (A) Haide r Ali (8) Kazim All · make four. · •. .
(C) Nasir Ali . (D) None of these (C) · He remarked that two and two made four.
44 Who was th~ first Pr~sident of Pakista[I?' .. (D) He a~vised that two and t_wo makes four_
•· (A Muhammad Ali Jinnah ·. 54. I enjoy _ tennis .:
(B) Malik Ghula m Muha mmad (A) to played • (B) plays
(C) Sikan dar Mirza' (C) playing · (D) to play ·.·
(D) Khawaja Nazim uddin
55'. · He is getting out - - - - , = - , - - ~ the car.
45. Who was. the found er of Hadis schoc;,I of Kufa: (A) to (B) from
. (A) Hazrat Abdul lah Bin Masoo d RA .. (C) of (0) off
(8) Hazrat Abdullah Bin Umar RA
(C) Hazrat Abbi Bin K~ab RA 56: Most of the guests arrive d--,., ~_ bu~s .?
. .- (A) by . . ··. (B) with
(D) An of ~ese (D) .throug h
· (e) in
46. Unusual ·plural children is called: _
tions : · ·. 57 :. They came · · . the hall and jumpe d
(A) Noun (B) ·Excep
: (D) Non_ e of these . the swimm ing poql.
(C) Adver b (A) out of, into . -. (8) out, in
47: Write down _ your name and roll num_ber. · · (C) out,·in
to .
(D) out of, in
(A) Either' (B) Both '

(C) N~ither (D) N<;>r.- · . -., . 58: - Which chapter-is included in Bible: .
(A) ·Gospel of. banra bas. .(B) Talmu d
48. The sun ·rises . the east. . . ·(C) Sahifa (D) All of these
(A) from (8) .on ·
. • (C) in • (0) to · 59;· When Pe~e z Musha rr~f ilT!Posed martia l law:
. '(A) 12 May 1999 .
49. What type of phr_ase is· a-decent black shirt? .- (8) 12 June 1999
(A) Verb Phrase .· . . ·· . · ·'
· . (C) · 12 Septen:iber .1 999
(B) Noun Phras e · (D) ..1? Octob er.1~99 ·
(C) Prepo sitiona l phras e
(D) Infinitive phras e 60.· A mob~le phone sends .and receives.
. messages throug h _:__
50. If I had money, I · · · it now. . (A) Sound waves · (B) Radio waves
(A) will purchase (C) Ultras onic wav~s . (D) None of these
(B) would purchase .
(C) would have purch ase _ 61 . Which of the ·following lake is in•Africa :
(D) . have purchased . · . . (A) La~e Tanga nyika (B) Lake Victqri~
(Cf Lake·Turka~a (D) A;II of these
· 51. The Shimla Agree ment between .Pakistan and . 62. -Tiangong is a Chinese:
India was signed on: · . _
(B) 1972 : . (A) seapo rt -. (B) Airpor t
. (A) 1970 ·
(C) Space st_ation · _(D) None of these
. .
7 .
63. The lifespan of ~ed Blood · Cells i$
Taiwan, officially.the Republic of China (ROC), is a days: ·
c~untry in East Asia, at the junction of the East and -(A-).....1,..;,,.0..,,...0- (B) 120 . ' ·.
South China Seas in the northwestern Pacific·Ocean, · (C) 180 . (D) _Non~ of-the~e
· With the People'.s Republic of China.( PRC) to the
64 . .Wh~ presided over .the -~rst ·meeting . of the
. · nort~west, Japan to the northe ast, and the Philipp ines · Pakistan CQn_stituent Assembly: . .· .
to the south. Th,e territories contro lled by the RO<:: . (A) Quai~ :e:. ~- : (B) J N Manda l
· (C) Liaqat ~i Kh~n . (D). _Non!3 0f
• _th~~~
· consist of_l68 islands, with a combined area of 36,193
', square kilometres (13,97 4 sq mi). The main island of ·· · · 65. 'From Purdah to .) Parli~me11t' · is a book
· Taiwan, formerly known as Formosa, has an area of · authored t?y: . . ·.· - .. . ,
(A) · Shai~ta Su~r~wa.rdy lkrao:1u 1tah , .. . ·•
35,808 square (13,826 sq mi). People's· ·. Khan_ : -
(8) Begum .R~'an ~ L1aqu_ at Ah
. Re;ubllc·of China (Mainland China) ciaims T~i~an its .· na Moham mad Ah Jauha r
area. · · _(C) Begu'!1 Maula

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· 1182 Advanced ·PPSC MCQs Model Papers

. (0) None of these 79 A m of mone y at s?mple ·intere st amounts to·
66: The Siitish Parliament ·pass_e d Indian · Riu815 in 3 years and to _R~. 854 in 4 years.
lndependence·Act'on .. · The sum is: . · · (B) Rs sso' , ·
(A) 18 May 1947 (B) 18 June 1947 (A) Rs 650 ···
(C) 18 July 1947 · (0) 18 Augus t 1947 . (C) Rs 698 - .. (D) Rs_7~~ ../
67. When Ayub Khan visited China? - SO. The . oldest_ ~ryive rsity of Punja b ·1s located in
(A) 1961 (B) 1964 which city:· . . (B) Lahore -
(C) 1968 (D) 1969 (A) Multan • ..
_(C) Faisalab~d (D) Gujranwala
·. • 68. The British Indian government ·announced the
partition of Bengal in: ' · ·8 1. · Which key shortcut i~ usecp o move a word to
· (A) 1902 · (B) 1905 the right of the curso r. .
(C) 1909 . (D) 1916 ·(A) Ctrl+ Right arrow
69. Baloch Culture Qay. ·is celebrated . . (B) Ctrl+ Left arr~w
by the ·. . . {C) Alt-+: Right arrow
Baloc!;ij people annually on: -
(A) 2 March · rd . (D) Alt+ Left ~r_row .
th (13) 3 March
(C) 4 March th
.(D) 5 .March · ·82 _ Which politi<?al party in Sindh ·is more popular:
70. 12x2y+12xy2= ·. (A) PPP . - (B) MOM .
(A) 12xy( x+yr FC---- ,(=Bj 12xy( i+y) .
(C) Pl\ ... - (D)
(C) 12xy{x+y ) · (D) Non~ of these 83. SyAonym of_ IMPEDIMENT . . _
71 . The ~verage of 20 students is 12 years, if the (A) Benefit · _- (B) Ut1hty .
ieacher's ~ge is included, average increases · (C). Obstacle · _ .- (D)_ N(:lne of these
by one. The age of the teacher is: · 84. lhe Ran,:, of Kachc~h on lo~ated be~e en:
(A) 30 years - · (B) 28 years (A) Punjab and GuJraat · -
(C) 33 years · (D) 3S- years · · (B) Si11dh an9 lndi~n Gujraat ·
72 . What is the name .of Quaid-e-Azam daughter: . : (C) . Sindh and Amnt~ar
(A) Farzana · (B) . Rehan·a _· . · (D) None of these -
(C) Dina Wadia : (D) Rukhsana . 85. As th.ere were no bl9ses, she · _ _ __
. .73. '7.5 million in numbers is write as: · . home last night. : .. - .
· (A) had to waffi<
(A) 75000 (B) had to walked
(B) 7.50000 · · (C) has to walk (P) Nohe of these
(C) 75000 00 · (D) None of these ·as. .Name the youngest Laureate who -received _
74. What was the sha,re industry by Pakistan on .the Nobel Prize: .
independence: · (A)
.- ·. (A) l:.e~s than 7 % Guglie lmo Ma~co ni ·- · ·.
(B) More than 20 % (8) Malala Yousafzai
(C) 2 % , (D) None·of these _(C) Ronald Ross
75. a +b~=. i •
2 2 (D)_·Noim an,Bo rlaug
. . (A) . (a + b) (a2 - ab+ ~ ) 87. Who is the founder of Microsott Corporation?.
· (B) (a - ·b) (a 2- ab~ b ~ · (A) Steve Jobs .
· ·(C) (a+ b) (a +ab+ b ) (B) Bill Gates · ·
th .. (C) Warren Buffett · (D) Eron Musk · · · · .
(D) None of ese 88. The International Committee ·for ·~he . Red
· 76. A retail ·store ~as monthly fixed costs . of
, · Cross was ,
$3,000 and monthly salary costs of $2,50_ 0_for (A) Henry_Dunant
each employee. If the store hires x employ_ees (B) Donald Ross
· for an entire year, which ot the follow · (C) Baden Powell · (0) Norie of tt~se · ·.
ing -
equations represents the store's total cost c, in · · 89 - Which
country is the highest emitter.of carbon
dollars ,;for the year? dioxide: ·. ·
. (A) India ~. . (B) China . ..
(A) c=3:o oo +2,50 0x ·. • (C) us ·
(B) c = 12(3,000+ 2,500x) _ ·(D) UK . -..
(C) c= 12(3,000) +2,-500x · 90. In Excel, a·oata Series is defined 8$ what? . .
(D) c = 3,000+ 12(2,500x) . · . . . (A) A typ·e of chart -.
77. If x : y· = 3 : 4, then (7x + 3y) : .(7x : 3y~ is _. (B)- A cell reference
. . ,eq1:1al to? .. · , · -. ·
· 1
(C) A collection of related data
(A) . 11: 3_- (B) · 6:.3 . . : · (D) A division of results . . , ..
(C) .5:3 · (D) 1:3 91,. Choose the correct one: Not only her p~rents -
·1a . .The volum 3
e of .the _cone
· with circular base ·is · results•. her'cla
. ss teacher . proud of her
· 216rr cm , If the base radius is 9 cm, then find (A) _But also, .were
the (B) _But also, 'was ..
(A) heigtl
5 cm t of the cone cm. .
. · ·in (B) 8 cm (C} And -also, was _.· (D)- And also, wer~.
(C) 10 cm · (D) _12 cm •. .

