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Levallois - pronounce as Levalwa

One of the major tools is A new kind of knapping,

- The Levallois technique is a name given by archaeologists to a distinctive type of stone
knapping developed around 400,000 to 200,000 years ago during the Middle Palaeolithic
period. It is also Known as the prepared-core technique, allowing for the production of knife-
like tools of predictable size and shape, a significant advance in tool making technology. So,
besides is an illustration of the levallois technique and it’s a tool that shapes like a knife

Cutting Blades:

This Upper Paleolithic stone tool tradition emerged among both Neanderthals and the first modern
humans, or Homo sapiens, in Europe and parts of Africa. The central innovation of this type of tool-
making involved detaching long rectangular flakes from a stone core to form blades, which proved
more effective at cutting. The blades’ shape also made them easier to attach to a handle, which
gave greater leverage and increased efficiency.

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