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Book Test - Falling for You

1- How did the two friends go to their holiday?

8- Has Katherine enjoyed the holiday, climbing
a) They went by boat and swimming?
b) They went by plane
c) They went by bus a) Yes, she has. She climbed and swam all the time
d) They went by car b) No, she hasn’t. She stayed at the hospital with Jon
c) No, she didn’t. She stayed at the hospital with
2- What happened during the trip? Nathan
d) Yes, she has. She enjoyed the holiday very much.
a) Melanie hit Nathan with her book
b) Melanie hit Nathan with her bag 9- Did Nathan and Melanie continue dating?
c) Katherine hit Nathan with her bag
d) Katherine hit Nathan with her book a) No, they didn’t. They have never seen each other
3- Why didn’t Katherine want to go climbing? b) No, they didn’t. They continued dating for a short
time by letters
a) Because Katherine was ill c) Yes, they did. They loved each other for the rest
b) Because she didn’t like climbing of their lives
c) Because she was afraid of climbing d) Yes, they did. They continued dating for a long
d) Because she was mad at Nathan time, but then they broke up

4- Why did she end up going? 10- Did Jon and Katherine continue dating?

a) Because she didn’t want Jon to know that she was a) No, they didn’t. They have never seen each other
afraid again
b) Because she loved climbing b) Yes, they did. They loved each other for the rest
c) Because she was a flirt of their lives
d) Because she didn’t want to stay with Melanie c) No, they didn’t. They continued dating for a short
time by letters
5- Why didn’t Melanie go climbing? d) Yes. they did. They continued dating for a long
time, but then they broke up
a) Because Melanie was ill
b) Because she didn’t like climbing
c) Because Melanie was afraid of climbing
d) Because she was mad at Nathan

6- Has Katherine enjoyed climbing?

a) Yes, she did, but then Jon got hurt

b) Yes, she has, but then Jon got hurt
c) No, she didn’t. She was afraid.
d) No, she hasn’t. She was afraid.

7- What happened on the mountain?

a) Nathan fell
b) Nathan broke his legs
c) Jon kissed Melanie
d) Jon fell and broke his leg

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