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··' .

Mls~ellaneous · 1183

,\~c)l;-l;J'✓JL(U,! .92 JJJIJ;i:/.r (0) -~ J'J (C)

.. RJI( (8) . . l.5.1J?if" .1J?. (A) . 1r~
·,\;..t~..JrY°J,,A'":"',,bA-'":"'VJJ._ _.9:7 .·
-fJ.~ .1 (D) . .. l.5)..,i:)"1~ (C) . J (B) . , , (A)

. . ~~t,,~L()J'J!.;-,,)! .93 ' v'fJI~...J..,.:i (D)' ., (C)


. ~1/ (B) .1YitJ (A) .' ~;{.;ifif~ ,s,~ .98

;.JJY~IJ!c.11 (D> ,~ r~J? (C> l.5Y!(- ·(8) J.~..: /? (A)

,JfJl~,.f,.c)I (D) :/1;tl.5i~ (C} ,

~, ·(B)' · ·. ~, (A) \ .'it::..-7. (.,,;µ, // J' .99

. ·' . I . I -

·JiJI~IfcJt ('?) rv (C) ,.;/ (8)'

ur I.
(A) ·

· r'f-f JV. -=--~~Ju;;: ._95 . f <P>·· .. ; ' ~ (C)

~I& . (B) J~✓ ~~,'l:tJ~-. (A) :

' . . .
. '
(D). L>~Y.::../ (C) .·' -..,,., (8) ._;It
. . ..;I)

<:~,;v(...(j ;j'l,Y;,,fl .96' .-·i.tiJI~·✓- c)i (D) h..,,(J f (C.)

...f.J1.5;~,.., (B) : J,;'":"'~ ~l,;IP (A )

· Answ er Key
1. B 14. A 27. B 40. ' B 53. A 66. C · 79. ·c ·92. A
15. · C · 28, -· 41. B 54. C 67. B 80. B 93. A
2. A A
94. B
3. B· 16. A 29. B 42. B 55,' C 68. B- 81. A
69_. . A 82. A .-- 95. . A
4. C 17. D 30.· C 43.· A 56. C
5. B 18: ·B . . 31. ·o 44. C · 57. A 70. A . 83.- C . 96. C
6. -A 19. o· 32. B 45. A- . 58. . A 71. c· · 84. B 97. C
7. '8 20. s 33. ·A 46. . ·a
47. B
59: D
60. B
. 72. C
73. _C
98. A
99. C ·
8. D 21. · B 34. B .
9. C 22. B 35. . A . 48. C 61. -o· -74 .. . A 87. B - 100. A-
10. B ·23: C ·36. C 49. . B . 62. C 7_5. A · 88. A
11. B 24. B I ·37_ A 50. B
51. ,· 8'
63. B
· 64. A.
76. - B
77. A
12. C 25. B 38. B
13. :. A 26. B· 39. B 52. A ' A 65. 78.. B 91. B
♦♦♦♦ ♦♦ • • • •. \ •• I



' .. ,'

· -_ ASS~STANT_{-BS--16) 2022 . _
• •
IC· • :.


· PROSECUTO~S (CPD)-60H~02~ · ..-.. . .. ., .

'. : .
(C) 274 (D) Noneof these
1. What wfll be the compound .interest o&'I a ·sum ·
· . . . of .Rs. _1875 after 2 years if the rate of interes1 2. A car that gets· 15 miles per· gallons· .of . . .
. for the-first year is 4% and that for the second gasoline c~n.t,ravel'250_miles·on a full ta'nk. If·
· · year is 8%?_ . · · · · · . .• .
. ., .
(A) . 231 . . . . ·_ (B} 247. .

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,1184 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
the same car got 20 miles per gallof, how (A) Sohail Aman
many miles could it travel on a full tank ? (8) Amjad Babar
(A) 150· · (B) 200 (C) Mujahld Anwar Khan
(C) 250 (0) None of these (0) None of these (Ahmad Zaheer Babar)
3. Th·e mean weight of 100 students In a class Is 14. The Muslim invaded Spain ln~....,-;i:-=--
46 k9. The mean weight of boys Is 50 and of (A) 701 C. E · · (B) 711 C.E
gins Is 40 kg. Therefore, the number of boys is (C) 717 C. E (D) None of these
(A) 50 · (B) 60 .
(C) 65_ (0) None of these 15. Who Is known as Boom Boom:
(A) Shcaib Akhtar (B} Shahid Afridi
4. A shopkeeper purchases 5 cartoons in 105 (C) Muhamm ad Amir (D) None of these ·
rupees and 8 cartoor:is jn 155 . rupees. If a
cartoon contains 5 items then av~rage · price 16.. The first ·session of the first . Constituent
per item is Assembly of Pakistan-wa!> held o n _.
(A) 4.20 .· (B) · 4.50 {A) . 1OAugust (B) 11 August
-( C) 4.75 (D) Noneoft~ ese(4) . (C) 15 August (D) None of these
5. There are two sections •A and B of a class, · 17. "The Eco·n omist Intelligence · Unit 2020
consisting of 36 and 44 students respectively.. Democracy -Index" ranked the Democra cy in
If the average wei_ght of secti,on A is 40kg and Pakistan in which category? · .
that of section B is 35kg, find . the average (A) Full democrac ies ·
weight of the whole class. · . . {B) Flawed democrac ies
(A) 30 Kg (B) 35 Kg (C) Hybrid regimes
. (C) 37.25 Kg (0) None of these (D) None of these
6. A and B together· can compiete a work in 3 ·18. industrial Revolution started from:
days. They start together bu.t. after 2 days, B . · {A) France . · (B) England
left the _work. If the work is· completed after 2 •
(C) Australia (0) · None of these
• I
more ~ays, B alone could do the work i.n · · · 19. Which region
of the world was declared "free
(A) • 04 _days (8) 06 days · · . of-wild polio" on 25 August 2920? .
(C) - 08 days (0) Nooe of these : ·(A) Afrlca · . . (B) North Africa .
7. The average of the first five multipl_ e s of 9 is:. . (C) -Nigeria · (D) None of these.
(A) 20 . . (B) 27 . · · . ' , . · ·, 20: · How many bon~s does the adult human
(C) body
. 28 · .. (0)' . Non_e of these ... .. have? 0
· • • • • •

8. · If the angle of elevation of a tower from a · (A) -2~0 . . . (B) 206

distance of 100 meters from its foot is. 60° . ·(C) . ~80 · · · ·(D).- None of these
then the height of the tower is: ·. • . ·· - 21 , Humans· have_ _ p~irs of chromoso mes
(A) 100✓3 m (8) 1G0/✓3 m· · - (A) 22 . ·. {B) 23 -
·(C) 50✓3 m (D) . No~e of these _(C) 24 · ..· (D) None of these
9. . Which Article of Constitution - gives Supreme 22: The AI-Tasrif is-·the. book based ·on surgical
Co~rt the Suo Motu powers? · . ··. · . instruments written by · . ·
· (A) Article .144(3) (.B) Article 164(3) .. . · (A) Abu Nasr al-Farabi
(C) Article18 4(3) · · . (0) Noneofth ese
(B) Abu al-Qasim al-Zahraw i ·
10. What is the National Tree of Pakistan:· . (C) lbn e $ ina (D) None of these
(A) Sheesham {B} Neem ·
(C) Oak · 23. When lmran Khan v.isited · Saudi Arabia~in
. 2020: · · · . .
(D) None of these(Deodar) . (A) 01 May .( 8) 05 May
11. · Current Governor of Gilgit-Baltistan is: .
(A) Aftab Haider . 1 · (C) 07 May (D) None of these
(B) Jalal.Hussain.Maqpoon . , . , 24. Who , is the Current Secretary of · State of
(C) Barjees .Tahir · · . . · \ ,. t,JSA? · , .
., (D) None of these . · · · · -(A)-Mike P,ompeo (B) Mark Esper .
, .{C) Antony J. Blin_k en (D) No11e of these
-12.. Who· is the . Current _G overn~r i of·.. K_hyber ~5. Who wrote the "Siddhartha"? . . , .
Pakhtunkhwa (KPK)? · (A) Herman Hesse
(B) Narmeen .
. ~r~a~,;;h ~~bgra (C) Jog1llder Herm_een · (D) None of these
: .(C) Shah Farman · · 26. POA stands for .
· (D) ,None of these . . . (A) Pakis&an Olympic Association ·
.· 1.3. Wt,o~. is .· the Current Chief of Air Staff of (B) P~njab Olympic·A s·sociation • ·. :' . : ·.
. · P~kis_ta,:i Air Force (PAF)? . (C) ·Pnvate·o Iympic Association . · ·' . ·· .-
(0) Non.a. of these ·. · · :'- : - ·. . ·
·a 333.4 · 27. Guava is a rlch source of which .vitamin':

. '

\ .

Scanned with CamScanner

" .. Miscellaneous · 1185
(B) D .
(A) - K
e of thes e(C) (C)" Both .Muslims and,Minorities
(C) A (0) Non (D) None of these . .
Crimean Pen insu la from Amar
28_ Russia ~n":exed the · . 40. First Arab . spac~ ·miss.ion to Mars.· ';-Al- .
Ukraine in: .
· laun ched by: , .
. (A) 2011 · ' (B) 2014 (B~- UAE . .
e of thes e · . . {A) Saudi Arabia
(C) 1016 . (0)
_ Non (D) None of these
_ _ {C) Qatar
er betw een _
29 ouran_d Line marks bord · .· . -. . 41. Long March·5 roc~et l~unch by whi~ h co,untry:
· {A)· Pakistan-Iran : • (A) China .· . (B) Russ ja
{B) Pakistan-China _ . ..
e · .(C) UAE (D) None ·of these .,
(C) Pakistan-Af.ghanist~n (D) None of thes ed • by the
' 42. Objective Resolution . was pass
3o. The space age11cy'o f Pakisfan is: Con stituent Asse mbly in: .
_· (0) Non e ofth ese · . (A) ·07 March 1949 - -(B) 12 March 1949
(C) NAMA_ . (C) 23 March 1949 (D) N~n e of thes e ·
·31 Myopia is a dise ase conn ecte d with - .
(B) Brain - 43, What symbolizes the-olive t;>ranch? .
· (A) Eyesight . . · (B) Eme rgen cy ,
(0) None of _thes~ (A) -p~ace
(C) Ears · ·co) Non e of thes e .
· of (C) . Prosperity
32. ,~ Paki stan, how man y pers ons -died ~ced
· 44·. The proposed Kalabagh dam will prod
tobacco related disease in•each year: . how much electricity: ·
(A) 01 million (B) 1.6 million · · . · {B) 3600 WJW
(C) 2.6-millipn .. . . . . (A) 3000 MW
(C) 4000 MW . . (C)_f\!one o~ these
(0) None of these (0.1 6 million) · . ~ - -·
ion ' 45. Lunar Sea refer
33. Which ~f the tallowing is·th.e feature.o f eros : (A) A sma ll sea on the moon __.
except: A dark plain on the moon •
{A) -Earth Pillar. • - · (8) Yardangs . (C) A -light water . body . illum inate d by the
_. (C) Monoli,hs; : . ·_, (D) ~on e· of these ·_ · ,moon-light
34. Shah .Wali Ullah bom "_in:·.. . . : .. (D) Non~ of these·
1703 ; .(B) · 1705 along . · ·
· 46. 46. Saudi Arabia founded which .· city
· {D) ·Non e of thes e · · · _ . . · . _ .·
(C) 1707 : · · ·. the coast of. Uie ReQ Sea: . _
of the Slave Dyn asty ? (A) Neom ·· · {~) Tab· u k
35. Who was the first ruler (B) · Outu budd in Aiba k ·(D) Non e of thes e .. :
(A) Sultan Gh9uri - (C) Asitr .
{C) Balban · (D) None of these · ·· 47. The United Natio ns was founded ori "~.
· ·· .
36.. The last ruling family -~lf Delh i sulta nate was : (A}· Octo ber 24, 1947
(B) Mamluk (B) March 24, 1945· . . ..
. (A) Tughlaq e o~ thes e
(C) Khilji · . · (CJ October 24, 1945_·( ~) ~on
(0) None of these(Lodhi)· . 48. Blood is thicker than · - .
9 loca te_ d (B)· Milk :
37. The residential imperial Twin Tower (A} Water
e : ·. · (D) Hon ey
in: · . (C) Slim
· {A) France (B} England - 49.
Shah Jat,anabad was built by: .
(D} Non~ of these (lndia ) · (A) Aurangzeb·_ · . · (B) Sha h Ja-ha n
·(C} Australia .' . •
as hangir ·. · ((?) Non e of th_ e se .
38. The -Rawalpindi - Conspiracy (also known an · (C) Ja_
the .Rawalpindi . Conspiracy Case) . was 5'0. Almaty is the city of: , . .
attempted coup d'etat against . (B) Kazakhstan ' : .
·(A) Afghanistan
(A) Muhammad Ali Bogra . . (C) Turk men istan ·. (D) .None of these
. . .M·was
(8) Liaqat Ali Khan
e 51 .-. The tenure. of Zulifqar Ali Bhutto as a P
(C) Khawaja Nazim ud din(D) None of thes .(A) 1971 -.1 977 ·.· (B} 1971 -197 3 · _, ·
·field in · the fla.g of Paki st~n
· 39. The . Dark green ·
,: represents,,- -.--
{A) Minorities
· Old D~lhi or Purani Dill&is an area
in th_e union ..
~ city..·
{B) ~us lim Majority Territory of Delhi, India . It.was founded as a walle
n · .
. . nam ed Shahjahanaba~ in 1639 , ~hen.Shah Jaha
9 ~r • · decided to shift the Mughal capit al from _ Agra . Th~
. • --;- The Imperial is a modernist ~tyle twin-tow a!ld it
residential skyscraper complex in the billio naire s row o~ constructi~n of the city was comp_leted in 1648,
_lits fall
Mumbai, India. It was the tallest
India · remained the capit~I of the- Mugha! Empire 1.mti
took over as para mou nt-_
from 2010 2019 when it was overtaken by
Lo~ha . _ lri 1857, when the Brhish
On~ in _. -power i_n India. It was on~e ~ll~d
with man_ sio. n s ~f
.The Park which again was overtaken.b~ World
ral high - nobles and members 'of the royal court, along with
barely a year's·time. It has been _home to -seve .. .
· · elegant mosques·and gardens:
net-worth individu~I ·

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1186 Advanced PPSC MCQs Modei Papers
(C) ,97_3-197 7 · (0) None of these . (C) To lose someth_ing imp~~ant
52. Who.played the leading role In drama Warls: (0) None of th~se· . · · ·
(A) Farhan Ali (B) Mehboob Alam 68. 'The green eyed monster' mea_ ns-. ·,
, · (C) Shafi Mu~ammad (D) None o~ these (A) An animal with green ey~s
53. Latency time is B) Hatred -

. ·
(A) Time to spin data under sector ·. . C) to get Into trouble . · · ·'
. · 0) None .of these(~ealousy)
(8) Time to spin the needed data under head
(C) Time to spin the needed data under track 69. The antonym of Dainty is:
· (D) All of these (A) Aggressive · (B) Splendid .
54. ·World War I started In: (C) Vigorous (0) None of these ·
(A) 1914 · (B) 1915 70. Once -In a blue moon means
· (<;:) 1916 ' (D) Noneofthese (A) Very Strang·ery (B) Very Rarely
55. Alpine glacier are also called (C) Very Often (0) None of these
(A) Valley glacier · ·(B) Lo-w-la-nd- 71. Change ·voice The company has fired some
(C) Upland (D) None of these _workers. -
56. Who is the Chairman of All Parties Hurriyat · (A) Some workers has been fired by the
Conference: .· • company
(A) Mir Wayz Umar Farooq
(B) Some wor~ers have _ been fired by the -
(B) Amanullah Khan · company _ . . .
(C) Masarat Alam (D) None .of these (C) Some workers _ has fired by the company
57. Which Indian PM declared ~mergency in · .(0) None of these
. .
seventies : 72, Cha41ge vo_ice By whom are these clothes are
(A) Indira Gandhi (B) .- Rajiv G'andhi . needed?
(C). Charan Singh (D) None of these.. ··(A) By whom needs these ~lothes ·
58. Which river flows in Europe: · (B) .. Whom is need these clottJes - .
: (A) Thames : (8) Volga
· (C) Who needs these clothes
·· '(D) Norie of these
(C) Danube - . (0) All of these
59. Round Table-Conferences-held in -73. Hav~ you· applied_ _ - this job?
. · (A) for _
(A) London (8) . Delhi - - (8)· to
(C) Calcutta . (C) a~ (D) None of these ·
{D)- None of these
60. Who is the Current Cha1rma·n· of NEPRA: ·- 74. What-i's _ . .tl:le menu today?
(A) Afzal Kamal (8) Nasir Aziz - · _(A)- on -. . .(B) in
(C) Qamar Shams · · -- · · (~) -at . (0) None of these
· _(D) _None of these (Tauseef.H Farooqi) . 75. Dream transformed reality by dint of
61 . Accor? to Von Th~11en ·model tti~ centr~I hard work.. .
place 1s: . · · . (A) into . (B)- in
(A) Grains · (B) City (C) 'to · _ (0) None of these
- (C) .For~st (D) -None ofthese · - 76 .. Which type of sentence contains verb and is
62. Which element is liquid at room temperature:· . · not converted into passive voice. ·
-.(A) ' Neon • · (B) · Nitrogen (A) Transitive . (8) Intransitive
. (C) Lin~ing
· (C) Argon · _ .· . - · (D) None of these
_(D) ~one of these(8romine) T!. _The antonym of Adept is:
63. Who is:the fath~r of Georr,etry? _ (A) Blea~ - (B) Wizard
(A) ,Aristotle ·(8) Kepler (C} Unskilled · · (D) None of these
(C) Euclid (D) None of these 78. .Choose th·e correct purictuat~d sentence.·
_64. ·Last decade of Ramzan is known as: . (A)· Mr, Nouman Alvi is the - doctor in this
(A) .F.reedom from hell · (B) Kindness towri . . . . .
:·..· _ . (C) Forgiveness (8) ~r. Nauman Alvi is the doctor in this
(0) ,None of these town .
65. Marco Polo was a famo~s . · - ·
(C) Mr Nauman alvi is the doctor in this town.
(A) Tr~v~ler (8) Scfentist (D) None of these
(C) Writer · . ·
(0) None of these .79. To carry the day mea~s ' . ...
66. The antonym of Courageous: · (A) To succeed
(;,) Audacious · (8) Timid . . (8) To loose something
(C) · Spirited · . (D) None of these (C} To do something·wrQng
. ~7.. The idiom ."To ~ury the Hatchet" means? (D} None of these
(A) To make peace . · · ·. BO: A person _·of which : of the foilo.wi~g blood
(8) . To .make a .wrong decision · groups is ~aJled a universal donor? ·
' .

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. . . Mlsceuaneous 11az
(A) AB
(C) B .,
· . . . (B) A .
. · (D) None (?f these(O •)
· ·fu,t_,r~/LJ,L·J~p. r·~u,;.~ J t ,93
81 Times n~w roma n, Ari'al are examstyle P,les of: . .
· (A) Font .form at (B)
D )
Non e of.t~ ese
· Ji ·(B} ~n (~ (A)
.. , (C) -Font d
_ esign . (_
82 Hotmail, Gmail and Yaho o are . .· .
· (A) Email client (B} Ema il serv er .
. · (C) Use r serv~r · (D) · Non e of thes e r~~.r.fJ~Ui~J/(,,A//,:,,/ .94
I . • ,'
3: r button
· 8 •In powe r point, _the h~ad er •a nd foote -~,~1/,,! (A)
· can·be founGf on the I~er
Illust ratio ns · (B)
t tab In
Obje ct
wha t grou p?
.J' (,J~.' . (~) . .
(C) Tabl es . ., .
, · ., ... -,. ,..
'~i~r. -(C)
. (0.) . Non e of thes e..(Te?(t grou p) . . , ,· .
84. In Excel we add ed-. :__ befq re fra'c
tion for (J1} J(),.1,/ J/'--V-~' (D)
not to ente r date.
· (B) Space
(A) & ·. · · '
. · (D) · Non e of thes e
~U1Z._-ufu,tL,rJ~•{t.:/J,,,.r.~,.lo, .95
(C) '. $ , ..
.. · ·. ·;:,t :(A)
85. ·
Which wife of Holy Prop het(P Bl)H ). · (Lr-1 , (B)
scholar? .
· . · (A~ Hazr at Ayes ha RA.
. J:fJrc..v-cJI ~D) ·. ~~ (C) ·
· .
· . .. (B) Hazr at .Kha~ija RA '
. ·,' (C) Hazr at Man a ~ · (D) Non e of ~hes e
ruJ Lufv..f;;~IJ,,J ir....J,.1:u .96
• 86. Whic h caliph has shor test tenure: ·
(A) Hazr at Ali RA · · . ~1.:-i,.l (B) ..:J&...J,.l (A)
(B) Hazr at Ab'u s·aka RA· . r .
(C) Hazr at Usm an RA (D) · None of these J,,, kf-i ,.l (C)
. 87. Nam e the tribe of Hazr at Haleema :
(A) fiaw aziri · (B) Tam im (~~ )vi J/~V-cJIi D)
:· • . (C) Addi ·. (D) None of these
· 88. In whic h sura h of Holy Ouran word
men tione d in ever y vers e:
ALLAH is . ~lf
;~ . .. ~·u/J' .97 ·
(A) Sura h Muh amm ad
tf((--:-!. (B) ~.fu.1k:T <A)
. (B) Surah AI-Mujadila
(C) Sura h lkhla s (D) Non e of these JiJrc..v-01. (0) L·~JJ'! (C)
89. Imam Al Nasa i born in:
· (A) 212 H·ijri (8) 214 Hijri ~v..f;ii•r(li,o.l,· ~,1, .98
None of these
(C) 216 Hijfi (D)
90. The~ry of relativity was give n by . . f-'((j)' (B), f- '(LJ.JI · (A) .
rt Eins tein
(A) Isaa c. New ton (8) Albe
(C) Mich ael Fara day (0) None of these
viJrC:..v-cJI (0) -!!'(IV (C)
f ~~ VfJ1,":"?1.11f1,L0#rrLrr .99
. b'i:J~;/J~L· .
.91 ~- , .
~~ (8) ,.tu1,;.,, (A)
·'5,'U,1 (8) .u~./r (A)
cJLPi,;;,, (C)
J:f JIc..v-~1 {D)
~Jr~y-~1 (D) t,,;( .7. (C)
f <:-.J
IJ(y.~ IJ'0,;;.;,.
. . .
1:.f;L..;i,jv?(',, :100
: fl,.) Jt:J r~ LvLf-e.f~._;,/,~-=--P":""1 .92 J~,1 . (A)
\. ~ (8) . ·
. l),1,G"~ _..,~ (B) ,1;1✓ .l~tl y (A) . .

;_;i_Jr~v-~1 (0) I.I~ (C}

· viJrc..~c1, (D) · uPer' <c) .
, Ans wer Key
1. A 4. D 7. · B 10. D .13.'· D 16. A . ·19. A 22. B
2. D 5. . C 8. A 11. B 14. B.. 17. C 20. l;3 231 C
3. B B 9. c· 1i.' C, 15: B 18. B 21 . . B 24:· C

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.' . ......

j188 Advanced f.PSC MCQs Mo fl.el Pl/!.!.~

. ' .. .

25. A 35. B B 55. A 65. A 75. A 85. A · · 95.

26. A 36. D
46. A 56. C 66. B 76. . B 86. B .·· 96_ a
77. C 87. A 0.
27. . D 37. D C 57. A 67. A 97.
28. B . 38. B
48. A 58. D 68. · D 78. 8 88. B 98.
29. ·. C 39. B 49. B ,9. A ·69. C 79. A 89. B 99.
.· 30. A 40. 70. B 80. D 90. B . A
B 50. B 60. D
A 91. ·a !-OO. · a
31. A 41. A 51. C 61. B 71, B 81.
. 32. D 42. B 52. B 62. D 72. C 82. B 92. A
33. . D 43. A 53. B 63. C 73. A · 83. . .D 93.· C
34. A 44. B 54. -A 6_4. A· 74. B 84. B 94.. D
♦ ♦ ♦ .♦ ♦ ♦ ♦-♦ ♦ ♦
. I


. ·, SERVIC E)16H202t · .- · . · ·
· 1. Which :country ha~ large~t -~eservatioi, of. ·
oil \ · (A.~- ;_7.j;;i · . .. .·
((AC)) US (B) Russia · (C)' (d)t~ .• '.(O) None of these
V~nezuela (D) ~o~e of these . ~·· -· •
2. Russian revolution occurred in: . · • · 10, The current CEO of Twitter is..:.._:__
(A) 1789 · •. (B) · 191? · .- :· (A) Parag Agrawal · (8) Jack Dorsey .
(C) 1492 (D) None of these' . . "(C) •Ned .Seg_ al . . (0) None ofthese
. 3. One US g·allon is equal to how many liters:-. 11 ~-._ _. r~ngs here. on· my little finger
(A) 1.785 (B) 2.785 . • · · belonged to _._ : _ g'fandmother. ·
(C) . 3.785 . (0) None of thes~ ... · . . . (A) These/my .. · (B) That/mine .
4. UNICEF stand for :· · · (C) those/~e . . . (D) None of these ·
- (A) United -· Nations Internal Cultural · 12. What is '.Subway't . · . · .•
Educational Foundation . (A) A toad or path.raised above ground level
· (B) United Nations International · Children's '-"\ . (B) Short pass~ge to any plac~ · . .
Emergericy Fund . . · · (C)_ Underground passage . .
(C) United. Nations· Internationa l Children · (D) ":Jone of these ..
.· · • Educa~ional Foundation . 13. The fir~t.compuf~r mouse was built by: .
(D) None of these · · (A) W1ll4am English (B) Douglas Engelbart
5. 1n British era which princely. state was ·big . · ._(C) : Oaniel ~oog_h er_ (D)· None of these
accordii:,g to population size. · • 14. · I _ _ · my homework when ·my m.oth~r came .
(A) ·Kashmir · · (B) Hyderabad home.. . . . .
(C) Rajasth.ari ·. (D) None of these· · . (A) had alrea~y.done (B) have already done
· 6 . .- She deprived her husband · · ail he had. (C) already did . · (D) None·of these ·
(A) with · · (8 ) rc,- 15: _Which country is the· largest producer of oil:
.(~) of_ . (D) ·None of these . (A) Saudi Arabia (B) · USA . · · .
7. How many default layout pages: In . · MS (C) _ Iran . . '(D). None of these
(A) 24 · · ·cs) 25 .
16. !o pro~ect a. computer _from virus, you ·shoul~ . .
,, . mstall'7- - 1r·t1. your -c omputer. · .· . •
. (C) 144 (D) None of these (A). Disk cleanup . (B) Backup wizard
8. Who Y_1rote novel Akhir e Shab Ke Humsafar: . (C) Antivirus · (D), None of these
·(A) Jar'neela Hashmi · · · . 17. Electronic crime is type or°which crime:
(B) Begum Akhtar Riaz ud din· · . (A) . Org_anized cr~me (B) Cyber crime
(C). Ouratul ain haider ' · ··_ (C) W/:lite-colla r crime • . .'D) None of th~se
· •· . (D) None of these "
,, . ' 18. · UNICEF was ~stablished. hi which of th·e
-9. li0 ( C.·~t(.::.,t.?. · .· · following years? · ··
- . l
• • I . (A) 1945 · .: · . (8) 1946 , . · : . '
· (C) H)47 ,(0) N~ne oqt:iese .
.. '
.- . '• , .
. .. •·, ' ..

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_ ., - Miscellaneous , 1189 :
19- The capital of Punjab-is:
_ (A) . La~~re _ .· · '(B) Multan .
3.5.' Human traffick'in•g'is·.~
(A) H
o't·.. ...·. ' . ·.. ' ' ' . ·. . .
· ·
(C) · Fa1sala_bad - · . (D) None of these · . ~~~ crim_e • · ·- . (B) Organizeicrime _:. . .
,. (C) .V1ole!)t crime •. (D) None.oftt,ese.- ·_ . ·. ·
20. Capital of BelQiUm is~~~- 36., Gemeinsch'aft term-coined by . . ~.: : ,, :·.. · .
I \. . . ((AC)) LBaru~:;1s .- . , - . ((BD). ONttawaf . .. . . . (A) Ferdina~d·Ton.nies . . ··.. ' . ,._..J . . .
1 . ) · . on~ 0 . these · · . {B) Schopenhauer . ,_: . : .~
I · 21 . In~ -May 2020 :· whicti c~un'try' rat. set 9_r~~th .(.C) Ernst .Macti ·,: , • 1 :. , , . . ~ • ·
. . target: . · . .~) None of these · . .· 1 . • •

· (A) ~d~~ t · (<g)) ~hfna · .·_. : · · · · 37. ~hi~h·.· of.the fpllt>\4{ing: ·is · the . first •.st~~ ~in :~~
._. ~ · , -· -
(C} . a is a~ . _ r:ie of these · · · . st~rt,~e re$e~rch;process?, ·
22. Bolshev_ik revolution took place irr · .- ·(A)~ Surv~¥ of re_lat¢<f literature-•. ., ., , · ·
. _ (A} Italy . . · •(B)' Frar.-ce _. · (B) ldentifi~atipn.of:jJroblem · ·, , ·,
(C) Russ~a . (D) None of these . · . : . ·. · (q . Sear'ching·· sources of informatioh to
-23. In MS Access·, which . da~a typ~ i~ a'ppropriat~ . (D) I ~Cate ~rtohblem '
to store large text a5ld number·s? . _ . on~ o _ese
(A) Text (B) . Memo . . ' . : . • .. · · 3a·.· Who presented four type_s .of Sociology: :
(C) QLE {O) Nooe of th.ese · . (A) Sorokin · . . (B) ·Spencer ·
24. In MS-Access, minimum · of - . . . _ . data .' · . (C) Emile .(D) None of t~ese
types can be assigned to a fiele? . 39. Who. put.. forward Psycho-analytic~I theory of
(A} 02 · (B) ·oe · . ~rime? . ~- . . · . : ·.:· · .
(C} 10 (D~. Non~ of-these · · (A). Sigmund Freud (B) Alfred Adler
25. a_n allotropic~for~·hf: .(C} Karen Hon:iey (D) ~~e of these ·
(A) Carbon ·. . · (B) .Silicon · 40. work is related to:
(C) Germani~m . · _(D) None of ttiese -.· (A) Health and cace· ' .· ·
26. Term and · tenu_ re of Senate membership·· .·,·s. (B} Social and preventive medicine . .
. · years. _ , (C) Social group work(D} None ofthese
(A} 4 years · . {B)' ~ _years • 41 . Aim of social is: .
(C) 6 years ,- (D) Non.e of these , (A) Theoretical (B) Utilitarian
·27. Which singer left music considering it hara·m : _- · (C) Both A & B. · . (D} None of these _
· (A) Ali Azmat_ . (BY- Jamshaid ·. 42. lbn Khaldun -presery~ed the idea of sede~tary
(C) Salman-Ahmad ·. .
{D) Nolle of ., these . . and nomadic througn-these terms he shows-:
28. Tea: Leaves: Coffee:_ .. (A} Symbolic loss .; (B) M~tabolic loss
(C) lnevitab_le loss . -- (D) .None·of th~se
(A} -Plants :-- .(.B) .Seeds .
· • (C)· Stiniulant _. · · .· (D) Nohe of these . a
43. .A characteristic feature qf rural ~communify is
(A) Formal ~elationship.>, ··. .· ·· .-· -·
29.· Pakistan Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan : · (B) Community sentiment · ·
· assassinated in which city: · · · . : ··
(C) Rational will - · · (D) _- None of .th~se
(A) Karachi . (B)'. Lahore· .
(C) ~awalpindL - (D) None.of these 44. The spread of the be&iefs ·and social. activities
_ ·· ..'of one culture to different ethnicities·, religions,
30. When Jihad became farz: · · · · nationalities is known as: · : ·
(A} 01 Hjjri · (B► 02.Hijri · (A} Cultural.diffusion · (B) Cultural lag .
(C) 03. Hijri . (D) None of these · · -.. · (C) · Cultural diversity' . (D) None of these :
31. . Wh'ich · of the following ·i~-. a · form of Cyber
Crime? ·· . . ·. . ·
49.·_ A rural area people took n~mber of years to
accept the use of mo~ile phones. If is _
· . · (A) ·. Software . . (B) -•l=lacking ·, - .. · (A➔ Acculturatio11 (B) Cult~ral lag
(C) ·Hardware· · (D) Non,e of these . (C) · Cultural hnertia (D) None of t~ese
32. A study of the personality of the offe~ders in 46 . .Cultural change process is:
physical terms is called~: . . ·. · .·(A) Inventions · '(B) Discoveries - .
(A} Criminal Sociology .. (C) Experiment,. . (D) All of these
_ (B) Penology · . .
47. In ~order for a variable to be measured, .a:
(C) Criniinar Anthropology · ·researcher' must provide an? · · · ,
(0) None of these . . . (A)' d~finition. . · : .
33. The term·sociology ,wa~ coined bY._ __ '(B) Quantitativ~. theO(:'em . · .
(A) Max Weber - (B) August Comte (C} Hypothesis . · (D) ; None of these ..
- (C) Emile Durkheim (D) None of the~e 48. Civil welfare r::ghts roots t)raHce-ba~~ to: ·
34._ Which concept is not userl in social w~rk: (A) Humanity . . . (~ umams_ m . . . .:·
(A) Analysis . r (B) Stru'cturing (C} Religion , _ (0) None of the~e
· (C) Tabulation (D) None of these

. .· \

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1190 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Papers
49. If one dependent v_ariable is after independent 64. Which ~f the following is considered a white.
variable and before dependent variable Is collar crime?
(A) Consumer fraud ·
called: (B) Income tax evasion
(A) Dependent variable
(B) Intervening variable (C) Bribery (0) All of these
(C) Extraneous variable .(0) None of t~ese 65. Differential association theory was develope<t ·
· 50. A testable statement is called_ _ __ . by sociologist .
(A) Observation (B) Hypothesis (A) Gunnar Myrdal (B) Herbert Spencer
(C) Experiment (0) None of these (C) Edwin Sutherland (D) None of these .I
51 . Who defined 41Sociology as the science of 66. Which of the following b~si~ nt:ed~ of human
social · phenomena subject to natural and beings are fulfilled by social institutions?
invariable lawsr (A) Shelter . (B) Food
(A) Kar1 Marz (B) August Comte (C) Personality development
(C) Max Weber · (D) None of these (D) All of these
52. The reasoning that uses general principle to· 67. Which institution fulfill society basic needs:
predict specific results is called .· (A) Emergence Unit
(A} Inductive (B) Deductive .(B) Social Institutions
(C) Both A & B · _(D) None of these (C) Protective ca_re center (D) None of these
53. The reasoning that uses specific· observations 68. In statistiJCs, bivariate data is data on each of
to construct general principles is - variables, where each value of one of
~A) Inductive . (8) Deductive the variables is paired with a ·value of the
(C) Both A & B -. (D) None of these other variable ·
54. Who first introduced the notion of anomie into .· · (A) One (B) Two
sociology? · . (C) ·Three (D) N~ne (?f these
(A) Comte (B) Durkheim 69. Feminist Research aims at:
(C) Marz (D) None of these · (A) Study _o f women's education
55. Social welfare administration is one ·of the •(B) Addressing ·women's .. issues with
(A) Methods in social work . . · women's perspective
(8) Public act · · (C)" Promotion of women research scholars
(C) Pu_blic administra~~m (0) None of ttiese .· (D) Non~ of these
56. Counselling is a._ __ 70. Oarul-ul-Aman is designated for
(A) Direct method (B) Indirect method (A) . Old age (B) Disabled
(C) Both A & B (0) None of these -~~)-'yv~men . -(0) None of these
57. Common place in' village which is used for 71. · Research -through one person to next and
commonly in villages is called: next is called .-
(A) Pasture- (8) Charagah (A) Survey .· (B) Snowball sampling
(C) Land (D) None of these. (C) Clillical trials (D) None of these ·
58. If speed of 1nventions decreases then culture 72. Ybn khaldun gave-the concept of:
hang · (A) Conflict (8) Structural
(A) High· (B) Abnormal (C) Functional · (D) None of these
(C) Low (D) ·None of these 73. Movement of individuals, families ·and groups
59. Who created the term Verstehen: · . on the basis of hierarchy or stratification is
(A) . Kar1 Marx (8) Max Weber . · called:
{C) Wilhelm D(lthey (D) None of these (A) Social Stratification
60.. An upward shift in sociaJ class is called: (8) ' Social movement
U pward mobility. (8) Social cu_
(A) _ s toms (C) Social mobility
(C) Social mobility (D) None of these (D) _None of these
61. Survey is used in which research method: 74. Rural infrastructur e made villages_.
(A) Quantitative · (8) Qualitative (A) Small · (8) Lightened
(C) Both A & B (D) None of these (C) Developing (D) None of these.
62. Who wrote the book' sociological imagination 75. Sociological perspective means . . in
.' (A) Hans Gerth . . (B) C Wright Mills (A) Understanding human behavior
(C) Talc<?tt Parsons (D) None of these broader context of society
. 63. Social case work involves ., . .(8) Understanding human. behaviior
(A) Social Study · (B) Social Diagnosis · narrower context of socjety . ·•
(C) Both A & 8 . . (D) None of-thes~ ..
(C) _Soci~ Treatment '(D) All of these
76. Farmers in villages·do .
(A) Pl_o u~h wings and ha.rvest ,-:

,, " . ...
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. Miscellaneous 1191
· (B) .Watering and crops . · · 91 . Sociological ,·,--.....,,,,,, ==-- allows peo~e to
· (C) .. 80th A & _B (D) None of the~e • see t~e relationstiipoetween their personal
wtio wrote first_ textbook on ruraJ sociology: . experiences and broader social and historical
.1 · (A) John M. Gillette (B) Wallace Olsen events. · · • · ··
(C) · Kenneth P. Wilkinson (D) None of these . (A)' Consciousness (B) Imagination ··
. (G) Theory . (0) None of these ·
78 Farmers link with capitahSt th rough_. 92 and industrialization led to the
· (A) Market (8) Trade . ·
(Cl Technology (D) None of these emergence . of the working class as a large
and _powerful body, which led to the birth of
9 causes of emergence rural sociology if farmer Marxism, and gave people a new perspective
· production low he will · · · and relationship with the society they lived in
· (A) Survive (B) Produce more (A) Urbanization 1 (8) Modernization.
(C) Domestic consumption (C) Westernization (D) None ~ these .
(D) None ?f ese 93. In Capitaiism, _ _ clas·s possess only their
so. The farm~r•s priority is: . own labor power, which they must sell in•order
. (A) Subsistence · (B) Commercial . to survive
(C) Both A & B (D) None of these (A) Bourgeoisie (8) Peasant-
81. Shifting of labor from rural to urban-is· become: . (C)' Proletariat · (D) None of these ·
· (A} Exceeds . (B) . Scarcity• ·. ~ · · · . . 94·::_0ne person move from one country to another
(C) Normal (D) None of these : · · referred as .
82. The village economy is based ~n: , , ; , ·. '. ..,~: (A) to ini.p rove _th~i.r living standard
{A) Agriculture · {B) Animals (8) Common culture . · ,
{C) Industry ' ·(O) None of these · (C) fo fulfill basic·nee·ds · ·. (D)' None of these
83. Which is the feature of ·Rural Society ~·: _,. , :.1 ~ ·. 95 .. Pastoral.society means. 1 . • ; _: ·

(A) Face to face Interaction . · , (A) nomadic group of people who travel with
(B) High density population . · a herd of domesticated animals,·. which
(C) Dynamic Lifestyle (D) None of these . .they r~\Y on _for (ood .
84. In Villagcis for health government provide: . (8) .a society qnven by the use of technology
. . (A) Dispensaries . . .. . .. . . . . •. and i:nachinery to'.enable mass production
(B) Primary · health unit . . · • (C) an organization d@voted· to the study and
· · . culture of cultivated plants .
(C) Rural health center . (El) N_o~e .o f these (D} None of these
85. Rural areas people usually associated with: ·. . 96: :A man ta~es 6 hou·rs· 15 mi~utes ·in walking a
· (A) Ag~culture . (8) Industries · :· · ·.: I·. .· distance and riding -back to starting place. He
(C) Professional . · (0) No_ne of these. could walk ·both ways i~ 7 hours 45. minutes:
86: · Which among ·the foliowing is an indirect . ll"he time taken by him to ride back both ways
method of social control? (A) 5 hours · · .. . .
. · , (A) . Folkways · (B) Propagan~a . • (B) 4 hours and 45 mins . . ·. . ..
(C) Customs· •(D) ·None of thes'~ •. · . (C) '4 hour~ and 30 mins (D) None of these
87. Why studying rurai sociology is important: . · 97. 'When pe.ople ·:on large scale involve in
(A) Te~hnology • (B) Knowledge : ag'ricult~re by animal plough it will be.a
(C) Reforms in farm production ..- . : (A) Ag51cultural society • .·
(D) All of the~e · · · (8). Hcirticulture society
88. Modern agriculture aims:· . {C) Industrial society ' (D) None of these .
(A) to obtain the highest yields . 98. Some friend meet for a ·tea. at some place it is
(B) to get • the highest' economic _profit . . referred as . . ·.
. possible (A) , Customs · · · (B) Folkways
(C} Both A & 8 (D) None of these (C) Culture .(D) None·ofthese
, 89. is the major feature of rural 99. If the price of the comrriodlty is in.creased b/ . ·. 1
·sociology: ··• . 50% by what .fraction must its conSUl'flption be ·
(A).. Heterogeneity (B) Homogeneity · reduced so·as to keep ·the same ·expenditure ·.
(C) Dynaryiic life (D) None. of these on Its consumption? . .· ·.'· ._
. 90 W · .- (A) 1/2 (B) ·1/3 • , . ..
· · .· . . . hich among the . following is an informal (C) 1/4 .· , (D) NQne·of th.,e,.:s.,..e . . . ...· . , . •
• • •·• method of social control? - '· · · • '.,)
.(A) Coercion (B) Customs · 100.Some c~ltu~a1 elements .Q~C?w.. fa$t ,·.t~an _th_e · · . .·..
(C) Education • (D) None of these other which in turn lags behind 1$
(A)· Cultural d!ffusi~n : . (B) Cult ·f~J.Jag
oaiE· , . . -:.
·.• · • • • , • , ; 1 • , (C) Cultural d1versIty · ('?) ·,Non of these
,. . "' '. • '"1, • •

-~·Y·~· ..

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1192 Adv1.nced PPSC MCQ.s Model Pali.t.!.S

Answer Key ·
c· . 40. .A . 53. A 66. D . .79. C '· 92.
1. 14. A 27. B ·B 80. A
. 2. c 67. C 93.
· 94 __. ' c
B 15. B 28. B 41 . 54. B
C 68. B 81.' A
3. C 16. C 29. C 42. 55. C 82. A
69. B A
·4_ B 17. a . 30. B 43. A 56. C
70. C 83. A
95. A
-5- B . 18. B · 31. B 44. A 57. B 96. B
6. C ' 19. A 32. C 45. B 58. C 71. B 84.' c· 97.
·72. A 85. A A
7. . ·A 20. C 33. B 46. D 59. B 98: B
8. C 47. A 73. . C .86. B 99. 8
21.· B 34. B. 60. A
9. B ·22. 48. B .74. C 87. D 100. 8,
C 35. B 6_1, C
10. A 23. B 36. . A 49. B · .-62. B 75. A '88. C
11. A a· 50. . . B D 76. C 89. B
24. C 37. ' 63.
12. C 25. . A 38. -c 51. B 64.' . D ' 77. A 90. -a
13. B 26. . C 39. A 52. B 65. C 78. B 91. B.,
♦ ♦ ♦♦ '
♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ • .•


( .
. ·AsSiSTANT (BS-16) 2022
• I
tries·, Commerce' ·inves tment & Skills· Devel opm·ent,
· Department (Print ing &··Stationery, Punja b)
.. . .. ·.· . .

1. Ethanoi·· e~racted ·:fr~m s~g~r~ane • cari b~ . 1·0. When NATO f~rces ·Ieft Afghanistan?
used in · as an alternative fuel for cars. · (A) 2019 . · . (8) 2020 . ·
(A) C h ~ ·. (B) Japan (.C) 2041 (D). None of these .
(C) _Brazil ·. (D) None of these
·. 11. Who discovered blood ckculation? ·
2. : Movement of earth -material as a. unit along a. . •(A) C~rl Linnae~s (8) Francis Crik_ -
: · curved surface· is_called_ _. : . : .'· .. . - '. . . · . ,(C) Will_far.n Har:vey (0) None 9f these ·
,- (A) Slump . (B) Mud out · · · . . · · ·
(C)' Lava (D) None .of these, .. ·
-.. 1·2. :B~ out.of blue· means: . . .
.(A) Higher than :~ky. (B) Once· upt:m a time
3. · _.Navagio Beach is in: {C) Suddenly (D) . None of these · -
{A) Ma.laysia (~) . .Thailand:
. .. · (C) Greece · (D)' None. ofthese 13.': .Travelling from place to p~a~e is caned_ · _·..
. .. {A) Journeying · (B) lti~rant · · ·
4: . Which country joined UNO in 2006. · ·: ' .. {C) . Vac~tiqning
· . .. (A) Bosnia , (D)° of these . · .
(B) Taiwan
(C) Montenegro . (D) None !)f these· 14. The·anfonyrn. of _Dastard is:· ·, ·
·(A} Craven .'(B) Hero
5. The real name.of lb·n Taymiyyah is:
(C). Sneak {I?} None of these · · ·
. (A) Zaki-ud-din . (8) Taqi-ud-din
· (C) Naqi-ud-din ' (0) Non~ of these · 15. A place where bees are kept in calied
(A) An Apiary · · (8) A mole .
6. ·when National Bank of Pakistan establi~hed:
(A) 1947- . (C) A hive . (P ) Non~ of these
(B) 1948
(C) 19~9 (0) None of the~e 16. The antonym of Abuf'\'dant is: .
. .· 7. Tape speed is measured in: · · (A) ·Plentiful · . (B) Scarce ·
. (A) Feet per second (B) _Inch per second (C) Happily · (D) None of t~ese
· (C) Meter per second·(O) None of these , 17. IP stands for:. I•

8. · .Pakistan -moves in Transparency -International (A) Internet Process

· Index 2020 in corruption? (B) Internet Program . · ~-
· ·
. _ (A) 120 to 126 · (B) .120 to .124 ,'(C) Internet Protocol . (0) None of these ·. . ·
. (C) 120 to 122 - · (D) None of these M. Who.won the .third battle ot Par?.i Pat in 1761; . · ·
9. When US began to withdraw its last' troops (A) Shuja , · · (B) Hemu · · : . · ·
· · ·from Afghanistan? (C) Salman · ·
(A) 01 May 2021 '(B) 05 May 2021 (D) None of.these (Ahmad Shah Abdali) ·
(C) 30 May 2021 (D) None·of these 19. f\ program represent eight symbols is called:
. . . . .

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Miscellaneous 1193
· (A) Octal (8) Binary (A) 10. years , (B) 12 years . ·
. (C) Decimal (0) _None of these (C)_ 18 years (D) None of·thes!9
20 Joe Biden was elected senator from which 36. Who was the first governor of West PuAjab ih
· state of US? . · . 1947? . · '
(A) Alaska . · (B) Delaware (A) lfthikhar Mamdot (B) Francis Mudie .
(C) Pennsylvania · (0) None of these (C) Abdur rab nisl')tar (0) None of these
21 . Wtien was the ~onta_ gu Chelmsford reforms 37. Who coined UNO name: · ,
were introduced in India?. (A) Truman .· · (8) F D Roosevelt ·
(A) 1909 (B) 1912 . .
(C) 1919 ((?) None pf ~hese
.(C) Churchill . (0) None of these
38. USSR disintegrated . in how many states in
22 . .I am sick._ _ _ this idle life. . 1991. ·
· (A) of (B) off . · ·(A) 11 . (8) 13
{C) from • (D) None of these _ .(C) 15 (0) Noneoft~e se
23. The layer of atmosphere where we live is: 39. Anomation means_ __
· (A)' Bio sph~re . · (B) · Troposphere (A) Uploading images .
(C) Hydro sphere (D)" None ·of these (B) Updating images
24. Th.e rear view mirror of a motor.vehicle is _ - (C) Accelerated statfc images ·
(D) None of these.
{A) Co~cave
(C)_ Plane ,
. (B) . Coi,yex :· . ·
(C>) None of these · · -.
~· . ..
40. The hottest desert in the world is_ .
25. Sadiq Khan -elected l"(laYOr Lonqon for th~·. . (A) . Sahara
·. (A) First time' · · (B) Second Ume . ·· · . .(B) ·Atacama . .
(C) Third tim~ .- . . (O)' None of thes~ .·-·, - (C) Mojave · -: ..
· (D). _None of these (Lut d_e sert).
26. ·Ths.antony m ~f d1~~~s~t~ is::·." - ·. ·_. ··.. .
(A) Unity . ' (B) DivergenGe ... . -: 41 . Which ·.··c~Uhtry: 'Army,. Ctlief Gene.rat Qamar
(C) Variance ·. · (0) None .of these.· . . _ Javed.Bajwa visited in 2020? · ·_ .
(A) Kuwait · (B) _Syri~
27. Fifth generation of computer is ~eferred to: _. (C) Egypt·· _(D} Noneofthe se
· (A) Use a· natural languag~
(8) Artificial lntelOOgence . . 42 . . Which '
p eriod .is most. aligning . between
: (C) Bio Chips Congress Muslim Leagµes?
. (0) All of thes~ •· · .- . (A) 1910-191_9 . (B) 191~-1922
._ - (C) 1-914-1916· (0) None of the~e
28. Layout of handout defines_ _· .
(A). Handout master (B) Handout'sl~ ve ·43. Which daught~ of Hazrat Abu Bakar RA who · .
(C) Handout design (D) No!1e of these - .become the wife of Holy Prophet SAW:
· . ' (A} Hazrat Sauda RA (8) Hazrat Ay~sha RA
29. 'PTI secured how .many votes in Kashmi~ . (C). Hazrat Zainab RA(D) .·~one of these
·. (A) 21
. _. :·(C~ 25
30. The synonym of useful is:
(A) Futile :
(8). 23 ..
(D) None of,these .. ·.

• (B) Practical
· ·
-14. C.urrerit Ghief .Justice· of Pakistan Umar Ata
Bandial sworn as . ·
(A) 27'h ·
- (C) 2Et .
CJ of Pakistan .
. . (B) -~8th . .• . · .•
(D) None of these
(C) Inept _ . (0). None ?f th~se .. · 45. Hij~i Calenda· r ,started .by: ·· ,
(A) HazratAbu Bakar RA
31 . National Flag of Pakistan .was designed by-: (B) Hazrat Umar RA.·.·'
(A) Ahmed Ghulam Ali Chaghla : (C) Hazrat _U sman RA:
(B) Hafeez Jalandhri (D} None of these
(C) Amir udin Kidwai
· 46. Who is pionee·r ed j,n developing modern
(D) None of these
. 32. The synonym of Insolvent is:
. co~pute~? . . r' .
·(A) · Douglas Engle Bert (B) Steve Jobs
(A) Solid (B) Bankrupt (C) Bill Gates : · · (D) No·n e 9f these
(C) Secu·re · . (D) None of these
4 7. Which city built primarily fQf capital11 ? .
33. 19th SMRC c~nference was heid in: · (A) Constantin ople ·(B). New York ·
(A) . Nepal (B) India (C) London .. · · (0) None _of ~hes~
· (C) Pakistan . · (D) None of-these
48. The agenda of COP 23 ·, s · .•
34. '. Deserf-mm i~ment ,s·the resultant feature .of . . (A) Long-t~rm cli~~t.e finaf:ice-: _ · · . _\ •
. . ·which process. · . . · . · · · .• · · · . '(B) · :ro consl~e~ th_e matters·a~ er 2029· . . '. ·
(A)· De.flation· ~-. _..-._ . . (B) Dunes. ..· · (C) Assess.m~i:tt. of th.eJec~o!c al examinatio n
.. : .
{C) VVeatherjng -· ·- (D) None of these '

35. Mohammed bin Zaye~ ~rst UAE leader to visit

· 11
Pakistan after: : - · Islamabad
• C '

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. ·..1194 ,· Advanced PPSC MCQs Model Pape'!-
processes on mitigation and adaptation (C) Zindagi app .
(0) None of these
(0) All of these
49. The first pillar12 of Islam Is: 83 _ Times magaz ine ~ecta red w~ich person th.e
(A) Namaz person of the year in 2 020 7 ·
(B) Roza (A) Joe Biden and Kamala Harris ·
. (C) Zakat (0) None of these ·
(B) Greta Thunberg ·
50 · UK left European Union completely o·n 31 ·
· January 2020. This process Is named as: ·
(C) Elon Musk
(D) None·o f theS!)
(A) Wexen deal (B) Brexlt ·
(C) Both A & B (0) None of these 64. sanitat ion is hthteh · h t· mofeans of
promoting heaIt roug preven I0n human
51. Nip in the bud means ·. contact with the hazard s of waste.
(A) To destroy in the very beginning
· (A) Hygien ic (8) Proper
(B) To destroy at the end · (C) . setter . (D) None of these
(C) To make use of time
(0) None of these 65 No body · you could be selfish. ,
52. Yeoman's service . (A) But - (8) Only
(A) Convert (C) From (D) None of these
(8) Congested
(C) Concluded (D) None of these 66. The . book· of H_adith, AI-Muwatta, Was
compiled by-=-= ----.-::
53. Beloved to married man . (A) Imam.A bu Haneef a (R.A) ·
(A)· Monog amy (B) Bigamy · (B) ,I mam Malik (R.A)
(C) 'Polygamy (D) N~ne of these · · . (C) Imam Shaaf (RA)
54. Which country threatened to quit NPT'de al? (D) None of these
·(A) Russia (8) Iran . . .67_ Who wrote Ar-Res ala?
(C) Israel · ·. · .. (D) None of these . ·. (A) Imam Abu Hane.e ta (R.A)
55. A line on a· map joining places of.e_qual rainfall ·· (8) Imam Malik (R.A)
is called an . · (C) Imam Shafi (RA)
. (A) lsohyet . (B) lsother rtj (D) None of these
. (C) .I sobar ... (D) None of these
56. Keenjh ar lake is l_ocated in ·which district .of
· ·. · . 68 _. Which two books are calfed "Sahiha in·?
· {A). Muta, lbne Maja . .
· Sindh. . . (B) eukhar i Sharif, Muslim ·Sharif
(A) Dadu (B) Thatta ·.• (C) Bukhar i Sharif, lbne Maja
(C) Jamsho ro (D) None of'thes e · . (0) None of these
' ·
57. ·.How much potential of Pakista n hydrop ower · 69. He tames .
animal s becaus e he . .
for genera ting electricity: . : (A) is fond of them ·
(A) 35000 MW - -
(8) 60000 MW . ··· (8) -hates them .
(C)' 80000 MW · (D) Noi:1e of these ·(C) seldom loves them ·
58. Mikhail Gorbac hev started · which movem ent . (D) · None of these ..
for reformi ng and reconstructing in 1985? · _70. · Quaid- e-Azam resigne d . from Imperial
(A) Glasno st . · Legisla tive Counci l due to ·
(8) Perestroika and Glasno st .
· (A) Luckno w Pact • (B) kowlat t Act
(C) Perestr oika (D) None of th~se . (C) ·simon qommi ssion . (0)- None.o f these
· ,.59. Oharmarajika. Stupa in Taxila was built in the · 71 . ·Which gifted by
Allah to Holy Prophe t SAW
era of . .. during Miraj: . ·
(A) Muglia ls. · (B) Kushan s , . (A) Roza (B) . Nimaz
_ (C~ ~ ilji . (D) None of t~e~e (C) Hali · (D) ·None of these
·60. Amman is the capital of: 72•. Which country·_ . built ·cruise submarine
(A) Egypt (8) . Jordan threate ning US? -
. (C) lsfael . (D) N~ne of-thes e {A) North Korea '. (8) · Israel
· 61 . London To'f!er Bridge, is located on which . {C) lra,n ·co) None .of these
·nver. 73. When Kargil War inciden t occurre d:
(A) Fleet (8) Thame s . .
{A) 1997 (B) 1998 · · I
(C) Wandie (D) None of these . (C). 1999. (D) None of these
62. < PM lmran khan launch ed - - - - - mobile 74 . .The first elemen t ~f periodl c tabie is: . ·
'- · app on Jan .6, ,2020 to control ~rug abuse? (A) Carbon
. . . • . (A) Safe Citizen app , (B) Hydrog en · ·
, . (C) Nitrog~ n (D) None' of the_se ,
. . · · : (8) Dange rs of drug app · .75. Which elemen t is most abundant in Universe?
· 12 (A) Alumin um (B) Hydrog en· . •
Tauheed · (C): Helium · t (D) None of these
I , ,.' ..
, . . ·, ."

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' .
Miscellaneous ' 1195
76. The synonym of Feasible is: (A) 30% . (B)' 40%
(A) Misplacedo .- (B) Undue
(C) Practicable (D) None of these (C) ~4% (0) Nof'!e of these
. 71. POOO & EBDO was promulgated by Ayub 89. If log10 2 = 0.3010, then log2 10 is equal to:
, Khan to • (A) 699/301 (B) 1000/301
(A) to make strong govern ment · · (C) 0.3010 (0) None of th~se
(B) disqualify the leaders of East Pakistan 90. The price of a bicycle Is rupees 6480 inclusive
(C) to get majority
(0) None of tt.,ese 8% GST what is the original price of the
bicycle. .
78. Which country gifted the Statue of Liberty to (A) 6000 (B) 5900
the United States of America? . (C) 5800 (0) None of these
(A) Italy (B) Australia ·
(C) France (D) None of these . t IC...J,:,✓-~I.
J LJv,...i:Jv

79. Lightning rod invented by:
(A) Edmund Germe r (B) Benjamin Franklin ~.,,?-J~ (B) (- .Ii) . (A)
· (C) James Edwar~ (D) Non_e of these
80. Which Muslim _. ruler established Delhi v-!' JI~✓-c11 (0) / { ta:";, (C)
(A) Qutb-ud-din Aibak . f ~~~- =-L1 .;,L-{ jJri:(, t./.- ¥ .92
(B) Sher Shah Sure
(C) Razia Sultana J,;t.:"~A~ (B) · ...{_j..c;J; (A)
(D) None of these .
. _,J.iJI~✓-c11 ~,~,,
. .

.. (0) (C)
81 . Autopsy is taking organ from
(A) Living .. . ·· (B) . Dead ·: •- .:
(C) lnebrie ty _ (fl) None of these fv.1vJO"J'JJ;: /l.1,1(-.(1,/\-!JVI .93
82. Which Virus is.relat~d to ongoing Covid19? - 1 •.
(A) SAR~& TETAN US . •· . . . .. · ..;-1J~1 (8) -:;-..Ji~ (A)

. ,: :.:JiJI~,;..c),
(B) SARS & MERS : . . .
. (C) SARS & INFLU ENZA · · .~ · ."
(D). . . .J.,/1: (C)
(D) None of these • ·

83.• The_.a~g!e of . elevation ~f ~ fadd~r leaning ' f,.;j~ i:;--L J;--rr.i'?. r .94
. against a wall 1s 60° and the foot of the ladder .
· ' is 1~.4 m away from the watr. . The iength of 1/ / J.11b (8) . : J.1,:,i'IL)~I (A)
the ladder is ·· . . . . ·.
(A) 12.4 meter . (B) 24.8 meter · · JiJl~,.ic11 (0) . . .: ' _(',~ (C)
(C) 6.4 meter ·. (D) None of these . _
· 84. If 40% of a numbe r is equal to two-thir d of t~~VL.1,,J'.ti.! .· .9s
anothe r numbe r·, what is the ratio of first
numbe r to tlie seaond numbe r? •
(B)· 3:7
1.5,~i/iJ (8) J',,~~I (A)
·(A) 2:5
(C) 7:3 · vd-JI,:::..-,.;!c)I. (D) -j~_,,...:.-/ (C)
(0) None of these (5:3)
85. If a b = a + b + ab,' then 3 4 - 2 3 is.equal to
(A) 14 (8) 10
r ~~v~~{' (;; -~;-.
(C) 08 · . (D) None of these 1:f ~ (B) I:~!:'(_; (A)
86. If we multiply a fraction by itself and divide the
product by its reciprocal, the- fraction thus
obtained is 18 26/27,W hat is t&ie original
. v-iJI~✓-c11 (D) *,i' (C)

(A) .1.33 (B)
3.66 r ~,./',JC~.1~.1,L✓J,;(-1-c1 .97.
(D) None of these Jt'(~,i; (A)
(~) 2.67 _;J:,i;.1~~ (B)
87. The average marks of four s1Jbjects is 120. If
.33 was misrea d as 13 during the calculation, ,f.iJI~✓-~1 (0) Jt'/, (G) . .
· what will be the correct average? .
. {A) 122
(C) 128 .
(B) 125
(D) Non~ of
'!,Ji -~
~. r~~~, J;~l)!'?•l-~:t
:l-.. .I
-~8 : _ I
88. If a class has 56 boys and total class strength .
is 140. Then fin~ the Percentage of boys: · . ·
~ (8> " ·. •: ~ n. ~'¥ ·.

. . . ,..._,

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1196 Advanced PPSC MCQs Model P~pers

. _.- · · ._ . _. .. · · r7 ,..;.;(v?-;;,-Z'v!.,l(.,l\ -.99

ct (B) · ,, (A)
.· i..tfJl-=..Ltc11 (0) •


. ' Answer Key · ·

1. . C 14.. B 27. D 40.D 53. D 66. B 79. B · 92. A
• . 2.'. A ·· 15. A . : -28. · A 41.A 54. ·B 67. C 80. A 93.· A
.. 3. .- C · . 16. . B 29. C 42. ·. B 55. A 68. 8 81. 8 94. B
. : -4.. C 17. C 30. 8 , 43. B .56. B 69._ A - 82. B 95. A
·5_ .. B 18. : D 31. · c 44. B 57. B. · -70. . B 83. B 96. B
6. C ·· , 19. 'A 32. B 45. B 58. B 71. B · 84. D 97. C
·_ . 7. B .' ·. 20. B 33. ·C 46. b · 59. B 72. A 85. C 98. C
·s. .B .- . . 21. ·. C 34. A 47. D . 60. B 73. C 86. c . 99. C
9. A _., ' 22: ·· A .' 35. B 48. D 61. B 74. B. 87. B ·100. C
10. C . 23. B 36. B 49.· · D .- 62. C ·75, .B 88. ·B
11. C · 24. B· 37: ·B 50. B 63. · A 76. · C .. 89.· B
.,2. C ·2 5: "B 38. C 51. A 64: A 77. · B 90. A
. . _13. ..·e 26. A · : . 3_9. C . 52. · D . 65. A · :78. . -C . 91. · B

. Lanc;t.Develop~ent_& Estate·nt1anager:nent /..H.ousing Urban
. Development & Public_·Health Engineering Department I .
.:.- · · Rawalpindi Developmeni"Authority, .Rawalpindi~49e2020
I • •· ••. • • • • • .: • ' • • • '

. . .
· ·. · .1. · ,:The Fertile Crescent Region is present in: .. 7. Who said, "Man is· born free, but everywhere .
· (A)·· Africa . . . (EJ) Central Asia , · he is in chains". · .
(y) Middle East (D). None of these· . _ . --: · · (A) Thomas Hobbes (B} .Rousseau
/ . 2..·· ·~ykes-Picot Agreement (Also · called . Asia · (C) John·Locke • (D) None of these ·
. Minor Agreement) was signed in: 8. History of ciass struggle is related to: .
· · {A) 1915 {B) 1916 . · (Af Karl Marx (8) Montesquieu
{C) 1917 (D) Noneoftnese (C)"G..\JYGarner (D) Noneofthese
·.. ' ·3. · · tlJegal trade of Pangolins in Pakis! an cou·nts to 9 . . Who Founded .. the Relationship between
· · about1 : ·• · Electricity and Magnetism?. ·
· · (A) 50% ·· (B) 60% · · · (A) Hans Christian Oersted
_: ~ (C) !0% . · (0) None of these (B) Mk;hael Faraday_. · .
4.· _. long · Sleep in animals during winter. are (C) Rutherford · ·
termed as: (D) None of these ·
•:: .. . . ·(A) Hypnagogia {B) Estiva4ion 10. Which of the following is primary produc~r? , r-
. . (C) Hibernation ' (D) None _ o f these (A) Bacteria · (B) Protozoa .
· 5.! · Kartarpur Corridor is located in which district: · (C) Fungus . (D} · None of these ·
: · (A)' Sialkot · (B) Narowal ; 11. The world's largest ·. d
.. : (C) Gujranwala . (D) None_of the~e 1 -(A) Ostrich · . (B) Great Sustar
6. . KartarpuJ Corridor is holy site of: : .. . . (C) King Pen·guin . .(D) None of tti~se
. (A)"-Chr,tians . __. {B) Hindus 12.- Tim Cook Is the CEO of? . .
. (C) Sikhs· .' . · . . (D) None of th_ese ' (A) Apple : . · (B) ·Ali Baba ·-· ·
. (C) Ama~Cin . (D} None of these
13. When israel captured East Jerusale_m? · ,,
· (A) 1971 . (B) 1967 . . . .

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